Essential oil of fennel for the face 35 years. The use of fennel essential oil. Application in home cosmetics

Fennel has been known since ancient times, it was appreciated by the cooks of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and China. It was believed that its seeds sharpen eyesight and give strength.

In ancient Greece, fennel was a symbol of good luck. The ancient Greeks called fennel "marathon", referring to the name of the battle site where they defeated the Persians in 490 BC.

Fennel is mentioned in his writings by Pliny the Elder. The ancients believed that the aroma of fennel gives a person extraordinary strength, drives away evil spirits, and attracts everything bright and beneficial.

I don’t know about evil spirits, but our great-grandmothers successfully drove away fleas from them. In the Middle Ages, monks and priests used to freshen their breath by chewing fennel seeds during their long prayers.

Fennel ordinary - Foeniculum vulgare- a biennial or perennial spicy plant from the umbrella family. Popular names: pharmacy dill, Volosh dill, sweet cumin.

Fennel has a slightly branched, spindle-like root. The stem is straight, round, with barely noticeable grooves and a bluish bloom, strongly branched at the top, up to one and a half to two meters in height.

The bluish leaves are dissected into long narrow slices resembling dill. Small yellowish flowers are collected in inflorescences - complex umbrellas. The fruit is a bare, brownish-greenish two-seeded, oblong, up to 5-8 cm long.

The birthplace of fennel is Asia Minor, the countries of the Black Sea, Southern Europe. It is grown for greens and seeds in an annual or biennial culture in many countries of the world. Some of them have entire fennel plantations, for example, in Japan, North and South America, China, East India, France, Italy, Poland, Argentina, Ukraine, Moldova. Wild fennel is found in the Crimea, Central Asia and Transcaucasia.

Healing properties of fennel
For medicinal purposes, from summer to autumn, sweetish fennel seeds are harvested with an original aroma slightly reminiscent of anise. Umbrellas are dried in the shade and threshed.

Fennel contains: vitamins - B, E, PP, C, carotene, essential oil, fatty oil, sugar proteins and other useful substances.

Fennel has disinfectant, antimicrobial, expectorant, diuretic and carminative properties.

The healing properties of fennel have been known since ancient times. The court physician of Ferdinand I, P. A. Mattiol, in the treatise “The Power and Action of Fennel”, published in 1563 in Prague, tells about the healing properties of this plant.

Traditional medicine uses fennel seeds in the form of tea for bad mood, migraine, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, cough, asthma, flatulence, abdominal pain, kidney disease, flu, cystitis, urethritis, menopause, to improve vision.

Fennel preparations were used to treat cataracts and conjunctivitis.

- Infusion
Pour 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds crushed on a coffee grinder with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cool, strain, drink warm. You can add honey.

Fennel promotes the formation of milk in nursing mothers.

Our grandmothers once prepared “dill water” from fennel, which was given to young children with gas accumulation.

Fennel seed tea was washed with inflammation.

Where fennel grows, fungi are kept to a minimum in the atmosphere.

Those who wish drink tea from fennel seeds, as it improves metabolism, removes toxins and carcinogens, and burns fats.

With stomatitis, rinse your mouth with a decoction of fennel.

Fennel leaves and stalks are added to salads, made into fillings and served as a seasoning for a variety of dishes.

Fennel for beauty
Fennel oil has a beneficial effect on the skin. Fennel decoction smoothes wrinkles and evens out skin tone. A compress from the infusion of fennel relieves inflammation of the eyes, redness and swelling of the eyelids.

- For acne and skin inflammation
Brew 1 teaspoon of fennel ½ cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain, soak gauze folded in several rows in the decoction and put on the face without squeezing too much. It is not necessary to wash after removing the mask.

- fennel mask
Grind 1 teaspoon of young fennel seeds, add 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of soft cottage cheese, one egg. Mix everything well, apply on the face for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water, wash with cold.

- Hair rinse solution
1 st. brew a spoonful of fennel seeds in a thermos with 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, rinse the hair with a wrinkle field. disappears

Fennel, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we recently considered, is a well-known spicy plant from the celery family. Its appearance resembles dill, and its pleasant, sweetish, slightly spicy taste and aroma is similar to anise. In addition to the undoubted high culinary qualities, fennel has pronounced healing properties.

For many centuries and up to the present, followers of folk methods of treatment have used healing oil from the seeds of a plant to heal ailments and improve the general health of the human body. Healers claim that it prolongs life, adds strength, energy, and even drives out evil spirits. Modern doctors also recommend using it to maintain health, as the oil contains valuable elements needed by the human body.

What is the value of fennel essential oil, its properties and applications, what? What ailments can it be used for? How is it used in cosmetology? Let's talk about it today:

Properties and application

The oil is a colorless or slightly yellowish oily liquid with a specific spicy aroma. The main valuable substance in its composition is anethole, as well as the oxidation products of this element: anisic acid, dipentene, pinene and other substances.

The oil is used internally and externally for the treatment of diseases, it is added to the composition of many cosmetics, as it improves skin color, effectively smoothes fine wrinkles.

Due to its composition, fennel essential oil has bactericidal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating properties. It has a healing, mild analgesic, diuretic and carminative effect on the body. Helps with nausea, helps to eliminate constipation.

Healers use it as a moderate antispasmodic, recommend using it to nursing mothers to increase lactation.

The product helps to cleanse the body of toxic substances, accumulated slags and toxins. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for people who abuse alcohol and heavy smokers. It is taken orally for various food poisoning. It will also be useful for fast food lovers, as well as for those who love heavy fatty and fried foods.

Fennel oil is recommended to be taken during menopause, as it helps the body to eliminate the lack of the female hormone estrogen on its own, as it helps to produce it on its own. As a result, the lack of estrogen in women is leveled.

Not to mention its antifungal properties. In particular, during the treatment of the premises with an aqueous solution containing fennel oil, the number of fungal spores in the air is reduced by five times.

Fennel has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. In particular, the oil from its seeds is included in the main treatment of hypertension, since its intake gives a decrease in blood pressure. In addition, it is recommended to take it for angina pectoris, arrhythmias and to improve cardiac conduction.

The product acts in much the same way as it has a beneficial effect on the liver, as it has hepatoprotective properties. It is recommended for toxic lesions of this organ. And fennel essential oil increases appetite, improves the functioning of the digestive glands, and normalizes digestion.

It is actively used in aromatherapy to calm the nervous system, stabilize the emotional state. Inhalation of its aroma eliminates the harmful effects of stress, reduces nervousness, gives self-confidence.

In addition to the above, the described agent is added as an auxiliary component in addition to the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and when treatment of bronchial asthma is required, the treatment of chronic bronchitis. They are included in the treatment of gout, urolithiasis, urinary tract infections, as well as gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, etc.

Uses of fennel essential oil

Tonic tea recipe:

To improve your mood, give strength and energy to the body for the whole day, prepare a fragrant drink for morning tea drinking. To make green tea, add 2 tbsp. l green tea leaves. Drop 2-3 drops. fennel oil, stir. Brew with boiling water and insist, as usual, 5-8 minutes. Then drink as you would your regular morning tea.

Healing recipes:

For bronchitis, colds, boil water, pour into a wide bowl. Add 10 drops of essential oil, then use for inhalation.

For the treatment of angina, oil is added to the solution for gargling: 3 drops - per glass of warm water, dissolve Altai mountain honey in it (1 tsp). Rinsing is carried out several times a day.

To alleviate a hangover, as well as discomfort in the stomach, healers recommend taking 1 tablespoon of sour cream with the addition of 1 cap of the product. Or you can drop oil on Borodino black rye bread and eat it.

In acute food poisoning, take 4 caps per glass of kefir.

To eliminate increased gas formation in the intestines (flatulence), constipation or nausea, take 3 drops, mixing them with 1 tbsp of honey. Or you can add 3 drops to half a glass of warm water and drink several times a day until the condition improves.

To relieve joint pain, as well as for abscesses, compresses are made from a solution: 5 drops of oil in a glass of warm water.

A very good remedy for insomnia caused by nervous disorders, stress is red wine with the addition of fennel oil: pour a bottle of natural dry red wine into a saucepan, add 5-7 drops of the product, boil. Then wrap up warmer, wait 1 hour. Take a sip before bed.

Fennel essential oil - use in cosmetology

To cleanse pores, increase skin elasticity, smooth out shallow wrinkles, cosmetologists advise making masks based on green clay: pour a little clay powder into a cup, drop 2 drops of oil, dilute with a small amount of water to make it look like thick sour cream. Apply to cleansed face, hold for 10 minutes. Then wash your face and apply cream.

To tighten the skin, reduce swelling, and eliminate acne, it is useful to add oil to cosmetics used daily: cream, tonic, lotion, cosmetic milk, etc.

To achieve an anti-cellulite effect, it is recommended to add the product to baths when bathing. For one procedure, 3 drops of fennel and orange oil are added to warm (not hot!) Water, and a glass of sea salt is also poured. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Fennel essential oil - contraindications for use

Special care must be taken when taking essential oils internally. In case of an overdose, you can get poisoning. When applied topically, an overdose can cause burns.

Internal intake is contraindicated during pregnancy. Also, it can not be used in the treatment of children under 6 years of age. You can not take the product with epilepsy and individual intolerance.

How do you use fennel oil? Maybe you know other useful and healing recipes for its use? Share with us your experience. It will be of interest to many visitors to our site. You can write here, just below, in the comment box. Thanks in advance!

INCI: Fennel sweet oil

Compound: fennel natural essential oil. Obtained by steam distillation from the seeds of Foeniculum vulgare.

Fennel (sweet dill) well known to every housewife as an excellent spicy flavoring ingredient that gives dishes a special sophistication and unique aroma. At the same time, we know practically nothing about the medicinal and cosmetic properties of this plant. But mankind has been using fennel for a very long time and the first mention of its medicinal use dates back to the era of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.

The baton of the Egyptians, who used fennel to improve digestion, was taken over by the ancient Romans. They discovered that this herb had the ability to reduce appetite, and they gave its seeds to legionnaires on multi-day marches when there was no time for cooking. Later, Christians began to use this property of fennel during the fasting period.

In the East, fennel was highly valued by Avicenna, who noted in his writings the ability of this herb to sharpen eyesight, cleanse clogged blood vessels, relieve fatigue and eliminate inflammation of the stomach.

Indian healers discovered the tonic effect of fennel on the nervous system, and Chinese herbalists used it as an anesthetic. "Fennel water" washed the eyes, and people began to use the cosmetic properties of this plant already in the 16th century.

Biological composition and therapeutic use of fennel essential oil

All the healing power of fennel is concentrated in its essential oil- a unique phytoconcentrate with a wide spectrum of action. Sweet fennel ester contains monoterpenes ocimene, limonene, myrcene, alpha-pinene, fenchol monoterpene alcohol, valuable aromatic substances methylchavicol and anethole, as well as more than ten perfectly balanced microelements and amino acids.

The main component of sweet fennel essential oil - anethole has vasodilating action and lowers blood sugar levels.

Sweet dill has a positive effect on the female reproductive system. This effect is explained by the presence of the plant estrogen dianethol in it. Fennel essential oil normalizes the menstrual cycle and relieves premenstrual tension. This substance is very useful during menopause, as it reduces the discomfort caused by sharp fluctuations in hormonal levels. Sweet dill is also useful for the stronger sex, as it stimulates sexual desire and relieves relapses of male menopause.

Fennel oil - very active antioxidant. It slows down the aging process of the body and has a good protective effect in case of toxic liver damage.

The bactericidal properties of this ether are very high, which is more than 10 times superior to phenol - classic antimicrobial agent.

In addition, sweet fennel essential oil has a good antifungal and analgesic effect, and can also be used as an antispasmodic and vasodilator.

Sweet fennel is useful for such bipolar and serious digestive disorders as bulimia and anorexia. This is a universal remedy for various types of dyspeptic disorders - belching, heaviness in the stomach, nausea, flatulence and intestinal colic. It reduces gas formation in the intestines, stimulates the separation of sputum in bronchitis and colds, has a diuretic and stone-destroying effect.

We should not forget that fennel oil is a good lactation stimulant and a proven remedy. for the treatment of thrombosis.

Aromatherapy guides provide clear guidelines for using sweet fennel oil. These are bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis, pharyngitis and angina pectoris, bladder and kidney stones, vegetovascular dystonia and cardioneurosis, dysbacteriosis and hepatitis, gastritis and gout, cystitis and enterocolitis. By purchasing sweet fennel essential oil, you will receive an inexpensive, reliable and safe remedy that will be an excellent help to the main course of treatment.

In the psycho-emotional sphere, fennel ether has established itself as an excellent remedy for stress, irritability and nervousness, insomnia and overwork. Therefore, do not forget to periodically add it to the aroma lamp.

Cosmetic use of fennel essential oil

Sweet fennel essential oil has a powerful regenerating and lymphatic drainage action. It is useful for lymphostasis, large-porous, flabby and pasty skin, prone to edema.

This ether is an indispensable component of formulations used for l ifting and massage. It well restores the elasticity of the skin after a sharp decrease in body weight.

Massage and cosmetic masks with fennel oil smooth wrinkles, relieve puffiness of the eyelids, renew the skin and give it a uniform color. This ether is an excellent remedy for acne and juvenile acne.

Complementary flavors for sweet fennel - anise, geranium, lavender, rose, sandalwood, bay, cardamom, dill, grapefruit, tangerine, lemon balm, lemon, pepper and coriander.

Application recipes

Internal reception

Add 2-3 drops of fennel essential oil to 1 tablespoon of emulsifier - honey, jam, cream or milk. Take 1-2 weeks, then take a break for 7 days.

Increase lactation with fennel essential oil

Apply 1-2 drops of fennel oil on a piece of sugar and drink a little water. The duration of admission is 1 week. This recipe has a double effect - it stimulates the mother's lactation and relieves the baby, who receives healing milk, from colic and bloating.


Add 1-2 drops of fennel essential oil to a nebulizer or standard inhaler. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 7 minutes.

Air aromatization

Add 5-7 drops of sweet fennel ether to the aroma lamp. This amount is calculated for 20 m² of floor space. With a larger or smaller footage of the room, the dosage is adjusted. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes.

A good relaxing effect is given by the following composition of oils for an aroma lamp:

Sweet fennel ether 2 drops;

Rosewood oil 1 drop;

Ether of sandalwood (amiris) 1 drop;

Baths with fennel essential oil

5-6 drops per 1 tablespoon of emulsifier (milk, honey, sea or table salt). Water temperature + 37 - + 38C with the duration of the procedure 15-25 minutes. After that, without rinsing, you need to wipe the whole body with a towel.

To enhance the anti-cellulite effect, fennel oil (1 drop) is used together with rosemary oil (2 drops), petitgrain (2 drops) and vetiver oil (1 drop). All of these esters are mixed with 100 grams of sea salt and dissolved in water.

Cosmetic procedures

In 1 teaspoon of base fatty oil (sunflower, peach, jojoba, olive), add 1-2 drops of fennel ether and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture is applied to the fingertips and rubbed into the skin with light massaging movements.

To tone and cleanse the skin of the neck and face, a few drops of this mixture should be applied to a cotton swab slightly moistened with warm water.

Fennel essential oil for massage

Mix 3-5 drops of fennel ether with 1 tablespoon of any transport oil or massage cream. Apply to the skin and perform a massage procedure.

With spastic pains (spasms) in the abdomen, massage using the following essential composition will be useful.

Fennel ether 1 drop;

Essential oil of coriander 1 drop;

Cardamom oil 1 drop;

Caraway ether 1 drop.

As a base oil in this case, it is best to take St. John's wort macerate (50 ml).

essential oil compresses

Add 15-20 drops of sweet fennel essential oil with an emulsifier to 1 liter of water at room temperature and stir. After that, immerse the cotton fabric in the resulting solution and, wringing it out slightly, put it on the bust (to increase elasticity). The compress should be covered with waterproof paper and insulated with a cloth. On the first day, the duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. Then during the week it is gradually increased to 2 hours.

Fennel essential oil - contraindications

Fennel essential oil should not be used in the first 6 months of pregnancy, and should not be given to children under 6 years of age. Due to its estrogenic activity, this ether is contraindicated in tumors and chemotherapy. The high biological activity of fennel oil requires strict adherence to the prescribed dosage.

Fennel is a unique plant that is widely used in medicine and cosmetology due to the presence of a huge number of positive properties. The pods of this plant contain essential oil, which is obtained by pressing. You can buy fennel essential oil at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Fennel essential oil consists of a huge amount of nutrients:

  • Limonein. This substance is used for the production of various cosmetic products. With its help, disinfection and degreasing of the skin is carried out.
  • Fenhol. It is the main component of fennel essential oil, the properties and uses of which are quite diverse.
  • Camphen. This component is a natural antiseptic.
  • Atenol. It is an active substance that stimulates peristalsis.
  • Alpha pinene. This is a component of natural resins, with the help of which the therapeutic properties of the drug are enhanced.
  • Anisaldehyde. It is a fragrant substance, which is characterized by the presence of an expectorant effect.

Due to the presence of diuretic properties, the remedy is widely used to combat puffiness of various origins. Fennel essential oil is quite effective in the fight against excess weight. Its action is aimed at stimulating the work of the kidneys.

The medicine has a positive effect on the digestive system. With its help, stimulation of the digestion of food is provided, as well as the elimination of nausea and the toning of smooth muscles. That is why it is widely used for:

  • colic;
  • flatulence;
  • hiccups;
  • Diarrhea.

Since the drug neutralizes toxins, it is widely used to treat alcohol poisoning. With the help of the drug, the fight against inflammatory processes in the joints is carried out. Due to the calming effect, the drug is used to treat diseases of the respiratory system.

Due to the versatile properties of the plant, the use of fennel essential oil is recommended to stabilize the menstrual cycle. It is also recommended to take the drug in premenstrual syndrome and during menopause. The action of the drug is aimed at relieving inflammation and stopping bleeding in the oral cavity.

With the help of the drug, toxins and toxins are removed, which allows it to be used in the fight against excess weight. The drug is widely used for helminthic invasions. With its help, vasodilation and stimulation of myocardial performance are performed. Due to the presence of a laxative effect, the use of the drug is allowed for constipation.

Fennel oil actively fights various types of fungi and is therefore widely used for dermatological diseases. Since the oil activates the secretion of the bronchial glands, it is used for coughing to expel sputum.

The drug has hepatoprotective properties and therefore it is recommended to use it for nicotine poisoning. The drug has a prohormonal effect. That is why during the period of its use in the body of a woman produces its own estrogen. The drug is widely used for a variety of colds. During the period of use of the drug, a decrease in blood sugar is observed. That is why it is widely used in diabetes.

Due to the universal effect of fennel essential oil, its use can be carried out for the treatment of various diseases.

Indications and contraindications

The use of the drug is recommended when indicated. It is highly effective in angina pectoris, vegetovascular dystonia and atherosclerosis. The medicine is widely used to treat various diseases of the respiratory system:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthma.

Doctors recommend the use of medication for the treatment of urolithiasis. Due to the unique properties of the oil, it can be used to eliminate a variety of infectious processes in the genitourinary system. The drug is used for gastritis and enterocolitis. With its use, cystitis is treated. The drug is characterized by a high effect in the treatment of hepatitis. It is used to treat intestinal dysbacteriosis.

If a patient is diagnosed with arthritis, then he needs to use fennel oil. The medicine has a high effect on gout. Representatives of the weaker sex are recommended to use the drug with reduced lactation. With the help of the medicine, stomatitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis are cured.

Despite the effectiveness of the drug, it has contraindications. In the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, its administration is not recommended. If the patient has epilepsy, then doctors strictly forbid the use of fennel oil. The drug is strictly prohibited for patients whose age is less than 6 years. During pregnancy, the drug is not used.

Fennel oil must be taken taking into account contraindications, which will eliminate the possibility of unwanted effects.

Application in cosmetology

Fennel oil is widely used to solve various cosmetic problems. The drug is characterized by the presence of restoring and tightening skin tone properties. It also normalizes lymphatic metabolism. Due to these properties, the oil is widely used for tightening and correcting facial shapes.

The action of the drug is aimed at increasing the elasticity and tone of the skin in the abdomen, hips and bust. With regular use of this product, the skin becomes more elastic and toned. Quite often, the tool is used to eliminate cellulite. With it, you can restore the attractive appearance of the skin after weight loss.

Essential oil is often used to fight wrinkles, as it has tightening and smoothing properties. The use of medication is carried out to even out complexion. The use of the drug is often carried out with hair loss. It is also recommended to be used to combat dandruff. If a person has itching of the skin of the head, then he is recommended to use this remedy.

Due to the safety of the drug, its use for cosmetic purposes at different ages is allowed.

Features of use

There are many ways to use essential oils to improve your health. The drug is often used in aroma lamps. In this case, it is necessary to use no more than 4 drops of the drug per room. With the help of the drug, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of cosmetics. To do this, you just need to add aroma oil to any cosmetic product in a ratio of 1: 2.

Fennel oil is often used for aroma baths. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that their temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. No more than 6 drops of medicine should be added to one bath. If the patient has a sore throat, then you can use the drug for gargling. To do this, take 100 milliliters of water, a few drops of the drug and three times more olive oil. Before carrying out the procedure, all components must be thoroughly mixed. With the help of the medicine, cold compresses are prepared. It is pre-mixed with vegetable oil.

Fennel oil is a highly effective cosmetic and medicinal product that is widely used to restore the health of the human body. The use of the drug should be carried out in accordance with the instructions, which will exclude the possibility of undesirable effects. Due to the safety of the drug, anyone can use it.

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