Natural immunomodulators. Immunomodulators list of drugs, use in treatment Natural immunomodulators list of drugs

Immunomodulators and immunostimulants, the differences of which we will consider later, quite often come to our ears, especially during colds. Often questions about these medicines are asked in the fall and spring, when our immunity is weakened, it requires protection. First, let's get acquainted with the very concept of "immunity".


This concept occurs quite often, only the lazy does not offer to improve it, increase it. But first you need to get to know him, find out how it works, before trying to somehow correct it. By the way, immunomodulators and immunostimulants (their differences are colossal) correct immunity, only they act a little differently.

So, immunity is the ability of our body to defend itself against foreign substances. The immune system carefully monitors constancy. How does the immune system know which substance to kill? All substances, molecules that are not similar to the structure of substances in the human body are subjected to destruction.

When we eat food consisting of large molecules, for example, starch, proteins, they decompose into simple substances, from which, in turn, more complex compounds characteristic of the human body are formed, for example: hormones, blood proteins, and so on. If the result is a foreign compound, then it is subject to destruction by the immune system.


As mentioned earlier, foreign compounds can be obtained, let's call them agents, they can be:

  • bacteria;
  • insect poisons;
  • cellular debris;
  • chemicals, such as cosmetics or washing powder.

Types of immunity

Many are familiar with the concepts of innate immunity and acquired immunity. What does it mean?

So, innate immunity is a very resource-consuming reaction. That is why it is quickly depleted, the acquired one comes to the rescue. Note that innate immunity cannot resist for a long time.

Acquired immunity, unlike innate immunity, has a memory. If any large dose of the pathogen has been received, then innate immunity gives way to acquired immunity. Although antibodies to pathogens quickly disappear, they can be formed instantly due to memory for this agent.

Help the immune system

If our body can not cope with the attack of harmful bacteria, then it is possible to help it. There are drugs such as immunomodulators and immunostimulants, the difference between them is that the former are auxiliary substances that also fight viruses and bacteria, like the human immune system. The latter forcibly stimulate the immune system to give up a reserve to fight the virus. In other words, immunomodulators and immunostimulants, the differences of which we already know, are completely different drugs that act on the human body in completely different ways. Let's figure out exactly how.

Immunostimulants and immunomodulators: harm and benefit

Imagine the following picture: a gypsy rides on a tired horse so that it does not slow down the pace of the ride, a man urges it on with a whip. Question: "How long will his horse take?" Of course not, she will be completely depleted. Another thing is to give her food, water and rest. Then your horse will serve you for a very long time. So it is with drugs. The immunostimulator makes you give out the last reserves of your body, which is dangerous and harmful. In our example, the gypsy is an immunostimulant.

Our immunity is a full bank, one third is a reserve that the body needs, so to speak, for a "rainy day". You can’t force him to give it away, otherwise we have a direct road to the hospital in an ambulance.

Immunomodulator are adjuvants to fight agents, they perform the function of our immune system (pest control). They are prescribed after long-term treatment, after a disease with complications, after operations, injuries, fractures, and so on. The immunomodulator drug helps to cope with the problem, the treatment is faster and without complications. However, there is a dark side of these drugs, for example, allergies, intolerance to any substances, there are also a number of diseases where an immunomodulator drug cannot be taken at all.

You can strengthen your immune system without resorting to drugs. There are immunomodulators of natural (plant) origin:

  • garlic;
  • clover;
  • cranberry;
  • nettle;
  • lemongrass and so on.

This list can be continued for a very, very long time, almost indefinitely. There is one "but". Natural origin immunomodulators and immunostimulants are less effective than their "brothers", developed in special conditions, in laboratories.

Preparations for children

There is a lot of debate about drugs for children, especially immunostimulating and immunomodulating ones. Let's name the main conclusions, wishes, recommendations of medical workers.

As a result of studying and analyzing many medical works, we can say the following: many parents seek help from doctors with requests to strengthen the child's immunity. Hardening, prevention, nothing helps. If it means that his immunity is very weakened, when natural helpers do not help him, it is possible to take immunomodulators for children as well. Note that the child's immune system is just beginning its formation, it is very unstable and immature. Only by the age of fourteen will a child develop immunity. That is why, immunomodulating and immunostimulating drugs for children should not be selected independently, but entrusted to your doctor. This will ensure that your baby is not harmed.

Immunomodulators and immunostimulants: list

For children and for adults, this list is different. Side effects, method of administration and doses must be studied in the instructions for a particular drug. Do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

  • "Lykopid".
  • "Kagocel".
  • "Arbidol".
  • "Viferon".
  • "Derinat".
  • "Anaferon".
  • "Amixin".
  • "Immunal".
  • "Cycloferon".
  • "Remantadin".
  • "Decaris".
  • "Lizobakt".
  • "IRS".
  • "Ergoferon".
  • "Aflubin".
  • "Citovir".
  • "Timogen".

Before use, carefully read the instructions. Remember that immunity can be maintained in other ways:

  • proper nutrition;
  • hardening;
  • outdoor activities and so on.

Immunomodulators are a group of pharmacological drugs that activate the body's immunological defenses at the cellular or humoral level. These drugs stimulate the immune system and increase the body's nonspecific resistance.

major organs of the human immune system

Immunity is a unique system of the human body that can destroy foreign substances and needs proper correction. Normally, immunocompetent cells are produced in response to the introduction of pathogenic biological agents into the body - viruses, microbes and other infectious agents. Immunodeficiency states are characterized by reduced production of these cells and are manifested by frequent morbidity. Immunomodulators are special preparations, united by a common name and a similar mechanism of action, used to prevent various ailments and strengthen the immune system.

Currently, the pharmacological industry produces a huge number of drugs that have immunostimulating, immunomodulatory, immunocorrective and immunosuppressive effects. They are freely sold in the pharmacy chain. Most of them have side effects and have a negative effect on the body. Before purchasing such medicines, you should consult with your doctor.

  • Immunostimulants strengthen human immunity, ensure more efficient functioning of the immune system and provoke the production of protective cellular links. Immunostimulants are harmless to people who do not have immune system disorders and exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
  • Immunomodulators correct the balance of immunocompetent cells in autoimmune diseases and balance all components of the immune system, suppressing or increasing their activity.
  • Immunocorrectors affect only certain structures of the immune system, normalizing their activity.
  • Immunosuppressants suppress the production of immunity links in cases where its hyperactivity harms the human body.

Self-medication and inadequate intake of drugs can lead to the development of autoimmune pathology, while the body begins to perceive its own cells as foreign and fight them. Immunostimulants should be taken according to strict indications and as prescribed by the attending physician. This is especially true for children, because their immune system is fully formed only by the age of 14.

But in some cases, it is simply impossible to do without taking drugs of this group. In severe diseases with a high risk of developing serious complications, taking immunostimulants is justified even in babies and pregnant women. Most immunomodulators are low-toxic and quite effective.

The use of immunostimulants

Preliminary immunocorrection is aimed at eliminating the underlying pathology without the use of basic therapy drugs. It is prescribed to persons with diseases of the kidneys, digestive system, rheumatism, in preparation for surgical interventions.

Diseases in which immunostimulants are used:

  1. congenital immunodeficiency,
  2. malignant neoplasms,
  3. Inflammation of viral and bacterial etiology,
  4. Mycoses and protozooses,
  5. Helminthiasis,
  6. Renal and hepatic pathology,
  7. Endocrine pathology - diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders,
  8. Immunosuppression against the background of taking certain drugs - cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids, NSAIDs, antibiotics, antidepressants, anticoagulants,
  9. Immunodeficiency due to ionizing radiation, excessive alcohol intake, severe stress,
  10. Allergy,
  11. Conditions after transplantation,
  12. Secondary post-traumatic and post-intoxication immunodeficiency states.

The presence of signs of immune deficiency is an absolute indication for the use of immunostimulants in children. The best immunomodulator for children can only be selected by a pediatrician.

People who are most often prescribed immunomodulators:

  • Children with weak immunity
  • Elderly people with depleted immune systems
  • People with busy lifestyles.

Treatment with immunomodulators should be under the supervision of a physician and an immunological blood test.


The list of modern immunomodulators today is very large. Depending on the origin, immunostimulants are isolated:

Self-administration of immunostimulants is rarely justified. Usually they are used as an adjunct to the main treatment of pathology. The choice of drug is determined by the characteristics of immunological disorders in the patient's body. The effectiveness of drugs is considered maximum during an exacerbation of the pathology. The duration of therapy usually varies from 1 to 9 months. The use of adequate doses of the drug and proper adherence to the treatment regimen allows immunostimulants to fully realize their therapeutic effects.

Some probiotics, cytostatics, hormones, vitamins, antibacterial drugs, immunoglobulins also have an immunomodulatory effect.

Synthetic immunostimulants

Synthetic adaptogens have an immunostimulatory effect on the body and increase its resistance to adverse factors. The main representatives of this group are "Dibazol" and "Bemitil". Due to the pronounced immunostimulating activity, the drugs have an anti-asthenic effect and help the body recover quickly after a long stay in extreme conditions.

With frequent and protracted infections, for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, Dibazol is combined with Levamisole or Decamevit.

Endogenous immunostimulants

This group includes preparations of thymus, red bone marrow and placenta.

Thymic peptides are produced by thymus cells and regulate the immune system. They change the functions of T-lymphocytes and restore the balance of their subpopulations. After the use of endogenous immunostimulants, the number of cells in the blood is normalized, which indicates their pronounced immunomodulatory effect. Endogenous immunostimulants enhance the production of interferons and increase the activity of immunocompetent cells.

  • Timalin has an immunomodulatory effect, activates regeneration and reparation processes. It stimulates cellular immunity and phagocytosis, normalizes the number of lymphocytes, increases the secretion of interferons, and restores immunological reactivity. This drug is used to treat immunodeficiency conditions that have developed against the background of acute and chronic infections, destructive processes.
  • "Imunofan"- a drug widely used in cases where the human immune system cannot independently resist the disease and requires pharmacological support. It stimulates the immune system, removes toxins and free radicals from the body, and has a hepatoprotective effect.


Interferons increase the nonspecific resistance of the human body and protect it from viral, bacterial or other antigenic attacks. The most effective drugs that have a similar effect are "Cycloferon", "Viferon", "Anaferon", "Arbidol". They contain synthesized proteins that push the body to produce its own interferons.

Natural medicines include leukocyte human interferon.

Long-term use of drugs in this group minimizes their effectiveness, inhibits a person's own immunity, which ceases to function actively. Inadequate and too prolonged use of them has a negative impact on the immunity of adults and children.

In combination with other drugs, interferons are prescribed to patients with viral infections, laryngeal papillomatosis, and cancer. They are used intranasally, orally, intramuscularly and intravenously.

Preparations of microbial origin

Medicines of this group have a direct effect on the monocyte-macrophage system. Activated blood cells begin to produce cytokines that trigger innate and adaptive immune responses. The main task of these drugs is to remove pathogenic microbes from the body.

Herbal adaptogens

Herbal adaptogens include extracts of echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass. These are "soft" immunostimulants widely used in clinical practice. Preparations from this group are prescribed to patients with immunodeficiency without a preliminary immunological examination. Adaptogens start the work of enzyme systems and biosynthetic processes, activate the nonspecific resistance of the body.

The use of plant adaptagens for prophylactic purposes reduces the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and resists the development of radiation sickness, weakens the toxic effect of cytostatics.

For the prevention of a number of diseases, as well as for a speedy recovery, patients are recommended to drink ginger tea or cinnamon tea daily, take black peppercorns.

Video: about immunity - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Immunostimulating agents are designed to regulate the body's defenses. Due to a number of diseases, the human immune system does not work properly and does not perform all its functions.

To help the self-healing of the body's immune system, these drugs were invented. Many of the immunomodulating agents have an antiviral effect, and most often they are prescribed when a person has ARVI several times a year.

It should be noted that practicing physicians treat immunomodulators differently. Some see them as a good idea, while others consider their use useless. There are also different opinions among patients. To evaluate these tools, let's look at the most popular immunomodulatory drugs today.


The drug is used in complex treatment regimens for patients. The main indications for its use are: viral hepatitis, herpes, various secondary immunodeficiencies, pyoinflammatory processes, tuberculosis, psoriasis and others.

The drug has a powerful effect, therefore it is indicated for both treatment and prevention. Likopid has cytotoxic activity, exhibits bactericidal properties, promotes the resorption of small neoplasms.

  1. The drug is produced in tablets. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.
  2. In pediatric practice, licopid is recommended for use from the age of three. In some cases, under the supervision of a doctor, the drug can also be used for a child, starting from the age of one.
  3. In pediatrics, only one dose is allowed - 1 mg per day. For adults, the dose of the drug can vary, reaching up to 20 mg per day.

Pregnancy and lactation are contraindications for use.

The price of licopid (tablets 1 mg No. 10) is within 230 rubles. For a dosage of 10 mg No. 10, you will have to fork out more, the cost for such a licopid will be about 1,700 rubles.


Echinacea is a part of immunal. The plant has antiviral, antibacterial, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Immunal is prescribed for influenza, SARS, herpes, gynecological problems, secondary immunodeficiencies. In minimal doses, it is used to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.

Contraindications to the use of immunal are:

  • tubinfection,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • leukemia,
  • allergic reactions,
  • various systemic pathologies.

During gestation and lactation, the drug is acceptable in extreme cases.

Immunal is produced in tablets, drops, powder, solution. The necessary form for treatment or prevention is selected by the doctor.

The price of Immunal (Slovenia) in tablets (No. 20) is 300-350 rubles.

For the smallest patients, drops are offered (from 12 months). Tablets are recommended not earlier than from 4 years. Some pediatricians believe that it is preferable to use immunostimulating drugs in tablets only after 12 years. Dosing of the drug is carried out according to the instructions.


The drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Kagocel in its action resembles interferon. It is used to treat SARS and herpes. Recommended for use from the age of three. Plus Kagocel - the minimum possible side effects (individual intolerance and allergic reactions).

Depending on age and disease, the dose of the drug varies.

Kagocel (Russia) is available in tablets. The price per package (No. 10) represents an average of 260 rubles. The course of treatment usually requires 10-18 tablets. Treatment of herpes will cost more, about 780 rubles.


This drug works in a complex way. The active substance is interferon human recombinant alpha-2. The tool has the following properties: immunomodulatory, protective, antiviral, antiproliferative.

The range of application of viferon is quite diverse. These are SARS, viral lesions of mucous and skin surfaces, stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis (in complex therapy), herpes, viral hepatitis, HIV, bronchial asthma, and others.

Viferon has also found wide application in pediatrics. It is used even in newborns and premature babies.

Depending on the form of the drug, the dose of viferon has its own characteristics. For example, suppositories are used 1-2 times a day, and a gel up to 5 times a day.

The price for viferon is as follows:

  • gel 36000ME / ml 10ml costs about 180 rubles;
  • suppositories 1000000ME (No. 10) - 520 rubles;
  • ointment 40000ME/g 12g - 180 rubles.

In principle, viferon can be attributed to inexpensive drugs, which makes it popular with patients.


This drug, like many drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory properties, is an inducer of interferon synthesis. It is used for liver diseases, SARS, tubinfection and other diseases. It is noticed that amixin is useful in urological, gynecological and neuroinfections.

The dosage of the drug is determined only by the doctor, because. Amixin, depending on the day of therapy, is prescribed differently.

Amixin has few side effects: allergic reactions, chills, diarrhea.

In pediatrics, the drug is used only from the age of seven. Pregnant women and persons with individual intolerance to the composition of amixin are not prescribed the drug.

On sale there are tablets on 60 or 125 mg. The price of tablets (60 mg, No. 10) is 550 rubles.


The drug is an inducer of endogenous interferon. It exhibits antiviral, immunomodulatory, antitumor, anti-inflammatory effects. Cycloferon reduces the content of carcinogens in the blood, and also helps to slow down metastatic processes in malignant neoplasms.

The effectiveness of cycloferon has been proven in hepatitis, HIV, SARS, herpes, enteroviruses, chlamydia, tick-borne encephalitis and other infections. In systemic diseases, cycloferon exhibits a moderate analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The method of application depends on the severity of the infectious process (should be guided by the instructions for use).

Contraindications - individual intolerance, allergies, pregnancy, lactation and cirrhosis of the liver. In pediatrics, the drug is used from 4 years.

Cycloferon is available in tablets, liniment and injection. The price, respectively, is 190 rubles (10 tablets), liniment - 105 rubles, ampoules (5 pieces) - 330 rubles.


The drug belongs to the means that correct and stimulate the immune system.

Thymogen is based on glutamine tryptophan. Immunodeficiency states - indications for the appointment of this remedy. No specific contraindications or side effects were found.

Timogen has three dosage forms: aerosol, injection, cream for external use.

The price of the drug depends on the dosage form. Solution for injection 0.01% 1ml No. 5 costs about 330 rubles. The price of a cream for external use 0.05% 30g ranges from 270 to 330 rubles. Aerosol 0.025% 10 ml costs about 310 rubles.


This drug has established itself as a powerful immunomodulator. The range of its application is huge. These are oncological processes, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac pathologies, tubinfection, gynecological and urological infections.

Derinat activates all links of immunity, and also stimulates regenerative processes. Thanks to Derinat, tissue regeneration takes place faster, therefore, the agent in question is prescribed for the treatment of burns and ulcerative processes on the skin.

Against the background of taking Derinat, dystrophic problems with eye diseases are eliminated faster.

A big plus of this tool is the possibility of its use from the first days of a child's life, when many drugs are contraindicated.

Derinat is available in a solution for injection or solution for topical and external use.

The course of treatment depends on the disease, and can range from 5 to 45 days. In any case, treatment with Derinat alone is not carried out.

A solution of 0.25% 10 ml for topical use costs about 300 rubles, a solution for injections of 1.5% 5 ml No. 5 - 2000 rubles.


The effectiveness of anaferon was noticed in ARVI, bronchopulmonary pathologies, herpes infections, as well as other diseases caused by viral agents. Anaferon is a safe homeopathic remedy with high antiviral protection. Bacteria, like viruses, also lose their strength due to the "work" of anaferon. Diseases with chronic immunodeficiency are a direct prescription for this drug.

Like another immunomodulator, anaferon should not be used during gestation, but if necessary, it can be used in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that after the 12th week of pregnancy, the fetus is already more protected. The embryonic period passed, the placenta became thicker, and the future baby began to gain more active body weight.

In pediatrics, Anaferon is used once a day. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts a week. The pharmacy chain sells children's anaferon (in drops and tablets). The form of the drug for therapy is selected by the doctor.

The price for children's and adult anaferon in lozenges (20 pieces) is about 200 rubles, in drops (25 ml) a little more expensive - 250-300 rubles.

Cheap analogues of Anaferon - list.


The drug is popular in otolaryngology and dentistry. It is based on two active components - lysozyme and vitamin B6. The first fights infection, the second protects the mucous membrane. Despite the fact that Lysobact belongs to antiseptics, its effectiveness in the fight against viruses has been confirmed more than once. The immunomodulatory effect of Lysobact is mild, so it can be safely used during gestation and lactation.

Lyzobact is prescribed for infections and inflammation of the pharyngeal space, stomatitis, gingivitis, aphthous ulcers, and herpes.

Side effects while taking Lysobact are extremely rare. Only mild allergic reactions are possible.

The course of treatment lasts about 8 days. Tablets dissolve slowly under the tongue (sublingually). It is advisable to keep the dissolved mass under the tongue as long as possible, and refrain from eating food and water for several hours.

Tablets are used from 3 to 8 pieces per day. Children from 3 to 7 years old are shown three times a day, 1 tablet. For adults, the following dosage is recommended - 2 tablets 4 times a day.

The price of Lysobact (Bosnia and Herzegovina) No. 10 is 250-320 rubles.



Analyzing our article, it is easy to see that many drugs have much in common. This is especially true for indications for use. To date, there is still a lot of controversy regarding the use of immunomodulators. There are opinions that the body itself is able to recover, and immunomodulators act only as a placebo.

According to statistics, immunomodulators are among the best-selling drugs on the pharmaceutical market. It is understandable - everyone wants to take a magic pill and not get sick. In addition, manufacturers claim that these products will protect against viruses and improve health. However, doctors themselves have a rather complicated attitude towards drugs that are designed to simulate human immunity.

The so-called killer T cells are responsible for our immunity.

When the virus enters the body, they attack it.

Therefore, body aches appear,.

If the disease drags on, this means that the T-killers are tired, in simple terms, and cannot perform their function.

Immunomodulators are substances that give impetus to the immune system to regulate the body's defenses. Such substances are obtained from plant or animal tissues by genetic engineering and the synthesis of chemical compounds.

Indications for which diseases are prescribed

Immunomodulators are divided into 2 groups. In the first group - potent drugs that have a lot of serious side effects, so they are not recommended for everyone. They are prescribed for:

  • primary lack of immunity;
  • immunodeficiencies associated with HIV;
  • colds;
  • at .

In the second group - drugs that are easily purchased without a prescription and which suppress the symptoms of the disease:

  • reduce;
  • stop a runny nose.

They are often advised to purchase for prevention and in the first days of treatment of the disease.


By origin, immunomodulators are divided into:

  • synthetic;
  • natural.

According to their effect on the immune system, they are classified as:

  • immunostimulating;
  • immunosuppressive (immunosuppressants).

Immunostimulating drugs include:

  • interferons;
  • therapeutic vaccines;
  • thymus preparations;
  • active peptides;
  • interleukins;
  • mushroom polysaccharides.

Immunosuppressants are groups of the following drugs:

  • cytostatics;
  • anti-rhesus and antilymphocyte immunoglobulins;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • monoclonal antibodies.

Immunostimulants, acting on cellular metabolism, activate the cells of the immune system. Immunosuppressants are used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases by suppressing the activity of lymphocytes in case of or.

Classification and indications for the use of immunomodulators:

Rating of popular drugs

The list of these drugs today is quite wide, starting with an inexpensive price. They are offered in any pharmacy, even if a person is not sick, especially with the onset of cold weather and on the eve of influenza epidemics.

For adults

For kids

For the treatment of children, separate forms of release of immunostimulants are provided, which should be prescribed only by a doctor. Independent intervention in the work of the child's immune system can cause allergies, autoimmune disorders, and other pathologies.

Immediately, two concepts should be distinguished: immunomodulators and immunostimulants. The first refers to drugs that affect the human immune system. Immunomodulators are divided into two types: immunostimulants - drugs that improve immunity, and immunosuppressants - drugs whose action is aimed at lowering immunity.

From this we can conclude that anyone falls under the concept of an immunomodulator. In this article, we will consider what modern immunomodulators and immunostimulants are, what features they have, and when their use is justified.

Modern immunostimulants are divided into several categories:

  1. Natural (natural, herbal) remedies. These include lemongrass tinctures, echinacea, etc. A distinctive feature of natural preparations is a mild effect on the human body. They are great for immunocompromised patients. Also, natural ones are used as a prophylaxis, since when they are taken, the risk of developing infectious diseases is reduced.
  2. Antimicrobial immunostimulants. For example, we can cite a fairly well-known drug - Imudon. Its action is aimed at monocytes, which help to remove microbes from the body.
  3. Interferon preparations- etc. Their action is aimed at protecting the human body from attacks by viruses, bacteria and harmful bodies of other origin.
  4. Synthetics- Amiksin and others. Their action is aimed at stimulating the body's immune responses.
  5. Endogenous drugs, for example, Timalin or Timogen, created on the basis of brain cells. With the help of this kind of drugs, you can restore the number of blood cells, as well as increase the activity of the immune system.

Carefully! Immunostimulant tablets are not recommended to be taken without consulting a medical professional. An immunologist should prescribe the intake of immunomodulators.

Natural immunostimulants and immunomodulators

For centuries, many people have used herbs to treat diseases. In nature, there are a huge number of herbs that have a positive effect on the immune activity of the body. However, it is not necessary to make the entire course of treatment from plants and herbs alone. There are many effective medicines available. In many cases, complex treatment brings the best results.

The variety of herbs that have a positive effect on human immune activity is amazing. On any continent, you can find plants that effectively cope with infectious and other pathologies.

Natural immunomodulators very rarely cause adverse reactions. and also have a high degree of digestibility. Traditional medicine is derived naturally, which is important in the 21st century, when products contain chemical additives that cause severe harm to the entire human body.

Echinacea tea

Exists list of the most popular immunomodulators, which are distinguished by a high degree of effectiveness and the absence of side effects:

  • echinacea;
  • ginseng;
  • rose hip;
  • lemongrass;
  • raspberry;
  • Birch.


Echinacea contains a large number of various trace elements and vitamins. The plant has a high degree of efficiency. Echinacea is recommended with infectious diseases.

The plant is consumed almost entirely, not only the leaves and flowers of the herb are used, but also the stems. Take echinacea in the form of tea, after drying parts of the plant. On the 1 teaspoon herbs are recommended liter of boiling water.


Another popular natural origin is ginseng. The translation of the name of the plant from Chinese is the root of life. Ginseng is recommended to use to improve immunity. The plant will help get rid of constant fatigue and weakness. The herb has been shown to be more effective with physical and mental exhaustion.

For treatment, only ginseng root is used, which is carefully ground to a powder state, then poured with boiling water.

One teaspoon should be used 1 liter of boiling water. The resulting liquid should be infused minimum 30 days, shaking the bottle from time to time.

Ginseng tincture can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself at home.

Rose hip

Rose hips are very popular for pathologies of a catarrhal nature. It is especially in demand in the spring and autumn months, when epidemics escalate. Its high degree of effectiveness is due to high concentration of vitamin C in the plant.

You can enhance the effect with the help of raspberries - this will allow you to recover as soon as possible. To prepare a decoction, you need to infuse rose hips for 24 hours then boil the liquid. The plant can be brewed several times.


In nature, there is a plant that is much more effective than coffee in terms of invigorating properties - lemongrass. With the help of a decoction of the branches of the plant, you can provide energy charge for the whole day. Lemongrass is not recommended for children and pregnant women.


If consumed daily decoction of raspberry leaves, you can provide your body with a significant amount of active substances.

This will strengthen the uterus and increase the chances of childbirth without complications.

On the one tablespoon used 200 grams of boiling water, the decoction must be infused for 60 minutes.


With the help of birch in ancient times, people struggled with a large number of diseases. Not only the branches and leaves of the plant have an immunomodulatory effect. The activity of the immune system also increases with the use of birch sap. The plant is known for its high concentration of ascorbic acid.

To create a decoction, use 10 large spoons of leaves and 500 grams of boiling water. The liquid is infused for 60 minutes at room temperature. It is recommended to strain the decoction before taking.

What are the immunostimulants for pregnant women?

During the period of bearing a baby, it is very important to pay attention to the protection of the mother's body. Any infectious disease can greatly affect the future of the baby. Therefore, it is important to know what medical means can be used to strengthen the mother's immunity in such an important period of her life.

Before purchasing any drug, you should consult with your healthcare professional.

In most cases, during pregnancy, the doctor prescribes one of the following drugs:


Immunomodulators have become popular relatively recently, literally 20 years ago no one knew about them. People got along just fine without them. There are many ways to improve the activity of the immune system. For example, you can balance the diet: it should have a sufficient amount of macro and microelements.

Medical experts recommend walking more in the fresh air, this will improve blood circulation. Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects the immune system, it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is also recommended to avoid stress.

Be careful! Long-term use of immunomodulators adversely affects the body. If you do not follow the recommendations of a medical specialist, there is a risk of worsening the condition of the immune system. You should not experiment on your health, take care of yourself and be happy!

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