Sharp reddening of the face and neck from alcohol. Why does the face turn red from alcohol: symptoms and their causes

Not every person whose face turns red after alcohol thinks about what caused it. There can be several reasons for this condition: from an allergy to alcohol to chronic alcoholism. It must be remembered: the redness of the skin signals the body that it is necessary to take measures to prevent more serious consequences.

The reasons

Hyperemia of the face after drinking alcohol can be caused by various factors. This is how vessels can react to a glass of champagne or a glass of a stronger drink. Often, after drinking alcohol, blood pressure rises. Blood rushes to the face due to congenital intolerance to ethanol. There are several other reasons for such an unpleasant state.

Vascular diseases

The complexion depends on the condition of the subcutaneous capillaries - small vessels located directly under the layer of the epidermis. Under the influence of alcohol entering the body, blood flow increases, blood vessels expand. Capillaries, becoming larger, are intensively filled with blood and change the complexion.

If the redness does not go away for a long time or not only the face, but also the body burns, then this means a more powerful reaction to alcohol from the vessels. This condition indicates that the enzymes responsible for the utilization of alcohol do not cope with their function. It does not matter what the strength of the drink taken: even a mug of beer can cause redness.

The complexion depends on the condition of the subcutaneous capillaries - small vessels located directly under the layer of the epidermis.


Often in a person suffering from hypertension, the face turns red after taking a dose of alcohol. Increased pressure, provoked by a glass of vodka or other alcoholic beverage, leads to rupture of blood vessels. First, small capillaries burst, and then large vessels. As a result, hemorrhage occurs, which is expressed in a change in the color of the skin of the face.


Some people develop an allergic reaction when they drink alcohol, which can include the following symptoms:

  • face and body covered with a red rash;
  • the skin is peeling, itching begins;
  • swelling occurs and swelling of the tissues of the face begins;
  • suffer from headaches and pressure jumps;
  • breathing problems begin.

With allergies, a person quickly gets drunk even from a small amount of wine.

Quite often, the cause of an allergy is not ethyl alcohol, but a substance contained in an alcoholic beverage, such as a flavoring or preservative.

Congenital intolerance

Facial erythema may be caused by congenital alcohol intolerance. This genetic feature is due to the fact that the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of alcohol work slowly or there is an insufficient amount of them in the body.

In a person with a congenital alcohol intolerance, a characteristic reaction to ethanol appears even after taking a small dose.


In women and men suffering from chronic alcoholism, the cheeks, forehead and nose are constantly red. Sometimes their faces even take on a bluish tint. This is explained by the fact that due to the regular use of alcohol-containing drinks, the capillaries are constantly in an expanded state. As a result, the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity and burst.

Chronic alcoholics are characterized by puffiness of the face and dark circles under the eyes. This is due to problems in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Is it dangerous

If the face and neck turn slightly pink after moderate drinking and the person does not experience discomfort, then there is nothing to worry about - this is a normal reaction of the body. After the action of ethanol is over, the vessels will return to their normal state and the complexion will become the same.

If the face blushes strongly, in the mornings the feeling of a hangover torments, you should consult a doctor who can explain the cause of this condition and, if necessary, select the correct therapeutic course.

If the cause of redness is chronic alcoholism, then this threatens the development of pathologies that are incompatible with life. Often, frequent binges cause numbness of the fingers and toes, leading to a rapid heartbeat. When such signs appear, timely treatment is necessary.

With hypertension, redness of the skin after alcohol is a sign of the onset of the development of the disease. Ignoring this symptom can lead to a stroke.

How to get rid

If the redness on the face appeared only once, then you should not worry. But the next time you buy alcohol, you need to be more careful in choosing: the drink must be of high quality.

If redness is associated with vascular disease or hypertension, then you should drink alcohol with caution, and it is better to completely abandon it. Ignoring symptoms such as redness of the skin can lead to intoxication and further health problems.

With the development of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to stop drinking and help the body get rid of the allergen. To do this, you need to clear the stomach, causing vomiting, then take adsorbents and try to calm down and relax.

With regular reddening of the skin after drinking alcohol-containing drinks, you should contact a medical facility. The doctor will be able to identify the cause of hyperemia and advise how to get rid of it. If you suspect chronic alcoholism, you should make an appointment with a narcologist.

It is difficult to cope with such a pathology on your own, and the specialist will select a course of therapy, after which the patient will be able to forget about his addiction.


The best prevention of reddening of the skin after drinking alcohol-containing drinks is to give up bad habits. A person who has noticed that after drinking alcohol he has red spots or dots on his face should not only stop drinking, but also smoking and malnutrition.

In order not to suffer from reddening of the skin, it is necessary to remember the harmful effects of drinks containing alcohol on all internal organs of a person.

The reaction of the body to vodka in the form of an allergy

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will relieve hyperemia.

Sometimes people get red spots on their face after drinking alcohol. There may be several reasons for this. In this article, we will look at why the face becomes covered with red spots after drinking alcoholic beverages and how to deal with redness.

Causes of red spots

Red spots on the face after alcohol appear in such cases;

  1. The body does not tolerate ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages.
  2. Allergy to the components included in the composition.
  3. Close proximity of capillaries.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Chronic alcoholism.

Let us consider in more detail each cause of reddening of the skin.

alcohol intolerance

Ethanol, entering the body, increases blood circulation. In some people, congenital intolerance to ethanol occurs due to the fact that there are not enough enzymes to break it down. In this case, the use of alcoholic beverages becomes dangerous to health.

Enzymes work slowly, toxins accumulate in the liver and other organs. Even with a single dose of a small dose, there is a possibility of intoxication of the body. A person feels heat under the skin, he is thrown into sweat, the skin is covered with red spots.

With a genetic intolerance to alcoholic beverages, you should not risk your health. Even the smallest dose can lead to malfunctions in the body. With regular intake of alcoholic beverages, there is a risk of diseases of the liver, stomach, and oncological diseases are possible.

allergic reactions

An allergic reaction occurs due to the individual sensitivity of the immune system. An allergy can occur to any component that is part of alcoholic beverages Symptoms of an allergic reaction:

  • The face turns red after drinking alcohol, spots spread throughout the body;
  • Dizziness, intoxication from the slightest dose, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness;
  • Rise (or fall) temperature and blood pressure;
  • Nasal congestion, runny nose;
  • Tachycardia, there is nothing to breathe;
  • Pain in the stomach, exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Headache.

You need to be careful, since the symptoms described can be the result of not only allergic reactions, but also intoxication, a hangover, and concomitant diseases. With a severe allergic reaction, you need to urgently consult a doctor, otherwise everything can end in complications or death.

Close proximity of capillaries

The skin acquires a red tint due to the fullness of blood capillaries, the smallest vessels that are close to the skin. Blondes with fair skin will have more redness than brunettes. Ethanol, found in alcoholic beverages, promotes the expansion of blood vessels and capillaries, as a result, causes redness on the face.

Reddening face after alcohol photo

Cardiovascular diseases

Red spots on the face after alcohol are a sign that not everything is in order with the human cardiovascular system. Liquids containing alcohol exert a significant burden. Therefore, when an organ or system becomes ill, the body begins to react accordingly.

A few minutes after ingestion, alcohol enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. The heart works in the maximum mode for 6-8 hours. The work of organs and systems returns to normal only after 2-3 days.

When drunk, the heartbeat quickens, blood pressure rises. The blood circulation of the whole organism is disturbed, which leads to the gradual destruction of blood vessels and red blood cells. The membranes deform and rupture. Red blood cells stick together in lumps, clogging blood vessels.

Alcohol abuse leads to such diseases: hypertension, ischemic disease, arrhythmia, tachycardia, atherosclerosis. There are strokes and heart attacks, as a result of which a person can forever remain disabled. Often, excessive doses of alcohol lead to death.

The very first symptom of the effects of ethanol on the body is redness of the face after drinking alcohol.

You can eliminate the effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system by refusing to use it.

Chronic alcoholism

An alcoholic can be recognized by a swollen red face. In chronic alcohol dependence, all human organs and systems are affected, including the skin. Capillaries do not have time to recover, they burst and die. The face becomes cherry red, sometimes with a bluish tint.

Over time, non-passing stars from broken capillaries appear on the nose and neck, they, connecting with each other, form a vascular network. The area around the eyes swells and acquires a blue-violet hue.

The skin and muscles become flabby and sagging. Often addicted people do not want to admit that they suffer from alcoholism. It is possible to get rid of the disease, and only treatment under the supervision of professional narcologists can help in this.

Red spots on the face after drinking alcohol indicate that you need to stop drinking alcohol or significantly reduce their dose. It is permissible to take no more than one glass of natural red wine.

Often, after drinking alcohol, many people noticed redness of the skin in the cheeks and face. Sometimes, when alcohol is abused, the entire body of an alcoholic is covered with red spots. Why is this happening? How does alcohol affect the color of the skin of the face and body, and what actually causes redness? Let's try to deal with these and other questions in the next article.

Why does the skin of the face turn red after drinking alcohol?

With narrowing of the vessels, an outflow of blood occurs, which leads to pallor of the skin. With the expansion of the vessels, the opposite reaction occurs: a rush of blood provokes the appearance of reddening of the skin. However, in the case of alcoholic beverages, red blood cells stick together, which contributes not only to the expansion of blood vessels, but also leads to their blockage.

This can occur due to various factors: congenital intolerance to alcoholic beverages, an allergic reaction to, as well as chronic alcohol abuse.

Many people have a red face just after drinking. The physiological structure of the body affects the redness of the skin: it will be most pronounced in natural blondes, which are distinguished by paler skin.

What happens to the vessels when drinking alcohol

Once in the body, ethyl alcohol causes a strong expansion of blood vessels, including small capillaries, which subsequently lead to reddening of the skin. Even if we take into account that such a phenomenon occurs quite quickly, this does not mean that it does not have negative consequences for the human body. In this case, you should pay attention to whether only the face or other parts of the body become red. In the latter case, such a condition may indicate a possible circulatory disorder or malfunction of the enzymes responsible for the processing of ethanol and the removal of its metabolites from the body.

In order to avoid this, you should limit the use of strong drinks, avoid possible or completely abandon alcohol. Some believe that facial redness is a reaction to low-quality alcohol, but this is far from the case. The skin can also turn red when using expensive and refined varieties of alcohol.

Allergic reaction to alcohol

Allergic symptoms can appear quite unexpectedly, even if a very small amount of alcohol has been drunk. It depends on how sensitive the body is to this allergen.

Signs that indicate an allergy to alcohol include:

  • itching and burning of the skin;
  • redness of the face or other parts of the body;
  • hard breath;
  • swelling and increased swelling of the face or the whole body;
  • sharp jumps in blood pressure;
  • the occurrence of severe headaches;
  • severe intoxication even from a small amount of alcoholic beverages.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

It should be understood that such a reaction does not necessarily occur precisely on ethyl alcohol. In some cases, it can be provoked by various chemical dyes or preservatives, which are often found in alcoholic beverages. That is why the most common allergic reactions occur when consuming liquors, wines, various and.

Most often, allergy symptoms begin to appear fifteen to twenty minutes after drinking alcohol, but in some cases, such a reaction can develop rapidly. It depends on the type and quality of alcohol, its strength and composition.

Congenital ethanol intolerance

There are people who do not tolerate alcoholic beverages from birth. This genetic feature is more pronounced in some people, in others it is much less common. Those people who have such intolerance in themselves react much faster to alcoholic beverages. Even from small doses of ethanol, they have strong reactions from its effects on the body.

The capillaries of the face, neck and chest expand very quickly and overflow with blood. At the same time, a person is thrown into a fever, and the skin of the face, head, and sometimes the whole body is covered with red spots.

In such people, enzymes responsible for the utilization of ethanol from the human body are produced to a small extent, or the action of these enzymes is significantly slowed down.

Such a reaction to alcohol can occur instantly, after taking even small doses of alcohol. Therefore, with congenital intolerance to ethanol, it is better to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages altogether, as this can lead to serious and serious consequences. With such a genetic feature of the body, pathological processes caused by the harmful effects of ethanol proceed much faster: the risk of occurrence and development of oncological diseases of the liver, stomach and esophagus increases several times.

Red complexion in chronic alcoholism

Regular and prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages leads to the fact that in alcoholics the skin of the face remains red all the time. Further, the damaged capillaries die off, and the face acquires a characteristic bluish tint. This condition often leads to severe and serious consequences. Leaving for another binge, an alcoholic causes irreparable harm not only to his appearance, but also to all blood vessels in general.

When drunk, the blood vessels are constantly in an expanded state, which subsequently leads to gluing of red blood cells. At the same time, due to the fact that the outflow of blood in such capillaries is very weak, the vessels become clogged and ruptured.

As a result of such gaps, red spots appear on the skin of the face and body, sometimes they reach enormous sizes.

Regular reddening of large areas of the body after drinking alcohol indicates serious pathological processes occurring in the vessels. In such cases, it is required to completely abandon the use of strong drinks and contact a specialist for medical assistance.

What to do with reddening of the face after drinking alcohol

If the skin of the face, after heavy libations, turned red once, then you should not panic. Measures should be taken only in cases where this phenomenon occurs after each drinking of alcoholic beverages.

If the skin of the face and body of the drinking person is significantly reddened, it is necessary to limit the access of alcohol to his body. If this occurs in a drunken alcoholic, it is necessary to withdraw him from the binge and only then begin treatment. However, it should be remembered that it is not always possible to get an addicted person out of hard drinking at home, most often in these cases the help of a qualified narcologist will be required.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

At home, first of all, you should stop the flow of ethanol into the body, then artificially induce vomiting, having completely cleared the stomach, and take adsorbents that contribute to the speedy removal of ethanol from the body. The faster ethyl alcohol and its decay products leave the body of an alcoholic, the sooner the color of his skin will change for the better.

After that, without fail, you should contact a specialist and examine the vessels. When undergoing a course of treatment, one must remember that drinking alcohol will only worsen the patient's condition, and the treatment will not give positive results.

Especially careful when drinking alcoholic beverages should be those people who have alcohol intolerance. In addition to vascular problems, other pathological conditions also develop to a large extent in their body. The digestive system is especially affected.

Summing up

Redness of the skin of the face after drinking alcohol can be associated with many different factors. Most often, this is a natural response of the body to the ingestion of moderate doses of ethanol. In most cases, this quickly goes away on its own. But sometimes, this can signal the presence of various pathologies in the human body, especially in cases where the face or other parts of the body regularly turn red after each drinking of alcoholic beverages. In such cases, you should limit alcohol consumption and contact a specialist in a timely manner to identify possible pathologies.

Reception Red cheeks allow you to achieve incredible beauty, but a face covered with redness looks disgusting. Often there are times when the cause of red spots is the use of alcohol. Let's find out why people suffer from redness when they drink alcohol, why does the face turn red after alcohol?

If the blood moves towards the face, it heats up and turns red. Biological changes in the face are characterized by the position of the subcutaneous blood vessels. If they are near the skin, the color of the skin depends on their increase. The more intense the subcutaneous current in the vessels changes, the stronger the face gets a different color.

The face gets a reddish color when taking ethanol, which dilates the blood vessels. It is important to add that complexion varies from individual characteristics of people. People with red and blond hair have white skin through which red vascular points are more visible. This is why the skin color changes from pale to red.

Why does the face turn red after drinking alcohol?

Drinking a drink with a share of alcohol - for most people, this is associated with reddening of the face not in pink, but in bright pink and red. Doctors already know the signs of drinking dermatitis and know how to get rid of dermatitis.

The main factors of redness:

  • The usual effect of blood vessels on the ingress of alcohol into the body.
  • Alcohol intolerance.
  • Allergy to alcohol components.
  • Side effects of chronic alcoholism.
  • The violent influence of blood vessels on alcohol.

After drinking alcohol, ethanol increases blood flow. The pressure rises, the vessels become wider. The red tubes under the skin become larger, causing redness of the face. Scientists say that the amount of alcohol used is certain for everyone. Usually, alcohol dermatitis disappears over time. When the face turns red after drinking alcohol, and you are uncomfortable from this, such an effect indicates insufficient work of the enzymes that cope with alcohol. What to do and how to get rid of dermatitis?

If people are faced with such an influence and do not know what to do, then you need to be careful about indulging in alcohol. After all, the inhibited action of enzymes from drinking alcohol in large quantities can result in violent poisoning. Otherwise, there may be serious consequences. Experienced alcoholics have severe dermatitis. From the next use of beer or vodka, redness becomes more.

Alcohol intolerance from birth: why does this happen?

Among people you can find an innate dislike for beer or vodka. In them, even in minimal amounts, alcohol is absorbed into the body instantly. The vessels fill with blood, causing a feeling of heat. The face and other parts of the body are heavily exposed to red spots. Why do red spots occur when drinking alcohol? This speaks of a congenital pathology. Such an effect occurs after the first use of an alcoholic beverage, while the amount may be minimal. You can meet red-faced alcoholics on the street. This is all from drinking in large quantities.

With congenital intolerance to beer, the risk of the instant appearance of various diseases of the stomach, liver, and intestines increases. In addition, it becomes difficult for a person to breathe, dermatitis appears. Better to cut down on the beer.

Allergy to alcohol

Doctors still cannot agree on why alcohol provokes allergies? Recently, with this form of allergy, people often go to the doctor. An allergy to beer or vodka does not occur immediately, but after a specific time.

What is the reaction of the body to alcohol?

  • The appearance of redness on the body.
  • Itching and itching.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • Instantaneous to the blood, vasodilation.
  • High pressure.
  • Difficulty breathing.

If the allergen is eliminated, the person becomes much better. Usually the symptoms go away on their own. But if you find warning signs, be sure to stop drinking alcohol. But alcohol instantly penetrates and enters the bloodstream. It is better to induce vomiting with two fingers to clear the contents of the stomach.

In many situations, allergies do not appear due to ethanol, but due to dyes, preservatives, flavors, which have a high risk of allergy. After drinking wines, liqueurs and cocktails, redness on the face occurs more often than when drinking vodka. There is another reaction to cheap vodka. This happens when alcohol is sold not of the best quality: moonshine, tinctures in pharmacies, some liquids.

Many people have a question, how to get rid of allergies after alcohol at home? There are no best drugs for alcohol allergies yet, so the best option is to completely eliminate alcohol from the diet. Forget about it, and if you can't, you are allowed to drink a glass of quality vodka.

Prevention of red spots on the face

Hypertension is a common disease. There are more than a billion people in the world who suffer from high blood pressure. Men and women over 40 are at risk. Women die more often from high blood pressure. Even if no signs of illness appear, but the face is covered with red spots from alcohol, then give up alcohol and change your lifestyle to a healthy one. Start doing exercises in the fresh air, move more. Thus, you can protect yourself from various diseases.


Each person in his own way reacts to the intake of various stimuli into the body, including alcohol. Often, some participants in the feast can see red spots on the face after alcohol, which, moreover, can sometimes peel off and itch. Why do red spots appear on the face, and what danger can they carry?

The reasons

The mechanism of facial redness in all cases is approximately the same and consists in the reaction of the vascular system. It is impossible to get rid of this problem without identifying the root cause. In addition, it is worth noting that most often the face turns red in fair-skinned people. The effect of alcohol on the skin of the face is always negative and manifests itself faster in women than in men. If covering your face with red spots is typical for most members of your family, then in this case we are talking about a genetic predisposition. In any case, to start treatment, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and pass the necessary tests.

The most likely cause of red spots on the face is the expansion of the smallest blood vessels.

The most likely cause of red spots on the face is the expansion of the smallest blood vessels that permeate the entire human skin. In this case, spots can occur not only on the face, but also fall on the chest or neck. Most often, it is the face that suffers from this phenomenon, since here the vessels are closest to the surface of the skin. The following reasons can provoke a symptom:

  • an allergic reaction to alcohol or components that make up alcohol. May be supplemented by associated symptoms such as itching of the skin;
  • false allergy;
  • individual reaction of vessels;
  • mental and nervous system disorders.

In any case, if your face turns red when drinking alcohol, then most likely a violation has occurred somewhere in the body.

Treatment of red spots on the face after alcohol should not be limited to going to a dermatologist. The root cause of the problem must be sought in the body itself. Sometimes this phenomenon indicates very serious diseases that require the complete exclusion of alcohol from their lives.

Itchy spots after alcohol

Itchy red spots on the face after alcohol can most likely indicate the development of an allergic reaction. Most often, allergies are inherited, and if your parents had a similar problem, then your body simply cannot tolerate alcohol. It is worth noting that most often an allergy develops on all kinds of cocktails. Allergens can be:

  • dyes;
  • flavoring and aromatic additives;
  • preservatives;
  • fusel oils;
  • sweeteners;
  • thickeners, etc.

With allergies, a person complains that his face “burns” or his whole body itches. In this case, a rash on the body after alcohol can move from the face to the chest, back, shoulders, arms and even legs. However, the cheeks are most often affected, and the surface of the spots can peel off.

Alcohol allergy treatment

First of all, the specialist must conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the body to identify the allergen. Once a potentially dangerous substance has been identified, it is necessary to completely eliminate it from your life. Ideally, a complete abstinence from alcohol is recommended.

Itchy red spots on the face after alcohol may indicate the development of an allergic reaction.

After that, an allergist dermatologist prescribes antihistamines in the form of tablets or ointments that are applied to the body.

The simultaneous use of antihistamines and alcohol is contraindicated. These substances increase the toxic effect of each other several times. As a result, a person can experience serious neurological problems, hallucinations, weakness, loss of consciousness, and even coma.

If an allergy during alcohol consumption is accompanied by choking or other life-threatening symptoms, call a doctor immediately!

False allergy when drinking alcohol

A false allergy to alcohol is much more common than a true one. At the same time, the symptoms that occur in a person are completely similar to true allergies, including skin rashes. You can distinguish a false reaction as follows: for the development of a true reaction, just a few drops of alcohol are enough, and for the development of a false allergy, you will need to drink much more. In addition, all drug tests show a negative result for the presence of an allergen.


The treatment of a false allergy is no different from the treatment of a conventional allergy. At the same time, it is forbidden to take antihistamines during a feast! This condition does not pose any danger to the body, unlike a true allergy, but it is a serious reason to think about changing your lifestyle. Red spots on the skin at the same time disappear immediately after giving up alcohol.

Redness on the face after alcohol without the manifestation of external symptoms

Sometimes red spots after taking alcohol, in addition to external manifestations, do not bother a person in any way. In this case, you need to think about the state of internal organs. The most common cause of the problem is cardiovascular disease.

Drinking alcohol puts a lot of stress on the cardiovascular system. In this case, there is a violation of blood circulation and rupture of small blood vessels. Since in the area of ​​​​the face and chest the vessels are closest to the surface of the skin, red spots on the face from alcohol appear in these areas. It is possible to talk in more detail about why alcoholics have a red face only after an individual examination.


Since this problem is most often the cause of death among alcoholics, the only way to treat it is to completely avoid alcohol. In addition, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination by a cardiologist, who will prescribe drugs to support the heart and normalize blood circulation.

Why do alcoholics have a red face?

A red face is characteristic of all people who abuse alcohol. Why does the face turn red from alcohol with prolonged abuse? The problem arises due to increased stress on the vascular system. At the same time, blood rushes not only to the limbs, but also to the face, provoking multiple vascular "asterisks", which look like the smallest red network of capillaries. With frequent abuse, for example, in chronic alcoholics, the vascular system simply does not have time to recover and a red face after alcohol becomes a characteristic sign of the disease.

Causes of a red nose in alcoholics

A red nose is another distinguishing feature of alcoholics. Let's find out why the nose turns red, and not the other part of the case, what are the causes of the phenomenon? According to Professor Zhdanov's lecture, alcohol, when it enters the body, causes erythrocytes to stick together. Since there are a lot of tiny vessels on the nose that branch, a blockage forms at the branching points. As a result of blockage, the vessel swells and begins to die, since the phenomenon occurs in many vessels at once, the nose of an alcoholic gradually becomes red with a bluish tinge and swells. By itself, the "red nose" is not dangerous: the effect of alcohol on internal organs is much more dangerous. To form changes on the face, a person must abuse it for quite a long time, which means that at the time of the reddening of the nose, the internal organs are in a rather deplorable state.

As a result of blockage of blood vessels, the nose of an alcoholic becomes red with a bluish tint and swells up.

Why does the face turn red with a hangover and after drinking, and how to get rid of it?

Redness of the face with a hangover and after drinking is due to a long-term negative effect on the circulatory system of the body. At the same time, swelling can be added to redness after binge. In addition, skin tone can also say a lot about:

  • red face with a bluish tint - in this case we are talking about injury to blood vessels;
  • a red-brown face that resembles the complexion of a person who has been sunbathing for too long - in this situation, it is recommended to take a bilirubin test, as the symptom may indicate cirrhosis or other liver problems.

How to get rid of such a problem? Treatment in this case is reduced to the complete rejection of alcohol. If the redness of the skin does not go away the next day, then you should see a specialist who will give directions for tests and be able to make a reliable diagnosis. If, at the same time, your face itches after alcohol, then most likely you have an individual intolerance.

The longer a person drinks, the more serious changes appear on his face. The formation of red spots on the skin should be alarming, as it may indicate serious disorders in the functioning of internal organs. If you find a problem, visit a doctor who will tell you why red spots appear after drinking alcohol.

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