Pain in the nipples causes. Pain during pregnancy and lactation. Pain in the nipples as a sign of disease

About 60% of women experience periodic pain in the nipples. In most cases, they are directly related to a sharp change in hormonal levels. In some situations, soreness in the nipples can be a symptom of a pathological condition of the mammary glands.

Cyclic mastodynia

There can be a large number of reasons why nipples hurt in women. One way or another, not all of them are associated with the development of diseases. The phenomenon of soreness in the mammary glands is called mastodynia.

This disease is associated with cyclic changes in the body that are observed during menstruation. So, many women note moderate pain in the nipples during the menstrual cycle, which is usually observed after ovulation or in the middle of it. This is due to an increase in the blood hormone progesterone, as well as prolactin. It is they, together with other biological substances in the blood of a woman, that contribute to the retention of fluid and electrolytes, both throughout the body and in the mammary gland. As a result, there is pain, swelling, due to which the breast sometimes increases in volume.

Non-cyclic mastalgia

The second reason why nipples on a female breast can hurt is. This kind of disease has nothing to do with hormonal fluctuations. It is caused by such pathologies as:

  • inflammatory process;
  • neoplasms;
  • disruption of the pituitary system;
  • dysfunction of the central and peripheral nervous system, etc.

Also, pain in the nipples is often the result of various kinds of psychological disorders (bad mood, anxiety, stress, and others). In addition, sometimes a girl, tormenting herself with the question: “Why do my nipples hurt?”, Doesn’t even suspect that this is a consequence of taking hormonal drugs, for example, contraceptives.

Pregnancy and lactation

Often, women complain of pain in the nipples when touched during the current pregnancy, and a little less often during the period of breastfeeding. These pains are caused by the growth and expansion of the milk ducts in the gland. In addition, the presence of pain can sometimes be one of the signs of a pregnancy that has just begun.

Quite often, young mothers incorrectly position their baby when feeding, which is why a slight pain in the nipples is noted as a result. Also, at the beginning of feeding, the newborn may not grasp the breast correctly, while pulling the nipple strongly, which also causes pain.

What to do?

If a girl first encounters such a common phenomenon as nipple pain, then, as a rule, she does not know what needs to be done. In such situations, diagnosis plays a major role.

First you need to find out if these pains do not have a cyclical nature. If they appear and disappear, then most likely this is due to hormonal changes in the body. In such cases, no treatment is required, and the woman only has to wait until they pass on their own.

Particularly noteworthy are those cases when, along with painful sensations, a woman also notes the presence. As a rule, they are the main symptom of a large number of diseases, the differentiation of which is carried out exclusively by a doctor.

Thus, pain in the nipples can mean both the development of a pathology in a woman's body, and be a separate symptom of a complex disease. In any case, when they appear, a woman should be alert and try to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible, who, if necessary, will prescribe complex treatment.

Often a woman notices that her nipples hurt after certain situations. There are many factors that influence the appearance of such sensations, and the nature of the pain will be different in each case. It is localized in the nipples. A woman can feel a simple tingling sensation only on palpation, or, conversely, very sharp pains that do not stop. Moreover, with strong sensations, the pain will be given to the shoulder blades, neck, shoulders. Some causes require immediate treatment, while others, on the contrary, are completely natural processes, so there is no need to interfere in their course.

Causes of pain in the nipples

Many women are interested in why nipples hurt. There are a number of reasons that provoke the appearance of pain. First, it may be associated with premenstrual syndrome. Almost every woman at least once in her life felt her nipples hurt before menstruation. This happens a couple of days before the regulation. The chest increases, swells. She becomes more sensitive, while the nipple itself, on the contrary, will be more coarsened, but it also swells. And every time the question is asked why the nipples of women hurt before the regulations. This is due to the fact that in the last days before the start of a new cycle, the volume of synthesis of hormonal substances increases significantly. The body produces more prolactin and progesterone. As soon as the regulation begins, the hormonal balance is restored, so that the pain will not be so intense, and then completely disappear. In such a situation, treatment is not required. You just need to put up with such unpleasant sensations, but they will pass very quickly. By the way, with regard to the menstrual cycle, pain in the nipples in some women appears during or after ovulation. Secondly, the nipples on the chest hurt due to sudden changes in the hormonal background, not only with changes in the phases of the menstrual cycle. For example, this can be affected by problems with the work of the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland. Problems with the nervous system can also affect the hormonal background. Any jumps in the hormonal background lead to the fact that the cycle of the female body is disrupted. As a result, the woman will experience pain in the nipples. If such symptoms appear after menstruation, then you need to observe the body and seek the advice of a doctor. Thirdly, disruptions in the hormonal background can cause hormonal-type contraceptives if they are chosen incorrectly. Such drugs must be selected individually for each person and only after special tests have been carried out. Such a thorough study will help prevent hormonal imbalances that are caused by contraceptives. If, after a woman has started using such drugs, headaches, pain in the nipples occur, they swell and other symptoms appear, then it is imperative to consult a gynecologist. Most likely, the drug is simply not suitable for a woman and it needs to be replaced with another one. The second reason may be the wrong dosage, so more detailed analyzes are needed.

Do nipples hurt due to stress? Of course, this can happen. Nervous tension, depression, constant stress, mental disorders and other shocks can cause such symptoms. Such strong shocks can cause the nipples to swell.
In addition, the bra can be to blame if it is not comfortable. This fact cannot be ignored. If the underwear is not properly selected, then it will compress the mammary glands, impede blood circulation, so that in the future there will be discomfort. The bra should not be narrow, tight. By the way, if the nipples began to itch because of such underwear, then most likely the reason lies in an allergic reaction. Irritation may occur due to an allergy to the fabric and its components. If there was no sexual contact for a long time, then painful sensations can also appear. With a long absence of sexual relations, the body seems to fall into hibernation. The hormonal background begins to weaken. As soon as the woman had sex again, the body wakes up - it quickly begins a new restructuring. Various hormones are actively synthesized, so that the nipples will hurt again. With a bruise of the mammary gland, such a symptom also occurs. Other physical injuries can also cause swelling and discomfort. If such symptoms appear after an injury, then it is necessary to check with a doctor. By the way, it is impossible to wash nipples and halos with soap and other chemicals. They dry out the skin too much, especially if you use regular bath soap and not baby soap. Various detergent components harm the delicate skin in this area, so it is better to rinse the nipples with plain clean water. This will be enough. By the way, sometimes women have an allergic reaction to detergents such as gels, so that the breasts and especially sensitive skin on the nipples begin to itch a lot.

Do nipples hurt during pregnancy and lactation

Many girls are interested in whether the nipples hurt when feeding or not. This may happen sometimes. An exact answer to the account of pain in the nipples during pregnancy and lactation cannot be given. This will happen on an individual basis. When conception has occurred, the mother's body begins to prepare to carry the fetus, and then feed the baby. Due to such processes, the nipples can hurt and swell a little. Such not very pleasant sensations will be inevitable for almost every woman. Many women have very sore nipples after feeding, although such a process should only cause happiness, but it can be overshadowed by such severe pain. There are a number of reasons that are most common. For example, the most common reason is the situation when the baby is applied to the breast incorrectly. Because of this, the nipples will hurt. In the process of feeding, you need to carefully monitor how the baby holds the breast. In addition to the nipple itself, it should also capture the areola - this is the area near the nipple. The baby's mouth must be open, otherwise the mother will begin to experience discomfort. In addition, the baby will also remain dissatisfied. That's why you should not lean on pacifiers and bottles when breastfeeding - they are very different in shape from a woman's breasts. Nipples hurt when feeding sometimes due to the fact that breast milk has stagnated. This phenomenon is called lactose. If the baby does not completely drink the contents of the breast, then the milk will accumulate, and then stagnate. After that, the nipples, and then the entire chest, begin to hurt. A lump forms in the chest. To help a woman, you need to put the baby to the breast more often. If the child cannot eat often or simply refuses, then the milk will have to be expressed on its own. Otherwise, there is a high risk of infection. Another reason is various cracks in the nipple and other damage. Such microtraumas appear when the baby cannot properly grasp the breast. As a result, he damages her a little with his jaws. After such a process, the nipples will hurt very much in young mothers, they will bleed. Sometimes there is inflammation. As a result, she may even refuse to breastfeed. But there is no need to panic. The nipples get rough very quickly, the baby adapts to feeding, so that the cracks quickly heal, and mommy will not feel pain. By the way, in such cases it is recommended to lubricate the nipple with milk itself. After the woman has fed the baby, it is recommended to spread a cream or oil that will help the wounds heal faster.

What to do if nipples hurt

If a woman, in addition to the fact that her nipples are swollen and sore, also has other symptoms, then you should definitely consult a doctor. In this case, you will need a gynecologist or mammologist. Such symptoms may indicate serious illnesses that gradually develop. For example, you need to sound the alarm if the color of the nipple and its shape have changed dramatically. This also applies to the areola. The same applies to various secretions with ichor, pus or blood. If sores, erosion, cracks or other damage appear on the nipples, then it is also necessary to be examined. The same applies to redness, pain and swelling of the breast. If the nipples hurt after menstruation and such sensations have not stopped, but on the contrary, they only increase, and they also give to the shoulder or armpits, then it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. As for diseases that can provoke the appearance of a complex of such symptoms, there are several varieties of ailments. For example, it could be mastitis. It occurs due to the fact that any infection develops in the mammary gland. Usually she enters there through wounds and cracks in the nipples themselves. In some cases, mastitis appears due to the fact that the body is too cold. Mastopathy can also cause similar symptoms. This disease is associated with changes in the hormonal background. Progesterone begins to be synthesized too much, and estrogen in the body, on the contrary, is not enough. As a result, the mammary glands begin to dramatically change shape and grow in volume. Because of this, various cysts, seals and other neoplasms arise. Basically, this disease occurs in women after 30 years.
Another disease with similar symptoms is mastalgia. It develops due to long-term depression, breast surgery and a weakened immune system. Also, various neoplasms of a benign and malignant nature can provoke pain in the nipples.
To prevent the further development of such serious diseases, it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible when the first symptoms appear (pain in the nipples). In addition, you must always follow the rules of hygiene. For the care of the nipples, do not use soap and alcohol-based products. Be sure to choose very comfortable underwear. It should not compress the chest. Before you breastfeed your baby, you need to wash the nipple before and after the procedure, so as not to infect the infection. If milk flows out in large quantities, then you need to use special pads. Thanks to such measures, bacterial infections will not get into the mammary glands. Do not press on the affected areas and tighten them with tight clothing. It will also be impossible to sleep on the chest, because. this creates unnecessary pressure on problem areas. In addition, it is forbidden to self-medicate. If the cause is PMS, then very soon the discomfort will pass on its own. But if the reasons are not clear, then it is necessary to be examined in the hospital. If the diagnosis has not been established, then it is necessary to check for the presence of cancer cells.

The appearance of a baby is not only a great joy for every family, but also an opportunity to experience all the subtleties of the troubles associated with motherhood. A young mother needs to carefully monitor her diet, observe the regime of work and rest, learn the rules of breastfeeding and caring for a newborn baby.

The duration of the period of adaptation to new conditions for each woman is different, however, most young mothers quickly adapt and enjoy their position. One of the problems of lactating women is the soreness of the nipples during the attachment of the baby to the breast. There are many reasons for this problem, and a woman should take timely measures to solve it.

Why there is pain in the nipples when feeding

There are many reasons for the appearance of pain in the nipples during feeding, and each of these reasons deserves close attention. If discomfort and soreness appear in the nipple area, a nursing woman should immediately seek help from a medical specialist.

The main reasons for this problem are:

  • Violation of the technique of attaching a newborn to the breast. This is especially true for primiparous women who do not have sufficient experience and skills in breastfeeding. Common mistakes are choosing the wrong position for feeding, incomplete capture of the nipple and halo area by the child, as well as using. In order to solve this problem, it is enough for a young mother to establish the process of breastfeeding.
  • The primary information about the rules of feeding, the woman in labor receives even within the walls of the maternity hospital. In addition, the wards of the maternity hospital should have literature containing educational material, diagrams and illustrations. If a nursing mother has not received the proper amount of information, then after discharge from the hospital, she is recommended to contact a breastfeeding specialist.
  • Improper care of the mammary glands. In terms of frequency of occurrence, this is the second reason for the appearance of pain and discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands. Some women practice frequent washing of the mammary glands with soap and shower gels, prefer to wear tight underwear and wipe the area of ​​​​the mammary glands with alcohol solutions. Each of these actions leads to drying of the skin and the appearance of cracks and abrasions in the nipples.

  • It is recommended to wash the mammary glands under a warm or contrast shower without the use of cosmetics. After a shower, the chest area can be lubricated with cosmetic oil or baby cream.
  • Congenital anomalies of the nipples. This cause is not as common as the above, but should not be completely ruled out. Congenital anomalies include warts in the nipple area, skin outgrowths and folds. Only a medical specialist can fix this problem after a preliminary examination of a nursing woman.
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin in the area of ​​the nipples. Some women have very sensitive skin in this area, which causes pain and discomfort during attachment of the baby to the breast. As a rule, this problem is eliminated on its own in the process of breastfeeding.
  • The rapid stay of breast milk. Painful sensations and discomfort are associated with increased work of the mammary glands, when a woman's breasts are rapidly filled with milk. Over time, the intensity of lactation returns to normal, and the woman ceases to feel unpleasant symptoms.
  • Other reasons. Improper operation, sleeping on the stomach, wiping the mammary glands with a coarse cloth towel can cause the development of this problem.

Whether to stop breastfeeding

Mother's milk contains all the necessary nutritional components that ensure the growth and development of a newborn baby. The appearance of pain in the nipple area is not a reason for refusing to attach the child to the breast. If a similar situation arose, then the young mother is recommended to contact a medical specialist.

How to help yourself

If the problem is taken by surprise, and there is no way to get medical advice, then a nursing woman can use the following tips:

  • The first thing a woman should do is to increase the frequency of attachments of the newborn to the breast. Such a tactic will reduce the intensity of the mechanical impact on the nipples during feeding and reduce discomfort to zero. The duration of frequent feeding is no more than 3 days.
  • Before attaching the baby to the breast, the nursing mother must perform manual stimulation of the nipples. You can stimulate the nipples by gently kneading with your fingertips or by rubbing with pieces of dry ice.
  • If the pain is too intense, then the woman can take painkillers (Tylenol). Before taking the drug, a young mother should read the instructions or consult a medical specialist so as not to expose the child to the negative effects of chemicals.
  • A good remedy in the fight against pain and discomfort are air baths. Before each attachment of a newborn to the breast, it is recommended to remove the bra and ventilate the mammary glands to avoid increased dampness.
  • After feeding the baby, a woman can apply a cool compress to the nipple area or lubricate them with lanolin cream.
  • To reduce the intensity of mechanical action, you can use special ones. Similar products can be found in pharmacies and specialized stores.

If a woman does not help any of the methods described, then she is advised to resort to alternative methods of feeding, such as feeding from a drinking bowl or pipette.

Treatment of nipple cracks

And abrasion of the nipple area is a potential cause of soreness during feeding. The primary task of a nursing woman is to protect the mammary glands from constant wetting and dampness. To do this, it is necessary to use air baths and wear underwear for nursing women.

Ointments such as Purelan, Solcoseryl and Bepanten have a good healing effect.

Cracks and abrasions in the nipple area are the entrance gate for infection, so it is important to eliminate this problem in a timely manner. If a nursing woman has a crack in one of the nipples, then she is recommended to continue feeding the newborn with a healthy breast, and at the same time lubricate the diseased mammary gland with a wound healing cream. To prevent congestion from a diseased breast, breast milk should be expressed regularly.

Vitamin A contributes to the rapid healing of cracks and abrasions in the nipples. The source of the vitamin is natural sea buckthorn oil, which is recommended to lubricate the nipples after taking a shower. Sea buckthorn oil should be on the surface of the skin for 20-30 minutes, after which the woman should remove its remnants with a napkin or soft cloth.

Tea tree oil promotes rapid regeneration of the skin. For the treatment of abrasions and cracks, it is recommended to apply oil to the nipple area with a pipette. In the first seconds after application, a woman may feel a slight burning sensation, which disappears after a few seconds. In order to preserve the therapeutic effect, it is not recommended to dilute natural oils.

When there is cause for concern

A nursing mother should carefully monitor the condition of her mammary glands. The following symptoms are cause for concern:

  • The absence of a visible result in the treatment of nipple cracks for 6-10 days. This symptom indicates the development of a bacterial or fungal infection. The nipples and the halo surrounding them become bright pink, and the nursing mother begins to feel shooting pain in between feedings of the baby. In some cases, the pain syndrome is accompanied by itching and burning. With the development of these symptoms, both mother and child are subject to treatment.
  • If pain in the nipple area is accompanied by the release of a greenish liquid from them, then this indicates the development of a bacterial infection. In this case, a woman should immediately consult a doctor, as this condition leads to the development of serious complications in the mother and child.

The main task for the doctor and the nursing mother is to keep breastfeeding unchanged. To this end, the doctor selects treatment options that allow the young mother to maintain lactation function without compromising her health.

The female body is a very complex and sensitive organism. The breast is one of the most sensual organs in women, especially the nipples. Why do nipples hurt, causing a lot of discomfort and discomfort?

Physiological causes of pain

Often, nipple pain occurs unexpectedly and also suddenly disappears. She happens:

  1. Before the upcoming menstruation is one of the common reasons. In women, 3-5 days before this, the amount of hormones in the blood increases. The mammary glands swell and pinch the endings of the nerves, the nipples become more sensitive and it hurts to hurt them.
  2. During pregnancy - from the very first days, a woman's body begins to prepare for motherhood and feeding (lactation). There is an increase in hormonal levels and the milk ducts increase, but the nerve tissues grow less quickly, so they are in tension. And it, in turn, leads to painful feelings in the nipples in pregnant women.
  3. When feeding - due to an increase in the volume of the mammary glands, pain symptoms in the nipples also appear.

There are times when the baby takes the breast in the wrong way, or the mother herself, by her location, created an uncomfortable position for the baby, and thus he could not take it correctly. And also the mother tears the child from the breast with a sharp movement. This can lead to cracking of the nipples, even to the point of bleeding. Pains are strong, burning. It is recommended to apply a cream or ointment for wound healing.

And also at the time of feeding, the skin on the nipples is very thin and dry, and only 4-6 days after the birth of the child, it is naturally covered with lubricant, so at first, feeding causes discomfort. Also, when the nipples are irregularly shaped, this also causes painful feelings during feeding.

It is especially worth noting that excess milk should be expressed, otherwise there is a blockage of the ducts, which is accompanied by redness and pain.

Pathological causes or diseases

Nipples hurt not only because of changes in hormone levels, during pregnancy and feeding a baby, there are other reasons.

One of them is a breast tumor, which occurs both benign and malignant, but it is manifested not only by pain, but is accompanied by such signs as:

  • discharge;
  • the nipple changes shape, color and size;
  • sore armpits;
  • it is worth noting that all this is felt in one chest.

Another reason is the use of contraceptives. The use of these drugs can cause hormonal imbalance, and this provokes pain and special sensitivity of the nipples. The instructions often indicate this as a side effect, and if these sensations lead to discomfort, you need to change the drug.

In addition, the following diseases can lead to pain in the nipples:

  1. Mastitis is an infection in the breast, usually through cracked nipples. Sometimes mastitis is caused by strong cooling.
  2. Mastopathy - occurs due to a malfunction in the level of hormones, an excess of progesterone and a lack of estrogen. The mammary glands (its tissue) grows, cysts form. Women over the age of 30 are especially susceptible.
  3. Mastalgia - can be after surgery, from depression and with reduced immunity.
  4. With improper functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, intercostal neuralgia and poor liver function.


Nervous shocks and stress can also lead to pain in the nipples. Since mental arousal leads to an imbalance of hormones, and they, in turn, are associated with the sensitivity of the mammary glands. And also with the use of depressants, chest pains are not ruled out.

Other causes of pain

In addition to the reasons listed above, there are a number of others:

  1. A long absence of sex is a common cause of pain in the chest and nipples. With a long absence of sex, it can be said that the body seems to fall asleep, hormones weaken. And when sex happens in such an organism, it is rebuilt. There is a more active production of hormones and nipples hurt from this.
  2. If you hurt - that is, physical damage to the chest. It is worth noting that this can be dangerous, so it is better to visit a specialist.
  3. If you wash the nipples with soap - it dries the delicate skin of the nipples a lot, it is enough to wash with water.
  4. Allergy - possibly to fabric or household chemicals. When wearing synthetic underwear, some women have allergies, resulting in pain. There is a so-called contact dermatitis if you use cosmetics (gels, creams) that do not suit you for breast care.
  5. Bra - if it is incorrectly fitted and its shape does not suit you.

How to get rid of or reduce pain

As you can see, not every pain should cause serious excitement, if it is before the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, feeding, etc., then the pain will pass by itself. To reduce discomfort at these moments, you must:

  • observe personal hygiene, just do not use a lot of soap and gel when washing your breasts;
  • wear a bra of the correct shape and size, preferably from natural materials and without coarse seams, so as not to injure the nipples;
  • reduce excess breast arousal at these moments;
  • properly care for the breast: after feeding the child, wash the mammary glands with warm water, if there are cracks and wounds, lubricate them immediately with a special ointment;
  • read the information on how to properly attach the baby to the breast, this will ease the pain at the first stage of feeding, and then they will pass altogether.

For serious reasons, the pain is sharp, more constant and severe, even in the shoulder blade and shoulder are possible. In these cases, you should consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis. These are activities such as:

  • communication with the patient;
  • examination of the mammary glands with the help of palpation;
  • get a mammogram;
  • Ultrasound of the diseased breast;
  • donate blood to determine the hormonal levels.

How to treat

Depending on the cause of the pain, they are treated with different means. The course of treatment can be prescribed by the doctor after the examination.

For inflammation of the nipples, the following remedies are used:

  • ointments Actovegin and Solcoseryl;
  • oral antibiotics;
  • immunomodulator;
  • anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs;
  • analgesics;
  • funds for general strengthening.

Folk methods

Castor oil is good for cracked nipples. It is necessary to wash, wipe them and grease them with oil. Lie down for 25 minutes until it is absorbed. And if the nipples bleed, after applying the oil, put compress paper on top and put on a bra, only from natural material.

Another way to heal cracked nipples is to apply a solution of brilliant green on them, and Vaseline on top.

You can make homemade ointment:

  • vegetable oil - 200 ml and natural honeycomb wax - 20 g is brought to a boil over low heat while stirring;
  • add the yolk of 1 boiled egg in small pieces to the mixture and stir;
  • pass the resulting mass through a strainer;
  • when using, bring to a warm state, apply on a napkin and apply to the nipples.

Another way is to combine grated apple, butter and carrot juice. The resulting mixture on a napkin and on nipples, for 2 - 3 hours, can be done up to 3 times a day.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the nipples hurt for various reasons. Therefore, at the first pain symptoms, you should not be afraid, but if they do not go away and intensify, you should see a doctor.

There are many different reasons for nipple pain, from an allergy to laundry detergent to the discomfort associated with a bra that doesn't fit. Pain in the nipples is common during menstruation, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

There are also more serious causes, such as infections or cancer. Therefore, women who are worried about obsessive pain in the nipples should visit a doctor to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Symptoms of pain in the juices in women are different. Some call their nipples painful and too sensitive, others complain of sharp pain or pain that is accompanied by itching.

As part of this material, we will consider the possible causes of pain in the nipples.

The content of the article:

Why do nipples hurt?

1. Friction

Sore nipples can be the result of rubbing against clothes during sports

Friction is a common cause of this kind of pain. Friction occurs if the nipples are in contact with clothing or a loose-fitting bra. Often this happens during physical activity - when a woman is jogging, exercising or playing basketball.

Rubbing the nipple often causes soreness and burning. The skin in this situation can become dry or cracked.

Prolonged training increases periods of harmful effects. Therefore, women who are sensitive to friction may take additional precautions, such as using surgical tape to protect the nipples.

2. Infections

Nipples that have been damaged by friction, an allergic reaction, and that have cracked or bled are at high risk of infection. Lactation and breastfeeding can also cause infection.

There is a possibility of yeast infections on the nipples, in particular the fungal infection Candida albicans. This may be the result of damage to nearby tissues, recent use of antibiotics, or if the woman has previously had fungal infections.

Yeast infections, also known as thrush, often cause a burning sensation in the nipples. Burning pain does not go away even if you get rid of sources of friction. The nipples may turn bright pink, and the areolas usually become reddish and scaly.

Many nursing mothers describe thrush as a sharp, burning pain that occurs immediately after feeding. The baby may also show signs of infection.

Mastitis or inflammation of the mammary gland sometimes appears during pregnancy if milk stagnates in the milk ducts. Bacteria may appear in the canal and begin to spread. This type of infection causes swelling, redness, inflammation of the breast and nipple.

Mastitis must be treated with antibiotics. If the disease is left untreated, it can take the form of an abscess. Any woman who has the following symptoms along with breast and nipple pain should see a doctor:

  • fever or chills;
  • warm chest when touched;
  • redness of the skin on the chest or nipples;
  • irregular swelling of the chest.

3. Allergy or atopic dermatitis

Laundry detergents and fabric softeners can aggravate painful skin conditions

Pain and irritation accompanied by flaky, hard, or blistered skin can be signs of an allergic reaction or atopic dermatitis (eczema).

Certain household products can irritate the nipples and exacerbate pre-existing skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis. This product list includes:

  • body lotions;
  • washing powders;
  • soaps;
  • shaving creams;
  • fabric softeners;
  • flavors;
  • fabrics.

Other symptoms of an allergic reaction include reddened or cracked skin around the nipples and areola, and persistent itching. In some cases, a skin rash may appear.

Appropriate anti-inflammatory creams can treat mild cases of allergies, but if the rash or redness gets worse, spreads, and does not respond to creams, the condition should be discussed with a doctor.

4. Sexual contact

Sexual activity can also cause nipple pain. Body friction and nipple foreplay can be painful. Usually in such cases, temporary pain is observed, for getting rid of which it just takes time.

By using nipple moisturizers, friction can be minimized and symptoms can be prevented from worsening.

5. Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes associated with menstrual cycles can be a factor that aggravates breast tenderness. Usually, a woman begins to feel the corresponding symptoms the day before the onset of menstruation, when the level of estrogen and progesterone rises, which attracts additional fluid to the mammary glands.

Pain associated with hormonal changes usually subsides when menstruation begins. If the pain continues for several days, then the woman should talk about it with her doctor.

6. Cancer and Paget's disease

Sometimes, nipple pain, along with other symptoms, can be a sign of a more serious problem, such as cancer, although tumors don't usually cause pain. Nipple pain caused by cancer usually affects only one breast or one nipple.

Paget's disease is a rare type of cancer that affects the nipples, among other things. It usually appears along with a tumor in the same breast. Women with Paget's disease and breast cancer may experience the following symptoms:

  • flattened or inverted nipple;
  • yellowish or bloody discharge from the juice;
  • itching or tingling sensation;
  • reddened, scaly or crusted skin around the nipple and areola.

Paget's disease and breast cancer are diagnosed by examining the affected cells. Paget's disease is rare, but women who are unsure of their symptoms and want to play it safe should see a doctor.

7. Pregnancy

Nipple pain is also common in women who are carrying or breastfeeding babies. In such conditions, the mammary glands usually become larger and more sensitive. The nipples and areola darken and often cause pain to the woman. Small bumps may appear around the nipples.

A fitted bra can reduce friction and soreness. Some pregnant women find it helpful to wear a supportive bra while sleeping. This method can also help reduce pain in the nipples and breasts of recent women in labor.

Soothing sore nipples in nursing mothers will also help special cooling gels.

8. Breastfeeding

A breastfeeding mother may experience nipple pain due to improper latch on by the baby

Breastfeeding is another common cause of nipple pain. This is mainly due to the technique of capturing the nipples by the child. If the baby's mouth is not wide enough to cover the breast, the nipple will be near the gums and hard palate. Babies should latch on deeply so that the nipples are at the back of the mouth.

When a breastfeeding mother uses a breast pump, it can also lead to sore nipples, which are usually caused by excessive suction or use of the wrong funnel. Discomfort can be reduced by adjusting the pump so that it makes more comfortable contact with the nipple. You can also purchase a more suitable funnel.

When a child's teeth begin to erupt, there is an additional reason for pain. The fixation of the nipple often changes, and sometimes the baby may even bite his mother on the soft and sensitive tissue. Breastfeeding mothers may try to get the baby to place the breast deeper into the mouth. This will make it harder for him to find the nipples with his teeth.

If the baby squeezes the nipple too hard between the gums and the top of the mouth, it can restrict blood flow to the nipple and lead to a condition called vasospasm. The nipples in such cases become sore and in rapid succession turn first white, then red, and then purple.

What to do with pain in the nipples and how to treat?

Nipple pain caused by friction can be prevented by wearing an appropriately sized sports bra, soft synthetic clothing, or nipple protection. Some creams or ointments can also reduce friction. breastfeeding mothers must follow the feeding process or use the services of a consultant who will help the child develop the right habits during the consumption of mother's milk. Sore nipples caused by hormonal changes during menstrual cycles or pregnancy may respond well to heat and pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Paracetamol). Breast cancer is usually treated with surgery, radiation exposure, and chemotherapy. Treatment for mild cases of Paget's disease usually involves removal of the nipples and radiation exposure to the affected breasts. In some cases, complete removal of the breast may be required.

When should you see a doctor?

In the vast majority of cases pain in the nipples does not pose a serious threat to the body and disappears immediately after the elimination of the main cause. Those women who experience regular symptoms should make an appointment with a doctor. He will diagnose and prescribe the right treatment.

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