Can low hemoglobin cause dizziness? Why does hemoglobin decrease, iron deficiency appears and why is it so important in

The symptoms of which can be determined by the appearance of a person, found in almost 67% of people who seek medical help. In addition, it has been observed that women are more likely to suffer from anemia.

This is due to the characteristics of the body, the cardiovascular and circulatory systems. So, let's consider what hemoglobin is, the reasons for its decrease in the body, symptoms and methods of treatment.

What is hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is a compound of iron-containing proteins that enriches the tissues of the human body with oxygen and a number of useful trace elements. A decrease in its level can occur due to insufficient iron content in the body, this entails a decrease in the number of red blood cells and, as a result, a decrease in hemoglobin. All this leads to a violation of the circulation of oxygen and carbon dioxide in tissues and organs.

Low hemoglobin: causes

Anemia can be caused by the following factors:

1) regular blood loss;

4) hemorrhoids;

5) congenital or hereditary pathologies of the organism;

6) infectious diseases or frequent intoxication leading to the death of red blood cells;

7) donation more than 5 times a year;

8) irregular and unbalanced diet, provoking a decrease in the level of iron in the body.

Low hemoglobin: symptoms

As a rule, anemia is diagnosed with a complete blood count, but there are a number of signs that can also suggest a decrease in the level of iron in the blood.

Signs of low hemoglobin:


Drowsiness and lethargy;

Blueness of the skin, nose and lips;

Peeling and dry skin;

Hair loss, brittle nails, inflammation of the skin;

Frequent colds;

Dizziness, nausea, vomiting;


Violation of the rhythm of breathing, the appearance of shortness of breath.

Doctors say that low hemoglobin, the symptoms of which are present, can be brought back to normal without resorting to intensive care. But for this, it is recommended to identify the disease in time and seek the advice of a specialist.

Diet for low hemoglobin

When a diagnosis of "iron deficiency anemia" is detected, treatment should be started immediately, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

As a rule, iron-containing preparations are prescribed to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the body. Both for treatment and prevention, the diet must contain foods that contain a sufficient amount of iron (beets, fresh apples, liver, offal, beef, horse meat, buckwheat, mushrooms, seaweed, eggs and fish). Among other things, regular walks in the fresh air will be useful, improving blood circulation and healthy sleep. Thus, low hemoglobin, the symptoms of which can be determined by the mass of external signs, will not cause much concern if its treatment is started on time.

Clinical specialists pay special attention to the diagnosis of the causes of low hemoglobin and their rational elimination. This parameter of red blood reflects the oxygen capacity of this environment, which determines the functionality of most organs and systems. Significant deviations of the hemoglobin level from the norm are manifested by a variety of symptoms that make diagnosis difficult. Let's figure out why hemoglobin is low.

Long-term anemia is treatable, although it can be irreversible. At the moment, even a slight decrease in hemoglobin can be compensated by medication or over-the-counter drugs.

For the competent elimination of anemic conditions, it is necessary to understand what hemoglobin means. At its core, it is a special transport protein that captures oxygen and carbon dioxide dissolved in the blood. The interchange of gases is one of the links of respiration at the level of the whole organism. Deviations from the norm of hemoglobin entail disorders of a wide variety of spheres of life.

Signs of low hemoglobin

For the convenience of diagnosing anemic conditions, their manifestations are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Subjective symptoms are those that patients name themselves.
  2. Objective - clinical manifestations that are detected qualitatively or quantitatively.

Subjective symptoms

Subjectively, most often patients name asthenic symptoms:

  1. General weakness, it is difficult for patients to perform the usual amount of work.
  2. Patients are difficult to wake up, sleepy during the day, but may suffer from insomnia at night. Prolonged sleep does not bring a feeling of rest, patients wake up hard.
  3. There are transient visual or hearing impairments: “flies”, “sparks from the eyes”, ringing in the ears.
  4. Localized or girdle headache may be replaced by dizziness, pre-syncope, and even loss of consciousness.
  5. The sexual function of both sexes is disturbed: in women, the menstrual cycle and the ability to conceive are disturbed, in men potency weakens, spermatogenesis suffers.
  6. Reduced hemoglobin also causes loss of appetite and other anorexic disorders.

Pathological symptoms indicate oxygen deficiency in various tissues and, in particular, in the brain. The lack of the most important gas leads to a change in the main biochemical processes, a shift in the optimal pH level of the internal environment.

In addition, indirect symptoms are important in the diagnosis of iron deficiency and similar anemic conditions:

  1. Changes in the condition of the appendages of the skin. The nail plates become thinner, become brittle and rough to the touch. Most often, women notice delamination of nails, the appearance of uncharacteristic spots. Nails become vulnerable to fungal infections.
  2. Reduced hemoglobin is reflected in the condition of the hair. Often this is more worrisome for women: they note a decrease in the intensity of hair growth, the hairline becomes brittle, prone to falling out, and loses its shine.
  3. Usually, the signs of low hemoglobin in women are revealed by themselves when their skin becomes dry, prone to peeling, acquires a gray or earthy hue.
  4. Taste and smell disorders may occur. Patients confess their desire to use chalk, sand, match sulfur, and other inedible substances. There is also a craving for raw foods: meat, minced meat, cereals. The pungent odors of naphthalene, acetone, and other solvents become pleasant for patients and do not cause hostility.
  5. Often, a low level of hemoglobin is reflected by a feeling of piercing in the feet, twitching of small muscles, and focal convulsive syndrome.
  6. The symptoms of low hemoglobin also include a slight increase in temperature.

For indirect signs of anemia, the time of their existence matters. If the above complaints are observed for a long period of time, this is clinically confirmed anemia, which requires an increase in hemoglobin to compensate.

Objective symptoms

Objectively, the patient during the examination can detect:

  1. An increase in heart rate over 90 beats per minute. Tachycardia is regarded as a compensatory reaction of oxygen deficiency.
  2. At the same time, patients have a tendency to hypotension.
  3. Heart murmurs can be heard on auscultation.

In clinical practice, low hemoglobin in men, women, or children is not always reflected in advanced symptoms. A slight decrease in the parameter can be observed in a person for a long time, while his state of health does not change significantly. Often, increased fatigue or increasing weakness is attributed to weather changes or seasonal beriberi.

How is anemia diagnosed?

In order for a low hemoglobin level not to go unnoticed, it is recommended to take a complete blood count at least 2 times a year.

Diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia, which is a direct consequence of a decrease in hemoglobin, is based precisely on a complete blood count. The sample is taken from the finger, which is further examined on hematological analyzers or simpler devices.

  1. They determine the amount of hemoglobin in terms of a liter of blood, as well as the average volume and diameter of red blood cells, a color index.
  2. Diagnostic information is also the number of erythrocytes, their precursors - reticulocytes.
  3. Certain data for establishing the severity of anemia gives the concentration of iron in the blood serum and the total iron-binding capacity.

The parameters, when they decrease, indicate a poor quality of nutrition, problems with the functionality of the digestive tract. If the problem of an anemic condition does not go away with a change in diet, the gastrointestinal tract is examined in more detail. For diagnostic purposes, resort to:

  • fibrogastroscopy,
  • fibrocolonoscopy,
  • rectomanoscopy.

In unclear clinical cases, patients undergo ultrasound, computed tomography, resort to the help of a hematologist.

Physiological norm and degree of deviations

Hemoglobin is a complex combination of iron and molecular proteins. It is located directly in erythrocytes, with which its close relationship can be traced. Usually, with the level of hemoglobin, the number of red blood cells also falls, but there are other cases.

The established norm of hemoglobin differs for men in women:

  • The normal value for the strong half of humanity is in the range of 132-173 grams per liter of blood.
  • The physiological level of hemoglobin in the blood in women is 117-155 g / l, for pregnant women the lower limit is at least 110 g / l.

According to statistics from around the world, approximately 30% of the population suffers from a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, among which representatives of the beautiful half of humanity predominate. Hemoglobin in the blood is often lowered in children and adolescents, but its value is able to independently recover to the recommended numbers over time.

The severity of anemia is determined precisely by the value of hemoglobin:

  • iron-containing protein below normal, but above 90 g / l corresponds to a mild degree of anemic condition;
  • 90-70 g / l - medium degree;
  • severe - less than 70 grams per liter of blood.

Why is anemia dangerous?

Hemoglobin, reduced to critical numbers, is dangerous for the development of acidosis and severe electrolyte imbalance. A large amount of under-oxidized metabolic products accumulate in the blood, which cause an increase in acidity.

In turn, this depresses the respiratory center, reduces the heart rate.

Another dangerous side of states when hemoglobin is lowered is immune deficiency. The body loses its ability to resist infections, the links of cellular and humoral immunity are disrupted. Patients with such a background condition do not tolerate even the common cold.

Why does hemoglobin decrease?

Hemoglobin becomes low for a number of reasons. The most common causes of low hemoglobin in men and women are:

  1. Blood loss due to obvious or hidden causes. Massive blood loss is observed during surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity, serious injuries and wounds, hemorrhoidal hemorrhages. Internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract is hidden, but is a pronounced cause of a decrease in hemoglobin.
  2. Deficiency of the main substances necessary for the synthesis of iron-containing protein. This is usually associated with an irrational monotonous diet, vegetarianism.
  3. Low hemoglobin in causes and consequences can have a variety of diseases of the digestive system. Ulcerative-inflammatory lesions of the mucosa of these organs interfere with the normal absorption and absorption of iron.
  4. Any severe infection depletes the body's reserve reserves, including hemoglobin in the blood. Tuberculosis, hepatitis or other systemic damage causes massive death of red blood cells, which recovery is much slower.
  5. Low hemoglobin is detected in the symptoms of hypothyroidism. This severe syndrome is associated with insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland, one of the functions of which is the regulation of absorption in the stomach.
  6. Other autoimmune processes are also risk factors for anemic conditions. The destruction of red blood cells occurs against the background of lupus inflammation, with rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis.
  7. Malignant neoplasms of the blood and internal organs can also deplete the erythrocyte reserve.
  8. Recently, the negative impact of stressful situations on the composition of the blood has been proven. Factors that depress the psyche with prolonged exposure adversely affect various metabolic processes and can lower hemoglobin to a critical level.
  9. An unbalanced diet can be harmful in several ways. Inadequate intake of iron with food contributes to the development of anemia to the same extent as the predominance of sweets, flour products, strong tea and coffee in the diet. The latter make it difficult to absorb the most important trace element.
  10. The lack of physical activity determines the slow movement of blood along the vascular bed, not only in large arteries and veins, but also in capillaries. This serves as a kind of signal that there are enough red blood cells in the body and their renewal is not required. At the same time, the natural death of erythrocytes occurs, with which hemoglobin is also destroyed.
  11. Iron-containing protein is usually lowered in regular blood donors. An abnormal blood test is usually observed in them immediately after blood donation, but in healthy people it quickly returns to normal.

There are no strict indications of who is more likely to be anemic. However, men and women may experience separate gender-specific symptoms. So, a strong half of humanity with an increase in anemia acquires complaints about a decrease in potency.

Women suffer from menstrual irregularities. There are unscheduled delays in menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding, or even amenorrhea.

Pregnancy is usually accompanied by low hemoglobin values, an extreme decrease in which should not be allowed. Anemia for the expectant mother is dangerous by the development of hypotension, the irrational development of the placenta. In this case, the fetus may also suffer: its hypoxia and underdevelopment occur.

Some diseases of the female genital organs become the root cause of anemia. Thus, the growth of myomatous nodes, ovarian cysts cause pseudo-blood loss. Pathological formations accumulate blood, the resorption of which occurs extremely slowly. Hemoglobin in this case also becomes afunctional and is metabolized into another compound.

Therapeutic measures

The main postulate in the therapeutic elimination of low hemoglobin is to find out the cause of anemia. Its competent correction is based on the normalization of the hemoglobin level itself, the concentration of iron in the blood serum and depot organs.

Features of treatment are directly related to the disease that served to reduce iron-containing protein. Eliminate anemia help:

  1. Treatment of hemorrhoids by cauterization or surgical excision of bleeding nodes.
  2. Medical or surgical resolution of gynecological diseases.
  3. Therapeutic effect on ulcers, inflammatory lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Naturally, from the point of view of pathogenesis, iron preparations are indicated for anemia. Medicines based on this microelement are prescribed in combination with B vitamins. Complex preparations can be taken orally or injected. The intake of drugs into a vein is best done in a hospital, where probable allergic editions are easily stopped.

emergency cases

A sharp decrease in hemoglobin in the blood is possible in a number of emergency cases associated with blood loss. A pronounced loss of a large percentage of the volume of the circulating bed disrupts the work of all organs and systems.

The loss of iron-containing protein in such cases is also massive, causing the oxygen capacity of the blood to suffer. This explains why low hemoglobin is dangerous for women and men with blood loss.

In case of acute blood loss, measures to stop this condition are carried out only in a hospital, often in intensive care. In this case, first of all, the focus of bleeding is eliminated, after which a decision is made on methods to restore the required volume of blood. Usually administered intravenously:

  • blood;
  • plasma;
  • glucose;
  • saline.


Symptoms of low hemoglobin in women during pregnancy and in other categories of people can be eliminated by changing the diet, if the cause of anemia is nutritional. To increase hemoglobin helps the use of foods with a high concentration of iron:

  1. Meat products and animal liver.
  2. Buckwheat grain.
  3. Some fruits and berries: pomegranate, peach, black currant, cranberry.
  4. Dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes.
  5. Broth and other products based on rose hips.

In order for the symptoms of low hemoglobin to go away, it is not necessary to eat exclusively according to this list. You just need to diversify your diet with the help of these products, use at least one of the list daily.

There is another reason why hemoglobin falls on the background of malnutrition. Foods with a high concentration of calcium in their composition directly disrupt the absorption of iron. It is unacceptable to use them in conjunction with substances that potentiate the growth of hemoglobin to normal.

Restrictions for severe anemia should be imposed on the use of strong caffeinated drinks, as well as tea. It is strongly recommended to stay away from alcohol abuse and smoking.

Folk remedies

Early signs of low hemoglobin in women and children are stopped by common non-traditional means. Traditional healers have selected the most valuable herbs and other medicines for anemia. Even clinical medicine allows their use with mild symptoms:

  1. A decoction of yarrow is obtained by brewing dried herbs. Approximately 60-80 grams of dry matter are taken per liter of boiling water, insisted all night. The use of a decoction three times a day helps to significantly increase hemoglobin, which is reflected in clinical tests.
  2. St. John's wort and nettle, which can be brewed together or separately, also help against anemia.
  3. Low hemoglobin in the treatment of non-traditional methods allows garlic tincture. Fresh garlic in the amount of 300 grams is poured with alcohol and infused in a cool place for a month. Drink the remedy on an empty stomach in a teaspoon every morning in courses of 2 weeks.
  4. Few people know that a large concentration of iron is found in the egg yolk. The ion included in its composition is easily absorbed. You can eat yolks separated from the protein, which can be mixed with cocoa or sugar, which even children will like.

As in the treatment of any other diseases, in case of anemia, it is better to coordinate all therapeutic effects with a doctor. Only a competent specialist will help increase hemoglobin and establish a reliable reason for its decrease.

Do not ignore the slightest manifestations of anemia, since with low hemoglobin the consequences are sometimes severe and irreparable. In the early stages of the development of the disease, it can be stopped most easily, because sometimes it is enough just to change the diet. Acute blood loss as a cause of low hemoglobin should be treated only in a hospital setting.

Hemoglobin is a complex protein found in red blood cells. Its main function is the transport of gases, namely oxygen and carbon dioxide. A decrease in the level of this substance negatively affects the functioning of the body. Therefore, many are interested in the question of what are the main causes in women. After all, this condition requires the help of specialists.

Basic in women

In fact, changes in the level of this protein can be caused by the influence of various factors of the external and internal environment. But quite often the cause is the loss of a large amount of blood:

Nevertheless, a low level of hemoglobin in women may also indicate certain diseases or malfunctions of certain organ systems:

Anemia during pregnancy is caused by the increased needs of the body of the mother and child. In any case, with proper nutrition and proper treatment, such a pathology can be quite easily eliminated.

Signs of low hemoglobin in women

In fact, anemia develops slowly (except in cases of massive bleeding). A decrease in the level of this protein affects the state of health: patients complain of increased fatigue and constant weakness, drowsiness. In some cases, dizziness and headaches appear. Sometimes you can notice a decrease in blood pressure and an increased heartbeat. As the disease progresses, the skin becomes pale. If you have these symptoms, you should contact a specialist and take a blood test. This is the only way to diagnose the disease and treat it.

Hemoglobin is a blood pigment that transports oxygen in the body. It consists of two components: a non-protein part (heme), which includes iron, and a protein part (globin). Contained in blood cells - erythrocytes. Its presence explains the scarlet color of blood.

The level of hemoglobin and its change depends on age, gender, changes in living conditions and the physiological state of a person (pregnancy, illness). Indicators of the hemoglobin norm for a man - 135/160 g / l; for a woman - 120/140 g / l; for a pregnant woman and a child under 5 years old - 110 g / l and above.

A strong deviation of hemoglobin from the norm in pregnant women is a danger to the health of the expectant mother and fetus. Therefore, it is important to keep hemoglobin levels under control in order to avoid complications.

In a child, low hemoglobin leads to the development of diseases of the central nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The situation is complicated by the fact that in children the typical symptoms of low hemoglobin are mild or absent. Therefore, regularly conduct examinations (including determining the level of hemoglobin in the blood) prescribed by a pediatrician.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin

Low hemoglobin levels cause iron deficiency anemia (anemia). Pathology is dangerous because it causes oxygen starvation in the human body, leading to degeneration of tissues and organs. As a rule, the disease occurs along with other diseases and with weakened immunity.

Timely detect a lack of hemoglobin to prevent the development of anemia. A quick and accurate way to determine this is to take an analysis and wait for the doctor's verdict. Or know the signs that indicate low hemoglobin. These include:

  • drowsiness and general weakness;
  • fatigue, impaired attention;
  • frequent dizziness and headaches;
  • decrease in blood pressure and palpitations;
  • dry and flaky skin, brittle nails, dull hair;
  • violations of smell and taste sensations;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes, the appearance of ulcers;
  • in severe cases, fainting is possible.

Causes of a decrease in hemoglobin

  • significant blood loss of any etymology;
  • malnutrition;
  • the presence of infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • pregnancy.

How to establish a diagnosis

To get started, contact a therapist, as he conducts the initial diagnosis of the patient and gives a referral for tests. If the therapist identifies any concomitant symptoms or other diseases, he will refer you to other specialists - a surgeon, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, immunologist or cardiologist. This is done in order to exclude the presence of serious violations in the work of organs that caused a decrease in hemoglobin.

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Ways to deal with low hemoglobin

Once you have been diagnosed with low hemoglobin, contact your GP for guidance. Depending on the state of health, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

The complex therapy to compensate for the lack of hemoglobin includes the following measures.

Changing eating habits

To produce hemoglobin, eat foods (anchor) that contain iron. When compiling a diet, remember that iron is better absorbed (about 20%) from animal products.

The presence of folic acid and B vitamins in foods is also important for low hemoglobin.

Limit your intake of tea and coffee while on a recovery diet, as they impair iron absorption.

Of all types of alcohol, give preference to red wine: in reasonable doses, it increases the level of hemoglobin.

Taking medication

Iron preparations exist in two dosage forms: injectable and oral. The former are used in cases where hemoglobin is greatly reduced and a quick therapeutic effect is required. The second includes solutions and tablets for internal use. The most common iron preparations are Globigen, Orofer, Totem, Aktiferin, Sideral, Fefol, Ferograd.

With a slight decrease in hemoglobin, vitamins or multivitamin complexes (group B vitamins, folic or ascorbic acid, vitrum, duovit) are prescribed.

Remember: only a doctor can prescribe medication!


Auxiliary methods of increasing hemoglobin include traditional medicine. Their use takes place if there are no contraindications to the components. Here are some recipes:

  • cook water infusion of linden flowers with honey. Boil 1 liter. water, add 4 tbsp. spoons of lime flowers and 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. Let the decoction brew for three days. Take on an empty stomach 250 g (one glass) of infusion for 5-7 days.
  • Drink instead of tea rosehip berry decoction. The number of fruits for a decoction is calculated as follows: 1 tbsp is required per glass of boiling water. a spoonful of berries Without bringing the water to a boil (no more than 80º), pour the berries into the pan, then pour the drink into a thermos and let it brew for about 8 hours. Take half a glass of decoction three times a day during or after meals for a week.
  • If you do not have gastrointestinal diseases, then try taking 50 g of germinated (and pre-soaked in boiling water) grains of wheat every day for two weeks. This will fill the body's daily need for folic acid, which is found in wheat.

The reasons for the decrease in the number of elements can be varied. That is why the female representative must avoid the influence of negative factors on their body.


With a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, various are observed. Very often, women complain of poor health and the appearance of dizziness. They say that they get tired very often and quickly. The woman becomes weak and lethargic, slow hair growth, and brittle nails.

Some women experience a decrease in the sense of smell with the development of this pathology. In some cases, patients may have an increase in body temperature, but its rate is not higher than 37.5 degrees. Mucous membranes and skin become pale. Hyperemia of the tongue in women is observed if their body lacks vitamin B12.

If the pathology is acute chronic, then patients may experience shortness of breath when moving. In some cases, female representatives experience loss of consciousness. With a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, some patients complain of the appearance of tinnitus.

If the level of an element in a woman’s body is reduced for a long period, then this can lead to malfunctions of such organs as the heart muscle, liver, etc.

Women may like the smell of exhaust gas or gasoline during this period. During the examination of the patient, doctors can diagnose atrophy of the mucous membranes of the esophagus. In some cases, they have spasms in the initial part of the esophagus.A decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood is characterized by the presence of pronounced symptoms. That is why, when the first symptoms appear, the representative of the weaker sex must without fail seek help from a doctor.


To date, there are several ways to increase the level of hemoglobin in a woman's blood. The most effective way in this case are medications. Their reception without consulting a doctor at home is strictly prohibited.

After receiving a prescription from a doctor, a woman can fully take a variety of drugs.

Most often, women are prescribed pharmacological iron.

This drug is characterized by poor absorption from the digestive tract, so it is not suitable for everyone. That is why many doctors do not recommend taking drugs in tablets. It is best to carry out the introduction of iron - intramuscularly. For this purpose, iron preparations are most often used. Despite the pain of injections, they are characterized by high efficiency.

More information on how to increase hemoglobin can be found in the video.

Folk remedies can also increase hemoglobin in the blood as efficiently as possible.A woman needs to drink pomegranate juice every day. When eating black bread, for the preparation of which wholemeal flour is used, hemoglobin in the blood of female representatives increases significantly. Also, for this purpose, patients are advised to eat cucumbers, strawberries, lemons, sauerkraut, etc. With a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood in women, they are strictly forbidden to drink coffee.

If the decrease in the element in the blood of women is insignificant, then the situation can be corrected with the help of folk remedies. Otherwise, the use of appropriate medications is necessary.

The body of a woman during the period lends itself to a variety of changes. That is why her hemoglobin in the blood very often decreases.

The reasons for the reduced level of the element directly depend on the physiology of the pregnant woman. Normally, a woman's hemoglobin decreases during pregnancy. If the level of this element is less than 100 grams per liter of blood, then the woman must without fail seek medical help.

Most often, hemoglobin in women decreases with multiple pregnancies, a small interval between pregnancies, early or late toxicosis. A decrease in the amount of an element in the blood can be observed in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases. If the nutrition of a female representative is unbalanced, then this can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. This pathology is observed in women with diseases of such organs as the liver, cardiovascular system, kidneys.

With a decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy in the position, in addition to the main signs, others appear. Most often, they have bruises under their eyes, concentration of attention decreases, lower limbs swell, and taste qualities decrease.

With a decrease in hemoglobin levels during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment.

A decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood can lead to a variety of consequences. That is why, when the first ones appear, it is necessary to take tests and start timely. For this purpose, both traditional and traditional medicine can be used. Before starting treatment for a low level of hemoglobin in the blood of the fairer sex, they need to consult a doctor who can realistically assess the patient's condition, as well as prescribe the right medicines for her.

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