Nine of Swords in Tarot: card meaning. Nine of Swords in Tarot: meaning in upright and inverted position

The Nine of Swords rarely poses a literal threat, but the psychological state it describes is so difficult and unpleasant that it is not without reason that it is considered one of the most unfavorable cards that can appear in a reading. This is an uncontrollable wave of anxiety, melancholy, fear, guilt, horror of life that surges in the unconscious. A kind of internal torture chamber (it is no coincidence that it is defined by Banzhaf and Akron as the “spirit of the inquisition”). This Arcanum, appearing in the layout, indicates that the questioner is suffering in one way or another (surrounding cards can give a hint) and some kind of misfortune oppresses him.

Ancient interpreters contain information that the card indicates the presence of irreconcilable enemies in the questioner. But it happens that a person is such an enemy to himself with his habit of hiding his head in the sand from the problems that frighten him that fate does not require external enemies.

This card suggests that something is greatly disturbing the questioner, perhaps depriving him of peace and sleep. In the worst case, he is currently undergoing a real test of losses and it seems to him that the whole world is against him, and fate has set itself the goal of destroying him. This image of sleepless nights corresponds to a state of deep anxiety and depression. There may be a bad conscience that prevents you from falling asleep, or a feeling of some kind of danger to life, for example, illness or bereavement.

The card depicts night terrors, when we lie awake, tormented by our thoughts, and wait for dawn. However, she does not tell us what exactly depresses us: a feeling of guilt or shame that drives sleep away, a feeling of self-doubt in the face of a difficult test, a powerless experience of failure, or some real danger that threatens our life. It shows only despair, melancholy, preoccupation, a sudden nightmare awakening, a sleepless night, an atmosphere of darkness and suffering. In any case, the card says that the person has something to think about, and this “what” upsets and frightens him. Perhaps he knows what to do, but he considers active actions too painful.

The “circle of torment” described by the Nine of Swords reflects pain, fatigue and an urgent desire to change everything for the better. Usually a person is not able to withstand this torture for a long time and finds a way to end it (the next card is the Ten of Swords). This card is similar to the Ten of Swords in the sense that it foreshadows the near end of the “dark streak”. However, it happens that the Nine of Swords indicates “residual phenomena” from past or even imaginary problems rather than the problems themselves.

“Hostile whirlwinds howl above us, dark forces oppress us viciously.” Severe anxiety (including at night), a depressed state, thinking about problems, painful thoughts about work, fears about the future, doubts, uncertainty, remorse. Anxiety, powerlessness, fear of failure, complete loss. Concentration of negative thoughts, like a nightmare.

It is a “sleep of the mind” that produces monsters, gnawing anxiety, primitive fantasies of brutal violence or shameful defeat. In general - an all-consuming, panicky fear of something, an uncontrollable fear - of some test, work, exams, sex... reality. Readiness to desperately give up in the face of all this, the position of an ostrich. Any call of reality forces you to plunge into the abyss of fear. A person suffers, imagining the worst that can happen. Life has become a nightmare, this card says. The whole world is heading into the abyss. The fears and worries are so great that it seems that life is no longer worth living.

Extreme despair. Exhaustion. Sometimes this card is marked by the loss of loved ones, the awareness of grief and the lack of resources at the moment to deal with it.

In the Tarot, perhaps, there are no Arcana other than this that would emphasize the state of shame and guilt, and this is worth paying attention to. This is self-flagellation, various forms of self-punishment. Generally speaking, the Nine of Swords person loves to feel like a victim of circumstances and revels in self-pity without noticing it. Fear of the unfolding events of life is usually caused by a very strong concentration on oneself. In the end, according to this map, we are afraid not just of some events, but of what will happen to us. Sometimes the card describes an unmarried person, whose life this circumstance clearly does not decorate.

the card has a different meaning than the ordinary one, and this is well described in ancient manuals.

In the upright position it symbolizes a temple, monastery, sanctuary, cult and attitude towards it, as well as virginity, purity, holiness, unearthly purity.

We found the following description of the Arcan symbolism: “The card shows a woman sitting on a bed and covering her face with her hands: having woken up, she suddenly realized what was happening. Her insight is mournful. But nine swords above her head point forward - to the future. In addition, the nightmare is most likely imaginary: none of the swords touches the figure depicted on the card. On her bedspread are symbols of the planets and signs of the Zodiac that control the invisible life processes of the world organism. The mind, which has dismantled the world into parts and comprehended the fate of the past and the present, is given the ability to comprehend the predestination of the future.”

Having started reading this description, I want to repeat the words from “The Da Vinci Code” - So dark is con of man! - only about the opposite visual deception than that discussed in this film. “Well, where do you see the woman here? What tells you that this is a woman?” In fact, Waite's character is asexual. He is wearing a long shirt, hiding the shape of his body, and we do not see any secondary sexual characteristics here. The concentration of negative thoughts and the immersion of consciousness in a gloomy primitive state is what is most essential. Crowley writes: “This is a world of unconscious primal instincts, psychopathy and fanaticism.”

The Nine of Swords resonates with the sign of Sagittarius and its rulers, Jupiter and Neptune. Moreover, Jupiter gives this card religiosity, while Neptune can give this religiosity the most frenzied forms and brings fear, uncertainty, apprehension, a desire to move away from reality, the inability to survive contact with reality, misunderstanding, hopelessness, suffering. Frantic “Victory or Death!”, no compromises. A monk who lives in anticipation of a miracle or sign appearing to him is another example of a subject of the Nine of Swords. It can also contribute to a radical change in worldview.

Sharp and sudden social ups and downs (an idol for an hour), changes in social status are also a typical situation for the Nine of Swords. This card means a change in everyday environment, moving, and separation in the broad sense of the word (not only with people and objects, but also with ideas). A monk, taking monastic vows into a monastery, dies for the world. The Nine of Swords can also be known as the highest power of liberation. Wake up suddenly and suddenly be horrified by the situation, realizing it to the end (“look around and shudder soberly”). At such a moment, enormous power is released, impersonal and merciless. Depression is an internal reckoning. This card corresponds to a serious cheap crisis and challenge. In the biblical sense, this is the experience of being abandoned by God.

The second decanate of Gemini, ruled by Mars, expresses the idea of ​​actively including one's own will in the rational analysis of the world. The mind, pushing opposites together, harshly dissects the unknown into pieces, in order to then re-create the world from the pieces, comparing them with each other and establishing logical connections. This decade develops mental acuity and poses questions head-on. Mars suggests judging things from a personal position and speaking boldly about everything, but, on the other hand, the mental dissection of the living organism of the world replaces the original integrity (even with a perfect, but dead scheme), so this decade has the name “Cruelty.”

This is the cruelty of a cold mind towards the feeling body. In the end, feeling turns out to be right, and reason is wrong because an attentive soul can always quietly and imperceptibly destroy those barriers with which a furious mind is waging a protracted and bloody war. And yet, representatives of this decade tend to emphasize the omnipotence of the mind. By dealing with the shortcomings of the present, the mind makes a connection between the past and the future.

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: the main medicine is contact with reality, steps towards correcting it, gradually bringing clarity to it. "The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters." Give up the ostrich policy, don’t torture yourself with inactivity. Do what you must and come what may. However, dignified positive behavior, sound responsible actions taken decisively and firmly are the key to liberation. We just have to try to weather this storm. The Nine of Swords, falling to a person who is in a relatively serene state, without obvious clouds on the horizon, may hint that somewhere and in some way he should still worry in advance, think about whether a radical correction of the situation is needed somewhere, at least for preventive purposes.

Warning: refrain from dubious matters, do not rush to make decisions - things will have a negative development and you will have to regret what you have done for a long time. Card trap: thinking too much about problems that are not directly related to us. Meanwhile, there are urgent matters that require attention, and they need to be addressed, then the condition will stabilize.

The Nine of Swords is a sign that the questioner has not been able to cope with doubts and negative emotions (their reflection is the Eight of Swords) and is now reaping the fruits of his own indecision. It happens that work has turned into torture and a person hates it with all his soul, and the thought of the next working day deprives him of sleep.

Professional failures. Collections. In business, this card predicts failure and defeat. In combination with positive cards - at least severe stress on the path to success or (rarely) “depression of achievement.” This card responds to a state of panic and time pressure, when a person does not have time to do everything by the due date. This is a fear of control, inspections, audits, certifications and public speaking. Often this is a card of extreme mobilization to overcome work problems, when strict rationality, a suicidal attitude towards “one’s own song”, sleepless nights, “no sleep, no rest for the tormented soul” are required.

This card is marked by encounters with envy, injustice or mobbing, but also hysterics in the workplace, inappropriate behavior, and a generally uncomfortable asthma atmosphere.

Professionally, this card corresponds to specialists who work with mental anguish - psychologists, priests.

Map of melancholy and worries associated with money. Finance sings romances, and some especially heartbreaking ones. Traditional meanings: loss of property, business failure, bankruptcy, debt, blackmail. Deferred payments. Deception in money matters.

At the level of love relationships, the Nine of Swords can give excessive concern about a loved one when love takes on hysterical, annoying forms. Hysteria is generally associated with this card. Neptune means not only blind, unconditional, fanatical faith, but also distrust, suspicion, doubts, sometimes taking a manic form. One of the ancient meanings of the card, along with monasticism, is “heartless passion”, which does not stop, for example, at revenge and causing harm, “love and hatred at the same time.” Crowley writes about an atmosphere poisoned by danger.

More often it is poisoning with suffering, which can be associated both with the presence of a relationship and with its absence. Traditionally, the Nine of Swords is considered a card of lonely people. But it also likes to fall out on those for whom marriage has turned into martyrdom, constant suppression, a “torture chamber.” This card is extremely sensitive to mental suffering and is a significator of the “humiliated and insulted.”

The Nine of Swords quite accurately describes crying into the pillow after marital quarrels and generally causing pain. However, she also loves obsessives - those who are ready to literally follow on the heels of the object of their passion, creating for themselves an idol and a fetish from a living person. The Nine of Swords is capable of standing guard at the entrance, hanging on a drainpipe, accessing a mobile phone and email, and all this on the basis of a desperate “I love you, I can’t.” A person suffers himself and tortures another, perhaps subconsciously trying to make him just as unhappy and gain reciprocity at least in this way. This card is also associated with tyranny and violence in relationships; it can be characterized by unceremoniousness and rudeness, but at the heart of it all is a panicky fear of losing.

Inability to forgive something, such as cheating.

Psychogenic impotence caused by fear of not being up to par or resentment.

Traditionally, the Nine of Swords is a strong indicator of loneliness, seclusion, solitude (almost more than the Hermit), a bachelor life, which does not bring any pleasure to the questioner. The card also often means pain caused by the partner’s insensitivity, a state of abandonment and misunderstanding.

Description of the lasso:

This is the image of Ananda, the cousin and disciple of Gautama Buddha. He was with the Buddha all the time, accompanying him for forty-two years. It is said that when Buddha died, Ananda was still by his side, crying. Other disciples condemned him for this error: Buddha died completely satisfied; he needed to have fun. But Ananda said: “You are mistaken. I am crying not for him, but for myself, because all these years I have been constantly with him, but still have not achieved.” Ananda stayed awake all night, meditating deeply, feeling pain and despair. They say that by morning he became enlightened.

Direct position of the Nine of Clouds card - Sadness:

In moments of great grief lies the possibility of great transformation. But for transformation to occur, we must go deeper, to the very roots of our pain, and experience it for what it is, without blame or self-pity.

Meaning of the card:

Remember, this pain should not make you sad. That's where people go on missing... This pain should only make you more alert - because people become alert only when the arrow penetrates deep into their hearts and wounds them. Otherwise they will not be able to become alert. When life is easy, calm, comfortable, who worries? Who worries about becoming alert? When a friend dies, opportunity arises. When a woman leaves you - those dark nights - you are alone. You loved this woman so much, you put everything on the line. and suddenly she leaves when you cry from loneliness, this is a suitable occasion. which can be used to become aware. the arrow wounds: this can be taken advantage of. Pain should not make you unhappy, pain should make you more aware! And when you become aware, suffering disappears.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

I brought fear to myself. Despair is more far-fetched. Locking the future. I like to be sad and mope. Insomnia. Nightmares. Experiences at the moment. Temporary depression. Disease. Evil eye.
Go through your fear to the end and, if necessary, repent.

Don't dwell on your nightmares or on those feelings and actions that sooner or later a person has to repent.

Card of the day
If you woke up today with remorse, if you are tormented by doubts, and pictures of the future are drawn one more terrible than the other - immediately, at any cost, get out of this nightmare! If you are really in danger from the outside, then there are two possibilities: gather your courage and take the blow, since it cannot be avoided. If this can be avoided, then, of course, it is better to use an alternative option. Perhaps it will help you if you sincerely repent of what you did earlier.

Reversed card
The shame is worse than ever. Jail. Loneliness.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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A woman sits on the bed and cries, holding her head in her hands. Or is she praying? Nine swords are suspended above her bed. The image speaks of the pain that can sometimes be caused by the realization that what is desired does not always coincide with reality. Swords don't hurt a woman, they just hang in the air. This may mean that someone she cares about is suffering, or that the suffering is only imaginary and not real. This card invites us to ask ourselves if a way out of our dire situation is in sight.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Nine of Swords
  • Why are you so sad?
  • What are you trying to come to terms with?
  • Are you tormented by the need to make a certain decision?
  • Do you carry all the pain in this world on your shoulders?
  • Do you feel misunderstood?
Key Ideas
It seems to you that worrying changes something, but worry alone cannot achieve anything. All anxiety can do is make you sick. If you can help the situation, do so. If nothing can be done, do not cling to anxiety. More often than not, the things we worry about don't happen. So stop wasting time worrying and start just living.
Direct card: Disagreements with a friend will disappear like smoke, and in the future they will further strengthen your friendship.

Reversed card: Lots of arguments that get personal. They upset everyone and make the situation worse. Time to find a compromise or leave.

Direct Card: You are very worried about exam results. Not worth it. Everything will be fine in the end.

Reversed Card: Your constant worry makes life difficult not only for you, but also for your parents.

Direct Card: Lack of self-confidence is the only thing holding you back.

Reversed card: You may be very anxious - even to the point of insomnia. Unfortunately, he (or she) is not worth it.

Direct Card: Try to support your family during this difficult time. Do something positive.

Reversed: Family problems feel like a crushing blow and you feel overwhelmed. But there will be a person to whom you can tell everything and trust his advice.

Direct Card: Find something that will take your mind off your current problems for a while. Read something good, go for a walk, write a story or picture, bake a cake - the options are endless, as long as the activity excites you.

Reversed Card: If you are afraid, this will lead to additional problems. To find the root of all troubles, take a close look at yourself.

Direct card: If you like yourself, then you look great and feel great.

Reversed: The card signifies illness and poor health due to stress and worry.

Direct card: Compensation for financial losses will come quickly.

Reversed card: A sign of financial failure.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Jane was worried about her friend Daelin, who regularly had panic attacks. Things were already so bad that Daelin often missed school. The map showed that the girl did not have enough strength to cope with the situation on her own. Now everything depends on her parents; they must take care of their daughter’s treatment. Jane can provide support - both emotional and active - for Daeleen, but she should not try to live her life. Jane cannot control what is happening, so she must return to focusing on her own life.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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Swords mean melancholy and confusion of mind.

Anxiety. Despair. Negative thoughts.

This card is known as the "nightmare card" because the fears it predicts can be terrifying, even if they are not real. The Nine of Swords is often accompanied by a sense of threat looming over us, but it is necessary to be able to understand the difference between our nightmares and reality. In the Medieval Tarot of Scapini, this card shows a man lying on top of a coffin; nine swords intersecting at right angles hang menacingly over his head, but the man remains calm, which serves as an indication that the cause of our fears should be sought not outside, but within ourselves. In other decks, this card shows tied hands, a crying woman, or a dead animal.

The feeling of despondency inherent in this card arises more in the mind than in reality. We may feel unduly pessimistic, or the consequences of a difficult situation may still weigh heavily on us and poison our thoughts about the future. The thing we fear most is unlikely to happen, and our situation is not as dire as we think, but recent suffering casts a gloomy tone on everything. We may have nightmares or morbid fantasies, or be unable to overcome depression. At the same time, it may be useful to discover the true causes of our fears, the understanding of which will help us get rid of them forever. Once we realize that they are completely unreasonable, we can enjoy life again.
The Nine of Swords suggests that you are overcome by internal doubts that actually have no basis in reality. You may feel sad and confused, although there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. You may have a difficult decision to make, or you may be in a difficult situation, but the anxiety that is squeezing you in its grip is much stronger than the current circumstances deserve. Your negative thinking makes the situation even worse, but sooner or later you will have to face the real facts. Your situation will seem much less depressing when you feel the desire to get rid of your obsessive thoughts and their painful influence. Once you adopt a new way of thinking, your eyes will be opened to new opportunities and you will be able to get rid of any health problems caused by stress.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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Meaning in fortune telling
Suffering. Participation. Argument. Misfortune. Failure. Worry about your loved one. Anxiety. Despair. Suffering.
Reversed meaning
Doubt. Suspicion. Defamatory gossip. Shame. Remorse. Timidity. Questionable personality. Reasonable fear.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Nine of Swords predicts death, failure, extreme despair.

In most interpretations, the Nine of Swords is considered the worst card in the deck. She predicts death, failure, extreme despair. Even when surrounded by the best cards, it can mean illness, loss of money or property, or misfortune. This means the presence of a ruthless enemy or simply bad luck. Projects affected by this card will inevitably end in failure. You can only hope for the inner strength that will allow you to withstand the storm. Note: If you have done (or are planning to do) something inappropriate, this card warns that you will be caught and punished; a ruthless enemy is not necessarily a villain if the Questioner himself commits a crime.

Inner meaning
In most interpretations, the Nine of Swords is considered the worst card in the deck. She predicts death, failure, extreme despair. Even when surrounded by the best cards, it can mean illness, loss of money or property, or misfortune. This means the presence of a ruthless enemy or simply bad luck. Projects affected by this card will inevitably end in failure. You can only hope for the inner strength that will allow you to withstand the storm. Note: If you have done (or are planning to do) something inappropriate, this card warns that you will be caught and punished; a ruthless enemy is not necessarily a villain if the Questioner himself commits a crime.
Value in the layout
Direct or positive: death, hopelessness, extreme failure. Delays and deception. Implacable enemy. Evil fate.

Inverted or negative: shame, fear, doubt, suspicion. An unreliable person influencing your situation.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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The crisis described by the Eight turns into despair, judgment, shame and turning a blind eye to cruelty. In Nine we see depression, melancholy, guilt, fear and remorse - all types of mental suffering that can literally crush a person. This card can mean insomnia and nightmares, the "dark night of the soul" or wounds and illnesses. Losses and failures await you, especially if you yourself are to blame for them. Swords on a straight map are like a ladder that you are unable to climb due to despair and loss of spirit. You have lost hope, and with it, peace of mind. Overwhelmed by the power of fate, you wait for the sword of Damocles to fall.

On the other hand, a patchwork quilt suggests that there is still some core of warmth and comfort in your life. The zodiac signs embroidered on it remind you that time heals.

At the ordinary level, hot flashes and chills, profuse night sweats, and temporary depression are possible. You may become pessimistic, become thoughtful, develop a habit of imagining the worst in advance, and sit not knowing what to do about it. Perhaps you have learned a bitter truth, received frightening news, have an unwanted pregnancy, or suddenly received an unpleasant diagnosis. Possibly grief over the loss and associated changes, or regret over the pain caused to someone.

As with all other Nines, there is a feeling of isolation and loneliness associated with this card, reminiscent of how people perceived celibacy and monastic life in the 18th century. Such old interpretations as “piety” and “piety” in the modern picture of the world can mean remorse, punishment and retribution.

Traditional meanings: chastity, abstinence. Priest, monk, hermit. Monastery. Cult. Piety, piety. Conscience. Integrity, faith. Ceremonies, rituals. Suffering. Miscarriage. Ending. Disappointment. Danger, doubt, grief. Mental anguish. Insulation. Injustice, hatred, envy.

Reversed Nine of Swords
The reversed Nine of Swords can mean a way out of depression. The nightmares are over, everything is going well. Confession eases the guilt, self-torture stops, as well as attacks of acute self-pity. However, finding the energy and faith needed to face the current state of affairs and not give up is still difficult.

You may be denying your feelings of shame, depression and loneliness and trying to compensate for them with defiant behavior or protests. Or you may be overwhelmed by a delayed reaction to a bereavement. If other cards confirm this, look into your soul for unconscious depression, which has already turned into a chronic, and therefore even more severe and dangerous, form.

On the other hand, it could be psychological work with the Shadow or soul searching, for the sake of which you consciously explore your fears and reasons for self-hatred. One querent, just before a fortune-telling session, dreamed that he was going down a staircase, the steps of which looked like swords, straight into the basement, where all his fears awaited him. Perhaps you too will have the opportunity to face your fears.

Your worries may be justified, and your suspicions may be confirmed. Therefore, perhaps the card means real, justified pain and suffering. You should avoid dangers and dubious acquaintances. If you find yourself the target of gossip, and self-criticism is persistently grist for their mill, you may decide to hide for a while and stop going out in public. Or, on the contrary, you feel slighted and want to restore your tarnished reputation.

When you project this carp onto others, they seem to you to be frightened and crushed by life, or mired in unhealthy fantasies. The Nine of Swords reversed can also signify an abuser who claims remorse but is actually ready to attack again.

From a shamanic point of view, this card represents "the death of a youth or a maiden", the fear of loss and dismemberment, a terrible encounter with the unknown or the breaking of a taboo. All this is an integral part of the initiation tests.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: slander, gossip. Fair call. Justified fear or suspicion. Shame, dishonor, disgrace. Gossip. Spiritual struggle. Pedantry, scrupulousness.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
Deliver me, God, from my enemies, help me survive in this situation!
Description of the card and its internal meaning
The Nine of Swords is considered the most powerful card in the Minor Arcana deck that has a negative meaning. She predicts troubles, illness and even death, so this Arcana almost always depicts a person lying in bed. His figure expresses complete powerlessness.

The influence of the Nine of Swords is so powerful that even when surrounded by good cards it can mean misfortune, disaster, and loss. Anything this card touches is doomed to fail. In this case, there is only one thing left to do - to rely on your inner strengths, which will help you survive this period of life.

In addition, the Nine of Swords suggests that in the life of the Questioner there is a bitter enemy, ready to deal a crushing blow at any moment.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - I/Y, number - 9,
Ruled by the planet - Mars, zodiac sign - Gemini,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 9th hexagram (“Education for the little ones”),
Weather conditions - clear (upright position), fog (inverted position),
The corresponding color is white,
According to Kabbalah, it corresponds to the Yesod sephira.
Card meaning
Straight position
In the upright position, this Arcanum has the following meanings: hopelessness, extreme failure, a bad streak in life, monetary losses, illness, fear, and against the backdrop of all this - the need for someone’s help, since problems cannot be dealt with alone, the presence of rivals or dangerous enemies ready to destroy everything acquired. When surrounded by unfavorable cards, the Nine of Swords can predict physical death.
Inverted position
The negative effect of the Nine of Swords in this case is not so destructive, but just as unpleasant. The questioner should prepare for mental pain, suspicion and even shame, as well as the influence of some stupid person on his life.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Nine of Swords - the threat of disaster looms over you. You experience severe mental anguish - feelings of guilt, depression, anxiety, horror, and from this confusion are born confusion and self-hatred. The symbolic image of the card is a crying man. Rather than indulge in pessimism, isn’t it better to seriously ask yourself: is everything in your life as good as you want to show others, and isn’t it time to radically change the situation?

Inverted - softens pain of direct meaning. New hope will help you recover from your experience. Be patient, everything will change for the better soon.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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IX. Nine - a woman sits on her bed and cries; swords over her bed.

Straight position:
death, bankruptcy, failure, obstacle, deception, disappointment, hopelessness.

Reverse position:
imprisonment (in prison), suspicion, disrepute, disgrace.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Saturn/Moon as a symbol of concern, depression and guilt.
This image of sleepless nights corresponds to a state of deep anxiety and depression. There may be a bad conscience that prevents you from falling asleep, or a feeling of some kind of danger to life, for example, illness or bereavement. The card depicts night terrors, when we lie awake, tormented by our thoughts, and wait for dawn. At the same time, she does not tell us what exactly depresses us: a feeling of guilt or shame that drives sleep away, a feeling of self-doubt in the face of a difficult test or some real danger that threatens our life. It shows only our despair, melancholy, concern, sudden nightmare awakening, sleepless night.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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The second ten-day period of Gemini is from June 1 to June 10.
Astrological equivalents: Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces, Moon, Jupiter, Neptune, Houses Twelve and Ninth.
The second decanate of Gemini, ruled by Mars, expresses the idea of ​​actively including one's own will in the rational analysis of the world. The mind, pushing opposites together, harshly dissects the unknown into pieces, in order to then re-create the world from the pieces, comparing them with each other and establishing logical connections. This decade develops mental acuity and poses questions head-on.
Mars suggests judging things from a personal position and speaking boldly about everything, but, on the other hand, the mental dissection of the living organism of the world replaces the original integrity (even with a perfect, but dead scheme), so this decade has the name “Cruelty.” This is the cruelty of a cold mind towards the feeling body. In the end, feeling turns out to be right, and reason is wrong because an attentive soul can always quietly and imperceptibly destroy those barriers with which a furious mind is waging a protracted and bloody war. And yet, representatives of this decade tend to emphasize the omnipotence of the mind. By dealing with the shortcomings of the present, the mind makes a connection between the past and
The Tarot card shows a woman sitting on a bed and covering her face with her hands: having woken up, she suddenly realized what was happening. Her insight is mournful. But nine swords above her head point forward - to the future. On her bedspread are symbols of the planets and signs of the Zodiac that control the invisible life processes of the world organism. The mind, which has dismantled the world into parts and comprehended the fate of the past and the present, is given the opportunity to comprehend the predestination of the future.
The Nine of Swords symbolizes results that are about to manifest and resonates with the sign of Sagittarius and its rulers, Jupiter and Neptune. Moreover, Jupiter gives this card religiosity, while Neptune can give this religiosity the most frenzied forms and brings fear of the unknown, uncertainty, apprehension, a desire to move away from reality, the inability to survive contact with reality, misunderstanding, hopelessness,
At the level of love relationships, the Nine of Swords can give excessive concern about a loved one when love takes on hysterical, annoying forms. Hysteria is generally associated with this card. Neptune means not only blind, unconditional, fanatical faith, but also distrust, suspicion, doubts, sometimes taking a manic form. Neptune, in general, in astrology enjoys the reputation of an unkind planet, so such “joys of life” as poverty and disappointments are also associated with this card.

Straight position:
In the upright position, the Nine of Swords symbolizes a temple, monastery, sanctuary, cult and attitude towards it, as well as virginity, purity, holiness, unearthly purity. A monk who lives in anticipation of a miracle or sign appearing to him is an example of a subject of the Nine of Swords.

Inverted position:
In a reversed position, the Nine of Swords can give fear of disease, violence, doubt, wicked and dubious proposals.
The precarious position of this card is expressed in the constant balancing between holiness and some completely disgusting blasphemy. Moreover, all - both positive and negative manifestations that follow the Nine of Swords, are of a social nature. The Nine of Swords can also contribute to a radical change in worldview, because changes are taking place in Sagittarius, and SWORDS are a radical suit. Sharp and sudden social ups and downs (an idol for the hour) are also a typical situation for the Nine of Swords. This card means a change in everyday environment, moving, and separation in the broad sense of the word (not only with people and objects, but also with ideas).
In old manuals, the Nine of Swords was associated with notification of death; inverted - about the death of a loved one. (It should be remembered that the word Death in cards means not only Death, as we understand it, but also any transformation, change.) This can concern anything: appearance, social status, views. A monk, taking monastic vows into a monastery, dies for the world. The Nine of Swords can also be known as the highest power of liberation. Wake up suddenly and suddenly be horrified by the situation, realizing it to the end. At such a moment, enormous power is released, impersonal and merciless. This is not an improvement in fate - this is one blow - and freedom. And the more terrible the situation, the more terrible this blow will be. No compromises. Freedom or death.

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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A woman sits in bed, covering her face with her hands. In the dark space behind her, nine swords float in the air. Life has become a nightmare, this card says. The whole world is heading into the abyss. Your fears and worries are so great that it seems that life is no longer worth living.
In the Aquarius Tarot (and some other decks), this card depicts a man instead of a woman.
But this nightmare only seems to him (or her): none of the swords touches the figure depicted on the card. Your fears and worries are understandable, this card says, but they do not directly affect you. You think too much about problems that are not directly related to you. Meanwhile, you also have matters that require attention. Don't worry, this card says, don't worry about the "world's problems", whatever they may be: take care of your immediate affairs, and your condition will stabilize.
This card is similar to the Ten of Swords in the sense that it foreshadows the near end of the “dark streak”. However, Nine points more to bad mood and pessimism as “residual phenomena” from past or even imaginary problems, rather than to the problems themselves.

It means that the “black streak” is not ending as soon as we would like, but it still won’t be long.
In the Egyptian Tarot, this Nine, like others, points to the Gurdjieff Enneagram as a symbol of the need for internal and external harmony or as a call for it.

Description of the lasso:

This is the image of Ananda, the cousin and disciple of Gautama Buddha. He was with the Buddha all the time, accompanying him for forty-two years. It is said that when Buddha died, Ananda was still by his side, crying. Other disciples condemned him for this error: Buddha died completely satisfied; he needed to have fun. But Ananda said: “You are mistaken. I am crying not for him, but for myself, because all these years I have been constantly with him, but still have not achieved.” Ananda stayed awake all night, meditating deeply, feeling pain and despair. They say that by morning he became enlightened.

Direct position of the Nine of Clouds card - Sadness:

In moments of great grief lies the possibility of great transformation. But for transformation to occur, we must go deeper, to the very roots of our pain, and experience it for what it is, without blame or self-pity.

Meaning of the card:

Remember, this pain should not make you sad. That's where people go on missing... This pain should only make you more alert - because people become alert only when the arrow penetrates deep into their hearts and wounds them. Otherwise they will not be able to become alert. When life is easy, calm, comfortable, who worries? Who worries about becoming alert? When a friend dies, opportunity arises. When a woman leaves you - those dark nights - you are alone. You loved this woman so much, you put everything on the line. and suddenly she leaves when you cry from loneliness, this is a suitable occasion. which can be used to become aware. the arrow wounds: this can be taken advantage of. Pain should not make you unhappy, pain should make you more aware! And when you become aware, suffering disappears.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

The main meaning of the 9 Swords Tarot card is fears and experiences, however, if we consider its detailed interpretation, we can find out that the card is fraught with a more multifaceted prediction.

In the article:

The meaning of the 9 of Swords Tarot card in a broad sense

The 9 Swords Tarot card indicates that the fortuneteller’s life has turned into a nightmare. In his understanding, now the usual way of life is collapsing and falling into the abyss. The fear and number of current problems are so great that it would seem that there is no point in living.

However, the swords drawn on the map do not touch a person. The problems are not as big as you might think, and they do not directly affect you. You worry too much about problems that have no obvious relation to you, but you have enough worries of your own. Don’t worry and go about your daily activities, don’t think about imaginary problems, and your condition will return to normal. You shouldn’t burden yourself with other people’s problems, especially regardless of your ability to cope with them.

The Nine of Swords Tarot can also indicate residual experiences after serious difficulties. Bad mood and pessimism in this case can be perfectly treated with everyday activities, work, and creativity. But more often this card indicates preoccupation with imaginary problems, and also expresses despair, doubt, and hopelessness. Sometimes she talks about the shame that gnaws at the questioner from the inside. It will have to be recognized and overcome.

The meaning of the 9 of Swords Tarot also concerns insomnia. It is she who is depicted on this map. This may include pangs of conscience that keep you awake, as well as anticipation of the consequences of a certain action, anxiety for your own life or the life of a loved one, or anxiety before performing a difficult or dangerous task. In addition, the card can mean nightmares and sleep-related problems.

Turning over this card suggests that troubles will not end instantly, however, the end of a bad period in life has already appeared on the horizon. The future promises hope and an end to problems, as well as good news.

Nine Swords Tarot - meaning for fortune telling for business and work

There are many options for the meaning of the Nine of Swords Tarot when divining for work, business and affairs, but they do not contradict the main meaning of this card. It can mean despondency and oppression by the team or boss. Work does not bring you pleasure; perhaps you made a mistake when choosing a specialty or workplace.

In addition, the card may mean overwork after high loads or fear of not being able to cope with the task. When fortune telling about studies, this can be expressed as jitters before an exam or admission, fear of public speaking or other matters that will have to be faced in the near future.

There is a possibility that the questioner has made a serious mistake or acted dishonestly in the past. Now the awareness of this fact, the expectation of consequences and attempts to find out whether the misconduct was discovered or went undetected, do not allow him to sleep peacefully at night.

Nine of Swords Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 9 Swords Tarot is fear of separation. This card can also reveal concerns about the life and health of the spouse - both justified and far-fetched by the questioner. You are afraid of losing your loved one. Perhaps you have done something that could greatly disappoint him, and now you are terrified that he will find out about it, and the consequences will be serious.

The meaning in a relationship of the Nine of the Swords Tarot suit, if this card falls to a single person, means depression due to loneliness, a desire to find a couple and at the same time the inability to believe that it is quite possible to improve your personal life.

Reversed card speaks of good news related to your personal life or a loved one.

Nine of Swords Tarot - people and places

Upright The Nine of Swords means a person who is in a depressed, anxious state. He has someone to worry about, but these worries may well turn out to be far-fetched. This person may suffer from insomnia. There is a possibility that he is ill, perhaps currently preparing for surgery. Often the Nine of Swords signifies bachelors, virgins, monks and clergy, as well as hermits. This may also be the enemy of the fortuneteller.

Inverted position This card suggests that you are dealing with someone who has experienced grief or a truly terrible situation in life. He is sad, but has hopes for a good future. Perhaps this person suffers from chronic insomnia. It is unreliable and a bad influence on what you ask the tarot cards about.

Sometimes during fortune telling there is a goal to find out a certain place, and this is quite realistic. The Nine of Swords in such fortune telling will mean a church, monastery or other sanctuary associated with any religion.

Nine of Swords + Ace of Swords and other combinations of this card with others

One of the most unpleasant combinations in the Tarot is the Nine of Swords and. It means betrayal and tears, disappointment and the inability to put aside suffering. In combination with this card, it promises divorce and life alone, sleepless nights thinking about how to live after a breakup.

Several combinations of the Nine of Swords with other cards promise problems. So, for example, this card foreshadows difficulties that will grow like a snowball. The Five of Wands near the Nine of Swords promises not only problems, but also enmity. The Six of Wands near this card guarantees defeat for the fortuneteller.

There are also combinations that can specify the fears of the questioner. For example, the Page of Wands or the Jester says that fears are associated with a child, the Queen of Wands - the questioner is worried about a woman, the King of Wands - about a man. Arcanum Lovers says that experiences are associated with a quarrel with a loved one and a relationship with him.

In general, despite the fact that the Nine of Swords cannot be called a positive card, the forecast may not be so gloomy. Despite the difficulty of the fortuneteller's current position, his problems may turn out to be much less than it seemed at first.

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