How long to wear braces for a perfect smile. Timing of treatment - how long do you need to wear braces to straighten your teeth? How long should an adult wear braces?

It was a conscious decision that a beautiful smile was worth some pain. And here are the brackets. But while the first visible results are still far away, the sense of beauty will have to hide a little. Until when? How many wear braces?

According to orthodontists of about a quarter of the world's population, it makes sense to think about correcting defects in the dentition: whether it is a slight unevenness or a serious malocclusion. Braces are an excellent choice for this type of treatment, but they will take much longer than you would like. Nevertheless, the period in each case is determined purely individually and primarily depends on such factors:

  • the severity of the anomaly of the dentition;
  • model of the selected bracket system;
  • patient's age;
  • the willingness of the patient to follow the rules for the care of braces;
  • bracket placement accuracy.

The average wear time for braces is 20 months. At the same time, the period can both decrease to 1 year, if the defect being corrected is mild, and increase to 2.5-3 years for complex anomalies. The first results of the treatment are already noticeable after 3-4 months, but at this stage it is impossible to remove the braces, otherwise the teeth will return to their previous position.

Type of braces Advantages Flaws Estimated wear time
  • low cost
  • operational reliability
  • noticeable on the teeth, not aesthetic
  • may irritate gums
  • invisible
  • installed on the inside of the dentition
  • durable
  • high price
  • discomfort in the tongue area persists for up to 3 weeks
  • not suitable for patients with short anterior teeth
  • low cost
  • come in different colors than kids like
  • can be matched to the "native" color of the teeth
  • fragile
  • frequent visits to the orthodontist to replace braces are possible
  • change color when exposed to food coloring
  • almost invisible on the teeth
  • transparent
  • do not injure the tongue and mucous membranes
  • do not violate diction
  • sapphire crystals cannot be stained
  • high price
  • fragility
  • require special care
  • safe
  • invisible
  • matching enamel color
  • durable
  • high price
  • not used for severe malocclusion
  • ligatures can change color when exposed to food coloring
  • quite voluminous, which significantly affects diction

How much should children wear

Doctors recommend starting orthodontic treatment at a young age, when the teeth are still quite malleable. Braces can be placed from 11-13 years. At this time, the growth of the jaw system slows down (it finally stops only by the age of 25), and the teeth can withstand the load of the orthodontic structure. It is also necessary to wait for the eruption of the second molars: treatment cannot be started without them, since these teeth can come out at the most inopportune moment and reduce the achieved result to zero.

The final decision regarding the possibility of installing braces is made on the basis of an x-ray: after all, each child develops at his own pace, and one cannot judge the readiness of teeth for “responsibility” only by age.

Early use of braces is fraught with a violation of the development of the root system and even loss of teeth. Therefore, up to a certain age, mouthguards are used. Many mothers believe that there is no need to torture a child with them if they still have to wear braces after them. However, this opinion does not take into account the fact that wearing a mouth guard prepares the teeth for further treatment and will shorten the “era” of braces in the future.

On average, children walk with braces for 6-8 months. less than adults. In addition, in young patients, the retention period is reduced by about 2 times, during which it is necessary to wear removable mouthguards.

How much to wear for adults

Regarding adults, there are no age restrictions: braces are put at least at 25, at least at 50 years old. The only obstacle may be some concomitant diseases, from which children rarely suffer, for example:

  • mental disorders;
  • pathologies of the immune system;
  • tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV;
  • diseases of the blood and endocrine system;
  • absence of a large number of teeth.

Adults need a little longer than their children to walk with braces. This is due to natural processes that occur in the body after 30 years, such as:

  1. Slowdown of metabolic processes.
  2. Deterioration of the ability to regenerate tissues.
  3. cessation of skeletal growth.

As a result, all inconsistencies and defects in the mouth are corrected only by moving the teeth and changing the size of the dentition. Very often, adult patients have to remove extra teeth so that the rest can take their places.

Also, during the treatment, a surgical change in the size of the jaw can be used, but the operation, so popular in the West, has not taken root in domestic practice. It is very rare that a patient agrees to it, and in most cases this intervention is associated with a change in the shape of the face.

For long-term wear, adults generally prefer lingual, ceramic, or metal braces. Some patients, especially men, tend to install not braces, but aligners - a system of removable mouthguards. However, orthodontists do not consider such a decision to be reasonable: mouthguards quickly get bored, and since they are easy to remove, these designs spend most of the time in the patient's pocket, which does not have a very good effect on the effectiveness of treatment.

How long is the retention period

After removing the braces, the next stage of treatment begins - retention. At this time, efforts are aimed at fixing the achieved result. The fact is that each tooth has a ligamentous apparatus, and as a result, muscle memory. Under the influence of braces, the teeth “move” a little, but then they tend to take the previous position.

So that the years of wearing braces were not in vain, a retainer was invented - a special orthodontic apparatus that resembles a small arc in shape. It is installed on the inside of the jaw, so it remains invisible to an outside observer.

A retainer is needed for both children and adults. The minimum period of wear for patients over 25 years of age should be 2 times the period of use of braces. As an option, you can wear a retainer for 4-5 years, and then just put a mouthguard or plate on at night. But in any case, some kind of dental support is needed. Western dentists are of the opinion that retainers should accompany their owner for life: this minimizes the risk of relapse.

It is somewhat easier for children: they can wear a retainer for only 2-3 years, and then enjoy healthy teeth. In young people, the root system is quite strong and the fixation of teeth in a new place is more reliable.

Orthodontic treatment is an investment in your future life. A beautiful smile is never superfluous: not at a job interview, not on a date, not even in a family photo. Unfortunately, some people give up on this idea after learning how much they wear braces on their teeth. But such "torment" is more than paid off. Moreover, modern technologies make the treatment process as comfortable and inconspicuous as possible.


Most people with various anomalies in the location of the teeth on the jaw think about the possibility of orthodontic treatment. Most often, after finding out its approximate cost, the question arises of how long it will take to wear braces to achieve the desired result.

It is difficult to answer it. Not a single orthodontist will be able to announce the exact date of removal of the structure. Only after detailed research and careful preparation of a treatment plan, he will be able to give an approximate wearing time.

What does the term depend on?

To navigate the timing of orthodontic treatment, you need to find out what exactly can affect their extension or reduction. It is very important that the doctor was able to choose the right system of braces from the many possible options.

Here we will consider each factor separately, analyzing it in detail.

Individual characteristics

Photo: a complex case of bad bite requiring long-term treatment

In this group of factors are those that are completely individual for each individual case. However, in order to understand them, it is necessary to briefly talk about how strong teeth can move.

Both jaws end with alveolar processes that have alveoli (holes), in which the hidden parts of the tooth are located. In these holes, the tooth itself is held by the periodontal tissues around it.

The fibers of these tissues penetrate in both directions at the same time - into the root cementum and the alveolus, linking them into a single system. It is because of this layer that the teeth have relative mobility.

In addition, under constant influence, the bone tissue of the jaw can also change. It begins to dissolve in the area where the tooth is moved, under the influence of constant pressure created by the braces.

But on the reverse side, the bone tissue thickens and grows. All this is due to compression or stretching of the periodontium, after which osteoclasts and osteoblasts begin to form in large numbers at the site of the change.

These cells contribute respectively to the resorption or formation of bone tissue.

Let's watch a video that shows in 30 seconds how a teenager's bite changes with the help of braces for 1.5 years:

Clinical case

First of all, the terms depend on the severity and complexity of the dentoalveolar anomaly. The more complex the problem, the longer it will take to fix it..

For example, two or three teeth that are slightly out of alignment can be moved to the desired position in a few months.

However, there are cases when the degree of severity of the anomaly is considered to be maximum - malocclusion, twisting of individual teeth, lack of space on the jaw, and so on. Then the treatment can be carried out in several stages and last more than three to four years.

Patient's age

The state of the bone tissue itself depends on age. If in childhood and adolescence it still grows, changes and forms, then after 30-35 years it is a dense and fully formed structure.

Accordingly, the younger the patient, the easier, easier and faster the treatment will be.

Individual characteristics

A situation may arise when for two patients of the same age with identical bite problems, the period of wearing braces will be very different.

The fact is that the ability of each person (his tissues) to change and respond to treatment is very different. That's why the dentist will be able to clarify the terms of wearing the bracket system only after the first results appear.

Responsibility of the patient

After the installation of braces and in the process of wearing them, the attending physician necessarily gives the patient recommendations on the care of the structure and the proper handling of it. Non-compliance with the rules of care and doctor's recommendations also affects the timing. And in the direction of their increase.

For example, we can cite a situation where one of the braces was damaged (hard food, nuts, etc.). If you do not immediately restore its functionality, but postpone it for several days or weeks, then at this time the result of treatment can be indicated with a minus sign.

Since the impact is stopped or greatly weakened, the tooth begins to move back to its original position. As a result, the achieved result is leveled.

Types of braces, their features and duration of orthodontic treatment

First of all, the treatment time will depend on the particular type of system chosen. There are two main types - self-ligating and ligature.

They differ in the way they hold one of the main components of the entire system - the current arc.

  • are considered classic ligature braces, the design of which includes three main elements. In addition to the arc, the brackets themselves are needed, which are attached to the surface of the tooth and serve to guide and hold the arc, and special fasteners - ligatures.

    It is with their help that the archwire is properly held in the bracket slot. Ligatures can be elastic bands, rings or wire elements.

  • However, modern technology has allowed the development of a new type of bracket systems called self-ligating. They do not have ligatures due to their uselessness, because each bracket is initially equipped with a fixation element.

    The arc in this case can be held with the help of either special clips or a sliding vestibular factor.

This difference is one of the reasons for the change in the duration of treatment with braces. In classic ligature constructions, the fact that the arc is fixed quite tightly makes it possible to achieve reliability. Because of this, friction and resistance to its movement arise.

In self-ligating systems, there is no conventional blockage, so the process of moving teeth becomes easier. This reduces the average period of wearing an orthodontic appliance to one year, when with a classic system it will take about a year and a half to walk.

In some cases that are not complex, the time to fix the problem is only about six months.

Types of fastening structures

Photo: lingual braces on the left, vestibular braces on the right

The usual braces that are attached to the outside of the teeth, that is, on their front wall, belong to the first type - vestibular systems.

The second type is called lingual. These structures are attached to the inner - lingual - side of the dental surfaces. They do not affect the teeth in the same way.

In the case of installing a lingual system, each bracket, its shape and parameters are selected for each tooth separately. This allows you to make the movement of the teeth very accurate, but slower. The average wear time here is increased to two years..

Unlike the usual vestibular braces, where the location of the archwire makes its impact more active, and period usually does not exceed a year and a half.

Main production material

The properties of the material from which the braces are made are also reflected in the timing of the treatment.

The total minimum time for the treatment of anomalies in the location of the teeth for all types of structures is about one year. However, the average may change.


The most durable, reliable and efficient systems are made of metal. Most often it is a titanium alloy or medical steel, however, durable gold alloys can also be used, which have bacteriostatic properties and do not cause allergic reactions.

Such designs are not subject to most external factors, so their wearing time is less compared to others. Wearing period from one year to one and a half.


Braces made of plastic are much less durable than other varieties. Plastic is easier to break and damage.

In addition, the material, due to its structure, can absorb a variety of substances and dyes, which lowers its quality. Treatment time: 1-2.5 years.

Ceramics and sapphire

As the main material for braces, special dental ceramics or artificially created sapphires can be used. Despite the high characteristics, the terms of treatment with braces from these materials increase. up to 2.5–3 years.

The period of bite correction in children and adolescents

In childhood, as well as in early adolescence (12-14 years), patients have not yet fully formed the dentoalveolar system. At this time, the process of moving the teeth is much faster, as to some extent it is a natural physiological.

The fact is that very young children do not install braces. This is due to the fact that the growth of the jaws involves changes not only in their structure, but also in the teeth fixed in them.

In addition, at a young age, metabolic processes in the body are faster. As a result, recovery is faster.

From all this, the average period of orthodontic treatment for teenagers and children is about 12-15 months.

The period of bite correction in adult patients

The maximum age for the installation of braces is limited solely by the general condition of the patient, as well as the health of the tissues of the oral cavity and the teeth themselves.

Therefore, many adults, contrary to popular belief, also wear braces.

As mentioned earlier, in adults, the dentoalveolar system is fully formed, therefore, to a lesser extent than in childhood, it is subject to changes even with strong impact.

This explains the increase in terms of orthodontic treatment. On average, they are defined as 2-3 years.

However, it is not uncommon for a patient to put up with braces on their teeth for four or even five years.

However, the treatment does not end there. After removing the braces, the so-called retention period begins, designed to consolidate the result.

Various designs (retainers, caps) prevent the teeth from moving back to the wrong position.

If for children and adolescents this period is approximately equal to the duration of the main treatment, then for adults it can be much longer. In some cases, life-long wearing of retention devices may be prescribed..

We summarize our article with the help of the following video, in which the dentist will briefly tell us what else the period of wearing braces may depend on:

Braces, or orthodontic braces, are a complex non-removable structure that is installed on the dentition to correct the bite when the teeth are in the wrong position. Now braces are quite common, many people choose this correction method to straighten their teeth and get the famous Hollywood smile. And everyone asks the question: how long do you need to wear braces to get the result. braces

What determines the duration of wearing braces?

The period of wearing braces for each person is individual. Duration is influenced by many factors:

  • Age - the older the patient, the more difficult it is to change the position of the teeth
  • Features of bite - the more complex the case, the more time it takes to correct the position of the teeth
  • Individual reaction - some patients experience severe discomfort when wearing braces due to strong pressure, due to which they have to be loosened, which increases the period of bite change
  • Braces design – Different designs of orthodontic brackets change bite at different rates.

How do the terms of wearing depend on the choice of braces? (terms for each type of system)

Metal braces

The most common type of construction. It is popular due to the optimal combination of strength and price. Unfortunately, this design is quite noticeable to others, so if you do not want to draw attention to your teeth while wearing braces, it is better to choose a different type of braces. The period of wearing such a system is minimal compared to others - from one to one and a half years.


This type is suitable for those who are embarrassed to wear braces. The bracket is installed on the back surface of the tooth and is absolutely invisible to others. But there are also disadvantages: such a system is expensive and not suitable for everyone (if you have short teeth, it will not work), and it can also cause short-term problems with diction. If at work you have to communicate a lot with people, then it is better to install this type of braces at the beginning of your vacation so that you have time to get used to the new sensations. This design will help to correct the bite in one and a half - two and a half years.


The design differs from the metal one in that the plates attached to the teeth are plastic. Because of this, this type of braces is quite fragile. On the plus side, the plates can be ordered in any color you choose, making them great for kids compared to boring metal braces. You need to wear such a system from a year to two and a half.


Sapphire braces, like metal braces, are attached to the outer side of the tooth, but due to the transparency of the material they are less visible to others. They are also perfect for people with weak mucous membranes, they have almost no traumatic effect. Such a system is quite expensive and requires special, careful maintenance. The term of wearing this system can stretch from one to three years.


The system is attached to the outer side of the tooth. Despite this, they are almost invisible to others because of the plates, the color of which is selected individually to match the color of the enamel. This type of braces are highly durable and do not cause allergies at all, which allows anyone to wear them. This design also has a number of disadvantages: first of all, this is the size of the structure, which may cause short-term violations of diction; secondly, ceramics can change color under the influence of food dyes. Another disadvantage is the high cost of installing such a bracket system. Correction of the bite with this design takes from one to three years, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

The duration of wearing braces depends on their type.

How long do adults need to wear braces on their teeth?

As mentioned above, the duration of wearing braces also depends on the age of the patient. This is due to the fact that over the years our body does not regenerate as quickly as in childhood and adolescence, the metabolism becomes slower, and the bones stop growing. It often turns out that there is no room for misplaced teeth to move, and the doctor is forced to remove a healthy tooth in order to make room and allow the teeth to take an even position.

All this prolongs the process of wearing staples by 6 to 8 months. Fortunately, there is no upper threshold for braces, and you can improve your bite at any age.

IMPORTANT! Not everyone can get braces. There are contraindications for its installation. These include:

  • mental illness
  • Tuberculosis
  • Venereal diseases
  • Diseases of the immune system
  • Blood diseases
  • Absence of many teeth

How many children wear braces?

And yet it is better to put braces as early as possible. In childhood and adolescence, it is easier to correct the position of the teeth due to rapid tissue regeneration and greater bone plasticity.

But do not rush and install the system too early. The optimal age is 10 - 13 years old, when the last painters erupted. If you hurry and do not wait for this event, then the teeth that have changed can again spoil the bite, and all your efforts to change it will be useless. Moreover, placing braces too early can affect the roots of young teeth, leading to serious problems later on.

The period of wearing braces for children is 7 months less than for adults, and the retention period is 50% less.

Children can straighten their teeth faster

How long if the teeth are not severely crooked?

Mild bite pathologies include:

  • The presence of gaps between the teeth (diastema - a gap between the incisors, the so-called gap; trema - a gap between any teeth, except for the incisors, is often observed in children before the change of milk teeth)
  • Crowding of incisors. This is typical for people with a small jaw, which makes the teeth lack space.
  • Incorrect teething. In this case, this tooth is removed, and when wearing a bracket system, the neighboring ones take its place and fill the space.

With a mild pathology of bite, wearing braces can be up to a year. The period will vary depending on age, system design features and individual patient response.

IMPORTANT! Do not try to determine the degree of malocclusion on your own. This can only be done by an experienced dentist, and only he can set the period for wearing a bracket system.

Maximum period of wearing braces

With more complex bite pathologies, the period of wearing braces can greatly increase, and surgery may also be required. These pathologies include the following:

  • Underdevelopment of the lower jaw, or distal bite. With this pathology, the upper jaw of the patient is larger than the lower.
  • The upper and lower dentitions do not close in any part of the jaw. Dentists call this pathology an open bite.
  • Lonely development of the upper and lower jaws, despite the fact that the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth quite strongly. This type is called deep bite.
  • Underdevelopment of the upper jaw, or mesial type. A person with this type of bite can be distinguished by the protruding lower jaw.
  • Crossing of the incisors when closing the jaws.

In complex cases of malocclusion, its correction can reach the longest possible period - three years, and the retention period in rare cases can stretch for a lifetime.

How long is the retention period?

The retention period is the time it takes to fix the result of wearing a bracket system.

To fix changes in the position of the teeth in the jawbone, a special design (retainer) is installed, resembling an arc. This device is fixed on the inside of the teeth, therefore it is invisible to others. It is impossible to neglect wearing a retainer, without it, the teeth can return to their original place, and the result of installing braces will be reduced to zero.

Wearing a retainer is a lengthy process and is about twice as long as wearing braces. If you wore a bracket system for six months to correct the bite, then the retention period will be a year; if braces were worn for two years, then the retention period is four years, etc. For a child, the retention period is usually two to three years. In rare, particularly severe forms of malocclusion, this period can last a lifetime.

Wearing braces has long ceased to be a luxury and has become a common practice in the treatment of malocclusion. More and more people who are dissatisfied with their smile correct their bite and become more confident and happy. If you want to install a bracket system, contact your dentist, he will help you choose the optimal design of brackets for you and advise on the timing, because they are individual.

An orthodontic system that is installed in the mouth to correct the bite or shape of the teeth is called braces. They are made from various materials that affect the response to how long braces are worn. The term of application also depends on the age of the patient or on the degree of development of the problem to be corrected.

Why do braces last so long?

When asked how long braces should be worn, experts always answer that for a long time. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to correct teeth, especially when they have formed. Hard dental tissue is difficult to correct, so that the most mild defects are corrected only after a year. More severe cases involve wearing the system for 1.5 to 2.5 years. The exact period of use of the systems will be determined by the doctor after the diagnosis and examination of the jaw.

What influences duration

The duration of wearing systems depends on the following factors:

  • The degree of violation of the correctable defect - if the teeth are in almost perfect condition, then a year is enough without taking into account the retention (fixation) period. For more complex cases, diagnostics are carried out, medium anomalies are corrected in 2 years, and serious ones in 3.
  • Distance between teeth - if the incisors are crowded, then some of them will have to be removed so that the braces can expand the row. This increases the duration of wear in a big way.
  • The state of the oral cavity - strong gums without depulpations and installed implants are corrected faster.
  • The age of the patient - the younger, the easier it is to correct the bite.
  • Type of construction - some models with special mechanisms show better results.

The minimum period of wearing a bracket system

Doctors call the minimum duration of wearing the structure 1 year, because this is the time it takes to correct minor defects. For such a quick period, it is possible to correct the bite or shape of the teeth at the age of 12-15 years or a minor defect at a later age. The result, when wearing the systems, is visible after about 1-3 months, after which it is fixed for the next months.

Maximum wearing time

The maximum period of wearing systems is associated with severe defects that are difficult to correct, and is a long 3 years. During this time, it is realistic to correct anomalies that interfere with the movement of the jaws. With a long period of use, a classic orthodontic system is first used, which is then replaced for convenience with transparent caps or plates.

How long does it take for an adult to wear braces?

There are no age restrictions for installing the product for an adult, but there are contraindications:

  • mental disorders;
  • pathologies of the immune and endocrine systems;
  • tuberculosis, venereal diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • lack of teeth or most of them.

Compared to children, adults walk with braces for longer, because after 30 years, metabolic processes in the body slow down, tissues reduce their ability to regenerate, and skeletal growth stops. Because of this, oral defects can be corrected by moving the teeth and reducing or expanding the dentition. Often, adults have to be advised to extract teeth in order to install the system.

How long to wear braces for a child

It is best to install orthodontic systems at a younger age, when teeth can be easily corrected. Braces begin to be placed from the age of 10-13, when the growth of the jaw slows down, which contributes to the endurance of the teeth of the installed elements. For setting, you should wait for the eruption of the final molars so that they do not come out at the wrong time and reduce all efforts to zero. Before installation, the child is given an X-ray to make sure that all teeth have erupted.

If the system is installed too early, the roots of the teeth can be disturbed, leading to their loss. If crooked molars are found at a young age, they can be corrected with overnight caps. They prepare the teeth for the future installation of the system and help to reduce the duration of their use in the future. The difference between how many braces a child and an adult wears reaches 7 months, the retention period is 50% less.

Lingual systems

Braces installed on the inside of the dentition are called lingual braces. Their advantages include invisibility and durability, but they are expensive and give discomfort in the tongue area for a month. They should not be placed on patients with short anterior teeth. When asked how long lingual braces are worn on the teeth, dentists answer: from 1.5 to 2.5 years, depending on the problem and age.

External braces

Classic orthodontic systems are installed outside the dentition. The answer to the question of how long external braces are worn on the teeth lies in the material used to create them:

  • metal - they are cheap, reliable in operation, but visible and can irritate the gums, worn for 1-1.5 years;
  • plastic - have a low cost, are matched to the color of the enamel, but the product itself is fragile and stained from food, wear time - 1-2.5 years;
  • sapphire - invisible, do not stain from food, do not affect the language and diction, but are expensive, require special care due to their fragility, worn for 1-3 years;
  • removable aligners - made of plastic, but wearing them requires self-discipline;
  • ceramic - safe, durable, inconspicuous, but expensive, change color and violate diction due to volume, wearing period is 1-3 years.

Stages of wearing braces

There is an established scheme for how the bracket system is worn:

  1. The first stage of treatment is the alignment of individual teeth, which lasts up to a year, during which the teeth with an inclination or a turn take an even position. Alignment occurs with soft metal brackets that move the molars. The arcs are subject to replacement every 2 months.
  2. The second stage is bite correction, during which rigid arcs and additional mechanisms (chains, springs) are used. The bite changes its depth, the spaces from distant molars close, the shape of the dental arches changes. The stage lasts from 3 months to 2 years.
  3. The third stage is the final one, during which tight contacts are established between the upper and lower jaws. It lasts 3-6 months, during which the patient visits the doctor every month to control the effect.
  4. The retention period is needed to fix the result. Retainers in the form of thin wires are installed lingually. The period lasts twice as long as the actual wearing of braces.
  5. The systems need to be removed and the teeth polished.

Video: how long do you need to wear braces to straighten your teeth

When the decision is made and the long-awaited braces are installed on the teeth, the question arises - how long will you have to wear this design. Modern braces allow for a complete reconstruction of the dentition and eliminate any defects and malocclusion within a few years. But even the attending orthodontist will not be able to answer unequivocally how long a patient needs to wear braces.

Indeed, for each person, depending on the initial degree of bite changes, the correction of the position of the teeth and the shape of the dentition will take a different period of time. That is why after the installation of braces, the patient is seen by his dentist regularly, visiting the doctor once a month or several months, depending on the type of braces chosen. Such consultations are needed to monitor the speed and dynamics of bite correction and correction of the bracket structure, replacement of fixing elements or bracket plates, in case of damage or detachment.

Therefore, to answer the question of how long you need to wear braces, you need to know the patient's clinical situation and have data from regular examinations, on which the doctor evaluates the speed of bite correction and calculates the approximate completion date for the correction.

Photos showing wearing braces before and after

But how do you calculate how long you need to wear braces to straighten your teeth? In some cases, this issue is very important, especially in situations where it is proposed to use braces to correct the bite in children or adolescents. Therefore, we will analyze all the nuances that determine how long the wearing of braces will be. And we will also answer questions from parents about how much children under the age of 15 wear braces on their teeth, and how many years older children wear braces. And if you choose braces for bite correction for a child, does it hurt to wear them?

Factors that affect the speed of bite correction:

  • The degree of bite deformation. With slight changes that may not even be visible visually, with the help of fixed orthodontic systems, it is possible to correct all defects within six months. For children under the age of 7, removable structures may be offered to replace braces, which will also help correct crooked teeth and maintain an overbite. If there are serious bite anomalies, after a complete diagnosis, the doctor will offer the most optimal type of braces and then the correction period will be longer, within several years.
  • Torsion of teeth. In the presence of excessively twisted teeth, the removal of some dental units is indicated for the installation of braces. This is due to the fact that with torsion, there are no normal gaps between the teeth and it will be problematic to install braces. Therefore, the period of correction of teeth with this pathology will also be longer.
  • The state of the tissues of the oral cavity, gums, periodontium. If you do not have problems with gums and periodontium, you have not previously treated gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease, and you have never had dental units removed or implanted, you will not wear braces for as long as patients who have these problems
  • Patient's age. Currently, braces can be installed at any age, there are differences only in the types of braces that are more effective for different cases. However, in children under 13-14 years old, it is possible to correct the bite much faster than in adults. And this is due to an incompletely formed permanent bite, because the teeth in children are more amenable to correction and curvature is corrected faster.
  • Types and models of bracket systems. Each model of braces has its own advantages and disadvantages. Due to modern mechanisms, some models of braces allow you to correct the bite within a shorter period. And an experienced orthodontist will always be able to correctly tell the patient which braces are preferable and which ones will be more effective.

Therefore, an experienced orthodontist always takes these factors into account, conducts a complete examination of the patient and monitors the dynamics of tooth correction. This is the only way to say more accurately how many adults or children wear braces on their teeth.

Timing of bite correction for various pathologies

When a patient is fitted with braces, the wearing time depends primarily on the degree of deformation of the teeth and dentition. Orthodontists distinguish a clear relationship between the degree of pathological changes and the period of bite correction.

  • The period of bite correction with a bracket construction is up to 1 year - in the presence of defects in several dental units. In the presence of single defects, the minimum period for wearing braces is 7 months.
  • The period of bite correction with a bracket construction for 1.5 years - in the presence of bite anomalies, defects of more than 3 dental units
  • The period of bite correction with a bracket - a design for 2, 5 years - in the presence of serious pathological changes in the bite, jaws, changes, asymmetry of the face

These pictures show the stages of wearing braces.

Depending on the type of braces chosen, doctors also allocate certain terms for wearing each braces. This list indicates how long braces of different models are worn:


  • Metal braces are a classic. The term of correction in most cases takes 1-1.5 years
  • Modern lingual braces are a new type of discreet braces - structures that are invisible on the teeth. The term of correction in most cases takes 1.5 - 2 years
  • Plastic braces are an economical option for braces. The term of correction in most cases takes 1 - 2.5 years
  • Sapphire transparent braces are quite expensive, but at the same time they are extremely aesthetic. The term of correction in most cases takes 1 - 2.7 years
  • Ceramic braces are classic white braces that match the color of natural teeth.

The term of correction in most cases takes 1-3 years.

Of course, for each person, the speed of teeth correction is individual, and not always the doctor can say exactly how long the patient will have to wear braces. However, the general rule for all is that in children under 15 years old, it is possible to correct the bite with the help of braces faster by 5-7 months. And after removing the braces, the retention period will also run much faster.

Many people ask how many adults wear braces. At the age of over 25 years, it is possible to correct the teeth with a bracket - a design only for a few years. Also, doctors often hear the question, is it possible to wear braces during pregnancy? Currently, the installation of braces is not contraindicated, and the only thing that can stop the doctor is the woman's nervousness and fear of the procedure.

The question - how many braces are worn - does not have a specific answer, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. An experienced orthodontist will always be able to tell you how to wear braces, how to care for the structure and teeth, and set a schedule for regular checkups, but it is impossible to predict the time by which the teeth will become perfectly even. Therefore, the guarantee of a successful restoration of the bite is the observance of visits to the attending doctor for the correction of the braces - the system and the observance of all the recommendations of the doctor.

Do your teeth hurt after getting braces?

After installing braces, almost every patient asks if wearing braces really hurts and what to do so that your teeth do not hurt? Also, many parents ask if it hurts to wear braces for children?

After the installation of braces for the first few weeks, it is important to follow a sparing diet and not to drink too cold and hot drinks. The first time there will be discomfort in the mouth, and, as a rule, all patients adapt to the second week. But if the pain continues, you should contact your orthodontist to find out the cause of the pain.

What do you wear after braces are removed?

Before installing braces, each patient is warned that after the removal of the structure, there is still a stage of consolidating the result obtained with the help of special retainers. But not everyone understands what is at stake and what they wear after braces. Currently, orthodontists, after removing the braces, install a special retention arch, which will prevent the teeth from returning to their previous, incorrect position. However, for many it is still not clear how much to wear retainers after braces, or how much to wear mouthguards after braces.

For retainers, the rule is simple - the period of wearing the device should be twice the period of wearing braces. But after removing the retention arc, you can already use caps or plates for the night. This is the only way to fully maintain the achieved result and prevent changes in the bite back.

Braces are the only orthodontic non-removable structures that can fully restore and correct an overbite at any age. If you decide to install braces, but do not know how long the correction of teeth will take in your case, contact experienced doctors, and after passing a full examination, you will be able to find out the expected period of smile restoration.

Contact the Guide to Dentistry - and we will find the best solution for you. Our specialists will provide up-to-date information about the best dental clinics in the city, and you will be able to choose the best doctor on your own and make the right decision about bite correction.

Dentistry Guide is your opportunity to get the perfect smile, don't miss your chance!

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