Pisces according to the zodiac. The characteristic of the zodiac sign of Pisces is all about male and female Pisces. Weaknesses of character

The zodiac sign Pisces (February 21 - March 20) are unique people, they combine subtle mysterious features with irresistible stubbornness. In order to know how to behave in a society of fish, you need to know as much as possible about their water element. And for this, we present to your attention a horoscope that can tell about various areas of the life of this sign, whether it be family relationships, hobbies or business. The sign of Pisces symbolizes the two paths they can take: upstream to reach their goal, and downstream to nowhere. Rare Pisces are able to deal with circumstances and overcome the resistance of the current, but it is they who achieve true harmony and happiness.

Many astrologers will agree that Pisces is the most eccentric person in the entire zodiac. Their ruler is a revolutionary, mystical sign, romantic, sometimes insane, but always distant. He causes nervousness and anxiety to his subordinates. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and usually these people put themselves last. They selflessly cater to the desires of others. Pisces is the 3rd water sign and people of this sign are extremely emotional and passionate in their own way. Their strong emotions and passions, when positively directed, are powerful elements for creation, but if they are relaxed, then these qualities can lead Pisces to self-destruction. Pisces need to fight and protect themselves from harsh criticism from those who do not understand their mystical world. The emotional wounds of Pisces do not heal for a long time.

The Pisces zodiac sign loves to play the role of a martyr, and they must beware of the tendency to feel sorry for themselves, as well as low self-esteem. Judging by the horoscope, Pisces are modest and shy, but they are just as nervous and full of energy, everything together makes them look like they are always indecisive and puzzled. They tend to rage too much and worry a lot about all sorts of trifles. Pisces like to drink a lot: cold water with ice, ten to twelve cups of coffee or tea a day, soda, fruit, juices. Like other water signs (and Cancers), Pisces know very well not to get involved in alcohol, and most of them do just that. You will rarely meet among Pisces those who are chasing fame, prestige and wealth. But that doesn't mean they don't care. It’s just that the zodiac sign Pisces will never achieve this on their own. Pisces motto: "I don't want to be a millionaire, I just want to live the way he lives." Pisces heart is free from greed and ambition, because she understands better than others how transient such things are. And if any representative of Pisces has all of the above - fame, prestige, power and wealth - he must have either inherited them or acquired them as a result of marriage or marriage.

The Pisces zodiac sign has an innate intuition and does not have perseverance and perseverance at all, preferring to go with the flow and be content with what life provides them. Rare representatives of Pisces are able to fight and overcome obstacles, but it is they who achieve true happiness. By nature, Pisces are so calm and apathetic that rage, anger, insults, reproaches and accusations do not hurt them. Pisces are indifferent to the opinions of other people. Their serenity, of course, can be stirred up, but not for long. From the outside, it may seem that Pisces is completely devoid of any emotions. This is not true. If Pisces is pissed off, she can be caustic and sarcastic, but this mood will soon be replaced by the former serene calmness. Pisces like to drink a lot: cold water, coffee or tea, juices. Like other representatives of the water element, Pisces knows very well that one should not get involved in alcohol. Most Pisces do this, but unfortunately not all. Being by nature soft and pliable, Pisces fall into this sin sooner than others.

As the characteristic of Pisces tells us, they are born with a desire to see the world in a pink light and are happy with the very world that irritates others so much. Even knowing about all the cruelties of the world around them, Pisces do not draw any conclusions from this. Pisces are very calm and manage not to notice the bad, withdraw into themselves if the world becomes unbearable. And Pisces find a way out in the subtle humor with which they perceive life. Not everyone born in the first half of March behaves in this way, but in general, such behavior is typical for Pisces. Pisces are so impressionable that they immediately try on any vividly told story. They are so often victims of fact and fiction, truth and lies, that the weakest types rarely achieve anything in life. They are verbose, their speech is flowery and believable. Their pronounced failure is manifested only when they are unable to implement the program that is expected of them.

The sign of the zodiac Pisces is the last of the signs of the Zodiac, the oldest and most complex sign. It symbolically sums up a certain cycle, absorbing the entire stellar belt, a piece from each sign. Pisces usually understand everyone and everyone except themselves. All their lives they can search for their own "I", moving to the touch and stumbling, not knowing how to perceive this "I". The symbol of Pisces symbolizes the two paths in which they can swim: against the current, to the perfection of the spirit and to the achievement of the goal, and downstream, to nowhere. The answer to the question which of the directions is correct depends on the circumstances. This should be decided by the Pisces themselves.

Characteristics of Pisces

  • Influence: Neptune, Jupiter.
  • Symbol: two fish swimming in different directions, a shell, a wave.
  • Colors: magenta, violet, sea green, blue, mauve, celadon, steel.
  • Stone: pearls, amethyst, alexandrite, emerald, sapphire, moonstone.
  • Flowers: narcissus, crocus, jasmine, violets, forget-me-nots.
  • Metal: zinc.
  • Mascot: knot (monogram), narcissus.
  • Happy day: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
  • Unlucky day: Wednesday.
  • Favorable numbers: 6, 7 (numbers divisible by 7), 11, full magic - 3, 7, 9,12.
  • Countries: Turkey, Italy (east), Russia.

Sign Period: (February 20 - March 20)
Sign property:
changeable, fickle

- These are the brightest representatives of the water element. They are born dreamers and quite romantic natures. Characteristics of Pisces shows that there is absolutely no rationality in them, but you can see with the naked eye the constant construction of castles in the air and painfully humanistic aspirations. They are well aware of all the shortcomings of their nature, and can easily be ironic about this. However, never allow others to joke about you.

Representatives of the Pisces sign give the impression of being weak and helpless, and this helps them to easily use the support of strangers. However, they themselves are very kind and sympathetic, and friends often overstep the bounds, selfishly putting pressure on the soft-heartedness of Pisces.

Pisces are very generous. If someone needs their money, they will gladly share without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, these people are very passive in achieving their goals. It is good if there is a person nearby who will contribute to the realization of fish plans.

Pisces man - characteristic

A man born under the sign of Pisces usually has a wide variety of talents, but they are always waiting for some kind of opportunity that may never come. Such a man definitely needs the support of a sober-minded person. This could be a parent, uncle, aunt, spouse or close friend. Be that as it may, but Pisces man characteristic speaks of the need to constantly push him to new achievements, otherwise everything will remain at the level of castles in the air.

These water men are big dreamers. They can easily exaggerate their abilities, even if this is not necessary. They constantly swim in their waters, and in no way can they feel the solid ground under their feet. In fact, this is their nature, and demanding stability and reliability from Pisces is a great luxury.

It is very difficult for Pisces to find their place in the real world, and even more so to build a career and achieve success in the professional field. The most successful option would be if this man sets on fire with the desire to conquer any niche at a very young age. Then he will easily plunge into a new, not yet comprehended world.

The characteristic of the Pisces man testifies to his external secrecy. No one will see the slightest manifestation of emotion on the face of such a man, with the exception of those closest to him. However, the smile of a man born under the sign of Pisces in this case becomes a real gift.

Analyzing the nature of this water sign, one cannot help but mention the boundless sensuality and hidden emotionality that accompanies the Pisces man with a special aura throughout his life.

Pisces do not strive to create a family and have children. They do not tolerate short affairs and are supporters of long-term relationships, but this is not enough to form a family union. Therefore, an ideal life partner for Pisces will be a woman who has a little more willpower and is reasonable enough to be able to skillfully push her lover to choose the right decisions.

Pisces woman - characteristic

Lady Fish is the embodiment of femininity and romance. She has a talent for seduction and can win the hearts of many men. Such a woman feels good among representatives of high society, and stubbornly strives to get into their company. Characteristics of a Pisces woman speaks of her unwillingness to be distracted by minor everyday problems, she seems to live in a fictional world, and does not want to sink to sinful earth at all. The sentimentality of this lady makes her painfully susceptible to any manifestations of rudeness and cruelty.

The characteristic of the Pisces woman also reflects the dependence of her internal state on. Like any other water sign, Pisces is at its best during full moon periods. They are active, at this time the widest open spaces for activity open up for them. However, in the process of the growth of this celestial body, Pisces women can fall into a severe depression.

Lady Pisces is absolutely non-conflict, it is difficult to bring her to the level of open confrontation, since she always strives for an amicable resolution of conflicts. In addition, she is quite soft and delicate, which helps her find an approach to the toughest and most unpredictable people.

Pisces is a creative nature, full of experiences. The characteristics of her emotions affect all aspects of life and are so multifaceted that they amaze others. She knows how to truly empathize, but she can’t cope with ordinary everyday difficulties. This suggests that the most suitable partner for Pisces will be the one who will support her in this harsh material world and at the same time be nourished by that powerful energy and magnetism that come from this representative of the water element.

Sexual Compatibility Pisces

The young years of the representatives of the Pisces sign are full of searches for something mysterious and intimate. In this they will be able to help and. The latter are most attractive to Pisces due to their desire for power and the desire to take the reins of power in relationships in their own hands. A more mature age is characterized by the achievement of harmony in alliance with or. Libra perfectly balances the dreamy nature of Pisces, and Aquarius for Pisces is very close in spirit.

Zodiac sign Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)

Perhaps there is no sign more mystical than Pisces. The Pisces zodiac sign stands apart among all the signs, as its representatives are highly emotional, gentle and sensual in nature. Most often, people born under this sign are creative individuals, for whom material values ​​are far from in the first place. The Pisces zodiac sign is greatly influenced by the planets Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. The dreams that Pisces has surrounded themselves with often remain unfulfilled due to the numerous whims of the representatives of this zodiac sign. Sadness is one of the constant states of Pisces. Often they are lonely. However, such people combine seemingly incongruous character traits - the desire for everything around to happen as honestly as possible, and a weak sense of self-defense.

Pisces zodiac sign: characteristic

Pisces are so engrossed in their dreams that they often can't figure it out.

their true desires and find ways to make them come true. If they encounter some kind of obstacle, then the exit that the Pisces will prefer is to bypass the obstacle, or turn onto another road. They are easily led by stronger personalities, so Pisces in many cases are influenced by individuals, entire groups or society as a whole. Despite the weaknesses of their character (dreaming, sensitivity, self-doubt, need for attention), Pisces also have important advantages. For example, they are content brave, not afraid to look their fears in the eyes, do not panic in difficult life situations.


An ideal job for people born under the zodiac sign of Pisces - without a set schedule. Moreover, Pisces is uncomfortable working under pressure from superiors. Therefore, among Pisces there are many taxi drivers, freelancers, writers, freelancers, people working remotely. They take their work very seriously. Thanks to their dreaminess and love to fantasize, Pisces are distinguished by remarkable creative potential. It is not uncommon to meet people born under this zodiac sign among representatives of culture and art.

Pisces zodiac sign: relationships with the opposite sex

Pisces men are people who are dependent on the general emotional background of their environment. They need a practical woman, with a strong character and excellent logic, who can balance the sensitivity and languor of her man.
The fish woman is the epitome of femininity. She will be the perfect guardian of the hearth. Pisces women need care, patronage, tenderness and a strong shoulder. Therefore, they need male heroes who can hide from any troubles.

Compatibility with other signs

Pisces is most compatible with Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio. But living together with Aries and Lions may not seem the sweetest. To understand Pisces people, it is not necessary to know everything about the Pisces zodiac sign, the main thing to remember is that they are always in their element - water. A stormy whirlpool of dreams takes them to the depths of inner hopes and experiences. But they always need a friend, a loved one who will always swim next to them. This is the Pisces zodiac sign. The characteristic of the sign has always evoked and evokes ambivalent feelings in people, however, like its representatives.

Character Pisces mysterious, feminine. They have an excellent memory, subtle intuition, the ability to anticipate events.

This manifests itself even in childhood, and it is worth listening to their advice, because if Fish say that something will happen, then it usually happens. They may even anticipate something that perhaps no one else has thought of. Moreover, their intuition may contradict logic, but you should not pay attention to this. Often, Pisces simply amaze with their clairvoyance, although they may not be aware of this quality.

Intuition allows Pisces to understand people well, even their innermost and carefully hidden from others. Pisces penetrate into the deepest corners of the human soul.

Understanding people, sensitivity, generosity give Pisces excellent quality - the ability to sympathize, empathize. They always come to the rescue at the right time, when people simply need it, they are capable of self-sacrifice, patient nursing. Their philosophy is pity, love for one's neighbor, humanity. For them, these are not abstract concepts, they really worry about the fate of the people around them, their sympathy is genuine, and people are drawn to them, go with their sorrows and troubles. Pisces are able to listen to the complaints of others for hours, to be cordial, sincere, and fair with them.

Especially give a lot of themselves Fish relatives and relatives. They take care of them, not caring about themselves at all, without such a sympathetic attitude towards others, Pisces cannot live, they do not know how to do otherwise, they seem to be programmed to help.

Fish that their friends, acquaintances, relatives need, and they themselves are in dire need in a society of people. They cannot stand loneliness, and without people they have no incentive for activity. They feel good and even happy when there are friends around them, they need an environment, lively conversation, laughter, music, in its own way - an everlasting holiday.

They are witty, cheerful, "the soul of the company", although they can often be in excruciating anxiety, feel inexplicable longing. Quite often, Pisces are in a sad mood. They themselves are in great need of friendly feelings, in the cordiality of others.

Mental subtlety Pisces inseparable from their vulnerability. Quite often they have a deep depression, they look weak and helpless. They are looking for support in a person who is stronger than them. They just need a shoulder to lean against and cry on.

Fish they don’t know how to confront real, real life, which can overturn them and give them a lot of trouble, plunges them into even greater melancholy, but life’s realities are never able to turn Pisces face against the wind. The usual reaction of Pisces to the blows of fate is even greater pessimism, to which they can succumb completely, without a trace, and wordless, without resistance to external circumstances, leaving for their inner world "to lick their wounds", hiding in their illusions and dreams. Pisces amuse themselves with the hope that the time will come - and everything will work itself out.

In this way, Fish never rebel against circumstances and go with the flow, not caring where it takes them.

There is a lot of indifference in Pisces and in relation to the future: tomorrow does not bother them at all, they are carefree, like children. Therefore, they are indifferent to all sorts of restrictions, inconveniences, to the disorder of life, to the lack of food and the like - as long as this does not prevent them from going with the flow. Therefore, often, for all their vulnerability, Pisces can be indifferent to opinions about them.

From a person floating at the will of the waves, it is impossible to expect him to be capable of making any decisions. Pisces can evade, elude emerging problems that require their immediate solution.

Do not know how Fish and specifically, to say "yes" or "no" directly. People who work, live with Pisces need to be aware of this and not try to put responsibility on them or expect that someday they will show determination. You just need to take power into your own hands.

force Pisces doing something is difficult. Whoever tries to do this by raping them inflicts a painful wound on them. When forcing and forcing a person born under the sign of Pisces, one must remember that he can become isolated, turn into an unapproachable block.

It is often difficult to communicate with such people because of their extreme vulnerability to criticism. They do not transfer it to their address.

Fish they are aware of their vulnerability, because they are subject to a continuous change of moods, they get tired of their own worries and experiences, they feel tired in a large crowd, they do not tolerate ridicule, they do not like it when they doubt their sincerity, they do not tolerate when they are deceived. And they try to hide their vulnerability, often shielding themselves with an indifferent look, immersion in pink dreams, passivity, becoming a voluntary victim of illusions.

They don't want to see the world as cruel as it is, they don't want to know trouble, they can't deal with difficulties, and they don't even want to know that they might arise. They want to live in a different - humane, happy world, and they invent it in their imagination, embellish reality, plunge into pink dreams and self-deception.

However, one fine moment Fish they understand that they deceived themselves, that the world is what it is, and the soap bubble of their illusions bursts. Pisces experience this as a deep grief. And grief, as you know, must be eased. Often such a sedative for Pisces is alcohol or, even worse, drugs. In them, Pisces find the sense of security they need so much, they find a world free from disappointments and troubles. It is characteristic that Pisces do not feel completely safe in their home and do not seek solace there.

Of course, if Fish(like and, and) love alcohol, this does not mean that they all become alcoholics, but the likelihood of this is very high. Therefore, Pisces need to lead such a lifestyle that they do not need any sedatives, as well as relaxing or stimulating ones.

However, still Fish much stronger than it seems at first glance. They show both harshness and indignation, especially if they are very angry. But still more often they "go to the bottom", where they can hide their tears for an unrealizable good world. If they fail, they will laugh so that their tears seem like tears of laughter. Generally speaking, Pisces love a joke, but not everyone understands that with their humor they often hide other feelings that they would not like to show to everyone.

By the way, Fish- very subtle observers, a penchant for humor, combined with a sharp mind and the ability to notice details, makes them good satirists.

Despite the fact that Pisces are vulnerable, subject to the blows of fate and not able to fight, they are still happy people: they are incredibly lucky. The surprises and accidents that happen to them usually turn out to be happy. Fortune really helps them survive. Perhaps this is a reward for the ability to give themselves to the mercy of fate, the absolute lack of ambition, for the fact that they never try to dominate others, for the fact that they are disinterested and never guided by material considerations.

With all their love for coziness, comfort, Pisces do not know how to handle money at all. They understand that money in itself is of no value, that it is valuable only when spent on the very luxury from which Fish will never refuse. So money for them is one thing, but living richly is another. They would prefer the second, rejecting the first. It is impossible for them to understand that one is inseparable from the other, because in the world they invented it may well be.

Missing from Pisces quite often and a sense of ownership. And not only their own, but also someone else's. How easily they give their own to others, just as easily and without any hesitation they can use someone else's.

Fish- such a sign of the Zodiac, before which there is a choice of one of two life paths: either down or up, to be either on the ridge or on the bottom. Worst of all, swimming up to the crest, against the waves, is an extremely difficult task for them, and they prefer the easier way. Caught up by the waves, they live easily and carefree, but in fact - wasting their lives in vain.

But Fish- very gifted people. These are creative, artistic, musical natures. And although their life path looks like endless contemplation and "hovering in the clouds", nevertheless, their talent makes them have a goal, albeit hidden from prying eyes looking at them from the real rough and cruel world.

Compatibility horoscope: everything about the Pisces zodiac sign is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Pisces themselves are very unusual people, so many interesting facts are associated with this Zodiac Sign, which a very limited number of people know about.

Before that, we told you about 10 unusual facts about Sagittarians. Remember that it is absolutely not important how you see a person. This is the surface, the tip of the iceberg. Much more important is what is happening inside him, what is his energy. This is exactly what the current article is aimed at - to lift the veil of secrecy over Pisces, to show how they see the world around them and how they perceive it.

Character Pisces

Many say about Pisces that they are not from our planet. In fact, these people in some situations behave very strangely. For example, they talk strangely all the time. You never know if they are being sarcastic or serious. They become like all other people only when everything is very bad, but even in this case, their sadness will be much more expressive than that of anyone else.

Pisces see the world as an art gallery. They evaluate people as paintings, where not only appearance is important, but also character. Such are they and they cannot be corrected, and this is not bad, because this is their essence. They are drawn to everything unusual, so often good artists, actors, musicians come out of them.

10 unusual facts

Pisces are rich in oddities and secrets, which are always interesting to tell and which are interesting to know.

Fact one: Pisces are the most unstable people emotionally and energetically. They are very easy to piss off, upset, offend, upset, please or make happy. They may be happy about such trifles as a free bus ride, they may be upset because of cloudy weather. In a word, things that are not fundamental for ordinary people play a huge role for Pisces.

Fact two: Pisces is a zodiac sign-addict. They have many vices and weaknesses. Most drug and alcohol addicts, as well as smokers, are among Pisces. They are simply drawn to it for some reason unknown even to them. This brings them a lot of health problems, but they know how to deal with it. There is a small percentage of Pisces, which, on the contrary, does everything to avoid human weaknesses. Sometimes it’s unrealistic to infuriate everyone around, but what can you do. that's what they are.

Fact three: Pisces either constantly put something off until later, or decide to do everything at once and save themselves the torment. They are constantly on the threshold of choice. Of course, you might think that everyone is like this, but the fact is that Pisces are equally lazy and equally afraid of problems. They simply do not need them, so they are constantly in a state of dilemma.

Fact four: Pisces don't help anyone - they just sympathize. You tell them how hard your life is and how terrible the circumstances are, and they will look and see. think, nod and say: "Yes-ah, I sympathize with you, eh." As always. They can’t even give good advice often, although brilliant thoughts sometimes slip through. This is not selfishness or stupidity. They also solve their problems in this way - they feel sorry for themselves, but sometimes they give out such a solution that everyone around is in shock. Moreover, Pisces is really able to understand you, which cannot be said about Pisces themselves. They are almost incapable of understanding themselves.

Fifth fact: Promises, sad as it may sound, mean nothing to Pisces. They promise, and then they laugh it off and hide. Again, there is no evil or meanness here, you just never explain to them that promises must be kept. They won't understand it because that's their nature.

Fact six: if you ask Pisces what she does on Thursday, in three weeks, at lunchtime, she will tell you. Of course, this is not entirely true, but they are really constantly busy. No one knows if they are ignoring someone like that or if they really plan to take over the Universe. Who knows.

Fact seven: Has the universe been taken over? Okay, now let's put it in a complete mess, mess, chaos. Pisces can turn any house, any apartment, any room into a nightmare. This is some kind of plague, the last stage of cancer of the house order. On the other hand, they also know how to clean up. if you hit them on the neck and yell at them.

Fact eight: Pisces live in fantasy. They paint themselves a beautiful world in which everything is perfect. It is for this reason that they are so often upset with life, because this world is far from ideal, and it is difficult for lovers of romance and beauty to survive.

Fact nine: These people know how to joke. Well, 50 to 50. There is a complete contrast. Someone is completely deprived of the opportunity to joke, but laughs so that it infects everyone around, and one of these difficult people can say one word, and everyone will roll on the floor with laughter. Their jokes are verbal. They joke with intonation, sounds and wit.

Fact ten: Pisces more often than other signs of the zodiac think about suicide, but they do not bring their plans to the end. They are scared, so in almost 100 percent of cases it remains just an idea or a preparation for the future. It's not that they love life too much, but death is not an option for them. But then they will tell everyone that they were about ready to jump from the balcony of the second floor, but something stopped them.

Pisces need to work more on their energy so that their genius finds an outlet in business. They need to realize their potential, then they can both earn money and get fame. Affirmations for every day will help them with this. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Pisces zodiac sign:

horoscope, meaning and description

Today you are more busy with other people's affairs than your own, but that's not so bad. You will have the opportunity to help others or give good advice to a person in a difficult situation. The day is suitable for communication with influential people, there is a chance to find both business partners and powerful patrons.

You are prone to bold, provocative behavior, and do not refuse bold experiments. Today it has no sad consequences; at the same time, the more decisively you act, the better the result is.

Sign element: water

Color: purple, lilac

Sign Stone: Opal

Sign metal: silver, tantalum

Lucky Day: Thursday

Hard day: Wednesday

Lucky number: seven

Pisces zodiac sign: horoscope

Under this sign of the zodiac, the most spiritualized and sensual representatives of the human race are born. According to the horoscope, Pisces have the brightest abilities in various areas. But natural modesty often leaves these geniuses unrecognized.

The complete lack of ambition, even some shyness does not allow them to flaunt their achievements and talents. That is why the Pisces horoscope promises him unrecognized, underestimated. (More...)

The lack of desire to explain and defend one's position and the need for constant support give rise to a vicious circle from which it is difficult to get out.

The same lack of aspirations makes zodiac sign Pisces to go with the flow. They have no incentives, they are not interested in money and fame, they care about the absence of pressure and interference. This sign of Water has a special passion for liquids, can abuse alcohol, thereby trying on itself with unsatisfactory reality.

The love horoscope for Pisces is just as complicated. They attract the opposite sex to themselves, giving their sensuality and tenderness, but do not have the need to keep anyone near them.

Pisces are great in bed, caring spouses and good parents, but their need for self-assertion makes them strive to conquer other peaks, and they often tread the path of infidelity.

Another amazing characteristic of Pisces is the desire to help the weak, sick and infirm. We can say that they have it at the level of instinct. In difficult situations, this zodiac sign is saved by a highly developed sense of humor. Often, they joke to hide disappointment, grief, resentment. Their smiles are right on target. Such humor can heal and can hurt.

First decade (20 February - 28 (29) February)

Pisces of the first decade often hide their true kind face behind a stern mask. They rarely admit to anyone what really bothers them, prefer to demonstrate skepticism and irony.

Among them there are wonderful designers, artists, fashion designers, who subtly feel harmony in color and shades. However, because of their suspiciousness and immunity to criticism, they avoid creativity. (More...)

Second decade (March 1 - March 10)

The patron planet of Pisces born in the second decade is the Moon, which greatly affects mood. Therefore, these people often frighten others with sudden mood swings. Passionate and ardent natures today, tomorrow turn into inert cold people. (More...)

They love animals and understand them very much.

third decade (March 11 - March 20)

Of all the representatives of this sign, these people have the nature of a fighter. The dominant character traits of such people are perseverance, courage and determination. They are also very observant, intelligent and talented. (More...)

In love, these are wonderful and sensitive partners. However, the passion for romance, tender and reverent feelings pushes them to make new acquaintances, which often leads to several marriages.

Marriage and Compatibility Pisces

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All about Pisces. Pisces zodiac sign.

* Planet Pisces - Neptune, Jupiter.

* Pisces Stone - Chrysolite, Moonstone.

*Pisces talismans - knot, narcissus.

*Colors - green, white.

* The part of the body that corresponds to the sign of Pisces is the feet.

* The most vulnerable organs, systems, parts of the body - the heart, circulatory system, lymphatic and digestive systems, tendons, ligaments, fingers, ankles.

*Characteristic diseases - neurosis, neurasthenia, neuralgia, psychopathy, alcoholism, drug addiction, nervous and mental disorders, infectious diseases, colds, as well as diseases of vulnerable places in the body.

* Favorable climate - warm, humid.

* The best place to live is next to a pond.

* Typical appearance of Pisces - short legs with small feet, graceful hands, smooth, unsweeping movements, a face with small pearl teeth and beautiful bright eyes with a dreamy look.

*Celebrity fish - Michelangelo, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Sergei Rachmaninov, Modest Mussorgsky, Victor Hugo, George Washington, Enrico Caruso, Marius Petipa.

Fish. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

Pisces Planet

The patron planet of Pisces is Neptune, the god of the deep sea. This planet symbolizes the area of ​​the unconscious, controls the realm of mysticism and illusions.

Those born under this sign are distinguished by high spirituality and generosity, they are sensitive to the pain of others and compassionate. But they are too carried away by their dreams and ideas about events, as they think they should be.

To say that they look at the world through rose-colored glasses is not too much of an exaggeration. Many Pisces immerse themselves in art and other forms of creativity as a way to achieve balance, and show a lot of talent in doing so.

Element Pisces

Pisces is associated with Water. They are able to feel a lot, but just as often they are prone to make mistakes. Pisces are subject to outside influences and are able to fill you with tears, if circumstances permit.

They are romantic and can endow lovers with non-existent ideal features. They are kind and sociable people, although restrainedly shy. They are humble to the extreme. They like to live in their fictional bright world.

Fish is a sign of limit and eternity, since it is the last, twelfth, sign of the zodiac and carries a mixture of all other signs. This is another dual sign, its symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions, so such a person constantly suffers from conflicting desires.

These are selfless, spiritual and focused on their inner world people. They attach great importance to their feelings.

Wealth does not attract their attention. Some of them have money, but most often when they receive it by inheritance.

Helping others is Pisces' basic instinct.. They rarely occupy positions of responsibility and rarely stay in one place. They do not seek power. Pisces are born tired, they do not have the energy to remove obstacles, for the daily efforts to overcome petty worries.

Pisces are very good-natured, calm and quite indifferent to reality. They are characterized by carelessness about tomorrow. In life, Pisces are rarely successful. The reasons are that they prefer to work on their own, but despise hard work. In any undertaking, if you want to succeed, you deliberately doom yourself to difficulties. Pisces instinctively look for the easy way out. They do not like to fight and overcome the resistance of the environment, so they follow the path of least resistance. They prefer to go with the flow rather than fight it. But Pisces has no shortage of talents. There are many creative and artistic people among them.

They have good manners. They are lazy, kind and indifferent to the opinions of other people. In general, this sign is indifferent to many important things. Very little can make them act. Of course, Pisces has character. If angered, they can be sarcastic and mocking. But this irritation passes quickly.

Pisces are easiest to meet in the center of the company, surrounded by admirers. People are attracted by their charming manners and unobtrusive goodwill. Like Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces love alcohol. Many of them drink more than the norm, so there is a large percentage of alcoholics among Pisces.

Fish prefers to live in his water greenhouse world. Many consider Pisces to be dreamers and mysterious natures, and they are right: those born under the sign of Pisces feel comfortable in the fantasy world.

When they are haunted by failure, instead of really looking at the situation and making the right decision, they try to hide deeper into their ghostly illusions.

They have the gift of attracting people. They are receptive and often see people not as they are, but as they would like to see them. Their character is indescribable. It is difficult to understand their strange plans and emotions.

The difficulty lies in the fact that it is difficult for them to see reality, so they assess the situation incorrectly and distortedly. Pisces idealize the person they love and will put up with a lot because they do not see his negative sides.

There is very little that can piss them off. However, this does not mean that they are not able to resent. Pisces do not tolerate any criticism in their address, any hostility. They become biting, sharply sarcastic, irritable, though not for long.

Pisces have the ability to sense. They often have strange dreams that usually come true. They have the right premonitions. So if Pisces says you shouldn't fly or drive, trust them.

They make subtle observations. They have an excellent memory. They are stronger and wiser than they think. So it is advisable to listen to their advice.

Typical Pisces never take care of themselves. They spend most of their energy helping relatives and friends.

Pisces have an inherent resistance to disease. But they are tender and subject to all sorts of diseases that may strike them unexpectedly and seriously. Therefore, they take care of their health. Like Virgos, they take precautions in time and begin to look for symptoms of the disease at the first news of the flu. However, by carefully studying medical journals and manuals, they often mislead themselves.

Since their metabolism is slow, they often go half asleep and eat little, which sometimes causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They don't have good livers and weak lungs. They are prone to colds and pneumonia. However, if necessary, Pisces can mobilize and overcome malaise.

Humor is one of Pisces' secret weapons. It can be warm and harmless, or cold and hard. They grin to hide their tears.

Often they speak evasively for no particular reason. Those associated with them never know how they feel about him. Eventually you realize that they don't have great convictions. They are ready to listen to you with genuine attention, but in fact their mind is occupied with something completely different, most likely abstract dreams. But no one can feel it. Pisces are too fond of hiding their essence, playing in public.

The main virtues of Pisces- their devotion and generosity. These people love to help others and know how to do it. It is these character traits that attract people especially.

Pisces men

He can be anything you want and anything you don't want. The sign of Pisces can be called the most difficult sign of the zodiac.

It is difficult for Pisces men to concentrate on one thing. As a rule, they are engaged in several activities at once. For some, this is expressed in the fact that they work at several jobs, and these jobs are in no way connected with each other.

However, this does not manifest weakness, but rather the dreaminess of Pisces. They are dreamers, and all their dreams are unrealistic. Pisces is torn between reality and unreality with their introspective nature. The journey between the conscious and the dreamy-unconscious is due to their intuitive, almost telepathic nature. That is why Pisces is difficult to pin to the wall.

They have a vivid imagination. In doing so, they rely heavily on intuition. Therefore, many consider Pisces to be dreamers and mysterious natures.

But when they are taken seriously to earn a living, their intuition, combined with intelligence, can bring both recognition and wealth. However, if a man has not achieved success by adulthood, then, frankly, his future is not very promising.

Most of these men live, as they consider, quite tolerably. All they need is lazy dreams, a glass of wine and a loaf of bread. And they are quite happy. There is only one way out: to live easily with such a husband, you need to be a very rich heiress. Or work for two: for yourself and for him.

All Pisces men are big romantics. They are emotional and unstable. With them, any surprises are possible.

But if the Pisces man has found his path in life, this is a real find for a woman. He has a lot of possibilities. He can become a truly great man.

If you've got their attention, by all means let the Pisces take over the conversation. If you are unfamiliar with this topic, they will be happy to help you figure it out. This is their favorite activity.

A Pisces man should relax next to you. He is very sensitive and easily offended. But it is almost impossible to imagine him deeply offended, like, for example, Taurus.

However, he needs long periods of rest. His soul must at times remain alone in order to free himself from all sorts of troubles and find peace. Never scold your Pisces when they have fallen into silence. They just need those moments.

The timidity of the Pisces man comes from a painful understanding of his limitations. Soothe his vivid imagination and constantly cheer him up.

Be very careful with his ever-changing emotions and, in addition, try to constantly influence him. Pisces rarely lose their temper, but it happens. However, their anger quickly passes and life becomes peaceful again.

The Pisces man easily understands other people, it is difficult to fool him, he sees through you. However, he can fool you if he needs to, as he is good at hiding his feelings and thoughts.

He is not a supporter of marriage bonds. Living together with such a man can be very happy or, on the contrary, very unhappy, depending on whether he will be able to “ride” the crest of the wave or be stranded. If he sees his chance, shows determination at the right time and forgets his unrealistic dreams and dreams for a while, then he will really reach great heights. The one who misses his wave, can only blame himself.

From him you will not wait for explosions of jealousy. Even if he is jealous of you, he will be able to pretend that he does not notice anything. But don't count on too much devotion. This is not his style. He is too receptive and easily influenced by others.

You will have to teach him to be economical and careful with money. Pisces tend to take money lightly. They can easily spend their entire salary on some thing they like, and then live in debt.

Create a cozy nest for him, and you will be happy all your life. In order for the comfort in everyday life for Pisces to be palpable, special importance should be attached to trifles. Often they inspire themselves that they are comfortable, just because others like it. They may be driven by habit or empathy for loved ones.

The kids will have a lot of fun with it. For them, it will be a living book of fairy tales. They might even adore him. You will punish them, and he will listen to their problems and develop their mind.

His hopes and dreams must be met with understanding. He needs to be supported by a happy family life.

Pisces usually understand everyone and everyone except themselves. All his life he can search for his own "I", moving to the touch and stumbling, not knowing how to perceive his "I". Pisces is led and controlled by the hidden side of life.

Pisces is a sign of relaxation. It may make you nervous and frightened, but it is true. You can help him get ready.

fish woman

She has, of course, negative traits, but at first glance she is the woman that every man dreams of. She is ruled by Neptune, the planet of beauty and mystery. She is very feminine, sensual, receptive, with good intuition. It is femininity that hides all her flaws, and most often she is soft and dreamy.

She rarely tries to outshine a man, whether she is married to him or not. She has no desire to dominate him. However, this is a very dependent nature. She will become strongly attached to the person who will play a major role in her life, and will listen to all his troubles.

She believes that any man can change the world. And this confidence of hers is transferred to men, and they feel the way they would like.

Pisces Woman is a cozy, calm, quiet haven for a proud man. A simple conversation with her is enough, and the man instantly relaxes. But this is a mystery to others. No one can say with certainty what step she will take. Although she does not try to be a mystery to others, the lifestyle that the Pisces woman chooses is very individual. Walking along her own path, she seems to say that he is the only possible one for her. It is difficult to understand in which direction it is moving. However, secretive and sometimes deceitful, this woman can be quite strong inside, keeping the appearance of defenseless and gentle.

After marriage, she will demand a lot, sometimes she can be sarcastic and sarcastic. But still more often it will be gentle than scandalous. Never try to fool her. She has an extraordinary gift to see right through you.

Pisces love to tease and use all female charms to interest a man. This helps her feel more confident, aware of her attractiveness. She has an uncanny knack for surrounding herself with the right people. Because she looks and feels helpless, she draws strength from them.

She always has a somewhat thoughtful and detached look. Experience has taught her that premonitions are often justified. She often changes moods. She falls in love too easily and is often torn between two men in indecision. At the same time, she is terribly sentimental.

Sometimes she gets depressed. If her fears go far, she moves away from everyone. At such moments, you should compliment her, support her with a kind word. She constantly needs to repeat that she is loved. She, in turn, will thank her partner with the devotion of her sensual soul.

The most difficult thing for her is to overcome her timidity and doubts. From time to time, she covers her vulnerability with barbs and witticisms.

But this is just a veil.

Pisces are good loving wives. They have an amazing gift for making everyone around them happy. A good hostess, she loves children, although she tends to spoil them. She gives all her heart to the children, but due to her lack of firmness, she cannot establish discipline.

She is impractical and poorly versed in money matters. People with an inferiority complex are attracted to her because they need understanding and help.

Perhaps these are the most devoted and affectionate people of all the signs of the zodiac. You want to take them with you, soften their pain, help them find themselves, take their hand, lead them out of the fog, but they rarely allow you to do this.

They cling to their suffering, which is mistaken for reality.

Mutual Compatibility

Aries is dominant, but that's exactly what Pisces wants. Nevertheless, this pair needs mutual tact. Pisces is very sensitive to criticism, and Aries is often too harsh. If they manage to smooth out these contradictions, the marriage can be successful.

Pisces needs special attention, which the earthly Taurus cannot always show. Pisces can suffer if they are treated too prosaically. If these problems can be overcome, the marriage will be happy.

Gemini is too fickle and Pisces is too sensitive. The negligence of Gemini will offend Pisces. Both of them are too self-centered to make efforts and adapt to each other. But a quite peaceful marriage is also possible.

Cancer takes the lead and makes major decisions. Despite individual quarrels, in general, they satisfy each other's emotional needs, mutually care for feelings. Excellent compatibility.

Neither of them is guided by the other. Sensitive Pisces begin to play on Leo's nerves and thus force him to look for entertainment on the side. Communication will be difficult, marriage will not bring satisfaction.

Pisces will not get satisfaction from a restrained Virgo. Virgo rejects the excessive claims of Pisces, becomes too critical and picky. Virgo makes plans, while Pisces act on inspiration. The prospect of constant quarrels, a sad marriage.

Libra will not provide the leadership that Pisces needs. Both love luxury, but no one wants to work to acquire it. Communication will disappoint, marriage will fail sooner or later.

The power of Scorpio comes to the rescue of Pisces. Pisces will not initiate Scorpio's jealousy, and Scorpio's possessive instincts will be fully satisfied. Great connection, great marriage.

The sluggish behavior of Pisces causes boredom in the active Sagittarius, who is always looking for something new. Sagittarius will make fun of the sentimental torments of Pisces. Communication is unsuccessful, marriage is hopeless.

A strong, domineering Capricorn can give Pisces a sense of security. Pisces, in turn, bring a romantic note to the deep, emotional life of Capricorn. They complement each other, without which there is no harmonious marriage.

The individualism of Pisces has little in common with the outgoing, outgoing nature of Aquarius. An independent Aquarius will not waste his efforts in vain to give firmness to Pisces. Aquarius tries to solve problems logically, Pisces - expansively. Marriage is unpromising.

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