Tooth hurt after filling. They put a filling, but the tooth hurts - the reasons. Incorrect pre-treatment of the tooth

Dental fillings are complex, painful and expensive procedure. In addition, it can cause a number of various complications. The most common of these is post filling toothache.

There are several reasons for its origin. Firstly, it is that the tooth is loose, as some say, "disturbed". Especially if the canals were sealed, the pain occurs due to soft tissue injury.

Secondly, due to trauma to the soft tissues around the tooth, they could become inflamed. When filling the canal, one of the dentist's instruments could break and remain inside the tooth. Or maybe the filling was too close to the pulp and presses on it?

How to understand how serious the situation is?

The main indicator of the severity of causes post filling toothache is the duration of this very pain and its nature.

It is important to differentiate in what situations pain appears. When interacting with a chemical or physical stimulus (high or low temperature, sour or sweet food) there is pain associated with the complication of filling.

The pain associated simply with the filling of the canals or the installation of a filling with the preservation of the pulp of the tooth manifests itself when the tooth is exposed to mechanical factors (when biting), it is most typical for post-filling, but aching pain that does not subside, aggravated at night, should alert you.

But the main criterion for pain associated with complications is its duration. If the problem is caused by a filling, then the pain will not go away until it is resolved. Normally, post-filling toothache can last 3-4 days.

My tooth hurts longer than normal, what should I do?

If the time allotted for healing of soft tissue injuries has passed, and the tooth still hurts, then you should consult a doctor. The specialist will first of all direct you to an x-ray of a diseased tooth in order to understand the causes of pain. And then make a treatment plan. It may also turn out that there is no problem, and you just need to wait.

Now the tooth needs to be treated?

The causes of this pain may vary. If a foreign object remains in the canal of the tooth, or it is simply poorly sealed. If the pulp of the tooth is too close to the filling, and now it is pressing on it, then you have no other choice but to treat the tooth. But if the pain is caused by inflammation, it may be enough just to drink antibiotics. No need to experiment with your health and drink pills without a doctor's prescription! This can result not only in tooth loss, but also serious problems with digestion.

Toothache after a filling- a very unpleasant sensation, it can deprive you of sleep, normal food and other joys of life. Therefore, if you have a toothache, consult a dentist. No more waiting three days. Having delayed with the elimination of this problem, you can only wait for the extraction of the tooth! And implantation is much more expensive than treatment! Consult a doctor in case of pain, go for a consultation every six months, treat caries in a timely manner and your teeth will be strong and healthy.

Each person expects that after the completion of dental procedures, the dental the pain will pass. After all, why else would you go to the doctor? Unfortunately, the situation is very common when a tooth hurts after filling. What is it connected with? Do I need to go back to the dentist? How to reduce discomfort?

How is the filling

Successful caries treatment includes a filling. The process includes the following steps:

  1. Partial removal of dental tissues affected by caries.
  2. Treatment of the walls of the cavity in order to prepare them for the installation of a seal.
  3. Laying a special gasket on the bottom of the cavity, with the help of which secondary dentin is formed.
  4. Installation of a seal, its grinding, the formation of grooves.

If neglected caries led to the development of pulpitis, then the dentist under local anesthesia removes the affected nerve to the patient, treats the inflamed pulp, installs a temporary filling, and after a while fills the dental canals along their entire length and closes the tooth. In more than half of the cases, the filling of the canals is performed poorly, which is why a cyst forms next to the tooth.

Why does a tooth hurt after a filling?

Almost all people have a toothache under the filling immediately after it is installed. Discomfort is aggravated by eating or breathing cold air. This is a normal phenomenon associated with the dental procedure and damage to nerve endings in its process.

The pain may last for several days. Usually it is not too intense and is aching in nature. If a tooth hurts after filling the canals, then the recovery process will take a little longer - up to 3-4 weeks. It is important to note that every day a person's condition should improve until the pain subsides.

What to do

In the case when the pain after filling is not strong and does not cause excessive inconvenience, then 1-3 days you just need to endure: during this time, the level of discomfort should decrease significantly. However, if the tooth hurts after filling the canals, then the pain may exceed the patience of the owner of the teeth.

  • rinse your mouth with saline;
  • apply a cotton swab dipped in lemon balm or valerian tincture to the treated area;
  • rinse your mouth with an infusion based on herbs: propolis, mint, sage, yarrow, calendula or chamomile;
  • press to the aching tooth for 10 minutes. cotton swab, impregnated a small amount fir oil(5-6 drops is enough). It is necessary to control that the compress does not touch the gum, as this can cause it to burn;
  • place an ice cube on the tooth and hold until it melts. "Healthy" ice can be made by freezing herbal decoction;
  • rinse your mouth after eating soda solution with a slight addition of iodine;
  • treat the affected areas with a piece of bandage moistened with clove oil.

Folk remedies are not always effective, so it is much easier to relieve pain with medication. Suitable for this purpose:

  • Baralgin;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Ketorlac;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nurofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Tamipul;
  • Ketanov;
  • Dexalgin, etc.

However, do not get too carried away with taking medications and exceed their normal dosage. If the pain is so severe that it needs to be "jammed", it is better to see a dentist.

Toothache after treatment of pulpitis and caries: when to see a doctor

Sometimes pain after a filling is not related to hypersensitivity tissues, but is provoked by factors such as:

  • caries recurrence. On average, a filling lasts 5 years. After this time, it ceases to reliably protect the tooth from bacteria, without preventing the development of caries. A relapse can also occur due to a medical error and improper installation of a seal;
  • filling allergy. Quite a rare situation, but still it takes place. As a rule, toothache is accompanied skin rash and itching. It is necessary to contact the dentist and replace the seal;
  • cyst. She is for a long time develops asymptomatically, but then manifests itself "in all its glory." A cyst is a kind of sac where pus accumulates. The inflammatory process can be accompanied not only by painful sensations, but also by swelling of the gums, fever, general weakness. Treatment cannot be delayed long box since a cyst often provokes the development of a cancerous tumor;
  • pulpitis. Sometimes a tooth hurts under a filling if caries has developed to pulpitis and affected soft tissues. In this case, it is required to remove the filling, remove the nerve and seal the dental canal;
  • a filling that does not fit well with the rest of the teeth. When the jaws are closed, the slightly protruding edge of the filling is pressed upper teeth resulting in soft tissues being irritated and responding with pain. You need to ask your dentist to grind the filling along the bite;
  • poor quality filling. Even experienced dentist may make a mistake. A tiny piece of broken instrument incomplete removal inflamed tissues or incompletely filled space - any of the above provokes pain and requires correction.

Self-diagnosis is a thankless and very difficult task. An alarming "bell" should be the fact that more than 4 weeks have passed after filling, and the pain is still bothering. Naturally, if there is an increase in temperature, severe swelling of the gums and a general deterioration in the condition, then it is pointless to wait for this period to expire - you must immediately go to the dentist.

It is not worth pulling with an appeal to a doctor, since all processes in oral cavity occur quickly enough, and the more tissue is affected, the more difficult and expensive the treatment will be.

How to behave after a tooth filling

The first time after installing the seal, it is advisable to follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not eat too hot and cold.
  2. Less smoking.
  3. Refuse sweets.
  4. Do not chew with sealed teeth, try to reduce the load on them as much as possible.
  5. Give preference to soft and liquid foods that do not need to be chewed.

After a few days, the filling will take root and you can return to your usual diet. It is usually not difficult to understand when the teeth are again ready for the “feats” of biting into hard cookies.

Of course, it is not very pleasant when a tooth hurts after filling canals or installing a regular filling. But similar discomfort is the final stage. All the worst in the form of caries and pulpitis is already behind, but at least for a while.


Many people go to the dentist hoping to get a quick and quality treatment. However, their plans are shattered when the doctor announces the need for a temporary filling. This means that several days will have to pass with the medicine embedded in the tooth.

It often happens that after filling the patient does not experience pain or other discomfort in the mouth, then the temporary filling is changed to a permanent one. However, often the tooth after filling is very sore. The dentist is able to determine whether this condition is normal, or we are talking about the presence of pathology.

When is a temporary filling placed on a tooth?

Dentists often use temporary fillings as a diagnostic method. When treating a tooth, it is not always possible to say with full confidence that the nerve is not damaged, and the installation of a permanent filling can lead to complications. That is why the doctor puts a diagnostic seal and evaluates the patient's reaction (we recommend reading:). If nothing bothers him, then in a few days the specialist will install permanent filling. If there are complaints, treatment will be continued.

Often a temporary filling is needed to fix the medicine embedded in the tooth cavity. This method is used in the treatment of:

  • advanced caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis.

Also, the tooth is temporarily covered with filling material before prosthetics. Then the crown is reconstructed, or a prosthesis is placed on the root.

Possible Causes of Pain and Other Discomfort After a Temporary Filling

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After laying the drug in the tooth cavity for some time, the patient may experience discomfort and even pain, but this does not always indicate the presence of problems. During treatment, the doctor exerts a mechanical effect on the tissues of the tooth, and as soon as the anesthesia ceases to act, a mild aching pain appears (we recommend reading:). The patient may experience discomfort when closing the jaws, chewing food or pressing on the tooth, and sensitivity may also increase.

Depending on the individual features the patient's body, the drug being injected can act in different ways. Sometimes a tooth hurts after the cessation of anesthesia due to the fact that the devitalizing paste has not yet had time to be absorbed into the pulp. After a while, the pain subsides.

Often the pain appears due to a medical error:

  • Wrong diagnosis. Caries and pulpitis requires different approach to treatment. If pulpitis is not treated with canals, then the tooth will continue to hurt.
  • The exit of the filling outside the tooth. During the removal of the pulp, holes may appear in the root through which the filling material seeps through. If the gaps are not closed with a pin, then the filling will irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Falling out or violation of the integrity of the seal. To prevent this from happening, you can not check its presence with your tongue and in no case do you need to do it with your fingers.
  • Root perforation. The doctor may pierce the root while removing the nerve endings.
  • Availability foreign body in the cavity of the tooth. Inaccurate actions of the doctor can lead to breakage of the dental instrument, and he may also forget to remove the materials used during work from the tooth.
  • Poor pulp removal. For elimination pain syndrome you need to repeat the procedure.

Also, a tooth with a temporary filling often hurts due to an allergy to its components. In this case, there is swelling of the mucous membranes next to problematic tooth, arises strong pain.

Sometimes the patient himself becomes the culprit of dental problems. Usually this happens due to ignoring medical recommendations.

Why is medicine placed under the filling, how much do you need to walk with it?

To remove the nerve, an arsenic-based medicine is placed in the tooth cavity, which promotes pulp necrosis. AT modern means may contain antiseptic. In all other cases, preparations with calcium hydroxide are used. The medicine disinfects the tooth cavity and accelerates metabolic processes in periodontal tissues. When a filling is placed, the dental unit can normally hurt for about 2 weeks.

Most often, arsenic is used in the treatment of pulpitis (we recommend reading:). Therapeutic paste leads to necrosis of blood vessels and nerves. When all nerve endings removed, the risk of complications is minimal. In addition, the tooth will lose sensitivity, so all further manipulations by the doctor will be painless for the patient.

Use for pulpitis different types medicinal pastes depending on their duration. desired effect can be achieved in a few days, sometimes the treatment takes up to 2 weeks. How much exactly to keep the medicine, the doctor will tell. If the medicine stays in the cavity of the tooth for too long, it will lead to necrosis of the periodontal and hard dental tissues.

When the nerve is removed, the doctor often re-installs a temporary filling, having previously placed an anti-inflammatory drug in the hole. In this case, it is recommended to come to the appointment after 7 days. The drug will not bring any harm to the patient's health, even if you walk with it for 2-3 weeks.

Treatment of periodontitis requires a special approach. This disease cannot be cured in one go. Depending on the severity of the pathology, the doctor determines which medicine able to relieve inflammation, and how long the patient has to walk with a temporary filling.

Many do not understand why, before the upcoming prosthetics, dentists install a temporary filling on already sealed canals. This is done in order to avoid possible problems after installing the pin. Also, the tooth is covered with filling material to fix the removable structure, while the temporary filling can be left for a long time.

How to eliminate pain?

While there is a temporary filling, it is important to follow all medical recommendations. For removal unpleasant symptoms a specialist may recommend combined analgesics or drugs with paracetamol and ibuprofen (Panadol, Efferalgan, Ibufen, Nise, etc.).

To soothe the tooth will help rinsing with soda solution. Often used for this purpose alcohol tinctures, which have a pronounced antiseptic effect.

You can cope with pain with the help of traditional medicine:

Eliminate toothache you can lubricate the gums essential oil cloves or putting a piece of unsalted fat on a sore tooth. Massaging the earlobes will also help you forget that your tooth hurts. It is enough to massage the lobe for 5 minutes.

In what cases should you immediately contact the dentist?

A slight soreness when pressing on the crown part of the tooth can persist for several days, so you should not pay attention to it. If the pain has intensified, the body temperature has risen, the gums are swollen, you should immediately consult a doctor (we recommend reading:). All these symptoms indicate the development of an inflammatory process that occurs in the canals of the tooth and its surrounding soft tissues.

There is no need to delay a visit to the dentist if it comes from the oral cavity bad smell, and when chewing and swallowing food, severe pain is felt. Weakness and malaise symbolize the development of complications, and the body spends all its strength on fighting the infection.

There is probably not a single adult who has never had their teeth filled. Installing a filling is a solution to many problems, including caries and pulpitis. Of course, after the procedure, a person hopes to no longer experience pain, at least with a treated tooth. However, it happens that immediately or over time, a sealed tooth begins to cause discomfort again; the pain is often aggravated by pressure on the dental unit or while chewing food. Is this normal or is it abnormal? How to help yourself when a tooth hurts after filling?

Why can a sealed tooth hurt after a filling?

If a person has a toothache, he goes to the dentist to eliminate the pain. Often cause pain are caries or pulpitis, which are treated with fillings. As a result of treatment, pain ceases to bother, but sometimes after some time from the moment the filling is installed, a person begins to complain that the cured tooth hurts. Usually the pain is intermittent and appears at those moments when the patient:

  • bites and chews food, while exerting pressure on the sealed tooth;
  • touches, presses or presses on the surface of the installed seal;
  • affects him external stimuli including cold air or hot drinks.

Highly important role in carrying out filling plays the competence and accuracy of the dentist. Often, it is the wrong procedure that provokes further pain when chewing, pressing and biting. During the filling, the doctor is obliged to carry out the following manipulations:

Reactive pain sensations

If after filling with pressure and biting pain appears, then this does not always indicate any pathology. Immediately after the procedure, the tooth and gum around it may hurt, ache, twitch or itch - this is considered normal which should pass in a few days. Sometimes the aching pain lasts about a week - all this time it hurts to touch and press on the dental unit.

Such consequences of filling are due to the fact that in the process, the integrity of the dental tissues was somehow violated and the nerves were affected. These are the so-called reactive pain sensations, in other words, natural reaction body for intervention.

In this case, you need to try to minimize situations that can provoke the appearance of pain. For example, exclude acidic, acute and sweet food, hot and cold drinks, try not to bite on the cured tooth. It is also worth giving up solid foods, such as carrots, crackers, cucumbers, and when brushing your teeth, you should not put much pressure on the toothbrush.

How long does reactive pain usually last? Any unpleasant, painful and uncomfortable symptoms should completely disappear within 2-4 weeks after filling. If after this period the tooth still hurts, you need to contact a specialist to find out the cause and its subsequent elimination.

Filling too big or too small

Another reason why it can be painful to bite on a recently filled tooth is the installation of too large or, conversely, too small a filling. When the filling is the wrong size, it causes some discomfort and inconvenience, accompanied by pain.

If the filling is larger than required, then the tooth with it becomes higher than the rest. As a result, tight compression of the jaws is impossible. When a person eats solid food, installed seal begins to put pressure on the root system and nerve endings. This leads to the fact that the tooth hurts or itches (more in the article:). A similar problem is dangerous because a person may develop periodontitis, due to the fact that excess filling material has got behind the tooth roots.

As for the small size of the seal, in this case, food residues, liquid or just air enter the cavity through it. This makes eating unpleasant, threatens the development of caries or infection with a further inflammatory process.

Allergic reaction

Often, a sealed tooth can hurt or itch due to an allergic reaction of the patient to the filling material. Unfortunately, more than a quarter of the entire population suffers from allergies. Often allergic reaction occurs if cheap Chinese-made materials were used. Typical allergy symptoms:

If you experience such symptoms, you should seek the help of a dentist. He will be able to fix the problem and put another seal. However, in modern dentistry Allergy is rare, since almost all modern filling materials are biocompatible with the human body.

Misdiagnosis and wrong treatment

A common reason why a tooth hurts after a filling is an incorrect diagnosis and, as a result, inappropriate treatment. The responsibility for the appearance of pain in this case lies entirely with the dentist.

deep caries It has general symptoms With chronic form pulpitis or periodontitis, and therefore it is easy to confuse with these diseases. In order to differentiate the problem, the dentist must necessarily study X-ray tooth to be filled. data one visual inspection not enough.

If the filling was done with pulpitis or periodontitis, then after a new filling, the tooth will start to hurt again (we recommend reading:). The pain will be paroxysmal, pulsate and intensify at night. Such a pain syndrome can disturb a person for a very long time, and without proper root canal treatment, it will not stop, and as a result, you can even lose this sealed tooth.


What can we talk about if the tooth hurts after filling, which was carried out a long time ago? Cause of discomfort and pain, probably, is the development of the inflammatory process due to infection.

Usually, the nerves are not removed before filling, trying to preserve the viability of the tooth. However, at the request of the patient or because of the need, they can be removed. To do this, remove the old seal and clean the channels. For this purpose, special spiral needles are used, with the help of which channels of different diameters are expanded. After cleaning and disinfection, drying is carried out, and then the canals are filled with filling material.

In the event that the procedure was carried out inaccurately, that is, the cleaning of the channels was of poor quality, or they were not closed well enough, infection and the subsequent development of inflammation may occur.

As a result of such medical errors, as well as non-compliance with all the recommendations of the dentist after the filling, the following dental diseases may appear:

  1. Flux. Swelling of soft tissues. Accompanied by fever, weakness and malaise. Only a doctor can solve the problem.
  2. Pulpitis. The development of the inflammatory process in internal tissues teeth made up of nerve endings blood vessels and connective tissues.
  3. Purulent process. Poses a danger due to big risk occurrence of meningitis. Pus from the oral cavity can enter the brain.

How to relieve toothache after filling at home?

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know from me how to solve exactly your problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

How can you help yourself at home when a tooth hurts under a filling? Some of the most popular home remedies to relieve toothache include:

The most effective painkillers include: Ketorol, Ketanov, Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Aspirin. However, get carried away pharmaceutical products it does not follow. They need to be taken rationally and deliberately, as many of them cause unpleasant side effects.

When is medical attention needed?

Of course, there is no need to run to the dentist's office every time you experience discomfort or pain. Not pronounced sensations can be tolerated for several days. If they do not go away on their own and their intensity only increases with time, then a trip to the doctor should not be shelved.

However, there are such symptoms, with the appearance of which the help of a specialist is required immediately, and it is not worth waiting for 2-3 days until everything gets better. Delay in this situation can lead to serious complications.

Symptoms of this kind include:

  • body temperature rises above 37.5 degrees;
  • the emergence of a constant aching pain, turning into acute, when you press on the problem tooth;
  • the color and shape of the gums changes;
  • filling material fell out;
  • gums or cheeks are inflamed in the area of ​​​​filled periodontium;
  • pain occurs when swallowing and chewing, which indicates the exit of the pathological focus beyond the tissues of the tooth.

Only a dentist can determine the exact source of the problem. Also, it is the specialist who is able to prescribe and conduct the most effective and reliable treatment.

When a tooth hurts on its own, before treatment by a dentist, this is quite understandable - it means that it is unhealthy, the enamel, soft tissues or pulp are damaged. In this case, most people prefer not to wait until the flux develops, make an appointment with the dentist, and until that time they relieve pain with the help of medicines or folk remedies.

But why does the tooth hurt after the filling was placed, especially when pressing or chewing food? Is this normal or dangerous, do you need to go to the doctor, or should you wait a bit - and everything will go away by itself?

Reasons why a tooth may hurt after a filling

In fact, many patients after filling complain that the treated tooth hurts when pressed, biting or chewing food. But, unfortunately, only a few of them turn to the dentist again, the rest endure pain and discomfort, drowning them out with pills and rinses. And, feeling relieved, they calm down and postpone the visit for the next time.

Ignoring the problem only leads to the fact that under the filling begins to develop inflammatory process, the tooth continues to deteriorate and collapse. A tooth never hurts just like that, even if a high-quality filling has been placed. And after six months or even earlier, the patient still finds himself in the dental chair, believing that the problem is not in the treated tooth, but in a completely different one. Why is this happening?

If a tooth hurts or aches for some time after filling, this should not be a cause for concern - after all dental cavity was cleaned using a drill and other tools, the mechanical effect was exerted on both hard and soft tissues.

Minor pain may occur after treatment of the dental cavity with medicines. But in this case, discomfort is felt constantly, it does not increase with pressure. And after a few days after the treatment, it really goes away by itself.

If the tooth hurts precisely when pressing on it, the reasons may be:

  • in an oversized filling - if too much was used filling material;
  • in too small a seal - when the solution, on the contrary, was used in insufficient quantities or gave a strong shrinkage after complete solidification;
  • in an incorrectly performed filling procedure.

In the first case, discomfort arises because, due to the filling, the tooth becomes higher than its neighbors in the dentition. This makes it difficult to close the jaws tightly, and if a person bites solid food, cement presses on the roots and nerve endings - hence the pain.

It is necessary to correct the size of the filling, as this threatens with malocclusion, curvature and injury to the roots of the sealed tooth, and inflammation of the tissues. In addition, if the natural walls of the tooth are thin, they can crack and crumble, unable to withstand the pressure of the filling.

It is even worse if the tooth cavity itself was filled evenly and the filling does not stand out in height, but some filling material was taken out of the roots. In this case, the pain with pressure will become stronger, and the risk of developing periodontitis is no less high.

If the seal is small, then irritants constantly penetrate between the walls of the tooth and the seal itself - food debris, liquid, saliva, just air when inhaled. And this also leads to the development of the inflammatory process, caries may appear again under the filling, hence the pain.

What does it mean - incorrectly performed filling? When the tooth cavity is cleaned and washed, the doctor, before filling it with a filling solution, must dry all surfaces well. Otherwise, the seal will not stick well, will wash out and fall out. Problems arise if drying was insufficient or excessive. In both cases, the nerves suffer, they are damaged and begin to become inflamed.

The tooth itself may not hurt. But if you put pressure on him, he hurts, sometimes very much. The solution to the problem is the same - you need to go to the doctor again and refill the tooth. This procedure should not be scary, and you should not spare time for it either. Because, as was said, if you do not do it right away, you will still have to make an appointment with a doctor later with an already more serious problem than the discomfort after installing the seal.

Important: sometimes a sealed tooth hurts due to the fault of the patient himself. In order for the filling to “sit down” well and be firmly fixed, it is not recommended to eat and drink for several hours after the procedure. The exception is photopolymer fillings, which harden almost immediately, under the influence of a special lamp.

In the next few days, solid foods such as nuts, apples, raw pimples, tough meat, crackers should be avoided. You need to brush your teeth gently, without pressing hard with a brush. If these measures are not followed, the filled tooth may start to hurt, and sometimes you can even lose a new filling.

AT advanced cases the inflammatory process under the filling goes so far that re-treatment is no longer possible, and then only removal will help. Therefore, if something bothers you after filling, it will be safer and cheaper to look at the dentist again.

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