Laryngitis first aid for a child at home. How and how to treat laryngitis in children at home. stage. Small narrowing of the larynx

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx in children leads to laryngitis - very unpleasant disease, which occurs on the basis of colds or infection in the body. With laryngitis, there is a mass unpleasant symptoms: fever, severe dry cough, voice disturbances, discomfort in the throat, swelling, headache and marked deterioration. general condition. Sometimes, this disease catches parents suddenly and then you need to know what measures to take first.

Danger for the child

A child's body is much more fragile than an adult, and for children, laryngitis can have really dangerous consequences.

For adults, this disease is fraught with a minimum of inconvenience - cough, partial or complete temporary loss of voice. Unlike mature parents, the baby has not yet fully developed microflora, the airways are still very narrow, immunity is often reduced, and the tendency to allergic reactions- on the contrary, increased. All these factors are against the child in the fight against laryngitis, because loose mucous edema can form very quickly and, even faster, block access to air. In such cases, quick help is worth its weight in gold. And here it can reach the opening of tissues or the child simply suffocates.

Especially laryngitis is dangerous because in children it can develop extremely rapidly. It happens that a child goes to bed absolutely healthy, and in the middle of the night he already wakes up, choking with a cough. The latter can increase the fear that occurs in a child when it is impossible to breathe normally. From this, the work of the lungs becomes even more frequent, aggravating the situation. It requires immediate first aid and the best solution to take the baby to the hospital without waiting for the morning.

The onset of laryngitis early age in children is fraught with the fact that the disease can begin to repeat again and again. And this is a constant hysterical cough, pain and the continued use of medications that in large numbers not in the best way affect the young body. That is why laryngitis better time and heal forever acute form than then again and again to resume treatment.

What to do with an acute form

Main symptom acute laryngitis in children - hoarseness, sometimes up to total loss vote. May be observed barking cough, dry throat, neck pain, swollen lymph nodes, runny nose and fever. In order to provide the best possible relief for early stages need to provide the following help:

  • first, the child needs complete vocal rest - the baby should not strain the vocal cords. However, if necessary, you need to speak not in a whisper, but in a quiet voice, because when you whisper, the load on the larynx only increases;
  • the air in the room should be humidified as much as possible and the window should be opened;
  • the child must be placed in a sitting position - so the lungs will be in the optimal position;
  • recommended alkaline inhalation. Simply put, the child should be allowed to breathe over the steam of water with one tablespoon of soda diluted in it. From this comes a noticeable relief in acute cough;
  • if swelling is already noticeable in the neck area, you need to heat the water and place the child's legs there - then the blood will rush to the lower body. This will slightly reduce swelling;
  • these procedures are relevant in the period of time before calling a doctor or an ambulance. And in order not to lose precious minutes, it is best to immediately take the child to the hospital on your own, because, perhaps, he will need prompt assistance in intensive care.

A little easier is the case with chronic laryngitis. If you have already experienced this disease in your baby, she will not be able to scare you.

What to do with a chronic form

Chronic laryngitis in children requires various medicines, and such that the effect really was. Therapy is needed not at home, but in a hospital.

  • at the same time, infusion into the throat of children is actively practiced various solutions- antibiotics and oils. The child is asked to pronounce the sound “and” and at this moment the medicine is on the vocal cords, a cough begins, which evenly distributes the solution along the mucous membrane of the larynx;
  • for children, inhalations are carried out, for which you need to use Peach oil. In addition, it is very useful to apply 1% menthol oil, as it well reduces secretion. As an inhalation, oils of lavender, cedar, bergamot, pine, cypress and sandalwood work well. From improvised means, for inhalation, you can use a mixture table salt with iodine or oil;
  • rinsing is also good way have a positive effect on the inflamed larynx. For this, essential oils of oak bark, St. John's wort, immortelle are useful. To prepare a decoction, you need to pour the leaves or dry mixture, carefully strain the contents and rinse several times a day.

All of the above procedures are aimed at removing crusts from the affected areas, moisturizing the inflamed larynx, and stimulating secretions in children. The main treatment is carried out at the expense of medicines: antihistamines, antitussives and expectorants, aerosols, antipyretics, and so on.

  • as anti-allergic (antihistamine) drugs for children, Zirtek, Claritin, Clarisens are used;
  • to suppress coughing fits and provide restful sleep at night, Sinekod, Gerbion, Stoptusin, Libeksin and other medicines can be prescribed for the baby;
  • to wet cough was more productive, you can use the preparations of Altea, Thermopsis, chest fees, as well as any preparations containing bromhexine;
  • Lugol, Hexarol and Miramistin are considered effective aerosols;
  • it happens that the child is very difficult to tolerate temperature fluctuations, and then it is better for the mother to stock up on an antipyretic for quick help. Panadol, Paracetamol, Cyfecon - these medicines will help bring down the temperature;
  • at inpatient treatment for children, various procedures can be prescribed: UVR, electrophoresis, microwave temperature. If voice disorders do not go away during therapy, it is better to have several sessions with a speech therapist;
  • antibiotics can be used only if a bacterial environment of inflammation or intoxication is found in the body.

However, only a qualified doctor has the right to prescribe treatment with certain drugs.

Remember that acute and chronic laryngitis in children require individual treatment and timely assistance. It is better not to delay contacting the clinic. Thus, you will get the opportunity to cure a sudden inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx once and for all.

Video "Laryngitis and false croup"

In the video clip, you will learn what laryngitis is and why it is dangerous, how to prevent it and provide first aid.

Panic seizes parents when a healthy-looking baby, who has been playing carelessly all day, suddenly wakes up due to suffocation: he coughs, cries, gasps for air. And no less suffering mom and dad either freeze in horror, or vainly look for a “magic pill” in the first-aid kit. But knowledgeable adults do not go to extremes, but methodically and consistently carry out the necessary manipulations - after all, they know exactly how to relieve an attack of laryngitis in a child.

Laryngitis is often an inflammation vocal cords, provoked by viruses or bacteria - in babies takes an obstructive form. It is dangerous because it causes closure of swollen vocal cords and terrible attacks of asphyxia and suffocation. To understand how to relieve an attack of laryngitis in a child, you need to know the causes that provoke the disease. These include:

  • viral pathogens - if the baby has had laryngitis more than 1-2 times a year, most often he has viral origin. Babies who regularly suffer from diseases of the oropharynx and nasopharynx are in the “risk group” of laryngitis;
  • allergic effects - provocateurs are both products and external stimuli ( Poplar fluff, ambrosia, animal hair, house dust);
  • bacterial and fungal microorganisms;
  • constitutional features child's body- the tendency of the mucous membranes to hyperemia in children is more pronounced than in adults, and the heterogeneity of the integuments themselves contributes to the rapid spread of the disease;
  • imperfection nervous system- stress, psychological pressure or fear cause a spasm that blocks breathing;
  • use of nasopharyngeal irrigation means - getting on back wall larynx, medications cause a coughing fit with laryngitis;
  • cold drinks, deep breaths cold air, hypothermia of the body.

Inexperienced parents get scared clinical picture, which they observe in a child with an attack of laryngitis. Firstly, one should not panic in a situation, and secondly, it is necessary to accurately imagine what disease they are faced with, because diseases of the ENT organs have identical symptoms. To decide what to do with an attack of laryngitis and shortness of breath, we determine what symptoms indicate the onset of the disease.

The first symptoms of laryngitis in children

A "barking" cough and an attack of suffocation with laryngitis happen to a child at night and unexpectedly. These symptoms are considered to be the main manifestations of laryngitis. But if we analyze the previous 1-2 days, then parents will notice atypical signs, which are the first symptoms of the disease:

  • weak wheezing in the voice when breathing;
  • uncharacteristic lethargy and fatigue by the end of the day;
  • restless sleep;

If these signs preceded an attack of nocturnal suffocation, the onset of laryngitis is diagnosed in children. By this time, swelling of the soft tissues of the larynx and inflammation of the vocal cords close the lumen - the baby begins to choke and cough with “barking” intonations. The need for oxygen increases due to an objective lack, the baby's breathing becomes frequent (accelerates 2 times), rises to subfebrile temperature. The intensity of the cough increases, the child cannot clear his throat, which makes him restless, tearful. Skin turn pale, in the area of ​​​​the nose they acquire a bluish tint. In children 2-5 years old, an attack of laryngitis can occur in a sleeping state, but more often the baby wakes up from a hysterical cough, which turns into asphyxia.

So, the patient has laryngitis, if a complex of symptoms is observed:

  • wheezing in the voice and its change - indicate hyperemia of the tissues of the larynx, vocal cords and closing of the lumen of the larynx;
  • constant dry, unproductive cough, worse in the evening and preventing sleep;
  • a feeling of heat and soreness in the throat, a slight pain that becomes stronger when swallowing food;
  • temperature rise to 38-39.5 degrees; when viral laryngitis- up to 40 degrees;
  • frequent breathing and shortness of breath;
  • lethargy, irritability, refusal to eat.

If the parents have an idea of ​​what to do if the child suffocates with laryngitis, the manipulations began on time - the attack ends as quickly as it began. In the morning he will be irritable and hoarse, but his childish activity will be at the usual level. A coughing fit with laryngitis may recur in the evening next days, but this does not mean that every night the child will experience painful suffocation. In some children, pathology occurs several times in a lifetime, but if it is difficult for a baby to breathe from laryngitis allergic origin, attacks will follow with each contact with a provocateur.

There are 4 degrees of severity of laryngitis:

  1. first: the narrowing of the lumen in the larynx is small, while the child is not active - breathing is stable and continuous; wheezing appears with increased physical activity;
  2. second: increased respiration, shortness of breath, heart rate increases, when breathing, retraction of the intercostal spaces and the abdomen is noticeable;
  3. third: the gap closes significantly, breathing problems are observed both during exercise and at rest; with untimely assistance at this stage of laryngitis, the child may suffocate;
  4. fourth: the most difficult and critical situation, in which breathing stops completely due to 100% closing of the lumen in the larynx; requires urgent hospitalization and intubation.

First aid for an attack of laryngitis in a child

Laryngitis is a common disease in children and junior schoolchildren Therefore, parents should be ready to quickly carry out the necessary manipulations in the event of an attack. If an attack of laryngitis in a child happened at night, the baby should be reassured, since excitement and stress in themselves are provocateurs of asphyxia. Next, follow the instructions:

  • give the patient's body vertical position using pillows and blankets, thereby making breathing easier; it is recommended to remove from the baby things that limit the diaphragm; if he is able to stand on his feet, it is recommended to lead him around the room to restore breathing and calm;
  • if persistent choking is observed, insert a clean spoon into the mouth and press on the base of the tongue (as is done to induce a gag reflex); the meaning of the manipulation is that the vomiting center is in the vicinity of the respiratory center and the excitation of one leads to the activation of the second;
  • provide intensive humidification of the air in the room: factory humidifiers are used for this, but if there are none at home, it is recommended to transfer the baby to the bath, after opening the tap hot water at full power and close the door. You can achieve the effect of moisturizing by heating plain water on the gas stove to a state of steam winter period helps hanging wet towels on radiators, emergency wet cleaning, placing bowls of water in the room near the radiators; required humidity - not less than 60%;
  • at normal temperature foot baths and mustard applications on the calves help: the procedures provoke an outflow of blood into lower part body and makes breathing easier;
  • if the house has a nebulizer - do urgent inhalation using essential oils medicinal plants, saline, drugs Berodural or Naphthyzinum;
  • at elevated temperature inhalations and hot baths are contraindicated, antipyretic drugs Nurofen, Paracetamol are applicable at a dosage acceptable for the age of the patient;
  • a coughing fit with laryngitis is removed both with absorbable tablets (Strepsils, Faringosept), and aerosols and syrups (Alteika, Gerbion, Bronchomunal). The former relieve sore throat, the latter are applicable for productive cough
  • provide abundant alkaline drink- Borjomi, soda, chamomile decoction - warmed up to room temperature. It is not permissible to use milk with honey, juice, coffee during an attack of laryngitis, since the components of the drink are allergens and can provoke a deterioration in the condition;
  • if the seizure is allergic character- give the patient an antihistamine such as Zodak, Parlazin, Loratadine to relieve hyperemia of the mucous membrane and improve oral breathing;

When the disease is mild form The described first aid for an attack of laryngitis in a child will be enough for him to calm down, fall asleep, and in the morning feel kind and cheerful. But it is not always possible to stop an attack on your own, especially if we are talking about 3 and 4 severity of laryngitis. Here you should call an emergency, which will determine the degree of danger and decide whether the patient needs hospitalization or not.


To date, there is no specific drug that can stop all manifestations of the disease. For successful treatment a complex of medical and therapeutic prescriptions is used depending on the patient's condition. If stages 1 and 2 of laryngitis are diagnosed, treatment occurs at home, hospitalization is recommended in stages 3 and 4.

Means prescribed by otolaryngologists for children with laryngitis are divided into 6 categories:

  • removing hyperemia of the mucous membranes (antihistamines) in the form of tablets (Cetrin, Parlazin, Tavegil), if necessary - intramuscular injections Prednisolone or Eufillin;
  • eliminating discomfort in the larynx - absorbable tablets Linkas, Travesil, Faringosept, Septolete);
  • effectively fighting sputum (mucolytics) - Alteyka, Bronchosan, Gerbion, and reducing cough syndrome - Libeksin, Sinekod;
  • normalizing temperature (antipyretic), used when the temperature rises to subfebrile - Panadol, Ibuprofen, Efferalgan;
  • physiotherapy, are carried out in a hospital with a severe form of the disease or as preventive measures— UVR, electrophoresis, microwave therapy;
  • preparations for gargling - saline, Evkarom, Naphthyzinum.

What to do if an attack of laryngitis in a child is caused by a bacterial pathogen? ENT specialists prescribe antibiotics a wide range actions of Suprax, Amoxicillin, Azitsin in order to protect the baby from complications. If the disease is provoked by a virus, the use of antibiotics is unjustified.

Preparations for the treatment of the 1st degree of severity

The first degree of severity of laryngitis is cured without hospitalization. The principles of therapy are as follows:

  • peace and absence external stimuli in a patient;
  • inhalation using a nebulizer ( effective solutions- mineral water, Eufillin solution) - 2-3 inhalations per day;
  • tablets that relieve irritation in the throat (Strepsils, Septolete) - no more than 4-6 pieces per day;
  • regular exposure to fresh air.

Effectively relieves swelling of the mucosa with prednisolone. But otolaryngologists cautiously prescribe it hormonal remedy in the 1st stage of laryngitis, because along with the rapid effectiveness of the drug has serious side effects.

Treatment 2 3 severity

Laryngitis 2-3 severity is not treated at home due to the progressive transition to the 4th stage and complications. Recommended hospitalization and observation of specialists. Therapy consists of:

  • inhalations with prednisolone and aminophylline, if necessary, drugs are administered intramuscularly or intravenously through a dropper;
  • antipyretics in case of pyretic temperature;
  • anti-inflammatory protocol with drugs Oracept, Hexoral, Grammicidin;
  • tablets for sore throat - Septefril, Carmolis, Homeovoks;

Children under 3 years of age are hospitalized with their mother.

Treatment of the 4th degree of severity

The most severe form of laryngitis is the fourth, with which the glottis closes completely and breathing stops. Hospitalization is immediate, home methods of care are ineffective, because. a tracheotomy is needed to restore breathing.

After carrying out resuscitation manipulations in the hospital, which boil down to an incision in the trachea and the introduction of a tracheosome into it, the following treatment protocol is prescribed:

  • antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin group (Augmentin, Bioparox, Cefalexin); with a properly selected drug, positive dynamics is noticeable from 3-4 days of therapy;
  • inhalations with solutions of mucolytics (Mukolvan, Ambroxol), antihistamines hormonal drugs(Pulmicort, Prednisone) alkaline solutions(soda, saline), antiseptics (Miramistin, Furacillin);
  • antipyretic drugs according to age;
  • physiotherapy (infrared lamp, wave therapy).

Upon completion of the treatment protocol, the tracheosoma is removed and the child begins to breathe on his own.

Attacks of laryngitis haunt the baby up to 5-6 years, until it is finally formed mucous membrane larynx and respiratory system. The older the baby becomes, the more rapidly the risk of a recurrence of an attack decreases.

Possible Complications

An untimely noticed pathology or an incorrectly selected therapy protocol leads to serious complications laryngitis in children

  • the transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • closure of the lumen of the larynx (stenosis) and the development of a respiratory defect;
  • pathology of the vocal cords up to complete aphonia;
  • inflammatory processes in the chest area;
  • sepsis and phlegmon;
  • polyps and other neoplasms different nature on mucous membranes;
  • tumors of the larynx, with malignancy - cancer of the larynx.

Fortunately, the latter complication is rarely diagnosed in children.

The main advice of the pediatrician is to make every effort so that the disease is cured to the end and does not become chronic. To do this, you must follow a number of rules:

  • the air temperature in the patient's room drops to 18 degrees, airing is carried out at least 2-3 times a day. In this case, the baby should be removed from the room to avoid hypothermia; optimally - use special air purifiers for the duration of the illness;
  • humidity in the room - at least 60%, it is recommended both the use of factory humidifiers and independent spraying of water on the tulle of windows, hanging wet laundry on radiators, placing aquariums and other water tanks in the room;
  • regular wet cleaning of the patient's room, if necessary - using a washing vacuum cleaner;
  • exclusion of allergenic provocateurs: removal of fur toys from the baby's room and bed; temporary transfer of living plants to other premises (colonies of mold provocateurs settle in pots); treat your favorite toys with chemical antiseptics, store textile toys at night in the freezer compartment; protect the patient as much as possible from contact with chemicals household chemicals;
  • during the illness of a younger family member, parents exclude perfumes, deodorants, toilet waters and other odorous products from everyday life;
  • the treatment protocol is developed on the basis of the recommendations of the pediatrician, self-treatment and self-appointment are unacceptable, especially in children under 3 years old;
  • frequent and copious reception liquids - required, preference is given to alkaline mineral water, soda, boiled, unsweetened teas;

How not to get laryngitis

The main preventive measures include:

  • prevent hypothermia, dress the baby according to the season;
  • exclude communication and visiting a friend with laryngitis by a baby;
  • harden the child into warm time street events, going to cold and hot shower in cold weather;
  • strengthen immunity vitamin preparations along with annual visits to seaside resorts, eating seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Despite the fact that an attack of laryngitis in children is not common and looks scary, parents should always have experience with surgical manipulations. It will allow you to calm the baby, relieve spasm, restore breathing and wait for the arrival of emergency help.

One of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract is laryngitis. This disease manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory process of the mucous surface of the larynx. It can often spread to the vocal cords, as evidenced by the hoarseness that accompanies laryngitis. The disease can be both infectious and occur due to exposure to other provoking factors. Everyone suffers from its symptoms. age categories. The peak incidence is in autumn-winter period. There are acute and chronic forms of the disease. Of particular danger are complications of laryngitis, in particular suffocation (laryngospasm) and asphyxia. It is possible to save a person only by providing him with medical assistance in time.

Stenosing laryngotracheitis

One of the most common complications of SARS faced by young children is false croup. In the medical environment, this pathology is known as stenosing laryngotracheitis. The disease is swelling of the larynx and vocal cords, which manifests itself in hoarseness, rough cough, shortness of breath, suffocation. Also, the child's body temperature rises to 38-39 ° C. Most often from this disease children from 3 months to 3-6 years old suffer. Stenosing laryngotracheitis can lead to grave consequences, in particular to pneumonia, asphyxia, cardiac arrest and death.

Lit.: Large medical encyclopedia 1956

The disease occurs as a result of penetration into the human body pathogenic microorganisms. The causative agents of laryngitis are:

  • RS infection;
  • influenza virus;
  • streptococcus;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • mycobacteria.

Also, the disease can occur due to chemical burn when poisoned. Non-infectious laryngitis, which is accompanied by suffocation, develops against the background of such predisposing factors as:

  • local or general hypothermia of the body;
  • overvoltage of the vocal cords;
  • exposure to allergens;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • excessively dry or hot air.

Regardless of what would have provoked laryngitis, spasm and suffocation are its main symptoms. Most often they appear at night. These signs should be the basis for visiting a medical institution.

Which doctor will help?

First of all, if you experience unpleasant symptoms, you should consult a therapist. It is this doctor who will listen to the main complaints of the patient and study the history. After that, he will write a referral to a doctor specializing in similar pathologies. It can be:

The doctor should also measure the patient's body temperature and examine the throat. After that, he will recommend to undergo instrumental studies.

Methods for relieving an asthma attack

Treatment of the disease is carried out at home. It is always focused on eliminating the root cause. With strict adherence to all the doctor's recommendations, laryngitis, suffocation, heat and his other symptoms will soon disappear without a trace. Treatment of the disease is not complete without medication. Laryngitis of an infectious nature requires antibiotics and antibacterial agents. In addition, the following medical prescriptions should be followed.

There are acute and chronic laryngitis. The inflammatory process can spread to the entire mucous membrane of the larynx - this form of laryngitis is called diffuse, or to the area of ​​the vocal folds, epiglottis, walls of the subglottic cavity (isolated laryngitis).

In acute diffuse laryngitis, the larynx looks very reddened, and swelling of the mucous membrane is observed in the region of the folds of the vestibule. An isolated form of acute laryngitis is characterized by sharp redness only in the epiglottis. Often inflammatory process affects not only the larynx, but also the trachea (). With laryngitis, there is coughing, at the beginning of the disease dry, and then with sputum.

The main signs of acute laryngitis, in addition to coughing, are: fever, an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood, pain when swallowing, hoarseness, dryness and sore throat, headache, weakness, difficulty breathing.

Relief of a coughing fit with laryngitis

Treatment of any form of laryngitis should definitely be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If an attack of dry cough appeared at night, do not panic. To cope with it, you will be helped by means such as warm plentiful drink- "Borjomi", a glass of milk with honey and soda, as well as a hot foot bath for 7-10 minutes, putting mustard plasters on the larynx and chest. Humidification can also help steam inhalation with anti-inflammatory herbs and soda.

If a child has a barking cough, it could be a serious form of acute laryngitis called false croup. At the same time, the child suddenly wakes up, often covered in sweat, his breathing becomes noisy and difficult, he is tormented by a barking cough, his lips turn blue. All these symptoms are associated not only with swelling of the larynx, but also with spasm of the glottis.

If you observe a seizure in a child, urgently call ambulance. Before her arrival, the attack can be weakened by the methods described above. Be sure to lift the child, seat and calm him, provide an influx of moist air.

If mustard plasters, foot bath and inhalation do not have the desired effect, and the doctor is delayed, give the child one of the antispasmodics, for example, "Papaverine" or "No-shpu" in the appropriate dosage for the age. In the case when the disease is associated with allergies, it is also necessary to give the baby any of antihistamines, for example, "Zirtek", "Tavegil" or "Suprastin". Usually such attacks pass as suddenly as they begin, after 15-20 minutes.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, which is possible at any age. Laryngitis is acute and chronic. The disease appears after hypothermia, if you inhale very dry or very humid air, when drinking too hot or too cold drinks, with overstrain of the ligaments. A negative role in the occurrence of laryngitis is played by a passion for spicy, spices, alcohol and smoking. See this article for advice on how to treat the disease.

First aid for acute laryngitis

The patient's condition with laryngitis, as a rule, worsens: the temperature rises, the voice wheezes, dry cough worries. Sometimes aphonia occurs - complete absence vote. Subglottic laryngitis is also called false croup for a reason. It leads to swelling respiratory tract, which means the patient is at risk of suffocation. In this case, you need to act quickly, decisively and competently provide first aid.

What to do with acute form of laryngitis in adults?

Many are faced with such a disease as laryngitis. It doesn't matter if it's a child or an adult. The most important thing in such a situation is to act immediately. In every family there are funds that will help to remove inflammatory symptoms, and it's not necessary medical preparations, they can also be removed using folk remedies.

If you have signs of illness, you need to do the following:

talk less, and it is better to be silent altogether;

do not do very hot inhalations, eat warm and unleavened food;

do inhalations with soda or oil several times a day;

put compresses at night on the larynx;

steam your feet, after adding mustard to the water.

You can put mustard plasters as a first aid for laryngitis, as a distracting procedure.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain the humidity of the air - overdried air is harmful.

Drink plenty of warm fluids: teas, juices, milk, alkaline mineral water.

Inhalation with fees will be very helpful in treatment. medicinal herbs.

If laryngitis occurs against the background of a virus, then it is necessary to treat it comprehensively. If the form mild disease, use lozenges or sprays for sore throats, cough mixtures.

First aid for acute laryngitis in a child

Laryngitis can storm you and your child in winter and summer, so you need to be on the lookout. This is enough insidious disease. Suddenly, unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, the child may begin to choke. This is a type of acute laryngitis - laryngospasm. Helping a child on his own is possible only after repeated collisions with this problem. And only in lung case the course of the disease.

First aid is this: if the child is breathing with difficulty, humidify the air in the room, give the child an antihistamine and No-shpu, do a foot bath, calm and distract the baby. Give milk with a drop of soda. If the baby is not better, take him to the hospital immediately.

What to do with a chronic form of laryngitis?

People who talk a lot - teachers, announcers, singers, live and work in polluted air, cough a lot due to lung disease, are at risk of chronic laryngitis.

Well help hot foot baths with mustard, mustard, warm drink. Our ancestors were able to provide help with laryngitis many centuries ago. So don't skimp on recipes. traditional medicine.

A decoction of anise seeds restores the voice well. In 200 ml of water, add half a glass of seeds and boil for 15-20 minutes. Strain the decoction and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and boil for another 5 minutes. Drink a dessert spoon every half hour.

Very good for laryngitis different kind rinsing. For example, you can in a glass beetroot juice add a tablespoon of vinegar (apple) and gargle with it.

Of course, inhalations with oils of sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, sage are effective.

In a saucepan, over low heat, boil a glass of milk with one spoonful of sage. This “cocktail” must be cooled and boiled again. It is necessary to drink before going to bed, previously wrapped in a blanket or blanket.

In addition to all this, ideal treatment laryngitis will be a thorough gargling with a decoction of sage or chamomile.

How to do when chronic laryngitis inhalations and compresses?

During illness chronic form it will be very useful to do inhalations with eucalyptus. This will relieve irritation from the mucosa.

Can be applied warm compress on the neck and mustard plasters in the chest area.

In case of respiratory failure, it is necessary to do foot baths at a temperature of 40-45C for 20-30 minutes.

It must be remembered that for the treatment of laryngitis it is better to use complexes: drugs and physiotherapy. Most importantly, after you relieve the symptoms of laryngitis and inflammation, be sure to call a doctor who will prescribe you drugs and prescribe treatment. If you follow all the recommendations and do not forget to take the drugs, then the cure does not take so much time.

Temper, lead healthy lifestyle life, watch your diet, and then you will not be afraid of any diseases.

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