Cough after pneumonia. How to get rid of a cough after pneumonia if it does not go away for a long time? Cough after pneumonia - types of home treatment

Pneumonia - severe inflammatory disease lung, which is accompanied by a cough with sputum ( moist cough) or without it (dry cough). But cough even after complete healing from the disease for some time may disturb the patient. How to ease coughing fits and get rid of them?

Why coughing does not go away with inflammation? There are several significant reasons for this:

  • Not full recovery lung tissue damaged by the activity of the virus. For complete regeneration and recovery functions easy it may take about 2 weeks for the cough to continue;
  • Residual effects in the bronchi. Inflammatory foci are no longer visible on the pictures, but the bronchi have not yet fully recovered;
  • Mucous discharge is not completely removed from the lungs, and coughing helps to get rid of it;
  • Repeated colds after inflammation of the lungs, they prolong the time for getting rid of coughing.

A child’s body weakened by illness can easily catch a cold. In this case, if the child’s dry cough does not go away within 14 days, it is recommended to contact the attending pediatrician. You may need to change medications or additional methods physiotherapy.


After the course of treatment for pneumonia has been successfully completed, the residual cough becomes less intense. But it can also be dry and wet with phlegm. The main symptoms are shallow breathing, shortness of breath, pressing pains in the chest. In the process of coughing, the bronchi are cleared of mucus that has accumulated in the lungs during illness. AT rare cases, sputum when coughing may be with inclusions or pus.

The type of cough depends on many individual factors:

  • Patient's age;
  • The type of causative agent of the disease;
  • The severity of the course of pneumonia;
  • General health;
  • The ability of the immune system to fight infection;
  • Related chronic diseases;
  • Complications after pneumonia.

With the development of such a complication after pneumonia as chronic bronchitis, the cough may disturb the patient for another year, but the cough is dry and aggravated by cold weather.


The cough lasts with pneumonia in a child during the entire period of the disease. Depending on the severity of the disease and the amount of damage to the lungs, the intensity of the cough depends. Normally, cough after pneumonia can continue for another 2-3 weeks. In the presence of certain chronic diseases, with weakened immunity and with extensive damage to the lungs during illness, the cough persists for several years.

In order to reduce these terms, you should adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. chronic bronchitis, which is the main complication after pneumonia.

You should also take into account the following features:

  • In children under 2 years old, the body is not yet strong enough, therefore it is not able to quickly cope with the consequences of the disease. In this case, you can help the child with the help of expectorant medicines (mukaltin), inhalations and massage. chest;
  • If the cough after pneumonia in a child does not go away within 2 weeks, then a second course may be required. antibacterial drugs. It is also desirable to send the child to Spa treatment to restore immunity;
  • Cough after pneumonia does not go away in adults from a year to several years.


Residual bouts of coughing after pneumonia help clear the airways of excess mucus and purulent discharge, but can also be accompanied by rather severe complications:

  • Night cough disrupts sleep patterns and after a while provokes insomnia;
  • Bouts of coughing to vomiting;
  • Cases of urinary incontinence and involuntary defecation are possible;
  • Fainting;
  • Development of a hernia (inguinal, abdominal);
  • Pneumothorax.

When coughing, which is accompanied by such complications, it is necessary to contact the attending physician, who will prescribe a re-examination for a recurrence of pneumonia, and also prescribe medications that weaken coughing attacks.


To avoid or reduce the effects of pneumonia in the form of prolonged residual cough it is necessary to strictly adhere to the course of treatment of pneumonia. A course of antibiotics and antibacterial drugs should be accompanied by additional methods of treatment - physiotherapy (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF), exercise therapy, massage, breathing exercises.

When selecting right method treatment of cough after pneumonia, the doctor must take into account the causes of its occurrence and its features:

  • duration;
  • The strength of the attack;
  • Sound (with wheezing, deaf);
  • Composition of sputum (with blood, in the form of jelly, with pus);
  • Causes of exacerbation of cough;
  • Time of onset of seizures (night, morning, afternoon, evening).

Medical therapy:

  • For liquefaction and removal of sputum - Ambroxol, ACC, Abrol;
  • Bronchodilators, mucolytics - Bronchostop, Mukaltin, Broncholitin;
  • Antitussives - Glaucine, Flavamed, Codeine.

When appointed strong drugs(e.g. antibiotics) storage precautions should be followed. Medicines should be stored in a dark, cool place out of the reach of children.


When choosing methods of treatment with traditional medicine, you should always consult with your doctor. This will avoid complications such as allergic reactions to the components of herbal preparations.

Most effective recipes additional treatment at home, if cough does not go away after pneumonia, are:

  • Hot milk with cocoa butter and honey. You should try to drink the drink while it is still hot enough, but do not burn the mucous membranes oral cavity, larynx, esophagus;
  • Inhalations with mineral waters(Borjomi);
  • Compresses on the chest. On the skin should be applied badger, bear fat, lamb or lard. After applying the compress, the patient should be carefully wrapped up to achieve maximum effect;
  • hot milk with butter, onion juice and honey. Before use this recipe should be sure that there is no allergic reactions for honey;
  • Rosehip tea;
  • Infusions of coltsfoot, thyme, licorice root and marshmallow. Data herbal ingredients Can be used individually or as part of collections.
  • Also, if a cough does not go away after inflammation of the lungs, it is recommended to restore immunity with the help of a vitamin course and the introduction of foods rich in vitamins into the diet. At the same time, fruits and vegetables should be in season. Strawberries in January are undeniably a lot of fun, but beneficial vitamins and there are practically no minerals in it.


As a preventive measure prolonged cough after pneumonia, you need to constantly ventilate the room, carry out daily wet cleaning in the patient's room. Frequent drinking of teas and herbal infusions is also recommended. To maintain the desired level of humidity in the room, you should install an ultrasonic humidifier.

Indispensable for residual barking cough are frequent inhalations with antitussives and herbal preparations. Inhalations accelerate the process of sputum removal, contribute to the restoration of the mucous membranes of the lungs and respiratory tract.

It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, as coughing tends to worsen in cold weather and with colds. It is highly desirable after suffering pneumonia to go to a sanatorium with specialized treatment of the respiratory system or organize a trip to the sea.

It is strictly forbidden to engage in radical methods of hardening after pneumonia for at least 1 year. That is how much time the body needs to recuperate. And if the body was severely weakened after pneumonia, it may take much longer. For douches cold water, you can start swimming in the hole only after you have passed even mild cough after pneumonia and in the absence of complications in the form of chronic diseases.

The benefits of gymnastics after pneumonia

Any serious illness does not pass without consequences for the physical condition of a person. Therefore, it is necessary to start exercises as soon as possible after the illness, which will help not only restore muscle tone, but will also allow you to quickly deal with.

So, breathing exercises aimed at restoring and increasing lung capacity. A set of exercises for the lungs should be done before basic exercises every day without “absenteeism”. Positive result will be noticeable after 3 weeks.

Breathing exercises are based on the following principles:

  • Restoration of the tone of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm;
  • Increased lung volume;
  • General strengthening of the body.

Each exercise should begin with breathing exercises and end with them. In addition to warming up and relaxing breathing exercises, there are also intensive lung workouts:

  • Hold your breath for 5-10 seconds;
  • Alternating 5 short and 1 long breaths, followed by holding the breath for 5-10 seconds.

For the development and strengthening of the respiratory system, especially after pneumonia, rehabilitators recommend long walks in the fresh air, which gradually turn into brisk walking and running.

An infectious disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the lungs is pneumonia. Usually the disease is accompanied by bouts of strong dry cough, which brings the patient to a state of exhaustion. Even if the patient has undergone complex treatment with antibiotics and other drugs a wide range actions, cough after the disease can last for several months.

The most common symptom after pneumonia is cough spasms. Incessant wheezing, dryness and irritation in the throat cause a breakdown in strength and mood. Unfortunately, getting rid of them is quite difficult. To alleviate the suffering of the patient, we will tell you what to do if the cough after pneumonia does not go away for a long time in this article.

The nature and type of cough after pneumonia

Cough after pneumonia can last for two weeks to two months. At this time, the patient feels a breakdown, insomnia, loss of appetite. Apart from common symptoms, causes cough pain in the throat, and the accumulation of sputum in the lungs and bronchi causes painful breathing and the inability to expectorate sputum.

Thick sputum is dangerous for the patient, as it becomes a favorable flora for the reproduction of viruses and bacteria. Therefore, if the patient has not received proper treatment, there is a risk of relapse.

Cough in adults can last much longer, but in children it goes away within a few weeks.

The nature of the cough depends on the general clinical picture inflammation in the lungs, as well as the state of the immune system, age and lifestyle of the patient. Further drug therapy also depends on these facts, so treatment should take place under the supervision of your doctor.

Cough after pneumonia can be of several types:

  • dry;
  • productive;
  • hysterical;
  • loud or muffled;
  • with hoarseness in the throat.

In addition, the patient may complain not of cough, but intermittent coughing. Especially often cough reflex intensifies in the evening. How to cure nocturnal cough can be found in this article.

In addition, you should pay attention to the presence of secretions. If the patient has hemoptysis or purulent accumulations, then the treatment will be with antibiotics. If the patient complains of a slight cough, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and mucolytics.

Treatment of cough after pneumonia in adults

Residual effect requires complex treatment otherwise he may last up to several years. If the patient is suffering from any chronic ailments the cough may get worse. Therefore, it is important to know how and how to treat a cough after pneumonia.

Cough in an adult can last for several months. If the inflammation is not cured, it will become chronic.

Annoying cough after pneumonia can be cured with traditional drug therapy. For best effect, in the course of treatment, the patient can use some recipes from traditional medicine.

The inflammatory process of the lung parenchyma can be eliminated as follows:

  1. The course of complex treatment includes the use of antitussives drugs- "Flavamed", "Glautsin", "Codeine".
  2. to loosen mucus and eliminate mucous secretions, use the following drugs - ACC, Ambroxol, Abrol.
  3. During the treatment it is important expand the lumen in the bronchi and relieve spasms. For this, an adult patient is prescribed Broncholitin, Mukaltin, Bronchostop.
  4. Mucus buildup can be eliminated with synthetic drugs- "", "Pectussin", "Solutan".
  5. If after the fifth day of treatment with mucolytics and expectorants, the patient does not feel relief, prescribe broad spectrum drugs- Levofloxacin, Gatifloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Ciprofloxacin.
  6. To reduce swelling in the throat and alleviate attacks use antihistamines- Tavegil, Fenkarol, Claritin, Zirtek, Suprastin.
  7. The course of complex treatment includes bronchodilators medicines- "Hexoprenaline", "Salbutamol", "Saventol", "Salmeterol", "Terbutaline".
  8. To stop viral reproduction, adults need the following drugs- Amantadine, Adapromin, Amizon.

Except drug therapy, the patient must strengthen the immune system. To do this, spend more time outdoors, review your diet and drink vitamin complexes. In addition, do not forget about the need for water in the body.

maintenance water balance will strengthen the immune system and raise protective functions. To do this, the patient can take not only clean water, but also medicinal teas. Learn more about how to brew healing drink find out .

Important! If an adult and a child have a cough after pneumonia that does not go away for two or more weeks, you will need repeat therapy with the use of antibiotics.

In children

Treatment of cough in children takes about two weeks. If during drug therapy you did not notice the proper result, a second consultation is necessary. It is likely that there is a need for repeated administration of broad-spectrum drugs.

If you have the opportunity, send the baby to a dispensary. It is quite difficult to cure a cough after pneumonia at home.

When treating a cough after pneumonia, it should be understood that the anatomy of a baby is very different from the structure of an adult's body. Therefore, expectoration of sputum after pneumonia for two weeks is natural process. If the cough is accompanied acute symptoms then medical supervision is required.

For the treatment of cough after inflammation of the respiratory system or lungs in children are prescribed the following drugs:

  1. After pneumonia, cough treatment concentrates on liquefaction of mucus. For this, a small patient is prescribed combined preparations- "", "", "Gedelix", "Ambroxol"
  2. It is important to expand the bronchi and narrow the lumen. To do this, children are assigned the following bronchodilators drugs- Fenoterol, Ipratorium bromide, Troventol, Diprofillin.
  3. In addition, the child needs antitussives that have a peripheral effect. These drugs include - "Libeksin", "Bronholitin", "Tussin Plus", "Gelacidin".
  4. Restore receipt air flow possible with the help the following funds- "Bromhexine", "ACC", "Flyuditek", "Prospan", "Amtersol".
  5. To anticipate viral development the baby is prescribed "Anaferon", "Arbidol", "Aflubin".
  6. reduce puffiness Telfast, Allertec, Rolinoz will help in the throat.
  7. Dry cough in a child after pneumonia can be stopped with the help of drugs such as Levopront, Libexin, Helicidin.
  8. In addition, the baby needs anti-inflammatory drugs plant origin- "Sinekod", "Glauvent", "Sedotussin".
  9. When treating children, one cannot do without mucolytics"", "Lazolvan", "Mukodin", "Ascoril".

To improve the well-being of the baby, rub the chest and back of the baby every day. To do this, use the ointment "Doctor MOM" or "Doctor Theiss". How to carry out the procedure is written.

In addition, remember that the child should drink as much as possible during treatment. pure water. As additional therapy you can use drinks based on raspberries, St. John's wort, nettle, mint, coltsfoot leaves or prunes. Regardless of the choice of decoction, they should be drunk warm.

Find out what other herbs are allowed to treat children.


pneumonia is dangerous disease, which can cause many inflammations in respiratory system. Therefore, it is very important to start strengthening the immune system immediately after recovery. For this, it is necessary to provide balanced diet, sports and other habits that allow you to healthy lifestyle life.

In addition, do not be in places large cluster of people. When walking in the city or nature, dress appropriately for the weather.

Do not forget about the need for daily wet cleaning and ventilation.

Pneumonia is an inflammation localized in the lung tissue. The disease is characterized by a strong cough, which sometimes remains even after prolonged therapy.

Symptoms of pathology remain for a long time after recovery

Cough as a complication of pneumonia

If active anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out, then the disease disappears and its symptoms, respectively, too. But for a full recovery, certain time, and it is normal that after the elimination of all pathological foci, a cough may remain. This is partly due to the exudate that has accumulated in the bronchi, alveoli.

If the cough after pneumonia does not go away, it is possible pathological process in the tissues of the respiratory organs is not completely completed. The symptom may be accompanied rapid breathing superficial type, shortness of breath. Its nature will depend on the clinical picture of the disease, the severity of the course, the type of pathogen, age category and the state of the body's immune forces, the presence comorbidities. Dry cough with pneumonia appears at the beginning of the disease, then it becomes wet.

it defense mechanism, because Airways cleared of phlegm and mucus that has accumulated in them.

Cough often means that the disease has recurred

Causes of a cough

A pathological symptom may appear in such cases:

  • Long-term regeneration of soft tissues. Against the background of a weakened body from a viral infection, the recovery processes slow down, so a cough can be observed for some time after the treatment.
  • Residual plots inflammatory process directly in bronchial tissues. The state of the lungs during pneumonia is monitored by fluorography, but the bronchial tissues, which also need treatment, are not visible in the picture.

The immune forces of the body are lowered against the background past pneumonia and it takes time to recover. But, you need to be careful, because during this period a person is prone to various ailments and the common cold, can again lead to re-inflammation of the lungs. How long a cough lasts after pneumonia depends on the cause of its occurrence. And at the reception, the doctor will conduct an examination, auscultation. To find out the etiology, you will need to undergo some examinations.

The doctor examines the patient and makes a diagnosis

In adults pathological symptom may remain up to a month, while in children up to 2 weeks, if it lasts longer, you need to see a doctor. This suggests that in children's body inflammatory processes continue and the patient needs treatment.

Mycoplasma pneumonia is more common in children. And after recovery, the cough may remain for the reason that mycoplasmas are able to stay in the tissues of the epithelium for a long time. After pneumonia, the baby is also weakened and rehabilitation is needed. It is better to send him to a sanatorium, which will not only speed up the recovery process, but also strengthen his body.

Up to 2 years pulmonary system tolerates the disease differently due to anatomical instability, it is more difficult to cure it, sputum long time leaves the lungs. thick slime provokes the appearance of a cough, and in order for a fragile body to cope with this, doctors, in accordance with age, prescribe drugs that help thin and expectorate sputum.

Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor

It is forbidden to give medicines to children on their own, this can worsen the condition.

Treatment of cough after pneumonia

If a pathological manifestation does not go away for a long time, you need to consult a doctor who will draw up a treatment plan. How to treat a cough with pneumonia will depend on its cause and type. To alleviate the condition and eliminate the cough, the following methods can be used:

  • Medicines.
  • Carrying out inhalations.
  • Massage.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Folk treatment.

In complex therapy, inhalations are used

Medical therapy

Cough medicines include:

  1. Antitussive drugs that suppress the cough reflex. Representatives are Mukaltin, Thermopsol.
  2. Expectorants - help to remove sputum from the respiratory tract to the outside. For example, Broncholitin.
  3. Mucolytics - thin the mucus, they are prescribed if available productive cough with secreted viscous, thick sputum. Representatives of the group: Ambroxol, ACC, Bromhexine.

Children are prescribed cough syrups. If the symptom is observed for more than a few weeks or residual inflammatory processes in the tissues of the lungs are diagnosed, then the doctor may resort to prescribing antibacterial drugs.

In children, the symptom is eliminated with a syrup.

Physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy

You can speed up the healing process by using not only medicines, but also other means prescribed by a doctor.

One of the additional methods is physiotherapy:

  • Electrophoresis. With its help, drugs are administered directly to the destination, i.e. lung tissue. Due to the current, their blood supply improves, respectively, the metabolism increases.
  • UHF procedures. The process of elimination of infection and recovery is accelerated, secretion production decreases, reproduction is inhibited pathogenic microorganisms, their vital activity decreases.
  • Magnetotherapy. Improves blood supply small vessels, metabolic processes. In total, up to 10 procedures are performed per course.

Physical therapy can help speed up recovery

If left residual effects cough, then they can prescribe therapeutic gymnastics, the purpose of which is to restore ventilation of the lungs, for this there are special breathing exercises. K no less useful procedures includes massage. There is a drainage type or percussion. It can be carried out when the intoxication syndrome has passed.

Other physical manipulations on the chest area may contribute to the healing process. For example, vibrational movements, rubbing, vacuum, heat. Inhalation procedures may be prescribed, the purpose of which is to restore the functions of the cilia of the bronchial epithelium, to remove thick sputum, and to regenerate the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

Folk methods of treatment

Non-traditional methods of therapy at home can be used only after the permission of the doctor. Some of them can actually improve the patient's condition. For example:

  • Infusion of licorice root.

At home, you can be treated with milk with figs

  • A decoction of thyme or cabbage with honey.
  • Warm milk with figs (1 cup).
  • Herbal inhalation.

You can also do rubbing of the chest with the fat of a pig, badger and wrapping the smeared surface of the body.

Medical advice should be sought if cough after pneumonia in adults does not go away up to a month and up to 2 weeks in babies. This indicates an incomplete inflammatory process in the lung tissue. If carried out complex therapy, the cough goes away in a week.

You should visit the doctor when protracted course cough

Seek medical attention to prevent possible complications when the symptom persists after recovery. If in the background reduced immunity another disease has joined, appeared heat or recurrent pneumonia develops, you must immediately go to the hospital.


As a prevention of cough after pneumonia, vitamin complexes and immunostimulating drugs are prescribed to reduce the risk of morbidity and speed up the healing process. After pneumonia, you can immediately take a course of breathing exercises or attend physiotherapy without waiting for a strong residual cough. In this case, inhalation using breast collection. At home, you need to monitor the ventilation of the apartment, moisten the air.

Cough after an illness can occur for a number of reasons. If the symptom does not disappear for a long time, you need to consult a specialist and conduct additional examinations.

For the causes of coughing with pneumonia, see the video:

Cough after pneumonia indicates an incomplete resolution of the inflammatory process in the lung tissue. It also appears in the presence of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, bronchiectasis). In such a situation, a person feels a dry cough in the morning.

At bronchial asthma allergic narrowing of the airways develops. In children, a change in the lung parenchyma during the disease is accompanied by dry cough shocks, which can even lead to death. Asthma in a child is accompanied by the formation of chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs, which is difficult to treat. For more information on how to cure a cough after pneumonia, consider the article below.

Cough as a residual effect after pneumonia

Cough after the cure of the inflammatory process in the lungs may indicate an incomplete resolution of the disease. The absence of infiltrative shadows on the radiograph does not mean complete elimination of pathology. The disappearance of inflammation of the alveoli does not exclude inflammatory foci in the bronchi.

To treat them, you can use expectorant syrups:

  • liquorice root;
  • ambroxol;

In chronic diseases in children, pediatricians prescribe drugs that block the cough center of the brain. When using Glaucine, Betadine, a child may experience adverse reactions and respiratory failure. These medicines must be prescribed by a doctor.

If after transferred treatment pneumonia, the child retains an increased respiratory rate (more than 30 per minute), it is advisable to engage in breathing exercises. Perhaps in the bronchi of the baby remains a small inflammatory focus. To neutralize it, it is enough to study breathing exercises and apply it for 1-2 weeks. Do a massage with him, take vitamin C.

Inflammatory changes in the lung alveoli suggest the use of antibiotics. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that dry cough after pneumonia may be a consequence of the use of data pharmaceuticals. In such a situation, normalization of the child's health should be expected 1-2 weeks after the drug is discontinued.

Causes of complications in children

Cough after pneumonia in a child may occur against the background of the fact that inflammatory changes in the alveoli have disappeared, but small inflammatory foci remain in the bronchial tissue. They are not visible on AP and lateral chest x-rays.

The second option is viral damage to cells. Despite the fact that the child's body is recovering well, with viral infection lung tissue is severely damaged. It cannot regenerate during the average duration of pneumonia - 10-14 days. It should be expected that a dry cough in this situation will continue for another 2 weeks. If it persists after this period, you should consult a doctor.

Not all children have a residual cough. If a child has a strong the immune system, parents harden him with early age, it is possible that pneumonia will be cured without consequences in 10 days.

If the baby has frequent colds throughout the year, it is likely that pneumonia is a deviation from the classic course.

In adults, cough after the cure of the underlying inflammatory process lasts longer. If there are chronic diseases, the residual effect may be observed for several years.

Even if a qualified treatment of chronic bronchitis is carried out, all dry cough shocks can be traced in a person for several years. Chronic diseases are usually activated in the cold season.

In children, the maximum period during which you can treat the pathology yourself is 2 weeks. If after the expiration of the disease does not go away, it is necessary to apply antibiotics again.

It is optimal if parents have the opportunity to take a sick child a ticket to a sanatorium-dispensary.

In a child less than 2 years old, the anatomical structures are unstable. Against this background, it should be understood that expectoration of sputum can be observed for some time after the treatment of the inflammatory process of the lung parenchyma. If the sputum is viscous, the airways may not be able to cope with its elimination - the child coughs. In this case, treatment with expectorants is necessary, but only those that can be used for young children.

If the cough persists, residual effects must be treated. But it should not be applied medications and physiotherapy and folk treatment. The recommendations apply to adults as well. Children have any medical measures should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

  • Frequent airing of the apartment;
  • ultrasonic humidification;
  • The use of immunostimulating teas and infusions.

It is necessary to perform procedures as long as they are saved residual symptoms after pneumonia.

Many doctors consider sedimentary cough after inflammatory changes mild variant of the norm, but if it is strong, expectorants and antibiotics are recommended.

In order to get rid of the residual cough, inhalations should be done. When the bronchi are working normally, they should be moistened. Daily inhalations will restore the work of cilia in the lungs, put in order the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This will improve mucus secretion.

To eliminate inflammatory changes, the following herbal remedies should be added to the inhaler:

  • Althea root;
  • Chamomile;
  • Liquorice root;
  • Sage.

When a child has a severe cough, it can be treated with warm compresses. To reduce the temperature, it is necessary to rub the chest with pork, goat, bear, mutton or badger fat. After that, wrap skin wool scarf and shawl.

When there is no fat in the house, dry compresses or essential oils can be used.

In adults, milk, onion juice, honey, and butter are used to treat postpneumonic changes. The drink relieves cough and relieves spasms. It can be used at bedtime to warm the bronchi.

To prevent pneumonia in the future, we advise you to strengthen the immunity of the child. taking vitamins, good nutrition and physical exercise able to quickly restore health to normal. The diet of the patient every day should include meat, dairy products.

Your health should always be guarded by onions and garlic. These products contain a large amount of selenium, which has an antiviral and antibacterial effect.

Thus, if a child or adult has a residual cough, one should not be afraid of it. Against the background of physiotherapy and folk remedies, he must pass on his own. If residual effects persist for 2 weeks, you should consult a doctor. Possible recurrence of pneumonia.

Pneumonia is considered serious illness, which flows from different strength damage, inflict great harm health regardless of the age of the patient. The disease is accompanied by a cough, but there are also situations when recovery has come according to all signs, but the cough persists. It cannot be left unattended and ignored. You need to see a doctor to eliminate the residual effects of inflammation. It is also important to understand the reasons why a cough does not go away after pneumonia.

When a cough does not go away after recovery from pneumonia, the following reasons may occur:

  1. Residual symptoms of the disease. If there are no other signs of inflammation left, then you do not need to worry much. As a rule, the condition gradually normalizes over the next 3 months after recovery. In children and adults, the effects persist for the same length of time.
  2. Exhaustion after past illness. Because of this, a new infection joins, and the cough persists.
  3. Pneumonia recurs, so coughing persists. So the symptom is an alarm signal.

Important! Each specified item is given Special attention. Even with residual effects, it is necessary to seek medical help so that against this background there are no complications, or the process does not turn into a chronic one.

Stopping inflammation and curing pneumonia is not the whole story. Due to the fact that one of the main reasons is reduced immunity, the disease can return again. That's why it's so important proper rehabilitation. During the recovery period, it is easy to catch a cold, then everything will start anew, only the risks of complications and irreversible consequences will be higher.


Chronic cough with thick sputum may persist even after full treatment. Dry cough, as a rule, develops only in the morning. Additionally, it may have the following symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • shallow breathing;
  • rarely hemoptysis;
  • pain in the upper chest.

Residual cough after pneumonia can actually have different character- it depends on age group a person, from the severity of the pathology, from the microbes that provoked the disease, from comorbidities in the body. By itself, it can even be considered beneficial, as it helps to remove remaining phlegm from the lungs and prevent its stagnation. But if the cough does not go away for too long and is characterized by high intensity, then it is recommended to consult a specialist. It will help you choose additional methods of correction.


After transferred infections at the final stage of pneumonia - upon recovery, the cough can persist. The main task in this case is to alleviate it, and then completely eliminate it.

Actually 2 weeks is maximum time, for which the residual cough after pneumonia should pass. When coughing persists, repeated antibiotics and other symptomatic medications are recommended.


To weaken or prevent any consequences of pneumonia, including cough after pneumonia, you must follow the rules for treating the disease. The course of antibacterial drugs must necessarily be accompanied by other methods of therapy - physiotherapy, therapeutic massage, exercise therapy and breathing exercises.

When choosing suitable ways additional treatment, the doctor must take into account the etiology of pneumonia and the characteristics of the cough. They can be:

  • duration;
  • force of expectoration;
  • the nature of the sound;
  • composition of sputum;
  • causes of exacerbation of cough;
  • What time of day do seizures develop?

Drug treatment of residual cough involves the use of such drugs:

  • preparations for thinning and facilitating the process of sputum excretion: ACC, Ambroxol, Abrol;
  • mucolytics and bronchodilators: Mukaltin, Bronchostop, Broncholitin;
  • antitussives: Flavamed, Glaucine, Codeine.

In the case of the appointment of potent drugs, it is imperative to follow the rules of administration and precautions. At proper organization cough in child adult will pass without a trace.

The benefits of gymnastics after pneumonia

Any severe pathology leaves behind residual effects, having a negative effect on physical state organism. For this reason, it is recommended that the physiotherapy exercises, which contributes to the normalization of muscle tone and helps to quickly overcome the consequences of the disease.

In addition to exercise therapy, it will be useful and breathing exercises. Do deep breaths and exhalation to increase lung capacity. More serious exercises can be picked up by a doctor.

Well restored muscle work long walks, which are gradually translated into accelerated walking and easy running.


After pneumonia, coughing greatly exhausts a person, so he begins to look for additional ways to help from traditional medicine recipes. The most effective ones are:

  1. Compresses. They are effective to do with frequent debilitating attacks, they help to accelerate the removal of stagnant sputum. Suitable for rubbing the chest area badger fat. After that, the treated area is wrapped with a warm scarf or scarf.
  2. Drink medicinal decoctions. Helps well warm milk with onion juice, honey or butter. The drink can be even for children over 5 years old, it is better to drink it before bedtime.
  3. Inhalations. Cough passes faster when inhaled with sage, chamomile.
  4. Potato. Potatoes cut into slices are boiled and applied to the chest area, wrapped with a woolen scarf. After 2 hours, the compress can be removed.

In any case, when persistent cough should discuss the use folk remedies to the doctor, do not delay the visit to him, so as not to cause even more dangerous consequences.


Cough is not independent disease. This is a reflex of the human body that helps to eliminate obstacles that interfere with the respiratory processes. If the cough does not go away for a long time, it can cause complications:

  • vomit;
  • insomnia;
  • pneumothorax;
  • pelvic and abdominal hernia.


To prevent the occurrence of residual cough after pneumonia, it is often necessary to ventilate the room, ensuring the intake fresh air, also do a daily wet cleaning. To effective means prevention of prolonged cough include:

  • Compliance drinking regime. In addition to water in in large numbers recommended to drink herbal infusions and teas.
  • Maintaining sufficient humidity in the room. For this purpose, it is enough to purchase a humidifier.
  • Conducting inhalations with antitussives and herbal preparations. The procedures will speed up the removal of sputum and help restore the integrity of the mucosa in the lungs and respiratory tract.
  • Prevention of hypothermia, because the cough is aggravated in a cold climate or during a cold.

Immediately after recovery, it is forbidden to engage in radical hardening, at least for one year. This is how much time, on average, it takes the body after an illness to fully recuperate. At severe course and a strong weakening, this period can increase significantly. You need to be careful about your own health, and especially after pneumonia. Only in this way can you return to a full life again.

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