The influence of computer games on the physical and mental health of a younger student. How do computer games affect the human psyche?

It is no longer a secret that there is an influence of computer games on the human psyche. Games are an integral part of nature. Many higher animals who have so-called free time (not all animals have it) play games. Whether it is cubs of animals or adults during the mating season.

People also play games, but on a smaller scale. Of course, it is normal for children to play games, this is how they get to know the world. It is also acceptable for adults to play games, for example, while flirting with the opposite sex.

But there are games that can negatively affect the human psyche. Such games include games with human destinies, acting or computer games.

Actors, getting used to the role, adopt any features of their character. Each actor has his own role (those roles that he does best). And frequent reincarnation in any character or in any type of characters, sometimes entails an inevitable change in personality. It will be more and more difficult for an actor to get out of the character and, sooner or later, he may lose himself, or become one of such characters. True, this does not apply to highly professional actors who easily transform and easily return back from any image.

Playing with people entails even less good than playing on stage. After all, then a person feels his power, feels impunity. Such people do not consider other people equal to themselves, and, ultimately, remain individual farmers.

What are the reasons for the passion for computer games?

So what does all this have to do with computer games? The most direct thing. When playing a game, a person takes on the image of his character, gets used to this image. Then he can influence the events of the game world as he pleases.

A person has the illusion of power, the illusion that it is he who is strong, and not his character, whom he controls with the help of a mouse, keyboard, game consoles, etc. And there is this person in the image of his character much more often than any actor puts on this mask. And he influences other characters much more often than any manipulator pulls his strings.

A person, having such power in the virtual world, already ceases to need the physical world, the real world, where often this person is not so powerful, happy and successful. And the time that this gamer spends in the real world, he is in anticipation of returning to the virtual world.

People do not always start playing computer games from a good life. Often the players are unhappy, lonely or simply weak people. The virtual world gives them the opportunities that nature or society has deprived them of. In the virtual world, weak people beat all possible records, and social outcasts lead entire nations. And in this way they increase their self-esteem, assert themselves, achieve unrealizable goals in real life.

When playing computer games, a person often tries to get away from the problems that haunt him in life. And the more the surrounding world puts pressure on a person, the more he does not agree with the established status quo, the deeper he goes into the virtual world.

Therefore, in order to get rid of the influence of computer games on the psyche, you must first understand what prompted a person to become addicted to them. You need to help people understand themselves. And then he will be able to become a stronger personality, and get rid of the obsessive desire to take refuge in the virtual world.

Is there a line between entertainment and addiction?

Not everything looks so sad in the gaming industry in general. It cannot be argued that all computer game players are outcasts or inferior people. Of course not.

But, you must admit that if a good employee stays at work until almost midnight to complete the next level of the next game, while his family and three small children are waiting for him at home (I observed this myself), then this is no longer the norm, and requires urgent correction .

For those who treat computer games as a good means of entertainment that does not interfere with work, personal life, or communication in real life, computer games are a good way to relax.

The main thing is not to become a gamer by the medical definition, when this term refers to the patient's behavior, similar to drug addiction or alcoholism and smoking. The line passes right here, or the user of the games remains an ordinary person, or he sometimes imperceptibly crosses the line, and becomes a potential patient who cannot cope with this problem on his own without outside help.

Is it possible to "quit" playing computer games?

So, computer games quickly ceased to be a harmless hobby, turning into a dangerous addiction, no less destructive than alcohol and drugs. But if the fight against alcoholism lasts for decades and certain experience and a set of treatment methods have been developed, then it is more and more difficult with gambling addiction.

This is a new problem for society, which is not easy to understand: so what if a person comes after work and immediately sits down at the computer, but sleeps at work, because he plays until five in the morning? He doesn't drink! Again, at home.

And it’s not scary that a teenager doesn’t go out into the yard to kick a ball for weeks, preferring virtual battles - after all, instead, he could, God forbid, inject himself in the alley! And who said that being in painted, virtual worlds is less dangerous? So far, according to the prevailing public opinion, the impact of computer games on the human psyche is not particularly dangerous.

By the way, why is it always “he”? Yes, because so far a small percentage of women acquire such a specific addiction - they are more likely to help a loved one get rid of it. For example, unobtrusively distract him from what is happening on the screen with requests for help around the house.

If this is one of the first stages of gambling addiction, then the desire to feel like the strongest and most skilled in real life, and not in the virtual, and even get praise from a loved one, will definitely outweigh. And even if after that the brave knight of the hearth again goes to click the mouse and hit the keyboard, the goal of knocking down the mood will be achieved. The imperceptible regularity of such requests, with a lot of patience, can turn an emerging addiction to computer games into a cute hobby.

She can easily imagine real life as a game, assigning points to her real hero and helping to move from level to level. He himself will not notice how soon he will begin to play real "races" with his son. And in order to pump strength, she will go with him to the treadmill or to the gym.

Sports, by the way, are as addictive as computer games. So there is a risk that soon the "exterminator of all evil" will seriously engage in a healthy lifestyle.

In general, any other hobby can kill the craving for a computer game. If you really don’t want to get up at six in the morning for a run or sweat in the gym, you can try to reach the 90th “level” (level) in Photoshop or learn programming in Python, learn Chinese (of course, English will do) or go to an intuitive drawing course.

The classes are useful, there are levels of skill in them - after a while, the former avid gamer will understand that participating in exhibitions is no less interesting than chopping off the heads of villains generated by someone else's fantasy.

After all, you can always educate yourself to be involved in the development of such beloved games, by the (developer) of the game, the designer or the administrator-moderator in the game support service.

Sometimes it is useful to explain to a gamer that it is impossible to defeat an iron computer. Having passed the next level, after it the next, even more difficult level will appear. This is what developers and game support staff are constantly concerned about.

Yes, yes, many games have technical support, good programmers work there and not only programmers, they live by this, they earn money on it. As in alcohol, someone makes it and lives well, while someone consumes it and then suffers (at least with a headache).

It is important to understand that a computer is not analogous to a person in terms of intelligence. , despite the beautiful, almost real pictures, actions close to reality - this is all a virtual world that lives according to invented algorithms. These algorithms are not analogous to human thinking.

There are no such mechanisms or programs that can stand on the same level as a person. Despite all the efforts of cybernetics as a science and applied disciplines that allow you to create computer hardware and software.

And what does it mean to defeat inanimate matter, which thinks more primitively than man? Is this the purpose of each of us?! Yes, a computer is much more primitive than the simplest person, because he thinks in terms of instructions for processors. And human thinking is still a mystery, but it is clear that our brain is much more complex and more efficient than any modern piece of hardware.

Therefore, it should be more interesting for people to live among people and communicate with people, using computers and gadgets only as a convenient and often indispensable tool in our difficult and turbulent times.

Well, computer games have the right to exist, like many other things that surround us. Just as children and adults once loved ordinary, familiar toys, so in our time no one forbids them to play computer games. The main thing is that this does not obscure their real life.

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The technological progress of the 21st century is not just a race, it is a revolution. If 30 years ago, no one could have thought that it would be so easy to find information, have fun, study or even work with the help of some kind of computer. That it will be possible to talk using the phone from anywhere in the world, and besides, not only talk, but also play and read. Modern technology works wonders. It not only entertains and teaches, but also helps, saves and pleases a person.

Computer games are such programs that are designed to entertain a person, to occupy free time. Playing computer games, people relax, go headlong into the virtual world. Sometimes it is possible to calm a child down only with the help of computer games, sometimes, when there is nothing to do, this is a remedy for boredom. However, not all people think about how computer games affect the human psyche.

How games affect children is discussed in many manuals, articles, newspapers and magazines, they talk about it on television, radio and in children's clinics. After all, this problem is becoming more and more urgent. Children are drawn into computer games worse than adults. Indeed, the psyche of a person, especially a small one, can be easily influenced from the outside.

Walking down the street, you will no longer see, as before, a crowd of children playing hopscotch or catch-up. Not everyone even remembers such games. But this is real life, not virtual. Parents, in order to distract the child, not to follow him and not to worry about him, simply hand him a mouse. It's not right, and it's poisoning society. Computer games are, of course, fun and interesting, but in a certain amount. Otherwise, their influence on the human psyche will be too strong and it will be difficult to break away from computer games.

Psychologists do not advise children to abuse computer games, as this has a dangerous effect on the human psyche. The child may grow up nervous and violent. If a person is taught from childhood that cruelty is good, he will not be able to distinguish between boundaries, he will not be able to follow the rules and laws. Computer games affect the psyche of the child, because the main task of games is rivalry. With yourself (break the record set earlier), forgiving your partner, or even against the game itself. Therefore, the child becomes irritated, becomes nervous and twitchy. It is difficult for a child who plays computer games from early childhood to get along with peers. He is withdrawn, shy, tight-lipped.

Computer games also have an impact on adults, both good and bad. Games make you fight, games are excitement. Each computer game can teach you something: strategies, logic, they teach you to think and draw conclusions, to strive for something. However, a person who abuses computer games may forget about real life. It is an addiction, just like alcohol, smoking, drugs and gambling.

There are many online games on the Internet. This is a great way to make money. A person, carried away, drags on. As a result, he is ready to give all the money for the sake of some kind of game. This is psychology and those who know how to influence the human psyche can make good money on it.

Getting into the virtual world, people do not think about their problems in the real world. The virtual world is often more interesting than the real one. It captivates, attracts. There a person can live the life he wanted to live once or wants to live now. However, many people forget that a person himself builds his life, and only he can change it. Computer games are just a way to hide from reality. That is what attracts people.

Computer games are not only an interesting game. Movies, cartoons, books are written on computer games. People gather themed evenings that are dedicated to a particular game.

Many couples get acquainted with the help of computer games, many find good friends, comrades or just a fun company. Therefore, the virtual world is closely connected with the real one.

Computer games are not such a safe thing. After all, many go crazy on this very soil. People do not withstand the load that comes to them from the real world, and besides, they are influenced by the virtual universe with all the cruelty, murders and fake emotions.

Strange as it may seem, but computer games affect not only the mental state of a person, but also physiology. Firstly, they affect male potency. Now, in modern computer games, there is just nothing. Men are no longer happy with sex, games are pushed into the background. Secondly, computer games are a passive activity. If you abuse them, a person's physique will change. Cellulite, muscle dystrophy, joint pain - all this is due to sitting at the computer for a long time. Vision also deteriorates, the head hurts, blood vessels burst in the eyes, black circles under the eyes.

Because of computer games, it is difficult for a person, especially a guy, to communicate with people in reality later. In the game, you can be anyone: an elf, a dragon, a knight or a prince. When a person leaves the virtual world for the real one, he realizes who he really is. There is nothing wrong with being just human. However, this means that there are no those adventures and that heroism that was in the game. People just get frustrated with their lives, get depressed, irritable and unfriendly.

If you sit at the computer for a long time, playing games, you can lose your individuality. Learn to separate good and bad. Computer games in small quantities make life more fun, in large quantities they kill the desire to live. A child should not be allowed to play such games for a long time, otherwise he may grow up wild and naughty. It is hardly possible to make someone happy if you disappear in virtual reality all the time. Don't make yourself happy in the first place. Therefore, you need to see sulfur in everything, and not go to extremes, because nothing good will come of it.

People, what do you think? Does the game affect your life? On the psyche? On the behavior of the surrounding circle of people?

I am an ordinary student, and I quite think that computer games have influenced my life.

And now I will write a short article about it.

The technological progress of the 21st century is not just a leap, it is a revolution. If 30 years ago, no one could have thought that it would be so easy to find information, have fun, study or even work with the help of some kind of computer. That it will be possible to talk using the phone from anywhere in the world, and besides, not only talk, but also play and read. Modern technology works wonders. It not only entertains and teaches, but also helps, saves and pleases a person.

Computer games are programs that are designed to entertain a person, to occupy free time. Playing computer games, people relax, go headlong into the virtual world. Sometimes it is possible to calm a child down only with the help of computer games, sometimes, when there is nothing to do, this is a remedy for boredom. However, not all people think about how computer games affect the human psyche.

How games affect children is discussed in many manuals, articles, newspapers and magazines, they talk about it on television, radio and in children's clinics. After all, this problem is becoming more and more urgent. Children are drawn into computer games worse than adults. Indeed, the psyche of a person, especially a small one, can be easily influenced from the outside.

Walking down the street, you will no longer see, as before, a crowd of children playing hopscotch or catch-up. Not everyone even remembers such games. But this is real life, not virtual. Parents, in order to distract the child, not to follow him and not to worry about him, simply hand him a mouse. It's not right, and it's poisoning society. Computer games are, of course, fun and interesting, but in a certain amount. Otherwise, their influence on the human psyche will be too strong and it will be difficult to break away from computer games.

Psychologists do not advise children to abuse computer games, as this has a dangerous effect on the human psyche. The child may grow up nervous and violent. If a person is taught from childhood that cruelty is good, he will not be able to distinguish between boundaries, he will not be able to follow the rules and laws. Computer games affect the psyche of the child, because the main task of games is rivalry. With yourself (break the record set earlier), forgiving your partner, or even against the game itself. Therefore, the child becomes irritated, becomes nervous and twitchy. It is difficult for a child who plays computer games from early childhood to get along with peers. He is withdrawn, shy, tight-lipped.

Computer games also have an impact on adults, both good and bad. Games make you fight, games are excitement. Each computer game can teach you something: strategies, logic, they teach you to think and draw conclusions, to strive for something. However, a person who abuses computer games may forget about real life. It is an addiction, just like alcohol, smoking, drugs and gambling.

There are many online games on the Internet. This is a great way to make money. A person, carried away, drags on. As a result, he is ready to give all the money for the sake of some kind of game. This is psychology and those who know how to influence the human psyche can make good money on it.

Getting into the virtual world, people do not think about their problems in the real world. The virtual world is often more interesting than the real one. It captivates, attracts. There a person can live the life he wanted to live once or wants to live now. However, many people forget that a person himself builds his life, and only he can change it. Computer games are just a way to hide from reality. That is what attracts people.

Computer games are not only an interesting game. Movies, cartoons, books are written on computer games. People gather themed evenings that are dedicated to a particular game.

Many couples get acquainted with the help of computer games, many find good friends, comrades or just a fun company. Therefore, the virtual world is closely connected with the real one.

Computer games are not such a safe thing. After all, many go crazy on this very soil. People do not withstand the load that comes to them from the real world, and besides, they are influenced by the virtual universe with all the cruelty, murders and fake emotions.

Strange as it may seem, but computer games affect not only the mental state of a person, but also physiology. Firstly, they affect male potency. Now, in modern computer games, there is just nothing. Men are no longer happy with sex, games are pushed into the background. Secondly, computer games are a passive activity. If you abuse them, a person's physique will change. Cellulite, muscle dystrophy, joint pain - all this is due to sitting at the computer for a long time. Vision also deteriorates, the head hurts, blood vessels burst in the eyes, black circles under the eyes.

Because of computer games, it is difficult for a person, especially a guy, to communicate with people in reality later. In the game, you can be anyone: an elf, a dragon, a knight or a prince. When a person leaves the virtual world for the real one, he realizes who he really is. There is nothing wrong with being just human. However, this means that there are no those adventures and that heroism that was in the game. People just get frustrated with their lives, get depressed, irritable and unfriendly.

If you sit at the computer for a long time, playing games, you can lose your individuality. Learn to separate good and bad. Computer games in small quantities make life more fun, in large quantities they kill the desire to live. A child should not be allowed to play such games for a long time, otherwise he may grow up wild and naughty. It is hardly possible to make someone happy if you disappear in virtual reality all the time. Don't make yourself happy in the first place. Therefore, you need to see sulfur in everything, and not go to extremes, because nothing good will come of it.

Most computer games have a beneficial effect on the character and behavior of a person, developing many important qualities in him and giving him the opportunity to take a break from everyday hustle and bustle. However, many people do not agree with such a judgment, since, in their opinion, absolutely all games bring complete harm to both the younger and older generations. But is it really so? Let's figure it out.


A few days ago, I accidentally stumbled upon an "interesting" article on the Internet, which tells about the negative impact of computer games on the psyche of young people. After reading it, I decided to read other materials on a similar topic in order to find out the opinion of other authors regarding this problem. And imagine my surprise when, with great difficulty, I managed to find an article with the opposite point of view.

Oddly enough, but in our time it has become very popular to blame computer games for all troubles. Most often this can be seen in the field of modern television, where occasionally there are reports about how some teenagers, under the influence of video games, begin to commit criminal acts, harming people around them. In addition, similar information can be found on many news websites, whose publications, as a rule, should be based only on verified facts.

Personally, I take a different position and believe that computer games are not capable of negatively affecting the psyche of a child or an adult. And all the accusations that are put forward by the gaming industry are just an excuse to cover up a truly urgent problem. But let's not rush and first make sure that the main part of computer games has a good effect on a person, and only then we will discuss the essence of this "hidden problem".

Why do video games have a positive effect on people?

Firstly, most computer games help a person to relax after a hard day at work. Unfortunately, the current life of many people adheres to a strict rhythm of "home → work → home", so they simply do not have extra time and energy to go, for example, to the cinema. It is for this reason that they prefer to play video games, because this type of recreation does not force them to go out and is able to give them the same emotions as any interesting movie or series.

Secondly, some types of games that, according to most, make people irritable, on the contrary, help them get rid of it. This is especially true for such genres of the gaming industry as shooters and fighting games. Let me give you an example: if some unpleasant situation happened in your life that caused you a strong feeling of anger, then instead of taking it out on your family and friends, you can go into any shooter and shoot fictional characters there. Thus, you will be able to get rid of anger and calm down.

Thirdly Thanks to video games, children develop a rich imagination. In fact, any computer game is a fabulous universe that you can explore without leaving your home. Finding himself in such a place, the child begins to take a direct part in the development of this world, performing good and heroic deeds. In other words, in many games, teenagers can become brave brave men protecting a magical land, which, in turn, has a positive effect on their thinking and fantasy.

Fourth, most computer games strive to convey to their players a deep sense of goodness, justice and other qualities that each of us should possess. This can be easily seen by paying attention to a significant part of all modern video games, the main meaning of which is to save the world and fight evil. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but the same pattern can be found, for example, in cinema. Therefore, this is not unusual, as negative aspects can be found in most works of art.

Fifth, a large number of games forms useful knowledge and skills in people, namely:

Shooters develop reaction, cunning and the ability to work in a team.
Strategies develop tact, logic and mental coordination.
RPG develops imagination and the ability to make complex decisions.
Online games develop communication skills.
Horrors help overcome fear.

In addition, with the help of computer games, you can make new acquaintances, learn foreign languages ​​and even earn money. And I still do not understand why the older generation has a negative attitude towards the gaming industry, blaming it for its negative impact on the character and behavior of young people.

What is the essence of this problem?

Everything is quite simple: the main reason for increased aggression in modern teenagers is the usual lack of education, and not some games there. Any adequate child growing up in a prosperous and loving family will not sit in front of a computer around the clock, worsening their vision and posture, and be negatively influenced by video games and the Internet. In addition, if a healthy teenager regularly exhibits attacks of aggression, then only his parents are to blame, because they did not bother to identify and prevent this problem in advance.

I don't understand people who have children without making sure that they can devote a huge amount of time to raising them and financially provide for them until they come of age. Very often I become a witness of such cases when a young couple who do not have normal housing and a decent salary think about having a child. This is wrong, because they will not be able to take a direct part in the life and development of their child due to lack of time, energy and other particularly important reasons. And it is from such families that one can now hear that bad games, films, songs and much more are to blame for all the troubles of their child. In general, everyone is to blame, but not them.

The article presents data from the analysis of the impact of computer games on a person's daily life. The analysis made it possible to reveal the degree of influence of computer games on various areas of human activity, on his mood and relationships with others.

Key words: computer games, video games, the impact of games, the benefits and harms of computer games.

Computer games are a fairly new direction, and aggressive behavior in humans is often associated with them. Disputes about the benefits and harms of computer games have been going on for a long time. The rise in suspicion of computer games in the past is due to cases of mass murders, the perpetrators of which were teenagers who were addicted to computer games.

An example is the Columbine High School Massacre on April 20, 1999. Games are accused of pushing to commit crimes, have a negative impact on the human psyche, a person begins to confuse the real world with the virtual one. Studies show that computer games are not harmless, but accusations of their strong negative impact, in our opinion, are often exaggerated.

Very often, the media touches on the topic of the harmful effects of computer games, which raises the fears of many people about video games. In most cases, fears are based not so much on scientific facts as on "media hysteria". As mentioned earlier, computer games are not harmless, they have both pros and cons. An example of the positive aspects include the fact that many computer games contribute to the development of intelligence, attention, reaction, spatial orientation and logical thinking. This is directly related to the mechanics of the game, which develops one of the skills or several, such as increasing perception and cognitive skills. Games with non-violent interaction (mutual assistance) can develop pro-social behavior.

There are also educational games for the little ones, games that will help you learn foreign languages ​​or some scientific disciplines. It is worth adding that people who play video games (including violent ones) can cope better with stress than non-players, and these people are also less depressed and irritable after stress. The negative effect of computer games includes a sedentary lifestyle, severe eye strain, the danger of developing computer addiction and narrowing the range of interests in people.

There are many studies confirming the safety and positive aspects of computer games, and there are completely opposite studies that claim the negative impact and severe harm of computer games, but there is no exact answer to this question. Therefore, the influence of computer games on the norms of human behavior among people who are fond of computer games should be studied. In the course of the study, using the method of anonymous questionnaires in March 2017, 57 people playing computer games were interviewed using a random sample. About two thirds of the respondents are men (61.4%), the proportion of women is 38.6%. The age of the respondents is from 18 to 30 years. Most of the respondents are aged 19-21 (56.2%).

More than half of the respondents (54.4%) spend 1-3 hours a day playing games, 21.1% noted the option “3-5 hours”, 3.5% of respondents spend 5 to 8 hours playing games. On average, respondents spend 2.9 hours a day playing games. To the question “Do you have hobbies besides computer games?” 96.5% of the respondents answered “yes”, the share of those who answered “no” was 3.5%.

The most popular game genre among the respondents was CRPG (31.6%). CRPG (RPG) - computer role-playing game. In this genre, the player interacts with characters, performs various tasks (both completely safe and calm, and with the use of force), moving through the story in an open world at his own discretion. Such interactive storytelling turns ordinary static worlds into dynamic and adaptive worlds, where the player chooses by his actions how and what to do. In other words, RPG is a genre where the player plays any role he wants (you can be a virtue and help everyone, or be a villain, harming everyone around you, or someone else, it all depends on the player's imagination). 17.5% of respondents prefer MMO RPG. This is the MMORPG genre, in other words, the RPG genre is crossed with the MMORPG genre.

The same number of people prefer shooters - a game genre in which the entire gameplay is completely based on shooting. Aggressive behavior is most often associated with this genre, but as we wrote earlier, people who play video games (including violent ones) can cope with stress better than non-gamers, and these people are also less depressed and irritable after stress. 10.5% of respondents prefer RTS (real time strategy), i.e. a genre in which the gameplay consists of collecting resources, building a base, gathering an army and destroying the enemy or his base. Answering the question about the influence of computer games, the respondents most often said that games do not affect them (40.4%), 31.6% of respondents have the opposite opinion, 26.3% answered “maybe”. Almost a third of the respondents (31.6%) had quarrels with relatives, friends or acquaintances because of computer games, the majority of respondents (50.9%) had no quarrels over computer games.

Answering the question "do computer games affect your mood?" respondents most often answered "sometimes" - 45.6%, "no" answered 31.6%, "yes" - 10.5% of respondents. The vast majority of respondents spend their time playing games at home - 98.2%, 1.8% answered "anywhere I can access games." Two thirds of respondents (64.9%) answered that games do not affect their daily life. 15.8% of respondents say that games affect their daily lives. The influence of games on academic performance is denied by more than half of the respondents (54.4%), the opposite opinion is expressed by 22.8% of the respondents.

In the question “If you didn’t have the opportunity to play computer games, would you lose more from it, or gain more?” more often than others, the options “nothing has changed” and “acquired (a) more” were chosen (36.8% each). The option “lost more (s)” was chosen by 21.1% of the respondents. Our data showed that among those surveyed, the proportion of those whose daily life, mood, academic performance, and behavior are affected by games is significantly smaller than the proportion of respondents who are not affected by games. In the question about the impact on mood, only 10.5% of respondents answered “yes”. Based on the survey data, it follows that games, although they have an impact, but this impact is small.


1. The influence of a computer on the performance of middle-level students [Electronic resource]. - URL: (Date of access: 03/20/2017).

2. Kozhevnikova, M. L. Influence of computer games on the human body [Electronic resource]. - URL: (Date of access: 04/12/2017).

3. LCI. The meaning of game genres [Electronic resource]. - URL: (Date of access: 04/05/2017).

4. Petrova, E.I. Children and computer [Text] // Philosophical problems of information technologies and cyberspace. - 2012. - No. 1. - P.133 - 141.

5. Generating Educational Interactive Stories in Computer Role-Playing Games. [Electronic resource]. - URL: (Date of access: 04/05/2017).

6. Texas A&M International University. [Electronic resource]. - URL: (Date of access: 03/20/2017).

7. The Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behaviors: International Evidence from Correlational, Longitudinal, and Experimental Studies. [Electronic resource]. - URL: (Date of access: 03/20/2017). 8. Video games as a tool to train visual skills. [Electronic resource]. - URL: (Date of access: 03/20/2017).

Gortinsky V.A., Shatrov S.M.

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