Is pork meat harmful to a Kazakh person? Pork - to eat or not to eat? Expert opinion. Pork broth: benefits and harms

Pork is a tasty meat that is included in many dishes, but nutritionists often advise against eating it. Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of this product for men and women, about the age at which it can be introduced into the diet of a child, as well as some of the secrets of its preparation.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Pig meat includes the following components:

  • vitamins: , ;
  • macronutrients: , ;
  • trace elements: iron, copper, .
The nutritional value 100 g this product - from 160 kilocalories lean meat up to 375 for boiled.
Composition (average value per 100 g):
  • proteins: 27.24 g;
  • fat: 17.04 g;
  • carbohydrates: 0.1 g

Did you know? So-calleda piglet, which has a dense cartilaginous structure, is needed by pigs to loosen the ground in search of food.

Benefits of pig meat

Pork brings such benefits to the human body:

  • has a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the formation skeletal system for a growing organism;
  • helps in the fight against anemia;
  • contributes to the restoration of hemoglobin levels;
  • helps in reducing the acidity of the stomach;
  • helps to work the large intestine;
  • has a positive effect on metabolism;
  • helps to secrete bile and pancreatic juice;
  • nourishes the muscles.

Besides, positive influence pork on men and women differently.

For women

Pork meat is often prescribed to women during the period of gestation. The useful substances contained in it have a good effect on the unborn baby and on the very passage of pregnancy. Thanks to this product, the body is perfectly restored.

Important! Daily rate pork meat for an adult is 200 g of the finished product.

For men

This product is very helpful for men's health. It has a positive effect on male power and helps prevent impotence. Pig meat is recommended for men involved in physical labor or sports, as well as those wishing to build muscle mass.

Dietary lean pork is prescribed to men after a heart attack. She helps quick recovery strength and health.

Why pork is harmful to humans

Except useful influence on the body, this product can have the following negative effects:

Many mothers wonder if their child can eat pig meat, because it is believed that it is very fat and heavy for babies. However, doctors recommend giving lean pork to babies starting at 8-10 months of age.

But this meat must be introduced after the baby gets used to less allergenic product, such as , and .

It is recommended to feed the baby with canned baby food, it is of high quality and well crushed. If a woman is sure that fresh pork meat is of good quality, then it must be boiled for half an hour and meat puree made from it.

Can you eat pork

Often there are doubts about the admissibility of eating pork meat in certain cases.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, you should not refuse to eat pork, because it is rich in useful micro and macro elements and other substances that positively affect the bearing of the fetus.
However, it is recommended to remove from the diet future mother fried and smoked product. Will have a good effect on the body of the expectant mother lean varieties pork meat: breast, ham, shoulder, lumbar and dorsal part.

It is recommended that a nursing mother eat boiled pork only starting from 2-3 months after the birth of the baby. This is necessary so that the baby with HB () does not have a disruption of the intestines, namely bloating, colic, diarrhea or constipation.

When losing weight

People who are fighting extra pounds and are on a diet, often completely exclude this product from the diet, because it is very high in calories. But at right approach By cooking this meat, the weight of those who want to lose weight may decrease.

For this you need to use diet meals boiled pork tenderloin, completely eliminating the fatty parts.

With pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of this chronic disease categorically exclude the use of pork meat. This is due to the fact that a large number of fat activates the secretory activity of the pancreas, in addition, it can aggravate the inflammatory process. Even low-fat pork in small quantities can cause sharp pain, nausea and increased severity of the disease.

With diabetes

People with diabetes should limit the consumption of pork - its norm per day should not exceed 75 g. It is baked, boiled or steamed. Dishes that include fried pork are prohibited for diabetics, as they can harm their health.

It is also not recommended to eat pork along with and, since such products will be hard to break down in the intestines.

cooking secrets

To get the maximum benefit from pork and give it an unforgettable taste, you can apply special cooking secrets. various parts pigs:

  1. It is good to cook sausage, jelly, stew from the head and cheeks. This part of the pig is best boiled.
  2. The neck is ideal for cooking barbecue and steak because of the streaks of fat. A delicious chop is made from this part of the carcass, it is suitable for boiling or frying in a pan or grill.
  3. Shoulder blade hard and dry. It must be boiled or stewed. long time to soften the fibers. If this part of the carcass is used for minced meat, it is imperative to add a little fat there.
  4. The shank is juicy and meaty. It is well suited for baking, as well as stewing with aromatic herbs and garlic.
  5. Tenderloin is the most tender meat that has thin layer subcutaneous fat. It is it that is used to prepare the perfect barbecue, baking and frying.
  6. Rump and back ham are considered meat premium, they are suitable for cooking chops. top hams are used for stews and goulash, and from its side part an ideal boiled pork is obtained.
  7. Brisket is stewed and cooked in a pot. Cooks do not recommend baking the brisket in a whole piece, it is recommended to divide it into medium-sized pieces.
  8. Shank and hoof are used for rich broth. In addition, these parts of the carcass contain a large amount of gelling substances, which are important for the preparation of jelly.

Did you know? It has now become fashionable to keep decorative pigs as pets, because they are not inferior in intelligence even to dogs.

So pork is the source useful components and goes well with many vegetables and spices. However, in order to get maximum benefit for the body, do not abuse fried pork and exceed daily allowances consumption of this meat.

The benefits and harms of pork: video

Pork is one of the most popular types of meat in our country. She has excellent palatability, good energy value and affordable price compared to other products, therefore it is widely used in cooking for cooking huge amount dishes. However, despite this, many doctors and nutritionists continuously urge people to stop eating this type of meat, since it allegedly has negative impact on the human body. But is it really dangerous and the harm of the product will be discussed in detail in this article. Therefore, after reading it to the end, you can make right choice in favor of whether or not to give up kebab, Pork Wellington, juicy fried steak and many other amazing dishes.

Chemical composition

So, pork is present in your daily diet. The benefits and harms to the body of this meat are of interest to many, because, in addition to the negative, it also has positive impact. To see this, one need only look at chemical composition product.

In addition to the vital amino acids found in pork, it is also rich in the following nutrients:

  • vitamins A, B, D and E;
  • choline;
  • sulfur;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • cobalt;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • fluorine;
  • manganese;
  • tin;
  • chromium;
  • nickel;
  • chlorine;
  • molybdenum.

Calorie content of 100 grams of meat is 356 kcal, which account for 14 g of protein, 33 g of fat, 3.5 g essential amino acids and the rest is other vital nutrients. Given the rich chemical composition and nutritional value, we can conclude that the harm of pork is greatly exaggerated.

Beneficial features

Let's dwell on them in more detail. If we talk about the harm that pork has on the human body when it is regularly eaten, then its beneficial effects cannot be ignored.

  • sharpens eyesight;
  • stimulates bowel emptying from waste products;
  • relieves inflammation of the lungs and many other diseases respiratory system;
  • helps cleanse the liver of salts and heavy metals;
  • stimulates the process of blood formation.

Besides, pork fat used as a moisturizer in facial skin care. Making a mask only twice a week, especially in winter period, you will notice that the epidermis will begin to resist much better negative factors environment.

Many nutritionists argue that pork is harmful by the fact that it contributes to obesity. However, if the meat is cooked correctly, then you will not only not gain extra pounds, but even, on the contrary, you will be able to lose a couple.

Impact on the nervous system

What do you need to know about it? Few people know that vinine, the health benefits and harms of which are described in detail in this article, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system. Due to beriberi, a person is more susceptible to stressful situations, since his hormone of happiness is produced in small quantities, because of which the mood often changes. The reason for this is the lack of B vitamins. And since they are found in large quantities in pork, then by eating it, you can replenish the balance. nutrients in the body. Just a few weeks after the inclusion of the product in the diet, you will notice that you have become much calmer to react to everything that happens around you and get much better sleep. And fat is one of the most powerful antidepressants. natural origin. It contains a special substance tryptophan, which is responsible for the production of the hormone of joy.

Impact on immunity

How does this product work? In winter and autumn, people are significantly reduced protective functions organism, so they are much more susceptible to various diseases. This is due to a number of factors, among which the main one is the lack of vitamins. Needed to boost immunity proper nutrition Therefore, it is very important to eat foods rich in nutrients. In this regard, pork (the benefits and harms of meat cause a lot of controversy in scientific community) is one of best products. In addition, pork fat slows down the aging process and improves metabolism in the body. A rich chemical composition contributes to the health of hair and nails.

Impact on the reproductive system

What do you need to know about it? As you have probably already seen, the harm of pork is not as terrible as they talk about it. This meat contains a large amount of testosterone, which is involved in the development and functioning of the male reproductive system, as well as shaping his psychophysiological behavior. Also, this hormone is responsible for increasing muscle mass, which is especially important for people who are actively involved in any kind of sport. Testosterone deficiency negatively affects erectile function, as a result of which the representatives strong half mankind have problems with erection. To stimulate the production of androgen, a large amount of zinc is required, one of the best sources of which is pork. Therefore, doctors advise patients who are struggling with infertility to consume as much of this type of meat as possible.

Impact on the cardiovascular system

If you are still convinced that the harm of pork meat is really there, and it is high enough, then consult a qualified cardiologist. One of critical systems any living being is cardiovascular. She is responsible for ensuring all internal organs and tissues with nutrients, so if there are violations in its work, then the whole body suffers.

For normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, the movement of blood through the veins and arteries must be uniform and carried out under a certain pressure. To regulate its work, the body needs vitamins and minerals. Eating pork helps lower blood cholesterol levels, resulting in the risk of developing various diseases and pathologies also become less. In addition, pig meat contains zinc, magnesium and arginine, which improve heart function and stimulate normal blood flow.

Harmful properties

This issue should be given special meaning. Despite all the above, the harm of pork is really undeniable. What is it?

In some countries, pork, the harm to the body of which is quite obvious, is under the strictest prohibition. Wherein average duration life of the population in them is much higher than in Russia. The same applies to the number of long-livers.


You should definitely read them before using this product. Pork (the benefits and harms of meat were discussed in detail above) are not recommended for people suffering from certain diseases.

These include the following:

In addition to all of the above, people who have an individual intolerance to pork should refrain from eating this meat. However, a similar phenomenon in medical practice is extremely rare.

Pork in cooking

This type of meat is very widespread not only in our country, but throughout the world. It is used to prepare a huge number of different original and amazing dishes that amaze with their unique taste. As for Russia, barbecue is the most popular here. Our compatriots have come up with so many ways to marinate and cook meat baked on charcoal that it’s easy head goes around. But is there any harm to pork skewers? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail and find out whether it is worth denying yourself this very simple, but incredibly delicious dish or you can safely eat it.

The chemical composition of barbecue

So what is it? Earlier we analyzed what substances are contained in raw pork, however, during the heat treatment and cooking of meat, its chemical composition changes. At the same time, it is very difficult to determine exactly what minerals and nutrients we get with barbecue, because it all depends on what marinade and cooking method were used.

As for the generalized information, it says that 100 grams of the dish contains:

  • protein - 25%;
  • fats - 45%;
  • carbohydrates - 3-4%;
  • vitamins - A, groups B, C, D, E and PP;
  • minerals - iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and phosphorus.

As for calories, it can vary from 180 to 340 kcal. Most of the fat is found in the brisket, so it is from this part that the most satisfying barbecue is obtained. But here everything also largely depends on what exactly the meat was marinated in.

Useful and harmful properties

Let's take a closer look at them. Many people wonder if it is possible to eat pork skewers. The benefits and harms of this dish depend on how often and in what quantity you use it.

In moderation, the following benefits are achieved:

  • shish kebab contains a large amount of protein and useful amino acids involved in muscle growth that increase the level of hemoglobin and improve blood circulation;
  • high nutritional value. If you want to quickly put on weight, then barbecue is perfect for this. In addition, grilled meat reduces the risk of anemia;
  • good source vitamins and minerals necessary for normal life and functioning immune system. Shish kebab stimulates the production of testosterone in male body, which favorably affects potency.

As far as harm is concerned, moderate use it is practically non-existent. However, you must take into account the fact that barbecue is a high-calorie dish, so it is better to exclude it from the diet of pregnant and breastfeeding women.


Despite the harm of pork and dishes from it, you need to eat this type of meat, because it contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that our body needs. If you do not abuse pork, then there will be no harmful effects. But the same can be said about absolutely any product. If you know everything in moderation, then you will never have any health problems.

Pork is the meat of animals from the breed of pigs. It is considered the most common food product, which has many useful substances. In addition, pork is one of the most affordable and high-calorie forms of nutrition. It is valued for the presence of essential proteins and fats, which help restore strength and improve health.

In Islam and Judaism, eating pork is prohibited. Israel trades this meat very carefully.

Pork is very popular in many cuisines of the world, great dishes are also prepared from this meat. At home and in restaurants, it is baked in the oven, grilled, served with steaks with various side dishes and sauces. On the basis of pork, tasty and rich soups, borscht, pilaf, kharcho, braised cabbage. It is also often used for filling pies, chebureks and rolls. All this popularity is due to the juiciness of meat and excellent taste indicators. In the whole carcass there is meat for a dryish roll and a fatty delicious steak.

The most popular pork dish is barbecue, which cannot be compared with anything. It also makes tasty and satisfying canned food. Carcasses can dry or smoke. All this is also in great demand. When choosing meat, you need to take into account the dish to which it is selected, it is important to use a minimum of fat and oil in cooking so as not to harm the body.

Pork has tender pink color, soft fibers. Almost all meat is pierced with layers of fat (white). If desired, it is cut off and the dish becomes less high-calorie. The composition of this product has vitamins and minerals that will help to avoid depletion of internal organs, give a lot of energy.

Nutritional value of pork (100 g)

Meat of pork of average calorie content, can be also high-calorie. In order to even out these figures at least a little, it is better to bake the meat in the oven, stew, fry on the grill without gravy sunflower oil. By the amount of protein in its composition, it loses a little to beef and rabbit carcass. But in terms of the number of essential acids becomes a leader.

Dishes prepared with the addition of vegetables will be of medium calorie content. Roasted on the grill or in the oven have approximately the same situation. Pork broth will be hearty and high-calorie if all the melted fat is not removed from it. For kebabs, the back part or shoulder blade with a medium fat content is usually used. Although some of the fat disappears during the frying process, unfortunately the meat does not become less high-calorie.

Calorie content of pork dishes (100 g)

Pork dishes calories Pork dishes calories
Kebab 298 fried pork 295
Pilaf 211 boiled 320
Borsch 63 Shawarma 256
cutlets 296 Oven baked 252
Aspic 229 Stewed 248
Pea soup 98 Goulash 252
Chebureki 405 Chop 296
Steamed meat 256 Stewed cabbage 116

Useful properties of pork

  • pork is well digested, and is inferior in this indicator only to lamb and beef;
  • the presence of a large amount of B vitamins is useful for keeping the work of the central nervous system up to the mark;
  • iron and zinc have a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis, avoid the development of anemia;
  • pork is able to somewhat lower blood cholesterol levels (when eating lean meat).
  • regular consumption of pork significantly reduces the risk cardiovascular disease. Potassium, calcium and magnesium work for the benefit of blood vessels, strengthening them;
  • pork fat is useful for enriching intercellular membranes essential amino acids and fats. By the way, the cholesterol content in it is two times less than in an egg;
  • fibers have useful properties, they stimulate the intestines, cleansing it;
  • pork improves emotional condition a person, eating meat can help fight depression;
  • amino acids in meat improve growth hair follicles, and lysine and arginine thicken it from the outside;
  • calcium helps to strengthen bone tissue;
  • for breastfeeding mothers, pork will help increase milk production;
  • pork is also beneficial in cosmetology. Fat is used to make excellent moisturizers and creams (for dry or chapped skin).

Kira Stoletova

Animal products are an integral part of the human menu. For millennia, people's diets have been supplemented nutrients however, modern scholars have questioned their usefulness. Is pork meat bad? Let's analyze the strengths and weak sides popular food.


Historians find the first mention of raw materials 7 thousand years ago. It is believed that domesticated animals were brought to Europe from the Middle East. Since then, they have quickly spread across all continents, complementing the menu of many peoples.

It is believed that pork meat is very high-calorie product which adversely affects human health. Nutritional value depends on the part of the carcass and on the method of preparation. The table explains in detail energy value per 100 g

Product kcal Fat (g) Protein (g)
shoulder blade 260 16 22
collar 270 23 16
Ham 262 21 18
Dewlap 630 68 7,5
Pork boiled 365 30 22,5
Pork stew 225 20 11,5
Chop fried 350 24 19

Depending on the cooking method, the characteristics of the meat change. At diet food recommend lean types, steamed. The most greasy and harmful are still dishes with a crust.

In addition, the price of the product depends on the quality and location of the muscle. According to GOST, there are 2 categories of pork, including the names of parts of the carcass:

  1. The first. Loin, sternum, shoulder blade, ham and loin.
  2. Second. Shank, neck notch, knuckle, sideburns.

Young pork has a light pink surface without membranes. The old animal is characterized by a dense texture of fibers, rich red shades of meat. The longer the individual lived, the less soft and juicy the dish will turn out during heat treatment.

The meat product is a unique combination of trace elements and amino acids. It ranks second after lamb in terms of digestibility. human body. In lean varieties much more protein than in chicken. Pig meat contains many vitamins:

  • group B;
  • folic acid.

In terms of the number of microelements, raw materials are much superior to beef and lamb. In the composition of meat, scientists find:

  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • sodium.

Pork is complete product, which has a capacious set of substances important for the body. By their own chemical characteristics fibers have the same combinations as those of the human body. The only exception is the presence of a large amount of fat.

Beneficial features

Whatever nutritionists say, pig meat has a number of positive qualities. With regular use of lean varieties, you can achieve significant reduction cholesterol levels in the blood and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Thoughtful composition of the menu will avoid many cardiological problems. Even in fat there are fewer harmful elements than in butter and eggs.

A huge amount of protein is just a godsend for people who do heavy exercise. Protein is an essential building block of muscles, and when it is deficient, the body begins to absorb its own supply of fibers. The constant inclusion of animal tissues in the diet allows the body to forget about the deficiency of the trace element.

Thanks to the unique combination of iron, iodine and enzymes, the raw material stimulates the functions hematopoietic organs. With anemia and injuries, a sparing diet is shown, which makes hemoglobin regeneration as effective as possible. Useful fiber doctors advise lactating women to use to improve lactation and men to enhance potency.

Pork meat is easily absorbed by the body, which helps to quickly fill the lack of nutrients and minerals. Properly cooked fillet improves the patency of the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of a huge number of enzymes uplifts the mood.

A well-thought-out diet will bring the body the maximum benefit. In cold seasons human body requires more energy than regular time. For natural heating, you can choose a lean popular product. AT boiled meat no carbohydrates, which will positively affect the figure.

Harmful properties

Despite all the advantages, pork is on the list of foods that are not recommended for people with certain health problems. Elevated levels of histamine cause allergic reaction. The result will be:

  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • furunculosis.

The well-established work of the body can be knocked down by growth hormones, which are found in excess in tasty fibers. Regular gluttony triggers dangerous pathological processes. In addition to obesity, a person is threatened with benign and malignant formations. The animal's blood contains oncogenic agents that provoke cancer.

The harm of meat is manifested in high calorie raw materials and the presence of fat in the fibers. Excessive consumption of food can provoke an exacerbation of diseases of the kidneys, liver and digestive system. Poor quality products or violation of the rules of heat treatment leads to poisoning with toxins.

Pork meat: benefits and harms. Calorie content, composition and the most delicious pork

Pork harm

Harm of pork to human health.


For food to be healthy, you must be able to select side dishes. Compatriots are accustomed to combining fatty pork meat with potatoes or pasta. Such a variety in a couple of weeks will “please” gourmets with a few extra pounds. It is important to remember that the ideal dish should not be harmful.

The product is not compatible with any kind of fish, desserts and confectionery. While creating recipes many cooks prefer to add fruits, honey and nuts. Unusual notes to the fibers give the sweet-sour taste of pineapple or the sugary aroma of prunes.

In German cuisine, pork is eaten with sauerkraut. Thanks to this combination, it turns out to reduce the load on gastrointestinal tract. acid environment vegetables helps to quickly break down meat of any fat content.

kebabs - favorite dish compatriots, but it is not always good for health. Harm is brought by preservatives formed on the surface after contact with the flame. Soaking in marinades, an abundance of spices causes irreparable damage to the body. As an alternative, doctors recommend grilling with vegetables.

How to store

Pork, like beef, is a perishable product. Pathogens quickly develop in it, as a result of which food spoils and appears fetid odor. On the surface of the films, nasty mucus, and the color changes first to light, and then to green.

To preserve the original characteristics, the flesh is stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In this case, the expiration date is 2 days for mature animals and knocking for suckling pigs. Having another product nearby reduces holding time. The optimum temperature is from 0°C to 1°C.

To keep fresh meat longer, it is better to hide the pieces in freezer. The remaining moisture is carefully removed from the surface with a napkin, then placed in a plastic bag or container. It is important to let out as much air as possible.

Boiled pork must be pulled out of the broth. So that fried meat does not disappear quickly, it is necessary to pour it with melted fat. Before use, the pieces are carefully removed from the fat, washed and eaten. Smoked ham and bacon are stored in the cold for up to 30 days.

How to choose

Fresh pork has a light pink surface color, devoid of films and mucus. If you press your finger on the fibers, they are quickly smoothed out without leaving a trace. Better take a look at the product. Chilled meat has a light unobtrusive aroma.

The technology allows selling raw materials in frozen form. It must be remembered that the pieces should not contain dark spots. The fibers are almost invisible on the cut, have a rich pink tint.

The fat of a young animal is light with slight inclusions, and the old one is yellow. When cooked, pork acquires White color and the fat becomes gray and hard. Unlike beef, the flesh does not fall apart into fractions, it remains a dense piece.

How to cook

correct heat treatment meat enhances beneficial features and reduces calories. Cutlets and meatballs are made from it, boiled in water and steamed, fried on a grill and a frying pan. Pork is used for the production of semi-finished products and canned food.

How long does it take to cook a popular product? For getting delicious broth on a hodgepodge after boiling, it is kept on the stove for 2 hours. Remove the foam from the surface of the water, cooking is carried out over low heat. To preserve juiciness, salt must be 10 minutes before the end of the process.

From the neck of a domestic pig, it is worth frying delicious chops. To do this, the meat is processed with a kitchen hammer, salted, peppered and spread on a hot frying pan. The dish should not float in fat, 2 tbsp is enough. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking meat in the oven does not reduce the yield of the finished dish. The flesh is wrapped in foil or fixed in a bag called a thermal sleeve. The nutritional value remains as high as when boiled. Useful properties are preserved, a pleasant aroma is added.

Things to Remember

Pork is a product that is quite heavy for a person. The percentage of its fat content is higher than that of a bird. People who watch their figure and are afraid of extra pounds should avoid pure fat and non-dietary meats. By the way, marble should also be abandoned because of its high energy value.

The best nutritionists in Russia and the CIS states that if you do not exceed the consumption of 200 g of pork per day, harmful effect on the body from this meat will not be noticeable.

The nutritional value of raw materials allows it to be used as an additional component in baby food. Pork is introduced into the puree gradually, starting from 8 months. If a backlash there is no digestive system, you can enrich the baby's diet.

Pork is a popular raw material that is used in national cuisines many peoples. Excellent taste characteristics it combines with high nutritional value. Our recommendations will help you better identify useful and harmful properties food.

The harm of pork is not religious dogma, but scientific fact which has been repeatedly confirmed by numerous studies. Pork is high in harmful substances causing inflammation in the body.

dirty food

Well-cooked pork is a real delicacy that is hard to resist. Pork dishes are very popular, especially in our country. Is pork addiction safe?

We all know that some religions forbid believers from eating pork. Such food is considered dirty, harming both the body and the soul. For a long time medicine considered such a ban unreasonable, but for recent times there is a lot of data showing the dangers of pork.

Pork and growth hormone

Pig meat contains a large amount of growth hormone, which contributes to the development inflammatory processes and hypertrophy. Excessive intake of growth hormone in the body can lead to obesity and various neoplasms(including malignant).

During the food reform in Germany, the number of cancer in older people. Experts attribute this phenomenon to the excessive consumption of pork. Excess intake of cholesterol and growth hormone in the body promotes growth cancer cells. Smokers who consume pork have been shown to be significantly more likely to develop cancer.

Pork and histamine

The harm of pork to the body is explained and high content It contains histamine, the main mediator of inflammation. Once in the body, histamine provokes the development of various inflammatory processes (furunculosis, appendicitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, vascular inflammation, abscesses, skin diseases and others).

Toxic effect of pork

An important toxic factor in pork is the influenza virus. According to some studies, the influenza virus in the summer is almost always contained in the lungs of pigs. Analysis of sausage products showed that the vast majority of samples contained viral particles.

Scientists have established a clear relationship between the widespread use of American fat and the outbreak of the influenza epidemic during the First World War.

It is noteworthy that influenza epidemics are extremely rare in Muslim countries, since they do not eat pork.

Given the above, some doctors advise eliminating (or limiting) the use of pork. If you are a barbecue lover, then use more safe prescription shish kebab, for example, lamb, poultry or fish. Delicious pork can cause many diseases that will make themselves felt after 40.

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