Birthday contests for three people. Funny games for adults. Who is the most powerful

There are also interesting games that you can play in a company, such as mafia.
Here I insert the rules and games in the mafia:

Professional rules for playing Mafia

Ten people participate in the game. The facilitator oversees the course of the game and regulates its stages.

To determine the roles, the facilitator distributes cards face down: one to each player. There are 10 cards in a deck: 7 red cards and 3 black cards. "Reds" are civilians, and "Blacks" are mafiosi.

One of the 7 red cards differs from the rest - it is the card of the Sheriff - the leader of the "Reds". "Blacks" also have their own leader - the Don card.

The game is divided into alternating stages of two types: day and night.
Purpose of the game: Blacks must eliminate Reds and vice versa.


Ten players are seated at the game table. The host announces "night" and all players put on masks. After that, in turn, each player removes the mask, selects a card, remembers it, the leader removes the card and the player puts on the mask.

Participants in bandages tilt their heads down so that the movements of neighbors or the play of shadows do not become a source of additional information for them.

The host announces: "The mafia is waking up." Participants who have received black cards, including the Mafia Don, remove their bandages and get to know each other and the Host. This is the first and only night when the mafiosi open their eyes all together. It was given to them in order to agree with gestures on the procedure for eliminating the "Reds". The “agreement” should be carried out quietly so that the “Red” players sitting next to them do not feel the movements. The host announces: "The mafia is falling asleep." After these words, "Black" players put on armbands.

The host announces: "Don is waking up." Don opens his eyes and the Host gets acquainted with Don. On subsequent nights, Don will wake up in order to find the Sheriff of the game. Host: "Don is falling asleep." Don puts on a bandage.

Host: "The Sheriff is waking up." The Sheriff wakes up and meets the Leader. On subsequent nights, the Sheriff will be able to wake up and look for the "Blacks". Host: "The Sheriff falls asleep."

Host: Good morning! Everyone is waking up."

First day. Everyone takes off their bandages. During the day there is discussion. According to the professional rules of the Mafia game, each player is given one minute to express their ideas, thoughts and suspicions.

The Reds must identify the Black players and take them out of the game. And the "Blacks" will provide themselves with an alibi and remove a sufficient number of "Red" players from the game. "Blacks" are in a better position, because they know "who is who."

The discussion begins with the player number one and then around the circle. During the day's discussion, players can nominate players (no more than one per player) with the aim of removing them from the game. At the end of the discussion, the candidates are voted on. The candidate with the most votes is eliminated from the game.

If only one candidate is nominated for the first round (Day), it shall not be voted. During the following circles (Days), any number of candidates are voted. The player who left the game has the right to the last word (duration - 1 minute).

The game has the term "Car Crash". This is a situation in which two or more players get the same number of votes. In this case, the voters are given the right to justify themselves within 30 seconds, convince the players of their “redness” and stay in the game. There is a vote. If someone gets more votes, he is out. If the players again gain an equal number of votes, then the question is put to the vote: “Who is in favor of all the voters leaving the game?”. If the majority votes for elimination, the players leave the game, if against - they stay, if the votes are evenly divided, the players remain in the game.

After the first round, night falls again. During this and the following nights, the mafia has the opportunity to "shoot" (a gesture specified at the beginning of the game). The “shooting” takes place as follows: the mafiosi, who agreed on the order of eliminating the “Reds” on the first night, “shoot” (with their eyes closed!) in the following nights.

The host, after the words “mafia goes hunting,” announces the numbers of the players in turn, and if all the mafiosi shoot at this number at the same time, then the object is hit. According to the rules of the game Mafia If one of the members of the mafia “shoots” at another number, or does not “shoot” at all, the Leader fixes a miss. "Shooting" occurs by imitation of a shot with fingers. The host announces: "The mafia is falling asleep."

Then the Host announces: "Don is waking up." Don wakes up and tries to find the Sheriff of the game. He shows on the fingers of the Leader any number, behind which, in his opinion, the Sheriff is hiding. The presenter with a nod of the head either confirms his version or denies it. Don falls asleep.

The Sheriff wakes up. He is also entitled to night checks. He is looking for "Black" players. After the Leader's answer, the Sheriff falls asleep, and the Leader announces the start of the second day.

If the mafia eliminated the player at night, the Host announces this and gives the last word to the victim. If the mafia missed, the Host announces that the morning is really good, and no one was hurt at night.

The discussion of the second day begins with the next, after the player who spoke first in the previous round.

During this and the next rounds, everything happens similarly to the first day. Nights and days alternate until one or another team wins.

The game ends with the victory of the "Reds" in the event that all the "Black" players are eliminated. "Blacks" win when there is an equal number of "Reds" and "Blacks".

The subtleties of the rules of the game in the mafia:

The player is obliged to draw his game number.
2. The player has no right to swear, bet, or appeal to any religion, swear, insult the players. For this, the Host removes the offending player from the game.
The player is not allowed to say the word "Honestly" or "I swear" in any form. For this violation, the player receives a warning.
The player does not have the right to deliberately peep "at night". If this violation is detected, the player is removed from the game, and is usually deprived of the opportunity to visit the Club for a long time. In case of involuntary peeping, the player is removed from the game.
The player has the right to nominate only one candidate.
The player has the right to withdraw his candidacy as part of his speech.
The player has the opportunity to vote for only one candidate.
When voting, the player must touch the table with his hand and keep it on the table until the end of the vote. The end of the voting coincides with the word of the Host "Thank you". A vote placed after the word "Thank you", or together with the word "Thank you", is not accepted. The leader counts the vote only if the hand touches the table.
If, during the voting, a player touches the table with his hand before the word “Thank you”, and then removes it, then he is immediately removed from the game.
If the player has not voted, his vote is assigned to the last voted.
The "black" player has the right to "shoot" only once. "Shot" is considered effective only in this case. In all other cases (player does not “shoot”, “shoots” twice) the Leader registers a miss. A miss is also recorded if the player "shoots" between the called Lead numbers.
The "Red" player at night has no right to show signs to the Sheriff whom to check. For this violation, the player is removed from the game.
The “black” player at night does not have the right to show signs to Don whom to check. For this violation, the player is removed from the game.
The player has no right to sing, dance, hit the table, speak and perform other actions that are not included in the "night" behavior of the players. For this violation, the player receives a warning from the host.
Don and Sheriff are unable to check in the first night.
Don and Sheriff have the right to check no more than one player each at night.
The player is not allowed to speak out of turn. For this violation, he receives a warning from the Leader.
The player has the right to speak during the daytime discussion for no more than 1 minute. For non-compliance with the rules, the player receives a warning.
During a Car Crash, the player has the right to speak for 30 seconds. For non-compliance with the rules, the player receives a warning.
After the Leader’s phrase “Night is falling”, the player must immediately put on a bandage. In case of delay, the player receives a warning.
The host has the right to give warnings for: a) unethical behavior, b) excessive gestures that interfere with the game or distract the players, c) other violations, the degree of which is determined by the host.
If a player uses profanity, “inhumane” and “obscene” behavior of a player at the gaming table (including due to the player’s excessively “alcohol-cheerful” state!) or insulting another player, the player may be removed from the game by decision Leading.
According to the professional rules of the Mafia game, a player who receives three warnings loses a word for one round. If a player receives a third warning after his performance on a lap, he will be forfeited for the next lap.
The player who receives the fourth warning is removed from the game.
A player who protests before the end of the game is removed from the game.
Mafia game rules stipulate that a protest can be taken into consideration by the host only after the end of the game.
The game is annulled, its result is changed or replayed if the protesting team (in full) + one player from among the opponents votes for the protest.
The player who left the game immediately leaves the game table.
With any removal from the game, the player does not have the right to the last word.

There are other rules for playing Mafia on the cards. How to play Mafia is up to you, but the presented version of the rules of the Mafia card game is the most interesting and balanced. In any case, Mafia is an exciting psychological board game that can deliver incomparable intellectual pleasure.

Who is it?
After several youth meetings, you can check how much the guys got to know each other. Give everyone a piece of paper and ask everyone to write 4 things about themselves that not many people know about.

For example:

I have a dog and a parrot.
- I love playing chess.
- I really want to buy a computer.
- I'm going to become an agronomist.

Ask them to sign these sheets and turn them in. After that, you distribute to everyone blank sheets numbered by the number of people in the group. And in order, read out what each wrote. And you ask: "Who is this?" Everyone should write their own guess. At the end you say the correct names. The one with the most correct answers wins.

We save things
Participants receive two sheets of paper. The facilitator suggests imagining that each of them had a fire at home and they only need to save one thing from the fire. On one sheet, the players write the thing, and on the other - why he saved it. Then those and other sheets are collected and mixed in separate boxes. The leader first pulls one sheet from one box, then another from the other and reads. For example:
TV - because it is pleasant to walk on it.
Before the game, the participants are told to treat the game with humor, otherwise everyone will save documents and money.

Sharp arrows
A target with a heart in the center is attached to the wall. You can use small balls or darts. Each player has three attempts.
The host explains: "A heart pierced by an arrow is an ancient symbol of love. Whoever manages to get into the heart will be able to attract the attention of the Beautiful Lady or the Fairy Prince. The best arrows will be awarded knighthood, and well-aimed ladies will receive the title of Chief Thieves of Hearts."

mating dances
This fun game is only worth playing in very small groups. The spectators stand in a circle. Someone first points to the player from the circle with a shout of "U". The selected player must raise their arms, clench their fists and bend them slightly at the elbows [like a bodybuilder showing his biceps]; one player on each side of the selected player [let's call him "bodybuilder"] must make the following movements: one hand on the belt [the one that is closer to the "bodybuilder"], the second arm rises up, but does not bend at the elbow, the body bends to the bodybuilder. All these movements are accompanied by cries of "U". Who overslept or missed, or arched in the wrong direction, or raised two hands instead of one - leaves. And so on up to two people.

Unusual volleyball
The rules of the game are the same as in volleyball. But the usual grid is replaced by a solid panel, through which the other team's players cannot be seen. Playing "blindly" leads to fun surprises. The second version of this game is with a regular net, but instead of a volleyball, they play with a children's balloon inflated with air (you can add a couple of drops of water to the balloon). The second option is possible only in calm weather.

Lost Vapors Requires: ITEMS
Choose 3 or 4 pairs, leaving at least half of the people in the audience, give the pair two of the same item. Make sure each pair has different items. Then, scatter them around the room while blindfolding. Tell them they are not allowed to say a word. Moving around the room, each person should try to find their partner. This can be done by finding someone and determining if that person is holding the same item as you. The first couple to reunite again is declared the winner.

Cheerful cooks
For this attraction you will need two chef's hats, two jackets or two white coats, two aprons. Items are laid out on stools located on the start line, on opposite stools they put a bowl filled with water, put a tablespoon, put an empty bottle. The contestants are divided into two teams. They line up at the start line. At the signal of the presenter, the first numbers run up to the stool, put on a cap, jacket and apron and run to the opposite stools. Then they take spoons, once they scoop up water from a bowl and pour it into a bottle, after which they return to their team and undress, passing the apron and cap to the second number. He quickly dresses and performs the same task, and so on. The team that fills the bottle the fastest wins.

secret angel
This game requires all players to be together for at least one day. The game is good for getting to know each other better. Requires 5 - 50 people. The names of all participants are written on separate small pieces of paper, then they are folded, mixed. Each player draws one piece of paper with someone's name on it. Each player becomes a "secret angel" to the person whose name he drew. Secret because no one knows whose angel he is, the ward of the angel himself should not know either, this is kept secret. "Angel" all the time of the game gives his ward some attention.

For example:

Sends notes with Bible verses
- small gifts (sweets, cookies, etc.),
- writes him poems and comments, suggestions, etc.

The "angel" himself also receives signs of attention, because. in turn is also someone's ward. At the end of the game, everyone reveals their cards and shares their impressions.

famous couples
Let the audience remember historical couples who were known for their love and fidelity - Orpheus and Eurydice, Odysseus and Penelope, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Romeo and Juliet, etc. Whoever remembers last gets some kind of a thematic gift - a keychain in the form of a "heart", some book about love, etc.

The players become in a circle. The leader commands: "Touch yellow, one, two, three!" Players as quickly as possible try to take hold of the thing (object, part of the body) of the other participants in the circle. Who did not have time - leaves the game. The host repeats the command again, but with a new color. The last one left wins.

This evening, throughout the holiday, you can arrange a correspondence with each other. To do this, each participant must have his own number (you can write it on a heart). Place a mailbox in the room and identify the postman. Participants of the holiday can send wishes and "valentines" to each other.

“Reeling” flight Required: 2 ITEMS + 2 CANDLES + THREADS
Divide your participants into pairs. Give each pair a rope of the same length with small sticks attached to the ends. On a signal, both members of each team begin to wind the rope around the sticks. The first ones to reach each other win. Have a referee on hand to ensure that the rope is being wound correctly.

small detail
The host takes one person out of the room, after showing it to everyone present. Taking him out of the room, the presenter changes some detail on him: unbuttons a button, rolls up his socks, unbuttons his sleeve!
When the player and facilitator return to the room, the participants in the game must guess what has changed.

Memory Required: 3 PAIRS+QUESTIONS+Forms
Several couples are taken out of the hall. Then women are invited into the hall. She is asked questions, which will then be checked against her husband's answers. Whoever has the most correct answers is the winner. Tip: write down the answers of all the wives, and only then introduce the husbands one by one.


1. Where did your husband confess his love to you?
2. What flowers did he give you for the very first time?
3. What words did he propose to you with?
4. His favorite pastime is...
5. Your favorite activity is…
6. What kind of flowers do you like?
7. What is your husband's favorite dish?

Jelly Chinese
For this contest, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks.

The Mightiest Required: COUPLES+MUSIC
This game will require slow music for 10 minutes. The guy takes the girl in his arms and holds her in his arms. The pair that lasts the longest wins. When tired, the players are prompted to put their partner over their shoulder, put them on their shoulders, etc.

Dashing drivers
Glasses, small buckets of water, poured to the brim, are placed on children's cars. Twine of the same length (10-15 meters) is tied to the cars. On command, you need to quickly wind the twine around the stick, pulling the machine towards you. If the water is splashing, the host calls out loud the number of the "chauffeur", and he stops winding the string for a second. The winner is the one who pulled up the machine the fastest and did not spill the water. He gets the prize. You can play without water, just lengthen the rope.

To your beloved over bumps Required: 3 PAIRS + A4 LEAVES
Participants are given two sheets of paper. They must go to their loved ones through the "swamp" along the "bumps" - sheets of paper. You need to put a sheet on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other sheet in front of you. Step over to another sheet, turn around, take the first sheet again and put it in front of you. And so, whoever reaches his bride first, wins! Watch for the cleanliness of the rules of the game by the participants.

If you have a VCR and a projector, you can use it to arrange another contest. Turn on a videotape of a bodybuilding athlete's performance, and ask the men to follow him. Whoever does it better - to show muscle fitness and artistry at the same time, give him the "laurel wreath" of hearts.

Draw two circles on the start line. Divide the guys equally into two groups of 15-20 people, and put each group in a circle. Now tie both groups with ropes, you get two "spiders". On command "march!" both "spiders" begin to race to the finish line, where two other circles are drawn in which they must stand. "Spiders" stumble, do not run, but barely crawl, all players must be either completely barefoot or all in boots, otherwise it hurts their legs. Try it - find out why!

The participants of the game are given plasticine. The host shows or calls a letter, and the players must, as quickly as possible, blind an object whose name begins with this letter.

Candy Trap Required: CANDIES
Pass a bag of candy to the audience, let them have 1-2 candies if they want, of course. When all the spectators have taken a candy for themselves, announce the rules of the game: for each candy taken, the spectators will have to tell some fact about one of the young people.

Collaboration Required: 4 PAIRS+4 APPLES+ROPS
The couple must eat an apple hanging on a thread without hands.

Guess the song
An unlimited number of people participate in the game. The facilitator brings out a volunteer. The remaining players choose a well-known song. Then three volunteers are given one word each from the first three words of the song, for example: "I give you!". The escorted person returns to the room and starts asking the three volunteers tricky questions. Volunteers must fully answer the questions asked using the hidden words. The task of the withdrawn person is to guess the hidden song.

show the situation
For this game, you need to divide those present into several identical teams. Teams take turns telling each other scenes related to the future life of the newlyweds. The task of a group of players from the opposite team is to try to show the hidden situation to the players of their team without making any sounds, so that they immediately guess the situation.

Ask those present to name the names of weddings by year:
1 year - Calico
5 years - Wooden
6.5 years - Zinc
7 years - Copper
8 years - Tin
10 years - Pink
12.5 years - Nickel
15 years - Glass
20 years - Porcelain
25 years - Silver
30 years - Pearl
35 years - Linen
37.5 years - Aluminum
40 years - Ruby
45 years - Sapphire
50 years - Golden
60 years - Diamond (Platinum)
65 years - Iron
67.5 years - Stone
70 years - Gracious
75 years - Crown

"Sweet couple"
You will need several pairs for this game. Each pair is given a piece of candy. The task of each pair is to unfold and eat the candy by joint efforts without the help of hands. The first couple to do so wins.

Give honor!
Line up the team players. This game is a relay race. After the first player completes the task correctly, the next player can do it. The task is as follows: take your nose with your right hand, pass your left hand through the resulting loop, stretch it forward with a protruding thumb, while saying: "In!" Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

missing item
The game is similar to the previous game, but in this case a tray with 10-15 items is played. Items are removed from the tray, or vice versa, items are added. The principle of the game is the same!

Poetry of love
"... Love and poetry are inseparable. So it was at all times and remains to this day .... Now each of our couples will have to become poets for a short time."
Rules: Each pair is given a card with the opening lines of a quatrain to complete. After one minute, the couples present their version of the poem to the audience. Poems are evaluated with applause.

Couples are given a card with the words:
"On Valentine's Day I see a strange picture..."

Source: Bibliodigest "About schlyub ta kokhannya".

And there is no man!
A man is taken out of the room. At this point, the remaining players choose one person, who is covered with a blanket. All the rest are swapped. The task of the person who came out is to determine who was missing, and where he was sitting before.

Water Carrier Relay
Several teams of 5 people each can participate in the competition. The team should have a small children's bucket, and if not, then a tin can with a wire handle. The volume of buckets must be the same, otherwise it will not be possible to determine the winner. You can carry out the attraction on the site, the length of which is 15-20 meters. The teams line up at the start. At the finish against each team - a flag. Those who stand first receive a bucket filled with water. At the signal of the judge chosen by the guys, the first numbers run to the flags, go around them and return to the start line. The goal of the game is to run to the flag and back as quickly as possible, pass the bucket to a teammate and not spill the water. The team that takes the least time and saves the most water wins.

Bouquet Required: PAPER + PENS
You can invite the audience to take part in a song contest dedicated to flowers, because, as you know, flowers have their own love language. Flowers look best in a bouquet. Let each of the players collect their "bouquet" - those who came in clothes of one color or another. "Yellow" bouquet - all those who have this color in their outfit; "red" - who has more red colors in clothes and so on. When the bouquets "are" collected, that is, teams are formed, albeit with an unequal number of players, you can start the second round of this contest "By verse - from the bouquet!". The teams are given flowers made of paper, and on them one line from a classic love song. Whoever performs it better, that team, and, consequently, the “bouquet picker” will win.

I believe - I do not believe! Required: CARDS WITH DIFFERENT SITUATIONS
You can offer the newlyweds and "explanatory-exculpatory" competition. You can call it "I believe - I do not believe."
The situation for the competition can be set as follows: “A tired husband comes home, there is a mess at home, there is nothing to eat. What happened? What will the wife say in her defense, and will the husband believe it? So, the husband looks sternly at his watch, then looks at his wife and asks : "Honey, what happened?".
In response, the bride offers her own excuses, and the groom accepts them or not, while saying "I believe!" or, conversely, "I do not believe!".

Living Corridor Required: 2 CANDLES
All guests, and there must be at least 20 people, line up at a distance of 3 meters in two lines opposite each other, forming a corridor. The bride and groom must pass through this corridor with a lit candle, keeping its flame. All guests must blow on the fire, but they must not make movements with their arms, legs, etc.

One-legged soccer players
The players keep both legs together all the time, the legs of the players can be tied, the ball is kicked with both legs at once. The court is reduced to the size of a volleyball court, it is best to play on the sand. Each team has 5-7 players: goalkeeper, 2-3 defenders, 2-3 forwards. Since the players move only in jumps, the half lasts 5 minutes, the break between halves is 3 minutes. More than three halves should not be played. The ball for the game is a medicine ball (a stuffed ball weighing 1 kilogram). The rules are the same as for football.

Do, Re, Mi Necessary: ​​PAPER WITH DO, RE, MI ...
On holidays it is customary to congratulate the young! To help you do this…
Each table is given a piece of paper with written in a column: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si. Spectators need to write 7 wishes or congratulations, starting each of them with the letters of the note. Example: Before - A virtuous wife - she is better than gold.

Rules: You can "spend" only 25 rubles on your imaginary friend. Choose the qualities that you would like to see in this person, but do not spend more than 25 rubles. In the right column, note how much money you spend.

In this group, each costs 6 rubles:
Handsome on the face.
Very popular.
Quite intelligent.
Wonderful Christian.
Very kind.

In this group, each costs 5 rubles:
With a great figure.
Interesting companion.
Tactful and proactive.
An optimist with a good sense of humor.

In this group, each costs 4 rubles:
With large breasts or bust.
He is fond of sports.
Goes to church, is religious.
Honest, doesn't lie or cheat.

In this group, each costs 3 rubles:
Sleek and well dressed.
Likes theater, painting or music.
With good manners, from a prosperous family.
Ambitious and hardworking.

In this group, each costs 2 rubles:
Gets good grades.
Loves children.
Courageous, standing up for his rights.

In this group, each costs 1 ruble:
With your favorite eye color.
Has a car.
Rich and wealthy.
Sincere and serious.

Relay race with toothpicks
Divide people into 2 or more teams with an equal number of players. Have each team line up. Each participant is given a toothpick, which he takes in his teeth. The first member of each team is given a ring to put on a toothpick. On a signal, the first person turns and tries to put the ring on the toothpick of the person behind him. Do not touch the ring with your hands, except if it has fallen to the floor. Then whoever held it last must pick it up, hang it on their toothpick, and try again to pass it to the next player. This continues until the ring reaches the end of the line. If you want, especially if you don't have many people on your teams, you can make the ring go to the end of the line and back to the first player again.

Remember when?
Ask members of your youth group to think about their childhood. Ask: "When did you feel loved? What convinced you that you were loved and appreciated?"
Have the children write down their memories. Encourage them to write about their feelings. After everyone has finished, discuss their discoveries.

Source: Holiday Ideas book.

Cute mess (not for a wedding!!!) Needed: CHALLENGE CARDS
This is a good Valentine's Day mix for groups of 25 or more. Give each person the list shown below. Each person works to complete their list. The first one to complete all 10 tasks wins.

1. Take 10 different autographs, full name (overleaf).
2. Unlace someone's shoe, pull out the lace, tie the lace again and tie it.
3. Find 2 other people and use your hands to make a heart shape with the three of you.
4. Let the girl kiss this leaf 5 times, write down her name. _____
5. If you are a girl - let the guy get on one knee in front of you and make you an offer. If you're a guy, get down on one knee and propose to any girl. Write down her/his name.
6. Eat candy off the table and show your tongue to someone you don't know well. Have that person sign next to it.
7. Say a little rhyme as loudly as you can.
8. Ask 10 people to be your lovers and write down your score. Not really _______
9. Run the frog 5 times around someone.
10. In a jump, jump to the leader.

Blind Coordination
The game involves several couples. On the floor, according to the number of playing pairs, one inverted stool is placed. The guys are placed at a distance of 3 meters from the stool and blindfolded.
Girls are given 10 boxes of matches. The guy should go to the stool with his eyes closed and put the matchbox on the leg of the stool, then he should return to his girlfriend and take the next matchbox from her, and so on until one matchbox lies on all legs of the chair. Dropped boxes do not count and can be compensated by replacing them with the boxes the girls have.
Children are not allowed to touch either the legs of the stools or their bases. All actions take place under the coordination of their assistants.

Mummy Required: 3-4 ROLLS TOIL. PAPER
2-3 pairs are selected. In a pair, the first player is a mummy. The second is a mummifier.
Each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. The mummifier must, as quickly as possible, completely wrap the mummy with paper. The game is judged on quality and speed.
The game can be played with a group. In this case, a group of people wrap their mummy together!

Love is? Required: PENS + BLANK CARDS
This game can last the entire feast! Present the audience with a nice prize and give it at the end of the feast to the one who sends a note with the most original definition of "love". Let the newlyweds have the right to choose the winner.

Example: Love is the feeling you feel when you feel a feeling that you have never felt before!

Lottery Required: LOTTERY + PRIZES
Make 20 lottery tickets with beautiful designs. Number your tickets.
Sell ​​these tickets for the lowest price. Donate money from ticket sales to the newlyweds fund. When all tickets are sold, start the draw. Not all numbers must be winning, perhaps every third or fourth ticket will be winning. Prepare the necessary prizes. You will have to spend some money on prizes, but the lottery will be a very good distraction from the program (I know from my wedding)

draw an elephant
The facilitator offers two teams a sheet of paper, on which, collectively, with closed eyes, an elephant is drawn: one draws the body, the other the head, the third the legs, etc. Whoever draws the fastest and the most similar gets another point.

Super Star Required: STICKERS
Each guest receives a sticker (ribbon) at the entrance. The rules of the game are that during the entire feast, if someone sees a person who is sitting with his legs or arms crossed, he can take the sticker from him. The person left without a sticker does not leave the game, but begins to closely monitor other guests in order to take one of the stickers from them. The owner of more stickers gets a prize.

This game can be played by several couples (girls first, then boys...). Turn the sleeves of two jackets inside out and hang them over the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter, backs to each other. Place two meters of string under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. On a signal, they must take their jackets, turn out their sleeves, put them on, fasten all buttons (or zip up), run around the opponent's chair, sit on their chair and pull the rope.
The winning player earns one point for his pair.

tie a rope
Choose any number of pairs. Give each pair a short rope or ribbon that one person in the pair will need to tie 5 knots. Do not give any instructions as to which knots to tie. When the knots are tied, the partner in a pair must untie the knots given to him as quickly as possible.

Variety of names
The leader calls several names, and everyone who bears the named name goes to the leader and forms into groups corresponding to their name. The result is several groups (eg: Sasha, Anya, Lena, Ira). But since the host does not know all the names of those people who are in the hall, he invites the formed groups to name themselves (in turn) so that there are more and more new groups, the process of forming these groups is accompanied by applause. When all participants are involved in this game, the facilitator invites each group to say their name in unison.
Game participants who have a unique name, that is, left without a group, receive prizes for the uniqueness of their name.

best compliment
If the guys in your youth group don't know how to encourage each other, then try the following. Host a compliment contest. Put one chair in the middle of the room, and all the others around it. Have one person sit on this chair and the rest around. The person in the middle is given the right to choose two people from the circle: the one to whom compliments will be addressed, and the one who will give compliments. There will be two compliments: the one who sits in the center, and the one he chose. The object of compliments will have to choose what he liked best. The choice must be made, even if it is difficult. The person whose compliments were "worse" would have to take the center chair.
This game can be changed a little. The object of the compliment can sit in the center, and he or she chooses two people who will give her / him these compliments. The one whose compliments were liked the most then takes the center chair and accepts compliments from two other people he chooses. This game helps children learn to encourage and support each other.

Bun in the mouth
Very funny game. Several people are playing. The volunteer is given 3 (5 depending on size) tangerines. He must stuff all 3 (5) tangerines into his mouth, but do not chew them, then check!!! Then he is given a printed text in his hands, which he must read without chewing the tangerine. Everyone else must understand it. Whoever understands the reader most correctly wins a prize. You can repeat this game several times (with different text and new!!! tangerines).

Who quickly
2 chairs are placed with their backs to each other at a distance of about 2 meters. A rope is stretched under the chairs, its ends are between the feet of the children sitting on the chair. A bag of nuts (sweets, cookies, seeds) is tied in the middle of the rope. At the command of the host, those sitting on the chair should jump up, run around the chairs, sit on their own and, grabbing the rope, pull the prize towards them, which goes to the one who can do it first.

The best
The leader chooses a player. They give him a small mirror. His assignment is to publicly give ten compliments to himself while looking in the mirror. The player must not laugh, must not repeat himself. The host and other players interfere: they try to make you laugh by commenting on the words of the speaker ....

water carriers
Two parallel lines are drawn with chalk at a distance of 10 meters from one another (or on the ground). Several guys get on all fours at one of the devils, and plastic bowls filled up to half with water are placed on their backs. They must quickly cross the other line on all fours, turn back and return to the start. Those who came first get two points each, and those who did not spill water at all - three more. Compete should be in the warm season.

Make up a verse Required: PAPER + WORD LIST
It is known that in all ages men dedicated poems to their lovers. Let the men compete in writing poetry. Rhymes can be very different. Give them the required number of words: fly, bones, belly, guests, cloud, husband, thrashing, worse, etc.

General writing
All those present are given sheets of paper. The host asks questions, everyone writes down the answers and bends his answer, hiding it from others. Questions can be: who worked for whom, when, where, what did you do, why, and what happened?
Here is an example of what can come out: Misha, the cleaner, three days ago, went to the cinema, well, just like that, he got lost.

Obedience to husband Required: BANDAGE + CAKE + SPITT
The wife is blindfolded and given a plate with a piece of low-fat cake. The husband is seated on a chair. He must guide his wife while she feeds him blindfolded cake. Give your husband a sweatshirt.

Guess the fingerprint Required: PAPER+LIP PRINTS
For this game you will need several couples and many women. Ask couples, including the bride, and a few women in the audience to leave their lipstick prints on a piece of paper. Husbands and grooms will have to guess which of the prints belongs to their beloved. If you have a projector, make prints on transparent paper and flash them onto the canvas. Don't let husbands look at their wives' lipstick color.

The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-20 people and line up at the back of each other's heads. Each team receives a thick rope (rope), which all players take with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. Then each of the participants of the attraction, depending on which side of the rope he is standing on, is taken with his right or left hand by the ankle of his right or left leg. At the leader's signal, the centipedes jump forward 10-12 meters, holding on to the rope, then turn around and jump back. You can run just on two legs, but then you should put the guys very close to each other. The victory is awarded to the team that first ran to the finish line, provided that none of its participants unhooked from the rope while running or jumping.

Hostesses Required: 2 PAIRS + DOLLS + COMBS + ...
This game involves the groom and another husband. Two participants in the game must wake up the dolls, do exercises with them, wash, brush their teeth, comb, dress, feed, walk with the doll, play with her, wash her hands, feed, wash, undress, put to bed and sing a lullaby song. The one who does it best wins.

The audience is divided into 3 teams. Each team thinks of a word. The captain of the 1st team speaks to the captains of the 2nd and 3rd teams. They race to pantomime the word to their teams. Then the captain of the 2nd team speaks to the captains of the 1st and 3rd teams, after that, the captain of the 3rd team speaks to the captains of the 1st and 3rd.

Let's wait and see Necessary: ​​QUESTIONS ON CARDS
The bride pulls out questions, the groom pulls out answers.
Together they read aloud what happened.

Sample questions and answers from letters.

Envelopes for the bride's guests:
1. Honey, shall we buy a cow?
2. Zolotko, will you give me the entire salary?
3. My sun, will you serve me coffee with a bun in the morning?
4. Dear, will you buy me clothes every day?
5. Darling, do you want us to have three girls and no boys?
6. Good, will you help me with the housework?

Envelopes for the groom's guests:
1. Dream, dream, my love.
2. If wages allow.
3. As you say, my only one.
4. It all depends on you, dear.
5. I only dream about this, my good one.
6. Well, you will say too. Wait and see.

Who knows the bride best? Required: KNOW THE ANSWERS
For this game, you need to know the preferences of the bride in the questions asked. After that, you ask the audience about the preferences of the bride. The one with the most correct answers wins a prize.

Questions might be:
1. Where would you like to spend your honeymoon?
2. What car would you like to have?
3. What animal do you like the most?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. What do you like to do, work?
6. Where did you meet your lover?
7. Where was your first date?
8. What character traits do you like most about him?
9. …

Dungeon Escape
The game is reminiscent of the old game "Cat and Mouse". Participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle.
Inside is a prisoner or captive, outside is his or her friend. The prisoner must break out, slipping under the arms of the "fence", his assistant must try to divert the attention of the guard (tickle his armpits, give compliments, pull his ears ...). The one who misses the prisoner takes his place.

gum competition
Give each participant a large box of chewing gum. Have a prize for whoever can blow the bubble first (or blow the biggest one).

Blindfold toss
Give each competitor 10 potatoes and place them 2.5-3m away from a bucket, box or basket. Let him make a couple of practice shots. Then, blindfold him, after which let him try to throw as many potatoes as possible into the box.

Bench in the park
Ask three people to leave the room. From those who remain, choose one guy and one girl. Have them sit next to each other on a bench (you can use two chairs instead of a bench). Then, one by one, invite those who are standing outside the door. When the first person enters the room and sees a boy and a girl sitting, tell him that they are two lovers. Ask him/her to make the picture more romantic: for example, have them hug each other or hold hands. After he changes their positions, he/she will have to take the place of the guy/girl. This is where the fun begins. Then invite the next person who is waiting outside the door and repeat the procedure. You can continue this game for as long as you want.

burning match
While the match is burning, a person should tell about himself as much as possible. At the same time, he holds a match lit in his hand. One message - one point. (For example: My name is... I live...) The one with the most points wins. It will be much easier for you if you ask to read the messages of several people.

The number of players is not limited. Imagine that the leader is a customs officer.
Ask the players a question: "What one item would you take with you abroad?"
Let the player name items for you until you miss him. Skip the person if he calls the word with the first letter of his name. The task of the players is to find out what is the criterion for your decisions.

Balloons with questions
For this game you will need 10-20 balls. This game can also be used as an auction to raise funds for newlyweds. Before you inflate the balloons, you need to put a small note in them with a question about the bride or groom. Spectators buy balloons for a symbolic price, blow them up and get the opportunity to learn something new about the newlyweds. The buyer can also ask his own questions if he so desires.

Suggested questions:
1. Tell us a funny story about your spouse?
2. What was the hardest part of preparing for the wedding?
3. What do you think is necessary for a happy marriage?
4. …

Find a shoe
During the break, distract the groom in order to steal the bride's shoe.
After the break, take the groom out of the hall, hide the shoe together. The husband enters and begins to look for a shoe, the audience helps him by clapping their hands weaker-harder, according to the "cold-hot" principle.

Confession Necessary: ​​QUESTION AND ANSWER CARDS
The host has two sets of cards in two colors; Questions are written on dark-colored cards, answers are written on light-colored cards. Guests are invited to choose a question for themselves, read it, then choose a card with the answer for themselves and also read it aloud to everyone present. The meaning of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, it is only important that the number of questions matches the number of answers.

monkey king
The number of players is not limited. Everyone sits in a circle, the monkey king is chosen from the players. All players must repeat all the movements of the chosen king! After the king is elected, a previously removed person enters the room, his task is to understand who the participants in the game are parodying!

Tear off your hat
Two guys can compete, or two teams can. A circle is drawn. Players enter the circle, each of them has his left hand tied to his body, and a hat on his head.
The task is simple and not easy - to take off the enemy's hat and not let him take off his own. For each cap removed, the team receives a point.

Come on, don't back
On level ground, at a step distance from each other, 8-10 towns are placed on the same line (or pins). The players of the two teams stand in front of the first town, they are blindfolded with a blindfold and offered to go between the towns back and forth. The one who knocks down the fewest towns wins. This person's team can help him. It’s also a lot of fun if all the obstacles are quietly removed.

Savvy husband Necessary: ​​WATMAN, prepared figures
On a piece of paper, write a few numbers in a column, which, for example, will mean: the age of the bride, the day of the month when she was born, the last two digits of the year of birth, shoe size, height, weight.
If the husband does not know, make him do something for the bride.

Hostesses 2 Necessary: ​​2 PAIRS + 0.5 BOTTLES
The newlyweds and another couple participate in this game. Wives will have to give their husbands Sprite (milk) to drink through a nipple from a half-liter bottle. "Moms" are not allowed to put pressure on the bottle, as the nipple may come off and the milk will spill on the "BABY".

show history
In this game, the team shows a hidden Bible story. The opposite team must guess the hidden story.

Thread the needle Required: NEEDLE + THREAD
Form several couples (guy and girl). Have the boys stand on one side and the girls on the other. Give each guy a piece of thread, each girl a needle of the same size. On a signal, the guys run to the place where their girls are standing, holding needles. Without the help of a girl, every guy has to thread through the eye of a needle. As soon as he succeeds, he takes a needle and thread and runs back to the place where he came running from.

"... The choice of a gift is always a difficult matter, especially when it comes to a gift for a loved one. A gift should be both practical and meaningful, and, moreover, memorable .... We always rack our brains before a holiday or day Let's try to guess today what gifts and surprises lovers can give each other ... "
Rules: Several couples participate in the game. Representatives of the couples stand on both sides of the leader. The moderator asks a question. Each player writes their answer on a piece of paper. After 20 seconds, the girl reads her version of her boyfriend's answer, which solemnly checks against her boyfriend's real answer. If the answers match, the couple gets one point! The pair with the most points wins a prize.
This game can be made even more interesting by having the couples answer all the questions at once, and only then check their answers.
Imagine how different the answers to the questions below can be if a guy wants to give his lover a "mixer", and she thinks that he will give her a "mink coat".

Question options:
- What gift would you like your boyfriend to give you on the anniversary of your meeting?
- What would you say to your beloved when you received this gift from him?
What materials would you like this gift to be made from?
- What three adjectives would you use to describe this gift to your friends?
- What color would you like it to be?
- Where would you keep this gift?
- What would you do with it?
- etc. etc.

Players are invited to try to draw or color something, but with their left hand, and those who are left-handed - with their right.

chocolate bar
Everyone rolls a die in a circle (preferably a large one), and when a 6 falls out, he runs to the table, puts on a hat, scarf, takes a fork and knife, cuts chocolate and eats a chocolate bar from the fork until someone rolls the next 6. The next one to roll a 6 picks up the scarf and hat, puts it on, and starts eating chocolate until the next one rolls a 6, and so on.

Select from the audience several couples, including the bride and groom.
Take the brides out of the hall. Sit the grooms one by one in a row on the chairs. Put album sheets with a slot in the middle on their ears. Enter the blindfolded wife. Ask them to identify their husband by only allowing them to touch the ears of those who are seated. Enter next wife...

Find your heart
Hearts are hidden in the room. At the command of the leader, the participants must find as many hearts as possible. The winner will be the one with the most hearts.
Hearts can be hidden under tables, gluing them with tape, on window sills. It is better to avoid bookshelves and flower pots so as not to make a mess.

Chain of love
The game involves several couples. The game will help viewers to find out which of the playing couples has better interaction. Each pair is given a box of paper clips. On a signal, music begins to play, and the members of the couple begin to build a chain of paper clips, fastening the paper clips together.
The pair with the longest staple chain wins.

Not going off the edge
A thick board is placed on its edge and fixed in this position with pegs knocked into the ground near it. Five identical objects (for example, pencils) are placed on the ground on one side of the board, and five erasers are placed on the other side. The player must, passing along the edge of the board and without leaving it, shift all the objects lying on the left to the right side, and those lying on the right to the left side. If you fail, you need to start over and try again one more time, then give way to the next player on your team.

For this game you will need to protect the bride from other spectators. Spectators are asked to give detailed descriptions of the bride (eye color, make-up color, jewelry, earring color and shape, watch color, dress shape and style, shoe color and shape, …). For each new correct fact mentioned, the person receives one point (small card or sticker). The results are summed up when all the facts have already been named. The owner of the most balls receives a prize. The game very well emphasizes the beauty of the bride.

Invite the newlyweds to compose a greeting for the guests from the given words. To do this, write on the cards the same words for the bride and groom. For a certain time, ask them to write a greeting separately from each other. You can use the help of witnesses. The case and number of these words can be changed.
For example: peach, orchestra, tie, guests, family, spatula, window, children, work, time.
You can suggest words that will fit or have some connection with the life of your newlyweds. After the work is finished, the bride and groom read out their greetings to the guests.
Here's what we got: Dear guests in ties and not only! To the sounds of the music of our orchestra, eating peaches, looking after the children, without wasting time, you are watching the birth of a new family, the head of which promised, looking out the window, to work as a spatula both at home and at work.

show item
For this game, you need to divide those present into two identical teams. Teams take turns guessing abstract objects to each other, for example, "weightlessness", "helicopter". The task of the player of the opposite team is to try to show the hidden object to their players without making any sounds. Note that you need to show the hidden object. not what is done with this item. Guessing is much easier if the audience says their versions out loud!

Flocks of fish
The players are divided into 2-3 equal teams, and each player receives a paper fish (length 22-25 centimeters, width 6-7 centimeters), tied on a thread with its tail down (thread length 1-1.2 meters). The guys fasten the end of the thread on the back of the belt so that the tail of the fish freely touches the floor. Each team has a different color fish. At the signal of the leader, the players, running one after another, try to step on the tail of the "opponent" fish with their foot. Touching the threads and fish with your hands is not allowed. The player whose fish was plucked is out of the game.
The team with the most fish left wins. Instead of fish, it is very fun to use balls, they need to burst.

Hearts in hand Required: PAPER (BOOKS) + CANDIES
Choose several couples (husband and wife!!!). Place telephone directories or catalogs of the same size on the floor (any large, thick book will do). On the floor around the catalogs, scatter 50-75 paper hearts so that they are within reach. When the couple stands on the book, the girl should bend down, pick up the heart and pass it to the guy. If they lose their balance and touch the floor, they will be disqualified. The couple with the most hearts in 60 seconds wins. Several couples can participate at the same time.

Affectionate hedgehog Required: APPLE + MATCHES
Take a beautiful apple and stick a lot of matches into it. The task of the newlyweds is to pull out all the matches from the apple. A husband can pull out a match only if he was able to call his wife an affectionate name. The wife should do the same. As a prize, use the same "bald hedgehog"!

This game will also help you get to know each other better. 5-8 people are needed. Prepare blanks in an amount equal to the number of players.

Forms should contain the following questions:

The farthest place I have been to is ……………
- As a child, I was forbidden to do ……………..., but I did it anyway.
- My hobby - ………………….
- When I was little, I dreamed of becoming …………………….
- I have one bad habit - …………………………

Sheets with these questions are distributed to each player, and everyone must fill them out by answering truthfully to all but one of the questions. Those. one answer will be wrong, false. When everyone has completed their questionnaires, the players take turns reading their answers aloud. The task of the other players is to guess which of the player's answers is false. Have them write their version on the opposite side of their questionnaires. Find out the number of the false answer, and award a point to all those who guessed the false answer.
The one who scored the most points wins. You can change the rules. Instead of one wrong answer out of five, write four wrong and one right.

In pursuit of the knot Required: 2 GUYS + PENCILS + CORD
The game is played by 2 guys. A knot is tied in the middle of the cord, and a simple pencil is attached to the ends. You need to wind your part of the cord around the pencil. Whoever reaches the knot the fastest is the winner.

Ball in a basket
Place the basket in the middle of the room; at one end of the room put 4 balls. Each player is given the opportunity to see how long it will take him to get all 4 balls across the room into the basket - using only his feet. Time each participant to determine the winner. Or count the number of strokes each player needed to get the balls into the basket. Or make it a competitive game with each player holding only one ball.

Write a list and distribute it to each member of the group. This list must contain the correct information. To do this, the leader himself must know his guys well. The list can be as long or as short as you like. While the music is playing (two songs) everyone should approach the other players and get their signature on the statement that says about him. Each person can put only one signature. Whoever has the most signatures when the music stops wins.
Here's what might be on the list:

Find someone who:

Doesn't like to eat cookies
- Came in pink socks today
- I went to Japan on vacation.
- Knows how to ride a horse

Participants sit in a circle. Everyone chooses the name of a fruit, an animal, or just a number ... In the middle is a leader with a newspaper rolled into a roll. Players play as follows: call themselves - the name of a stranger. Example: lion-tiger, tiger-hedgehog, hedgehog-bear ... Let's say if the "bear" was forgotten, and the leader managed to hit him on the head, the leader changes places with the "bear". A very funny game, especially when calling someone with a long name like "orangutan"...

I am the one who...
If your group has already developed a trusting relationship, then you can play this game to get to know each other better. Each member of the group is given a sheet of paper. He must mark 10 items corresponding to him. Then the sheets are collected and read aloud, and everyone guesses who filled out this questionnaire.

I'm embarrassed when I get a compliment
- I'm afraid to speak my mind
- sing in the shower
- I pepper my soup a lot
- listen to music at full volume
- I like to dance when no one is watching
- I cry during melodramas
- stop to smell the beautiful flowers
- love to sleep during the day
I'm afraid to donate blood
- ran away from the dentist office
- love bad weather
- I like to read romance novels
- talking in my sleep
- I snore
- I hate flying
- criticize others a lot
- watch series
- afraid of the dark
- snitched as a child
- go to bed early
- I write poems
- talking to animals
- tore pages out of the diary
- spying on others while praying
- I like to sleep long
- not afraid to ask a stranger
- I like to travel alone
- saving money
- very afraid of getting fat
I hate all girls
- lying about my age
- I sew my own buttons
- close my eyes in scary movies
- write off
- I take great care of my skin
I often make a to-do list for myself.
- I don't have close friends
- sleep with a toy
would prefer cremation to burial
- never went to the doctor
- I say directly when another smells from the mouth
- stayed for a second year
- First I eat the cake, then the first course
- I can't listen to the interlocutor
- very touchy
- fell asleep in church
- I don't use deodorant
- I always carry sweets with me
I even wear dirty socks
- can't take criticism
- …

Tie relay
Choose several couples (husband, wife or boyfriend and girlfriend). On a signal, each girl must untie her partner's tie, remove it completely, wave it to the audience, and then put it back on and tie it. The first one to finish wins. Encouragement prizes are possible for the beauty and for the uniqueness of the type of knot (Example: for a tie tied with a bow).

For this game, you need to have three fishing rods 3 meters long. It is attached to fishing rods on a fishing line along a wire ring with an inner hole of 25 millimeters. At a distance of 2 meters from the "shore" several bottles (skittles) are placed on the ground. Three players are invited. It is necessary in the shortest possible time to put the ring on the neck of the bottle and "hook" it, that is, knock it down. The winner is the one who knocks down the most pins or bottles in the shortest time. You can hang a large nail on the fishing line. Then you need to lower the nail into the neck of the bottle.

Crochet for the ball
Place the hoop on the ground. Inside the hoop is a volleyball with a loop or ring. Two players stand opposite each other and, each taking a stick with a hook, try to pick up the ball by the ring and take it out of the hoop, while preventing the opponent from doing this. Whoever gets the ball first wins.

Broken phone
Introduction: Misunderstandings often appear in life. Everyone understands simple things differently. You choose five people from the hall, four of them leave the room. Give the fifth text: "The father had 3 sons. The eldest was smart, the middle one was so-so, the youngest son was not himself." He must show this text without words to the fourth person, then to the third, that to the second, and then to the first. Then, starting at the very last person, you ask what the text of the story was about. Very funny!

Letters of thanks Required: ENVELOPES+PENS
Distribute an envelope to everyone present and ask them to fill in the recipient field of the envelope with the address of the owner of the envelope. After that, collect the envelopes, have the newlyweds shuffle the envelopes and pull out the winner's envelope. The winner receives a prize.
These envelopes can then be used to send thank you prayer letters to the young. This will save the young from many difficulties in collecting addresses.

This game requires a large crowd of people, for example, 30-50 people or more. The condition of the game is to find a person who gave birth to you on the same day, or with a difference of several days, talk to him and ask about everything. The pair with the smallest difference wins. They can go out in front of everyone and tell everyone they know about their "twin". Thus, you can bring together strangers or unfamiliar people.

Who is stronger?
Get a strong thick rope 6 meters long. Tie the ends with a strong knot. You will have a large rope ring. Two contestants, being inside the rope ring, stretch it in different directions, putting the rope under the shoulder blades and grabbing it with both hands. Draw a line between them in the middle. At a signal, both, moving backwards, try to pull each other over the line.

broomstick racing
Running on a broom (zigzag) past 10 towns, set at a distance of 2-3 meters from one another. The winner is the one who runs through all the towns faster, knocking down fewer towns.

Passive Executioner (Prank) Requires: 2 JUGS + QUESTIONS
In this game, the bride will play the role of a passive executioner. The groom is the role of the victim. The role of the guillotine will be played by a jug of water. Explain that if the bride answers the executioner's questions incorrectly, water will be poured on the groom's head, demonstrate the presence of water in the jug. Choose one of the youth as the executioner. Place the groom's head on a chair. Ask a few "evil" people from the audience to hold the groom. While they are looking for "evil" holders, discreetly change your jug ​​for the same one, but with sweets.
Start asking questions:
- What does the groom like to eat?
What is the groom's favorite color?

Don't ask difficult questions. Let the groom judge whether the bride answered correctly. Let her answer all questions correctly. But then ask her a tricky question:
What are the names of the groom's parents?
The bride will call them by their first names. Then shout loudly: "Aha! But no! Their names are PAPA and MOM!!!" And then, frightening the groom, pour candy on him. The people are getting scared!

What do we know about Vasya?
Play 2-5 teams of 3-10 people each. One person from each team is called. We will call him conditionally Vasya. The facilitator reads the questions, and the teams must answer them as accurately as possible. The answers are written on pieces of paper and handed over to the leader (the team gives their answer, Vasya gives his answer, and the leader compares).

Questions might be:

Vasya's date of birth
- What is the name of Vasya's mother?
- Who is Vasya's best friend?
- What school did Vasya go to?
- What did Vasya eat for breakfast today? etc.

Each team answers questions about their player. For the correct answer, the team is given points. The team that scores the most points wins.

The players are divided into two teams. The leader hangs up a large piece of paper. Teams choose a participant who will have to draw on paper what the leader will tell him. Conditions: do not use numbers and letters in the drawing. The team of the one who drew must guess what the word is.
The winner is the team whose players in the shortest possible time were able to create a picture by which it is easy to guess the word.
The facilitator should name abstract names, such as joy, death, victory, surprise, etc.

Walking alphabet
Divide people into 2 or more teams and give each member of each team a letter of the alphabet. Give each team the same set of letters that you have selected so that there are enough of them to compose the word that will be the answer to the question you asked. You are asking a biblical question that can be answered in one word. Then each team gathers together, determines the answer, then sends forward those team members whose letters make up this answer. Those should be in the right order. The first team to answer correctly wins one point. You can add variety by having teams write answers that contain more than one word. Then the participants will have to run back and forth to make up each word - only one word can be made at a time, and always in the correct order.

Make up words
This game is by no means original and is more suitable for those who have never played it before. Using the letters that make up the name of the holiday "Valentine's Day", you need to make up as many words as possible.

“Broken Hearts” Required: HEARTS - PUZLE
Give everyone present a paper heart that has been cut into 8 or 10 pieces. Cut it into pieces so that they are not easy to put together. The first one to lay down their "broken heart" wins.

Pencil in a bottle Necessary: ​​PENCILS + BOTTLE + ROPE
This game requires communication and cooperation of the partners of the couple. The game involves several couples. Each man is blindfolded and given a pencil hanging from a rope. Empty bottles are installed at a short distance from them (neck 1.5-2 cm). Using the tips of their wives, the men blindly find the bottles and blindly try to hit the bottle with a hanging pencil. The prize is given to the one who first hits the bottle with his pencil. A very funny game.

Hang a congratulation
Divide people into teams. Give each team a clothesline, scissors, pins, paper, and pencils. On a signal, each team elects 2 people to hold the stretched rope. The team cuts out the letters of any phrase from paper (Example: "Welcome", "Church to the right", such inscriptions can then be used !!!) The letters are attached to the rope. The first to do so are the winners. A prize is possible for those whose phrase is the most beautiful of all.

Shave the ball Required: BALLS + FOAM + RAZORS
The groom and husbands are given into the hands of puffed up to the limit !!! balls, with eyes and a smile painted on them, on which the presenter applies a thin layer of shaving cream. Husbands should hold the ball by its bottom end, while wives should "shave" the foam balls with a disposable razor. Have a towel handy, you may need it when the balloon explodes. Boom!!!

One, two, three Required: 2 GUYS + PRIZE (chocolate)
2-3 people play.
The facilitator reads the text:

I'll tell you a story in a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately. "Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not one, but as many as 7." When you want to memorize poems, do not memorize them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - another, or better 10. "" A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, do not be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march! "Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours..."
(if they do not have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it)
"Well, friends, you didn't take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it."

My left hand, your right hand Required: PAPER + BOXES
From those present, select several couples (husband, wife). Give each pair a box, wrapping paper, and ribbon. Say that their task is to arrange a beautiful gift. The trick of the game is that one partner uses only his right hand, while the other partner only works with his left hand, making out the packaging.

To play, you will need several dolls, which couples will have to swaddle using only one hand. The other hands should be behind the back of the pair. You need to swaddle and tie the dolls with a ribbon. The quality and speed of work is evaluated.

Happy face on Valentine's Day
A large paper heart is cut out. With the help of small hearts, you need to "paint" it so that you get eyes, ears, nose, mouth. This game can be done as a team competition or individually: within a certain time (two minutes) make a drawing. The best "artists" are encouraged by the prize.
For this competition, you need to prepare a large number of small hearts, put the same number of them into envelopes and hand them over to the teams. To keep the hearts on paper, you can use glue, duct tape, or use self-adhesive "multi-film" film, which is used by professional artists. Options are possible. Choose the one that suits you the most.

tear up the newspaper
With one hand, right or left, it doesn’t matter - tear the newspaper into small pieces, while the hand is stretched forward, you can’t help with your free hand. Who will do the job less. You can play in pairs, use only one hand each.

Unfinished telegram Required: TELEGRAM WITH BLANKS FOR WORDS
Ask your guests to name decent adjectives without limiting them to certain limits. While they are naming the adjectives, ask someone to write the named adjectives in the spaces in the next telegram.

On this _____________, ________________, _______________ day, we congratulate the bride and groom on ______________, _____________ event. We wish _____________, peace, happiness, _______________ health, success in ____________ family life, _____________ son, ____________, daughter and ______________, children. With _______________ wishes, your ________________, ________________, friends.
Show the telegram to the guests and ask them to name decent adjectives in turn, which you or your assistant will write in free lines. After everything is filled in, read the telegram to everyone.

Here's what you can get:
On this green, happy day, we congratulate the beautiful, kind, cosmic, long-awaited Sasha and Olya on an ardent, stupid, charming event. We wish you a hot world, wonderful happiness, comfortable health, success in an incomparable family life, an intoxicating ardent son, a sweet, smart daughter and still beloved, good children. With infinitely hot, holiday wishes, your loving, adorable, skinny friends!

Without words
"... To love and be loved is not enough. At one time, for example, they often kept girls locked up. They did not see anyone except their relatives. How, under such conditions, to explain that you love, how to arrange a meeting with your loved one? Lovers called for help ingenuity, used secret languages: the language of flowers, secret scripts, sign language... I invite those who wish to speak to us without a single word and sound.

Rules: The participants of the game are given cards on which lines from famous songs, sayings, proverbs are written. The task of the players - without words, using only facial expressions and gestures, to convey to the audience the meaning of what was written, and the audience must guess every word. Players whose "secret language" conveyed the meaning of the phrase more accurately than others are awarded a special prize.

If you love me
Select "leader". He should go up to the person in the room and say, "If you love me, darling, smile." The person should answer without smiling: “I love you, dear, but I just can’t smile”, the one who smiles becomes the “leader”. The “leader” can do anything (make faces, laugh, grieve, beg, etc., it is forbidden to touch another!) to make a person laugh.

Take the newly minted husband and wife aside. Let the husband take his wife in his arms. Holding her in his arms, he must walk step by step to his table. A step can be taken only with a positive answer to the following questions:
- Will you call your wife affectionate words?
Will you help her in the kitchen sometimes?

When they are already very close, and the husband is already completely tired, start asking your husband tricky questions, such as:

Will you constantly reassure the child?
- Will you constantly bring your wife breakfast in bed?

To the touch
8-10 small items are put into a dark bag of material: scissors, a fountain pen, a bottle cap, a meat grinder knife, a spool of thread, a thimble, a button, a spoon, etc. You need to feel through the fabric of the bag to guess what is in it. The fabric of the bag may be rough. Who guessed all the items receives a prize. This game can be offered to team captains, having previously prepared two identical bags with things.

Confession Necessary: ​​QUESTIONS + ANSWERS
The facilitator takes turns asking the witnesses questions. Witnesses randomly draw answer cards and read out the answer. All answers must match the questions. Example: Do you compliment your boss? Answer: Only awake and in slippers.

Broken phone
Several people are led out of the room. The facilitator reads the story to the first person. The first person retells what he heard to the second person, the second to the third, the third to the fourth. Compare what you received with what you wrote.

no hands
The task of the players of each team is to transfer tangerines (plums, tomatoes) to a certain place as quickly as possible without the help of hands.

Place a chair in the middle of the room and an empty milk bottle right behind the chair. Each participant takes turns using 6 or more pins. Kneeling on a chair and leaning on its back, he should try to throw each pin into the bottle. Tell them not to put their hand below the level of the back of the chair, or have the players hold the pins in their mouths.

A joke hobby (not for a wedding!!!) Required: HOBBY QUESTIONS
Choose 3 guys (not one of those who are touchy!!!) who have hobbies (any). Explain to them that you are going to ask them questions about their hobbies. They have to answer without giving away what hobby they really have, because later on the audience will have to guess what hobby all three guys have. Then send them out of the room, ostensibly so that the audience can ponder a few questions. While they're outside, tell the audience to pretend that all three guys' hobbies are kissing, no matter what their real hobbies are. Call the guys back and ask them questions like the ones below. In the light of kissing, their answers sound very funny!

1. Who taught you your hobby?
2. How long does your hobby take?
3. In what room do you do your hobby?
4. What sounds are present at the same time?
5. Does this include any special training? If so, which one?
6. How old were you when you first took up this hobby?
7. How do you prepare for your hobby?
8. What is the best time of day to do this hobby?
9. What do you wear when doing your hobby?

Paper needed
This game will help to get to know all your guests. Guests sitting at the table pass a roll of toilet paper in a circle. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

Love Porcupine Requires: WATERMELON + 30 MATCHES
The classic version of the Chinese game "love hedgehog" is as follows: A couple of dozen matches are inserted into an apple. The newlyweds take turns pulling out matches from an apple, calling each other affectionate names. Etc. my sunshine, my dear... The "love porcupine" differs from the hedgehog in the size of its body, since instead of an apple, matches are inserted into a watermelon.

telephone operators
Two groups of 10-12 people playing are seated in two parallel rows. The leader selects an unpronounceable tongue twister and tells it (in secret) to the first in each team. At the signal of the leader, the first in the row begin to pass it on to the ear of the second, the second or third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received a "telephone message", must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that will quickly pass the tongue twister along the chain and whose representative will pronounce it more accurately and better.

Tongue Twisters:

Tell me about the purchase. - What kind of purchase? About the purchase, about the purchase, about your purchase;
- Forty-forty ate cheese with a beautiful red crust, forty-forty flew together in a short time and sat down under a hill;
- I traded Praskovya carp for three pairs of purebred piglets, the piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all of them;
- Our chebotar is a chebotar for all chebotar, no one can change our chebotar.

Distribution of responsibilities Required: READY LIST OF QUESTIONS
This contest will show viewers how husband and wife share their future responsibilities. Take off their shoes, give each of them his own shoe and the shoe of your half. Have them sit back to back so they can't see each other's answers. Start listing household duties, let them lift up the shoe of the one who will perform this duty in the new family.
Duties may be as follows:
- Who will clean the house?
- Who will walk with the baby?
- Who will spend the money?
Warn them that as they raise, so be it! Here I am, still washing all the dishes!!! :)

Songs of Songs Required: POEM FROM SONG OF SONG
The newly-made husband and wife are offered to read the words from the Song of Songs, with an expression addressing these words to their other half. It is best to read the following passages:

WIFE: 1:6 Tell me, you whom my soul loves: where do you pasture? where do you rest at noon? why should I be a wanderer near the flocks of your comrades?
MAN: 1:7 If you do not know this, most beautiful of women, then go after yourselves in the footsteps of the sheep and feed your goats beside the shepherd's tents.
MAN: 1:9 Beautiful are your cheeks under pendants, your neck is in necklaces;
WIFE: 1:13 Like a keeper's brush, my beloved is with me in the vineyards of Yenged.
HUSBAND: 1:14 Oh, you are beautiful, my love, you are beautiful! your eyes are dove.
WIFE: 1:15 Oh, you are beautiful, my beloved, and kind! and our bed is green; the roofs of our houses are cedars, our ceilings are cypresses.
MAN: 2:1 I am the daffodil of Sharon, the lily of the valleys!
MAN 2:2 As a lily among thorns, so is my beloved among virgins.
WIFE: 2:3 As an apple tree is among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among young men. In her shade I love to sit, and her fruits are sweet to my throat.
WIFE: 2:4 He brought me into the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.
WIFE: 2:5 Refresh me with wine, refresh me with apples, for I am weak with love.
WIFE: 2:8 The voice of my beloved! behold, he goes, gallops over the mountains, jumps over the hills.
WIFE: 2:9 My friend is like a chamois or a young deer. Here, he stands behind our wall, looks out the window, flickers through the bars.

Get the boxes
Another game for captains. Sit on a stool, tuck your legs in and, without touching the floor with your feet and hands, get with your teeth a box of matches, standing "on the floor" at one of the rear legs of the stool. You can spin on the stool as you like. Here the audience will have fun!

Tie the pigtail Required: THREE ROPES + SEVERAL PAIRS
The leader holds three ropes on his outstretched hand. The bride and groom are invited to tie a pigtail using only one hand (right and left), let them hold each other by the ears with their other hands. For variety, put two other pairs side by side. (The pigtail can be a good illustration of both the trinity of God, husband and wife, and an example of living together).

find the ring
The players sit in a circle. Everyone takes a rope with tied ends in their hands. The rope must be threaded through the ring. In the middle they put the leader blindfolded. His task is to find a ring on a rope, while all players move it in a circle or in different directions. The one with whom the ring is found stands in a circle. For this game, it is best to use a large ring.

Who will "sew" faster
Two teams of guys must "sew" all the team members to each other at speed. Instead of a needle, a teaspoon is used, to which a thread, twine is tied. You can "sew on" through a strap, a strap, a loop on trousers, in a word, through something that does not offend the dignity of a partner.

Divide into groups. Give each group the same list of words. Each group should write a greeting to everyone else, including the obligatory words in the greeting. The game can be used as an introduction to any youth topic, just give the key words of your topic.

Tell me about yourself Required: LIST OF QUESTIONS WITH SPACES
This comic test is designed for couples. The first to write on a piece of paper - in a column, under numbers - ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles), married men present at the party - of course, in secret from their wives. Then the wives do the same.
The producer of the test asks the couple to look at the other side of the sheet where the representatives of the fauna chosen by the husband appear in a column.

And so, husband:

Affectionate like...
Strong like...
Protective like...
Authoritative like...
Independent like...
Smiling like...
Neat as...
Loving like...
Handsome as...

Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are called.

So, "Your Wife":

In transportation...
With relatives...
With work colleagues...
In the store like...
At home like...
In a cafe or restaurant...
With the boss...
In friendly company...
In the doctor's office...

I never...
This game will help people get to know each other better. 7-15 people participate. The game requires chips according to the number of participants. Chips can serve as large beans, matches, or other small identical items.
The first player says: "I never...". Then he names what he has never done in his life (the game of honesty).

For example:

Didn't keep cats in the house
- have not been abroad
- didn't wear boots
- did not shave, etc.

Let's say the player said "I've never eaten pineapple". All players who ate the pineapples must give him one token. Then the turn passes to another player, and he calls something that he never did. The task of each player is to name something that he has never done, but all or most of those present have done. The game ends after a certain number of rounds. The one with the most chips wins.

You need to inflate the balloons in the allotted time without the help of hands.

Great Culinary
The volunteer is given two spoons (or forks) and is blindfolded. The host offers to "identify" different objects by touch with the help of spoons. You can offer products (potatoes, carrots, onions, pears, etc.), or you can give a more difficult task - to identify such inedible items as a cassette, book, coin, soft toy, remote control, etc.

paper arrow
To play, you need a paper arrow, like a dove, which any student can make. It is better to play in calm weather. The guys are divided into two equal teams. A straight line is drawn on the ground, on which the first player who throws an arrow stands. From the place where the arrow fell, the player of the second team throws in the opposite direction. And again from this place where the arrow fell, the player of the first team throws it again in the opposite direction. So alternately, one after another, players from different teams throw an arrow with all their might in two opposite directions. The team on whose side the last arrow falls will win.

Maternity Hospital Necessary: ​​2 PAIRS + QUESTIONS
Imagine that your wife has just given birth to your child, but the thick triple glass panes of the hospital room are separated, and the evil uncles of the doctor do not allow the husband to go to his wife. For this game we need two pairs. The female half of the couple plays - the wife who has just given birth, the male half - the faithful husband. The task of the husband is to ask the wife (with the help of gestures) the questions that the presenter will offer, the task of the wife is to answer the questions of the husband (with the help of gestures).

Suggested questions:

How are you?
Does your stomach hurt?
Who is it, boy, girl?
How much weight?
What height?
Was it painful to give birth?
Do you still want kids?
You hungry?
You do not get bored?
What do you want to name it?
Are you glad to see me?
Will you be released soon?
Well, I went!

Defeat three
Two identical in size and thickness ropes of 2.5-3 meters are tied in the middle so that four identical ends are obtained. Four guys compete, each takes his own end of the rope, pulls it, it turns out a "cross". Approximately two meters from each player, a prize is placed on the floor (on the ground) (a toy, a bag of nuts, sweets, etc.). On command, the participants pull their end of the rope, trying to be the first to grab the prize.

Kisses Required: CANDIES
Attention: the game contains materials unacceptable for some churches.
The wife is given several colorful candies (Life-savers are ideal). The audience asks the husband to pull the candy out of his wife's mouth in a certain order of colors. Husband takes out candy while kissing his wife. If he gets a candy of the wrong color, he will have to return it and look for a candy of a different color. Spectators count the number of couple attempts. For each wrong attempt for the groom, you can assign a punishment.

The first person calls his name, the next - the name of the previous one and his own, the third - the names of the first two and his own, etc.

wash the elephant
Several people are led out of the room. The facilitator shows the first person some activity, for example: washing an elephant. Then the first person shows what he saw to the second, the second to the third, the third shows what he saw to everyone! Have a third person try to guess what you were showing. Show the third person what you showed the first person. The game will be much more fun if there is music playing in the room during the game.

Compose an acrostic
You need to write a poem in the spirit of Valentine's Day. The initial letters of the word at the head of each line should be the name of the person to whom the "valentine" is addressed or dedicated.

My love for you is strong
And there is no end to love.
She is waiting for thorns from a rose,
Or maybe a crown.

For example, this poem is dedicated to a certain Misha, whose name can be read from top to bottom in the first letters. You can announce a whole competition for writing a message in verse, for creating an acrostic.

Whose date is closer
The rules of the quiz are very simple: the winner is the one whose birthday is closest to the date of the current wedding.

Aerial bombers
Several brave men - "pilots" - sit on chairs, on their knees they each have a large balloon. The same number of insidious "bombers" scatter on command and sit down on the ball of their partner in a jumping manner from all over. Whose balloon bursts immediately, and the "pilot" remains safe and sound, he wins. The game almost always brings a few broken chairs and a few leg injuries.

Remember appearance
The game is useful for a group where everyone knows little. 6-16 people play. A pair of players is chosen. Having previously studied each other's appearance, they stand back to back. Everyone else begins to each of them in turn ask questions about the appearance of a partner.

For example:

How many buttons does your partner have on his jacket?
- What color are the laces on the neighbor's shoes?
- The color of your partner's eyes, etc.

The pair with the most correct answers wins.

Walking with peas
Select a few peas in advance so that they can be easily held at the end of the straw, drawing in air. Then divide into 2 or more teams equal in number. Give each participant a straw, and the first participant a pea, which he will attach to the end of the straw, holding it there without using his hands. On a signal, he turns and passes the pea to the next member of his team, who must take it by drawing air through his straw without touching it with his hands. If the pea has fallen, it must be placed again on the straw of the one who last held it. This continues until the pea reaches the end of the line. After that, the last person in the line runs to the beginning. And so on until the last person in the line becomes the last again.

Romantic dinner
Plan a candlelit gala dinner for your youth group. Turn one of the church premises into an "evening restaurant" with small cozy tables, fresh flowers, calm music and candles. Arrange with parents who would be ready to cook a simple dinner while the youth communicate. Such a dinner provides a great opportunity to wear evening dresses and suits, for which there is usually no place in everyday life.

Sharp eye
The participants of the game are invited to look at the jar offered to them from afar. You can't take the bank. Give each player a piece of paper from which they must cut the lids so that they fit exactly into the opening of the can. The winner is the one whose lid exactly matches the opening of the jar.

These fun games and contests are not just for birthday parties. They can be used at any fun holiday - from a family celebration to a corporate party.

To have a great time, you need only a few components: good company and a rich imagination. You will have to decide on the company yourself, and we will help you with your imagination. Here are the top fun contests, most of which don't require props and can be played anywhere.

1. "Unexpected find"

A very funny contest, because you can laugh at the participants to your heart's content!

Competition description: You need to wrap large pieces of different products in foil and put them all in a paper bag. The host calls the product. Players take turns taking foil-wrapped "delicacy" out of the bag and taking a bite, no matter what's in there. Then they put it back in the package and pass it on. If the player does not want to bite, then he is out. The winner is the one who got the named product, and he receives it as a gift =).

The highlight of the game in the "delicacy". The more original they taste, the more interesting it is to observe the reaction of the participants. Here are examples: onion, garlic, lemon, hot pepper, liver sausage, a piece of lard, a pie.

Number of players: 5-10, depending on the number of products.

2. "Magic package"

The essence of the competition: hold out until the very end.

Competition description: participants become in a circle. A paper bag is placed in its middle. Everyone in turn must go to the bag and pick it up, without using their hands and standing on one leg. The highlight of the competition is that the presenter cuts off 5 cm of the bag with each circle with scissors. The winner is the one who does not lose his balance, falling lower and lower.

Number of players: 4-6 people.

3. "Close tango"

The essence of the competition: hold on to the smallest piece of fabric while continuing to dance the tango.

Competition description: we choose 2-3 pairs, you can have the same sex. For each pair on the ground we spread a large fabric - it can be an old sheet. Participants must dance to the music on this fabric. For a laugh, give each man a flower in his mouth and ask him to look serious.

Every 20-30 seconds, fold the fabric in half. The players keep dancing.

This continues until there is no space left on the fabric at all. The couple that continues the dance without touching the floor will win.

Number of players: 2-3 couples.

4. "Delicious relay race"

The essence of the competition: come to the finish line first.

Competition description: It is necessary to divide the guests into 2 teams of 3-5 people. The first participants are placed a slice of cucumber, chocolate or cookies on their foreheads. It must be moved to the chin without using hands. If it falls, the player starts over. The baton is then passed to the other team member. The team that finishes first will win.

Number of players: 6-10 people.

5. "King Elephant"

The essence of the competition: do not get confused and become the Elephant King.

Competition description: players sit in a circle. The Elephant King is chosen, which is the "head" of the circle. Each participant chooses an animal to portray and a special sign. For example, a worm can wiggle its right thumb. The Elephant King extends one arm up.

The Elephant King shows his signal first. The next player must show his signal, and then his. The other repeats the signal of the previous one and shows his own. And so on in turn. At the end of the circle, the Elephant King must repeat all signals. If someone gets confused, then he sits at the “end” of the circle. The winner is the one who is in the place of the Elephant King and does not get confused for three laps.

Number of players: up to 11 people.

6. "Classic charades"

The essence of the competition: Collect the most points by guessing the catchphrases from the pictures.

Competition description: the judge comes up with a well-known expression, and the member of the first team must draw it so that others can guess. Teams receive 1 point for each correct drawing. The team with the most points wins.

If the opposing team guesses, then their participant draws. If the team of the one who draws guesses, they get 2 points, and another participant comes out to draw. If no one guesses, the same player draws the next expression.

Number of players: 2-4 teams of 3-5 people and a referee.

7. "Non-fictional story"

The essence of the competition: work together to come up with a funny story.

Competition description: This competition will provide an opportunity to relax at the table, but continue to have fun. Players sit in a circle and take turns, in several sentences, to tell a funny story. In terms of meaning, each sentence must correspond, forming one text. The one who laughs or smiles is out. And so on until the very end, until there is a winner.

Number of players: unlimited.

8. "Dynamic racing"

The essence of the competition: find the Item, ahead of rivals.

Competition description: players are divided into pairs. We tightly blindfold one of the partners. We put the Item (anything) away from the participants, and in the space between them and the Item we create insignificant barricades. You can use bottles, for example.

Those who remained in the pair with their eyes open should tell the partner where the Object is. The latter still has to guess the voice of his partner, among the voices of the opponents' partners.

Number of players: any pair.

9. "Cossack robbers in a new way"

The essence of the competition: find the Treasure using the prompts, ahead of the opposing teams.

Competition description: the facilitators hide the Treasure and create clues of different colors for the players to find it. Each team chooses their own color and must find only their clues. Those who find the Treasure first will win. They can be toys, souvenirs, food and more.

Number of players: 2-4 teams of 3-6 people and several leaders.

10. "Bright garland"

The essence of the competition: be the first to create a garland of balloons.

Competition description: each team is given 10-15 balls and threads. All the balloons need to be inflated and create a garland out of them.

The team that completes the task first will win. The quality is checked by the public, with the help of applause.

Number of players: 2-4 teams of 4-5 people.

If bad weather prevents you from playing street- play with your child at home! We bring to your attention a collection of various children's games that are good to play indoors: at home, in an apartment or in the country.


Active, fun and very exciting game competition on the dexterity. She will help boys choose the strongest dexterous and fighting.

Traditional Russian entertainment - lotto game. Simple rules and an interesting process will allow you to quickly teach even the smallest kids this game and spend some interesting evenings in a warm family circle.

Funny games with the same name, developing reaction. Players are required to focus and tell a sparrow from a crow. Think it's that easy?!

There is a mafia in the city! Every night she kills honest citizens. All the inhabitants of the city rallied to fight against it! An irreconcilable fighter, Commissioner Cattani takes to the streets of the night city at the risk of his life in order to find and neutralize presumptuous mafiosi.

A fun and noisy competition game in the style of "question and answer". This is a great chance for players to show their erudition, cleverness and resourcefulness, as well as having fun in road or at home.

A long time ago, when there was no World of Tanks at all, boys played dances on a piece of paper.

A very incendiary and spectacular competition game that will become a bright decoration for any children's game. holiday or birthday.

Very dynamic and exciting verbal the game. She develops resourcefulness cleverness and imagination, as well as expanding vocabulary. She is loved not only pupils and students, but adults.

Great easy way to keep the kids busy summer is to make a toy phone with them. You can play with it just like that, or you can come up with a lot of uses, for example, use it during games of war or hospital.

“Matches are not a toy for children!” Or maybe even a toy? If you do not set it on fire, it will turn out fascinating desktop a game with simple props that perfectly develops manual dexterity, patience and eye gauge.

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Children's games and competitions at home

Children's games and competitions at home:

The guys close their eyes, stretch out their hands to each other: one palms up, the other down. One represents some image and tries to convey it to the second by stroking it with his palms (for example: the sea, the wind, two people under a lantern, etc.). Then the couples change.

The group stands in a circle. The leader is in the center, he has a folded "newspaper" in his hands. The name of someone from the circle is called, and the presenter tries to smear him with a newspaper. In order not to be touched, the named one must have time to quickly name someone else standing in a circle. If a person was taunted before he called the name, he becomes the leader. After some time, an additional rule is introduced: the former presenter, as soon as he gets into the circle, must quickly name a name. And if he does not have time to do this before the new leader knocks him down, he becomes the leader again. In a group in which there are many unfamiliar people, it is sometimes advisable for the one whose name was called to raise his hand, since the leader may not be able to navigate the names.

The group stands in a circle and the first one says their name. The second calls the name of the first and his own. The third is the name of the first, the second and his own. Together with the name, you can depict your favorite gesture, name your favorite drink, personal quality (option - starting with the first letter of the name), hobby, etc.

Long threads are tied to two machines, and pencils are tied to the ends, or you can also thread spools. At the command of the leader, the players begin to wind them up. The one whose car reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

The child leaves the room, and in the meantime you hide the previously discussed items. It can be toys or things, for example, a car, a doll, a ball, a hat, and so on.

Spread two newspapers on the floor. The task of the players is to stand on the newspaper and fold it three times without stepping on the floor and without helping themselves in any way. The winner is awarded with a folded newspaper.

I assign fictitious names to all players (a fairy-tale character, a cartoon character, an animal). Players are located in a circle around the leader holding the ball in his hands. You can also prepare leaflets with names and pin to each player.

10 most interesting games for the company

For many, the holidays mean a continuous feast. All the festivities come down to one competition: who will drink and eat more. Well, who cares - to health! For everyone else who wants to leave a pleasant memory of meeting with friends, to laugh, to move the convolutions, to learn something new about each other - these cute home games.

Each participant writes 10 words on a piece of paper. These pieces of paper are put in a hat. Then the actual game begins. Participants take turns pulling one piece of paper from a hat and trying to draw or show the word that comes across. Come up with prizes for the winners yourself: from 100 grams to the "Order of Sutulov"!

The game is similar to "broken phone". Only each subsequent player transmits to the ear of another not the word itself, but any association. It will be very interesting to compare the hidden word with the last one! Trust me it will be fun.

All players except one sit in a row. One is blindfolded and tries to recognize his friends by touch. The most interesting thing is which parts of the body the presenter will be allowed to!

And this game requires patience and certain attributes. But everything will be rewarded at the very last moment! Wooden blocks are needed, from which the tower is built. Then each player in turn pulls out one block and places it on the very top of the tower. The loser is the one whose entire structure collapses.

The participants turn into actors. One half of the players shows the word made by the leader with the help of gestures and facial expressions. The other half tries to guess it. The one who guessed the word himself becomes the leader and guesses the next one.

One of the participants is the leader. The rest become close to each other in a circle. Players pass a cucumber behind their backs to each other, biting off from it at an opportunity. The host must guess who has the cucumber. Caught "hot" the player takes the place of the leader. The game continues until the company has completely eaten the vegetable. This is a very fun game!

The facilitator calls the players the first letter of the intended word. Some participants think of a word starting with this letter and try to show it to others without saying the word out loud. If someone guessed the intended word, then he says: “There is a contact!”. Then, the guesser and guesser count aloud to 10 and call this word. If the word does not match, the players try to guess the word with a new letter. If it matches, the host calls the second letter of the first word, and the game starts again.

It's an old detective word puzzle. The host tells part of the story. The remaining participants restore the sequence of events. You can ask questions to the narrator only those that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. It will turn out to be a very funny detective!

This game requires chips: any small items (coins, candy wrappers, toothpicks, sweets, chewing gum, etc.). The first player says: “I have never in my life….”. The rest of the players give one chip to the leader. The winner is the one with the most chips.

Perhaps the oldest and most famous game. Each player throws one item into the common bag. One participant is blindfolded. He also comes up with a task for the owner of the thing that the leader will pull out. The owner of the item is on a mission. If the blindfolded player is a big dreamer, you definitely won't get bored!, 2012-2017

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Modern children perceive the phrase "play at home" as a synonym for playing on the computer and spend long hours at it. Almost all parents are unhappy with this. This begs the question: how did we live before, when these “hellish machines” did not exist, what did we play at home?

There is a huge variety of home games for all ages that adults can participate in, or they can “start” the game and leave the children to continue it.

Games for preschoolers

These include exciting board games:

  • cubes;
  • rpg games with tossing chips;
  • dominoes;
  • coloring and drawing;
  • puzzles and Lego;
  • simple constructors,

as well as other exciting games:

  • role-playing games: mother-daughters with dolls, children's furniture and dishes, a hospital with a doctor's set, games of princesses and knights, a shop with a toy cash register and products, etc.;
  • finger games for the development of fine motor skills;
  • puppet show;
  • lotto;
  • modeling from plasticine and clay;
  • "edible-inedible";
  • hide and seek;
  • blind man's buff;
  • twister (for all ages);
  • cars, airplanes, construction of houses and garages, airfields;
  • “dress up the doll” with inventing and drawing outfits for a cardboard doll and much more.

For preschoolers, you can come up with a quest that will take place directly in the apartment. Hide, for example, carved stars in various places, and leave a note there with a hint where to look for the next star. For example: “look in what warms your feet in the street in winter” (put an asterisk in a boot or boot), or “look where things become clean” (in or on a washing machine). Children 5-7 years old are delighted with such search tasks, and you can keep them busy for a long time. For older children, tasks can be complicated.

Games for schoolchildren

Now there is less time for home games. But sometimes it’s so good to sit at the table with the whole family and play, for example, such games:

  • monopoly is a rather difficult but exciting game;
  • jenge - the construction of towers, which requires sleight of hand;
  • mafia - if a lot of people gather.
  • tic-tac-toe;
  • sea ​​battle;
  • table hockey or football;
  • cards.

You can read a lot more useful information about children's leisure.

You can start teaching your child to play chess, checkers, backgammon, and don't be surprised if he starts beating adults soon. Schoolchildren also really like thematic sets such as "Young Chemist", "Young Naturalist". It is only important to help the child figure it out at the very beginning, so that an explosion does not inadvertently turn out.

Now there are hundreds of types of kits for children's creativity on sale in stores. Let the child learn to draw on glass, and then make beautiful stained-glass windows on the country veranda.

Late in the evening, you can arrange a fortune-telling, or tell scary stories that excite the mind. Just look, do not overdo it, otherwise children may not sleep well.

You can play chef with the permission of your parents, and cook, for example, pizza, or cook a delicious soup, make an unusual salad, or try to make a milkshake or ice cream yourself.

Universal Games

  • You can arrange a quiz for the most erudite, having prepared tricky questions in advance;
  • The sea is agitated;
  • Believe - do not believe;
  • Cold - hot;
  • Balda;
  • Words (animals, cities, products, etc.);
  • Darts;
  • Truth or Dare, etc.

Home theater and other entertainment

Children also love games in cities, associations. You can recall the old games: ringlet, “The lady sent a toilet”, burime, “gallows”. Families are known where they like to read books aloud together and play music at home. And if you organize a home theater? Write a script "on the topic of the day", assign roles, sew costumes, and when everything is ready, invite guests and assemble a whole "auditorium".

Most home games can be played with two people without the need to dive into the world of online games. Above are a lot of games that can diversify the rest and make the pastime emotionally rich.

Games for two

Board games, such as Monopoly or Business, will make home entertainment more diverse. In addition, they will serve as an excellent training of memory, attention, thinking. All this will later allow you to work more efficiently, increasing your income.
Sports and entertainment games will suit lovers of fun and dynamic recreation. A large number of entertainments can be included in the program: from the well-known "Twister" to "Balance on the Line" or "Don't Drop the Stick". Home sports games do not require a large space, special equipment, they are distinguished by simple rules. They allow you to get rid of the emotional stress accumulated during everyday work, and develop physical skills.

It is only important that adults are sincerely interested in the general fun. And this requires some preparation, effort, imagination. But children will certainly be infected with your enthusiasm, and family leisure will become much richer and more varied than watching TV and sitting at a computer monitor.

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