Atonic colitis how to treat. What is atonic colitis. Ulcers in the small intestine treatment

Colitis is an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa leading to persistent constipation. Several varieties of the disease are noted, although the causes of formation and the course have similar signs. In young people, an acute, chronic type of pathology is most common, and in the elderly - atonic colitis. The filling of the intestine is formed due to a violation of defecation, then constipation may occur.


Colitis is the most common gastrointestinal disease. Inflammation of the colon mucosa becomes a consequence of the influence of external factors that have entered the internal organs of a person - viruses, bacteria, in addition, endogenous processes can become the cause.

You should not try to cope with the disease on your own, since antispasmodics, laxative enemas will show a short-term result, and then they will only worsen the situation, the intestine will stop contracting itself. Therefore, treatment should be carried out according to the doctor's prescription.

The course of colitis occurs in 2 forms. Determining an accurate diagnosis is difficult due to the similarity of symptoms, and in order to establish the degree of development, it will be necessary to undergo a number of clinical, laboratory studies.

The forms of the disease are as follows:

  1. Chronic - children and people from 45 years old are susceptible to the disease. It is characterized by prolonged constipation, capable of appearing and suddenly disappearing for a while. There is an inflammatory process in the colon.
  2. Acute - the elderly are at risk. Disposable bowel movements difficulties. It is easier to eliminate this form than chronic. And most of the time it doesn't happen.

To clarify the diagnosis, the patient must describe the symptoms in detail.


Factors in the development of atonic colitis of the intestine are diverse. Inflammation appears due to external causes or processes that occur in the human body, due to the influence of medications.

The most common causes of colitis are:

  • psychological, physical stress;
  • the development of infectious diseases, the presence of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • age-related changes;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • allergy;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • intake of foods that disturb the walls of the rectum (sweets, alcohol, spicy dishes);
  • consumption of drugs (painkillers, antibiotics, narcotic drugs);
  • incorrect operation of the abdominal cavity.

As mentioned earlier, atonic colitis occurs in the mature population, but today you can find inflammation of the colon mucosa in young patients. The intake of unhealthy foods, alcoholic beverages, a sedentary lifestyle lead to the appearance of atony.


Due to a decrease in intestinal motility, constipation occurs, a functional disorder of the ICD organ often causes hemorrhoids.

It is possible to establish this form of the disease by the following symptoms:

  • bowel movements do not occur for more than 3 days;
  • feeling of pain in the rectum, abdominal region;
  • change in intestinal motility;
  • flatulence;
  • increased gas formation;
  • swelling of the peritoneum;
  • the vitality decreases;
  • loss of appetite, and with it weight loss;
  • malaise, weakness.

With the longest difficulty in defecation, intoxication of the body occurs. Then the signs of manifestation are as follows: fever, blanching of the skin. Appetite may not be disturbed, but the weight still falls. To all this is complemented by vomiting, nausea.

To adjust the stool, a person has to use laxative enemas with. Often the disease is complicated due to immobility, which occurs due to the presence of a certain ailment, which causes a complete violation of the functions of the intestine. As a result, an obstruction is formed, leading to a fecal blockage. If you insert a finger into the anus, you can feel the hard parts of the feces, they must be urgently eliminated. But with ulcerative colitis, on the contrary, a person suffers from diarrhea.


To establish the disease, you should consult a proctologist. Manipulation of the detection of atonic colitis requires a palpation examination of the lower region of the peritoneum, this is necessary to determine the pathological sites. Additionally, a coprological analysis is performed. In stools with colitis, leukocytes, fiber, blood impurities, mucus can be seen.

To recognize this form of colitis and its location, the diagnosis will include an instrumental study of the intestinal area. Performing such an event, the necessary material is taken for a biopsy. Each procedure involves advance preparation (special diet, bowel cleansing).


For a favorable treatment of colitis, an integrated approach is required:

  • usually a person is prescribed certain medications, multivitamins;
  • with persistent constipation, the doctor may prescribe laxatives;
  • in very rare situations, if colitis is provoked by hereditary diseases, surgery will be required, in which the pathological zone of the intestine is excised;
  • additionally, exercise therapy is used for atonic colitis;
  • the disease is favorably affected by therapeutic massage of the abdomen, as well as microclysters with local medications;
  • physiotherapy will help to cope with the pathology.

When the pathology has become chronic, the patient will be offered to visit sanatoriums using mineral waters a couple of times a year.

Medical therapy

To treat the disease and eliminate fecal masses will help:

  • antispasmodics (Papaverine, No-Shpa) - relieve pain;
  • drugs that normalize peristalsis (Trimedat, Motilak);
  • laxatives (Microlax, Mucofalk) - soften the feces;
  • enzymes, probiotics (Creon, Laktofiltrum) - contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • rectal suppositories (Posterizan, Ichthyol) - provoke the urge to defecate;
  • oil enemas - facilitate the process of fecal discharge.

In advanced situations, constipation can be cured with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs. An excellent remedy is Salofalk.


Proper nutrition in atonic colitis will speed up the healing process and improve the well-being of a person. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • eat at least 5 times a day in small doses;
  • exclude fried, spicy, fatty foods from the menu;
  • eat a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products;
  • Delete alcoholic drinks, soda from the menu;
  • reduce the intake of flour, sweets;
  • do not supplement dishes with spices, seasonings, various additives.

Eating should be easy, freely digestible. After a sharp weight loss, you will need to try to replenish the body with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.


We must try to prevent the development of the disease. Prevention includes the following actions:

  • implementation of dietary nutrition;
  • in time to carry out therapy of an acute form of the disease;
  • eat more coarse fiber;
  • exclude snacks and hunger strikes;
  • walk in the fresh air and temper.

Although at the moment atonic colitis can be cured without difficulty, it is still better to try to prevent its development at all. To do this, you should lead an active lifestyle, do not eat food that irritates the intestines.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Expert of the group on the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Colitis is considered one of the most common gastroenterological diseases. It is found in half of the patients who complain of gastrointestinal problems. Colitis symptoms are very common among men 40–60 years old and women 20–60 years old. Also, the disease can occur in children.

There are several forms and types of colitis, they can be caused by various diseases. Consider some of the most common types:

  • Spicy;

  • Chronic;

  • pseudomembranous;

  • Ischemic;

  • Spastic;

  • Atonic.

In each case, the symptoms of colitis at first glance are similar, but they still differ from each other. To accurately determine the type of colitis, you need to conduct a complete examination of each episode of the disease.

Acute colitis appears and develops quite quickly. Symptoms of the disease:

  • Frequent loose stools, vomiting;

  • Rapid rise in temperature to 39 degrees;

  • Painful appearance;

  • Lack of appetite;

  • Headache;

  • Cramps in the abdomen.

Left-sided acute colitis is accompanied by constipation, tenesmus and pressing pain in the rectum.

Acute colitis is extremely dangerous for children under one year old. As a result of frequent stools and vomiting, dehydration of the child's body or the appearance of convulsions is possible. If acute colitis continues for more than 2 weeks, it can become chronic. And then complications can develop.

To restore a healthy microflora, it is necessary to take pre- and probiotics. To normalize intestinal motility, prokinetics are used. When worms are found, it is necessary to prescribe anthelmintic drugs. To reduce the pain syndrome, antispasmodic drugs (drotaverine, papaverine) are prescribed.

On the first day, only heavy drinking is allowed (preferably tea without sugar), then a therapeutic diet is prescribed. Fractional meals are recommended, it is advisable to eat dishes in a pureed form. Dairy products can cause fermentation and increased gas formation, so it is advisable to exclude them for the duration of treatment.

An acute inflammatory process in the intestine that occurs as a result of taking antibiotics is called pseudomembranous colitis. Pseudomembranous colitis usually appears after long-term use of the following drugs:

  • Ampicillin;

  • Clindamycin;

  • Levomycetin;

  • Lincomycin;

  • Penicillin;

  • Tetracycline;

  • Cephalosporins;

  • Erythromycin.

As a rule, pseudomembranous colitis appears with oral use of antibiotics, but the disease can also develop with parenteral use of drugs. As a result of taking antimicrobial agents, the ratio of normal intestinal microflora is disturbed, anaerobic microbes Clostridium difficile multiply rapidly, producing toxic substances and affecting the mucous membrane.

The initial manifestations of the pseudomembranous type of the disease may develop during antibiotic therapy or a few days after the completion of antibiotics.

Pseudomembranous colitis of the intestine symptoms:

  • Diarrhea with watery or bloody discharge;

  • subfebrile temperature;

  • Cramps in the abdomen, often in the projection area of ​​the large intestine;

  • Dehydration and obvious electrolyte disturbances, which are manifested by paresthesias, manifested by muscle weakness.

Sometimes, with a severe course of the pseudomembranous type, dilatation and perforation of the large intestine may occur.

Of primary importance in the diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis is the determination of the relationship between prolonged use of antimicrobial agents and the occurrence of manifestations of the disease.

For infants and children up to a year, asymptomatic carriage of Clostridium difficile is most often characteristic. The appearance of pseudomembranous colitis in a child of this age is very rare, even with prolonged antibiotic therapy. The special immunity of children under one year old is attributed to the age-specific structure of the mucous membrane of the large intestine and the presence of antibodies acquired from the mother.

In older children, pseudomembranous colitis occurs acutely and is relatively mild. The only exceptions are weakened babies with serious concomitant diseases.

The specificity of pseudomembranous colitis in children is the absence of obvious symptoms of intoxication. Therefore, the main symptom is diarrhea, which often leads to life-threatening dehydration (dehydration) for the child. Sometimes in the stool there is a thick mass of detached fibrin deposits.

In more serious cases, the child may have complications of pseudomembranous colitis, such as profuse bleeding and intestinal perforation.

Treatment in children

To successfully cure pseudomembranous colitis, you need to fast, then switch to a sparing diet.

Effective treatment for pseudomembranous colitis consists of eliminating Clostridium difficile. These microorganisms are susceptible to antibiotics: vancomycin and metronidazole. Most often, doctors prefer metronidazole.

In addition, it is necessary to treat the dysbacteriosis existing with this disease. To do this, immediately after the completion of the course of antibiotics, bacterial preparations are taken in long courses.

The need for surgical treatment of pseudomembranous colitis occurs with dilatation and perforation of the colon.

Prevention of pseudomembranous colitis - the use of antibiotic therapy only when there are specific indications. In addition, in order to prevent pseudomembranous colitis, it is advisable to take probiotics after prolonged use of antimicrobials.

Separately, it is necessary to designate the damage to the large intestine as a result of ischemia. Ischemic colitis is a segmental lesion of the colon, due to impaired blood supply. The area of ​​the splenic curvature is usually affected, sometimes the transverse colon, descending and sigmoid colon.

Ischemic colitis mostly occurs in people over 60 years of age. The causes are heart diseases (myocardial infarction, heart defects, angina pectoris), respiratory system diseases, systemic atherosclerosis, predisposition to thrombosis.

  • Ischemic view diseases can develop slowly, then atrophy of the intestinal mucosa appears.

  • In case of acute ulcers or erosions form on the mucous membrane, intestinal bleeding may occur.

  • In case of vascular thrombosis abdominal department there are symptoms of intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, general intoxication, gangrene of the colon.

Treatment of ischemic colitis

At the beginning of the disease, treatment is focused on the elimination of heart failure. Intestinal decompression is used with a gas outlet tube. In addition, oxygen therapy, vasodilators, antibacterial drugs, as well as plasma and albumin transfusions are used.

With the complexity of diagnosis, treatment most often begins with the use of sulfasalazine or 5-ASA preparations. Such drugs have a successful therapeutic effect, because ischemic colitis is accompanied by inflammation and dysbacteriosis. If necrosis of the intestine occurs, a left-sided hemicolectomy is performed.

Spastic (mucous) colitis is a disease that resembles irritable bowel syndrome in symptoms, but is localized in the large intestine. He usually has:

  • Bloating

  • Violation of the intestines;

  • Cramping pains.

Symptoms of this disease in people are expressed in different ways. It can be accompanied by constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, sometimes these symptoms appear simultaneously.

The spastic appearance is not considered a serious illness. Doctors refer to this disease as a functional disorder, because no symptoms of the disease are found during examination of the colon.

Very often, the disease occurs as a result of overwork, nervous strain and overexcitation, hormonal imbalance. For this reason, the disease often occurs in women. In which cyclic fluctuations in hormonal balance depend on the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and childbirth.

Such an intestinal disease in children refers to functional disorders. The reason for its appearance in a child may be the suppression of the urge to empty and malnutrition.

Symptoms of the disease in children are:

  • Defecation in several approaches;

  • Stool like sheep dung;

  • Delayed bowel movements;

  • Mucous discharge;

  • Insomnia;

  • Fast fatiguability.

Treatment of spastic colitis

According to the age of the child and the adult, the correct diet is determined. It is advisable to eat foods that include coarse fibers. Eliminates inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. It is better if bowel movements take place at the same time. With a prolonged absence of an independent stool, an enema or laxatives are prescribed.

Atonic colitis is usually seen in the elderly. The motor function of the intestine in patients with this form is very reduced, the intestine is filled with feces. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Constipation;

  • Loss of appetite;

  • General weakness;

  • Bloating

  • Weight loss;

  • Fecal stones.

The primary complaint is constipation. Often, after constant prolonged straining, patients develop hemorrhoids. Crowded intestines and poor emptying of it contribute to a lack of appetite, a decrease in vitality. Patients are lethargic, pale, with a sickly complexion.

There is constant bloating along with some weight loss. Very often patients take laxatives or do enemas. The work of the intestines in these patients is worsened by forced immobility as a result of another disease (fracture, postoperative period). In this case, the large intestine completely refuses to work, and there is a functional intestinal obstruction - fecal blockage. If you insert your finger into the rectum, you can feel the fecal stones that need to be removed from there.

The atonic type of the disease in children needs a special examination of the child for the presence of congenital intestinal pathologies, for example, Hirschsprung's disease. And to make a diagnosis of "atonic colitis" is necessary only with the exclusion of physiological lesions of the intestine.

For successful treatment, a sparing diet is of great importance, including all the necessary elements and vitamins that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. To get rid of constipation, treatment involves the use of laxatives. In the case of hereditary diseases (Crohn's disease, Hirschsprung's disease), there may be a need for surgical treatment with the removal of part of the affected intestine.

Additional treatment regimens include abdominal massage, microclysters with locally acting drugs, physiotherapy. In chronic inflammatory processes of the intestines, spa treatment with the use of mineral water is necessary. Also useful for digestive functions is physiotherapy exercises.

As you can see, the treatment of colitis depends on its cause and symptoms. First of all, you need to eliminate the effect of the causative circumstance, treat diseases of other organs, and also establish proper nutrition.

Atonic colitis is a common type of chronic colitis. Occurs more often than other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract against the background of viral diseases, pathogenic microorganisms. Accompanied by severe intestinal inflammation. It usually occurs in older people.

- a disease that causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine and the occurrence of constipation. There are such types of this disease:

  • hemorrhagic;
  • alcoholic;
  • spastic;
  • atonic;
  • collagen.

It mainly manifests itself in old age, due to problems with bowel movements. At a young age, a chronic and acute type of the disease occurs.


The development of atonic colitis is associated with many factors. The main reasons include:

  • malnutrition;
  • frequent stress, depression;
  • prolonged nervous tension;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • long-term use of drugs of a certain group;
  • diseases and pathologies of the rectum;
  • congenital pathologies of the digestive system;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infectious diseases;
  • a consequence of operations performed in the abdominal cavity.

It is possible to determine the cause of the development of atonic colitis in the process of diagnostic examination.

Symptoms of anotic colitis

Decreased intestinal motility against the background of inflammation causes constipation. The first symptom is the absence of defecation for more than 72 hours. The main signs of this disease are distinguished:

  • decrease in vital activity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • pale and unhealthy skin color (especially the face);
  • bloating;
  • weight loss.

Often a person uses laxatives and enemas to empty the bowels. The immobility of the intestine leads to the complete absence of its functioning. Intestinal obstruction may develop due to the formation of fecal calculi (stones). Such phenomena require immediate elimination. Signs of intoxication often develop against the background of prolonged constipation.

Atonic colitis may not show characteristic symptoms for a long time. Often a person does not attach due importance to constipation. If they are not eliminated in time, this will lead to serious digestive disorders.

Diagnosis of colitis

The patient turns to a proctologist or gastroenterologist. Taking into account the patient's complaints, the doctor prescribes examination methods. It is worth noting that the diagnosis of atonic colitis is not pleasant. These methods include:

Finger examination of the rectum. The purpose of this procedure is to identify the presence of pain, damage to the walls of the large intestine.

  • Coprogram feces. With colitis, the following impurities are found in the feces: fiber, leukocytes, mucus. In the presence of Crohn's disease, there are blood impurities in the feces.

  • Colonoscopy.
  • Endoscopy.

  • ultrasound.

An instrumental study is needed to confirm atonic colitis. They help to determine the localization of the disease, to study in detail the condition of the walls and intestinal mucosa. During the instrumental examination, a small amount of material is taken for a biopsy.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of atonic colitis consists of several ways. Complex treatment is effective. sometimes it is recommended to combine with the use of folk remedies.

Surgical treatment is used in severe cases and to eliminate the chronic form. Auxiliary therapy consists of therapeutic exercises, massage, microclysters with medicinal oils.

Traditional treatment

To eliminate constipation, the doctor prescribes enemas and laxatives. Drug therapy mainly consists of taking pills, rectal suppositories. In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics. One of the effective treatment drugs is Salofalik. Tablets are intended for long-term use.

To restore the intestinal microflora, the doctor prescribes to the patient the intake of probiotics, prebiotics, lacto- and bifidobacteria. The complex of beneficial bacteria contains Laktofiltrum. To improve digestion, enzymes are prescribed: Festal, Creon.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are prescribed in combination with traditional treatment. It is not recommended to use such tools on your own. Colitis is a serious disease, and in any case, drug therapy will be needed.

  • Herbs. Herbal decoctions help reduce the inflammatory process, produce an antibacterial effect. Useful herbal plants include: chamomile, mint, sage, St. John's wort. Take the infusion 2-3 times a day, until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.
  • Chamomile for making microclysters. Usually do them before going to bed, at night. Cleansing enemas should be done in a course of about 2-3 weeks.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Taken inside. The recommended dosage is 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Strengthens blood vessels, helps reduce inflammation and heal erosions.

Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. in addition to a gastroenterologist, a gynecologist should supervise. In addition, the patient must monitor nutrition and accustom himself to a healthy lifestyle.

Diet food

Dietary nutrition helps to quickly cure atonic colitis, improve the patient's well-being. Recommendations of doctors for healthy nutrition:

  • meals should be taken frequently, in small portions;
  • the diet should contain a large amount of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods containing fiber;
  • consume dairy products daily;
  • exclude fatty, spicy, fried, smoked foods from the diet;
  • it is forbidden to use canned food, processed foods, semi-finished products, fast food;
  • limit the use of sweets;
  • exclude fresh bakery and confectionery products;
  • It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, coffee, black tea.

The well-being of the patient depends entirely on proper nutrition. If you do not follow the doctor's recommendations, then drug therapy will not bring the desired result. It is better to include light food in the diet, which is quickly digested and absorbed by the body.

Diet is the prevention of colitis and other diseases of the digestive system. Restoring the body after such a disease is more difficult than treating it. Especially the chronic form, so it is very important to visit a doctor on time - the success and method of treatment depends on this.

Colitis is the leading gastrointestinal disease. It is triggered by external factors (infections, bacteria), malfunctions of the organism of an endogenous nature.

Colitis refers to polyetiological diseases (the disease has many inducers or one unknown factor triggers other reactions). The essence of the disease is an inflammatory reaction in the mucosa of the large intestine. The variety of colitis is great. Allocate alcoholic, collagen, spastic, hemorrhagic and other types. Atonic colitis manifests itself in old age. There is a filling of the intestine due to problems with emptying.

Atonic colitis begins with inflammation. Causes of the inflammatory response:

  • Sometimes the source is the simplest, as in dysentery or salmonellosis.
  • Treatment with antibiotic drugs destroys its own "useful" intestinal microflora, which will lead to dysbacteriosis.
  • "Harmful" diet (acute, flour, alcohol abuse).
  • Physical and mental stress.
  • Allergy.
  • Poisoning.
  • Heredity (mitochondrial disease was found in patients with a.k.).
  • Age.

Drugs that act as inducers:

  • Against heartburn.
  • Antidiabetic.
  • Painkillers.
  • Narcotic substances.

Atonic colitis is predominantly common among the elderly, doctors have had to deal with colitis in young people. Inflammation occurs as a result of blockade, the intestine receives insufficient blood supply due to a sedentary lifestyle. In old age, prolonged inflammation leads to the death of cells of the colon mucosa. Nerve death occurs. Reduced conductivity of nerve fibers leads to malfunctions in peristalsis, hence constipation occurs.

Diagnosis of atonic colitis

Launched a.k. leads to intoxication of the body, which in the case of the elderly leads to irreversible consequences. It is important to be able to diagnose the disease in the early stages. Any symptoms play a decisive role.


  • Discomfort in the abdomen, flowing into pain.
  • Gas, flatulence (common symptom).
  • Bloating.

Over time, the feces in the intestines poison the body. Intoxication causes nausea, fever, the skin turns pale. The patient continues to eat with appetite, but loses weight.

Laboratory and clinical diagnostic methods

If a disease is suspected, macro- and microscopy of feces, a general blood test are performed. The presence of helminths and their eggs in the body is detected. With the help of irrigoscopy, it is possible to identify anomalies in the anatomical and functional state of the large intestine. With the help of colonoscopy, information is obtained about the condition of the patient's mucosa along the entire length of the colon. During a colonoscopy, you can get material from the intestinal mucosa - a biopsy. It is analyzed using histological methods.

Chronic colitis is diagnosed using fibrogastroduodenoscopy and abdominal ultrasound. To detect markers of inflammation of the pancreas, the liver, it is necessary to take functional samples.

The pathogenesis of atonic colitis

The term "atony" itself means dysfunction of peristalsis as a result of weak work of the muscles of the intestinal walls. Fecal masses do not move through the intestines. Accumulating there, they not only injure him, but also cause intoxication of the whole organism.

Fight against atonic colitis

Measures against a.k. include both medical and less invasive - preventive.


An important role in disrupting the functioning of the intestines is played by diet and nutrition in general. Eating puree-like meals will help both prevent disease and restore bowel function. Eat more fruits and vegetables (raw), try to eat more coarse fiber. Develop a strict meal schedule, avoid long hungry breaks. Minimize the gaps between meals. Start your day with a glass of yogurt, and before meals, eat a tablespoon of bran. Try to eat easily digestible, but high-calorie foods. In the early days, try to avoid fried foods and eat only boiled or steamed foods.

Break up your sedentary lifestyle with movement. Do not just walk, walk, run, but add exercises with weights, start pumping the press. Massage the abdominal wall, preferably every day. Remember that simple clockwise movements with a warm hand will help normalize the motor-evacuation properties of the intestine and save you a lot of strength, nerves, health and money.

Medical treatment

It is not necessary to demand much from preventive measures. If prevention did not help or was untimely, then it's time to try the drug treatment. Here is a list of drugs designed to help you get rid of stool and relieve pain:

  • Use stool softeners.
  • Drugs such as prozerin contribute to the restoration of peristalsis.
  • Antispasmodics will help you get rid of the pain.
  • You can stimulate bowel movements with rectal suppositories.
  • To remove stool and prevent intoxication, use an oil enema.

Remember that excessive abuse of laxatives will only bring harm: the intestines get used to constant "help" and cease to cope alone.

drastic measures

Although colitis is an age-related disease, many methods of dealing with it have appeared recently. There are a number of drugs that directly affect choline receptors. Artificial stimulation of intestinal motor activity is recreated. Such drugs are mainly prokinetics:

  • Bethanechol.
  • Cisapride.
  • Loperamide.
  • Neostigmine.
  • Metoclopramide.

These are opioid antagonists.

Everyone has heard of stem cells. It has been shown that stem cell transplantation is also used in the treatment of colitis, especially if it occurs as a result of a genetic predisposition. The task of transplanted stem cells is to give rise to new nerve bundles that died in the early stages of the disease. New nerve bundles should provide peristalsis.

Recent technologies allow the use of electrical stimulators (the principle of pacemakers - the artificial introduction of rhythms that support muscle contraction), forcing the intestines to push the contents out.

In advanced cases, a chronic form of intestinal obstruction (pseudo-obstruction) occurs, requiring only surgical intervention.

A.k. not just constipation that goes away on its own. Feel free to consult a doctor, catch the disease in the early stages of development, get treatment. The consequences become chronic, clinical.

Quite often, problems with well-being are added by the digestive system, or rather, malfunctions in its work. The quality of its functioning depends on the general condition of the body, the supply of nutrients to tissues and organs. In our article we will try to get acquainted with one of the diseases of this system. Consider the types, symptoms and treatment of intestinal colitis.

What is colitis?

This disease is a consequence of the spread of the inflammatory process in the large intestine. Inflammation captures the intestinal mucosa. Either the entire large intestine or only a separate part of it can be involved in the process. Chronic colitis occurs. Symptoms and treatment will depend on the spread of the inflammatory process and the involvement of other departments in it.

There are situations when problems in the form of inflammation begin simultaneously in the large and small intestines, then we can talk about such a pathology as enterocolitis.

Varieties of the disease

Symptoms and treatment of intestinal colitis will directly depend on the form and type of the disease. In medical circles, the following types of colitis are currently distinguished:

  1. Chronic. It differs from other forms by a sluggish course, exacerbations occur periodically, they can be provoked by antibiotics, nutritional errors, or frequent stressful situations.
  2. Ulcerative colitis usually ends with the appearance of ulcerative-necrotic disorders of the mucous membrane. Until now, the nature and causes of this form have been little studied, but they tend to believe that allergic reactions can cause it. If allergen products are excluded from the diet, the patient's condition improves significantly.
  3. Acute colitis will not allow itself to be ignored. Its manifestations are always pronounced. Often the culprits are staphylococci, salmonella and other microorganisms.
  4. Atrophic colitis is an inflammation of the colon. It is divided into atonic and spastic depending on the factors that caused it.
  5. Spasmodic colitis is also called spasmodic, as there are severe cramps, abdominal pain, and upset stool. Doctors are of the opinion that stress, fatigue and nervous tension are provocateurs.
  6. Erosive colitis is considered the initial stage in the development of ulcerative colitis, because the inflammatory process leads to the formation of ulcers.
  7. Surface is called so, because all processes take place in the upper layer.
  8. Catarrhal colitis is the initial manifestation of the disease. With strong immunity, the symptoms of the disease disappear by themselves and no special treatment is required.

Only a doctor can determine the type of disease and prescribe therapy.

Symptoms of colitis

Any form of the disease, if you do not pay due attention to its treatment, can become chronic. In this case, you can be sure that questions such as "symptoms, causes and treatment of intestinal colitis" will become constant companions of a person.

A frequent companion of chronic colitis is dull, aching and cramping pain, which usually occurs in the lower or lateral abdomen. The pain may get worse after eating or before going to the bathroom.

Other common symptoms of chronic colitis include:

  • Excretion with feces of mucus.
  • Blood streaks may appear.
  • Sheep cal.
  • Replace each other with constipation and diarrhea.
  • General weakness.
  • Nausea and vomiting may occur.
  • Body temperature rises periodically.
  • Jumps in the direction of increasing blood pressure.
  • There is an unpleasant burp.
  • Bloating.
  • A bitter taste may appear in the mouth.
  • If the disease proceeds for a long time, then the patient loses weight.

These are the symptoms of chronic intestinal colitis, and only a doctor should prescribe treatment, taking into account the general condition.

Reasons for the development of colitis

A variety of factors can provoke an inflammatory process in the large intestine. For example, an acute form of the disease can be caused by:

  • Intestinal infection.
  • Taking antibiotics or other medications.
  • Nutritional error.
  • By eating spicy food.
  • Alcohol.
  • Dysbacteriosis.

If the disease already has a chronic form, then an exacerbation can be provoked by:

  • Violation of the blood supply to the intestinal walls.
  • Allergy to certain foods.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Helminths.
  • body intoxication.
  • The use of poor quality products.
  • The content of a large number of preservatives in food.

All of these causes can easily cause intestinal colitis. Symptoms and how to treat this disease, we will analyze below.

Diagnosis of the disease

After a visit to the doctor, the patient will be assigned some tests that will allow a more accurate diagnosis:

  • Fecal analysis. It will show whether the intestines are working properly, whether there is an intestinal infection in the body.
  • A general blood test is necessary to diagnose the general condition of the patient, and will also allow you to see the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes. Their content can indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or its absence, as well as the level of hemoglobin, which also affects overall well-being.
  • The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination of the intestinal cavity.

After all the tests and research, a diagnosis is made and a course of treatment is prescribed.

Colitis therapy

Chronic colitis requires an integrated approach to its treatment. To cope with this disease, you must follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

Therapy may include the following areas:

  1. Medical treatment.
  2. Dieting.
  3. The use of folk remedies.

It must be remembered that only in combination these methods will help to cope with the disease and the patient will no longer be bothered by chronic intestinal colitis, the symptoms and signs of this disease will come to naught.

Drug therapy for chronic colitis

If the exacerbation is caused by an intestinal infection, then the doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotics. The choice of drug will depend on the type of pathogen.

In the treatment of chronic colitis, the following groups of drugs are most often used:

  1. Antispasmodic drugs, such as No-Shpa.
  2. Intestinal antiseptics, these include Furazolidone, Enterosgel, Smecta.
  3. Adsorbents, such as activated carbon, Laktofiltrum.
  4. Antidiarrheals: Loperamide, Imodium.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Sulfasalazine.

In severe situations, the doctor may prescribe glucocorticoid hormones. There are situations when drug treatment does not bring results and the patient only gets worse, then surgery is performed to remove a section of the colon.

Against colitis on your own

We looked at what colitis is (symptoms and treatment). The diet for colitis, however, should occupy one of the main places in the treatment of this disease.

If you visit a gastroenterologist, then with this disease, he will advise you to adhere to the fourth dietary table. His general recommendations are:

  1. It is not recommended to use freshly squeezed juices, it is better to replace them with fresh fruits.
  2. Avoid meat, especially pork and beef.
  3. It is not recommended to eat bran bread during treatment.
  4. Remove fried foods from your diet.
  5. It is forbidden to eat fresh vegetable salads.
  6. During therapy, food should be at room temperature, too cold or hot should be avoided.
  7. Eliminate spicy spices and seasonings from the diet.
  8. In a small amount, you can include chicken and lamb in the menu.
  9. Vegetables are best eaten not raw, but steamed.
  10. Limit the use of animal fats, a little butter is allowed.
  11. When treating colitis, food should be of a delicate texture.
  12. After waking up before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of water, preferably boiled.

We looked at what chronic intestinal colitis is, symptoms and treatment. Diet in therapy should be an important step. Only then can positive results be expected.

Help of traditional medicine in the treatment

In the bins of healers there are always recipes for getting rid of many diseases. You already know how important the role of a proper diet is if chronic colitis is showing symptoms. And treatment with folk remedies cannot be left aside, it may well be of help. Here are some recipes:

  • 10 grams of quince seeds pour 1 liter of water and leave for 8-10 hours. It is recommended to take 100 ml 3-4 times a day.
  • 1 tsp Pour chicory with a glass of hot milk, insist for half an hour and consume a quarter cup 4 times a day.
  • Take 3 tablespoons of berries and leaves of blueberries and brew in 600 ml of boiling water, leave for 8 hours and take 3 times a day for a glass.
  • 2 tbsp. l insist sage in 400 ml of boiling water and drink half a glass before each meal.
  • For 1 part of alder cones, take 5 parts of water, leave for 14 days in the dark. Take half a teaspoon 4 times a day.
  • For treatment, you can use oats. Pour 100 grams of cereal with cold water and leave for 3 hours, then add a liter of hot water and cook until it thickens. Such jelly should be taken before meals.
  • If acute chronic colitis of the intestine shows symptoms, treatment with alcohol tincture of propolis can help, it is carried out as follows: take 30 drops of 10% tincture half an hour before meals. You can dilute the drops in water or milk.

These recipes will be a good help in the medical treatment of colitis.

Herbal remedies for chronic colitis

We looked at chronic intestinal colitis, symptoms, and treatment with diet and medication. But there are still some medicinal herbs, infusions and decoctions of which will help to defeat the disease.

Recipe 1

Take in equal proportions the serpentine (root), the rhizome of the erect cinquefoil, the rhizome of the burnet, the herb of St. From a teaspoon of the mixture and 0.5 liters of water, prepare an infusion and drink warm before meals 3 times a day.

Recipe 2

You can make a cocktail of medicinal herbs, or rather, of tinctures. It is necessary to take 20 ml of tincture of peony, hawthorn, mint, calendula, motherwort, 30 ml of valerian and 5 ml of belladonna. Single dosage per reception - from 1 to 8 drops 10 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Recipe 3

If the disease is accompanied by constipation, then the medicinal collection of herbs must be supplemented with oregano, dill seeds, buckthorn bark and immortelle flowers.

Thus, we have studied in detail how chronic intestinal colitis manifests symptoms. And treatment with diet, drugs and folk methods was also considered. It remains to find out what ineffective therapy or an undertreated disease can lead to.

Consequences of colitis

If an exacerbation of chronic colitis has begun and the symptoms are too bright, then treatment is best done in a hospital setting. Any form of colitis, if therapy is not taken seriously, not following all the recommendations of a specialist, can give serious complications.

If the acute form of the disease is not treated, the patient can expect:

  • Nephritis.
  • dysglycemic syndrome.
  • Cardiovascular insufficiency.
  • Intoxication of the whole organism.
  • Dehydration.
  • Hypochloremia.

If chronic colitis of the large intestine clearly shows symptoms, treatment should be serious and comprehensive, otherwise everything can end up with even more serious consequences, for example:

  • Rebirth in oncology.
  • Abscess of the liver or intraparietal.
  • Intestinal polyps.
  • pancreatitis.
  • Pylephlebitis of the portal vein.

Everyone is familiar with these pathologies and knows about their seriousness, so denying timely treatment is simply stupid and not serious in relation to your health.

Disease prevention

It is much easier to prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the large intestine than to suffer the consequences for a long time. Prevention of colitis is as follows:

  1. Timely treat the acute form of the disease.
  2. Stick to a diet.
  3. Visit the dentist regularly for oral examination and timely sanitation.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Try to exclude foods containing chemical additives from the diet.
  6. Regular meals, preferably at least 3 times a day, and take most of the food during breakfast.
  7. For the development of intestinal microflora, consume more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  8. Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Wash your hands more often and thoroughly.

  • Drink only boiled water.
  • Do not eat vegetables and fruits without first cleaning and washing well.
  • Avoid swallowing water while swimming.
  • Get rid of bad habits, such as biting your nails or any other objects.
  • Be careful with close contacts with unfamiliar people: do not drink from one bottle, do not eat with one spoon.

Before treating colitis, it is worth learning about its features, types, causes.

Intestinal colitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the inner wall of the human large intestine. The mucous layer is broken due to malnutrition, stress and other factors, which is the cause of the disease. Inflammation leads to a violation of the absorption of fluid from food waste and intestinal motility. The shell does not perform its functions or performs incompletely. The degree of damage determines the type of disease.

Types of intestinal colitis

Depending on the cause of inflammation, these types of colitis are distinguished:

  • Ulcerative - a type of colitis that is characterized by ulcers on the walls of the large intestine.
  • Acute - a type in which not only the large intestine is affected, but also the small intestine is inflamed, and the stomach is also affected.
  • Ischemic - the consequences of poor blood circulation in the intestines.
  • Chronic is the consequences of acute incompletely cured colitis.
  • Spastic manifests itself with spasms, swelling. Not considered severe.
  • Alcohol occurs with alcohol dependence.
  • Erosive - characterized by ulcers over a larger area of ​​the duodenum.
  • Atonic is typical for the elderly. Intestinal activity is reduced, frequent constipation, hemorrhoids later.
  • Hemorrhagic is characterized by bloody discharge - diarrhea.
  • Radiation colitis occurs after radiation exposure received in cancer.
  • Nonspecific ulcerative - similar to chronic with relapses, the origin of the immune type.


Symptoms of colitis:

  • Dull pain in the lower side of the abdomen. Time after eating exacerbates pain.
  • Constipation changing to diarrhoea.
  • Symptom of intense gas formation.
  • Nausea.
  • When stool, sensation of incomplete emptying of the rectum.
  • Bad smell of feces.
  • Weight loss.
  • Prostration.

Acute form:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Diarrhea.
  • High body temperature.
  • Drawing pain in lower abdomen.

Causes of the disease

The inflammatory process is caused by such reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Stress, nervous breakdowns.
  • Absence of normal blood circulation in the intestinal walls.
  • Violation of the work of food microorganisms.
  • Intoxication.

Treatment of the disease

Diagnosis entails treatment. Therapy provides an integrated approach in this case. Experts advise going through all the stages:

  • Diet.
  • Sessions with a psychotherapist.
  • Sanatoriums.
  • Medical treatment.

Treatment with medicines involves the prescribing of a complex of drugs. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Prescription of antibiotics

Antibiotics are not always used to treat colitis. The reason for this is contraindications for various types of colitis.

Antibiotics - drugs aimed at the destruction of bacteria-provocateurs of an infectious type of disease. They are prescribed if the use of other methods was ineffective.

Antibiotics are not prescribed along with antibacterial drugs due to unexpected reactions.

Furazolidone is a representative of antibiotics, has a pronounced antimicrobial function. An effective drug whose properties depend on the dose. Tablets are drunk without chewing. The treatment course is individual. The average course of the course is a week when taking the medicine four times a day.

Levomycetin is an antibiotic that is available in the form of tablets, powder. Effective as furazolidone. The course is prescribed by a doctor.

Metronidazole is another antibiotic with an antimicrobial effect. It has contraindications: pregnancy, problems with the central nervous system.

The described means are used for mild and moderate severity of the disease.

Painkillers (antispasmodics)

Painkillers help relieve pain caused by the acute form of the disease. Used for ulcerative, acute colitis.

No-shpa - suitable for moderate pain, has contraindications for heart failure, preschool age, individual intolerance to the composition of the drug. Available in the form of a solution, yellow tablets.

Dicetel - solves the problem of spasms, thereby destroying pain. Take tablets three times a day. Contraindicated in children. Available in orange tablets.

Mebeverine is an antispasmodic that soothes intestinal irritation and relieves pain. Applied inside. Contraindication - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Inflammation is the main feature of the disease. To remove it, the doctor ascribes anti-inflammatory drugs that improve the general condition of a person.

Prednisolone is attributed to ulcerative colitis, with a chronic form of the disease. The drug relieves inflammation, inhibits the process of its development. The dosage is individual.

Restoration of microflora

The disease, the use of drugs destroy the normal microflora of the human intestine. Antibiotics, in addition to destroying bacteria, destroy beneficial microflora, the absence of which leads to depression, obesity, asthma, allergies, and dysbacteriosis.

Medicine does not yet have in its arsenal drugs without side effects. Therefore, curing one, you have to solve the problem with the consequences. It turns out that it is almost impossible to cure a form of chronic colitis completely.

Microflora restorers: Bifikol, Bifidumbacterin. The time of treatment with drugs is up to one and a half months. This also includes Linex, Lactobacterin.

Linex is a medicine in the form of capsules that restores the microflora. Apply capsules three times after meals. Contraindications - allergy to the components of the drug.

Lactobacterin is a prebiotic in powder form. Take one hour before eating as a drink. Treatment should be carried out within a month.

Bificol is a lyophilisate intended for the preparation of a suspension. Consume half an hour before meals twice a day. Used to restore microflora after nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Contraindications - simultaneous use with antibiotics.

Bifidumbacterin is available in capsules, tablets, lyophilisates for the preparation of a suspension, liquid concentrate. The use depends on the prescribed form of the drug. The dosage is individual. Do not use for children under three years of age.

Solving problems with intestinal motility

After the restoration of the microflora or simultaneously with it, drugs are prescribed to improve intestinal motility.

Mezim-forte is a drug in the form of tablets that activates the process of digestion - a high level of absorption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats. The drug is contraindicated in pancreatitis.

Creon is a medicine in the form of gelatin capsules to improve digestion. The dosage depends on the severity of the disease. Like Mezim, it is contraindicated in chronic pancreatitis.

The use of vitamins

In chronic colitis, in addition to medicines, vitamins of groups C, B, PP, U are attributed. These organic compounds are consumed orally, parenterally, in the form of injections. Injections are made with some B vitamins.

B1 is used to better cleanse the body.

Vitamin B3 improves the production of gastric acid, harmonizes the functionality of the intestinal tract.

U is used as building material. With the help of it, damaged parts of the intestine are restored. PP includes the activity of the secretory function of the human stomach.

Nutrition Features

Being treated for colitis, dieting is almost the most important component of recovery. For bowel disease, you can eat the following foods:

  • Yesterday's whole wheat bread, crackers. White fresh bread, rich products increase the production of gases, peristalsis accelerates - this will negatively affect the patient's condition.
  • Soup, porridge on the water, vegetable broth. Soup and not only on animal fats burdens the work of the stomach, intestines, liver.
  • Meat, fish in the form of steamed cutlets.
  • Eat low-fat dairy products.
  • Confectionery in moderation.
  • Tea, cocoa, soft coffee.
  • No more than two tablespoons of sugar per day, a few sweets.

Should be avoided:

  • legumes, pasta - cause excessive gas formation;
  • raw fruits, vegetables - fiber enhances peristalsis;
  • canned, pickled, smoked, pickled - these products irritate the intestinal lining, cause inflammation;
  • fast food;
  • spices, condiments

Atonic colitis (a.k.) is a type of chronic colitis. Colitis is the leading gastrointestinal disease. It is triggered by external factors (infections, bacteria), malfunctions of the organism of an endogenous nature.

Colitis refers to polyetiological diseases (the disease has many inducers or one unknown factor triggers other reactions). The essence of the disease is an inflammatory reaction in the mucosa of the large intestine. The variety of colitis is great. Allocate alcoholic, collagen, spastic, hemorrhagic and other types. Atonic colitis manifests itself in old age. There is a filling of the intestine due to problems with emptying.

Atonic type of colitis

Cause of the disease

Atonic colitis begins with inflammation. Causes of the inflammatory response:

  • Sometimes the source is the simplest, as in dysentery or salmonellosis.
  • Treatment with antibiotic drugs destroys its own "useful" intestinal microflora, which will lead to dysbacteriosis.
  • "Harmful" diet (acute, flour, alcohol abuse).
  • Physical and mental stress.
  • Allergy.
  • Poisoning.
  • Heredity (mitochondrial disease was found in patients with a.k.).
  • Age.

Drugs that act as inducers:

  • Against heartburn.
  • Antidiabetic.
  • Painkillers.
  • Narcotic substances.

Atonic colitis is predominantly common among the elderly, doctors have had to deal with colitis in young people. Inflammation occurs as a result of blockade, the intestine receives insufficient blood supply due to a sedentary lifestyle. In old age, prolonged inflammation leads to the death of cells of the colon mucosa. Nerve death occurs. Reduced conductivity of nerve fibers leads to malfunctions in peristalsis, hence constipation occurs.

Diagnosis of atonic colitis

Launched a.k. leads to intoxication of the body, which in the case of the elderly leads to irreversible consequences. It is important to be able to diagnose the disease in the early stages. Any symptoms play a decisive role.


  • Discomfort in the abdomen, flowing into pain.
  • Gas, flatulence (common symptom).
  • Bloating.

Over time, the feces in the intestines poison the body. Intoxication causes nausea, fever, the skin turns pale. The patient continues to eat with appetite, but loses weight.

Laboratory and clinical diagnostic methods

If a disease is suspected, macro- and microscopy of feces, a general blood test are performed. The presence of helminths and their eggs in the body is detected. With the help of irrigoscopy, it is possible to identify anomalies in the anatomical and functional state of the large intestine. With the help of colonoscopy, information is obtained about the condition of the patient's mucosa along the entire length of the colon. During a colonoscopy, you can get material from the intestinal mucosa - a biopsy. It is analyzed using histological methods.

Chronic colitis is diagnosed using fibrogastroduodenoscopy and abdominal ultrasound. To detect markers of inflammation of the pancreas, the liver, it is necessary to take functional samples.

The pathogenesis of atonic colitis

The term "atony" itself means dysfunction of peristalsis as a result of weak work of the muscles of the intestinal walls. Fecal masses do not move through the intestines. Accumulating there, they not only injure him, but also cause intoxication of the whole organism.

Fight against atonic colitis

Measures against a.k. include both medical and less invasive - preventive.


An important role in disrupting the functioning of the intestines is played by diet and nutrition in general. Eating puree-like meals will help both prevent disease and restore bowel function. Eat more fruits and vegetables (raw), try to eat more coarse fiber. Develop a strict meal schedule, avoid long hungry breaks. Minimize the gaps between meals. Start your day with a glass of yogurt, and before meals, eat a tablespoon of bran. Try to eat easily digestible, but high-calorie foods. In the early days, try to avoid fried foods and eat only boiled or steamed foods.

Break up your sedentary lifestyle with movement. Do not just walk, walk, run, but add exercises with weights, start pumping the press. Massage the abdominal wall, preferably every day. Remember that simple clockwise movements with a warm hand will help normalize the motor-evacuation properties of the intestine and save you a lot of strength, nerves, health and money.

Medical treatment

It is not necessary to demand much from preventive measures. If prevention did not help or was untimely, then it's time to try the drug treatment. Here is a list of drugs designed to help you get rid of stool and relieve pain:

  • Use stool softeners.
  • Drugs such as prozerin contribute to the restoration of peristalsis.
  • Antispasmodics will help you get rid of the pain.
  • You can stimulate bowel movements with rectal suppositories.
  • To remove stool and prevent intoxication, use an oil enema.

Remember that excessive abuse of laxatives will only bring harm: the intestines get used to constant "help" and cease to cope alone.

drastic measures

Although colitis is an age-related disease, many methods of dealing with it have appeared recently. There are a number of drugs that directly affect choline receptors. Artificial stimulation of intestinal motor activity is recreated. Such drugs are mainly prokinetics:

  • Bethanechol.
  • Cisapride.
  • Loperamide.
  • Neostigmine.
  • Metoclopramide.

These are opioid antagonists.

Everyone has heard of stem cells. It has been shown that stem cell transplantation is also used in the treatment of colitis, especially if it occurs as a result of a genetic predisposition. The task of transplanted stem cells is to give rise to new nerve bundles that died in the early stages of the disease. New nerve bundles should provide peristalsis.

Recent technologies allow the use of electrical stimulators (the principle of pacemakers - the artificial introduction of rhythms that support muscle contraction), forcing the intestines to push the contents out.

In advanced cases, a chronic form of intestinal obstruction (pseudo-obstruction) occurs, requiring only surgical intervention.

A.k. not just constipation that goes away on its own. Feel free to consult a doctor, catch the disease in the early stages of development, get treatment. The consequences become chronic, clinical.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can cause a lot of problems to a person. Atrophic colitis of the intestine develops against the background of an inflammatory process in the tissues, and the intestinal mucosa also becomes inflamed. It is a secondary disease. The rectum also suffers.

Inflammation of the walls of the intestines, rectum leads to thinning of the tissues and mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Dystrophic changes adversely affect the digestive system and the health of the patient.

Chronic colitis is the precursor to atrophic colitis. The disease manifests itself in regular pains of a different nature in the abdominal cavity. There is a gradual replacement of the tissues of the intestine and colon with fibrous tissue. The functioning of the intestine becomes difficult. The patient has problems with stool. Absorption of nutrients deteriorates.

Most often, periods of remission are replaced by an exacerbation of the disease. In the absence of treatment, the course of the disease becomes chronic, which is observed in 43% of cases. A special risk group is men aged 40 to 60 years. It is less common in women, but the age range is twenty to sixty and the complications are more severe.


Among the common causes, physicians distinguish the following:

  • Heredity. In 40% of patients diagnosed with colitis, the next of kin suffered from this disease.
  • Wrong way of life. The presence in the diet of a large amount of fatty, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, junk food, alcohol.
  • The presence of concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, drugs.
  • Poisoning caused by chemicals entering the body through the esophagus.
  • Lack of regular stools, prolonged use of laxatives without taking into account the doctor's recommendations and instructions for the drug.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Self-medication is a common cause of colitis.

The precursor of the disease is catarrhal colitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation and thickening of the intestinal mucosa. Lack of treatment guarantees the transition of the disease to the form of atrophic colitis, the lower gastrointestinal tract suffers, and the intestinal walls become thinner. Complications in this case are much more serious.


Symptoms may vary slightly depending on whether the patient is in the acute or chronic stage of the disease.

In acute atrophic colitis, the disease will proceed with the following symptoms:

The chronic form of the disease occurs with symptoms such as:

  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • increased pain in the abdominal cavity during physical activity;
  • nausea, headaches, general deterioration of well-being.

The nature of pain is different. The pain is cramping in nature, disappears after defecation or gas discharge. Modern medicines can relieve symptoms.


At the first stage of diagnosis, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the patient, probes the abdominal cavity for pain.

The next step is the delivery of blood, feces and urine tests. According to the results, the doctor directs the patient to the study of the intestine. To do this, resort to colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, irrigography. The appearance of the mucous membrane helps the doctor to establish a specific disease - catarrhal, subatrophic, atrophic colitis. Visual examination of the intestinal walls helps in determining the possible causes of the development of the disease. Usually the nature of the disease is focal, and with a detailed study, you can find the exact location of the inflammation.

If an acute form of the disease is diagnosed, then hospitalization is indicated for the patient. Treatment in the hospital lasts 6-9 days. In advanced cases, the hospital stay is longer.

Treatment Methods

Intestinal colitis requires serious systemic treatment prescribed by a specialist. Initially, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease, revise the diet, give up alcohol. After eliminating the causes, the doctor prescribes complex therapy, which consists of traditional drug treatment, a special diet and folk recipes.

Medical treatment

The doctor prescribes drugs to solve specific problems.

  1. To prevent the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestine, the doctor recommends taking broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is advisable to do a bacteriological examination before prescribing drugs. This is necessary to understand which antibiotic will be more effective. The use of probiotic preparations together with antibiotics to restore microflora is shown.
  2. Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With a mild course of the disease, the doctor prescribes drugs of this group, and treatment is limited to this. In most cases, the use of drugs in the form of rectal suppositories is indicated. This allows you to act directly on the intestinal tissue.
  3. In extreme cases, hormonal drugs of the corticosteroid group are prescribed. The drugs are prescribed by a doctor and taken with caution under the supervision of the attending gastroenterologist. They cause serious side effects.

Therapeutic and preventive diet

Patients with this diagnosis are shown a sparing diet. With the right menu, you can greatly alleviate the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease.

Caloric intake in the range of 1550 - 1800 Kcal per day, for both men and women. Fractional meals are recommended, in small portions. Food temperature is warm, avoid cold and hot. Preference is given to soft food: cereals, mashed soups, stewed vegetables. The daily rate of fluid for colitis is 1400-1600 ml per day.

  • steamed meat and fish puddings;
  • light vegetable broths;
  • vegetable puree from potatoes, carrots, zucchini;
  • soft cottage cheese;
  • fruit kissels and compotes, herbal infusions.
  • fatty, spicy dishes;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • bakery products;
  • sugar, salt, spices;
  • semi-finished products, smoked products, pickles;
  • mushrooms, peas, beans, lentils, nuts;
  • strong black tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks.

Folk methods of treatment

  • the first folk remedy - chamomile tincture - doctors recommend taking three times a day for one month in a tablespoon;
  • it is recommended to treat the inflammatory process with an alcohol-free tincture of propolis - take 30 drops for 14-20 days;
  • an effective folk method of treatment - mummy. The substance is able to assist in the fight against the inflammatory process and stop the development of the disease.

If you suspect a gastrointestinal disease, you should immediately seek help from a gastroenterologist.

Atrophic colitis of the intestine is a serious pathological change in the structure of the walls of the intestine and rectum. With untimely treatment, serious complications, internal bleeding, irreversible changes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are possible. A serious consequence of the disease is the development of tissue necrosis.

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