Light therapy apparatus blue light spectrum. Light therapy physiotherapy

Phototherapy is called a dosed effect on the body of infrared, visible and ultraviolet radiation.
The healing effect of sunlight on the human body has been known since prehistoric times. In medicine, this direction is called phototherapy (or phototherapy - from the Greek photos-light). It is known that the solar spectrum consists of 10% ultraviolet rays, 40% visible spectrum rays and 50% infrared rays. These types of electromagnetic radiation are widely used in medicine. Artificial radiators usually use filaments heated by electric current. They are used as sources of infrared radiation and visible light. To obtain ultraviolet radiation in physiotherapy, low-pressure fluorescent mercury lamps or mercury-quartz lamps are used. high pressure. The energy of the electromagnetic field and radiation, when interacting with the tissues of the body, is converted into other types of energy (chemical, thermal, etc.), which serves as a starting link for physicochemical and biological reactions that form the final therapeutic effect. At the same time, each of the types of electromagnetic fields and radiation causes photobiological processes inherent only to it, which determine the specificity of their healing effects. How more length waves, the deeper the penetration of radiation. Infrared rays penetrate the tissues to a depth of 2-3 cm, visible light - up to 1 cm, ultraviolet rays - 0.5-1 mm.

Infrared radiation(thermal radiation, infrared rays) penetrate deeper into the tissues of the body than other types of light energy, which causes heating of the entire thickness of the skin and partly of the subcutaneous tissues. More deep structures not exposed to direct heating. The field of therapeutic application of infrared radiation is quite wide: non-purulent chronic and subacute inflammatory local processes, including internal organs, some diseases of the musculoskeletal system, central and peripheral nervous system, peripheral vessels, eye, ear, skin, residual effects after burns and frostbite.
The therapeutic effect of infrared irradiation is determined by the mechanism of its physiological action - it accelerates the reverse development of inflammatory processes, increases tissue regeneration, local resistance and anti-infective protection. Violation of the rules of procedure may lead to dangerous overheating tissues and the occurrence of thermal burns, as well as an overload of blood circulation, which is dangerous in cardiovascular diseases.
Absolute contraindications are tumors (benign or malignant) or suspicion of their presence, active forms tuberculosis, bleeding, circulatory failure.

Visible radiation(visible light) - a section of the general electromagnetic spectrum, consisting of 7 colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). It has the ability to penetrate the skin to a depth of 1 cm, but it acts mainly through the visual analyzer - the retina. The perception of visible light and its constituent color components has an indirect effect on the central nervous system and thus on the mental state of a person. Yellow, green and orange colors have a beneficial effect on a person's mood, blue and purple have a negative effect. It has been established that red and orange colors excite the activity of the cerebral cortex, green and yellow balance the processes of excitation and inhibition in it, blue inhibits neuropsychic activity. Visible radiation has a shorter wavelength than infrared rays, so its quanta carry higher energy. However, the effect of this radiation on the skin is carried out mainly by infrared and ultraviolet rays adjacent to the boundaries of its spectrum, which provide thermal and chemical action. So, in the spectrum of an incandescent lamp, which is a source of visible light, there is up to 85% of infrared radiation.
The development of semiconductor technology over the past few years has led to the creation of a number of devices medical purpose using semiconductor LEDs of high brightness and different spectrum. Clinical Trials of these devices showed them high efficiency and opened additional prospects for technical solutions in the field of light and color therapy.

Ultraviolet radiation carries the highest energy. In its activity, it significantly exceeds all other parts of the light spectrum. At the same time, ultraviolet rays have the smallest depth of penetration into tissues - only up to 1 mm. Therefore, their direct influence is limited to the surface layers of the irradiated areas of the skin and mucous membranes. The most sensitive to ultraviolet rays is the skin of the surface of the body, the least - the skin of the extremities. Sensitivity to ultraviolet rays is increased in children, especially at an early age. Ultraviolet irradiation increases activity defense mechanisms, has a desensitizing effect, normalizes blood coagulation, improves lipid (fat) metabolism. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, functions are improved external respiration, increases the activity of the adrenal cortex, increases the supply of oxygen to the myocardium, increases its contractility. The use of ultraviolet rays in medicinal purposes with a well-chosen individual dose and precise control, it gives a high therapeutic effect in many diseases. It consists of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, immunostimulating, restorative action. Their use promotes epithelialization wound surface and regeneration of nervous and bone tissue.
Indications for the use of ultraviolet radiation are acute and chronic diseases of the joints, respiratory organs, female genital organs, skin, peripheral nervous system, wounds (local irradiation), as well as compensation for ultraviolet deficiency in order to increase the body's resistance to various infections, hardening, prevention of rickets, with tuberculous lesions of the bones.
Contraindications - tumors, acute inflammatory processes and chronic inflammatory processes in the acute stage, bleeding, hypertonic disease Stage III, circulatory failure stage II-III, active forms of tuberculosis, etc.

Laser (quantum) therapy called a method of phototherapy based on the use of quantum (laser) generators emitting monochrome, coherent, practically non-scattering beams laser radiation. A high-energy laser beam is used in surgery in the form of a "light scalpel", in ophthalmology - for "welding" the retina when it is peeled off.
The use of low-intensity laser radiation is based on the use a large number various phenomena associated with the action of optical radiation on biological tissues and cells. The action of low-intensity laser radiation on biological systems is based on photophysical, photochemical, photobiological processes. The energy of low-intensity laser radiation absorbed by cells and tissues has an active biological action. This type of irradiation is successfully used in degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, rheumatoid arthritis, long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, polyneuritis, arthritis, bronchial asthma, stomatitis.


If a beam of white light rays is passed through a glass trihedral prism, then on a screen placed behind the prism, bands of all the colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) will be visible. Their totality is called the visible spectrum.

The spectrum of light (Fig. 73) consists not only of visible, but also of invisible rays, which are located outside the visible rays: ahead of the visible red rays are invisible - infrared and behind violet - ultraviolet.

The visible part of the spectrum consists of rays with wavelengths from 760 to 400 mμ. AT medical practice infrared rays (with the longest wavelength) with a wavelength of 760 mμ to a few microns are used, and ultraviolet (having the shortest rays) with a wavelength of 400 to 180 mμ.

There are long-wave ultraviolet rays (duf) from 400 to 270 mμ and short-wave (kuf) - from 269 to 180 mμ.

The entire spectrum has both thermal and chemical properties, but each segment of the spectrum is characterized by predominantly one or another action. So, the rays of the left half of the spectrum (infrared, red, orange) are characterized by the maximum thermal effect. The right half of the spectrum (ultraviolet rays) has a predominantly chemical effect.

Any body that has a temperature above absolute zero (-273°) emits radiant energy. At low temperatures (up to 450-500 °) radiation is limited only to infrared rays; with increasing body temperature, shorter and shorter rays are added to the radiation. So, at a temperature above 500 °, the radiation of red rays begins, and at a temperature of 1000 ° and above - ultraviolet.


The physiological action of light is complex and varied. The influence of light on the processes associated with plant life is great. Light also has a powerful effect on animals, beneficially influencing the processes of growth, development and metabolism. The action of light is based on neuroreflex mechanisms. The absorbed light energy causes irritation of numerous receptor devices embedded in the skin. From here, the corresponding impulses are sent to the central nervous system, functional state which determines the course of numerous reactions in the body. At the same time, morphological changes occur in the skin and biological substances are formed, such as vitamin D 2 , protein breakdown products, etc. Entering the general blood and lymph flow, these substances also have an effect on the body.

Usually, part of the light rays is reflected from the skin, while part penetrates deep into the body, is absorbed by it and converted into other types of energy - thermal and chemical.

White skin appears white in white light because it reflects all visible rays. If, however, an area of ​​reddened skin is illuminated with white light, then it appears red, because all visible rays, except for red ones, are absorbed. In other words, the reflectivity of a given area for all visible rays, except for red ones, is zero.

The study of the degree of absorption of rays of different wavelengths by various tissues of the human body is of great importance, since only the absorbed energy has a biological effect. The permeability of tissues for rays of different lengths is different. The longer the wavelength of visible rays, the deeper they penetrate the skin, and the shorter it is, the more superficial their penetration.

Physiological action of infrared rays

The physiological effect of infrared rays is based on their thermal effect, which is why they are also called thermal. An increase in temperature caused by the absorption of infrared rays leads to an acceleration metabolic processes in tissues.

Short infrared rays, as well as red rays, penetrate to a considerable depth. The proof of the penetration of red rays through the skin can be seen by us the red color of the blood flowing in the vessels of the eyelids, when we close our eyes and look at a strong light source.

This feature of the rays makes it possible to use them to warm up more deeply located tissues. Spotted redness appears on the skin.

Irritation of skin receptors by heat leads to reflex vasodilation and arterial hyperemia. Therefore, infrared rays to reduce pain should not be used in the acute stage of the inflammatory process, when there is already increased blood supply in the inflamed tissue, but when the process has already stabilized and its reverse development is planned.

Improving the conditions of blood circulation leads to increased tissue nutrition, cell reproduction and tissue regeneration, and, consequently, to accelerate the healing of wounds, ulcers, etc. An increase in blood cells and an increase in oxidative processes in the irradiated area lead to increased metabolism and resorption of pathological products. After cessation of irradiation, the redness of the skin disappears.

Physiological action of the rays of the visible part of the spectrum

Visible rays, acting on the retina of the eye, affect metabolic processes through the central nervous system, increasing the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide.

Under the influence of red light, mental reactions proceed faster, the mood becomes more cheerful. Blue light, on the contrary, slows down these reactions, acting depressingly.

Red light increases the excitability of the nerve, blue and violet lower it, while orange and green do not have a noticeable effect on it.

V. M. Bekhterev pointed to the calming effect of blue color in states of mental arousal.

The action of light causes in many substances chemical reactions which are called photochemical. An active role in these reactions should be attributed mainly to ultraviolet rays.

One of the main photochemical processes takes place in green plants; it lies in the translation into the light carbon dioxide air and water into complex organic substances - carbohydrates. Thanks to this process (photosynthesis), the air is enriched with oxygen, which is necessary for the life of organisms.

Photochemical reactions occur due to the absorption of light energy. If light passes through a substance without being absorbed by the latter, then no photochemical reaction occurs.

Physiological action of ultraviolet rays

Ultraviolet rays are the most active part of the spectrum. When irradiated, they do not cause a sensation of heat and are absorbed by the most superficial layers of the skin. The greatest amount of them is absorbed by the epidermis and only a small part reaches the papillary layer and superficial choroid plexus(deeper than 0.5 mm ultraviolet rays penetrate in small quantities). The presence of melanin pigment in the skin increases absorption. When absorbed, the lumen of the capillaries of the skin increases, its color changes. With sufficient light intensity, redness appears on the skin areas exposed to ultraviolet irradiation, usually a few hours (2-6) after irradiation. This redness, evenly expressed, with sharply defined edges is called light erythema. For the first time, ultraviolet erythema was described by A. N. Maklakov in 1889. Erythema, having reached a maximum, lasts from 12 hours to several days, depending on the dose and sensitivity of the organism. In this case, swelling of the cells and thickening of the epidermis are observed. Then the erythema gradually turns pale. 4-5 days after ultraviolet irradiation, which caused inflammation of the skin, peeling appears, in which part of its stratum corneum disappears. Gradually, more or less pronounced pigmentation (the so-called tan) is observed at the site of irradiation.

The intensity of skin reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays depends on a number of reasons, mainly on the state of the nervous system. So, switching off sensory nerves is accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of ultraviolet erythema. In diseases of the spinal cord, the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays is reduced. This is especially noticeable in focal diseases of the brain and general anesthesia. Erythemal doses of ultraviolet rays are markedly reduce pain sensitivity .

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, cleavage products of the protein part of the cells (histamine, etc.) are formed in the skin and blood, which has a therapeutic value.

Known antirachitic action of ultraviolet rays. The mechanism of this action is that under the influence of these rays in the illuminated skin or various substances(in milk, yeast, etc.) vitamin D is formed, which is a specific remedy for rickets. For this purpose, children suffering from rickets are illuminated with ultraviolet rays. They also irradiate some foodstuffs. Pregnant women are also irradiated for prophylactic purposes.

Widely used bactericidal action of ultraviolet rays. The mechanism of this action is due to the influence of ultraviolet rays on the protoplasm of bacteria, as a result of which the metabolism stops. bacterial cell her death is coming. The bactericidal effect of these rays with a wavelength in the range of 260-250 mμ is especially pronounced. Different types of bacteria die under the influence of light at different times.

It is necessary to distinguish between direct bactericidal and indirect action of ultraviolet rays. The direct action will be the irradiation of microbes located on the surface of the wound, the mucous membrane, and also in the air; the rays in this case act directly on the bacteria.

In a living organism, bacteria are at such a depth where ultraviolet rays cannot penetrate. In this case, the mechanism of action of rays on bacteria will be somewhat different. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in the body, as mentioned above, occur with the direct participation of the nervous system various reactions, which increase the intensity of metabolism and create such conditions in the body under which the harmful (pathogenic) microbes in it are not provided with the possibility of reproduction and vital activity, as a result of which they die. Such an increase in the immunobiological properties of the body under the influence of ultraviolet rays is called indirect action them.

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, cells of the skin epithelium multiply, which leads to a thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin. Hair growth is also enhanced.

Sensitivity to ultraviolet rays . The skin of the upper back, lower abdomen and lumbosacral region is highly sensitive to ultraviolet rays; then comes the chest, face and lower back; the flexor surface of the limbs is more sensitive than the extensor one. The skin of the hands to the feet has the least sensitivity.

The sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays depends on a number of reasons. Increased sensitivity is observed, for example, in women during pregnancy and menstruation.

In children, especially at an early age, this sensitivity is more pronounced than in adults; in children, the reaction of redness of the skin appears and disappears faster than in adults.

Hypersensitivity is noted in some diseases, for example, with eczema, Graves' disease, etc. Sensitivity is also affected by certain drugs and irritations of the corresponding skin areas, for example, with water or electric current. Skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays different people is not the same. Age and gender matter. Softer, lighter and wet skin is more sensitive; people with dry skin are less sensitive to ultraviolet rays. In spring, skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays reaches a maximum, in summer it decreases and again increases in autumn. After exposure to ultraviolet rays, the sensitivity of the skin decreases.

Skin pigmentation . The skin pigment melanin is a coloring matter of protein origin. It is located unevenly in the skin. Under the influence of light, the amount of pigment may increase. The pigmentation caused by the simultaneous action of all the rays of the spectrum has the most intense and persistent character. Under the influence of intense ultraviolet radiation, uniform pigmentation is obtained. It is caused by the accumulation of pigment-containing cells in the skin.

Erythema followed by pigmentation occurs in most people with pink, normally functioning skin. Pigmented skin is less sensitive to UV rays and absorbs more UV rays than unpigmented skin.

Excessive use of ultraviolet rays is far from harmless. So, some people, both sick and healthy, try to be exposed to the sun longer in order to get a well-defined tan. However, some time after irradiation, this can lead to a deterioration in the general condition and exacerbation of stalled processes (for example, tuberculosis, malaria, etc.).

A favorable course of the disease process after irradiation can also be observed with mild pigmentation.

Treatment with infrared and visible radiation

Infrared (IR) rays are thermal rays that, being absorbed by body tissues, are transformed into thermal energy, excite skin thermoreceptors, impulses from them enter thermoregulatory centers and cause thermoregulatory reactions.

Mechanism of action:

  • 1. local hyperthermia - thermal erythema, appears during radiation and disappears after 30-60 minutes;
  • 2. spasm of blood vessels, followed by their expansion, increased blood flow;
  • 3. increase in the permeability of capillary walls;
  • 4. increased tissue metabolism, activation of redox processes;
  • 5. release of biologically active substances, including histamine-like ones, which also leads to an increase in capillary permeability;
  • 6. anti-inflammatory effect - increased local leukocytosis and phagocytosis, stimulation of immunobiological processes;
  • 7. acceleration of the reverse development of inflammatory processes;
  • 8. acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • 9. increase in local tissue resistance to infection;
  • 10. reflex decrease in the tone of the striated and smooth muscle
  • - reduction of pain associated with their spasm.
  • 11. Itching effect, because. the sensitivity of the skin changes - the tactile feeling increases.


Visible radiation penetrates the skin to a shallower depth, but has a slightly higher energy, in addition to providing a thermal effect, they are capable of causing weak photoelectric and photochemical effects.

In the treatment of skin diseases, visible radiation is used together with infrared radiation.

Sources of infrared radiation and visible rays - irradiators with incandescent lamps or heating elements (Minin reflector, sollux lamp, light-thermal baths, etc.).

Procedures are carried out daily or 2 times a day for 15-30 minutes, for a course of treatment up to 25 procedures.

UV treatment

Types of ultraviolet radiation:

  • - UV-A (long-wave) - wavelength from 400 to 315 nm;
  • - UV-B (medium wave) - from 315 to 280 nm;
  • - UV-C (shortwave) - from 280 to 100 nm.

Mechanism of action:

  • 1. neuro-reflex: radiant energy as an irritant acts through the skin with its powerful receptor apparatus on the central nervous system, and through it on all organs and tissues of the human body;
  • 2. part of the absorbed radiant energy is converted into heat, under its influence in the tissues there is an acceleration of physico-chemical processes, which affects the increase in tissue and general metabolism;
  • 3. photoelectric effect - the electrons split off in this case and the positively charged ions that appear cause changes in the "ionic conjuncture" in cells and tissues, and consequently a change in the electrical properties of colloids; as a result of this, the permeability of cell membranes increases and the exchange between the cell and the environment increases;
  • 4. occurrence of secondary electromagnetic radiation in tissues;
  • 5. bactericidal effect of light, depending on spectral composition, radiation intensity; the bactericidal action consists of the direct action of radiant energy on bacteria and an increase in the reactivity of the body (the formation of biologically active substances, an increase in the immunological properties of blood); coolant ozokeritetreatment sand radiation
  • 6. photolysis - the breakdown of complex protein structures into simpler ones, up to amino acids, which leads to the release of highly active biological substances;
  • 7. when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, pigmentation of the skin appears, which increases the resistance of the skin to repeated irradiation;
  • 8. change physical and chemical properties skin (decrease in pH due to a decrease in the level of cations and an increase in the level of anions);
  • 9. stimulation of the formation of vitamin D.

Under the influence of intense UV radiation, erythema occurs on the skin, which is an aseptic inflammation. The erythematous effect of UV-B is almost 1000 times stronger than that of UV-A. UV-C has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

Selective phototherapy (SPT)

The use of UV-B and UV-A rays in dermatology is called selective phototherapy (SPT).

The appointment of photosensitizers for this type of phototherapy is not required.

The photosensitizing effect on the long-wave region A is exerted by medium-wave UV radiation.

Two main UVI methods are used: general and local. Sources of selective UV radiation include:

  • 1) Fluorescent erythema lamps and fluorescent erythema lamps with a reflector of different power. Designed for treatment and prevention.
  • 2) Uveola germicidal lamps with a power of 60 W and arc germicidal lamps emitting predominantly UV-C.

For the treatment of psoriasis, it should be considered promising and appropriate to use the range from 295 nm to 313 nm UV-B radiation, which accounts for the peak of antipsoriatic activity, and the development of erythema and itching is practically excluded.

The dose of SFT is determined individually. In the dominant majority of cases, treatment begins with a dose of 0.05-0.1 J/cm2 using the method of 4-6 single exposures per week, with a gradual increase in the UV-B dose by 0.1 J/cm2 for each subsequent procedure. The course of treatment is usually 25-30 procedures.

Mechanism of action of UV-B rays:

decrease in DNA synthesis, decrease in epidermocyte proliferation o influence on vitamin D metabolism in the skin, correction of immune processes in the skin;

"photodegradation of inflammatory mediators;

keratinocyte growth factor.

SFT can be used as a monotherapy option. The only necessary addition in this case is external preparations - softening, moisturizing; agents with mild keratolytic action.

Local side effects of SFT:

  • - early - itching, erythema, dry skin;
  • - remote - skin cancer, skin aging (dermatoheliosis), cataracts?


  • 1. benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • 2. cataract;
  • 3. pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • 4. insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • 5. acute myocardial infarction;
  • 6. hypertension, stroke;
  • 7. sub- and decompensated diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • 8. active tuberculosis of internal organs, malaria;
  • 9. increased psycho-emotional excitability;
  • 10. acute dermatitis;
  • 11. lupus erythematosus, pemphigus vulgaris;
  • 12. increased photosensitivity;
  • 13. photodermatosis (solar eczema, pruritus, etc.)
  • 14. psoriatic erythroderma.

Visible light quanta have more energy, visible light radiation can affect biochemical processes, causing a photochemical effect. It is able to bring atoms into an excited state, increasing the ability of substances to enter into chemical reactions. The visible light spectrum includes seven primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo and violet. In the last decade, a new direction has been formed in physiotherapy - photochromotherapy, based on the use of narrow-band LED radiation of different colors. The most studied application of red, green and blue LED optical radiation

Penetrates into biological tissues to a depth of 25 mm, being absorbed in the epidermis and the skin proper. About 25% of the incident energy reaches the subcutaneous fat.

Red color: When exposed to local skin zones, red color changes the local temperature in the irradiated tissues, causes vasodilation, an increase in blood flow velocity, which is manifested by mild hyperemia. It increases the tone of striated and smooth muscles, stimulates the maturation of collagen structures. There is a pronounced stimulation of immunity and increases the number of red blood cells. Red color activates the regeneration of damaged tissues, which is used for faster healing of wounds and ulcer defects skin and mucous membranes, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, However, it should be noted that when long exposure, especially with neurovegetative lability, red radiation can cause anxiety, aggressiveness and locomotor reaction.

Red color: indicated for use in the treatment of psychoasthenia, hypochondria, flaccid paralysis, rheumatism, chronic colitis, constipation, injuries - bruises, sprains of the ligamentous apparatus of the joints, SARS, pneumonia in the stage of resorption.

Red color is contraindicated in febrile conditions, nervous excitement, severe edema and tissue infiltration, suppurative processes.

Green radiation is absorbed by more superficial tissues - the epidermis and dermis, into the subcutaneous adipose tissue only 5% of the radiation penetrates. The depth of penetration of green radiation into tissues is 3-5 mm.

Green color: has a sedative effect i.e. balances the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, improves autonomic regulation, has a mild calming effect on emotional condition person. As a result of the normalization of vascular tone and the normalization of blood filling of the vessels, the elevated level of blood pressure decreases. A favorable effect of green color on microcirculation was noted, it has a moderate antispastic effect, which leads to a decrease in tissue swelling. Having a desensitizing effect reduces itching.

Green color: indicated for use in stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropsychic overload of schoolchildren, neurosis, neurosis of obsessive movements, headache, migraine, neuralgia, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, SARS, bruises, osteochondrosis,

Completely retained by the epidermis and dermis.

Blue colour accelerates the processes of photodestruction of bilirubin, which accelerates its breakdown to substances that are easily excreted from the body and do not have a neurotoxic effect in neonatal jaundice (neonatal hyperbilirubinemia). Blue radiation inhibits neuropsychic activity. It lowers the excitability of various nerve formations, slows down the speed of nerve conduction and has an analgesic effect. It has a relaxing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, epithelizing effect.

Blue color: use for overexcitation, anxiety, sleep disturbance, headaches, vegetative-vascular dystonia, adenoiditis, inflammation of the ear, throat, nose, hay fever, allergic cough, pneumonia, dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, osteochondrosis, eczema.

Photochromotherapy device "Spectrum LC"

Green light physiotherapy

Appointed by a neurologist. He says "you are twisting your toes, you need to look like green lamps." And today we came - and there these bulbs began to shine on our NECK from behind. Tell me what kind of device it is - at least I'll rummage on the Internet.: 009:

What's this? maybe someone else was assigned? from what ailments?

I'm afraid they're experimenting on children. 015:

They shone on your neck correctly - because first you need to remove the tone in the neck area, and only then - below. These are not experiments - the technique is officially registered and has been working for more than 10 years.

We also did it on the neck, it helped a lot.

and what did you do and what happened?

They shone on your neck correctly - because first you need to remove the tone in the neck area, and only then - below. These are not experiments - the technique is officially registered and has been working for more than 10 years.

Green light physiotherapy

Light therapy is a dosed effect on the body of infrared, visible and ultraviolet radiation.

The healing effect of sunlight on the human body has been known since prehistoric times. In medicine, this direction is called phototherapy (or phototherapy - from the Greek photos-light). It is known that the solar spectrum consists of 10% ultraviolet rays, 40% visible spectrum rays and 50% infrared rays. These types of electromagnetic radiation are widely used in medicine. Artificial radiators usually use filaments heated by electric current. They are used as sources of infrared radiation and visible light. To obtain ultraviolet radiation in physiotherapy, low-pressure fluorescent mercury lamps or high-pressure mercury-quartz lamps are used. The energy of the electromagnetic field and radiation, when interacting with the tissues of the body, is converted into other types of energy (chemical, thermal, etc.), which serves as a starting link for physicochemical and biological reactions that form the final therapeutic effect. At the same time, each of the types of electromagnetic fields and radiation causes photobiological processes inherent only to it, which determine the specificity of their therapeutic effects. The longer the wavelength, the deeper the penetration of radiation. Infrared rays penetrate tissues to a depth of 2-3 cm, visible light - up to 1 cm, ultraviolet rays - 0.5-1 mm.

The therapeutic effect of infrared irradiation is determined by the mechanism of its physiological action - it accelerates the reverse development of inflammatory processes, increases tissue regeneration, local resistance and anti-infective protection. Violation of the rules for carrying out procedures can lead to dangerous overheating of tissues and the occurrence of thermal burns, as well as to an overload of blood circulation, which is dangerous in cardiovascular diseases.

Absolute contraindications are tumors (benign or malignant) or suspicion of their presence, active forms of tuberculosis, bleeding, circulatory failure.

The development of semiconductor technology over the past few years has led to the creation of a number of medical devices using semiconductor LEDs of high brightness and various spectrums. Clinical trials of these devices have shown their high efficiency and opened up additional prospects for technical solutions in the field of light and color therapy.

Contraindications - tumors, acute inflammatory processes and chronic inflammatory processes in the acute stage, bleeding, stage III hypertension, stage II-III circulatory failure, active forms of tuberculosis, etc.

The use of low-intensity laser radiation is based on the use of a large number of various phenomena associated with the action of optical radiation on biological tissues and cells. The action of low-intensity laser radiation on biological systems is based on photophysical, photochemical, photobiological processes. The energy of low-intensity laser radiation absorbed by cells and tissues has an active biological effect. This type of irradiation is successfully used in degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, rheumatoid arthritis, long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, polyneuritis, arthritis, bronchial asthma, stomatitis.


infrared irradiation

Infrared radiation is called optical radiation with a wavelength of more than 780 nm. The source of infrared (IR) radiation is any heated body. Infrared radiation makes up to 45-50% of the solar radiation falling on the Earth. In artificial light sources (an incandescent lamp with a tungsten filament), it accounts for 70-80% of the energy of all radiation. The formation of heat that occurs during the absorption of infrared radiation energy leads to a local increase in the temperature of the irradiated skin by 1-2 ° C and causes local thermoregulatory reactions of the surface vascular network.

The vascular reaction is expressed in a short-term vasospasm (up to 30 s), and then an increase in local blood flow and an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the tissues. The released thermal energy accelerates tissue metabolism. Activation of the microvasculature and increased vascular permeability contributes to the dehydration of the inflammatory focus and the removal of cell decay products. Activation of proliferation and differentiation of fibroblasts leads to accelerated healing of wounds and trophic ulcers. There is also a neuroreflex effect on the internal organs, which is manifested by the expansion of the vessels of these organs, the strengthening of their trophism.

Therapeutic effects - anti-inflammatory, lymphatic drainage, vasodilator.

Indications: subacute and chronic non-purulent inflammatory diseases of the internal organs, frostbite burns, sluggish healing wounds and trophic ulcers, diseases of the peripheral nervous system with pain syndrome, autonomic dysfunction, sympathalgia.

Infrared radiation is short-wave, medium-wave, long-wave. Infrared rays appear in a substance when it is heated and are absorbed by the substance, i.e. rays serve as a means of heat transfer, transfer of thermal energy. Usually, to obtain infrared radiation in medicine, special infrared lamps are used, electric heating elements, quantum (laser) semiconductor generators.

Heat is determined by the random oscillatory motion of microparticles (electrons, molecules, atoms, etc.). It is inherent in all material particles. Heat is transferred from hotter bodies to cooler bodies in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. The human body both absorbs and radiates heat. Any impact on the body by infrared rays leads to an increase in the functional activity of molecules. Cell reproduction, enzymatic processes, regeneration are accelerated.

Infrared radiation stimulates the formation of biologically active substances in tissues (bradykinin, histamine, acetylcholine), which determine the rate of blood flow.

Thermoreceptors of the skin, mucous membranes, hypothalamus and spinal cord react to heat rays (reacting to an increase in the temperature of the flowing blood). Impulses from thermoreceptors along afferent pathways enter the thermoregulation centers (hypothalamus, spinal cord), from where they return along afferent pathways and dilate blood vessels, increase sweating, etc. Red and infrared rays are absorbed by the dermis, but 30% of the rays penetrate deeper - up to 3-4 cm, reaching the subcutaneous fat layer and internal organs. Medium and long wavelengths are absorbed by the epidermis.

On the skin of a person under the influence of infrared radiation, erythema appears at the site of exposure, which has a patchy character, has no clear boundaries and disappears after the cessation of exposure. Infrared radiation is widely used in cosmetology when working with the face: to relax mimic muscles, improve blood circulation, expand pores through which metabolic products are actively excreted. Infrared radiation is used in combination with therapeutic exercises and massage. It accelerates the resorption of hematomas, infiltrates, improves general and local hemodynamics.



Chromotherapy is a branch of phototherapy that uses different spectra of visible radiation.

The share of visible radiation accounts for up to 15% of the radiation of artificial sources and up to 40% of the spectral composition of sunlight.

For each color, you can determine a specific spectrum of visible radiation:

  • Violet nm
  • blue nm
  • Green nm
  • Yellow nm
  • orange nm
  • red nm

    Visible radiation represents a range of different color shades that have a selective effect on the excitability of the cortical and subcortical nerve centers, and therefore modulate the psycho-emotional processes in the body.

    Red and orange radiation excite cortical centers and subcortical structures, blue and violet - oppress them, and green and yellow balance the processes of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex and have an antidepressant effect. White light plays a huge role in the life and working capacity of a person. It is its deficiency due to the reduction in the length of the day in the autumn-winter period that leads to the development of seasonal emotional depression(seasonal affective disorder, SAD), the main symptoms of which are drowsiness, inactivity, bulimia, anorexia.

    White light increases the content of melatonin in the brain and the adaptive function of the pineal gland by 5 times. It inhibits serotonergic and activates adrenergic neurons of the brain stem, resulting in the restoration of the ratio of serotonin and adrenaline, as well as the phases of sleep and wakefulness in patients.

    When visible radiation is absorbed in the skin, heat is released, which changes the impulse activity of sensitive skin fibers, activates reflex and local reactions of the microvasculature, and enhances the metabolism of irradiated tissues. Blue and cyan radiation cause photobiological destruction of hematoporphyrin, which is part of bilirubin, which is successfully used in the treatment of neonatal jaundice, increases the body's energy capabilities by enhancing energy synthesis in cell mitochondria. In addition, unlike other ranges of optical radiation, blue light is intensely absorbed by numerous photoreceptors of a biological object, causing photochemical reactions that ensure its normal functioning.

    Chromotherapy using blue and red light is used in the treatment of acne.


    ultraviolet irradiation

    Ultraviolet radiation - carries the highest energy. In terms of its chemical activity, it significantly exceeds all other parts of the light spectrum. At the same time, ultraviolet rays have the smallest depth of penetration into tissues - only up to 1 mm. Therefore, their direct influence is limited to the surface layers of the irradiated areas of the skin and mucous membranes. The most sensitive to ultraviolet rays is the skin of the surface of the body, the least - the skin of the extremities.

    The use of ultraviolet rays for therapeutic purposes with a well-chosen individual dose and precise control gives a high therapeutic effect in many diseases. It consists of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, immunostimulating, restorative action. Their use contributes to the epithelialization of the wound surface, as well as the regeneration of the nervous and bone tissue.

    Indications for the use of ultraviolet radiation are acute and chronic diseases of the joints, respiratory organs, female genital organs, skin, peripheral nervous system, wounds (local irradiation), as well as compensation for ultraviolet deficiency in order to increase the body's resistance to various infections, hardening, prevention of rickets, with tuberculous lesions of the bones.

    Contraindications: tumors, acute inflammatory processes and chronic inflammatory processes in the acute stage, bleeding, stage III hypertension, stage II-III circulatory failure, active forms of tuberculosis, etc.

    Ultraviolet radiation is divided into three areas:

  • longwave rays (UVA) nm
  • medium wave (UVB) nm
  • shortwave (UFS) - less than 280 nm

    In the long-wave range, the spectrum of UVA00 nm and UVA-2 - (nm) is distinguished.

    Ultraviolet irradiation increases the activity of protective mechanisms, has a desensitizing effect, normalizes blood coagulation, improves lipid (fat) metabolism. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the functions of external respiration improve, the activity of the adrenal cortex increases, the supply of oxygen to the myocardium increases, and its contractility increases.

    Deficiency of ultraviolet rays leads to beriberi, reduced immunity, weak work nervous system, the appearance of mental instability.

    Ultraviolet radiation has a significant effect on phosphorus-calcium metabolism, stimulates the formation of vitamin D and improves all metabolic processes in the body. Long-term exposure to short-wave ultraviolet rays causes denaturation of protein polymers, which lose their biological activity. The irradiated cell first loses the ability to divide and then dies. This effect is used for disinfection and sterilization using special lamps of the short-wave ultraviolet spectrum. Photolysis and denaturation processes caused by ultraviolet irradiation, occur in the spinous layer of the epidermis; at the same time, histamine, biogenic amines, acetylcholine are released. These products of the photochemical reaction lead to the development of erythema, which occurs 2-8 hours after irradiation. Intense ultraviolet erythema of the whole body entails an increase in acute and chronic inflammatory processes. Therefore, simultaneous irradiation of the entire surface of the body with medium and short-wave ultraviolet rays should be avoided or the irradiation process should be strictly controlled.

    Strictly dosed ultraviolet radiation has desensitizing properties, enhances phagocytosis, accelerates gas exchange processes. At the site of exposure to ultraviolet rays, blood flow and lymph flow increase, epithelium regeneration improves, and the synthesis of collagen fibers is accelerated. In dermatology, ultraviolet radiation in the medium and long wavelength spectra is used for therapy.

    Long-wave ultraviolet rays have the maximum pigment-forming effect. Therefore, long-wave ultraviolet radiation sources are used in cosmetic tanning installations (solariums). In solariums, unlike natural conditions, filters are used that absorb short-wave and medium-wave rays. Irradiation in solariums begins with a minimum time, and then gradually the duration of insolation increases. An overdose of ultraviolet rays leads to premature aging, decrease in skin elasticity, development of skin and oncological diseases.


    laser irradiation

    LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission) - light amplification by stimulated emission. Laser radiation has a fixed wavelength (monochromaticity), the same phase of photon emission (coherence), a small beam divergence (high directivity) and a fixed orientation of the electromagnetic field vectors in space (polarization).

    The activation of photobiological processes occurring during selective absorption of laser radiation causes vasodilation of the microvasculature, normalizes local blood flow and leads to dehydration of the inflammatory focus. Reparative processes in tissues are activated. The laser also causes destruction of the shell of microorganisms on the irradiated surface. Decreased impulse activity nerve fibers leads to a decrease in pain sensitivity.

    Along with local reactions, reflex reactions of internal organs are formed through segmental-metameric bonds.

    Therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, reparative, hypoalgesic, immunostimulating, bactericidal.

    Indications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system (deforming osteoarthritis, metabolic, rheumatic and nonspecific infectious arthritis), peripheral nervous system (neuritis, neuralgia, spinal osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome), cardiovascular (ischemic heart disease, vascular pathology lower extremities), respiratory (bronchitis, pneumonia), digestive systems ( peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis, colitis), diseases of the genitourinary system (adnexitis, endometritis, cervical erosion, prostatitis), skin diseases (long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers, burns, bedsores, itchy dermatoses, furunculosis), diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, laryngitis), diabetic angiopathy.

    For lasers for therapeutic purposes, optical radiation of the red and infrared ranges, generated in pulsed or continuous modes, is most often used. In almost all the first devices, a He-Ne laser was used as a “working” tool, which made the devices rather bulky, not always convenient to use, and rather expensive. Currently, solid-state, semiconductor lasers have found application in clinical practice. AT recent times appeared a number scientific works, which provide information that the monochromaticity and coherence of laser radiation are not the main factors causing positive impact laser radiation. However, the therapeutic result of the use of semiconductor lasers remains consistently high, including in studies involving control groups of patients, which allows us to conclude that laser radiation is clinically effective.

    Green light (physiotherapy)

    She examined us, said that in general everything is fine, we hold our head very well and lie down, and turn it vertically, in all directions. we make attempts to crawl lying on our stomach)) raising our ass high and pushing off))))))) does not understand her hand, of course, yet, what needs to be alternating forward, but serious attempts are eventually repelled, her hands go under the body, and she furrows her head way))))) praised that at night we don’t wake up to eat and sleep for 8-10 hours and that we try to grab objects, hold them in our hands and try to taste them. Well, my daughter, how can we gurgle with her when she began to call her by name)) the elderly nurse was delighted, as if she rarely sees children who gurgle)))))

    ... and now, everything seems to be fine, but there is a wrinkle on the neck, which they said to rub from the neck down the back, as if along the spine, so that it would smooth out faster. For this reason, as well as for general strengthening neck directed us to this physiotherapy, the “green light” ... Who did it? How is the effect?)) We just recently completed a course of a serious massage with an osteopathic bias (the tone of the cervical region was removed and asymmetry on the right, because there was a strong tightness of the muscles right there), we will do a second course in 5.5 months to prepare the bones and joints to sit /crawl/go (subsequently). So, from the massage, the global effect is really visible, but did you notice anything from the physiotherapy?))

    Pysy: in the north, half my life at school, I went to the mud baths in spring / autumn courses ... there were serious complexes: physiotherapy, and mud wraps and warming up, and mineral baths, and bass, and hydromassage, and healing showers ... well, what's the point)) )) I don’t know))) all this, of course, was certainly pleasant and useful (for sure), but not in the places where it was necessary)))) I also went in the direction of a neurologist with a diagnosis of VVD of the hypertensive type and headaches as a result of this ... Although, who knows how life would be now if I had not gone to these procedures as a child ..

    color therapy

    Color therapy (chromotherapy) is the use of visible radiation (nm) for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

    Visible radiation (white light) is electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of 760 to 400 nm. Visible radiation is a range of color shades, has a selective effect on the excitability of the cortical and subcortical nerve centers, as a result of which it modulates the psycho-emotional processes in the body. The source of visible light on Earth is the Sun. Visible light plays an important role in human life: it determines daily and seasonal biorhythms, serves as a source of reflex and conditioned reflex activity. Visible light quanta have more energy than IR radiation quanta, therefore, along with the thermal effect, visible light radiation can affect biochemical processes, causing a photochemical effect. The release of heat during the absorption of radiation by the skin modulates the functions of thermomechanosensitive fibers. A change in their impulse activity initiates segmental reflex reactions aimed at improving regional blood circulation, microcirculation, enhancing trophism and normalizing the functions of the organs of the irradiated area, skin immunogenesis is activated, and biologically active substances enter the bloodstream. The visible light spectrum includes seven primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo and violet. In the last decade, a new direction has been formed in physiotherapy - photochromotherapy, based on the use of narrow-band LED radiation of different colors. The most studied application of red, green and blue LED optical radiation.

    Each component of light (infrared, red, green, yellow, orange, blue, etc.) has a specific effect and can be used for optimal treatment of a particular pathology.

    Here are some data on the role of the wavelength (color of radiation), recognized in modern photochromotherapy.

    Infrared radiation, being absorbed mainly by molecules of nucleic acids and proteins of deep-lying tissues of the body, leads to selective activation of protein-synthesizing systems of cells, as well as to pronounced heat generation. As a result of vasodilation and acceleration of blood flow, dehydration (decrease in edema) occurs in the focus

    inflammation, removal of products of cell autolysis and increased metabolic processes in irradiated tissues. An increase in blood flow and the metabolism of proteins and amino acids significantly weaken the activity of the inflammatory process and stimulate the proliferation of affected tissues.

    Infrared radiation is indicated for use in subacute inflammatory diseases of the internal organs, the consequences of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in flaccid paralysis and muscle paresis.

    Red color penetrates into biological tissues to a depth of 25 mm, being absorbed in the epidermis and the skin itself (dermis). About 25% of the incident energy reaches the subcutaneous fat. Red color is absorbed mainly by enzymes (catalase, ceruloplasmin), as well as by chromatoform groups of protein molecules and, in part, by oxygen. In the 19th century, it was used in medicine for infectious diseases(smallpox, measles, scarlet fever).

    When exposed to local skin zones, the red color changes the local temperature in the irradiated tissues, causes vasodilation, an increase in blood flow velocity, which is manifested by mild hyperemia. It increases the tone of striated and smooth muscles, stimulates the maturation of collagen structures. There is a pronounced stimulation of immunity and erythropoiesis. Red color activates the reparative regeneration of damaged tissues, which is used for faster healing of wound and ulcerative defects of the skin and mucous membranes. However, it should be noted that with prolonged exposure, especially with neurovegetative lability, red radiation can cause anxiety, aggressiveness, and locomotor reaction.

    Red radiation is selectively absorbed by molecules of the respiratory chain enzymes (cytochrome oxidase, cytochrome C), the antioxidant system (superoxide dismutase) and inducers of reparative regeneration (alkaline phosphatase). Subsequent activation of catabolic processes and stimulation of connective tissue fibroblasts enhance the reparative regeneration of affected tissues. Reducing the impulse activity of the nerve conductors of the skin, red radiation leads to a decrease in pain sensitivity in the irradiated areas. Influencing biologically active points and zones, it can cause reflex reactions of internal organs, segmentally associated with irradiated metamers, and stimulate cellular and humoral immunity. Red radiation is indicated for use in chronic non-purulent inflammatory diseases of internal organs, burns and frostbite, sluggish wounds and trophic ulcers, diseases of the peripheral nervous system with pain syndrome (myositis, neuralgia). Red color is contraindicated in febrile conditions, nervous excitement, severe edema and tissue infiltration, suppurative processes.

    Green radiation is absorbed by more superficial tissues - the epidermis and dermis, only 5% of the radiation penetrates into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The depth of penetration of green radiation into tissues is 3-5 mm. It is selectively absorbed by flavoproteins of the respiratory chain and protein complexes of calcium ions and is able to change cellular respiration in irradiated tissues. Green is a harmonizing color, as it balances the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, improves autonomic regulation, and has a mild calming effect on a person's emotional state. As a result of normalization of vascular tone and normalization of blood filling of vessels, the increased level of arterial and intraocular pressure. A favorable effect of green color on microcirculation was noted, which leads to the elimination of tissue swelling (Kiryanova V.V. et al., 2003). In addition, green radiation has a moderate antispastic effect. Restoring the activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system, which was suppressed by the pathological process, green radiation significantly reduces the intensity of inflammation and autoimmune defects, reduces the heart rate and blood pressure. In addition, green radiation reduces the release of histamine from neutrophils and reduces itching. Green radiation is indicated for use in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension Stages I-II obliterating diseases of peripheral arteries, chronic venous insufficiency), autonomic dysfunctions nervous system, with hypertonicity of the striated and smooth muscles.

    Blue radiation is completely blocked by the epidermis and dermis. Blue radiation is selectively absorbed by molecules of pyridine nucleotides of hematoparphyrin. Subsequent activation of the respiratory chain enhances glycolysis and lipolysis in cells and accelerates the processes of photodegradation of bilirubin to substances that are easily excreted from the body and do not have a neurotoxic effect in neonatal jaundice (neonatal hyperbilirubinemia) and liver diseases. In addition, it lowers the excitability of the nerve conductors of the skin and reduces its tactile and pain sensitivity. Blue radiation inhibits neuropsychic activity. Under the influence of blue, there is a significant lengthening of the chronaxy of the motor nerves. This underlies its use in diseases of the peripheral nervous system, especially in neuralgic pain syndromes. There is an indication of the anti-spastic and anti-inflammatory properties of blue. Blue radiation is indicated for use in diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, disorders of pigment metabolism in newborns (hyperbilirubinemia, hematoporphyria), diseases of the ENT organs, skin, and chronic viral hepatitis.

    According to the Swiss firm Zepter international cosmetics, light emission various colors has the following features of human impact.

    Red light activates the energy blocked in the depths, increases dynamism, brings stagnant, inert and reduced processes to the level, sharpens the senses. Red light is the opposite of blue light.

    Blue light calms, restrains, cools and structures energy, bringing order to overactive, elusive and inflammatory processes. Blue light is the opposite of red light.

    yellow light strengthens, tones without exciting, prolongs energy, strengthens too weak processes, strengthens nerves. Yellow light is between red and blue in its effect.

    Green light balances, relaxes, soothes, supports physical and psychic energy in dynamic balance, softens tense and painful processes, brings deep peace. Green light is intermediate in its action between blue and yellow.

    Orange light warms, stimulates, energy is excited softer than with red light and can build up more calmly, relaxes convulsive processes. Orange light is in its action a mixture of red and yellow.

    Violet light muffles, reduces, transforms energy at a high level, promotes spiritual processes, softens nervous irritations and pain. Violet light is in its effect a mixture of red and blue.

    In addition, it was found that the depth of penetration of light radiation into human biological tissue, as well as absorption and reflection, depend to a large extent on the wavelength of radiation. So, in the range of 0 nm, the so-called optical transparency of biological tissues is observed, which means the deepest penetration into the body. The penetration depth of radiation with a wavelength of 950 nm can reach 40 - 70 mm and decreases with decreasing wavelength from red to blue radiation. Blue radiation has the smallest penetration depth of the listed radiation colors (up to several mm). The energy characteristics of the radiation used in photochromotherapy are determined by the fact that any functional system, both at the cell level and at the tissue level, operates at a very low level. energy level, due to which a large amount of supplied energy does not increase, but, on the contrary, depresses the function of the system. In view of this, radiation sources have been used in photochromotherapy, which make it possible to realize power densities from 0.1 to 500 mW/cm2. Their radiation is divided into soft (0.1 - 2 mW / cm2), medium (mW / cm2) and hard (mW / cm2). Soft radiation is used in reflexology to irradiate acupuncture points, medium radiation is used when exposed to reflexogenic zones, and hard radiation is used to influence individual organs through the skin. As for the energy absorbed by tissues, experimental and clinical studies have determined the limits of the radiation power flux density and the dose of exposure to the field, which provide a biostimulating effect and are equal, respectively, to 0.mW/cm2 and 3-9 J/cm2. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the saturation limit of biological tissues depends on the radiation wavelength and for radiation with a wavelength of 630 nm (red light) is about 4 J/cm2 per irradiation zone. However, these values ​​are highly variable in a particular subject and in a particular pathology, as well as over the course of treatment.


    EQUIPMENT FOR PHOTOCHROMOTHERAPY A.B. Veselovsky, V.V. Kiryanova, A.S. Mitrofanov,

    N.N. Petrishchev, G.D. Fefilov, L.I. Yantareva;

  • The healing effect of light

    The healing effect of light

    Light- this is a stream of electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range visible to the human eye, the components of which (depending on the wavelength) are perceived by a person in the form of a color octave. Each color has its own specific impact on the human body, including its psycho-emotional and physiological state (5,9).

    The long-wave part of visible light (red, orange, yellow) has a sympathetic-tonic effect, the short-wave part (blue, indigo, violet) has a parasympathetic effect. The green part of the world harmonizes both influences.

    Chromotherapy carried out primarily through the eyes "... the energy flow of light is perceived by a colossal network of vessels, a concentrated pigment-reagent system of the iris and retina, and then it is freely and instantly transmitted to the regulatory centers of the brain" (2) .

    Further, light causes a whole cascade of transformations in the body, affecting organs and systems, activates physiological processes, restores the balance of the internal environment, maintains the stability of cellular metabolism, regulates metabolism, increases the viability of cells and tissues, immunity and supports the natural mechanism homeostasis (10,15).

    Ophthalmochromotherapy - a qualitatively new direction of modern medicine. It's a natural method prevention and treatment eye and psychosomatic diseases narrowband(monochromatic) light emission. A highly effective method of treatment based on the bioresonance effect of light of different wavelengths on a person through the organ of vision.

    By the eyes one can judge the state of the whole organism as a whole, its psychosomatic "health" ( "eyes are the mirror of the soul"...), as well as his individual bodies and systems. And vice versa, in diseases of organs and systems, in violation of hemo- and liquorodynamics in the brain, ophthalmologists diagnose eye diseases.

    The resonant effect of monochromatic radiation of the optical spectrum on the eyes contributes to the restoration of impaired functions of the brain, eyes and other organs and systems.

    Chromotherapy for stress andpsychophysiological disorders

    Each color of the optical spectrum has a certain effect on the psycho-emotional and physiological state of a person. Red, orange and yellow have a stimulating effect; green, blue, blue and violet - sedative effect (5.6).

    Red color

    It has sympathicotonic, antidepressant, thymoerectic effects on the nervous system: it increases the activity of tropic hormones, increases the activity of metabolism, increases the frequency of heart contractions and respiration, normalizes cardiac activity, eliminates congestion, increases blood pressure. The energy of red color improves appetite, enhances sexual desire, will, accelerates the pace of thinking, increases efficiency, endurance, strength, visual acuity, stimulates the immune system.

    The use of red color is effective in the treatment of influenza and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, hypotension, hypochondria, flaccid paralysis, as well as skin manifestations some diseases: measles, lupus, erysipelas, chicken pox, scarlet fever. In ophthalmology - with myopia, strabismus, retinal dystrophies.

    At the same time, red color can cause a feeling of emotional tension, excitement, anxiety, arterial hypertension and tachycardia. Therefore, one should not abuse the red color for obese people suffering from hypertension. Such patients are recommended to use pink color that calms the nervous system, reduces excitability, improves mood. How often do we say that someone "looks at the world through rose-colored glasses" without thinking about the root cause of the basis of this assertion.

    Orange color

    Improves blood circulation, digestion, skin trophism, promotes regeneration of the nervous and muscle tissue, stimulates the activity of the gonads, enhances sexuality, increases the level of neuroendocrine regulation, appetite, muscle strength. Orange color is effective in the treatment of diseases of the bronchi, lungs, especially bronchial asthma, in addition, it is used for hypotension, anemia, diabetes, colitis. In ophthalmology - for the treatment of amblyopia, myopia, optic nerve atrophy, dystrophic processes in the retina. Excess color causes excitement.

    The psychotropic effect of orange corresponds to a combination of antidepressant and mild psychostimulant action. rises mental activity, appetite, physical performance, reduced exhaustion, fatigue, drowsiness. Improves memory. Increases sexual desire.

    The sympathetic-tonic effect is minimally expressed. This allows you to assign orange color to the elderly and those with diseases of the cardiovascular system.


    Stimulates everything gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, activates the autonomic nervous system, has a cleansing effect on the entire body. It is used in the treatment of eczema, allergic dermatitis, chronic gastritis, atonic colitis, constipation, diabetes, chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract. In ophthalmology - with amblyopia, strabismus, optic nerve atrophy, retinal dystrophy.

    Increases mood and mental abilities. Creates a harmonious attitude to life. Enhances the antidepressant effect of red, but prevents the increase in anxiety. Sequential use of red and yellow gives good result in the treatment of depression. Strengthening the processes of excitation, or weakening the inhibitory processes, yellow color increases physical performance relieves feelings of fatigue and drowsiness.

    Excess increases the production of bile, causes arousal.

    Green color

    It affects the cardiovascular and nervous system, relieves spasms of smooth muscles of blood vessels and bronchi, has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, slows down the heartbeat, lowers blood pressure.

    In medical terms, the green color is effective for hypertension, headaches, neuroses, stress, neurasthenic syndromes, insomnia, fatigue, bronchial asthma.

    In the absence of green color, excitability, nervousness, irritability, and inappropriate activity increase.

    It is a harmonizing color. Eliminates arousal, anxiety, relieves emotional stress. Has a hypnotic effect. Stabilizes emotions, relieves vasospasm, improves microcirculation.

    For the prevention and elimination of visual fatigue, the appointment of green is recommended. With prolonged visual stress (working with a computer), it is recommended to conduct sessions every 30-40 minutes.


    Soothes, has a bactericidal effect, has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, vocal cords, bronchi, lungs, digestive tract. It normalizes blood pressure, regulates the work of the heart, relieves muscle tension, helps to reduce appetite, lose weight, and at a certain dosage (in combination with red) has a tonic effect.

    Medicinal value blue tones are great: they are used for various inflammatory diseases of the throat and vocal cords, hepatitis, burns, rheumatism, in the treatment of eczema, vitiligo, pustular lesions of the skin, in childhood infections, itching, insomnia. A positive result of the use of blue color in osteochondrosis, in obese and overweight people was noted.

    In ophthalmology, it is used for myopia, uveitis, glaucoma.

    An overdose of color causes a feeling of fear, enhances the cooling effect of wind and cold factors.

    Blue colour

    It has an effect on the pituitary gland, parasympathetic nervous system, has antibacterial properties, helps fight infections, fevers, is effective in sore throats, spasms, headaches, palpitations, intestinal upset, rheumatism. A large therapeutic effect was noted in patients with thyroid diseases. Dark blue color (indigo) is effective for asthma, inflammatory diseases of the lungs (clears mucus), whooping cough, jaundice, colitis, spasms. Its effect is curative for hysteria, epilepsy, neurosis, fatigue, insomnia. In ophthalmology, it is successfully used in the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, as well as cataracts, cataracts, and glaucoma.

    The psycholeptic effect of blue color includes a sedative, muscle relaxant and hypnotic effect. There is calmness, muscle relaxation, the pace of thinking decreases, speech motor activity, speech expression, anxiety decreases. The combined use of blue and yellow colors does not cause inhibition of volitional processes and thinking.

    An excess of color causes dryness, fatigue, obsession, a feeling of fear.


    In purple, as it were, the action of two colors is combined - blue and red. It has a tonic effect on the brain, eyes, increases muscle strength, normalizes the functioning of the spleen, parathyroid glands, and nervous system.

    Used for mental and nervous disorders, concussions, increases efficiency and normalizes sleep, facilitates treatment colds. Effective in inflammatory diseases of the liver, kidneys, urinary and gallbladder, rheumatism.

    In ophthalmology, it is used to treat amblyopia, myopia, cataracts, glaucoma. It has a pronounced psycholeptic effect, modulates interhemispheric relationships. Prolonged use can cause a state of melancholy and depression.

    Table 1
    Healing effect of flowers




    Red color 620 - 760 nm

    Increases immunity, activity of the kidneys and adrenal glands of sensory centers, the sympathetic nervous system, accelerates blood circulation, increases heart rate, respiration, increases metabolism, muscle strength, sexual desire, endurance, eliminates congestion.

    Hypotension, hypochondria, flaccid paralysis, amenorrhea, rheumatism, constipation, peptic ulcer without exacerbation , pneumonia in the stage of resorption, measles scarlet fever, chicken pox, erysipelas, lupus erythematosus. flu and all viral diseases, diseases of the kidneys, spleen. Impotence, myopia, strabismus, retinal dystrophy.

    Hypertension, nervous - excitation, acute - inflammatory diseases.

    Orange color 585 - 620 nm

    Raises level of neuroendocrine regulation, stimulates activity genital glands, rejuvenates, promotes the regeneration of nervous and muscle tissue, increases appetite, muscle strength

    Diseases of the bronchi, lungs, especially bronchial asthma. Hypotension, anemia, diabetes, colitis, impotence, frigidity. Myopia, amblyopia, astigmatism, optic nerve atrophy, retinal dystrophy, strabismus.

    Acute inflammatory diseases, nerve noe excitation.

    Yellow color 575 - 585 nm

    Stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas.

    Diabetes. chronic cholecystitis, atonic gastritis and colitis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, amblyopia. strabismus, optic nerve atrophy. retinal dystrophy.

    Acute inflammatory diseases. excitation

    Green color 510 - 550 nm

    Calms the nervous system. Relieves spasm of smooth muscles of blood vessels and bronchi. Lowers BP!

    Hypertension, heart disease, neurosis, stress, neurasthenic syndrome, osteochondrosis, bronchial asthma, insomnia, hemorrhoids, glaucoma, accommodation spasm, myopia, retinal dystrophy.

    Cyan 480 - 510 nm

    Soothes. Has bactericidal action. Favorably affects the thyroid gland, ear, throat, vocal cords, bronchi, lungs.

    Effective in various inflammatory processes: laryngitis, inflammation of the vocal cords, bronchitis, allergic cough, colitis, burn, abscess, flux, phlegmon; For skin diseases: eczema, vitiligo, itching, osteochondrosis, fullness, myopia, spasm, accommodation, uveitis.

    An overdose causes a feeling of anxiety.

    Blue color 450 - 480 nm

    Acts on the pituitary gland, parasympathetic nervous system. It has anticarcinogenic, bactericidal action.

    Goiter, inflammation of the ear, throat, nose, teeth, migraine, spastic colitis, rheumatism, hysteria, neurosis, stress, epilepsy, overexcitation, whooping cough, allergic cough, laryngitis, pneumonia, osteochondrosis, jaundice, initial cataract, cataract, myopia, accommodation spasm , uveitis.

    Excess causes fatigue, obsession, anxiety.

    table 2
    Healing effects of color combinations

    A color scheme

    Action on the body

    White and red

    Increases energy potential.

    Blue and green

    Sharp calming effect. Treats hysteria, a reactive state. Prevents epileptic seizure.

    Green and blue

    Calming effect. Relieves tension. Calms the nervous system.

    Blue and white

    Soothes. Gives a feeling of freshness.

    Black and blue

    Normalizes breathing. Eliminates frequent heartbeat. Reduces blood pressure.

    Blue green and black

    Normalizes blood pressure, eliminates tachycardia, shortness of breath

    yellow and green

    Calms the nervous system. It is used to treat respiratory organs, bronchial asthma.



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