Phenylin medicine how much does a heart drug cost. Features of the use of the indirect anticoagulant phenylin. Side effects of Fenilin

Increased synthesis of prothrombin in the liver occurs as a result of some injuries, when the body tries to stop the profuse loss of blood. Unfortunately, the debugged mechanism sometimes fails, and the growth of prothrombin in the blood occurs when there is no danger of blood loss.

Such situations lead to increased thrombus formation, which can lead to stroke, heart attack, or blockage of peripheral blood vessels.

To correct the situation of increased prothrombin synthesis, drugs called indirect anticoagulants, which include Phenylin. This drug has a pronounced cumulative effect and well overcomes the hematic and histological barrier.

The main property, due to which the anticoagulant effect is achieved, is to reduce the formation of certain blood coagulation factors and prothrombin itself.

Instructions for use

The active compound of Phenilin is metabolized mainly in the liver, and excreted through the kidneys.

While in the body, this component of the drug is found in almost all tissues of the human body. As a result, Fenilin can change the functional component of the internal organs, that is, influence their activity. All this requires taking into account many factors when prescribing a medicine to patients. They are detailed in the official instructions for use of the drug.

Release form and composition

The drug Fenilin is available in the form of tablets of a white or creamy-beige shade, the usual form for this form of medication - a flat cylinder with chamfers.

The tablets contain active compound phenindione in the amount of 0.03 g per tablet, as well as a complex of additional components: starch, talc, lactose and citric acid.

Tablets are packed in contour packs of 20 pieces each, or in opaque polymeric jars of 20 or 50 pieces each.

Video: "Pharmacology of anticoagulants"

Indications for use

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thrombosis;
  • myocardial infarction with thromboembolic complications;
  • embolism of large vessels of internal organs;
  • ischemic stroke.

In addition, the drug Fenilin is used to prevent thrombosis in the postoperative period (but only at the risk of thrombosis or thromboembolism).

Mode of application

Fenilin tablets are intended for oral administration., and the dosage of the agent, depending on the patient's index prothrombin at the time of calculation, as well as on the existing diagnosis and purpose of admission - prevention or treatment of the condition.

To maintain the level of prothrombin in the blood(optimum rates are 50-40%) on the first day of taking the medicine is prescribed at a dosage of 4 to 6 tablets per day, divided into 3-4 doses, depending on the existing blood picture. On the second day of therapy, the dosage is somewhat reduced - up to 3-5 tablets. On the third day, the dosage is reduced to 1-2 tablets.

As a prophylactic at the risk of developing thromboembolism, the drug is prescribed at a dosage of 0.03 or 0.06 g per day. If necessary, take a large dose, it is divided into two doses.

With thrombosis in the acute form, heparin is added to the treatment regimen described above. The dosage of the latter is calculated empirically, gradually increasing or decreasing the amount of the administered drug.

It is strictly forbidden to stop taking Fenilin abruptly. This should be done by gradually reducing the dosage of the drug.

Throughout therapy, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor who will monitor the amount of prothrombin in the blood, as well as other factors of its coagulation.

drug interaction

When used together with other drugs, Fenilin may increase or decrease the effect on the body. This must be taken into account when prescribing the drug in combination with certain drugs.

The following drugs enhance the anticoagulant effect of Fenilin to varying degrees:

  • preparations with salicylate;
  • sulfa drugs;
  • cimetidine;
  • anabolic agents;
  • narcotic analgesics;
  • tricyclic antidepressants;
  • glucocorticosteroid drugs;
  • drugs with hormones (especially androgens);
  • saline solutions.

Reduce the effectiveness of Phenilin can drugs containing ascorbic acid, vitamin K, female sex hormones, diuretics, antacids and barbiturates.

Side effects

When taking the drug, unwanted symptoms may appear. Most often, the active substance of the tablets has a negative effect on the liver., resulting in yellow staining of the palms of the patient.

Also, some patients experience allergic dermatitis and stool disorders in the form of diarrhea. In rare cases, it is possible to develop a febrile state that occurs against a background of elevated body temperature.

If the recommended dosages are exceeded, the manifestations of the above violations are aggravated. The risk of bleeding also increases significantly. Treatment of overdose is symptomatic. Patients are prescribed vitamins K and C, Vikasol and calcium chloride.


The use of the drug Fenilin can have an adverse effect on the body and, consequently, be dangerous in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • severe violations of the liver and kidneys;
  • oncology;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastric or intestinal mucosa;
  • inflammation of the pericardium.

With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed for pulmonary embolism in elderly patients., as well as during menstruation and in the period after childbirth.

During pregnancy

The drug is contraindicated for use in women at the initial stage of pregnancy, especially in its first third, and also shortly before childbirth. During breastfeeding, you can take the medicine only after transferring the child to artificial feeding.

Terms and conditions of storage

A dark and not too humid place with temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius is suitable for storing Fenilin tablets. It is important to ensure that young children and pets do not have access to medicine.

The period during which the tablets can be used is 2 years from the date of production. After its expiration, it is recommended to dispose of the drug in its original packaging.


Fenilin tablets belong to the category of medicines available to a wide range of consumers. It can be purchased at a fairly modest price (compared to other drugs of similar action).

Cost in Russia

In Russian pharmacies, Fenilin can be purchased at a price from 139 to 172 rubles for a pack of 20 tablets.

Cost in Ukraine

In Ukrainian pharmacies, a pack of 20 tablets costs an average from 20 to 27 hryvnia.


Fenilin tablets do not have many analogues, although the pharmaceutical industry produces enough indirect anticoagulants.

The drugs closest to the described drug:

and some others.

However, it is strictly forbidden to use them instead of Phenilin, since they have a different list of indications and contraindications, as well as ways of acting on the hematopoietic system that are different from Phenilin.

Video: "Pharmacology of Warfarin"

What do they say about such a drug as "Phenylin"? Feedback from doctors and patients will be discussed at the very end of the article. We will also tell you about the purposes for which this remedy is prescribed, how to take it correctly, whether it has side effects, analogues and contraindications.

Composition and form

In what form is the drug "Fenilin" produced? Instructions for use informs that this drug is available in tablets, the active substance of which is phenindione. Milk sugar, starch, citric acid and talc are used as auxiliary components.


What pharmacological features does the drug "Fenilin" have? Instructions for use states that this drug has a direct effect on It is an action.

Taking the medication contributes to the occurrence of hypoprothrombinemia, which is caused by a violation of the formation of prothrombin in the liver. Also, this agent significantly reduces the formation of factors 7, 9 and 10. At the same time, it has a greater cumulative effect compared to neodicoumarin.

After oral administration of tablets, the concentration of blood clotting factors decreases within 8-10 hours. The maximum effect of the drug is observed after 25-30 hours.


Is the drug "Phenilin" absorbed into the systemic circulation? Reviews of experts say that this medication is characterized by complete and fairly rapid absorption. Its active ingredient penetrates the histo-hematic barriers and accumulates in the tissues.

The drug is metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys (in the form of metabolites and unchanged).

Indications for use

What is the purpose of prescribing Phenylin tablets? Reviews of experts report that this drug is used for both treatment and prevention. The main indications for admission are thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolic complications caused by embolic stroke and myocardial infarction, as well as similar disorders.

In addition, the medication in question is often prescribed to prevent thrombus formation after surgery.

Contraindications for use

Under what conditions of the patient is it forbidden to take the drug "Fenilin"? Instructions for use informs about the following contraindications:

  • disorders in the work of the kidneys and liver;
  • initial level of prothrombin up to 70%;
  • increased vascular permeability;
  • and other diseases associated with a decrease in blood clotting;
  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pericarditis.

It cannot be said that the drug in question is not recommended for use at the very beginning of pregnancy, within a few days after childbirth and during menstruation.

The drug "Fenilin": instructions for use

The medication in question is used only for oral administration. Its therapeutic regimen has certain features, in connection with this, this medicine should be used only as prescribed by the doctor.

The initial daily dose of the drug is usually 0.11-0.17 g (4 times a day). The next day, the amount of the drug is reduced to 0.08-0.14 g, and later to 0.02-0.05 g. After that, the dosage of the tablets depends on the level of prothrombin in the blood.

The maximum amount of the drug at a time should be 0.05 g, and the daily amount should be about 0.2 g.

For the prevention of thromboembolic complications, it is necessary to take 0.03 g of the drug per day, dividing this dose into two times.

Therapy of acute thrombosis requires additional administration of heparin. This requires strict control by the doctor, as well as a mandatory systematic study of the amount of prothrombin in the blood and other factors of its coagulability.

Treatment with the drug "Fenilin", whose analogues we will definitely list below, is stopped gradually.

Side effects

Does the drug "Fenilin" cause side effects? The method of application and dosage of this medicine must be strictly observed. This is primarily due to the fact that during therapy, the patient may experience various allergic reactions in the form of diarrhea, nausea and hepatitis. Also, according to the reviews of doctors and patients, in rare cases, headaches, fever, skin changes, and problems with hematopoiesis are observed.

Signs of an overdose

In case of an overdose, patients may experience an exacerbation of symptoms that are related to side effects. As a treatment for such conditions, the mandatory withdrawal of the drug is necessary, as well as the immediate intramuscular administration of Vikasol, the appointment of rutin, or vitamin P, calcium chloride, ascorbic acid, and general symptomatic therapy.

Drug interaction of the drug "Fenilin"

From what this remedy is prescribed, we described above. Let's move on to more information.

When the drug in question is combined with Heparin, salicylates, Cimetidine and sulfonamides, their anticoagulant effect may be enhanced. At the same time, anabolics, Allopurinol, Azathioprine, narcotic analgesics, Amiodarone, tricyclic antidepressants, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, androgens, Diazoxide, Disopyramide, Isoniazid, " Butadion, Metronidazole, Clofibrate, Alpha Tocopherol, Reserpine, Quinidine, Paracetamol, Disulfiram, Cyclophosphamide and thyroid hormones.

Vitamin K, Propranolol, ascorbic acid, urine alkalinizers, Rifampicin, antacids, Phenazone, Haloperidol, barbiturates, oral contraceptives, diuretics, Meprotan, Carbamazepine and " Colestyramine".

With special care, this drug is prescribed to elderly patients, as well as people with pulmonary embolism, liver and kidney failure, erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the postpartum period and with pericarditis.

Treatment with "Fenilin" must be carried out under the special supervision of a doctor with a mandatory systematic blood test for the amount of prothrombin and other coagulation factors. General urine tests are also carried out for the purpose of early detection of hematuria.

In some patients, while taking the drug, urine may turn pink, and the palms may turn orange. This is due to the metabolism of phenindione.

The drug "Fenilin": analogues and cost

The main analogues of the agent under consideration are such drugs as Varfapex, Marevan, Neodicumarin, etc.

You can buy the drug "Fenilin" in the amount of 20 tablets for 120-140 rubles.

Instructions for use:

Phenylin is a drug that prevents blood clotting.

Pharmacological properties

Phenylin belongs to the group of indirect anticoagulants.

According to the mechanism of action, it belongs to vitamin K antagonists. Competing with vitamin K, Phenylin blocks the enzyme K-vitamin reductase. Because of this, the synthesis in the liver of blood coagulation factors - VII, IX, X and prothrombin is disrupted. Deficiency of coagulation factors disrupts the processes of thrombosis, reduces the content of lipids in the blood, makes the vessels more permeable.

To start working in the body, Phenylin must accumulate to a certain concentration, because its effect does not appear immediately - it begins after 8-10 hours, and the maximum effect is reached after 24-30 hours.

The control of the anticoagulant action of Phenilin is based on the determination of the prothrombin time in the coagulogram - PT, normally it is 11-14 seconds. To prevent venous thrombosis, it is sufficient to increase PV by 2 times, arterial by 3-4 times compared with the norm.

Phenylinum is quickly and well soaked up from a digestive tract. Its transformation occurs in the liver. It is excreted from the body in the form of metabolites by the kidneys.

Release form

The drug is available in tablets of 30 mg.

Indications for the use of Fenilin

According to the instructions, the drug is used in those conditions where a long-term decrease in blood clotting is necessary. It is used to prevent and treat thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and thromboembolic complications (pulmonary embolism, etc.), as well as thrombosis in the postoperative period. Permanent intake of Phenilin is necessary if a person has mechanical prosthetic heart valves. The drug is used in complex anticoagulant therapy together with heparin.


It is necessary to take the medicine under the control of blood clotting. If the prothrombin level is below 70% of normal, the risk of bleeding is high. Fenilin is not prescribed for blood diseases associated with clotting disorders (hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis), with severe renal failure, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and with individual intolerance. With caution, it is recommended to use this remedy in old age, with oncological diseases, disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, with ulcers and erosions in the digestive tract, with anemia and gynecological diseases, in the early postpartum period, with lactation. 2 days before the onset of menstruation, the drug must be discontinued.

Application instruction of Fenilin

According to the instructions, the dose of the drug is selected according to the indications of the duration of the prothrombin time, maintaining the prothrombin index at the level of 40-60%. On the first day, the loading dose is 120-180 mg orally in 3-4 doses, on the second day - 90-150 mg / day, then - under the control of PTT, 30-60 mg / day. The maximum daily dose of Phenilin is 200 mg.

While taking the drug, you should regularly monitor the coagulogram, thromboelastogram, platelet levels in the blood, and urine for possible hematuria.

Stop treatment with the drug should be gradual. Sometimes the palms of patients turn yellow and the urine pink. In case of an overdose of Phenilin, vitamin K will be its antagonist, in acute cases it is administered parenterally.

Side effects of Fenilin

According to reviews, phenylin can cause nausea, diarrhea, headaches, fever, allergic reactions, toxic hepatitis, and hematopoietic disorders.

Prolonged use sometimes provokes the development of hemorrhagic syndrome in the form of nasal, uterine, renal, gastrointestinal bleeding, hemorrhages in internal organs or muscles.


Name: Phenylinum (Phenylinum)

Indications for use:
Phenylin is used to reduce blood clotting for a long time in the prevention and treatment of thrombosis (formation of a blood clot in a vessel); thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the vein wall with their blockage); thromboembolic complications (blockage of blood vessels with a blood clot) in myocardial infarction; embolic strokes (acute cerebrovascular accident as a result of blockage of brain vessels), but not hemorrhagic strokes (acute cerebrovascular accident as a result of rupture of brain vessels); embolic lesions (blockage of a vessel with a blood clot or other foreign agent) of various organs. In surgical practice, they are also used to prevent thrombosis (formation of a blood clot) in the postoperative period.
Phenylin is also used in addition to heparin treatment.

Pharmachologic effect:
It belongs to the group of anticoagulants (inhibitors of blood coagulation) of indirect action. The structure differs from the products of the 4-hydroxycoumarin group, but the mechanism of action is close to them; causes hypoprothrombinemia (a decrease in the content of prothrombin in the blood - one of the blood clotting factors) associated with a violation of the process of formation of prothrombin in the liver, also causes a decrease in the formation of factors VII, IX, X (blood clotting factors).
Blood coagulation slows down only after the introduction of phenylin into the body; in vitro (in vitro) this product does not have an anticoagulant effect.
The decrease in the concentration of clotting factors occurs after 8-10 hours and reaches a maximum after 24-30 hours after taking phenylin.
The cumulative effect (the ability to accumulate in the body) is more pronounced than that of neodicumarin.

Phenylin method of administration and dose:
Usually prescribed on the 1st day in a daily dose of 0.12-0.18 g (in 3-4 doses), on the 2nd. day at a daily dose of 0.09-0.15 g, then 0.03-0.06 g every day, depending on the content of prothrombin in the blood.
The prothrombin index (an indicator of the state of the blood coagulation system) is maintained at the level of 50-40%.
Higher doses for adults inside: single - 0.05 g, daily - 0.2 g.
For the prevention of thromboembolic (associated with blockage of blood vessels by a blood clot) complications are prescribed 1-2 times every day.
Treatment with phenylin is carried out under close medical supervision with a mandatory systematic study of the content of prothrombin and other coagulation factors in the blood.
In acute thrombosis (formation of a blood clot in a vessel), phenylin is prescribed together with heparin.

Phenylin contraindications:
Phenylin is contraindicated in the initial content of prothrombin below 70%, hemorrhagic diathesis (increased bleeding) and other diseases accompanied by reduced blood clotting, with increased vascular permeability, pregnancy, impaired liver and kidney function, malignant neoplasms, peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, pericarditis ( inflammation within the heart sac).
It is not necessary to prescribe neodicoumarin during menstruation (the product is stopped 2 days before the onset of menstruation) and in the first days after childbirth. Caution is required when prescribing to the elderly. In some cases, headache, diarrhea, allergic skin reactions are noted.
In case of bleeding, it is necessary to cancel the product, immediately begin the introduction of vitamin K, prescribe products of the vitamin P group, ascorbic acid, calcium chloride, transfusion of hemostatic doses (75-80 ml) of fresh single-group blood.
It should be borne in mind that the use of barbiturates in connection with the “induction” (activation) of liver enzymes weakens the effect of phenylin. In patients who received neodicoumarin at the same time as barbiturates, cancellation in the aftermath, while continuing to take neodicumarin at doses that caused the previously necessary decrease in the prothrombin index, can lead to dangerous bleeding.
Simultaneously with phenylin (as well as with other anticoagulants), salicylates should not be prescribed, as they lead to dissociation (separation) of the neodicumarin complex with plasma proteins and an increase in the concentration of free anticoagulant in the blood.
Anticoagulants of indirect action can enhance the effect of butamide, difenin, glucocorticoids.

Phenylin side effects:
When treating with phenylin and other products of this group, it is necessary to carefully monitor the general condition of the patient and changes in the blood coagulation system. At least once every 2-3 days, it is necessary to determine the prothrombin index and examine the urine (taking into account the possibility of hematuria, which is an early sign of an overdose). Neglect of this rule can lead to severe bleeding.
Phenilin and other indirect anticoagulants should be used with caution. With an overdose and prolonged use, they can cause serious complications (bleeding), associated not only with changes in blood clotting, but also
with an increase in the permeability of capillaries (the smallest vessels). There may be micro- and macrohematuria (invisible and visible to the eye excretion of blood in the urine), bleeding from the oral cavity and nasopharynx, gastric and intestinal bleeding, hemorrhages in the muscles, etc.
It should be borne in mind that the determination of the prothrombin index (according to the one-step Quick method) is not always sufficient to detect changes that have occurred in the blood coagulation system. Hemorrhages (bleeding) can also occur with normal prothrombin numbers; therefore, for a more complete control, it is necessary to conduct other studies. It is recommended to investigate tolerance (resistance) to heparin, plasma fibrinogen, recalcification time and prothrombin index or (if possible) prothrombin content (determination is carried out by a two-stage method).

The heart is the engine of the human body. Modern life, ecological catastrophe, malnutrition, as well as a high level of stress daily lead to disruption of the vital organ.

For the most part, heart disease leads to a sharp deterioration in the standard of living of a person, less often to disability, and in a difficult situation, to his death.

For their treatment, a cardiologist may prescribe a drug, for example, the drug Fenilin.

Phenylin is a drug that prevents blood from clotting. How should it be taken correctly so that the remedy has only benefit?

There is a wide range of reviews on the Internet. They can be found in this article.

Instructions for using this tool

In this article, you can find information about when exactly the drug can be prescribed, what composition it has, how to take the drug, what contraindications it has, what side effects can be identified, how the drug should be stored, and also with what drugs in any case. the drug is not recommended to be taken, what actions should be taken in case of overdose, and also in what form can it be produced?

In addition, here you can also find data such as price, as well as possible analogues.


To start functioning in the human body, Phenylin must accumulate in the right concentration, because its action does not appear immediately - it starts after 10 hours, and the maximum effect is reached in a day or two.

The drug Fenilin is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Its further transformation occurs in the liver. It is excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Under what conditions is the remedy prescribed?

This tool can be prescribed:

  1. For the treatment of thrombophlebitis or thrombosis;
  2. For the prevention of myocardial infarction;
  3. in embolic strokes.

In addition, the remedy can be prescribed for thrombosis after surgery.

How to take the remedy correctly?

Elderly patients should adjust the dosage.

The drug Finilin is prescribed to patients over 14 years of age (whose body weight is more than 45 kg) orally. The drug should be taken after meals. The optimal dosage is selected in each case individually. The dosage is influenced by the severity of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the characteristics of nutrition and the treatment that the patient is already receiving.

Adults on the first day are prescribed 4-6 tablets. Reception of funds is divided into 3-4 times. On the second day, the dosage is reduced to 3-5 days, then it should not exceed two tablets. The duration of receptions per day is several times.

Adolescents in the first few days should take 3-5 tablets in three to four doses, then the dosage is reduced to one or two tablets in one or two doses.

For the prevention of thromboembolic complications, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of one tablet, which must be taken once or twice a day.

The highest dosage for an adult: single - 50 mg, daily - 200 mg.


This tool can be found in the form of white tablets with a creamy tint.

The composition of the product includes phenindione. Auxiliary components are components such as talc, milk sugar, starch, citric acid.

Combination of funds

When combined with ACTH, the anticoagulant effect of the drug Fenilin is enhanced.

With the simultaneous combination with dopyridamole, cases of increased bleeding were observed. This is due to a decrease in adhesiveness, as well as platelet aggregation under the influence of dopyridamole.

With simultaneous combination with clofibrate, the anticoagulant effect of the drug is enhanced. When combined with liothyronine, the anticoagulant effect of phenindione is enhanced.

With simultaneous combination with cimetidine, the anticoagulant effect of phenindione increases due to a slowdown in its metabolism in the liver under the influence of cimetidine, which is an inhibitor of liver enzymes.

When taken with ethylestrenol, the anticoagulant effect increases, the risk of bleeding increases.

Adverse reactions

Sometimes the patient's body can malfunction. As a result, the patient may experience symptoms such as:

  1. Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, toxic form of hepatitis. Sometimes a person may experience flatulence, bloating, and abnormalities in the liver.
  2. Arganulocytosis, leukopenia.
  3. Violation of the kidneys.
  4. Sleep disturbance, headache.
  5. Urine discoloration, fever.
  6. Eosinophilia, rash on the skin, a sharp increase in body temperature, dermatitis, urticaria, peeling of the skin, itching.

If during the course of treatment these conditions began to appear in you, then in this case you should refuse to take this remedy, because. this drug may harm your health.


If a person takes the medicine in a large dosage, then the person may overdose.

This condition is evidenced by such manifestations as depression, pain in the abdomen / back / chest, excitability of the condition, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, sleep disturbance, eosinophilia, hepatitis, abnormal liver function, impaired kidney function , pain in the head, as well as any other manifestations of an overdose.

For treatment, the stomach should be washed, and all measures should be taken to eliminate the symptoms that a person has.


  1. Disturbances in the work of the kidneys, as well as the liver (if the disease is serious). If the lesion is mild, then you should not stop taking the remedy.
  2. Ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. Increased vascular permeability.

With increased caution, the remedy can be prescribed for gynecological diseases, as well as erosion in the gastrointestinal tract.

Taking medication during pregnancy

If you still need to take this drug, then the doctor may prescribe a remedy in late pregnancy, but he must carefully monitor the patient.

When breastfeeding, it is also better to refrain from taking this drug, because. this is due to the fact that the drug has a negative effect on a small organism.

At the same time, if it is required to take the remedy during this period of time, then it can be carried out only if natural feeding is refused.


The medicine should be placed in a room where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees. In this case, it should be borne in mind that in the chosen place it should be dark enough, cool, and also dry.

If you do not comply with these requirements, then the life of the medicine will be drastically reduced. The drug must be removed to a place where children and beloved pets will never have access.


In different countries, the cost can vary significantly. For example, we will consider two states - Ukraine and Russia.

The article presents average price data.

Price in Russia is 120 rubles.

In Ukraine 65.49 hryvnias will have to be paid for the packaging of this drug.


Drugs similar in effect are such drugs as Plestasol, Sincumar, Atrombon, Atherocard, Warfarin, Gedulin, Atrogrel, Acecardin, Diofindal, Agrelid, Pindion, Tromazal, Thrombosol, Fenindione, Thrombantin, Phenylindandione and other drugs.

It should be borne in mind that all these drugs can have different effects on the body, as well as cost. That is why only a specialist should deal with the selection of an analogue.

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