anti-infective antibiotics. New generation cephalosporins. Best antibiotics for kids

Treatment bacterial infections today is impossible without the use of antibiotics. Microorganisms tend to acquire resistance to chemical compounds over time, and older drugs are often ineffective. Therefore, pharmaceutical laboratories are constantly looking for new formulas. In many cases, infectious disease specialists prefer to use antibiotics. a wide range actions of a new generation, the list of which includes drugs with different active ingredients.

The principle of action of drugs

Antibiotics only work on bacterial cells and are unable to kill viral particles.

According to the spectrum of action, these drugs are divided into two large groups:

  • narrowly focused, coping with a limited number of pathogens;
  • broad spectrum of action against different groups pathogens.

In the case when the pathogen is known exactly, antibiotics of the first group can be used. If the infection is of a complex combined nature, or the pathogen is not detected by laboratory tests, drugs of the second group are used.

According to the principle of action, antibiotics can also be divided into two groups:

  • bactericides - drugs that kill bacterial cells;
  • bacteriostatics - drugs that stop the reproduction of microorganisms, but are not able to kill them.

Bacteriostatics are safer for the body, therefore, in mild forms of infections, preference is given to this particular group of antibiotics. They allow you to temporarily restrain the growth of bacteria and wait for their independent death. Severe infections are treated with bactericidal drugs.

List of new generation broad spectrum antibiotics

The division of antibiotics into generations is heterogeneous. So, for example, cephalosporin drugs and fluoroquinolones are divided into 4 generations, macrolides and aminoglycosides - into 3:

Drug groupGenerations of drugsDrug names
FluoroquinolonesIOxolinic acid

Unlike older drugs, new generation antibiotics affect the beneficial flora much less, are absorbed faster, and have a less toxic effect on the liver. They are able to quickly accumulate the active substance in the tissues, due to which the frequency of receptions is reduced, and the intervals between them increase.

What drugs to take depending on the disease?

Often the same broad-spectrum drug is prescribed for various diseases. But this does not mean that you can do without preliminary diagnosis. Only correct setting diagnosis allows for adequate selection of antibiotics.

Bronchitis treatment

Bronchitis is a common infectious and inflammatory disease that can lead to severe complications. May be used to treat bronchitis the following drugs:

Name of the drugContraindicationsDosage
age up to 6 months;

Children over 3 years old - 2 tablets of 125 mg per day.
Children under 3 years old - 2.5 to 5 ml of suspension per day.
"Avelox"A group of fluoroquinolones, the active substance is Moxifloxacin.pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
violations heart rate;
severe illness liver.
1 tablet 400 mg per day
"Gatispan"A group of fluoroquinolones, the active substance is Gatifloxacin.pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
heart rhythm disturbances;
1 tablet 400 mg per day
"Flemoxin Solutab"lymphocytic leukemia;
pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
pregnancy and lactation;
Infectious mononucleosis.

Read more on the site: Cavinton: analogues in tablets and ampoules, cheaper and Russian, instructions for use, active ingredient of the drug

Simultaneously with antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

With pneumonia

Pneumonia should never be treated on its own at home. This disease requires mandatory hospitalization and serious therapy with intramuscular or intravenous antibiotics.

For the treatment of pneumonia in a hospital, the following drugs for injection can be used:

  • "Ticarcillin";
  • "Carbenicillin";
  • "Cefepim";
  • "Meropenem".

In some cases, antibiotics are also prescribed in tablets. These can be drugs:

  • "Tigeron";
  • "Gatispan";
  • "Sumamed";
  • "Avelox".

The dosage and frequency of administration in this case is determined individually, based on the patient's condition and therapeutic strategy.

Antibiotics for sinusitis

The decision to prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis is made by the ENT doctor. Therapy with these drugs is carried out in without fail if there is purulent discharge from the sinuses and intense headaches:

Name of the drugGroup and active substanceContraindicationsDosage
AzitRusA group of macrolides, the active substance is Azithromycin. severe violations liver function;
age up to 3 years;
individual intolerance.
Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 capsule or tablet 500 mg per day.
Children over 3 years old - 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.
"Faktiv"A group of fluoroquinolones, the active substance is Gemifloxacin.pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
heart rhythm disturbances;
severe liver disease.
1 tablet 320 mg per day
"Flemoklav Solutab"The penicillin group, the active substance is Amoxicillin.lymphocytic leukemia;
pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 3 years;
Infectious mononucleosis.
Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet 500 mg 3 times a day.
Children under 12 years old - 25 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.

Before prescribing antibiotics, the ENT doctor usually gives a referral to bacterial culture and an antibiogram to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to a particular active substance.

With angina

Angina in everyday life is called acute tonsillitis- inflammation of the tonsils caused by viruses or bacteria. bacterial form angina is caused by streptococci or staphylococci, and this disease can only be treated with antibiotics:

Name of the drugGroup and active substanceContraindicationsDosage
"Macropen"A group of macrolides, the active substance is Midecamycin.liver disease;
age up to 3 years;
individual intolerance.
Adults and children weighing over 30 kg - 1 tablet 400 mg 3 times a day.
"Rulid"A group of macrolides, the active substance is Roxithromycin.age up to 2 months;
pregnancy and lactation.
Adults and children weighing over 40 kg - 2 tablets of 150 mg 1-2 times a day.
In other cases, the dosage is calculated individually.
"Flemoxin Solutab"The penicillin group, the active substance is Amoxicillin.lymphocytic leukemia;
pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
pregnancy and lactation;
Infectious mononucleosis.
Adults - 1 tablet 500 mg 2 times a day.
Children over 10 years old - 2 tablets of 250 mg 2 times a day.
Children over 3 years old - 1 tablet 250 mg 3 times a day.
Children under 3 years old - 1 tablet 125 mg 3 times a day.

Read more on the site: Treatment of gout at home: signs of gout in men and women, treatment folk remedies and drugs

It is important to understand that if acute tonsillitis is not bacterial, but viral nature, it is useless to treat it with antibiotics. Only a doctor can distinguish between these two forms of the disease, so you should not take any drugs without his advice.

Colds and flu

Respiratory infections, which in everyday life are called colds, as well as the flu, are caused by viruses. Therefore, antibiotics in their treatment are used only in one case: if the disease becomes complicated and a bacterial infection joins the viral infection.

In such situations, therapy is usually started with penicillin antibiotics:

  • "Flemoxin Solutab";
  • "Flemoklav Solutab".

If after 72 hours after the start of taking these drugs there is no improvement, new generation macrolides are connected to therapy:

  • "Sumamed";
  • "Rulid";
  • AzitRus.

Antibiotic regimen for treatment respiratory infections standard, but medical supervision is necessary in this case.

Urinary tract infections

Urinary infections can be caused by pathogens different nature- viruses, fungi, bacteria, protozoa. Therefore, it makes sense to start treatment only after a thorough laboratory diagnostics and determining the type of pathogen.

In mild cases, you can remove the infection from the urinary tract using the following drugs:

  • "Furadonin" - 2 mg per 1 kg of weight 3 times a day;
  • "Furazolidone" - 2 tablets of 0.05 g 4 times a day;
  • "Palin" - 1 capsule 2 times a day.

In more difficult situations when pathogens are highly resistant (resistance) to chemical attack broad-spectrum antibiotics may be prescribed:

Name of the drugGroup and active substanceContraindicationsDosage
"Abaktal"A group of fluoroquinolones, the active substance is Pefloxacin.pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
hemolytic anemia;
individual intolerance.
1 tablet 400 mg 1-2 times a day.
MonuralA derivative of phosphonic acid, the active substance is Fosfomycin.age up to 5 years;
individual intolerance;
severe renal failure.
Single dose - dissolve 3 g of powder in 50 g of water and take on an empty stomach before bedtime.
"Cefixime"A group of cephalosporins, the active substance is Cefixime.individual intolerance.Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet 400 mg 1 time per day.
Children under 12 years old - 8 mg per 1 kg of body weight 1 time per day.

Read more on the site: Piracetam: what helps, instructions for use, composition, analogs of a nootropic drug

Simultaneously with antibiotics in the treatment of genitourinary infections is prescribed plentiful drink and diuretic drugs. AT severe cases injections of the drug "Amicin" are advisable.

Antifungal drugs

For the treatment of fungal infections, drugs with fungistatic or fungicidal action are used. They differ from the drugs listed above and stand out in a separate class, within which there are three groups:

As with the treatment of bacterial infections, the treatment of fungal diseases requires accurate diagnosis pathogen and strict specialist control.

For eye disease

Antibiotics for treatment eye diseases available in the form of ointments or drops. They are prescribed if the ophthalmologist has diagnosed conjunctivitis, blepharitis, meibomitis, keratitis and a number of other infections.

Most often, therapy is carried out using the following drugs:

  • "Tsipromed" - drops containing Ciprofloxacin;
  • "Albucid" - drops with sulfacetamide;
  • "Dilaterol" - drops based on tobramycin;
  • "Tobrex" - an analogue of "Dilaterol" in the form of an ointment;
  • "Kolbiocin" is a multicomponent ointment containing tetracycline, chloramphenicol and sodium colistimethate.

A specific drug is prescribed based on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease and individual features patient.

Inexpensive new generation antibiotics

The cost of new generation antibiotics is never low, so you can save money only by buying inexpensive analogues. They are produced on the basis of the same active ingredients, however, the degree of chemical purification of such drugs may be lower, and the cheapest excipients are taken for their production.

replace some expensive antibiotics can be based on the following table:

Another way to save money is to buy older antibiotics, not the latest generation.

For example, in many cases, such proven antibacterial drugs can help out:

  • "Erythromycin";
  • "Ceftriaxone";
  • "Bicillin";
  • "Cefazolin";
  • "Ampicillin".

If after starting treatment inexpensive antibiotics more than 72 hours have passed, and there is no improvement in the condition, it is urgent to consult a doctor and change the drug.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

Antibiotics during pregnancy are prescribed by doctors only in emergency cases and after careful analysis of possible risks.

But even in such situations, drugs of the following groups are not used:

  • all fluoroquinolones;
  • macrolides based on roxithromycin, clarithromycin, midecamycin;
  • all aminoglycosides.

Only the attending physician can decide on the advisability of prescribing antibiotics during pregnancy. Self-administration of any drugs, even relatively safe and related to the new generation, is strictly prohibited.

  • Chapter 17. Private Virology520
  • Chapter 18
  • Chapter 19
  • Chapter 20 Clinical Microbiology
  • Part I
  • Chapter 1 Introduction to Microbiology and Immunology
  • 1.2. Representatives of the world of microbes
  • 1.3. Prevalence of microbes
  • 1.4. The role of microbes in human pathology
  • 1.5. Microbiology - the science of microbes
  • 1.6. Immunology - essence and tasks
  • 1.7. Relationship of microbiology with immunology
  • 1.8. History of development of microbiology and immunology
  • 1.9. The contribution of domestic scientists to the development of microbiology and immunology
  • 1.10. Why do doctors need knowledge of microbiology and immunology
  • Chapter 2. Morphology and classification of microbes
  • 2.1. Systematics and nomenclature of microbes
  • 2.2. Classification and morphology of bacteria
  • 2.3. The structure and classification of mushrooms
  • 2.4. Structure and classification of protozoa
  • 2.5. The structure and classification of viruses
  • Chapter 3
  • 3.2. Features of the physiology of fungi and protozoa
  • 3.3. Physiology of viruses
  • 3.4. Virus cultivation
  • 3.5. Bacteriophages (viruses of bacteria)
  • Chapter 4
  • 4.1. Spread of microbes in the environment
  • 4.3. The influence of environmental factors on microbes
  • 4.4 Destruction of microbes in the environment
  • 4.5. Sanitary microbiology
  • Chapter 5
  • 5.1. The structure of the bacterial genome
  • 5.2. Mutations in bacteria
  • 5.3. recombination in bacteria
  • 5.4. Transfer of genetic information in bacteria
  • 5.5. Features of the genetics of viruses
  • Chapter 6. Biotechnology. genetic engineering
  • 6.1. The essence of biotechnology. Targets and goals
  • 6.2. A Brief History of the Development of Biotechnology
  • 6.3. Microorganisms and processes used in biotechnology
  • 6.4. Genetic engineering and its scope in biotechnology
  • Chapter 7. Antimicrobials
  • 7.1. Chemotherapeutic drugs
  • 7.2. Mechanisms of action of antimicrobial chemotherapy drugs
  • 7.3. Complications of antimicrobial chemotherapy
  • 7.4. Drug resistance of bacteria
  • 7.5. Fundamentals of rational antibiotic therapy
  • 7.6. Antivirals
  • 7.7. Antiseptic and disinfectants
  • Chapter 8
  • 8.1. Infectious process and infectious disease
  • 8.2. Properties of microbes - causative agents of the infectious process
  • 8.3. Properties of pathogenic microbes
  • 8.4. The influence of environmental factors on the reactivity of the body
  • 8.5. Characteristic features of infectious diseases
  • 8.6. Forms of the infectious process
  • 8.7. Features of the formation of pathogenicity in viruses. Forms of interaction of viruses with a cell. Features of viral infections
  • 8.8. The concept of the epidemic process
  • PART II.
  • Chapter 9
  • 9.1. Introduction to Immunology
  • 9.2. Factors of nonspecific resistance of the organism
  • Chapter 10. Antigens and the Human Immune System
  • 10.2. Human immune system
  • Chapter 11
  • 11.1. Antibodies and antibody formation
  • 11.2. immune phagocytosis
  • 11.4. Hypersensitivity reactions
  • 11.5. immunological memory
  • Chapter 12
  • 12.1. Features of local immunity
  • 12.2. Features of immunity in various conditions
  • 12.3. Immune status and its assessment
  • 12.4. Pathology of the immune system
  • 12.5. Immunocorrection
  • Chapter 13
  • 13.1. Antigen-antibody reactions
  • 13.2. Agglutination reactions
  • 13.3. Precipitation reactions
  • 13.4. Reactions involving complement
  • 13.5. Neutralization reaction
  • 13.6. Reactions using labeled antibodies or antigens
  • 13.6.2. ELISA method, or analysis (ifa)
  • Chapter 14
  • 14.1. The essence and place of immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy in medical practice
  • 14.2. Immunobiological preparations
  • Part III
  • Chapter 15
  • 15.1. Organization of microbiological and immunological laboratories
  • 15.2. Equipment for microbiological and immunological laboratories
  • 15.3. Work rules
  • 15.4. Principles of microbiological diagnosis of infectious diseases
  • 15.5. Methods of microbiological diagnostics of bacterial infections
  • 15.6. Methods of microbiological diagnostics of viral infections
  • 15.7. Features of microbiological diagnosis of mycoses
  • 15.9. Principles of immunological diagnosis of human diseases
  • Chapter 16
  • 16.1. cocci
  • 16.2. Gram-negative facultative anaerobic rods
  • Acinetobacter (genus Acinetobacter)
  • 16.4. Gram-negative anaerobic rods
  • 16.5. Rods are spore-forming Gram-positive
  • 16.6. Regular gram-positive rods
  • 16.7. Gram-positive rods, irregularly shaped, branching bacteria
  • 16.8. Spirochetes and other spiral, curved bacteria
  • 16.12. Mycoplasmas
  • 16.13. General characteristics of bacterial zoonotic infections
  • Chapter 17
  • 17.3. Slow viral infections and prion diseases
  • 17.5. Causative agents of viral acute intestinal infections
  • 17.6. Causative agents of parenteral viral hepatitis b, d, c, g
  • 17.7. Oncogenic viruses
  • Chapter 18
  • 18.1. The causative agents of superficial mycoses
  • 18.2. causative agents of epidermophytosis
  • 18.3. Causative agents of subcutaneous, or subcutaneous, mycoses
  • 18.4. Causative agents of systemic, or deep, mycoses
  • 18.5. The causative agents of opportunistic mycoses
  • 18.6. Mycotoxicosis causative agents
  • 18.7. Unclassified pathogenic fungi
  • Chapter 19
  • 19.1. Sarcodidae (amoeba)
  • 19.2. Flagellates
  • 19.3. spores
  • 19.4. Eyelash
  • 19.5. Microsporidia (type Microspora)
  • 19.6. Blastocystis (genus Blastocystis)
  • Chapter 20 Clinical Microbiology
  • 20.1. The concept of nosocomial infection
  • 20.2. The concept of clinical microbiology
  • 20.3. Etiology
  • 20.4. Epidemiology
  • 20.7. Microbiological diagnostics
  • 20.8. Treatment
  • 20.9. Prevention
  • 20.10. Diagnosis of bacteremia and sepsis
  • 20.11. Diagnosis of urinary tract infections
  • 20.12. Diagnosis of infections of the lower respiratory tract
  • 20.13. Diagnosis of upper respiratory tract infections
  • 20.14. Diagnosis of meningitis
  • 20.15. Diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs
  • 20.16. Diagnosis of acute intestinal infections and food poisoning
  • 20.17. Diagnosis of wound infection
  • 20.18. Diagnosis of inflammation of the eyes and ears
  • 20.19. Microflora of the oral cavity and its role in human pathology
  • 20.19.1. The role of microorganisms in diseases of the maxillofacial region
  • Chapter 7. Antimicrobials

    Controlling or stopping the growth of microbes is achieved various methods(complexes of measures): antiseptics, sterilization, disinfection, chemotherapy. Accordingly, the chemicals that are used to implement these measures are called sterilizing agents, disinfectants, antiseptics, and antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents. Antimicrobial chemicals are divided into two groups: 1) non-selective actions- harmful to most microbes (antiseptics and disinfectants), but toxic to macroorganism cells, and (2) possessselective actions(chemotherapeutic agents).

    7.1. Chemotherapeutic drugs

    Chemotherapeutic antimicrobialsmedicines- this is chemicals used in infectious diseases etiotropic

    treatment (i.e. directed at the microbe as the cause of the disease), and (rarely andhorny!) to prevent infections.

    Chemotherapy drugs are injected into the body, so they must have a detrimental effect on infectious agents, but at the same time be non-toxic to humans and animals, that is, they must have selective action.

    Currently, thousands of chemical compounds with antimicrobial activity are known, but only a few dozen of them are used as chemotherapeutic agents.

    According to which microbes the chemotherapy drugs act on, determine spectrum their activities:

      acting on cellular forms of microorganisms (antibacterial, antifungalvye, antiprotozoal).Antibacterial, in turn, it is customary to subdivide into drugs narrow and wide action spectrum: narrow- when the drug is active against only a small amount varieties of either Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria, and wide - if the drug acts on enough a large number of varieties of both groups.

      antiviral chemotherapy drugs.

    In addition, there are some antimicrobial chemotherapy drugs that also have againstneotumor activity.

    By type of action distinguish between chemotherapy drugs:

    "Microbicidal"(bactericidal, fungicidal, etc.), i.e., detrimental to microbes due to irreversible damage;

    "Microstatic", i.e., inhibiting the growth and reproduction of microbes.

    Antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents include the following groups of drugs:

      Antibiotics(act only on cellular forms of microorganisms; antitumor antibiotics are also known).

      Synthetic chemotherapy drugs different chemical structure (among them there are drugs that act either on cellular microorganisms or on non-cellular forms of microbes).

    7.1.1. Antibiotics

    The fact that some microbes can somehow inhibit the growth of others has been well known for a long time. Back in 1871-1872. Russian scientists V. A. Manassein and A. G. Polotebnov observed an effect in the treatment of infected wounds by applying mold. The observations of L. Pasteur (1887) confirmed that antagonism in the world of microbes is a common phenomenon, but its nature was unclear. In 1928-1929. Fleming discovered a strain of the fungus penicillium (Penicillium notatum), releasing a chemical that inhibits the growth of staphylococcus aureus. The substance was named "penicillin", but only in 1940 X. Flory and E. Cheyne were able to obtain a stable preparation of purified penicillin - the first antibiotic that was widely used in the clinic. In 1945, A. Fleming, X. Flory and E. Chain were awarded Nobel Prize. In our country, a great contribution to the doctrine of antibiotics was made by 3. V. Ermolyeva and G. F. Gause.

    The term "antibiotic" itself (from the Greek. anti, bios- against life) was proposed by S. Waksman in 1942 to refer to natural substances, produced microorganisms and low concentrations antagonistic to the growth of other bacteria.

    Antibiotics are chemotherapy drugs chemical compounds of biological origin (natural), as well as their semi-synthetic derivatives and synthetic analogues, which in low concentrations have a selective damaging or detrimental effect on microorganisms and tumors. Sources and methods of obtaining antibiotics

    The main producers of natural antibiotics are microorganisms that, being in their natural environment (mainly soil), synthesize antibiotics as a means of survival in the struggle for existence. Animal and plant cells can also produce some substances with a selective antimicrobial effect (for example, phytoncides), but they have not been widely used in medicine as antibiotic producers.

    Thus, the main sources of obtaining natural and semi-synthetic antibiotics are:

      actinomycetes(especially streptomyces) - branching bacteria. They synthesize the majority of natural antibiotics (80%).

      mold mushrooms- synthesize natural beta-lactams (fungi of the genus Cephalosporiurr, and Penicillium) n fusidic acid.

      typical bacteria- for example, eubacteria, bacilli, pseudomonads - produce bacitracin, polymyxins and other substances that have an antibacterial effect.

    There are three main ways to obtain antibiotics:

      biological synthesis (this is how natural antibiotics are obtained - natural fermentation products, when microbes-producers are cultivated under optimal conditions that secrete antibiotics in the course of their life activity);

      biosynthesis followed by chemical modifications(this is how semi-synthetic antibiotics are created). First, a natural antibiotic is obtained by biosynthesis, and then its original molecule is modified by chemical modifications, for example, certain radicals are added, as a result of which the antimicrobial and pharmacological characteristics of the drug are improved;

      chemical synthesis (this is how synthetic analogues natural antibiotics, such as chloramphenicol/levomycetin). These are substances that have the same structure.

    like a natural antibiotic, but their molecules are chemically synthesized. Classification of antibiotics by chemical structure

    According to the chemical structure, antibiotics are grouped into families (classes):

      beta lactams(penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, monobactams)


    * aminoglycosides


      macrolides (and azalides)


      Levomycetin (chloramphenicol)




      different antibiotics(fusidic acid, ruzafunzin, etc.)

    Beta lactams. The basis of the molecule is the beta-lactam ring, upon destruction of which the drugs lose their activity; type of action - bactericidal. Antibiotics of this group are divided into penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems and monobactams.

    Penicillins. Natural remedy - benzylpe-nicillin(penicillin G) - active against gram-positive bacteria, but has many disadvantages: it is quickly excreted from the body, destroyed in acidic environment stomach, is inactivated by penicillinase - bacterial enzymes that destroy the beta-lactam ring. Semi-synthetic penicillins obtained by adding various radicals to the basis of natural penicillin - 6-aminopenicillanic acid - have advantages over natural preparation, including a wide range of activities:

      depot drugs(bicillin), acts for about 4 weeks (creates a depot in the muscles), is used to treat syphilis, prevent recurrence of rheumatism;

      acid resistant(phenoxymethylpenicillin), khtya oral administration;

      penicillinase-resistant(methicillin, oxacil-mn), but they have a rather narrow spectrum;

      a wide range(ampicillin, amoxicillin);

      antipseudomonal(carboxypenicillins- carbe-nicillin, ureidopenicillins- piperacillin, azlo-cilin);

    combined(amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, ampicillin + sulbactam). These drugs include inhibitors enzymes - beta-lactamase(clavulanic acid, etc.), which also contain a beta-lactam ring in their molecule; their antimicrobial activity is very low, but they easily bind to these enzymes, inhibit them, and thus protect the antibiotic molecule from destruction.

    V Cephalosporins. The spectrum of action is wide, but more active against gram-negative bacteria. According to the sequence of introduction, 4 generations (generations) of drugs are distinguished, which differ in activity spectra, resistance to beta-lactamases and some pharmacological properties, therefore drugs of the same generation not replace drugs of another generation, but complement them.

      1st generation(cefazolin, cephalothin, etc.)- more active against gram-positive bacteria, destroyed by beta-lactamases;

      2nd generation(cefuroxime, cefaclor, etc.)- more active against gram-negative bacteria, more resistant to beta-lactamase;

      3rd generation(cefotaxime, ceftazidime, etc.) - more active against gram-negative bacteria, highly resistant to the action of beta-lactamase;

      4th generation(tsefepim, etc.)- act mainly on gram-positive, some gram-negative bacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, resistant to the action of beta-lactamase.

      Carbapenems(imipenem, etc.)- of all beta-lactams, they have the widest spectrum of action and are resistant to beta-lactamases.

      Monobactams(aztreonam, etc.) - resistant to beta-lactamases. The spectrum of action is narrow (very active against gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa).

    GLYCOPEPTIDES(vancomycin and teicoplanin) - these are large molecules that are difficult to pass through the pores of Gram-negative bacteria. As a result, the spectrum of action is limited to gram-positive bacteria. They are used for resistance or allergy to beta-lactams, with pseudomembranous colitis caused by Clostridium difficile.

    AMINOGLYCOSIDES- compounds, the composition of the molecule of which includes amino sugars. The first drug, streptomycin, was obtained in 1943 by Waksman as a treatment for tuberculosis.

    Now there are several generations of drugs: (1) streptomycin, kanamycin, etc., (2) gentamicin,(3) sisomycin, tobramycin, etc. The drugs are bactericidal, the spectrum of action is wide (especially active against gram-negative bacteria, they act on some protozoa).

    TETRACYCLINES- this is a family of large molecular drugs that have four cyclic compounds in their composition. Currently, semi-synthetics are mainly used, for example doxycycline. The action type is static. The spectrum of action is wide (especially often used to treat infections caused by intracellular microbes: rickettsia, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, brucella, legionella).

    MACROLIDES(and azalides) are a family of large macrocyclic molecules. Erythromycin- the most famous and widely used antibiotic. Newer drugs: azithromycin, clarithro-mycin(they can be used only 1-2 times a day). The spectrum of action is wide, including intracellular microorganisms, legionella, Haemophilus influenzae. The type of action is static (although, depending on the type of microbe, it can also be cidic).

    LINCOZAMIDES(lincomycin and its chlorinated derivative - clindamycin). Bacteriostatics. Their spectrum of action is similar to macrolides, clindamycin is especially active against anaerobes.

    POLYPEPTIDES(polymyxins). The spectrum of antimicrobial action is narrow (gram-negative bacteria), the type of action is bactericidal. Very toxic. Application - external; currently not in use.

    POLYENES(amphotericin B, nystatin and etc.). Antifungal drugs, the toxicity of which is quite high, therefore, are used more often locally (nystatin), and for systemic mycoses, the drug of choice is amphotericin B.

    7.1.2. Synthetic antimicrobial chemotherapy drugs

    Many substances have been created by chemical synthesis methods that are not found in nature, but are similar to antibiotics in terms of mechanism, type and spectrum of action. In 1908, P. Ehrlich synthesized salvarsan, a drug for the treatment of syphilis, based on organic arsenic compounds. However, further attempts by the scientist to create such drugs - "magic bullets" - against other bacteria were unsuccessful. In 1935, Gerhardt Domagk proposed prontosil ("red streptocide") for the treatment of bacterial infections. The active principle of prontosil was sulfanilamide, which was released during the decomposition of prontosil in the body.

    To date, many varieties of antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal synthetic chemotherapeutic drugs of various types have been created. chemical structure. The most significant groups include: sulfonamides, nitroimidazoles, quinolones and fluoroquinolones, imidazoles, nitrofurans, etc.

    A special group is made up of antiviral drugs (see section 7.6).

    SULFANILAMIDES. The basis of the molecule of these drugs is a paraamino group, therefore) they act as analogues and competitive antagonists of paraaminobenzoic acid, which is necessary for bacteria to synthesize vital folic (tetrahydrofolic) acid, a precursor of purine and pyrimidine bases Bacteriostatics, the spectrum of action is wide. The role of sulfonamides in the treatment of infections has recently declined, as there are many resistant strains, serious side effects and the activity of sulfonamides is generally lower than that of antibiotics. The only drug in this group that continues to be widely used in clinical practice, is co-trimoxazol and its analogs. Co-trimoxazole (bactrim, 6ucenmol)- a combination drug that consists of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. Both components act synergistically, potentiating each other's action. Acts bactericidal. Trimethoprim blocks-

    Table 7.1. Classification of antimicrobial chemotherapy drugs by mechanism of action

    Cell wall synthesis inhibitors

      Beta-lactams (penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, monobactams)


    Synthesis inhibitors






      Fusidic acid

    Nucleic acid synthesis inhibitors

    Nucleic acid precursor synthesis inhibitors


      Trimethoprim DNA replication inhibitors



      Nitrofurans RNA polymerase inhibitors


    Function inhibitors

    cell membranes


    • Imidazoles

    ruet synthesis of folic acid, but at the level of another enzyme. Used for urinary tract infections caused by gram-negative bacteria.

    QUINOLONS. The first drug of this class is nalidixic acid (1962). She has limited

    The spectrum of action, resistance to it quickly develops, and has been used in the treatment of urinary tract infections caused by gram-negative bacteria. The so-called fluoroquinolones, i.e. fundamentally new fluorinated compounds, are now being used. Benefits of fluoroquinolones different ways administration, bactericidal

    action, good tolerability, high activity at the injection site, good permeability through histohematic barrier, enough low risk development of resistance. In fluoroquinolones (qi-profloxacin, norfloxacin etc.) the spectrum is wide, the type of action is cidic. It is used for infections caused by gram-negative bacteria (including Pseudomonas aeruginosa), intracellular

    They are especially active against anaerobic bacteria, since only these microbes are able to activate metronidazole by reduction. Action type -

    cidal, spectrum - anaerobic bacteria and protozoa (Trichomonas, Giardia, dysenteric amoeba). IMIDAZOLES (clotrimazole and etc.). Antifungal drugs act at the level of the cytoplasmic membrane. NITROFURANS (furazolidone and etc.). Action type

    tvia - cidal, spectrum - wide. Are accumulating

    in the urine at high concentrations. They are used as uroseptics for the treatment of urinary tract infections.

    Antibiotics help to cope with most diseases. Many do not like them, considering drugs dangerous to health (“one is treated, the other is maimed”). But it is difficult to argue with the fact that these drugs have stopped more than one epidemic. Moreover, due to their wide range of applications, people are less likely to die from infectious diseases. As a result, the life expectancy of people has increased significantly.

    There is just one problem: viruses and bacteria can mutate and adapt to antibiotics (this property is called antibiotic resistance - the developed resistance of microorganisms to the action of a drug). That is why antibiotics, invented decades ago and considered almost a panacea for all infections, are now poorly effective in treating most diseases.

    Scientists are forced to improve drugs, that is, to produce new generation drugs. On the this moment there are four generations of antibiotics wide application. In this article, we will compile a list of the most popular modern medicines new generation, we will analyze their main characteristics, indications, contraindications and prices.

    Broad-spectrum antibiotics - preparations universal action assigned to combat large quantity pathogens (including those with an unknown source of infection). Unfortunately, this versatility is weak side: there is a possibility that antibiotics will begin to fight against beneficial microflora(for example, if a symbiotic intestinal flora, then dysbacteriosis occurs). That is why, after treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics, it is required to restore normal level beneficial bacteria.

    New generation drugs are universal and can affect a large number of pathogenic microbes.

    New generation antibiotics are more effective than their predecessors because the bacteria have not yet had time to adapt to them. Besides:

    • new generation antibiotics are considered safer (have fewer side effects and are not so pronounced);
    • new generation antibiotics are easy to use - first generation drugs had to be taken 3-4 times a day, and modern antibiotics it is enough to take 1-2 times;
    • new generation antibiotics are available in different forms. There are even medicines in the form of syrups and patches.

    What tools are the most powerful

    Having studied the reviews of doctors and patients, we can identify the most common broad-spectrum antibiotics from the latest generation. We get the following list:

    1. Sumamed.
    2. Cefamandol.
    3. Unidox Solutab.
    4. Rulid.
    5. Amoxiclav.
    6. Lincomycin.
    7. Cefoperazone.
    8. Cefotaxime.
    9. Cefixime.
    10. Avelox.

    Now let's look at each drug on this list in a little more detail.

    • Sumamed (Sumamed)

    Broad-spectrum antibiotics from the list of new generation macrolides. They act due to azithromycin (in one capsule - 250 ml of the substance).

    Sumamed is especially effective for fighting infections that affect the respiratory tract (tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia), skin and soft tissues, the genitourinary system (for example, prostatitis) and the gastrointestinal tract (including intestinal infections). Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to macrolides, as well as in diseases of the liver and kidneys. It has mild side effects, which distinguishes Sumamed from other broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is taken one tablet per day for 3 days (then the course can be extended by a doctor).

    The price of Sumemd depends on the form of release and packaging: capsules 250 mg, 6 pieces - from 320 rubles; 6 tablets 125 mg - from 290 rubles; 6 tablets 500 mg - from 377 rubles.

    • Cefamandol (Cefamandole)

    Drug packaging.

    The drug of the cephalosporin group of the latest generation. Rarely causes an adaptive reaction in microorganisms, therefore it is quite effective in combating gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycoplasmas, legionella, salmonella, and sexually transmitted pathogens. Often prescribed for colds and intestinal infections. Can be used as an alternative to cephalosporin if resistance to the latter is observed. Effective for the prevention of postoperative infectious complications. Of the minuses of the drug - its high price.

    • Unidox Solutab (Unidox Solutab)

    A broad-spectrum antibiotic from the list of new generation tetracyclines. Active substance contains doxycycline. Available in the form of tablets of 100 mg (10 tablets per pack).

    Effective in the fight against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, protozoa, anaerobes, atypical pathogens. Most often prescribed for the treatment colds, intestinal infections, prostatitis. Almost does not cause dysbacteriosis. Dosage for adults - 200 mg (2 tablets) once or twice a day. The price of the drug is approximately 280 rubles. for packing.

    • Rulid (Rulid)

    Antibiotic of the fourth generation from the list of macrolides. The base substance is roxithromycin. Available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 150 mg. A single daily dose is sufficient. Most often prescribed for infections of the upper respiratory tract, urogenital diseases (for example, prostatitis), intestinal, ondotological infections. Not recommended for admission kidney failure. It is quite expensive - from 800 rubles. for 10 pieces.

    • Amoxiclav (Amoksiklav)

    Fourth generation antibiotic packaging.

    Antibiotic of the new generation from the list pharmacological group aminopenicillins. It has a wide spectrum of action, resistance to the action of beta-lactamase strains. It has a mild effect, therefore it is used for both treatment and prevention. Unlike many fourth-generation antibiotics, it can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. Manufactured by Lek Pharma and Lek D.D. Available in the form of powder for intravenous administration, powder for oral administration, tablets. The price of powders for injections - from 200 rubles, powders taken orally - from 60 rubles, 375 mg tablets - from 224 rubles.

    • Lincomycin (Lincomycin)

    Widely used in dentistry.

    One of the most affordable antibiotics for a wide range of applications. Sold in the form of ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular injection and in the form of capsules. The selective bacteriostatic action makes it possible to use it in cases where other drugs are ineffective due to the developed resistance. True, the same quality does not allow Lincomycin to be prescribed as a first line medicine. It is quite toxic and has a list of a large number side effects and contraindications, which should be familiarized with before taking the medicine. The cost of ampoules with a solution is from 68 rubles. for 10 pieces; the cost of capsules - from 73 rubles.

    • Cefoperazone (Cefoperazone)

    Prices for an antibiotic in pharmacies for different forms and dosages - from 110 to 370 rubles. It has wide list applications: respiratory, urinary tract infections, skin and intestinal infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, prostatitis, prophylaxis after abdominal, gynecological and orthopedic operations. It belongs to the group of cephalosporins. Enough twice daily administration. As a rule, it shows good tolerance, side effects are rare. Unfortunately, it is only available in the form injection solution. Price - from 115 rubles.

    • Cefotaxime (Cefotaxime)

    New generation cephalosporin antibiotic. Considered one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for most infectious and inflammatory diseases(colds, intestinal, urological, gynecological, prostatitis, etc.). This prevalence is due to the wide spectrum of action of the antibiotic, affordable price, low toxicity, minimal effect on beneficial bacteria. Can be used for treatment and prevention (for example, in postoperative period). Available only as a solution for injection.

    • Cefixime (Cefixime)

    Another name for the antibiotic is Pancef. Available only in the form of capsules and tablets taken orally. It acts bactericidal (prevents the synthesis of cell walls of pathogens). Has a wide spectrum of action (kills intestinal infections, treats colds, prostatitis, used after surgery). Unfortunately, this new generation antibiotic has a rather strong toxic effect on the kidneys and liver, so it is not recommended for use in diseases of these organs. Price - from 397 rubles.

    • Avelox (Avelox)

    A very strong antibiotic of the latest generation from the group of fluoroquinolones. Is modern analogue Moxifloxcin. Effective against many known bacterial and atypical pathogens. Virtually no negative impact to the kidneys and stomach. Such antibiotics can be used as children's medicines, so they are not prescribed in pediatrics. They are quite expensive - from 750 rubles. for 5 pcs.

    How to choose

    Naturally, it is not enough to get acquainted with the list of new generation antibiotics. I would like to say which broad-spectrum antibiotics are the safest and most effective. Unfortunately, it is impossible to single out a specific drug, since each of the antibiotics has its own characteristics and will be more effective in each specific case. different means. That is why it is not worth prescribing drugs for treatment and prevention on your own if you do not have medical education. For intestinal infections, prostatitis, tonsillitis or otitis media will be prescribed various antibiotics. It is better to trust a specialist who prescribes a medicine based on the diagnosis, stage of the disease, concomitant diseases and individual characteristics of the patient.

    Antibiotics are substances that inhibit the growth of living cells or lead to their death. May be of natural or semi-synthetic origin. They are used to treat infectious diseases caused by the growth of bacteria and harmful microorganisms.


    Broad spectrum antibiotics - list:

    1. Penicillins.
    2. Tetracyclines.
    3. Erythromycin.
    4. Quinolones.
    5. Metronidazole.
    6. Vancomycin.
    7. Imipenem.
    8. Aminoglycoside.
    9. Levomycetin (chloramphenicol).
    10. Neomycin.
    11. Monomycin.
    12. Rifamcin.
    13. Cephalosporins.
    14. Kanamycin.
    15. Streptomycin.
    16. Ampicillin.
    17. Azithromycin.

    These drugs are used in cases where it is impossible to accurately determine the causative agent of the infection. Their advantage is in a large list of microorganisms sensitive to the active substance. But there is a drawback: in addition to pathogenic bacteria, broad-spectrum antibiotics contribute to the suppression of immunity and disruption of the normal intestinal microflora.

    List of strong antibiotics of the new generation with a wide spectrum of action:
    1. Cefaclor.
    2. Cefamandol.
    3. Unidox Solutab.
    4. Cefuroxime.
    5. Rulid.
    6. Amoxiclav.
    7. Cephroxitin.
    8. Lincomycin.
    9. Cefoperazone.
    10. Ceftazidime.
    11. Cefotaxime.
    12. Latamoxef.
    13. Cefixime.
    14. Cefpodoxime.
    15. Spiramycin.
    16. Rovamycin.
    17. Clarithromycin.
    18. Roxithromycin.
    19. Klacid.
    20. Sumamed.
    21. Fusidin.
    22. Avelox.
    23. Moxifloxacin.
    24. Ciprofloxacin.

    New generation antibiotics are more remarkable deep degree cleaning active substance. Due to this, the drugs have much less toxicity compared to earlier analogues and cause less harm to the body as a whole.

    narrowly focused Bronchitis

    The list of antibiotics for coughs and bronchitis usually does not differ from the list of broad-spectrum drugs. This is due to the fact that the analysis of sputum discharge takes about seven days, and until the causative agent of the infection is definitely identified, a remedy with the maximum number sensitive bacteria.

    Besides, latest research show that in many cases the use of antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis is unjustified. The point is that the appointment similar drugs effective if the nature of the disease is bacterial. In the case when the cause of bronchitis is a virus, antibiotics will not have any positive effect.

    Commonly used antibiotic drugs for inflammatory processes in bronchi:

    1. Ampicillin.
    2. Amoxicillin.
    3. Azithromycin.
    4. Cefuroxime.
    5. Ceflocor.
    6. Rovamycin.
    7. Cefodox.
    8. Lendatsin.
    9. Ceftriaxone.
    10. Macrofoam.

    List of antibiotics for angina:

    1. Penicillin.
    2. Amoxicillin.
    3. Amoxiclav.
    4. Augmentin.
    5. Ampiox.
    6. Phenoxymethylpenicillin.
    7. Oxacillin.
    8. Cephradine.
    9. Cephalexin.
    10. Erythromycin.
    11. Spiramycin.
    12. Clarithromycin.
    13. Azithromycin.
    14. Roxithromycin.
    15. Josamycin.
    16. Tetracycline.
    17. Doxycycline.
    18. Lidaprim.
    19. Biseptol.
    20. Bioparox.
    21. Ingalipt.
    22. Grammidin.

    These antibiotics are effective against sore throats caused by bacteria, most often beta-hemolytic streptococci. As for the disease, the causative agents of which are fungal microorganisms, the list is as follows:

    1. Nystatin.
    2. Levorin.
    3. Ketoconazole.
    Colds and flu (ARI, ARVI)

    Antibiotics for the common cold are not included in the list of necessary drugs, given the rather high toxicity of antibiotics and possible side effects. Recommended treatment with antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as restorative means. In any case, it is necessary to consult a therapist.


    List of antibiotics for sinusitis - in tablets and for injections:

    1. Zitrolide.
    2. Macrofoam.
    3. Ampicillin.
    4. Amoxicillin.
    5. Flemoxin Solutab.
    6. Augmentin.
    7. Hyconcil.
    8. Amoxil.
    9. Gramox.
    10. Cephalexin.
    11. Digital.
    12. Sporidex.
    13. Rovamycin.
    14. Ampiox.
    15. Cefotaxime.
    16. Vercef.
    17. Cefazolin.
    18. Ceftriaxone.
    19. Duracef.

    For the treatment of infectious diseases of various organs digestive tract, respiratory and genitourinary system broad-spectrum antibiotics are suitable. They differ in that the appointment of these drugs is advisable even before exact definition pathogenic bacterium. Scientists are constantly striving to replenish the list of these antibiotics. It is thanks to them that it is possible to defeat many diseases on early stages clinical manifestations.

    Antibiotics of the new generation spread their "broad" effect immediately on a number of pathogens, whether they are gram-positive, gram-negative, anaerobic or atypical bacteria. At the same time, there is a list of situations for which these groups are best suited:

    1. Preoperative prophylaxis with antibiotics (administration of the drug intravenously 30-40 minutes before the start of surgery).
    2. Treatment of an infection until its specific pathogen is identified.
    3. Treatment of an infection resistant to the action of a certain group of antibacterial agents.
    4. The presence of "superinfection" or "co-infection" (destruction of several microbes that are simultaneously in the body).

    The names of antibiotics required for prescription in such cases are more convenient to consider as part of large groups.


    These are common and cheap antibiotics, most of them are available in tablets and suspensions, so they are easy to use in outpatient practice (polyclinic, advisory centers).

    Indicated for infection with gram-positive, gram-negative (gonococcus, meningococcus, coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Helicobacter pylori, Salmonella) microbes. The drugs do not affect Proteus, mycoplasmas, rickettsiae. They have a bactericidal effect (complete destruction of cells).

    A drug Tradename
    Amoxicillin Amoxicillin Tablets: 40-70
    Flemoxin Solutab Tablets: 0.5 gr. twice a day, course of administration for 2 weeks. 400-530
    Capsules: similar mode and duration of admission. 80-115
    Powder for suspension: pour the powder from the sachet into a glass of warm clean water, mix. 45-90
    Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid Amoxiclav Tablets: 1 tablet (250+125 mg) three times a day or 1 tablet (500+125 mg) twice a day; take with meals, course of administration for 2 weeks. 225-385
    Powder for suspension: to calculate the dose of the drug, use the attached tables. 130-280
    Flemoklav Solutab Tablets: 1 tablet (500+125 mg) three times a day or 1 tablet (875+125 mg) twice a day; do not chew, take at the beginning of a meal, take a course for 2 weeks. 300-450
    Augmentin Powder for suspension: add 60 ml to the powder vial pure water room temperature, wait 5 minutes, add the volume of water to the mark on the bottle, mix. 150-450
    Tablets: 1 tablet (250+125 mg) three times a day for 2 weeks. 250-380 r.
    Ampicillin Ampicillin Tablets: 0.25-0.5 gr. every 6 hours 30-60 minutes before meals. 10-60
    Powder for suspension: 1.0-3.0 gr. per day for 4 doses; to prepare the mixture, add 62 ml of water to the bottle, the dosage of the mixture is carried out using the attached measuring spoon, taken with warm water. 20-65
    Substance-powder: 0.25-0.5 gr. every 4-6 hours intravenously / intramuscularly. 15-145

    Respiratory fluoroquinolones

    These strong antibiotics also referred to as 2nd generation fluoroquinolones. Unlike the early 1st generation (drugs - lomefloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin), the following drugs are active against the most extensive spectrum of microbes:

    • gram-positive;
    • atypical (mycobacterium tuberculosis, mycoplasma, chlamydia);
    • anaerobic.

    Substances are actively used in the second stage of the treatment of pneumonia with the ineffectiveness of antibiotics. penicillin group. bactericidal effect.

    Representatives Mode of application



    Tablets: 0.5 gr. twice a day, without chewing.


    Tablets: 0.25 gr. (2 tablets) twice a day or 0.5 gr. (1 tablet) 1 time per day with water, the course is 14 days.





    Tablets: 0.4 gr. x 1 time per day, without chewing, the course is 14 days.



    Tablets: 0.4 gr. x 1 time per day, without chewing, the course is 10 days.


    Tablets: 0.1-0.4 gr. per day (depending on the type and severity of the infection).


    Modern "reserve" antibiotics, connected only in the absence of effect from the rest of the equally strong antimicrobials. The scope of action of carbapenems covers gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

    MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Meropenem is one of the best broad-spectrum antibiotics in the fight against meningococcal infection. The effect is bactericidal.

    Representatives Trade name, price (rub.) Mode of application
    Imipenem + cilastatin


    2.0 gr. per day, administered for 4 injections intravenously / intramuscularly.



    Powder for injection solution: 1.0-2.0 gr. per day, administered for 3-4 infusions intravenously. To prepare the solution, add 100 ml of isotonic sodium chloride to the vial and shake until smooth.



    Powder for injection solution: 1.0-2.0 gr. per day, administered for 3-4 infusions intravenously. To prepare the solution, add isotonic sodium chloride to the vial in the ratio of 100 ml of sodium chloride per 0.5 g. the drug, shake until completely homogeneous.



    Powder for injection solution: the method of preparing the solution and application is similar to the above.


    Powder for injection solution:
    • 0.5 gr. every 8 hours (pneumonia, urinary infections, skin infections);
    • 1.0 gr. every 8 hours (nosocomial pneumonia, sepsis);
    • 2.0 gr. every 8 hours (meningitis).

    The drug is administered intravenously slowly (within 5 minutes; the solution is prepared by adding 5 ml of sterile water per 250 mg of the drug) or intravenously drip (within 15-30 minutes; the solution is prepared by adding 50-200 ml of isotonic sodium chloride).



    Powder for injection solution:
    • 0.5-2.0 gr. per day for intravenous administration;
    • 0.5 gr. every 8 hours for intramuscular injection.


    Lyophilizate for injection solution: 1.0 gr. per day, administered for 1 injection intravenously / intramuscularly.



    Powder for injection solution: 0.5 gr. intravenously every 8 hours. To prepare a solution, the powder must be dissolved in 10 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, the resulting mixture should be added to a bag with 100 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution.


    The spectrum of drug activity includes:

    • Staphylococci.
    • Gram-negative microbes.
    • The causative agents of specific infections are plague, brucellosis, tularemia.
    • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
    • Acinetobacter.
    • Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

    At the same time, for the 1st generation, the main indication is tuberculosis infection, for 2nd and 3rd generations - Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. They have a bactericidal effect.

    1 generation:

    Representatives Trade name, price (rub.) Mode of application



    Powder for injection solution: 1.0-1.5 gr. for 2-3 injections intravenously drip ( single dose(0.5 g) dissolves in 200 ml of 5% dextrose solution).

    Kanamycin sulfate



    With tuberculosis - 1.0 gr. x 1 time per day. For other infections - 0.5 gr. every 8-12 hours.


    streptomycin sulfate


    • For intramuscular injection - 0.5-1.0 g. per day.
    • For intratracheal / aerosol administration - 0.5-1.0 g each. x 2-3 times in 7 days.



    Powder for injection solution: 0.5–1.0 gr. x 2 times a day intramuscularly. Sterile water/physiological solution/0.25% novocaine is used to prepare the solution. Calculation: per 1.0 gr. drugs - 4 ml of solvent.



    Outdoor aerosol: on the affected areas of the skin, shaking well and placing the balloon at a distance of 15-20 cm, apply for 3 seconds; repeat the application 1-3 times a day.

    2 generation:

    Representatives Tradename Method of application, price (rub.)
    Gentamicin Gentamycin sulfate Substance-powder:
    • up to 1.2 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day for 2-3 injections (urinary infections);
    • 2.4-3.3 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day for 2-3 injections (severe infections, sepsis).

    Administer the drug intramuscularly/intravenously. 40-250

    Gentamicin Injection: 0.003-0.005 gr. per 1 kg of weight for 2-4 injections, administered intravenously / intramuscularly. 45-120
    Eye drops: 1-2 drops every 1-4 hours, pushing back the lower eyelid. 160-200
    Ointment: on the affected areas of the skin, 3-4 applications per day. 90-150
    Tobramycin Tobrex Eye drops: 1-2 drops, pulling back the lower eyelid, every 4 hours; at severe infections eye - 2 drops every hour. 170-220
    Bramitob Solution for inhalation: 1 ampoule of medication (0.3 g) every 12 hours, inhaled with a nebulizer, course 28 days. 19000-33000
    Tobriss Eye drops: 1 drop, pulling the lower eyelid, 2 times a day (morning and evening); in severe eye infections - 1 drop x 4 times a day. 140-200

    3rd generation:

    Representatives Trade name, price (rub.) Mode of application



    Eye drops: 1-2 drops, pulling the lower eyelid, 3 times a day.



    Injection: 4-6 mg per 1 kg of weight per day intravenously / intramuscularly; for severe infections daily dose can be increased to 7.5 mg per 1 kg.



    Solution for infusion: 0.01-0.015 gr. per 1 kg of body weight per day for 2-3 injections, administered intramuscularly / intravenously (stream, drip).

    Amikacin sulfate


    Substance-powder: 0.005 gr. per 1 kg of weight every 8 hours or 0.0075 gr. per 1 kg of weight every 12 hours, administered intramuscularly / intravenously.


    Powder for making suspension: 2.0 gr. (5 ml)/4.0 gr. (10 ml) deep intramuscularly into the upper outer part of the buttocks. To prepare the suspension, add 3.2 ml of sterile water to the vial. Suspension for a single dose, it is forbidden to store.


    Nasal spray: 1 injection in each nasal passage x 4-6 times a day, the course is not more than 10 days.

    4th generation:


    They are also confidently designated as new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics. Under their bactericidal influence fall:

    • Gram-positive bacteria, including MRSA and MRSE (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis).
    • Enterococci.
    • Anaerobes, including Clostridium difficile - the causative agent of pseudomembranous colitis.

    Vancomycin is released from general list as one of the last antibiotics most frequently prescribed in hospitals. The effect of drugs is bactericidal, only on enterococci and streptococci - bacteriostatic ("inhibition" of the vital activity of bacteria).

    Representatives Trade name, price (rub.) Mode of application


    2.0 gr. per day strictly intravenously drip (0.5 g every 6 hours or 1.0 g every 12 hours).



    Powder for infusion solution: 0.5 gr. every 6 hours or 1.0 gr. every 12 hours.



    Lyophilizate for infusion solution: 0.4 gr. every 12 hours intravenously / intramuscularly.


    Lyophilizate for infusion solution: 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight every 24 hours, administered intravenously (not less than an hour).


    Slightly toxic medicines that have a bactericidal effect on:

    • gram-positive bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, mycobacteria);
    • gram-negative rods (enterobacteria, Helicobacter pylori, Haemophilus influenzae);
    • intracellular microorganisms (moraxella, legionella, mycoplasma, chlamydia).


    Representatives Tradename Method of application, price (rub.)
    Clarithromycin Klacid Tablets : 0.5 gr. twice a day, reception within 2 weeks. 510-800
    Granules for suspension preparation : to prepare the mixture, pour warm water to the mark on the bottle, mix, take 2 times a day. 355-450
    Solution for infusion : 0.5 gr. twice a day. 650-700
    Fromilid Tablets : 0.5 g twice a day, intake for 2 weeks. 290-680
    Clarithrosin Tablets : 0.25 gr. twice a day, reception within 2 weeks. 100-150
    Roxithromycin RoxyGEKSAL Tablets : 0.15 gr. twice a day or 0.3 gr. at one time, the course of reception is 10 days. 110-170
    Esparoxy Tablets : 0.15 gr. twice a day 15 minutes before meals or 0.3 g. once, the course of admission is 10 days. 330-350
    Rulid Tablets : 0.15 gr. twice a day, the course of admission is 10 days. 1000-1400
    Oleandomycin Oleandomycin phosphate Substance-powder . Practically not used at present. 170-200
    Erythromycin Erythromycin Tablets : 0.2-0.4 gr. four times a day before or after meals, drink water, the course of admission is 7-10 days. 70-90
    Lyophilisate for solution for infusion : 0.2 g, diluted with a solvent, 3 times a day. The maximum course of admission is 2 weeks. 550-590
    Eye ointment : place on the lower eyelid three times a day, the course of use is 14 days. 70-140
    External ointment : on the affected areas of the skin with a small layer 2-3 times a day. 80-100


    Representatives Tradename Method of application, price (rub.)
    Azithromycin Sumamed Capsules : 0.5 gr. x 1 time per day before or 2 hours after a meal. 450-550
    Powder for oral suspension : add 11 ml of water to the vial, shake, take 1 time per day before or after meals. 220-570
    Tablets : 0.5 gr. x 1 time per day before or after meals. 250-580
    Azitral Capsules : 0.25-0.5 gr. x 1 time per day before or after meals. 280-340
    Azitrox Capsules : 0.25-0.5 gr. x 1 time per day. 280-330
    Powder for oral suspension : add 9.5 ml of water to the bottle, shake, inside 2 times a day. 130-370

    16 members:

    Representatives Tradename Method of application, price (rub.)
    Midecamycin macrofoam Tablets : 0.4 gr. three times a day, the course of admission for 2 weeks. 250-340
    Josamycin Wilprafen Tablets : 0.5 gr. twice a day, without chewing, drinking water. 530-620
    Wilprafen Solutab Tablets : 0.5 gr. x twice a day, without chewing or dissolving in 20 ml of water. 650-750
    Spiramycin Spiramycin-vero Tablets : 2-3 tablets (3 million IU) for 2-3 doses per day. 220-1750
    Rovamycin Tablets : 2-3 tablets (3 million IU) or 5-6 tablets (6-9 million IU) for 2-3 doses per day. 1010-1700


    Representatives of the 3rd and 5th generations of cephalosporins belong to a wide spectrum of influence. A devastating bactericidal effect has been observed against gram-negative (enterobacteria, Haemophilus influenzae, gono- and meningococcus, Klebsiella, Moraxella, Proteus), anaerobic (Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, Bacteroids, Clostridia) and Gram-positive microbes.

    3rd generation:


    Representatives Tradename Method of application, price (rub.)
    Cefotaxime Claforan : 0.5-2.0 gr. x 1 time per day intramuscularly or intravenously slowly. 120-150
    Cefosin Powder for injection solution : 1.0 gr. every 8-12 hours intramuscularly, intravenously slowly / drip. 50-75
    Ceftazidime Fortum Powder for injection solution : 1.0-6.0 gr. x 1 time per day for 2-3 intravenous / intramuscular infusions. 450-530
    Ceftidine Powder for injection solution : 1.0-6.0 gr. x 1 time per day intravenously / intramuscularly. 155-200
    Ceftriaxone Ceftriaxone Powder for injection solution : 1.0-2.0 gr. x 1 time per day intramuscularly / intravenously. 30-900
    Azaran Powder for injection solution : 1.0 gr. dissolve in 3.5 ml of 1% lidocaine hydrochloride solution, intramuscular injections 1 per day. 2350-2600
    Cefoperazone Cefobid Powder for injection solution : 2.0-4.0 gr. per day for 2 intramuscular injections. 250-300
    Cefpar Powder for injection solution : 2.0-4.0 gr. every 12 hours intravenously / intramuscularly. 35-105


    5th generation (parenteral):

    Antibiotics for children

    The appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotics for children is possible, however, not in all cases. All dosages for children different ages are usually calculated per 1 kg of body weight and do not exceed adult doses. To understand which drug belongs to the list of children's antibiotics with a wide coverage pathogenic microorganisms please read the enclosed instructions carefully. Do not forget that each antibiotic has its own age characteristics.

    Broad-spectrum antibiotics are indispensable medicines for a hospital of any level and profile of provision medical services. Ease of use and high probability beneficial effect makes them invaluable in the treatment of a wide variety of infections. To preserve the susceptibility of microbes to these drugs, do not start taking them yourself without consulting a doctor and stick to correct mode dosage.

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