"Arcoxia": reviews of doctors. Anti-inflammatory drug "Arcoxia": price, analogues and contraindications. Storage, dispensing from pharmacies. Compatibility of drugs with Arcoxia

Unfortunately, various inflammatory diseases very common, and for sure every person faced a similar problem at least once in their life. Naturally, there are various drugs helping to stop the development of the inflammatory process. And the drug "Arcoxia" is considered quite good. Reviews of doctors about this remedy are positive character, as it really helps to cope with the disease, eliminate pain and fever. So what is included in it? In what cases can it be taken? Are there contraindications? The answers to these questions are of interest to many patients.

The composition and form of release of the drug

Biconvex tablets of interesting apple-shaped, coated film sheath- it is in this form that the drug "Arcoxia" is produced. Injections, oral solutions, gels, ointments - these forms of the drug do not exist.

The main active ingredient of the drug is etoricoxib. By the way, the drugstore sells pills different color depending on the amount of active substance, they can be green (60 mg etoricoxib), white (90 mg) or light green (120 mg).

Naturally, some auxiliary components are also present in the composition: magnesium stearate, calcium hydrogen phosphate, croscarmellose sodium and microcrystalline cellulose. The film coating consists of carnauba wax, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, lactose monohydrate, triacetin, aluminum varnish based on indigo carmine and, of course, the main dyes (Opadry white or green, depending on the dosage).

Tablets are placed in convenient blisters of seven pieces. In a pharmacy, you can buy packages with one or three of these blisters.

Main pharmacological properties

This medicine belongs to the group Etoricoxib - a substance that selectively inhibits COX-2, which, in turn, prevents the synthesis of prostaglandins, blocking the development of the inflammatory process. The drug "Arcoxia" also has a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect, but it does not affect the mucous membrane digestive systems s and the functioning of platelets.

After taking the drug is rapidly absorbed, its bioavailability is 100%. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed after 1 hour. The active ingredient binds to plasma proteins by more than 92%. It is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys, and only 20% of the substances are excreted with feces.

Indications for use

When is it advisable to take Arcoxia? Its use is quite wide, as it provides a quick analgesic effect, and also allows you to eliminate inflammatory process. However, most often the drug is prescribed to patients suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Indications for use are also pain caused by gouty arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. In some cases, tablets are recommended for people who have recently undergone dental surgery.

The drug "Arcoxia" (tablets): instructions for use and dosage

In no case should you use this drug on your own. Only a doctor can prescribe and tell you how to properly take Arcoxia (tablets). The manual contains only general recommendations.

The dosage generally depends on the patient's condition and the type of problem. For example, in osteoarthritis, it is most often recommended to take one tablet with a dosage of 60 mg per day, regardless of the meal. Maximum daily dose for patients with spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis - 90 mg of the active substance. For gouty arthritis, you can take 120 mg per day. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. However, the maximum allowable period treatment is 8-10 days, after which the reception should be stopped at least for a while.

With caution, the drug is prescribed to people suffering from liver failure - daily dose in such cases should not exceed 60 mg.

Are there contraindications?

Immediately it should be said that this drug can not be taken by all categories of patients. The drug has contraindications, the list of which must be read before taking:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, especially in patients suffering from bronchial asthma and nasal polyposis;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane digestive tract, gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn's disease;
  • bleeding disorders, including hemophilia;
  • severe heart failure;
  • severe forms of renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • pronounced ischemic disease hearts;
  • the period after coronary artery bypass grafting;
  • persistent arterial hypertension;
  • children's age (the drug is not prescribed for children under 16 years of age);
  • pregnancy, lactation, as well as the period of pregnancy planning.

The drug also has some relative contraindications, in which therapy is possible, but only when constant control the attending physician. With caution, the drug is prescribed to patients suffering from fluid retention in the body, as well as severe somatic diseases, hypertension and diabetes. The medicine also cannot be combined with alcohol.

Side effects

Many patients ask the question of what complications can lead to taking the drug "Arcoxia". Reviews of doctors indicate that patients who took pills rarely complain of any deterioration. Nonetheless adverse reactions possible. For example, during therapy, an allergic reaction may occur, sometimes even anaphylactic shock. Some patients noted the appearance of nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, belching, dry mouth.

Other possible side effects include headaches, weakness, confusion, sleep disturbances, anxiety, trouble concentrating, depressive states, blurred vision, vertigo, tinnitus.

Sometimes there are violations of the respiratory system, in particular cough, as well as nosebleeds. The drug may affect cardiovascular system, causing an increase in pressure, palpitations, extremely rarely - congestion, circulatory disorders of the brain, hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction. In some patients, the drug increases the likelihood of developing infectious diseases respiratory and digestive systems.

Overdose: symptoms and treatments

Is it possible to overdose the drug "Arcoxia". Reviews of doctors and statistical studies indicate that such cases have not been officially registered. Even a single dose of 500 mg of the active substance, as well as the use of small doses of the drug for three weeks, are not accompanied by serious complications. Overdose may cause aggravation of those present side effects from the cardiovascular and digestive systems. Therapy in this case symptomatic and aimed at eliminating existing disorders.

Interaction with other drugs

While taking Arcoxia and anticoagulants, you need to carefully monitor the international normalized ratio (INR) - the ratio of prothrombin time this patient to the mean prothrombin time - especially in the first few days of therapy.

Simultaneous reception this medicine With large doses acetylsalicylic acid increases the risk of ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Simultaneous therapy with tacrolimus and cyclosporins increases the likelihood of nephrotoxicity.

The drug can interact with some oral contraceptives, increasing the risk of developing thromboembolism, so be sure to tell your doctor about the hormones you are taking before starting therapy - they may need to be replaced.

Arcoxia tablets: analogues and substitutes

Not every patient for one reason or another is suitable for this drug. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of what can replace the drug "Arcoxia". Analogues this tool exist, and there are many of them.

For example, if we are talking about pain relief, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac (by the way, it is also available in the form of a gel for external use), Ketonal and many others are considered quite popular.

And if you suffer from osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then you can choose another substitute. Arcoxia is often replaced by drugs such as Ostalon, Alendros, Ost, Lindron. But remember that only the attending physician can choose an analogue. Doing it yourself is strictly contraindicated.

How much does the medicine cost?

Many patients are interested in the question of how much the drug "Arcoxia" costs. The price, of course, will depend on several factors. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the city of residence, pricing policy pharmacies, manufacturer, etc.

So how much will the medicine "Arcoxia" cost? The price of a package of seven 60 mg tablets ranges from 350 to 450 rubles. Three blisters will cost about 1100 rubles. Dosage is another factor on which the cost of Arcoxia depends. Tablets of 90 mg cost about 550 rubles for seven pieces. For a package of three blisters, you need to pay about 1300-1400 rubles. Seven tablets with 120 mg active component cost about 700 rubles.

Arcoxia is a drug that belongs to the group of combining drugs.

The drug has the properties of an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. The drug is an improved second-generation inhibitor. Prescribe medication to relieve acute symptoms osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.

On this page you will find all the information about Arcoxia: complete instructions on application to this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Arcoxia. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Arcoxia cost? average price in pharmacies is at the level of 420 rubles.

Release form and composition

The active substance of the drug is etoricoxib.

The drug is available in the form of tablets intended for oral intake. The quantitative content of the active ingredient Arcoxia: 60, 90, 120 mg each. Auxiliary elements are: lactose, cellulose, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, aluminum varnish based on dyes.

Pharmacological effect

An anti-inflammatory drug of the non-steroidal group that blocks the synthesis of prostaglandins and thereby has an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect.

Indications for use

When is it advisable to take Arcoxia? Its use is quite wide, as it provides a quick analgesic effect, and also allows you to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Nevertheless, most often the drug is prescribed to patients suffering from osteoarthritis and. Indications for use are also pain caused by ankylosing spondylitis. In some cases, tablets are recommended for people who have recently undergone dental surgery.


Before use this drug you should be examined by a doctor and find out if there are any contraindications for the use of Arcoxia. According to scientific research there are a number of contraindications:

  • tendency to gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • cerebrovascular bleeding;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • polyposis of the nose or sinuses in the acute stage and frequent relapses;
  • intolerance;
  • ulcers, erosion and perforation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • kidney disease in progress;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • blood diseases caused by clotting disorders (hemophilia);
  • liver failure in severe form;
  • hepatic diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 16;
  • the period after the operation associated with coronary artery bypass grafting;
  • peripheral arterial disease;
  • blood pressure over 140/90 Hg;
  • cerebrovascular diseases;
  • lactase intolerance, lactase deficiency.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

The use of the drug may adversely affect female fertility and is not recommended for women planning a pregnancy.

Instructions for use Arcoxia

The instructions for use indicate that Arcoxia tablets are taken orally at a dose of 60-120 mg 1 time / day.

In patients with liver failure(5-9 points on the Child-Pugh scale) it is recommended not to exceed a daily dose of 60 mg.

Side effects

Using drug Arcoxia there is a possibility of developing unwanted side effects.

  1. Sense organs: blurred vision.
  2. Nervous system: against the background of taking Arcoxia, the development of dizziness, headache, and weakness is often observed. AT rare cases patients may complain about the development anxiety states, drowsiness, sleep disturbances and hypersensitivity.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract: development of nausea, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence. With prolonged use of the drug Arcoxia, the likelihood of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract increases.
  4. Musculoskeletal system: In rare cases, Arcoxia can cause convulsions, arthralgia or myalgia.
  5. Skin: In some cases, swelling of the face and itching of the skin may occur.
  6. Cardiovascular system: palpitations, increased blood pressure. In rare cases, the use of Arcoxia can cause congestive heart failure, hot flashes, and cerebrovascular accidents.
  7. Development of infections: in a number of cases, the development of gastroenteritis, as well as infections of the organs of the upper respiratory tract and urinary system.

According to the results laboratory research, in rare cases, there is a possibility of an increase in nitrogen in the urine and blood, as well as a decrease in hemoglobin levels.


An overdose of Arcoxia has not been described. It is possible to increase the side effect of the drug, to eliminate which symptomatic treatment is carried out.

special instructions

  1. It is necessary to prescribe with caution to patients taking other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, especially acetylsalicylic acid;
  2. When prescribing the drug, perforation, ulceration or bleeding from upper divisions digestive tract up to death;
  3. There should be careful monitoring of renal function in individuals prone to impaired renal function, since etoricoxib may reduce renal blood flow;
  4. In the presence of pathology on the part of the heart or blood vessels, it is necessary to prescribe the drug in short courses and in the least effective dosage, since the use of etoricoxib may develop thrombotic complications;
  5. At possible pathologies the liver needs to control the level of transaminases in the blood;
  6. Particular attention should be paid to the elderly, in the event of a dysfunction of any of the body systems, in the presence of dehydration in the patient;
  7. Be wary when taking warfarin and other oral anticoagulants;
  8. Etoricoxib is not recommended when planning a pregnancy;
  9. serious skin lesions appeared in isolated cases. Possible anaphylactic reactions and the development of Quincke's edema, because of which attention should be paid to the presence allergic reactions in the patient's history for any medications. When the first skin manifestations the medicine should be canceled;
  10. And the composition of Arcoxia includes lactose, as a result of which the drug is contraindicated in persons suffering from lactose intolerance;
  11. When you receive medicinal product possible fluid retention in the body, the development of edema and arterial hypertension. Therefore, when prescribing the drug for patients with a tendency to such phenomena, it is necessary to take precautions, pay attention to Special attention control blood pressure, and in case of deterioration, take appropriate measures up to the withdrawal of the drug and the appointment of alternative treatment.

drug interaction

  1. Increase the risk of developing nephroticity reception with cyclosporine and tacrolimus.
  2. Simultaneous reception with theotrexate increases its side effects.
  3. Co-administration with rifampicin reduces the plasma AUC of etoricoxib by 65%.
  4. When taken together, even at low doses, ASA leads to an increased risk of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. This drug may slightly reduce the hypotensive effect of FGA inhibitors.
  6. Reception simultaneously with antacids and ketoconazole meaningful action the formacokinetics of Arcoxia was not noted.
  7. Joint reception with oral contraceptives and a dose of Atkoksia 120 mg. - The development of thromboembolic complications increases.
  8. Co-administration of the drug overdose(120 mg) with warfarin increases INR by 13%. This indicator should be monitored when changing the dose and at the beginning of therapy. If there is impaired renal function, then simultaneous administration with ACE inhibitors exacerbates renal functional insufficiency.

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Arcoxia (Arcoxia) is a drug that is a COX-2 inhibitor, which in therapeutic concentrations helps to block the formation of prostaglandins, relieves inflammation, relieves pain and lowers body temperature.

Arcoxia, active substance which is etoricoxib, belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs non-steroidal origin(NSAID) and is also an antirheumatic drug.


The drug is produced in the Netherlands by the pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme BV.


Composition and form

It is produced in the form of tablets, with the content of the active ingredient 30, 60, 90 and 120 mg. Each tablet is biconvex, apple-shaped and film-coated. Externally, the tablets differ in color and embossed text on the sides.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State medical University them. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO "Moscow polyclinic".

Arcoxia 30 tablets are made in blue color, "ACX 30" is embossed on one side, "101" is embossed on the other. Sold in blisters of 2, 4, 7 or 14 pieces each. 1, 2 or 4 blisters are placed in the secondary carton.

The average price is from 180 rubles.

Arcoxia 60 are green tablets marked "ARCOXIA 60" on one side and "200" on the other side. Sold in aluminum blisters of 7 pieces each. The secondary packaging contains 1 or 4 blisters.

The average price is from 240 rubles.

The drug in a dosage of 90 mg - tablets white color marked "ARCOXIA 90" and "202" on the sides, respectively. Produced in aluminum blisters of 7 tablets each. 1 or 4 blisters are placed in the package.

The average price is from 350 rubles.

Light green 120 mg tablets labeled "ARCOXIA 120" and "204". Realization is made in aluminum blisters of 7 tablets each. The secondary packaging contains 1 blister.

The average price is from 615 rubles.

In each secondary packaging from cardboard additionally placed detailed instructions on the use of Arcoxia.


Arcoxia is intended for oral administration. Rendering speed therapeutic effect increases when using the drug in the morning on an empty stomach.

Therapy for ankylosing spondylitis is carried out by taking 60 mg.

In the treatment of gouty arthritis, Arcoxia 120 mg every 24 hours is used.

At severe pain Arcoxia can be used, but only in the acute period.

To relieve the patient of postoperative pain after dental procedures, it is recommended to use the drug Arcoxia in daily dosage 90 mg.

In the absence of positive dynamics within 2-3 days, a consultation with a doctor about possible replacement drug.

Duration of therapy

The course of treatment in many cases is 7 days. In the treatment of gouty arthritis, the duration of therapy is often 8 days. The dosage of the drug for the treatment of acute pain is strictly individual and is calculated by the attending physician. The course of treatment for postoperative pain should be no longer than 3 days.

Indications for use

  • osteoarthritis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • gouty arthritis;
  • inflammation and pain after dental surgery.

Application for hernia of the spine

Arcoxia is widely used for symptomatic treatment with intervertebral hernias. Providing analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, the drug Arcoxia improves mobility in the spine, reduces muscle spasms and improvement general condition patient. The recommended dose in the treatment of spinal hernia is 90 mg.

The decision on the advisability of using Arcoxia for intervertebral hernia should only be taken by a specialist.


Arcoxia has the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • polyposis of the nose and / or maxillary sinuses;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach, duodenum 12;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the intestine;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • severe insufficiency of kidney function;
  • pathology of peripheral arteries;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 16 years.

With caution, Arcoxia is used in patients with:

  • ulcerative changes in the gastrointestinal tract in history;
  • Helicobacter pylori infections;
  • previous long-term treatment other NSAIDs;
  • alcohol addiction or frequent use ethanol;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • smoking;
  • puffiness.

special instructions

When taking Arcoxia, mandatory control over blood pressure. During the first 14 days after the start of treatment with the drug, each of the patients requires monitoring of blood pressure.

If, while taking the drug, there is an increase in liver enzymes by more than 2 times, the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Co-administration of Arcoxia and others nonsteroidal drugs anti-inflammatory effects are strictly prohibited.

Patients with lactose intolerance should be very careful when taking the drug due to the content in the shell of a small amount of this substance.

Patients whose activities are related to increased concentration attention, special vigilance is required.

  • Renal/liver dysfunction

People with severe renal insufficiency, as well as with progressive kidney pathologies, taking Arcoxia is contraindicated.

The drug should not be used in patients with severe insufficiency liver functions and with active pathologies of the organ.

  • Use in pregnant women

The use of Arcoxia by pregnant women and during breastfeeding contraindicated. The use of tablets may adversely affect the fertility of women, making it undesirable for patients planning to become pregnant.

  • Use in children

The pharmacokinetics of the drug in children under 16 years of age has not been studied, so its use is contraindicated.

  • Use in elderly patients

There are no restrictions on the use of the drug in elderly patients.

Side effects

Among the frequent and moderate side effects in the treatment of etoricoxib are:

  • dry mouth;
  • feeling of nausea, vomiting;
  • belching;
  • epigastric pain;
  • stool disorder;
  • dyspepsia;
  • gas formation, bloating;
  • gastritis;
  • ulceration of the gastric mucosa or duodenal ulcer;
  • ulceration of the oral mucosa;
  • headache;
  • feeling dizzy;
  • violation of taste perception;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • feeling of anxiety, fear;
  • attention disorder;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased blood pressure, hot flashes;
  • insufficiency of heart functions;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • cough;
  • respiratory failure;
  • nosebleeds;
  • allergic reactions;
  • appetite disorder;
  • puffiness.

Rare side effects include:

  • gastroenteritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers with perforation and bleeding;
  • hepatitis;
  • impaired consciousness, visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • visual or hearing disorder;
  • proteinuria;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • bronchospasm;
  • urticaria, angioedema;
  • convulsions, myalgia, arthralgia;
  • chest pain.


There are no data on drug overdose. If, nevertheless, a significant amount of the drug was taken by the patient, there is a risk of developing adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, heart.

Treatment is symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs

Compatibility with anticoagulants leads to a change in prothrombin time. Simultaneous reception of these funds requires regular monitoring of blood coagulation.

At joint application Arcoxia and diuretics or antihypertensive drugs decrease the effectiveness of the latter. Also, the combination of these agents enhances their nephrotoxic effect.

The use of Arcoxia simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid is permissible only in low doses (up to 60 mg). Use with drugs, the content of acetylsalicylic acid in which is higher than 60 mg contributes to ulcerative lesion stomach.

Gastric ulceration is also possible when Arcoxia is combined with other non-narcotic analgesics.

When Arcoxia is combined with cyclosporins and tacrolimus, it significantly increases their Negative influence on the patient's kidneys.

The combination of the drug with lithium preparations, estrogens increases their plasma concentration. Slight increase plasma concentration observed also with the simultaneous administration of Arcoxia and digoxin.

With the combination of etoricoxib and methotrexate, changes in the pharmacokinetic parameters of the latter occur.

A decrease in plasma concentrations of etoricoxib is observed when combined with rifampicin.

Storage, dispensing from pharmacies

Arcoxia is available by prescription.

It is necessary to store the drug in a dark room at a temperature below 30 degrees. The shelf life is 36 months from the date of manufacture, which is indicated on the secondary packaging.

Interaction with alcohol

The official annotation to the drug indicates the impossibility of simultaneous administration of Arcoxia and alcohol.

- from 30 rubles;

  • Indomethacin - from 60 rubles;
  • — from 95 rubles;
  • Cefekon - from 130 rubles;
  • Nimesan - from 130 rubles.
  • Most new drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Arcoxia 90 mg, intended for the treatment of diseases musculoskeletal system with pain syndrome. This is the most appropriate dosage for the treatment of arthritis of various etiologies and localizations. The pharmaceutical product has a maximum safety profile and minimal contraindications.

    Anti-inflammatory "Arcoxia" is relevant for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Features of the composition and use of "Arcoxia" in the treatment of joints

    Mechanism of action

    When Arcoxia is used, the synthesis of cyclooxygenase, which provokes the development of inflammation, is inhibited, the temperature and inflammation are reduced. medicinal substances in the composition do not allow the conduction of pain signals, while reducing pain. In addition, the drug improves joint movement, minimizes morning stiffness and heals her. It does not affect the role of platelets and does not inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins in the stomach.

    The high bioavailability of the pharmaceutical preparation and the half-life of more than 20 hours provide rapid and long-term action to the affected joint.

    Composition and form of release

    The main ingredient in the drug is etoricoxib. Additional - calcium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose. The tool is available in 3 dosages: 60, 90 and 120 mg. Convex on both sides green tablets, apple-shaped. Outside film-coated. Produced in packaging of 7 or 28 tablets per pack.

    Indications for use

    The use of the drug "Arcoxia" is indicated for pain caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    The drug "Arkoksia" is used in complex therapy diseases such as bursitis, coxarthrosis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, osteoarthritis, acute and chronic myalgia. Decrease during use pain with osteochondrosis. It is prescribed for urgent anesthesia after orthopedic, maxillofacial and strip operations, in case of injuries.

    Dosage and administration

    Arcoxia tablets are taken orally, 1 time at any time of the day. The disease being treated will determine the dosage. So, with osteoarthritis, a dose of 60 mg is taken, with osteoarthritis, spondyloarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, 90 milligrams are prescribed. Relieves pain in acute gouty arthritis- 120 mg. Urgent anesthesia can be carried out with all dosages, depending on the intensity of pain. The maximum course of treatment is 8 days.

    Side effects

    The instruction of the medication indicates possible negative reactions. The most common side effects are:

    Side effects of Arcoxia can affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, respiratory system, skin.
    • From the gastrointestinal tract:
      • flatulence;
      • bloating;
      • ulcerative disorders of the mucous membrane of the mouth and stomach;
      • dyspeptic phenomena;
      • epigastric pain;
      • taste disorders.
    • The cardiovascular system:
      • hypertension;
      • angina;
      • heart attack and stroke (in rare cases).
    • Respiratory system:
      • the appearance of a cough;
      • dyspnea;
      • bronchospasm.
    • Skin covers:
      • itching;
      • rashes;
      • swelling and hives.

    Rarely, the occurrence anaphylactic shock. AT general analysis blood will lower the level of hematocrit, erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets. The level of liver enzymes, potassium and urea nitrogen will increase.


    To minimize the risk of side effects, you should carefully consider the list of conditions in which this medicine is contraindicated for taking:

    The drug "Arcoxia" has quite big list restrictions on use.
    • lactose deficiency;
    • intestinal inflammation;
    • exacerbation of stomach ulcers and erosive gastritis;
    • galactosemia;
    • stomach and intestinal bleeding;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • condition after shunting;
    • cardiac ischemia;
    • nasal polyposis;
    • hemophilia;
    • tumor of different localization;
    • severe kidney and liver diseases;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • children under 16 years old.

    The drug used to relieve pain syndrome, intoxication syndrome and has a moderate antipyretic effect. Widely used in therapeutic practice.

    Arcoxia is a highly selective anti-inflammatory drug. It belongs to modern, highly active agents and is used for any type of inflammation.

    It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory property and is used in many human diseases. Due to the rare occurrence side effects, is the drug of choice and is easier to tolerate by patients with diseases gastrointestinal tract.

    The composition of the drug

    This is not a single drug. In its composition there are several substances that help it to be better absorbed and more effectively manifest its anti-inflammatory properties.

    The composition includes:

    • Main- etoricoxib 90 mg.
    • Auxiliary- calcium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

    The unique composition of the cream is a source of important building blocks for the joints. Effective in the fight against many diseases of the joints.

    Ideal for both prevention and treatment at home. Possesses antiseptic properties. Relieves swelling and pain, prevents the deposition of salts.

    Release form

    Produced in tablet form. Tablets have round shape, convex on both sides. Arcoxia tablets are available in a carton box, 4 blisters, 7 tablets each.

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    It has the following properties:

    • Relieves pain syndrome
    • Promotes cartilage regeneration
    • Effectively relieves muscle hypertonicity
    • Fights swelling and eliminates inflammation

    pharmachologic effect

    Arcoxia - does not differ in the principle of action from other NSAIDs and is characterized by a number of clinical properties:

    • Nonspecific anti-inflammatory effect, which affects any kind of inflammation, regardless of its cause.
    • Combines several features namely, anti-inflammatory effect, antipyretic and analgesic.
    • Fairly well tolerated the human body.
    • Slows down the process clumping of platelets.
    • Arcoxia reduces the process biological oxidation, thereby preventing the products of cell decay from strengthening inflammatory response and spread to other systems.
      This contributes to a better oxygen supply and an improvement in the metabolic picture.
    • Decrease in production biologically active substances, reduces the toxic effect of inflammation and improves metabolism.
    • Disrupts conduction nerve impulse, thereby reducing pain.
    • decline platelet aggregation, improves blood circulation in tissues, preventing stagnation and saturating ischemic areas with oxygen.

    Arcoxia- inhibits cyclooxygenase, with the help of which the body releases a large number of inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins.

    They affect the focus of inflammation, dilating blood vessels and increasing the focus of hyperemia and edema. Reinforce pain sensitivity by acting on pain receptors.

    Influences cellular mechanisms of inflammation, inhibits the migration of biologically active amines to the focus of inflammation. Changes a little physiochemical properties cells, thereby increasing their resistance to pathogenic effects.

    Indications for use

    Has extensive indications for use. Due to its properties, arcoxia is used in various medical fields.

    Indications can be divided into a number of systems:

    1. Rheumatic diseases: acute rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis in the acute phase, ankylosing spondylitis, gout.
    2. Non-rheumatic diseases: osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, myositis, trauma.
    3. neuropathic diseases: radiculopathy, tunnel syndromes, lumbago and sciatica, cervicalgia and brachialgia, thoracalgia, intercostal neuritis and neuropathy.
    4. Various painful syndrome.
    5. Renal and hepatic colic.
    6. fever syndrome.

    The drug is used depending on the severity clinical picture and primary laboratory parameters.

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    Instructions for use

    The drug should be taken under the strict supervision of the attending physician and if the condition worsens, stop taking it. Arcoxia, taken with or without food and washed down enough liquids.

    Medium single dose 90 mg. The maximum daily dose is 120 mg. The drug is used once a day, the duration of admission should not exceed 8 days

    Side effects

    Long-term use of Arcoxia can cause a number of undesirable reactions from various organs and their systems.

    The most common side effects include:

    • Dyspeptic disorders gastrointestinal tract.
    • Formation of erosions and ulcers in the antrum of the stomach.
    • Increased bleeding ulcers stomach and duodenal head.
    • analgesic nephropathy.
    • Acute kidney failure, due to increased nephrotoxicity.
    • Development of anemia and thrombocytopenia.
    • Coagulopathy.
    • Toxic hepatitis.
    • At the appearance of at least one of these conditions, you should immediately consult a doctor.


    Cases of overdose have not been documented. The drug at the maximum dosage did not have a significant toxic action. With prolonged use, symptoms associated with a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system may appear.

    With symptoms of drug intoxication its reception should be stopped and symptomatic therapy should be carried out. Seek medical attention immediately.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Care should be taken when prescribing Arcoxia in combination with other dosage forms.

    • She has properties boost and lower pharmacological influence other groups of drugs.
    • Reduces efficiencydiuretics, in the form of an insufficient effect on renal filtration and renal blood flow.
    • Reduces the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs and in some cases increases blood pressure.
    • Significantly reduces blood clotting, With simultaneous reception anticoagulants.
    • Increases the risk of side effects when taken with certain antibacterial agents.
    • Increases clinical effect with the simultaneous use of hypoglycemic drugs. Increases the period of stay in a hypoglycemic coma.
    • When taken along with sedatives enhances the analgesic effect.

    Arcoxia is often co-administered with other medicinal products and therefore the risk/benefit ratio of this drug should be considered.

    special instructions

    • When taking this drug blood pressure should be closely monitored.
    • Make control over the function of the kidneys and the renal apparatus.
    • follow laboratory indicators liver and with their increase, you should stop taking arcoxia.
    • Do not use at the same time with him other NSAIDs.
    • Refrain from driving and other activities that require a lot of concentration.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    The drug is strictly contraindicated during the period of gestation. It crosses the placenta and has an inhibitory effect on fetal development. Data for the mutagenic and teratogenic effects of the drug have not been received.

    The drug passes through breast milk mother to child. Negatively affects the development of the child during his growth

    Analogues and substitutes

    There are no analogues according to the molecular formula.

    Substitutes are drugs from this group, but with a different active ingredient:

    • Diclofenac.
    • Ketorolac.
    • Paracetamol.
    • Metamizole sodium.
    • Ibuprofen.
    • Meloxicam.
    • Nimesulide.
    • Piroxicam.
    • Indomethacin.

    All these drugs have the same pharmacological effect and are actively used in therapeutic practice.


    The use of the drug is prohibited in people with certain systemic diseases internal organs.

    The main contraindications are:

    • Erosions and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
    • Ulcerative diseases of the intestine.
    • Drug intolerance to drugs from the aspirin series.
    • Aspirin bronchial asthma.
    • Acute bronchospasm in history.
    • Malignant arterial hypertension.
    • Terminal stage of chronic heart failure.
    • The final stage of chronic renal failure.
    • Diseases associated with impaired blood clotting.
    • Acute bleeding.

    All contraindications must be considered for adequate therapy and, if present, refuse to take the drug.

    Do not use the drug as a self-medication. The need for use, dosage and contraindications are established by the attending physician.

    While taking the drug, it is necessary to monitor clinical condition and regularly take general therapeutic blood tests to avoid adverse effects.

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