Interpretation of a blood test for toxocariasis. What does igg antibodies to Toxocara canis mean in a Toxocara canis blood test, what does it mean?

Synonyms: Anti-Toxocara IgG titer, Class G immunoglobulins to the causative agent of toxocariasis


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  • Description
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Period of execution

The analysis will be ready within 3 days, excluding Sunday (except for the day of taking the biomaterial). You will receive the results by email. mail immediately when ready.

The deadline may be extended by 1 day due to a federal holiday.

Completion time: 2 days, excluding Saturday and Sunday (except for the day of taking biomaterial)

Preparing for analysis

In advance

Do not take a blood test immediately after radiography, fluorography, ultrasound, or physical procedures.

The day before

24 hours before blood collection:

Limit fatty and fried foods, do not drink alcohol.

Avoid heavy physical activity.

From 8 to 14 hours before donating blood, do not eat food, drink only clean, still water.

On the day of delivery

Do not smoke 60 minutes before blood collection.

Be in a calm state for 15-30 minutes before taking blood.

Analysis information

Research method - Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Material for research - Blood serum

Composition and results

Clinical symptoms of the disease are varied. Depending on the predominant symptoms, the visceral form is distinguished - 23% and the ocular form - 67%. Toxocariasis often resembles ascariasis in its clinical manifestations. The most constant symptom of toxocariasis is high eosinophilia in peripheral blood - up to 60–80%. In severe forms of the disease, granulomatous lesions of various organs and tissues can be detected.

Diagnosis of toxocariasis is difficult. This is due to the fact that Toxocara in the human body does not reach a sexually mature state, therefore it is impossible to identify adult individuals or their eggs in samples of feces or duodenal contents, as with other helminthiases. The main method for diagnosing toxocariasis is a blood test for toxocariasis to detect IgG antibodies. The detection of an increased level of specific IgG antibodies to Toxocara canis in individuals with a characteristic set of symptoms: lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, bronchitis, bronchial asthma of unknown origin, urticarial rash against the background of blood eosinophilia, leukemoid reaction of the eosinophilic type with a characteristic epidemiological history, etc. confirms the etiological diagnosis of the disease.

The degree of increase in the level of antibodies in the blood closely correlates with the severity of the disease. A titer of specific antibodies of 1/800 and above with a high degree of probability indicates the disease, and titers of 1/200, 1/400 indicate carriage of Toxocara in visceral toxocariasis and a pathological process in ocular toxocariasis. For persons with low titers of anti-toxic antibodies, if indicated, clinical observation should be established and, when clinical signs of the disease appear, specific therapy should be carried out. Criteria for the effectiveness of treatment should be considered a progressive decrease in the level of eosinophilia, regression of clinical manifestations of the disease, a decrease in titers of specific antibodies to a level of 1/800 and below. With a slow improvement in clinical and laboratory parameters, courses of specific therapy are repeated after 3-4 months, sometimes 4-5 courses of treatment are required.

Interpretation of the results of the study "Antibodies to Toxocar IgG antigens (titer)"

Interpretation of test results is for informational purposes only, is not a diagnosis and does not replace medical advice. Reference values ​​may differ from those indicated depending on the equipment used, the actual values ​​will be indicated on the results form.

A positive test result indicates a current or previous illness.

A negative test result may occur in the absence of IgG antibodies to Toxocara canis, however, it cannot completely exclude invasion.

False-negative test results can be observed in individuals with eye damage due to Toxocara as a result of weak antigenic exposure.

Unit: titer

Reference values:

  • positive result (titer ≥1/100)
  • negative result (titre<1/100)

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Infection with helminths of the genus Toxocara canis can only be confirmed by a diagnostic measure, such as ELISA for toxocariasis (this abbreviation stands for enzyme-linked immunosorbent test), which allows identifying the titer of IgG antibodies to Toxocara antigens.

It is necessary to understand when a blood test for toxocariasis is performed, and in what situations is it needed? Also find out what the norm of indicators is, and what result is considered positive, that is, indicating the presence of toxocara in the human body.

Indications and preparation for analysis

The doctor recommends donating blood if the patient develops a sudden and severe febrile state, and without cause, and also if a clinical picture appears that characterizes eosinophilic damage to the liver and respiratory organs.

In addition, the following factors may be indications for such an analysis:

  • A sharp decrease in visual perception in one eye.
  • Prolonged coughing attacks.
  • Development of a severe neurological condition.
  • Study for epidemiological indications (this option most often concerns young children).

In order to obtain the most reliable result, the patient needs to carry out some preparatory measures. The first thing the attending physician should take care of is relieving the patient’s anxiety before the upcoming collection of biological fluid.

Since nervous exhaustion, overstrain and other factors can significantly distort the result, as a result of which the blood test for antibodies will be completely false.

Features of preparation for analysis:

  1. To relieve the anxious state, the doctor explains in detail to the patient the specificity of the study, and all the possible reactions of the body at the time of donation of the biological material.
  2. That is, the patient is fully educated about the purpose of the study, informed about venous puncture and its necessity in this case.
  3. It is important to tell the patient that during the manipulation there will be minor painful sensations that will quickly pass.

However, before donating blood, it is highly recommended not to drink alcoholic beverages, abuse excessive smoking, or eat fatty and heavy foods. Such measures will help to obtain not only the correct result, but also to maintain the patient’s well-being during the procedure.

It is worth noting that antibodies to Toxocara (English synonym Anti-Toxocara IgG) are mandatory tested in people at risk - veterinarians, farmers, dog handlers.

In addition, a blood test that shows the presence of IgG antibodies is also prescribed for differential diagnosis carried out for other helminthiases.

What can affect the reliability of the test?

Many patients are mistaken in thinking that a throat swab or a complete blood count can detect toxocara, and they are indeed mistaken. In the vast majority of cases, Toxocar can be detected only through enzyme immunoassay.

The patient is informed in advance of the time when he must come for the procedure. During venipuncture, biological material is collected into a test tube that already contains a specific gel or blood clotting activator.

To stop the patient’s “bleeding,” a cotton ball is pressed against the vein. To prevent a bruise from forming at the site of blood sampling, the specialist recommends using warm compresses.

In a number of situations, the analysis may show a false positive result, and there are several reasons for this:

  • If the patient’s body suffers from infectious and somatic diseases, characterized by the development of extensive destructive processes in the affected internal organs.
  • Pregnancy period.
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome.
  • Some autoimmune diseases.

There are a number of factors in medical practice that can lead to a false negative result:

The possibility of false-positive and false-negative analysis is necessarily checked by medical specialists after studying the complete clinical picture of the patient.

The main goal of studying biological fluid is to obtain reliable data confirming or rejecting the presence of toxocara in the human body. People who exhibit characteristic symptoms are interested in deciphering this study.

It is important for them to know what standard indicators indicate the absence of helminths in order to absolutely exclude their presence. And what titer indicators indicate positive results.

The advantage of such a study is that it allows you to adjust drug therapy, and also allows you to check its therapeutic effectiveness at any time.

The results are deciphered as follows:

  • A titer of 1/100 or less is a negative result, that is, no helminth larvae are detected in the body.
  • A titer varying from 1/200 to 1/400 is doubtful, which indicates a minimal content of helminth larvae in toxocariasis, or the ocular form of the disease, or that the patient already has a history of this disease.
  • More than 1/600 indicates that it was possible to detect a form of helminthic infestation.

It is worth noting that doctors do not always clearly write the decrypted data, and patients do not notice the dividing line between the indicators, so they look for the result as 1200 (one thousand two hundred), or toxocariasis 1400 or toxocariasis 1100. All these data must be separated by a dividing line, and they are further decrypted according to the standard scheme.

A questionable or positive test result without other diagnostic measures cannot 100% confirm the presence of toxocariasis in a patient. Such a study provides only a positive or negative result, that is, there is a possibility of antibodies to antigens in the blood or not.

Since the results of the study may depend on many factors and various circumstances, some medical institutions use reference values. And next to it they indicate the value of the blood donated to the patient. Their difference is called the positivity coefficient, which makes it possible to determine the presence or absence of pathology as much as possible.

The positivity rate represents the following data:

  1. If it is less than 1.1, then this is normal, there is no disease.
  2. With a questionable positivity rate of 1.1 to 4.1, carriage, or an early stage of Toxocara infection, can be assumed. In this option, the doctor recommends taking a blood test again, but after 60 days.
  3. If the coefficient exceeds 4.2, then it can only mean one thing - it was possible to find Toxocara larvae, and appropriate treatment is required.

Many patients are interested in what doctors mean when they write OP crit in the transcript? OP crit means the concentration of antibodies that exceeds the critical level or, in other words, the permissible values ​​by a small amount.

Interpretation of the test for antibodies to Giardia:

  • When the test shows a positive result, the concentration of antibodies in the blood is indicated.
  • In a situation where the positivity rate is greater than one, the test is called positive.
  • If the result is from 0.85 to 1, the reaction is questionable.
  • And with indicators less than 0.85 – a negative result.

It is worth noting that analysis for the presence of Giardia is an informative diagnosis, but the disadvantage is that the results can be interpreted in different ways, since there are many factors and circumstances that can directly or indirectly affect the final indicators.

Total antibodies: normal for a child

Parents who read the captions with numerical values ​​​​on the certificate issued by the doctor immediately begin to look for information to understand what they are faced with.

As a rule, such a record appears if the patient has a clinical picture similar to toxocariasis, and blood is taken for total antibodies to these antigens.

In a situation where the titer is less than 1:100 or completely zero, then these indicators are normal, and there is no reason to worry about possible helminthiasis. If these numbers are exceeded, this may indicate the presence of helminths in the child’s body, or a previous illness.

In medical terms, the data is recorded as follows:

  1. Negative result (less than 1/1000).
  2. Questionable result (variation from 1/200 to 1/400).
  3. Positive result (1/800 or more).

That is why it is necessary to be extremely careful, and even if there is a small amount of antibodies, you need to be observed by a specialist. And, if other symptoms of helminthiasis appear, this will help to begin appropriate therapy as quickly as possible and prevent complications in the future.

In children, a false-positive or false-negative reaction to tests cannot be ruled out, which leads to difficulty in establishing a diagnosis. For example, immunodeficiency may indicate false results of helminthiasis. A questionable result may result from damage to the visual apparatus, which arose as a result of a small antigenic effect.

Toxocariasis is a zoonotic disease. This means that the causative agents of such a disease (Toxocara helminths) during a normal life cycle live in the body of animals, but when they enter the human body, they can lead to serious consequences.

Signs of toxocariasis infection depend on the number of larvae circulating in the blood and the affected organs, as well as on the host’s immune response. It is most difficult to recognize toxocariasis when it is asymptomatic or its symptoms are not pronounced. In this case, the course can be quite long, up to several years.


Most transmission of Toxocara to humans occurs through ingestion of invasive eggs. The dog Toxocara is capable of producing about 200 thousand eggs per day, while a puppy may have about 100 thousand eggs per gram in his feces.

Both feline and canine toxocara require several weeks to mature in damp, humid conditions away from the host before the eggs become infective. Therefore, eggs recently released from an animal do not pose any danger.

Puppies and kittens pose the greatest risk of infection with toxocariasis. They become infected with Toxocara from their mother and contain eggs in their stool. In adult animals, the larvae in the body are usually encapsulated without maturing into adult worms

Main route of infection. Many objects and surfaces may be contaminated with infectious Toxocara eggs. Also, flies that feed on feces can spread them to other surfaces or food products, but most infections occur without their participation. Young children often put contaminated objects in their mouths or eat dirt, putting them at risk of developing toxocariasis. People also touch contaminated food and do not wash it or wash their hands before eating.

Additional route of infection. Since people are not the only casual hosts of Toxocara, there is another way to become infected. Undercooked rabbit, chicken or sheep meat can lead to infection. At the same time, encysted larvae in meat, when they enter a person, have the ability to reactivate and migrate again in a new host, causing toxocariasis. Particular attention should be paid to preparing giblets and liver thoroughly to avoid transmission of infection.

Dogs, foxes and other canids are natural reservoirs for Toxocara Canis, but puppies pose the greatest risk of spreading the infection to humans. The disease in most adult dogs is characterized by encystment of second-stage larvae. However, they can be reactivated in pregnant females and infect puppies through the placental barrier. Transmission also occurs through breast milk during feeding. Infected mothers and puppies under five weeks of age shed many eggs in their stool. About 50% of puppies and 20% of adult dogs are infected with Toxocara.

Cats are a reservoir for feline toxocara. As with canines, second-stage encysted larvae are reactivated in pregnant or lactating cats. However, transmission to kittens can only occur through breastfeeding.

Life cycle

Scheme of the life cycle of Toxocara using the example of Toxocara canis

Cats and dogs can become infected with Toxocara by eating eggs or by passing the larvae from a mother to her offspring. Transmission can also occur when larvae enter from infected accidental hosts - earthworms, cockroaches, rodents, rabbits, chickens, sheep.

Visceral form

The most common type of disease is when a relatively large number of toxocara enter the body. They most often affect the lungs, liver, and cardiovascular system. Classic symptoms include:

  • fever, usually up to 37.5 degrees, but can be higher, chills (especially if the lungs are infected);
  • general weakness, lethargy;
  • abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, even bronchitis or bronchopneumonia;
  • rash on the skin;
  • enlarged liver, painful sensations in the right hypochondrium, and the spleen may also enlarge;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

If the disease continues for a long time, anemia (decreased hemoglobin in the blood) may occur.

It is much less common than the visceral form (about 10 times). It is believed that the cause is an insufficient immune response that is unable to prevent the larvae from entering the eye. With this form, one eye is most often affected. The larvae, entering the choroid of the eyeball, form characteristic granulomas (nodules) in the retina or lens. Inflammation of the visual organ always occurs, and it occurs in a chronic form. Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), endophthalmitis (purulent inflammation of the membranes of the eye), retinal detachment, optic neuritis, or complete blindness may develop.

Granulomas (encysted Toxocara larvae) inside the eyeball

Cutaneous form

It is characterized by an allergic reaction, which can manifest itself in the form of urticaria and eczema. In this case, the person feels severe itching, redness and swelling occur on the skin. Symptoms may be observed first in one place and then in another, due to the migration of larvae.

Neurological toxocariasis

It appears when helminths penetrate parts of the central nervous system. This is a dangerous form of infection as it can lead to inflammation of brain tissue. Granulomas can also form in it. The very first symptoms are headaches and cramps.

Other signs of this form of the disease include changes in a person’s behavior and mood, irritability, and memory impairment. There may be difficulties when trying to read something or concentrate. In some cases, convulsions and epileptic seizures occur. Without treatment, the consequences are more serious.

Hidden form

Latent toxocariasis is the least serious, but has a chronic course. Signs and symptoms include cough, fever, abdominal pain, headaches, as well as changes in behavior and sleep disturbances. Examination often reveals rales, hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), and lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes).


In order to diagnose the disease, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Clinical symptoms are assessed - the reaction of the bronchopulmonary system, allergic manifestations, etc.
  2. A general blood test is mandatory, which, in the presence of toxocariasis, can show an increase in leukocytes, eosinophils, ESR, and a decrease in hemoglobin content. But such data cannot indicate the severity of the disease or confirm its current presence, since the results may be caused by toxocariasis into the body earlier.
  3. If a disease is suspected, in order to reliably identify it, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA, also known as ELISA) is performed to study the reaction of specific antibodies. Thus, antibody titers of 1:1200 - 1:1400 already indicate infection with helminths, but do not mean the disease itself (since toxocaras have the ability to encapsulate and then die inside the capsule, but the antibodies will remain in the blood for some time). An antibody titer of 1:1400 may indicate ocular toxocariasis, or a weakening of the symptoms of the visceral form of the disease after treatment. A titer of 1:1800 and higher indicates a latent course of the disease with toxocariasis.
  4. In some cases, antibody reactions may be false (serious disturbances in the immune system). In such a situation, a biopsy of the affected tissue helps to more accurately diagnose toxocariasis. This way the larvae themselves are detected. As a rule, if the brain or liver is affected, then this diagnostic method, along with others, is irreplaceable.
  5. To identify ocular toxocariasis, ophthalmological examinations are performed and the fundus is assessed.
  6. Additionally, specialists can perform abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the head.

Treatment of toxocariasis

Toxocariasis often goes away on its own, since Toxocara larvae are not able to mature within the human body. Corticosteroids are prescribed for severe cases of visceral or ocular toxocariasis.

Sometimes granulomas are removed surgically. Laser coagulation and cryopexy can be used to destroy ophthalmic granulomas.

The most used therapeutic drugs against Toxocara include albedanazole (the most preferred), (Vermox), and medamine. These drugs are generally effective against migrating Toxocara, but have little effect if granulomas have formed in the tissue.
On average, medications are taken for 1-3 weeks. It depends on the drug itself, the form and severity of the disease. In most cases, treatment is successful. Sometimes it is repeated in several courses at intervals of 2-4 months. In this case, the success of treatment is assessed by a decrease in eosinophils in the blood, antibody titer and a decrease in clinical symptoms or their absence altogether.
To improve the patient’s condition and facilitate the recovery process, various symptomatic drugs are prescribed: antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, stimulating the immune system, etc.
In general, correctly and timely prescribed therapy leads to a positive result. But with extensive infection and lack of proper treatment, the disease can be fatal.
And you need to remember that only a doctor can prescribe a special course of treatment.


Although humans are the occasional host for Toxocara, toxocariasis occurs throughout the world. In most cases, it is observed in people under the age of twenty. The prevalence of the disease, called seroprevalence, is higher in developing countries, but can also be significant in economically developed countries.

In Russia, where helminthic diseases are widespread, toxocariasis, according to statistics, ranks sixth among them. Thanks to the level of development of medicine, the number of cases of its diagnosis is growing. According to sanitary studies in Russia and Ukraine, 67-70% of domestic dogs and more than 95% of homeless dogs are infected with toxocariasis [unreliable source].

In the United States, until 2007, it was believed that up to 5% of children were affected by it at various stages of their lives. But, as it turned out later, this figure is 14% for the general population. Approximately 10,000 clinical cases are observed per year in the United States, where 10% are due to ocular toxocariasis. Permanent vision loss occurs in 700 of these cases.

Young children are at greatest risk because they play outside and often put contaminated objects and dirt in their mouths. Owning a dog is another known risk factor for toxocariasis infection. There is also a significant relationship between a high titer of Toxocara antibodies in the blood and epilepsy in children.

According to statistical data, children aged 1-4 years are more likely to suffer from visceral toxocariasis, and 7-8 years old – from ocular toxocariasis. In some countries, such as Colombia, up to 81% of children are infected with canine toxocara.

Preventive measures

  1. It is very important to carry out timely deworming of pets.
  2. Do not allow children to come into contact with unknown animals.
  3. It is necessary to isolate children's sandboxes and playgrounds from animals (tarpaulins, fences).
  4. Periodically replace the sand in the sandbox.
  5. Dog owners should clean up their animals' droppings when walking outside.
  6. Teach children to always wash their hands before eating and after going outside, especially if there has been contact with an animal.
  7. Teach general sanitary and hygienic rules.
  8. Adults also do not forget to observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  9. The child needs to cut his nails on time so that dirt does not collect under them.
  10. People who come into contact with the soil and engage in earthworks need to wear gloves. Always wash your hands thoroughly after work.
  11. Vegetables and fruits must be washed under running water before consumption. It’s better to pour boiling water over it.
  12. It is advisable not to feed the child while walking or playing on playgrounds. It is prohibited to put dirty hands into your mouth and eat something with such hands.
  13. Exposing the soil or children's sandbox to direct sunlight is a natural way to clean it. Placing playgrounds in a lighted area is also a preventive measure.

In addition to the above, it is very important to massively disseminate prevention methods to eliminate toxocariasis infection. Therefore, the primary task is to inform the population, which will undoubtedly lead to a reduction in the number of diseases.

Questions about what indications require ELISA, which specialists refer for it, and where to get tested for toxocariasis in order to get the most accurate answers are also of interest to many patients. A referral to it can be given by doctors specializing in general practitioner, pediatrician, allergist, infectious disease specialist, ophthalmologist or gastroenterologist. A blood test using ELISA is mandatory if the patient has the following clinical indications:

  • Recurrent pain in the head or abdomen;
  • Fever of unknown origin with chills and a rise in temperature above subfebral;
  • The appearance of a long-lasting urticarial rash against the background of blood eosinophilia also serves as a good reason for testing for toxocariasis.

Interpretation of tests for toxocariasis

The main purpose of testing blood for antibodies to Toxocara, which causes this dangerous disease, is to confirm their presence in the human body. Patients who have symptoms indicating the possible development of the disease are usually interested in deciphering the analysis for toxocar. What standard indicators should be in order to completely exclude their presence, and what titer numbers correspond to a positive result. The advantage of this study is that thanks to it it is possible to predict the course of therapy, as well as at any time evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken for a particular patient. To do this, it is enough to obtain control blood values ​​during the therapeutic course. Data from such analyzes will show how much the level of Toxocara larvae in the body has changed. The interpretation of the ELISA information entered by the specialist into the outpatient card is as follows:

  • A titer of less than 1/100 is negative, that is, no antigens of Toxocara larvae were detected in the blood test;
  • From 1/200 to 1/400 – weakly positive. Such data indicate either their minimal content, or the ocular form of the disease, or that the patient had previously suffered this disease;
  • Above 1/600 indicates a clinical form of helminthiasis, which requires immediate treatment.

Weakly positive and positive blood test indicators without additional research cannot 100% indicate the presence of toxocariasis in a person. This is due to the fact that there are factors that influence the false positive of the data obtained. The main ones are oncology of internal organs, liver diseases and tuberculosis. Autoimmune pathologies, antiphospholipid syndrome and pregnancy can also provoke positive dynamics when testing for antibodies to Toxocara.

This study gives a simple answer, positive or negative, that is, whether there are antibodies to the antigens of the corresponding pathogen in the patient’s blood or whether the readings are normal. But since the indications for laboratory tests for toxocariasis depend on various circumstances, many medical institutions use reference values. Their range represents normal study data for most people. The values ​​of the blood donated by the patient are indicated next to it. Their difference is called the positivity coefficient and makes it possible to most accurately identify the presence or absence of pathology. The data obtained during the test for toxocariasis is indicated as follows:

  • The positivity rate (PF) of the patient’s blood test is less than 1.1 – the norm, i.e. there is no toxocariasis;
  • Weak positive CP from 1.1 to 4.1. Based on such data, experts assume the possible carriage of this type of helminth or the beginning of the development of an infectious process. In this case, blood is donated again for analysis after 2 months;
  • A positivity rate above 4.2 is positive. It indicates a recent or ongoing infestation.

Tests for toxocariasis in children

Among the younger age group, especially those aged 2 to 11 years, there is the largest number of patients with this disease. This dynamic is due to the fact that a small child spends a lot of time digging in the sand, where there may be feces of infested dogs. At the same time, children usually forget to observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash their hands in a timely manner and not put foreign objects picked up from the ground into their mouths. That is why, at the slightest suspicion of Toxocara infection, parents should urgently take the ELISA required in this case with their baby.

Otherwise, no preliminary preparation or adherence to an appropriate diet is required. But it is necessary to remember that specialists always differentiate this invasion from other helminthiases that have similar symptoms (the presence of allergic reactions), as well as from diseases that are accompanied by eosinophilia. That is why, if the test confirms the norm, but if the small patient has signs of toxocariasis, additional tests are prescribed.

Treatment of toxocara in the blood with folk remedies

In the case when the titers and positivity rate of the test are higher than normal in the patient, it is necessary to take urgent measures to get rid of this disease. Many people are afraid of drug therapy, since they are all very toxic. That is why most patients seek to use folk remedies in the treatment of helminthiasis. But if the clinical form of toxocariasis is confirmed by the results of tests performed, one should be extremely careful with such methods of therapy. The thing is that the pathology is caused by helminth larvae migrating throughout all the internal organs of a person and even getting into his eyes, and not by mature worms localized in the intestines.

Therefore, before taking measures to get rid of the scourge using home methods, you should consult a specialist. This must be done even if antibodies to antigens to Toxocara are weakly expressed in the analysis data received. Only an experienced doctor can offer an effective treatment method for this helminthiasis, suitable for a particular patient. But he will do this only after taking all the necessary tests in this case. Folk remedies for this disease are used as concomitants. There are several time-tested recipes that help get rid of worms:

  • Ash bark and roots have proven themselves to be effective against toxocariasis. It’s best not to buy them at the pharmacy, but to get them yourself. The dried raw materials are crushed and poured with boiling water. For 1 tsp. Take a glass of water. everything is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. After this, the broth is infused for an hour and filtered. Take it morning and evening on an empty stomach;
  • A decoction of tansy will help get rid of toxocara. To prepare it, 3 tbsp. l. dry tansy grass is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for an hour. The product is used 1 tbsp. l. at least 4 times a day for a week. After this, take a week break. The course of therapy continues until the person gets rid of toxocariasis.

But it is best to protect yourself from infection. This is quite easy to do. It is necessary to regularly deworm your pets and avoid close contact with yard animals. You should also monitor the cleanliness of play areas and prevent dogs from walking on them.

An effective treatment regimen for ascariasis must include Nemozol. This drug has a wide range of properties.

Decaris is a new generation anthelmintic drug. The main active ingredient is levamisole.



Interpretation of the analysis for toxocariasis

Toxocara affects mainly domestic pets - cats and dogs. A person encounters toxocariasis by accident: four-legged pets help to become infected. Once in the human stomach, Toxocara eggs transform into larvae that are able to migrate through the bloodstream to various organs. They do not turn into adults, but they cause a lot of trouble. Detecting them is quite problematic, so doctors recommend testing for toxocariasis for people at risk.

  • Types of toxocariasis

Types of toxocariasis

In humans, there are several forms of the disease. Each of them has certain symptoms and complications. Let's look at each of the forms in more detail.

The majority of people infected with Toxocara (about 90% of cases) develop a visceral form of the disease.

In this case, the signs of the disease vary, they depend on the location of the larvae:

The skin form of the disease is manifested by dermatological problems. An allergic reaction occurs in the form of redness, itching, and swelling of the skin. Cutaneous toxocariasis causes alopecia.

If the skin form of the disease is detected, there is a possibility of toxocara penetration into the internal organs.

Ophthalmotoxocariasis is quite often diagnosed in preschool children. This happens because babies love to play with animals, but do not always follow their mother’s advice about hand washing. In childhood, ocular toxocariasis causes loss of vision (most often in one eye).

Penetration of Toxocara larvae into brain tissue causes neurological problems. This form is the most terrible and dangerous.

The patient suffers from unbearable headaches. His psyche is noticeably disturbed. Worries about nausea, spasms, seizures reminiscent of epilepsy. Paralysis and inflammation of brain structures are the most dangerous complications that can cause the death of the patient.

Symptoms of the disease and possible prognosis

Infection with toxocariasis may not cause signs of illness for a long time. There are simply no special symptoms characteristic of this type of helminthiasis. Since the larvae reach various organs and tissues, patient complaints may vary.

The only common symptom for any type of toxocariasis is poisoning of the body due to the accumulating waste products of worms.

The disease, which occurs in the acute phase, is accompanied by a feeling of chills, while the thermometer shows low-grade body temperature. The blood picture changes. A person suffers from lack of appetite. Muscle pain is very common.

As the disease progresses to the chronic stage, symptoms appear and then periodically disappear. Remission is replaced by another period of exacerbation. Headaches practically do not leave the patient, weakness appears in the muscles and body. The character deteriorates, the person becomes irritable and hot-tempered. Gastrointestinal tract disorders are periodically disturbing.

The latent form of the disease is detected by chance. Typically, such patients have no health complaints, but during a preventive examination, the doctor reveals an infection with Toxocara larvae.

Ocular toxocariasis is manifested by deterioration of vision in one eye.

The prognosis for early detection of toxocariasis is favorable. With an advanced form of the disease and serious damage to internal organs, death is possible. Especially if the larvae have reached the brain, heart and lungs.

Blood test - how to prepare and how to take it?

After visiting the clinic and an initial examination by a specialist, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent blood test is prescribed.

To get the right results, you need to prepare for the procedure:

  1. The day before donating blood, you should adhere to proper nutrition. It is necessary to refrain from fried foods, smoked foods, and over-salted foods.
  2. Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed the entire day preceding the test.
  3. Blood is donated in the morning. You are not allowed to eat before the test.
  4. The ELISA test involves donating blood from a vein.

Decoding ELISA results

When antigens enter the human blood, the immune system reacts. It begins to produce immunoglobulins - special protective antibodies. Their content in the blood is called titers. If the values ​​are higher than normal, the analysis is considered positive.

Numerical values ​​of titers

Research results can be positive, negative, or questionable. If the antibody titer does not exceed 1:100, the result is considered negative. This titer is detected in healthy people or in patients with the initial minimal stage of invasion.

A positive result (titer 1:600) tells the doctor about the presence of Toxocara larvae in the patient’s body. But the same result can be obtained for other diseases. Therefore, the patient is sent for further examination.

A false positive result is obtained when studying patients with systemic diseases, tuberculosis, liver pathologies, oncology, pregnancy and in people with progressive immunodeficiency. Therefore, it is so important to identify the full picture of the disease and conduct additional diagnostics.

In the ocular form of toxocariasis, the results of the ELISA study may be questionable or false negative.

A low positive titer from 1:200 to 1:400 requires registering the patient with a dispensary. Such patients are recommended to undergo serological tests every quarter. If titers begin to increase, it means that the patient is infected with toxocariasis and requires treatment.

Positivity rate

What does positivity rate mean?

The presence of toxocara in the patient’s body is judged by another indicator - the positivity rate:

  • if the CP in a person’s blood is lower than 1.1, this indicator is considered normal. The result obtained indicates the absence of toxocariasis;
  • if the result of the positivity coefficient was from 1.1 to 4.1, they speak of a weakly positive reaction. They assume carriage of Toxocara larvae, or the initial stage of the disease. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, you should take a repeat test after 2-3 months;
  • A CP figure of 4.2 or higher is considered a positive result. This value indicates the presence of Toxocara in the human body.

What to do if the test is positive?

Is it necessary to treat a person if the test for toxocariasis is positive? The doctor first sends the patient for further examination. Depending on the disturbing symptoms, the patient is sent for an X-ray, ultrasound of the abdominal organs and other studies that help identify Toxocara larvae. Be sure to schedule a consultation with an ophthalmologist to determine if there are worms in the organs of vision.

Once the diagnosis of toxocariasis is confirmed, treatment begins. To destroy larvae in the migration stage, use Mebendazole, Thiabendazole or Medamin. Albendazole helps eliminate larvae in encapsulated form.

Treatment with Nemozol (active ingredient Albendazole) lasts at least 10 days. The drug is available in tablets and suspensions. It is taken daily, 1 tablet with meals. During treatment, the following side effects may occur: nausea, insomnia, headaches, problems with stool.

When treating toxocariasis, it is necessary to go through 3 stages:

What does a blood test for toxocara mean?

There are diseases for which the responsibility lies entirely with the parents of the children. These include toxocariasis, a disease of cats and dogs caused by helminths that are also dangerous to humans. Young children are most susceptible to infection because of their love of playing in sandboxes, where feces of yard animals containing helminth eggs are often found. The disease in children can occur with damage to the lungs, brain and organs of vision, so it is important to promptly get tested for toxocariasis if there is any suspicion of infection in a child or adult. What kind of disease this is, how to identify it and treat it - all parents need to know.

In young children, this disease manifests itself more aggressively, especially when a large number of worms enter the body or when the infection is repeated several times. In these cases, migrating Toxocara larvae cause damage to internal organs and the development of complications.

By what signs can one suspect that a child has toxocariasis?

  • an obsessive cough lasts several weeks or months, there is no noticeable result from conventional treatment (the baby must be examined for Giardia, roundworm and toxocara);
  • for the first time a skin rash of the type of atopic dermatitis appeared, which is persistent (cutaneous toxocariasis);
  • the child has become nervous, restless, sleeps poorly, complains of a headache, and convulsions may even occur (neurological toxocariasis);
  • periodically there is an increase in body temperature above subfebrile levels;
  • several times in recent months pneumonia has been diagnosed or attacks of asthmatic bronchitis have occurred;
  • the increase in different groups of lymph nodes throughout the body persists for several weeks;
  • The child's ultrasound revealed an increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
  • There were complaints of pain in the joints.

All these complaints are grounds for taking a blood test for toxocariasis.

From the video you will learn what toxocara and toxocariasis are:

In addition to toxocariasis, a blood test for Toxocara antibodies can give a weakly positive result in pregnant women, cancer patients or autoimmune diseases. Therefore, many laboratories write 2 indicators on forms - the norm for most people and the amount of igg in the patient’s blood. The difference between these values ​​is called the positivity coefficient (CP). How to assess for toxocariasis KP:

  • less than 1.1 – toxocara were not detected in the blood;
  • from 1.1 to 4.1 – weakly positive test, re-examination is recommended in a couple of months;
  • more than 4.2 – toxocariasis was suffered in the recent past or is currently present.

What to do

If the result is weakly positive, doctors prescribe a blood test for Igg E to accurately determine whether the infection occurred and how long ago. If a high level of these antibodies is detected, and a repeated ELISA shows an increase in titer, it means that the person has recently become infected with toxocariasis.

If antibodies to Toxocara are detected in the blood, and the patient has no clinical symptoms, it is recommended to undergo an ophthalmological examination for possible detection of the ocular form of the disease.

With timely treatment, the prognosis for toxocariasis is favorable. The effectiveness of prevention depends on compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene, which must be instilled in children from a very young age, as well as monitoring the health of their pets.

  • Natalia says:

All articles posted on the site are for informational purposes only. We strongly recommend that you consult a qualified doctor regarding the use of medications and medical examination! Don't self-medicate!

Test for the presence of antibodies to Toxocar antigens

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is the most effective for Toxocara infection. The fact is that conducting a fecal examination does not provide accurate information about the presence or absence of worms. Until the larvae develop into sexually mature individuals, they cannot lay eggs, and the test result will therefore be negative.

Migration of larvae to various organs such as the liver, eyeball, lungs, brain, etc. leads to various complications. Therefore, even at the larval stage, Toxocara causes enormous harm to the body, causing optic neuritis, strabismus, a sharp decrease in visual acuity, deterioration of memory and mental activity, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Testing for antibodies (AT) to Toxocara is the main serological method. The diagnosis is confirmed if IgG antibodies to helminth antigens are detected in the blood tested. It is recommended to give it to everyone who is at risk of contracting toxocariasis:

  • food sellers;
  • preschool children;
  • veterinarians;
  • dog handlers;
  • farmers;
  • farmers.

For the study, it is necessary to collect venous blood. Indications for prescribing an antibody test are:

  • decreased visual acuity in one eye;
  • damage to internal organs of unknown nature;
  • constantly high body temperature;
  • retaking the test for the treatment of toxocariasis;
  • preventive research;
  • the need to differentiate toxocariasis from other invasions.

Before prescribing the test, an anamnesis is collected and a thorough diagnosis is carried out. To increase reliability, screening for helminthic infestation is often carried out.

Preparing for the study

Preparing for the test for antibodies to Toxocar IgG antigens has some features. The specialist discusses in advance with the patient how the study will be carried out and what reactions the body may have during the collection of biomaterial.

There is no need to change your usual diet before taking the antibody test. The products that the patient consumes do not affect the results of the study in any way. However, there are several preparation rules that exclude:

  • consumption of fatty and difficult to digest foods;
  • alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • use of medications.

Blood donation occurs in the morning. You should not eat before the test; you can only drink plain water.

During vein puncture, a slight sensation of pain is possible, which passes fairly quickly. The test tube contains an activator or a special gel for blood clotting.

After completing the collection of biomaterial, the healthcare worker presses a piece of cotton wool to the vein. To prevent bruising in this area, you need to apply a warm compress.

Decoding the result

ELISA is the only method that helps to identify the duration of toxocariasis. Deciphering a blood test for antibodies to Toxocara helps doctors make the most reliable diagnosis:

  • 1:100 – negative result, there are no helminth larvae in the patient’s body.
  • 1:200-1:400 is a weakly positive result, which may indicate the development of toxocariasis, as well as the localization of pathogens in the eyeball or brain.
  • 1:800 – toxocariasis is present, the presence of helminth antibodies igg is indicated by a positive result.

Some laboratories use the positivity index (idx) in practice. The patient can receive the following study results:

  • Less than 0.9 – suspicion of toxocariasis is not confirmed, the result is negative.
  • 0.9-1.1 – the presence of helminths is doubtful, the doctor prescribes repeated diagnostics.
  • 1.1-2.2 – a positive result confirming the presence of IgG antibody titers to antigens. This means that the patient is a carrier of nematodes that cause toxocariasis.
  • More than 8.0 – definite infection with toxocariasis. This is also evidenced by the content of eosinophils over 10%.

You should also know about reference or normal indicators. They are measured in the positivity coefficient (CP). A person can get the following results:

You should be aware that IgG antibodies can remain in the body for a long period of time.

When infected with pathogens of toxocariasis, the production of immunoglobulins IgG and IgE begins after 1.5-2 months. Their highest content is observed after 2-3 months and can remain at this level for a very long time. The more severe the toxocariasis, the higher the concentration of antibodies.

Authenticity of the received data

In general, the detection of IgG antibodies to Toxocara antigens is a fairly accurate research method. However, sometimes the test results can be distorted.

You can get a false positive result under the influence of the following factors:

  • Concomitant somatic and infectious diseases, if they are characterized by destructive damage to internal organs.
  • Some autoimmune pathologies, for example, diabetes mellitus type I and II.
  • The period of pregnancy when a woman’s body undergoes hormonal changes.
  • Phospholipid syndrome caused by autoimmune changes, in which blood clots form.
  • The presence of neoplasms of malignant origin.

On the contrary, false-negative test results for antibodies are also possible, caused by the influence of such factors:

  • Features of the viability and life cycle of helminths.
  • Individual characteristics of the patient's body.
  • The “serological window” is a period when antigens are present in the human body, but the immune system has not yet begun to produce antibodies to them.

Features of delivery for children

Children are prescribed ELISA if the level of eosinophils is high. Almost all parents are faced with the problem of determining antibodies to Toxocara in the blood of their children. Each certificate contains an entry containing “idx index for anti toxocara titer”, so there is a need to decipher the result.

If the specialist’s suspicion is refuted and the baby is not infected with toxocariasis, then the titer displays a range of values ​​less than 1:100. Any upward shifts indicate infection with helminths or early transfer of helminthic infestation. So, the research data could be as follows:

Sometimes the results of the study may be unreliable due to immunodeficiency or damage to the eye system in the child.

Other diagnostic methods

A specialist, suspecting toxocariasis in a patient, in addition to testing for antibodies, refers to the following diagnostic methods:

It is worth noting that it is effective to draw blood for antibodies (ELISA) not only to Toxocara, but also to Giardia and Ascaris.

Further actions

If positive results of the study of total antibodies to Toxocara are obtained, anthelmintic treatment is prescribed. The basis of therapy for toxocariasis is:

  • Anthelmintics, for example, Vermox, Mintezol, Albendazole, Vormil, Immunal.
  • Immunomodulators that help restore the body's defenses.

Treatment of toxocariasis can be adjusted depending on the form of the disease - visceral, cutaneous, neurological or ocular. For example, for ocular toxocariasis, corticosteroids and subconjunctival injections are also prescribed.

You cannot self-medicate due to the presence of contraindications and side effects for the drugs. After successful treatment of toxocariasis, preventive measures must be taken.

If IgG and IgM antibodies are elevated: Video

Helpful information

Have you even read anything about medicines designed to defeat the infection? And this is not surprising, because worms are deadly to humans - they can reproduce very quickly and live for a long time, and the diseases they cause are difficult, with frequent relapses.

Poor mood, lack of appetite, insomnia, immune system dysfunction, intestinal dysbiosis and abdominal pain. Surely you know these symptoms firsthand.

Analysis for toxocariasis - how to make a correct diagnosis

What test to take

There is a misconception that feces should be taken to determine toxocariasis. In this case, the study of this biological material is uninformative. A blood test is performed. Primary diagnosis is to identify the clinical picture of toxocariasis. A careful examination of the epidermis reveals nodules. Additionally, a biopsy is prescribed. In parallel with this, a general blood test is prescribed.

With toxocariasis, all indicators, except hemoglobin, exceed normal values ​​several times. Already from a general blood test one can suspect the presence of helminthic infestation. Liver tests are performed to confirm the diagnosis. As a result of infection with toxocariasis, they show high levels of bilirubin. Indicates increased liver function. They also recommend an enzyme immunoassay blood test for toxocariasis.


A few days before the blood test for toxocariasis, it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, salty, spicy, fatty foods. It is necessary to limit physical activity.


Donate blood from a vein on an empty stomach. No complex preparatory processes are required. If this is a child, continue the normal rhythm of life. A blood test for toxocariasis makes it possible to determine the presence of antibodies. Immune cells rush to resist foreign microorganisms. Antibodies are produced over time. Their concentration in the blood is called titers. The analysis is considered positive if the established norm is exceeded.

Where to take a blood test for toxocariasis

You need to decide on a laboratory. Because you will have to donate blood several times. It is recommended to do this in one laboratory. Initially, they seek help from an infectious disease specialist, or with children from a pediatrician. Each clinic can conduct a general and clinical blood test. Testing for toxocariasis is not carried out everywhere. This fact should be clarified with your doctor. As a rule, he tells you where to go. Analysis can be paid or free. The price directly depends on the type of ownership of the establishment. In government agencies, a blood test for toxocariasis is free.

Blood test for toxocariasis - interpretation

The disease and stage of development are determined by titers:

  • 1:100 – the result is negative, there are no larvae;
  • 1:400 – present, the disease is in the subsiding stage;
  • 1:600 ​​and above – toxocariasis in the active stage of development.

Quite often you can hear from doctors the verdict “the result is weakly positive,” what does this mean? The situation develops at credits of 1:200 – 1:400. This means that larvae have been detected in the human body. Similar results occur in people who have recently recovered from illness, with a small number of larvae, or ocular infestation.

However, qualitative indicators cannot serve as a true source for a true diagnosis. Since a weakly positive, positive blood test result is present in cancer, pregnancy, and disorders in the immune system. The analysis is quantitative. For this purpose, medical institutions use reference values ​​when comparing the obtained data with normal values ​​in a healthy person.

The reliability of the result largely depends on the equipment used to examine the blood. In private clinics the error is within 3%. In government laboratories, which provide the service free of charge, you will have to repeat the blood test several times.

There are several varieties of this disease. Each of them has its own symptoms.

  1. Ophthalmic. The diagnostic method is examination by a specialist. The disease is rare. The larva settles in the posterior part of the visual organ and infects the retina. There is inflammation of the eye, strabismus, deterioration of vision, up to complete blindness.
  2. Cutaneous. Characterized by allergic manifestations, eczema. Nodules can be felt under the skin. As the larvae migrate, the inflamed areas migrate.
  3. Imaginal. Highly doubtful. Infection must occur by eating raw or poorly processed meat. The larva develops in the intestines. Modern medicine insists that toxocariasis is not capable of this.
  4. Cerebral. They provoke inflammation of brain tissue, resulting in meningitis. All this is accompanied by headache, convulsions, loss of consciousness, and dizziness.
  5. Visceral. They migrate through the blood to the internal organs. Affects the heart, liver, lungs, heart. Symptoms develop depending on the location. The liver and the level of eosinophils in the blood increase. Body temperature rises.
  6. Neurological. When the larvae touch nerve endings, disturbances in mental activity, memory, consciousness, and behavior appear. In severe cases, a person simply goes crazy.

You can suspect toxocariasis on your own. But to confirm the diagnosis, you should donate blood and undergo a full examination. Mixed symptoms are similar to many other diseases. There are signs of respiratory disease, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, with fever, and an allergic reaction.

Toxocariasis is considered one of the dangerous and unpleasant diseases, the development of which occurs under the influence of roundworm larvae. This pathology is characterized by a long period of progression, as well as damage to several organs at once.

Toxocara antigens can be perceived as confirming the fact that the human body is infected. If specialists suspect that pathogens have entered the human body, a special test is prescribed that detects antibodies to Toxocara.

Toxocara are large dioecious worms, the localization of which is the stomach and small part of animals. The average lifespan of these worms in the body of dogs is on average 4-6 months, and one female is capable of laying more than 200 thousand eggs within a day. The release of eggs with feces onto the soil increases the risk of human infection with toxocariasis several times.

Most often, dogs, mostly young ones, become the main source of human infection. Penetration of the larvae into the body occurs through close contact of a person with an infected puppy, on the surface of which there are eggs. In addition, you can become infected with toxocariasis if soil with eggs somehow gets into a person’s mouth.

Most often, toxocariasis is diagnosed in childhood, when the child plays especially actively in the sand or with pets.

Medical practice shows that infection of adult patients most often occurs through contact at home with sick dogs or as a result of their professional activities, which involve close contact with animals. In some cases, Toxocara eggs can enter the human body along with raw or poorly processed meat.

The manifestation of one or another during the progression of this disease in the human body is determined by the following factors:

  • intensity of infection
  • place of localization of larvae in tissues and organs
  • the state of the protective functions of the human body

Most often, the signs of toxocariasis do not differ significantly from others associated with the penetration of other helminths into the body.

Typically, the development of toxocariasis begins completely unexpectedly or after a minor illness, and the following symptoms are observed:

  • sudden rise in body temperature
  • severe chills
  • the appearance of a rash on the skin in the form of urticaria
  • formation of angioedema on the body

In the case when the disease goes into an acute period, problems with the lungs may arise in the form of;

  • acute bronchitis
  • development of pneumonia
  • asthma attacks

In childhood, the course of pulmonary syndrome is too difficult to tolerate, and in some cases pain may occur in the abdominal area.

More information about toxocariasis can be found in the video.

A special feature of the larvae is the fact that they are able to migrate to completely different organs and tissues. For example, if Toxocara enters the body, symptoms of malignant formations in this part of the body may develop.

Penetration of larvae into the brain area may be accompanied by the development of such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • severe headaches
  • development of seizures
  • frequent paralysis

Toxocariasis is one of the dangerous diseases that requires mandatory treatment.

Test for antibodies to Toxocara

Often, doing just this is necessary for the reason that other diagnostic methods do not allow the identification of tocoscar eggs in feces.

This phenomenon can be observed when helminth worms in the human body have not yet reached a sexually mature state, because only at that age do they begin to lay eggs.

An analysis that allows you to detect antibodies to Toxocara requires special preparation:

  • it is important to acquaint the patient with the fact that for the study he will undergo
  • Before the analysis, no restrictions on food or drink are required
  • the patient must be informed who will perform the venipuncture and at what time
  • a person should be aware that discomfort may occur when applying a tourniquet to the arm and performing venipuncture

During the procedure itself, the following actions are performed:

  • after venipuncture, blood is drawn into a test tube containing a gel or activator
  • to quickly stop bleeding, a cotton ball is pressed to the site of venipuncture
  • To resolve the resulting hematoma at the site of blood sampling, the specialist prescribes warming compresses

The results of the analysis are deciphered by a specialist, and it is he who decides whether the patient needs further treatment.


The main purpose of testing blood for antibodies to Toxocara is to confirm the presence of this type of helminth in the human body. Typically, such an analysis is prescribed when the manifestation of characteristic symptoms is observed, and the development of urtic rash, hepatomegaly and bronchial asthma is diagnosed.

In addition, the results of the analysis help specialists not only confirm the diagnosis, but also predict the patient’s future. In some cases, an antibody test is prescribed by the patient to assess the effectiveness of the treatment that the patient is currently undergoing.

The results of the study can be presented in the following form:

  • doubtful
  • positively
  • negative

We can talk about a negative result and the absence of toxocara in the human body when the antibody titer is less than 1:100. Usually this is an indicator that the person does not suffer from toxocara and only in rare cases can this indicate a low level of helminths.

If a positive result is obtained, one can conclude that toxocara is present in the human body or that such a disease has recently been suffered.

It is for this reason that if the result is positive, one should not confidently say that it is toxocara that is developing in the patient’s body. To confirm the diagnosis, specialists prescribe a number of additional tests that will help identify the causes of such symptoms.

Toxocariasis is a dangerous disease that must be treated. With timely diagnosis and initiation of effective therapy, the prognosis for the patient is quite favorable. However, if mass infection occurs with severe damage to internal organs, this may result in the death of the patient.

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