Correct measurement of blood pressure: devices and techniques. Methods for measuring pressure without a tonometer. How to determine pressure by complaints and symptoms

There is not always a device for measuring blood pressure at hand, so the question of how to measure pressure without a tonometer remains relevant even in the 21st century. No one is immune from jumps in blood pressure due to weather changes, stressful situations, bad habits.

How to determine the pressure without a tonometer in such circumstances? There are two simple diagnostic methods.

Pulse is an assistant

The first method does not require special devices. The only thing needed is a watch with a second hand. And today, when almost everyone owns a mobile phone, even a watch is optional. Almost any cheap mobile phone can work in stopwatch mode.

So, how to check the pressure on the pulse? Feeling the pulse on your wrist, count the number of beats in 30 seconds. Multiply the result by 2. As a result, we get the number of beats per minute. If desired, you can measure the pulse for 60 seconds.

The following criteria are used to decipher the result. If the final score is 60 or less, then the pressure is low. 60-80 strokes - blood pressure is normal. 90 strokes and above - the condition of the subject is of concern, this result may indicate the presence of hypertension.

This method of measuring blood pressure by pulse by palpation is perhaps the most ancient. And although its indicators are quite general, they are also the most accurate.

Why do we need a pendulum?

The next method can be called popular. It is unlikely that official medicine will take it seriously. But human faith works wonders, in addition, the pendulum is often used by psychics and healers. So let's not discount the method described below.

So, how to measure blood pressure without a tonometer? In this case, you will need a ruler (at least 20 cm long), threads and a weight. As the latter, you can use a needle, ring, nut. Even a paperclip will do.

We bend the arm at the elbow and put it on a table or other horizontal surface with the inner side up. We place the ruler on top of the hand so that the divisions are on the right, i.e. zero to the wrist. In the other hand we take a pendulum, made, for example, of a thread and a needle. We bring the device over the ruler and slowly lead from the wrist to the elbow. In two places, the needle will begin to swing. It is necessary to mark these indicators on the ruler and multiply them by 10. For example, if the pendulum swung at 12 and 7, respectively, we get 120 by 70. Thus, we have data on upper and lower blood pressure.

Both methods do not require special technical training and time-consuming. With their help, you can both measure your own pressure and find out the readings of the blood pressure of another person. In certain circumstances, everyone can choose their own method at hand in order to measure pressure without a tonometer. Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to preliminary preparation.

What conditions should be observed?

If you have reason to believe that your blood pressure has suddenly risen or dropped because you feel noticeably worse, rest for a while. 5 minutes will be enough. Sit down, relax, think about something pleasant. It will be useful to visit the toilet.

If on this day there was no use of tonic drinks, such as coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks (many of them contain caffeine), the readings will be more accurate.

When measuring pressure, sit comfortably, do not cross your legs, do not talk and breathe freely. This way you will get more reliable results. After fulfilling all these conditions and choosing your method, you can safely proceed to the study.

Smartphone applications

Currently, for many, smartphones are becoming an integral part of life, so it is worth mentioning the programs for measuring heart rate and blood pressure that are installed on such phones. There is a large selection of suitable applications. The principle of operation is simple. To measure, you need to put your finger on the camera or phone screen. After a few moments, data on the number of heart beats per second, as well as systolic and diastolic pressure, are received. At first glance, this method seems very modern and convenient, but we will consider it only if the question arises of how to find out the pressure without a tonometer.

Each of the methods described above can be used as a rough guide. In case of poor health, a visit to the doctor, as well as measuring blood pressure using a special apparatus, should not be postponed.

And now let's dwell on the manifestations of high and low blood pressure.

Symptoms of low blood pressure

If when you try to get up from a chair you feel dizzy, dizzy in your eyes, most likely your blood pressure has dropped. It could happen once and never happen again. But if such a bouquet of sensations manifests itself regularly when trying to change the position of the body, you should pay attention to your health. Unfortunately, headaches, feeling short of breath and difficulty breathing, lethargy and impotence are indicative of pressure problems.

In medical practice, it is generally accepted that blood pressure with readings below 100/65 in men and 95/60 in women is a manifestation of hypotension. This diagnosis is voiced if such indicators become regular and are accompanied by poor health. It is important to remember that the pressure of 95 to 60 is not critical for everyone. Many people with such readings of the tonometer can feel quite comfortable. Moreover, the doctors begin to sound the alarm much faster with the patient.

Symptoms of high blood pressure

The appearance of a throbbing headache, aggravated with each movement, indicates that the pressure is increased. This unpleasant condition can be triggered by experienced stress. However, if such sensations are repeated, and they are accompanied by redness of the eyes, tinnitus, nausea and chills, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. Redness of the face, neck and chest can indicate high blood pressure. The presence of shortness of breath, swelling of the limbs, palpitations with increased sweating are also signs of hypertension.

A similar diagnosis is made at a pressure exceeding 140 to 90. In the event of the development of such a pathology, there are violations of the cardiovascular system. Organs such as the heart, brain vessels, retina and kidneys fall into the risk zone. If you are constantly worried about high blood pressure, treatment is simply necessary. Heart attack and stroke are the sad consequences that thoughtless neglect of one's own health can lead to.

Thus, in the absence of a tonometer, you can resort to one of those described. However, you should not completely rely on them. Consulting a doctor, as well as monitoring pressure with a special device, are the main ways to diagnose whether your pressure is rising or falling and how serious it is.

People suffering from hypertension or hypotension need to know how to measure pressure without a tonometer. After all, there are situations when there is no tonometer at hand, and the condition is close to critical and the patient needs help. Measurement of blood pressure without a tonometer is an emergency measure that cannot be used to constantly monitor these indicators.

Determination of blood pressure by symptoms

It is possible to determine the increase or decrease in blood pressure by the symptoms. The only drawback of this technique will be the unreliability of the figures obtained. However, in critical situations, when a person reports that they are suffering from an increase or decrease in blood pressure, knowledge of the symptoms significantly reduces the risk of complications of a violation of vascular resistance indicators. Feeling the deterioration of the condition, the patient can immediately take measures to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system.

Objective symptoms

Symptoms that are noticeable to others:

  1. Change in the whites of the eyes. With an increase in blood pressure, the eyes “fill up with blood”, others note the manifestation of a pronounced vascular network.
  2. Change in the skin. At high pressure values, the face acquires a red or purple hue, a pronounced vascular network may appear on the cheeks. In a hypertensive crisis, a pulsation of the cervical vessels is often noticeable even at a distance. The fall in blood pressure is manifested by blanching of the skin, the appearance of cold sweat. Possible cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle.

Feelings of patients with hypertension

A hypertensive patient for these symptoms will suspect a jump in blood pressure:

  • severe headaches, often pulsating in nature;
  • tinnitus and darkening of the eyes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • feeling of numbness of the fingers or tongue, lips, face;
  • cold extremities;
  • loss of consciousness.

Feelings of patients with hypotension

A person recognizes a critical decrease in pressure if he notices that he has:

  • sharply falling fatigue;
  • loss of strength, desire to sleep;
  • distraction of attention;
  • dizziness;
  • headache is localized in front of the head;
  • lack of air.

Important. In violation of blood pressure, the symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the pathology. However, the patient already knows the manifestations of his disease and should begin to provide all possible assistance, without waiting for the symptoms to worsen. With a pronounced clinical picture, especially when away from home, you should call an ambulance.

Determination of blood pressure by pulse

In the absence of a tonometer at hand, it is possible with a high probability to determine a decrease or increase in blood pressure by heart rate. The method is easy to use and accessible to everyone.

  • before measuring the pulse, it is better to lie down with your eyes closed for several minutes, completely relaxed, if it is not possible to lie down, the procedure is performed while sitting;
  • determine the pulsation (in the most convenient place: on the wrist, on the carotid artery, etc.);
  • count the pulsation for a minute or 30 seconds (after counting, double the figure).

The norm of an adult is considered a numerical value from 60 to 80 beats per second. With a decrease in the indicator - hypotension, with an increase over 80 - hypertension.

This method works well only when the patient knows the rate of heart rate for himself, it is not always equal to the average values ​​accepted in medicine. If a person, in normal health, has a pulse of 60 (or lower), the value of 89 beats already indicates a violation of the usual state.

In addition to the contraction frequency, attention should be paid to the resistance and filling of the vessel during the passage of the pulse wave:

  • With hypotension, the pulse is weakly filled, possibly thready.
  • Hypertension is determined by a powerful pulse impulse.

Important. Many factors affect the value of the pulse, ranging from physical or emotional overstrain to weather conditions. It is possible to use pulse counting if pressure failure is suspected, but only if there are symptoms of pathology, and if possible, use other methods.

Measuring blood pressure with a ruler

Measurement of pressure without a tonometer is possible with a simple ruler, a sewing needle, (a paper clip or a gold ring).

For the procedure, you will need a needle with a thread (7 cm) and a ruler from 20 cm:

  1. We tie a knot on the thread at a distance of 7 cm from the needle.
  2. We determine the pulse on the radial artery and set the ruler to this point with a zero scale.
  3. Having placed the ruler from the pulsation to the elbow bend, we pick up the prepared thread with a needle.
  4. Without touching the ruler, slowly guide the needle towards the elbow. The beginning of the swing of the needle will indicate the indicator of diastolic pressure, the end - systolic.
  5. After the end of the procedure, the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bare multiplied by 2 (this will be the value of blood pressure).

Instead of a needle, a light wrench, a gold ring, or an ordinary metal clip is perfect. Grandmothers using this method say that the reliability of the results obtained is close to 100%. However, people who measure blood pressure for the first time in this way should not rely on the reliability of the data obtained. It is better to check the pressure with a tonometer.

Are these methods valid?

It is not possible to make a diagnosis based on the results obtained by these methods. The reliability of the results can only be confirmed by measuring with a tonometer. However, for hypotensive and hypertensive patients, the determination of deviations from the norm by pulse or using a ruler can be indicators for correcting blood pressure. After providing assistance and improving the condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to correct the treatment and control the disruption of the cardiovascular network.

Is it possible to measure blood pressure without a tonometer? This question is of interest to many, since a deterioration in a person’s well-being can occur suddenly, in conditions where there are no medical devices at hand. Such methods exist. Let's consider them and talk about how accurate they are and whether the obtained indicators can be trusted.

Blood pressure (BP) is the force with which blood acts on the walls of arteries. This value is not constant. For example, during exercise, muscles experience increased demands for oxygen and nutrients. As a result, the heart contracts with greater force, and blood pressure rises by 10-20 mm Hg. Art. When resting, the body's need for oxygen decreases, and a person's blood pressure returns to normal. Therefore, blood pressure should be measured by any method only at rest.

The normal blood pressure for an adult is in the range of 91-139 / 61-89 mm Hg. Art. In this case, 120/80 mm Hg is considered the absolute norm. Art.

How to recognize a deviation in blood pressure from the norm

It is known that the deviation of blood pressure from the norm by more than 10-15 mm Hg. Art. leads to poor general health. Clinically, this can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

When they appear, it is necessary to measure blood pressure using a special device. If it is not there, then you can try to use folk methods, which we will now consider.

How to find out the pressure without a tonometer by symptoms

This method does not allow direct measurement of pressure, but only indirectly assess whether it is increased or decreased. In order to understand what kind of pressure a person has, we suggest using the information from the table.

BP is lowered

BP is elevated


It is localized usually in the occipital part of the head, is aching or pressing in nature

Pressing, pulsating. Most often localized in the temporal region


Happens often

Observed occasionally

General weakness

Slight to very strong

Not typical

Skin color

unchanged or reddened

Feelings of anxiety, excitement

Not typical

Seen frequently


Almost always

Normal or bradycardia (reduced)

Normal or tachycardia (rapid)

Nose bleed

Can not be

Observed with a significant increase in blood pressure

Nausea, vomiting

Almost never happens

Seen frequently. Vomiting may be repeated without relief

Analysis of the characteristics of the pulse allows you to distinguish high blood pressure from low.

How to check blood pressure without a heart rate monitor

Another way to indirectly assess the level of blood pressure without any apparatus is the analysis of the frequency and strength of the pulse. The table shows the main characteristics of the pulse wave, which you need to pay attention to.

Pulse characteristic

Low blood pressure

High blood pressure

Pulse rate (number of waves per minute)

The pulse may be normal (60-90 beats per minute) or rare (less than 60 beats per minute). Increased heart rate at low pressure is usually observed only against the background of massive blood loss.

Tachycardia usually develops (pulse rate reaches 90 beats per minute or more). The normal pulse rate (60-90 beats per minute) is much less common. If a patient develops bradycardia against the background of hypertension, in most cases this indicates an acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke)

Pulse strength

Even light finger pressure on the skin above the artery leads to the disappearance of the pulse wave.

To stop the pulse wave, forcefully press on the skin above the artery

Pulse voltage

Not tense, soft

Tight, soft

Thus, the analysis of the characteristics of the pulse makes it possible to distinguish high blood pressure from low blood pressure.

How to determine the pressure without a tonometer using a pendulum

How to measure blood pressure without a blood pressure monitor at home? This can be done with a ruler and a simple pendulum. No clinical studies of this method have been cited, and it is more related to bioenergetics and extrasensory perception than to medical science, therefore the results obtained cannot be called reliable.

Measure blood pressure by any method should only be at rest.

To measure pressure with a ruler and a pendulum, you must:

  1. Make a pendulum. To do this, take a thin cord (thick thread) 20-25 cm long, tie a small nut or ring to one end, the other end remains free.
  2. Lay the forearm of the examined person on a flat horizontal surface, the palmar surface of the hand should look up.
  3. Place an ordinary school ruler on your forearm so that its base lies on the area of ​​​​the elbow bend.
  4. Take the pendulum in your hands and lower the ring over the zero division of the scale. It should be located as close as possible to the ruler, but not touch it.
  5. Start slowly leading your pendulum along the ruler towards the brush.
  6. Note at what segment of the scale of the pendulum movement from chaotic they become of the same type, in the direction transverse to the surface of the ruler. Multiply the marked figure by 10. The result will correspond to the systolic (upper) pressure.
  7. Turn the ruler over so that its base now lies in the crease between the hand and forearm.
  8. The pendulum should now be slowly moved from the hand towards the elbow joint.
  9. Also mark the point on the scale where the movements of the pendulum become clearly transverse. Multiply the resulting figure by 10. The result obtained corresponds to the lower (diastolic) pressure.
  10. Repeat the measurement procedure again.

As you can see, pressure can be measured in various improvised ways. However, the results obtained are very approximate, if not completely unreliable. Therefore, if a person suffers from hypertension or hypotension and needs regular monitoring of blood pressure, it is necessary to purchase a tonometer in a pharmacy - an apparatus for measuring blood pressure using the Korotkov method.

Deviation of blood pressure from the norm by more than 10-15 mm Hg. Art. leads to poor general health.

What pressure is considered normal

The normal blood pressure for an adult is in the range of 91-139 / 61-89 mm Hg. Art. In this case, 120/80 mm Hg is considered the absolute norm. Art.

However, it should be understood that the norm of blood pressure is an individual indicator for each person, the main thing is that it is located within the above limits. For example, the pressure of 120/80 for one person is normal, for another it is high, and for the third it is low.

Low blood pressure (below 90/60 mmHg) is called hypotension, and high blood pressure (above 140/90 mmHg) is called hypertension.


We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article.

To begin with, you should assess the general condition of the body by external signs:

  1. If the face has a reddish tint, this is a clear sign of high blood pressure and hypertension.
  2. Redness of the eye proteins signals increased pressure.
  3. Feeling the pulse. If, with increased pressure on the artery, the pulse does not disappear - increased pressure, and vice versa, the instant disappearance of the pulse when pressed indicates a reduced pressure (hypotension).

High blood pressure is almost always accompanied by dizziness and headache, shortness of breath, the appearance of black "flies" before the eyes, as well as pain in the heart area. Low blood pressure is characterized by general weakness, lethargy and drowsiness, headache in the back of the head, nausea and weak heartbeat.

How to find out the indicators of normal pressure?

Each person must know their normal pressure, which depends on a number of reasons: age, type of body constitution and emotional state at the moment. Indicators of 120/80 are considered the norm, you can determine your pressure using a formula that is calculated for people aged 20 to 80 years:

  • Systolic blood pressure = 109 + human age * 0.4;
  • Diastolic blood pressure = 67 + human age * 0.3.

Do not forget that the result is approximate and each person is individual.

How to determine the pressure without a tonometer by pulse

One of the simplest and most effective methods for measuring pressure is its determination by pulse, which is used throughout the world. For the procedure, you will need a stopwatch. Before measuring, you must be at rest, take a comfortable relaxed posture. During the procedure, do not move or talk. An hour before the measurement, you should not drink drinks that can provoke an increase or decrease in pressure, such as strong tea, coffee or alcohol. A visit to the toilet is recommended.

  • Take a comfortable position, calm down, remove bracelets and parts that tighten your hand.
  • Gently place the index and middle fingers of your right hand on your left wrist and feel for a pulse. Our task is to count the number of heartbeats in 30 seconds.

We multiply the result obtained during the measurement by two, this will be the number that helps determine the pressure. Normal indicators are in the range of 60-80 beats per minute. A pulse below 60 beats per minute indicates low blood pressure, above 80 - high blood pressure.

A lot of controversy arises about which arm is more correct to measure the pulse. Doctors have proven that for a more accurate measurement, it is recommended to measure the pressure on both hands. The presence of a large difference in measurement may indicate serious disorders in the work of the heart.

Advice! Measure the pressure on the pulse on both hands.

How to determine the pressure without a tonometer using a pendulum

You can find out the pressure of a person using a pendulum. The pendulum can be a ring or a needle. To carry out the measurement you will need:

  • ring or needle;
  • thread;
  • ruler not less than 20 cm.

Sit comfortably at the table, on a horizontal surface, bend your arm at the elbow. Position the ruler from the wrist to the elbow. We tie a needle to a thread with a length of at least 20 cm or thread a ring. We take the thread with a plumb line in the right hand and start moving in the direction from the wrist to the elbow as slowly as possible, without touching the ruler with the needle or ring. Carefully watch the pendulum, you will notice that at some point it will begin to fluctuate more strongly, these indicators must be fixed and multiplied by 10. The first number is the indicator of the lower pressure, the second is the upper one.

How much can you trust the results?

No one can guarantee the accuracy of the result. Many factors influence the readings. Such methods of measurement can rather be called emergency when there is no measuring device at hand to determine the cause of the ailment and eliminate it.

Advice! For people prone to constant jumps in blood pressure, it is recommended to purchase a tonometer.

Therefore, listen to the body, take care of your health, if there are obvious signs of hypertension or hypotension, immediately consult a doctor for treatment.

How to determine pressure without a tonometer: video

Every person has a situation where he feels sluggish and weak and at the same time experiences headaches. In this state, it is difficult for a person to perform even ordinary household chores. The cause of this condition may be low blood pressure. There are times when a tonometer is not at hand. The question arises of how to measure pressure without a tonometer.

If you ask this question to a doctor, he can offer several options for blood pressure monitors that will accurately help determine blood pressure. Doctors believe that it is impossible to determine blood pressure using folk methods.

Despite the opinion of doctors, in traditional medicine there are ways to measure pressure, which with 99% probability will help a person to know his pressure.

Folk way to measure pressure

In order to check how blood pressure has changed, it is necessary to use such improvised means as a regular ruler or centimeter tape. If the ruler is not at hand, you can use a notebook sheet on which to draw centimeters in cells.

Another fairly important item is the pendulum, which will help determine the pressure without a tonometer. Any object can act as a pendulum. For example, a needle and thread or a ring and thread.

In order to measure blood pressure, you need to bend the brush as much as possible and see where the first fold appeared. It is necessary to remember or mark this place, as it will be the starting point.

After that, it is necessary to hang a pre-prepared pendulum over the reference point. Slowly we lead the pendulum towards the elbow. At a certain moment, the pendulum will begin to oscillate. It is necessary to write down or remember this point, as this will be the lower pressure.

Having marked the point, we continue to move the pendulum to the elbow. After a few centimeters, the pendulum will stop oscillating. The point at which the pendulum "calms down" is the up pressure.

So, we practically answered the question of how to find out the pressure without a tonometer. Now it remains to attach a pre-prepared ruler to the arm on which blood pressure was measured.

Having determined with the help of a ruler the values ​​in which the pendulum made movements, we will find out the upper and lower pressure. The main thing is not to forget to multiply the numbers by ten. For example, the first dot was on the number 8 and the second dot was on the number 13. This means that your blood pressure will be 130/80 mm. rt. Art.

Conditions for correct pressure measurement

Before determining the pressure without a tonometer, it is necessary that certain conditions are met, namely:

  • You need to be quiet for a few minutes.
  • Do not drink BP-altering beverages (coffee, alcoholic beverages).
  • Sit in a comfortable position with your back against the back of the seat.
  • Go to the toilet.
  • Expose your left hand and place it on the table surface.

The reaction of the body to a change in pressure

You can learn about the change in your pressure by the general condition of the body. With increased pressure, severe headaches of a burning nature appear. The head begins to spin, and there is noise in the ears. The person's face becomes faintly red.

Hypotension can be identified by general weakness. The cover of the human skin becomes pale in color. There is a feeling of nausea, and sweat becomes sticky. Feeling the pulse, you can feel how weak it is felt.

If a person's blood pressure fluctuates constantly, it is urgent to go to the hospital.

Before measuring pressure without a tonometer, you need to know that the upper pressure rises most often, it can vary by 80 mm. The lower pressure changes by only 20 mm. It is considered the worst when the pressure between the upper and lower values ​​is minimal.

Tonometer readings

Before you measure pressure without a tonometer, you need to know which indicators are normal for a person and which are not. Normal blood pressure for a healthy person is 120/80. A person whose BP fluctuates between normal BP and 139/89 suffers from prehypertension. If a person suffers from hypertension, the values ​​​​of which are higher than 140/90, he can be considered hypertensive of the first stage. Stage II hypertension is considered to be pressure above 160/100.

Pressure and age category

To take care of your own health, you need to regularly measure your blood pressure. It is best to write down all indications in a notebook in order to show them to the doctor if necessary. Even our grandparents knew how to measure pressure without a tonometer, and this helped them monitor their health and control pressure.

Table of normal blood pressure by age category

Do I need to buy a tonometer

When a person suffers from abnormal blood pressure, he has to constantly measure it. Many people think that in order to accurately determine the pressure, it is necessary to purchase a tonometer. There are several types of tonometers. Everyone chooses for himself which tonometer it will be more convenient for him to use.

In the event that you do not know which tonometer to choose, you should consult with your doctor who will help you decide on the purchase.

After that, you don’t have to think about how to measure pressure without a tonometer.

Unfortunately, even digital blood pressure monitors can give incorrect results. The result may be affected by irregular heart rate or active mobility.

In addition, digital blood pressure monitors need batteries, and the cost of such equipment will cost a round sum.

If a person does not want to spend a lot of money on buying an expensive device, and he knows how to check the pressure without a tonometer, he can use a folk remedy.

What can affect the change in blood pressure

The change in pressure is primarily influenced by emotions. When stressed, blood pressure very often jumps.

  • Many medications cause hypertension. The exceptions are nose drops and eye drops.
  • Often in women with the onset of menopause, the pressure becomes high.
  • If a person experiences severe overwork and little rest, hypertension becomes a frequent occurrence.
  • Smoking also affects changes in blood pressure.
  • Overweight people often complain of high blood pressure, as it is difficult for such people to move around, and the body is under stress, which causes hypertension.
  • Lifestyle can also affect changes in blood pressure. For example, alcohol abuse.

Knowing how to determine the pressure without a tonometer, and following the simplest rules, you can live a healthy and happy life.

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