Dark discharge in a dog pregnancy 50 days. The closer the birth - the more vigilance. Treatment methods for purulent discharge in a dog

The health of the dog that participated in the mating must be carefully monitored - every experienced dog breeder knows this. One of the indicators of the state of health of the animal is the discharge from the genitals. They allow with the greatest degree of probability to conclude that the bitch is pregnant, and also to determine the condition of the uterus and genital tract of the pet. Exist different kinds secretions after mating, indicating both the good health of the female and possible problems with health conditions that require the attention of a veterinarian. How the course of pregnancy is connected with certain types of discharge in a dog, we will tell further.

Discharge after mating in dogs: causes

I would like to start with the fact that vaginal discharge in one form or another accompanies the female throughout her pregnancy, this is a common physiological phenomenon. Normally, there should be a small amount of secretions, sufficient to ensure the balance of the genital mucosa.

After mating

It is believed that during the first few days after mating, the bitch should be practically free of any vaginal discharge. However, some females have whitish drops, which are the reaction of the animal's body to the partner's seminal fluid.

Active Selection clear slime a couple of days after mating is explained by the following factors:

  • the mucous plug that previously covered the cervix leaves the uterus after sexual intercourse. She does this in parts, because the process can be delayed for a couple of weeks;
  • mucus removes unfertilized oocytes from the body of the female;
  • after a perfect sexual intercourse, blood clots in a small amount can come out of the animal's vagina along with the mucus. This condition does not threaten the condition of the animal and is a variant of the norm.

First weeks of pregnancy

On the initial stage During pregnancy, the animal's uterus, like other genital organs, undergoes significant changes, changing its size and structure. The inner layer The uterus swells and becomes looser, preparing to receive the egg. As a result, a lot of mucus is released, which partially exits through the loop.

If within a few days after mating you notice secretion from the bitch's vagina, then this is a sign that fertilization is most likely successful. Three weeks after mating, you may also find mucus patches that accompany the urination of the animal. This sign is another proof that the female is pregnant.

Changes in the dog's body

As a rule, it is difficult to determine the pregnancy of the bitch until the third week inclusive. However, by the end of the third week, the female's belly begins to grow, and the following changes are rapidly occurring in her body:

Also, the end of the third week is significant in that it coincides with the closure of the cervix, which clearly indicates pregnancy. If from the third to the fourth weeks the discharge is more like water with small patches of mucus, then after the first month they thicken, but retain their translucent shade. This type of mucus forms a kind of protective barrier.

In order to avoid the formation of a crust, which we talked about above, it is advisable to periodically wash the female's perineum. It is recommended to wash the animal's vagina with the help of:

  • clean water at room temperature;
  • baby sanitary napkins.

Soap is undesirable because it can irritate her.

Before childbirth

The weeks that follow rarely cause dog owners any concern about their discharge. However, before giving birth, the dog again leaves a large amount of mucus, which often attracts the attention of worried owners. Intensive secretion of mucus gives a signal that in one or two days the dog will begin to generic activity.

These secretions are the protective mucus plug we talked about in the previous section. And if in the first month of pregnancy this plug was actively formed, then a couple of days before the birth it is rejected, freeing the genital tract, along which future puppies will move during childbirth. Slime can have several shades:

  • white;
  • light green;
  • light brown;
  • transparent.

It also happens that the protective cork does not come off in parts, but at a time - in the process of urination. In this case, the owner can easily miss this manifestation, indicating an imminent birth.

Other signs of the proximity of childbirth

In addition to the loss of a protective plug that accompanies the end of pregnancy, you can determine the readiness of the bitch for childbirth by the following actions:

You can read about how to prepare for the birth of a dog below.

After childbirth

At the end of childbirth, the uterus continues to cleanse itself, removing the remnants of proteins and tissues, because postpartum discharge are a must in the life of every female. For the first few days, the owners of the bitch who gave birth observe the following types of discharge from their pet:

  • whitish discharge with green patches. Greenish tint substances are attached to proteins that exit through the genital tract, which are no longer needed by the mother's body;
  • maroon discharge that does not have any odor should also not alert the owners of the animal, if the dog does not experience discomfort and does not show signs of pain. Normally, such discharge ends on the second or third day after childbirth.

After giving birth, the uterus of the pet continues to be cleansed for a month

The cleaning of the uterus takes place during the first few weeks after the birth of the puppies. Already in the first week, the rich color of the discharge gradually dilutes, becoming more and more transparent. Moving at such a pace, after a month, the allocation should stop altogether. However, these dates may vary depending on the number of cubs in the litter.

Important! If the discharge does not lose its intensity after a month, it is strongly recommended to consult a veterinarian.

What discharge is not normal?

Now let's dwell on those types of discharge that indicate negative changes that occur to the dog and pose a threat to its life. The owner should immediately contact the veterinarian for help if the discharge of a pregnant dog has the following characteristics:

  • presence in mucus a large number bloody patches or direct bleeding from the animal's vagina;
  • offensive smell of mucus;
  • secretion of mucus, which has a constant greenish tint;
  • the presence of purulent discharge.

We will talk about each of the symptomatic manifestations further.

Bloody discharge

As already mentioned, small blotches are the norm during pregnancy, however, when the red tint becomes saturated, and the proportion of blotches only increases, it makes sense to be wary. One of the most dangerous causes of bleeding is uterine rupture, in which there is practically no chance of saving puppies. Moreover, in most cases, the veterinarian has to remove the uterus of the female in order to avoid possible complications.

To avoid subsequent false pregnancy due to hormonal disruptions, as well as empty estrus, doctors recommend at the same time to remove the animal and the ovaries in order to remove any load from reproductive system. Such a radical step will protect the animal from possible tumors of the mammary glands.

By the way! In addition to uterine rupture, profuse bleeding may indicate a miscarriage, which we will discuss in more detail in a separate chapter.

fetid odor

If during pregnancy a bitch emits a strong unpleasant odor, then this may indicate two likely scenarios:

  • the genitals of the bitch are inflamed as a result of infection, which also affected the embryos;
  • the stench comes from dead and decomposing young.

To determine the further course of action, you need to contact the doctor so that he carefully examines the animal. If the cause of the pungent odor is an infection, then the chances of saving offspring with timely treatment females are quite tall. If we are talking about already dead puppies, then the dog is assigned an immediate operation to remove the mummifying fetuses. Otherwise, the animal may get blood poisoning and die.

It should be noted that not all puppies can die in the uterus. However, when several fetuses die, the veterinarian will most often decide to remove the entire litter, since the surviving pups are most likely already infected and will die either in the womb or shortly after birth.

Green highlights

Staining of secretions in green color often goes hand in hand with the appearance bad smell, since both of these manifestations indicate an inflammatory process inside the uterus of the animal. This symptomatology suggests two scenarios for the development of events:

  • the dog got infected intrauterine infection(for example, chlamydia), which now threatens both her life and the lives of puppies;
  • the placenta began to exfoliate in the dog, which is a very dangerous outcome for puppies, since the exfoliated placenta ceases to function and supply the fetus with the necessary nutrition.

Prolonged discharge of a green tint is a good reason to consult a veterinarian even if the animal is on this moment feels good.


Any purulent discharge is not the norm, and purulent discharge from the vagina is no exception. Pus always indicates an inflammatory process, and if it comes from a loop, then the inflammatory process is localized on the reproductive organs. Purulent discharge indicates that the inflammation develops quickly and the owner has a very limited amount of time to call a specialist.

Common symptoms indicating illness

In addition to discharge, which is not always a complete indicator of a dog's health, it is important to monitor her behavior during pregnancy and respond to any changes. You should be concerned about your dog's health in the following cases:

  • loss of appetite and interest in food;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • irritated or depressed state of the animal.

The general apathetic state of the dog, combined with a lack of appetite, is an alarming symptom.


Special attention in the context of secretions pathological in a dog we will give such a phenomenon as a miscarriage. In case of spontaneous abortion in a bitch, exudate is released from the vagina, which may be dark green or black in color, and also contain bloody patches and pus. In some cases, the uterus rejects only part of the fetus, while others are not in danger. However, regardless of whether all the litter was rejected, it is necessary to visit a doctor and develop a plan of further action with him.

Causes of miscarriage

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely prevent the likelihood of spontaneous abortion even today. All that the owner can do is to carefully monitor the health of the pregnant bitch in order to prevent the development of the following situations:

Diseases that negatively affect pregnancy

Excessive discharge often indicates a pathology associated directly with the organs of the reproductive system. In order to recognize in time anxiety symptoms, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list of such diseases that pose a danger to a pregnant bitch.

Table. Diseases that aggravate the course of pregnancy

VaginitisVaginitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa due to penetration pathogenic microflora. The causes of vaginitis are hormonal disruptions, metabolic disorders, as well as infections (sexually transmitted or already present in the body in a chronic form)There are several types of vaginitis: serous, catarrhal, purulent, and so on. They are united by the presence of a whitish discharge, which may have a sharp or (in the case of the catarrhal form) a sour smell. The most severe is gangrenous vaginitis, as it is accompanied by tissue necrosis.
pyometraPyometra refers to inflammation of the uterus, which can be of two types: closed and open. The closed form is more dangerous, because with it the pus does not have the opportunity to leave the uterus, leading to grave consequences. The open form suggests the presence of purulent discharge from the female's loop. In some cases, pyometra turns into chronic form and has no obvious symptoms.Closed form:
1. Refusal to eat.
2. Lethargy.
3. Rise in temperature.
4. Possible fever.
5. Constant thirst.
6. Obsessive desire to empty bladder.
7. Bloating of the lower abdomen.
Open form:
1. A slight decrease in appetite.
2. Slight weakness.
3. Purulent vaginal discharge
Inflammation of the vaginal openingThis inflammation is not a disease as such, but it can lead to various pathologies. As a rule, inflammation of the vaginal entrance begins with damage during mating, if the partner is not too skilledIsolation of a serous substance similar in consistency to sour cream

Video - Types of discharge from the loop in dogs

mating on days 12-14.(April 2,3,4) Knitted 3 days, castle for 25 minutes. Allocations these days are plentiful and bright (the color is closer to dark than to scarlet). Interest in males is active, takes the tail, pulls the loop. The loop is big.

-15th day- dark, copious discharge
-16th day- discharge is dark, the loop is soft. Played with males, but the tail does not take away. At home, he does not stick to bitches, he sleeps.
-17th day- the discharge is more scarce, but darker, almost black-red.
-18th day- the discharge has practically ceased. The color is dark red-brown. The loop is small and soft. Sleeps a lot, eats well 2 times a day. Even dry food.
-19th day- there are no visible discharges. A smear on a brown cotton swab.

2 weeks pregnant dog

April 16. 2 weeks after mating.
Today there was a short-term discharge from the loop, mucous, opaque, chocolate-colored, odorless. The first sign of pregnancy in dogs is the implantation of embryos in the uterine wall.
The dog still eats well and sleeps a lot.

-April 17-18-19. Periodically comes out mucus with blood.
-20 April refused to eat in the morning. The toxicosis has begun.
-April 23.

3 weeks pregnant dog

3 weeks. Eats reluctantly. Nipples are large, bright pink.

-May 2. 1 month pregnant dog.
Toxicosis continues. And the colitis began. Stool with mucus and blood. We give dietary products, but the colitis does not go away.
Started giving vitamins for pregnant bitches.

5 weeks pregnant

-5 weeks. I began to slowly eat dry food, with the addition of sweets. But worth the effort to persuade to eat.
The stool was back to normal.
Today, for the first time on the street, a passer-by child called Ambra "mother-dog". So you can already see the tummy not only to me!

Pictured at 5 weeks pregnant

In the photo with Finechka, our young girl.

7 weeks pregnant dog

pictured at 7 weeks pregnant

By the end of pregnancy, she became quite clumsy and heavy. She ate very badly, slept all the time.

8 weeks pregnant dog

pictured at 8 weeks pregnant

From 3 to 4 June 2010 Ambergris whelped. Cirneco dell'Etna puppies were born: 3 boys and 3 girls. Whelped from 17:00 (June 3) to 4:00 am on June 4.
The first two puppies were born very difficult. Among them was the largest Limoncello. The remaining 4 puppies were born easily, no help was required.
Throughout the birth, Ambra wandered around the apartment, did not want to lie down, gave birth standing or on the go.

In the photo, puppies are 1 day old

one week old puppies

Read our next pregnancy diaries.



Pregnancy and childbirth

The duration of pregnancy in dogs is 56-72 days. In the first weeks of pregnancy, no significant changes in the appearance of the bitch occur, only some have slight manifestations of toxicosis, expressing
Xia in drowsiness, loss of appetite, etc. Usually everything returns to normal in a natural way.
On the 20-22nd day of pregnancy, a person with sensitive fingers and experience can feel the fetuses, but beginners should not engage in such manipulations. Do not disturb the bitch - with a rough probing, you risk ruining the fruit. In the first half of pregnancy, experienced veterinarians do not advise taking females in their arms upside down and letting them sleep on their backs in order to avoid twisting of the horns of the uterus and improper presentation of the fetus. As for the size of the abdomen, the bitch can bear 1-2 puppies and have huge belly. It happens that there are 4-5 puppies, and the belly is of moderate size. One of the signs of pregnancy is the enlargement of the nipples and the lightening of the skin around them. By the 50th-51st day, the puppies begin to move. On the eve of childbirth, puppies freeze.

It is necessary to treat a pregnant bitch with special care, from the second half of pregnancy, do not let her jump and run up the stairs. A pregnant bitch should not be allowed near other dogs. She must be walked daily, while she can run, walk, lead active image life - all this taking into account the duration of pregnancy. During this period, you need to raise the bitch not only carefully, but also slowly, in no case resting your fingers on her stomach. It is easy to lift the bitch and hold it with one hand under the chest, pressing the elbows, and with the other - supporting it under the sacrum. Feeding bitches in the first half of pregnancy is normal. Starting from the second half, if you are using industrial feed, you need to switch the bitch to the food for pregnant animals.
If you feed your dog with homemade food or if he needs additional supplements and vitamins, then according to the recommendations of experts, they should definitely be added to food.
Increase the amount of food weekly by 10%, mainly due to proteins. Nutrition should be fractional, with the addition of vitamins, primarily A, D, E and group B, as well as mineral additives, especially calcium preparations, which the body and developing fetuses need so much. However, an excess of calcium is not only useless, but sometimes dangerous, since an increase in its amount in the body of pregnant bitches disrupts metabolism and provokes eclampsia during childbirth. Calcium deficiency leads to postpartum eclampsia.

10 days before the expected birth, reduce the amount of protein in food (eggs, meat, canned food, etc.).
About 5 days before giving birth, proteins should be removed from the diet. Only if a pregnant bitch categorically refuses cereals, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables, fruits, meat products can be given to her in a minimum amount. Remember that every dog ​​needs individual approach. Feed the bitch more often, especially in the second half of pregnancy, in no case overfeeding her in order to avoid vomiting, indigestion and obesity. There are two categories of bitches: for some, everything goes into puppies, while others get fat on their own. Under no circumstances should a pregnant bitch be overfed and her breasts and ribs should still be palpable with an overall increase in weight and belly size. Most importantly, during a normal pregnancy, the belly should increase gradually, evenly and in proportion to the size of the dog. By the end of pregnancy, the mammary glands swell significantly, increase in size, also increase and become clearly defined nipples.
Colostrum can come 5 days before childbirth, during childbirth or immediately after them, sometimes in the next 3 days. The latter is an undesirable phenomenon that indicates a hormonal imbalance.
AT classic version with light pressure on the nipple 1-2 days before delivery, colostrum is released (thick, whitish-yellowish liquid) or its precursor - a straw-yellowish secretion.

Ideally, during pregnancy, the bitch's loop is dry and clean, but quite often, mucus, transparent, odorless and colorless discharges are observed throughout pregnancy. If the bitch feels good and the amount of discharge does not increase, then this is not a violation of pregnancy, but her individual feature, and there is no reason for concern. However, if the discharge from the loop is colored, liquid or thick with a yellow-green or bloody tinge - this is a pathology, urgent veterinary care.
As for the toxicosis of pregnancy, then, as a rule, it proceeds little noticeably and should not give clinical signs- such as: change in appetite; refusal to eat; vomiting - morning or after eating;
intestinal upset (diarrhea); general lethargy.
You should definitely consult a doctor who will select a diet for your dog based on the condition of his kidneys, liver, intestines, cardiovascular system, etc.
Preparation for childbirth should begin in advance. Notify your veterinarian 2-3 weeks before the expected date.
10 days before delivery, take anthelmintic measures, but avoid giving strong medications or vaccinate.
For a week, prepare a place where the mother will be with the puppies. It is better if it is a collapsible playpen (90 x 120 cm) or a large box that should be raised about 10 cm above the floor to avoid drafts and contact with a cold floor. One of the walls should be of such a height that the bitch could freely leave the nest, and the puppies could not get out of it. Introduce the young bitch to the new place in advance.

The place where the bitch will sleep and feed the puppies should be covered with clean sheets folded in several layers. Prepare a safe heating system: an infrared lamp (hang it over the nest), a heating pad (just don't put it under the bitch to prevent bleeding), or any room heater. The temperature in the box in the first 10-12 days should be about 28 ° C, then it is gradually reduced to 20 "C. Overheating and hypothermia are equally dangerous for puppies.
Prepare a second small box of heating pads for the puppies. There they will lie until the last one is born. It is convenient to take childbirth on a bed covered with oilcloth and a large clean sheet. A stack of diapers and a tray with essentials should be at hand.

So, you should prepare the following:
- oilcloth under giving birth to a bitch;
- a heating pad, preferably electric;
- small box - for newborn puppies;
- a basin for collecting dirty diapers;
- medical or veterinary thermometer;
- room thermometer;
- a tray;
- scissors, tweezers, pipettes sterilized by boiling under a lid for at least 5 minutes;
- different syringes;
- cotton wool;
- gauze sterile wipes (2 packs);
soft diapers from old bed linen (40 x 40 cm; 25x25 cm);
- silk threads (put in alcohol or vodka) in case you have to tie the umbilical cord;
- a notepad, where the first page contains the phone numbers of doctors and emergency veterinary care;
- watch for determining the time of childbirth;
- small scales;
- pencil pen);
- colored woolen threads (to mark puppies);
From medicines:
- alcohol (vodka);
- 5% glucose in ampoules;
- 10% synthomycin emulsion;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- traumel;
- brilliant green;
- calcium gluconate, oxytacin, vikasol, noshpa, diphenhydramine, saline, dexamethasone, sulfokamphoka-in, analgin, vitamin B12 - these injections may be needed in case of premature birth in the absence of a doctor.

On the eve of the birth, trim the bitch's hair on the stomach, around the loop and anus. Be sure to collect long hair in papillottes. The main thing is that childbirth does not take you by surprise. In any case, you should not lose your head and panic. The duration of conventional labor is from 3 to 24 hours. Give the bitch a comfortable spot and don't make her nervous.
Most cynologists believe that one should not interfere with the birth process, but for some ornamental breeds this advice is not good. First, many dwarf breeds they give birth hard and during whelping they need the presence and attention of their beloved owner.
Secondly, the long mustache and beard of some breeds, such as terriers, interfere with the bitch when biting the umbilical cord. So cut your nails short, wash your hands thoroughly, and get ready for childbirth. The first harbingers of childbirth in different females can vary greatly. Most of them, especially primiparas, become very restless, stupidly rushing around the house, scratching and tearing the bedding, whining and even moaning. Some stop eating 1-2 days before giving birth, others are not averse to a hearty dinner and a good walk, and after returning from a walk, they immediately go to the arena. 4-5 days before the birth, the uterus drops in the bitch and the back sags.
Now, if you put the dog towards you with its tail, and with its head away from you and look at its lower back from above, then it seems that its stomach sags down, and the back (spine) is, as it were, separated from the stomach,
and "hungry" pits are indicated. From above, the bitch looks thinner.
In young primiparous dogs, this may be little noticeable. During the last week of pregnancy, the loop increases and softens, especially noticeable in the last 48 hours. Closer to childbirth, a sharp change in the ratio of hormones in the blood provokes a decrease in body temperature to 37 ° C and below, therefore, 2-3 days before the expected birth, start measuring the female temperature 2 times a day.
The temperature should be measured in the morning, before the start of active movement and in the evening, before going to bed, at rest (the dog is dozing, relaxed), otherwise, with active movements or after eating, the temperature will always be higher. The temperature in a bitch before childbirth may drop, rise again, then on some day return to normal again and drop again.
Temperature measurements are very important because the gestation period in bitches on average ranges from 58 to 65 days, and the data on the timing of childbirth given in special tables do not reflect the individual characteristics of a particular animal.
The closer to childbirth, the lower the body temperature and the more noticeable prolapse of the abdomen.
By the time of birth, she is back to normal.

The body temperature of adult dogs is 37.5-38.5 ° C, puppies - 38-39 ° C, respiratory rate - 14-20 per minute in adults and 20-22 in puppies; heart rate - 60-120 beats per minute in adults and 100-130 in puppies.
In embryos, it can reach 240 beats per minute, so it is extremely difficult to listen to the heart of an individual fetus in tiny puppies.
Maximum low temperature in the prenatal period, it lasts from 12 to 24 hours. The puppies, previously actively moving and pushing in the stomach, become motionless.
A few hours before labor begins, the vagina becomes very swollen, the loop becomes very soft and sticky mucus is released from it, which owners usually do not notice, especially in small breed bitches.
If there is a thick dark green discharge, sometimes with a brown tint, then urgent veterinary care is needed (maybe a caesarean section is needed).
Labor begins with a long series of involuntary, at first not too strong and irregular contractions of the uterus. Outwardly, this is manifested in the restless state of the bitch, she begins to scrape the floor with her paws, tremble, her breathing becomes rapid. During this period, about
the expansion of the birth canal.

Intervals between contractions at the onset of labor can be significant, up to several hours.
During this period, the temperature rises. The stronger the contractions, the shorter the intervals between them and the higher the body temperature rises (within the physiological norm).
There is an opening of the birth canal, and thick, mucous, unclear discharge - a "cork" - appears from the loop. Usually it is grayish-yellowish-green in color. This condition in a bitch can last from 1 hour to 1 day. The intervals between contractions gradually decrease, and the strength of contractions and their duration increase. During this time, the bitch is not fed and is usually not allowed to drink to avoid possible vomiting.
Before the start of childbirth, the dog most often calms down, sometimes it seems that her contractions have stopped, but at the same time the bitch often looks back, licks the noose. The stomach is tense at this time. With strong contractions, the puppies separate from each other, and the stomach becomes bumpy to the touch.
Contractions become more frequent, I stronger, more regular, they are joined by attempts. The bitch at this time can take different poses: lie down on her side, sit down,
sya; some give birth while standing, others often change position, resting their paws and back against the walls of the maternity box. At the same time, at the moment of attempts, the bitch raises her tail.
Gradually, the water bubble with the puppy is pushed out of pelvic cavity into the vagina and further under the influence of strong and regular contractions of the uterus and the walls of the abdomen of the bitch, the puppy goes to the exit.
Let's make a small digression and recall that after the implantation of the embryo, the fetal membranes begin to form along with it.
Moreover, each puppy, its umbilical cord and placenta are in their shell (with the exception of identical twins, which are extremely rare in dogs). During the period of intrauterine development, the puppy is in a closed two-layer bladder.

The outer bubble, it is commonly called water, is filled with a jelly-like liquid. It protects the fetus and umbilical cord from compression and mechanical damage. Immediately at the time of birth, the water bubble bursts, the liquid pours out and washes the birth canal, and the baby is born in its own shell. Sometimes he appears from the loop several times and disappears again. The emerging water bladder should not be confused with the fetal one and burst it. He breaks-
or the bitch does it, after which the puppy appears in the fetal membranes.
So, if you saw that a light-straw-colored liquid poured out of the loop, sticky to the touch, sometimes with a small admixture of blood, but odorless - this was the birth.
After leaving amniotic fluid, sometimes not immediately, a puppy is born. Intervals can be up to 3 hours and it is important to monitor how well the process is going. In normal childbirth, after the discharge of water, there is an increase in attempts, an increase in their duration and a rhythmic alternation of attempts with contractions.
If after a certain time the puppy was born, then this interval for your bitch is a physiological norm; if the puppy has not been born within 3 hours, then the bitch needs medical attention and an urgent need to contact the veterinarian.

Childbirth proceeds normally only with the correct position of the fetus in birth canal mother. The puppy's spine in this case is parallel to the mother's spine. The head and forepaws folded under the chin appear first, and after a few strong contractions, the puppy is born as a whole.
The puppy can go out with the pelvis and hind legs - both presentations are normal.
As soon as the puppy is born, tear the membrane around his nose and wipe the muzzle with a soft cloth, then, pulling the umbilical cord evenly, pull out the placenta. The umbilical cord must be broken, after squeezing, so that the blood flows to the puppy. Break the umbilical cord by holding it at a distance of 1-2 cm from the puppy and at the same distance from the placenta with the index and thumbs both hands. You can only pull towards the puppy. Cut a very strong umbilical cord with sterilized scissors and tear it. If the umbilical cord is bleeding, tie it with silk thread.
After the puppy is born, the bitch carefully licks it, turning it over and massaging it with the tongue. Thus, it stimulates his breathing and blood circulation. As soon as breathing becomes normal, the puppy actively crawls to the nipples and begins to suck.
If necessary, rub the puppy vigorously with warm washcloths and suck out the mucus from the nasopharynx. For beginners, we advise doing this with a small syringe or mouth. Other tricks can be shown to you by a veterinarian or an experienced assistant.

Weigh each puppy and carefully inspect it, make sure that there is no cleft lip, cleft palate, tail and limb deformities, count the number of fingers,
check the condition of the umbilical ring. Before the birth of the next puppy, write down the time of birth, gender in a notebook and tie a thread around his neck with a number indicating the order of birth. Put a dry diaper under the bitch. As soon as the next contractions begin, put the born puppies in a box with a warm heating pad.
Make sure that all afterbirths come out. If the last placenta was delayed for several hours, be sure to contact your veterinarian.
During childbirth, the bitch loses a lot of strength, so after all the puppies are born, it is useful to give her some milk with glucose and a few drops of cognac. In dogs different breeds is born different amount puppies - their number can vary from 1 to 20. Dogs of small breeds usually have fewer puppies than large ones. In the first hours after giving birth, it is impossible to tear the bitch away from the puppies, so leave her with the children in warmth and peace. After a while, take her for a walk to her usual place, wash with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
In the first days, colostrum is secreted from the bitch - the secret of the mammary glands, which is formed in the last days of pregnancy. Gradually, within 3-5 days, colostrum is replaced by milk. Unlike milk, colostrum contains more proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.
Colostrum has a high biological activity, it is essential for normal development newborns. Antibodies found in colostrum provide puppies with passive immunity. In addition, it acts as a mild laxative and stimulates intestinal motility, due to which meconium, the original feces, is excreted. Be sure to check if the puppies have passed meconium and if they have diarrhea.

On the 1st day after birth, the bitch should be fed with easily digestible semi-liquid food, preferably fermented milk. Water must be available at all times. During the period of feeding puppies (5-7 weeks), the body of the bitch needs very high-quality high-calorie food, and the need for calories increases weekly by 25%. It is better to feed your dog commercially prepared puppy food, which is quite suitable for lactating bitches.
In the first week after birth, the bitch should not be fed meat, as eclampsia can be easily provoked - special form toxicosis resulting from a decrease in calcium in the blood. This severe and life-threatening complication can manifest itself both shortly before childbirth and within a few days after them. Eclampsia is characterized by the manifestation of causeless fear, anxiety, nervousness, in severe cases, there is a respiratory disorder, impaired coordination of movements.

The bitch abandons the puppies, hides in dark corners, sometimes a depressed state sets in (in this case, you need to urgently consult with a veterinarian). If a doctor is not available, give the bitch 7-8 drops of valocordin with 2 ml of water and 2-4 ml of a liquid solution of calcium gluconate or calcium chloride with a small amount milk. Pour this mixture into the cheek pouch using a syringe without a needle.
Then for several days continue to give one teaspoon of liquid calcium with milk 2-3 times a day. Usually the bitch herself starts to drink it. Can do intramuscular injection calcium gluconate solution (up to 2 ml). In a critical situation, the doctor will give intravenous injections. Be careful, excess calcium can provoke tachycardia.
During the first days after giving birth, the bitch will have an elevated body temperature.
In the first 24 hours, greenish discharge may be observed, changing to reddish and gradually turning into serous-hemorrhagic. The abundance of discharge is individual, but if they are from the first
days are absent or last more than 3 weeks, consult a doctor.
With a favorable course postpartum period the female feeds and cares for the puppies herself. If the litter is large, then starting from the 21st day it is better to start feeding them, and if the mother has a lack of milk, feeding should be started much earlier. Puppies whining means they are hungry or unwell. Sick, infected puppies often scream.
An inexperienced bitch can harm the puppy by trying to hide him from prying eyes, so keep strangers from the bitch and do not disturb her yourself unnecessarily. Give your dog attention, but don't interfere with puppies.

Any bitch after childbirth requires attentive attitude and needs rest proper feeding, walks, daily change of bedding and hygiene.
As soon as the bitch recovers from childbirth, she can be redeemed. For walks, it is better to sew or purchase a jumpsuit that covers the stomach.
Inspect the bitch's teats every day to avoid congestive mastitis.
Its occurrence is often associated with an excess of milk or the fact that there are few puppies in the litter, and they do not have time to suck all the milk.
The affected mammary glands are painful, swollen, hard and hot, with a glossy-hilly surface. Beginning breeders forget to inspect the upper glands, as they are often underdeveloped, and puppies do not take them, but milk can stagnate in them too.
In such cases, within 1-2 days, the bitch is reduced in the amount of food and is given a light massage with camphor alcohol, and then the milk is expressed from
injured mammary gland. They try to put the most active and greedy puppies to these glands. Milk from bitches can be toxic. Acute postpartum inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) also leads to the formation of toxic milk. Puppies born absolutely healthy and strong, after several days of feeding on such milk, become lethargic, cold to the touch, often scream, and literally weaken before our eyes.

Materials on the book by Yu.V. Sergienko "Your puppy".

9 years, 6 months ago

Nazi hyeno-shepherd dog, ambuldog and mysterious mestizos: which dogs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs considered “particularly dangerous” Alexey Baykov, historian and journalist 🥁: Donkey, goat, monkey, pit bullmastiff and superdog, Fenrir wolf and clubfoot bear. In adopted at the end of last year the federal law“On the Responsible Treatment of Animals” nevertheless inserted a clause that served as one of the stumbling blocks in the way of the adoption of all its previous versions. We are talking about giving legal status to the concept of "particularly dangerous breeds of dogs" and the associated special obligations and restrictions for the owners of such dogs. The other day, the Canine Support Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation presented its version of the list of such breeds, where 69 points - a dozen duplicates, almost the same number - non-existent breeds of dogs, and half of the rest are incorrect or slang designations, unthinkable in regulatory documents. But is such a list even necessary? Why is that bad? The world history of breed prohibitions goes back about 30 years, although the roots must be sought much earlier - in the horror stories about dogs that guarded the death camps that spread after the war. The breeds that were the pride of German cynology were the first to undergo public stigmatization: Dobermans, Rottweilers and German Shepherds. In the late 80s, in the wake of the fight against dog fighting, the pit bull terriers were in the spotlight, which at the same time turned out to be the favorite breed of the gangsta from the black ghetto. Which, in turn, also came into the spotlight thanks to Reagan's anti-drug legislation and the "zero tolerance" policy. In July 1987, after a two-year-old child was mauled by a pit bull placed to guard a bag of marijuana, Sports Illustrated came out with a scary grinning face titled "Fear that dog!" passing laws varying degrees fanaticism. The pioneer was Denver, where thousands of dogs that did not bite anyone were seized and subjected to forced euthanasia (or simply shot dead), followed by a similar act adopted by Miami County, then - almost everywhere except the countryside. From 1991 to the mid-2000s, the "breed ban" swept across the rest of the world. In Australia, in Latin America, in Europe and in Southeast Asia, one after another, prohibitive laws were passed. The turning point of the trend unexpectedly became Italy, where in 2003 one of the largest lists in Europe was adopted - 92 "forbidden" breeds, including the completely harmless border collies and corgis. In 2007, they realized it and reduced it to 17, and in 2009 the “breed ban” was completely canceled. Speaking on this occasion in Parliament, Deputy Minister of Labor and Health Francesca Martini finally voiced what dog breeders and cynologists have been trying to convey to public consciousness for more than 20 years: “Prohibitions from past laws had no scientific basis. There are no dangerous breeds of dogs." Today, in a number of countries, laws adopted earlier are repealed, and the focus of safety is transferred to the personal responsibility of the owner for the actions of his dog of any breed. Almost everywhere, the statistics show the same thing - after the adoption of the “forbidden lists”, the number of dog attacks on people does not decrease, but Russia, as always, is preparing to step on a rake that someone has already walked on. Features of the national ban Russia has been trying to introduce a list of "particularly dangerous" for a long time, but the starting point in the current history was the failed bill on keeping animals, prepared by Medinsky, then a deputy of the State Duma. Accusations of incompetence immediately flew into him, but the situation was saved not by cynologists, but by the next parliamentary elections, as a result of which the future minister lost his mandate and the bill was shelved. The current law, by the way, is the same “Medinsky project”, finalized to meet the requirements of animal protection organizations. At the same time, Moscow decided to adopt its own law on animals (before that, the “Temporary Rules” adopted in 1994 with an addition from 2001 were in force). It was there that this insane list of 40 dangerous breeds first appeared (Medinsky had a more modest one - only 8 along with mestizos), which they are now trying to smuggle in an augmented form to the federal level. It was from there that all this fauna of the wastelands of Mordor came, over which they later made fun of the entire Internet: "Daufman's sheepdog", "Vladek Roshchina's Doberman", and of course the king of beasts "superdog and yogo mix with mikong". Let's not further whip up intrigue - the "Moscow list" was completely copied from Belarusian list dangerous breeds, approved in 2003, and that in turn - from the list adopted in Ukraine. Hence the difficulties of translation, such as "Greek" instead of "Greek" shepherd, "yogo cross" instead of "his" and so on. Both lists were compiled by officials who were extremely far from cynology, unable to even check the information on the Internet. Otherwise, they would have learned that the “Daufman Shepherd” (a hybrid german shepherd with a hyena, allegedly bred for the needs of the SS) was invented by the editors of AIDS-INFO. Or that the mikong is an African crabeater fox, and it is not capable of interbreeding with any great dane. Eight years have passed since then. And what do we see? This entire list without changes, but with the addition of 29 more breeds, was presented on March 7 this year on behalf of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And even the translation from Belarusian is still not done everywhere. Therefore, the Greek Shepherd appears there already twice - both by itself and as a “Greek”. Similarly, the list duplicates "American Bulldog" - "Ambuldog" and several other breeds. Blunders of this level are simply unthinkable in the text of a regulatory legal act, since the ambuldog is jargon, the same as writing "chernysh" instead of "black Russian terrier". Some of the breed names are presented there in an outdated or incorrect form, say “Doberman Pinscher” has been simply “Doberman” for 60 years, and “Mallorian Bulldog” is actually called “ca de bou”. And in the same way, there is no breed "Maremma" - there is a Maremma-Abruzzo shepherd dog, the kindest, by the way, dog. It is impossible to believe that this rubbish was written by the deputy head of the Central Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs A.B. Bezzubov, but it is his name that is in the project passport on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation. “He was chained to a battery and forced?” - Maybe. The justification attached to the list looks even more nonsense, where it literally says this: “dog breeds that have genetically determined qualities of aggression and strength, as well as breeds used for harassment, and aboriginal breeds that have not been selected for loyalty to humans” are included. . Native breeds include huskies and malamutes, chow chows, all types of hunting huskies, akita inu and shiba inu, and hundreds of others, why didn’t they make the list? And how to define "mestizo of these breeds"? Almost every third mongrel from the Moscow shelter is a half-breed Alabai in one generation or another, too many of them were bred in the Moscow region. Kill everyone or what? And these are the "why" in this list, as well as in this whole law as a whole, you can shoot a thousand times. But the main question still remains behind the scenes - sorry, but on the basis of WHAT data did you write this piece of paper? And there will be no clear answer, because Russia has never kept statistics on dog attacks on people by breed. Not a single pathologist, not a single emergency room doctor has ever filled out a questionnaire with the column "what kind of dog bit the client." This fact alone is sufficient reason to freeze the adoption this list for five years, or throw him out of the law altogether. What does this threaten us with? At first glance, there is nothing terrible in the text of N984-FZ, except mandatory requirement walk only in a muzzle and on a short leash. But this is if you do not read it carefully, because there is a wonderful postscript - except for "the fenced area owned by the owner of a potentially dangerous dog on the right of ownership or otherwise legal basis". That is, even at general city, municipal or departmental dog sites - it’s impossible. Even puppies - you can’t. Train (that is, including teach not to rush at people) - you can’t. You can’t teach fetching, searching, overcoming obstacles if you Of course, don't buy the playground as your personal property. Because all this requires unhooking the leash and removing the muzzle. Have you seen many of these very dog ​​playgrounds near your house? They simply don't exist. There are miserable crumbs left in Moscow, and the earth from under them is actively being picked up banks, shopping centers and the program for the construction of "temples within walking distance". But Moscow was still lucky, they managed to save at least something there, and in St. The fact is that our service cynology can still live and breathe only in close connection with civilian dog breeding and its avant-garde - athletes. best results, develop new training methods and prepare the best dogs. But if cynologists do not have a stream of clients with “especially dangerous” shepherd dogs, Dobermans and Giant Schnauzers, then what will they eat? Where will dogs come from for the army, the police, the FSB and others like them, given that service kennels do not cover even a third of the need, and everything else is purchased from the population? And where can you find dogs for the volunteer search for lost people, given that the canine units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations working on this profile have been laid off everywhere because there is no money? Only urban dog breeding can be of high quality, which exists where, in a small area, best feed, the best coaches and the best veterinarians. But the direction of the new law is obvious - to make it as difficult as possible to keep "especially dangerous" dogs in big cities, if not to make it impossible. At the same time, turn dog breeders into another "fiscal" category, otherwise the money torn from motorists is already beginning to be missed. There are a hundred other reasons why the very idea of ​​restrictions and prohibitions based on the principle of belonging to a particular breed is insane, but one is enough. At its core, this idea is no different from racism; a similar term “breedism” has even formed in the English language. We can stop this madness together with you if we act or at least somehow indicate our position. Even without getting up from the couch, you can express your opinion at the following addresses: State Duma -

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