Auspicious days for indoor flowers. Indoor flower transplant calendar. Favorable days for transplanting indoor plants

The time for the lunar calendar of the flower grower is Moscow.
The beginning of the lunar day is the time of moonrise.

Attention: During the winter months, most indoor plants have a dormant period or a significant slowdown in growth. Minimal care is watering, pest control and transshipment if necessary: ​​if the plant was flooded, pests appeared. Loosening the soil and sanitary pruning are also carried out as necessary: ​​if the earth in the pot does not dry out for a long time, the branches have dried up from the draft, etc. Other care methods: top dressing, vaccinations, shaping and rejuvenating pruning, transplanting, dividing, etc. should be postponed until the end of November, until the truly bright days come. The exception is plants that are illuminated by lamps, and which continue to grow, bloom or bear fruit.

the date Lunar day Moon in sign moon rise Moonset Moon phase Moon without a course Recommended Not recommended
Nov. 1 3rd Sagittarius from 18:20 08:52 18:04 1st quarter waxing moon from 05:44 to 17:43

Until 17:43 The moon is off course, do not work with plants.

From 17:43 to 18:20

You can water and spray the plants.

After 18:20 Moon in Sagittarius

Digging the earth, weeding.

November 2 4th Sagittarius 09:53 18:36 1st quarter waxing moon

Sowing and planting ampelous plants.
Digging the earth, weeding.
Spraying against pests and diseases.
At home, you can sow greens in boxes or pots (with additional illumination).

You can plant root crops for distillation.

Watering and regular spraying, fertilizing, pruning, pinching.

the 3rd of November 5th Sagittarius 10:51 19:14 1st quarter waxing moon from 13:35

Sowing and planting ampelous plants.
Digging the earth, weeding.
Spraying against pests and diseases.
At home, you can sow greens in boxes or pots (with additional illumination).

You can plant root crops for distillation.

After 13:35 the moon is off course, do not work with plants.

Watering and regular spraying, fertilizing, pruning, pinching.
November 4 6th Capricorn from 05:34 11:44 19:59 1st quarter waxing moon

Cardinal pruning.

November 5 7th Capricorn 12:31 20:53 1st quarter waxing moon

Planting vegetables for forcing: onion, garlic, parsley. Before winter, you can sow carrots, spinach, onions, dill.

If you have good lighting, you can graft and cut into the ground (under a bag or jar) indoor fruit trees.

Transshipment, transplantation of plants if necessary. You can replace the top layer of the earth.

Watering, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers for plants in the growth stage are acceptable.

Spraying against diseases and pests.

Cardinal pruning.

Do not feed plants that do not have visible growth and are poorly lit.

November 6 8th Aquarius from 17:12 13:11 1st quarter waxing moon from 12:56 to 16:55

Planting vegetables for forcing: onion, garlic, parsley. Before winter, you can sow carrots, spinach, onions, dill.

If you have good lighting, you can graft and cut into the ground (under a bag or jar) indoor fruit trees.

Transshipment, transplantation of plants if necessary. You can replace the top layer of the earth.

Watering, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers for plants in the growth stage are acceptable.

Spraying against diseases and pests.

From 12:56 to 16:55 The moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

After 17:12 Moon in Aquarius

Cardinal pruning.

Do not feed plants that do not have visible growth and are poorly lit.

After 17:12

Refrain from watering, transplanting and top dressing, as well as cardinal pruning of the crown.

November 7 9th Aquarius 13:45 23:02 2nd quarter waxing moon

You can sow and plant some indoor plants that are not fruitful and the most unpretentious.

You can put things in order in the garden, burn plant residues, disinfect greenhouses, spray trees that have shed their leaves with iron sulphate.

November 8 10th Aquarius 14:14 2nd quarter waxing moon from 16:54

You can sow and plant some indoor plants that are not fruitful and the most unpretentious.

You can put things in order in the garden, burn plant residues, disinfect greenhouses, spray trees that have shed their leaves with iron sulphate.

After 16:54 Moon without a course, do not work with plants.

Refrain from watering, transplanting and top dressing, as well as cardinal pruning of the crown.
November 9 11th Pisces from 02:07 14:41 00:14 2nd quarter waxing moon until 00:45
10th of November 12th Fish 15:05 01:31 2nd quarter waxing moon

Sowing and planting indoor plants, especially decorative flowering plants, cacti and succulents.

Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with good additional illumination and active plant growth.

Conduct an audit of vegetables harvested for storage, the cellar should not only be cold, but also dry. Sort the purchased potatoes, dry them, throw out all the damaged tubers.

Do not transplant and injure the root system of plants.
11th of November 13th Aries from 05:55 15:29 02:52 2nd quarter waxing moon from 02:16 to 04:45

Planting vegetables for forcing: onion, garlic, parsley. Before winter, you can sow carrots, spinach, onions, dill.

Cardinal pruning.

Watering and feeding.

November 12 14th Aries 15:54 04:15 2nd quarter waxing moon from 15:45

Planting vegetables for forcing: onion, garlic, parsley. Before winter, you can sow carrots, spinach, onions, dill.

Sowing beautiful flowering houseplants.

Weed weeding. Thinning the crown, removing dry leaves, dead branches.

You can graft, but do not cut.

From 15:45 The moon is off course, do not work with plants.

Cardinal pruning.

Watering and feeding.

the 13th of November 15th Taurus from 06:38 16:22 05:41 2nd quarter waxing moon until 05:24

Podzimnie crops of vegetables can be carried out.

A good time to sow cacti and succulents.
Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers - if necessary.

Pruning crown and roots. Transplantation, grafting, cuttings.
November 14 16th Taurus 16:55 07:08 Full moon 16:52 from 16:52
15th of November 17th Gemini since 05:28 17:34 08:32 3rd quarter waning moon until 04:23
November 16 18th Twins 18:23 09:50 3rd quarter waning moon from 13:57

Crown thinning, sanitary pruning - removal of dry leaves and branches.

Weeding and thinning seedlings and loosening the earth.

Cleaning on window sills and shelves.

From 13:57 Moon without a course, do not work with plants.

Transplantation and pruning of roots, division of rhizomes and offspring, watering and top dressing.
November 17 19th Cancer since 04:20 19:21 10:58 3rd quarter waning moon until 03:57

Loosening and preparation of the earth.

November 18th 20s Crayfish 20:26 11:52 3rd quarter waning moon

Soaking, sowing and planting tuberous, as well as bulbous and caudex.

Watering and, if necessary, fertilizing with organic fertilizers. Control of root pests and infections.

Loosening and preparation of the earth.

Shelter of fruit trees in the garden with fallen leaves, burning plant residues.

Treatment of trees and shrubs from diseases and pests.

Planting and sowing of climbing and ampelous plants, as well as tall plants, as well as delicate herbaceous plants or greenery.

Pruning crowns, laying vegetables, bulbs, root crops and tuberous plants for storage.

November 19 21st Leo from 06:25 21:37 12:36 3rd quarter waning moon from 01:02 to 06:14
20 November 22nd a lion 22:49 13:09 3rd quarter waning moon

Sowing cacti, succulents and any drought-resistant plants. Thinning seedlings, picking.

Planting and transplanting indoor plants if necessary.

Disinfection of greenhouses, greenhouses, inventory in the garden.

Watering, spraying, top dressing.
Sowing seeds and transplanting herbaceous and fruit-bearing plants.

November 21 22nd Virgo from 12:59 13:37 4th quarter waning moon from 11:33 to 12:34

from 11:33 to 12:34 Moon without a course, do not work with plants.

After 12:59 Moon in Virgo

Processing and preparation of the earth.

Sanitary pruning.

Soaking seeds.

November 22 23rd Virgo 00:01 14:00 4th quarter waning moon from 20:41

Processing and preparation of the earth.

Sowing and planting indoor plants.

Watering and, if necessary, fertilizing with organic or humus fertilizers.

Sanitary pruning.

Cleaning in the garden or on the windowsills. Sowing winter root crops.

After 20:41 Moon without a course, do not work with plants.

Sowing and planting plants intended for seeds and for fruiting.

Soaking seeds.

November 23 24th Libra from 21:45 01:11 14:21 4th quarter waning moon until 22:42 The moon without a course, do not work with plants.
November 24 25th Scales 02:19 14:40 4th quarter waning moon
November 25 26th Scales 03:26 14:59 4th quarter waning moon from 16:52

Planting and seeding of tuberous plants and caudex and flowering plants.

Rooting cuttings, sanitary pruning.

If necessary, fertilizing plants with organic fertilizers and watering.

Loosening, weeding, mulching.

Forcing greens, planting lettuce on the windowsill.

Tidy trees and shrubs in the garden to prevent damage from wind and snow.

From 16:52 The moon is off course, do not work with plants.

Grafting, spraying, seed soaking.
November 26 27th Scorpio from 10:35 04:33 15:19 4th quarter waning moon until 11:01

Until 11:01 Moon without a course, do not work with plants.

After 11:01

Sowing planting of perennial crops, as well as cacti and ampelous plants. It is possible to plant vegetable greens on the windowsill.

Pruning and pinching to curb crown growth.

It is possible to loosen and weed (neatly), if necessary, transshipment of indoor flowers.

Watering, if necessary, fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

Spraying against pests and diseases.

November 27 28th Scorpion 05:38 15:41 4th quarter waning moon

Tidy trees and shrubs in the garden to prevent damage from wind and snow.

Transplantation, any damage to the roots, division of tubers, rhizomes and bulbs.

Sowing, planting, picking tuberous plants.

November 28 29th Sagittarius from 23:35 06:43 16:07 4th quarter waning moon from 00:48 to 23:46

Watering, spraying, including from pests and diseases.

Tidy trees and shrubs in the garden to prevent damage from wind and snow.

Refrain from serious activities in the garden and at home.
29th of November 30s and 1st Sagittarius 07:47 16:37 New Moon 15:18 We have a rest, we read useful literature on gardening and floriculture.
November 30th 2nd Sagittarius 08:47 17:13 1st quarter waxing moon Tidy trees and shrubs in the garden to prevent damage from wind and snow.

Auspicious days in November 2016

  • from November 1 to November 6 - the growing moon
  • from November 8 to 13 - the growing moon
  • from November 15 to 20 - waning moon
  • from November 22 to 28 - the waning moon
  • November 30 - waxing moon

Bad days in November 2016

  • November 7 - First quarter
  • November 14 - Full Moon
  • November 21 - Last quarter
  • November 29 - New Moon

Note: do not take the grower's lunar calendar literally as a guide to action. If in October or January you see recommendations that “you can sow and plant some indoor plants” or “water and feed with organic top dressing”, then know that only experienced gardeners can follow them and this applies only to plants that are in certain conditions. For example, fruit-bearing indoor trees can be fed monthly, even in winter. Plants that are in warm conditions of long daylight hours (with additional illumination of lamps) in autumn and winter can also be fed and even transplanted. Experienced flower growers can successfully cut and re-root plants in winter, as well as sow seeds or carry out artificial pollination. In the general rules of crop production, with the onset of autumn, cooling, reduction of daylight hours and light intensity, i.e. the transition of plants to the stage of dormancy or slowdown in development, it is strongly not recommended to carry out feeding, transplanting, grafting, pruning and other procedures.

It is unlikely that you will be able to find at least one corner of our planet, devoid of lovers of growing indoor flowers and ornamental plants. It is not surprising, because bright green bushes, especially flowering ones, fill the house with comfort and positive atmosphere, give an unusual aura, heal the body and soul of the owners.

Everyone, even a novice florist, knows that the most favorable periods for transplanting and planting indoor plants are autumn and spring. Not even here everything is as clear as it seems. Each individual culture needs specific conditions and care measures that must not be forgotten. When compiling the lunar calendar of indoor plants 2016, astrologers set themselves the task of determining the most favorable and unfavorable periods for transplanting, sowing, etc. So, when transplanting indoor plants, it would be worthwhile to focus on several important facts.

  1. The best periods for such a process on the growing moon
  2. It is worth transplanting only if the plant really needs it (cramped pot, etc.), otherwise it is better to leave the procedure until the next favorable period
  3. When choosing a day for a transplant, you should focus on the zodiac signs of the Earth, and not Water. The days when the Moon is in Virgo are considered ideal.
  4. In February, April and June, indoor plants should not be transplanted at all.

The lunar calendar provided below contains processed and structured information about successful periods for manipulating indoor plants for flower growers in the CIS countries.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for 2016, table

Sowing flower seeds Planting tuberous and bulbous Planting curly Rooting cuttings Transplantation
January 18, 22 3-5, 29, 31 2 18, 22 13-14, 18
February 14-15, 18-19 5-6, 25-26, 28-29 16-17 14, 18-19 9, 14, 28
March 12-13, 17, 21 4-5, 13, 26 14 5, 12, 17 12-13, 21
April 13, 17-18, 20 1, 27-28 11, 20 9, 13, 20 9, 17-18
May 10, 15, 17-19 25 17-18 10, 17-18 13
June 7, 13-14, 18 2-3, 20 13-14 7, 13-14 11, 16-17
July 8-9, 11, 16 28 11, 30 11, 17, 28 8-9, 13-14, 17, 28
August 5, 7-8, 12-15 23-24 7-8 7-8, 14-15 5, 9, 14-15
September 3-4, 8, 11 19-20 3-4 3-4, 11 6-7, 11
October 6, 8 28 20 8 3-4, 13
November 2, 4-5 24-25 - 4-5 4-5, 9-10
December 2, 11 - - 2, 11 2, 6, 11

Unfavorable days in 2016 for planting or transplanting indoor plants

Caring for indoor plants is a science that is not inferior in complexity and laboriousness to growing crops. After all, flowers and other ornamental plants are incredibly sensitive not only to the microclimatic features of the room and the emotional atmosphere in the house, but also to the lunar phases. The houseplant calendar 2016 will allow hostesses to do all the plant care work for the future, avoiding unfavorable days.

Everyone who is professionally engaged in growing indoor flowers and even just lovers of indoor plants knows that spring and autumn are the best periods for planting and transplanting indoor plants. But some indoor plants need special care and climate conditions that cannot be neglected. Therefore, one of the main tasks of an astrologer is to identify favorable days for transplanting and planting indoor plants, rooting cuttings, taking into account the phases of the moon, the stay of the moon in certain signs and much more.

When compiling the Lunar calendar for indoor plants for 2016, the most favorable and unfavorable days were taken into account. The list of unfavorable days for transplanting / planting indoor plants in 2016 is given under the table " Lunar calendar for indoor plants for 2016 ".

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for 2016 was compiled specifically for the CIS countries, contains the most favorable days for transplanting, planting indoor plants (climbing, tuberous and bulbous), rooting cuttings, sowing flower seeds.


Sowing flower seeds

Planting climbing indoor plants

Planting tuberous and bulbous indoor flowers

Rooting cuttings

Favorable days for transplanting indoor plants



5, 6, 25, 26, 28, 29





7, 11, 13, 14, 18


8, 9, 13, 14, 18, 28


5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15



November(Leaf fall)


Unfavorable days for transplanting / planting indoor plants in 2016

January(Sichen) 9, 10, 11, 12, 23, 24, 25;

February(Luty) 7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23;

March(Berezen) 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24;

April(Kviten) 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30;

May(Traven) 1, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28;

June(Cherven) 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24;

July(Lipen) 3, 4, 5, 19, 20, 21, 22;

August(Serpen) 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 31;

September(Spring) - 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 30;

October(Zhovten) 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 30, 31;

November(Leaf fall) 1, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30;

December(Breast) 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30, 31.

In the cold season, when you want to wrap yourself in a blanket and do nothing, amateur gardeners have no time for rest. Starting in January, it is necessary to calculate almost every day in advance in order to know when to start preparing seeds, when to plant, apply fertilizers and other nutrients. It is also important to protect each plant from diseases and pests in time. The amount of work is simply huge, so as not to get confused and do everything right, there is a special table - this is a huge help to flower growers - it indicates the sowing time for each plant, the ripening time and the approximate flowering time. For each region of the country, they are different, in general, experts give a simplified scheme for planting crops, adapted to the average climate (central Russia).

Lunar calendar indoor florist 2016

First, let's find out when you can sow seeds for growing indoor flowers. The fact is that there are a lot of planting calendars, so it is so important to take into account all the nuances.

When can you sow indoor flower plant seeds:

  1. In 2016, there are several auspicious days in each month for planting flower seeds. If you follow the recommendations of experienced flower growers, you can grow many flowering plants on your windowsill. So, in January there are only 2 days favorable for planting - these are January 18 and 22. It is best to choose the first half of the day for sowing seeds, closer to dinner.
  2. From February to September inclusive, only 4 days are allocated in each month when planting work can be carried out. Starting from mid-February, on St. Valentine's Day (February 14), you can start sowing indoor flower seeds. The next day, work is allowed to continue. If in these 2 days you did not have time to complete what you started, you can only complete it on February 18 and 19. By the way, due to the fact that the daylight hours are still short, it is necessary to consider additional lighting. In January and February, this rule must be observed without fail. If there is no special lamp, then it is worth considering the option of constructing a reflector (glass attached to the window or a special reflective film).
  3. Starting in mid-March, you can plant some houseplants again. Auspicious days: March 12 and 13, as well as March 17 and 21.
  4. In April, almost from the middle of the month - on the 13th, allocate some time for landing, as well as on April 17-18 and 20.
  5. In May, too, do not miss the opportunity to plant your favorite flowers: the favorable period starts from May 10, then May 15, 17 and 18. There is no need to provide additional lighting; in the spring months, the sun shines more intensely and looks out the window more often. If the weather is cloudy, the sky is covered with clouds, only then it is necessary to take care of the organization of artificial lighting. This is a mandatory measure.
  6. The summer months are also a favorable time for planting, but you need to take care of additional watering and shading the plants if the seedling boxes are placed on the windowsill. Days for planting in June: June 7, 11, 13 and 14, as well as June 18.
  7. July is the hottest month of the year, do not forget about soil moisture, protect crops from direct sunlight. Auspicious days for planting indoor crops this month: July 8-9, 11 and 16.
  8. August is the most special and important month of the year for many flower growers. A whole week is set aside for planting: the days are scattered, so it is necessary to plan everything in advance. You can start landing from August 5, continue on August 7 and 8, and then from August 12 to 15.
  9. The first autumn month still pleases with warm weather, so 4 favorable days are allocated for planting: these are September 3 and 4, 8 and 11.
  10. For those who need to sow seeds for seedlings in order to enjoy the first blooming flowers in early spring, you should not miss the opportunity and mark these 2 important days in your calendar with a red marker: October 6 and 8, as the most favorable time for planting.
  11. In November, it is also allowed to engage in "garden" affairs, only 3 days: these are October 2, as well as October 4 and 5, when you can have time to annoy what has not yet been planted earlier.
  12. December is a harsh month, it does not please with warmth, there is very little sun at this time of the year. Still, we do not give up hope and implement ideas - a favorable time for planting plants in December 2 and 11. Immediately after planting, we think over and organize additional lighting for seedlings.
  1. Only on January 20 you can plant your favorite climbing plants.
  2. In February, there are a little more chances for landing: favorable days are January 6 and 17.
  3. In March, only on the 14th, you can plant something from climbing plants.
  4. In April, there are more chances of planting again, if you have already decided on plant varieties, wait for favorable days, these are April 11 and 20.
  5. There are also 2 days in May when your labors will not be in vain. According to the lunar calendar, in May 2016, climbing plants can be planted on the 17th and 18th.
  6. June, July and August are the most important months of the year, the plants rise so quickly that you can not have time to admire their beauty. Literally every day, curly flowers gradually fill the free space. In June, the favorable time for landing is on the 3rd and 14th, and in July - almost in the middle of the month - on July 14 and at the end of the 30th, and in August - these days fall at the beginning of the month - on August 7 and 8.
  7. In September, you can still have time to plant climbing plants, while it is warm and sunny - September 3 and 4, the most favorable days for planting.
  8. But in October there is only one such day - this is October 20th. In November and December, nothing else can be planted from plants, as they may not take root or develop poorly.

What to do if you need to transplant mature plants? Is it worth sticking to a special schedule or can this work be done at any free time? Experienced flower growers in this case are in no hurry to quickly cope with the work, but wait for a favorable period for transplanting indoor plants.

When can plants be transplanted:

  1. In the winter months - in January and February, this work can be done on January 13-14 and 8, February 10, 14 and 29. Set aside the first half of the day for planting.
  2. In March and April, 3 good days are also allocated when it is allowed to transplant home plants. We remember them: March 12-13 and 21, April 9, 17-18.
  3. Mid-May - Only the 15th can be transplanted, so wait until the middle of the month.
  4. There are 3 favorable days in June: these are the 11th, 16th and 17th.
  5. In July, you can complete the lion's share of all transplant work, because more time is allocated for plant renewal: these are July 8-9, 13-14, 18 and 28.
  6. In August, you can devote 4 whole days to transplanting plants: at the beginning of the month on August 5 and 9, in the middle of the 14-15th.
  7. Starting from September, the number of favorable days for plant transplantation decreases: in September it is 6 and 7, as well as the 11th, in October 3-4 and 13, in November a little more - 4-5, November 9-10.
  8. December is not deprived of the opportunity to update indoor plants, 3 days are allocated, these are December 2, 6 and 11.

As for planting tuberous and bulbous flowers, there are separate recommendations and favorable days, there are as many as 31 of them in 2016!

This is a good figure, consider the favorable days in each month:

  1. In January and February - the most favorable time for planting bulbous flowers: from January 3 to 5, as well as January 29 and 30 - planting of bulbous and tuberous plants is allowed. In February, there is a record number of such days - 6 days are allocated: this is February 5-6 and from February 25 to 29. Don't miss the opportunity to plant your favorite tulips, crocuses and daffodils.
  2. March and April - please with favorable days for planting: there are 3 of them in each month: in March it is March 4-5, 13 and 26, in April: April 1, 27-28. In May, only 1 day is allocated when you can do planting work: this is May 25th.
  3. June is the first month of summer, starting from the beginning of the month (June 2-3), mid-June 17 and at the end of the month on the 30th, you can start planting.
  4. In the hottest month, you can relax and only at the end - July 28, plant bulbous plants.
  5. In August, the number of "good" days is growing: these are August 23 and 24.
  6. In September, you can also have time to land on the 19th and 20th.
  7. In October, only 1 day is allocated for landing - October 28, but in November there are 2 of them: November 24 and 25.
  8. December is a month of rest. There are no favorable days for landing in the lunar landing calendar of 2016.

The grower's lunar calendar includes only favorable days, there are also unfavorable days for transplanting and planting plants, as well as neutral ones, but there is no need to talk about them in detail.

It is enough just to pick up a calendar and circle the favorable planting dates with a red felt-tip pen.

Lunar calendar florist for June 2016

In 2016, in the first month of summer, the phases of the moon will change in the following sequence: the new moon falls on June 5th. The first quarter (half of the phase) - on June 12. The full moon should be expected on June 20, and the third quarter of the moon falls on June 27. Based on this, astrologers are developing a special calendar, with the help of which, taking into account the phase of the moon, it is possible to determine the most favorable day for planting flowers this month. An unfavorable time is also easy to understand by elimination.

Be careful, as the calendar is based on Moscow time. In order to comply with the recommendations indicated in the lunar calendar, it is necessary to calculate your time zone (for residents of other areas). How to do it? For example, you live in Kaliningrad - you need to subtract 1 hour from the specified time. If you are a resident of Samara - add 1 hour, for residents of Perm and Yekaterinburg - plus 2 hours, Novosibirsk - plus 3, Krasnoyarsk plus 4, Vladivostok plus 7 hours, and for people living in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - add as much as 9 hours.

Briefly consider the characteristics of the moon for each day of June in 2016:

  • June 1 is a waning moon in Aries. Not the most favorable day for any undertakings. It is better to reschedule things for another time. Working with sharp objects is highly undesirable. The patron of this day is Mercury. It is better to postpone any household chores, as well as planting garden crops and flowers, you can do mental work;
  • Thursday June 2 - the moon is in Taurus, waning, a favorable period for financial transactions. You can buy seeds and seedlings. All the things planned are successful. The time is favorable, but given the waning moon, you can take care of the plants. Landing is allowed;
  • Friday June 3 - the moon is in Taurus, waning. Favorable period for planting and caring for plants;
  • moon in Gemini - June 4, Saturday, 29th day of the moon. The day is favorable for planting and caring for them, but if you feel apathy, then it is better not to start such work;
  • June 5 - the moon is in Gemini, the new moon will come at 6 am 02 minutes. The day is good, you can do planting and caring for your favorite plants;
  • June 6 - the moon in the zodiac sign "Cancer", a young growing moon, any undertakings are welcome;
  • June 7 - the moon in Cancer, an auspicious day;
  • June 8 - the moon in the zodiac sign Leo, this is the 4th lunar day. The moon is growing, the day is suitable for any undertakings;
  • June 9 - the moon in Leva, growing, the 5th day of the moon, a favorable period for caring for plants;
  • June 10 - the moon in the zodiac sign "Leo", auspicious day;
  • June 11 and 12 - the moon in Virgo, the days are favorable for any undertakings;
  • June 13, 14 and 15 - the moon in Libra, June 14 - the best day for sowing plant seeds;
  • June 16 - a good time for gardening, the moon is in the zodiac sign "Scorpio";
  • June 17 is a good day, you can sow the seeds of your favorite flowers. Moon in Sagittarius;
  • June 18, 19 and 20 - the moon is in the zodiac sign "Sagittarius", you can take care of the plants, try not to overmoisten the soil;
  • June 21 and 22 - the moon is in Capricorn, this is a waning moon, it's time to relax. Don't plan any important things;
  • June 23 and 24 - the moon is in Aquarius, waning;
  • June 25 - the moon in the zodiac sign "Pisces", a neutral day;
  • June 26 - the moon is in Aries, waning, the day is unfavorable for landings;
  • June 27, 28 and 29 - the moon is in Aries, not suitable for landings;
  • June 30 - waning moon in Taurus. Do all urgent matters slowly, with breaks for rest.

For those who want to reach a professional level and grow flowers not only for themselves, but also for sale, the lunar calendar of the gardener-florist is indispensable. It is impossible to transplant all indoor plants in one day, or plant new ones, and then joyfully wait for a friendly flowering. Flowers are very capricious and susceptible to climate conditions, daylight hours, and moon phases. Therefore, it is so important to adhere to the special lunar calendar developed by astrologers. Professionals make a calendar taking into account all the favorable and unfavorable moments. Good luck in your endeavors!

Planting and caring for flower crops should be at the allotted time and days that are scheduled in the gardener's (lunar) calendars. On which day it is better to transplant indoor flowers, loosen them or fertilize them - the lunar calendar will give answers. It is believed that on such days the plant adapts well to a new place and conditions, and quickly takes root.

At first, the fact that the moon influences the growth and development of flowers was only a guess. Later, scientists proved that the fact of the relationship between plants and the moon takes place. After that, lunar calendars appeared, focusing on which gardeners know exactly when it is better to transplant indoor flowers, and when to cut them.

Those who follow the calendar know which moon is best to transplant indoor flowers:

  • Plants with a high stem and wide leaves are recommended to be transplanted during the period before full moon. During this period, the juice of the plant is directed upwards from the root, so slight damage to the root during transplantation will not affect the general condition of the plant;
  • It is better to prune flower buds on waning moon;
  • According to the lunar calendar, the time when it is better to transplant indoor flowers falls on waxing moon or full moon.

Important! You should never transplant on a waning moon. This can lead to the fact that the plant will adapt for a long time in a new place or even die.

Beans, onions, potatoes, gladioli and other bulbs are best sown on waning moon. Then they quickly sprout and take root well.

What time of day is best to transplant houseplants?

In order for indoor flowers to grow well and bloom, it is necessary to remember a few subtleties when it is better to transplant indoor flowers, and at what time.

When is the best time to transplant indoor flowers:

  • most favorable time is the interval from 4 pm to 8 pm;
  • the best days for transplantation, the first or second day after the formation of a new moon is considered;
  • Do not transplant flowers in the morning (when the plants are still sleeping) and at noon.
  • most favorable seasons in order to transplant flowers are early spring and autumn.

Flower transplant calendar 2016

In the calendar of the summer resident and gardener (lunar) of 2016, the dates are exactly given in which month it is better to transplant indoor plants, on what days to sow vegetables, when they need to be cut and loosened.

I focus on the calendar and, following it, you can achieve good germination and high yields.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor flowers

Unfavorable days for planting and transplanting indoor plants (flowers) in 2016

When caring for any seedlings or flowers, it is worth taking into account not only the best days for transplanting, but also unfavorable ones.

On which day it is better to transplant indoor flowers figured out, now a little about unfavorable days. There are bad days five to ten per month.

Unfavorable days for transplanting indoor plants

To focus on the moon when planting and transplanting plants or not is everyone's business. But the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of plants is a proven fact that cannot be argued with. After all, it was not in vain that our ancestors revered and respected lunar predictions.

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