We get acquainted with the problem and look for solutions - blood in the urine of a dog. Blood in a dog's urine: possible causes and features of treatment Scarlet blood in the urine of a dog

When walking a pet, the owner should carefully study its natural secretions. There is nothing strange in this, this is done not out of idle curiosity, but in order to determine in time if the animal is ill with something. So the presence of mucus in the feces can mean colitis, and blood clots in the dog's urine can mean kidney injury, inflammation of the prostate, or a viral infection. The article will consider ailments, the symptoms of which may be urine with blood, as well as the treatment used for such an unpleasant phenomenon.

In veterinary medicine, the symptom of a dog urinating in a bloody toilet is called hematuria. It is associated with the development in the body of an animal of infectious diseases or dysfunction of the genitourinary system of a furry friend. Experts distinguish three types of hematuria:

  1. Primary (initial) - urine has a clearly visible red color only at the very beginning of the excretion process.
  2. There is blood on the urethra even if the dog is not urinating.
  3. Final type - characteristic changes in the composition of urine are noticeable only at the end of urination.

It is important to understand that the presence of such a symptom in a shaggy friend is a sure sign that the animal is seriously ill. But this is only if the pet has not previously taken medications or products that can change the natural color of urine (for example, beets). It is not necessary to assume that the process of staining the excreted fluid will always be expressed precisely in a bright red color, much more often the urine has a brownish or light pink hue.

An owner who notices signs of strange color changes or foreign matter in the urine should be concerned about why the dog is urinating blood. Only a qualified specialist can establish the exact causes and determine further treatment.

Causes of pathology

If you follow the statistics, then in most cases the reason why a dog can write with blood is the presence of acute foci of inflammation in the animal's body. However, sometimes a similar symptom provokes the age of the animal, the season and even the breed. Let's look into this in more detail:


The sooner a pet has blood in their urine and is shown to a veterinarian, the less likely it is that the disease will progress. This means that it will not be difficult to cure it. The doctor will take an anamnesis that allows you to determine how often the dog went to the toilet, how long ago the first symptoms appeared, whether he suffered from anything similar before. Obligatory diagnostic procedures for hematuria include ultrasound, blood and urine tests of the animal, and radiography of the abdominal cavity.

Methods of treatment

In more complex cases, when hematuria is caused by tumors, surgical intervention is necessary. Operations are complex and dangerous for the pet's health due to the tenderness of the tissues that cancer affects. They can rarely be completely eliminated by conservative methods or chemotherapy.

Symptomatic therapy is carried out using drugs that relieve pain and prevent the development of inflammatory processes. In the complex, treatment with antispasmodics is acceptable. At home, it is better not to treat a furry friend, this can lead to a complication of the disease and even to the death of a pet.

Normally, the dog's urine is straw-yellow, without a sharp pathological odor. A change in the shade of liquid excrement signals that there is some kind of violation in the animal's body. For example, dark mustard urine comes from dehydration, saturated orange indicates problems with the liver or gallbladder, black indicates a possible oncological tumor. And what does red urine mean in a dog, in other words, if there is blood in it? Let's try to figure out what are the causes of blood in dog urine.

Why do dogs bleed in urine?

Blood in a dog's urine is almost always a warning sign that there is a serious problem. Bleeding may occur for the following reasons:
  1. Hemolytic poisoning- intoxication from rat poisons, which act as destroyers of red blood cells. If an animal accidentally swallows such a poison, then vomiting, convulsions, pain, and blood clots in the urine may occur. Hemolytics include not only rat poison, but also arsenic, some inedible mushrooms, poisons of snakes and spiders. It is important to contact a specialist as soon as possible so that he saves the pet by injecting him with sorbents, painkillers, heart and rehydration drugs. And if there is no opportunity to get to the doctor right now, then at home you should induce vomiting by pouring 20-60 ml of slightly warm water into the dog's mouth. You will also need an enema with water, the introduction of sorbents (activated carbon, 1 pc. per 10 kg of weight). Poisoned poor fellow will need to drink plenty of water, but you should not feed him;
  2. Urinary tract infections- very often the dog urinates blood with cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. With such problems, the urine turns red with blood, and the following symptoms may also be observed: pain during an attempt to relieve a small need, swelling of the genitals (with inflammation of the urethra), fever, futile attempts to pee, apathy and (due to pain and discomfort). By the way, with the listed ailments at the end of urination, blood also happens when a portion of urine has already been released from the urethra of the animal. And in some cases, only small drops of blood in the urine are observed, which can easily be overlooked, so you will have to pay attention to the general condition of the dog. Such an ailment should not be allowed to take its course. In the clinic, the dog will be prescribed antibiotics, antipyretics, antispasmodics, and will prescribe washing of the urethra and bladder;
  3. von Willebrand disease- a hereditary pathology in which blood appears from the urethra of a dog, from its nose, mouth. Abundant bleeding is also observed during surgical interventions (castration, tail docking, etc.). Treatment includes blood and plasma transfusions;
  4. Urates (urinary stones) in the kidneys, urethra, bladder - similar formations appear in the pathology of the liver and blood vessels. If the dog urinates with blood, while experiencing pain, if the animal is clearly uncomfortable to write, then the matter may be precisely in the stones that impede the normal excretion of urine. The appearance of urates contributes to the development of urolithiasis, which also often causes blood in the dog's secretions. And the ICD entails cystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney failure. As an aid to the dog, physiotherapy, bladder lavage, administration of painkillers, diuretics, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics are required. But first it is important to identify what led to the appearance of stones;
  5. Diseases of the prostate gland in males(prostatitis, cystosis, abscess, adenocarcinoma of the gland) - such ailments can not only cause blood in the urine, but also provoke problems with defecation, bouts of vomiting, urinary retention. Depending on the type of disease, the doctor prescribes either medication or surgical treatment;
  6. Diseases of the gynecological plan in bitches(pyometra, ovarian cyst, etc.) - in such cases, the animal may have urine with blood (or bloody discharge from the vagina), the appetite is weak, the stomach swells. Almost always, removal of the ovaries and (or) uterus is chosen as a treatment, since it is impossible to get rid of such diseases with medication;
  7. Damage to the organs of the reproductive or urinary systems as a result of trauma- drops of blood in the urine may also be present in cases where the dog has landed, for example, under the wheels of a car or has fallen from a height. If such an accident occurs, it is important to get to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Worst of all, if blood in the urine appeared due to a severe bruise or rupture of internal organs;
  8. Eating foods or using drugs that color the urine- if a dog likes to eat beets, then its urine may well have a pinkish or even red tint. Excrement can also be stained in an unconventional color due to the “fault” of certain drugs. If the dog is cheerful, eats well, does not look apathetic, it is worth remembering if he ate something that would give the urine a red or pinkish tint.

The dog has blood in the urine: what should the owner do

So, as we have determined, blood during urination is almost always an alarming symptom of some kind of disease. If the dog suddenly peed with blood, it is important not to panic, but to observe the animal for 6-12 hours. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor will definitely need not only the results of tests, ultrasound and x-rays, but also the history of observation of the dog according to the owner. So, you need to remember the following points if blood appears in dog urine:

  1. What is the amount of urine (in case of serious ailments, the bladder is partially emptied);
  2. How often the dog pees (in some diseases, the dog's urinary tract is blocked as a result of the location of stones or after an injury, due to which the animal cannot pass in a small way);
  3. In what position does the dog pee (if the animal bends too low to the ground, sits down, then this happens with severe pain);
  4. Does the pet show pain when urinating (whining, breathing heavily, etc.);
  5. Is there blood in the urine, or maybe there is only discharge on the genitals (for example, when the penis is injured);
  6. How is the pet feeling (is there any, has the appetite disappeared, are there gastrointestinal disorders, etc.).
Based on the owner's story, as well as on the basis of these tests, the doctor will be able to determine exactly which violation led to blood loss. The owner will only have to follow the recommendations of the veterinarian, strictly following the instructions of the prescribed medications.

When the owner notices that the dog is pissing blood, he starts to panic. After all, an animal is the youngest child in the family, when he gets sick it becomes scary.

First you need to understand the causes, and then proceed to treatment. Urine staining is a bad signal for the owner, in 90% it is a sign that the pet is sick. Rarely, such an effect is possible with the use of certain products that contain dyes.

Main reasons:

  • Internal trauma. If recently the dog fought, then he could be injured.
  • Neoplasm. Alas, they are also not uncommon in animals.
  • Stones, sand in the kidneys.
  • Poisoning, especially rat poison.
  • A disease associated with poor blood clotting.
  • Infection, most often the symptom appears after a tick bite.
  • Prostate disease in males.

Why does a dog pee with blood? How to treat? The task of the responsible owner is to immediately deliver the patient to the veterinary clinic to diagnose the problem. If the disease is dangerous, then every hour of delay can cost the animal its life.

It is necessary to compare the behavior of the dog in recent times with its usual state. This will help the veterinarian make an accurate diagnosis faster. Possible accompanying symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • restless behavior.
  • Incontinence.
  • Isolation of blood between urination.
  • Temperature.

Before visiting the veterinarian, you need to clearly consider the answers to a number of questions:

  • When did blood first appear?
  • How has the dog's appetite been for the last three days? What does she eat?
  • Were there fights or injuries?
  • Were there insect bites? If a dog pees blood after a tick bite, then she urgently needs help, otherwise she may die.
  • How has the dog's behavior changed over the past three days?

The answers to these questions will greatly help the doctor to make a diagnosis, and you will also have to undergo a series of examinations. If the dog pees with blood, then the treatment is selected according to the diagnosis.

A common disease among animals. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a urine test and ultrasound of the reproductive system. The analysis pays attention to the following indicators:

  • The presence of protein.
  • Erythrocytes.
  • Leukocytes.
  • Salt.

If the examination confirms a genitourinary infection, then bakposev is performed. It will help determine the type of bacteria and antibacterial agents that can accurately destroy it.

Urine sampling is carried out by the owner of the dog before the trip to the veterinarian. Get a jar intended for people. It is advisable to rinse the genitals. You can use the antiseptic Chlorhexidine.

The jar is substituted a couple of seconds after the dog began to urinate. Dogs do not always favor such a procedure, so the owners do not go out to independently conduct a fence. Then the procedure is carried out at the veterinarian using a catheter.

If cystitis is confirmed, then in 90% of cases the veterinarian prescribes the antibiotic Cifrofloxacin or its analogue Cifran. These drugs are also used in humans. The calculation of the dose is carried out according to the formula - 10 mg per 1 kg of the animal. Apply twice a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks or more. After 14 days from the moment of taking the medicine, a second urine test is performed.

Cystitis can be a consequence of urolithiasis. In this case, the dog also pees with blood. Sand and stones should come out on their own, but this is an extremely painful process. The pet is prescribed antispasmodics. Most often it is No-Shpa, Papaverine, Erva Woolly. But this is all at the discretion of the veterinarian. Stones may also be too large to pass through the urinary system on their own. Then there is no need for medical intervention.

Be sure to prescribe a sparing diet that will prevent the formation of new stones. There are special foods for animals with urinary problems.

Tick ​​bite

In the warm season, insects attack both animals and people. Ticks carry many infections that are dangerous. In dogs, after a bite, babesiosis is more common, which can be fatal if not treated in time.

In a pet, in addition to blood in the urine, there is a loss of appetite, lethargy, nausea, yellowing of the sclera. The first thing the owner should examine the skin of the dog. If a tick is found, it must be unscrewed. Being on the skin, it continues to poison the body. Therefore, its removal is a paramount task.

Next, you need to urgently transport the dog to the hospital. Before the trip, it is advisable to give the animal Enterosgel or any other sorbent. He will not be able to cure, but at least slightly reduce intoxication. Babesiosis is a colossal blow to the liver, since it is the filter of any organism.

An experienced veterinarian will detect a tick infection even at a glance, but blood tests are taken from the dog to confirm the diagnosis. The procedure takes 15 minutes. According to its results, the diagnosis is confirmed or refuted.

If we are still talking about a tick-borne infection, then the pet is prescribed a course of a strong antibiotic, immunostimulants, sorbents, and a diet. The antibiotic must defeat the infection, immunostimulants help the body fight the bacteria, sorbents reduce intoxication, and the diet facilitates the work of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Babesiosis is a terrible disease. Every second dog dies from it. Also, after recovery, serious complications are observed.

Prevention of bites is the treatment of the withers of the animal with special drops, the use of sprays, collars. Processing of the withers is carried out once a month, the collar is an additional measure of protection if the dog goes to rest in the forest. A common mistake is to use only a tick collar.


Rat poison is dangerous for dogs and cats. A dog can swallow a poisoned rat or eat poison left for it. This poison stops blood clotting, because it is a hemolytic poison. Therefore, the dog pees with blood. What to do in this case?

Urgently give the dog a sorbent and take it to the veterinary clinic. If the dog has recently eaten a poisonous substance, then he will undergo a gastric lavage. When more than 8 hours have passed since the poison entered the body, this procedure is already useless. Medical treatment will be given, which may include drips and blood transfusions.

You can’t joke with poisoning, the poison acts too quickly. It is important to notice the first symptoms in a timely manner and consult a veterinarian. Given the huge number of flayers that have appeared, poisoning is not such a rarity, it can happen at any time. You need to keep a close eye on your pet. If he is seen picking up from the floor, then they are reinsured by putting on a muzzle.


Over the past 10 years, they have become more frequent among animals. A dangerous neoplasm does not appear overnight. It grows, sometimes for years. Blood in the urine is a serious symptom, and it appears when the tumor reaches a huge size. Before this, the dog is usually sick for a long time, which contributes to the diagnosis of the tumor long before the formation of blood in the urine, if you contact the doctor.

Diseases of the genital organs

Urinary tract infections are not uncommon in animals. Pyometra is common in bitches and prostate disease in males. Usually it is difficult for pets to go to the toilet, there is anxiety in the process of urination. The disease must certainly be treated, otherwise, at best, it will go into a chronic stage, and at worst, the animal will die.


Frequent infectious disease that requires immediate assistance. You can become infected from a tick bite, while eating food and water. Symptoms are similar to babesiosis. You can’t wait until the disease goes away on its own - it won’t happen.

The pet needs a shock dose of potent drugs, otherwise it will die. Therefore, you do not need to delay visiting the veterinary clinic when the first symptoms appear.

You can also ask a question to our website staff veterinarian, who will answer them as soon as possible in the comments box below.

The appearance of blood in the urine in dogs is noticeable by a change in the color of the urine from pink to cherry or brown. In the vast majority of cases, this symptom indicates the presence of some kind of disease.

An exception is cases when the change in the color of urine is associated with eating foods containing coloring pigments (beets) or taking any drugs. Also, in bitches during estrus, urine can be stained, mixing with blood from the loop.

Causes of Blood in the Urine in Dogs

Most often, the appearance of blood in the urine is associated with the presence of an inflammatory process in the urinary system. Other reasons may be related:

  • with injuries
  • bladder stones,
  • kidneys
  • urinary tract,
  • diseases associated with impaired blood clotting.

In females - with diseases of the vagina and uterus. The cause can be assumed by the time of appearance of blood and its quantity, however, the final diagnosis can only be made after additional studies.

Signs of possible diseases if blood is found in the urine of a dog

Individual symptoms differ depending on the cause of the blood. So, with diseases of the urinary system, the dog may experience pain in the process of urination, urinary incontinence may appear. However, the activity, appetite and general condition of the animal remains normal.

With a disease of the ureters and kidneys, the daily amount of urine may change. The dog becomes lethargic, drinks a lot, but refuses to eat, she may have

vomiting, symptoms of general malaise. If your urine becomes less and less, or if you stop urinating for more than 12 hours, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

Uneven staining of urine indicates that the source of blood is in the lower urinary tract. It may be caused by urethritis, or cystitis. If the urine is evenly colored bloody, this rather indicates a disease of renal origin: glomerulonephritis, nephritis.

What to do?

If blood is visible in the dog's urine, you should contact your veterinarian to determine the cause and determine the diagnosis, as well as prescribe the necessary treatment.

If the only symptom that something is wrong with the health of the animal is only the staining of urine with blood, and the general condition of the dog is normal and she does not have difficulty urinating, then the situation is not an emergency.

You do not need to give hemostatic drugs without a doctor's prescription. However, if the volume of urine has noticeably decreased in the animal, urination is difficult, various symptoms of a deterioration in the general condition are observed:

  • food refusal,
  • vomit,
  • lethargy,

then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Without an accurate diagnosis, self-treatment can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous to the health of the dog. You can, and then go through all the additional studies (X-ray, ultrasound,).

A healthy, well-fed and cheerful dog is the joy of any owner. But if the animal is sick, then the owner is also unhappy. Unfortunately, lately dogs have been getting sick more and more, and the disease creeps up quite unexpectedly, and its course is often hidden. Only occasionally do some owners think about going to the doctor, accidentally noticing the symptom we are describing.

The dog's problem

You can determine the blood in the dog's urine by staining the urine when urinating. The color can be very different - from a slight reddishness to a brown tint. Veterinarians recognize that usually a similar symptom accompanies any disease.

Sometimes, of course, there are exceptions to the general rules, when the color of the urine is given by the animal's food, such as beets, or medication. If the individual is female, then urine staining is also observed during estrus. But in this case, it's fine.

Causes of blood

Why is there blood in my dog's urine? The reasons may be the following:

  1. Inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system.
  2. Traumatization of internal organs.
  3. Urates in the bladder.
  4. Urates in the kidneys.
  5. Urate in the urinary tract itself.
  6. Diseases of the blood coagulation system.

In addition, blood in a dog's urine often indicates cancerous tumors (for example, uterine cancer). There may be poisoning, helminthic invasions and infectious diseases are not excluded.

If blood in the urine is found in male dogs, then most often this phenomenon indicates diseases of the genital organs or prostate adenoma.

With injuries of the penis and the previously listed diseases of the genitourinary system, blood may also appear. And it is not difficult to recognize such a process, because in addition to blood inclusions, there may be pus, fibrin films, exudate, etc. It all depends on the etiology of the existing disease.

Sometimes hematuria occurs when the bitch is unsuccessfully mated. As a rule, if the individual has not reached sexual maturity.

Blood in a dog in the urine is often associated with pathological processes in the uterus and vaginal mucosa. A person can independently assume the cause of the development of hematuria, depending on the moment of its occurrence and the amount of discharge. But the final diagnosis can only be established by a veterinarian by prescribing the necessary tests.

Blood in the urine of a dog: causes, treatment

Clinical manifestations are different and depend on the causes that caused the pathology. Often, dog owners, having discovered a similar phenomenon in their pets, ask the doctor the question: “Why does the dog have urine with blood?” So let's try to understand this topic.

If it is the urinary system that suffers in a dog, then the symptoms will be as follows:

  1. Painful urination. The dog will whine in this case.
  2. Urinary incontinence.
  3. Feeling normal, appetite preserved.

If the ureters or kidneys are affected:

  1. uneven.
  2. The dog is tired.
  3. Consumes large amounts of liquid.
  4. Appetite is reduced.
  5. Dyspeptic disorders appear.
  6. The general state of the body can be described as depressed.
  7. Gradually, the volume of urine decreases, and then it does not flow at all.

If there is no urination within 12 hours, you should definitely contact your veterinarian.

When there is little blood in the dog's urine, and this is accompanied by incomplete staining, doctors suggest problems in the lower urinary system. The following diseases can serve as the cause: urethritis, cystitis and prostatitis.

If urine is abundantly stained with blood, then this may indicate diseases such as glomerulonephritis and nephritis.

What do blood clots say?

In the urine of an old dog, blood clots often indicate oncology. The thing is that if the tumor is very overgrown, then it can damage the surrounding organs. The result is hematuria. Does your dog have blood clots in his urine? If it is a male, then they are caused by inflammation or neoplasms in the prostate gland.

If hematuria appeared after a tick bite, we can talk about a disease such as piroplasmosis. I must say that by the time the blood clots are released, the veterinarian will already know that your pet's condition is very serious. Therefore, this symptom of surprise will not cause.

Occasionally, a similar phenomenon indicates a violation of blood clotting.

Sterilization and urine in the blood

Even after minor surgery, there is a risk of serious problems. In particular, sterilization and castration can lead to this.

So why is there blood in my dog's urine? The reasons in this case can be very different, but most often it is the divergence of the seams. Therefore, you need to urgently go to the doctor.


Dogs living in rural areas spend a lot of time free-ranging, sometimes visiting rural dumps. Because of this, they often eat stale foods. And it’s not so scary if the pet is poisoned by a piece of spoiled meat. Things are much worse if the dog finds and eats rat poison.

In such a situation, everything can end badly. Because a large percentage of modern poisons work on the principle of erythrocyte melting. It is because of this that it becomes dark red in color and has clot-like inclusions.


Various injuries can lead to blood in the urine. Even an unsuccessful jump can injure the internal organs, and this leads to a similar symptom. What to do? Of course, take your dog to the doctor. Otherwise, kidney injury can lead to death.

If blood appears in the urine after estrus, then this may indicate a disease such as endometritis, or another similar one, associated with damage to the reproductive system.


Diagnosing the presence of blood in the urine is quite difficult. Moreover, it does not always have exactly red color. With a small amount of hematuria, it is difficult to notice, especially since most dogs go to the toilet on the street. For this reason, only a doctor can determine the presence of blood by taking urine for analysis.

Dog has blood in urine. What to do?

If you notice this in your dog, be sure to consult with a specialist. Only he can diagnose and prescribe the right therapy.

When, apart from hematuria, there are no other symptoms, the situation requires resolution, but is not critical.

Self-medication, however, is not worth it, especially if your pet has the following symptoms:

  1. Decreased amount of urine produced.
  2. Loss of appetite.
  3. Vomit.
  4. Increased fatigue.

If they occur, then a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

Without knowing the diagnosis, do not start treatment, otherwise it can harm.

If there is no time to visit a doctor, call him at home, and only then pass the necessary tests.


If everything happened due to trauma or urates in the kidneys (or bladder), then surgical intervention will be required. There is no other option. The operation is also necessary for oncology.

Sometimes stones, of course, can be crushed by ultrasound. But if they are too large, then this will not be possible, and the sand obtained from their crushing can cause pain shock and even death of the animal.


Now you know why dogs have blood in their urine. The causes of pathology can be different. Therefore, do not hesitate, go to the veterinary clinic: only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

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