Very dark periods. What does black discharge indicate? Sharp fluctuations in weight

Women often worry about critical days during menstruation. Often, anxiety is caused by such a symptom as dark blood during menstruation and related ailments. What happens when the blood turns dark during menstruation? Normally, the shade of menstruation varies between dark red and red-burgundy, small clots are acceptable, not too much and not constantly. The profusion of menstruation should be moderate.

During menstruation, blood from the uterus, due to the contraction of its walls, leaves the body through the cervix, carrying away particles of unnecessary tissues and substances. In the absence of pathology, the discharge of a dark red color has the character of a not too liquid stream rushing from the vagina in fairly significant volumes. If the liquid substance cannot come out of the uterus for some reason, its delay contributes to the transformation of the shade of menstruation from normal to dark. The color changes due to the oxidation of iron in red blood cells. The viscosity increases - the discharge becomes ductile. This slows down the process of cleansing the body. What is the reason for such changes?

The reasons

The work of the reproductive system is influenced by many aspects and specific conditions of a woman's life. Not always dark blood during menstruation informs about pathological processes. From the first days of appearance, throughout life until the onset of menopause, blood during menstruation can change color without disturbing normal health indicators. In most cases, education attracts attention in the first months of the onset of menstruation in a young girl and in the last months of the menstrual cycle before menopause.

In addition to the age factor, the dark color of menstruation is influenced by the characteristics of the body. In some cases, women find out at the beginning of menstruation and after 4-5 days at the end of their period that hygiene products are stained with a dark substance. Without the presence of additional negative signs, these symptoms are not dangerous, their cause lies in some decrease in the functions of the hormonal system, which does not violate the normal limits.

In addition, they may be associated with the emergence of a new life, with the birth of a child. In each of the periods, during pregnancy, after childbirth, as well as during breastfeeding, menstruation may appear, and their shade will be several times darker than usual.

There are other factors that cause menstrual discharge in women to take on a shade close to black. Among them:

  • quality and characteristics of sexual life;
  • transferred surgical interventions;
  • hormonal abnormalities;
  • venereal diseases;
  • pathological condition of the appendages and other organs of the reproductive system;
  • metabolic failure, suppressed immunity;
  • the state of the sensual and emotional sphere, .

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Systematically noted during menstruation, the discharge is darker than usual, in the vicinity of additional threatening symptoms, give reason to be wary. In order to prevent great harm to health, you should consult and follow the instructions of a doctor.

Safe Selections

Some characteristic features of the anatomy of a woman allow us to explain why menstrual blood during black periods becomes almost black. This is facilitated by the narrowness of the cervical canal in the cervix. Relaxation of the muscles, including the walls of the uterus, observed during sleep, leads to some stagnation of the outflowing fluid. This contributes to the darkening of the flowing blood after waking up.

Detection of pregnancy is often associated with a delay in menstruation, especially if the urine is found to be slightly darker than usual. In addition to these signs, the subsequent onset of menstruation may be accompanied by an almost black, scanty discharge. After confirmation of pregnancy and in the absence of other pathologies, it is enough to observe a sparing lifestyle, protecting the fetus. Obligatory supervision of a doctor.

After childbirth, with the gradual return of the body to normal work, the discharge contributes to its purification. During this period, dark periods are very likely and, as a rule, do not give rise to panic. Further, with breastfeeding, lactational amenorrhea sets in, after which menstruation resumes in each woman in her own way. For many, the discharge first goes in brown tones, then they become normal. Most of the time it's not dangerous.

Under some special circumstances, darkening of menstrual blood during menstruation is quite expected. The motivation for this is:

  1. Taking hormonal drugs. In some cases, the hormones taken normally change the menstruation not only for the first 3 cycles, but also for the entire period of receiving treatment.
  2. Any surgical intervention performed: hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, curettage, abortion. It is necessary to observe a doctor until normal values ​​are obtained.
  3. Curvature of the uterus.
  4. Exposure to stress and nervous overload, anxiety, hysteria, depression, lack of sleep for various reasons, difficult situations in life, moving to another city, moving to another job, divorce.
  5. Strength training, strenuous exercise.
  6. Violations in the work of the endocrine glands and metabolic failure.
  7. Impact on the body of common infections.
  8. A conscious or forced transition to an unhealthy diet - too much or too little. All diets and jumps in weight lead to stress for the body, which is fraught with fluctuations in hormone levels and the appearance of unusual periods.
  9. Too much ultraviolet.
  10. and tobacco products.

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The disappearance of the provoking factor contributes to the establishment of normal menstruation.

Dangerous secretions

There are many situations in which dark blood during menstruation portends dangerous pathologies of the uterus. Almost always, additional negative symptoms coexist with it: fever, pain, smell, diarrhea, and others. Very dangerous signs of the disease are menstruation, characterized by bleeding that does not stop over time, combined with fragments of dark blood with clots. They indicate at least inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system. Only a specialist after a comprehensive examination can reliably tell about the presence of serious diseases. Among the possible dangerous causes that cause abnormal periods with secretions darker and more abundant than usual, the following pathologies are called:

  • endometriosis, accompanied by the growth of the epithelium inside the uterus;
  • adenomyosis, characterized by ingrowth of the endometrium into the wall of the uterus;
  • benign changes in the uterus: fibroids, cysts, polyps, cervical erosion;
  • hyperplasia;
  • infection with the human papillomavirus, foreshadowing, as a rule, the degeneration of this pathology into a malignant stage;
  • infections and inflammation of the genital tract and appendages, including due to hypothermia;
  • venereal diseases;
  • pathology of pregnancy: ectopic pregnancy, threat of termination, attenuation of fetal development, for example, the presence of a light brown discharge in a pregnant woman may indicate a threat of miscarriage;
  • atrophic vaginitis;
  • an unusual type of menstruation during the period of abnormally prolonged adaptation of the body, which occurs after the start of taking hormonal drugs. We are talking about hormones, the use of which does not provide for a similar reaction for more than 3 cycles.

All of these pathologies can be detected only after examination. Delaying a visit to the doctor and starting the disease is dangerous, it is fraught with the worst consequences.

Possible Complications

Lack of attention to the fact that dark blood appeared during menstruation can lead to complications. It is especially necessary to carefully monitor changes in the color, volume and duration of menstruation in case of surgical interventions.

Ignoring these signs is fraught with the following symptoms:

  • fever, high temperature;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • strong, unpleasant smell of menstrual blood;
  • burning and itching in the genitals;
  • indigestion, diarrhea;
  • general discomfort, weakness;
  • hair loss, stop nail growth.

All these anomalies warn of possible pathologies and a threat to the life of the woman herself and her offspring. For example, abortion and chronic types of inflammation, as well as other pathologies of the uterus, create a predisposition to infertility. It consists in the accumulation of blood clots on the wall of the uterus. At the same time, without access to the inner layer of the uterine mucosa, the fertilized egg loses the chance to gain a foothold and begin the development of the fetus.

Dark-colored discharge may appear due to a slight change in hormonal levels. But, dark monthly blood is a sign of a serious illness. Violation of the menstrual cycle occurs under the influence of various external and internal factors. Anxiety causes equally as an increase and decrease in discharge during menstruation. What is the reason for the change in the color of menstrual blood?

Over the years, an opinion has been developed from my own experience, what color should menstruation be, how much blood is lost during this. Deviations up or down cause concern.

Menstruation is made up of blood, a layer of endometrium that looks like clots, secretions from the vagina. Under normal conditions, blood freely flows out of the uterine cavity, enters the surface of the hygiene product. However, under certain circumstances, the color of the discharge may become dark. The reason for dark discharge is a change in the hormonal background of a woman, which entails the appearance of neoplasms, cysts, fibroids, and gynecological diseases. But in some cases, the appearance of dark secretions is quite justified, and it is very simple to explain their origin.

Natural causes of dark discharge

Before menstruation, the uterus begins to contract muscles. The endometrial layer is shed gradually. A few days before the onset of menstruation, there may be a discharge of a dark color. Their reason is banal - a small amount of blood coagulates under the influence of oxygen, vaginal secretions. A dark color appears. The same situation is after menstruation. When the uterus does not have time to clear itself during the critical days.

The second reason for the selection of a dark color is the formation of a cyst in the ovary. A small neoplasm prevents the full exit of blood from the canal. Initially, it gathers inside the uterus, folds, then enters the vagina, already brown. Such neoplasms can periodically appear in a healthy woman. Since several follicles develop in each cycle. One of them develops further, an egg comes out of it. All the rest remain until the onset of menstruation. After its completion, the genitals are cleaned.

Relatively safe periods with dark blood

Under certain circumstances, altered periods are considered quite normal.

The use of hormonal drugs is the main cause of violations

Contraceptive pills are aimed at changing the hormonal balance in a woman's body. Then the amount of estrogen decreases, ovulation and the development of the endometrium are prevented. Instead, the level of progesterone rises, the cycle and nature of the discharge during menstruation changes. A common cause of strange discharge in a woman. Tablets are taken for 21 days. Then they take a break for a week. During this period, menstruation should begin and end. However, the woman's body is under great stress. His reaction to hormones from the outside is different. Menstruation begins profusely with scarlet blood, or scanty with a dark color. Brown spotting may be present throughout the cycle. In this way, the uterus adapts to the new conditions of existence. All hormonal drugs reduce the amount of secretions, normalize the cycle, or rather, adjust it to certain limits. The pressure can be so strong that during menstruation the blood is dark, in a small amount, instead of the usual discharge.

Pregnancy as the cause of strange discharge

The main natural cause of delayed menstruation in a woman is pregnancy. But surely every woman has heard about the situation when the first 3 months of pregnancy are menstrual flow. Indeed, this is possible. But the nature of the discharge is somewhat different. Why is this happening? Due to insufficient amount of progesterone. It is he who is responsible for the normal development of pregnancy in the first trimester. On the eve of menstruation, the level of the hormone decreases. A non-standard situation with menstruation and pregnancy often occurs with late ovulation. As a rule, it occurs in the middle of the cycle, but it can happen towards the end. Then, by the time the menstruation begins, the hormonal background of the woman does not have time to rebuild. Dark blood appears during menstruation. The actions of a woman in this case depend on her desire to keep the pregnancy or get rid of it. If nothing is done, premature rejection is possible. In addition, the dark color of a woman's discharge may indicate. Then gradually they increase, turn into bleeding.

Nervous exhaustion as a cause of cycle disturbance

Regulates the monthly cycle of the brain - the hypothalamus, the central nervous system. Under their influence, a signal is sent to internal organs, systems about the required amount of hormones. They are produced in most ovaries under the control of the endocrine system. Breaking the chain is very easy. Contribute to this:

  • experiences;
  • nervous tension;
  • stress;
  • depression;
  • unfavorable psycho-emotional environment;
  • tantrums.

The presence of an intrauterine device

Currently, the IUD is considered one of the best methods of contraception for a woman. It does not contain hormones, does not affect the weight, well-being of a woman, does not violate, and so on. However, at first, the woman's body perceives it as a foreign object, trying in every possible way to get rid of it. The first 3 months menstruation is abundant dark in color. In the middle of the cycle, daubing may be observed. Then the amount of discharge gradually returns to normal. However, the danger of the IUD is that it can provoke inflammation. Then the discharge again appears abundant, almost black. To them is added a deterioration in general well-being, pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, temperature, and intestinal upset.

Often times, progesterone levels fluctuate. Menstruation begins in a woman with a delay, sometimes they are not there for 1-2 months. During menstruation, the blood is dark in a small amount.

Dangerous dark periods

If menstruation with unusual discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, intestinal upset, fever, headache, and other alarming symptoms, you should be examined. And immediately. During menstruation, the blood is dark with such gynecological diseases:

In the presence of diseases, the consistency of menstruation changes. In the discharge there are impurities, clots, there is a pungent odor. Dark blood, almost black, is observed in bleeding. A brown daub can begin on any day of the cycle.

Age changes as a natural cause

Hormonal imbalance is present in girls during the formation of the monthly cycle, as well as in women during the period of extinction of reproductive functions. Both of these cannot be avoided. You just need to know about it, have time to prepare. In young girls, the hormonal background is very unstable. Breaks between regular periods can be from 1 to 3 months. In general, this situation is considered normal. Most of the discharge is meager, sometimes there is just a dark daub instead of menstruation. The same discharge may be present at the beginning of sexual activity.

The extinction of the reproductive functions of the female body occurs on average at the age of 45-55 years. The cycle becomes irregular. Menstruation is either profuse or scanty. Dark color indicates hormonal disorders. And a few years after the onset of menopause, menstruation will completely stop.

By the nature of the discharge during menstruation, one can judge the health of a woman. And those ladies who undergo a scheduled examination twice a year and run to the doctor for advice in case of any deviations from the norm are doing the right thing. In some cases, dangerous diseases do not have obvious symptoms. The only reason for concern is the violation of the cycle and nature of the discharge. For example, in most cases, uterine fibroids are discovered quite by accident during a routine examination by a gynecologist. Inflammation tends to become chronic in the absence of proper treatment, which in turn threatens infertility. If the causes of dark discharge are unknown, you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor.

Menstrual irregularities are associated with hormonal imbalances. Various internal and external factors can cause a hormonal imbalance. Sometimes the problem is solved by adjusting lifestyle and nutrition. But long-term therapy and the use of hormonal drugs may be required. When do black discharge appear instead of menstruation?

In the female body, certain transformations occur every month associated with the development of the egg, ovulation, and menstruation. A slight deviation in the hormonal background causes a violation of menstruation. So, shortly before they begin, black discharge appears. For the same reason, they are present for several days after the end of menstruation.

In a situation where, instead of normal menstruation, sulfuric spotting, age should be blamed. A girl is given 2 years for the formation of the menstrual cycle. During this time, the hormonal background of the girl is still unstable. There is a prolonged absence of menstruation - from 1 to 3 months, frequent menstruation - 2 times a month. The nature of the secretions is also not the same. Black periods are often present, which in general is not a pathology if they last no more than 5 days.

At a certain age, a woman's reproductive function begins to fade. The hormonal background is again disturbed. Then sulfuric spotting indicates the onset of menopause.

Where does black discharge come from?

Many women are not so much afraid of the amount of menstrual flow as their black color. Where does it come from? In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the uterus begins to prepare for pregnancy, even if fertilization has not occurred. The inner layer of the endometrium thickens. A week later, the body understands that there is no pregnancy, the level of progesterone drops, and menstruation begins. During menstruation, the endometrium is shed. The thicker it is, the longer the period lasts. If there is nothing to reject, menstrual flow is scanty. Due to an imbalance of hormones, the inner layer of the uterus could not fully form. Too little blood flow. They pass through the cervix and into the vagina. In the process, the blood is exposed to oxygen, the secretion of the penis, and black is already on linen or hygiene products. In the absence of other alarming symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. But you need to consult with a specialist. Before that, women should analyze the events of the past month. Perhaps there are obvious factors that could cause cycle disorders and contributed to the appearance of black periods.

Obvious factors of violation of menstruation - the appearance of black discharge

A woman takes hormonal drugs to prevent pregnancy or regulate the menstrual cycle. However, at the beginning of taking the pills and due to long-term therapy, it is just disturbed, menstruation may appear black. Contraceptives block the normal activity of the ovaries. They stop producing hormones. At the same time, their necessary composition is replenished from the outside. All efforts are aimed at preventing ovulation. But an insufficient amount of progesterone in the second phase interferes with the normal development of the endometrium. As a result, black menstruation appears. With prolonged use of the drug, the hormonal background of a woman is so disturbed that the body fails. There are no periods, and when they appear, they are frightened by the presence of black. It is considered normal if the situation is observed for the first 3 months, while the body adapts to new conditions of existence.

Normal discharge is black in the presence of an intrauterine device for the first 3 months. The spiral is inserted into the cervix, preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus. It is not noticeable to the woman herself, but the sexual organ perceives the spiral as an alien object, trying in every possible way to get rid of it. With such a contraceptive, menstrual flow becomes increased, but menstruation may be black. Especially if not just a spiral is inserted, but a hormonal system like Mirena. Then, in addition to barrier protection, there is also hormonal protection. The situation is normal if the duration of black menstruation does not exceed 5 days.

After an abortion, the hormonal background changes dramatically. Even if it is successful, the next menstrual cycle may be disrupted. The appearance of black menstruation indicates an imbalance of hormones in the body. If the black discharge does not cause pain, has ended within 7 days, there is no particular cause for concern. Normally, if the next cycle, menstruation will pass as usual.

Monthly black color after childbirth is normal. Since after labor, the body will have a long recovery. On average, as long as the pregnancy itself lasted. Breastfeeding increases the hormone prolactin, which prevents the normal production of sex hormones. Black discharge of the first menstruation after childbirth is considered the norm.

Pregnancy and black periods

It is considered normal if there is no menstruation in the presence of pregnancy. However, in medical practice, the situation was also called the norm when the first 3 months of pregnancy there are black discharge. This situation indicates an insufficient amount of progesterone. It is he who is responsible for the full development of the egg and the transformation of the body in the first 3 months of pregnancy. In case of violation of menstruation, the appearance of black discharge is regarded as a reason for contacting a gynecologist. There is too much progesterone for normal periods to go, and not enough for the full development of pregnancy. Hormone adjustment is required if the decision is made to keep the pregnancy. Otherwise, the violation of menstruation, the appearance of black discharge is a sign of premature failure or ectopic pregnancy.

If the black-brown discharge turns into bloody, the process of egg rejection begins, and signals a rupture of the tube, damage to another part of the penis.

Black highlights that are easy to adjust

Menstruation black can appear for various reasons. In some cases, the situation is so banal that a woman can easily adjust the monthly cycle on her own.

Pathological causes of black menstruation

The body, by changing menstruation, notifies of the presence of problems in the reproductive system. In this situation, there are additional alarming symptoms:

This is just a small list of sensations that appear along with diseases. You can't make a diagnosis on your own. The woman will have to undergo an examination, take tests. What can cause black periods?

  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • endometrial polyps;
  • Cervical erosion;
  • Inflammation;
  • Cyst;
  • Cancer tumor.

Provoke a violation of the monthly cycle, contribute to the appearance of menstruation black venereal disease. Then the woman observes pain during urination, sexual intercourse, an unpleasant smell of discharge, itching, burning of the genitals.

Black periods appear due to impaired activity of the ovaries, organs of the endocrine system. Since they are responsible for the normal level of hormones in the body.

Black periods make a woman pay attention to her health. If there are no diseases, they may appear in the absence of a proper response to the problem. Any deviation from the norm should be discussed with the doctor. Diseases are treated faster at the initial stage.

Monthly menstruation normally consists of vaginal secretion, cervical mucus and its rejected endometrium. They are characterized by a bloody color and stand out in about 50 ml. Violation of the color and other characteristics of the discharge indicates a violation in the body.

Why do periods turn black?

There are many factors that can lead to this phenomenon:

  • Age;
  • Having a sexual life;
  • Surgery, pregnancy, postpartum period, lactation;
  • External causes - lifestyle change, climate change, diet, diet, sudden weight loss, medication, trauma, excessive exercise, poisoning, exposure to harmful chemicals, severe emotional shock;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • Other pathologies caused by metabolic disorders.

Causes of black menstruation depending on age

When the cycle is just being established, that is, puberty occurs, the discharge may differ in color, be dark brown, blackish. For girls, this is quite normal in the first year of the formation of the cycle.

If a dark color is observed every time, then you need to contact a gynecologist for an examination. It is worth noting that they are not a pathology and during menopause in women after 40 years. Dark brown is allowed. The nature of these secretions is associated with a decrease in hormone production and the extinction of ovarian function.

Increasingly, cases of early onset of menopause are being diagnosed, so if black discharge appears instead of standard bloody discharge, you should consult a doctor to confirm or refute early ovarian exhaustion.

Black discharge during pregnancy

If a woman is trying to conceive a child, menstruation is delayed, then a meager secret is released, and after a few days menstruation begins, hormonal imbalances can be suspected. If there were only scanty discharge, you need to do a pregnancy test and take an analysis for the level of hCG, since this slight secret may indicate the implantation of the embryo to the uterine wall, that is, a successful conception.

Scanty discharge during pregnancy in the first weeks indicates a pathology - a lack of hormones necessary for bearing a child. The day when menstruation should begin according to the calendar is the most dangerous for the fetus, as the risk of miscarriage increases. These days, the level of progesterone decreases and there is a high probability of exfoliation of the endometrium (which occurs during normal menstruation). Among the causes of black discharge is an ectopic pregnancy.

Menstruation black: inflammation and infection

Various negative factors, such as hypothermia, lead to poor dark menstruation, cycle disturbance, and discomfort. It may be inflammation of the uterus, its appendages, cervix. Discharge can also be triggered by sexually transmitted infections.

In this case, there are other symptoms of the disease: pain during urination, in the lower abdomen, burning and itching in the vagina, in the vulva, discomfort during intercourse. For example, it can be chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, etc.

Hormonal imbalance, taking oral contraceptives

The use of the above contraceptives can lead to a decrease in ovarian function and endometrial atrophy. Instead of normal menstruation, scanty dark discharge can be observed with improperly selected contraceptives or if there are contraindications to their use.

If this phenomenon has been observed for more than the first cycle, you need to replace oral contraceptives with others or stop using them altogether. Hormonal disorders affect the nature of menstruation. For example, a violation occurs with an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, prolactin with a long-term deficiency of thyroid hormones, diabetes mellitus.

Menstruation black with clots in the absence of sexual intercourse

In the absence of sexual life, pregnancy and sexual infections are excluded. But hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, endometritis, cysts, inflammatory diseases of the appendages, overwork, stress, intense physical activity can disrupt menstrual function. These factors do not depend on sexual life.

Why menstruation is broken: common causes:

  • Pathologies of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders;
  • Sharp fluctuations in weight, for example, loss of fat mass with a strict diet, intense physical activity, or, conversely, obesity;
  • Hypovitaminosis, anemia, malnutrition;
  • Severe and long-term infectious diseases, serious injuries;
  • Emotional stress, regular stress, mental changes, nervous diseases;
  • Follicular ovarian cyst, corpus luteum cyst, etc.;
  • Surgical interventions on the organs of the genitourinary system, for example, caesarean section, removal of the uterus, abortion, anomalies in the development of organs;
  • Exposure to harmful substances (ex. professional intoxication);
  • Treatment of oncological pathologies - radiation exposure, chemotherapy.

Women's health after surgery, childbirth and lactation

The appearance of black discharge can be triggered by medical abortion, removal of fibroids, polyps, part of the uterus, laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst, surgery after an ectopic pregnancy, diagnostic curettage. If discharge with clots is observed, accompanied by a rise in temperature and lasts more than 10 days, has an unpleasant odor, you need to be examined, as these symptoms indicate the presence of complications.

Restoration of the cycle after childbirth, during breastfeeding, is quite slow. A few more months after the birth of the baby, as well as after the cessation of lactation, dark brown and even blackish discharge may appear instead of the standard red ones.

They are a variant of the norm and do not pose a danger. If this condition does not go away on its own, you need to consult a specialist.

Black discharge before and after the next period

A dark secret on the eve of menstruation and on the first day of such is most often an absolutely normal phenomenon. Menstruation occurs as a result of the death of the egg. The latter is excreted from the body along with the dead layer of the endometrium. This process should not take place abruptly. Therefore, it is quite natural that separate dark strokes appear at the beginning.

Black periods always scare women with their appearance. Since everyone knows how they should look like during the normal functioning of the body. However, not everything is as scary as it might seem at once. Black discharge, or rather dark brown to black, can appear under certain circumstances, and this is not always associated with a disease.

Each monthly cycle is different from the previous one, since a whole month a woman's body is influenced by various factors. There is such a situation when menstruation does not want to start for a long time or does not end for a long time. There are scanty black discharges. But the menses themselves, when the usual blood appeared, were without an unpleasant odor, unusual color, or unusual painful sensations.

The dark color of menstruation in women appears due to a small amount of blood. They mix with the daily secretions of a woman, under the influence of oxygen, droplets of blood quickly coagulate. The prolonged onset of critical days in women may indicate strong emotional stress in the previous month, stress, fatigue, physical activity, and a slight hormonal failure. After the end of menstruation, small particles of the endometrium may remain in the uterine cavity, which come out with dark-colored secretions.

Black periods as normal

Under certain circumstances, black discharge in women is considered the norm.

  • Birth control pills

3 months are given for the adaptation of a woman's body to new conditions of existence under the influence of hormonal drugs. At this time, dark discharge is considered normal. Tablets inhibit ovarian function, change the hormonal balance. Hormones in a certain dosed amount come from outside. A non-standard and atypical situation for the reproductive system is a real stress. The woman's body reacts to this by a failure of the monthly cycle. At first, there is heavy bleeding with dark discharge at the beginning of menstruation, at the end, and even between periods. Or black periods instead of scarlet blood discharge. If this situation continues for more than 3 months, it is necessary to replace the tablets. Since this contraceptive is most likely not suitable.

  • Intrauterine device

The situation is similar to the previous option. But now the woman's body perceives the spiral as a foreign object, wants to get rid of it. The first month menstruation appears with heavy bleeding. Black ointments are present until the next menstruation. In the second month, the discharge of menstruation is not so abundant, and the dark color gradually disappears. After 3 months, the woman's monthly cycle should be restored. If this does not happen, it is necessary to remove the spiral. Since her further stay in the uterus threatens with inflammation.

  • Abortion, genital surgery

As a result of manipulations on the genitals, the surface of the uterus is damaged, the functions of the ovaries are impaired, and so on. Black periods in the first month after surgery are considered the norm. If they are not strong, without an unpleasant odor, specific painful sensations. After an abortion, the hormonal background of a woman changes dramatically. 3 days are present, including dark ones. After 7 days, menstruation can begin. So the woman's uterus is completely cleansed. The woman's body is preparing for a new full cycle. Dark discharge may be present until the start of the next menstruation. If there is severe bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, weakness, fever, you should seek help from a doctor. Possible infection, development of the inflammatory process.

  • The period of the formation of the monthly cycle, menopause

In girls, after the onset of menstruation, it will take about 2 years until the cycle is fully restored. The presence of black color in this period of time is considered the norm. The same applies to women over the age of 45. When the reproductive function fades away. According to statistics, in modern women, menopause is significantly younger. The process can begin as early as age 40. And with genetic abnormalities, even at 35 years old.

  • climate change

With a sharp change in climatic conditions, for example, rest in warm countries, the body gets stressed. The situation is reflected in the well-being of a woman in her menstrual cycle. As a result, instead of normal menstruation, black ointments begin. After returning home, the situation returned to normal.

Black periods and pregnancy

There is always a delay of more than 2 weeks. A pregnancy test can be either positive or negative, or it may not show a clear second line. A woman's menstruation begins with a black ointment. Lower abdomen aches, lower back hurts. After that, heavy bleeding begins. The situation indicates the presence of pregnancy, which is not entirely safe. A small amount of blood on the expected days of menstruation indicates the successful fixation of a fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus. Bleeding stops after 1 day, maximum 2.

If this did not happen, and black ointments turn into bloody ones, the situation should alert. This is how a miscarriage or failure of an ectopic pregnancy begins. If in the first case the uterus can cleanse itself without additional curettage, then it threatens with internal bleeding, severe blood loss. If timely medical care is not provided, a woman risks dying. With a complex doubtful pregnancy, the test should be done several times, always in the morning. With one positive result, it can be considered that conception has occurred. A visit to the doctor is mandatory, regardless of whether pregnancy is desired or not.

Black color of menstruation with diseases

The main causes of menstrual irregularities in a woman are hormonal failure, infection, and inflammatory processes. All diseases are the result of these 3 factors. Black color appears due to diseases of the endocrine system, sexual, nervous and some internal organs, which are responsible for the balance of hormones. Black ointments are present for:

This is not the whole list of diseases. With any of them, there is a general malaise, pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, the smell of discharge changes. It is impossible to determine the cause of the menstrual irregularity in this case. There can only be speculation. Diseases PPP most often produces an unpleasant odor. But rather than guessing, it is better to seek help from specialists. Timely treatment will relieve many health problems.

Prevention of black periods

A woman needs to be careful about her body. Avoid physical overwork, nervous exhaustion. Fully relax, take walks in the fresh air, play sports. Once every six months, a woman should visit a gynecologist for preventive purposes. Any anxiety condition should be discussed with a specialist. It's not worth the visit. Health is more important than anything else!

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