Treatment of children's teeth with a laser. Wide range of laser treatment options. The main advantages of the laser technique are

Teeth are normal Dental treatment The best laser dentistry clinics in Moscow: an overview

The laser has become an integral part modern medicine and dentistry is no exception. Laser ray turned into a full-fledged medical instrument, which is used both for therapeutic treatment and for operations. How much does laser dentistry cost in Moscow, the best clinics and their services - read about this in the review.

Briefly about laser dentistry

What are the reasons wide application laser devices in dental practice and the popularity of this technique among patients?

  • Painless, because when processing the surface with a beam nerve endings are not affected.
  • No bleeding, as irritation blood vessels minimum.
  • Damaged tissues are quickly restored, there are no scars, there is no need for stitches.
  • Ensuring complete sterility, there is no need to use expensive antiseptics.
  • The rate of recovery and regeneration of tissues increases, which is important, for example, during implantation.
  • Point exposure: the beam does not affect healthy tissues, affecting only the sick.
  • The treatment is completely controlled by the doctor, who can adjust the power of the laser.

The laser increases the rate of tissue repair and regeneration.

To solve various problems are used different types lasers. The most commonly used in dentistry are:

  1. Argon, in which argon ions serve as the active medium. Its radiation is not able to interact with hard tissues, but is well absorbed by the connective, including pigment.
  2. diode also does not interact with solid tissues, but has a lower penetration depth compared to argon, with greater heat release. This provides more high level coagulation.
  3. Erbium a laser with a maximum wavelength that is used to treat hard tissue.

laser treatment can be used in several areas of dentistry:

  • Treatment of carious cavities, during which hard tissues surrounding the cavity are not destroyed. On the contrary, they are compacted, due to which the cavity becomes wider. In addition, the laser kills bacteria and relieves the inflammatory process.
  • , in which the laser activates the composition containing argon applied to the teeth.
  • Curettage is the treatment of pockets formed on the gums, where food debris accumulates and bacteria multiply.
  • Removal of tartar, which exfoliates under the influence of a laser, after which it is easily washed off.
  • Outpatient operations in oral cavity- for example, cutting the bridle. At the same time, the laser beam seems to seal the vessels, so there is no bleeding.
  • Gingival margin treatment before dentures are placed.
  • Reduction of inflammatory processes, improvement of blood circulation in periodontitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory diseases.

There are few contraindications for laser dentistry: these are oncological diseases, tuberculosis, some blood diseases, and diabetes mellitus.

Overview of the best clinics in Moscow

We list several clinics that patients consider leaders in the field of laser dentistry.

MVK Beauty Line

The center has three branches in the capital. Laser dentistry is one of its main activities. Methods used include, for example:

  • Scan at orthodontic treatment, which allows you to get a digital three-dimensional model of the jaw.
  • Dental treatment - cleaning of carious cavities.
  • Whitening.

The approximate cost is indicated in the table (in dollars):

Clinic of laser medicine Dr. Kolesnichenko

The laser is used in the treatment, restoration, teeth whitening, installation of prostheses and orthodontic structures.

The center uses the laser in the following areas:

  • Implantation: during implant surgery, physiotherapy to accelerate osseointegration, to open the implant when placing a gingiva former.
  • Periodontology. The laser device is used in parallel with, due to which deposits are quickly removed. In addition, the method of phytodynamic therapy is used. A drug based on chlorophyll is applied to diseased gums, which releases oxygen under the influence of a laser, which destroys diseased cells without damaging healthy ones.
  • Tooth-preserving techniques for periodontitis. These are deepithelialization (removal of granulations from gum pockets) at the initial stages and tissue regeneration (opening the pocket for cleaning and laying an auto-implant).

In addition, laser technologies are used in the treatment, restoration, teeth whitening, installation of prostheses and orthodontic structures.


The clinic uses the KaVo K.E.Y device, which can fully automate the treatment process. The device starts working only at the moment when its head is directed to pathological tissues. In addition, its radiation has the property of stimulating the growth of bone tissue. In the table - the cost of some procedures for which the laser is used.

Center for Aesthetic Dentistry

Center offers following prices for treatment:

The Picasso laser device is used, which is considered the most popular among dentists. different countries. Its distinctive characteristics are the presence of 8 programs, the ability to normalize blood circulation and stimulate local immunity.

Each of us has been diagnosed with caries at least once in our lives. He is pathological changes, which can occur in the teeth even immediately after their eruption. Manifested carious process in the form of a defect in the hard tissues of the tooth of various depths or spots of white and Brown color(initial caries). Modern dentistry offers progressive methods of caries treatment without drilling, which differ significantly from traditional therapy with a grinder and filling materials. Treatment of caries with a laser is one of the relatively new and promising techniques.

Therapy of caries should be started immediately after its detection, since the affected tooth is a source of infection that can spread throughout the body. AT advanced cases this disease can be complicated by pulpitis (inflammation of the dental nerve) or periodontitis ( inflammatory process in the ligament that holds the tooth in the socket). To avoid these complications, it is necessary to consult a dentist regularly and in a timely manner.

Modern methods of caries treatment

As a rule, the treatment of caries without drilling is aimed at combating superficial and initial forms of caries. Its goal is to stop the development of an already begun carious process, to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, strengthen the hard tissues of the tooth. Before the advent modern techniques his therapy did not treat the initial stages of caries at all. Treatment of caries without a drill has several advantages. It is painless, produced without treating the cavity with an unloved drill by all of us, and allows you to preserve healthy dental tissues as much as possible. The most common are the following methods:

  • laser caries treatment;
  • ozone therapy;
  • infiltration of hard tissues of the tooth.

Laser caries treatment: reviews, advantages, disadvantages

Treatment of caries with a laser is performed using a special tip of the laser unit, which does not directly contact the tooth. This ensures high sterility during the procedure. The patient is put on special dark protective goggles. The laser beam has a selective effect only on tissues affected by the carious process, while it does not affect healthy areas of the tooth. With this method of treatment, the evaporation of altered tissues and the complete destruction of pathogenic microorganisms occur.

Benefits of laser caries treatment:

  • The absence of tooth heating and vibration, which can provoke the appearance of pain during traditional treatment with a drill.
  • There is no need for an injection (anesthesia) as the procedure is completely painless. After all, even the most modern anesthetic may cause allergic reaction and adversely affects the liver.
  • Reduces psychological discomfort during treatment, which is often associated with the noise of burs.
  • Can be used in children, pregnant women, people experiencing panic fear before dentists.
  • Laser treatment of caries takes less time compared to traditional treatment, since there is no need to change the nozzles of the drill, perform anesthesia.
  • Helps prevent education secondary caries due to the complete sterilization of the carious cavity.
  • Does not lead to the appearance of microcracks in healthy tissues of the teeth.


  • The relatively high cost of therapy, which is associated with high price equipment.
  • The implementation of this procedure requires special training of the dentist, which is often also very expensive.
  • The complexity of this manipulation, associated with the need to work in sunglasses, which makes it difficult to see the surgical field.
  • Treatment of caries without drilling is only suitable for the removal of affected enamel. For processing more deep cavities this technique not used due to its inefficiency.
  • The risk of a filling falling out increases, as high-power lasers cause overheating of the hard tissues of the tooth.
  • The effect of laser radiation on the human body is not fully understood.

With the help of a dental laser, you can not only treat caries, but also perform surgical interventions in the oral cavity, treat gums, and whiten teeth. It also allows you to identify newly formed carious cavities, therefore it is widely used for diagnostic purposes. Due to the high efficiency and painlessness of this procedure, patient reviews about it are only positive.

Ozone (triatomic oxygen) has a powerful bactericidal effect, destroying up to 99% of microbes that are in the carious focus. It is able to react with various trace elements, since its chemical bonds are unstable. Ozone destroys cell membrane bacteria, viruses and fungi, thereby causing the death of the cells themselves.

The method of treatment with it was developed and first introduced in Germany. Before starting the procedure, a protective silicone cap is applied to the tooth. Further, oxygen is sucked out from under it, creating a vacuum environment. Then ozone is supplied under the cap for 20-30 seconds with the help of a tip. After exposure to hard tissues, ozone is again converted into oxygen. Healthy dental tissues are resistant to oxidation, so changes do not occur in them. Ozone treatment is successfully used in fissure, cervical, root caries.


  • Allows you to treat your teeth without pain and fear.
  • The therapy is carried out without a drill and anesthesia.
  • It is recommended to apply in children's practice.
  • High sterility, since this technique is non-contact.
  • Ozone therapy can be used to prevent caries in adults and children.
  • Ozone is a hypoallergenic gas that does not irritate the oral mucosa.


  • The high price of equipment, and, accordingly, the cost of treatment.
  • The technique is used only for the treatment of initial caries.
  • Bad conditions for fixation permanent filling, since this procedure does not remove softened enamel and dentin. Such a filling will not withstand the chewing load.

Ozone therapy is also used to treat hypersensitivity of teeth, herpes, ulcers and abrasions in the oral cavity, pulpitis and periodontitis. Ozone affects only microbes, without damaging healthy tissues. With deep and medium caries, it allows you to sterilize the carious cavity, completely destroys bacteria and fungi, and stops bleeding.

Recently, the German company DMG released a completely new drug for the treatment of dental caries. It consists of polymeric substances that impregnate the enamel, making it dense. The drug penetrates through the pores of caries-affected enamel, giving it shine. It increases its resistance to acid dissolution. It also restores the natural color and transparency of the enamel. The drug can be used only when caries occurs in the stain stage, and a defect in hard tissues has not yet formed.

First, the tooth is treated with an acid etching gel, which ensures the formation of micropores in the enamel. Then the defect is dried with alcohol and applied healing gel. This tool is available in two versions: one is used to treat smooth buccal surfaces of the teeth, for example, defects that form after wearing braces, the second - for the side surfaces of the teeth. Treatment cannot be carried out with large carious cavities, hypersensitivity teeth, slit-like enamel defects, cervical lesions (due to the small thickness of the enamel in these areas).

The procedure is shown in initial caries, caries in children, treatment of defects after removal of braces, fear of visiting the dentist.

The advantages of this technique:

  • The technique is completely painless, there is no need to do anesthesia and drill a tooth.
  • Healthy tooth tissues are preserved.
  • Allows you to stop the carious process at an early stage.
  • Treatment is carried out in one visit and takes 15-20 minutes.
  • Infiltration of caries allows you to restore the aesthetic properties of the enamel.
  • A long-term result, since this technique allows not only to stop the carious process, but also to prevent its further development.


  • High price.
  • It is possible to treat only caries in the stain stage.

Related materials

There are several types of dental laser: diode, argon, neodymium, erbium, carbon dioxide. The difference between the devices lies in the power, wavelength, point or constant flow of pulses. Each type of laser beam is used for specific procedures. It is used with equal success for both therapeutic treatment and surgical intervention.

Therapeutic laser dental treatment

AT therapeutic dentistry laser therapy is used in the following cases:

  • Removal of inflammation. In the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis or herpes, electromagnetic waves are directed to the source of infection and destroy pathogenic bacteria.
  • Sterilization. A diode laser is used to process periodontal pockets and a tooth canal before installing a filling.
  • Caries treatment. Affected tissues are effectively removed using an erbium apparatus.
  • Sealing. Light polymer fillings are cured under the influence of an argon laser.
  • Teeth whitening. The laser beam activates the hydrogen peroxide-based whitening gel without heating the tooth tissue, i.e. without the risk of overheating or burning the pulp. Due to the local impulse effect, the patient does not experience discomfort during the procedure.

The use of laser in dental surgery

At surgical intervention the laser device is used for painless and bloodless dissection of tissues - during the procedure, the beam instantly seals the vessels. The incision is smaller and thinner than with a scalpel, so no sutures are required during the operation, and there are no scars or scars after the wound heals. AT surgical dentistry The laser is used to solve the following problems:

  • Removal of neoplasms. The fluid inside the papilloma, cyst or fibroma evaporates under the influence of electromagnetic waves.
  • Carrying out dental implantation. Thanks to the laser, the installation of the implant is delicate. Thanks to laser implantation, the contour of soft tissues is better preserved.
  • Plastic frenulum of the lips and tongue. The fold is excised along or across, depending on the clinical case.
  • Gingival correction. Excess tissue is trimmed before prosthetics, fillings or orthopedic treatment. The laser is also used for gingival plasty after implantation or in the presence of other indications.

Indications and contraindications

With the help of electromagnetic waves, it is possible to achieve positive results therapy even in the most difficult situations, and the absence of the need for anesthesia allows the use of the device for people with allergies to painkillers. The use of a laser in dentistry is one of the safest and most effective ways treatment that is shown to almost everyone. However, there is still a small list of contraindications.


Insufficient specialist qualifications and non-compliance with safety rules significantly increase the risk to the patient's health during laser treatment. Contact only trusted clinics, where the eyes are protected from radiation with special glasses, and bright room lighting is provided during the procedure.

Advantages of the method

Today, laser dentistry in Moscow is widely used in dentistry. Despite the high cost, it enjoys well-deserved popularity among patients who have appreciated the advantages of laser treatment.

  1. Delicacy. The absence of unpleasant noise and vibration makes it easier to transfer the operation.
  2. Short duration of procedures. Depending on the nature of the manipulations, the process takes from two to twenty minutes.
  3. No need for anesthesia. The device does not touch the tissues of the teeth and gums, but acts at a distance, so there is no pain from mechanical impact.
  4. Accuracy. The rays are directed only to the affected tissues, healthy areas are not damaged.
  5. Reduced trauma. The laser seals the vessels and edges of the wound, so even complex operations do not require stitches and bandages to stop bleeding.
  6. Fast recovery. After treatment, the incision heals within hours and is not accompanied by swelling or pain.

Laser treatment of cysts and granulomas

A granuloma is usually caused by poor quality treatment caries and pulpitis. The disease is asymptomatic at the first stage, and later it is accompanied by swelling of the gums, pain and darkening of the enamel. When treating a tooth granuloma with a laser, the affected area is drilled, an electromagnetic beam is directed into the hole, destroying the contents of the cyst and sealing the vessels. The doctor then places the filling.

Without timely treatment the granuloma develops into a cyst that can provoke even more serious complications. Gentle treatment of a tooth cyst with a laser is considered a good method, as it allows you to save the tooth. The procedure takes place without pain, stress and suturing. In addition, the treatment of a tooth cyst with a laser without removal eliminates the risk re-development inflammation. The comfort of the patient and the absence of complications justify the additional costs, because the price of treating a tooth cyst with a laser is higher than when using other methods.

Painless laser dental treatment for children

Laser therapy is suitable for both adults and children over the age of 7 years. The technique is used to process temporary and permanent teeth. It is possible to treat a tooth root cyst with a laser in a child and use electromagnetic waves to remove carious lesions on the initial stage diseases. In general, the procedure for laser dental treatment in children is often performed in the presence of an allergy to anesthetics and is no different from the treatment for adult patients.

How much does laser dentistry cost?

As a rule, prices for laser dental treatment in Moscow depend on the type dental disease and the severity of the pathology. We must be prepared for the fact that in any case it will be much higher than when using classical methods. Treatment of caries initial stage diseases will cost from 800 rubles. The price of treating a tooth cyst with a laser without removal will be approximately from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. Per laser whitening you will have to pay from 8,000 to 11,000 rubles.

It's obvious that high price therapy is the only drawback of this technology. However, numerous rave reviews about laser dental treatment confirm the fact that patients are willing to pay for comfort, efficiency and peace of mind, the absence of annoying drill sounds and the frightening prospect of using anesthetics.

For most of the population, visiting the dentist is associated with a certain torture: the sound of a dental drill, the smell of medicines, discomfort. But everything large quantity doctors are trying to move away from these "old-fashioned" methods. In particular, using laser dentistry in his practice.

Treatment of a tooth cyst - a description of the procedure

Laser dentistry is a technique in which to remove dead or putrefactive tooth tissues, diode laser. It allows you to remove caries and other formations on the teeth in a matter of minutes, while not damaging healthy tissue.

The principle of operation of the laser very simple: by heating the surface of the tooth, most of the liquid is removed from it. After that, the "protected" inflamed space is released. The laser beam burns out all harmful microorganisms and frees up space for further mechanical cleaning.

Treatment of a tooth cyst with a laser is carried out similarly to any other operations. A cyst is a formation with dense, hard walls, inside of which there is a large number of bacteria or dead tissue. Outwardly, it may not be noticeable, but in Everyday life causes great discomfort. In particular, earlier cyst The tooth was treated with great effort.

This purulent sac is formed in the roots, therefore, in order to remove it, in any case, it would be necessary to remove the tooth, clean out the abscess and install an implant in its place. There is another method - surgical. To implement it, an incision is made in the right place in the gums corresponding to the cyst, the dental surgeon pulls out the bag with tools, and then sews up the tissues.

The disadvantage of mechanical methods is the likelihood of not completely cleaning out the pus - you simply cannot be completely sure that there is no dead tissue in the bag. In addition, a rather long and unpleasant regeneration process. Healing of the gums after removal of the cyst lasts from a week to a month.

Painless removal Laser cysts are produced as follows:

After the end of the session, the patient can proceed to ordinary life. The advantages of this technology are obvious. The absence of any side effects, the possibility of use during pregnancy and even the treatment of milk teeth.

But the laser treatment technique also has some disadvantages:

  • The high cost of the session. cosmetic procedure caries removal will cost at least $30, and gum treatment can cost $50 or more;
  • Low prevalence. Many dentists have studied and most experience worked on drills. Pretty hard to find a good specialist who knows how to adjust the laser to the desired depth and power;
  • Failure to solve underlying problems. The laser installation cannot remove holes in the teeth, stone growths and many other troubles.

Treatment of tooth granuloma - description of the procedure

- this is an inflammation of periodontitis and the formation in the root of the tooth purulent sac. In terms of symptoms, it is very similar to a cyst, but it is difficult to treat. The disease is asymptomatic: gradually from pulpitis to granuloma. Another significant difference from a cyst is its thin walls. They are very fragile and inflamed can burst at the slightest touch. As a result, you will feel sharp pain when biting, talking and just touching the tooth.

Due to the soreness of the gums in this disease, the treatment is carried out strictly under sedation. Depending on the severity, it can be superficial or deep.

How is granuloma laser treatment performed:

To learn more about laser treatment, we recommend watching a video about the procedure in a professional clinic.

Indications and contraindications

When is Diode Laser Dental Treatment Necessary?

Contraindications for laser dental treatment:

  1. Pulmonary and vascular pathology. This is a categorical contraindication. If you have problems with blood vessels, then the laser should not be used in any case;
  2. Blood clotting diseases, including varicose veins, diabetes and others;
  3. Malignant formations or the postoperative period;
    Individual intolerance to laser techniques, high sensitivity enamel, a tendency to sharp nervous excitement.

Photos before and after

Despite the disadvantages of Proxsys laser dental treatment, reviews claim that this is the best modern way get rid of cysts and caries.

The portal contains dental clinics offering laser dental treatment in Moscow. This is a procedure that is safe for the health of patients, helping to gently get rid of caries. Tables convenient for comparison show prices for laser tooth treatment in Moscow.

Thanks to the filter by districts and metro, you can choose the best clinic at the right address, and after comparing prices, you will finally choose the right option for treatment. The reviews of patients about laser dentistry left by visitors to the portal will also be useful.

Modern methods of laser dentistry

Dental clinics equipped with first-class equipment offer laser dental treatment. This method allows you to fight caries in its early stages. Until recently small spots on enamel yellow or white color were not treated, because when using a drill, the enamel was subjected to microcracks, and in order to remove the carious stain, it was necessary to sacrifice the integrity of the entire crown. With the advent of dental laser systems, this problem has been solved.

How is the procedure?

After examining the patient's oral cavity, the dentist prepares for treatment. Preparatory stage includes anesthesia (if necessary) and plaque removal. Cleaning can be carried out with an ultrasonic or air-abrasive apparatus.

It should be noted that the use of anesthesia is necessary only in cases of deep penetration of caries into the dentin. In these cases, drilling with a drill is additionally used.

In order to comply with safety regulations, the doctor and the patient wear special goggles. After the preparatory work, you can proceed to the preparation of the tooth affected by caries. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that under the influence of the beam, the water contained in the enamel boils, which leads to disintegration carious formation. Next comes the filling process - processing the cleaned area and applying the filling material.

Pros and cons of laser treatment

Like any method laser therapy has advantages and disadvantages. To positive moments may include the following:

  • the treatment is silent and almost painless;
  • healing of tooth tissues occurs;
  • the risk of formation of microcracks in healthy enamel is reduced to zero;
  • absolute sterility is ensured;
  • There is the possibility of bloodless removal of ingrown teeth.
  • The disadvantages include:
  • the impossibility of using the method with a significant lesion of the dentin;
  • high price of the procedure.

High-quality laser equipment cannot be cheap. In addition, work on such equipment requires highly qualified doctors. When choosing a clinic, you should focus not only on prices, but also on patient reviews about the duration of the effect of medical intervention.

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