How to get rid of tonsillitis. Diagnosis and treatment of angina. Do-it-yourself washing of the tonsils

Chronic tonsillitis is an infectious inflammation of the tonsils (tonsils), which has a protracted character. With this disease, harmful bacteria and microbes (streptococci, staphylococci) are constantly present on the tonsils, ready, at any favorable opportunity for them, to begin to actively multiply, causing an acute sore throat in the carrier (human). A feature of chronic tonsillitis is difficult treatment, since it is almost impossible to completely eliminate the bacteria that cause it. But you can help the body live peacefully with them and prevent exacerbation and further spread of the infection.

Chronic tonsillitis occurs among children and adults, regardless of where they live and the climate. Several factors can lead to infection of the tonsils:

  • untreated infectious diseases (usually tonsillitis);
  • frequent pharyngitis (sore throat);
  • allergy;
  • inflammation in the sinuses;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • caries and gum disease;
  • low immunity.

In most cases, the disease develops after poorly treated acute tonsillitis - tonsillitis. At the same time, angina simply becomes chronic when the infection chooses the lymphatic tissues of the palatine tonsils as a permanent place of residence. During normal times, pathogenic bacteria are dormant and may not cause serious discomfort.

The following factors can provoke their activity:

  • hypothermia of the oropharynx or the whole body;
  • mechanical trauma to the tonsil, chemical or thermal burn (for example, spicy, hot food, strong alcohol);
  • a strong decrease in immunity due to the presence of other infections in the body;
  • improper and unbalanced diet;
  • prolonged nervous tension, severe stress.

All these factors work to reduce the immune defense of the body, resulting in a favorable environment for the rapid reproduction of bacteria. Tonsillitis worsens, another tonsillitis begins.

A visual examination of the throat of patients with chronic tonsillitis reveals:

  • enlargement and redness of the tonsils;
  • looseness and grooves on the tissue of the tonsils;
  • the presence of white pustules on the tonsils, from which a curdled mass with a purulent smell periodically comes out.

Visual changes are accompanied by severe sore throat, fever, chills, weakness. There may also be an increase in lymph nodes in the neck.

IMPORTANT! If a person has a sore throat more than once a year, he most likely has chronic tonsillitis.

Pronounced signs of chronic tonsillitis may either appear or disappear, as periods of exacerbation are replaced by periods of remission. In this case, we are talking about a compensated form of the disease, when the tonsils are able to cope with inflammation, preventing its development. However, over time, especially if a person's immunity is depressed, periods of remission may completely disappear, and tonsillitis will acquire a decompensated form. In this case, the tonsils will be constantly inflamed and enlarged, as well as persistent weakness, drowsiness, and incessant sore throats.

Therefore, it is very important to start the right treatment on time. Moreover, chronic tonsillitis, left unattended, can lead to complications from the cardiovascular system, kidneys, respiratory organs, and the musculoskeletal system.

Is it possible to get rid of chronic tonsillitis once and for all?

Unfortunately, you can't. It is not possible to eliminate all pathogenic bacteria and microbes, because they lie in wait for a person everywhere: in the air, water, food. But a healthy and strong human body perfectly copes with the infection that has got into it on its own. The immune response is on guard of health, quickly calculating and destroying a harmful bacterium. If immunity decreases, any infection that enters the body lingers in it and causes various inflammations and diseases.

Another reason why it is problematic to eliminate tonsillitis completely is the ability of microbes to quickly adapt and develop resistance to adverse conditions. The widespread modern habit of treating even minor ailments with antibiotics has helped pathogenic bacteria develop reliable defense mechanisms. In response to the action of the antibiotic, microbes produce special enzymes that neutralize and destroy the active components of the drug. As a result, the antibiotic does not clear the infection.

But that's not all. One of the culprits of chronic tonsillitis - Staphylococcus aureus - forms colonies living in multilayer films. Therefore, even if the drug destroys the top layer of bacteria, the remaining layers continue to function actively.

Lifestyle to help relieve symptoms of tonsillitis

Since the main reason for the development of infection is reduced immunity, in the process of treating chronic tonsillitis, general strengthening procedures cannot be dispensed with.

To increase immunity and resist exacerbations will allow:

  • sufficient physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • hardening;
  • giving up bad habits (cigarette smoke and alcohol irritate the tonsils and reduce immunity);
  • maintaining the humidity in the room at the level of 60-70% (using a humidifier).

The point about the need for hardening causes a reasonable protest in many people, because chronic tonsillitis is often aggravated due to hypothermia. But the hardening technique involves a gradual and very slow decrease in the temperature of water or air, allowing the body to adapt to changes and gently expand its comfort zone. You can pay attention to the hardening system Porfiria Ivanova. For children, there are other methods: Komarovsky, Grebenkin, Tolkachev.

Hardening can also be carried out with the help of a contrast shower, when either hot (up to 45 degrees) or cool (up to 18 degrees) water is alternately turned on. The temperature contrast increases gradually: in the first days the temperature drops and rises by only two or three degrees from the comfortable level, then the temperature gap widens.

IMPORTANT! Body hardening procedures cannot be carried out during an exacerbation of any diseases, including chronic tonsillitis.

Medical therapy

In chronic tonsillitis in remission, antibiotics are used extremely rarely, and preference is given to antihistamines, antiseptic sprays. The doctor also prescribes inhalations with drugs: Furacilin, Tonsilgon N, Dioxidin and others.

Antibiotics are almost always used to treat exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis. They allow you to quickly and reliably suppress the activity and growth of pathogenic bacteria, eliminating the infection and alleviating the patient's condition.

For the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, the following groups of antibacterial agents are used:

  • penicillins ( Flemoxin Solutab, Panklav, Ampisid);
  • macrolides ( Sumamed) and cephalosporins ( Cefspan);
  • aminoglycosides ( Amikacin).

IMPORTANT! Only a doctor can choose drugs, prescribe dosages and duration of treatment. Self-medication with antibiotics can lead to irreversible changes in the body.


These drugs not only relieve symptoms during an exacerbation, but also protect the body from the occurrence of complications caused by streptococci.

Flemoxin Solutab

Produced in the form of tablets. This semi-synthetic antibiotic actively fights against staphylococci, streptococci and other bacteria. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor, but usually it does not exceed 750 mg per day for children and 1500 mg for adults. The duration of treatment is at least 10 days.


It is presented in the form of tablets, powders for suspension and injections. The active ingredients of the drug make it effective even against resistant strains of bacteria. Inside, the drug is taken in dosages up to 25 mg per day for children and up to 2000 mg for adults. The duration of treatment is up to two weeks.

macrolides and cephalosporins

Macrolides have a bacteriostatic effect, blocking the reproduction and growth of bacteria. In addition, they are able to easily penetrate into the cells of the body and destroy the microbes in them. And cephalosporins act on all bacteria resistant to penicillins.


Presented in the form of tablets, capsules, lyophilisate, powder and granules for suspension. Active against a wide range of bacteria, including streptococci and staphylococci. Adults are prescribed 0.5 g per day for three days, children - 10 mg per day per kilogram of body weight for three days.


Cefspan, available in the form of capsules and granules for suspension, contains the antibiotic cefixime, which suppresses pathogenic bacteria and is resistant to the protective enzyme they secrete - beta-lactamases. Children weighing over 50 kg and adults are prescribed 400 mg of the drug per day, children weighing less than 50 kg - up to 12 mg per day. The course lasts up to 10 days.


Aminoglycosides treat even the most severe infections, but they are highly toxic, so their use is justified only in the case of decompensated chronic tonsillitis. It is desirable to use third-generation drugs with a reduced toxic effect.


Amikacin is available exclusively in the form of powder and solution for injection. It is effective in the fight against staphylococci resistant to penicillin and cephalosporin. Dosages are prescribed by a doctor. During the treatment period, it is necessary to check the functions of the kidneys, the auditory nerve and the vestibular apparatus every week.

Washing the tonsils

The procedure for washing the tonsils is often prescribed during an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. For its implementation, antibacterial drugs are used - Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, bacteriophages against staphylococci and streptococci.

A jet of the drug solution is directed under pressure into the lacunae of the tonsils, washing out the infection and disinfecting the affected area. Additionally, suction of the infected contents of the lacunae using a special apparatus can be used. The result of the procedure is the elimination or significant reduction of inflammation, improvement in the condition of the tonsils and general well-being, and a reduction in the frequency of exacerbations.

IMPORTANT! The procedure for washing the tonsils can only be done by a specially trained ENT specialist.

Herbal medicine recipes

When chronic tonsillitis occurs in a compensated form, you can cope with it with the help of simple folk remedies. The most common of them are gargling and inhalation with decoctions of herbs. And if tonsillitis has aggravated, you can’t do without rinsing and inhalation, all the more.

The most effective herbs in the treatment of tonsillitis:

  • sage;
  • yarrow;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • eucalyptus leaves.

Each herb can be used individually or in combination. For inhalation, both the old method with a saucepan and special devices - inhalers and nebulizers - can be used.

Simple and effective recipes for tonsillitis

PurposeDosagesCooking methodHow and how much to apply
Infusion for rinsing No. 1Tablespoon of yarrow or sage, a glass of boiling waterGrass in a mug pour boiling water, cover, leave for 15-17 minutes, and then strainGargle the throat five to seven times during the day with warm infusion immediately after eating. Do not eat or drink for an hour after the procedure. The duration of treatment is three days
Infusion for rinsing No. 2A teaspoon of calendula and chamomile flowers, a glass of boiling waterPour boiling water over the grass in a mug, leave for 18-20 minutes, strainGargle up to seven times a day with warm infusion for an hour and a half before meals. Course - week
Decoction for inhalationOne tablespoon each of eucalyptus leaves, sage grass and chamomile flowers, two liters of waterBring the herbs poured with water to a boil, cook over low heat for three to four minutes, remove the pan and leave to cool (up to 60-65 degrees)Lean over the pan (distance 20-30 cm), inhale the steam shallowly through the mouth for five minutes. Course - one inhalation per day for a week
Solution for inhalation with mineral water and eucalyptus infusionTablespoon of eucalyptus leaves, a glass of boiling water, a liter of mineral waterPour boiling water over eucalyptus, leave for 15-25 minutes. Release gas from mineral water, heat it in a saucepan to a temperature of 55-60 degrees, remove from the stove, add eucalyptus infusionLean over the pan at a distance of 20-30 cm (according to sensations), inhale steam shallowly through the mouth for ten minutes. You can do five to seven inhalations with a frequency of once every two days

IMPORTANT! The use of prescription rinses and inhalations is contraindicated in the presence of allergic reactions to any herb, as additional swelling caused by allergies will only aggravate the condition of the tonsils.

Video - How to treat tonsillitis with folk remedies


All essential oils have excellent antibacterial properties.

Essential oils will help to cope with the manifestations of tonsillitis:

  • sage;
  • basilica;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tea tree.

The main area of ​​application of oils in chronic tonsillitis is inhalation. Since essential oils are potent compounds, therapeutic (minimum) doses are used for inhalation.

Any of the selected oils is added in the amount of just one drop per liter of hot water. It is necessary to inhale steam through the mouth, but not deeply. The session lasts no more than five minutes. It is possible to carry out 10 procedures every other day.

IMPORTANT! The water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees to avoid burns of the mucous membrane.

Before using any oil, an allergy test is required. To do this, a drop of undiluted ether is applied to the inner bend of the elbow for 30 minutes. A slight reddening of the skin is a normal reaction. If itching or a rash occurs, the use of this aroma should be abandoned, and another one should be chosen.

Washing the nasopharynx with salted water

This, initially unpleasant, but proven and effective method will help relieve inflammation and partially wash the pathogenic flora from the tonsils.

A quarter of a teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt) is diluted in a glass of water at body temperature. Draw water in one nostril, closing the other, then spit it out through the mouth. The procedure at first will cause unusual or even unpleasant sensations, but they should be tolerated in order to obtain a good therapeutic effect. Washing can be done twice a day for an unlimited time.


Surgery to remove the tonsils is an extreme case. It should be resorted to only when other means do not help, and the situation only worsens. Despite the fact that surgery can get rid of chronic tonsillitis forever, doctors today are trying to avoid such a cardinal method.

Tonsils perform a lot of useful functions in the body, protecting against infections and allergies. They also produce useful macrophages and lymphocytes. Thus, having lost the tonsils, the body loses its natural defenses, immunity decreases.

Therefore, you should not rush into the operation. To begin with, it is better to try to get rid of chronic tonsillitis with the proposed conservative methods. An integrated approach to treatment will eliminate the symptoms of the disease, improving the quality of life, and eventually completely forget about any manifestations of chronic tonsillitis.

Video - Tonsillitis in children

Video - Chronic tonsillitis and its treatment

Tonsillitis brings a lot of trouble to a person, like, in principle, any disease, so you want to cope with the disease as soon as possible and forget about it as soon as possible. So, how to get rid of tonsillitis?

Reasons for the appearance

First, you need to figure out what causes the disease. Symptoms of sore throat may appear from bacteria, often it is streptococcus. Also, the occurrence of tonsillitis is due to infection:

  1. pneumococci;
  2. chlamydia;
  3. staphylococci;
  4. adenoviruses;
  5. enteroviruses;
  6. influenza virus;
  7. or the growth of the Candida fungus.

This happens with weakened immunity, hypothermia, during periods of epidemics and non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.


To understand how to defeat tonsillitis, you need to know what to fight, that is, how the disease manifests itself. Angina can be distinguished from other diseases by the following symptoms:

  1. high temperature rising to maximum levels;
  2. enlarged tonsils, possibly covered with a white, yellowish, grayish, curd-like coating or pus;
  3. sore throat that becomes very severe when swallowing, eating and trying to open your mouth;
  4. aches, pain in the limbs and lower back.

If you do not treat angina in a timely manner, you will have to deal with chronic tonsillitis. Getting rid of the chronic form of the disease is no longer so easy, and the question of how to quickly cure, in this case, becomes unreasonable.

Chronic tonsillitis can manifest itself during relapses as a sore throat, or, with the help of the following symptoms:

  1. subfebrile temperature within 37-37.5ºС;
  2. tolerable sore throat;
  3. bad breath caused by tonsillitis plugs;
  4. fatigue, fatigue, irritability.


Now consider how to treat tonsillitis so that it is not only effective, but also fast?

  1. Do not self-medicate, constantly keeping in mind the same question “How to cure tonsillitis?”, And at the first symptoms, seek help from a doctor. This will not only save time and money, but also save you from dangerous complications, because tonsillitis, as a dangerous disease, can leave serious consequences on the heart, joints, and kidneys.

The doctor will prescribe tests, according to the results of which, it will be possible to find out the causative agent of the disease and choose a really effective remedy that is able to cope with it.

  1. Follow all the requirements of the doctor, drink prescribed by him. It is thanks to the timely and adequate intake of antibiotic drugs that you can get rid of tonsillitis forever, provided that preventive, hygienic measures are followed in the future and measures are taken to strengthen immunity. Because, otherwise, a defeated tonsillitis can always return with renewed vigor.


How to take Amoxicillin.

This is a penicillin antibiotic that has been successfully fighting the microorganisms that cause angina for many years.

Available in the form of powder for injection, tablets, capsules, suspensions under various names: Amoxil, Flemoxin, Ospamox, Amosin.

For adults and children who are over 10 years old, the attending physician prescribes half a gram three times a day. If a severe infection is observed, the single dosage may be increased to 1 gram.

From 2 to 5 years - 125 mg 3 times a day, from 5 to 10 years - 250 g, also 3 times a day.

It may take 3 to 7 days for the antibiotic to get rid of the main symptoms of the disease.

If penicillin antibiotics are ineffective for 72 hours, they need to be replaced with drugs from other antibiotic groups.

  1. In addition to antibiotic, apply topical treatment.

In this case, the oral cavity and throat with antiseptic preparations, irrigation of the tonsils and throat with sprays will be effective. It does not hurt to take antiseptics in the form of lozenges, such as Lizak or Faringosept.


Lizak- a drug that has antibacterial, fungicidal (can be used to overcome Candida fungi) and antiseptic action. It contains two active components - Dequalinium chloride and Lysozyme.

The tablet, without chewing and without drinking water, should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved, given the interval of half an hour before and after a meal.

Adults and children over 12 years of age may take 1 tablet every 2-3 hours, up to a maximum of 10 tablets per day. As soon as there is a visible improvement, it is recommended to switch to 1 tablet, which must be taken every 4 hours.

Children are allowed to take 1 tablet every 3 hours, and, after the onset of an improvement in the child's health, increase the interval to 4 hours. Maximum per day, the child is allowed to give no more than 5 tablets.

After the complete cessation of symptoms, it is necessary to extend the course of treatment for another 2 days.


Pharyngosept- an antiseptic drug, the active substance of which is Ambazon. It can locally have a deadly effect on streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, while not suppressing the local flora. The only negative is that the optimal amount of the drug is achieved only on the third or even fifth day from the start of administration, therefore, the course of treatment recommended in the instructions for 3-5 days, in practice increases to one week, and preferably -10 days.

The tablet is not chewed, not washed down with water, but kept in the mouth until dissolved, 15 minutes after a meal. After taking it is not recommended to eat within 2 hours.

Children over 7 years of age and adults are recommended to take 1 tablet 3 to 5 times a day. A child from 3 to 7 years old is given Pharyngosept three times a day, at a dosage of 0.03 g.


  • To activate the resistance of the immune system, it may be necessary to use immunostimulating agents.

A well-established drug for topical use - Imudon. These are lozenges. It is used for 10 days, for adults in the amount of 8 tablets per day after 2-3 hours. It is allowed for children from 3 years old, but the dosage is set personally by the attending physician, assessing the need and the state of health of the child.


Also, doctors often recommend Derinat. Available in the form of a solution for injection and for external use, which, in the case of tonsillitis, is used to irrigate the tonsils and gargle. It has not only immunostimulating, but also regenerating, wound healing properties.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Is it possible and how to cure chronic tonsillitis forever?

Yes, it is possible to cure chronic tonsillitis. This can be done in two ways:

  • high-quality treatment with drugs and physiotherapy during a relapse;
  • tonsillectomy.

Paratonsillitis is treated exclusively by surgery and cleaning of the festering space.

How is chronic tonsillitis treated?

During the period of exacerbation, the classical, drug treatment of tonsillitis does not differ from the treatment of tonsillitis, when antibiotics and local antiseptics are used. Good results are given by physiotherapy, which is necessary to enhance the effect of drugs and destroy the source of infection.

Excellent results are shown by the washing of lacunae, phonophoresis and UVR. It is especially good if these procedures are applied in a complex way, i.e. washing is preceded by the removal of tonsillitis plugs using a vacuum, and after that, the tonsils are subjected to phonophoresis and UVI. Similar procedures, except for ultraviolet exposure, can be carried out using the Tonsillor MM apparatus.

Also, for recovery, a doctor can consider one of the modern methods of treatment - lacunotomy with a laser. This procedure does not take much time, the laser is directed to the area, previously cleaned and sanitized, lacunae.

For laser lacunotomy, a holmium laser is used.

With the help of a laser, it is also possible to remove the entire tonsil or only part of it that is prone to infection.

The decision to remove the tonsils or tonsillectomy is made by doctors in the case when treatment and physiotherapy do not bring the desired effect and the diseased tonsil becomes a serious threat to the whole body of an already sick person.

Millions of people constantly live with chronic tonsillitis. Many do not even suspect that they have this disease. Others know about it, but do not consider it something dangerous and do not take any action to eliminate it. A feature of chronic throat diseases is the "blurring" of symptoms, and sometimes their complete absence. Only under the influence of adverse factors, they again make themselves felt with a sore throat, fever, perspiration or other unpleasant manifestations. Then the person asks questions: how to treat, what to do to get rid of it forever?

The goal of tonsillitis treatment is:

  • restore the ability of the immune system to protect the tonsils from viruses and microbes;
  • eliminate the infection from the tonsils.

For this, different methods are used: medication, physiotherapy, folk remedies. Only an integrated approach ensures the achievement of the desired result. The patient will be required to painstakingly fulfill all the doctor's instructions.

In addition to washing with Tonsilor, ultrasonic treatment of the tonsils is carried out. Ultrasound promotes cavitation, in which gas bubbles form. Collapsing, they dilute the contents of the gap, cause the death of microbes. Additionally, the device allows for phonophoresis. The essence of the procedure is to supply medication to the tonsil while being exposed to ultrasound. This ensures the penetration of the drug into all recesses and channels. A contraindication to such treatment in chronic tonsillitis is only the early stage of pregnancy. In addition, any washing cannot be carried out in case of acute infectious diseases accompanied by fever, oncological diseases, and tuberculosis.

The use of traditional medicine

How to treat chronic tonsillitis to forget about it forever? There are many recipes that have been tested by time and approved by doctors. One of them is propolis tincture. You can buy it at the pharmacy or cook it yourself. First, 10 g of propolis is crushed, poured into a small container, 10 ml of 70% alcohol and 100 ml of water are poured. Set aside in a dark place for a week, shake occasionally. The finished tincture is added 2-3 drops to tea with honey. Propolis can be simply chewed after meals, 2 g 2-3 times a day. The course should last no more than a month.

You can prepare a garlic solution with milk. For him, crush 2-3 cloves of garlic, pour a glass of non-hot milk. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes, filter, use for rinsing. The best result is obtained by alternating rinses. For example, one day herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, sage), the other - a solution of garlic or propolis.

Garlic is considered an indispensable remedy against infection. Therefore, it is often found in recipes for tonsillitis. Fresh garlic juice is recommended to lubricate the tonsils with inflammation. It can be inhaled. For her, you will need diluted garlic juice (10 parts of water for one part of juice, 20 parts of water for children). Hot liquid is poured into a container, breathing over it with a wide-open mouth.

A good result in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis shows an infusion of cloves. A glass of boiling water pour half a teaspoon of kidneys. They are insisted for 30 minutes, taken in a warm form 1/3 cup after a meal. You can make a kind of milkshake. You will need a glass of hot milk with the addition of a pinch of pepper and turmeric. Prepare the mixture at night, drink before going to bed. This drink can be given to children.

An excellent vitamin composition can be prepared in the summer from beets, cucumbers and carrots. It is necessary to mix 100 ml of cucumber and beetroot juice, add 300 ml of carrot juice to them. The finished composition should be drunk every day.

Preventive actions

Doctors are often asked the question: is it possible to cure chronic tonsillitis? Yes, you can, but you will have to make an effort, you need to tune in to a long process. Treatment for chronic tonsillitis is aimed not only at preventing the disease, it also provides for the correction of lifestyle. It includes giving up bad habits, increasing physical activity, good rest. All these activities help strengthen the immune system, minimize the negative impact of frequent colds.

For the prevention of tonsillitis, patients are recommended climatotherapy. It is useful to spend more time on the sea coast. Humid air, enriched with minerals, iodine has a positive effect on the condition of the mucosa. Swimming in combination with sunbathing also helps to strengthen the body.

It is necessary to properly organize the regime of work and rest. No wonder stress and overwork is one of the common causes of many diseases. It will be useful to reconsider the diet. It should contain less fatty, salty, spicy foods that irritate the mucous membrane and provoke inflammation. A properly selected diet will help remove toxins, increase immunity, and protect the mucous membrane from irritation. Preference should be given to boiled or steamed dishes, in the form of mashed potatoes or a liquid consistency. Meals should be fractional, portions are small.

Inflammation of the tonsils is a painful and rapidly progressive disease. Therefore, you need to know how to get rid of a sore throat without allowing complications. There are many methods of treatment with the use of medicines and the use of folk recipes. Physiotherapy accelerates recovery. Officially, the disease is called acute or chronic tonsillitis.

Tonsils are lymphoid formations that are part of the human immune system. This paired organ traps and neutralizes pathogens that enter from outside. But with a weakened immune system, phagocytes are not able to cope with active pathogenic microflora. Then the inflammatory process begins.

The causative agents of angina are bacteria from a number of cocci. Staphylo- or streptococci damage the mucous membrane of the throat, neutralize immune cells, the infection enters the circulatory system. Each person has a moderate amount of opportunistic microorganisms, but under these conditions they are activated and begin to release toxins that are detrimental to the body.

Angina in adults and children begins after the penetration of virulent bacteria into the body. Common routes of infection:

  • Airborne. A fatal "portion" of microbes gets from a sick person through the air: when coughing, sneezing, the infection spreads to 2-3 meters.
  • Contact-household, food. You can not use common hygiene items, utensils, eat leftover food.

Angina can be especially violent in children. In toddlers, immunity is in the formation stage, so a bacterial infection quickly causes a response, almost without encountering resistance from phagocytes.

Dangerous cocci and for an adult audience. It is important to remember that wet feet or drafts can only shorten the incubation period or increase symptoms. The reason for the appearance of the inflammatory process on the tonsils is active bacteria. A contagious disease is transmitted to random passers-by, household members, and everyone who has been in contact with the patient. Less commonly, angina is caused by viruses (for example, herpes) or fungi.

How to recognize angina

Initially, catarrhal angina begins, in which the tonsils turn red. But in the absence of timely adequate treatment, or in a weakened patient, types of purulent tonsillitis develop:

  • Lacunar. The tonsils are hyperemic and edematous, plaque is noticeable in the lacunae (folds).
  • Follicular. Against the background of the inflamed mucosa, follicles with exudate are visible. When they crack, the contents spread, intensifying the pathological processes. Ulcers form.

Negligent attitude to the disease leads to tissue necrosis, threatens with serious complications.

The causes of the disease may be different, but the symptoms are common. Recognizing the onset of tonsillitis is simple:

  • Sudden sharp deterioration in well-being.
  • Headache.
  • Rapid rise in temperature to 39 o and above. It is difficult to knock it down even for a few hours.
  • Muscle aches, weakness.
  • With intoxication, nausea and vomiting appear. Characterized by lack of appetite.
  • Visually visible are red swollen tonsils or the presence of plaque, abscesses.

Less pronounced symptoms can distinguish an adult's angina, hyperthermia is possible from 38 o. Then there is pain when swallowing, turning into constantly felt discomfort, perspiration or burning. With increased swelling, the pharynx narrows, breathing becomes difficult.

An additional symptom that determines the sore throat of a child or an adult is inflammation of the lymph nodes. These formations contribute to the filtration and capture of foreign microorganisms, therefore they are attacked by pathogens of the disease. Lymph nodes enlarge, harden, become painful.

Knowing how angina manifests itself, it is easy to start treatment on time, to prevent infections from developing.

How to quickly get rid of a sore throat

Each patient wants to quickly get rid of a sore throat. At the first unpleasant sensations, it is worth gargling with a solution that is easy to prepare: salt, soda plus 2-3 drops of iodine will help stop inflammation, temporarily clear the mucous membrane.

Be sure to visit a doctor. The doctor will determine the nature of tonsillitis, prescribe treatment taking into account individual characteristics. If the pathogens are bacteria, then antibiotics are required. You can not interrupt the course even if you feel better. The active substances of the preparations should not only weaken the pathogenic microflora, but also destroy it. If you refuse these drugs, then the chances of the transition of the disease to a chronic state increase or in the future cocci will become resistant to this type of antibacterial agents.

Compliance with bed rest will speed up recovery: the body can actively fight the disease without wasting efforts on maintaining other functions. Abundant drinking regime helps to eliminate toxins. To maintain the mineral balance, warm mineral non-carbonated alkaline water is recommended.

Food should be neutral, not irritate the mucous membranes: put aside your favorite spicy foods and do not drink hot tea.

Strengthening the protective capabilities of the body will help to get rid of a sore throat forever: walking, exercise, a balanced diet, the use of high-quality dietary supplements will allow you to stay healthy, immune to infections.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis

Purulent tonsillitis may not appear immediately. Acute (catarrhal) inflammation begins, which is characterized by significant redness of the mucosa, some swelling of the tissues. If the immune system is strong enough, then the process can be stopped.

Often a sore throat develops quickly, a grayish coating or abscesses appear. Self-medication in such a situation is dangerous. How to effectively get rid of purulent tonsillitis can only be told by a physician. He will assess the severity of the condition, select the combined drugs that complement and enhance the effect of each other.

In the treatment of angina can not be limited to half measures. The main drug in the fight against infection is an antibiotic. The main groups are popular and effective for the treatment of ENT organs.


Amoxicillin is produced in granules for suspension, tablets, capsules. There are dosages for adults and children. Amoxiclav is a drug with clavulanic acid, which protects the active ingredient from destruction. Flemoxin is similar in composition to Amoxicillin, but has other additional ingredients. Flemoklav contains clavulanic acid. The latter drugs are available in the form of dispersible (soluble) tablets with a citrus flavor, which makes them attractive to the child.


They are given a shortened course. Sumamed, Azicin, Azithromycin remain active for 2-5 days after the last dose. Produced in tablets, in the form of a powder for the preparation of suspensions, capsules. The active substance is azithromycin dihydrate.


They are prescribed in the presence of allergies to other antibacterial substances or in accordance with the severity of the condition. They are well tolerated by adults. Children are prescribed some names according to a special scheme. These drugs are resistant to the action of enzymes secreted by pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, they are highly active. Sorcef, Cefuroxime, Cephalosporin act in cases where there is resistance to traditional drugs.

The penicillin group and cephalosporins block the creation of protein walls of bacterial cells, macrolides destroy microorganisms, stopping the formation of an intracellular structure. In complicated conditions, it is possible to administer drugs by injection.

Auxiliary agents are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Before buying them, you should consult a doctor: the ingredients may not be combined with systemic drugs or have side effects that are unacceptable for you. In the treatment of purulent or catarrhal tonsillitis, you can use:

  • Furacilin - today it is in the form of a ready-made rinse. The drug inhibits the activity of bacteria on the mucosa, disinfects. Approved for use for children who have learned to gargle.
  • Tantum Verde in a ready-to-rinse solution, in the form of a spray or lozenges. It will have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve swelling, anesthetize. Can be used by patients from 6 years of age.
  • Traditional Ingalipt. An excellent antiseptic that relieves inflammation. The combination of sulfonamides and herbal ingredients is a successful effective combination.
  • Chlorophyllipt. Natural medicine can be in the form of an oil solution, alcohol spray, lozenges. Eucalyptus extracts have a powerful antibacterial effect and are considered a good antiseptic.

With purulent sore throat, Bioparox antibacterial spray is prescribed as a local remedy, which destroys pathogenic microflora at the local level. Grammicidin, which contains an antibiotic, and Grammicidin NEO with an anesthetic will help relieve severe pain, enhance the effect of systemic drugs.

The procedure on the Tonsillor apparatus will help. Retracting pus and washing the wound surfaces with a disinfectant solution can cure complicated chronic conditions.

Do not forget about antihistamines, which will reduce the body's response to enzymes, remove puffiness.

How to treat angina at home

At home, along with taking systemic drugs, additional pharmaceutical products, it is recommended to use folk recipes. Phytotherapy has become popular again. Doctors call only one rule: to effectively combat the disease, you can not replace antibacterial drugs with herbs. Folk remedies enhance local immunity, combined with antibiotics.

Chamomile, rosehip, sage teas will help reduce intoxication. Preparation of decoctions, infusions for rinsing will take half an hour, and the effect will be noticeable after the first day of treatment. As a standard, you will need a tablespoon without a mountain of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water. Herbs can be combined: for example, equal parts of calendula and chamomile are an excellent antiseptic.

How to get rid of purulent or catarrhal sore throat at home using simple procedures? Herbalists and healers offer many effective ways:

  • To get rid of inflammation, puffiness, you can use cranberry infusion. If the berries are fresh, then they need to be crushed, and dry fruits - chopped. The resulting mass is poured with boiling water (at the rate of 50 g of berry mass per 250 ml of water). Take 50 ml with an interval of 2 hours. Swallow the infusion slowly, allowing it to envelop the mucosa.
  • Sunflower (olive) oil plus honey. The mixture softens the throat, has an antiseptic effect, promotes the healing of wounds. It is required to combine 100 g of natural honey and 60 ml of oil, mix thoroughly. Slowly dissolve a teaspoon of natural medicine 4-5 times a day.
  • It is useful to rinse with freshly squeezed beetroot juice. It can be combined with vinegar or squeezed lemon. Proportions: a glass of juice will need a tablespoon of additives. The procedure is performed 5 times a day.

Inhalations with alkaline mineral waters, solutions with the addition of vegetable oil of tea tree, pine, eucalyptus will help.

Propolis is considered an amazing remedy for the treatment of ENT diseases. Option one: 5 g of the substance is placed in the oral cavity and absorbed within 3 hours a day. Acute symptoms will become less noticeable after a day. Propolis oil is slowly swallowed before meals according to Art. l. 3 times - morning, afternoon, evening. A 20% propolis tincture is diluted 1:1 with water and the larynx is lubricated with a solution.

Before starting treatment, all procedures must be agreed with the doctor so that the treatment is consistent and effective.

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