Psychic energy, human life force (physis) - how to increase, accumulate and preserve. Psychic power of a woman

A book about how to survive in the modern world





Life force is one of the qualities of psychic energy. The development of psychic energy has always been necessary, at all times of human existence, for this is the law of life. But the time has come when new energies came into life - more subtle, more perfect, fiery energies, which means that their assimilation, their awareness and application are urgently required. And it is our time - the time of the approach of fiery energies - that especially requires the mastery of the fiery element (psychic energy). The extinction of the vital force of humanity as a whole requires the same.

Man is an energy being. And each person, as an individual microcosm, is a conglomeration of various vibrations, more precisely, a conglomeration of various manifestations of a single psychic energy.

Psychic energy is infinite in the variety of its qualities and manifestations, and everything that exists in the great Cosmos also exists in the human microcosm. This was understood by the ancient sages. For example, the Holy Scriptures state that man is created in the Image and Likeness of God - “this is how the presence of higher energies is indicated” (MO1, 490), - explains the Teaching of Agni Yoga.

Life force is psychic energy potentially present as Kundalini energy and moving throughout the body as Prana. There is no only static or only dynamic energy, just as there is no single-pole magnet. These types of energy constitute the single life force of man.

People have known about the dynamic and static life force (Prana and Kundalini) since time immemorial, and since then many methods and mechanical methods for developing the life force have been invented. However, in our time, almost all these techniques and methods do not give the required results, and often even harm a person.

There are two main reasons for this state of affairs.

1. New energies bring the Earth to a new round of evolution. A rapid development of all energies and forces begins, expressed in the acceleration of the pace of life, and only in life, only in rhythm with this movement can one enter the New World.

2. New energies bring with them fiery, higher power, and the approach to higher power should not be chaotic and superficial.

Now let's explain in more detail.

More perfect, refined energies come to the Earth, and they transform the earth energies of the higher, refined layers, which accordingly influence all other energies of the Earth. Thus, acceleration begins with the higher spheres and structures of all things. The higher the spheres and the more refined the energies, the faster all transformations proceed in them. This also applies to humans.

When evolutionary processes proceeded at a moderate pace, it was possible to search and experiment, to apply many techniques and techniques. Subtle energies have always developed faster than dense ones, but in former times the difference in speed was not so significant. Even influences from the physical plane could influence many processes in the field of subtle energies. Now such influences are capable of influencing only the intermediate layers, and mainly the lower spheres of the astral plane. Significant transformations are taking place in the Higher, spiritual spheres, and these spheres are in particular tension. Therefore, the dense energies of mechanical influences almost cannot penetrate there. This explains the fact that the majority of people who practice mechanical methods and techniques develop in themselves abilities and powers associated mainly with the lower astral layers. Higher spheres are not available to them.

New energies are rapidly transforming a person's entire life, and only in life, only in this rapid rhythm can one transform one's energy, adapting it to the new energies of space.

Good afternoon, dear homebodies. In our material today, 25 secrets for your mental strength to make life energetic and happy.

The modern reality is complex, unreliable and changeable, rarely allows us to enjoy a sense of security and comfort. Fortunately, the modern world also creates numerous opportunities.

In order to be able to meet them and make full use of them, as well as to solve the problems of everyday life, we need a reserve of psychic strength. Here are 25 differences between mentally strong people.

1. You avoid conflict.

Trying to understand the other person's point of view at the moment they hurt you, and stopping the emotions that make you respond to evil in kind, is a true sign of maturity. A psychologically strong person does not waste time on hatred, then pride and throws emotions aside in order to calmly analyze the situation and draw valuable conclusions from it.

2. You don't judge or envy.

You avoid giving an opinion without knowing the details of the event. Genuinely rejoice in the success of others, and do not feel jealous when someone is better than you in a certain area. You don't feel condemned.

3. You get support from others.

Your ego doesn't get in the way of asking someone for help if you feel the need. You can easily admit to others that you don't know everything and ask for valuable advice or guidance.

4. You know how to apologize.

You don't feel shamed or humiliated when you apologize for doing something wrong. You are not afraid to admit your mistakes and are ready to bear all the consequences. This makes you an honest and responsible person. That is the psychic power of man!

You listen to everything others say. Do not try to criticize or reject the views of your interlocutors, because you know that even those that are the exact opposite of your beliefs may be the highest truth for someone else.

6. You are selfless.

You enjoy helping others, and most importantly, without expecting anything in return. You know that the flame of a candle, when lighting something, loses nothing in its intensity. You not only do good, but even love to do it.

7. You know you can never please everyone.

You know how to be persistent and stand up for your rights. You take care to make time for yourself, recognizing it as important as that devoted to others.

8. You know the world doesn't owe you anything.

You are willing to work hard to achieve your own goals. You understand that nothing is simply due to you, and you are constantly grateful for everything that you have.

9. You don't back down from change.

You don't try to avoid change, and you realize that some of it is necessary. Gladly welcome their positive effects. You believe that in any situation you are able to adapt.

You firmly believe that intuition will direct you to the right path. You trust your instincts and they will never let you down.

11. You know how to forgive yourself.

You know that the constant feeling of anger and resentment towards yourself will not get you far. You are willing to forgive yourself for your own wrongdoings, and because of that, you don't waste time regretting - instead of focusing on the past, you learn new things and rush forward.

12. Manage your resources responsibly.

You understand that by spending money on unnecessary purchases, you lose the chance to invest in yourself and in your future. You also value your health, as you understand that it is an irreplaceable resource. The mental strength of a person directs to life values.

13. You believe that the best recipe for success is persistence.

You are persistently moving towards your goals, and nothing can stop you. Although you have repeatedly experienced the taste of defeat, it was not a reason for you to abandon plans and dreams. On the contrary, failures present an opportunity for you to explore the essence of the problem and draw conclusions about what else in your actions can be improved.

14. Your way of life is the constant improvement of yourself.

Whether it's work, family, or any other area of ​​your life, you always want to improve yourself. You believe that constantly learning new things gives meaning to your existence.

15. You take care of your mind and body.

You have a consciousness of the inseparable connection of the psyche with the body. You know that by leading, you have a chance to become the best version of yourself.

16. You are always ready to leave your comfort zone.

You know that by staying in one place all the time and basking in a sense of security, you will lose a valuable chance for development. You accept new tasks every day and are not afraid of risk.

17. You don't waste energy on things you have no influence on anyway.

You know that sometimes the only thing you can control is your attitude towards the events that meet you. You don't waste time fighting something that is out of your control because you know it won't bring concrete results.

18. You manage your time wisely.

You value your own time, and you know that if you waste it senselessly, you will also lose the chance for your own development. You fight the tendency to put things off until the last minute, and you try to make the most of every minute.

19. In times of crisis, you remain calm.

In difficult moments, you remain cool and keep your mind clear. Thanks to this, it is easier to deal with problems. You do not succumb to panic and despondency, because you are confident in yourself, and in this case, the mental strength of a person is at its best.

20. You are independent.

You never rely on others to do your responsibilities for you. Thanks to this you have both professional and personal. You do not feel that someone owes you something - you yourself are free and independent, and do not put other people in a dependent position.

21. You know that it is up to you how your life will look like.

You believe that your happiness and success are nothing but the fruits of your own beliefs, choices, actions, and efforts. You are not shifting responsibility for someone else. The mental strength of a person makes it possible to be persistent.

22. Practicing gratitude is one of your basic life states.

The more goodness within your sight, the more you will have to multiply it, and it will be a reason for you to smile. Happiness is not a state that occurs when something has happened. Luck begins to accompany us when we know how to appreciate what we have.

23. You have the realization that you don't always have to be perfect.

You believe that by focusing only on how others perceive you and what is expected of you, you will eventually forget who you really are. You are not afraid of being judged by other people and are not shy about showing yourself to the true world.

24. You know who you are.

You live in harmony with yourself and know well what you want to achieve. Do not exceed the boundaries you set, you live in accordance with your own hierarchy of values.

25. You expect little but still learn a lot.

Despite the fact that it is not always possible to realize any of your plans, you understand that this is how life should look like. Not always, but you know that thanks to this you can learn from mistakes, draw conclusions from your own experience and still not give up.

So you have learned how the development of human psychic power takes place.

Every person has psychic energylife force, conditional name - Physis. This Vital energy is a hidden force necessary for the successful life of people, for positive, optimistic and rational thinking, for motivation for success and achievement of goals, for creation, creativity and creativity, for long-term activity and joy in life, a sense of happiness, as well as mental energy " Physis" helps to resist stress, psychological and physical overstrain, strengthens the immune system, helping to resist diseases, and, of course, the vitality does not allow a person to fall into depression and apathy, helps a person to always be on top and in good shape, in harmony with himself, with others and the whole world - to be successful and happy.

For those people who have an abundance of psychic energy, they may discover some superpowers: from banal superintuition and extrasensory perception to the opening of the “third eye”, clairvoyance, telepathy and telekinesis ... (although these human abilities have not yet been studied enough, but there are some trends …)

For those who have little vitality, i.e. their psychic energy is wasted nowhere, those people are usually weak in spirit - faint-hearted, passive and pessimistic, they often become depressed, they have low tolerance for frustration (“breaks”) and stress ...
Apathy and withdrawal into oneself, whining and complaints (self-pity), irritability and frequent mood swings, dissatisfaction with oneself and life are their “eternal” companions ... Their essence is losers ... and “favorite” phrases are more in the subjunctive mood: “here if" yes "what if" ...

How to increase psychic, vital energy, how to accumulate and preserve the force of life "Physis"

Many people may ask the question: Is it possible to increase mental, vital energy, and how to accumulate or preserve vitality? Let's figure it out.

The source of vital energy is the whole human body: both physics and psyche, and each person, as a single and unique individual, has its own supply of psychic energy and vitality "Physis" by nature. And this reserve is quite enough to develop, achieve success and self-actualize, in accordance with their needs, desires and natural capabilities.

The problem of a lack of vital energy in a person is usually not due to the fact that there is not enough of it in the body - as a rule, it is enough (except for some pathologies) - but due to the fact that each individual, due to his life program (scenario) life), unconsciously spends his mental strength and energy for other purposes, namely, not on creation, but on destruction, including self-destruction.

The fact is that in the process of life a lot of negative psychological, emotional energy accumulates - this is also a force, but aimed at destroying everything: your health, interpersonal relationships, and the world around you ... and your future ...

But negative energy can accumulate only when a person is not taught to complete life situations and work out negative emotions, i.e. he has an appropriate life scenario, psychotype and character accentuation, along with deep attitudes and stereotypical beliefs - initially, according to his own scenario programmed in childhood, a person becomes a loser, to one degree or another.

Therefore, having accumulated negatives, a person spends a part (sometimes more) of his mental energy on fighting and confronting this negative energy, i.e., in fact, on fighting with himself. (intrapersonal conflict)

And in order to increase psychic energy and vitality, and save it for something useful, you need not to heat up a new one, but to release the existing one ... What will look and feel like an increase in psychic strength and energy.

And for this, you will need to work out and remove - and not accumulate in the future - most of the negative, emotional energy.
For this, depending on the power of the accumulated negative, both trainings, for example, for relaxation and meditation, self-hypnosis techniques or positive affirmations, and, in more complex cases, group or individual psychotherapy, such as cognitive and psychoanalysis ... (transactional analysis) ...

And, of course, in addition to natural psychic energy, in order to increase vitality, and, perhaps, discover superpowers in oneself, it is possible, and even necessary, to accumulate and retain positive emotions in oneself, instead of negative ones ...

In the question of defining what magic is, after all, most magicians of the 19th-20th centuries are of the opinion that this is a set of techniques that provide an impact on the surrounding reality with their own psychic power.

We can agree with this, but emphasizing that the impact occurs not on the physical, but on the energy level. The magician works with the energy-informational field, setting a certain program, which, with a clear statement of the task, according to the law of causality, is embodied in the material world. In other words, the impact on the energy-informational field is carried out by "psychic force", which includes such concepts as concentration, will, perception and awareness, creativity, mental message. Everyone has this power, and the author has repeatedly proved this in practice and in publications. However, for most people, this power is in "sleep mode", awakening only in non-standard situations. A person embarking on the path of a magician must master the art of consciously awakening psychic power in himself, multiplying it and controlling it.

A real magician, no matter what school he belongs to, and no matter what traditions he works in, needs to learn how to awaken and develop his psychic power.

To accomplish this task in modern magic, there are various psychophysical practices. Meditations, sets of exercises, prayers, rituals, magical fasts, replenishment of one’s energy reserves from natural sources are far from a complete list of them ... All of them, having different specific effects on the body, are designed to make a person stronger, to reveal and increase his energy potential . Consider some of the practices in relation to the tasks of magic.

Meditation- this is a way to achieve a special mental state, a change in consciousness. In many traditions it is characterized as "enlightenment". This is a way to comprehend God, the knowledge of the innermost divine secrets within oneself, the comprehension of the meaning of being. In addition, meditation can be used for a number of applied purposes:

  1. Relaxation and sedation. Meditation brings the body and psyche into a state of balance, coordinates the work of the two hemispheres, relieves stress, and therefore lays the foundations for mental and physical health.
  2. Obtaining information from the energy-informational field of the Earth. To get information, you can just sit with your eyes closed, not thinking about anything and not expecting anything. The state of "thought-stop", achieved during such meditation, allows you to turn off the mental noise that blocks the access of information. Information comes suddenly, in the form of a vivid thought or image, or in the form of a sudden memory. You can also ask a question, and intuitively set a time when you will receive an answer. Then, having formulated the intention, let go of this thought and proceed to meditation.
  3. Working with images of goals, in the form of pictures, words or sensations. For this purpose, it is very effective to use the Silva method, which consists in entering a special alpha state by muscle relaxation and counting down, starting from 100, then 50, 25, and when a feedback is formed, then from 10. In the alpha state there is a virtual creativity that directly affects the outside world. In fact, there is a hard modeling of the necessary.
  4. Enabling the information acceptance mode. This effect of meditation is well described by Esther and Jerry Hicks. According to their teaching, a person radiates vibrations that determine how his life develops. Often a person unconsciously generates vibrations that interfere with the fulfillment of his desires. When the mind is calm, a person does not think, and therefore does not resist, and the vibrations of his Essence become higher, clearer, faster. Regular meditation reduces this resistance, and therefore allows the most daring plans and dreams to come true.

Through 15-20 minutes of meditation techniques, you enter into "acceptance mode" and strengthen the vibration that makes it impossible to resist your own desires. The mode of acceptance can be described as follows: a person stands in front of a door, behind which are all his desires. Here is a career, and health, and beauty, and longevity ... But they are all waiting for the person to finally open the door for them. With the help of meditation, you open this door, and everything that a person asked for, that was given to him enters his life, because the Point of Attraction has changed, he has entered a state of acceptance. It is important to maintain this state even after the end of the meditation so that the thoughts that change the vibrational frequency are focused. Constant practice will help you reach the "high frequency" vibration whenever you want.

It should be understood that the basis of any meditation is the absence of extraneous thoughts, and the achievement of a state of peace, both in the physical and in the subtle bodies of a person. When these prerequisites are met, one can begin to concentrate on the object of meditation. It can be a visual image - a graphic symbol, a landscape, a picture, etc. You can meditate on a sound or set of sounds, sensations or memories. It is also possible to use a combination of them. For example, while listening to music, imagine its visual image, its smell, taste, temperature. Or, looking at the forest landscape, hear the birds singing and the smell of leaves, hear the crunch of twigs underfoot.

In the process of meditation, you can read mantras, prayers, spells. If you meditate on a visual image, then you can look at it for a while without breaking away, drawing every detail of it, remembering all the smallest details, so that even with your eyes closed you keep a clear picture. With the help of such meditation, a person mainly achieves enlightenment, strengthens his abilities, purifies and raises his vibrations, works with the energy centers and flows of his body.

Meditations go well with work with energy centers and flows. For example, you can open the chakras and improve their functioning not only by singing mantras or visualization, but also by performing special exercises or yoga asanas. The interconnection of physical exercises and meditations in martial arts, in particular, oriental ones, is clearly expressed. The choice of combinations is the individual choice of the mage.

Prayer- this is an appeal to the "higher powers", with the aim of gratitude, receiving help or reverence. During prayer, a special mental state of ecstasy can be achieved. In addition, with its help, the prayer is connected to the egregor of a particular religion and directly, the deity (deities) to which the believer addresses.

Alas, prayers do not always bring results. The reasons for this can be completely different: insufficient faith, an unworthy way of life, and even the mysterious "will of higher powers", which is far from always clear to mere mortals. We will not focus on this, since there are no universal tips on how to ensure that prayer is guaranteed to bring results. There are only a few conditions, observing which, you significantly increase the likelihood that the prayer "will be heard" and "the request is fulfilled."

The first condition is sincere faith. Even if a person does not know canonical texts, prayers act at the expense of his faith and strength, being directed to the egregor of his chosen religion. In this case, the relationship is two-way - a person receives the material or intangible benefits he needs with the help of an egregore, at the same time, strengthens this energy-information structure with his faith. Traditional prayers, repeated for centuries by followers of one religion or another, are no less good than those composed individually. The action of such prayers is based not only on faith, but also on the vibrations of a special set of sounds that cause changes in the energy-information space. That is, such prayers have some properties of magic spells, and if read correctly (from a linguistic and magical point of view), they can have a very strong effect. When reading traditional texts, remember that the second important condition for "correct" prayer is awareness. Unlike a spell, in prayer you must understand the meaning and essence of each word you utter. Therefore, before you pray, carefully delve into the text. In the process of prayer, not only the soul, but also the mind should participate. Therefore, before proceeding to prayer, it is necessary to free him from empty thoughts and emotions, to concentrate as much as possible on what is happening.

Many magicians, not being sincerely religious and, therefore, not knowing the canons of the religion with which they interact, ask the question - does time, place, posture, gestures, intonation in prayer matter.

Many religions have special prayer postures (head bowed, kneeling, lotus position) and gestures, however, if their performance distracts you from prayer or causes discomfort, they can be abandoned. Orthodox priests advise: "It is better to pray while sitting and thinking about God than on your knees and thinking about your feet."

The need to pray can arise anywhere (for example, in an extreme situation), and neglecting prayer because you cannot find a "suitable" place is pointless and stupid. If no emergency has happened, and you are performing a traditional prayer, then it is best to create it in a secluded place with a quiet and calm atmosphere, where no one will disturb you. Like the place, the time for prayer comes when you need it, but it is best to pray in the morning and evening, when it is easier to concentrate and abstract from extraneous thoughts.

Unlike a spell, it is not at all necessary to say a prayer out loud, a mental appeal is quite enough, but if you prefer to pray out loud, then remember that your breathing should be even and calm, and your voice should not sound too loud so as not to attract too much attention to yourself if you're not somewhere alone.

Spell - this is a special set of words, the reading of which causes changes in the energy-information field, which, in turn, affects the material world, fulfilling the intention of the magician. The spell can include folk conspiracies, Kabbalistic words of power, curses ... The main difference between a spell and a prayer is that the latter has the character of a request, questioning, gratitude, while the spell is aimed at forcing the desired, by all means. Another important difference, which we have already mentioned, is awareness. Unlike prayer, in a spell it is not necessary to understand the meaning of the words, since here the mind plays a secondary role, and may even be a hindrance. What is the principle of spells?

The first reason why they work is, as mentioned above, a special set of words and sounds. Each word and letter individually has a special vibration that brings a person into an altered state of consciousness and in a certain way affects the energy-information field. Therefore, by vibrating or humming a combination of sounds, the desired effect can be achieved. This trend is especially well traced in Kabbalah (certain properties and correspondences are attributed to each letter), and Enochian magic (vibrations of various letters and words work with the so-called ethers).

The second reason for spells to work is faith in their action. I am talking not only about the placebo effect (which, of course, cannot be written off), but first of all about the creation of an egregor of a spell. That is, the more people believe in the power of a particular spell, the stronger and more powerful its egregore becomes, therefore, the spell's capabilities increase, and a kind of vicious circle is obtained: the more magicians use the spell, the stronger it is, and the stronger the spell, the more magicians use it.

In addition, most spells are "tied" to one or another magical tradition, therefore, the spell is part of the subegregor of the general magical egregor, which, of course, is a big plus for the operator.

The third reason for the effect of spells is familiar not only to magicians, but also to psychologists and psychotherapists. Its operation is well illustrated by individual magician spells created for personal use. This reason is called the law of affirmation.

Affirmation (from Latin affirmatio - confirmation) is a phrase containing a verbal formula, which, when repeated many times, fixes the required image or attitude in the human subconscious.

The basic rules of the law of affirmation are as follows.

  1. The affirmation must be written in the present tense.
  2. Affirmation should be short, evoke vivid images and associations.
  3. Affirmation should not contain ambiguous phrases and concepts, the desire should be formulated briefly and clearly.
  4. When choosing and compiling affirmations, you need to take into account your aesthetic and religious views, as well as moral and ethical principles. The spell should please you, and not contradict your principles.
  5. Affirmation should not contain the "not" particle, since it is not perceived at the subconscious level.

But, there is a significant difference between the law of affirmation used by psychologists and the law of affirmation used by magicians: psychologists do not recommend combining affirmation with visualization, while magicians successfully combine these two technologies, complementing their spells with vivid visual images. In addition, the magician is obliged to unconditionally believe in the affirmation, which is not necessary according to psychologists (Kue), and the magician's affirmation must necessarily be emotional.

So, let's try to briefly formulate the third reason for the action of the spell from the point of view of magic: the pronunciation of verbal formulas stimulates changes in the human subconscious, fixing in it the image of the desired result, and thanks to the message outside, causes changes in the material world.

Replenishment of energy reserves from external sources. Energy sources can be natural objects, both inanimate and living. A vivid example of replenishing energy from the outside is working with donor trees, obtaining energy in places of the Force, working with stones and lithotherapy, receiving forces from donor animals (the most popular of them are dogs and horses, but cats will not add energy to you, but very well get rid of the negative). This also includes energy vampirism, which is very unsafe for both the donor and the recipient. But perhaps the main source of energy for all living things is the cosmic layers of the Earth's energy field with their information structures. It is from them that a person draws energy during most prayers, meditations, rituals and spells to gain strength.

magical post- this is the purification of the material and subtle bodies of a person, by refusing certain types of food, stimulants of consciousness (caffeine, nicotine, etc.), and physical pleasures. In a magical fast, not only the purification of the body and the energy shell of a person takes place, but also the development of willpower. In addition, an important component of a magical fast is the rejection of unnecessary waste of energy (associated with actions and thoughts that are not fruitful), and the subsequent accumulation of pure energy. Most often, fasting is practiced in combination with replenishing energy reserves from the outside on the eve of rituals.

Food. The nutrition of the magician should, if possible, implement the principles:

  • Manageability - there is no more than necessary;
  • Rhythmicity - eat regularly;
  • Sufficiency - to be sufficient in terms of calories.

Magicians believe that depending on the traditions in which the magician works, one or another group of products is preferred.

Ritual— an algorithm of traditional actions built on the laws of association and analogy, causing changes in the energy-information field, which, in turn, cause changes not only on the spiritual or energy, but also on the physical level.

If we assume that a person's superpowers are hidden under a lock (or even several locks), then magical practices can be compared with a key. That is, their essence is the same, it’s just that each person must personally choose for himself those keys that will open exactly his locks, and release the hidden potential in order to further develop it.

Finishing the section on the tools of psychic power, it should be emphasized that each magician must determine the individual characteristics of the influence of a particular practice on his consciousness and subconscious, study what forces this ritual awakens in him, and control what changes occur with his energy shell. This is necessary in order to activate or strengthen exactly the abilities and resources that are needed at that moment. A modern magician is not only a person who owns psychic power, who has received initiation and has knowledge of certain traditions, but also a scientist, practitioner, researcher, creator, and popularizer. We will talk about the rational use of force and its study in the next article.

Consider what is the mental strength of women. In the past, many have expressed the view that women are physically and mentally the "weaker" sex. As follows from one report for 1827, "a woman is more impressionable and vulnerable than a man, and is exceptionally prone to affects that torment her, which, in the absence of better concepts, is defined as neurasthenia." For the generally accepted explanation of women's predisposition to mental illness, the features of her anatomy and biology associated with the function of reproduction were used, with which the theorists of the past associated "genetic predisposition" to nervous diseases and "weakness of personal qualities."

Mental strength of women. At the beginning of the 20th century, Sigmund Freud, in his brilliant descriptions of women, did not escape the prejudices common to his contemporaries. The founder of psychoanalysis considered male personality traits as the norm. As he believed, the personality traits of women are regressive, since they already at an early age believe that they cannot be like men for "natural" reasons. His interpretation of the female psyche is associated with the theory of "penis envy". Freud bases his hypothesis on the fact that little girls from the moment of the birth of consciousness understand that they do not have a penis, do not hope to have one, feel robbed and inferior in this regard, traumatized by this circumstance and react to this with anger and rage. To resolve this conflict, they, as a rule, use childlike personality traits inherent in the early stages of development, as well as humility, passivity and masochism. Later, they seek to enter into a dependent relationship with a man, thereby finding a replacement for their missing penis.

Freud believed that such traits of character are normal, unchanging and indispensable, that they are the prototype of everything feminine, and therefore appropriate and desirable. He “rewarded” his students by making an exception for them, believing that they got rid of the “male complex”.

Only much later did psychoanalysts and other theorists decide that these Freudian statements about women were based on nineteenth-century cultural prejudices. In a Victorian, male-centric culture, women had little to no power or socio-economic independence. Their well-being and security depended entirely on their ability to marry, their willingness to recognize and obey their husband's authority. A woman, mentally dependent on a man, could not express and defend her interests in those cases when they were faced with the demands and needs of her husband, and was forced to attract her husband with her passivity. Based on this, she had a minimum of opportunities for self-development (“church, nursery and kitchen”), was limited in her ability to make decisions regarding her life and cultural preferences. Her sexuality was kept in check. Probably, many women suffered from the need to keep a secret about this side of life, which led to such widespread "nervous diseases."

Nowadays, especially for poor and poorly educated women, opportunities have expanded significantly. Many women live in a world that has changed radically, a world where they are free to choose and pursue their own path in life. Now a significant place in a woman's life is occupied by professional problems, not only because the economic well-being of many families is insufficient, but also in connection with the development of new social attitudes and valuation norms. Many women now strive to seek meaning and content in their lives not only in their own home, but also in expanding their horizons in the world around them. The chances for their professional success are getting higher and higher.

Yet women's problems in this regard are not limited to demands for equal pay for equal work. As will be shown below, women are now entrusted not only with their professional duties, but also with a heavy burden of responsibilities for raising children, and to the fullest.

Mental strength of women. Modern research shows that women are not only more likely than men to talk about the symptoms of their somatic and mental illnesses, but also seek professional help more often. Does this mean that women actually have more mental problems, or are they perhaps more likely to admit them? Undoubtedly, there are many women who are psychologically dependent on men and treat them as a way to assert self-esteem. Many have problems associated with passivity and the manifestation of aggression. The interpretation of these feminine weaknesses and difficulties is now based on completely different concepts than in Freud's time.

Psychotherapists no longer believe that anatomy, hormonal structure, or "penis envy" is indicative of female "weakness" or a predisposition of women to mental disorders. On the contrary, research data show that the characteristics of development, mental abilities, socioeconomic factors, biological conflicts and emerging loads in most women lead to very successful combinations, and on the other hand, it is from these characteristics that women draw the strength necessary for adaptation and flexibility. Even those inherent only to women, ailments and diseases that are associated with the cycle of procreation (premenstrual or postpartum depression), are largely influenced by social and psychological factors.

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