How to deal with anxiety before surgery. Physical preparation for surgery. How to overcome fear of surgery

General anesthesia is prescribed to the patient if it is impossible to do without surgery during the operation. local anesthesia for complete pain relief. Hundreds of thousands of people go through this procedure every day. Reduce the likelihood of complications, both during and after surgery, will help competent preparation to anesthesia. The patient is required to strictly follow the recommendations that will help him prepare for the upcoming test physically and psychologically.

In many cases of surgical intervention, it is impossible to do without general anesthesia. With its relevance and necessity, such anesthesia is still not entirely subject to the will of man. Medicine cannot give a 100% guarantee that this artificial sleep will not have negative impact. An honest and open dialogue between the patient and the anesthesiologist is important when planning an operation, which should be prepared in advance.

Back in the middle of the last century, anesthesia before surgery was associated with a risk to the patient's life. Today, thanks to a huge leap in the development of all branches of medicine, as well as due to the use of advanced technologies, we no longer have to talk about death due to anesthesia. However, there remains a small chance of a health hazard human brain(possible mental impairment).

Almost everyone who has to go through this procedure experiences fear, sometimes turning into panic. But, since there is no alternative to such anesthesia, it is necessary to use all available possibilities to achieve maximum safety. To do this, before anesthesia, it is important to prepare your body in accordance with the established rules and the individual requirements of the attending physician. If everything is done as the anesthesiologist advises, the likelihood of complications can be reduced.

The advantages of general anesthesia include such factors as the patient's lack of sensitivity to ongoing surgical procedures, and the absolute immobility of the patient, allowing surgeons to work with concentration and without stress. In addition, the person under general anesthesia completely relaxed, which allows doctors to work even with hard-to-reach vessels and tissues, without wasting time. Another advantage is that the patient is unconscious during the operation, therefore, there is no fear.

In some cases, anesthesia is accompanied by such side effects as attention disorder, nausea, vomiting, disorientation, pain and dryness in the throat, and headaches.

These discomfort are temporary, and their intensity and duration can be adjusted if you prepare for the upcoming operation as required by the doctor, for example, do not eat or drink water for several hours before the procedure.

Preparing for the operation

To the operation under general anesthesia it is important to prepare properly. Depending on the complexity of the upcoming surgical intervention, general condition health of the patient and many other factors, the preparation time can vary from 2 weeks to six months. During this time, the patient sometimes develops a persistent fear of surgery and anesthesia, which is fed by the stories of other patients or anonymous testimonies read in the yellow press.

The anesthesiologist, together with the surgeon who is to operate on the patient, should conduct an informative conversation with precise indications of what you can eat and drink a month before the operation, a week before it and on the day of the operation. In addition, the patient must be examined by other specialized doctors who study the state of his health and also give him helpful tips to adjust, for example, smoking, weight, lifestyle, sleep.

Even before a short and not complicated operation under general anesthesia, at least the following examination of the patient's state of health is performed:

  • blood test (general);
  • urinalysis (general);
  • blood clotting test;
  • general analysis urine.

It is important to tell the truth about how you feel. If the patient was properly preparing for the operation, but a few days before it, he noted an increase in temperature or an exacerbation chronic disease, for example, gastritis, the attending physician should know this! At feeling unwell patient, the operation must be postponed.

Fear of surgery under anesthesia

Feeling fear of anesthesia or a surgeon's scalpel is normal and should not be ashamed of. To reduce the feeling of anxiety, you can seek the help of a psychologist. In many developed countries, each patient must be consulted by such a specialist before surgery, and if necessary, consultations can be multiple. In our country, few clinics and hospitals can boast of such an opportunity, so patients themselves sometimes have to ask their doctor for a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist for a conversation.

It is believed that the patient's psyche is already injured in the clinic, when the doctor recommends surgical treatment to his ward. Even then, in the mind of a person, fear begins to occupy a dominant position. Anyone who is about to undergo a surgical operation needs the sensitivity of the medical staff.

Every patient, without exception, should be reassured and encouraged. If the patient shows a feeling of fear especially intensely (often cries, talks about death, sleeps and eats poorly), he needs an urgent consultation with a psychologist. AT preoperative period Most patients are in dire need of preparation for surgery, not only medically, but also psychologically. There are several areas of mental support for patients:

  • training of children and elderly people;
  • preparation for emergency operation;
  • preparation for a planned operation.

Fear is a strong emotion, which in this case plays a negative role, preventing the patient from tuning in to a favorable outcome of the operation.

Since the consequences of anesthesia depend not only on the anesthetist, but also on the patient, you should carefully consider your own emotional experiences and promptly see a specialist to restore mental balance. You can be afraid of anesthesia or the outcome of surgery, but at the same time live full life without poisoning yourself or your loved ones. To do this, you should prepare for the operation psychologically and physically, controlling not only what you can eat or drink, but also what you can and should think about.

Psychological attitude

First of all, you should abandon the ostentatious bravado and admit to yourself: "Yes, I'm afraid of anesthesia." Fear is experienced by every patient who has to go through a serious surgical intervention. it normal condition, as a person is used to control the work own body, and the thought that he will be helpless inspires fear and anxiety. In addition, there is a fear for the consequences of anesthesia and the success of the operation itself. Such anxiety is normal if it is not constantly present and does not disturb the patient's usual rhythm of life.

In order to psychologically prepare for the operation under anesthesia, experiencing fear, you can do auto-training, yoga, meditation. It is enough to master the technique of proper relaxation and breathing in order to feel peace of mind and peace in just a few sessions. Breathing exercises and a positive attitude will help overcome fear and panic.

Physical training

Apart from psychological aspect body preparation is important:

  • about all accepted medicines(even about 1 aspirin tablet) the anesthesiologist and the attending surgeon should know;
  • should tell doctors about the recent previous diseases and allergic reactions;
  • it is impossible to hide the diseases transferred in the past, which are considered indecent by the people (syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis);
  • you can not eat or drink 6 hours before the operation;
  • quit smoking preferably 6 weeks before the appointed date;
  • must be removed from the mouth removable dentures and piercing;
  • need to be removed contact lenses and hearing aid(in the presence of);
  • decorative varnish is removed from the surface of the nails.

A week before the operation, you should eat foods that help cleanse the intestines from toxins and gases. If you prepare correctly, the body will tolerate anesthesia easily and without complications. A competent approach and compliance with the instructions will help not to be afraid of the upcoming procedure and will allow you to restore strength after the operation.

It was like a surgeon before an operation: he washed his hands, tidied up his instruments, checked the room ... So did I: I drank delicious tea, warmed up my laptop, collected my thoughts. The time has come.

I knocked on the surgeon's door (in fact, I've been meaning to do this for thirty years). “Come in,” he heard behind the door. I still had the determination to enter or run away, as if in a teenager love was mixed with fear of rejection. I was scared, but the fatigue from my complex took over. I entered.

A young surgeon sat at the table. I remembered excerpts from Viktor Tsoi's song: “Tomorrow, somewhere in one of the hospitals, the hand of a young surgeon will tremble”. Oh, these ambivalences, when it is necessary to accept important decisions In my life. On the other hand, I developed a lot of trust and sympathy for this young surgeon good looking.

He listened to my situation. The situation was not critical for him, and he gradually began to get me thinking, not in a hurry, and the like. I told him that I have been thinking since early childhood. Then, he began to convince me, as, probably, they convince a girl who decided to increase her breasts from the second to the third size.

The most interesting thing is that when a person is in a state of internal, he can make the most absurd, ridiculous decision. For example, a girl might buy the twelfth purse (two of which are very similar) when she actually came to the store for boots. A man can get married without being fully aware of this, and ruin life not only for himself. I, having listened to him, left the office even more doubtful, even more afraid of the operation that I so wanted to do.

The fear of the operation increased. In my hand I had an introductory booklet of one cosmetology center. I was well aware that "my" surgeon simply did not want to solve my delicate situation, and decided to redirect me to other specialists, but this did not make me feel better. Like every doubting person, I had the opportunity to buy time.

I called that center, and to be honest, I was looking for an excuse not to contact them for a service. It happens that it is necessary to make a decision in life, for example, to refuse something, but somehow the character does not allow it. Then a situation comes to the rescue, which allows you to transfer the responsibility for making a decision to another. This often happens in relationships when, for example, a girl decided to break up with a guy, but there is simply no reason for this. Then there is the possibility of finding these reasons, or inventing them. So I, listening to a consultant on the phone, looked for reasons not to contact that center. Why? Don't know. Perhaps because of continued doubts.

I noticed that a person is able to get used to everything: humiliation, poverty, loneliness, prosperity, love, work, pain .... Sometimes, he is able to vigorously defend his habits, defending them with quite reasonable arguments and excuses. I understood perfectly well that habit plays a significant role in my doubts, and I defended it as best I could.

I turned to another center in another city, and there I found good reason do not contact them. Tired of running around and fearing the operation, I, like a soldier in front of an advancing enemy, said to myself, - oh, it was, it wasn't, and again knocked on the door of the first surgeon.

When I have doubts, then I do, as it were, half, a third, half my strength, a little pretend. Then I noticed that with such inspiration, whatever the result, I remain unsatisfied, hungry, vulnerable. When there is no appetite, then it is impossible to satisfy it. I decided that from now on I will start things with a clear feeling that I either WANT, or let them go with - I DON'T WANT. If you need to wait for a clear awareness of one of the feelings, I will wait, because half-measures have ceased to satisfy me.

When it is difficult to decide, and there is no way to wait, then you can try a little to understand more clearly. For example, I have food in front of me, but I don’t know if I want it or not. Then it is enough just to smell it, and the soul with the body will unconditionally pass its verdict. By the way, the decision will come immediately, the first thought is correct. But, I kind of deviated from the main topic a bit ...

We agreed on the date and time of the operation. There are times in life when the support of family and friends is incredibly important. It was that period. One good word able to heal spiritual wounds much faster than just ... Maybe because of their fear, or a sense of rightness, some managed to add fuel to the fire with their doubt and disbelief. Then, I wanted to get angry, run away like a child and prove that they are wrong. Damn, one word, just one word can sometimes change a person's life in one direction or another.

Now is the time. I lay down on the operating table. Time dragged on for an incredibly long time. The surgeon and assistant cut and darned me like they were doing business as usual no fuss: reading a newspaper, or smearing butter on bread. No sympathy, though, I don't show any sympathy when I put butter on bread. It seemed that if they were in the same pain, terribly and not pleasant, then this would somehow alleviate my suffering.

I want to give credit to my surgeon, he did everything wonderfully. We went to his office (performed an operation under local anesthesia), where I settled with him. I paid him more than the prescribed amount. I don’t know, maybe because he really treated me quite well, maybe in this way I tried to buy hope from him for speedy recovery. He, in turn, thanked me and prescribed the necessary medicines.

I left the hospital. The mood was the most disgusting. It felt like I was being raped in my heart. It is strange to write this, especially for a man who has not endured violence, but for some reason this feeling accompanied me.

The fear of surgery is natural reaction body to the upcoming outside interference and violation of its integrity. Fear covers all fronts at once: rational fear, telling us about possible consequences, and the unconscious, working on the instinct of self-preservation - violate the cover of my body - this is a danger!

Most people are very wary of the work of doctors, too clear associations have developed. After all, medicine is most often remembered when it is bad and painful. Any trip to the clinic is perceived with apprehension and suspicion. What can we say about situations when a person is diagnosed and recommended surgical intervention? However, it is worth mentioning that fear is also experienced by people who voluntarily go under the knife. This is about plastic surgery when the life and health of the patient is not at stake, but, for example, a beautiful nose or a thin waist.

Fear of surgery has a lot of legitimate reasons. In addition to natural unconscious reactions, there is a completely natural fear of the unknown. Moreover, the unknown, for which you can pay with your health or even life.

Any person is insanely scary total absence control in your life. In the process surgical operation absolutely everything is in the hands of specialists and nothing depends on the patient. The idea that it is impossible to influence what is happening in any way makes some people show their will by refusing to carry out the operation.

Sometimes this is extremely harmful and deadly for the patient.

In such situations, doctors are forced to sign a document in which a person confirms that he is aware of the negative consequences in case of refusal of prompt assistance. The fear of the unknown leaves a person, he knows that he will live for another six months, for example, but he does not risk dying on the operating table today. This is his legitimate choice.

This behavior is inherent in people who are used to controlling everything and never placing responsibility for their lives on someone. It would seem that such a useful and healthy quality can make it impossible to risk trusting and extend your life.

Among the reasons for the fear of surgery may be a negative experience, both personal and loved ones. How will anesthesia work? Will it really hurt? What negative consequences are possible after the operation? A lot of questions often remain unanswered.

First, not everything can be predicted. Secondly, doctors, especially surgeons, are often not in the mood to devote the patient to all the subtleties, and indeed, to take care of his psychological state. And this is not at all due to the inhumanity of specialists. It's just not their job, their task is to carry out the operation with the maximum possible positive effect. This is especially true for urgent operations, when there is very little time for soothing and encouraging speeches.

Signs and manifestations of fear

Acute fear can significantly affect physical state person. Fear can show up usual symptoms alarms:

  • intrusive thoughts;
  • dizziness;
  • high blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus.

Frank panic attacks. Especially on the night before the upcoming procedure, the state can reach extreme anxiety. Patients may ask to delay or reschedule surgery due to fear. Real awareness of its need can help to overcome fear. To do this, it is important to insist that the doctor explain in as much detail and intelligibly as possible what exactly they will do to you, and what risks there will be if the operation is canceled.

You must clearly understand the pros and cons. Nowadays, far from free medicine, you should not have any doubts that this operation is necessary for you, and not for a doctor. And when you accept the thought that this is a necessity, it becomes easier to focus on the future, for example:

  1. What can you do after the operation
  2. How much better will your health be?
  3. Why do you need surgery.

If a we are talking about plastic surgery medical indications- then it is quite possible that sessions of competent psychotherapy will help to achieve the result that you assign to plastic surgery.

Important! Don't forget to be completely honest with your doctor. necessary information About Me. A complete medical history is one of the keys to a successful surgical treatment. Do not hide any information that “discredits” you, which the specialist asks about:

  • past illnesses;
  • previous operations;
  • dependencies;
  • allergies.

Hiding something will only add more to your worries.

How to overcome fear of surgery

Getting rid of the fear of surgery is almost impossible. However, mild anxiety and panic terror are Different things. If the operation is unavoidable, you understand this, but you can’t help yourself – contact a specialist. If the operation is not urgent and you have time to visit a psychotherapist, that would be great.

If you have already been admitted to the hospital, there are several days or even hours before the operation, and the fear is growing, inform your doctor about this. If it is possible (not to affect the operation), he will prescribe you a sedative. If you are forbidden to take any funds, talk with him about the upcoming manipulations, the consequences and the rehabilitation period.

It is strongly discouraged to absorb unfiltered information from the Internet. After all, all these jokes about the fact that “whatever I decide to do, my grandmother has a story about how someone died from this” is not at all funny when you have an operation, and you constantly stumble upon reviews, like someone everything was bad just from such a procedure.

Remember, every minute people are hit by cars on the streets, but knowing this, you do not refuse to cross the roads. However, you should not completely ignore any information either. For example, again, if you have time, read reviews about clinics and specialists, consult different doctors. Find a specialist that suits you, whom you are ready to trust, despite your fear of surgery.

If you need to overcome the fear of the operation, when everything is ready and the last night or day remains, try to distract yourself. It sounds extremely banal, however, it works and produces the most positive effect. “How can I calmly read a book or watch a movie when I have an operation tomorrow!” Any anxious person will say. Nothing will depend on you anyway, your excitement will only negatively affect, so why not try to do something abstract.

Rituals will help believers cope with fear. Prayer to God also distracts and gives confidence. One way or another, a person needs support. And if religion is not an outlet for you, then close people can provide the best support. Do not be afraid to talk about your fears, confess them, say everything. The realization that someone next to you listened, understood, supported - alleviates your condition.

Sometimes there are situations when through empathy you get rid of anxiety. For example, there are people in the ward with you who, like you, are afraid. Or your relatives: wife, husband, children, parents - worry about your life so much that you, empathizing with them, are distracted from your fear.

About the fear of surgery and how to overcome this fear, says professor and doctor medical sciences in this video:

For people who can dive into their inner world, meditate, apply breathing and relaxation techniques, it can also be great way overcome fear of surgery. Relaxation, calmness, awareness, thoughts about the future and, of course, human communication - these are the main tips of psychologists for preparing for a surgical operation.


Surgical procedures are a pleasant and positive act, however, very often even absolutely safe operations, with zero risk, cause extreme anxiety, fears and concerns in suspicious people. The instinct of self-preservation is on the defensive and this is completely natural. In the article, we told what to do in such situations, how to cope with fear and obsessive thoughts. Don't forget to pay attention to your psychological state not only in acute crisis moments, but also in everyday life.

Fear accompanies throughout life: it is expressed in simple phenomena or in fear of a responsible event. Anxiety determines behavior and habits.

Fear of surgery is an irrational fear, but not as groundless as most phobias. A person does not understand what is happening and is deprived of control over the situation, so it is very difficult for him to cope with obsessive thoughts before surgery.

The reasons

It's normal to worry before a major operation. It's natural defensive reaction psyche in front of the unknown.

Reasons for fear:

  • fear of the unknown;
  • fear of pain;
  • fear of medical negligence;
  • fear of consequences.

Uncertainty in medical workers These are beliefs acquired as a result of negative experiences. It forces you to avoid medical institutions, Deny required examination. The frightened man postpones the operation. Such fear harms, allows the disease to progress.

Influence of anesthesia

An operation under anesthesia is performed when the patient is unconscious. Loss of control is frightening, it forms the basis of a strong fear.

Under anesthesia, a person does not evaluate the behavior of medical personnel. He is unable to influence the course of the surgical intervention. It is difficult for people who do not trust anyone but themselves to accept an operation with anesthesia. They are reserved and demanding.

Fear and mysticism

Another reason for fear is the belief that the soul is not attached to the body in an unconscious state. The patient is afraid to lose this connection and delays surgery. Some believe that under anesthesia a person approaches a fine line between life and death.

For them, consultation with a psychologist is necessary, which will help to cope with the cause of fear.

Getting rid of fears

To overcome the fear of a complex operation, you need to understand what it is. Fear is a reaction to a possible threat. Fear does not appear without a reason. It needs a foundation to create internal stress.

Get rid of the fear of surgery will allow:

  • work on thinking;
  • consultation with a psychologist;
  • informative conversation with medical staff;
  • physical and psychological preparation.

It is important for the patient to tune in to positive results and reassure loved ones.

Working on thinking will allow not only to survive surgery, but also to prepare for rehabilitation.

The right attitude

The preoperative period includes a long phased examination of the body. All this time, the person is tuned in to the operation. If there are serious concerns, the patient should consult a psychologist.

It is common practice for cancer patients or people with serious illnesses to without fail are under the supervision of a psychologist.

For such patients, illness is a physical and moral test.

Therapy and autotraining

To overcome fear, you need to trust the surgeon. To combat lingering phobias or repressed fears, cognitive behavioral therapy and autotraining.

Behavioral therapy is based on incorrect settings. The fear caused by the thought will go away if the person analyzes it again. Behavioral therapy is carried out by a psychologist who conducts a frank dialogue with the patient, but does not forcibly inspire correct conclusions.

Studying the details of a future operation

It is scary for the patient that he does not understand what is happening to him. He can seek help from a surgeon and dispel possible fears. If he is afraid of anesthesia, he should know everything possible risks and complications after surgery. Such information destroys the fear based on the fear of the unknown.

For the operation, anesthesia is used in an individual dosage. It is administered through a simple injection and is painless for the patient. Advantages of the procedure with the introduction of anesthesia:

  • lack of sensitivity during the operation;
  • immobility;
  • relaxation of the whole body.

Along with these advantages, psychological factor: while a person is unconscious, he cannot experience fear or great excitement.

The doctor controls the progress of the operation, so before carrying out it, you should find out about his qualifications and work experience. Do not be afraid to show curiosity: the fewer questions the patient has, the easier it is for him to cope with the fear of the operation.

Disadvantages of anesthesia

A conversation with the anesthesiologist will let you know about the risks. The main danger anesthesia is an attention disorder. patient in postoperative period be sick. Periodically there is dizziness and confusion.

Headaches are accompanied by dry mouth and a feeling of confusion. Such side effects Anesthesia is not life threatening and is temporary. About possible negative consequences the patient will be warned so that in the postoperative period there will be no excess stress and fear.

Proper preparation

Overcoming the fear of a complex operation under general anesthesia will help the right approach to the operation. This is a forced manipulation that allows you to get rid of the disease.

The patient is being examined. The results of such diagnostics are a forecast, as the operation will take place and what to expect from it. On the eve of the operation, a conversation with the surgeon is held. He talks about all the details of the intervention and answers all the questions of the patient. At this stage of preparation, the authority of the surgeon is crucial.

Psychological attitudes

Preparing for surgery is a must. The lower the patient's stability, the more time he needs to psychological preparation. How to reduce the level of fear on the eve of surgery:

  • get distracted, do a monotonous task that requires attention;
  • talk to family and friends;
  • draw up a rehabilitation plan;
  • come up with a small ritual that will serve as a signal to calm down.

The patient begins to delve into his own anxious thoughts if he has nothing to do. Boredom is favorable environment to develop fear. On the eve of the operation, the patient needs to take free time reading, playing or watching interesting films. If he does not have time to think about the possible consequences, the internal tension will go away.

Conversations with loved ones are beneficial. These are people who know how to calm and support the patient. Planning for the near future surgical intervention, will allow you to get used to the idea that anesthesia and surgery are only one of the stages of recovery. Inner attitude in such situations is very important.

Prayers and rituals

It is not so important what a person believes in, it is more important what this faith gives him. If it is easier for him to lay the outcome of the operation on God, then prayer will help eliminate fear. It is useful to associate certain phenomena with auspicious signs.

The close environment of the patient can participate in peculiar rituals. You should not allow fanaticism in this matter, but an additional incentive will not hurt. He dumps some of the responsibility on someone else, and thereby reduces fear.

Fear of surgerymany experience, but someone has learned to manage this fear, and someone nurtures it to enormous limits, drawing in their imagination pictures of all sorts of complications or lethal outcome. And these thoughts of fear are not very useful for the body, rather, on the contrary, they are able to attract what a person is afraid of. Therefore, it is important to let go fear of surgery. It is important to believe in doctors, the universe and your body .

How to deal with fear of surgery

Your imagination plays a big role. As difficult and scary as it may be, it is important to switch from negative to positive images and imagine how your operation is going well. How do you feel after the operation every day better and better. In other words, program your subconscious for success. This helps a lot. And the chances of recovery increase several times.

If you are a believer, then go to church, or ask your loved ones to ask for your healing. You can also say prayers at home or in the hospital. It calms and inspires faith in healing. There are many facts that show that with the help of faith and prayer, people were healed of many diseases, including incurable ones.

Can help overcome the fear of surgery and self-hypnosis formulas. Speak them constantly and do not let thoughts - fears settle in your mind.

Here are the formulas:

I deserve health and healing

I feel better and better every day

I am programmed for success.

Don't hold back negative emotions. If you feel like crying, cry. Talk to someone about your fears. Don't keep them to yourself. Accept them and manage them in the ways below or any other.

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