Pink infrequent discharge in a teenager. What kind of discharge appear in girls and what are they for

Vaginal discharge in girls is a reason for consulting a pediatric gynecologist. In women, vaginal discharge normally appears due to the action of the hormone estrogen. In girls, the cause is infectious pathogens that are activated when immunity is reduced (often during and after bacterial and viral respiratory diseases), due to improper washing. Moms should understand that discharge in women and girls is a phenomenon of a different nature. Opportunistic pathogens are often transferred by little girls from the rectum to the area of ​​the labia and vagina.

The infection develops very quickly due to the peculiarities of the child's genital area - girls in the microflora of the vagina do not have lactic acid bacteria - the main female protectors. Until about 8 years of age, the vaginal microflora is not protected. Closer to the time when menstruation appears in girls (by the age of 11-15, on average), vulvovaginitis (this is what inflammatory processes in the labia and vagina are called) becomes a rare occurrence, if there is no uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, accidental unprotected genital communication and adequate intimate hygiene. Usually, the appearance of the first menstruation is preceded by white, odorless discharge in girls that does not cause discomfort.

To make a diagnosis, you need to visit a pediatric gynecologist and take swabs. Be prepared for the fact that the doctor will take an interest in the history of the girl. It is very important to remember the existing chronic diseases, since they can be provocateurs of vulvovaginitis. Based on the results of the tests, if a pathogen is detected, a specific treatment will be prescribed.

As a reference, here are a few causes of vulvovaginitis.

1. Bacterial vulvovaginitis. Its symptoms: hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, not abundant yellow discharge in girls, pustular inflammation of the skin around the labia. The coccal flora provokes the disease.

3. Foreign body. Small, and not only small, girls can unknowingly introduce foreign objects into the vagina. Threads, toilet paper, balls, etc. Parents are usually not told about this or simply forgotten. As a result of damage to the walls of the vagina, cervix, as well as the inflammatory process, purulent, bloody and brown discharge may appear in girls, severe pain occurs. With such symptoms, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist who will remove a foreign object from the vagina.

4. Exudative diathesis. This chronic disease can provoke dry mucous membranes and hyperemia of the vulva.

5. Candida mushrooms. Symptoms - cheesy white discharge, itching, hyperemia of the mucous membranes. Often there is a discharge in newborn girls and in very young girls. The cause may be prolonged antibiotic therapy, a decrease in immunity. Often, candidiasis occurs against the background of trichomoniasis, chlamydia and herpes.

Discharge in girls 12 years of age and older, after the onset of menarche, may be allergic in nature, that is, it may occur as a reaction to aromatic substances that are added to sanitary napkins, soap, etc.

6. Trichomonas. Infection with trichomoniasis occurs mainly in the household way, sometimes children become infected during childbirth. Symptoms of the disease are green discharge in girls, abundant, frothy. Against the background of trichomoniasis, urethritis often occurs - it is painful for girls to urinate, the urethra looks inflamed.

If you notice unusual discharge in your daughter, whether they bother her or not, it is better to consult a doctor who specializes specifically in pediatric gynecology.

Beli in girls appear both immediately after birth and in adolescence. As a rule, they do not cause concern and are considered normal. Nevertheless, you need to know how to distinguish between physiological and pathological discharge in order to seek help from a doctor in time and quickly fix the problem.

Mucous discharge from the vagina in girls is considered the norm. Their appearance is due to certain physiological processes occurring in the body. They do not cause anxiety and do not need treatment. As a rule, such white discharge in a girl is observed during the first month of life and with the onset of puberty.

Sexual crisis in newborns

Allocations in young girls up to a year are due to an increased concentration in the blood of hormones that enter the body through mother's milk. This symptom is considered one of the signs of a sexual crisis, when the newborn is going through a period of adaptation.

Leucorrhea in girls is not considered a cause for concern if there are no signs of inflammation, rash, swelling and redness. But this applies only to infancy, after which the secret from the vagina is not released until the onset of puberty.

Beli as a teenager

Allocations in adolescents appear due to hormonal changes, which are often observed before the first menstruation. The process of puberty begins at about 9 years old and continues until 18, during this period they begin. The time frame is very arbitrary, since development in adolescence proceeds differently for everyone.

The whites that appear before menstruation are odorless, transparent, white and yellowish. Their appearance is due to physiological reasons, so no therapeutic measures are taken. If the nature of the secret changes, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

Pathological discharge

Pathological discharge from the genital slit is most often found in girls aged one to eight years, but can also be observed at other periods. This is due to the peculiarities of the vaginal microflora, in which an acidic environment is not created that prevents the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. With suppression of the immune system, non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene or allergies, the number of bacteria increases significantly - and the appearance of copious discharge in teenage girls is noted.

Signs of an inflammatory disease are discomfort in the vaginal area and a greenish secret. It may also contain an admixture of pus and blood. Even white discharge in a girl that appeared during the period of hormonal dormancy (age from 1 year to 8 years) should be a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Causes of pathological vaginal discharge

Not in all cases, mucous leucorrhoea in girls is provoked by physiological causes. Often their occurrence is caused by pathological processes that develop under the influence of a number of factors:

  1. Depressed immune system. If the body is not able to fully perform a protective function, pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively develop in it. Often this happens under the influence of stress, hypothermia, or with improper organization of the diet.
  2. Violation of the microflora of the vagina. It is necessary to pay attention to the intimate hygiene products that are used in the washing process.
  3. Frequent use of antibiotics. Preparations of this group negatively affect the microflora of the vagina, and as a result, the number of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the onset of the pathological process increases.
  4. Infections. Pathogenic secretion often appears due to infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. It is not excluded the presence of trichomonas infection or other sexually transmitted pathologies that the child could become infected in the womb or during childbirth.
  5. Allergy. For this reason, atopic vulvovaginitis often develops, the clinical manifestations of which are observed only during an exacerbation of the disease.
  6. Diabetes. Doctors say that with this disease, bacterial vulvovaginitis is often observed.
  7. Foreign body. It is possible that the child, through negligence, brought some foreign object into the vaginal area. It can be toilet paper, thread or small balls.
  8. Worm invasion. Pathogenic bacteria can enter the vagina from the intestines and provoke the appearance of discharge.

Symptoms of pathological discharge

Signs indicating pathological changes in the body are the following:

  • there are additional symptoms accompanying the discharge (itching, redness in the genital area);
  • mucus appears, from which an unpleasant odor emanates;
  • foamy whites, accompanied by redness of the skin in the genital area, are observed with the development of trichomonas infection;
  • cheesy secretion and itching are characteristic of fungal vulvovaginitis;
  • meager secretion, in which there is a pronounced redness of the skin and itching, appears when the body is damaged by worms;
  • vesicles and sores in the genital area, pain and leucorrhoea are considered a sign of a herpes infection;
  • yellow discharge in girls with the smell of rotten fish indicates the development of bacterial vaginosis.

To clarify the cause of the appearance of uncharacteristic mucus, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct a comprehensive examination.

Identification of the problem by color and smell

Not in all cases, pathologies proceed with a pronounced clinical picture. Symptoms may appear only during periods of exacerbation. At the same time, it is possible to track undesirable changes by the nature of the discharge.

White discharge in girls

With the onset of puberty, all girls produce a white liquid, which is considered a variant of the norm. In some cases, secretion may indicate the development of a fungal disease that can be transmitted from mother to baby during childbirth or develop against the background of immunosuppression or the use of antibiotics.

The white discharge found on the panties, which has a curdled consistency and is accompanied by itching and burning in the area of ​​​​the external organs of the reproductive system, indicates development. This pathology needs treatment.

Green and yellow highlights

Yellowish and green discharge in girls is often observed due to the development of bacterial vaginosis. At the same time, additional symptoms are noted: itching, burning and an unpleasant fishy smell.

  • dirt got into the vagina;
  • improperly selected means of intimate hygiene;
  • irritation from synthetic materials;
  • intertrigo.

The presence of green mucus is the reason for contacting a gynecologist and conducting a full diagnosis, regardless of the age at which it appeared.

Red and brown discharge

First of all, you should make sure that the girl's brown discharge is not menstruation. Brownish leucorrhoea can be observed due to the presence of a foreign object in the vagina. In this case, the appearance of an unpleasant, fetid odor is also possible.

Often, such symptoms are noted at the beginning of the inflammatory process, indicating the development of gynecological diseases.

Often, a small amount of blood in the whites indicates the imminent appearance of the first regulation and hormonal changes in the body.


  • colpitis;
  • inflammation of the appendages or cervix;
  • development of infectious diseases.

Prevention of pathological secretions

  1. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and wash yourself twice a day.
  2. Use only personal towels.
  3. Perform hygiene procedures using boiled water.
  4. Choose the right means to wash the genitals.
  5. Avoid mechanical damage to the genitals.
  6. Buy underwear made from natural fabrics.

Leucorrhea in girls normally appears during puberty and can be observed in the first month of life. If they appear at a different age or are accompanied by additional symptoms, then they indicate pathological changes. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010)

Vaginal leucorrhea is a natural function of the female reproductive system. To make sure that white mucus on underpants is not dangerous, it is necessary to know the normal and pathological characteristics of the vaginal secretion.

Characteristics of normal secretions

There is no cause for concern when a woman notices white discharge on her panties with the following features (see photo):

  1. Small volume (no more than one teaspoon per day).
  2. Homogeneous structure with small seals.
  3. Slightly thick, runny, mucus-like consistency.
  4. Complete lack of odor or unsaturated .
  5. No discomfort (itching, burning).

The complete absence of secretion should alert more than the release of a small amount of fluid from the genital tract.

When can such a secretion be observed?

  1. Puberty ().
  2. Ovulation.
  3. Excitation during intercourse.
  4. The output of the male seed ().
  5. Change of sexual partner.
  6. The onset of pregnancy.

Due to these factors, the amount of secretion increases, its structure changes. However, severe pain, discomfort are not observed under these conditions. Such discharge does not require treatment.

External influence

This concept refers to non-dangerous and relatively harmful causes of leucorrhoea. The first group should include:

  • hormonal treatment;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • installation of an intrauterine device;
  • the use of hormone-containing agents (gels, ointments, rings, suppositories);
  • a sharp change in the climatic zone;
  • wearing low-quality underwear;
  • reaction to pads and tampons;
  • use of unsuitable hygiene products.

These factors do not provoke a long-term modification of the vaginal secretion. But when the situation repeats itself for several cycles and unpleasant sensations are added, it is worth contacting a gynecologist.

Some of the more dangerous causes include:

  • smoking;
  • frequent use of alcoholic beverages;
  • drug use;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • systematic stressful situations;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • lack of sleep;
  • wrong lifestyle.

At first, these factors have the least effect on the reproductive system. Therefore, a woman may not notice alarming signals. But over time, the effect on the hormonal balance increases, and this can cause serious disturbances. Especially during a decrease in immunity.

Signs of pathology

  1. Increased intensity. A panty liner gets wet quickly, except for ovulation, sex, and pregnancy.
  2. Green or rich yellow streaks are added to the whitish tint.
  3. A significant amount of seals, lumps and other hard pieces.
  4. An unpleasant fetid is felt, rotten meat is observed.
  5. The external genitalia swell and itch.
  6. There is a systematic pain in the abdomen, perineum and lower back.
  7. Body temperature rises significantly and general well-being worsens.
  8. Unpleasant sensations appear during sexual contact.


Call whitish and on shorts can:

  • thrush (Candida fungus);
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • infection;
  • inflammation;
  • venereal disease;
  • benign and cancerous neoplasm;
  • disorders not related to the reproductive system.

You can install the pathogen only with the help of a gynecologist.

Necessary actions

  1. Rule out pregnancy with a home test, hCG test.
  2. Visit a gynecologist, even when leucorrhoea has normal signs.
  3. Submit a smear for examination.
  4. On the recommendation of a female doctor, treat or prevent white discharge.
  5. Adjust the lifestyle and change the means of intimate hygiene.
  6. After a while, visit the gynecologist again for a second examination.

For the treatment of chronic diseases that cause pathological discharge, women often resort to Chinese traditional medicine. Follow the link to see the results of such treatment.

Normal vaginal discharge in girls should not be a cause for concern. By their number, smell and color, one can judge the presence of inflammation in the genital organs, hormonal imbalance, or the presence of an infectious disease.

Vaginal discharge is the norm not only in adult women and sexually mature girls. This feature is also inherent in little girls. Immediately after the birth of a newborn girl, physiological leucorrhoea is secreted from the genital tract, which is divided into normal (physiological) and pathological (associated with one or another deviation, disease).

What kind of discharge is normal in girls?

Discharge from the vagina is characteristic of the female body of any age and they occur as a result of the normal functioning and cleansing of the organs of the reproductive system. This specific secret contains:

  • epithelial cells;
  • mucus secreted by glands located in the vagina and its vestibule;
  • lymph;
  • leukocytes (formed elements of the blood);
  • microorganisms of the normal microflora of the vagina;
  • some other components.

The amount and composition of secretions depend on the state of the body, on the general hormonal background.

A normal secret secreted by the organs of the female reproductive system is considered if:

  • it is transparent or light;
  • is mucous in nature;
  • includes viscous threads or impurities of a crumbly consistency;
  • does not have a specific, sharp, unpleasant odor.

In some cases, a girl in the neonatal period (in the first few weeks of life) may have a bloody, rather abundant secret, similar to menstruation, from the vagina. This is also accompanied by swelling of the nipples and the release of colostrum from them. This is a completely normal phenomenon associated with the intake of too much maternal hormones into the body of a newborn: first through the placenta, and then with mother's milk. This condition goes away on its own and does not need any treatment.

Approximately one month after birth, the development of the girl begins a period called "neutral". It lasts up to about 7-8 years, and is distinguished by hormonal "peace", and the physiological discharge from the vagina in the girl is practically absent. Upon reaching prepubertal age, the activity of the sex glands is activated, and the secretion of the vaginal discharge becomes more active, right up to the first menstruation. Then the selections become cyclical.

Causes of discharge in girls

Pathological discharge from the genital slit in girls can occur due to infection with various types of infections, which are activated for the following reasons:

  • suppression of local and general immunity by respiratory and other diseases of a bacterial and viral nature;
  • improper and insufficiently frequent hygiene of the genital organs;
  • diseases of the urinary tract;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • diabetes mellitus (can provoke fungal vulvovaginitis);
  • transfer of infectious agents from the rectum to the vagina and vulva;
  • hypothermia;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina and vulva.

In little girls, the lactic acid bacteria characteristic of the microflora of adult women are absent in the vagina. These microorganisms are one of the steps to protect women's health, therefore, in their absence, infections develop especially quickly. In this regard, the introduction of pathological agents into the genitals very often in girls ends with vulvovaginitis, accompanied by abnormal discharge.

Symptoms accompanying discharge in girls

Non-physiological discharge from the genital tract in young girls is most often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching, redness of the vulva, burning;
  • the discharge is distinguished by an unpleasant (fishy) odor, this may indicate bacterial vaginosis;
  • discharge becomes or when infected;
  • vaginal candidiasis () - differs from vaginal discharge;
  • vesicles, redness and sores may be present on the external genitalia, which indicates the presence of infection with the herpes virus.

In addition, with the disease and other diseases of the genitourinary system, the girl may experience frequent urge to urinate, pain in the lower abdomen. In especially advanced cases, the body temperature rises. Urination becomes painful.

Diagnosis of pathological secretions

Diagnosis of diseases associated with pathological discharge from the vagina in a girl is carried out by a pediatric gynecologist. After contacting this specialist, a number of examinations and analyzes are prescribed:

  • general tests - blood and urine;
  • sowing (smear) from the vagina, to identify bacterial agents that provoked inflammation;
  • stool analysis to determine intestinal dysbacteriosis and the presence of worm eggs;
  • examination of the genital tract for the presence of a foreign body;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which allows you to identify the type of pathogen (mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia), as well as to determine whether antibodies to these agents are present in the child's blood.

Treatment of vaginal discharge

Treatment directly depends on the results of the examination of the child. There are such options:

  • if necessary, foreign objects that irritate the mucous membrane of the vulva or vagina are removed;
  • after determining the type of infectious agent, local and general drug therapy is carried out. In each case, an individual approach to the treatment of the patient is used, taking into account all the features of the course of the disease, anamnesis, chronic ailments and the age of the girl. For treatment, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral drugs, as well as drugs that relieve inflammation and normalize the vaginal microflora, can be prescribed;
  • with a detected helminthic invasion, in addition to the child, all family members are also treated to prevent relapses;
  • hormone therapy for hormonal imbalance;
  • all foods that can provoke an allergic reaction are excluded from the girl’s diet;
  • local treatment is prescribed, consisting of baths, washing with antiseptic solutions, decoctions of medicinal herbs. It can also be prescribed therapy in the form of lubrication with ointments or creams;
  • the key to a speedy recovery is the regular change of underwear and bed linen;
  • the acute stage of the disease may require bed rest;
  • if the discharge is provoked by diseases of the excretory (urinary) system, appropriate treatment is carried out, more often with the use of antibiotics. In addition, a special drinking regimen is needed: the patient should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, including fruit drinks and decoctions with antiseptic properties.

Prevention of discharge in girls

In order to avoid the appearance of pathological discharge from the genital slit in a girl, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of prevention:

  1. Proper intimate hygiene. It is necessary to wash the genitals after each stool; make sure that in this case the movements are made only from front to back, that is, from the vagina to the anus. This will prevent bacteria from entering the genital tract from the rectum. Water procedures are not desirable to be carried out using soap. It is worth washing only the parts of the genital organs that are accessible to the eye and not trying to crawl deeper with your fingers. It is also not recommended to use washcloths and sponges for hygiene of little girls, as this can damage delicate thin skin.

Older girls should wash their genitals daily in the morning and evening.

  1. Very young girls need to change their diapers as often as possible. Arrange "ventilation" of the genitals, that is, leave the child naked several times a day.
  2. After washing, you need to use a soft clean towel or diaper. Movements should not be rough, but only blotting.
  3. It is necessary to change underwear daily, after the morning toilet. Panties should be made of natural fabrics, not compress or drag the body.
  4. Treatment of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
  5. Regular health check-ups.

Most gynecologists note that the vast majority of the population classifies any type of discharge in girls of different ages as a pathology, considering them unacceptable before the onset of sexual activity. In fact, parents may notice the presence of vaginal secretions from the time the baby is born. You should not be scared here, but it is better to figure out what and when is considered the norm, and where it does not hurt to visit a doctor to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What is discharge in girls and what is their norm

Mucus or fluid secreted from the vagina of a girl, as well as an adult woman, is called sexual secretion, vaginal secretions and whites.

From the point of view of physiology, normal discharge in a girl, regardless of age, differs in the following characteristics:

  • have a practically homogeneous mucous consistency (not watery);
  • almost transparent;
  • light, slightly white;
  • odorless, slightly sour due to the environment of the vagina;
  • are not accompanied by unpleasant sensations;
  • indicated in small numbers.

The presence of such marks on a child's shorts should not cause concern. The reproductive system of any person will develop gradually, and these changes are inevitable. It is impossible to say exactly what time the discharge in girls begins. It takes into account heredity, characteristics of the body, and other related factors.

It is generally accepted that discharge in girls should be absent until puberty. But the beginning of puberty does not have a clear framework, it depends on many factors.

In a girl of 10-12 years old, discharge on panties may not indicate deviations if their appearance is normal. Perhaps the child's puberty began much earlier, and so the body is preparing for a major restructuring and menarche. It does not hurt to contact a gynecologist for reinsurance, to take tests, but panic will be inappropriate, since at this time the child reacts very sharply to the world around him and may misperceive the concerns of dad and mom.

Parents almost always sound the alarm, worrying about, not knowing what they mean, and attribute this process to a pathological phenomenon. But the vaginal light secret, which has a mucous consistency, is considered the norm.

In some situations, very little blood is present in the mucus. You should not worry, because from a medical point of view, this phenomenon is safe and is considered the so-called sexual crisis of newborns. Find out in one of our articles.

Discharge in adolescent girls before the onset of the menstrual cycle

Leucorrhoea appears about a year before menarche. This is the age of 10-12 years, but situations are not excluded when menstruation begins much earlier. The appearance of vaginal secretion in this case is caused by hormonal changes that prepare the little lady for the next stage in life. The excreted secretion must have certain features:

  • have a slightly liquid consistency;
  • resemble mucus;
  • have a white color (yellowish and is allowed);
  • there should be no smell or a slight presence.

Such a vaginal secret confirms the normal development of the child, and his reproductive system adapts to new conditions. And also secretion provides protection of the vagina from harmful agents.

The hospital should only be visited if your daughter complains of discomfort, and redness and swelling are noticeable on the external genitalia.

If menstruation has already begun

If your child has already begun menstruation, then discharge at 13-15 years old in girls will continue to depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle.


With a standard cycle of 28 days for a girl, this period falls on the first day after the end of menstruation and lasts about 14 days. At this time, there is very little vaginal secretion (up to 2 ml per day). It has a watery or slimy consistency, where a small amount of lumps is allowed. The secretion is either colorless or slightly white or beige.


In the middle of the cycle, for several days, there will be a noticeably increased amount of fluid from the vagina (up to 4 ml) on the underwear. As for the appearance, the secret acquires a more viscous mucous character, and the shade may become beige.

Second half of the cycle

The secret is less when compared with the days of ovulation. Its state resembles a creamy character, sometimes the consistency is similar to jelly.

Shortly before menstruation

There is more secretion a couple of days before this moment, and in its state it is similar to the middle of the cycle.

Causes of abnormal vaginal discharge in children

Not in all situations, vaginal secretion occurs for physiological reasons. Consider the causes of pathological secretion. The following factors are practically not tied to age:

Weak immunity

A weakened organism does not fully perform a protective function, therefore, pathogenic microorganisms multiply in the reproductive system. Often the culprit is stress, malnutrition, hypothermia.
Violation of the microflora of the vagina. Here it is worth paying attention to the means used during washing of the genitals, as well as the transferred colds and other diseases.

Frequent use of antibiotics

Such drugs adversely affect the microflora of the vagina, upsetting the balance between lactobacilli and pathogens. As a result, the presence of fungal microflora increases, which provokes the pathological secret of the reproductive system.

Childhood and general infections

Many sexually transmitted infections are increasingly spread through the household. It is also possible that the child could become infected from the mother in the womb, during childbirth.

allergic reactions

Diathesis and allergies can cause the development of atopic vulvovaginitis, which can only be noticed during an exacerbation.


This disease, as doctors say, is increasingly causing fungal vulvovaginitis.

Foreign bodies

The child may accidentally bring a foreign object into the vagina. Most often these are the remains of toilet paper, threads, small balls. As a result, an inflammatory process begins, accompanied by fever, sometimes severe pain. Brown, bloody, or even brown spots may appear on underwear. An unpleasant and sometimes fetid odor is not ruled out.


Infection occurs during improper washing of the genitals, when harmful bacteria enter the vagina from the intestines.

We are looking for problems by color and smell

Every disease is different for every patient. There are cases when the symptoms practically do not manifest themselves, and mild discomfort occurs only with the next exacerbation. The following information will help parents track unwanted changes in the vaginal secretion in time and take appropriate measures.

White discharge in girls

Most often, the presence of white discharge in girls is considered the norm, provided that all other characteristics of the fluid meet physiological criteria.
But if the secret resembles the consistency of cottage cheese, and the child complains of itching and burning in the vulva, then thrush cannot be ruled out, even at 9-11 years old and earlier.

A fungal disease can be transmitted from the mother even during birth, and occur against the background of taking antibiotics, as well as a general weakening of the body. Then parents may notice white discharge on their daughter's underpants. Increased attention is required at a very young age, because children at 2 or 3 years old often cannot describe their feelings.

Discharge in girls green and yellow

The cause is often bacterial vulvovaginitis, which is also called bacterial vaginosis or vaginal dysbacteriosis. It is important to understand the situation here. For example, the discharge from a girl at 4 years old is yellow-green, an unpleasant fishy smell is felt, the child began to act up while washing, constantly scratching the area of ​​​​the labia, where redness is noted.

A vaginal secret of a yellow tint is not associated with pathological processes, but only if your child is approaching puberty and does not experience discomfort. Although the cause of discharge in a child at the age of 7 years of yellowish color is unlikely to be the approach of menarche.
According to the statistics of gynecologists, children under 8 years of age are at risk. The fact is that in the microflora of the vagina there are still no lactobacilli that protect the body from infection.

In addition, a girl at the age of 5 and at any other age can cause:

  • worms;
  • dirt getting into the vagina;
  • intimate hygiene products;
  • foreign objects inside;
  • improper swaddling;
  • irritation from synthetics;
  • diaper rash.

If the yellow tint of the secret is still allowed, then greenish discharge, whether it be any age, 2 years, 6 or 15 years old, requires medical supervision, smears and other necessary diagnostic methods.

Red and brown discharge from a girl

First you need to make sure that this is not monthly. Sometimes brown, bloody or even purulent discharge may occur on underwear in adolescent girls if a foreign body is present in the vagina. An unpleasant, and sometimes even a fetid odor is not ruled out.

Often the cause of secretion with blood is inflammatory processes, the presence of which may indicate gynecological diseases. But most often, spotting, even with a brown tint, indicates the approach of the first menstruation in a teenager and hormonal fluctuations.

There is pus

Purulent discharge in girls can never be considered the norm. Here you need to quickly go to the hospital and undergo an examination, because any disease is easier to cure at the very beginning, preventing the development of a chronic form.

Common causes:

  • colpitis;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • infectious diseases.

Urgently go to the hospital if you experience the following symptoms:

  • purulent discharge of a liquid or thick nature;
  • the presence of an unpleasant and even fetid odor;
  • genitals constantly itch;
  • tingling and burning sensation is felt;
  • elevated body temperature.

At the hospital, the gynecologist will perform an examination and order a microscopic examination of vaginal smears.


It is extremely dangerous to buy drugs on your own, as well as to use traditional medicine methods to treat discharge in girls. But no one prevents mothers from adhering to certain rules that reduce the risk of pathological secretion:

  1. Carry out hygiene procedures in the morning and before bedtime.
  2. Use only a clean personal towel for the child.
  3. It is better to give preference to warm boiled water.
  4. Choose safe intimate hygiene products that do not cause allergies.
  5. Properly teach your daughter to wash the genitals to avoid infection from the intestines.
  6. Prevent mechanical damage to the vagina caused by washcloths and sponges.
  7. Buy underwear made from natural fabrics, give up synthetics.

How and with what to treat the discharge, only a specialist will determine after examining the child and obtaining the results of the tests. The information presented on the Internet should be used extremely carefully and solely for informational purposes, because any specialist on the network, even Komarovsky, cannot assess the condition of the child and choose the treatment according to the description in words.

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