What can not be eaten before donating blood? What you can eat before donating blood - general recommendations and rules, a list of prohibited foods and drinks

“Is it possible to eat before taking a general blood test?” is a fairly frequently asked question. And all this from the fact that some people definitely need to have breakfast in the morning. This is how our body works, everyone is different. Someone can not eat all day, and will feel in perfect order. And someone, if he misses at least one meal, then he develops weakness, a burning sensation in the abdomen and other unpleasant symptoms of hunger. It all depends on the constitution of our body.

But we have to take a general blood test, regardless of whether we feel hungry or not. Someone says that you can eat and drink when taking a general blood test, someone says that you can eat after the analysis. Where is the truth?

Of course, the best answer to this question is a doctor. Usually, therapists recommend taking an analysis on an empty stomach. Let's understand why this is so important.

General blood analysis

The most common type of analysis is a complete blood count, which is also called clinical. Each of us at least once in our lives passed this analysis. And in our school years, we passed this analysis for every illness, whether it was the flu or the common cold. And since then, we have become accustomed to believing that a general blood test cannot show something serious. This is too simple an analysis to detect the disease. And here we are deeply mistaken.

A complete blood count is the main type of analysis for detecting various abnormalities in the body. In addition, this type of analysis can even determine the focus of inflammation. Then the therapist will be able to take the necessary actions in advance. But in addition to therapy, a general blood test is used in endocrinology, gastroenterology, cardiology and other areas of medicine. And in any case, no matter what doctor prescribes the analysis, he will tell you how to take it correctly and whether you can eat and drink at the same time.

When deciphering this analysis, from 5 to 54 indicators are revealed. It depends on the laboratory and its equipment. Consider the main indicators of a general blood test.


It is the main source of oxygen for our cells. More precisely, hemoglobin itself does not have oxygen, it carries it from the lungs to the cells, and carries carbon dioxide back. Thus, cell respiration is carried out. And if hemoglobin is lowered, then the body experiences a lack of oxygen, dizziness begins, and then anemia.


These are the white blood cells involved in our immune system. The task of leukocytes is to recognize foreign cells with a virus and destroy them. Accordingly, when the virus enters the bloodstream, leukocytes begin to actively divide in order to neutralize it. Therefore, an increase in these cells in the blood indicates an inflammatory process in the body. But it is not always the case. White blood cells may be elevated if the person ate or drank before the CBC.

Leukocyte formula

For more accurate diagnostic information, a general blood test reveals all forms of leukocytes:

  • neutrophils (protect our body from infections and viruses);
  • eosinophils (an increase in the number of these leukocytes indicates an allergic reaction);
  • basophils (these cells are involved in both inflammatory and allergic processes in the body).


Cells designed to participate in the immune response along with leukocytes.

red blood cells

Red blood cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. They deliver oxygen to the cells and carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs. As we have already said, hemoglobin is the most important erythrocyte, since it contains iron, due to which the binding of oxygen molecules occurs. An increase in the number of red blood cells is associated with the formation of malignant tumors in the body, kidney disease.

Average volume of erythrocytes

To identify this indicator, when deciphering, the shape and size of red blood cells are considered, which makes it possible to establish the cause of anemia. If the red blood cell volume is higher than normal, then this is due to a lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid. A decrease indicates an iron deficiency form of anemia.


Cells responsible for blood clotting. When a tissue is cut or torn, platelets begin to connect with each other and form a clot, which attaches to the walls of the vessel. Thus, the bleeding gradually stops.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

An indicator that changes with nonspecific changes in the body. ESR increases with the following diseases:

  • infectious processes in the body;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • endocrine diseases.

A decrease in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate occurs due to various chronic diseases, such as circulatory failure.

Is it possible to eat before taking a general blood test

If you can't stand it, then drink tea without sugar with a bun. Do not eat butter, sugar, sweets. All of these can show high blood sugar. In order to get the results of a general blood test correctly, it is not recommended to eat fatty, spicy, fried and very salty foods in the evening. Also, do not drink alcohol or smoke. All these actions, according to doctors, distort the overall clinical picture. In this case, you will have to retake the analysis. For example, when eating meat or poultry in the morning, the blood becomes thicker, and perhaps the doctor will not be able to take it at all. Therefore, the answer to the question “Is it possible to eat with a general blood test?” obvious. Whoever says that you can eat before a general blood test apparently does not understand how important reliable test results are. Any distortion will result in you being treated for a disease that you do not have.

It is no coincidence that the analysis is prescribed for the morning time. All laboratories take various types of analysis in the morning, up to a maximum of 10.00. This is done to make it more comfortable for the patient to take the test. Moreover, in the morning you can get more accurate data, since the body is well rested. Even stress can affect a complete blood count. Therefore, doctors do not recommend immediately entering the treatment room. You need to take your breath off the road and calm down. Then the blood will return to its normal state, and the result will not be distorted. If you want to get reliable results, then it is better not to eat before taking a general blood test. However, if you are thirsty, then you can drink plain water, without gases. Water does not affect the composition of the blood.

Is it possible to drink water before donating blood - this question is asked by the vast majority of citizens who will have to take this analysis. At the same time, only a few people know objective and reliable information about preparing for a blood test, and the information received from the attending physician is too general.

Preparation for the delivery of the analysis

This type of analysis is a collection of a limited amount of blood for chemical analysis of its composition. According to the purpose of the study, a blood test is of the following types:

  • biochemical study (for biochemistry) - allows you to assess the work of the internal organs of a person, the state of metabolism;
  • general blood analysis;
  • sugar test - allows you to determine the level of glucose in the blood, which is a decisive indicator in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. Check out the current regulations. If you suspect that you have diabetes, we recommend that you study the main signs and symptoms of the disease.

The general rule that every treating physician must communicate to the patient before issuing a referral is that it is necessary to take tests on an empty stomach. This implies that no food should be consumed before the blood test, so as not to cause a chemical metabolic reaction that affects the chemical composition of the blood.

To fulfill the rule of taking tests on an empty stomach, the attending physician will always clarify how much you can’t eat and what you can do in preparation for blood sampling. Questions “why not” and whether it is possible to drink water, as a rule, are not asked.

Let's define the basic rules before donating blood from a vein and from a finger. It is strictly forbidden to consume any kind of food, and the last meal should be no later than 8-12 hours before blood sampling. It is this period of time that takes the complete process of assimilation of food, after which the chemical composition of the blood returns to its usual state for the body.

This rule also applies to a biochemical blood test, and the minimum period of time after eating cannot be less than 8 hours.

In practice, the attending physician recommends limiting food intake in the evening before the test. This period of time will be at least 8 hours, and ideally - 12 hours. This time is quite enough to bring the state of the blood into a state that allows an objective assessment of the functional state of the body and metabolism.

To prepare for the delivery of a general blood test, it allows relaxation regarding the time of eating - the minimum period of time should not be more than 1-2 hours, and the composition of the products should also correspond to the instruction of the attending physician.

When preparing for blood sampling, any food containing nutrients is excluded. These products include even fruit juices, tea and coffee, so the doubts “is it possible to drink tea or coffee” should be forgotten once and for all. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol 1-2 days before the proposed blood test, since the residual alcohol content in the blood lasts longer than the nutrients in food.

Can I drink water before taking blood?

One question remains - is it possible to drink ordinary drinking water when you donate blood? Medicine does not contain any prohibitions regarding the use of pure water, since its chemical composition is not able to directly affect the blood test.

We are talking about ordinary drinking water, not enriched with additional ingredients (artificial sweeteners, colors, etc.).

Moreover, some doctors even recommend taking a limited amount of water with you to the laboratory, since taking it before blood sampling can calm the patient's condition and relieve unnecessary nervousness. In the memo that patients receive before they are sent for testing, they usually do not write about drinking water, limiting themselves to a list of foods and drinks, the use of which is strictly prohibited.

However, there are certain types of blood tests in which it is forbidden to drink even ordinary water. These analyzes include:

  • blood chemistry;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • blood test for AIDS or HIV infection.

Such a requirement is due to the inadmissibility of even the slightest influence of extraneous factors on the state of the blood for these tests. Water consists of chemical elements, which means that, theoretically, it can create an error in the study of biochemical or hormonal indicators.

Since the chemical parameters of blood directly depend on environmental factors and a person’s lifestyle, before taking any type of blood test, you must be in a calm state, completely eliminate physical activity or a stressful situation. Also, for blood sampling, only the morning time of the day is established, when the composition of the blood is in its original state and is best suited for research.

For a clinical blood test, there is a ban on the use of drugs, except when the attending physician prescribes a blood test to determine the effect of the drug on the patient's body condition.

Thus, instead of following myths and conjectures, preparation for blood sampling should be carried out taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician. If questions arise, they should be asked to the doctor when issuing a referral, and not to the laboratory assistant when passing the analysis. In addition, each specific type of blood test has its own special restrictions on the permissible use of food and drink.

Blood tests are the most commonly ordered laboratory tests. With their help, the doctor can assess the general condition of the patient, diagnose the onset of the disease at an early stage, and monitor the effectiveness of the therapy used. In many cases, correct behavior before taking a blood test is of great importance. Failure to follow the basic rules of preparation for the study can lead to incorrect results, which, of course, will affect the diagnosis and the effectiveness of treatment. Consider what can and cannot be done before a blood test, what foods can be eaten before a blood test, and which ones should be avoided. To do this, we give the basic rules for preparing for the delivery of tests, which are most often prescribed.

General blood analysis

With the help of a general blood test, the doctor determines the cellular composition of the blood, the level of hemoglobin and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). By deviations in the values ​​​​of indicators of a general (clinical) blood test, a specialist can identify the presence of inflammation in the body, determine the nature (bacterial or viral) of the disease, establish the development of anemia and other pathological conditions. Sometimes changes in the parameters of a clinical blood test are the first to signal the onset of the development of serious blood diseases.

A general blood test is given during routine examinations to monitor the condition of pregnant women, patients who have chronic diseases.


Regarding whether to take a general blood test strictly on an empty stomach or you can still eat before a blood test, there is no consensus among specialists. Some doctors recommend donating blood for a clinical study strictly on an empty stomach, that is, at least 10-12 hours should pass from the time of the last meal. Other doctors say that before taking a blood test, it is enough for 2-3 hours to pass. At the same time, it is important to exclude fatty, spicy, sweet, fried foods from the diet on the eve of the analysis. A light breakfast is allowed, which should not contain dairy products, butter, sausages.

It is allowed to drink water immediately before the blood test. Only it should be clean, non-carbonated water without dyes and flavors.

On the eve of blood sampling for research, excessive physical exertion, psycho-emotional overstrain are not recommended. It is impossible to visit a bath, sauna before a blood test.

If the patient is taking any medications, he must notify the doctor who prescribes this blood test.

Blood chemistry

A biochemical blood test (blood biochemistry) is a laboratory research method that can be used to determine the functional state of the main organs and systems of a person. It is used in the diagnosis of diseases of the liver, kidneys, rheumatic processes, disorders of water-salt metabolism, deficiency of basic trace elements.


  • At least three days before blood sampling, exclude physical activity, the use of alcoholic beverages.
  • Blood must be taken on an empty stomach, you can eat before a blood test no later than 10-12 hours before the test is taken.
  • Blood for a biochemical study is donated before diagnostic and physiotherapy procedures, and taking medications.
  • The best time for blood sampling is between 8 and 10 am.
  • On the day of blood donation for research, you do not need to smoke, you must observe physical and psychological rest.
  • Just before donating blood, it is recommended to sit quietly for 20 minutes.
  • When biochemistry is carried out to determine cholesterol, you can eat before a blood test no later than 12-14 hours before the test.
  • When taking blood biochemistry to determine the level of uric acid, you need to follow a special diet. Foods rich in purines are excluded from the diet - offal (kidneys, liver), meat, fish, tea, coffee.
  • If the purpose of a biochemical blood test is to determine the iron content, it is best to donate blood no later than 10 am.

Blood test for sugar and hormones

A blood test for sugar is performed to diagnose diabetes mellitus, control sugar levels in patients, and the effectiveness of therapy.


  • Blood for this study can be taken either on an empty stomach or after a meal. It is possible or not to eat before a blood test, the doctor who directs the patient for the study will tell the patient.
  • If you need to donate blood on an empty stomach, it is important that at least eight hours have passed since the last meal. In this case, drunk juice or tea is also taken into account.
  • If you need to donate blood after a meal, you need to have a meal 60-90 minutes before blood sampling.
  • In addition, there are special methods for taking blood tests for sugar. In each case, the doctor determines how to properly prepare for the test.
  • A blood test for hormones is almost always taken strictly on an empty stomach. It is desirable that after the last meal before taking blood, 10-12 hours pass. You can not drink tea, juice, coffee. You can drink water before the blood test.
  • An exception may be tests for the hormones insulin and C-peptide. Usually, blood for such studies is donated two hours after eating. But the doctor will definitely warn the patient about this.
  • If you need to take a blood test for thyroid hormones, it is necessary to exclude iodine-containing foods from the diet for several days - fish, seafood, iodized salt.

Blood sampling for the hormone prolactin should be carried out no later than two hours after waking up.

Blood is the mirror of the body. This is what most doctors, laboratory assistants and scientists think. Basically, they are right. For more than a hundred years, mankind has been using the contents of arteries, veins and capillaries to determine the presence of certain diseases. The CBC is currently the most commonly used laboratory test.

Almost no doctor will prescribe medicines without the results of such an analysis. Thanks to him, you can accurately indicate the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets in the serum, establish the presence of an inflammatory process, and much more.

Can I eat before donating blood? Here is a question that patients ask their doctors. In most cases, the answer will be no. It's all about how your body reacts to food. Therefore, doctors and scientists have created special rules that regulate adequate preparation for laboratory tests.

General blood analysis

The most common type of human examination, which does not require special costs and efforts on the part of the patient. With its help, you can determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of serum, the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and other important indicators.

it is not recommended to eat when taking a general blood test

The effectiveness of the study directly depends on the attentiveness of the laboratory assistant and the condition of the subject. Often, patients once again like to ask their doctor if it is possible to eat before donating blood. At the moment there is no single point of view on this issue.

"Do not miss the opportunity to cleanse your body of all toxins and harmful bacteria, as well as restore immunity and normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract.

In any case, there are a number of mandatory rules that everyone who wants to qualitatively check their blood must adhere to:

  1. 2-3 days before testing, you must completely abandon the use of alcohol.
  2. Smoking should be avoided 2-3 hours before the finger puncture.
  3. It is desirable to stay in a normal emotional state. Stress the day before can adversely affect the effectiveness of the study. This is especially important for small children, who, and so, are afraid of the injection itself. They need to explain the need for the procedure and try to calm them down.
  4. Water is allowed. Some doctors allow pregnant women to eat before taking a blood test. Otherwise, they will feel bad.
  5. Visits to the sauna and bath are prohibited. They significantly distort the conclusions of laboratory assistants.
  6. It is necessary to limit significant.

Blood chemistry

biochemical analysis excludes the preliminary use of food

This study demonstrates in more detail the work of almost all human organs and systems. Compliance with the rules of adequate preparation will allow you to get an accurate and high-quality result, which will help the doctor to correctly diagnose and prescribe medications.

It's a shame when, due to the fact that a person just wanted to eat a hamburger before donating blood (or even), they begin to treat him for atherosclerosis. Such examples can be full.

The main rules that will help prevent diagnostic errors include:

  1. 2-3 days before testing, you need to exclude physical and nervous stress.
  2. The last meal should be held no later than 10-12 hours before going to the manipulation room.
  3. The best period for the collection of biological fluid is the period from 8 to 10 o'clock in the morning.
  4. Smoking and drinking alcohol is prohibited.
  5. Before inserting a needle into a vein, it is advisable to sit quietly for 15-20 minutes.

Many mothers are worried about whether it is possible for a child to eat before taking a blood test for biochemistry. In most cases, it is impossible, since this significantly reduces the information content of this survey. It is better to take a tray with food or sweets with you and immediately treat the baby after the procedure.

Hormonal mirror

A specific test that can demonstrate the quantitative ratio of certain biologically active substances in serum. Depending on which endocrine gland will be tested, additional rules may arise.

you can not eat before taking a blood test for hormones

These include:

  1. When diagnosing thyroid gland, it is necessary to exclude all iodine-containing foods from the diet 1 week before the study and, if possible, stop taking medications.
  2. For detection, it is necessary to carry out the procedure on an empty stomach. Even a cup of tea can cause a rise in glucose levels and cause misinterpretation of test results.
  3. In all other cases, the doctor himself assesses the need for compliance and determines whether it is possible to eat before taking a blood test.

Separately, it is worth talking about the process of blood transfusion. The donor is not required to carry out this procedure on an empty stomach. The main thing is not to engage in heavy physical activity the day before, do not eat fried, smoked and spicy foods. Also, you can not use alcohol and drugs. All this significantly worsens the rheological properties of the serum and interferes with the transfusion process.

In any case, you must obey your doctor. Only he can objectively assess the patient's condition and the need for tests.

A blood test is one of the most frequently ordered tests. It is used to highlight a large number of indicators that, one way or another, can tell the doctor about human health problems.

Therefore, it is important that the blood test is carried out correctly and the results obtained have a minimum number of errors. This is the only way to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Many people who are about to take a blood test are wondering what foods are allowed to eat before the procedure so that they do not have any effect on the data obtained during the analysis.

There is no exact and reliable answer. Most doctors generally recommend not eating 12 hours before the test. That is, if they are to be taken at about 8 in the morning, the last meal should be taken no later than 8 hours.

After it, it is allowed to use exclusively pure non-mineral water. Drinking juice and tea is considered food.

Dinner should be light and lean. Avoid junk food and alcohol and fatty meats.

The best products would be:

  • buckwheat;
  • brown or white rice;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • any vegetables;
  • lean fish;
  • dried apricots;
  • raisin;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • plums;
  • grenades;
  • apricots;
  • prunes;
  • white meat.

As a salad dressing, it is best to use a little sunflower or other vegetable oil, low-fat yogurt or sour cream.

If a person really wants sweets, it is allowed to eat one small bun or a teaspoon of honey, some dried fruit.

If the analysis involves eating food before delivery, then breakfast should be light. It can be any porridge boiled in water. It is allowed to add a little honey, dried fruits to it.

Breakfast can be supplemented with crackers, a small piece of bread with confiture or jam, fruit juice (except citrus fruits), compote, nectar (from any fruit except bananas).

Before the procedure it is allowed to drink plain water without additives, weak tea with honey.

What is impossible?

Should not be added to the diet prior to testing. sweet, fatty and fried foods, as well as salads, richly seasoned with oil or sauces purchased in stores.

Do not eat greens, especially dill and cilantro. Substances produced during and digestion may have some effect on the accuracy of the results.

You should also avoid eating foods such as:

  • citrus;
  • avocado;
  • bananas.

If the procedure for conducting tests involves eating food before passing them, then breakfast should not be made very dense and fatty. It must not contain dairy and protein products(eggs, meat), bananas.

Alcohol must be abandoned at least 2 days prior to testing. You shouldn't smoke either. It is enough to give up cigarettes at least 1 hour before the test. You can smoke only after two hours, since nicotine can cause a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Preparing for a Hormone Test

A blood test for the content of hormones in it is most often performed on an empty stomach. However, you should avoid caffeinated drinks before the procedure. Also should not be used juices and tea. Before the procedure, it is allowed to take clean, non-carbonated water.

If an analysis is performed for hormones such as insulin or C-peptide, then blood is taken after eating, two hours later. The diet should be the same as with a regular blood test.

If blood is required to undergo an analysis for the concentration of thyroid hormones, then the preparation should last several days. It includes the exclusion of foods containing a sufficiently large amount of iodine. They should be avoided for a few days before testing.

If blood is taken to check the content of the hormone prolactin in it, then it should be donated no later than 2 hours after the person wakes up.

In any case, need to consult a doctor, who appoints the passage of tests, since he will be able to correctly give recommendations regarding nutrition before taking the tests.

Cholesterol test

Blood for testing for cholesterol is taken from a vein. The procedure is carried out in the early morning before meals, that is, on an empty stomach. A prerequisite for the procedure - abstaining from food for 8 hours.

As for the rest of the recommendations regarding meals, it is recommended to reduce the fat content of the diet two to three days before the test. Do not eat fried foods, or foods rich in fat, including cheeses, butter, sausages, fatty meats and fish. Particular attention should be paid to the observance of this principle for people who are overweight, since the concentration of cholesterol in their blood is usually increased.

In some cases, when the procedure for determining the average indicator is carried out, preparation for the analysis is not required. However, such an analysis is carried out in the laboratory, subject to a special set of actions.

Donating blood for sugar

A sugar test is done when a doctor suspects diabetes mellitus or when testing the effectiveness of a treatment used to combat the disease.

Blood before sugar tests is given both on an empty stomach and after meals. All depends on doctor's advice.

To determine the exact level of sugar in the blood, different reagents are used, depending on what biological material was used for sampling, that is, blood from a vein or capillary.

Violation of the requirements prescribed by doctors can significantly affect the performance. Therefore, it is important to know what foods are allowed to be consumed when taking the test so as not to increase glucose levels.

When donating blood on an empty stomach, at least 8 hours must pass from the moment of the last meal of the day to the tests. Ideally, a person should not eat in 12 hours.

At the same time, it is worth knowing that the last meal of the day is also considered drinking tea, kefir or juice. Also when testing for sugar don't brush your teeth pasta or chew gum.

In addition to the method of donating blood on an empty stomach, there is another. Blood for sugar is given after a meal. At the same time, you need to eat an hour and a half before donating blood, in some cases the meal is replaced by a glass of water with sugar.

In any case, a day before blood sampling for analysis, a person should not eat alcohol, fast food. Also, do not lean on fatty foods. It is worth giving up a plentiful amount of food.

Also need refrain from taking certain medications as they may affect the accuracy of the test results.

In addition, before donating blood for sugar, it is advisable to refrain from stressful situations, as well as reduce the likelihood of their occurrence. If a person’s work involves strong mental stress, it is also recommended to reduce them the day before the test.

Donors must also follow certain rules.

On average, a person donates 400 ml of blood or plasma per procedure. This is quite a significant loss for the body. Therefore, before the procedure, a person needs to eat well.

On the day before the procedure, the donor needs hearty breakfast rich in minerals and trace elements. It can be any porridge boiled in water, flavored with honey or dried fruits. can be eaten fruits other than bananas, crackers or dried. Before the procedure, donors are offered to drink strong sweet tea.

There are food restrictions. But they are short lived. They should be observed two days before the procedure. The main reason for their occurrence is to improve the quality of donated blood.

A few days before donating blood or plasma should be eaten foods rich in carbohydrates. It can be fruits (except bananas), vegetables, bread, crackers, cookies, cereals.

As for protein products, it is better to give preference to lean fish, steamed or boiled. You can also eat white poultry meat.

Sweet tooth can supplement the diet with jam, preserves, honey in small quantities.

As for drinks, the best of them would be a simple unflavored mineral or just drinking water. You can drink juices, fruit drinks, compotes, sweet tea.

The donor needs to diversify his diet, as well as saturate with a large number of foods containing vitamins.

As for food restrictions. As mentioned above, they are all of an extremely short-term nature. They should be excluded from the diet two to three days before blood donation.

Not recommended to eat fatty, smoked, spicy and fried foods, you should avoid sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products. It is also advisable to give up dairy and sour-milk products. You should not eat butter, eggs, nuts and chocolate. It is not recommended to add various citrus fruits to the diet. Avoid avocados and bananas.

As for drinks, you should not drink sweet soda, alcohol.

On the day of blood donation should stop smoking.

After blood sampling, the donor recovers within a few hours. A person needs to eat fairly well for two days after the procedure. At this time, his diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables and other foods rich in carbohydrates. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids. Best of all, cherry and pomegranate juices, tea and mineral water help restore the body. You can supplement your diet chocolate or hematogen.

Any blood donation procedure requires a person to comply with certain rules, including changes in dietary habits. This is done in order to obtain cleaner blood for both transfusion and other tests.

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