Endometritis in cats. Endometritis disease in a cat: causes, complications and treatment

Everyone who has pets loves them and wishes them long life. You should not hope that without proper care and constant supervision by a veterinarian, the cat will be healthy.

Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. If the pet is not cured in time, then everything can end very sadly - she will die. To avoid such an outcome, it is worth paying more attention to the health of the cat and identifying signs of the disease in the early stages, which can save the family pet.

Signs and symptoms

There are two forms of endometrium in cats:

  • Chronic.
  • Acute.

In chronic it manifests itself weakly, almost imperceptibly. However, it is still very noticeable. If the pet begins to lick itself more often, this can only mean that she is trying to "wash away" the discharge flowing from the vulva. In addition, the cat may slightly rise in temperature on the hind legs and lower abdomen. If all this is not noticed in time, then the Chronic form of endometritis will gradually develop into a purulent one, when all of the above signs begin to manifest themselves to a greater extent. A lot depends on the attentiveness of the owner, because treatment should be started as early as possible in order to save the life of the pet.

The acute form of endometritis is manifested to a greater extent. Basically, the temperature of the cat is very high, and the viscous discharge is more abundant than usual. The pet stops caring for her hair, refuses children and does not allow her belly to be touched. Her lethargy and feeling of thirst will be noticeable.

Significant rise in body temperature reaching 10 degrees, and in connection with this, fever, should serve as a wake-up call to see a doctor. The cat may suddenly begin to shed, but the hair will fall out only on her hips and stomach, and symmetrically, which will be easy to notice. Mucous discharge of yellowish or brown shades from the vulva also indicates that the pet is sick.

If a cat has postpartum endometritis, then a decrease in milk production or refusal of their children is the main symptom of the disease.

Does the pet often take a position that is characteristic of her urination, while making a loud meow, so similar to moans? You urgently need to be taken for her treatment!


As mentioned earlier, the cat should be examined by a veterinarian from time to time. Endometritis occurs in individuals aged 3 years and older. Most often, the homeless and free are at risk. The partner of a pet should be tested for diseases that can be passed on to the kitty.

Unsanitary conditions for keeping a pet should be excluded in order to protect the cat from infectious diseases.

It is not advised to give injections or give pills that stop the "heat" to the cat. These drugs can cause endometritis, so veterinarians are advised to sterilize their pets. But the latter is most preferable for owners who do not want their cats to have offspring.

In addition, another reason for the appearance of this disease can be childbirth. Occasionally, an underdeveloped fetus remains in the uterus, or the placenta is retained in the cat's body. In addition, in the postpartum period, when the cervix is ​​still open for some time, infections can be introduced that will lead to inflammation of the mucosa of the organ.

Diagnosis and treatment

To determine the diagnosis, the doctor may need a smear, which will tell about the state of the microflora of the cat's body, as well as ultrasound examination of the uterus. A disease detected at an early stage is much easier to treat than a neglected one. For this, antibiotics are most often used, which help to eliminate microbes from the body. Also, the animal can be given drugs that will fight the symptoms of endometritis.

For more advanced cases, hormone therapy may be needed to keep the uterus in good shape. However, the most effective will be surgical intervention - ovariohysterectomy, or, more simply, sterilization. In this case, the uterus and ovaries will be removed from the cat.

The operation is not recommended for young cats of reproductive age if the owner of the animal intends to use this individual in order to obtain offspring. Old pets may simply not endure such a procedure.

Conservative treatment, through the use of various drugs, will be desirable. The veterinarian can decide to perform the operation if part of the pus remains inside the uterine cavity, which can lead to the resumption of the disease and its complications.


Prevention can only be the elimination of all causes of endometritis. It is required to keep the pet in antiseptic conditions, follow the diet and carefully follow the instructions of the veterinarian. For those who are already familiar with the disease, antibiotics may be prescribed to help the animal recover more quickly and avoid recurrence.

Timely treatment of infectious diseases, which give rise to many diseases, will also be a good helper in the prevention of endometritis.

Careful care, frequent visits to the veterinarian and personal observations of the behavior of the cat will help, if not to avoid the onset of the disease, then start treatment at an early stage.

In the acute stage of endometritis, surgery will be most preferable. But in the chronic form, home treatment of endometritis is also possible using some folk recipes.

In one of the most popular recipes, it is advised to take rosehip flowers, lard and turpentine oil in equal proportions. This mixture is used as a compress applied to the lower abdomen of a cat.

Treatment of endometritis in a cat should be urgent, as the disease often leads to death in a very short time. Even with a timely appeal to the veterinarian, the animal cannot always be saved. Endometritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the mucous membrane (called pyometra) of the uterus and its appendages and causes a purulent process. It poses a serious danger to the animal and can threaten life.

The causes of endometritis in cats are varied. Depending on what served to start the disease, the symptoms may also change somewhat. Of particular danger is acute endometritis, which can kill a pet in 2-3 days. Most often it occurs in the postpartum period. Chronic inflammation has a longer course, but also without timely treatment is a serious threat to the life of a cat.

Forms of endometritis in a cat

In addition to the fact that the disease is divided into forms into acute and chronic, there is also a classification of pathology according to the characteristics of the inflammatory process.

  • Purulent endometritis. With the disease, all layers of the mucosa are affected and acute intoxication of the body with tissue decay products develops. The animal has a discharge of purulent masses from the genital slit with a particularly sharp rotten smell. The temperature is high, which makes the animal especially lethargic. Severe pain causes the cat to meow loudly.
  • Catarrhal endometritis. With this lesion, only the upper layer of the mucosa is affected. General deterioration of the animal's condition is not observed. The main manifestation of such a disease is the release of a large amount of transparent mucus from the genital slit. The cat does not have time to lick it, and therefore traces remain in the places of its rest and on the furniture on which it sat. Such a flow of mucus is a direct indication for contacting a veterinarian.
  • Fibrous. With this type of endometritis, a yellow-brown mucus is secreted in a cat. The general condition is deteriorating significantly.
  • Necrotizing endometritis. Occurs after the birth of kittens. The inflammatory process affects even the deep tissues of the uterus, due to which necrotic foci begin to form in them. The slightest delay in treatment can kill a cat. It is impossible to save the uterus with this form of inflammation. If the cat's body is very weakened, then even the intervention of a veterinarian cannot always save the animal.
  • Gangrenous endometritis. Just like the previous species, it appears after the birth of offspring. The cat is in critical condition. Due to inflammation, the tissues of the uterus disintegrate, which leads to serious intoxication and the rapid development of peritonitis and sepsis. It is very difficult to save the animal in this case, even with competent and early treatment. Mortality reaches 80%.

The veterinarian will be able to determine what form of the disease is taking place. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate with endometritis in a cat. It will not work to improve the condition of the pet, but time will be lost. Acute endometritis in a cat, at the beginning, affects only the upper layer of the mucous membrane, but in a short time it spreads to the entire thickness of the tissues.

The reasons

The reason for the appearance of inflammation in the uterus in a cat is the penetration into the uterine cavity of pathogenic bacteria, viruses or fungi. Infection almost always occurs mechanically. Can cause disease:

  1. hormonal disorders in the cat's body, in which the composition of the mucus produced by the uterus and vagina changes dramatically;
  2. a strong drop in immunity - possibly for very many reasons - from poor maintenance to the development of tumor processes;
  3. childbirth - the main cause of inflammation of the uterus - these are postpartum complications in a cat, which lead to the appearance of an acute inflammatory process. Most often, the pathology occurs due to the delay of the placenta, atony of the uterus. Also, inflammation can spread from the lower parts of the reproductive system, from which, after childbirth, the tightly closed neck does not separate the uterus. After lambing, it is necessary to regularly check the condition of the cat in the next week.

Whatever caused the development of the disease, the cat must be treated. Young and old animals can equally suffer from endometritis. Older, non-sterilized cats most often experience the disease due to hormonal imbalance and a general weakening of the body.


Symptoms of endometritis in cats depend on the form of the disease. More striking manifestations are acute endometritis, which is impossible to miss. The main symptoms of this disease are:

  • a strong increase in temperature - indicates acute intoxication of the body;
  • a significant increase in the volume of the abdomen if the cervix is ​​​​closed; or abundant purulent discharge from the genital slit with an open neck - as a rule, it is observed with postpartum endometritis in a sick cat a day after the onset of inflammation;
  • lethargy;
  • a complete refusal to eat when drinking a large amount of liquid is a symptom of a violent inflammatory process in the cat's body.

If pus cannot be discharged from the uterus, due to the fact that its neck is closed, intense diarrhea and vomiting become additional signs of intoxication of the body. The cat is in pain and screams loudly even with light touches on her stomach or when changing position.

In the chronic form of the disease, the owner will not notice abundant discharge. The main signs of the presence of the disease will be symmetrical alopecia in the tail area, and later on the hips, as well as the general somewhat depressed state of the cat. It is not uncommon for a cat to have a disease in a chronic form only at the moment when an exacerbation occurs and manifestations of an acute form of the disease appear.

Complications of the disease

In the absence of timely treatment, endometritis in cats leads to the development of dangerous complications, such as peritonitis and sepsis. They in most cases lead to death, even when seeking help from a veterinarian.


The best treatment option for a cat with endometritis is to spay the animal. After the complete removal of the uterus with its appendages, the cat recovers quickly enough, and the risk of recurrence of the disease is completely eliminated. If the cat is of value for breeding, you can try to treat it with antibiotics, but this method of therapy is considered risky, since the probability of death of the pet is high.

In the treatment without antibiotics, complex therapy is carried out, which includes:

  • broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • hormonal agents;
  • immunomodulators;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • mineral complexes.

In order for antibiotic treatment to be extremely effective, it is necessary to take a smear and determine the pathogenic microflora.

The best means of preventing the disease is sterilization. If you plan to start breeding a cat, then it is important to ensure that her well-being is normal and that there are no drops in immunity and hormonal disorders. Only the correct maintenance of a cat allows her to be in good health. Faced with endometritis in a pet, treatment should not be postponed.

Known as purulent inflammation of the uterus, this disease is very life-threatening for a cat. For a long time it was believed that unneutered cats about 5 years old were at risk. However, recent studies have shown that both giving birth cats and very young individuals can get sick with pyometra.

It is possible to exclude purulent inflammation of the uterus only in sterilized cats, when both the uterus and both ovaries are removed.

  • Infection during childbirth
  • Injuries during childbirth
  • Unskilled obstetrics
  • Uterine atony
  • Infectious diseases of the cat
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Violation of immune processes
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • The consequence of any of these factors is pyometra in a cat, the disease is dangerous and often fatal.

    Purulent inflammation of the uterus has the following clinical signs:

  • Abdominal enlargement
  • General weakness of the animal
  • poor appetite
  • Vomit
  • Thirst
  • exhaustion
  • disheveled
  • Wool falls out
  • High body temperature

IMPORTANT! Pyometra can be so rapid that it may not come to the appearance of external signs. In a couple of days, the volume of pus reaches 1 liter, the walls of the uterus do not withstand and the contents splash out into the abdominal cavity.

With a long course of the disease, the owner of the animal may not pay attention to the symptoms and this is fraught with the extinction of the cat.

Diagnosis of pyometra in cats

It is possible to make the correct diagnosis with purulent inflammation of the uterus both by characteristic clinical signs and on the basis of ultrasound.

Causes of endometritis

During estrus, the bitch increases the level of estrogens, which are responsible for the safe attachment of the egg to the uterine mucosa, through swelling and thickening of the endometrium. In turn, progesterone causes the endometrial glands to produce an increased amount of mucus.

With a pathological increase in the level of hormones in the uterus, an excessive amount of secretion accumulates, which does not have time to be evacuated from the uterus before the closure of its cervix. If, in addition, at this time, microflora enters the uterine cavity, then such endometritis will be complicated by purulent inflammation - pyometra.

Postpartum endometritis manifests itself 1-2 weeks after childbirth, due to endometrial tears during contractions, insufficient uterine contraction after childbirth to cleanse its cavity from the contents, and microflora contamination during childbirth.

There is also chronic endometritis, the pathogenesis of which is not exactly known, but is associated with spontaneous seeding of the uterine cavity with pathogenic microflora, and, accordingly, inflammation of the endometrium.

Animals that have received hormonal drugs throughout their lives to prevent estrus are at risk for developing endometritis. These drugs can also cause the growth of breast tumors or cysts on the ovaries.

As mentioned earlier, the cat should be examined by a veterinarian from time to time. Endometritis occurs in individuals aged 3 years and older. Most often, the homeless and free are at risk. The partner of a pet should be tested for diseases that can be passed on to the kitty.

Unsanitary conditions for keeping a pet should be excluded in order to protect the cat from infectious diseases.

In addition, childbirth can be another reason for the appearance of this disease. Occasionally, an underdeveloped fetus remains in the uterus, or the placenta is retained in the cat's body. In addition, in the postpartum period, when the cervix is ​​still open for some time, infections can be introduced that will lead to inflammation of the mucosa of the organ.

Acute endometritis can occur due to:

  • Failure of the placenta to leave the uterine cavity.
  • Loss of uterine tone or its increased excitability in the postpartum period.
  • Delays lochia (blood and mucous secretions).
  • Lack of sterility during childbirth.
  • Penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterine cavity (chlamydia, staphylococci, mycoplasmas, Escherichia coli, etc.).

It begins to appear a few days after childbirth, is characterized by secretions of a serous nature.

If timely treatment has not been provided, acute endometritis develops into chronic. Its symptoms can be noticed only after 1-1.5 months. Purulent discharge, characteristic of the chronic course of the disease, is due to infection of the uterine cavity and hormonal disorders.

Hormonal disorders, lack of proper nutrition, insufficient exercise during pregnancy can affect the development of the disease.

Often, endometritis in cats develops after the use of drugs that delay or stop the sexual cycle (the so-called pills and injections "from estrus"). This is one of the reasons why veterinarians recommend neutering non-breeding animals.

Postpartum endometritis in a cat occurs as a result of retained placenta or lochia. Sometimes an underdeveloped fetus remains inside the uterus. Ascending infections resulting from a violation of the rules of asepsis during childbirth also lead to endometritis (the cervix is ​​open, microbes freely enter).

Causes of occurrence include:

Predisposing factors for the development of the disease are mineral starvation (lack of one or more natural bioelements in the body), hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins), physical inactivity (small muscle load).

The main cause of pyometra in dogs is considered to be hormonal changes that occur during the reproductive cycle.

During estrus, when the uterine canal of the animal is open, infectious bacteria penetrate into it.

In other cases, the natural microflora of the dog's vagina can become the source of infection. Under favorable conditions, it begins to multiply intensively and leads to inflammation of the tissues and the accumulation of purulent masses.

A common cause of pyometra in dogs is cystic endometrial hyperplasia. Under the influence of progesterone, the uterine glands enlarge and secrete a secret.

Hormonal contraceptives based on estrogen also provoke the development of pimometra. Risk group - dogs who are given these drugs in order to shift the onset of estrus or prevent unwanted pregnancies.

One of the root causes of the development of endometritis is the anatomical structure of the uterus in a cat, as well as a hormonal failure or the presence of bacterial flora in the uterine cavity.

Symptoms and signs of pyometra in cats

In chronic it manifests itself weakly, almost imperceptibly. However, it is still very noticeable. If the pet begins to lick itself more often, this can only mean that she is trying to "wash away" the discharge flowing from the vulva. In addition, the cat may slightly rise in temperature and begin to lose hair on the hind legs and lower abdomen.

If all this is not noticed in time, then the Chronic form of endometritis will gradually develop into a purulent one, when all of the above signs begin to manifest themselves to a greater extent. A lot depends on the attentiveness of the owner, because treatment should be started as early as possible in order to save the life of the pet.

The acute form of endometritis is manifested to a greater extent. Basically, the temperature of the cat is very high, and the viscous discharge is more abundant than usual. The pet stops caring for her hair, refuses children and does not allow her belly to be touched. Her lethargy and feeling of thirst will be noticeable.

Significant increases in the temperature of the animal, reaching 10 degrees, and in connection with this, fever, should serve as a wake-up call to see a doctor. The cat may suddenly begin to shed, but the hair will fall out only on her hips and stomach, and symmetrically, which will be easy to notice. Mucous discharge of yellowish or brown shades from the vulva also indicates that the pet is sick.

If a cat has postpartum endometritis, then a decrease in milk production or refusal of their children is the main symptom of the disease.

Does the pet often take a position that is characteristic of her urination, while making a loud meow, so similar to moans? You urgently need to be taken for her treatment!

There are chronic and acute forms of endometritis in cats.

If the disease is chronic, the symptoms can be so mild that the owners do not even notice the ailment: the temperature is slightly elevated, the cat looks healthy, but licks more often, removing smearing discharge from the vulva. Sometimes the hair on the thighs and lower abdomen falls out symmetrically.

In the acute form, the symptoms of endometritis in a cat are more obvious: high fever, lethargy, refusal to eat, thirst, and abundant discharge. The cat looks obviously sick, does not take care of the fur coat, does not allow touching the stomach. The pet often sits down, as if she wants to pee, tenses up and meows loudly. The lower abdomen can be enlarged, the external genitalia are inflamed.

  • Abdominal enlargement
  • Abundant purulent brown discharge from the vagina
  • General weakness of the animal
  • poor appetite
  • exhaustion
  • disheveled
  • Wool falls out
  • High body temperature
  • Symptoms and signs of pyometra in cats

    Breed predisposition to the occurrence of endometritis is not fixed. But it is noticed that it is more often manifested in bitches and cats older than 6-7 years. Especially if estrus often ends in false pregnancy with vivid clinical signs.

    About 1-2 months after estrus, owners begin to notice signs of illness in their pet. The animal becomes lethargic, appetite gradually decreases up to its complete absence, thirst increases and, accordingly, the frequency and volume of urination increases.

    There may be occasional vomiting. The abdominal wall becomes painful and increases in volume. The animal may experience an increase in temperature up to 41C.

    Endometritis can be suspected if the cat after childbirth:

    • refuses to feed her cubs;
    • ceases to take care of himself;
    • loses appetite;
    • often takes a posture as if urinating;
    • leaves purulent-watery spots in the places of its lying
    • on palpation of the abdominal cavity experiences pain.

    In a chronic course, there are no visible signs. If there is a suspicion of chronic endometritis, you should contact your veterinarian for an additional examination of the animal:

    • General analysis of blood and urine
    • Blood for sex hormones
    • Seeding for microflora

    Also, the veterinarian may prescribe X-ray and ultrasound examinations.

    Symmetrical hair loss - decreased or no appetite - slight fever - fever - decreased milk production - secretions from the genitals with an admixture of blood. With endometritis in cats, the discharge is strong when the cat lies. With endometritis, the pussy becomes in a pose, as for urination, meows strongly, groans, arches its back.

    It is very important to start treatment of endometritis in a cat as soon as possible, otherwise the inflammation will go to the serous membrane and the muscular layer of the uterus, posing a threat to the life and health of the cat. Endometritis in cats in an acute form without good treatment turns into a purulent-catarrhal chronic form.

    With proper treatment, endometritis in cats is cured in 2 weeks.

    You can diagnose the disease yourself. It is enough to pay attention to the behavior of the pet. Symptoms include:

    • significant loss of appetite;
    • decrease in milk secretion;
    • refusal to feed the young;
    • fever;
    • cloudy discharge from the genital slit with a bad smell;
    • uncharacteristic behavior of the pet (hunches back, groans, does not allow touching the stomach, does not take care of itself);
    • thirst.

    If you find such symptoms in your pet, you should immediately take him to the veterinarian, where by doing additional tests and an ultrasound examination of the uterus, you can confirm or refute the assumption.

    There are several types of endometritis:

    • downstream - acute (symptoms include pain, fever and profuse vaginal bleeding) and chronic (implicit visibility of signs, diagnosed only by a veterinarian);
    • by clinical nature - pronounced and hidden;
    • according to the nature of inflammation - serous, fibrinous, catarrhal, purulent-catarrhal and purulent.

    If the necessary treatment is not provided on time, the infection can infect the fallopian tubes or the deeper layers of the uterus, in the future this disease appears likely to develop infertility and sepsis, and a high load on the kidneys leads to kidney failure.

    Endometritis in a cat occurs most often after childbirth in an acute form. There is also chronic endometritis.

    Delay afterbirth,

    Penetration into the uterus and birth canal of a cat of specific substances that precipitate and destroy mucopolysaccharides, ensure the body's interaction with infections and increase resistance to infection

    Malnutrition (Read a series of articles on cat nutrition here)

    The best way to help your kitty is to see a veterinarian. However, it is important to recognize signs of endometritis in a cat at an early stage.

    Temperature rise

    - symmetrical hair loss

    Decreased or lack of appetite

    slight fever

    Reduced milk production

    Discharge from the genitals with an admixture of blood. With endometritis in cats, the discharge is strong when the cat lies. With endometritis, the pussy becomes in a pose, as for urination, meows strongly, groans, arches its back.

  • poor appetite
  • exhaustion
  • disheveled
  • Wool falls out
  • In each case, pyometra proceeds in its own way. The combination of symptoms can be very different. Sometimes the condition of the dog remains good for a long time. But more often, the manifestations of the disease make themselves felt quite clearly and intensify over time.

    As a rule, pyometra occurs in animals older than 4 years. But recently, this disease, like many others, has noticeably “become younger” and is diagnosed in bitches up to 3 years old. In order to detect pyometra in time, owners are advised to carefully monitor the health of the dog for 2-3 months after the cessation of estrus.

    Refusal of food.

    The open form of pyometra is accompanied by vaginal discharge. Their abundance depends on the degree of cervical dilatation. The discharge may be purulent or bloody. Sometimes they are dominated by blood. Then it seems that the estrus continues.

    Swollen loop.

    If the pyometra proceeds in a closed form, then there is no discharge, and this makes diagnosis difficult. A dog can die if it is seen by a doctor at a too late stage of the disease.

    During pyometra, a dog may develop kidney dysfunction. Then the animal has a strong thirst and frequent urination.

    At the beginning of the disease, the dog has an increase in body temperature. But it does not last long and gradually normalizes, although pyometra continues to develop.

    An increase in the volume of the abdomen, if this was not preceded by mating. The owner should be careful when trying to feel the area of ​​the dog's uterus, as it can provoke its rupture and acute peritonitis.

    Occasionally, in animals with pyometra, vomiting and diarrhea are observed.

    Endometritis in cats may be asymptomatic at first. The inflammatory process proceeds in a latent form. This is typical for the chronic course of the disease. The symptoms of acute endometritis are as follows:

    • a sharp deterioration in the condition;
    • the pet refuses food;
    • thirst;
    • heat;
    • the abdominal area is painful on palpation;
    • purulent discharge comes out of the vagina;
    • the animal refuses to feed offspring.

    Among the symptoms of the purr, one can note a lack of mood, the presence of discharge from the loop, increased thirst, possibly fever, vomiting and excessive urination can sometimes occur. If you are familiar with similar signs in your mustachioed pet, do not delay a visit to a specialist, otherwise you will start the disease to pyometritis (purulent inflammation of the uterus), and then you definitely cannot do without urgent surgical intervention.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    After collecting a detailed history and a thorough examination at the appointment, the doctor will conduct additional diagnostic methods, such as ultrasound and x-rays, to make a final diagnosis. He will also take a clinical blood test to assess the stage of inflammation, and a biochemical one to control intoxication of the whole organism and possible organ failures.

    In older females, as well as females and cats with a breed predisposition to pathologies of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the heart (ECHOCG) to assess the anesthetic risk before surgery.

    To determine the diagnosis, the doctor may need a smear, which will tell about the state of the microflora of the cat's body, as well as an ultrasound examination of the uterus. A disease detected at an early stage is much easier to treat than a neglected one. For this, antibiotics are most often used, which help to eliminate microbes from the body. Also, the animal can be given drugs that will fight the symptoms of endometritis.

    For more advanced cases, hormone therapy may be needed to keep the uterus in good shape. However, the most effective will be surgical intervention - ovariohysterectomy, or, more simply, sterilization. In this case, the uterus and ovaries will be removed from the cat.

    The operation is not recommended for young cats of reproductive age if the owner of the animal intends to use this individual in order to obtain offspring. Old pets may simply not endure such a procedure.

    Conservative treatment, through the use of various drugs, will be desirable. The veterinarian can decide to perform the operation if part of the pus remains inside the uterine cavity, which can lead to the resumption of the disease and its complications.

    The diagnosis is made on the basis of a general examination, smear studies on the microflora and the results of an ultrasound examination of the uterus. If the disease is detected at an early stage, the treatment of endometritis in a cat is reduced to the elimination of symptoms, general support of the body and the use of antibiotics and broad-spectrum antimicrobials.

    Acute purulent endometritis in cats is more difficult to treat. Often the doctor decides on emergency sterilization, especially if the pus comes out partially, accumulating in the uterine cavity. Sterilization is recommended, even if the disease was managed with conservative methods, since the likelihood of relapse is high.

    Before treatment

    Treatment of this pathology can be surgical and conservative. Most often, for the treatment of endometritis, castration is performed with the removal of the ovaries and uterus (ovarigisterectomy), antibiotic therapy and intravenous infusion are prescribed to reduce bacteremia and intoxication. This is followed by follow-up blood tests.

    The second method is used if the animal carries a reproductive value or cannot be operated on for certain reasons. But here, too, there are downsides. The female must be fertilized in the next estrus, or planned to be castrated before it, so that the disease does not recur.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that if you are the owner of an uncastrated female, then you need to pay close attention to the well-being of your animal. At the first sign of discomfort, take your pet to the veterinary clinic. After all, the sooner the doctor makes a diagnosis and begins treatment, the more favorable the prognosis will be and the faster the recovery period will pass.

    When prescribing treatment, the main task is to suppress the infectious microflora, increase uterine tone, remove purulent fluids from the uterine cavity and restore the body's resistance.

    • Broad-spectrum antibiotics (sumamed, metronidazole, fluconazole, argumestin): intramuscularly, into the uterine cavity, or an aqueous or oil-based solution, 1 r / day
    • Sinestrol, oxytocin, pituitrin - intramuscularly, 2 r / day
    • Mastometrin - subcutaneously 1-2 r / day.
    • Ovariot - intramuscularly, subcutaneously, 1p / 3 days.
    • Ringer's solution, glucose - daily, for a week.
    • Massage of the uterus through the abdominal cavity.

    The scheme for the treatment of endometritis is here.

    Watch your pet and do not hesitate, if you notice that the cat is sick - urgently take her to the veterinary clinic, and the disease will be defeated!

    Having established an accurate diagnosis, depending on the stage of development of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes treatment. In the normal course of the disease, powerful antimicrobial drugs are prescribed. One of these is Argumistin. This is one of the most innovative veterinary drugs that has antiseptic, wound healing and immunostimulating properties.

    In addition to pharmaceutical preparations for a pet, it is necessary to ensure complete rest, feed good food rich in vitamins.

    When the disease is advanced, most often veterinarians remove the uterus (sometimes also the ovaries). Unfortunately, it will be necessary to sterilize the animal, even if the endometritis was managed in the usual way, since a recurrence is possible.

    Delay afterbirth,

    Treat endometritis with a course of antibiotics intramuscularly. To increase the tone of the uterus and remove exudate from it, pituitrin, injections of oxytocin or papaverine, intramuscularly 1% solution of sinestrol are prescribed. Massage the uterus through the peritoneum. They give immunomodulators and vitamins.


    In most cases, surgery is the only chance to save the pet. An operation such as removal of the uterus in the average condition of the animal usually leads to recovery. Together with the uterus, both ovaries are removed.

    Today, veterinarians remove the uterus laparoscopically with intradermal sutures. Postoperative care is reduced to a course of rehabilitation droppers and wearing blankets. Usually, after 10 days, the cat already feels healthy.

    Treatment of pyometra in a cat without surgery is possible.

    Drug treatment consists in an attempt to cleanse the uterus of pus with the help of hormonal drugs. Effective, in particular, the drug "Alizin" with pyometra in cats (an antagonist of the hormone progesterone), which blocks the effect of progesterone on the uterus.

    The treatment regimen also involves the use of antibiotics and symptomatic agents. If pyometra is detected at the very beginning of development, then the chance to save the cat is 15%. Please note that in half of the surviving animals, pyometra can begin again literally at the next estrus. Therefore, the owner of the cat should think about the sterilization of the pet.

    The duration of treatment depends on the degree of development of pyometra. Such drug treatment is ineffective and, given the possible complications, you should not treat the cat yourself, at the slightest suspicion, contact your veterinarian immediately!

    The most guaranteed way of prevention is planned (not emergency) sterilization!

    If sterilization is not included in your plans - annually conduct an ultrasound examination of the uterus, do not use hormonal drugs uncontrollably, do not attend exhibitions during estrus, mating a cat should take place only with proven cats!

    Be attentive to the health of your cat and everything will be fine!

    Pyometra does not respond well to medication. Most often, spaying (removal of the ovaries and uterus) is the only way to save a dog from death. Although there are cases when, at an early stage, pyometra was successfully cured with antibiotics.

    Various types of antibiotics are used to treat pyometra. The most common are Gentamicin and Enoroflox. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor depending on the weight, age and general condition of the dog. In addition, "Prostoglandin" and "Oxytocin" are actively used. The last two hormonal drugs should be used very carefully, as they can provoke uterine rupture, especially with a closed form of the disease.

    Modern treatment regimens for pyometra, in addition to antibiotics, include the drug Gamavit. It helps to strengthen the body's resistance, strengthen immunity, as well as leveling the effects of intoxication. "Gamavit" accelerates the recovery processes in the animal's body without causing side effects.

    However, even after effective treatment of pyometra with medication, the disease often relapses. Therefore, surgery is the only way to rid the dog of the disease once and for all.

    The operation of pyometra in a dog is performed using epidural anesthesia (into a certain area of ​​the spine through a catheter). It avoids the risks that can develop with other types of anesthesia. After the operation, a maintenance course of antibiotics is mandatory. Usually after 2-3 days the dog recovers and a rapid recovery process begins.

    Only in rare cases, for very old animals, euthanasia (artificial killing) becomes the only way out. Usually, pyometra surgery in a dog gives the pet a chance for a definitive recovery. The only disadvantage of the procedure is the loss of reproductive function. This is the price of saving an animal's life.

    At the first symptoms of endometriosis, the animal must be urgently shown to the veterinarian. Treatment is based on two factors: the breeding value of the cat and its age with chronic disease. At the first stage, the doctor may try to limit himself to drug therapy. It includes a large dose of antibiotics.

    The mucous membrane of the uterus is a beneficial environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. They are the cause of the inflammatory process. At the initial stages, they can be destroyed with antibiotics, but the more of them, the less susceptible they are to drugs. After the removal of the reproductive organs, the animal recovers in two weeks. The veterinarian prescribes antibiotics, suture treatment and novocaine blockade to relieve pain for the recovery period.

    In the presence of chronic heart or kidney disease, it is difficult for a cat to give anesthesia. In this case, the veterinarian must decide on the advisability of surgery, weighing all the risks.

    The disease can be treated both therapeutically and surgically. The choice of treatment tactics directly depends on which stage the inflammatory process is at. And then, whether the animal is sick for the first time, or this relapse does not play any role.

    Unfortunately, the most common treatment for baleen patients is the surgical route, which consists of the gradual removal of the uterus and ovaries from the cat. Some clinics have doctors who are called reproductologists. They are engaged in therapeutic treatment of this pathology with the help of antibacterial or hormonal therapy with prostaglandins. This path is especially relevant if a young tribal cat is sick.

    The treatment is preceded by the passage of ultrasound diagnostics, the study of a general blood test and the taking of a vaginal smear for research. Next comes the final diagnosis. Conservative treatment can last from several weeks to one and a half months.

    If the veterinarian still insists on surgical intervention in the animal, then the duration of the postoperative period can be up to 2 weeks. During this time, the cat's body is restored and the animal comes to life.

    Postoperative dog care

    The postoperative period includes several stages, each of which is associated with certain nuances.

    Exit from anesthesia. Animals react differently to it, depending on age, size, breed and individual characteristics. At first, the pet does not walk well, its movements are not coordinated, and the reaction to external stimuli is weak. All reflexes and motor functions should return to normal within a day or two after surgery.

    During the recovery period, the dog should eat well and varied. Give her access to clean water at any time of the day. Give high-quality expensive feed, preferably premium. Also on sale there is a special food for sterilized animals. Gradually return your dog to a normal diet. But she must take vitamins and supplements regularly for six months after the operation.

    A few days later, a fibrous adhesion forms around the suture. Over time, it will dissipate. At first, the suture is swollen and painful to the touch. In the postoperative period, the dog must be regularly walked and kept clean.

    Some complications are possible: high fever, indigestion, kidney failure. To correct them, the doctor prescribes injections and droppers to the dog.

    With proper care and good health, the dog returns to active life after a couple of weeks. Appetite is restored, the stitches heal and they are removed, the animal regularly empties its intestines and bladder on its own.

    Complications and prognosis

    Often, in the absence of treatment, the disease is delayed. The inflammatory process passes to other layers of the uterine wall (myometritis, perimetritis). If the disease is detected and diagnosed on time, then, with the appointment of the correct treatment, the animal recovers within a week. If not, purulent-catarrhal endometritis may begin to develop. In this case, treatment is not prescribed, an ovariohysterectomy is performed (removal of the uterus and ovaries).

    If feline endometritis is not treated, it can soon develop into a more complex disease - pyometritis, which is accompanied by the release of purulent exudate from the loop and rapidly increasing intoxication of the pet's body.

    This leads to the fact that the work of the renal apparatus worsens in the animal, renal failure develops.

    Another complication of advanced endometritis is peritonitis, which implies inflammation of the peritoneum. This can happen after a uterine rupture. Such a case requires urgent surgical intervention, revision of the abdominal cavity, setting up peritoneal drainage and subsequent observation in a hospital for at least 2 weeks.


    Prevention can only be the elimination of all causes of endometritis. It is required to keep the pet in antiseptic conditions, follow the diet and carefully follow the instructions of the veterinarian. For those who are already familiar with the disease, antibiotics may be prescribed to help the animal recover more quickly and avoid recurrence.

    Timely treatment of infectious diseases, which give rise to many diseases, will also be a good helper in the prevention of endometritis.

    Careful care, frequent visits to the veterinarian and personal observations of the behavior of the cat will help, if not to avoid the onset of the disease, then start treatment at an early stage.

    To prevent the occurrence of endometritis, you need:

    • carry out timely vaccination against infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
    • provide good nutrition (especially during pregnancy);
    • do not use hormonal drugs that suppress hunting;
    • sterilization of an animal if breeding is not planned.

    The right approach to disease prevention will give your cat a chance to save offspring, and you - the life and health of your pet.

    Removal of a purulent uterus in a cat price - 4000 rubles.

    regular pregnancy. The maintenance and breeding of cats should be organized in such a way as to exclude long breaks between subsequent hunts (estrus) and the next cover and offspring.

    Prevention of the development of acute postpartum metritis. Compliance with sanitary conditions during childbirth and in the postpartum period. Carrying out timely preventive and therapeutic measures (especially after a “difficult birth”).

    Eliminate the use for a long time of drugs that suppress ovulation and heat (estrus) in cats.

    Prevention and treatment of infectious and other diseases affecting the reproductive system of cats.

    Timely castration (sterilization) of a cat. If further breeding is not planned, we recommend an operation to remove the ovaries and uterus.

    Refine rates. You can learn about the details and consult on the upcoming treatment and procedures by contacting us by phone numbers on the contact page

    Endometritis is a serious disease that affects cats of childbearing age, often characterized by a severe course and leads to the development of complications. This is one of the most common pathologies of the reproductive system, and it is important for pet owners to identify it in a timely manner and take appropriate measures. How does endometritis manifest in a cat, and what should be done when symptoms appear?

    Endometritis in a cat is a dangerous disease

    The disease is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the uterus due to the entry of pathogens into the organ cavity. These can be both pathogenic bacteria that have entered the body from the outside (chlamydia, Klebsiella), and opportunistic microorganisms that inhabit the microflora of the lower genital tract, and under the influence of certain factors can actively multiply.

    The immunity of healthy animals is able to cope with foreign agents, but under favorable conditions (weakening of the body, a high amount of progesterone in the blood, which interferes with the normal functioning of lymphocytes, etc.), bacteria begin to multiply, causing inflammation.

    Most often, endometritis is diagnosed in the postpartum period, but under the influence of a number of reasons it can occur at any time, even in nulliparous individuals. There are many factors that can provoke pathology, but their absence does not protect the reproductive system by 100%, since in some cases the exact cause of its development cannot be established.

    • Postpartum complications. Postpartum complications include retention of the placenta and a decrease in the contractility of the organ, as a result of which remnants of tissues that cause inflammation remain in its cavity.
    • Infections of the reproductive organs. Infectious diseases of the reproductive organs are transmitted sexually after contact of a cat with an infected male. The risk group includes animals that are outdoors, as they often copulate with stray cats. The most common cause of endometritis in females is feline.
    • Diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Viral, bacterial and fungal and other organs can affect the tissues of the uterus, causing endometritis.
    • Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs. Owners who often give their pets drugs like Sex Barrier, etc., seriously risk their health, as hormonal medications cause changes in the secretory function of the uterus and lead to inflammatory processes.

    • Keeping a cat in unsanitary conditions. Failure to comply with sanitary conditions after leads to the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the uterus, since its neck remains open for some time. For this reason, it is important to clean the place where the cat has given birth in a timely manner, change the litter as often as possible and prevent discharge.
    • Unbalanced nutrition. animal, the lack of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins contributes to a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in the functioning of all body systems, including reproductive.
    • Age changes. With age, the uterus in cats becomes thinner, and the body's production of hormones fades, which makes the genitals vulnerable to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

    • Functional uterus. Atony and hypotension of the uterus (decrease and loss of contractility) causes a violation of blood circulation in the walls of the organ and the development of inflammatory processes.
    • Autoimmune disorders. This is a new theory that scientists put forward after examining sick cats - changes were found in the walls of the uterus in many of them, indicating autoimmune disorders.

    The greatest predisposition to the development of endometritis is observed in young females aged 3-4 years, as well as in older individuals who have reached the age of 7-8 years, regardless of. Veterinarians have noticed a connection between the incidence and the genetic factor - if the pathology was diagnosed in the mother, there is a high probability of its occurrence in female kittens.

    Advice! To prevent postpartum endometritis in a cat, it is necessary to monitor the number of afterbirths that have left the uterus - it should equal the number of kittens born.

    In addition, for several hours (no more than a day), a bloody liquid is released from the female's vagina - these are the so-called lochia, which indicate the normal contractile function of the uterus.

    Forms of endometritis

    Depending on the clinical course of endometritis, there are several forms of the disease. Acute pathology most often develops 5-6 days after a difficult birth, is characterized by severe symptoms, chronic develops in any period, the signs may be blurred or absent altogether. In addition, varieties of the disease may have certain features of the inflammatory process, on the basis of which endometritis is divided into catarrhal, purulent, fibrinous, necrotic and gangrenous.

    Table 1. Forms of endometritis in cats.

    Form of the diseasePeculiarities
    catarrhalThe pathological process affects the upper layer of the endometrium, the main symptom is the release of a transparent mucous substance
    PurulentIt affects the deep layers of the endometrium, is characterized by fever, intoxication of the body and the appearance of purulent exudate with an unpleasant odor.
    fibrinousA yellowish-brown liquid is released from the genital tract of a sick animal, which contains fibrin, a special protein that is part of the blood plasma.
    Necrotic metritisdevelops after childbirth, affects the deep layers of uterine tissues, on which dead (necrotic) areas are formed
    Gangrenous metritisAn extremely severe postpartum complication, due to which the breakdown of uterine tissues occurs

    Necrotic and gangrenous metritis are considered the most dangerous forms of pathology - with their development, even timely medical care cannot always save the animal, and mortality reaches 70-80%.

    Attention! If a cat has underdeveloped or dead kittens, it should be shown to a doctor even in the absence of alarming symptoms - it is possible that the cause of pathologies in newborns was an intrauterine infection, which can soon develop into severe endometritis in a female.

    Video - Endometritis in a cat

    Symptoms and signs of the disease

    The incubation period of the disease can be 2-7 days, after which the following symptoms are observed in the animal:

    • lethargy, apathy, fever and loss of appetite;
    • the appearance of abundant secretions from the genital tract of a different nature, depending on the form of endometritis - mucous, purulent, yellowish-brown, etc .;
    • pain in the abdomen, which can be determined by the following signs - the cat bends, screams plaintively and constantly sits down as if to urinate, and on palpation, you can feel a strong tension in the walls of the uterus;
    • refusal to feed and care for kittens, lack of milk;
    • hair loss.

    In the chronic form of endometritis, the symptoms are similar, but may be less pronounced. The absence of discharge does not indicate a mild course of the disease - this is a sign of accumulation of exudate in the uterine cavity, which can lead to infection of the kidneys, severe intoxication and the development of sepsis.

    Advice! If you suspect endometritis and there is no abundant discharge, you should carefully examine the genital opening of the animal and the hair around it - since a small amount of exudate is still released to the outside, the hairline will always be wet.

    Complications with advanced postpartum endometritis

    The inflammatory process in the uterus can provoke serious complications, primarily the development of peritonitis and pyometra - a purulent lesion of the deep layers of the uterine tissues, which can lead to death. In the absence of medical assistance, the disease affects not only the reproductive system, but also the kidneys, which leads to a violation of vital functions.

    Another, no less dangerous complication of endometritis is sepsis, which develops as a result of the spread of infection through the bloodstream to all organs. The chronic course of the disease can cause infertility in a cat, which is especially true for owners of purebred animals that have breeding value.

    Diagnosis of endometritis

    The diagnosis of suspected endometritis is made on the basis of an external examination, anamnesis, clinical and instrumental diagnostic methods. These include a general and biochemical blood test, a study on the concentration of hormones in the blood and the collection of exudate to determine the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to antibiotic therapy. The necessary instrumental diagnostics include ultrasound, which allows you to determine changes in the walls of the uterus and the presence of fluid in its cavity. Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, an x-ray is performed - with endometritis, a shaded organ with a certain level of exudate will be visible in the picture.

    Important! It is strictly forbidden to take any measures on your own if you suspect endometritis - only a doctor can determine and prescribe treatment. While waiting for medical attention, the owner can give the cat little by little water or chamomile infusion to reduce intoxication.

    Methods and scheme of treatment

    With the development of endometritis, it is important to deliver the animal to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible - in the early stages, the disease is successfully treated with conservative methods. Therapeutic procedures are aimed at achieving the following goals:

    • release of the uterine cavity from fluid;
    • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
    • restoration of the functions of the uterus and normalization of its tone;
    • elimination of intoxication;
    • boosting immunity.

    When prescribing therapy, it is important to take into account the level of progesterone in the blood of the animal - it should be sufficient to ensure tight closure of the cervix, as well as the reaction of her body to the drugs. The treatment regimen for endometritis in cats includes the use of a number of drugs that can achieve a good effect.

    Table 2. Scheme for the treatment of endometritis.

    Category of medicinesPreparationsPurpose of application

    Destroy pathogenic microflora, stop the inflammatory process

    Increase the tone of the uterine walls and improve blood circulation in the tissues


    Used when attaching a fungal infection

    Detoxification and plasma-substituting agents

    Ringer's solution or five percent glucose, Reopoliglyukin

    Elimination of intoxication and its consequences, prevention of dehydration, restoration of normal metabolic processes

    Improving the functioning of the immune system, increasing the body's resistance

    The doctor prescribes the dosage, duration of treatment and method of administration of drugs - in the first few days of therapy, drugs are usually administered intramuscularly or intrauterineally to achieve maximum effect.

    If the disease is diagnosed in the later stages, the animal undergoes an operation to remove the uterus and ovaries. In the postoperative period, the cat needs to prevent complications, taking vitamins and immunomodulators, as well as diet food containing light, but nutritious and healthy foods.

    Endometritis in cats treated with antibiotics

    For reference! Even if conservative therapy has given the necessary results, doctors recommend sterilizing animals that are not of breeding value, since endometritis tends to recur.

    What is the prognosis for endometritis in cats

    The prognosis depends on the form and stage of the disease, as well as the general condition of the pet's body. With timely and proper therapy, endometritis can be completely cured, while maintaining the cat's ability to bear children, but a certain risk of relapse still remains. If left untreated, the animal dies, and the necrotic and gangrenous form of the disease leads to death in 70% of cases, even when medical care is provided to the animal.

    Prevention of endometritis

    Healthy cats with good immunity, which are kept in normal conditions and eat properly, are much less likely to get endometritis. In addition, to prevent the development of the disease, the owner must adhere to the following rules:

    • do not use hormonal drugs without the need and consultation with a veterinarian;
    • if it is not planned to get offspring from a cat, it is better to sterilize it at a young age;
    • to obtain offspring, you need an animal with healthy cats in a timely manner;
    • monitor the condition of the cat's reproductive system, especially after childbirth, and at the first signs of disturbances in the body, immediately contact a specialist.

    Endometritis in cats is a dangerous disease that can cause serious complications and even death of the animal, but with timely therapy and preventive measures, its health and reproductive function can be preserved.

    Owners of cats often face diseases of their reproductive sphere. Many do not rush to see a doctor. And this is wrong, because time can be lost forever. Endometritis in cats is an inflammatory disease of the uterus and its appendages. Pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the uterine cavity are fixed on the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the organ) and begin their active reproduction. The disease has several forms of flow, differing in their symptoms. Left untreated, endometritis becomes severe, killing, and even threatening her life.

    According to the nature of the course, acute and chronic forms of the disease are distinguished. Acute endometritis in a cat is more often a postpartum complication. The disease usually manifests sharply, a few days after a difficult birth. The chronic form is characterized by blurred symptoms and a long course.

    In addition, endometritis differs in the type of inflammation:

    • Catarrhal (mucous) endometritis. The infection is localized only on the surface layer of the endometrium. The inflammatory process is accompanied by the release of a mucous exudate of a transparent color.
    • Purulent endometritis. It affects the deeper layers of the uterine mucosa. It is characterized by purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor. The disease proceeds with intoxication and with an increase in body temperature.
    • Fibrinous endometritis. Accompanied by the release of yellow-brown exudate, which contains a lot of fibrin - a special transparent protein dissolved in blood plasma.
    • Postpartum necrotizing metritis. The infection captures the deep tissues of the uterus, in which necrotic areas appear.
    • Postpartum gangrenous metritis. A very severe postpartum disease in which the tissues of the uterus disintegrate.

    Causes of the disease

    The main causative agents of endometritis are opportunistic microorganisms, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, which under normal conditions are present in the microflora of the external genital organs of a cat. It can be staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and some others.

    Infection occurs mainly mechanically. And the following factors provoke it:

    • postpartum complications;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • low body resistance.

    Postpartum complications

    This is the most common cause of the disease. These include retention of the placenta, postpartum atony of the uterus, postpartum vulvitis and vaginitis (spread of infection from the external genitalia).

    Hormonal imbalance

    The hormonal route of infection in young cats is associated with the release of the hormone progesterone during estrus with simultaneous reflex thickening of the endometrium. At a time when the cat's body is preparing for fertilization and bearing offspring, her uterus becomes very vulnerable to various kinds of infections. The exudate produced by it at this time is easily infected with pathogenic microflora. The condition is aggravated by the fact that leukocytes do not have access to pathogenic microorganisms. This means that the immune system cannot perform its protective function.

    Older cats are more likely to develop chronic endometritis due to age-related hormonal imbalances.

    Another cause of endometritis is the frequent use of hormonal drugs that reduce the sexual activity of a cat.

    Low body resistance

    The infection can enter the uterine cavity by the endogenous (internal) route, penetrating from already infected organs. A weakened body is an open gate for infection. This is facilitated by an unbalanced diet, physical inactivity, overweight, poor living conditions.

    Endometritis can also occur as a complication of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia).

    The risk group for the disease is made up of individuals over the age of 5 years, cats with complicated heredity (it has been proven that the disease is often transmitted from mother to daughter), as well as animals leading a street lifestyle.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The nature of the inflammatory process in the uterus determines the severity of certain manifestations of the disease.

    Signs of acute endometritis

    The incubation period can last from two to five days. The acute onset, first of all, is reflected in the general condition of the animal. The cat becomes lethargic, lethargic, refuses to eat. Body temperature is elevated. Pain in her abdomen causes her to meow, bend over, take a sitting posture, as during urination.

    The animal refuses kittens, does not feed them. Palpating the abdomen, the veterinarian feels that he is tense, and the uterus is significantly enlarged.

    In the event that the cervix is ​​open, inflammation is manifested by copious discharge. They are evidenced by small puddles that the animal leaves behind and wet hair near the anus. The nature of the discharge indicates the severity of the inflammation:

    • if the inflammation is catarrhal in nature, then the discharge is transparent, odorless;
    • a greenish-brown exudate with an admixture of blood and an unpleasant odor testifies to purulent inflammation.

    In the event that the cervix is ​​closed, the secreted exudate gradually accumulates inside, without having an exit to the outside. It is absorbed into the blood, general intoxication increases. The infection can travel up the ureters to the kidneys. If pyometra develops (an accumulation of purulent exudate in the uterine cavity), then the onset of sepsis is likely.

    Signs of chronic endometritis

    Symptoms and treatment of acute and chronic forms of enteritis do not differ. Although in the chronic course of uterine discharge is much less. The disease can be identified by symmetrical hair loss in the region of the tail, thighs and lower abdomen as a result of hormonal disorders. This condition can last for several months, but with a decrease in immunity, there is a possibility of it developing into an acute and even purulent phase.


    The main diagnostic procedures are history taking, biochemical analysis of blood and urine, blood tests for sex hormones. The most informative method of examination in this situation is the ultrasound of the uterus and radiography of the abdominal cavity. Smears are taken from the vagina for laboratory research in order to establish the nature of the pathological microflora.


    Early contact with the veterinary clinic is very important, because if the disease is caught at an early stage, then its signs can be achieved without resorting to surgery. And this means that not only life will be saved, but also the reproductive function of the animal. This is especially important if the cat has breeding value.

    Conservative treatment combines methods of general and local effects on infected tissues. Great importance is attached to drug therapy. The main treatment procedures are as follows:

    • release of the uterus from exudate containing a large amount of pathogenic microflora;
    • to increase the tone of the uterus and improve its blood supply, the hormones Oxytocin, Pituitrin and the cholinesterase inhibitor Prozerin are used;
    • the inflammatory process is removed by the appointment of antimicrobial drugs (Sumamed, Metronidazole);
    • if a fungal infection has joined, then the therapy is supplemented with the appointment of antifungal drugs (Fluconazole);
    • symptoms of intoxication are relieved by administering Ringer's solution or five percent glucose;
    • to increase immunity, immunomodulators are prescribed (Ribotan, Gamavit).

    If the course of the disease has become severe, protracted, then drug treatment of acute endometritis in cats does not always lead to recovery. In this case, a surgical operation to remove the uterus and ovaries is indicated - ovariohysterectomy.


    Good living conditions and attentive care will serve as the best prevention of endometritis, and other diseases. First of all, it is necessary to exclude factors that can lead to the disease. The main preventive measures for the development of endometritis are as follows:

    • do not give the cat hormonal drugs that regulate her sexual desire;
    • if the animal does not have breeding value, and is not worth the goal of obtaining offspring, it is advisable to sterilize it as early as childhood;
    • to obtain offspring, an animal should be knitted in a timely manner;
    • carry out regular prevention of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, especially after childbirth;
    • make a complete diet, which should include all the necessary vitamins and minerals;
    • constantly monitor the state of the immune system.

    Endometritis at an early stage is successfully treated, and, in most cases, the animal fully recovers and can produce healthy offspring.

    In the case of a complicated course and with late treatment, infertility may develop, and if the infectious process spreads throughout the body through the blood, the prognosis may be unfavorable.

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