Sore throat, inflamed lymph nodes in the neck, treatment. Diagnosis of enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. What to do if your lymph nodes are enlarged

Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the throat is a fairly common occurrence that occurs with colds, sore throats, viral and other diseases. This can happen to anyone, regardless of gender or age.

Lymph nodes in human body form a single lymphatic system. They are a kind of filter for the blood circulating in the body, which nourishes inner fabrics and organs. As a result, harmful cells do not enter the body. When inflammation is observed in any other part of the body, this indicates the development of a disease caused by damage to the body by viruses and bacteria.

An increase in the size of the lymph nodes can be seen with the naked eye. More often, this process causes the appearance of a tubercle on the neck in the submandibular area. Often the enlargement of nodes is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, when you can see by opening your mouth. Lump in the throat - unpleasant feeling, which makes eating difficult and causes general discomfort, can also occur due to enlarged lymph nodes.

Inflammation can occur in 2 forms. They differ in the reasons for the enlargement of nodes and the causative factors that disrupt the functioning of the lymphatic system. Inflammation occurs after foreign pathogenic viruses and bacteria enter the body, which the human immune system cannot cope with on its own.

Specific form

A specific form of inflammation is characterized by damage to the body:

  • mushrooms of the genus Candida;
  • actinomycetes;
  • other specific pathogens.

This form of inflammation can be caused by diseases occurring in the body. Among them are tuberculosis, syphilis and others.

Nonspecific form

Inflammation occurs as a result of the release of toxins by the lymph nodes due to the entry of various pathogens, streptococci, and staphylococci into the body. Infections may influence the development of this form respiratory tract, sore throat, bronchitis, etc.

As a rule, inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes are most often accompanied by:

  • pain in the throat;
  • soreness;
  • general malaise;
  • elevated body temperature and other symptoms.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is characterized by its rapid development and high probability occurrence of complications. Severe cases occur in advanced stages of the disease, when there is no treatment at all. Neglecting health in this case is dangerous, because the inflamed node, increasing in size, negatively affects respiratory system, hearing and even the brain.

The main causes of inflammation in the lymph nodes

Inflammation can be triggered by many external and internal environment. As a rule, various microorganisms and diseases act as pathogens. They provoke changes in the human immune system, thereby causing inflammation of the lymph nodes. In fact, there are many reasons, the most common of which are:

When streptococci and staphylococci enter the human body, they begin to actively multiply, which leads to all kinds of inflammation, including in the lymph nodes. They can enter the body in several ways:

  • lymphogenous route (through lymphatic capillaries, vessels, ducts, etc.);
  • hematogenous (through blood);
  • contact


As a result of the development of chronic tonsillitis, or sore throat, the tonsils. This can also be caused by staphylococci and streptococci or other pathogenic organisms and as a complication, enlargement of the lymph nodes and their pain are possible.


Acute respiratory viral infections can simultaneously affect the nose, larynx, and epiglottis. In this case, it is possible that several lymph nodes can become inflamed at once, both in the throat and in other parts of the body. But the disease can progress differently in people. For example, in adults, inflammation is more visually pronounced, the enlargement of nodes is noticeable even without palpation. In children, they are almost invisible, but the body reacts to such inflammation more actively.

Measles is an infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. It can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes, after which they become enlarged and painful when touched.


From infectious diseases Special attention should be given to those whose carriers are animals, including domestic ones. Infection occurs through a bite or scratch. Harmful microorganisms enter the bloodstream, spread throughout the body and provoke inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the throat in both children and adults.

Toxoplasmosis develops when the causative agent of this disease, toxoplasma, enters the human body. You can most likely become infected with this disease after contact with cats. There is a risk of the pathogen entering the body when consuming certain foods, such as meat and eggs.

It is especially scary if a woman becomes infected with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, since the disease often affects the development of the fetus and can cause a miscarriage. Therefore, treatment of the disease must be started in a timely manner. If a woman has already had a disease before pregnancy, she has developed immunity, and reinfection impossible.


Tuberculosis is also an infectious disease. It often affects the respiratory system, causing damage to the lungs; less commonly, tuberculosis of the skin, bones and kidneys is observed. The disease causes a specific form of inflammation of the lymph nodes.


Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) suppresses the human immune system and causes various diseases. Accordingly, there is a high probability of inflammation of the lymph nodes not only in the throat, but also in the groin, armpit, behind the ears. In other words, AIDS causes extensive damage to the body and all lymph nodes on the human body.

Other causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

There are other reasons that can also affect the development of the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes in the neck, although they are diagnosed less frequently. Among them:

  • inflammatory skin diseases (hidradenitis, cellulitis, boils);
  • purulent wounds;
  • scarlet fever, diphtheria, mumps;
  • illnesses skin(pyoderma, exudative diathesis);
  • pathogens of syphilis, gonorrhea, actinomycosis, anthrax and others.

Some diseases can be treated the usual way medications will not work, and some are completely incurable, but in any case, without consulting a doctor and full diagnostics impossible to install the real reason enlarged lymph nodes.

Treatment of inflamed lymph nodes

Any disease should be treated in the early stages of its development to avoid complications. The therapy provided must be comprehensive and timely. Treatment of inflammatory processes can be carried out using the following methods:

Without prescribing a vitamin complex, it is impossible to treat the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes. First, you need to restore your immunity, and only then begin the main treatment. The fact is that it must protect the body from pathogenic cells, but in a state of decline it cannot cope with its function. It happens that a course of vitamin preparations is quite enough - the lymph nodes return to normal and the patient’s condition stabilizes.

Antibiotics reduce inflammation and pain. Taking them helps prevent complications, but under no circumstances should they be taken without a doctor’s prescription.

Treatment with UHF therapy, under the influence of electromagnetic vibrations often gives quick and effective result: swelling, pain and inflammation are reduced. But when serious illnesses It is impossible to do without opening an abscess or phlegmon. In such cases, it is necessary to perform an operation that can improve the patient's condition. Its essence is to open the lymph node and cleanse the accumulated pus.

Many people sometimes notice unnatural bulges on their neck, which are usually extremely painful. They can appear in both adults and children. What does this mean, why is it dangerous and how to treat such a disease? This syndrome is associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the neck. The reasons for the situation can be varied.

What are lymph nodes needed for?

To find out why the lymph nodes in the neck hurt, first let’s understand what lymph is and The lymph nodes, and what function they perform in the body.

Lymph is a special fluid that resembles blood, except that it lacks red blood cells. The main type of cells found in lymph is . This type of cell is responsible for the body's immune response.

Lymph nodes are a collection of lymphatic vessels. The nodes perform a dual function - on the one hand, they are a barrier to the penetration of various infectious agents into the body, and also prevent the proliferation of pathological cells of the body itself. On the other hand, lymph nodes are the site of development of new lymphocytes. Antibodies and phagocytes can also be produced in the lymph nodes. In addition, these organs are responsible for the outflow of intercellular fluid.

Location of lymph nodes

There are many lymph nodes in the human body, but they are most densely located in the neck, in groin area and in the armpit. Lymph nodes have different size. The largest of them have a diameter of approximately 1 cm. There are several groups of nodes on the neck:

  • from the front of the neck,
  • from the back of the neck,
  • under the chin,
  • under the jaw
  • on the back of the head
  • in the ear area.

The largest ones and those located close to the surface of the skin can be felt with your fingers. To the touch they have round shape and may roll slightly. However, in in good condition lymph nodes do not cause pain when touched.


Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. At cervical lymphadenitis the nodes increase in size and become painful. They may feel hard to the touch. The size of the inflamed nodes can vary from the diameter of a pea to 5 or more centimeters.

Sometimes, however, pain cervical lymph nodes absent. At severe inflammation the skin around the lymph nodes may become red and inflamed. The disease can affect both lymph nodes on one side of the neck and symmetrical nodes on both sides. Sometimes several groups of nodes may be involved in the process.

Also, pain in the cervical lymph node can sometimes be felt not only when pressing on it, but also when swallowing, turning the head in different directions.

There are several risk groups whose members are more likely to get the disease:

  • people with weakened immune systems;
  • those suffering from chronic alcoholism;
  • people prone to allergic reactions;
  • patients with thyroid diseases.

It is customary to distinguish several types of lymphadenitis:

  • spicy,
  • catarrhal,
  • chronic.


With inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, the causes can be varied. In most cases, lymphadenitis is not independent disease, but only a symptom indicating some problems in the body. These could be inflammations, infections or tumors. Experienced doctor by the location of the affected node, its shape, size and degree of pain, it can determine the location of the disease and its type.

Inflammation of the neck lymph nodes may be associated with increased concentration they contain pathogenic microorganisms, and an increase in their size is associated with an increase in the production of lymphocytes.

Very often, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is caused by diseases of the upper respiratory tract - rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, influenza, as well as inflammation of the middle ear - otitis media. Lymphadenitis can also be caused by oral infections - periodontitis, gingivitis, caries, stomatitis, inflammation of the gums and tongue.

Infectious processes on the skin - dermatitis, rashes, furunculosis, wounds and suppuration can also cause enlargement and inflammation of the nodes. These processes may be caused by exposure to the herpes virus, bacteria or fungi.

If the lymph node is very painful, this may be a symptom preceding active phase diseases. Microorganisms that can cause inflammation of nodes include pathogens, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, streptococci and staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pathogenic fungi.

Infection with bacilli, brucellosis and syphilis most often leads to a chronic form of lymphadenitis.

Also, enlargement and inflammation of the nodes can be caused by autoimmune diseases(rheumatism, gout, sarcoidosis, Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus), chronic alcoholism.

There are often cases when lymphadenitis is just evidence of a weakened immune system (as a result of stress, lack of vitamins and microelements in the body). The opposite situation may also occur - when the nodes become inflamed due to an allergic reaction, that is, an enhanced immune response to any irritant. In such cases, however, enlarged lymph nodes may be accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of allergic reactions - rash, hives, swelling, etc.

AIDS is a severe viral disease that affects cells immune system person. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, as well as lymph nodes located in other parts of the body, may indicate the presence of HIV in the body.

Can also lead to lymphadenitis. This is a disease in which pathological cells appear in the body, concentrated in certain authorities, including in the lymph nodes. Mononucleosis is characterized by a very strong enlargement of the lymph nodes, the size of which can reach 5 cm.

Tumors located in the upper part of the body can also cause enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. In some cases, we can talk about tumors of the tissues of the lymph nodes themselves - lymphomas.

Thus, there are a huge number of reasons that can cause enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, and in short article it is impossible to list them all. In total, there are more than a hundred diseases that can lead to a similar phenomenon. Therefore, it is usually very difficult to draw a conclusion about what problem underlies lymphadenitis without thorough tests.

In some cases, the patient can also draw a conclusion about the nature of the disease associated with inflammation of the lymph node by its shape and other external signs.

The presence of many small inflamed nodes indicates a weakened immune system. Uneven contours node, its immobility and painlessness is a reason to contact an oncologist.

Enlarged lymph nodes without pain when pressing may indicate certain stages of tuberculosis.

Increased pain when pressing round shape and the mobility of the node most likely indicates inflammatory processes in the throat and neck. The location of the inflamed node may also indicate this - as a rule, when infectious processes of the throat, the submandibular lymph nodes become inflamed. If, for example, the lymph node on the left hurts, this means that, most likely, the source of infection is also on the left side.

It is also impossible to exclude lymphadenitis, which is not associated with any infectious disease, but arises due to mechanical damage knot tissue.

Lymphadenitis in children

In children, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck during infections occurs especially often. Reasons frequent inflammations There may be ARVI and rubella, scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis. Also in children, inflammation of the nodes can be an immune response to vaccinations, for example, BCG vaccination.


In most cases, the cause of the disease can only be determined by a doctor upon examination. However, it often happens that the presence of inflammation of the nodes coincides with respiratory symptoms sore throat, cough, runny nose, and high fever. In such cases, there is no doubt that lymphadenitis is caused by acute respiratory disease. However, this is not always the case. In some cases, enlarged lymph nodes may indicate a tumor, so if the nodes long time do not pass, then you should seek the advice of a specialist.

Which specialist is best to contact if the lymph nodes in the neck hurt? This is usually the prerogative of an otolaryngologist. He can send you for additional tests - a blood test, ultrasound, research on the genomes of microorganisms, or to other specialists, for example, to an infectious disease specialist, oncologist, hematologist, dentist, pulmonologist. If necessary, a biopsy of the node tissue can be used for diagnosis. To exclude tuberculosis, fluorographic examination can be used.


How to treat and how to treat lymphadenitis? In most cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes is secondary symptom, therefore does not require separate treatment. It is enough to cure the underlying disease and the enlarged nodes will decrease in size. The exception is purulent inflammation nodes In this case, surgery may be required.

What to do if the disease has bacterial nature? In this case, antibiotics are taken. The specific type of antibiotic depends on the type of pathogen and should be prescribed by a doctor. For fungal skin infections they are used antifungal drugs– Clotrimazole, Ketonazole.

If the disease has viral nature(flu, ARVI, measles, scarlet fever), then, as a rule, it is carried out symptomatic therapy. For herpes, Acyclovir is prescribed in the form of tablets or ointments. At infectious mononucleosis drugs with interferon are prescribed.

If the cause of lymphadenitis is allergic reactions, then are assigned antihistamines, and measures are taken to eliminate the impact of the irritant substance on the body. Children often experience inflammation of the lymph nodes as defensive reaction from ingestion of animal saliva, for example, after playing with cats or dogs. In some cases, with primary lymphadenitis, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed.

In no case should you self-medicate, in particular, warm up the affected nodes, massage them or smear them with bactericidal ointments, as well as ointments and gels with a warming effect. In this case, the infection can spread far beyond the node throughout the body and even lead to blood poisoning.

But main danger That's not even what it's all about. Since lymphadenitis in most cases is secondary disease, then, by focusing on the problem of pain and enlargement of the lymph nodes, you can start treating the underlying disease.

If the patient has a high temperature, bed rest is recommended, absence of physical activity. It is also recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks - up to 2 liters per day for adults, up to 1 liter for children.

Is it possible to use traditional medicine methods in the treatment of inflamed nodes? These methods may be useful to resolve hidden reasons diseases - inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. It is well known that with many inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, rinsing with extracts of sage, mint and, which have good anti-inflammatory properties, helps. However, it hardly makes sense to resort to traditional medicine until the cause of the disease is clearly established.

If the reason chronic lymphadenitis If the patient’s immune system is weakened, then in this case restorative decoctions of ginseng, lemongrass, and echinacea can help. However, one should exclude the possibility oncological causes, since in this case herbal decoctions can aggravate them.


Untreated purulent lymphadenitis can lead to a number of complications:

  • phlegmon (purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue),
  • periadenitis,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • fistulas in the esophagus and trachea.

With phlegmon, a painful swelling forms in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Also, phlegmon is characterized by pain when swallowing and opening the mouth, and an increase in temperature.

Prevention of lymphadenitis

Preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of lymphadenitis include timely treatment diseases that can cause it - influenza, acute respiratory infections, rhinitis, sanitation of the oral cavity, personal hygiene, which will reduce the risk of boils. It is also important to strengthen the body as a whole and the immune system. People with hypersensitivity to allergens, exposure to them should be avoided.

The cold season is often accompanied by colds, which primarily affect upper sections respiratory tract. What to do when you have a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes in your neck? Especially for readers of “Popular about health” I will consider how to treat and how to protect yourself from such conditions.

Patient complaints

A sore throat most often indicates acute tonsillitis or exacerbation chronic disease. Patients usually complain of the appearance painful sensations, the intensity and nature of which can be very variable.

The pain is most often characterized as dull, aching, aggravated by swallowing. However, there are other colors as well. pain- patients can talk about sharp pains, piercing in nature, radiating to the neck.

Pain in some cases, for example, during exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, can be subclinical in nature. In this case, patients usually complain of discomfort or a foreign body sensation.

It should be noted that in this subclinical form the disease manifests itself quite often. Chronic tonsillitis is a very common pathology that occurs in most of the adult population. Many ENT doctors say that “if you are over 40 years old and have tonsils, then you also have chronic tonsillitis.”


Damage to the lymph nodes in diseases of the throat is always secondary. Inflammation of the tonsils can be bacterial, viral or fungal in nature, which means that infectious agents or their waste products will spread with the lymph flow.

Lymph nodes are a natural barrier to the spread of infection and the generalization of the septic process. Bacteria or other pathogens enter the lymphatic system and linger in the lymph nodes, where the immune system neutralizes them.

It is quite obvious that in the lymph nodes there will be inflammatory changes, which manifest themselves as an increase in their size and the appearance of slight pain on palpation.


When examining the throat, the ENT doctor discovers enlarged tonsils protruding between the palatine arches. Their surface becomes red, swollen, bumpy, possibly with foci of suppuration. Most anatomical structures of the throat will also be hyperemic. Their color will not be pink, but bright red.

With slight pressure on the tonsils, exudate may ooze out of them, like from a sponge. In this case, the disease is already purulent in nature. This pathology is treated with systemic antibiotics.

Lymphatic drainage from the anatomical formations of the throat is carried out into the so-called submandibular lymph nodes, localized under lower jaw. Upon palpation, you can detect dense formations, the diameter of which does not exceed 1 centimeter, which are slightly painful and not fused to the skin.


As a rule, diagnosing the disease is not difficult. Complaints and anamnesis are enough, as well as characteristic clinical picture. At chronic course disease, the patient will most likely address this type of complaint more than once.

Throat treatment

Treatment infectious lesion throat can be local or combined. In the first case, only gargling is used. In the second, oral administration of antibacterial drugs is indicated.

If the defeat is not purulent in nature and the patient’s complaints are insignificant, you can limit yourself to one local treatment. Which consists, first of all, of gargling with soda, although best choice For this purpose there will be a solution of chlorhexidine.

You can gargle with a solution of tea soda and regular table salt. It is very easy to prepare. You will need a tablespoon of both ingredients and a glass of warm boiled water. All components need to be mixed and the product will be ready.

You need to gargle with this solution 3 times a day. Each procedure should last about 1 minute. Duration therapeutic measures usually exactly 1 week.

Secondly, you can take various antimicrobials, sold over-the-counter, tablets that should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved and taken every few hours.

Everyone knows the names of these drugs: Septolete, Hexoral tabs classic, Agisept, Suprima-ENT, Gorpils, Astrasept, Terasil, Rinza Lorsept, Koldakt Lorpils. Their effectiveness is not too high, but nevertheless, they make it possible to stop the spread of the pathological process.

In advanced situations, specialists usually prescribe antibacterial drugs, the dosage regimen of which is individual: Claricin, Klacid SR, Fromilid Uno, Clarithromycin, Claromin, Lekoklar, Klasine, Clerimed, Seydon-Sanovel, Clarithromycin Protech, ClaroSip, Ecositrin, Clarbact, Clarithrosin, Clarithromycin-Verte, Klacid, Crixane, Claricit.

Since the damage to the lymph nodes in case of throat disease is secondary, treatment of the lymph nodes in the neck is not carried out as such. With the restoration of the condition of the throat, their inflammation subsides.


To prevent throat diseases, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, eat a balanced diet, take vitamins and multimineral preparations, undergo preventive examinations. If signs of the disease appear, the best choice would be to visit an ENT doctor.

There are many reasons for inflammation of the nodes in the neck. Most often, enlarged lymph nodes in the throat indicate an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. But this is not always the case.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the throat is caused by diseases that are in no way related to a viral or bacterial infection. Therefore, doctors treat the throat for inflammation of the lymph nodes only after establishing an accurate diagnosis.

What does it mean if your throat hurts and the lymph nodes in your neck are inflamed?

The lymphatic system is one of the parts of the immune system. Lymph nodes are human protective filters, located not only under the skin, but also in the liver and spleen.

They are able to concentrate pathogenic microorganisms and toxins. At the same time, they swell and increase in size. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in medicine is called lymphadenitis.

With a sore throat, inflammation of the lymph nodes indicates the body’s reaction to a viral, bacterial or fungal infection in the nasopharynx.

If your throat hurts and the lymph nodes in your neck are swollen. At the same time, they are painful on palpation, but move under the fingertips. The size of the nodes varies from small peas to beans.

In this case, there is an increase in temperature, weakness, and headaches. The progression of the disease leads to an even greater enlargement of the lymph nodes.

If the infection in the nasopharynx grows and lasts for a long time, they harden. Over time, hardened nodes can degenerate and acquire malignant properties. A soft consistency indicates suppuration.

By the way! Most often, lymphadenitis appears in diseases of the nasopharynx - sore throat, ARVI, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis. If your throat hurts or the lymph node in your neck is inflamed, you need to visit an otolaryngologist. To establish a diagnosis, you will need to examine the larynx with mirrors.

Possible diseases

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the throat can indicate a variety of diseases. The most common cause is sore throat. But lymph nodes enlarge not only when the throat hurts. The cause may be diseases not related to the nasopharynx:

If the immune system is impaired, the nodes can be felt in the form of several peas. When palpated, they are painless and roll freely under the fingers.

If the lymph node in the throat is inflamed, and the edges are uneven, the surface is lumpy and painful, this indicates malignant process. Hot and swollen lymph nodes in the throat indicate purulent lymphadenitis. In this case, you need to urgently contact a surgeon.

Enlarged nodes without pain on palpation indicate tuberculosis. If the lymph nodes in the neck are inflamed and your throat hurts, the cause may be infectious mononucleosis.

In this case, not only the cervical, but also the inguinal, submandibular lymph nodes, as well as those located in the liver and spleen. The disease is accompanied by changes in the blood - a decrease in the number of platelets.

Is it possible to treat on your own?

What to do with lymphadenitis, if the lymph node is inflamed due to pain in the throat. First of all, you need to visit an ENT doctor. Already during the initial examination, from his own experience, he can determine the cause of the enlarged nodes.

If there are suspicions of other diseases not related to the nasopharynx, an extensive examination will be prescribed. It is necessary to make a general and biochemical analysis blood, X-ray lungs.

Analysis required blood PCR (polymerase chain reaction), capable of detecting any microorganism, whether it is alive or dead.

After making a diagnosis, the doctor takes measures to suppress the infection. The subsidence of inflammation in the throat is accompanied by a decrease in the size of the lymph nodes.

The patient cannot treat himself for the simple reason that he is not a specialist in the field of medicine. Every business needs to be learned.

Advice to Internet users! If a person decides to intervene in his health after reading information online that does not correspond to reality, he risks missing a serious illness.

With enlarged lymph nodes, pain in the throat and neck is often associated with infectious mononucleosis, which requires different treatment than for sore throat. This “kissing” disease is dealt with by an infectious disease virologist, as well as an immunologist.

On the other hand, improper treatment of tonsils leads to complications. In both cases, self-medication threatens health, and in some cases life.

How to treat

Inflammation of nodes in the throat requires various treatments according to the reason. In most cases, lymphadenitis is a symptom of inflammation of the nasopharynx and does not require separate therapy.

It is enough to cure the disease, and the nodes will go away on their own. But if they are hot and swollen, surgery is required.

How to treat lymph nodes and sore throat at bacterial infection nasopharynx. The indispensable choice of therapy is antibiotics. But the doctor selects a specific drug based on the patient’s condition and sensitivity to the drug.

At high temperature bed rest is prescribed, drinking plenty of fluids liquids up to 2 liters per day. Frequent rinsing with chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, soda or saline solution is necessary.

Washing out microorganisms increases the effectiveness of antiseptics local application– sprays, lozenges.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to warm up or massage the lymph nodes. These actions cause bacteria to spread throughout the body. In some cases, sepsis develops. The main attention is paid not to the nodes, but to the treatment of the underlying disease.

A completely different approach to treatment for viral diseases - rubella, measles, influenza, scarlet fever, ARVI. Symptomatic remedies are used;

  • antiseptic sprays - Orasept, Hexoral, Ingalipt;
  • gargling solutions – Furacillin, Chlorhexidine;
  • tablets – Septolete, Faringosept, Strepsils;
  • antipyretic and painkillers - Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Paracetamol.

If it turns out that the lymph nodes are enlarged due to decreased immunity, apply restorativesvitamin complexes. Defensive forces the body is stimulated by infusions Chinese lemongrass, Echinacea, Ginseng decoctions.

Possible complications due to improper treatment

When using immunostimulants, you need to be sure that there is no malignant tumors, because they accelerate tumor growth.

Herbs should not be used until a diagnosis has been established. They may temporarily improve the condition somewhat by reducing inflammation. As a result, the symptoms of the disease are masked, interfering with diagnosis.

With improperly selected treatment, the disease takes chronic form. Possible consequences inadequate therapy:

  • purulent lymphadenitis;
  • peritonsillar abscess;
  • fistulas of the esophagus and trachea;
  • sepsis.

Enlargement of the lymph nodes of the liver and spleen during infectious mononucleosis can lead to organ rupture.

There are quite a lot of myths and well-founded fears associated with lymph nodes, so their enlargement often becomes a reason for panic. But why can the lymph nodes in the throat become inflamed, and what to do in such a situation?

There are quite a lot of lymph nodes in the neck, they can be divided into many different groups:

  • Deep and superficial.
  • Anterior cervical as well as posterior cervical.
  • Supraclavicular.
  • Chin.
  • Submandibular.
  • Tonsillar.
  • Occipital.
  • Sublingual.
  • Behind the ear, as well as parotid.

In principle, from the names of these groups it is already possible to draw conclusions about the localization of the lymph nodes. True, basically, in the context of an increase in such peripheral organs in the neck, they talk about those of them that are in front - in the area where the carotid artery adjoins.

Why are they enlarged and painful?

Normally, lymph nodes should not be palpable and cause discomfort. Such organs look like slightly mobile formations, no more than one centimeter in size. But with the development of various pathological processes in the body, the lymph nodes can become enlarged and even inflamed. Sometimes only the lymph node on one side worries and frankly hurts, but bilateral damage is much more common.

Problems with lymph nodes can be caused by infectious or non-infectious factors. At the same time, it is worth recognizing that most often the culprit of unpleasant symptoms is infection. In particular, the lymph nodes in the throat can become enlarged as a result of:

If we're talking about about inflammation of the lymph nodes, it is most often provoked by staphylococci and streptococci, which penetrate to these organs along with the flow of lymph or blood. Primary focus infections may look like:

  • Purulent wound.
  • Furuncle or carbuncle.
  • Trophic ulcer.
  • Caries.
  • Osteomyelitis, etc.

In only 5% of cases, the size of the lymph nodes increases under the influence of non-infectious factors, in particular, with the development of cancer. With cancer, painless unilateral enlargement of the lymph nodes often occurs, and those peripheral organs that are located closest to the tumor are primarily affected.

The child is inflamed

In children, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck occurs an order of magnitude more often than in adults, which is explained, firstly, by the lack of maturity of the immune system, and secondly, more frequent occurrence various diseases of the ENT organs. As a rule, it is a sore throat, runny nose or sore ear most often lead to similar symptoms. Also, enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes can occur against the background of:

  • Classic “childhood” infectious diseases, for example, chickenpox, measles, rubella, mumps, etc.
  • Skin diseases, in particular pyoderma, exudative diathesis, infected eczema, etc.
  • Mononucleosis. This is an infectious disease that most often provokes an enlargement of the posterior cervical lymph nodes, and in some cases their size can reach 5 cm.

A banal enlargement of lymph nodes in a child’s neck, which does not cause discomfort to the baby, is most often a consequence of increased synthesis of lymphocytes. This means that the baby’s body is actively fighting the infection.

Symptoms of the disease

The main sign of enlarged lymph nodes is, in fact, a change in the size of these organs. They begin to cause discomfort (felt during movements, conversation, chewing food) and can be felt. The appearance of specific symptoms is determined by the presence or absence of an inflammatory process.

Lymphadenopathy - enlargement only

If the lymph nodes do not become inflamed under the influence of pathological factors, but only slightly increase in size, they do not hurt and do not cause any visual changes in the skin. True, with significant magnification, you can see with the naked eye what appears to be a “bump” on the skin.

An enlarged lymph node can most often be easily touched with your fingers; it remains mobile. After elimination pathological factor the size of this peripheral organ returns to normal quite quickly.

Lymphadenitis - inflammation

If the lymph node hurts and the pain increases, then we are talking about the development of an inflammatory process in it. This is enough dangerous condition which requires close monitoring. Minor lymphadenitis against the background of a common acute respiratory viral infection or sore throat goes away on its own as the underlying illness is treated and does not cause general violations well-being. However, if there is associated factors(insufficient activity of the immune system or penetration into the lymph nodes dangerous bacteria) suppuration of the lymph nodes may occur.


With lymphadenitis, there is a risk of developing suppuration, which can be suspected by:

  • Induration and severe pain of the lymph node.
  • Increased temperature (local and general).
  • Loss of appetite, severe weakness and headaches.
  • Increasing swelling and hyperemia (the skin over the places where the lymph nodes are inflamed becomes noticeably red).
  • Increased pain with any movement.

Suppuration requires immediate treatment medical care. To correct this condition it may be necessary surgery, because pus can break into the surrounding tissues.

What to do if the lymph nodes are enlarged?

Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, swollen lymph nodes do not require specific treatment. Doctors consider such a symptom as secondary, so they direct all efforts to correct the underlying disease. After suppression of pathological processes, the size inflamed lymph nodes decreases and the patient's condition stabilizes.

Most often, this problem can be treated at home. However, when suppuration occurs, hospitalization and even surgery may be required.

For minor inflammation of the lymph nodes, it is recommended:

  • Adhere to bed or semi-bed rest. Trying to carry the disease on your feet can lead to complications.
  • Drink sufficient quantity ordinary clean water. Herbal teas will also be beneficial.
  • Eat diet food.
  • Do not burden the body physically and emotionally.
  • Do not massage or heat the area where the inflamed lymph nodes are located.

It is important to analyze possible reasons enlarged lymph nodes. If they are unclear or potentially dangerous, you should call a doctor at home or in as soon as possible contact the nearest medical facility.

How to relieve pain and fever?

To neutralize such unpleasant symptoms arising from enlarged lymph nodes, any antipyretic drugs with anti-inflammatory properties that are found in home medicine cabinet, and are suitable for the patient’s age. Most often, the drugs of choice are:

  • Medicines containing ibuprofen. Adults should take tablets, and children should take Nurofen suspension.
  • Medicines with paracetamol. Young patients are again given a suspension; they can also be used rectal suppositories, adults take powders and tablets.
  • Other medications with NSAIDs, for example, Nimesil, complex formulations Coldrex, Fervex, etc. Such medications are suitable only for adults.

It is worth considering that the listed drugs do not affect the cause of inflammation in any way, they only relieve unpleasant symptoms. They should only be used in accordance with the instructions.

Etiotropic treatment

Etiotropic therapy is aimed at destroying the immediate cause of enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes. It may involve the use of:

  • Antibacterial drugs. Such medications are used only when confirmed bacterial origin diseases. At first, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. wide range actions, but after testing for the sensitivity of microbial flora, adjust your prescriptions.
  • Antiviral drugs. Such medications can be used in the treatment of ARVI, herpes and other viral diseases. Many doctors are in no hurry to prescribe them, because they believe that antivirals have unproven effectiveness.
  • Antifungal drugs. As the name implies, such drugs can be used if necessary to suppress the activity of pathogenic fungi.

The duration of etiotropic treatment is selected individually. When superinfections develop, a combination of several groups of drugs is allowed.

How to treat with local medications?

For inflammation of the lymph nodes in the throat, local treatment does not involve directly applying medication to the enlarged nodes. Therapy in this case consists of:

  • Gargling with antiseptics (for sore throat, laryngitis and pharyngitis). Furacilin and Miramistin are the drugs of choice. Sometimes your doctor may recommend rinsing with a decoction. medicinal herbs, solutions of salt and iodine, etc.
  • Application medicines on the mucous membranes of the throat (by lubrication, irrigation with sprays, resorption of tablets). It is possible to use Lugol, oil Chlorophyllipt, Faringosept, various lozenges, sprays Orasept, Kameton, Ingalipt, etc.
  • Rinse the nose with saline or saline solutions, as well as targeted treatment of the runny nose.

It is worth recognizing that in most cases, enlarged lymph nodes can be successfully treated without the use of serious drugs. If such a problem arose against the background of a banal ARVI, it can only be dealt with by local treatment and some restrictions on the usual way of life.

Folk remedies for edema

In no case should enlarged lymph nodes be treated with compresses, warming with cabbage, honey cakes, iodine grid and other similar folk remedies. However, there are some alternative medicine recipes that can actually be helpful in treating this problem:

  • Medicines based on echinacea. Such remedies perfectly stimulate the immune system and help it quickly cope with various infectious diseases. You can buy a ready-made echinacea tincture at the pharmacy and take it according to the instructions, or you can prepare the medicine yourself. For 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials should take 0.5 boiling water. Infuse the medicine in a thermos overnight, then strain. Drink 100 ml 3 times. per day in about 30 minutes. before meals for 10 days.
  • Cranberry infusion. This medicine also has pronounced immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties, and preparing it is as easy as pie. For 1 tbsp. fresh berries use 5 tbsp. warm water. Crush the fruits and leave the resulting mixture for 2 hours to infuse. Sweeten it with honey to taste and drink throughout the day. You can drink up to 1 liter of this infusion per day.
  • Infusion of knotweed. This medicine is recommended to be taken as a good blood cleanser (and lymph cleanser). To prepare it you need to take 1 tbsp. l. herbs and brew it with 300 ml of boiling water. Cover the medicine with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. The strained product should be drunk 100 ml 3 times. per day in 30 minutes. before the meal.
  • Products with aloe. Cut off the large bottom leaf from the aloe bush, wrap it in parchment and keep it in the refrigerator for several days. Squeeze the juice from the prepared raw materials, combine with honey in a 1:1 ratio and eat 1 tbsp. l. 3 r. in a day.
  • Infusions of various medicinal herbs for gargling and oral cavity. In particular, for this purpose you can use medicines based on sage, mint, chamomile, etc.

When treating lymph nodes with folk remedies, it is worth considering that even at first glance, safe herbs may provoke reactions of individual intolerance. Also, such medications have certain contraindications for use.

Physiotherapy methods

Sometimes, when treating enlarged lymph nodes, it makes sense to use physiotherapy techniques. In particular, the doctor may recommend:

  • Ultraviolet irradiation. Usually, to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect, treatment begins with 2 biodoses, then gradually reaches 6-8 biodoses. The duration of the course can be 4-5 sessions. Most often, UV rays also affect the area at the entrance gate of infection.
  • UHF. With this treatment, the lymph nodes are exposed to a high-frequency electromagnetic field. To suppress inflammation, procedures lasting 7-15 minutes are performed.
  • Fluctuarization. This electrotherapy technique is based on the use of pulsed current having a sinusoidal shape. For the treatment of lymph nodes, medium and large doses. The duration of one procedure is about 10 minutes, a total of 4-5 sessions are performed.
  • Ultrasound treatment. This therapy stimulates resorption inflammatory infiltrate. For achievement therapeutic effect a pulse mode is used, the duration of one session is no more than 7 minutes, the optimal course of therapy is 8-10 procedures.
  • Laser treatment. Using a laser, you can relieve inflammation, improve blood flow in the area of ​​exposure, as well as eliminate pain and activate recovery processes.

Most physiotherapeutic treatment methods can only be used after symptoms have resolved general intoxication body. The advisability of performing such procedures is determined individually by the attending physician. Physiotherapy sessions can be carried out in a regular clinic.

Surgical intervention

If lymphadenitis is complicated by the accumulation of pus, the doctor may decide to perform surgical treatment. With this intervention, the pathogenic focus is opened, after which all purulent masses, as well as dead tissue, are completely removed from it. IN mandatory Antiseptic and antibacterial treatment of the wound is carried out, after which it is drained or sutured (depending on the clinical picture).

The operation to treat purulent lymphadenitis is carried out in the inpatient department under anesthesia. Patients are shown parallel detoxification and antibacterial treatment.

Complications of inflammation of the nodes

As a rule, mild inflammation of the lymph nodes that develops against the background of infectious diseases responds quite well to treatment. However, suppuration with lymphadenitis can lead to the development of:

  • Phlegmon. This is the name for purulent inflammation localized in the subcutaneous tissue.
  • Periadenitis. This is an inflammatory lesion of the tissues that are located near the lymph node.
  • Fistula tracts, including in the esophagus or trachea. A similar development of events is possible when purulent masses break through into the surrounding tissues.
  • Sepsis. This is the most formidable complication purulent lymphadenitis, in which infectious agents and their metabolic products enter the blood, leading to severe inflammatory process throughout the body.

If enlarged lymph nodes are a reaction to the formation malignant tumors, progression of oncology and formation of distant metastases are possible.

Fortunately, when timely application With medical help, even purulent inflammation of the lymph node usually ends in a successful recovery. The risk of complications increases with improper treatment and insufficient activity of the immune system.

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