How to lower cholesterol in the blood. Products and folk remedies. Lowering cholesterol levels with proper nutrition

Modern studies show that more than 80% of people over 30 years of age face the problem of high cholesterol in the blood. And both women and men suffer from it. But since the female and male bodies have many differences, it is necessary to eliminate the problem of high cholesterol in different ways. How to eat with high cholesterol, and what to do, this article will tell.

Causes of an increase in the rate of cholesterol in the blood

First of all, you should know that cholesterol is not always bad. Only its excess is a dangerous harbinger of cardiovascular disease. 2/3 of cholesterol is produced by our liver, as it is the main building material for cells, nerve tissues, hormones and some vitamins. We get the remaining third of the cholesterol needed by the body from food.

Accordingly, the main cause of elevated blood cholesterol levels is an excess of it in food. Very rarely, liver disease can be the cause. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle also contributes to the accumulation and deposition of this substance on the walls of blood vessels.

Based on this, it can be determined what cannot be done with high cholesterol, and what is needed. You can’t overeat, you need to move more and watch what you eat.

Signs of high cholesterol in women

Sometimes even the appearance of a person can tell about an impending threat. Any woman can determine the approximate level of cholesterol in the blood, armed with a centimeter tape and a calculator.

The first sign of high cholesterol in a woman will be a waist circumference of more than 88 cm. Fat deposits on the abdomen and waist (and not on the hips and legs, for example) indicate an imbalance.

If you have always been the owner of a wasp waist and still grow and grow up to 88 cm, and there have been accumulations at the waist for a long time, or a magnificent waist has always been inherent in you, then a slightly different method will help determine the degree of danger. Having measured the circumference of the waist and hips, you need to calculate the ratio between them. The result obtained should not exceed 0.8. For example, with the data: waist = 75 cm, hips = 101 cm, the ratio between them will be approximately 0.74, which fits into the norm. In men, this figure should not exceed 0.95.

When all external signs confirm your fears, you should immediately contact the nearest clinic and do a blood test.

How to lower cholesterol?

The most correct and safest way to lower cholesterol levels to normal levels is to control nutrition. A special diet for high cholesterol in women is the first recommendation of a cardiologist. In addition to the doctor's general recommendations on this matter, you can always get all the necessary information about proper nutrition from special literature and other sources. Having worked properly on this topic, you will find not only a list of prohibited and permitted foods, but also delicious recipes. With high cholesterol, proper nutrition will provide 80% of success.

It is believed that a small dose of any alcoholic beverage will also prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. But here it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect. The daily norm is:

40 g of cognac or vodka;

130 g of dry wine;

150 g of beer.

Moderate physical activity and a sufficient amount of water drunk (1-1.5 liters per day) are also the key to the health of the cardiovascular system.

Saturated fats found in foods of animal origin contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood. Conversely, polyunsaturated fatty acids are not only not deposited in the vessels, but are also able to reduce the already existing cholesterol level. Therefore, if an imbalance occurs, you should switch to plant foods and lean meats.

The normal intake of cholesterol in the body with food is 300 mg per day. But a diet for high cholesterol in women provides for a decrease in this indicator to 250 mg. Therefore, you should choose products based on this norm.

It is better to replace meat with fish and legumes (soybeans, beans, peas), buy bread or bake only from Baking instead of oatmeal cookies or crackers.

Among the useful products: tea, olive, corn and sunflower oil, vegetable and fruit juices, cereals, vegetables, fruits.

What should not be eaten?

The following information will help answer the question of what to eat with high cholesterol. 100 g of products such as pork, beef, liver, smoked sausage, chicken skin, as well as dishes using them (dumplings, stew, pate), contain about 100 mg of cholesterol. Thus, 300 g of dumplings (without butter, mayonnaise or sour cream) will already block the daily intake of cholesterol.

Further, among seafood, caviar, squid, sprats are subject to exception; from dairy products - sour cream, cream, fatty cottage cheese (more than 30%). Egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol, so eggs can only be eaten boiled and no more than 2-3 pieces per week.

Prohibited foods also include: coffee, sugar, ice cream, sausages, boiled sausage, mayonnaise, butter, margarine, ketchup.

Menu and daily routine

A diet for high cholesterol in women is prescribed in two cases: if a blood test revealed a threat of atherosclerosis and stroke, that is, the cholesterol level is already very high, or for prevention purposes. In the first case, it is recommended; in the second, rare deviations from the course are allowed.

The daily routine of a woman should include 3-5 meals in small portions, a mandatory walk in the fresh air or light physical activity in the gym for 20-40 minutes (fitness, aerobics, swimming).

Despite the ban on many foods, the diet of a woman with high blood cholesterol should be varied and include all food groups: meat, fish, cereals, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, legumes and oils.

Diet scheme

Despite the high cholesterol in the blood, the diet should not be starvation.

The body should receive daily:

Fats - 70 g;

Proteins - 100 g;

Vitamins and minerals;

Carbohydrates - 350 g.

Of course, the most useful are fresh vegetables and fruits, boiled and baked meat and fish. When frying, free radicals are formed, which will accelerate the formation of cholesterol plaques. Among the most necessary vitamins for atherosclerosis are A, B 1, B 2, C and E, minerals - magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and sodium.

Limit salt intake to 5 g and sugar to 35 g per day. Sugar can be replaced with honey.

Some examples of daily diet

A diet for high cholesterol in women may look like this:

Option 1

Breakfast: protein omelet - 150 g, buckwheat or wheat porridge - 90 g, a piece of bread, tea with milk (no more than 1.5% fat) - 200 g.

Second breakfast: seaweed salad - 250 g, juice - 200 g.

Lunch: pea soup - 300 ml, lean meat cutlets, steamed - 150 g, grilled vegetables - 150 g, a piece of bread, 2 - 3 apples or juice.

Snack: muesli or oatmeal - 150 g, rosehip broth.

Dinner: fish baked with vegetables - 400 g (250 g - fish, 150 g - vegetables), boiled rice - 200 g, a piece of bread, a glass of kefir.

Option 2

Breakfast: oatmeal with water or skim milk with dried fruits and nuts - 200 g, tea or skim milk.

Second breakfast: vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, dill or parsley), seasoned with olive oil and spices - 200 g, a glass of juice.

Lunch: vegetable soup - 300 ml, baked with vegetables - 300 g, dried fruit compote.

Snack: low-fat cottage cheese - 150 g, a glass of tea.

Dinner: grilled potatoes and fish - 200 g each, seaweed or beetroot salad with sunflower oil - 150 g, a glass of kefir or compote.

Remember that the diversity of the diet depends only on your imagination. If it is depleted, then look for menu options in special books or magazines - there is a lot of information.

The most interesting dishes with high cholesterol

Each hostess can offer several diet options for high cholesterol in women and men at once. But sometimes even the most skilled cook wants something new and unusual. Knowing the list of allowed and prohibited foods, you can, by experimenting, come up with a variety of dishes on your own with high cholesterol. If nothing new comes to mind, we offer you some interesting and simple recipes.

Cottage cheese and mushroom mass with melted cheese and cumin

For the dish you will need: 120 g of fresh mushrooms, 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 50 g of processed cheese, 40 g of margarine, cumin seeds, parsley, salt.

Wash the mushrooms well, peel, cut into pieces and boil for 15 minutes in water with cumin seeds. At this time, mix cottage cheese and melted cheese until smooth. Pour the boiled mushrooms into a colander to glass the water. Next, mix them with the curd mass, salt and add parsley. The dish is ready.

Chicken medallions with peaches

For the dish you will need: 250 g of chicken or turkey breast, 2 canned peaches, olive oil for frying, wheat flour, salt, curry and 50 ml of water.

Cut the breast into small longitudinal pieces, beat off a little and salt. Next, fry the pieces in olive oil until cooked under the lid. Remove the meat from the pan, and add flour, curry, water and 1 peach to the remaining oil after frying (it is better to remove the skin). Simmer the sauce over low heat until it thickens a little. Put the finished medallions on a plate, pour over the resulting sauce and garnish with the remaining peach. Enjoy your meal!

How often lately have we heard the phrase: “You can’t eat this, it’s full of cholesterol!” or "This remedy is excellent for lowering cholesterol levels" ...

Most people have a rather vague idea of ​​what cholesterol is.

Many by this word mean any fat, both in the composition of various food products, and in its pure form. Meanwhile, it is worth distinguishing between the so-called "harmful" fats (trans fatty acids) and essential fatty acids (their other name is essential fats)

So what is cholesterol and why is it dangerous, and most importantly, how to eat if its level in the blood is really elevated? Is it possible to lower cholesterol only by choosing the right foods, without resorting to drugs?

Let's try to understand these difficult questions...

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance (fatty alcohol), which is independently produced by the human body (up to 80%) and is essential for its normal functioning. Cholesterol is involved in the synthesis of hormones (for example, it is converted to the hormone progesterone, vitamin D, is a precursor of corticosteroids), in the processes of cell formation (part of the cell membrane), digestion (formation of bile acids) and performs many other important functions.

Most cholesterol is found in the blood, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands and brain tissue. It is part of the membranes of all body cells. Many hormones are formed from cholesterol, a lot of it in the nervous tissue.

At the same time, several fatty fractions of cholesterol are distinguished: the so-called "good" cholesterol - HDL (high density lipoproteins), "bad" LDL cholesterol (low density lipoproteins) and triglycerides. To maintain health, it is necessary to constantly maintain a high level of "good" cholesterol and reduce the level of "bad".

What is the difference between these two fractions of cholesterol? By itself, cholesterol is the same, but in the blood it is in different complexes with other fatty and protein substances. The result is molecules that have more protein (HDL) and molecules that have less protein (LDL). The first microparticles are dense and compact, they help to transfer excess cholesterol to the liver, from which bile acids are subsequently formed, which are involved in digestion. The second microparticles are larger, also having a lower density.
If there are too many cholesterol particles, then an excess of cholesterol accumulates in the blood. And then low-density lipoproteins can be called "bad" forms of cholesterol. Excess cholesterol "settles" the walls of blood vessels. Connective tissue forms around these deposits. These are atherosclerotic plaques that narrow the lumen of blood vessels and impede blood flow. Over time, the plaque opens like an abscess, and a blood clot forms, which grows steadily. Gradually, it closes, like a cork, the entire lumen of the vessel, which interferes with normal blood circulation.
But there are also "good" lipid-protein complexes in the blood. They are called high-density lipoproteins - HDL. They remove cholesterol from the places of its accumulation in the wall of blood vessels and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
High cholesterol - one of the main reasons vascular diseases and atherosclerosis, and thrombus formation can ultimately cause a heart attack or stroke (see).

1. enters the body with food
2. synthesized in the liver.
The body is quite enough of the cholesterol that is synthesized by the liver. But a person consumes a large amount of cholesterol with food. Its main source is fatty animal products.
If there are a lot of them in the diet, then the cholesterol content in the blood increases, and it turns from a friend needed by the body into a mortal enemy.

It is known that the level of cholesterol in the blood serum is affected by four types of fats that we eat, or, conversely, do not eat:

Trans fatty acids contains:

In overcooked dishes (with prolonged heating at elevated temperatures, the structure of fats changes, resulting in dangerous lipid peroxides, trans-fatty acids and free radicals);
- in margarine (it is obtained by hydrogenation of vegetable oils);
- food products based on hydrogenated fats.

Essential fatty acids are found in our daily food and are divided into three large groups:

Saturated fats increase blood cholesterol levels. They are rich in fatty meat, butter, cheese and others. dairy . The less of these foods in our diet, the better.

Polyunsaturated fats lower cholesterol levelsThey are found in soybean, sunflower, corn oil, fish and seafood, lean poultry and dairy products. They are also rich cereals, nuts and vegetables

Monounsaturated fats also lower cholesterol levels, and it is "bad". This type of fat is found in olive and peanut oils, nuts and avocados, as well as fish, fish oil. A diet rich in them is healthier than a strict low-fat diet.

One subtlety is important: these fats should be substituted for other fats rather than just adding them to food.
And, of course, you should not immediately give up fats in your diet, you just need to limit their consumption. It would be preferable to give up saturated fats (fatty meat - pork, goose, duck and others) and include polyunsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils, nuts, fish) in your diet. Unsaturated fats help maintain a balance between different cholesterol fractions and shift the balance towards healthy cholesterol.

In order to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, doctors often recommend increasing physical activity, playing sports, completely abandoning the use of alcohol and tobacco, as they significantly increase the risk of occurrence and development of heart disease. To reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, various drugs (usually statins) are prescribed.

To prevent long-term and not always useful drug therapy, you need to monitor your health and proper nutrition.
There is special based on large quantity vegetable fiber and vegetables, which without drugs reduces the level of such cholesterol in the blood by 30%. In 6-8 weeks, you can significantly reduce high cholesterol only by adjusting your diet.

The main condition for success is to strictly adhere to the rules of the diet.

The basic principles of dietary nutrition for lowering cholesterol:

The main idea of ​​high cholesterol nutrition is to control the way food is cooked and to significantly reduce animal fats. After all, an elevated cholesterol level is a signal of a violation of the rationality of nutrition, and the responsibility for it lies entirely with us.
A feature of nutrition with elevated cholesterol levels is not a special selection of menus, but rather compliance with a number of food requirements.

It is necessary to remove from the diet products prepared using margarine and other cooking oils: various cakes, pastries, muffins, cookies, chocolate and other confectionery.

From fats, in addition to vegetable oils, you can eat low-calorie butter - in within 2 teaspoons without top (two sandwiches with butter) must be eaten because it also contains anti-cholesterol substances.
But it is better to use vegetable margarine. From margarines, for example, you can use Rama vitality and Rama olivio. This margarine is equally well suited for both cooking and sandwiches. You can fry it on it or put it in porridge instead of butter, which will be much healthier. In addition, "RAMA" is enriched with a complex of antioxidant vitamins A, C and D. It is better to buy soft margarines in jars. Because solid form margarines have an unnatural fat structure. So replacing the usual butter with soft margarines is the right, rational way to health.

Also it is better to avoid fried foods: potatoes, chicken, chops. It is better to choose lean meats, poultry or fish and cook them by baking in the oven or steaming. A little vegetable oil can be added to the finished dish.
Do not fry food, but boil, bake, stew, and also steam and grill

It is better to completely exclude various canned, smoked, salted foods from the menu..
It is necessary to exclude or reduce as much as possible the consumption of semi-finished meat products - all kinds of sausages, sausages, brisket, lard and others.
You should also refuse such foods as mayonnaise, fatty sour cream, ice cream and desserts.

Increase the proportion of foods that remove cholesterol from the body in the diet - legumes(peas, beans, lentils). Try to combine grains and legumes, rice with lentils, peas and pasta are great.

To lower cholesterol levels, it is recommended to take various fruits containing pectin are apples and other fruits and berries, which form a jelly when cooked. Soluble fiber, which is found in apples and jelly-forming fruits, absorbs cholesterol and removes it from the body.
Juices based on them are also useful, with the addition of pineapple, carrots, lemon.
In your daily diet, be sure to include two servings of fruit, fruits with skin and pulp are especially useful. At the same time, do not forget about citrus fruits - they must be mandatory: these are tangerines, lemon, oranges.

"Sit down" on an apple-honey diet. Apples are great for lowering cholesterol levels.
Honey contains as many cholesterol-fighting antioxidants as apples. Dissolve four tablespoons of honey in a glass of water and take every day as a medicine.

Dried fruits calories. The most useful for lowering cholesterol are raisins and prunes.

It is recommended to add dietary fiber to food. She is rich in all green leafy vegetables- cabbage, salads, greens. You can use ready-made fiber in the form of a powder (add to salads, soups, cereals) or bran. Fiber has excellent hygroscopicity, which allows it to absorb various human waste products from the intestines, including cholesterol.
Fiber can be obtained for breakfast in the form of cereals (oatmeal, millet, rice and others), for lunch with soup, bran and fruits, for dinner with a light salad and legumes. It is advisable to consume at least 35 g of fiber daily.

Vegetables- They should be eaten as often as possible, preferably every day. It is especially useful to eat them raw, without adding oil and fat, as well as cheeses and all kinds of sauces.

Include in your diet fish. It is not for nothing that nutritionists recommend eating at least twice a week. sea ​​fish, at least 100 grams per serving. It contains not only useful trace elements (phosphorus, iodine), but also the most important omega fatty acids that regulate cholesterol levels, blood pressure and the viscosity of the blood itself, and hence tendency to thrombosis. The healthiest type of fish for a cholesterol-lowering diet is salmon, as it is high in omega-3s. Choose a variety of fish, but try to keep it high in omega-3s.

The liver of marine fish and their fish oil will also be useful. If there is an individual intolerance to the smell or taste of fish oil, an encapsulated preparation can be used, for example, in the form of dietary supplements.

Replace butter with vegetable oil, and preference should be given to unrefined and unrefined. It is better not to subject vegetable oils to additional heat treatment, but to use it in its pure form as a dressing for salads, cereals, and cooking other dishes.
The most useful oils (a source of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 acids) are flaxseed, olive, soybean, cottonseed, and sesame seed oil.

From dairy products, choose low-fat and fat-free: cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, milk, cheese, kefir and others.
Reduce the consumption of fatty cheeses (fat content should be no more than 30% in dry matter - Suluguni, Adyghe, Ossetian, cheese, Poshekhonsky).

Eggs It is better to use only boiled. In a chicken egg, on average, 275 mg. cholesterol - almost the daily norm of an adult. The safe maximum is 3 eggs per week. Eggs should not be completely excluded, because they also contain anti-cholesterol substances (lecithin, etc.)
If you can’t imagine breakfast without eggs, eat only proteins - it is in the yolks that all the cholesterol is contained.
For an omelette, use one egg with yolk for 2-4 egg whites. For baking, replace one full-fledged egg with two egg whites. In addition, now you can buy dietary eggs - with a cholesterol content of 15-50% lower than in ordinary ones.

nuts- An excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids. Although they belong to fatty foods, a small amount of them in the daily diet is only welcome. It is recommended to consume during the day about 30 grams of various nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, almonds, linseed and sesame seeds.
30 grams is about 18 cashews, 6-7 walnuts, 8 Brazilian or 20 almonds.

It is recommended to consume as much as possible all kinds of cereals and other whole (unprocessed) foods.
Use to lower cholesterol cereals- choose varieties from whole wheat and whole grains. They are rich in dietary fiber. Among grains, oatmeal, buckwheat and dark rice are the most useful.

Eat lean meats(all visible fat must be removed).

Don't drink hot coffee. When coffee is boiled, substances that increase cholesterol are formed. A drip coffee maker is preferable, providing a low temperature of the drink.

It is good to drink mineral water even with gases as well as green tea which also has an antioxidant effect. Can I drink various juices, just do not buy juices in bags, they will not benefit the body, it is better to make juices yourself from vegetables and fruits.

Don't forget the red wine. One glass a day raises the level of "good" cholesterol. White wine is less effective. There are small joys in the restrictions: o).

Condiments and spices- Following a diet to lower cholesterol, you can eat bay leaves, thyme, marjoram, parsley, tarragon, cumin, dill, basil, pepper and red pepper.

When buying prepared foods that contain fat - pastries, cookies, chips - read on the label what kind of fat they contain, and exclude those that contain butter and coconut oil.
Also, when buying food in the store, be sure to read the label so that they do not contain cholesterol.

An additional introduction to the diet will be useful lecithin- It helps lower cholesterol levels and improve liver function.

Products with anti-sclerotic properties:

  • garlic - p about a clove of garlic - for breakfast and dinner,
  • eggplant,
  • onion,
  • carrot,
  • watermelon,
  • sea ​​kale (use dried instead of salt)


  • Fish
    Sardines, sprats, mackerel, salmon, herring - 2 - 3 servings of 200 - 400 g per week.
    Tuna, cod, haddock, flounder - without limitation.
  • Skimmed milk and cottage cheese, hard cheese
    Cottage cheese - 0% or 5%, milk maximum 1.5%. In the same way, all fermented milk products - kefir can be 1% and fat-free.
  • Lean meats (lean pork, beef, veal, rabbit),
    poultry (turkey, chicken, chicken, just don't eat the skin, it's too greasy
    ostrich meat
  • Bitter chocolate, jelly, mousses, milk desserts
  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts)
  • Wholemeal bread, low-fat baked goods, egg-free pasta
  • Tea, weak coffee, fruit juices without sugar, mineral water


  • Sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil - keep in mind that oil is a high-calorie product;
  • Ham, doctor's sausage, minced lean beef;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Medium fat cheeses, processed spreadable cheeses;
  • Soy sauce, salt (no more than 5 g per day);
  • Marmalade, honey, syrups, marshmallows, sugar (70 g per day);
  • Alcoholic drinks.


For high cholesterol these products are strictly prohibited:

PS. In the human body, from 1 to 5 g of cholesterol is synthesized daily, another 300 - 500 mg (about 20% of the total) comes with food. And if animals have the function of regulating the synthesis of cholesterol, then humans do not have it. This means that if too much cholesterol enters the animal's body with food, then its own cholesterol synthesis will stop. This does not happen in humans, which is why it is necessary to monitor its level in the blood.

. total cholesterol -< 5,2 ммоль/л
. triglycerides -< 2,0 ммоль/л
. HDL "good" cholesterol - > 1.0 mmol/l
. LDL "bad" cholesterol -< 3-3,5 ммоль/л

Various studies have shown that the most favorable combination of different density lipoprotein levels occurs in those people who consume about 40-50% of various fats with food. This means that it is important to eat a balanced diet, since a complete rejection of fatty acids can lead to an imbalance between the various fractions of cholesterol, while not only "bad" cholesterol, but also "good" will decrease.

Of course, it can be very difficult to change your eating habits yourself, there is always room for temptation, so cholesterol-lowering foods should become habitual for the whole family. Then it will be much easier to change the usual diet.
And be sure exercise - at least walk more. And intense exercise (if you can afford it) can lower cholesterol levels on their own - by burning calories in working muscles. During exercise, blood passes through the liver more intensively, and "bad" cholesterol is more actively converted into bile acids (which are excreted by the liver into the intestines, and from the intestines into the environment around us)
According to,,

The human body produces such an amount of cholesterol, which is sufficient for the normal functioning of all systems and organs. But with an improperly organized nutrition system, the substance in question in the blood is in excess. A special diet for high cholesterol will help to cope with this problem and protect your body from dangerous consequences.

Why is excess cholesterol dangerous for women?

An excess amount of this substance enters the walls of blood vessels and begins to actively accumulate on them. Over time, such deposits turn into a dense “plaque”, which does not allow blood to circulate normally. This is a very dangerous phenomenon that can lead to tissue death of an important organ and, accordingly, to a stroke or heart attack.

In the body of a young woman, a sufficient amount of hormones is produced that can control healthy cholesterol levels. This is especially true for the period of pregnancy and lactation. With age, the hormonal background of the fair sex can be disturbed. The situation worsens during menopause. To avoid a heart attack and / or stroke, you need to adhere to a special nutrition system.

Features and rules of the hypocholesterol diet

The main feature of the discussed diet is the reduction in the daily diet of the amount of high-fat foods (and in some cases their complete exclusion is required). To correctly compose your menu, you need to study the tables of cholesterol content in different dishes. For example, in 100 g of smoked sausage - this is immediately 100 mg of a dangerous substance, and in 100 g of mayonnaise - all 480 mg. The leader in cholesterol content was also egg yolk - 300 mg of the substance per 100 g of the product.

With a hypocholesterol diet, you will need to follow other rules:

  1. Meat products should be consumed in an amount of no more than 100-120 g per day.
  2. Avoid frying any food with oil. This method of heat treatment of products is replaced by boiling, baking, stewing, steaming.
  3. Every day you will need to consume large quantities of fruits, berries, raw vegetables, cereals, fresh herbs.
  4. It is advisable to include pectin in the menu. This unique substance "knows how" to bind bad cholesterol. It is found in citrus fruits, carrots, pumpkins, watermelons.

Tables: allowed and prohibited products

A special table of foods that are allowed and prohibited for a low cholesterol diet will help in compiling the right menu.

Approved ProductsProhibited Products
Vegetable oils (linseed, cedar, grape)Butter
Red fish of salmon breeds and any other marine, rabbit meat, skinless poultryFatty meat, fish, shrimp, red caviar
All legumes (including soy and soy protein)Fast food, chips, croutons
Any raw vegetables, fruits, berries
(fresh or frozen)
Semi-finished products (including sausages, sausages, bacon)
Egg whiteEgg yolk
HoneyCakes, chocolates
Tea, herbal decoctions, compotes from fruits, berries and dried fruits without sugarAlcoholic drinks (especially beer), coffee
Low fat dairy productsProcessed and cream cheeses
Porridges from various cerealsMuffin, cupcakes, ice cream
Ketchup, mustard, horseradishTrans fats, lard

Nuts, seeds - in moderation.

Diet for high cholesterol in women over 50

The nutrition system for patients over 50 years of age has its own characteristics. First of all, they concern dinner. This meal must take place no later than 19 hours. In order to feel good, in addition to the diet, a woman should have a lot of rest, so it is advisable to go to bed about 3 hours after dinner and not stay up late.

In addition to water, it is also allowed to drink vegetable and fruit juices, green and / or herbal tea, low-fat kefir and yogurt, fresh or dried fruit compote between meals.

All salads are allowed to fill exclusively with oil. Suitable not only sunflower and olive, but also linseed, grape, sesame and others. They can also be used for skin care at the same time.

For women over 50, the discussed diet must be combined with light physical activity. You can choose any sport. The main thing is that it does not give a strong load on the heart.

How much water to drink while on a diet?

The recommended amount of fluid per day will depend on the individual characteristics of the body. If there are no obvious problems with the urinary system, you can drink up to 2 liters per day. It should be pure non-carbonated water.

Patients with hypertension and kidney disease should reduce this figure to 1.5 liters per day. In both cases, the amount of salt consumed decreases, which retains excess fluid in the body. You need to know that many semi-finished and finished products, including bread, contain a lot of salt.

Menu option for the week

In general, the diet for the discussed diet can be made independently. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the table of allowed and prohibited products. To make your task easier, you should take as a basis the menu option compiled by an experienced nutritionist. It is designed for 7 days.

On Monday, breakfast will be an omelet (exclusively from egg whites) and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice. For lunch, you can eat any vegetable soup, veal soufflé, stewed zucchini. For dinner - a casserole of boiled fish. Snacks are made up of vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil, bread and rosehip broth.

On Tuesday, buckwheat without milk and butter is used for breakfast. For lunch - cereal soup with tomato juice, veal cutlet and vegetable stew. For dinner - baked potatoes with boiled chicken breast, fresh cucumber. Snacks: baked apples, low-fat kefir.

On Wednesday morning, you can eat oatmeal with fresh or frozen berries. For lunch - vegetable soup, buckwheat with stewed fish. For dinner - stewed eggplant and veal meatballs. Snacks: nuts, low-fat cottage cheese with a banana.

On Thursday, oatmeal with milk (with a minimum fat content) is prepared for breakfast. For lunch - pumpkin soup with millet, chicken breast baked in foil. For dinner - steamed cheesecakes. Snacks: natural yogurt without sugar and other additives, rye and rice bread.

On Friday, you can start the morning with cottage cheese whipped casserole (from low-fat cottage cheese). For lunch, eat fish soup with pearl barley and stewed vegetables. For dinner - buckwheat with a steam cutlet of poultry. Snacks: fruit salad, nuts.

On Saturday, for breakfast, a pumpkin salad with carrots and apples, chicken meatballs are prepared. For lunch - lentil soup and stewed sea fish. For dinner - boiled rice with veal soufflé. Snacks: steam cheesecakes, rye or rice bread.

Sunday starts with rice porridge with freshly made fruit jam. Lunch includes vegetable soup and steamed fish cakes. For dinner - a large portion of vegetable salad with herbs, boiled poultry fillet. Snacks: banana, unsweetened yogurt.

Recipes for simple and delicious dishes

Vegetable soup with fresh garlic

Ingredients: half a kilo of tomatoes, fresh cucumber, sweet red or yellow pepper, a couple of garlic cloves, a bunch of herbs, salt, spices, a little olive oil, a slice of dried rye bread.

  1. Tomatoes get rid of the skin and shifted to a deep plate. Largely cut cucumber without skin, garlic, pepper without seeds.
  2. A piece of bread is soaked in warm water.
  3. All prepared components are turned into a puree with a blender. It remains to add salt, spices, oil and chopped herbs to them.

If desired, this soup can be slightly warmed up or served cold.

Turkey steak

Ingredients: 170 g poultry fillet, a little freshly squeezed lemon juice, aromatic herbs.

  1. Turkey fillet is smeared with lemon juice, and then with spices. In this form, it is left for pickling.
  2. On the grill, the meat is fried until tender.

Steaks are served with assorted vegetables.

Berry smoothie

Ingredients: 130 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1/3 tbsp. unsweetened yogurt, 8 pcs. blackcurrant and strawberry, bee honey to taste.

  1. In one bowl, strawberries and honey are crushed with a blender.
  2. In the other - dairy products and currants.
  3. In a glass for desserts, first the curd mass is laid out, and then the strawberry mass.

The dessert is garnished with fresh mint.

The consequences of high cholesterol levels are quite dangerous for human health. It is with this that the high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes is associated. These are extremely dangerous conditions that can lead to death or a severe decrease in the quality of life. Therefore, a diet with high cholesterol helps to reduce the high level of this indicator, thereby saving a person from terrible consequences.

With high cholesterol, you should follow certain dietary recommendations.

A diet for hypercholesterolemia can prevent the development of atherosclerosis, reducing the risk of vascular accidents. Proper nutrition can lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the number of atherosclerotic plaques and maintaining vascular health.

You need to understand that cholesterol is a useful substance. Metabolic processes cannot do without it, it is involved in the synthesis of hormones, including sex, bile acids and some vitamins. Not all cholesterol is good. It is transported throughout the body as part of complexes - LDL and HDL (low and high density lipoproteins, respectively). Useful high-density lipoproteins transport this substance to the liver from tissues, thereby participating in its metabolism. It is necessary to reduce low-density lipoproteins, which settle on the walls of blood vessels and form atherosclerotic plaques.

The following factors can lead to metabolic disorders:

  • Diabetes.
  • Excess weight.
  • Diseases of the liver.
  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Bad habits.
  • Hypodynamia, i.e. sedentary lifestyle.
  • hereditary predisposition.

Diet for a person with hypercholesterolemia

First of all, you need to realize the benefits of an integrated approach. Changing diet is 80% successful for people with high cholesterol, other measures complement the diet for bad cholesterol.

Other things that can help lower bad cholesterol:

  • Weight loss, weight control.

The fight against excess weight

  • Active physical activity.
  • Medications to lower high cholesterol.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

Diet principles:

  1. Decreased carbohydrate intake.
  2. Exclusion of alcohol.
  3. Replacement of animal fats with vegetable ones.
  4. Increasing the share of healthy vegetables and fruits.
  5. Large consumption of drinking water.
  6. Reducing the amount of salt during cooking.
  7. Fractional nutrition in small portions.
  8. Meals should be prepared without oil. The preferred method of cooking is steaming or baking, stewing.

Boiled vegetables with meat

Eating to lower cholesterol can improve overall health. The principles of the diet also take into account the fact that weight loss is extremely important!

Permitted foods include vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits in any form, lean meats and poultry, fish, low-fat dairy and sour-milk products. From drinks, preference should be given to herbal teas.

Fatty dairy products, bread, egg yolk, seafood (shrimp and squid), coffee, chocolate, fast food and mayonnaise, other fatty sauces and creams should be excluded from the diet.

Diet for patients with high cholesterol

As mentioned above, bad cholesterol is responsible for all the complications associated with an increase in the level of this indicator. In general, cholesterol is produced in the body, so it can come from the outside in small quantities, and this will be enough. Diet with high cholesterol should be strictly observed. For people with high cholesterol, a balanced diet is extremely important, which allows not only to reduce its level, but also to get rid of serious consequences.

Diet menu option:

  • Breakfast: protein omelette, a slice of bread and tea.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable salad and juice.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, for the second - steamed cutlets, stewed or baked vegetables, a slice of bread and a couple of fruits for dessert.
  • Afternoon snack: smoothies, or vegetable salad with green tea.
  • Dinner: baked fish with vegetables or rice.

One of the best dinner options

From the above permitted products, you can make a complete and balanced diet. The basic principles are outlined above in the sample menu for the day. For dinner, give preference to a light protein that is easy to digest, does not cause heaviness and a heavy load on the digestive system. Diet with high cholesterol is not a punishment, but a treatment. Think of it as a process that leads to recovery and a better quality of life.

Portion size should be small. On average, a serving should be about 200-300 grams. Do not forget about the drinking regime, it must be observed. The amount of water that needs to be drunk should be determined by the attending physician, but on average it is 1.5-2 liters of water, depending on the condition of the kidneys of a particular person.

The anti-cholesterol diet is aimed at ensuring that the LDL content in blood cholesterol, blood cholesterol gradually decreases and comes to a normal value.

Vegetables are most useful stewed or cooked. All useful substances are preserved and better absorbed from cooked vegetables. Pumpkin stands out in particular. To properly prepare it, you can use different recipes. For example, peeled and chopped pumpkin is simply baked in the oven; apples and sour cream are also added to the pumpkin.

Diet recipes are not only healthy, but also delicious. For example, various smoothies in which you can add any ingredients to your taste, which makes them even tastier. Shift your focus from food to your favorite hobby. Then a cholesterol-free diet will no longer be a burden, but will bring pleasure from good health and lightness in the body. The highest pleasure is to remove dependence on food and switch attention to other joys of life.

Some Diet Foods

You can cook the curd-mushroom mass with the addition of cheese. To do this, you need to take 150-160 grams of mushrooms, 50 grams of cheese, parsley and salt. Peeled and washed mushrooms should be cut into pieces, boiled in water with cumin seeds (about 1 tsp). Cheese is mixed with a little butter and mushrooms are added to this. After this, the dish must be salted and seasoned with herbs. It will turn out a delicious dish that can be safely consumed even during a diet.

An interesting dish is obtained from chicken medallions with fruits. To prepare it, you will need to take either ready-made medallions, or cut them from chicken breast. Pieces of meat are beaten off and salted. Ready-made pieces need to be fried in a dry frying pan until cooked. Mix a small amount of butter with curry, flour and water. Add some fruit to the sauce. The mixture must be stirred and boiled until thickened. You need to cook not on high heat, but on medium. To serve, put the meat on a plate, pour over the sauce and garnish with fruit.

After the age of 50, men have an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. In women, by this age, the risks become on a par with the male sex. These risks increase constant stress, chronic fatigue. Nutrition is of the utmost importance. Its main principles have been described above. You need to understand that a diet for high cholesterol in some cases is not a panacea.

Much can be said about the benefits of an integrated approach. A special diet to reduce excess cholesterol is only part of the process of lowering it. Some people find it difficult to talk about the benefits of an active lifestyle. It would seem, what is the use of hiking. But in fact, during exercise, there is an active burning of fat reserves, and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood depends on the level of metabolism. A diet with high cholesterol helps to reduce the amount of incoming substances from the outside, and exercise and weight loss reduce the internal level of the substance.

Elderly couple walking

All the necessary recommendations for a patient with hypercholesterolemia, a diet for him and the necessary loads are prescribed by a doctor. Any appointment is made after the patient has passed the examination. Regular testing allows you to monitor the level of high cholesterol in the blood, the diet is also reflected in the tests.

Attentive attitude to your health and compliance with the recommendations of the doctor allows you to maintain good health, activity and good mood for a long time. Any ailment is a signal of the body about an ongoing disaster that needs to be urgently addressed. It is impossible to dismiss this, the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the easier it will be treated.

The role of cholesterol in the body is high. It contributes to the production of female sex hormones, vitamin D, as well as the normal functioning of the immune system. But if cholesterol rises, then health worsens, the risk of plaque formation in the vessels increases. To prevent this from happening, you need a properly selected diet for high cholesterol in women.

Lipoproteins vary in density

The norm of cholesterol in women

There are several types of cholesterol: LDL (low density lipoprotein), HDL (high density lipoprotein), total cholesterol, triglycerides. Each type has its own effect on the body, and if it deviates from the norm, it is necessary to adjust the diet.

The main indicator of cholesterol levels is considered a general analysis. With an indicator in women above 5.2 mmol / l, it is urgent to review the diet.

Nutrition Features

You can reduce the level of cholesterol in a woman's blood if you regularly consume complex carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetable fats (they are obtained from vegetable oils) in the right combination.

  • The source of carbohydrates are different types of cereals, bakery products, fruits, vegetables. They should be consumed at least 50% of the diet during the day. Bread is recommended to use rye or bran, but not more than two hundred grams. Vegetables and fruits should be consumed in a volume of at least five hundred grams per day, while most of them are included in the diet exclusively fresh. Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of fiber, which is necessary for the body to cleanse the vascular system and the body as a whole.
  • Protein is best obtained from fish, lean meats. It is permissible to eat no more than two hundred grams of fish or no more than one hundred grams of white lean meat per day. It is best to give preference to rabbit, chicken. Meat is recommended to boil, bake or stew. It should be served with fresh vegetable salads or just vegetables as a side dish.

Boiled chicken fillet

  • Two eggs per week are allowed. Moreover, protein can be consumed in unlimited quantities. The yolk has the ability to raise cholesterol levels, so its consumption should be reduced, and if possible, eliminated.
  • Women suffering from high cholesterol should choose the right dairy products. They contain a lot of fat, so sour cream, cream, cheeses, butter and other high-fat dairy products should be excluded from the diet.
  • The daily ration should be divided into five doses. At the same time, dinner should be light and no later than three hours before bedtime. If a girl feels very hungry, then you can drink a glass of kefir, yogurt or eat an apple, pear, carrot.
  • With a problem with weight, a woman should not only monitor the cholesterol content in foods, but also pay attention to their calorie content.

Indications and contraindications

The diet is indicated not only for people with high cholesterol, but also for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system: after myocardial infarction, with ischemia, stroke, with high blood pressure, varicose veins, as well as with obesity, diabetes, and for those who take care of their health.

Obese people often have high cholesterol levels.

Scientists have proven that nutrition has a direct impact on health:

  1. With regular consumption of fruits and vegetables, the percentage of the risk of coronary disease is reduced several times.
  2. When using boiled, baked, stewed dishes, people live to a ripe old age.
  3. The use of marine varieties of fish can not only reduce the risk of ischemia, but also hypothyroidism and other diseases.
  4. As such, the diet has no contraindications, with the exception of personal intolerance to permitted foods, as well as the presence of concomitant pathologies that require a woman to follow certain nutritional rules.

Diet Benefits

A complete diet for high cholesterol in women does not prohibit eating fats, but they should be reduced. The diet can contain many healthy, tasty dishes prepared from permitted products.

With proper nutrition, not only lowers cholesterol levels, but also:

  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • the general condition improves;
  • drowsiness disappears;
  • vessels are cleansed;
  • the risk of developing atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attack and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system is reduced.

The menu for high cholesterol can be made independently, choosing only those products that can be consumed.

Approved Products

Any cholesterol-lowering diet should not completely exclude fat from the diet. However, it is necessary to replace animal fats with vegetable, oily fish, and nuts.

Vegetable oils do not contain cholesterol, but they contain a lot of vegetable fats, which are more beneficial for the body. Oil is most useful fresh, without heat treatments. Therefore, it is recommended that they fill salads, add to cereals.

Dairy products to reduce cholesterol in the blood are recommended to choose only low-fat. Bakery products must be made from wholemeal flour. You can eat pasta, but only from durum wheat. The diet should include dietary meat: rabbit, chicken, turkey.

Vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities, except for potatoes. Of particular value are leafy and green foods: spinach, cabbage, sorrel, lettuce.

Lettuce is rich in vitamins and minerals

It is good to eat porridge for breakfast. They must be made from whole grains. To lower blood cholesterol in women in the morning, it is useful to eat buckwheat or oatmeal.

From drinks in the diet it is allowed to include teas. Of particular value to the body is green tea and mineral water. For dessert, marmalade, marshmallows, jam are allowed.

Pay special attention to how the food is prepared.

Proper nutrition with high cholesterol should include low-fat soups, cereals, fish and vegetables. Meat is recommended to bake, boil, stew. The same treatment should be for fish and vegetables. Protein omelettes cooked in olive oil will be useful.

Prohibited Products

Any product that raises cholesterol levels should be partially or completely eliminated from the diet. Fried food, potatoes, chips should be completely excluded. You should also remove scrambled eggs, meatballs, pies.

All factory sweets, chocolate, muffins, cakes are excluded from the diet. They cause an increase in bad cholesterol in the blood.

From muffins and tori with high cholesterol should be abandoned

You can not eat lard, pork, sausage products, canned food, smoked meats. All these products contain a lot of fat, so they are completely banned.

Geese and ducks are also banned. The meat of these birds is very fatty, but it is allowed to include it in the menu, having previously removed the fat and skin from the product.

Another source of bad fat is dairy products. It is not completely removed from the diet, but limited: products should not have a fat content of more than 2.5%.

Alcohol is completely removed from the diet. It is able to increase cholesterol, harming the entire body.

Foods that raise and lower cholesterol

To normalize the level of bad cholesterol in the body, it is necessary to choose the right and prohibited foods.

Lower cholesterol levels Raise cholesterol levels
Vegetable oils pates
Bran, bran flour and baking from it Liver
Flax seeds Fish caviar
Garlic Butter
nuts Fast food
red berries Margarine: can be used as a substitute for butter, but only in limited quantities
Fruit Smoked meats
Vegetables Cream, sour cream
Almond Cheese
Cereals: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, etc. Pork
Teas, especially green tea Salo, bacon
Limited dark chocolate Egg yolk

Menu for the week

When planning a menu for a week, you need to make a varied diet in which all dishes will be healthy, tasty and properly selected. A sample menu for seven days might look like this:


  • breakfast 1: cottage cheese;

Curds - a popular and tasty dish

  • breakfast 2: salad dressed with vegetable oil;
  • lunch: meatballs;
  • afternoon snack: bran bread with cheese, apple;
  • dinner: fish, stewed vegetables.


  • breakfast 1: buckwheat porridge, pear;
  • breakfast 2: salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, seasoned with lemon juice;
  • lunch: light soup, turkey cutlet, a glass of juice;
  • afternoon snack: an apple, a glass of carrot juice;
  • dinner: cottage cheese casserole, tea.


  • breakfast 1: oatmeal, tea;

Oatmeal contains many trace elements and vitamins

  • breakfast 2: juice, any fruit;
  • lunch: a piece of stewed chicken with vegetables, juice;
  • afternoon snack: vegetable salad, tea;
  • dinner: boiled rice with stewed vegetables.
  • breakfast 1: rice porridge;
  • breakfast 2: light vegetable salad, fruit;
  • lunch: grilled fish with vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: apple;
  • dinner: steam cutlet with vegetables.


  • breakfast 1: scrambled eggs;

Many people love omelets for their ease of preparation.

  • breakfast 2: any citrus fruit;
  • lunch: a piece of stewed turkey with rice, juice;
  • afternoon snack: light salad;
  • dinner: buckwheat porridge with a steam cutlet.


  • breakfast 1: pancakes from bran flour, tea;
  • breakfast 2: apple;
  • lunch: pasta with stewed chicken;
  • afternoon snack: banana or other fruit;
  • dinner: grilled vegetables with meat.


  • breakfast 1: oatmeal, tea;
  • breakfast 2: fruit;

Green apple

  • lunch: a piece of stewed chicken with rice;
  • afternoon snack: vegetable cutting;
  • dinner: pasta with grilled vegetables.

Fish or meat day:

  • you need to eat at least 5 times a day;
  • per day you need to drink at least 4 glasses of juice or rosehip broth;
  • stewed vegetables are served as a side dish;
  • 300 grams of meat or fish are eaten per day.

Creative day:

  • per day you need to drink at least 4 glasses of milk or kefir;
  • 500 grams of cottage cheese are eaten per day in the form of cheesecakes, fresh, in a casserole.

Apple Day:

  • rosehip broth - 3 cups;

Rosehip broth has a unique composition

  • kilogram of apples;
  • cottage cheese or meat - 150 grams.

When compiling a diet, it is necessary to reduce or completely exclude products containing fat of animal origin.

Habits formed over the years are hard to change. At first, changing your diet can be stressful. After two months of the diet, there is an improvement in well-being, cholesterol decreases, endurance and working capacity increase.

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