Are birth control pills harmful? Advantages of hormonal contraception. Poor tolerance to progestins

Often in modern world man and woman decide to protect themselves from possible pregnancy. However, sometimes they face the fact that the high reliability of the use of certain means does not always mean ease of use or lack of side effects. So, what are the pros and cons of contraceptives should be considered when choosing them.

Pros and cons of natural methods of protection

The group of physiological methods of contraception is based on abstinence from sexual intercourse on the most "dangerous" days (2-3 days before, during and 2-3 days after ovulation). The advantages of using such methods include:

  1. No contraindications;
  2. Harmlessness;
  3. No material costs.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Very low efficiency.
  2. It will take several months to master the basics of such contraception. In addition, skill, patience and perseverance will be useful. After all, every day at the same time you need to measure basal body temperature(temperature method), carefully calculate the days (calendar), carefully examine the nature of the discharge (cervical), which not every lady can do.
  3. As a result of such calculations, a sufficiently long period (about 10 days) of sexual abstinence will turn out, which your partner may not like.
  4. Does not protect against infection.

Thus, the methods can be used by married couples or in the case when the sexual partner is permanent.

Barrier birth control: pros and cons

Mechanical contraception includes the use of condoms, cervical caps, a vaginal ring, or intrauterine device.

The advantages of these means of "protection" are:

  • practically complete absence side effects;
  • there are no contraindications for use;
  • protect against STDs. The condom is the only contraceptive that protects against AIDS.

The disadvantages are not very high reliability of protection against unwanted pregnancy, sometimes allergic reactions to latex and rubber can occur. A condom and cervical cap used immediately before sexual intercourse. In addition, many women complain of unpleasant symptoms when using the vaginal ring and intrauterine device, which are installed only in outpatient settings which is also not always convenient.

Chemical means of contraception: what are the advantages and disadvantages

Spermicides, which are part of contraceptive creams, gels, suppositories, as a rule, determine their positive and negative sides.

The advantages of using these drugs include ease of use, which is described in great detail in the instructions attached to the drug, the risk of side effects is very small. Cons of contraceptive spermicides: applied in advance (before sexual intercourse), local allergic reactions are possible (itching, burning, redness), the duration of action is no more than 40 minutes.

Pros and cons of hormonal contraceptives

More than 150 million women preferred exactly hormonal method contraception. The most commonly used combination oral contraceptives.

Pros of birth control pills:

  1. speed of action;
  2. highest efficiency (99,3%);
  3. ease of use;
  4. regulation and stabilization of the menstrual cycle, the amount of discharge decreases, pain disappear;
  5. reduces the risk of many gynecological diseases.

Cons of birth control pills:

  1. development risk side effects, especially thrombosis;
  2. compliance with the procedure for taking the drug;
  3. do not protect against contracting STDs;
  4. often not combined with other drugs.

However, the ability to conceive a baby within 3-4 months after the end of the drug is the pros and cons of birth control pills. Some will be happy about the onset of pregnancy, while others may complain about the lack of prolonged action and the need for constant and regular use of the drug.

Hormonal contraception also includes injectables(Depo-provera, Noristerat, Depo-progesterone) and implants (Norplant). These tools also have advantages and disadvantages of using.


  • can be used during lactation;
  • serve as prevention of many gynecological diseases;
  • do not increase the risk of thrombosis (unlike COCs).


  • introduced only by a specialist;
  • do not protect against STDs;
  • the ability to conceive resumes only after 6 months;
  • the presence of side effects, including depression, migraine and osteoporosis.

Emergency contraceptive pills: pros and cons

These drugs should only be used after unprotected intercourse. Because they contain loading dose hormones, you can not take them regularly.

Admission advantage similar drugs one thing - help after unprotected act. However, emergency contraceptive pills have very serious disadvantages:

  • a real hormonal attack, which is very difficult for the body to cope with, hence the many side effects;
  • no 100% guarantee;
  • the greatest effectiveness only when taken in the first 3 days.

There is no ideal method of contraception. That is why it is very important to consult a specialist who will help you choose the most effective method just for you.

There are many myths and conjectures about the benefits and harms of hormones. Let's talk about how hormones in tablets that you buy at a pharmacy affect the human body.

Effects on the body of injections, creams and gels with estrogens

It is similar to the effect that is acquired from the application of a patch. That is, estrogens from creams, gels, injections do not pass through gastrointestinal tract, which means that they do not reach the liver, being absorbed into the blood immediately. From this, their effect on the body is different, softer.

True, a significant disadvantage of these methods is that the level of estrogen in the body fluctuates. When you receive oral hormones it is more permanent. This is due to the fact that they are absorbed into the blood faster than with oral administration. But they are also excreted from the body faster. This means that they affect the functions of organs weaker than oral preparations with estrogen.

The impact on the body of non-oral drugs with estrogens has such a feature. At first, they sharply increase the concentration of estrogens in the blood, then their effect fades, and then estrogens are excreted from the body. That is, the level of estrogen in the body with this method is unstable.

Especially when compared to oral preparations, which provide a relatively stable level of estrogen in the body. In order to influence the estrogen level in the body correctly, the endocrinologist must not only correctly calculate the dosage of drugs, but he can also prescribe combined method receiving estrogen. That is, use oral preparations with estrogens, and creams, gels, patches, injections - by choice.

When Progesterone Is Unwanted

Such an appointment is not necessary and even dangerous when a woman is overweight or has no uterus due to its surgical removal. Moreover, the form of release of the hormone is not important - you should not use either oral preparations with progesterones, or creams, injections or hormonal patches with this hormone.

If a woman with overweight does this, her appetite will increase even more, the body's resistance to insulin will increase, and the production of growth hormone will slow down.

In the case when a woman is overweight more than 10 kg, it is better for her to take estrogens without the participation of progesterone, which will stimulate the accumulation of fats.

Is there bleeding due to progestin and progesterone?

Progestin and progesterone are found in hormonal drugs that a doctor prescribes after menopause. This allows a woman to maintain the function of the reproductive system of the body.

Crinon and pometrium contain optimal doses natural progesterone

Progesterone of androgenic origin is found in Aigestine, Micronor, as well as the contraceptive preparations Nekon and Ovkon, as well as Modicone.

Progesterone of gastogenic origin is found in cyclin, provera, amen; orthocepte, degene, myrcet; ortho cyclene.

When taking estrogen after menopause, it is important to supplement its effects with progesterone. Thus, a woman can avoid layers on inner bottom uterus due to estrogen exposure. These layers can be dangerous because tumors can develop in their place - benign or malignant.

Progestin in birth control pills helps a woman in reproductive age avoid unplanned pregnancy. Progestin (or progesterone) prevents ovulation from occurring, which means that pregnancy will not occur. With the help of progestin, the uterus (her upper layer) becomes much thinner, impenetrable mucus forms on her neck, and sperm cannot penetrate it.

Progestin and excess weight

Progestin or progesterone can be used to normalize weight. These hormones can help control (reduce) appetite, and a woman does not recover as quickly, the process of fat deposition is inhibited.

Before using progestin preparations for this spruce, check with your doctor about dosages. The form of release of preparations with progestins (patch, tablets, cream, injection), the concentration and type of hormones, as well as whether there are supplements with estrogen in the complex are important.

Does progestin have side effects?

Yes, and he's not alone. If progestin is not secreted by the body but is taken in from the outside, especially after menopause, it can be dangerous for a woman. Its side effects may be as follows.

  • strong and constant desire there is
  • Swelling of the legs
  • Increased irritability and mood swings
  • Headaches that alternate with abdominal pain
  • Weakness
  • Excessive fullness
  • Great tenderness of the breasts, especially the nipples, pain at the slightest touch
  • Decreased sensation in other parts of the body

If you have already inadvertently taken progestins and experienced them negative impact, it is worth checking the body for hormonal balance. To neutralize the effects of progestins on organs and systems, you need to check what drugs you are taking and coordinate their doses.

Progestin and estrogen must be balanced, as should progestin and androgens. Their doses and ratios will help to calculate the endocrinologist.

It is important to know before taking progestins that their dose in hormonal preparations can be high or low. It depends on how hormonal drugs affect the woman's body.

Hormonal preparations such as desogestrel and norgestimate contain a high concentration of progestins and a lower concentration of androgens. That is, their use is unlikely to lead to backlash skin in the form of acne and redness. But high level progestins will provoke the appearance of body fat, especially in the waist and hips, as well as the abdomen. These drugs can also cause depression, mood swings, and increased appetite.

Hormonal preparations such as Depo-Provera or Nor-Plant, or other oral contraceptives, contain progestin without any additives. From this, they become more dangerous, because by taking them, a woman risks getting the maximum side effects from taking progesterones without exposure to estrogens. In this case, you can ask the doctor for an additional prescription of hormones with estrogen in the composition.

Poor tolerance to progestins

Even if a woman takes progestins in their natural form, the body may respond to them with poor susceptibility. Therefore, before taking these drugs, you should consult with your doctor, making tests for hormone tolerance. Because the side effects of poor tolerance to progestins can be headache, decrease sexual attraction, bowel dysfunction, pain in the nipples at the slightest touch, bloating.

Then, according to research, you can take estrogens instead of progestins. If the condition of a woman with progestin intolerance is accompanied by bleeding, then you need to do additional tests and endometrial biopsy. it good prevention uterine cancer and a decrease in the likelihood of bleeding, if the dose of estrogens is correctly calculated. But do not forget about the biopsy of the endometrium and constant consultations with the gynecologist - if necessary, once a month.

Can there be bleeding while taking progestin?

Yes they can. Especially if you first took a progestin and then stopped taking it. After that, menstruation appears. At this time, the uterine (inner) layer is shed and exits the body. Thus, cancer prevention occurs in a woman, because it is on the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) that cancerous tumors can form.

This condition is not very convenient for those women who are in the period of menopause, because they have already weaned from tampons and bleeding, but here they come again. And then women take progestins not intermittently, like contraceptives, but constantly. Thus, removing the possibility of bleeding.

Estrogens for oral use

If there is little estrogen in the body natural origin(that is, those that the body produces itself), people take hormones from a pharmacy. It is worth knowing that estrogens in the form of 17-beta estradiols from hormonal pharmaceutical preparations give us the opportunity to get estrogen, by chemical composition similar to natural, secreted by the ovaries.

What is the difference between hormones in tablets and those that we get from hormonal patches? The first first enter the liver and it processes them. This is good because at a low concentration in the blood of HDL, oral preparations with estrogen hormones in the composition will stimulate its production in the body. The reason is that estrogens are able to stimulate the secretion of HDL in vivo.

The disadvantages of oral pills are that with wrong dosage and a rash choice because of them, blood pressure can jump, the level of estrone hormones will increase, and triglycerides will be produced more than normal.

This can lead to the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones. Therefore, before using drugs with estrogens, it is imperative to conduct an examination for the condition of the kidneys and bile, as well as the level of cholesterol in the blood.

If you take estrogens from patches, gels or creams, estradiol does not stimulate the production of HDL as much, just keeping it on normal level. It matters when HDL level in the body is high or close to it.

If there is a lot of cholesterol in the body (in particular, bad cholesterol), and at the same time the HDL level is too low, then hormonal preparations with estrogen in the composition will help normalize the level of cholesterol (lower it), and increase the concentration of HDL.

Because of this, the heart will begin to work normally, the vessels will be more elastic, their walls will become stronger, and the risk of blood clots will decrease.

So, if your cholesterol level is high, oral contraceptives with estrogens are more suitable for you, and if you have low cholesterol, patches and gels are more suitable.

Such a patch, as a rule, contains the hormones estrogens, and their most striking representative is 17-beta-estradiol. It is good because it is easily absorbed by the skin and through the blood enters immediately into the bloodstream, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract and liver. It looks like the one natural process before the onset of menopause, when the ovaries produce estrogens, which immediately enter the bloodstream.

The downside of this method of delivering estrogens to the body is that they are partially destroyed if not processed by the liver. This means that they do not affect the body as intensely as natural hormones estrogen.

Estrogen patches with estradiol in the composition can affect the body in different ways, since they different concentration hormones. It depends on how many days you attach the patch to the skin. It may be 5 days, or it may be 7-8 days. To find out what dose of estradiol through the patch is right for you, consult with your doctor so as not to exceed the dose.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that each organism is individual, the metabolism of each woman takes place with different speed, which means that hormones will also be absorbed at different rates. The type of patch also depends on this.

The disadvantages of the patch are also that it can cause allergic reaction body in the form of a rash on the skin. It is important to check whether the body reacts to them before using the estrogen patch. allergic rash or redness.

Benefits of estrogen patches for obese people

What are the benefits of patches that contain estradiol (a hormone from the estrogen group)? Their mass.

Estradiol patches

They are able to normalize the level of estrogen in the blood, in particular, the hormone estradiol. The way it enters the blood through the patch is similar to that delivered by estradiol. naturally when it is produced by the ovaries. This is good for those women who have increased blood pressure and who have a headache during their menstrual period.

When estradiol enters the body through the patch, it makes it possible to normalize glucose levels and neutralize the body's resistance to insulin. The patch with estradiol as its supplier helps better than oral pills.

Estradiol patch good for those women who have high estrone levels as it does not increase it. This is due to the fact that the substances of the patch are absorbed into the blood immediately, bypassing the liver.

Because the substances in the patch do not pass through the liver, they may interact normally with other medications.

Triglycerides in the body do not increase through the patch with estradiol. They do not conflict with oral medications that contain estrogen.

Estradiol from the patch remains in the body at the same concentration, its level does not rise much, even if there is a lot of cholesterol in the body. And oral preparations with estradiol can increase its level.

Taking progestins: in what form?

Progestins, like any other hormones, can enter your body in the form of oral tablets, in the form of creams, injections, gels and other preparations. The form in which a woman takes progestins depends on their effect on her hormonal balance, and hence her well-being. The form in which to choose progestin depends on the characteristics of the organism.

You need to consult with your doctor to choose the best form of taking progestins for you. And also whether additional hormones in the form of estrogens or androgens are needed to increase the effect of taking progestins.

There are also combined hormonal agents that affect the body in a complex way. For example, activella, which contains beta-estradiol and norethindrone. A ratio of 1: 0.5 is optimal to enable a woman to feel better and normalize hormonal balance. Moreover, at optimal ratio hormones in the preparation of a woman reduces the risk of bleeding from the uterus.

How to avoid weight gain due to hormones?

If you are taking contraceptives, they should contain approximately 1 mg of the hormone norethindrone or similar substances and up to 50 micrograms of estradiol. This will make it possible to avoid an increase in appetite and then extra kilos will not be gained. If there is more progestin in contraceptives (see the composition on the package), then the appetite, on the contrary, will increase, and the weight will increase.

Taking combination drugs

If the drug contains a combination of hormones: estradiol and norgestimate, it affects the body in doses and in stages. Estrogens and progestins enter the blood through the liver in more beneficial ratios than if a woman were taking progestin alone or estrogen alone. First, the body takes only estradiol (three days), then progestins with estradiol (also three days), then again one estradiol. So the drugs alternate, providing the woman's body with good hormonal support.

Thus, a woman significantly reduces the risk of bleeding, and the effect of hormones on the body is enhanced. Nerve receptors accept them better.

When you receive combined drugs there are also disadvantages. If a woman suffers from excess weight, depression, nervous breakdowns, she develops diabetes, has insulin resistance, suffers from migraines, has a tendency to form kidney stones and gallbladder, progestin is best taken in pure form and not combined. Otherwise, the body may not tolerate its daily fluctuations with gradual assimilation, and unpleasant symptoms (for example, headaches) may increase significantly.

Another way to deliver progestins to the body

In order to deliver progestins to the body in a different way and mitigate their effect on the body, there are forms in the form intrauterine systems. it good way delivery of progestins to the body under the condition of excess weight and strong apatite, which in this case do not increase. Progestins in this case play the role of intrauterine contraceptives.

During menopause, you should not use such methods, since contraception is no longer your goal.

Good representatives of intrauterine progestin providers are mirena and progestasert. They make it possible to ensure the supply of progestins in the inner layer uterus, the rest enter the blood. Due to the small amount of progestins in the blood, the skin will not react with a rash and redness, so this method of contraception is safer than oral forms of hormones.

Cycling progestin intake

If you take progestins for more than six months, 80% of patients stop bleeding altogether. That is, the opportunity to conceive is neutralized. But in 20% of patients, on the contrary, bleeding can occur at any time. This is the effect of progestins on the body. Then it will take additional consultation doctor and changing the regularity of taking progestins.

With regard to the studies that have been carried out to determine optimal cycle taking progestin, they found that by taking progestin cyclically, taking a break every month or every three months, a woman significantly reduces the risk of endometrial cancer of the uterus - its inner layer.

Progestogen phase

According to international studies, progestogen taken every day without interruption or at intervals of several days once every 3 months helps protect the uterus from cancer. But it is important at the same time how long a woman takes progestogen.

In the course of laboratory experiments, it was found that those who take progestogen for only a week, in 4% of cases, are at risk of developing cystic hyperplasia. Therefore, you should take the drug only as prescribed by the doctor and for the time indicated in the instructions. An indicator that you are taking the progestogen incorrectly is bleeding while taking it, not after.

How longer woman takes progestin, the thinner the layer of her uterus becomes, and the bleeding becomes more scanty and does not last as long.

For those who are against bleeding

If a woman does not want her period to continue, you need to take a combination of progestin and estrogen prescribed by your doctor. Moreover, the reception phase should be long, constant, daily. You don't need to take breaks. Doctors call this a permanent combination therapy. An example of a drug with a ratio of progestin and estradiol is activella. It contains norethindrone and beta-estradiol in ratios that do not increase appetite or cause a woman to panic about losing weight control.

Why you need to track the composition of drugs

As a result of experiments controlling the intake of drugs with progestin, it was found that small portions of norethidron in such drugs can reduce food cravings much more than in drugs without it.

Those women who take progestins constantly, but do not include estrogens in their hormonal menu, then have problems with excessive irritability, depressed mood, and pressure drops. Progesterone in its pure form may not allow the hormone estrogen to fully influence brain receptors, this increases appetite, loses weight control, and increases the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

If your blood cholesterol levels were high before, taking pure progestin daily can raise it even more, leading to problems with blood clots, vascular and heart disease.

Pure progestins taken without interruption can aggravate the situation with increased level blood sugar. This is especially dangerous for women with diabetes or for those whose body does not perceive insulin.

Therefore, it is very important to take into account all the features of your body and consult with your doctor in advance regarding the doses and cycles of taking progestins.

Non-prescription progesterone preparations

Are they dangerous or, on the contrary, harmless, since they are sold without a prescription? As a result of experiments in one of the plants, scientists found a molecule that, in its effect, is similar to the effect of progesterone. There were also substances similar to natural estrogen in the composition of this plant. This plant is yams (wild potatoes), as well as soybeans, some legumes.

The properties of these plants are used in some creams that are advertised as sources of pure progesterone. They are suggested to be used without a doctor's prescription. Isn't it dangerous?

Creams with these ingredients are different from the formula that makes up the chemical hormone estrogen or progestin. This means that their impact on the body will be different. Endometrial cancer, according to scientific data, these drugs will not be able to prevent, because they are too weak for this.

To have this effect, the contents of soy or yam extract creams must be chemically processed into laboratory conditions. Human body, getting them natural ingredients, phytosterols, will not be able to process progestins and estrogen in the same way as in the laboratory - that is, to make a medicine from them to prevent cancer.

Over-the-counter creams and obesity

Patients who are offered phytosterol creams instead of real progestins and estrogens may think that they act on the body naturally, without side effects. In fact, this is not so. Such drugs, without the effect of real hormones, for the most part contribute to weight gain. But they are advertised as a medicine for weight loss.

In addition, the real doses of progesterone, which are greatly overestimated, may be indicated in the composition of the preparations. Taking such vaginal creams can lead to excessive bleeding, high cholesterol levels, increased appetite, and weight gain that is difficult to control.

So, the effect of an over-the-counter drug can be completely opposite to what a woman expected.

Be sure to visit your gynecologist and show him hormonal drug, which you bought without a prescription to avoid dangerous consequences. If you have already started taking this drug and have symptoms such as weight gain, headaches, hypersensitivity mammary glands means you accept higher doses progestin and don't know about it.

Based on these symptoms, you should understand that you need to change either the drug itself, or its doses, or the frequency of its use.

If after taking hormonal drug emerged strong and frequent discharge that have changed color to darker and brighter, it means that you are taking a lot of progesterone and too little estrogen, which are in the composition of the drug. You may not find out about this from the manufacturer, so be careful and watch your body - it will tell you when to stop.

Good birth control pills are those prescribed by a doctor. With all the richness of the choice of drugs, a woman without the help of a specialist will not be able to take into account all the nuances, and choose the remedy in such a way as to obtain a total, not only contraceptive, but, if necessary, therapeutic effect. After all, any hormonal drug affects the human body, depending on its individual features. The proposed review of modern contraceptive pills will help you navigate the situation and clearly articulate your wishes before visiting the doctor.

Orientation on the ground

Contraceptive pills are called two different categories medicines:

a) spermicides, i.e. substances that destroy spermatozoa, in tablets (also available in the form of cream, foam, suppositories) for vaginal application. For example, Pharmatex, which, by the way, has not only a spermicidal effect, but also an antiseptic effect;

b) contraceptives based on the synthetic hormones estrogen and progestogen. They are:

  • inhibit ovulation and ovarian function;
  • contribute to the thickening of mucus in the cervical canal, making it difficult for sperm;
  • slow down peristalsis fallopian tubes so that an accidentally ripened egg cannot get out of them;
  • contribute to the thinning of the mucous membrane (endometrium) of the uterus so that a possible embryo could not attach to it.

ON A NOTE! The indicator of the effectiveness of contraceptives - the Pearl index - is equal to the number of pregnancies that occurred within 1 year in 100 women who used a particular method of contraception. For hormonal contraceptive pills, the Pearl Index fluctuates around 1%, in rare cases - 3–4%.

Contraceptive effect hormonal contraception markedly reduced when taking antibacterial or sedatives, poisoning or smoking more than 5 cigarettes a day.

The three main groups of birth control pills are analyzed in the table.

  • Monophasic, contain estrogen and progestogen in the same dosage, the tablets are colored in the same color.

Logest, Microgynon, Lindinet, Diana, Yarina, Jess, Novinet, Mercilon, Jeanine, Miniziston, Regulon, Marvelon, Femoden.

Microgynon, Rigevidon, Non-Ovlon - have more high content hormones and are used primarily for therapeutic purposes.

  • Biphasic, along with the same amount of estrogen, one part of the drug contains more progestogen, the other less. The tablets, respectively, are colored in two colors in order to use them in the first and second part of the menstrual cycle.

    Femoston, Anteovin, Sequilar, Binovum.

  • Three-phase contains three types of tablets (each has a shell of its own color), the level of hormones in which changes approximately the same as in the physiological menstrual cycle.

    Three merci, Tri-Regol, Triziston Triquilar.

  • 2. Parallel therapeutic and preventive action.

    3. Well tolerated.

    4. Easy to use.

    5. After stopping natural hormonal background recovers quickly.

    • headache and nausea;
    • irritability and mood changes;
    • vaginal dryness, decreased libido.

    Blood pressure may rise.

    2. Not used when

    • breastfeeding;
    • vein diseases;
    • severe cardiovascular diseases;
    • oncology;
    • pathologies of the liver or kidneys;
    • over the age of 40;
    • heavy smokers.;

    Charozetta and Lactinet, as well as COC Yarina, have additional effect: antiandrogenic and antimineralocorticoid.

    2. They do not have side effects associated with estrogen intake and are therefore better tolerated.

    3. Can be used by patients with severe diabetes, migraine, cardiovascular disease, varicose veins, and smokers.

    • After cancellation, the rebound effect does not occur;
    • The contraceptive effect is lower than that of COCs.
  • menstrual disorders while taking drugs;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
    • increased appetite;
    • decreased libido;
    • nausea;
    • headache;
    • increased sensitivity of the breast.
    • conventional combined oral contraceptives in increased concentration. This method of contraception is called the Yuzpe method. Microgynon, Minisiston, Femoden, Regividon, Regulon and others are used;
    • gestagens. Postinor and its analogues - Microlute, Escapel and Eskinor-F;
    • antigonadotropic drugs. Danazol, which is an agent for the treatment of endometriosis;
    • antiprogesterone agents. Mifepristone - used as and means emergency contraception and medical abortion.

    Dosages of drugs depend on their pharmacological group.

    Birth control pills optimize the hormonal background, in some cases have an additional healing effect(for example, with mastopathy). Tablets with antiandrogenic effect contribute to the cure for acne improve the condition of hair and nails, strengthen bone tissue(prevention of age-related osteoporosis). Long-term use combined contraceptives containing both estrogen and progestogen, promotes

    • elimination of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (pain, swelling, irritability, weakness). The menstrual cycle becomes more regular and less painful, the discharge decreases and lasts for fewer days;
    • treatment of endometriosis;
    • treatment of hyperandrogenism associated with high content in the blood testosterone, excessive hair on the face and body, acne and seborrhea.
    • treatment of already developed inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, functional cyst ovaries (monophasic COCs, triphasic, on the contrary, can stimulate the development of cysts), uterine fibroids and endometriosis;
    • used to prevent ovarian and uterine cancer.

    IMPORTANT! Oral contraceptives do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If a woman doubts a partner, it is additionally better to use a condom.

    The effectiveness of oral contraceptives directly depends on the accuracy of compliance with the application regimen.

    NOTE. Reducing the dose of hormones does not affect the effectiveness of the drug, but significantly reduces side effects. New generation birth control pills contain less than 35 micrograms of estrogen, the component that causes most of the side effects.


    Oral contraceptives do not provide a 100% guarantee against unwanted pregnancy (due to hormonal disruptions, missed pills, reduced effectiveness due to simultaneous reception other drugs, etc.).

    Regularity (daily, at the same time) of admission is required.

    They have side effects and can lead to complications:

    • venous thrombosis and thrombophlebitis (when using drugs with a synthetic analogue of progestin - drospirenone);
    • may increase appetite and retain fluid in the body (risk of weight gain);
    • sometimes there is hair loss, bloating, increased blood pressure, mammary glands engorged, headaches appear.

    Hormonal pills should not be taken by patients with vein thrombosis, with serious illnesses heart, liver and kidneys, smoking women over 35 years old.

    About the effect of birth control pills on the body - in this video.

    Admission schemes

    Combined oral contraceptives are taken according to a clear pattern: 21 days, starting from the first week (preferably from the first day) of menstruation, then there is a 7-day break in which bleeding occurs, similar to menstruation. Then the cycle repeats.

    There is a rhythm of taking "4 periods a year": a woman takes three 21-day cycles of the drug without a break and only then does a 7-day break.

    IMPORTANT! The main rule for the effectiveness of contraceptive pills: the regularity of taking. High contraceptive effect provided after 2-4 weeks of regular use.

    Mini-pills, unlike combined oral contraceptives, are taken without interruption, daily (preferably at the same time, most often at night).

    Properly selected oral contraceptives are used without harm to health for up to 5 consecutive years or more. Contrary to popular belief, short-term, for a month, breaks do not give the body a rest, they only create additional stress for the endocrine system.

    ON A NOTE! Maximum period recovery after the abolition of combined oral contraceptives is 12 months. Usually full ovulatory menstrual cycle recovers after 1-3 months. There is a withdrawal syndrome or a rebound effect: the ovaries, “rested” while taking birth control pills, begin to work actively, producing 2-3 eggs each, so the likelihood of pregnancy during this period increases significantly. However, many physicians consider it necessary to healthy pregnancy normalization of the hormonal background, and insist that conception should occur a few months after the withdrawal of hormones.

    Vaginal birth control pills are inserted into the vagina 10 to 15 minutes before each sexual intercourse. Do not use soap or other alkaline detergents for the toilet of the external genital organs 2 hours before and after the use of a contraceptive, as they contribute to the destruction of the main component - benzalkonium chloride.

    The video tells about the features of taking oral contraceptives.

    The cost of contraceptive pills ranges from 400 to 2500 rubles per pack, on average about 1000 rubles. Given the need for long-term medication, it is important to clearly calculate your capabilities, timing and need for the use of the drug, and be sure to consult a doctor.

    How to choose the best remedy

    Correctly selected contraceptives reduce the risk of side effects.

    Women's reproductive system It is formed before the age of 23, so young patients are prescribed only tablets with a low content of hormones, most often microdosed (up to 20 micrograms of estrogen and progestin).

    Young nulliparous, as well as women after 35 years, are most often recommended low-dose (30 - 35 micrograms of estrogen and progestin) and medium-dose hormonal contraceptives.

    Highly dosed hormonal pills(50 mcg estrogen and progestin) is used to treat hormonal diseases, the contraceptive effect of drugs is considered as additional.

    Women who have other contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptives (including breastfeeding), as well as within complex treatment endometriosis and uterine fibroids are prescribed mini-pills. But this is only general principles selection of drugs.

    Before you start taking oral contraceptives, you must consult a gynecologist who will Exploratory survey and assign:

    • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs (to make sure there are no cysts, fibromas or myomas);
    • analyzes that determine hormonal level, metabolism in the body, blood sugar and cholesterol levels and blood clotting, tendency to varicose veins veins.

    The doctor will also check the liver, identify diseases that may affect the choice of contraceptive.

    About the choice of birth control pills and the duration of their intake - in this video.

    Hormonal pills - the last word technology in the world of contraception. They are of two types: “mini-drank” and combined.


    The main thing active substance"mini-drank" - synthetic progesterone in miniportions. Therefore, there are much fewer side effects than with hormonal injections.


    1. Tablets act in three directions at once, thereby effectively preventing unwanted pregnancy:

    1) interfere with the maturation of the egg,

    2) do not pass sperm,

    3) do not allow the uterus to prepare for the visit of the egg.

    2. Are great helper in the fight against fibromyoma, mastopathy and endometriosis.

    Talking about the safety of hormonal contraceptive pills "mini-drank", some experts recommend these pills even to nursing mothers. However, not everything is so rosy: after all, all progesterone analogues somehow suppress the production of prolactin, a substance that stimulates the "production" of breast milk.


    Alas, although the risk is minimal, it is still there:

    1) “Mini-drank” can add a couple to your weight extra pounds(this is the scourge of all hormonal pills).

    2) Cause swelling and headaches.

    3) Those who have a tendency to grow unwanted hair or the formation of annoying acne, it is better to bypass this type of contraception so that later you do not have to become an eternal client of cosmetologists.

    4) Cost contraceptive hormonal pills not low.

    Combined hormonal pills

    Since our ovaries produce two kinds female hormones(progesterone and estrogen), scientists decided to combine their synthetic “twins” in one drug. The principle of action of the combined pills is almost the same as that of the “mini-pills”.


    1. There is a risk:

    1) accumulation of a small fat reserve,

    2) increased blood pressure,

    3) creating favorable soil for the development of varicose veins.

    To prevent the development of side effects - be attentive to the signals of your body!

    2. It is undesirable to take hormones for heavy smokers. By itself, tobacco affects the blood vessels and the heart, and in the company of pills, the risk of strokes and heart attacks is doubled!

    3. Do not choose this method of contraception if you have problems with gallbladder: the excretion of bile from the body is delayed, and this can aggravate existing disorders of the biliary tract.

    Many women take hormonal pills for years without any unpleasant consequences. But there are also Unexpected situations: one girl after reception modern contraceptives recovered in three months by 32 kg!

    4. In addition, in exceptional cases after the end of taking the pills, menstruation may disappear and then you can’t do without the help of a gynecologist-endocrinologist.


    1. Like other hormonal contraceptives, the combined option allows you to kill two birds with one stone:

    1) avoid unwanted pregnancy,

    2) treat female diseases(fibromyoma, mastopathy, endometriosis).

    2. These drugs are prescribed as a remedy for painful and heavy menstruation.

    3. Successfully fight premenstrual syndrome and anemia.

    4. Some representatives combined tablets able to strengthen nails, improve skin condition, fight against overgrowth unwanted hairs, prevent and effectively treat pustular pimples.

    5. Perhaps the biggest plus is prevention oncological diseases uterus and ovaries. Statistics confirm the following fact: after a year of taking combined pills, the risk of developing these diseases is halved over the next three years.

    The composition of birth control pills includes a certain combination of female sex hormones. That is why they are often referred to as combined oral contraceptives (COCs).

    Usage this tool contraception changes the way the ovaries work, which is why. In addition, the pills thicken the mucus in the cervical canal, making it very difficult for sperm to fertilize an egg. If fertilization has occurred, the embryo will not be able to gain a foothold on the wall of the uterus, since its mucous membrane becomes very thin.

    Who can take birth control pills?

    Few people know that drugs that prevent unwanted pregnancy are also a means of treatment. female diseases. Therefore, taking pills can be prescribed even to those girls who do not live sexually.

    Concerning general indications application, there are practically no restrictions. Birth control pills are prescribed for women of any age. Today there is great amount types of such drugs, which makes their administration as effective and safe as possible. Nevertheless, contraindications still exist.

    Who should not take birth control pills?

    First of all, oral contraceptives are forbidden to drink for women with vein thrombosis, as well as with severe liver and kidney diseases. This type contraception is not recommended for women who smoke and are over 35 years of age. In some cases, individual intolerance to individual components that make up the tablets may occur. Your doctor will tell you more about this.

    What are the benefits of birth control pills?

    Compared to other methods of contraception, such pills have many advantages:

    1. They protect against pregnancy in more than 99% of cases
    2. Available and suitable for women of all ages
    3. Normalize hormonal levels
    4. Make the menstrual cycle regular
    5. Get rid of unpleasant symptoms during menstruation
    6. Reduce symptoms of PMS
    7. Render healing action with mastopathy
    8. After you stop taking birth control pills, your chances of getting pregnant increase.

    What are the disadvantages of this method of contraception worth knowing?

    First of all, this is a number of side effects: breast swelling, headaches, bloating, increased blood pressure. In addition, birth control pills have other disadvantages:

    • They need to be taken every day.
    • Taking antibiotics may reduce the contraceptive effect
    • The tablets may cause spotting in the middle of a cycle
    • Such drugs increase appetite, which contributes to weight gain.
    • Some types of pills cause hair loss
    • After cancellation contraceptives many women have irregular periods

    As you may have guessed, birth control pills should not be taken without a doctor's prescription. It is important to strictly follow the instructions, because non-compliance with the rules can lead to pregnancy.

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