Signs of inflammation of the gums after tooth extraction. Inflammation after tooth extraction prevention. Alveolitis after wisdom tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is a complex and traumatic process, so some inflammation and swelling of the gums is observed for several days after the operation. However, there are times when inflammation after tooth extraction can be caused by causes such as infection of the wound, and then the patient requires special treatment.

Reasons for development inflammatory process

There are a lot of reasons why the well may be infected. These may include the negligence of the doctor, and the individual characteristics of the body, and non-compliance with the recommendations of the dentist on the rules of conduct after tooth extraction, and many other factors. It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of developing inflammation, however, there are some measures that help to significantly reduce the risks of the disease.

First of all, each person needs to solve all the problems associated with the state of the teeth and the oral cavity as a whole in time. Timely visits to the dentist will help to detect and solve the problem of tooth decay or inflammation in the gums at the stage of its development. And even if in the future it is necessary to resort to tooth extraction, then with a generally satisfactory condition of the oral cavity, the risk that inflammation will occur after tooth extraction is many times less than in cases where the patient has other carious teeth or periodontal disease.

Methods for preventing the development of inflammation

To date, there are many methods to reduce the risk of inflammatory processes.

Early diagnosis of the problem. In order for your doctor to make a diagnosis, you should have regular check-ups preventive examinations at the dentist. The more you start the disease, the greater the risk of developing inflammation.

To prevent the development of the inflammatory process after tooth extraction in recent times actively use antibiotics. Sometimes a dose of the drug is administered two hours before the upcoming operation, or the patient is prescribed antibiotics in tablets. Most often, this method is used when there is real threat the development of an inflammatory process, for example, with a weakened immune system, the presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, with the formation of cysts or with an upcoming difficult tooth extraction.

The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics if the tooth has crumbled during manipulation and the gum had to be cut to remove the fragments.

AT preventive purposes To prevent inflammation after tooth extraction, the patient may be advised to use various rinses. This may be some kind of special solution that must be purchased at a pharmacy or even ordered to be made, or conventional rinses: decoctions medicinal herbs, a solution of potassium permanganate, salt, iodine, etc.

Similar antiseptic treatment helps prevent injury pathogenic microorganisms and consequently reduce the risk of inflammation.

In addition, each patient must be told how to carry out oral hygiene in postoperative period. In particular, the need to rinse your mouth boiled water after each meal, as well as about the features of brushing your teeth during the healing period of the hole.

It should not be taken lightly, because after such a procedure there are complications, as after any other intervention.

They can be caused by the behavior of patients, or they can arise for reasons beyond their control. Consider the main causes of complications during and after tooth extraction, as well as characteristics and methods of treatment.

Tooth extraction is serious

Any extraction of teeth cannot be considered harmless dental procedure. Furthermore, modern medicine with the introduction of tooth-saving technologies, considers such a measure to be extreme. After all, the loss of even one tooth is a big problem for a person.

Extraction of teeth is only medical indications when it is impossible to prevent the development of the disease in other ways. This procedure is not performed during pregnancy.

A separate problem is the removal of the third molar tooth: due to the peculiarities of its position, this procedure is the most common cause the development of complications.

Light extraction of teeth is carried out using dental forceps. The doctor makes special movements to help extract the tooth from the hole.

Difficult extraction is a situation where the tooth cannot be removed with forceps alone. The doctor first creates access to the root of the tooth by dissecting the periosteum. If the tooth is located obliquely or horizontally, then the extraction occurs in parts using special tools.

The method of tooth extraction depends on each case. Only a specialist can determine the tactics of such an operation. This is a very serious procedure, which in some cases can lead to complications.

What provokes unpleasant consequences?

Unpleasant consequences and excruciating pain after tooth extraction are associated with a number of reasons. Although the current level of development dentistry reduces the likelihood of complications to a minimum.

So, the most common cause of bleeding is the pathology of blood clotting. Even reception acetylsalicylic acid poses a serious risk of bleeding.

The same can be said for patients suffering from arterial hypertension. With stabilization of pressure in such patients, the risk of bleeding remains.

Bleeding wounds can also occur as a result of such reasons:

  • features of the pathological process;
  • features of the location of the teeth;
  • careless removal;
  • non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.

Inflammation after tooth extraction - alveolitis or osteomyelitis is provoked due to the following factors:

  • Existence multiple foci inflammation with frequent relapses;
  • traumatic removal (in this case, conditions arise for the penetration pathogenic microflora in tissue)
  • the absence of a blood clot in the tissue formed after removal;
  • pathological changes in the body due to stress, as well as past acute diseases;
  • Availability endocrine diseases in the stage of exacerbation or decompensation;
  • exhaustion.

perforation maxillary sinus occurs for the following reasons:

  • anatomical features of the structure of the tooth and the location of its roots;
  • Availability chronic foci inflammation;
  • inaccurate actions of the doctor;
  • if during the procedure the patient suffered from inflammation of the maxillary sinus.

These are the most common causes of complications after a tooth has been pulled out.

How are the risks?

After tooth extraction, the patient may experience the following complications:

Alveolitis - painful inflammation of the socket of the tooth

Alveolitis is inflammation of the socket after tooth extraction. In some cases, the hole may look quite normal, and the diagnosis of alveolitis is made by the doctor only after a thorough examination. However, in most cases, the hole swells up, bad smell.

At visual inspection the hole is empty, it has a yellowish coating, as well as food debris. In some cases, purulent contents are found in it. The adjacent gum is swollen, bright red, painful to the touch. AT severe cases exposed bone is found.

In case of violation, pain is observed different nature- acute or mild. They are often accompanied by headaches.

With suppuration of a blood clot, it is noticeable. Often there are symptoms general intoxication body - weakness, bad feeling, fever body fatigue.

At acute course process, swelling of the cheeks or gums is added to these symptoms. As a rule, the patient feels acute pain.

Treatment of alveolitis occurs exclusively at the dentist. Self-medication in terms of effectiveness is useless.

The doctor removes blood clot under anesthesia. The well is washed with antiseptic solutions. home may be required self-washing wells.

Blood from the tooth - drip, drip, drip ....

Often appears if the tooth is damaged during the extraction large vessel. It also appears after a few hours. after surgery or even at night.

In this case, you should not expect that the blood will stop on its own. At home, you can make tight gauze swab and apply it over the hole.

Cold should be applied to the cheek in the projection of the hole. If it is not possible to visit a doctor, then help hemostatic sponge, which you can buy at the pharmacy. Facilitates the condition of taking Dicinon.

If these measures are not successful, you must urgently contact a dental clinic or call an ambulance.

In order to, you need:

  • do not take hot water procedures;
  • do not make sudden facial movements;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol;
  • do not engage in physical labor.

Temperature rise

After tooth extraction, natural healing holes, while it is possible slight increase body temperature. However, in some cases there is a risk of swelling, redness, pain.

They say that microorganisms have got into the well and an inflammatory process develops.

In this case, it is impossible to delay contacting a doctor, as well as self-medicate. In the clinic, the patient is provided qualified help aimed at relieving inflammation.

Hematoma formation

A hematoma usually forms in the gum tissue. It develops as a result of capillary fragility or hypertension.

The appearance of a hematoma is indicated by an increase in the gums, redness, fever.

Treatment of a hematoma is carried out at the dentist.

Paresthesia - decreased sensation

When the nerves are damaged, there is a decrease in sensitivity. A person loses touch, pain, temperature and taste sensitivity. Often the sensations are similar to those observed after the introduction of an anesthetic.

Most often, paresthesia resolves after a few days. However full recovery sensitivity can be delayed for several months. Persistent paresthesia is said to last more than six months.

In case of prolonged paresthesia, the patient is prescribed combined medical preparations. Injections of Dibazol, Galantamine or aloe extract are shown.

Flux formation

After tooth extraction, when an infection occurs in the jaw, it occurs. This is a purulent focus formed in the tissues of the gums.

Among the signs this complication it should be noted severe pain radiating to the eyes or temples, swelling of the cheeks, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, fever.

It consists in opening it and washing the cavity with antiseptics. The doctor also prescribes antibiotics.

Injury and displacement of teeth

After tooth extraction, the following injuries are possible:

  1. Damage to neighboring teeth. They may be fractured, broken, or weakened.
  2. Incomplete removal occurs when a tooth is removed piecemeal.
  3. jaw fracture occurs in patients with weakened jaw bones. Most often this happens after.
  4. Removal of part of the alveolar ridge occurs most often due to unprofessional and careless actions of the doctor. This problem resolved with plastic surgery.

Complications during the procedure

Often, during the extraction of teeth, numerous complications occur. They are divided into general and local:

  1. To common complications include collapse, shock, fainting, an attack of a hypertensive crisis, etc. Assistance to the patient in this case is provided immediately.
  2. Most frequent local complication is a fracture of a tooth or tooth root. Most often this happens with a high degree of its destruction. The patient feels severe pain.

Treatment of a fracture depends on the severity of each individual case.

With the wrong selection of forceps, there may be a fracture, dislocation or removal of an adjacent tooth. Often this happens with a rough operation.

Dislocation of the jaw occurs when the mouth is opened too wide. The treatment for a dislocation is to reposition it.

If the doctor works carelessly, damage to the soft tissues of the mouth can occur. Treatment for such injuries depends on the extent of the injury.

Other issues

Complications also include:

  • primordia damage permanent teeth in children;
  • swallowing a tooth;
  • aspiration of the tooth with the subsequent development of asphyxia;
  • perforation of the maxillary sinus;
  • sudden bleeding.

So, tooth extraction cannot be a harmless and simple intervention. This is always a serious operation, which has some contraindications.

As a rule, the attentive approach of the doctor and the use of modern dental equipment minimizes the appearance of various kinds complications.

At timely treatment possible complications, recovery occurs, and jaw functions are restored.

Most oral diseases do not respond therapeutic treatment and requires surgical intervention. These include swelling after tooth extraction.

When inflammation occurs after tooth extraction, you should definitely understand the reasons in order to start treatment. Puffiness after surgery is normal, but sometimes its appearance indicates the development of complications. Consider the common reasons for its occurrence:

  1. Alveolitis. If a tooth is removed and the gum is swollen, the cause may be hiding in the infection in the open wound of the hole. The situation is aggravated by the presence of inflammatory processes (stomatitis, periodontitis) at the time surgical treatment damaged tooth.
  2. Allergic reaction. It occurs with individual intolerance to the agent used for anesthesia, and leads to the formation of swelling, which itself disappears after a while.
  3. Swelling of the gums occurs if the purulent process is strongly pronounced. For example, an inexperienced dentist may not notice a small segment of affected tissue or a fragment of a tooth. As a result, the patient repeatedly turns to the dentist, as his jaw begins to hurt. Additional cleaning of the hole is prescribed, if necessary, the doctor prescribes medical preparations to stop the inflammatory process and accelerate tissue healing.
  4. The gums become inflamed due to excessive oral care. Surgical intervention involves the formation of a blood clot, which prevents infection from entering the wound and promotes active healing of the injured area. With active brushing with a toothbrush, the protective cork is damaged and infection is introduced there, which leads to swelling and inflammation.
  5. A cyst in the hole is also attributed to the reasons why the gum swells. In the resulting voids, pus gradually begins to accumulate, from which it is necessary to get rid of and sanitize the hole with high quality.

Anna Losyakova


In the absence of pathologies and allergic reactions slight swelling is normal reaction for oral surgery. After a while, the swelling subsides on its own, and the pain disappears.

How long does inflammation last

It is impossible to accurately name the time when the tumor will subside after tooth extraction, since the body of each person is individual. Not only age, gender, physical parameters patient, chronic diseases, pathology of the oral cavity, but also the complexity of the operation and the degree of tissue injury. The composition of the drug used for pain relief and desensitization of soft tissues is important.

Usually the swelling lasts for several days, after which it begins to gradually subside. With the destruction of the base of the tooth, it becomes necessary to cut the tissues, then the period increases to 7–8 days.

The process of complete wound healing in time.

If appeared severe swelling, often the process is accompanied by suppuration. Additional cleaning of the canals affects the integrity of the gums, resulting in swelling that persists for up to 2 weeks or more.

Anna Losyakova


After complex removal well-being worsens with an increase in temperature, which is considered a sign of an inflammatory process. In this case, the inflammation subsides slowly or does not go away at all. To prevent the development of complications, you should consult with your doctor.

How to distinguish the norm from the complication

Swollen gums are not a reason to worry, as the appearance of swelling and pain is considered normal process after surgery. Shouldn't endure discomfort or try to get rid of them with home remedies. It is important to establish the cause so as not to aggravate the condition.

It is worth consulting a doctor for treatment if inflammation and the following symptoms appear:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • severe reddening of tissues;
  • the occurrence of tachycardia;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • spread of the tumor to neighboring areas;
  • pain when moving the jaw and swallowing;
  • intolerable toothache, severe swelling of the gums;
  • the occurrence of a strong odor from the mouth.

If the answer is yes to at least one point, you should immediately contact the dentist on duty to examine the place of the extracted tooth. The specialist must make an x-ray, without which it is impossible to determine true reason(cyst development, infection, poor-quality removal).

Anna Losyakova


The inflammatory process should not be allowed to take its course, otherwise irreversible reactions may occur, up to lethal outcome!

How to remove swelling of the gums

To do this, you need to rest for 30-60 minutes after the operation, which will restore blood flow. Physical activity lead to large blood loss and slow healing of the wound. Also, a tampon placed by the dentist contributes to the formation of a blood clot, so you do not need to remove it within 30-40 minutes.

There are several ways to relieve swelling after tooth extraction. They are applied in dental clinics and at home, but they help only if the healing of the hole goes without complications.


At complex operation, after which inflammation of the gums occurs, the doctor prescribes medications that relieve inflammation. Lincomycin, Indomethacin, antibiotics in case of damage help prevent the development of infection bone tissue(they are appointed by the dentist), nonsteroidal drugs, special gels (Metrodent).

To reduce swelling, it is recommended to regularly rinse the oral cavity with special solutions, such as Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt. Rinse, don't rinse! Rinsing can wash away a clot that has formed in the socket.


Folk ways

Folk recipes know how to reduce swelling and get rid of pain. Simple methods can be used at home without harm to the body, but only with swelling that is not accompanied additional symptoms. The most common methods:

  • cold compress for a short time;
  • washing with a solution of salt and soda;
  • usage herbal decoctions for washing (calamus root, calendula, sage, chamomile, propolis, oak bark, mumiyo).

What is forbidden to do with edema

In the first days after removal, it is recommended to keep calm, as physical exercise activate blood flow and provoke increased swelling. A qualified dentist should warn the patient about possible complications when rules are not followed.

  1. Refrain from eating for 2-3 hours immediately after extraction.
  2. Yes healing to exclude solid food, which can injure the gums, replace it with dishes of a uniform consistency (mashed soup, porridge, broth).
  3. Do not drink too hot or too cold drinks.
  4. Refrain from drinking alcohol, as it causes vasodilation.
  5. Refuse to take 2-3 days hot bath or visits to the baths, saunas.
  6. Daily dental care should be as careful as possible to prevent damage to the blood clot.
  7. You can not carry out subsequent extraction of teeth within a week after the first procedure.
  8. Tobacco negatively affects the healing of damaged tissues.

Anna Losyakova


It is forbidden to use medicines without the consent of a doctor; in case of severe pain, it is better to consult a dentist.

Possible complications and their treatment

After removal soft tissues may swell, which is caused by mechanical action on them during dental procedures. Puffiness normally does not deliver severe discomfort, after a few days it will disappear.

But the removal can go through with complications that can lead to backfire up to and including death. Therefore, it is important to notice and cure them in time:

It is important to monitor your health and visit the dentist in a timely manner. This will keep your teeth beautiful and healthy. Even if removal is necessary, it is important to observe the body's response to surgical intervention. If you suspect complications, it is better to consult a doctor in order to prevent serious consequences.

Tooth extraction is a rather complicated procedure.

In some cases, the doctor must open the gum, remove a small piece of bone tissue, and then apply stitches.

Despite the development of medicine and the presence of such modern technologies, it is still not possible to completely avoid the occurrence of complications.

In many patients, after a tooth has been removed, an inflammatory process occurs and there are a lot of reasons for this.

Inflammation after tooth extraction causes

In a normal outcome, the hole after removal should fill with a small amount of blood, which subsequently forms a kind of blood clot. After a day or two it will turn yellow or white color, due to the fact that fibrin is released from the blood. In no case should you try to remove it yourself! It will take several days, the mucous membrane of the gums will gradually form, and the wound will heal completely.

However, the hole does not always heal well and complications may develop, this happens due to many factors:

1. The roots of the tooth are crooked.

2. The remaining root collapsed under the crown.

3. The tooth was badly crumbled, the specialist removed it in small pieces.

4. The tooth began to erupt, but not completely.

The following contributes to the occurrence of complications:

1. The patient is sick with SARS. In this case, removal is best done after recovery occurs, this will avoid complications.

2. The body is susceptible to infection, as a result of a weakened immune system.

3. Caries, it is known to be a source of occurrence and reproduction harmful bacteria.

4. After the extraction of the tooth, the roots remained in the hole.

5. A cyst remained in the hole from extracted tooth.

6. Anesthesia is chosen incorrectly.

7. The instruments were poorly sterilized, resulting in an infection.

8. The technique of performing the "operation" is violated.

9. The gum, when the tooth is removed, is badly damaged.

These are the main reasons why inflammation may develop after removal.

Inflammation after tooth extraction symptoms

A few days later, after the dentist has removed the tooth, the first symptoms of inflammation may appear, conditionally they are divided into two groups: general symptoms and local ones.

General symptoms The manifestations of inflammation are:

1. Body temperature rises to 37-38 degrees.

2. Increase in the jaw area The lymph nodes, pain occurs on palpation.

3. From the mouth bad and unpleasant smell.

local symptoms inflammation:

1. Around the gums, the entire area becomes swollen and red.

2. There is no blood clot necessary to protect the gums.

3. Visual inspection shows that there is plaque on the well gray color.

4. Periodically, pus is released from the hole.

5. There is severe pain in the place of the extracted tooth, every day it becomes stronger and goes to the head.

It is not difficult to identify the problem, the dentist can see the presence of a problem during a visual examination. The patient must go x-ray examination, the results of which can also confirm the presence of an inflammatory process.

Inflammation after tooth extraction first aid

If you have any problems after tooth extraction obvious symptoms inflammatory process, and the opportunity to consult a doctor, in this moment No, you need to give yourself first aid at home. Use rinses carefully, especially if the solution contains soda. Despite the fact that soda is often used to treat diseases oral cavity, in the case of inflammation, it can provoke the washing out of the clot, thereby aggravating the situation even more.

When rinsing, you must follow a few rules:

1. Do not rinse your mouth intensively, just dial a small amount of water in your mouth and hold for two to three minutes.

2. Regardless of how the clot looks, whether it is black or even green, you should not try to remove it.

3. The frequency of rinsing should be up to several times per hour.

Even if the symptoms of the inflammatory process have passed and it seems to you that everything is fine, visit medical institution still worth it. You cannot get rid of the disease without antibiotics or extract the remaining roots yourself. The measures described above are only temporary, they allow you to normalize the situation until you see a doctor.

Inflammation after tooth extraction treatment

If you do not take measures to treat inflammation, then the body will be threatened serious danger as complications may develop. An actively developing purulent process can lead to the formation of osteomyelitis, which in turn will create favorable conditions for phlegmon and abscesses. Infection is also great danger, because the patient will face sepsis, and this, as a rule, can cause death.

Specialists conducting treatment, as a rule, adhere to the same rule:

1. The place of localization of pain must be anesthetized.

2. All contents from the well will be washed by the specialist antiseptic solution.

3. The existing fragments from the tooth or dead tissue will be removed by the dentist with a special surgical spoon.

4. The area of ​​the well is washed again with the solution.

5. Dry the well with a sterile swab.

6. If necessary, apply a swab soaked medicine.

7. On open wound stitches or a sterile dressing are applied.

As part of the treatment, certain drugs may be used:

1. Antibiotics. Antibiotics must be used to prevent infection. They must penetrate deep into the bones. These include drugs such as lincomycin, sumamed, levofloxacin.

2. Anti-inflammatory. The pain during the inflammatory process can be severe, which is why it is necessary to take drugs. The specialist may prescribe the following - nimesil, ibuprofen, ketonal.

3. Antiseptics. Used to treat the wound and the entire oral cavity. It is allowed to use the usual furatsilin. Many use folk remedies - sage or a decoction of chamomile.

Apart from traditional treatment, using medicines use physiotherapy:

1. Fluctuorization. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to achieve an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

2. Helium-neon laser. On the active points the doctor will act with a beam, while all the natural forces of the body will be restored. Symptoms of the inflammatory process will pass.

Inflammation after tooth extraction prevention

In order to avoid the development of the inflammatory process and possible complications, it is necessary to adhere to certain preventive measures:

1. The swab that the specialist left in the hole must be removed after 10 minutes, otherwise it may become an obstacle to the formation of a clot in the hole. As a result, the tissues will become infected and complications cannot be avoided.

2. You can not drink and eat for the next three hours after tooth extraction, and then do not eat hot for several more hours.

3. You can not steam in the bath or take a hot bath. Avoid alcohol and sports. This will cause an increase in pressure, which means bleeding will open.

4. If the doctor put stitches on the wound, then for several days you can not open your mouth wide.

5. In no case do not warm your cheek and, moreover, do not apply cold to it.

6. On the day of tooth extraction, do not clean the oral cavity, do not touch the hole with your tongue, and even more so with a toothpick. The medicine left by the doctor will dissolve on its own after a while. For the next few days, try to brush your teeth very gently.

7. Refuse spicy and hard foods, preferably chew food on the other side.

8. When occurring severe pain you can take an anesthetic - ketanov or tempalgin.

9. If your body temperature rises on the day of tooth extraction, you can drink an antipyretic - ibuprofen or aspirin. But in the event that the fever bothers you in the next few days, be sure to visit the dentist.

10. In the event that a specialist has prescribed antibiotics for you, be sure to drink them full course while observing the dosage.

Inflammation after tooth extraction is a rather complicated complication. In no case do not let everything take its course, otherwise complications may develop dangerous of your life. At timely handling to a specialist, you can easily and quickly get rid of the problem.

Post-extraction inflammation in the gums is a fairly common occurrence. There are many reasons why some patients experience sore or inflamed gums after tooth extraction. Some attribute this to the negligence of the doctor, others talk about the lack of sterility of the instruments, and still others are sure that the failure to follow the rules of hygiene and the doctor's recommendations in the postoperative period is to blame.

In any case, inflammation of the gums after tooth extraction, if it is not accompanied by other symptoms, is not a reason to immediately sound the alarm. In most cases, the tumor can be stopped at home with the help of folk and pharmacy remedies.

Causes of gum inflammation after tooth extraction

Despite the fact that the operation to remove the tooth is carried out under local anesthesia It causes significant discomfort to patients. The most unpleasant thing begins some time after the procedure: pain appears, which in some cases may be accompanied by swelling, abscess and swelling of the gums.

Inflammation most often occurs after the removal of a wisdom tooth. If the gum remains swollen for 1-2 days, then this is a variant of the norm. There are several factors that provoke this condition:

  • Mechanical impact on soft tissues. During the extraction of a tooth, a person is under anesthesia and does not feel pain. The next day after this, the sensitivity is restored and the gum swells. Such a manifestation can be considered natural and normal sign violations of tissue integrity.
  • The occurrence of suppuration. In some patients, after the operation, the gum begins to fester, which indicates an abscess. Puffiness occurs due to the formation of an abscess. This can happen for two reasons - due to non-sterile instruments or due to the use of inappropriate tooth extraction techniques. It should be remembered that although suppuration is not always accompanied by pain, it is quite alarm symptom. If you notice it, you should consult a doctor.
  • Reaction to anesthesia. A person prone to allergies often has swelling after a tooth has been pulled out (see also:). With this in mind, patients should be allergic to the drug before surgery.
  • The condition of the adjacent tooth. The presence of dental pathologies in acute or chronic form, such as caries or pulpitis, can cause a complication in the form of inflammation.
  • Well infection. This is most often due to non-compliance with the rules of hygiene and failure to follow the doctor's recommendations. Another reason for infection is the unsatisfactory sterility of instruments. Due to infection of the gums, granulation slows down, that is, the restoration of tissue in the hole after surgery. Normally, granulation begins to develop on the fourth day. In addition to the fact that after removal, the patient's gums become inflamed, due to infection, he may experience redness and severe pulsation.
  • State immune system person. Weak immunity due to recent past illness in acute form is a contraindication to extraction, however, if the doctor nevertheless performed the operation, it can provoke swelling.

If the swelling does not go away after 3-4 days, it is better for the patient to contact their doctor for advice. When removing a wisdom tooth, 2-6 days should pass for the gums to recover.

Disinfectant treatment of swollen gums

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If, after tooth extraction, the patient's gums are swollen, doctors recommend rinsing the mouth antiseptics(see also: ). Such drugs have antimicrobial action and destroy most strains of viral and fungal infections that provoke the formation of an abscess. For the treatment to be effective, rinsing should be done regularly throughout the course. There are several categories disinfectants to treat swollen gums:

Antiseptic for disinfectionMode of applicationA course of treatment
Iodinol1 tablespoon of medicine is added to a glass of water, it is necessary to introduce the agent into the water drop by drop until a light yellow tint is obtained.3-4 times within 1 week
MiramistinFor a single rinse, use 15 ml of undiluted preparation2 times within 7-10 days
HexoralThe dosage of the agent for one rinse is 15 ml of undiluted medicine2-3 times for 5-10 days
Chlorhexidine (we recommend reading:)Rinse is carried out with 1 tablespoon of a 0.05-0.1% solution2-3 times for 7 days
HexiconFor rinsing, 5-10 ml of pure medicine is used.3-4 times within 5-7 days

All solutions must be room temperature. Hot rinsing can exacerbate the problem and lead to serious complications.

Ointments for swollen gums

In order to successfully stop a gum tumor, doctors recommend using special ointments local action. They are based on natural herbs and antiseptics:

Ointment for gum treatmentIndication for useA course of treatment
HolisalPain relief, post-extraction gum healing3 to 5 times a day until symptoms stop
KamistadTreatment of inflammation after tooth extractionNo more than 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear
MundizalRemoval of the post-extraction inflammatory process2 times a day for 2-5 days
Metrogil DentaTreatment of alveolitis, that is, inflammation of the hole, in the postoperative period2-3 times a day for a week
Solcoseryl in the form of a pasteTherapy of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity after tooth extraction3 to 5 times a day for 3-14 days

Folk remedies for the treatment of inflamed gums

Moderate inflammation without others accompanying symptoms can be treated with folk remedies at home. Unlike pharmaceutical preparations, they have no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance, which means they are absolutely safe. Among the most effective infusions for rinsing include:

If a folk methods do not have the desired effect, this indicates the possibility of formation of a build-up on adjacent tooth or deep purulent processes that can only be removed with medications. Of course, you need to see a doctor.

When should you see a doctor?

Tissue restoration after tooth extraction is largely determined by individual characteristics organism. The patient should not sound the alarm if, after the wisdom tooth was removed from him, the gum became inflamed, swollen and turned white. Dentists still can't come to single point perspective on why one person has a faster recovery rate of soft and bone tissue than another. If the patient is not worried about other post-extraction manifestations, he should wait a few days.

If the gum is inflamed, sore and rotting for 4-5 days, this should be a cause for concern (see also:). Inflammation of the gums may indicate possible complications after tooth extraction - suppuration, build-up formation, development infectious process inside the walls of the hole, the impact of the remaining fragments of the tooth (we recommend reading:).

In this case, a patient who complains that his gums are swollen or festering is immediately examined by a dentist. The doctor takes an anamnesis, including information on how many days the patient is concerned about the symptoms of the inflammatory process, determines the cause and prescribes suitable treatment. In most cases, topical antiseptic therapy is sufficient. More pronounced manifestations inflammatory process, dentists are accustomed to treat antibacterial agents. AT extreme cases, for example, with a cyst, the patient requires surgery.

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