Can the diagnosis of lichen in a person be erroneous. Treatment of pink deprivation. Superficial ringworm on smooth skin

Infectious skin diseases are not always easy to recognize, especially in the early stages. Pink lichen in humans refers to complex ailments, not fully investigated by doctors. The problem is solvable and the symptoms can be eliminated by knowing characteristics illness.

Pink deprive or Pink deprive Zhibera called skin irritation in the form of oblong red spots caused by infection. The rash is similar to the manifestations of allergic reactions. Experts attribute this disease to a variety of dermatosis and argue that lichen may be of viral origin.

The disease is most susceptible to people aged 10-35 years, in total, the risk of infection persists up to 55 years.

Skin rashes heal within 1-3 months, in rare cases, lichen lasts longer.

The rash begins to develop after the first patch on the skin appears (diameter is about 2 cm or more). Then, yellowing of the skin, dryness, peeling is observed in the affected area. pink lichen not considered a contagious disease, although doctors did not agree on this.

Some dermatologists claim that the causative agent of the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Basically, the disease appears after suffering colds and infectious diseases. Spots on the skin are covered along the edges with a thin border, consisting of scales.

The reasons

The cause of rosacea may be complication after SARS, a consequence of violations in the work immune system. Doctors draw an analogy with herpes type 6, but so far the pathogen is not exactly known. There are factors in the presence of which the risk of lichen increases.

These are the following health problems:

  • bowel disorders
  • nervous breakdown, stress
  • metabolic disorders
  • hypothermia
  • oncological diseases

Pink lichen may appear after insect bite(There are cases when fleas, lice and bedbugs caused a characteristic rash in a person).

Another possible reason is seasonal outbreaks , since in autumn and spring the immunity of many is weakened and unstable to diseases. Vaccination is also referred to as a factor that can provoke the development of the disease.

Symptoms of pink deprivation

In the initial stage, the disease may go unnoticed. Possible appearance mild itching, which increases after physical work, stress. In some, pink lichen is accompanied muscle pain, joint pain, migraine.

Symptoms may resemble signs of SARS - dizziness, weakness, fever, loss of appetite, rhinitis (runny nose), sore throat.

The spots gradually begin to spread throughout the body, except for the face, neck and limbs. In rare cases, the rash spreads to the hands and feet.

Spots eventually become covered with a crust along the contour, swell and darken. It is important not to confuse the rash that has appeared with ordinary allergies and do not self-medicate. After the appearance of the first reddish spot, the rest do not appear immediately, but after 1-2 weeks.

A convex formation that has an oval shape and a color characteristic of lichen should alert the patient.


The first thing a doctor should do is examine the patient. Preliminary diagnostics based on symptom recognition appearance skin, rash features.

Then the patient is taken scraping for analysis and make a rapid test for the presence of fungi in the body. Such procedures are carried out by a dermatologist in a skin and venereal dispensary.

Pink lichen is sometimes confused with other diseases (for example, with secondary syphilis, or), therefore, if necessary, they are prescribed additional tests. The patient may be referred for a skin biopsy, blood donation, urine and other procedures. The doctor must fully examine the patient in order to establish a clear diagnosis and make sure that the rash is caused by pink lichen.

How to treat pink lichen

There are no specific treatments for lichen rosacea, with normal conditions it disappears after a couple of months. medical intervention required if the disease takes on atypical forms.

Bubble, drain or punctate rash considered pathological.

It is also considered a complication ringworm, at which the spots reach a diameter of 8 cm. In this case, the disease may not go away for a long time.

Treatment is based on the results of the examination and in accordance with the state of health of the patient. In particular severe cases when the spots increase greatly and spread to new areas of the body, the doctor prescribes antibiotics ("Erythromycin", "Tetracycline").

Additional measures:

  1. From the diet excluded citrus fruits, nuts, eggs, some fruits (red), alcoholic drinks, tea, chocolate, coffee, spicy dishes.
  2. During illness Not recommended use soap and washcloth, only a shower with water is allowed.
  3. Women can't wear makeup for 3-5 weeks until the lichen is gone.
  4. Doctors do not advise patients to sunbathe and wear underwear made from synthetics.

If necessary, the doctor can prescribe to the patient.

For example:

  • Suprastin
  • Claritin
  • Tavegil
  • Erius
  • Xizal
  • Loratadine

Treatment can also be carried out with the help of corticosteroids:

  • Hydrocortisone
  • Clobetasol
  • Diprospan

Treatment should be carried out under conditions in which water procedures eliminated or reduced to a minimum. Useful for boosting immunity during illness take vitamins.

Exist folk ways treatment pink lichen, but they should be treated with caution and all questions should be agreed with the attending physician.

In most cases, the disease resolves within 8 weeks, but there are exceptions. It is important to responsibly approach the issue, consult a doctor about everything and, after recovery, follow preventive measures.

Lichen is a disease upper layers skin in which a rash or spots appear, itching occurs. Faced with this problem, the patient seeks advice from a dermatologist who diagnoses and prescribes treatment. To make a diagnosis, the doctor also directs to tests that, with lichen, regardless of its type (shingles, pityriasis, flat red, multi-colored, ringworm, pink), should clarify the clinical picture of the disease. Usually, tests for lichen in both an adult and a child include blood donation and the collection of fragments of inflamed skin or the contents of the vesicles.

The main cause of lichen infection is considered to be the introduction of viruses and fungi into human skin. However, the mechanism of infection remains unclear. There are a number of factors that can affect the development of the disease:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent stress;
  • overwork;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • allergic reactions of the body;
  • chronic diseases internal organs.

All of these factors, individually and in combination, can lead to lichen disease. Children under the age of 14 who attend childcare facilities are at risk due to the fact that some types of the disease are highly contagious and can spread quickly. Adult patients of both sexes have the same risk of getting lichen, especially for those people who are subject to emotional and physical overload at work, often suffering from relapses of chronic diseases, having autoimmune diseases. high danger pregnant women, as well as those persons who, by their own professional activity contact with animals.

At the first sign of the disease, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. Timely appeal to the doctor will help the patient cope with dermatological and cosmetic problems, and will also help prevent chronic skin diseases in the future.

Types and symptoms of lichen

There are several types of lichen, each of which differs in its symptoms and course:

  1. Pink.
  2. Ringworm.
  3. Girdle.
  4. Red flat.
  5. Pityriasis.

pink lichen

This variety is also called Gibert's disease or flaky roseola. Dermatosis most often occurs in the autumn spring period when the immune system is weakened. Pathology occurs mainly in adults under 40 years old, but in rare cases, children of primary school age and pensioners are susceptible to it.

Having been ill with pink lichen only once, you can not be afraid of relapses, because. lifelong immunity!

Dermatosis often accompanies seasonal viral infections, flu. Before the rash, the patient feels a slight malaise and weakness, in rare cases, an increase in temperature is possible. On the skin of the chest, back or abdomen, one large spot of bright pink or red color appears, called the "mother's plaque". The skin in this area dries, in 50% of cases itching is observed. After 7-10 days, a lot of more small spots round shape, which also peel and itch, and are framed at the edges with a pink border. That is why lichen is called pink.

Rosacea is caused by bacteria and viruses. This type of dermatosis tends to self-heal. However, the clinical manifestations of this disease are similar to other diseases:

  • ringworm;
  • eczema;
  • allergy;
  • secondary syphilis;
  • HIV infection.

Diagnosis and tests for pink lichen

To exclude these diseases, the doctor sends the patient for an examination, which includes:

  1. Skin scraping to exclude fungal infection and parapsoriasis.

For this study, scales of the affected skin are taken with special sterile instruments and placed in a container. The laboratory assistant examines biomaterials. The accuracy of the results of this method is only 50%.

3 days before the sampling of the material, the patient should not make hygiene procedures, apply funds to the affected area, and also exclude reception medicines, if possible.

If there is a fungus in the scraping, its sensitivity to antibiotics is determined. If fungal agents are not detected, a patient with suspected pink lichen is sent for PCR.

  1. PCR analysis - polymerase chain reaction. This modern method determination of infectious agents in the biomaterial is carried out at the genetic level and allows you to determine the presence of infection with an accuracy of 99%.

If a skin scraping showed a negative result for the presence of fungi, the patient is offered a PCR technique to exclude him secondary syphilis or AIDS. Blood plasma is used as a biomaterial. No special preparation is required. It must be remembered that PCR is given in the morning on an empty stomach. Results are prepared within 24 hours.

If the results for HIV and syphilis are negative, the patient is recommended another type of diagnosis - an examination with a Wood's lamp.

  1. Wood's lamp examination.

The essence of this study is as follows: using a lamp that emits ultraviolet waves, the affected areas of the skin, previously cleaned, are examined. Fungal agents under the influence of ultraviolet light begin to glow. This allows us to conclude that fungi became the causative agent of lichen, therefore, the diagnosis of pink lichen is excluded.

This method is very convenient: it does not require laboratory conditions, has no contraindications and the result of the study becomes known immediately.


This type of dermatitis has many synonyms: microsporia, ringworm, dermatophytosis, etc. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus such as Microsporum and Trichophyton. Infection occurs from sick animals - cats, dogs - or from a sick person. In the risk group for infection from animals are mainly children under 14 years of age. Anyone who has weakened immunity at the time of infection can get infected from a sick person.

Ringworm can affect any area of ​​the skin, but most often it is localized on the scalp - superficial lichen scalp; on the skin of the arms, legs, back - superficial ringworm on smooth skin; on nails, palms, feet - chronic ringworm.

The main symptoms of this type of dermatosis are:

  • hair falls out on the scalp, breaking at the root;
  • on the site of the fallen hair, scaly foci appear;
  • brittleness and uneven surface of the nails on the hands with chronic lichen;
  • an itchy spot appears on smooth skin, framed by small bubbles, which tends to increase and further spread.

Diagnosis and tests for ringworm

The doctor will help diagnose "ringworm" based on an examination of the affected dermis and test results. For this, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Inspection with Wood's lamp. This is necessary in order to confirm the fungal origin of the infection.
  2. Cultural mycological examination for fungi.

It is carried out in specialized laboratories. The purpose of the study is to determine the type of fungi, their sensitivity to antifungal drugs. It is done within 2-3 weeks, but gives exact result. laboratory assistant in special conditions grows colonies of fungi and determines their type.

Special training the patient is not required for analysis. It is only necessary for several days not to wash the affected areas, not to use cosmetics.


This disease is caused by the herpes virus, which affects not only the skin and mucous membranes of a person, but also the nervous system. Another name for shingles is herpes zoster. The main symptoms of shingles are severe and prolonged pain and blistering rashes on one side of the body, rarely on the face.

The virus, having entered the human body, first causes chicken pox, and, remaining for life in nerve cells, after an indefinite time can provoke shingles! Every fourth person who has had chickenpox is faced with herpes zoster in old age.

Transmission of infection is possible by contact-household way. The herpes virus that causes shingles is highly contagious—it can even be spread through a handshake.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • general weakness, fever, digestive disorders;
  • strong pain on the back, in the region of the ribs or on the chest;
  • the appearance of redness at the site of pain localization after 12-36 hours;
  • the formation of multiple vesicles filled with serous fluid;
  • after a few days, crusts form in place of the vesicles, which disappear after 21 days.

Diagnosis and tests for shingles

A dermatologist can diagnose the disease by clinical manifestations that are characteristic of this type of dermatosis.

  1. If the doctor has doubts with non-specific symptoms, he can send the patient to perform a blood test for the presence of antibodies to the virus. Special preparation for the study is not required. The patient in the morning on an empty stomach donates venous blood. The laboratory determines the presence of antibodies to herpes and its ability to suppress cells affected by pathogenic viruses. If research has shown positive result, herpes zoster virus is confirmed.
  2. PCR for shingles.

For rent deoxygenated blood and scraping of the epithelium from the affected areas of the skin. If a herpes virus of the third type is detected, shingles is considered confirmed. Sometimes it is necessary to pass PCR for HIV, because. shingles can be one of the symptoms of AIDS.

Lichen planus

The causes of this dermatosis are not fully understood. Basically, scientists associate it with weakened immunity, malfunctions gastrointestinal tract and stressful situations. Mostly people aged 40-60 suffer.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • rashes of irregular shape with a shiny surface;
  • localization of the rash - on the elbows, on inside shins, in the genital area, on the abdomen, in the oral cavity;
  • severe itching;
  • the appearance of bubbles with liquid, which then become sores;
  • clouding and fragility of the nail plates.

Diagnostics and tests for lichen planus

Diagnosing lichen planus can be difficult, because. its symptoms go with stomatitis, allergic reaction and other diseases. To clarify the diagnosis, the dermatologist prescribes the following studies to the patient:

  1. Clinical blood test.

It is necessary in order to discover high ESR(sedimentation rate of erythrocytes). It rises if there is an inflammatory process in the body.

There are no contraindications to this procedure. The patient must come to the laboratory on an empty stomach. Do not eat or drink anything except water for 7-10 hours.

The biological material for research is blood from a finger. Normal ESR indicators are 10-15 mm/h. If they are significantly exceeded, this indicates an inflammatory process.

  1. Biopsy of the damaged area of ​​the skin or mucosa.

The analysis also reveals inflammation, changes in the epidermis and hypergranulosis (this is a thickening of the granular layer of the skin).

Pityriasis versicolor

This dermatosis is caused by a fungus such as Pityrosporum orbiculare. It begins to actively multiply in a humid environment in the stratum corneum of the skin and causes rashes. Most often, they suffer from young men and women who have hormonal failure.

Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor:

  • spots different size located in the upper part of the body - on the back, chest, neck;
  • spots are yellow or light pink in color, therefore this species lichen is called colored or multi-colored;
  • rashes are separate with well-defined boundaries or merge into large areas without contours. On them the skin is shelled in the form of bran;
  • itching is absent;
  • dermatosis has a chronic course.

Diagnostics and tests for pityriasis versicolor

The diagnosis is made by the doctor as a result of examination of the patient's skin. Other methods used include:

  1. An iodine test is a test in which sore spot 2% iodine solution is applied. At pityriasis versicolor spots turn brown.
  2. Inspection with a Wood's lamp, in which places affected by the fungus will glow under ultraviolet rays.

Prevention of depriving

To prevent lichen, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • do not use other people's personal hygiene items;
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after interacting with cats and dogs.
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • do not overcool;
  • timely treat chronic diseases;
  • avoid stress;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • do not try to get rid of the disease with folk methods and do not self-medicate;
  • Avoid contact with people who have strange skin lesions.

Lichen is a serious skin disease that can be detected using a variety of methods: PCR, skin scrapings, reactions to antibodies to viruses, clinical analysis blood, etc. Diagnosis in the early stages and timely treatment will not allow complications to develop and the disease to become chronic.

Ordinary playground games often turn around infectious diseases, including fungi. If a child or an adult has spots on the skin, you need to do a scraping for lichen. There are 6 types of lichen, which differ in pathogens and course. These include: herpes zoster, vesicular, red, multi-colored, pink lichen and ringworm. Some forms are very contagious, so it is important to diagnose as soon as possible in order to accurately diagnose (after all, the fungus can “mask” as other diseases) and begin treatment. Self-treatment without necessary analyzes, in particular, scraping for lichen, is dangerous and ineffective.

What kind of analysis and what can determine?

Scraping for lichen is painless procedure which doesn't take long. First, the presence of a fungus in exfoliated skin particles is determined. This is evidenced by fungal spores and branching mycelium in the samples. If this is confirmed, additional tests are performed to identify the type of fungus, drug resistance is tested to determine a treatment strategy. If the scraping is negative, and the external manifestations are similar to lichen, an examination is carried out with a Wood's lamp, in which fluorescence is assessed, and an enzyme immunoassay.

How to do a scraping to determine lichen?

Scraping can be taken in any laboratory, but it is recommended to consult a dermatologist for a quality material sampling. Before the procedure, do not treat the affected areas with soap or cosmetics for 1-3 days. Taking medications can distort the results of the study. For analysis, the affected area is peeled with a scalpel, collecting particles of the epithelium. The result will be known in 24 hours. If pathogens are found, the specialist prescribes treatment. Be sure to complete the entire prescribed course, and you will need control scrapings and examinations. When 3 studies in a row show a negative result, and the affected areas stop glowing under the Wood's lamp, the disease is defeated.

The name lichen means dermatological disease fungal or viral etiology manifested skin rashes. Symptoms and the type of pathogen determine the type of disease. So, there are several main types of lichen - pink, red, pityriasis, ringworm and herpes zoster. And although it does not pose a threat to life, it must be treated professionally. Some people confuse the symptoms of illnesses, establish their own diagnosis, begin to self-medicate and thereby aggravate the course of the disease.

How to determine lichen, a dermatologist knows for sure, so when the first rash appears, consult a doctor immediately. On your own at home, you can only assume a disease, but for this you need to know how to recognize one or another type of lichen based on the nature of the rashes and concomitant symptoms.

To find out what exactly appeared on the body (another name is Zhiber's disease), a person can pink spots. But remember, the definition of a disease is the prerogative of a dermatologist, on your own you can only assume an ailment.

One of the first signs of Gibert's disease is scaly pink plaques. The onset of the disease is characterized by the appearance of large spots (the spot can be one or several at once), their diameter varies from 2 to 10 cm. Lichen plaques can be localized on any part of the body, but most often affect upper part torso. Symptoms such as itching and burning are noted only in 50% of cases.

After 3-4 days around large spots, you can observe the appearance of plaques of a smaller diameter, they also have pink color, clear boundaries and peeling. The true cause of the disease has not been established, however, experts agree that the disease has a viral etiology and appears against the background of reduced immunity. So, according to the observations of scientists, it was found that Zhiber's lichen is most often manifested in people in the off-season (autumn and spring), because it was at this time that the human immune system was weakened.

Pink lichen belongs to the category of self-healing diseases, so there is no need for specific therapy.

Usually starting from 4 weeks after infection, the disease is on the decline. Full recovery occurs at 6-8 weeks. To speed up the healing process, the doctor may prescribe antiviral immunostimulating drugs (Novirin, Acyclovir). With a pronounced burning sensation, itching, it is recommended to take antihistamines(Tsetrin, Zodak, Claritin).

Signs of multi-colored (pityriasis) lichen

Indicate the presence of multi-colored (pityriasis) lichen can be uneven spots localized on the upper body. It is characteristic of this type of disease that the color of the spots can change - at first the plaques are pink, then they turn brown and, in the end, acquire a brown tint. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, slight itching and peeling may occur.

Initially, lichen spots are single, but as the disease progresses, their number increases, the plaques merge together, which leads to a large-scale skin lesion. Without necessary treatment lichen spreads over the entire surface of the back, goes to the stomach and rises higher. never affects the lower extremities.

Check if you really pityriasis versicolor you can even at home with the help of iodine - apply a small amount of funds on the surface of plaques, while capturing areas healthy skin. Indicate pityriasis versicolor will be persistent Brown color spots, but the healthy skin around will turn less intense (take on a yellow tint).

The cause of the disease fungal infection therefore, the main treatment is antifungal drugs (Lamisil, Mycozoral, Funginal) for external use.

Also, to exfoliate the upper stratum corneum, the plaques are treated with keratolytic agents ( salicylic acid, resorcinol alcohol). With large-scale lesions or complicated course of the disease, it is advisable to use antifungals systemic action(Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Ketoconazole).

Shingles Symptoms

You can distinguish shingles from other types of the disease by the nature of the rash - plaques spread along the course of innervation nerve endings predominantly in the region of the ribs. It is characteristic that neuralgia precedes the rash (in places where the rash will be localized, a pain syndrome appears a few days before).

Doctors believe that the cause of rashes is herpetic infection, activated against the background of reduced immunity. Initially, edematous pink plaques appear, and after a few days, vesicles (vesicles) filled with exudate form on their surface. The disease is accompanied by intense pain, itching, fever.

After 7-9 days, the vesicles burst, dry up, crusts appear on the surface, which after a while fall off leaving light dark spots(do not worry, pigmentation soon acquires a natural skin color). At adequate therapy the disease recedes after 10-15 days, but even after a cure, neuralgia can torment a person for a long time.

Means of therapy - antiviral drugs (Famciclovir, Acyclovir), analgesics (Baralgin, Pentalgin, Diclofenac), as well as antihistamine medicines(Zirtek, Tsetrin, Zodak).

Sometimes with a complicated form of the disease, eye damage can be observed, then they are prescribed antiviral drops Idoxuridin or Lassar antiseptic paste.

Signs of ringworm

Trichophytosis or microsporia (), provoked by a fungal infection. Fungi microsporum and trichophyton live on the body of animals, and are transmitted to humans by contact. Ringworm is the most contagious, hard-to-treat form of the disease.

The disease affects not only the scalp, but also the smooth surface of the skin, the dynamics of development in both cases is the same. Clearly defined red spots of an annular shape form on the skin. Their surface is edematous, covered with small watery bubbles, the sizes reach 3-5 cm. After the swelling subsides and the bubbles burst, a scab (crust) forms on the plaques, peeling, intense itching appear. Characteristic of the defeat of the scalp is a powdery coating, which covers the scalp with a dense layer. In addition, fragility (with microsporia) or hair loss (with trichophytosis) is observed in the affected areas.

The main therapies are antifungal drugs. local action(Kanesten, Lamisil, Zalain). Systemic drugs - Terbinafine, Itraconazole, Griseofulvin. In complicated forms of the disease, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

Signs of lichen red

The causes that provoke the development of the disease include dysfunction of the immune system, impaired metabolic processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous strain. The disease affects the skin, nails, and also spreads to the mucous membranes.

The characteristic signs of red lichen are small, multiple papules with a retracted center and a glossy surface. Gradually, the papules merge into a single conglomerate, forming continuous lines from the rash. The color of the rashes is bright red, sometimes brown or purple. There is no peeling characteristic of many types of lichen.

If the rash is localized on the mucous membranes, the color of the papules is grayish. When the nails are damaged, the plates are stratified, they become brittle and collapse over time. The disease is difficult to treat and requires specific therapy.

Since the disease is based on immune dysfunction, the doctor prescribes immunosuppressant drugs (depressing the activity of the immune system). Antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines are also prescribed. Vitamin therapy and physiotherapy are carried out.

Remember, on your own you can only assume an ailment, accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment should be determined by the physician.

Lichen refers to such skin diseases, the main element of which are nodular formations that cause itching, inflammation or tissue necrosis. There are several types of lichen in humans, as well as a number of reasons why it can occur, where fungal and viral infections are the main ones. The course of the disease can be long, and if time does not resort to medical care, but also heavy and dangerous for others.

Types of lichen in humans

All forms of the disease have their differences. Some types are contagious, while others proceed for a long time in the form of carriage with periodic relapses, which directly depends on the causative agent of the pathology. The most common forms are presented in the table.

Table: main types of lichen

Form of the disease


Degree of infectivity

The form is not contagious.

Or deprive Gibert

herpes virus

It is transmitted extremely rarely by airborne droplets.

Shingles or herpes zoster

herpes virus

Transmission is possible mainly to children, it is extremely rare.

Ringworm or trichophytosis

red flat

Viruses, neurogenic factor

The disease is not transmitted.

Violations of biochemical processes

Not passed.

lichen cat

The disease is contagious.

Conditionally pathogenic fungi

Not contagious.

Nodular lichen or lichen Piedra

It is transmitted by contact-household way.

Weeping lichen or eczema

Systemic violations

The disease is not transmitted.


Shingles (Herpes zoster) is a unilateral viral skin lesion in the form of vesicles containing clear liquid. With the spread of the disease, the volume of rashes increases and, at the same time, a pain syndrome occurs, which in some cases can last more than a month.

The reasons

Shingles is caused by the herpes zoster virus (Varicella zoster). The main cause of infection is a decrease in immunity, which can be caused by a serious illness or a manifestation of stress. Shingles often occurs in people who once had chickenpox and now, having a persistent decrease in immunity, have been re-infected with this virus.

Method of infection + what it looks like in the photo

The disease is transmitted directly through contact with sick people. chicken pox by airborne droplets.


Symptoms and signs

  • rashes on the body in the form of groups of bubbles with cloudy liquid contents (see photo on the right)
  • unilateral location of lesions
  • the localization of the foci of the rash corresponds to the course of the nerve trunks: on the trunk, limbs, and also on the scalp.
  • itching at the site of the rash
  • temperature rise
  • pain syndrome
  • swollen lymph nodes

Diagnosis of the disease

When the above symptoms appear, it is necessary to contact a specialist who, based on the clinical picture and with the help of a microscopic examination, will be able to diagnose and determine the specific type of lichen. If the disease is really herpes zoster, especially its necrotic form, then a more thorough examination of the body is necessary, since it tends to develop with malignant tumors even if their stage is very early.


With a long course, involvement is possible nervous system with the development of postherpetic neuralgia. The disease requires inpatient treatment.

Treatment and prevention

Medical treatment includes the application antiviral drugs such as "Valtrex", "Famvir" or "Acyclovir", which suppress the herpes virus, both in primary and in secondary lesions them. In addition, immunostimulating drugs, such as Isoprinosine, are also prescribed so that the body itself successfully fights the disease. Since shingles is accompanied severe pain, then the doctor will also prescribe painkillers. In addition to drugs taken orally, ointments, gels and local solutions are needed - Alpizarin, Epigen, Zovirax, or interferon lotions. Since the herpes virus dies when heated and exposed to UV rays, physiotherapy for shingles includes irradiation with a UV lamp, as well as reflexology at the points that correspond to the lesions. As preventive measures it is necessary to refrain from contact with patients with chickenpox, and if isolation cannot be maintained, then precautions must be taken when visiting the infected.

Pityriasis (colorful)

Pityriasis versicolor is a fungal infection characterized by rashes that form small, brownish patches. As a rule, their diameter is no more than 5–6 mm, and they also have the ability not to darken under the sun, unlike healthy skin. The number of spots grows, then they merge into a single focus.

Causes of infection

The causative agent of pityriasis versicolor in humans is the fungus Pityrosporum orbiculare, which can begin to actively multiply in a humid environment - for example, when sweat is released. In addition, seborrheic dermatitis may well become the cause of the development of this type of lichen, especially in conditions that involve long-term or constant exposure to high temperatures air.

How a person is infected

Pityriasis versicolor is not contagious and recurs only if preventive measures for its occurrence are not observed. However latest research scientists have proven a family predisposition to the occurrence this disease.

Pityriasis versicolor


  • the appearance of yellow-pink spots, which then change color to a darker one
  • peeling rashes
  • the borders of the spots are uneven, but are clear
  • increased body sweating


Pityriasis versicolor is diagnosed by a doctor using a Wood's lamp or a Balzer test performed using iodine. The specialist will also microscopic examination skin.


The disease can be completely cured without any negative consequences. At chronic course especially important is the prevention of exacerbations in the summer.

How and what to treat

As a treatment medications antifungal agents are used: Fungoterbin, Nizoral or Mycozoral. All of them are applied externally, since pityriasis versicolor affects only the surface layer of the skin. Oral drugs are also prescribed: Fluconazole, Ketoconazole. Usually cure the disease medical specialist is not difficult, although the characteristic pigmentation may remain for some time. As a preventive measure for people (especially men) with excessive sweating or seborrheic dermatitis should be given Special attention disinfecting your clothes and keeping them clean.

Pink (gibert's versicolor)

Pink lichen is a large spots that have a pinkish tint. The disease occurs mainly in adolescents, it can proceed both for several weeks and for several months.

The reasons

The disease presumably has a viral etiology, although so far there is no exact data on which virus causes pink lichen in humans. Most scientists agree that some types of herpes, which are activated when the immune system is weakened, are to blame.

Method of infection + skin photo

Pink lichen is not contagious and is not transmitted by airborne droplets, household contact, or sexual contact.


  • the appearance of rounded spots that begin to peel off in the middle
  • rashes with a red border around the periphery
  • unlike other forms of lichen, rashes do not merge into a single focus
  • slight pain

Diagnosis of the disease

A specialist can diagnose the disease when examining a person with a microscope and conducting serological reactions to detect syphilis in a patient, rashes in which they have a clinical picture similar to lichen.


After treatment, a site with a violation of pigmentation is formed at the site of the lesion.

What can be cured

In many cases, the disease is able to go away on its own and does not require an appointment. special treatment. However, it is still necessary to conduct serological tests to find out true reason appearance of rashes. To alleviate the condition, the doctor may advise to exclude underwear made of synthetic and woolen materials from the wardrobe. Of the drugs, they are usually limited to the appointment of Askorutin, or antihistamines. medicines.As a prophylaxis for pink lichen, people with reduced immunity in the autumn and spring need additional reception vitamins and immunostimulants.


Ringworm in humans can affect both the hairy parts of the body and smooth skin. The second name of this disease is microsporia. It can be severe and affects mainly children. preschool age. Incubation period, depending on the type of microsporia, ranges from 5 days to several weeks.

Why did it appear on the skin of a child or an adult

The disease is caused by fungi of the genus Microsporum and Trichophyton, which begin to multiply actively in warm and humid places.

Method of infection

The disease is highly contagious, easily transmitted from person to person, as well as from animal to person. Moreover, if the infection came from an animal, then the disease, as a rule, proceeds in a more severe form. In addition, it is possible to become infected with ringworm fungus even when cultivating the soil without gloves. The method of transmission of the virus is contact-household.

Symptoms + photo

  • the formation of patchy rashes of a reddish color (photo on the right)
  • peeling
  • if the focus of the disease is located on the scalp, then you can notice that the hair breaks at the root in this place.
  • foci of rashes are prone to growth
  • In some advanced cases the spots emit a sweet smell


To diagnose ringworm, it is advisable to contact a dermatologist who examines samples of the affected skin tissues under a microscope, and can also make an accurate diagnosis during a visual examination of the patient based on the clinical picture. In addition, diagnostics can be carried out using the yellow-green glow of the Woods lamp. A photo of ringworm in a person is presented on the right.


Pathology can be completely cured, but in its absence, a transition to a chronic form is possible. dangerous complication is the formation of abscesses.

Treatment and prevention

Since the causative agent of ringworm is a fungus, it is advisable to take antifungal drugs as a drug treatment: Lamisil, Fungoterbin. If the skin lesion is shallow, then only local ointments can be dispensed with, using, for example, Mycozoral or a weak solution of iodine, or sulfuric ointment. If the focus of the disease has spread to the deeper layers of the skin, then solutions and ointments must be combined with antifungal drugs that are taken orally. It is impossible to determine the degree of damage to ringworm on your own, therefore it is important for the appointment proper treatment consult a doctor. In the treatment of this disease, physiotherapy also plays an important role: irradiation with a UV lamp, phonophoresis and electrophoresis will significantly accelerate the fight against the fungus and help eliminate unpleasant symptoms in places of defeat. As a preventive measure, the use of other people's personal hygiene products and contact with infected people and animals should be avoided.

Lichen planus - a disease that can occur at any age, is characterized by quite lingering course and is a red papules with a shiny surface. The rash may form rings or lines on the surface of the skin.

The reasons

Like psoriasis, lichen planus has autoimmune causes of its occurrence. For it to appear, the patient, as a rule, must have genetic predisposition and a certain provoking factor, which may well have a psychological etiology, or may be an allergic reaction.

How can they get infected

This disease is not contagious and is not transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one.

Symptoms and signs

  • appearance of reddish papules
  • long-term preservation of pigmentation even after resorption of papules
  • localization on the back of the feet, lower leg, and, in some cases, along the nerve
  • mucosal damage
  • painful sensations in the foci of rashes


Diagnosis of the disease by a dermatologist is usually not difficult. Papules have characteristic appearance, inherent only to this type of lichen, and the presence of Wickem's mesh only confirms the diagnosis. However, additional examinations may be prescribed by a specialist in order to identify or exclude other serious illness organism, which lichen planus may accompany.


Red lichen does not cause serious consequences with the timely elimination of provoking factors. Some of its forms, such as warty, vesicular and ulcerative, are difficult to cure.

How and what is treated

Antihistamines, vitamins (especially A and C), as well as drugs that have sedative action. In addition, the use of external medicines has been shown to reduce discomfort caused by the formation of red lichen planus. In particular, talc or even ordinary starch can be such agents. Since the disease is autoimmune in nature, certain preventive measures have not yet been developed to prevent it. If any type of lichen occurs, you should not self-medicate in order to avoid the transition initial stages diseases to more advanced ones. The dosage of the drugs mentioned above can only be determined by the attending physician.

Scale versicolor (psoriasis)

An equally common name for scaly lichen in humans is psoriasis. The disease has chronic, it is characterized by a latent course, combined with relapses. Rashes in psoriasis are prone to inflammation and are located mainly on outside extensor surface.


The causes of psoriasis can be immunological changes in the human body, often genetically programmed. Various stressful situations can provoke the occurrence of psoriasis in such cases.

Method of infection

The disease is not contagious, since its etiology suggests an autoimmune nature of the onset of the disease.

Scale versicolor (psoriasis)


  • the appearance of raised spots above the skin, having a reddish color
  • the rashes are very dry, so they provoke severe itching
  • the typical location of scaly lichen is the folds of the arms, legs, gluteal and lumbar regions.
  • the tendency of patchy rashes to increase in diameter and merge into large foci


Based on the general clinical picture, a dermatologist, usually, will easily determine the type of disease and the degree of its intensity. Except visual inspection the patient may be prescribed a blood test, the indicators of which will be considered as a confirming factor in the presence of psoriasis. In some cases, histology is indicated to examine the affected skin tissues for malignant cells.


The disease occurs in chronic form with periods of relapse. The pustular form can provoke intoxication of the body.

Treatment and prevention of the disease

In order for the tactics of treatment to be correct, it is necessary to rely on the age of the patient, his gender, accompanying illnesses, as well as the nature of the course of psoriasis. Drug treatment of psoriasis involves ointments, gels and solutions that have a local effect: "Tazarotene", "Ditranol", and care must be taken in their use, since such ointments should not be applied to too large areas of the affected skin. In some cases, treatment with certain types of antibiotics ("Clarithromycin" or "Erythromycin") may be used. In general, due to the fact that the pathogenesis of psoriasis is still not well understood, the methods of its treatment are still at the stage of research and experimentation. Since psoriasis is an autoimmune disease rather than a viral one, then as a preventive measure for people with a genetic predisposition to it, it is necessary to avoid stress, overwork and serious psychological trauma.

lichen cat

Lichen cat is contagious and is most commonly transmitted from small kittens, hence its name. It is characterized by the formation of spots with a clear boundary. Treatment requires careful laboratory diagnosis.

The reasons

Method of infection

The disease is highly contagious and is transmitted through direct contact with an animal or when using contaminated items. It is especially common in children and adolescents.


At feline lichen is affected hairy part head, skin of hands, palms, face, buttocks. The first signs are noted a couple of weeks after contact, and are characterized by the formation of redness in the form of a ring. When localized in the area of ​​the scalp, fragility of the hair at their base is noted.

The spots are prone to merging to formations with a diameter of 7 cm. Itching, peeling is noted. With absence timely treatment vesicles and suppuration appear.


To make a diagnosis, a scraping from the affected area is examined to determine the type of fungus.


Therapy is aimed at preventing the spread of the fungus to healthy tissues. To do this, the hair is cut off, and this should be done every week until a complete cure. The affected areas are treated with iodine and antifungal ointment. Clotrimazole, Mikoseptin, Ketonazol and so on are considered effective. The course may take several weeks.


If the scalp is affected, baldness or a violation of uniform hair growth is possible.

The formation of scaly spots after intense sunburn is a sign of sunburn. This is a dermatological disease of a fungal nature. The outbreak is observed in the spring-autumn period.

The reasons

The main cause of pathology are fungi. They are conditionally pathogenic, that is, in the absence of provoking factors, they are constantly on the human skin and do not cause any abnormalities. The fungus is activated after intense exposure sunlight. Also provoking factors are pathologies of the heart, endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal diseases and frequent colds.

Method of infection

Given the type of pathogen, it is safe to say that the pathology is not contagious. Carriage of the pathogen is not manifested in any way and is considered as the norm.

Intensive sunbathing is fraught with solar lichen


Solar lichen is manifested by spots of an asymmetric shape of coffee and milk color. The spots are prone to merging, subsequently they do not perceive a tan and become especially noticeable. Possible itching and peeling. Any part of the body can be affected; in children, the scalp is often involved.

Pathology proceeds in three stages:

  1. Formation of pink spots.
  2. Darkening of spots and their association.
  3. Covering spots with scales.


For diagnosis, it is enough to conduct an examination. Lichen is confirmed with iodine test and scraping.


Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after confirming the diagnosis. used salicylic ointment, Mycozolon, Sulfuric ointment. It is optimal to use ointments and sprays for uniform application. Antifungal agents are used several times a day. Total duration therapy for 14 days. As an adjunct, preparations in the form of tablets for oral administration can be used.


Pathology does not cause any consequences, but if preventive measures in the form of limiting sunbathing are not observed, the appearance of a large number stains, which negatively affects the appearance.

Each form of pathology has its own characteristics of treatment based on the pathogen. Along with traditional drugs, alternative treatment is also used. The following remedies are especially often used for lichen:

  • Tar soap. It can be used for daily hygiene procedures. Small tar is suitable for compresses.
  • Iodine. Ready solution used for treatment of foci. Can be alternated with brilliant green.
  • Solidol. It is used to lubricate the foci until complete recovery.
  • Egg. To treat the focus, a liquid is used that accumulates between the shell and the film inside the egg.
  • Vinegar. More commonly used Apple vinegar. You should take 0.5 liters of solution and 3-4 cloves of garlic. Garlic is crushed and mixed with vinegar. The resulting solution is used for compresses.
  • Tea tree oil. The hearth is treated with a mixture of oil and water in a ratio of 1:4. You can also use a mixture olive oil and tea tree oil in a ratio of 10:1. Used up to 5 times a day.


As with any other disease, with lichen it is important to follow some rules in nutrition to speed up recovery. The main requirements will be:

  • Increase the amount of water to remove toxins.
  • Consuming cereals to cleanse the intestines.
  • The use of dairy products to normalize the intestinal flora.
  • Eating 4-5 times a day.

You will have to give up spices, alcohol, marinades and pickles. During exacerbations, you should reduce the intake of fatty and spicy foods, as well as a large number of pastries.

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