Why do you dream about gold breaking? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Gold? Why dream of selling gold and gold jewelry?

It is very important to understand how significant a gold object is. What is the use of gold in a dream, whose wealth and power does it represent? If you are given a golden helmet, like Don Quixote, this is an example of an archetypal form of the sacred power that you are endowed with to complete a mission or HEROIC campaign.

Have you found, lost, given or received a gold item as a gift from someone?

Did this item bring you joy or sadness?

I had a dream 😴

Regular 0 Nightmare 0

2 Freud's Dream Interpretation

Seeing gold in a dream means:

Seeing objects made of gold in a dream or giving them as a gift symbolizes your desire to change your life with your partner for the better.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

3 Muslim dream book

Seeing gold in a dream means sadness and suffering. If someone sees that they have spilled gold, this means disaster and destruction, and if someone sees that they have given gold to someone for safekeeping, that person will deceive him.

Dreams come true day of the week and date

If you had a dream in Tuesday- the dream can come true in 7-10 days

If you had a dream 9th- Meaningless, chaotic, you can not attach any significance to them.

4 Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming of gold means:

If in a dream you hold gold in your hands, you will be extremely successful in all your endeavors.

The dream warns you: rumors around your name will lead to your shame.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


5 English dream book

Gold dream meaning:

This dream has the opposite meaning. Seeing gold in a dream is a sign of poverty and misfortune. Businessmen, traders and adventurers, be careful when investing your capital and playing on the stock exchange, these operations are fraught with unpredictable consequences. Beware of speculation, all that glitters is not gold! So it is with love. To dream that your loved one has a lot of gold means discord if you get married. I'm even afraid that this will be an unhappy marriage. Gold is often a sign of illness and sadness, as a result of unlucky fate.

6 Ukrainian dream book

Gold is unkind, dangerous. Gold - soon there will be separation from family, this is a bad omen. Gold wedding ring - wedding. To have gold on yourself is a warning, to steal gold - you will lose respect, to give it as a gift - you will be at a wedding, to lose it - loss, to have a lot of gold and silver - there are many parasites around you; fake gold is a benefit. Seeing goldfish means the expected will not come true.

7 Slavic dream book

After sleeping, we must wash our hands immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. You should wash your face without touching your eyes.

8 Small dream book

Gold in a dream means:

9 Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

10 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Gold is false.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

11 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman dream about gold?

Gold is a symbol of deception and seduction; pay special attention to offers coming in the near future - they may turn out to be a “set-up”.

Gold rings are for an imminent wedding, not necessarily yours. A ring with a stone or ring promises that the Mendelssohn March will be performed in your honor.

12 Modern dream book

Seeing gold in a dream means:

Gold – Luck, wealth

13 Dream Interpretation Maya

A dream with gold in the dream book is interpreted as:

Good meaning: If you dreamed of gold jewelry, chervonets, then many good changes will happen to you in the near future. The more gold you wear during the week, the more change will occur.

Bad meaning If you dreamed of raw gold, get ready for the fact that you will have to work a lot. To make your work crowned with success, grind the tooth of a dead animal and scatter it to the wind at midnight.

14 Dream book of catchphrases

Dreaming of gold means:

GOLD – “all that glitters is not gold” is a deception, a falsehood. “Golden time” - success, a period of good fortune, maturity. “Bonanza” is an inexhaustible source of income; “The spool is small and dear,” “you are my golden one (appeal). “Golden Calf” is a passionate enrichment with a demonic meaning. “Golden the handle” - a reward, a bribe; “golden hands” - about a skilled craftsman; “scrofulous” - sick; “golden shower” means very large incomes.

15 Azar's Dream Book

Gold dream meaning:

goldfish profit

catching a goldfish means good luck in business

16 Dream book of Nina Grishina

What does it mean if a woman dreams of gold:

Goldfish - fleeting happiness.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

17 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

What can gold mean in a dream:

Buying low-grade gold in a dream means meeting a person who is not pretending to be who he really is.

Seeing gold in any form in a dream: in coins, jewelry, in grains - means wastefulness and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Holding a handful of gold in your hands in a dream means satisfying your base passions.

A pile of gold - can dream of great wealth.

18 Old Russian dream book

Gold in a dream means:

19 French dream book

If a girl dreams of gold, it means:

Seeing gold in a dream means an extravagant act. If in a dream you make gold, in reality this foreshadows wasted time. If you find gold, you will make a profit. Collecting gold or silver in a dream portends deception or loss. If you dream of false gold, the dream foreshadows your discovery of the truth.

20 Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Why does a woman dream of gold?

Waste of money.

A dream seen by a church person on a holiday can come true no later than half of the next day. They say: “A holiday nap is until lunch,” but on Friday it is “valid” all day. Whoever cries in a dream will laugh in reality.

21 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Seeing gold in a dream means:

What does Gold mean in a dream? 1. Gold in dreams suggests the best, most valuable aspects of ourselves. Finding gold means that we can reveal these qualities in ourselves or in other people. Burying gold is trying to hide something, perhaps information or some knowledge. 2. Gold in a dream can also represent the sacred, consecrated part of ourselves. We can recognize integrity and wisdom, love, patience and caring. An interesting fact is that in this context, gold rarely signifies material wealth, denoting more spiritual assets that an individual has. 3. The old saying “All that glitters is not gold” certainly does not apply in the spiritual sense. Dreaming of gold denotes Spirituality at the highest level.

22 Historical women's dream book

Interpretation of a dream about gold:

Gold and silver expensive items, jewelry - portends wealth and nobility.

Golden cups, dishes - the birth of a noble offspring.

Pans and cauldrons made of gold are great happiness.

If you buy gold or rings made from a precious stone, a noble son will be born.

If you touch gold stilettos or hairpins, you're in for a long trip.

A golden hairpin shines - foreshadows the birth of a noble offspring.

23 Historical women's dream book

Interpretation of a dream about gold:

Gold is something of the past that is significant for the individual; emphasis on value.

You should never sleep along the floorboards (only dead people are placed along the floor), but you should definitely make your bed across the boards.

24 Historical women's dream book

Gold in a dream predicts:

Great treasure of the inner world.

Golden light of inner peace.

"Golden heart".

25 Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Why do you dream of Gold:

Gold is a symbol of the sun, the spirit of life. In Hindu doctrine, gold is called "mineral light". The Latin name for gold sounds the same as the Hebrew word for light.

Gold - often associated with golden light and inner peace.

Gold can also serve as a symbol of the elusive treasure - the gold at the end of the rainbow.

When they say about a person that he has a “heart of gold,” they mean that he personifies goodness itself.

26 Historical women's dream book

You dreamed of Gold - Gold has almost magical properties: it is considered the purest of metals, does not rust and is highly valued. In dreams, it indicates wealth, nobility, generosity and outward movement. But it also embodies greed and stinginess when represented in storage. Additionally, gold traditionally symbolizes the sun and therefore warmth and growth. What does the dream mean: Were you as good as gold? Do you have the golden touch that makes everything you do come to a successful conclusion? Or is the dream warning you that not all that glitters is gold, recommending that you be careful, not so trusting and gullible, and see things in their true light?

27 Dream Interpretation Tarot

A pot of gold is the completion of an important task.

28 Esoteric dream book

29 Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

joy, new things and profit.

30 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream of Gold:

Gold - If you dream that you are holding gold bars or some objects made of gold in your hands, your luck will become a byword; Whatever you undertake, everything will work out. It’s like you find gold - solely thanks to your high personal qualities you will achieve great success; you will be respected in society; no one will say that you are not worthy of the blessings that you have. It’s as if you have lost gold - due to negligence or frivolity, you will miss the opportunity to improve your financial situation. A young woman dreams that she is given gold jewelry - a marriage that this woman agrees to will hardly be called happy; she will get used to living in abundance, but her husband will annoy her because he is a selfish person; the spouse will not lift a finger if he does not see a benefit for himself; Of course, the shadow of her husband will fall on this woman.

31 Online dream book

According to the dream book, gold signifies material wealth and at the same time some pleasant moments from your past. It is identified not with your future, but with your past successes.

It is in your palms - success awaits you in everything you undertake.

Find this precious metal - thanks to your own extraordinary abilities, you will quickly achieve material well-being and universal respect.

A dream in which you are busy melting gold warns that people are constantly gossiping about you, you should be on your guard.

Whether you buy or sell it, grief and melancholy await you.

If it is not real, you will believe other people’s sweet speeches, which you will later regret.

You were presented with gold items - in reality you will get married very successfully.

If you lost it, fate will give you a unique chance, and you, through your negligence, will miss it.

Finding gold means solving a riddle that you have been puzzling over for a long time. Experience insight.

If you dreamed that gold was stolen - worry about the safety of your savings. Don't fall for the tricks of scammers and adventurers.

A lot of gold - sudden changes in a direction favorable to you, new events will change your idea of ​​life.

Gold bar - think about the harm that an incorrect lifestyle causes to you. Get rid of bad habits, start hardening procedures.

White gold - beware of unfamiliar people. There is a high probability of deception on the part of a friend.

If you dream of buying gold, you will feel proud of your children’s successes.

They give gold - to spend a lot of effort and energy on implementing projects that are unlikely to please you with their results.

Search for gold - the abilities you possess will allow you to go far, open up new horizons for your professional activities, and move you up the career ladder.

If you dreamed of losing gold, inattention will be the reason why you will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity that arises.

32 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

Gold (sand, ingots) - spiritual knowledge; success in creativity.

A lot of gold is deception and disappointment.

Gold, gold jewelry - more often, to deception, misfortune, activity of passions and vices.

Swallowing gold means success in science and creativity.

Find, unearth ingots - acquire secret knowledge, spiritual wisdom.

33 Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Gold mean in a dream - Success in all matters. Imagine gold as brightly and as much as possible. This gold is everywhere: in your home, on yourself, on your family and friends.

34 Historical women's dream book

Also see Money, Paint.

35 Ancient Russian dream book

Why do you dream of Gold:

Seeing gold in a dream means wasted time; finding it marks profit and benefits; losing gold is a loss and the death of one of your relatives.

36 American dream book

Gold is the great treasure of the inner world.

37 Dream book of lovers

If a woman dreams that she was given gold jewelry - earrings, rings, a chain - it means that she will marry a rich but selfish man.

Losing gold in a dream means passing by happy love, which is given once in a lifetime.

38 Dream book of the 21st century

A dream in which you see a lot of gold is usually favorable.

Gold in a dream can promise you wealth, profit, and a good job.

Finding gold means that you will meet a reliable friend or meet a person who will be very dear to you.

Losing a gold item or jewelry in a dream means losses, unrealized opportunities, losses.

Seeing a golden cross in a dream is a sign of joy; crown - to changes in business; chain - to deception or illusions; belt - to wealth.

A dream in which you saw a product with gilding or the shine of gold may portend deception in reality.

Finding gold in a dream means that you have to learn some secret, but because of this you will lose peace.

39 Solomon's Dream Book


40 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Why do you dream of Gold:

If you dreamed of gold in bars, scrap or products, in the near future you will learn a secret that is important to you.

Golden crown - dreams of a big change in life.

You dreamed of a golden cross - great grief will fall on your family.

In a dream you were given or you were given a gold ring - you will soon find yourself a new friend.

Eating from gold utensils means your colleagues will surround you with honors.

A lot of gold coins - predicts a significant increase in salary.

You embroidered with gold in a dream - expect very important good news.

41 Historical women's dream book

Gold - The desire to find a compromise.

42 Russian dream book

Gold is the same as money, but with more emphasis. The desire to be very rich. If it is a specific subject, then look by subject.

43 Historical women's dream book

Just seeing gold means wasted time; find - to profit.

44 Aesop's Dream Book

The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with the well-known phrases: “All that glitters is not gold” (external impressions can be deceptive), “Small is the spool, but dear,” “The word is silver, silence is gold.”

There are also quite common words: “Golden hands”, “Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”.

If you dreamed that you lost a gold jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will soon happen.

If you have lost your wedding ring, this is especially unpleasant because it may portend illness or separation from your loved one.

Seeing gold coins in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material.

If you dreamed that you were a gold digger, this means that you are trying to find profit in some business, but because of your outright selfish desire, you will lose the respect of those around you, who will stop providing you with the help that they previously offered.

Finding a golden thing in a dream - such a dream predicts that you will have false hopes, you are hoping in vain for chance, you need to act actively.

45 Historical women's dream book

Why do you dream of Gold:

If a girl sees a goldfish in a dream, this foreshadows her marriage to a good and rich man. This dream also promises romantic adventures. A dead goldfish dreams of severe trials and loneliness.

46 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Buying low-grade gold or looking at gold in a dream means disappointment in someone you valued.

Seeing gold in a dream means temptation.

A handful of gold - to temptation.

A pile of gold - to vice, secret desire.

47 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Gold in a dream symbolizes not only wealth, but also valuable memories. However, it is more a sign of disappointment than good luck. Gold in the form of dishes and utensils is a sign of sublime hope. Gold money, chains - failure, deception.

48 Psychotherapeutic dream book

Gold. Finding gold is a complete success; exchanging silver for gold means a rush of blood to the head; having gold utensils means promotion in position or rank; swallowing gold - success in science or art.

49 Lunar dream book

To see gold is to have a complaint; gold utensils and drinking from them is a sign of promotion.

50 Gypsy dream book

If you dream of gold, you are a greedy person.

You buy it - to the loss of friends due to greed.

51 Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing gold is false and delusional; buy - you are empty; a large number - poor times await you; to receive as a gift - beware of fake ones; gilded objects - love false appearance.

52 Jewish dream book

What does Gold mean in a dream - To good earnings, wealth and luck in business. Golden figure - will be praised and thanked. Insert gold teeth into yourself A dream you had on Monday night says that you should restrain your feelings and act more prudently; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to attempts to get out of a difficult situation with the help of money; on Saturday or Sunday night - to receive a pleasant message. Eating from gold utensils means being in a cheerful company and having a good time.

53 Universal dream book

If in a dream you own gold, what does it represent that is important to you in life? To answer this question, pay attention to where you are in your dream and what you are doing.

If gold was taken from you in a dream, you may have lost something valuable in real life.

In a dream you were given gold or you gave it to someone - this may mean that the person who gave you the gold values ​​you in real life or you value the person to whom you gave the gold.

Gold can also symbolize reward. If so, what were you awarded for? True kindness and generosity are two qualities we truly admire. In your dream, does the person with a heart of gold own gold?

54 Psychological interpreter Furtseva

Gold - Most often, gold comes in a dream to people who are on the verge of important changes. In order to understand what to expect from these changes, you should remember what metal object you saw in your dream.

  • A sharp improvement in all endeavors is promised by a dream in which you found a golden cross. Losing the same thing in a dream warns of the opposite. You shouldn’t take on new things if you had this dream recently.
  • If you dreamed of a gold chain placed around your neck, you are surrounded by unreliable people, and the concept of life that seems to you the only true one threatens to turn out to be simply an illusion.

55 The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you are awarded, it means a strong temptation that you cannot resist.

56 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Buy yourself a ring made of low-grade gold in a dream - in reality you will buy yourself a very expensive ring of high-grade gold.

Seeing in a dream how you buy yourself a gold ring means engagement.

Seeing a handful of gold in your hands in a dream means an increase in your well-being.

A pile of gold means the collapse of your business.

57 Magic dream book

To see a dream about you dreamed of Gold - success in your endeavors. Gold jewelry - marriage with a rich but calculating partner. Seeing a gold mine is an attempt to usurp someone else's rights. Seeing it on display and not being able to buy it is an empty dream.

58 Historical women's dream book

If you part with your loved one now, you will suffer greatly. But in the end, you will meet a person much better than before, he will bring you joy, happiness and love.

59 Historical women's dream book

Gold in a dream is a symbol of love, luck, honor.

Seeing a lot of gold, but not seeing coins - purity of heart, obvious innocence, important matters, exaggerated hopes.

Golden buttons - don't be gullible.

There is gold utensils - honor, promotion.

Golden chain - deception, illusion, love entanglements.

Giving it means prosperity.

Throwing gold is a nuisance.

Find - discover a secret / joy will repeat itself.

Golden belt - wealth.

Seeing gold money in a dream is unfavorable, especially if it is old or you pick it up from the ground.

A lot of gold money is bad.

Giving is a misfortune due to someone else’s fault.

To throw them around is to create trouble for others through your own misfortune.

60 Dream book for a bitch

Gold - success and prosperity.

Receiving gold jewelry as a gift means a prosperous life in marriage.

Finding gold - the path to wealth and prosperity lies through your merits and desire to follow this path.

Losing gold jewelry - only accuracy and prudence will not allow you to miss a great chance to achieve your dream.

61 Romantic dream book

  • Gold - A dream where you lose gold jewelry predicts the loss of the opportunity to improve your situation.
  • A girl who lost a gold ring in a dream may face a separation from someone dear to her heart.
  • If you dream of gold or gold jewelry in a jewelry store, the dream foreshadows great opportunities that have opened up.
  • For young girls, a dream about gold promises a desired marriage, and for married ladies - the discovery of new sensuality in marriage.
  • A relationship with an ugly but wealthy girl for the sake of favorable living conditions awaits a young man who sees a gold chain in a dream. For a girl, such a dream also foreshadows an arranged marriage.
  • If the gold jewelry is beautiful, then the dream promises that the future spouse will not only be financially secure, but also rich spiritually. And, having seen his wonderful spiritual qualities, in the future the bride will be able to respond to his feelings.

62 Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If in a dream you see gold in your hands, extraordinary success awaits you in all your endeavors.

Found gold means that you will easily overcome the path to material well-being and achieve respect from others.

If you have lost gold, in reality, due to your negligence, you may miss the greatest opportunity in your life.

If a woman received gold jewelry or coins as a gift in a dream, she will marry a wealthy but mercantile man.

63 Historical women's dream book

success and illness.

64 Medieval dream book of Daniel

Dealing with gold means happy times.

Seeing golden mountains is a joy.

65 Dream book alphabetically

Seeing gold in a dream means falsehood and delusion in any form. Holding gold in your hands means success and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task.

Finding a gold bar in a dream means achieving complete success in your business in reality. Finding gold things means that your merits will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth. Losing gold in a dream means you risk losing it in life, perhaps. your happiest occasion.

Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have the idea of ​​acting dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry foreshadows a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. A gold chain means that you will spend your free time profitably, a gold medallion means you will receive a round sum for your services, a gold necklace means you will find happiness with your loved one.

To see golden chervonets of royal coinage in a dream - you will gain honor. Receive them in payment for your work - your hopes will come true. Pay in gold chervonets - you will live to a ripe old age. If you find a treasure with them, you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this means a loss of trust with your superiors. Hearing the ringing of falling gold pieces is a sign of wealth.

A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring great income after some time. If you see golden spiders in a dream, then in life you will find friends who will help you get money. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream foretells that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to stick to your line, this can lead to a bad end.

Seeing gold dishes in a dream and eating from them portends a promotion at work; changing them to silver dishes means a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream means success in science or art.

Seeing fake gold means succumbing to flattery and deception. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. Receiving gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

66 Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Success in all matters.

In the form of utensils, dishes - lofty hopes will become reality.

In the form of money, jewelry - you will be able to prevent deception.

You are melting gold - gossip cannot ruin your reputation.

Embroider with gold - receive news that will help you achieve what you want.

Carrying gold in handfuls is a profitable business.

Buying gold is a new acquaintance that will relieve you of sadness and loneliness.

Find gold - you will become the keeper of a secret that will change your life.

There is gold - a promotion.

Meet with a goldsmith - avoid fraud.

Golden shower - receive an inheritance.

Wear gold on yourself - avoid a dangerous disease.

Give - you will be invited to a wedding.

A gold mine has been discovered - the search for a new job will end with a lucrative offer.

Wash golden sand - your diligence and hard work will bring tangible success.

You work in a gold mine - fame and honor will fall on you.

Imagine gold as brightly and as much as possible. This gold is everywhere: in your home, on yourself, on your family and friends.

67 Dream book of the 20th century

Gold, gold jewelry or products, beautiful and pleasant to look at: in a dream, they foretell you joy and the wonderful course of your affairs.

At the same time, if the shine of gold is too bright or if there is too much gold: such a dream calls you to be careful; in reality, excessively strong desires and passions can blind you, and then hopes for happiness will turn out to be false.

Finding grains of gold among the sand in a dream: a very good sign, foreshadowing success as a reward for your patience.

68 Rommel's Dream Book

Gold bars, coins - to success, wealth.

For a man, a dream where there are gold jewelry, dishes and other precious things is a dream about lies and falsehood that will haunt him everywhere.

For a woman, such a dream means a wealthy groom, luxurious gifts.

Finding gold, finding a gold mine is a symbol of the path to respect for others and material well-being.

Losing gold, gold things means losing the opportunity to succeed in life.

Taking gold means risking your reputation.

Sometimes a dream about gold warns of danger or that someone is going to complain about you.

Damaged gold items for a woman mean loss of money, for a man it means loss of wife and property.

gold watch - your loved ones will rob you

gold teeth - wealth

73 Star dream book

You dreamed of Gold, what is it for - profit. Giving Sun.

74 Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Gold is success in all matters, the fulfillment of the wildest hopes. If you want your hopes to become a reality, imagine golden dishes and utensils. And then see how you use this utensil, eat or drink from it. If you want profit in business, imagine a scattering of gold coins, then imagine that you are scooping them up with your palms. If you dream about promotion, imagine gold mines and how you pan for gold. If you want happiness in love, freedom from loneliness, imagine a store of gold jewelry that you buy. For the well-being of your home and your loved ones, imagine that your house is decorated with gold, there are a lot of gold dishes in it, and you are wearing gold jewelry.

  • Your fortune will soon increase.
  • There is gold - a sign that you will not leave your friend in trouble, perhaps you will indulge her whims with might and main.
  • To dream that you are meeting with a goldsmith (this could also include communicating with a dentist if you intend to put gold crowns on yourself) is a harbinger that you will soon encounter scammers who, naturally, will want to cheat around your finger and clean you to the skin. So be careful and take extra care when communicating with strangers
  • 78 Historical women's dream book

    What do you dream about gold and gold jewelry for? More often, it means deception, misfortune, the activity of passions and vices. Swallow - success in science and creativity. Gold (sand, ingots) – Spiritual knowledge; success in creativity. There is a lot of deception and disappointment. Find, unearth ingots - acquire secret knowledge, spiritual wisdom.

    What does gold (color) mean in a dream - To deception, seduction.

    79 Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

    What does gold mean in dreams - Joy, fun, wealth, success, earnings, good work // complaints, waste of time, bad, danger, separation from relatives; fake is a dangerous business; find – profit, benefit; to lose - loss, death of a loved one; to carry on oneself is a warning; steal - lose respect; to give - to be at a wedding; to have a lot - you have parasites.

    Why do you dream of gold? What can you expect from such a dream? Philosophers, soothsayers, and clairvoyants interpret dreams. Moreover, each of them sees any dream from their own point of view, but in general the essence of the dream comes down to one opinion.

    In many ways, the correct interpretation of a dream depends on its details. Therefore, in order to understand in detail what a particular dream can mean, it is necessary to take into account the day of the vision, the gender of the dreamer, as well as some nuances of the dream that can guide you to the correct interpretation.

    So, you dreamed of gold. How do the most famous dream books interpret such a dream?

    Why do you dream of gold - Freud's dream book

    Why did you dream about gold? Old Freud interprets such a dream only from a good point of view, because, as a noble metal, it can only bring good and joy in life.

    He believes that if you dreamed of gold or any gold items, then this is nothing more than a desire to change your life for the better, and together with your boyfriend or partner. Gold brings goodness to relationships, regardless of who had such a dream - a girl or a man.

    Why do you dream of gold - according to Miller’s dream book

    Miller's dream book interprets a dream in which you saw gold as success in all your endeavors. If a woman had such a dream, especially if in the dream she accepts gifts of gold and jewelry. In this case, the woman needs to wait for a rich groom with whom she will go through life as a couple. At the same time, Miller warns that it is possible that your rich fiancé will be selfish. Take a close look at it!
    If you find gold in a dream, then your virtues will allow you to achieve honors and wealth.
    Have you lost gold in a dream? In this case, the loss occurred due to your confusion? Then be careful - you may miss the fateful luck of your life. When the dreamer sees in a dream that he has found a gold mine, then be prepared for the fact that you may be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. When in a dream you work to extract gold in the mines, then you are planning to take possession of another person’s wealth. Such a dream warns that all the rumors can lead to you being disgraced and rejected by society.

    Why do you dream of gold according to Vanga’s dream book?

    The clairvoyant Vanga interprets what gold means in a dream, a dream in which the sleeper sees gold, in her own way. In her opinion, seeing gold in a dream means trouble in the family, the culprit of which will be you, because you like to keep everything under control in your family. Think about your behavior - excessive usurpation is not for you if you want to maintain good relationships with your family. Be more flexible. Otherwise, family ties will weaken and lead to quarrels and conflicts.

    Why did you dream about gold - Nostradamus

    Why do you dream of gold according to Nostadamus’s dream book? How does Nostradamus’s dream book interpret the dream in which you saw gold? You found gold on the road - good news. Lose gold - you may miss your chance due to your indecision. Get yourself together and get your work in order. Be more persistent and then you will be more likely to succeed in your career.

    If you were given a piece of jewelry and this gift brought you joy, then relationships and harmony will improve in your family. If the gift was unpleasant for you or it was given to you by people whom you are wary of, then it is possible that intrigues are being built behind your shoulders that will upset mutual understanding in the team or family.

    In general, seeing gold in a dream in most cases predicts wealth and success. But here it is very important to detail the dream in order to understand from which direction success will come to you.

    Dreaming of gold – Hasse

    If in a dream you saw gold, what does yellow gold mean in a dream, then most likely in your circle of friends there is a fake person who can mislead you. If you dreamed that you were buying a lot of gold, then it is possible that your business may soon go badly. If you received gold or jewelry as a gift, the person who gave it to you is preparing an unpleasant surprise for you. Beware!

    What does gold mean in dreams - Loff's dream book

    Loff's dream book interprets the dream of gold as follows. Gold symbolizes wealth and purity of thoughts. Buying gold items means you are inclined to show people your influence over them, status and wealth. It is very important, according to Loff, to correctly determine the source of who or where you got the gold from, whether you received it as a gift, found a fossil, or conquered it. Did such a gift give you pleasure or did it bring you sadness?

    (See interpretation: money)

    Seeing gold utensils in a dream, eating or drinking from it means honors and wealth. The same thing means a dream where you will see a richly decorated table and many expensive gold objects.

    See interpretation: jewelry and objects by name.

    To see a dream about gold chains, icons, and headdresses is a harbinger of deception, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or betrayal that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind.

    For a woman to receive gold trinkets as a gift in a dream, it means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous.

    If objects made of gold are lost or broken in a dream, then you will experience a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, and poverty.

    If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. It's better to have a bird in a cage than a pie in the sky.

    Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in your relationship with a loved one.

    Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance.

    Exchange gold for something else - you may miss out on benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes.

    Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and prosperity.

    Finding a gold mine in a dream means great opportunities and hard work.

    Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to easily get rich. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful to avoid shame.

    Seeing a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown.

    Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. Catching a goldfish or holding it in your hands in a dream means extraordinary changes in life.

    If the fish dies or jumps out (if you don’t hold it), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale.

    Buying gold in a dream means trouble. Seeing a lot of gold metal in a dream means poverty and lack in the family.

    Gilding in a dream is a sign of deception, falsehood, treason, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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    Many people believe that gold in a dream portends wealth and prosperity.

    But is this really so? Why do you dream about gold, and what do dreams about this precious metal warn about?

    By remembering the details of the dream, you can easily find out what awaits you in the future. According to the dream book, gold in a dream is not always a sign of quick enrichment.

    Products and jewelry made of precious metals often foreshadow events not related to material wealth. Most often, these are dreams that describe your inner experiences and important changes in life.

    If you saw a ring

    Most often, people are interested in what a gold ring means in dreams. If you see a wedding ring on the finger of your loved one, then this is a sign of a pleasant holiday together. And if it adorns your hand, then get ready for a showdown with your partner.

    Finding an engagement ring in a dream means meeting an interesting person in real life. And to see how it was given to you is a sign of good news from relatives.

    • A broken gold ring means betrayal.
    • A ring on the index finger means a long trip.
    • A ring with a precious stone means pleasant troubles.
    • A dream in which a ring rolls on the floor - to unexpected guests.
    • Finding it in a landfill means a valuable gift.

    As the dream book explains, a gold ring in your pocket symbolizes a sudden romantic feeling. And if the pocket has holes, then the feeling will definitely be mutual.

    A broken gold ring on the middle finger warns of betrayal by a loved one. And if it is with a stone, then your partner most likely thought about cheating on you, but did not do so.

    If you dreamed of a gold chain

    When figuring out what gold means in dreams, many people mean a gold chain. If you found it in a dream, it means that in reality it will be easy for you to solve all your accumulated problems. And if you lose it, then expect distrust from your friends.

    A dream in which a gold chain hangs around your neck speaks of an approaching joyful event. And if you see it on your friend’s neck, get ready to meet old friends.

    • Finding a chain on the street means a magnificent feast.
    • A cross on a chain - to the favor of the authorities.
    • A chain with a pendant - for an expensive present.
    • A broken chain means good luck in business.
    • You were given a chain with a pendant - to the joy of communicating with people dear to you.

    Why you dream of a gold chain is also explained in Miller’s dream book. If you had a dream in which you stepped on a chain with a pendant, get ready for trouble at work.

    A broken chain in your hand means trouble in the family. A cross on a chain foreshadows easy, relaxed communication with friends.

    According to this dream book, a gold chain with large links will have a more favorable effect on your life than a thin one.

    Miller’s dream book also says that finding a gold chain in a dream means receiving dear guests in real life. And if a cross hangs on it, then these guests will play an important role in later life.

    If you see that complete strangers gave you jewelry, then you can be sure that your friends will not betray you in a difficult situation. And if you received a gift from a loved one, then soon your family will need your help.

    Why do you dream about a bracelet?

    Joy, fun and positive emotions are what dreams of a gold bracelet mean.

    If an unmarried girl had such a dream, then she will soon have a fateful meeting with a representative of the opposite sex.

    But when the jewelry was presented to her, she needs to prepare for a noisy, crowded party.

    • Finding a bracelet on the floor means a fun holiday.
    • A broken decoration means a pleasant romantic walk.
    • A short bracelet means a successful deal.
    • A long bracelet means promotion.
    • Finding this decoration several times is a sign of a white streak in life.

    As the dream book explains, gold in the form of a massive bracelet symbolizes news from distant relatives. A thin bracelet foreshadows a visit from an old friend.

    If you cannot fasten the product in your sleep, then get ready to change your place of residence. And if you had a dream in which the gold darkened, you have a long business trip ahead of you.

    Other dreams about gold

    There are many more interpretations of what gold means in dreams. For example, if you saw gold teeth, then you will be disappointed in your friends. And if these were your teeth, then you cannot avoid a scandal with your loved ones.

    A dream about a dentist fitting your precious teeth warns of a possible conspiracy among colleagues. And if you feel pain at the same time, then management will definitely be on your side.

    People are often interested in what goldfish dream about. This often becomes a harbinger of changes in health.

    Many small fish can be seen before a cold or flu. A pair of goldfish speaks of strong immunity and the ability to avoid infection during an epidemic.

    As the dream book says, a goldfish in an aquarium warns of minor health problems that can be easily eliminated.

    Everything that gold means in dreams is directly related to personal experiences and a person’s condition. Therefore, you should take these dreams seriously and not neglect the advice of specialists.

    By carefully studying the dream and comparing it with events in life, you can understand why gold is dreamed of.
    Author: Vera Drobnaya

    Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

    Seeing Gold in a dream

    • Great treasure of the inner world.
    • Golden light of inner peace.
    • "Golden heart".

    Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

    Seeing Gold in a dream

    • This is a very good sign. Gold is a symbol of the sun, the spirit of life. In Hindu doctrine, gold is called "mineral light". The Latin name for gold sounds the same as the Hebrew word for light. Gold is often associated with golden light and inner peace.
    • Gold can also serve as a symbol of the elusive treasure - the gold at the end of the rainbow.
    • When they say about a person that he has a “heart of gold,” they mean that he personifies goodness itself.

    Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

    Seeing Gold in a dream

    • Good value
      If you dreamed of gold jewelry, chervonets, then many good changes will happen to you in the near future. The more gold you wear during the week, the more change will occur.
    • Bad value
      If you dreamed of raw gold, get ready for the fact that you will have to work a lot. To make your work crowned with success, grind the tooth of a dead animal and scatter it to the wind at midnight.

    Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

    Dream Interpretation Gold

    • Gold in a dream is a symbol of love, luck, honor.
    • Seeing a lot of gold, but not seeing coins - purity of heart, obvious innocence, important matters, exaggerated hopes.
    • Golden buttons - don't be gullible.
    • There is gold utensils - honor, promotion.
    • Golden chain - deception, illusion, love entanglements.
    • Giving it means prosperity.
    • Throwing gold is a nuisance.
    • Find - discover a secret / joy will repeat itself.
    • Golden belt - wealth.
    • Seeing gold money in a dream is unfavorable, especially if it is old or you pick it up from the ground.
    • A lot of gold money is bad.
    • Taking them, counting them, hiding them is a misfortune due to one’s own fault.
    • Giving is a misfortune due to someone else’s fault.
    • To throw them around is to create trouble for others through your own misfortune.

    Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

    Why do you dream of Gold?

    • If you dreamed that you were holding gold in your hands, you would be extremely successful in all your endeavors.
    • If a woman received gold items as a gift in a dream, she will marry a rich but selfish man.
    • If you find gold in a dream, then your virtues will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth.
    • Lost gold - due to your negligence you will miss the greatest opportunity in your life.

    Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

    Why do you dream of Gold?

    • If you dream of gold, you are a greedy person. You buy gold - to the loss of friends due to greed,

    Dream book: Ancient French dream book

    Dream Interpretation Gold

    • Seeing gold in a dream means an extravagant act. If in a dream you make gold, in reality this foreshadows wasted time. If you find gold, you will make a profit. Collecting gold or silver in a dream portends deception or loss. If you dream of false gold, the dream foreshadows your discovery of the truth.

    Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

    Dream Interpretation Gold

    • This dream has the opposite meaning.
    • Seeing gold in a dream is a sign of poverty and misfortune. Businessmen, traders and adventurers, be careful when investing your capital and playing on the stock exchange, these operations are fraught with unpredictable consequences.
    • Beware of speculation, all that glitters is not gold!
    • So it is with love. To dream that your loved one has a lot of gold means discord if you get married. I'm even afraid that this will be an unhappy marriage. Gold is often a sign of illness and sadness, as a result of unlucky fate.

    Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

    Seeing Gold in a dream

    • Gold and silver expensive items, jewelry. - Portends wealth and nobility.
    • Gold, silver, pearls, precious stones. - Great luck, benefit.
    • Gold and silver cups, dishes. - Birth of a noble offspring.
    • Pans and cauldrons made of gold and silver. - Great happiness.
    • You buy gold or precious stone rings. - A noble son will be born.
    • You touch gold hairpins and hair clips. - It's a long trip ahead.
    • The golden hairpin shines. - Heralds the birth of a noble offspring.

    Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

    Why do you dream of Gold?

    • A symbol of deception and seduction, pay special attention to offers coming in the near future - they may turn out to be a “set-up”. Gold rings are for an imminent wedding, not necessarily yours. A ring with a stone or ring promises that the Mendelssohn March will be performed in your honor.

    Dream Interpretation: Aesop's Dream Interpretation

    Dream Interpretation Gold

    • The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with the well-known phrases: “All that glitters is not gold” (external impressions can be deceptive), “Small is the spool, but dear,” “The word is silver, silence is gold.” There are also quite common words: “Golden hands”, “Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”.
    • If you dreamed that you lost a gold piece of jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will happen soon; if you lost a wedding ring, then this is especially unpleasant because it may portend illness or separation from a loved one.
    • To see gold coins in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material.
    • If you dreamed that you were a gold digger, then this means that you are trying to find profit in some business, but due to outright selfish desires you will lose the respect of others, who will stop providing you with the help that they previously offered.
    • Finding a golden thing in a dream - such a dream predicts that you will have false hopes, you are hoping in vain for chance, you need to act actively.

    Dream Interpretation: Ancient Persian Dream Book of Taflisi

    Dream Interpretation Gold

    • Seeing him in a dream is good. However, if a man has such a dream, then he is destined for sorrow and sorrow.
    • If you dreamed that you were trying to melt gold, then know: people are scratching their tongues about you, so be careful!
    • Selling or buying gold in a dream means sadness.
    • If in a dream you return to your home with handfuls of gold, this is good. Your fortune will soon increase.
    • There is gold - a sign that you will not leave your friend in trouble, perhaps you will indulge her whims with might and main.
    • To dream that you are meeting with a goldsmith (this could also include communicating with a dentist if you intend to put gold crowns on yourself) is a harbinger that you will soon encounter scammers who, naturally, will want to cheat around your finger and clean you to the skin. So be careful and take extra care when communicating with strangers.

    Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

    Dream Interpretation Gold

    • If in a dream you are holding gold in your hands. You will be extremely successful in all your endeavors.
    • If a woman in a dream received gold items as a gift - coins or jewelry, she will marry a rich but selfish man.
    • Finding gold means that your merits will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth.
    • If you lost gold in a dream, then due to your negligence you will miss the greatest opportunity in your life in reality.
    • Finding a gold mine in a dream means that you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task.
    • If in a dream you intend to work in a gold mine, then it means. You will try to illegally take over the rights of others.
    • The dream warns you: rumors around your name will lead to your shame.

    Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Why do you dream of Gold?

    • false.

    Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

    Dream Interpretation Gold

    • If in a dream you pick up gold, you are guaranteed good luck in business. If a woman dreamed that she received gold jewelry or gold money as a gift, then her husband will be rich, but selfish. A dream in which you find gold predicts that you will achieve success in improving your financial situation thanks to your abilities and efforts. Losing gold is a bad sign. You risk missing the most important chance of your life. If in a dream you managed to open a gold mine, then in reality the burden of glory will fall on you. Working in gold mines means that you will try to bend other people to your will. However, do not go too far in the family, because this can end in major scandals.

    Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

  • It is very important to understand how significant a gold object is. What is the use of gold in a dream, whose wealth and power does it represent? If you are given a golden helmet, like Don Quixote, this is an example of an archetypal form of the sacred power that is vested in you to complete a mission or heroic campaign.
  • Have you found, lost, given or received a gold item as a gift from someone?
  • Did this item bring you joy or sadness?
  • Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

    Dream Interpretation Gold

    • Seeing is falsehood and delusion; buy - you are empty; a large number - poor times await you; to receive as a gift - beware of false friends.

    Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

    Seeing Gold in a dream

    • a large amount of gold - poverty awaits you
    • gold - tears, falsehood and delusion
    • buy gold - you are an empty man
    • receive gold as a gift - beware of false friends
    • gold watch - your loved ones will rob you
    • gold teeth - wealth

    The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Vanga's dream book, Sivananda's Vedic dream book, spiritual dream book, V. Samokhvalov's psychoanalytic dream book, Freud's dream book, Loff's dream book, mirror dream book of psychological states, dream book of catchphrases, Tsvetkov's dream book, Deniz's dream book Lynn (detailed), Hasse's dream book, children's dream book, men's dream book, Old Russian dream book, lunar dream book, Islamic dream book of Ibn Sirin, fairy-tale-mythological dream book, Nostradamus' dream book, G. Ivanov's newest dream book, Veles' dream book, Azar's dream book, Danilova's erotic dream book, dream book Cleopatra, women's dream book, and others.

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