Proper rehabilitation after rhinoplasty: helping ourselves to recover. Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty Why you can not lift weights after rhinoplasty

In the first 2-3 days after rhinoplasty, the most pronounced discomfort is noted. There are swellings and bruises on the face, the nose breathes badly, the general heaviness of the face is felt. Headaches are possible.

In a day rhinoplasty, the surgeon introduces silicone splints or cotton turundas into the nasal passages. A splint or plaster is applied to the external nose. Please note: it is strictly forbidden to remove gypsum and remove turundas on your own - this is fraught with serious complications! A catheter that is installed in a vein for general anesthesia and postoperative infusion of drugs can cause some inconvenience. It is removed when the patient is discharged and sent home. I recommend that you refrain from wearing clothes that need to be pulled over your head, especially knee socks, T-shirts and jumpers with narrow collars.

Removal of turundas and removal of plaster.

After 3 - 5 days splints are taken out of the nostrils. Contrary to common misconceptions, this procedure is completely painless. By removing the splints, it becomes easier for the patient to breathe through the nose. True, free nasal breathing will still be partially blocked until the primary edema converges. During this period, patients begin itching and irritation of the skin under a cast or splint. This is completely normal and should just be tolerated. Never move or remove the immobilizing bandage without permission! This can lead to nose deformities and spoil the result of rhinoplasty. If the surgeon finds traces of such actions, he has every right to disclaim responsibility for the outcome of rhinoplasty.

After 7 - 10 days the surgeon removes the plaster cast. What you see in the mirror after that should not scare you - the nose will be 1.5-2 times larger than planned for rhinoplasty. This is swelling that has not gone down yet. He can "walk" on the nose for up to six months. The final result of rhinoplasty is evaluated after 1 year, when both external and internal edema are neutralized. On the 7-10th day, the gypsum may fall off by itself, and this is not a problem if you did not “help” it. But in this case, I advise you to contact the surgeon ahead of time.

After removal of the tampons, sutures may remain in the nostrils, on the columella and in the folds of the wings of the nose. Do not pull them with tweezers and do not take them out. This is fraught with divergence of seams and ugly scars. Try to avoid active facial expressions, especially laughter.

Household activities after rhinoplasty.

The moral preparation for the operation is no less important than the physical one. First of all, you must internally agree to a number of restrictions that await you in the rehabilitation period.

Restrictions on sports and other activities after rhinoplasty

I forbid my patients to tilt their heads forward when they are in the nose with splints. Heavy loads are an absolute taboo. Temporarily forget about the gym, jogging, etc. - Only walking at a moderate pace is allowed. Organize your peace. Do not lift heavy objects, including pets and children.

You can return to the gym after 2-3 months. But even during this period it is undesirable to perform exercises that provoke a rush of blood to the head. When cleaning a house or apartment, limit the movement of the head down (as when washing floors with a rag).

Professional sports activities are excluded for the next six months.

Boxing after rhinoplasty

Boxing, hand-to-hand combat and other martial arts are an eternal limitation after the operation. The fact is that the nose becomes more vulnerable and prone to injury. You don't want to go back to rhinoplasty again and again, do you?

Post-traumatic rhinoplasty is extremely difficult, and regeneration after it proceeds worse.

Swimming in a pool, lake, river or sea after rhinoplasty

Swimming in pools and natural reservoirs is prohibited for 2-3 months. This is associated with an increased risk of infection. In addition, you do not need colds now, and when bathing, their likelihood increases even in hot weather.

After this period, you can safely return to swimming.

Sleep after rhinoplasty

In the first week after rhinoplasty, it is advisable to sleep on a solid high pillow or half-sitting - for the second option, there are special beds that rise at the head. It is recommended to use mattresses and pillows with orthopedic effect. Try to control yourself in a dream, do not roll over on your side and do not lie face down in the pillow.

Sleeping on your back is a must for 3 weeks. Then you can gently roll over on your side. Favorite posture on the stomach is allowed to be taken only after 6-10 months, when the healing is completed.

Washing your face after rhinoplasty

Washing is a real problem for the first days after rhinoplasty, because you can’t wet the plaster and tilt your head down. At this time, try not to perform the traditional hygiene procedure at all - use mild cleansing tonics or micellar water.

The usual way of washing will become available after removing the plaster. But even now, you have to be very careful. Do not rub your face with a towel - just gently blot it to remove excess moisture. Do not use cleansers that provoke allergies.

Diet and nutrition

Rehab does not involve a specific diet, although I advise my patients to eat light and wholesome foods. However, I do not forbid any food. The only thing you should limit yourself to is pickles and smoked meats that retain fluid in the tissues.

During the first 2-3 weeks, you should refrain from too cold or hot food and drinks - for example, ice cream and coffee.

Watch your stool and avoid constipation - extra stress will not do you any good.

Conclusion: eat warm healthy food, preferably easily digestible. Minimize the amount of salt in your diet whenever possible.

Nasal lavage after rhinoplasty

Washing the nose is allowed after removing the plaster, but only in agreement with the doctor and subject to the correct technique for performing the procedure.

  • Make a slight side slope over the washbasin
  • Using a special pipette, pour the medicinal solution into the nostril opposite the side of your inclination
  • Blow off without pressure on the nose - only by lightly blowing air, without fail with your mouth open
  • Drop an emollient oil (peach is best) into each nostril or lubricate the mucous membranes with ointment

Returning to work after rhinoplasty

Return to work is allowed after 2-3 weeks, after removal of plaster and sutures. In the same period, pronounced bruises and swelling are neutralized. But remember that physical activity is still prohibited, so the rule applies to people with purely business activity.

Washing hair after rhinoplasty

Wash your hair should be tilted back, as in hairdressers and beauty salons. You can contact the masters or ask for help from household members.

If there is a longuet on the face, make every effort not to wet it.

Thermal drops have a bad effect on regenerative processes, so hot baths should not be taken.

Alcoholic drinks after rhinoplasty

Give up alcohol for the entire recovery phase. Before surgery, also limit your alcohol intake - this will help protect you from bleeding and side effects of medications that do not mix well with ethyl alcohol.

A month after the operation, it is permissible to drink wine in limited quantities.

Champagne, low-alcohol drinks, energy drinks, beer - all this is prohibited for the next 5-6 months.

Steaming and warming procedures after rhinoplasty

Any temperature fluctuations adversely affect rehabilitation. Refuse to visit the bath and sauna, tanning (natural and artificial), contrast shower.

Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and use sunscreen with a high SPF.

Failure to follow this rule can lead to hyperpigmentation.

Corrective glasses and sunglasses should not be worn after osteotomy to avoid bone deformities.

Wearing glasses after rhinoplasty

It is better not to wear glasses for 1.5 months. This is due to undesirable pressure on the bridge of the nose - the tissues in it have not yet fully reorganized. In addition, wearing glasses can cause pain. A possible result of ignoring this rule is the curvature of the back.

If you have poor eyesight, take care of the selection and purchase of contact lenses in advance.

Flu and cold after rhinoplasty: how to be treated?

Colds and flu are best avoided altogether. But if the disease has begun, in no case do not blow your nose. Use hygienic sticks, tampons, napkins and other devices.

You can blow your nose 1.5 months after rhinoplasty. This should be done carefully.

It is important to sneeze with your mouth open to relieve excess pressure from your inner nose.

Cosmetic procedures after rhinoplasty

It is forbidden to resort to mechanical cleanings for 2-3 months. I advise you to use soft and gentle products. It is important to moisturize dry skin, and it is important to clean oily skin with a fine scrub. Superficial and medium peels are available no earlier than 2 months later.

To optimize the appearance of your new nose, your doctor may prescribe a massage. You can't do it on your own!

Any manipulations aimed at accelerating healing are agreed with the surgeon.

In order for rehabilitation after rhinoplasty to go according to plan, and the nose to heal faster, the patient is required to fully obey the recommendations of the plastic surgeon. It depends on how seriously a person approaches this issue whether he will have complications or whether the nose will quickly take on a new beautiful shape. This article describes what is allowed and what is not allowed to do in the postoperative period. We have tried to answer the most important questions asked by patients.

Why can't you remove the plaster yourself?

A plaster bandage is applied to the nose after rhinoplasty. It is needed to fix the new shape of the nose. What's more, the plaster cast helps keep the nose from swelling. The cast is usually removed after 10-14 days. Even if it starts to hang out, in no case should you remove it yourself. This must be done by the surgeon.

It is important to endure the inconvenience associated with the presence of plaster on the face. For example, due to the fact that the skin does not breathe for a long time and sweats, it can itch a lot.

If the plaster is removed ahead of time, then the bones may grow together incorrectly, and there will be a deformation of the septum, to eliminate which it will be necessary to resort to a second operation. Or a person will experience significant aesthetic inconvenience associated with an irregular nose shape.

How long can you wear glasses after rhinoplasty?

Immediately after rhinoplasty, there will be a cast on the face, so it will be uncomfortable to wear glasses. But this is far from the main reason why it is forbidden to wear glasses. This is not recommended even after the plaster is removed. Somewhere during the one and a half months of the rehabilitation period, the shape of the nose is still being formed, so any pressure on the bridge of the nose can lead to changes and deformations that will be very difficult to eliminate.

For example, the bridge of the nose may become too small, and the tip of the nose may droop and become saddle-shaped.

But what about those who cannot walk without glasses? Such people should think about replacing glasses for vision correction with contact lenses during the recovery period. You need to buy them in advance and learn how to wear them.

How long can you not play sports after rhinoplasty?

The first week after rhinoplasty, it is necessary to ensure peace for the body. In this case, you can not be subjected to any physical exertion. This means that you can not do house cleaning and lifting weights. Under no circumstances should you tilt your head. It is better to stay at home, rest and observe bed rest. At this time, it is better to change the rhythm of life and relax as much as possible.

If we talk about sports, then light training is permissible only after 2 - 3 months. It is important to know here that you can not do exercises, after which the blood rushes to the face. For example, these are forward bends, head or torso rotations, running, and so on.

At this time, you can swim in the pool. Such lightweight sports will even be useful.

More intense training is permissible at least after six months.

Is it possible to lift a child after rhinoplasty?

As can be seen from the previous question, it is impossible to lift the child in your arms immediately after the operation. It will be too much weight. It is advised not to even take pets in your arms. If a person lifts weight, it may happen that the stitches open or swelling increases. The minimum load is possible already 2 weeks after the operation. At this time, too, you should not often be subjected to stress.

Can I box after surgery?

Those who enjoy boxing, wrestling or martial arts need to know that after rhinoplasty, they will have to completely give up this hobby. This is due to the fact that during training there is a high risk that the nose will be injured. If a person had plastic surgery on his nose, then it is highly undesirable to injure him. Already damaged tissues heal much more difficult, and there is a possibility of serious complications.

How long can you not drink alcohol?

Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed about a week before rhinoplasty and for at least a month after it. If you ignore this warning, you may experience heavy bleeding during surgery or experience the unintended consequences of combining drugs with alcohol. In severe cases, it can even cost the life of the patient.

A month later, if a person really wants, it is allowed to drink a small amount of strong drinks. In no case should it be carbonated drinks (beer or champagne). Their use is allowed only six months after the operation.

Why can't you smoke?

Smoking is harmful. Therefore, rhinoplasty is a great reason to give up a bad habit completely. It is advised to stop smoking even before plastic surgery, at least two weeks in advance.

There is a misconception that you only need to stop smoking cigarettes, but you can chew tobacco or stick a tobacco patch. The bottom line is that nicotine does not enter the body, which impairs blood circulation and contributes to a weakening of the immune system.

Among the consequences of neglecting this advice, complications such as:

  • tissue necrosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Strengthening the already large puffiness
  • Large hematomas.

Why can't you sunbathe or go to the solarium?

you can not sunbathe or go to the solarium, as this heats up the body and exposes it to direct sunlight. Excess UV light can lead to hyperpigmentation. This is an undesirable complication, which is very difficult to eliminate.

Even just going outside, it is important to protect your skin from sun exposure. To do this, you can use sunscreen with a high protection factor.

After the operation, it is important to know when you can sunbathe after septoplasty; failure to follow the rules of recovery leads to complications.

Why can not go to the bath or sauna?

In a bath or in a sauna, the human body overheats very much or is exposed to sudden changes in temperature. After rhinoplasty, this is contraindicated. Otherwise, swelling will increase and there may be problems with wound healing, which leads to very unpleasant complications.

Therefore, you can forget about visiting the bathhouse for at least two months.

Can I shower or bathe after nose surgery?

As mentioned in the previous question, after the operation, the body should not be allowed to overheat. This means that a hot bath is contraindicated. You can only lie in warm water.

The shower should also not be hot or cold, which means that a contrast shower is also contraindicated. It must be warm water. Moreover, in the first seven days, it is again important to remember that the plaster cast must remain dry.

When will it be possible to sleep not only on the back, but also on the side?

Sleeping only on your back is mandatory for at least the first three weeks after rhinoplasty. It is necessary that the head be raised at the same time. Sleeping on the side at this time is prohibited. This requirement is explained by the need to reduce swelling.

On the side you can sleep very carefully after a month. And it is allowed to rest calmly in any position only six months a year after the operation.

How can I wash my hair after a rhinoplasty?

One of the most important restrictions after rhinoplasty is that you can not tilt your head down. Therefore, when you need to wash your hair, it is very important to do it only by throwing your head back. It is best to have someone help wash your hair during the first two weeks, as you need to do this in such a way that the cast does not get wet.

How can you sneeze, blow your nose and laugh after reno?

If a person catches a cold within a month and a half after rhinoplasty, he is faced with the question of what to do if he wants to sneeze and his nose is running. You can only sneeze with your mouth open so that the body does not experience strong tension.

It is impossible to smear in the usual way during this time. You will have to eliminate the consequences of a runny nose with a handkerchief or cotton swabs. Even if a month and a half has already passed, you can blow your nose very carefully. In this case, it will not be possible to pinch the nose with your fingers. This will be allowed to be done only after complete healing in six months a year.

Why can't you eat hot or cold?

You should not eat too hot or cold food, as this can impair the healing process of the tissues of the nose. Only warm food is allowed. This means that for the first month after the procedure, you will not be able to drink hot coffee, eat ice cream or cold snacks.

If we talk about other dietary restrictions, then, in fact, there are none. Still, it would be better to avoid very salty or very spicy foods. It is known that an excess of salt contributes to the fact that fluid is retained in the body, which means that the edema does not go away, but increases.

And another very important point: the first week after rhinoplasty, it is better to eat easily digestible food so that there is no constipation and the body does not experience excessive stress.

Can antibiotics be taken?

Taking antibiotics is very often an integral part of rehabilitation. They are prescribed immediately after surgery in order to exclude the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

It is impossible to make a decision on taking antibiotics on your own. It is better to consult with your doctor.

How can I do massage after rhinoplasty?

Nasal massage can be done only as prescribed by a doctor. For example, in some cases, after the removal of the hump of the nose, a cartilaginous seal appears during healing, which is eliminated with the help of a special massage.

Properly performed massage has a positive effect on the skin and on the circulatory system. For example, one type of such procedure is as follows:

First, lightly pinch the back of the nose between the thumb and forefinger and hold for 30 seconds. then let go. You can repeat the action in the tip area. And then back again. Such a massage is permissible only after the removal of the cast.

You should not appoint it yourself, as this can contribute to the loss of the achieved result.

When can I return to work after a rhinoplasty?

Experts say that you can return to work two weeks after the operation. In ideal cases, swelling and bruising are already gone by this time. If possible, it is better to plan to return to work a month after the operation. This will make it possible to provide complete rest, necessary for a speedy recovery.

If there is no way out, then, going to work in two weeks, it is very important to remember that you can not be subjected to stress, tilt your head and lift weights.

When can you fly by plane?

Strictly speaking, it will be possible to fly by plane in a week. However, this is not entirely wise, since it would be right for two weeks to be close to the plastic surgeon who performed the operation. In case of any unforeseen problems, you can always make an appointment in time and adjust the treatment.

If you are several hundred kilometers away, this will be very difficult and expensive to do.

This is half the battle. And they are right. After all, not only the speed of recovery, but also how your nose will look depends on how accurately the postoperative recommendations are followed. And various side effects and complications will lead not only to emotional and aesthetic problems, but also affect health.

Features of the rehabilitation process after rhinoplasty

The nose is not only a part of the face, but also a very important organ with active blood circulation and a complex lymphatic system. And even the most skillful surgeon and a well-performed operation are not able to save the patient from risk. There is always at least a minimal possibility of negative consequences.

A feature of the recovery period after rhinoplasty is the need for a clear implementation of the doctor's recommendations.

How long will you have to limit yourself? It all depends on the degree of intervention, age, condition of the skin and the health of the patient.

The first month is especially important for successful rehabilitation. It requires close contact with the surgeon to adjust treatment regimens, prescribe new drugs or physiotherapy procedures. But even with such a purposeful approach, the return of vitality will take more than one week. The nose will acquire its final shape only a year after the plastic surgery.

The main stages of recovery

The entire rehabilitation process is usually divided into 4 main periods:

  1. The first week is the most difficult time, when the patient experiences difficulties with nasal breathing, suffers from pain and swelling, and feels unwell.
  2. The second stage (7-12 days) - the pain is still quite significant, any touch causes discomfort.
  3. The third stage (weeks 2-3) - bruises and hemorrhages begin to resolve, swelling subsides, the skin acquires sensitivity and a healthy color. Scars and scars fade and become less noticeable.
  4. The fourth stage (4th week and after) - the pain disappears, the nose acquires the desired shape and proportions. It is at this stage that it is easy to detect indications for a second procedure.

Sick leave on the day of surgery and the recovery period are usually not discharged. But if rhinoplasty was difficult and turned into many complications, it is possible to provide a disability certificate for no more than 10 days.

First days

If rhinoplasty was performed under local anesthesia, the patient is allowed to leave the hospital on the same day, after the anesthesia wears off. The use of full anesthesia will require you to remain under medical supervision until the next morning. You don't need to stay longer in the clinic.

Sending the patient to recover at home, the surgeon makes the following recommendations:

  • observe bed rest, move less and do not strain;
  • do not remove or try to look under the splint;
  • after the operation, you should not laugh, sneeze, blow your nose, tilt your head or make sudden movements.

Nasal turundas, laid by the surgeon, must be changed as they swell, as well as monitor the condition of the plaster cast, regularly check the temperature and record general well-being.

In the first days after rhinoplasty, it is very important not to catch a cold. A runny nose and cough will create severe discomfort and can completely cross out all the work of a plastic surgeon. If your nose begins to bleed and other warning symptoms appear, contact your ENT doctor or the specialist who performed the operation.

The total duration of the rehabilitation period

The type of intervention primarily affects the duration of recovery after the procedure. For greater clarity, we combine all the terms for returning to normal life in a table.

The nature of the operationDuration of rehabilitationOpen plasticA year or moreClosed plastic6–7 monthsCorrection of the nostrils and wings of the nose2.5–3 monthsImproving the shape of the tip of the nose7–8 monthsRhinoplasty with an endoscope2–3 monthsReoperation1–1.5 yearsNose reconstructionYear

The best time for the procedure is from 25 to 45 years. In older patients, tissue regeneration slows down and rehabilitation is noticeably stretched. For people over 55–55 years old, rhinoplasty may be contraindicated due to various kinds of systemic and chronic pathologies.

The thickness of the skin also affects the duration of healing. With oily, acne-prone dermis, scars disappear slowly, for a long time and hard, the tumor disappears.

How to get rid of swelling and bruising as soon as possible

Swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty is quite common. All patients without exception face them, so you should not worry about this.

A special compression bandage will help prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, which compresses the lymphatic vessels and thereby keeps the shape of the nose and does not allow it to swell. After removing the tire for 14–20 days, it is recommended to seal the bridge of the nose with a plaster at night, thereby preventing morning swelling. Such simple measures will accelerate the healing of tissues without the use of expensive means.

Pay attention to the time of the operation - the procedure on the days of menstruation is always accompanied by heavy bleeding and the appearance of large dark blue hematomas. The strongest swelling under the eyes can also be caused by the simultaneous implementation of two procedures - rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty.

How long do swelling and bruising last? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. For some, the main symptoms disappear after a week, for others they persist for a year. Physiotherapy and massage will help to quickly cope with the problem.

Physiotherapy will speed up healing

To alleviate the patient's condition, improve blood circulation and lymph flow in the tissues of the nose, the following physiotherapy is widely used:

  • electrophoresis;
  • microcurrents;
  • phonophoresis;
  • darsonval.

Starting from the second week, all patients, without exception, are prescribed ultrasound. High-frequency waves strengthen the walls of capillaries, accelerate the resorption of scars and seals, prevent postoperative bleeding and reduce swelling.

Massage and self-massage

With swelling of the periosteum and soft tissues, massage is indicated - manual or hardware lymphatic drainage.

You should massage the nose on your own very carefully, gently squeezing the tip with two fingers and moving to the bridge of the nose for 30 seconds. Such movements can be performed up to 15 times a day.

Medicines during rehabilitation

Medicines can also facilitate the recovery period. The most commonly used medications after rhinoplasty are:

  • diuretic drugs - Furosemide, Hypothiazid, Veroshpiron, Torasemide, herbal preparations, which include a lingonberry leaf, will cope with severe swelling reaching the cheeks;
  • ointment Lyoton, Troxevasin will save from morning swelling;
  • when the temperature rises, take an antipyretic - Paracetamol, Voltaren, Ibuklin;
  • hematomas will be relieved by means that improve blood circulation - Bruise off, Traumeel, Dolobene;
  • Contractubex will help soften the scars and remove them;
  • for nasal congestion, use nasal drops - Xylometazoline, Otrivin, Nazivin;
  • if an allergy occurs, take Diazolin, Suprastin, Cetrin, Telfast.

If tablets and ointments do not save from edema, the surgeon prescribes Diprospan. The injection is made both in the muscle and in the soft tissues of the nose.

Antibiotics - Ampicillin, Gentamicin, Amoxicillin - will help to avoid the attachment of a secondary infection. Antibacterial treatment should be accompanied by the intake of probiotics. They will protect the gastrointestinal tract from the harmful effects of antimicrobial therapy. In addition, treat fabrics twice a day with an antiseptic.

For external use, Dimexide can be used. The drug has established itself as an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent. To make a lotion, a 25% solution is used - a gauze napkin is lowered into it, squeezed out and applied to the nose for 30 minutes.

What not to do after surgery

When going for rhinoplasty, you should be prepared for a lot of restrictions that you will have to comply with during rehabilitation. Some of them need to be performed only in the first days, others - for several months.

Prohibitions in the early period

As a rule, the early postoperative stage includes restrictions imposed on the patient until discharge from the hospital. But we will extend it and consider what cannot be done in the first week:

  • paint;
  • subject yourself to any physical activity;
  • grimace;
  • fly on airplanes;
  • wash your hair and face.

If you need to make a hairstyle, use the option with tilting your head back, as in a hairdresser.

When caring for the nose, do not forget about the face. Cleanse your skin with a cotton swab dipped in a hypoallergenic tonic or micellar water. Discard any creams and cleansing procedures.

Late Restrictions

A week passed, the doctor took off the cast and you breathed freely. But it's too early to rejoice. There are still a lot of restrictions that need to be fulfilled for some more time:

  • during the rehabilitation period, sports are absolutely contraindicated, only walking at an easy pace. But when you return to training, avoid exercises that cause a rush of blood to the head;
  • within 1–1.5 months, try not to blow your nose;
  • for the same period, exclude from life swimming in the pool and any other body of water;
  • you can not sunbathe, go to the bath and sauna, take a contrast shower, wash for a long time in hot water;
  • beer, champagne, low-alcohol drinks banned for six months. This restriction does not apply to red wine - it is permissible to consume it already 30 days after plastic surgery.

Refuse any cosmetic procedures for at least 3 months. Sex will also have to wait.

How to properly clean your nose after rhinoplasty

If crusts form on the mucous membrane and ichor accumulates, the nose can be gently cleaned with a cotton swab moistened with peach oil or Vitaon balm.

Another quick way to get rid of secretions and crusts is washing with pharmaceutical products or a solution of sea salt. You can irrigate the mucous membrane at least every hour, the main thing is not to overdry it.

Pregnancy after rhinoplasty

Why can't you get pregnant after surgery? The fact is that during the period of bearing a child, serious hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, which may not have the best effect on scarring and tissue healing. Therefore, postpone pregnancy for at least 6 months, and preferably for a year.

Possible complications

All the unpleasant consequences of rhinoplasty are divided into 2 groups - aesthetic and functional. The first include unplanned deformation of proportions, drooping of the tip of the nose, asymmetry. Functional deficiencies are called shortcomings that provoke difficulty in breathing.

Complications can develop at any time - both immediately after rhinoplasty and a month later.

Early effects include:

  • severe swelling. With their uneven distribution, temporary asymmetry of the face can be observed;
  • numbness of the nose, tongue and upper lip. It happens as a result of general anesthesia.

A more serious danger is posed by complications that should not exist in principle during the normal course of the recovery period:

  • damage to bone and cartilage tissue;
  • infection of the operation site;
  • skin and bone necrosis;
  • divergence of seams;

All these problems can be caused not only by the mistake of the surgeon, but also by the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Any of these complications requires urgent medical attention.

Long-term consequences

Very often, negative consequences occur after the end of rehabilitation. In this case, we are most often talking about the distortion of smells or the complete disappearance of smell, the unexpected appearance of allergies, the narrowing of the nasal canal and breathing problems.

In the long term, other unexpected complications may appear:

  • swelling of the tip of the nose;
  • the formation of adhesions and rough scars, the removal of which requires a separate intervention;
  • acute or chronic rhinitis;
  • sinking (dent) on the back of the nose;
  • callus;
  • curvature of the septum;
  • hard bumps on the periosteum;
  • facial nerve injury.

All these complications can be the result of illiterate nasal care during the rehabilitation period.

Contrary to popular belief, the number and severity of the consequences do not depend on the time of the manipulation - the operation can be done in summer and winter. The main thing is that you have time for rehabilitation.

Revision rhinoplasty

Unsuccessful rhinoplasty often becomes a reason for a second visit to the doctor. In this case, the secondary procedure can be much more difficult and more expensive than the first one. It often ends in complications and requires a long rehabilitation. Removal of sutures occurs only on the 7-8th day, and edema and hematomas do not disappear within 2 months.

Repeated rhinoplasty is performed no earlier than a year after the primary one, when the body is strong enough and the nose takes its final shape.

How to reduce the likelihood of unpleasant consequences? Experts advise to pay special attention to the diet and exclude all types of berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, vinegar, watermelon, grapes, garlic, apricots, peaches, fish oil and cranberry juice from the diet for 2 weeks.

Also, during the rehabilitation period, it is advisable to abandon blood-thinning drugs and drugs for weight loss. Do not use nicotine patches or chewing gums.

Also read:.

Everything that has a bad effect on the body is prohibited after rhinoplasty.

Despite the frequency of such an operation, changing the nose requires skill from the surgeon and patience in compliance with the rules of postoperative recovery from the patient.

There are many restrictions, but they are all important.

Alcoholic beverages can be consumed after the change only after six months. Although, some doctors allow you to drink a little wine after a month.

Nose correction

There are a lot of plastic surgeries. One of the popular areas of correction on the face is. The success of the procedure depends not only on the hands of the plastic surgeon, but also on the observance of the rules during the recovery period by the patient. Rehabilitation also implies adherence to the necessary prohibitions. Alcohol after rhinoplasty is an absolute contraindication.

First 7 days

In 2 weeks

The sutures are removed, and the plaster or fixing bandage is removed. Itching and irritation caused by gypsum disappears. The main thing is to endure this period and not remove the bandage on your own, so as not to deform the still unhealed nose and not spoil the result of rhinoplasty. If everything went well, then on the 10th day the gypsum itself may fall. In this case, you should definitely consult a surgeon.

When the tampons are removed, there are still stitches in the nostrils, in the folds of the wings of the nose. You can not pull them with tweezers, otherwise the seams can disperse and remain in the form of ugly scars. During this period, it is not recommended to actively show facial expressions and laugh, lip movements can also affect the course of recovery. In the first two weeks, the voice is nasal, with time it disappears.

The amount of surgical intervention depends on the duration and severity of recovery. The larger the area of ​​damage, the greater the discomfort. If the correction was carried out on the tip of the nose, then the rehabilitation will take place quickly, in a week, with minimal swelling, in contrast to the rhinoplasty.

After 2 weeks break after rhinoplasty

The next stage of recovery lasts 2 weeks after the operation and for 2.5 months. It is not as difficult as the postoperative period. The sutures have already been removed and the splint is missing. Discomfort occurs when breathing, which cannot yet be a full-fledged nasal due to long-term swelling. The bruises are not gone yet, but the outlines of the nose are already visible. Although, it will still be about 2 times more than planned due to swelling, which can remain in the nose area for up to 6 months. The final version of the nose is far away, because in 3 months only 50% of the edema will go away. Therefore, you will have to wait about 1 year.

At the end of the first month after rhinoplasty, you can go out in public and not hide, afraid for the sight of your face. The size of the nose will change over the course of several months, improving in shape.

Final period

Starting from the third postoperative month, the final rehabilitation begins. During this period, the swelling completely disappears, the nose becomes normal in shape and size. With a successful operation, the disadvantages that bring discomfort should go away. If a mistake was made by the surgeon, then the effect will be the opposite. At this stage, you can summarize the operation and determine whether it was successful or not.

The duration of the recovery period

It is difficult to say how long it will take the body to fully recover. Several factors influence this:

  1. The complexity of the operation. If the correction was minimal, the tissues of the nose will heal quickly. When bones and cartilages change, rehabilitation can last up to 1 year.
  2. Feature of the body. Some people have soft cartilage, others hard, as well as soft or thick skin. This affects the rate of recovery of cells and tissues, as well as the regeneration process itself.
  3. Sticking to doctor's advice. It is important to follow the rules of the recovery period.
  4. Features of access to the place of correction. With the open method, additional time will be required to smooth the seams.

Taking into account all the nuances, recovery can take from 4 to 12 months. Compliance with the conditions of the rehabilitation period is important.

What Not to Do

In order for a new nose to heal quickly, it should be protected from various negative factors. Be sure to exclude:

In general, even touching the nose is not advisable, not to mention peeling off the crusts inside, so as not to provoke additional bleeding.

Alcohol after rhinoplasty

Patients often ask the question: Why not drink alcohol and for how long?

Reasons for the ban

The fact is that alcohol-containing drinks carry several negative manifestations:

There are many small vessels in the nose through which blood circulates, enriched with oxygen. A lot depends on blood flow. The worse it is, the longer the recovery will be and the higher the risk of complications.

In everyday situations, it can be noted that a drinking person blushes. This is due to blockage of small blood vessels with poor outflow of blood.

In the event that a person is not a malicious alcoholic, in the first 14 days after plastic surgery, even a small amount of alcohol-containing drinks can disrupt blood circulation.

During the recovery period, alcohol is still prohibited, because it is not combined with painkillers and sleeping pills prescribed by the doctor as needed.

The minimum period of abstinence from alcohol should be 30 days. Then, for those who are especially suffering, it is allowed to drink wine in limited quantities.

This permission does not apply to champagne, low-alcohol and energy drinks, beer. The optimal abstinence time is 6 months.

Consequences after drinking alcohol

  • Increased swelling, especially in the eye area;
  • metabolic disorders and long-term rehabilitation;
  • incompatibility with drugs, which leads to complications;
  • the risk of increased injury when intoxicated.

Assistance in recovery

It is possible and necessary to help your body get through the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty faster and easier. To do this, just follow simple recommendations:

  1. Stick to a salt-free diet, supplementing food with vegetables and fruits, as well as proteins. It is advisable to minimize carbohydrates and fats.
  2. Use special gels - Traumeel C and Lyoton, after consulting a doctor. This will help to quickly get rid of bruises.
  3. When preparing for bed, you should lay pillows on your sides so as not to roll over while sleeping on your side or stomach.

Patience, calmness and confidence in the result are important qualities for obtaining a positive result. The reviews say that if the plastic surgeon is a professional and qualified specialist, then a beautiful and graceful nose will definitely please you. The main thing in this matter is that all actions are correct, not only during the operation, but also after.

The operation to correct the shape and function of the nose is one of the most popular in the world and one of the most difficult. Patients are always worried about the rehabilitation period of rhinoplasty:

  • how long to wait for the healing of surgical wounds,
  • How is recovery going?
  • when the breath returns
  • how long will the swelling last
  • when will the plaster be removed
  • how to behave after the intervention.

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty takes a lot of time. The final result of the operation can be assessed after at least 9-12 months. And in some patients, postoperative changes occur throughout life.

In order for the recovery period to pass without complications, the patient should follow a number of recommendations.

First days after rhinoplasty

After the operation, swelling will begin to increase on the face. It will become most pronounced on day 3-4, and then will gradually decrease. During the 6 weeks of the rehabilitation period, most of the swelling will disappear, but it will completely disappear only after a few months. Bruises and bruises also disappear gradually. In 2 weeks, bruises under the eyes will go away, and within two months after the operation, yellowness will disappear.

After rhinoplasty, the patient has difficulty breathing. This condition is caused primarily by edema, and, on the first day, also by tampons in the nasal cavity. You need to be prepared for the fact that surgical wounds can bleed and hurt.

  1. It is necessary to keep calm in the first two or three days after rhinoplasty, to avoid any activity, especially tilts, sudden movements. In the first days of rehabilitation, you can not even tilt your head.
  2. On the first day, you need to apply an ice pack to your face as often as possible.
  3. Raised by 30-40 degrees on the first day, the head end of the bed will prevent excessive swelling. In this semi-sitting state, you need to sleep for the first week. During the entire rehabilitation period, it is recommended to sleep on your back so as not to displace soft tissues and bone structures during sleep.
  4. Due to pain, unpaved anesthesia and swollen tissues, the patient is unable to eat normally. Therefore, in the first day - only liquid food. Naturally, food should not be too spicy, hot or cold.
  5. You can wash only with cold water, without wetting the bandage.
  6. You should not drink alcohol for at least two to three weeks after rhinoplasty. This may cause bleeding. It is better to exclude alcohol for the entire period while the nose heals. For the same reason, aspirin and other blood thinners should not be taken for three weeks.
  7. You need to cut back on conversations, try not to sneeze, not to cry, not to laugh, not to touch your face.
  8. 4 weeks you can not blow your nose and wear glasses, so as not to deform the nose. Even the lightest frame can greatly impair the aesthetic result of the operation.
  9. It is necessary to avoid direct sunlight for six months, use sunscreen with a high protection factor.
  10. You can not visit the pools and baths for a month.
  11. You can return to physical activity after 4-6 weeks. You need to start with light loads, gradually reaching the usual loads. How long it will take depends on the state of health and healing of surgical wounds.
  12. The doctor may recommend special exercises to consolidate the result in the rehabilitation period. So, uniform squeezing of the back of the nose with your index fingers will help it stay narrow and even.

Removal of sutures and plaster, extraction of tampons

At the end of the operation, the doctor installs special gauze swabs moistened with a solution or ointment with an antibiotic in the nasal passages. They are needed not so much to stop bleeding, but to form tissues, fix them in the desired state. At the same time, a splint is applied to the nose - this is a special rigid bandage made of plaster, necessary so that the bones of the nose do not move. Gypsum should not be squeezed, tried to move or remove it, wet it. During the dressings, the cast will be removed in order to carry out hygienic procedures. Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty involves some inconvenience: until the tampons are removed and the cast is removed, the patient will have to breathe through the mouth.

A day later, sometimes 2-3 days after rhinoplasty, tampons are removed. After 4 days, the sutures on the skin are removed, the sutures on the mucous membrane dissolve on their own after a few weeks. The plaster is removed 7-10 days after the operation.

Drug therapy

After the operation, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to prevent the inflammatory process, probiotics, antihistamines.

In the rehabilitation period, cases of fever are not uncommon, it is worth stocking up on antipyretics. Normal for rehabilitation after rhinoplasty can be considered a slight increase in temperature - up to 37-38 degrees. In this case, the patient may feel weakness, nausea, dizziness. At this temperature, it is enough to take the medicine and rest. At a higher temperature, you should consult your doctor, as this may indicate an inflammatory process.

The recovery period is not without pain, so analgesics also do not interfere.

After removing the tampons, you need to treat the nasal mucosa daily with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and oils. Cosmetic oils of peach, apricot, grapes, almonds can be bought at the pharmacy. They facilitate the separation of crusts and moisturize the mucosa. It will not be superfluous to gently rinse the nose with saline solutions.

After rhinoplasty, you can use vasoconstrictor drops (naphthyzine, ephedrine) to improve breathing. For rapid resorption of bruises after rhinoplasty, heparin ointment, bodyaga can be used externally.

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