Afobazol side effects. Afobazole - contraindications, instructions, pharmacological action. Influence on the ability to drive vehicles, mechanisms

The drug Afobazole belongs to the category of anxiolytics (tranquilizers) of selective action. It has a non-bezodiazepine structure, due to which it has a moderate activating effect in combination with relief of increased anxiety. Afobazole has a very mild effect compared to benzodiazepines. The use of the drug does not cause drug dependence. After the end of the course, the withdrawal of the tranquilizer does not develop withdrawal syndrome. The method of application, the dose is prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis.

Release form

Afobazole is an effective popular pharmacological drug that is prescribed for adults to normalize the psycho-emotional background, relieve anxiety, eliminate the effects of stress, and reduce the frequency of autonomic disorders.

Tranquilizer is available in the form of light cream tablets, white color. Designed for oral administration. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Flat-cylindrical tablets are chamfered, packed in aluminum blisters of 10-25 pieces. The blisters are placed in cardboard packaging along with instructions for use. Also, the drug is produced in polymer, glass jars of 30, 50, 100, 120, 150 pieces, which are sealed with self-tight lids.

The main active ingredient on the basis of which Afobazole was created is fabomotizol (morpholinoethylthioethoxybenzimidazole) in an amount of 5 mg or 10 mg in one tablet.

Tablets of 5 mg are usually called "Afobazole 5", and with a dosage of 10 mg - "Afobazole 10".


  1. Potato starch;
  2. Microcrystalline cellulose;
  3. lactose monohydrate;
  4. Povidone medium molecular weight (collidon 25);
  5. magnesium stearate.

Auxiliary components are included in all dosages of the tablet preparation.

Afoblazol tablets for strict observance dosage does not cause addiction, side effects, complications.

Store the tranquilizer in a dry, cool, dark place at temperatures up to 22-25 degrees in the original packaging. From the date of production, the shelf life is two years. After the expiration of this period, the drug is disposed of.

Pharmacological properties

Main active substance tablets Afobazole has a pronounced anxiolytic effect, relieves feelings of anxiety, excitement. It does not affect benzodiazepine receptors, therefore it does not cause drowsiness, does not relax striated muscles (muscle relaxation), does not impair memory, and does not reduce concentration.

Important! The active component of afobazole is a derivative of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, which belongs to the group of selective anxiolytics. It is not a benzodiazepine receptor antagonist. Therefore, afobazole does not affect benzodiazepine receptors in the brain.

When taken correctly, Afobazole does not cause physical and psychological dependence.

The active substance has an activating anxiolytic effect, improves the quality of night sleep, improves mood, reduces feelings of anxiety, excitement, fear, relieves tension, promotes relaxation. Afobazole also relieves somatic, cognitive, vegetative disorders (sensory, gastric, intestinal symptoms, chills, dry mouth), reduces muscle spasms, eliminates other vegetative-somatic disorders.

It should be noted that this tranquilizer does not provoke CNS inhibition. Patients do not feel lethargy, daytime sleepiness, lethargy after taking.

The drug Afobazole reduces muscle spasms, eliminates excessive sweating, dry mouth, and other vegetative-somatic disorders.

Maximum effect after taking the drug is noted, as a rule, on the fourth or fifth week from the moment of onset treatment course. In this case, the result is stored for 14-18 days after cancellation.

To a greater extent, the anxiolytic effect of Afobazole is pronounced after taking it in patients with asthenic character traits (too suspicious, impressionable, anxious people, people with increased emotional lability).

According to the instructions, Afobazole does not belong to the group of toxic drugs. It is rapidly absorbed after ingestion in the gastrointestinal tract, spreads with the bloodstream and is evenly distributed in the tissues. Excreted from the body with stool through the kidneys. The half-life is approximately 40-50 minutes.

Indications for use

Afobazole is prescribed for adults as a sedative, sedative medication. A tranquilizer simultaneously has an anti-anxiety and stimulating effect. Quickly relieves anxiety, reduces stress, normalizes the emotional and psychological state.

Afobazole tablets are prescribed for:

  • neurasthenia different nature, etiogenesis;
  • sleep disturbances, insomnia caused by anxiety, impaired adaptation;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • generalized anxiety;
  • oncology;
  • chronic somatic diseases that alternate between a state of rest and excitability ( bronchial asthma, ischemic disease);
  • dermatoses that provoke psychosis in a person (psoriasis, eczema);
  • premenstrual tension syndrome;
  • depression in moderate, severe, mild form;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

The tranquilizer Afobazole is especially effective in relieving anxiety in patients suffering from cardiovascular pathologies and diseases. This is the best drug that will help cope with fears, phobias, tearfulness, tension, insecurity, depression.

Taking Afobazol tablets shows nice results in complex therapy somatic pathologies(bronchial asthma, allergic bronchospasm, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, tachycardia).

The drug Afobazole relieves the condition of people who have quit smoking. Normalizes blood pressure.


Dosage, frequency of taking the drug, the duration of the course depends on age, general condition patient, stage, form, type of disease, individual characteristics of the organism. The dose is selected individually in each case.

Average Recommended therapeutic dose tranquilizer is 10 mg three times a day (30 mg). By medical indications daily dosage increase to 50-60 mg. Afobazol tablets should be taken after meals. Dragee without chewing, washed down with a small amount of boiled or non-carbonated water. Between doses, observe approximately the same time intervals.

As a rule, the duration of the treatment course is two to four weeks. If necessary, therapy is extended by the attending physician. The maximum allowable duration of a continuous course is three months. Treatment with afobazole can be continued no earlier than a month later.

You can evaluate whether the drug is suitable for you already on the fifth or sixth day of taking it. If the result is absent or slightly pronounced, you can cancel afobazole and start treatment with another medication.

Before the end of therapy, there is no need to reduce the dose of Afobazole, since the drug is not addictive, there is no withdrawal syndrome. Adverse symptoms also occur in extremely rare cases.

Side effects

Side effects are noted with excessive abuse of the tranquilizer, non-compliance with the instructions indicated in the instructions. therapeutic dosage, as well as in case of increased hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Afobazole can provoke skin rash, allergies, urticaria, itching, dry mouth, sneezing. A rather unusual side effect that develops after taking the drug can be called an increase in sexual desire. But in general, these are just consequences of reducing anxiety.

Important! An overdose of afobazole manifests itself in the form of drowsiness, but without muscle relaxation.

The drug Afobazole does not affect the speed of driving cars, does not cause lethargy, does not reduce, does not disperse attention.

Compatibility with other drugs and alcohol

Afobazol instructions for use states that the tranquilizer does not enhance toxic effect alcohol, does not affect the narcotic effect of ethanol, does not increase the hypnotic effect of thiopental when used together.

But still, for the duration of treatment, refuse to take any alcoholic beverages, and even more so. drugs, especially in the presence cardiovascular pathologies, neurology. Otherwise, the course of somatic pathology worsens.

It should be noted that Afobazol tablets are often used to eliminate the withdrawal syndrome, which in most cases is accompanied by a depressive state, guilt, which can turn into psychosis. Tranquilizer relieves painful psychological symptoms hangover syndrome, facilitating the exit from this state, protects the gastrointestinal mucosa from the irritating effects of alcohol, reducing its absorption. In addition, Afobazole accelerates the processes of removing alcohol decay products from the body, eliminates apathy, and increases efficiency after long parties.

Advice! To eliminate a hangover, the drug is taken twice a day, 10-20 mg.

Afobazole enhances the anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine, the anti-anxiety effect of diazepam.

When switching from Afobazole to others medications with a similar effect on the body, it must be borne in mind that this tranquilizer retains its therapeutic efficacy for up to two weeks. Therefore, it is advisable to wait for this period for an adequate assessment therapeutic effect new drugs.

Contraindications for use

Afobazole has a number of contraindications, which are indicated in the instructions for the medication.

Contraindications to taking afobazole:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • galactose intolerance;
  • deficiency of lactase in the body;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding kids.

Afobazole is not used in medical therapy patients who are under 18 years of age.

Tranquilizer analogs

Fabomotizol is similar in terms of the severity of the therapeutic effect, as well as the active substance of Afobazole tablets.

The following also have the most similar effect to afobazole: Mebix, Tenoten, Mebicar, Divaza, Adaptol, Fezanef, Fezipam (tablets), Noofen, Stresam (capsules), Fenorelaxan, Elzepam (tablets, injections), selank (nasal drops).

It is difficult to say what is better than Afobazol or its analogues. Efficiency depends not only on the duration of treatment, but also on the individual characteristics of the human body. Some patients are more suitable for one medication, for others other medications are more effective. Therefore, doctors always try to choose the most optimal medication for the treatment of neurological or any other systemic diseases. But self-medication, uncontrolled intake of pharmacological agents can cause serious complications and consequences for the body. Therefore, when choosing a sedative, an antidepressant, be sure to consult a doctor.

Before you buy a tranquilizer Afobazol, we recommend that you carefully study the proposed instructions, which describe the dosage, methods of application, concomitant effects on the human body this medicine. It must be borne in mind that only a doctor can professionally correlate the patient's problem and the restriction to taking Afobazol, so you should not self-medicate.

The website "Psychology and Psychiatry" offers all important information on the following issues: indications and instructions for the use of Afobazole, recommended dosage, contraindications, popular analogues, reviews of patients and doctors.

Afobazole is a drug from the group of anxiolytics (tranquilizers) of a non-bezodiazepine structure, which has a moderate activating effect in combination with the relief of anxiety. Afobazole has a very mild effect compared to benzodiazepines, does not cause the development of drug dependence and does not provoke withdrawal syndrome after discontinuation. The drug is used to treat anxiety in adults caused by various factors (for example, an upcoming operation, experienced stress, etc.) or mental disorders (for example, generalized anxiety, adjustment disorder, etc.).

Afobazole - composition, form of release, packaging

fabomotizole (as dihydrochloride) 5 mg

Excipients: potato starch - 48 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 40 mg, lactose monohydrate - 48.5 mg, medium molecular weight povidone (medium molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone, collidone 25) - 7 mg, magnesium stearate - 1.5 mg.

Tablets white or white with a creamy tint, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer.

fabomotizole (as dihydrochloride) 10 mg

Excipients: potato starch - 48 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 35 mg, lactose monohydrate - 48.5 mg, medium molecular weight povidone (medium molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone, collidone 25) - 7 mg, magnesium stearate - 1.5 mg.

Afobazole - pharmacological action

The pharmacological action of the drug is anxiolytic.


Afobazole is a selective non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic. Acting on σ1 receptors in nerve cells brain, Afobazole stabilizes GABA / benzodiazepine receptors and restores their sensitivity to endogenous inhibitory mediators. Afobazole also increases the bioenergetic potential of neurons and has a neuroprotective effect: it restores and protects nerve cells.

The action of the drug is realized mainly in the form of a combination of anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and light stimulating (activating) effects. Afobazole reduces or eliminates anxiety (concern, bad feelings, fears), irritability, tension (shyness, tearfulness, anxiety, inability to relax,), depressive mood, somatic manifestations of anxiety (muscular, sensory, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal intestinal symptoms) autonomic disorders(dry mouth, sweating, dizziness), cognitive disorders (difficulty concentrating, impaired memory), including those arising from stress disorders (disorders). Especially indicated is the use of the drug in persons with predominantly asthenic personality traits in the form of anxious suspiciousness, uncertainty, increased vulnerability and emotional lability, propensity for emotional stress reactions.

The effect of the drug develops on the 5-7th day of treatment. The maximum effect is achieved by the end of the 4th week of treatment and persists after the end of treatment for an average of 1-2 weeks.

Afobazole does not cause muscle weakness, drowsiness and does not have a negative effect on concentration and. It does not form addiction when used. drug addiction and the syndrome of "cancellation" does not develop.



After oral intake Afobazole is well and rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax in plasma - (0.13±0.073) µg/ml; Tmax - (0.85±0.13) h.


Afobazole is intensively distributed over well-vascularized organs, it is characterized by rapid transfer from the central pool (blood plasma) to the peripheral (highly vascularized organs and tissues).


Afobazole undergoes the effect of the first pass through the liver, the main directions of metabolism are hydroxylation at the aromatic ring of the benzimidazole ring and oxidation at the morpholine fragment.


T1 / 2 of the drug Afobazole when taken orally is (0.82 ± 0.54) hours. Short T1 / 2 is due to the intensive biotransformation of the drug and rapid distribution from blood plasma to organs and tissues. The drug is excreted mainly in the form of metabolites and partly unchanged in the urine and feces.

Afobazole - indications for use

Afobazole is used in adults for anxiety conditions, namely:

- generalized anxiety disorders;

- neurasthenia;

- Adjustment disorders.

In patients with various somatic diseases, namely:

- bronchial asthma;

- irritable bowel syndrome;

- systemic lupus erythematosus;

hypertonic disease;

- arrhythmias;

- dermatological, oncological and other diseases.

During treatment:

- sleep disturbances associated with anxiety;

- neurocircular dystonia;

premenstrual syndrome;

- to alleviate the "withdrawal" syndrome when quitting smoking.

Afobazole is most effective in eliminating anxiety in cardiovascular diseases, premenstrual syndrome and neurocirculatory dystonia. According to scientists, this particular drug is the best way to relieve depression, tearfulness and depression inherent in people suffering from heart disease.

Afobazole - dosage

Afobazol tablets can be taken immediately in full dosage, and not increasing it gradually, since they have a mild effect, as a result of which it does not take time for the body to "get used" to the drug.

You can also abruptly, immediately stop taking Afobazol, such as conventional cough, headache, etc. tablets. It is not necessary to gradually reduce the dosage of Afobazole for the purpose of subsequent withdrawal of the drug. The ability to immediately stop taking the drug at any time is due to the fact that it does not cause drug dependence in humans, and, consequently, the withdrawal syndrome, which is very difficult to tolerate and is a real "scourge" of benzodiazepine tranquilizers.

Such an opportunity to start taking the drug immediately in the required full dosage and, if necessary, immediately stop taking it, makes Afobazol very simple and affordable to use. There is no need to first increase the dosage of the drug for 2-3 weeks to the required one, and after the end of the course of therapy, also slowly reduce it with a view to subsequent complete cancellation.

In addition, the ease of use of Afobazole allows you to take it in a trial mode - that is, drink tablets for 4-5 weeks, wait for the full therapeutic effect to develop and evaluate whether this drug is right for you. If suitable, then you can simply continue to take it, and if not, then stop taking it on the same day and switch to other drugs.

When switching from Afobazole to other anti-anxiety drugs, it should be remembered that its effects persist for 1 to 2 weeks. Therefore, in order to avoid adverse reactions it is recommended to start taking another drug 2 weeks after the abolition of Afobazole.

Afobazole after completion of therapy with other tranquilizers can be taken after 7 to 10 days.

Afobazol - how to take it correctly

Tablets should be taken after meals, swallowing them whole, not chewing, biting or crushing in any other way. The tablet should be washed down with a small amount of pure non-carbonated water.

It is optimal to take Afobazole 10 mg (1 tablet of 10 mg or 2 tablets of 5 mg) 3 times a day, observing approximately equal intervals between doses. With this mode of administration, a single dosage is 10 mg, and a daily dose is 30 mg.

The duration of standard therapy is usually two to four weeks, after which it is necessary to stop taking the drug. After 4 weeks, it will be possible to undergo treatment with Afobazol again.

If necessary, and only under the supervision of a doctor, you can increase the dosage of Afobazole to 20 mg three times a day, and the duration of continuous therapy - up to three months. However, any increase in dosage of more than 10 mg and the duration of taking the drug for more than 4 weeks should be made only after consulting a doctor.

It should be remembered that Afobazole can be used in repeated courses, observing an interval of at least 4 weeks between them.

Afobazole - contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to taking the drug are as follows:

- Individual intolerance to the drug;

- Galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption;

- Pregnancy, lactation;

— Children's age up to 18 years;

- The use of the drug Afobazol is contraindicated during pregnancy.

If necessary, the use of the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

As side effects, Afobazole is able to provoke various allergic reactions and headache, which, as a rule, goes away on its own, without requiring special treatment and drug withdrawal. Some people note the appearance of a pronounced intimate desire a few days after the start of taking Afobazole. Doctors and scientists do not attribute this effect to side effect, but associate the appearance of libido with the relief of tension and the removal of anxiety.

What is better than Afobazole - Persen or Novopassit?

Persen and Novopassit are natural vegetable sedatives with an almost identical spectrum of therapeutic effect, designed to relieve excitement, anxiety and other purely psychological unpleasant symptoms and manifestations associated with increased anxiety.

Afobazol is a drug designed to relieve severe anxiety, as well as related not only unpleasant psychological symptoms, but also somatic manifestations, such as pressure surges, extrasystoles, palpitations, etc. That is, Persen and Novopassit relieve only psychological discomfort, and Afobazol additionally eliminates the somatic manifestations of increased anxiety. In addition, Afobazole moderately activates the work of the central nervous system, improving memory and attention, and practically without causing drowsiness. Therefore, Persen and Novopassit can be recommended for use solely for the purpose of calming, when a person is tormented by fears, anxiety, tension and other psychological symptoms of nervousness that are not associated with somatic manifestations.

Afobazole is recommended for use in the presence of not only psychological symptoms of increased anxiety, but also somatic manifestations of this condition (sweating, palpitations, extrasystoles, pressure surges, etc.). In addition, Afobazole does not cause drowsiness and moderately activates the central nervous system, so the drug can be taken by people who want to lead an active lifestyle, drive a car, negotiate constructively and solve complex problems, and not “explode” and get annoyed for various reasons. Persen and Novopassit are not suitable for solving such a problem, since they only reassure, not disposing at all to solving any problems, but introducing a person into a state of conditional “indifference”.

In medicine, there is no concept of "best" or "worst" drugs, so doctors prefer to use the term "optimal". The fact is that for each specific person in a specific situation the best way any one, maximum two drugs will do. It is these drugs, which are the most effective in a particular situation, that are considered optimal. It must be understood that the optimal drugs for each individual person will be different drugs. Moreover, even for the same person in different situations, the optimal different drugs. Thus, it is simply impossible to calculate 1 - 2 "best" drugs that would be universally suitable for all people with any forms and variants of anxiety. Therefore, for someone, Afobazol will be the best drug, and another person will need a different drug that will become “the best” for him.

Afobazol is a mild anxiolytic that works well for many people in relieving anxiety. However, some note that for them its effect is insufficient, since anxiety is not stopped, and the state is not approaching the desired one. This category of people prefers to use anxiolytics with a stronger anti-anxiety effect, which include the following drugs: Phenibut; Phenazepam (one of the most powerful anxiolytics); diazepam; Lorazepam; Alprazolam.

The above tranquilizers are benzodiazepines and have a pronounced anti-anxiety effect, which, however, is combined with drowsiness, lethargy and depression, which are absent from Afobazol. It is about these powerful tranquilizers that people usually say that they enter into a state of "vegetable" when, along with anxiety, any desire to do anything disappears.

An intermediate position between powerful benzodiazepines and Afobazole in terms of the severity of the anti-anxiety effect is occupied by the following drugs: Chlordiazepoxide; Bromazepam; Gidazepam; Clobazam; Oxazepam. Among the listed drugs, Gidazepam is most often used to relieve anxiety, which many people consider to be the best compared to Afobazol. In addition to these, there are a fairly large number of drugs that have anti-anxiety effects, but it is necessary to find the “best” among them individually.

Afobazole - analogues

There are no drugs that are absolutely identical with Afobazol in terms of action and composition, there are some drugs that have similar properties. However, all these medicines have some differences. Before you start taking them, be sure to consult your doctor.

The most commonly used analogues of Afobazol are as follows:

- Adaptol - this drug belongs to the group of anxiolytic agents. This drug has a tranquilizing effect. During the reception, it quickly relieves the feeling of fear, tension, fatigue, stress.

- Divaza is a drug that is part of the group of tranquilizers. During the reception active ingredient normalizes the blood circulation of the brain, relieves stress, fatigue. It is taken during vegetative disorders, with disorders of the brain activity that are caused by injuries, ischemic diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and others. And also with increased anxiety, insomnia, headache, neuroinfections.

- Tenoten is a drug belonging to the group of tranquilizers. Quickly relieves anxiety, stress, emotional tension, helps relieve headaches and eliminates sleep problems.

— Persen. This remedy has an antispasmodic and sedative effect. It contains herbal ingredients that help relieve tension, feelings of anxiety and irritation. It can be taken during insomnia, because the drug facilitates the process of falling asleep and does not cause drowsiness.

- Phenazepam is a highly active tranquilizer. The drug has an anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic and central muscle relaxant effect on the body. It is used during sleep disorders, neurotic and psychopathic conditions.

Novopassit is a sedative-type sedative that consists of herbal ingredients. The drug has an effect on nervous system relieves nervous tension, fatigue, stress. It also helps with headaches, sleep disorders.

- Grandaxin - the drug belongs to the tranquilizers, which belong to the group of benzodiazepines. Quickly relieves tension, fatigue, excitability, helps with headaches and insomnia. It is also taken in premenstrual syndrome, with myopathy, myasthenia gravis, neuroses, with alcohol withdrawal syndrome and so on.

- Phenibut is a nootropic drug that belongs to tranquilizers. Improves brain activity, increases blood circulation. During the reception, the working capacity of the body increases, mental activity, memory improves, stress, neurosis, tension disappear.

- Mebikar is a drug that belongs to tranquilizers for daytime use. This drug reduces anxiety, tension, fatigue, and also has a mild sedative effect.

Fenzitate is a tranquilizer that belongs to the group of benzodiazepine derivatives. Used for neuroses severe fatigue, at emotional stress, vegetative disorders, sleep disorders.

The cheap analogues of Afabozol include the following drugs: Phenazepam, its cost is about 120-140 rubles; Persen, the price is 280-300 rubles; Novopassit, the cost is from 150 to 180 rubles; Mebicar, the price per package is about 280-300 rubles; Fenzitat, the cost of packaging is 140-180 rubles.

The following analogues of Afabozol are dispensed without a prescription: Persen; Novopassit; Phenibut; Tenoten; Phenzitate.

Afobazol's analogs Russian production: Divaza; Tenoten; Phenazepam; Mebicar; Phenzitate.

Reviews of doctors about Afobazole

Smirnova E.A., pharmacy pharmacist

Afobazole is a tranquilizer (anxiolytic). Its action is aimed at relieving anxiety, with neurasthenia and adaptation disorders. The drug perfectly combines both anti-anxiety and activating action. Its advantages include the absence of negative effects on memory and attention, it is not addictive in the patient. Afobazole is not a muscle relaxant. The drug helps well in the fight against irritability, tearfulness, inability to relax, fear and insomnia. In a word, Afobazole helps to cope with the consequences stressful situations that we often encounter in our daily lives. It is important for women to know that this drug should not be taken during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Persons under 18 years of age, the drug is also contraindicated. The drug is available in tablets, which is a certain convenience for patients, it should be taken after meals. The drug is non-toxic. Afobazole is the most optimal for individuals prone to emotional stress reactions and individuals with increased vulnerability and insecurity.

Kiseleva V.E., pharmacist, pharmacy

Afobazole in tablets is used for increased nervous excitability, anxiety, for the treatment of various types of phobias (fears). The drug does not have a hypnotic effect, so it can be used by drivers behind the wheel. Afobazol only for the treatment of adults.

Uchelkina L.A.pharmacist

Afobazole belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group - to tranquilizers, does not cause addiction, drowsiness, muscle weakness.

Ionova O. pharmacist

Afobazole reduces anxiety (concern, bad forebodings, fears, irritability), tension (shyness, tearfulness, anxiety, fear). Improvement is observed on the 5-7th day of treatment. The maximum effect is achieved by the end of 4 weeks of treatment. The drug has no muscle relaxant properties, Negative influence on memory and attention. When it is used, drug dependence is not formed and withdrawal syndrome does not develop, which means that it can be prescribed to those people who are related to driving. Maximum daily dose 3 tablets.

Platonov D. G. Psychotherapist, candidate of sciences

No anti-anxiety effect has been found in patients with any level of neurotic anxiety. Pro normal studies I am silent. All positive reviews patients on the drug is undoubtedly due to the placebo effect. Well, like any placebo, it does not give side effects. The drug could make sense if it even claimed fast action(as, for example, adaptol), because possible application limited to situational anxiety manifestations: for example, could be used for fears of public speaking.

Pashyan D. A. Dentist

A certain anti-anxiety effect of this drug is present. It is possible that the effect of this drug is not an effect at all, but a “placebo” effect. As in any other case, it is better to consult a doctor before taking the medicine, you may need a much more effective (prescription) drug.

Komissarov V. B. Manual therapist

Afobazole is inexpensive and effective drug. The price is affordable, sold without a prescription. Very effectively removes the feeling of danger, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia. Normalizes sleep well. I recommend taking it periodically to patients, especially with a combination of anxiety and insomnia. The drug is well tolerated and side effects are rare.

Patient reviews about Afobazole


Helped not to really go crazy on maternity leave. Still, I'm a mother of twins, and this, I'll tell you, is worse than a hurricane or a tsunami. And if you consider that the husband most spends time at work, and there is no one from relatives to help, then you have to drag everything on yourself. Both household and children. In the end, there comes a point when you just want to lie down in silence, close your eyes and never wake up again. Now I remember these thoughts and am horrified that I could even seriously think about such a thing. 3 months of taking afobazole returned me to a human state, refreshed my brain and patched up my nerves. So now with new forces into battle, as they say. The only warning: these pills are contraindicated for gv.

Svetlana Vasilievna

To date, Afobazole is my favorite drug, I take it in connection with menopause: it relieves arrhythmias, tension, improves sleep, a neurologist recommended it to me. I have a basic disease of DEP (dyscirculatory encephalopathy), this drug suited me. I advise women to take in their transitional period.

Elena B.

And I had a strong allergic reaction from Afobazole, up to Quincke's edema. The first time I drank, I didn’t understand that it was from him, but when I drank a week later, everything happened again, only suprastin didn’t help anymore, I had to dig it out. It’s good that I was at work, our doctors helped me, if it happened on the road, I don’t know what would have turned out. I don’t know, they say, I am the first who has such a reaction to Afobazol.

Victoria D.

She moved with her husband to another city (he was sent there for work). Of course, the city is alien, there are no acquaintances, friends and family, no work either. And we live there for about 5 years. Because of all this, I closed myself in, became very irritable, and I was constantly haunted by incomprehensible fears (that I would never be able to settle down here, find a job, that my husband would leave, that something would happen to my parents without me, because I was not nearby, etc.). I had to somehow cope with all this, I didn’t want to go to psychologists, and I don’t know how to choose them - I stumble upon charlatans. I decided to start with sedatives, the pharmacy advised Afobazol, they say, a good anti-anxiety. I will not say that the effect of it came on the same day of admission. I had to wait, after about a week I felt the effect. Drank 2 months. fears and intrusive thoughts they left and never returned (pah-pah), some kind of confidence appeared, they almost stopped being nervous, got ready, found a job and even managed to make friends. I definitely believe that the drug helped.

Nina G.

I needed sedatives, but what exactly to choose for a long time could not decide. I ventured to try "Afobazol" on the advice of friends. Since I often drive, it was important for me that the tablets do not cause drowsiness and do not slow down the reaction. I guessed with the drug. It was also a big plus that the effect of the tablets persisted after the drug was discontinued for quite a long time.

Marika H.

They took "Afobazol" with a spouse for a couple. Since they have been together for a long time, life has stuck and eternal stress at work, they often quarreled over trifles, always walking around dissatisfied with each other. After 1.5 months of joint reception in our family, the idyll is again. I'm glad I finally found a product that was perfect for me. It doesn't have any side effects. And since I'm constantly behind the wheel, for me it's just salvation.

Stanislav L.

"Afobazol" - quite effective remedy, drank it along with Neurofulol as prescribed by a doctor. Nerves in order led, now calm and happy. Although many write that these two drugs are quite similar in effect, it makes no sense to take them at the same time. And, basically, experts make a choice more in the direction of "Neurofulol", as more effective. But my doctor, apparently, decided to play it safe.

Anna L.

I have been taking it for 3 years, always in courses - it helps a lot to cope with psychos, both at work and in family life. I walk calm as three boas. "Novopassit" helps to calm down well, but everything positive effects leveled by the fact that he constantly wants to sleep. With "Afobazole" this is not the case, always cheerful, you can safely drive. But at night I sleep like the dead.

Polina E.

I never recommend anything I haven't tried myself. So, afobazole has been personally tested and verified by me, so I can recommend it to those who are experiencing stress or similar nervous and emotional condition. I always argue when they say that it does not instantly help. It's even better, I'm always suspicious of drugs that promise help the very next day. That doesn't happen. So in the case of afobazole: it is a comprehensive, serious approach that is good.

Alena M.

Not the first year I have been taking the drug, in my opinion, one of the best anti-anxiety drugs. With any valerian, of course, it’s not even close. It is strange to read such comparisons. Didn't they ever pass difficult exams with valerian in their youth? I gave up and I don't want a repeat of that experience. It's good that there is modern drugs, which soothe and do not throw you into sleep.

Marina M.

In a certain situation, "Afobazol" turned out to be exactly the drug that coped and helped to get through difficulties. At that time, I took it for the first time and did not know what to expect, I only knew that I should drink the course and wait for the effect not immediately, but after a couple of weeks. So everything turned out. I managed to get my bad emotions under control.

Daria R.

I work in the service industry, so I deal directly with customers. And there are a lot of people who are dissatisfied. At the same time, I need to keep the brand, always remain, let's say, in an emotional form. That is why sometimes you have to resort to the help of afobazole. I like it, its lasting effect - I will drink a course, then I am calm for several months.

Alina A.

The drug is completely ineffective. It has very little active ingredient so it doesn't have the desired effect. Well suited for people who like to take pills, for suspicious people, because it does not cause adverse reactions, and even cause poisoning at high doses is not capable. Placebo effect on the face. But for people who are in stressful condition it is also not effective, a waste of money and not small.

Alena A.

The first time I needed a sedative was when my mother became seriously ill. Anyone who cared for a bedridden relative will understand me. On the advice of a doctor, I purchased Afobazol. This drug does not help many at all, but it worked very well and quickly for me. Maybe because I have never taken sedatives before, or maybe I myself am very thick-skinned, but nervousness and irritability disappeared the very next day after I started taking it. I am very pleased that there is no drowsiness and lethargy, and there are no problems with drug withdrawal. Now "Afobazol" is my lifesaver in stressful situations.

Tatyana V.

Honestly, for me the drug was useless. Received it as directed family doctor in complex treatment erosive gastritis. The state at that time was irritable, anxious, and the doctor suggested that this could negatively affect the outcome of treatment. I took it for about a month, they say it has a cumulative effect and you can increase the intake up to 3 months. After the first month, having not seen the effect, I stopped taking it, because I thought that if the drug was effective for me, I could observe certain changes after this period. Maybe it wasn't the right fit for me because I've heard good reviews about it.

Liana K.

The time is now such that I would recommend afobazole to many, obviously it would not be superfluous to drink it to people in the subway and at work. Why do I calmly perceive them all, because I accept it. Otherwise, it would have broken long ago. And with him, even such a thought does not arise: why make a fuss when you can be calm and control emotions.

Catherine K.

At my girlfriend special child, very hard, of course, with him. Although she loves him madly, I see how she suffers, cries, gets angry. You give him a spoonful of porridge, and he laughs on her head and laughs ... So, according to her, afobazole helps her not to become limp in this situation.

Andrew F.

I like that it is not addictive, you can jump off at any time if you feel that you have had enough. Before that, I drank valerian in tablets, slept normally with it, but without it, insomnia immediately began.

Maria P.

Mom works as a teacher, the senior classes bring her terribly. He says that after two weeks of drinking afobazole, he does not perceive it so painfully and somehow manages to cope with them. It's not great, of course, that you have to drink sedatives for this. Well, what to do, age and specialty are not at all the ones to change jobs.

Sergei V.

"Afobazol" helped me get rid of sleep problems. I had a period in my life shift work at night, and the regime went to hell. It turns out that this has a very strong effect on well-being and, in general, on adequacy. After that, I could not fall asleep at midnight, and only after a week of taking Afobazol did my sleep return to normal.

Elena K.

I tried everything to make my husband quit smoking, and finally, with Afobazol, the two of us managed to achieve a result! Prior to this, my husband became so irritable that I myself could not stand it and bought him a new pack, and then weaning went smoothly.

Larissa M.

I have to sit next to a nightmare colleague, he brings me up every day, and while the project is in full swing, there is no way to change the situation. Afobazol helped me grow Zen and treat his sexist antics with healthy indifference.

Anna P.

They suddenly began to creep up on me, suddenly a wild fear begins from somewhere, most often it happened in a dream, I wake up abruptly in wild horror with cold sweat on my forehead and sweaty palms. I did not dare to go to the doctor, I was afraid that they might force me to register with a psychiatrist. In the nearest pharmacy, the pharmacist advised me such pills. To be honest, the price bites. But I bought. I took the inner liner (instructions) for two weeks. And they really made an impact on me. The nightmare that had been haunting me for several months had let go. There are quite a lot of tablets in a pack, 60 pcs. I only drank half, so I decided to stop my treatment for now. If suddenly the attacks resume on a new one, I will continue the treatment and finish the course to the end.

I liked this drug, after taking it for a week, my anxiety decreased, my mood improved significantly, as if I got out of the hole. Even if it was a placebo effect, I am more than satisfied with it.

Ekaterina Sh.

Honestly, I do not understand the general admiration for this drug. The therapist prescribed me "Afobazol" when I was just starting neurotic disorder, as a remedy for panic attacks, anxiety, fear and growing. I remember that the price of this drug is not small, but I bought it in the hope that it would help. From personal experience, I can say that there was not much effect. All problems remained relevant, anxiety did not decrease, panic attacks did not pass though acute situation, at that time was not yet. Maybe it needs to be taken longer, I don't know. Personally, "Afobazol" did not help me.

Yana V.

I took Afobazol for a month on the recommendation of my neurologist. In my situation, the drug worked perfectly. It was protracted against the background of the death of a loved one. As far as I understand, the drug does not help with acute problems. Works well in cases where a person does not need strong drugs and only minor adjustments are required. There were no side effects at all and addiction too.

Elena P.

Good afternoon! After the birth of the child, there were problems with the nerves. She became irritable, tearful, constantly lashed out at her husband, there were even tantrums. I tried many sedatives, but to no avail. The pharmacy advised me to buy Afobazol. Although the drug is not cheap, I decided to try it. I will say right away that there will be no instant relief. I took 2 tablets per day. The mood became more positive after about 2 weeks of taking it, I became more tolerant and calmer. I liked the fact that there is no sedative effect. In general, the drug suited me.

Alenka S.

The doctor prescribed "Afobazole" to calm the nerves and reduce the temperature. Regarding the first - there were no changes. I am quick-tempered, emotional. But "Afobazl" does not relieve these symptoms. I had neurocirculatory dystonia (who knows - the symptoms are terrible), which arose due to stress. Then cheap Alora pills helped me. "Afobazol" is more expensive, but does not give such a result. "Afobazol" was prescribed to me when the temperature was 37.7 (it lasted more than a month). Then the psychotherapist suggested that this was a violation of the thermocenter. Here "Afobazol" coped with the problem.

Julia N.

Before the flight, my mother was advised to drink Afobazol, as she is very afraid of flying, because she was in a situation where the plane made an emergency landing. She drank in the evening and we didn't know what to do with her! Some creatures seemed to her, fears escalated, and instead of a sedative, we observed an absolutely opposite effect. They barely calmed her down before the plane and gave her sleeping pills. So in our case, this medicine played a cruel joke.

Katya M.

Honestly, not my medicine. Of course, sedative effect present, but according to my personal feelings, the same as the usual valerian in tablets. But the plus is that it is not as addictive as valerian, I drank the course and no longer want to. I did not find any side effects, although I have more than one chronic disease. Yes, it still does not interfere with concentration, and I also did not notice drowsiness.

Milan S.

On the this moment this is one of the best drugs capable of bringing the human nervous system into a balanced state. My husband regularly takes afobazole due to constant stressful situations at work. The drug is absolutely harmless, and most importantly, does not cause drowsiness, which is very important when driving. Even with long-term use there is no addiction to the drug and there are no side effects.

Olga K.

Since my work is very stressful, my head always hurt before, and I felt disgusting. She was nervous and squeezed like a lemon. After consulting with my doctor, they discovered that I had mental overwork and prescribed me to take Afobazol. The medicine is really good. In any case, it helped me. And now at extreme situations and for the prevention of mental disorders, I always take only Afobazol. The price is certainly high, but the drug helps me, that's why I buy it.

Inessa K.

For the first time, the desire to drink a sedative arose when, sitting at home all day with a child, I felt that I was going crazy, everything was heating me up (mommies would understand me, endless lack of sleep, monotony). But I was skeptical about such drugs. A good friend - a pharmacist suggested trying Afobazole, because he trusts him. I bought it ... I took it only as indicated in the instructions, after a couple of weeks I realized (I took it for a month in total) that everything was fine, I stopped breaking down on my household, the problems became trifles, because everything is solvable. And my mood improved!

Tatyana S.

Afobazol was prescribed to me by a doctor when I got into a difficult everyday situation and my nerves were at the limit. I was a little afraid to take these pills for fear of addiction, but since my state of mind left much to be desired, I constantly cried, I had no other choice. What can I say? I liked the tablets. I drank them for 2 months, during this time I became calmer, I had a feeling that after using Afobazol I began to look at everything as if through a bus window, a little detached or something, while there was no drowsiness or addiction, I just stopped taking as needed and all.

Helga B.

A good anti-anxiety drug, it relieves excessive tension well and increases stress resistance in the rhythm of a tense labor activity. It does not cause drowsiness and incoordination, which allows you to drive a car while taking it. I am very pleased that the drug is not addictive.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store below 25°C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the drug Afobazole is 3 years.

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies: Without a prescription.

We want to emphasize that the above description of the anti-anxiety drug Afobazol performs an exclusively exploratory function! More precise guidance on the use of the proposed tranquilizer can be obtained by studying the instructions officially approved by the manufacturer. Remember - self-medication is irresponsible and unsafe for health! We strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before starting therapy with Afobazol.

on medical use drug

Registration number:


Trade name of the drug: AFOBAZOL ®

Chemical rational name:
5-ethoxy-2-benzimidazole dihydrochloride.

Dosage form:



Each tablet contains:

Active substance: afobazole (in terms of dry matter) - 5 mg or 10 mg.

Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, milk sugar (lactose), povidone, magnesium stearate.

Description: Tablets of white or white color with a creamy tint, flat-cylindrical shape with a chamfer.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATC code: N05BX.


AFOBAZOL® is a 2-mercaptobenzimidazole derivative, a selective anxiolytic that does not belong to the class of benzodiazepine receptor agonists. Prevents the development of membrane-dependent changes in the GABA receptor.

AFOBAZOL® has an anxiolytic effect with an activating component that is not accompanied by hypnosedative effects (sedative effect is detected in AFOBAZOL® at doses 40-50 times higher than the ED 50 for anxiolytic action). The drug has no muscle relaxant properties, a negative effect on memory and attention. With its use, drug dependence is not formed and withdrawal syndrome does not develop. The action of the drug is realized mainly in the form of a combination of anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and easily stimulating (activating) effects.

Reduction or elimination of anxiety (concern, apprehension, fear, irritability), tension (shyness, tearfulness, anxiety, inability to relax, insomnia, fear), and therefore somatic (muscular, sensory, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal symptoms ), vegetative (dry mouth, sweating, dizziness), cognitive (difficulties in concentrating, impaired memory) disorders are observed on days 5-7 of treatment with AFOBAZOL®. The maximum effect is achieved by the end of 4 weeks of treatment and persists in the post-therapeutic period for an average of 1-2 weeks. Especially indicated is the use of the drug in persons with predominantly asthenic personality traits in the form of anxious suspiciousness, uncertainty, increased vulnerability and emotional lability, a tendency to emotional stress reactions. AFOBAZOL® is non-toxic (LD 50 in rats is 1.1 g with ED 50 0.001 g).

The half-life of AFOBAZOL® when taken orally is 0.82 hours, average value maximum concentration (Cmax) - 0.130±0.073 µg/ml; the average retention time of the drug in the body (MRT) - 1.60±0.86 hours. AFOBAZOL® is intensively distributed over well-vascularized organs.

Indications for use
AFOBAZOL® is used in adults with anxiety conditions: generalized anxiety disorders, neurasthenia, adaptation disorders, in patients with various somatic diseases (bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, coronary heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmias), dermatological, oncological and other diseases. In the treatment of sleep disorders associated with anxiety, neurocirculatory dystonia, premenstrual syndrome, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, to alleviate the withdrawal syndrome when quitting smoking.

Pregnancy, lactation. Individual intolerance to the drug. Children's age up to 18 years.

Dosage and administration
It is applied inside, after eating. Optimal single doses of the drug - 10 mg, daily - 30 mg, divided into 3 doses during the day. The duration of the course of the drug is 2-4 weeks. If necessary, the daily dose of the drug can be increased to 60 mg, and the duration of treatment up to 3 months.

Side effects
Increased individual sensitivity, allergic reactions are possible.

With a significant overdose and intoxication, the development of a sedative effect and increased drowsiness without manifestations of muscle relaxation is possible. As emergency care caffeine sodium benzoate 20% solution in ampoules of 1.0 ml is used 2-3 times a day subcutaneously.

Interaction with other drugs
AFOBAZOL® does not affect the narcotic effect of ethanol and the hypnotic effect of thiopental. Potentiates the anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine. It causes an increase in the anxiolytic action of diazepam.

Release form
10 tablets or 25 tablets in a blister pack made of PVC film and aluminum foil.

30,50 or 100 tablets in a polymer jar complete with lids. Each bank or 3, 5 or 10 contour packs of 10 tablets, or 2 or 4 contour packs of 25 tablets together with instructions for use in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions
In a dry, dark place, at a temperature not exceeding +5°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
2 years. Do not use late indicated on the package.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Without a doctor's prescription.

Many people have times when worries, anxiety and stress haunt them. And if other ways of getting rid of stress, such as rest and change of scenery, do not give relief, then you have to resort to the help of medicines.

Modern pharmacology has developed many drugs for withdrawal. As a rule, they belong to the group of anxiolytics (tranquilizers). Most tranquilizers have a depressing effect on the nervous system, suppressing negative emotions.

The mechanism of their action is based on the effect on the so-called benzodiazepine receptors in the brain. These tranquilizers belong to the group of benzodiazepines. Their action is extremely powerful, and they have long been used in the practice of neuropathologists and psychotherapists.

Unfortunately, the disadvantage of these funds are numerous side effects. They should include:

  • decreased attention
  • lethargy
  • drowsiness
  • addictive
  • formation of drug dependence

But in recent times many so-called "soft" tranquilizers appeared, which are devoid of the disadvantages of benzodiazepines. Often such tranquilizers are called "daytime". Afobazole also belongs to this class. It was developed by Russian pharmacologists relatively recently, but has already managed to gain popularity among patients.

Principle of operation and main properties

Those people who are familiar with the action of older generation tranquilizers are well aware of the effect of taking benzodiazepines - lethargy, detachment, indifference to everything. This is far from full list unpleasant symptoms of these drugs. Perhaps their most unpleasant feature is the formation of drug dependence in many patients, which is reflected, in particular, in the "withdrawal syndrome", when the patient's condition worsens after drug withdrawal. Very often, the patient becomes so attached to the tranquilizer that he simply cannot imagine life without it.

Afobazole is devoid of these shortcomings. It does not affect the state of the nervous system, does not dull emotions, does not reduce the reaction rate, does not reduce mental performance. Most importantly, he is devoid of withdrawal syndrome. This means that the patient can stop the course of treatment at any time, and at the same time will not experience cravings for the drug. At the end of the course of treatment, it is also not required to gradually reduce the dose in order to get rid of dependence.

Afobazole is also devoid of a large number of side effects and has almost no contraindications. Largely due to this, the drug Afobazol can be dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.

Its active substance does not act on benzodiazepine receptors, but has an effect on the sigma-1 receptors in the brain. These receptors are responsible for memory functions, fine motor skills, emotions and sensory. The drug has a slight anti-anxiety effect and at the same time activates the nervous processes. Afobazole also increases the bioenergetic potential of brain cells and has a neuroprotective effect, protecting neurons. The sedative effect is very weak and is felt only when the dosage is 40-50 times higher than normal.

After administration, the drug is rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. The average retention time in the body is 1.6 hours. Metabolized mainly in the liver. The drug has low toxicity.

The positive effect of the drug is expressed in the following improvements:

  • Disappearance, fear, concern
  • Improved sleep (in the absence of daytime sleepiness)
  • Withdrawal nervous tension, psychological discomfort
  • Reduction of autonomic disorders (dry mouth, sweating, dizziness)
  • and attention

Afabazol has the greatest effect on persons with an asthenic type of the nervous system. Such patients are characterized by suspiciousness, vulnerability, self-doubt, emotional lability and a tendency to stress reactions.

Afobazole is used for the following indications:

  • Violation of adaptation
  • General anxiety disorder
  • Insomnia
  • Neurasthenia
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis
  • Premenstrual tension syndrome
  • Withdrawal syndrome in the treatment of nicotine addiction
  • Withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism

Afobazole is also often used to relieve anxiety, fear and depression associated with somatic diseases:

  • Asthma
  • Arrhythmia
  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Oncological diseases

Practice shows that in the field of relieving the state of depression and anxiety in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, greatest effect from drug use.

How effective is Afobazole?

Since the advent of the drug, controversy has not subsided around it. Reviews about the tool are often directly opposite. Many patients are convinced that this drug helped them. But a significant number of specialized specialists (neurologists, neuropathologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists) do not share enthusiastic assessments. In particular, it is indicated that the drug has a relatively weak effect and helps only in mild cases of anxiety disorders and depressive states. In more severe forms of nervous and mental illness the drug is ineffective. Also, many note that the drug has a very selective effect - about half of the patients did not feel any improvement from it. However positive properties drug - minimal amount side effects and the absence of dependence formation, no one denies.

Therefore, a reasonable question arises - is it worth trying to be treated with Afobazole? Here it must be understood that the drug belongs to the group of “mild” tranquilizers and with serious disorders of the nervous system, such as real depression, unlike transient depressive states, it is unlikely to help. Afobazole is a drug mainly for people with a healthy nervous system who are going through some difficult periods in life and stress - exams, a change of scenery, difficulties in the family, somatic disease, etc. In such cases, taking the medicine is much more rational than taking "heavy" drugs that have many side effects. In addition, despite the fact that the drug is sold without a prescription, it is highly undesirable to treat it without consulting a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to individually understand the problem and say which remedy is best suited in a particular case. This method allows you to avoid wasted money and start the healing process earlier.


The drug has a single dosage form - tablets. The dosage has two options - 5 and 10 mg. The manufacturer of the drug is the Russian pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard. Due to the domestic origin of the product, its price does not “bite”, unlike the prices of many imported sedatives. The medicine is supplied with an annotation, which provides instructions for use.


Afabazol has a complex composition, including the active substance and a number of auxiliary. The main substance is 5-ethoxy-2-benzimidazole dihydrochloride, which is a derivative of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, an anxiolytic with a selective effect. The tablets also contain other components:

  • potato starch
  • cellulose microcrystalline
  • milk sugar
  • povidone
  • magnesium stearate


Afobazole has several contraindications. The use of the drug during pregnancy is not recommended. In the case of breastfeeding and the simultaneous use of the drug, it is recommended to switch to feeding the child with artificial mixtures.

The drug is suitable only for adults. It should not be used to treat patients under 18 years of age.

Instructions for use

The drug should be drunk three times a day after meals. The optimal dosage is 30 mg (three Afobazol 10 mg tablets). The dosage in some cases can be increased to 60 mg. However, it is best to tell how to take Afobazole and in what doses, only a specialist can.

According to the instructions attached to Afobazole, when stopping a hangover syndrome, the recommended dosage is 5-10 mg twice a day. The course of treatment depends on the prescription of the doctor, but is usually 2-4 weeks. If necessary, the course can be extended. However, before resuming treatment, it is recommended to take a break for 3-4 weeks.

It should be noted that Afobazol acts gradually. Its effect accumulates and begins to appear only after some time after the start of administration, often after a week. Therefore, if you started taking it and did not feel any improvement in the first days, this does not mean that the drug does not work. It's worth waiting a little longer.

Side effects

Afobazole has a little. Occasionally, allergic reactions to the components of the drug occur, as well as headache which usually goes away on its own. The drug does not affect attention and reaction rate, and therefore therapy can be combined with driving and driving complex mechanisms. In case of overdose, drowsiness and sedation are possible.

Interaction with other drugs and substances

One of the advantages of the drug is that it does not interact with ethanol. However, it should be understood that during the course of therapy, the use alcoholic beverages undesirable as they neutralize therapeutic effect. Drug interactions are also minimal. When used simultaneously with diazepam, it enhances its anxiolytic effect. Enhances the anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine. Simultaneous use with antidepressants is prohibited.


At the moment there is only one structural analogue medicines in tablets dosage form- Fabomotizol. The drug Neurofasol is a structural analogue in the form of a concentrate for the preparation of an infusion solution.

Indirect analogues include other anxiolytics, especially those that belong to the class of "soft" tranquilizers, for example, Grandaxin, Adaptol or Tenoten. It should be noted that Afabazol generally has fewer side effects compared to other anxiolytics.

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