What date does the zodiac sign Sagittarius begin with. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Sagittarius: facts about this fiery sign. Weaknesses of Sagittarius

How do people usually read a horoscope? They determine the sign of the zodiac, find information related to it, study it. And is it accurate, is it suitable for this person? This is found out in their own practice. To obtain more accurate information, it is necessary to clarify, so to speak, the input data. What is it - consider the example of Sagittarius. The rest of the signs can be acted by analogy. One of the factors influencing the fate of a person is the moment of appearance in this world. Sagittarius birth dates are well known. What follows from them, let's see.

Determining with accurate data

To begin with, consider the dates of birth of Sagittarius in the calendar. It is well known that this constellation "rules" from the twenty-third of November to the twenty-first of December. These days don't change. It was during this period that the constellation intercepts the "steering wheel" and leads the planet. Only the named term is not small. Each constellation rules for thirty days. Does this mean that all people born in a particular period are the same? Of course not. They are affected by dates of birth. Sagittarius can be characterized by several striking features. Everything related to this zodiac sign will generally correspond to the characteristics. And if you carefully study what is written about them, it turns out an amazing thing. Almost any person finds in the description features that are characteristic of himself. What would that mean?

How Sagittarius Birth Dates Affect Personality

An amazing thing. You can read about Capricorn as a Virgo and think that the behavior described is very similar to what you regularly do. What's the matter? It’s just that the dates of birth - Sagittarius or Aries - don’t matter, they have “the same values”. After all, the numbering of days is repeated every month. This is a fact that is rarely thought about. It is taken as a given.

Nevertheless, it is this factor that has the strongest influence on. It has long been found that people born, for example, on the first day (of any month), are united by common features. Therefore, the dates of birth of Sagittarius, when compiling horoscopes, must also be considered from this point of view. You can not rely only on the influence of a particular zodiac sign or, say, a particular planet. You get the wrong picture. As a result, misconceptions will lead to a misunderstanding of the person or events.

About Sagittarius: the big picture

The horoscope presents us with an inquisitive and non-angry personality. These are people who strive to embrace the immensity. They are thoughtful about life and people. They have an incredible capacity for compassion, which is most often expressed in practical activities. The fact is that they cannot get past injustice, as they feel it all. They are missionaries in life. Whatever Sagittarius does, his main goal is to bring goodness, harmony, and understanding to people. In addition, each of the Sagittarians has some kind of talent. It needs to be implemented.

Helps them in this sociability and spontaneity. These individuals are happy to make new friends, travel, study. They belong to the fire element. But the flame is not static. His dynamics is fully manifested in the character and fate of Sagittarius. Well, the angry representative of the sign also demonstrates to others the inexorability of the named element. Friendliness can quickly turn to rage when he sees an act of injustice.

First decade

Let's see how Sagittarius differs, whose date of birth falls in the month of November. Naturally, the features of character and temperament must be combined with information about the main ones in order to achieve a complete and deep understanding. Let's go by the days of the month. The 23rd adds stubbornness. Such a person wants to dominate everyone. The 24th gives a person pessimism. They better be led in order to succeed.

Sagittarius, whose date of birth falls on the 25th, is soft, but greedy. They are easily involved in illegal activities. The 26th bestows a light hospitable character, a love of entertainment. 27th - originality of views. 28th - special mind and sensuality. 29th - luck and special talent to achieve the goal. These people never play secondary roles. Good leaders. On the 30th, power-hungry people are born. They don't know how to obey. Smart but aggressive.

Second decade

Now consider what Sagittarius receives from December. We will divide the dates of this month approximately into two parts. So accepted. When considering the nuances of horoscopes, a month is divided into three relatively equal decades. We will do the same when drawing up our horoscope. Sagittarius, whose date of birth falls on the first of December, is distinguished by ingenuity. Such individuals are shown to be creative. The second number gives tenderness and romance, but completely deprives assertiveness. The third endows a person with a desire for power. These are, as a rule, future (real) managers, leaders. Sagittarians born on the fourth of December need to choose a research field. The search for truth they succeed best (in any field). The fifth number gives people commercialism, the sixth - magnetism, the seventh - individualism, the eighth - adaptability. On the ninth, fighters are born, and on the tenth, practical thinkers.

third decade

The characteristics of each zodiac sign are influenced by its neighbors. Sagittarius is no exception. Dates of the last decade are subject to the influence of Capricorn. More about them. On the eleventh, unpredictable people are born, on the twelfth - courageous and enterprising. The 13th gives a desire for a career, even at the expense of personal life. On December 14, hot-tempered personalities are born. They need to control their emotions. The 15th gives a person special harmony, the 16th - the ability to research, the 17th - ambition and changeability, the 18th - clarity, and the 19th - self-confidence and vanity. On the twentieth, individuals with a vivid imagination appear, on the twenty-first - dreamers with clear leadership abilities. This is how each individual Sagittarius is. births affect personality in an interconnected way. They cannot be considered separately from each other.

by date of birth

Now let's talk briefly about talismans. As a rule, information about stones corresponding to the sign of the zodiac is not specified. They are listed in general, without taking into account the date of birth. In principle, any person is free to trust such information. The stones are associated with the stars, therefore, they are good for any Sagittarius, since they are in harmony with this representative. One can single out those that are more suitable for people born in one or another due to the influence of neighboring signs on minerals. It is advisable not to allow them to come into conflict with each other. So, zircon and turquoise are suitable for those born in the first decade, sapphire, rhodolite are suitable for the third. Those who are "pure" Sagittarius can use any talisman recommended for this sign. They are not affected by their neighbors.

Birthday and characteristic

Sagittarius birthday and characteristics

  • If your month coincides, then you are on a par with these famous people. Sagittarius is known for being outgoing and friendly, but also straightforward. There is no point in being angry or offended, because they do not harbor anger, and make mistakes only out of ignorance. Even harsh remarks are made with complete innocence, and they do not understand that this can offend someone.
  • Don't be strict because they never try to hurt. The zodiac is endowed with a brilliant mind and adheres to high principles. Thanks to intelligence and determination, they manage to reach incredible heights. Sagittarius in all seriousness considers himself the most diplomatic and courteous, repeating that he is not going to offend anyone. And this is true, since lies and pretense are alien to the sign. Their seriousness is reminiscent of 7-year-olds, so they get away with some kind of faux pas in behavior.
  • The zodiac loves exercise, animals, sports and speed. They are in danger. This is one of the most risky signs. They obey fire, so they are talkative and unpredictable in conversation. Deep down they are big spenders. From birth, cheerful and easy-going. But the mood tends to change dramatically if others suddenly cross the line drawn by Sagittarius and fit into his space. Also, they will not tolerate attempts to forge their freedom. They can get into a fight, and they won’t ask for help, as they are able to stand up for themselves.
  • They hate being accused of something, especially of lying. After a quarrel, the zodiac feels guilty and tries to re-establish contact. Their everyday life is a continuous journey. Every day they seem to experience a new birth and retain a piece of childish spontaneity. Therefore, they are always excited, turn away from seriousness and seek adventure. At the same time, Sagittarius knows how to take responsibility, but does not like to do this.
  • Sagittarius is unshakable in his self-esteem. You can criticize him from head to toe, he won't even notice. But intervention and advice are met with rudeness. But to those who do not climb into his life, he treats with respect and cordiality. Always happy to chat, make a joke or lend a shoulder.
  • There are two types of personality in the zodiac. The first is the noble idealist. He strives to make everyone happy. The second is a cunning financier. Its goal is power and money, for the sake of which the sign is ready to walk over heads and corpses.

Compatibility horoscope: Sagittarius zodiac sign when it starts and ends - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Sagittarius is the second double sign. Its duality is manifested in the fact that, on the one hand, it is very developed, and on the other, it is primitive. The first type of Sagittarius is the type of scientist, politician, thinker, and the second is a sailor, soldier, adventurer, tramp. But both of them are distinguished by great vitality, courage, mobility and love of adventure.

Sagittarians are very sociable and friendly, sincere in dealing with others. You can’t get angry or offended at them, as they are very good-natured, completely devoid of bad intentions. They may be tactless, but this is due to bad manners, not malice. In fact, they have a very smart head and high principles. Their unique combination of wit, intelligence and determination makes them the winners.

Sagittarians have a fantastic memory. They remember dates, names, various little things well, but they may well forget where they left their jacket. They keep losing things. They are alien to deceit, they are sincere and serious, like children.

Their irrepressible energy finds an outlet in love for animals, sports, speed. Sagittarians are attracted to danger. They love physical and emotional risk.

Being a sign of Fire, Sagittarius is talkative and extravagant. He is always happy and cheerful. By nature, Sagittarius is a fighter, he can perfectly protect himself, never avoids a fight and does not call for help.

Sagittarius is an incorrigible optimist, always believing that tomorrow will be better than today.

The disadvantages of Sagittarius include their tendency to gluttony and alcoholism. But whatever the Sagittarius, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius by birth periods from November 23 to December 21.

Mercury had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They are passionate, courageous, unaffected by other people's influence, independent individuals with an unshakable character. They are interested in hunting and love to play sports.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 36, 40.

The moon had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They have developed creative thinking, they love wandering and adventure, they are much more inventive, unstable, there is a frequent change in state of mind.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 15, 30, 40, 45, 60.

Saturn had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They are stubborn, possess an impressionable and sentimental nature, adore comfort and splendor, and are addicted to gourmet food, which they prefer to eat in a calm, relaxed atmosphere.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57, 75.

Zodiac signs.

Sagittarius - from what to what date is born

The zodiac consists of 12 signs, the period of each of them lasts one month. It would seem that everything is simple, exactly one month and no questions. Why, then, do different sources indicate different dates for the start and end of the Sagittarius zodiacal period? For example, somewhere they write that this sign originates on November 23, and somewhere on November 22. Who to believe? From this article you will find out which dates belong to the Sagittarius sign - from what date to what date.

Perhaps you thought that the whole problem is in the mistakes of astrologers. But it's not. In fact, the boundaries of the signs of the zodiac are mobile. They change from year to year. There are three reasons for this:

  1. Leap years. In such years, the border shifts. The beginning and end of the sign come a day earlier than usual.
  2. Earth's axis precession. This is a complex astronomical phenomenon, so I won't bore you with the details. I will only write that it leads to the fact that every 100 years the boundary of signs shifts by about one day.
  3. Geographic difference. In various cities of the world, due to the difference in time zones, the time for the transition of signs is not the same.

The number of November 22 can be safely called transitional.. In most cases, it is on this day that Scorpio changes to Sagittarius. That is, Scorpios are born one part of the day, and Sagittarius are born the other part of the day. There is even a special service on our website where all those born on November 22 are given an answer about their zodiac sign.

In very rare cases, the change of Scorpio to Sagittarius occurs on November 23 early in the morning. That is, Scorpio still has a chance to be born at 2 am on November 23rd. For example, in the city of Chita on November 23, 1979, Scorpios were born before 7 in the morning. As for leap years, in such years the birth of Scorpio on November 23 is excluded.

Sagittarians born on November 22-23 can safely say that their birth number is transitional. Therefore, they are somewhat influenced by the neighboring sign Scorpio. These people experience the influence of two elements - Fire and Water. In commonwealth, these elements give a person more passion and vigor.

Now let's talk about the transition from Sagittarius to Capricorn. From what date does this happen? The transition is possible either on December 21 or December 22.

This means that in some years, especially leap years, Capricorns were born on the evening of December 21, and Sagittarius - in the morning and afternoon. Let's take 2012 as an example. On December 21, 2012, Sagittarius were born in Moscow until three o'clock in the afternoon, and later - Capricorns.

In other years, when the transition took place on the 22nd, Sagittarius was still born in the early morning of December 22, and Capricorns were already born in the afternoon and evening. For example, on December 22, 1985, Sagittarius were born in Tyumen until three in the morning, and later Capricorns.

If you were born on December 21st and have doubts about your zodiac sign, ask a question in a special article.

Those born on December 21-22 can consider themselves to be those who were born on the border of signs and elements. In their character united fire and earth. This combination gives the practical implementation of inspiring ideas.

When does the zodiac sign Sagittarius begin?

The twenty-third of November - from this date the time of the SAGITTARIUS begins. The zodiac sign Sagittarius ends on the twenty-second of December.

The patron planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter.

Sagittarians are often endowed with such qualities as energy, a thirst for adventure, great conceit, fearlessness, activity, the desire to teach and lead, vanity, authoritarianism, tactlessness.

Their element is Fire, burning under coals, sometimes flashing sparks.

People born in sign Sagittarius possess a multilateral character, restless, inquisitive, generous.

Very impatient, do not like to do the same thing for a long time.

They are straightforward and like to express their point of view, no matter what.

Energy at Streltsov overflowing, can love and sympathize, great lovers of travel.

lucky numbers for Sagittarius – 3, 4, 9.

Lucky day is Thursday.

Symbols Sagittarius- wand, stars, centaur-shooter.

talisman for Sagittarius considered a horseshoe and a salamander.

Sagittarius Birth Dates

The zodiac sign of Sagittarius begins on November 23rd, but for seven days does not enter into its powers until the end. Starting November 27th and onward, Sagittarius is in full power until December 21st, then for seven days, gradually loses power due to the upcoming zodiac sign Capricorn.

The symbol of Sagittarius is a centaur hunter, a mythical half-man, half-horse. This sign of the zodiac symbolizes the search for wisdom, Sagittarius is the sign of philosophers and researchers, the sign of people who have an irrepressible appetite for learning new things, traveling and discoveries.

Sagittarians prefer to be free and unencumbered, but when they fall in love and become involved in a relationship, they make their life and that of their partner as enjoyable as possible. Usually they are very sociable, but will be very happy to find time for a solitary pastime with a loved one. They concentrate all their attention on what they are currently doing and seem to see no other way but theirs until the effort is made.

Sagittarius Dates: November 23 – December 21

Sagittarius are often excellent workers, such people never seem to get tired, as long as you do not find them knocked down from fatigue. They prefer to learn on their own, gain life experience while traveling, unfortunately they cannot stand the disinfected classroom environment and the usual educational process. Sagittarians are usually successful in business, but never feel limited by certain achievements.

Trusting, open, intellectually curious, Sagittarians are willing to learn everything about other people in order to understand them better. Highly energetic, with favorable energy, they are gifted interlocutors, wonderful storytellers, and born entertainers - what is called the soul of the company. Almost all of them adore music to one degree or another, often representatives of this zodiac sign turn into brilliant musicians.

These people, however, tend to go to extremes in all matters of life, and make sudden decisions, or quickly change their minds about their recent decision, for which they may have an excuse in advance, in any case, they are too proud to admit their mistake. One of their biggest difficulties is in the area of ​​intimate relationships, Sagittarians are quite capable of being committed to two people at once.

Men of this zodiac sign almost always get married by chance, given in to the impulse of desire and often bitterly regret it afterwards, but they are too proud to show their true feelings. Women born in this sign tend to be nobler, they desire to make their husbands successful and will sacrifice everything to achieve this goal. Sagittarius women are usually deeply devout people.

Sagittarians respect social order and make excellent mothers or fathers. People born during this period should not stop under any circumstances - it is like death for them, even if everything is so good or vice versa, there will always be questions that only Sagittarius can solve.

Sagittarius Compatibility

Zodiac sign Sagittarius. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Sagittarius - what character does Sagittarius have

Sagittarius 9 zodiac sign. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. The sun enters zodiac sign Sagittarius November 22. Date (numbers) of the beginning and end of the sign Sagittarius 22.11 - 22.12. A distinctive characteristic of people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is their focus on the future. When a Sagittarius starts a business, it is important for him to see development prospects, and if they are not there, then Sagittarius' enthusiasm will disappear.

Typical Sagittarians are usually dreamy people, they believe in the best and try not to dwell on their mistakes and failures. Stumbling, Sagittarius gets up and moves on to his distant dream. It is very important for Sagittarius to have a goal, even if it is not quite realistic and difficult to achieve. Faith fuels the enthusiasm of Sagittarius in any business.

But the daydreaming and excessive optimism of Sagittarius sometimes let him down. All Sagittarius fantasies can remain at the level of plans, and Sagittarius himself will only dream about the distant beautiful future, that someday the right time will come and then he will make his dreams come true. But that time may never come unless Sagittarius takes action.

Sagittarius mutable sign of the zodiac, which means variability and versatility. This characteristic gives people of the zodiac sign Sagittarius throwing from one goal to another. Sagittarians often find it difficult to focus all their forces in only one direction. Well, if Sagittarius can combine all his hobbies and skills in one thing, then he will be able to achieve remarkable results over time.

It is very important for Sagittarius that his occupation does not contradict his beliefs and worldview. Otherwise, he will not succeed, because. the inner attitude that he acts contrary to his conscience will not allow Sagittarius to move a single step forward. Although this characteristic is inherent only to those Sagittarius who are at a high level of spiritual development.

Those Sagittarians who are controlled in life by low animal instincts can cause a lot of anxiety to those around them. Such Sagittarians will present the most crazy ideas as the ultimate truth, and convince everyone around that they are right. It is impossible to argue with these Sagittarians. "Low" Sagittarians do not hear what contradicts their value system and condemn everything that goes beyond it. Sagittarius, who are at a low level of spiritual development, are capable of the most terrible things, but they always find an explanation and justification for this, referring to faith, religion, philosophy, or some generally accepted moral principles.

Highly spiritual people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign strive for justice, and this applies not only to the people around them. Such a Sagittarius knows how to admit his mistakes and is always ready to ask for forgiveness if he was wrong. The main goal of the "high" Sagittarius is the knowledge of the Divine truth and the desire in everyone to light the flame of faith and hope.

Basically people of the zodiac sign Sagittarius good-natured, cheerful and simple, it is easy to negotiate with them and they are always ready to help. The only thing that infuriates this zodiac sign is any injustice. Although all typical Sagittarians have a love for truth, truth in our everyday life is often an abstract concept, and everyone, as you know, has their own.

Sometimes, defending someone else's or their rights, a person of the Sagittarius zodiac sign can be rude and offend with their tactlessness. Sagittarius is open and speaks directly into the eyes, things that are unpleasant for the interlocutor. This is because Sagittarians rarely have cunning, do not know how to hypocrisy, and it is difficult for them to hide their true feelings. But when he sees that he acted ugly, Sagittarius will immediately soften his tone and try to make amends. Therefore, it is impossible to be offended and angry with Sagittarius for a long time.

But sometimes the excessive openness of Sagittarius harms him and those around him, turning into excessive frankness, and in some cases, obsession. Sagittarius, not from evil, can blurt out other people's secrets, and here you can say about him "simplicity is worse than theft."

In astrology Sagittarius sign symbolically controls the 9th house of the natal chart. The 9th house is responsible for spiritual development, education, training, worldview and travel. From here, the desire of Sagittarians to expand their horizons becomes obvious. And here you can divide the people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign into two main groups.

The first group is Sagittarius, who expand their knowledge and skills, love to study and read, learn everything new. These Sagittarians expand their horizons with the help of knowledge and spiritual quest, i.e. deep and up.

The second group of Sagittarians love to travel, they are active, sociable, athletic and mobile, they cannot sit in one place for a long time. These Sagittarians expand their horizons in breadth, horizontally, i.e. through new experiences, communication and travel.

The fire of Sagittarius is the weakest among the fire trine in the zodiac. But still, we must not forget that the sign Sagittarius is a representative of the fire element. And this gives people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign certain ambitions, determination, initiative and determination. Perhaps these characteristics are not as pronounced in Sagittarius as, for example, in Aries or Leo, but they are still present in the character of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is ready to promote his ideas and knows how to inspire others with his ideas. The fiery element also gives Sagittarius a quick temper, but sincere kindness and quickness allow him to quickly restore mutual understanding with others. People of the zodiac sign Sagittarius are rarely in conflict, they do not like to be in a state of enmity.

The difference between Sagittarius and Aries and Leo is that Sagittarius is not so tightly attached to his Ego, he knows how to look at himself as if from the outside and can also condemn himself, like any other person. And Aries and Leo are more selfish and do not perceive criticism at all. Sagittarius, compared to Aries and Leo, is a more flexible and compliant zodiac sign. If something did not work out for Sagittarius, he will not stubbornly insist on his own, Sagittarius will try to find other ways to solve the problem, he will not break through the wall with his forehead. Although there is a certain minus of Sagittarius in this - not wanting to make great efforts and striving to get everything the easy way, Sagittarius can let things take their course, which will negatively affect his life.

The will of Sagittarius cannot be called strong, but he is helped out by inexhaustible optimism, kindness and the ability to quickly get out of a state of stress. And a happy coincidence is not such a rare thing in the life of Sagittarius. Probably this was given to Sagittarius as a reward for their faith in the best, for their optimism, because as they say - "according to your faith it will be given to you."

The ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is Jupiter

Sagittarius owes his optimism, easy character, ability to forgive and not get hung up on failures to his ruler - Jupiter. Jupiter symbolizes going beyond the personal "I" through the formation of one's own value system, learning, transferring one's knowledge and travel. Jupiter is also responsible for expansion and new opportunities, as a result of which Sagittarius retain a clear mind and a desire to learn something new until old age.

The planet Jupiter in astrology is considered a great benefactor and Sagittarius is lucky in life. Jupiter as a Guardian Angel protects his wards even in the most difficult situations.

If a Sagittarius stands at a low level of spiritual development, then healthy optimism and an easy attitude to life will turn into recklessness, adventurism and stupid risk. Such a Sagittarius can simplify everything too much, it seems to him that what he wants can be obtained without difficulty, and he becomes a “burner” of life.

Characteristics of the career of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Professions most suitable for Sagittarius.

Typical Sagittarians rarely aspire to leadership positions, tk. understand that power is a great responsibility. And the freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius does not want to limit itself to the framework of the structure.

Sagittarians need to choose professions that do not contradict their beliefs, give them the opportunity to develop and implement their ideas without tight control.

Sagittarians are suitable for any job where there is an element of learning and freedom of action. The abilities of Sagittarius can be in demand in science, philosophy, religion. People of the zodiac sign Sagittarius can be found among employees of research institutes, university teachers and among people of creative professions.

The work of Sagittarius may include frequent trips, business trips, because Sagittarius has a restless nature. Typical Sagittarians do not tolerate routine, monotonous work can lead Sagittarius to discouragement and extinguish the spark of interest in business. Sagittarius needs new experiences, communication and a change of scenery. And all this must be taken into account for a person of the zodiac sign Sagittarius, when choosing a profession.

Characteristics of the financial sphere of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius attitude towards money.

Typical representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius are not very practical and rarely greedy. Sagittarius can accumulate money if he has a specific goal. Just like that, saving up "for a rainy day", Sagittarius will not.

For loved ones, Sagittarius does not spare money and pleases his loved ones with generous gifts. In his surroundings, Sagittarius is also reputed to be a sympathetic person. He can not only lend, but also offer his help. The desire of Sagittarius to help those in need disinterestedly, without requiring payment for their services, makes him a real altruist. Sometimes the generosity of a Sagittarius can turn into extravagance.

A greedy Sagittarius can only become if someone is dishonest with him or tries to "extract" money from him by cunning. In this case, Sagittarius, out of principle, will no longer want to help such a person.

With a low spiritual development, a person of the Sagittarius zodiac sign can take all the gifts that he receives for granted and does not feel like making efforts to earn money. With this approach to life, Sagittarius can squander even what does not belong to him.

What you need to learn the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Sagittarians need to learn not to judge others, not to try to persuade everyone they meet in life to their beliefs. Do not impose your worldview on everyone around you.

If Sagittarius understood something for himself, he wants to pass on his knowledge by all means, even if he is not asked about it. People of the Sagittarius zodiac sign need to remember that “they don’t forcefully drag them to heaven” and “advice is given only when they are asked.”

Authors Kokorina Olga, Kokorina Natalia. Copying the article is prohibited! When quoting an article, it is obligatory to indicate a working link to Taro-MyMagic.ru

Article publication date Characteristic Zodiac Sign Sagittarius” 17.02.2013

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Sagittarius - zodiac sign

Sagittarius (Adventurer)- 9 zodiac sign. In the horoscope Sagittarius is an adventurer and a seeker of opportunity. The sign of Sagittarius begins from November 22 to December 21, but does not come into full force during the first seven days.

The symbol of the archer is a hunter and a centaur, a mythical half-man, half-horse. This sign symbolizes the search for wisdom, he is a philosopher and researcher. They love to travel and learn.

The element of the sign is Fire;

Keyword - Freedom;

Color - purple, blue;

Minerals - topaz, ruby;

Lucky number - 7;

Harmony - finds a common language with everyone except Virgo and Pisces;

Likes - sincerity, honesty, nature, animals, travel, adventure, justice, wisdom;

Hates - unnaturalness, exaggerated imitation, monotony, cowardice, pettiness, bad manners, flattery.

Compatibility Horoscope

general characteristics

Usually Sagittarians are very sociable and will be especially happy if they find a special relationship. Sagittarians focus all their attention on what they are doing at the moment and seem to see no other way.

They are excellent workers, it seems that they will never get tired and will not fall from fatigue. They prefer to study on their own, to gain experience through travel, than to engage in routine.

These people are usually successful in business. Openness and curiosity means that they are interested in other people. Sagittarians are gifted conversationalists and wonderful storytellers and were born artists. Almost all of them love music. They would make great musicians. But in television, publishing, there are many representatives of this sign.

These people tend to go to extremes in everything, make drastic decisions, or vice versa change their minds too drastically, which they later regret, but are too proud to admit their mistakes.

One of the main difficulties for Sagittarians is love relationships, they are able to be faithful to two people at once. Men of this sign almost always marry impulsively, and regret it later, but again they are too proud to show it. Women choose the noblest of the two, love their husbands to be successful and sacrifice everything to achieve this goal. On the other hand, Sagittarians never allow relationships to become stale and are always able to bring in a fresh wave.

Love of order makes them the best mothers. People born in this sign should never reduce their activity, otherwise they will quickly become discouraged.

They are great friends. These people do not meet in exchange for coffee from a friend. They are executive and the best travel companions. The strongest friendships can be with people born from March 21 to April 26, and July 21 to August 27, or in their own period.

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Compatibility horoscope: Sagittarius zodiac sign from what date to what number - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Sagittarius is the second double sign. Its duality is manifested in the fact that, on the one hand, it is very developed, and on the other, it is primitive. The first type of Sagittarius is the type of scientist, politician, thinker, and the second is a sailor, soldier, adventurer, tramp. But both of them are distinguished by great vitality, courage, mobility and love of adventure.

Sagittarians are very sociable and friendly, sincere in dealing with others. You can’t get angry or offended at them, as they are very good-natured, completely devoid of bad intentions. They may be tactless, but this is due to bad manners, not malice. In fact, they have a very smart head and high principles. Their unique combination of wit, intelligence and determination makes them the winners.

Sagittarians have a fantastic memory. They remember dates, names, various little things well, but they may well forget where they left their jacket. They keep losing things. They are alien to deceit, they are sincere and serious, like children.

Their irrepressible energy finds an outlet in love for animals, sports, speed. Sagittarians are attracted to danger. They love physical and emotional risk.

Being a sign of Fire, Sagittarius is talkative and extravagant. He is always happy and cheerful. By nature, Sagittarius is a fighter, he can perfectly protect himself, never avoids a fight and does not call for help.

Sagittarius is an incorrigible optimist, always believing that tomorrow will be better than today.

The disadvantages of Sagittarius include their tendency to gluttony and alcoholism. But whatever the Sagittarius, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius by birth periods from November 23 to December 21.

Mercury had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They are passionate, courageous, unaffected by other people's influence, independent individuals with an unshakable character. They are interested in hunting and love to play sports.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 36, 40.

The moon had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They have developed creative thinking, they love wandering and adventure, they are much more inventive, unstable, there is a frequent change in state of mind.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 15, 30, 40, 45, 60.

Saturn had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They are stubborn, possess an impressionable and sentimental nature, adore comfort and splendor, and are addicted to gourmet food, which they prefer to eat in a calm, relaxed atmosphere.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57, 75.

Zodiac signs.

Sagittarius - from what to what date is born

The zodiac consists of 12 signs, the period of each of them lasts one month. It would seem that everything is simple, exactly one month and no questions. Why, then, do different sources indicate different dates for the start and end of the Sagittarius zodiacal period? For example, somewhere they write that this sign originates on November 23, and somewhere on November 22. Who to believe? From this article you will find out which dates belong to the Sagittarius sign - from what date to what date.

Perhaps you thought that the whole problem is in the mistakes of astrologers. But it's not. In fact, the boundaries of the signs of the zodiac are mobile. They change from year to year. There are three reasons for this:

  1. Leap years. In such years, the border shifts. The beginning and end of the sign come a day earlier than usual.
  2. Earth's axis precession. This is a complex astronomical phenomenon, so I won't bore you with the details. I will only write that it leads to the fact that every 100 years the boundary of signs shifts by about one day.
  3. Geographic difference. In various cities of the world, due to the difference in time zones, the time for the transition of signs is not the same.

The number of November 22 can be safely called transitional.. In most cases, it is on this day that Scorpio changes to Sagittarius. That is, Scorpios are born one part of the day, and Sagittarius are born the other part of the day. There is even a special service on our website where all those born on November 22 are given an answer about their zodiac sign.

In very rare cases, the change of Scorpio to Sagittarius occurs on November 23 early in the morning. That is, Scorpio still has a chance to be born at 2 am on November 23rd. For example, in the city of Chita on November 23, 1979, Scorpios were born before 7 in the morning. As for leap years, in such years the birth of Scorpio on November 23 is excluded.

Sagittarians born on November 22-23 can safely say that their birth number is transitional. Therefore, they are somewhat influenced by the neighboring sign Scorpio. These people experience the influence of two elements - Fire and Water. In commonwealth, these elements give a person more passion and vigor.

Now let's talk about the transition from Sagittarius to Capricorn. From what date does this happen? The transition is possible either on December 21 or December 22.

This means that in some years, especially leap years, Capricorns were born on the evening of December 21, and Sagittarius - in the morning and afternoon. Let's take 2012 as an example. On December 21, 2012, Sagittarius were born in Moscow until three o'clock in the afternoon, and later - Capricorns.

In other years, when the transition took place on the 22nd, Sagittarius was still born in the early morning of December 22, and Capricorns were already born in the afternoon and evening. For example, on December 22, 1985, Sagittarius were born in Tyumen until three in the morning, and later Capricorns.

If you were born on December 21st and have doubts about your zodiac sign, ask a question in a special article.

Those born on December 21-22 can consider themselves to be those who were born on the border of signs and elements. In their character united fire and earth. This combination gives the practical implementation of inspiring ideas.

10 Most Amazing Sagittarius Holidays

Zodiac sign Sagittarius. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Sagittarius - what character does Sagittarius have

Sagittarius 9 zodiac sign. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. The sun enters zodiac sign Sagittarius November 22. Date (numbers) of the beginning and end of the sign Sagittarius 22.11 - 22.12. A distinctive characteristic of people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is their focus on the future. When a Sagittarius starts a business, it is important for him to see development prospects, and if they are not there, then Sagittarius' enthusiasm will disappear.

Typical Sagittarians are usually dreamy people, they believe in the best and try not to dwell on their mistakes and failures. Stumbling, Sagittarius gets up and moves on to his distant dream. It is very important for Sagittarius to have a goal, even if it is not quite realistic and difficult to achieve. Faith fuels the enthusiasm of Sagittarius in any business.

But the daydreaming and excessive optimism of Sagittarius sometimes let him down. All Sagittarius fantasies can remain at the level of plans, and Sagittarius himself will only dream about the distant beautiful future, that someday the right time will come and then he will make his dreams come true. But that time may never come unless Sagittarius takes action.

Sagittarius mutable sign of the zodiac, which means variability and versatility. This characteristic gives people of the zodiac sign Sagittarius throwing from one goal to another. Sagittarians often find it difficult to focus all their forces in only one direction. Well, if Sagittarius can combine all his hobbies and skills in one thing, then he will be able to achieve remarkable results over time.

It is very important for Sagittarius that his occupation does not contradict his beliefs and worldview. Otherwise, he will not succeed, because. the inner attitude that he acts contrary to his conscience will not allow Sagittarius to move a single step forward. Although this characteristic is inherent only to those Sagittarius who are at a high level of spiritual development.

Those Sagittarians who are controlled in life by low animal instincts can cause a lot of anxiety to those around them. Such Sagittarians will present the most crazy ideas as the ultimate truth, and convince everyone around that they are right. It is impossible to argue with these Sagittarians. "Low" Sagittarians do not hear what contradicts their value system and condemn everything that goes beyond it. Sagittarius, who are at a low level of spiritual development, are capable of the most terrible things, but they always find an explanation and justification for this, referring to faith, religion, philosophy, or some generally accepted moral principles.

Highly spiritual people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign strive for justice, and this applies not only to the people around them. Such a Sagittarius knows how to admit his mistakes and is always ready to ask for forgiveness if he was wrong. The main goal of the "high" Sagittarius is the knowledge of the Divine truth and the desire in everyone to light the flame of faith and hope.

Basically people of the zodiac sign Sagittarius good-natured, cheerful and simple, it is easy to negotiate with them and they are always ready to help. The only thing that infuriates this zodiac sign is any injustice. Although all typical Sagittarians have a love for truth, truth in our everyday life is often an abstract concept, and everyone, as you know, has their own.

Sometimes, defending someone else's or their rights, a person of the Sagittarius zodiac sign can be rude and offend with their tactlessness. Sagittarius is open and speaks directly into the eyes, things that are unpleasant for the interlocutor. This is because Sagittarians rarely have cunning, do not know how to hypocrisy, and it is difficult for them to hide their true feelings. But when he sees that he acted ugly, Sagittarius will immediately soften his tone and try to make amends. Therefore, it is impossible to be offended and angry with Sagittarius for a long time.

But sometimes the excessive openness of Sagittarius harms him and those around him, turning into excessive frankness, and in some cases, obsession. Sagittarius, not from evil, can blurt out other people's secrets, and here you can say about him "simplicity is worse than theft."

In astrology Sagittarius sign symbolically controls the 9th house of the natal chart. The 9th house is responsible for spiritual development, education, training, worldview and travel. From here, the desire of Sagittarians to expand their horizons becomes obvious. And here you can divide the people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign into two main groups.

The first group is Sagittarius, who expand their knowledge and skills, love to study and read, learn everything new. These Sagittarians expand their horizons with the help of knowledge and spiritual quest, i.e. deep and up.

The second group of Sagittarians love to travel, they are active, sociable, athletic and mobile, they cannot sit in one place for a long time. These Sagittarians expand their horizons in breadth, horizontally, i.e. through new experiences, communication and travel.

The fire of Sagittarius is the weakest among the fire trine in the zodiac. But still, we must not forget that the sign Sagittarius is a representative of the fire element. And this gives people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign certain ambitions, determination, initiative and determination. Perhaps these characteristics are not as pronounced in Sagittarius as, for example, in Aries or Leo, but they are still present in the character of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is ready to promote his ideas and knows how to inspire others with his ideas. The fiery element also gives Sagittarius a quick temper, but sincere kindness and quickness allow him to quickly restore mutual understanding with others. People of the zodiac sign Sagittarius are rarely in conflict, they do not like to be in a state of enmity.

The difference between Sagittarius and Aries and Leo is that Sagittarius is not so tightly attached to his Ego, he knows how to look at himself as if from the outside and can also condemn himself, like any other person. And Aries and Leo are more selfish and do not perceive criticism at all. Sagittarius, compared to Aries and Leo, is a more flexible and compliant zodiac sign. If something did not work out for Sagittarius, he will not stubbornly insist on his own, Sagittarius will try to find other ways to solve the problem, he will not break through the wall with his forehead. Although there is a certain minus of Sagittarius in this - not wanting to make great efforts and striving to get everything the easy way, Sagittarius can let things take their course, which will negatively affect his life.

The will of Sagittarius cannot be called strong, but he is helped out by inexhaustible optimism, kindness and the ability to quickly get out of a state of stress. And a happy coincidence is not such a rare thing in the life of Sagittarius. Probably this was given to Sagittarius as a reward for their faith in the best, for their optimism, because as they say - "according to your faith it will be given to you."

The ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is Jupiter

Sagittarius owes his optimism, easy character, ability to forgive and not get hung up on failures to his ruler - Jupiter. Jupiter symbolizes going beyond the personal "I" through the formation of one's own value system, learning, transferring one's knowledge and travel. Jupiter is also responsible for expansion and new opportunities, as a result of which Sagittarius retain a clear mind and a desire to learn something new until old age.

The planet Jupiter in astrology is considered a great benefactor and Sagittarius is lucky in life. Jupiter as a Guardian Angel protects his wards even in the most difficult situations.

If a Sagittarius stands at a low level of spiritual development, then healthy optimism and an easy attitude to life will turn into recklessness, adventurism and stupid risk. Such a Sagittarius can simplify everything too much, it seems to him that what he wants can be obtained without difficulty, and he becomes a “burner” of life.

Characteristics of the career of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Professions most suitable for Sagittarius.

Typical Sagittarians rarely aspire to leadership positions, tk. understand that power is a great responsibility. And the freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius does not want to limit itself to the framework of the structure.

Sagittarians need to choose professions that do not contradict their beliefs, give them the opportunity to develop and implement their ideas without tight control.

Sagittarians are suitable for any job where there is an element of learning and freedom of action. The abilities of Sagittarius can be in demand in science, philosophy, religion. People of the zodiac sign Sagittarius can be found among employees of research institutes, university teachers and among people of creative professions.

The work of Sagittarius may include frequent trips, business trips, because Sagittarius has a restless nature. Typical Sagittarians do not tolerate routine, monotonous work can lead Sagittarius to discouragement and extinguish the spark of interest in business. Sagittarius needs new experiences, communication and a change of scenery. And all this must be taken into account for a person of the zodiac sign Sagittarius, when choosing a profession.

Characteristics of the financial sphere of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius attitude towards money.

Typical representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius are not very practical and rarely greedy. Sagittarius can accumulate money if he has a specific goal. Just like that, saving up "for a rainy day", Sagittarius will not.

For loved ones, Sagittarius does not spare money and pleases his loved ones with generous gifts. In his surroundings, Sagittarius is also reputed to be a sympathetic person. He can not only lend, but also offer his help. The desire of Sagittarius to help those in need disinterestedly, without requiring payment for their services, makes him a real altruist. Sometimes the generosity of a Sagittarius can turn into extravagance.

A greedy Sagittarius can only become if someone is dishonest with him or tries to "extract" money from him by cunning. In this case, Sagittarius, out of principle, will no longer want to help such a person.

With a low spiritual development, a person of the Sagittarius zodiac sign can take all the gifts that he receives for granted and does not feel like making efforts to earn money. With this approach to life, Sagittarius can squander even what does not belong to him.

What you need to learn the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Sagittarians need to learn not to judge others, not to try to persuade everyone they meet in life to their beliefs. Do not impose your worldview on everyone around you.

If Sagittarius understood something for himself, he wants to pass on his knowledge by all means, even if he is not asked about it. People of the Sagittarius zodiac sign need to remember that “they don’t forcefully drag them to heaven” and “advice is given only when they are asked.”

Authors Kokorina Olga, Kokorina Natalia. Copying the article is prohibited! When quoting an article, it is obligatory to indicate a working link to Taro-MyMagic.ru

Article publication date Characteristic Zodiac Sign Sagittarius” 17.02.2013

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When does the zodiac sign Sagittarius begin?

The twenty-third of November - from this date the time of the SAGITTARIUS begins. The zodiac sign Sagittarius ends on the twenty-second of December.

The patron planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter.

Sagittarians are often endowed with such qualities as energy, a thirst for adventure, great conceit, fearlessness, activity, the desire to teach and lead, vanity, authoritarianism, tactlessness.

Their element is Fire, burning under coals, sometimes flashing sparks.

People born in sign Sagittarius possess a multilateral character, restless, inquisitive, generous.

Very impatient, do not like to do the same thing for a long time.

They are straightforward and like to express their point of view, no matter what.

Energy at Streltsov overflowing, can love and sympathize, great lovers of travel.

lucky numbers for Sagittarius – 3, 4, 9.

Lucky day is Thursday.

Symbols Sagittarius- wand, stars, centaur-shooter.

talisman for Sagittarius considered a horseshoe and a salamander.

Sagittarius birth dates, horoscope. Sagittarius Stone

How do people usually read a horoscope? They determine the sign of the zodiac, find information related to it, study it. And is it accurate, is it suitable for this person? This is found out in their own practice. To obtain more accurate information, it is necessary to clarify, so to speak, the input data. What is it - consider the example of Sagittarius. The rest of the signs can be acted by analogy. One of the factors influencing the fate of a person is the moment of appearance in this world. Sagittarius birth dates are well known. What follows from them, let's see.

To begin with, consider the dates of birth of Sagittarius in the calendar. It is well known that this constellation "rules" from the twenty-third of November to the twenty-first of December. These days don't change. It was during this period that the constellation intercepts the "steering wheel" and leads the planet. Only the named term is not small. Each constellation rules for thirty days. Does this mean that all people born in a particular period are the same? Of course not. They are affected by dates of birth. Sagittarius can be characterized by several striking features. Everything related to this zodiac sign will generally correspond to the characteristics. And if you carefully study what is written about them, it turns out an amazing thing. Almost any person finds in the description features that are characteristic of himself. What would that mean?

How Sagittarius Birth Dates Affect Personality

An amazing thing. You can read about Capricorn as a Virgo and think that the behavior described is very similar to what you regularly do. What's the matter? It's just that the dates of birth - Sagittarius or Aries - do not matter, they have "the same meanings." After all, the numbering of days is repeated every month. This is a fact that is rarely thought about. It is taken as a given.

Nevertheless, it is this factor that has the strongest influence on the characters of people. It has long been found out that people born, for example, on the first day (of any month), are united by common features. Therefore, the dates of birth of Sagittarius, when compiling horoscopes, must also be considered from this point of view. You can not rely only on the influence of a particular zodiac sign or, say, a particular planet. You get the wrong picture. As a result, misconceptions will lead to a misunderstanding of the person or events.

About Sagittarius: the big picture

The horoscope presents us with an inquisitive and non-angry personality. These are people who strive to embrace the immensity. They are thoughtful about life and people. They have an incredible capacity for compassion, which is most often expressed in practical activities. The fact is that they cannot get past injustice, as they feel it with all the fibers of their souls. They are missionaries for life. Whatever Sagittarius does, his main goal is to bring goodness, harmony, and understanding to people. In addition, each of the Sagittarians has some kind of talent. It needs to be implemented.

Helps them in this sociability and spontaneity. These individuals are happy to make new friends, travel, study. They belong to the fire element. But the flame is not static. His dynamics is fully manifested in the character and fate of Sagittarius. Well, the angry representative of the sign also demonstrates to others the inexorability of the named element. Friendliness can quickly turn to rage when he sees an act of injustice.

First decade

Let's see how Sagittarius differs, whose date of birth falls in the month of November. Naturally, the features of character and temperament must be combined with information about the main personality traits in order to achieve a complete and deep understanding. Let's go by the days of the month. The 23rd adds stubbornness. Such a person wants to dominate everyone. The 24th gives a person pessimism. They better be led in order to succeed.

Sagittarius, whose date of birth falls on the 25th, is soft, but greedy. They are easily involved in illegal activities. The 26th bestows a light hospitable character, a love of entertainment. 27th - originality of views. 28th - a special mind and sensuality. 29th - luck and special talent to achieve the goal. These people never play secondary roles. Good leaders. On the 30th, power-hungry people are born. They don't know how to obey. Smart but aggressive.

Second decade

Now consider what Sagittarius receives from December. We will divide the dates of this month approximately into two parts. So accepted. When considering the nuances of horoscopes, a month is divided into three relatively equal decades. We will do the same when drawing up our horoscope. Sagittarius, whose date of birth falls on the first of December, is distinguished by ingenuity. Such individuals are shown to be creative. The second number gives tenderness and romance, but completely deprives assertiveness. The third endows a person with a desire for power. These are, as a rule, future (real) managers, leaders. Sagittarians born on the fourth of December need to choose a research field. The search for truth they succeed best (in any field). The fifth number gives people commercialism, the sixth - magnetism, the seventh - individualism, the eighth - adaptability. On the ninth, fighters are born, and on the tenth, practical thinkers.

third decade

The characteristics of each zodiac sign are influenced by its neighbors. Sagittarius is no exception. Dates of the last decade are subject to the influence of Capricorn. More about them. On the eleventh, unpredictable people are born, on the twelfth - courageous and enterprising. The 13th gives a desire for a career, even at the expense of personal life. On December 14, hot-tempered personalities are born. They need to control their emotions. The 15th gives a person special harmony, the 16th - the ability to research, the 17th - ambition and changeability, the 18th - clarity, and the 19th - self-confidence and vanity. On the twentieth day, individuals with a vivid imagination appear, on the twenty-first - dreamers with clear leadership abilities. This is how each individual Sagittarius is. The sign of the zodiac, dates of birth affect the personality in an interconnected way. They cannot be considered separately from each other.

Sagittarius stone by date of birth

Now let's talk briefly about talismans. As a rule, information about stones corresponding to the sign of the zodiac is not specified. They are listed in general, without taking into account the date of birth. In principle, any person is free to trust such information. The stones are associated with the stars, therefore, they are good for any Sagittarius, since they are in harmony with this representative of the zodiacal circle. You can select those that are more suitable for people born in a particular decade of the month. This is due to the influence of neighboring signs on minerals. It is advisable not to allow them to come into conflict with each other. So, zircon and turquoise are suitable for those born in the first decade, sapphire, rhodolite are suitable for those born in the third. Those who are "pure" Sagittarius can use any talisman recommended for this sign. They are not affected by their neighbors.

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Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is the second double sign. Its duality is manifested in the fact that, on the one hand, it is very developed, and on the other, it is primitive. The first type of Sagittarius is the type of scientist, politician, thinker, and the second is a sailor, soldier, adventurer, tramp. But both of them are distinguished by great vitality, courage, mobility and love of adventure.

Sagittarians are very sociable and friendly, sincere in dealing with others. You can’t get angry or offended at them, as they are very good-natured, completely devoid of bad intentions. They may be tactless, but this is due to bad manners, not malice. In fact, they have a very smart head and high principles. Their unique combination of wit, intelligence and determination makes them the winners.

Sagittarians have a fantastic memory. They remember dates, names, various little things well, but they may well forget where they left their jacket. They keep losing things. They are alien to deceit, they are sincere and serious, like children.
Their irrepressible energy finds an outlet in love for animals, sports, speed. Sagittarians are attracted to danger. They love physical and emotional risk.

Being a sign of Fire, Sagittarius is talkative and extravagant. He is always happy and cheerful. By nature, Sagittarius is a fighter, he can perfectly protect himself, never avoids a fight and does not call for help.

Sagittarius is an incorrigible optimist, always believing that tomorrow will be better than today.
The disadvantages of Sagittarius include their tendency to gluttony and alcoholism. But whatever the Sagittarius, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius date of birth:

Born from November 23 to December 2.
Mercury had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They are passionate, courageous, unaffected by other people's influence, independent individuals with an unshakable character. They are interested in hunting and love to play sports.
Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 36, 40.

Born from 3 to 12 December.
The moon had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They have developed creative thinking, they love wandering and adventure, they are much more inventive, unstable, there is a frequent change in state of mind.
Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 15, 30, 40, 45, 60.

Born from 13 to 21 December.
Saturn had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They are stubborn, possess an impressionable and sentimental nature, adore comfort and splendor, and are addicted to gourmet food, which they prefer to eat in a calm, relaxed atmosphere.
Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57, 75.

Zodiac signs by month of birth.

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