Manifestation of residual effects after pneumonia. What is cicatricial stenosis of the esophagus and scars on the internal organs, and how to live with it

Many are interested in pulmonary fibrosis - what is it? When the skin is damaged, scar tissue forms. It can be a scar, a cut, a burn, or a mild dermatological disease. If the middle layer of the skin is damaged, then blood clots begin to form on it, which protect the exposed areas of the tissue from harmful microorganisms or infections. After that, the cells begin to regenerate.

Features of the disease

Fibrous change is the replacement of lung tissue with connective tissue. When fibrous tissues form in the lungs, serious malfunctions in the respiratory system begin to occur. After some time, the entire respiratory system ceases to fully function. Thanks to modern methods of treatment, many complications can be avoided. You should know that scars on the lungs after pneumonia remain in everyone. But it is better to visit a doctor in order to find out the exact cause of the scar.

How dangerous is scarring?

Fibrosis is a very dangerous disease that progresses rapidly and turns into complex forms of development. At the first appearance of symptoms of the disease, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, otherwise serious complications may appear that will quickly lead to the death of the patient. Pulmonary fibrosis is not a cancerous disease, but it is still very detrimental to overall health and affects life expectancy. The scar on the lung tends to grow, so over time it becomes more difficult for a person to breathe. With the help of a medical or surgical method of treatment, it is impossible to permanently eliminate scars. There is only one way out - improving the quality of life of the patient at the expense of medicines.

Doctor's opinion

Fibrosis is the formation of scars on the lungs. Experts say that if you strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, then fibrosis does not greatly affect life expectancy. Much depends on the stage and form of the disease. At the initial stages of the development of pathology, the treatment of a scar on the lung is much easier and more effective. At the subsequent stages of the disease, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Varieties of scars

There are several types of fibrotic disease. Namely:

  1. This is the most dangerous type of disease, since when this pathology occurs, it is impossible to determine the factor that provoked the onset of the disease.
  2. With an interstitial scar on the lung, you can easily diagnose the cause that caused the disease.

Thanks to the timely study of the pathology, recovery occurs much faster. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor regularly and undergo a medical examination.

Signs of fibrosis

There are a number of signs that occur at an early stage in the development of the disease. Among the main ones are:

  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain;
  • coughing;
  • wheezing in the chest;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • fast fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • poor appetite;
  • the occurrence of edema;
  • hypertension.

Life expectancy with pulmonary fibrosis is approximately 3-5 years. It all depends on how advanced the disease is.

Causes of the disease

After studying the etiology of pulmonary fibrosis, it can be concluded that a scar on the lung can appear in absolutely every person. But there are factors that significantly increase the risk of this pathology. These include:

  1. Constant contact with dust. Inorganic and organic dust can provoke a severe allergic reaction, which often leads to pulmonary fibrosis.
  2. With improperly selected treatment, various drugs can provoke the appearance of a strong allergic reaction. For this reason, drug-induced fibrosis appears.
  3. As medical practice shows, fibrosis is most often diagnosed in smokers. Smoking harms the general state of health and disrupts the full functioning of important systems of the human body. Smoking destroys lung tissue.

Experts concluded that this disease is not fully understood. In addition to external factors, there are also internal ones, which most often provoke the appearance of scars in the respiratory organs, namely:

  • development of rheumatism;
  • arthritis
  • scleroderma.

These diseases destroy tissues, including the lungs. For this reason, fibrosis develops. An infectious or inflammatory process in the body, advanced pneumonia or tuberculosis, often cause pulmonary fibrosis. You should be aware that the disease can appear in both adults and children. Given that the children's body is much more vulnerable to various diseases, you should especially carefully monitor the health of babies.

Main types

Many are interested in pulmonary fibrosis - what is it? But not everyone knows that this is a lung disease. Among the most common types of fibrosis are: focal and diffuse type. When focal fibrosis occurs, only part of the organ is affected. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, there may be no symptoms. Most often, signs of pathology appear after a few months. For this reason, doctors recommend regularly undergoing a medical examination and taking the necessary tests - this is the best prevention for any disease. This is especially true for those people in the family who had similar diseases. In the process of diffuse lung damage, the disease develops rapidly and affects all functions of the respiratory organs.

Treatment of pathology

How to treat scars on the lungs? Unfortunately, fibrous deformity cannot be completely cured. First of all, it is important to slow down the development of the disease. In frequent cases, the doctor prescribes a cytostatic. This will help slow down the process of destruction of connective tissue and cell division. Antibiotics are great for reducing inflammation, while vitamins help boost the immune system and improve overall health. In addition, drugs are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at improving metabolism. In the process of complex treatment of a scar on the lung after tuberculosis, it is important to carry out breathing exercises. The duration of the course of treatment and the dosage of drugs is determined strictly by the attending physician. It is forbidden to self-medicate, as this will lead to the death of the patient. Doctors do not recommend the use of alternative methods of treatment, as this will only worsen the general state of health. Only after passing a complete medical examination, the specialist prescribes drugs that are suitable for the patient.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of pulmonary fibrosis, doctors recommend:

  • avoid nervous tension;
  • eat properly;
  • perform breathing exercises;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • use personal protective equipment when working in hazardous conditions;
  • periodically monitor the state of the respiratory system.

You should eat more vegetables and fruits. This will positively affect the protective function of the body. Preparations that contain calcium in their composition are prescribed by doctors in order to prevent osteoporosis.

Experts concluded that hookah smoking negatively affects the functioning of the human respiratory system. It is for this reason that smoking of not only tobacco, but also hookah products should be excluded. Substances contained in tobacco often provoke the development of cancerous and neoplastic diseases, which causes pulmonary fibrosis. You should walk more in the fresh air, play sports, eat right and visit the doctor regularly - this is the best prevention of pulmonary fibrosis.

Therapist's Conclusion

A scar on the lung after surgery is diagnosed by a doctor using x-rays. In frequent cases, treatment is carried out by medication. But first you need to find out the true cause of the scar. Since some types of fibrosis disease can develop in a latent form, doctors recommend visiting a doctor at least 2 times a year. If you have any health problems, it is important to immediately consult a therapist. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication, as this will harm health more.

The consequences of pneumonia are expressed in various damage to the body or disruption of the functioning of various organs (systems) due to the disease. According to the classification, the consequences of the disease are divided into pulmonary and non-pulmonary. Pulmonary - residual effects after pneumonia, which directly affected the lungs and their work. Non-pulmonary - the consequences of pneumonia, which had a negative impact on other parts of the body in addition to the respiratory system.

Pulmonary complications

Pulmonary complications occupy much less positions than non-pulmonary complications and in most cases are represented by scars. Scars on the lungs after pneumonia appear due to the formation of areas of connective tissue instead of a special lung. Due to the very rapid damage to lung cells, in which the body does not have time to grow new ones, it begins to patch the resulting gaps with connective cells that divide much faster, but are not able to absorb oxygen and do not have the necessary elasticity. Scars on the lungs not only reduce the degree of oxygen absorption, but also significantly reduce their plasticity, which reduces the amount of air consumed.

It is no longer possible to cure scars, they remain forever, but if they reach too large sizes and seriously interfere with the work of the respiratory system, they are removed surgically. Already formed scars can be given a little elasticity with the help of physiotherapy procedures and pulmonary gymnastics, but only while they are fresh and not completely “hardened”. Small scars, especially mobile after competently carried out recovery procedures, practically do not interfere with the patient and do not cause chest pain after pneumonia.

In addition to scarring, adhesions can form under the influence of a strong inflammatory process. Adhesions in the lungs after pneumonia are formed, both by fusion of the walls with incomplete disclosure of any part of the organ during the illness, and from the connective tissue during the scarring process. The likelihood of an adhesive process is very high if the chest hurts after pneumonia. This is due to the fact that when the lungs are filled with air, the walls stretch, and the adhesive ties begin to pull, causing pain. Treatment of adhesions is most often effective with the help of physiotherapy procedures and special drug treatment. If adhesions are too advanced, they cause pulmonary insufficiency and even threaten the patient's life.

A common pulmonary complication of pneumonia is pleurisy (inflammation of the pleural sheets). Pleural sheets or pleura are serous membranes that cover the lungs and the inner surfaces of the diaphragm, the heart muscle and the chest as a whole. Pleurisy can also cause chest pain.

The consequence of neglected pneumonia can be a pulmonary abscess - inflammation of the lung tissue, in which extensive purulent cavities and necrotic tissues (completely dead areas of the lung) are formed. Purulent abscesses cause very severe fever and toxic damage, often without any pain syndrome. They are treated exclusively by surgery. Sometimes drug treatment is also used, but it is extremely rare and it is fraught with the complete removal of part of the lung and other more serious consequences.

Respiratory failure or apnea syndrome after pneumonia is provoked by a malfunction of the lung tissue for any reason (from adhesions to edema) and is expressed in impaired gas exchange and poor oxygen absorption. If the patient has difficulty breathing after pneumonia, then respiratory failure may be the underlying cause of this symptom.

Violations of the ciliated (ciliated) epithelium, which simply becomes bald due to pulling out the cilia with dried or too thick sputum during a cough. The ciliated epithelium recovers over time, but at first there is a difficulty in the natural removal of normal sputum from the lungs, which causes a slight cough.

Non-pulmonary consequences

The most common consequence of both pneumonia, even the mildest, and any other disease is weakness. Weakness after pneumonia is explained by the depletion of the body's vital resources, disruption of both the lungs and other systems under the negative effect of the disease, as well as a long period of muscle rest.

The more severe the disease was, the more diverse and serious the complications will be.

It is also common for patients to experience excessive sweating after pneumonia for two or three weeks. Increased sweating is explained by: increased body temperature, which the body thus knocks down, the elimination of toxins left after the disease. Also, sweating can be a sign of asthenovegetative syndrome.

Asthenovegetative syndrome is a syndrome of impaired signals of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for managing all internal processes in the body. Asthenic syndrome after pneumonia is expressed not in the wrong supply of nerve electrical impulses, but in their distortion along the way due to the influence of the disease on the nervous system, for example, with the help of extremely high temperature for a long time.

Also a normal phenomenon after pneumonia is a runny nose, which is caused by reduced immunity or residual infection that needs to be treated.

A severe non-pulmonary consequence of pneumonia can be sepsis - a purulent or infectious infection of the blood that has arisen under the influence of an overgrown infection or a rupture of a mature purulent abscess.

Heart problems are normal after any serious illness. In addition to pleurisy, which can affect the heart muscle, the heart may not work properly due to asthenic syndrome or exhaustion of the heart muscle due to high temperature and hypoxia, as well as severe lack of nutrition during illness and increased stress.

Problems in the work of the nervous system, resulting most often in asthenic syndrome or vegetovascular dystonia. Failures in the functioning of the nervous system can be caused both by the actual death of neurons under the influence of intense heat, the toxic effects of drugs, waste products of the pathogen, purulent masses, and by the strong stressful effect of the disease on the patient's consciousness.

If pneumonia was after chemotherapy, the consequences can be expressed by the involvement of lung tissues in cancerous processes, damage to lung tissue by chemicals and other common side diseases. An important difference: after chemotherapy, the patient's natural immunity is greatly weakened and the recovery processes are extremely slow, therefore, after it, pneumonia is especially acute and with a large number of negative consequences. The thing is that chemotherapy drugs are aimed at destroying all cells that can divide rapidly, which should primarily include cancerous ones, but other tissues of the person himself fall under. Under the influence of drugs, human cells simply practically do not multiply, which not only does not allow him to produce the required number of immune cells, but also to restore damaged lung tissues, in which gaps form under the destructive influence of the causative agent of the inflammatory process.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract caused by the effects of drugs on its microflora or asthenic syndrome that disrupts natural secretion.

This is not the whole list of the consequences of pneumonia, however, the above complications are the main ones and are most common in patients. In order to avoid them, in addition to the timely started and correctly performed treatment, a complex of rehabilitation therapy is needed, aimed precisely at their minimization and elimination.

In many cases, pneumonia does not go away without a trace. The consequences of pneumonia in adults and children are due to the fact that the infection impairs the functioning of the respiratory organs, and this negatively affects the state of the body, in particular, the supply of oxygen to tissues. When the lungs are not able to get rid of bacteria and mucus on their own, quite serious complications arise.

Some people have back pain after pneumonia, others suffer from chest pain. Sometimes it is found that a spot remains after pneumonia. Almost everyone has scars in the lungs after pneumonia. Sometimes they are quite small and will not affect the quality of life in any way, while in other cases they reach quite large sizes, which affects the functioning of the respiratory system. After curing pneumonia, you must be attentive to your health, discussing with your doctor all alarming manifestations.

Most often, the cause of the problem is that pneumonia is undertreated or transferred “on the legs”. Pain in the lungs can be manifested by slight tingling when inhaling or by acute attacks. This sometimes causes palpitations and shortness of breath. The severity of pain depends on how severe the disease was, as well as on the efficiency and quality of treatment.

If a lung hurts after pneumonia, then most likely we are talking about an adhesive process in the body. Spikes are called pathological fusion of organs. They are formed due to chronic infectious pathologies, mechanical injuries, internal bleeding.

As a result of pneumonia, adhesions between the pleura can occur. One of them lines the chest, the other - the lung. If the inflammation has flowed from the lung to the pleura, then due to the release of fibrin, the pleura sheets stick together with each other. A commissure is an area of ​​glued pleura sheets.

Adhesions on the lungs after pneumonia can be single or multiple. In a critical case, they envelop the pleura completely. At the same time, it shifts and deforms, breathing becomes difficult. Pathology can have an extremely severe course and be aggravated by acute respiratory failure.

Sometimes situations arise when all the symptoms of the disease regress, and shortness of breath does not stop. If it is difficult to breathe after pneumonia, it means that the inflammatory process has not resolved completely, that is, pathogens continue to have a destructive effect on the lung tissue.

Among the possible consequences are pleural empyema, adhesive pleurisy, lung abscess, sepsis, multiple organ failure. By the way, a fairly common question is whether tuberculosis can occur after pneumonia. There is no danger in this regard.

Pneumonia and tuberculosis are caused by different microorganisms. Nevertheless, on x-rays, these diseases are very similar. In practice, pneumonia is usually diagnosed first and treated appropriately. If there is no improvement after therapy, the patient is referred to a phthisiatrician. If tuberculosis is diagnosed after the examination, this does not mean that it has developed as a consequence of pneumonia. The person was simply sick from the very beginning with tuberculosis.

So, if it is difficult to breathe after pneumonia, you need to discuss with your doctor the methods of strengthening the lungs. A good effect can give therapeutic exercises. In her arsenal, techniques such as deep breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, etc.

Sometimes after pneumonia, the temperature is 37 degrees. You should not be particularly worried - such a clinic is considered normal, but only if there are no infiltrative blackouts on the radiograph, and the clinical blood test is normal. The main causes of temperature are:

  • incomplete elimination of foci of inflammation;
  • damage to organs by toxins;
  • accession of a new infection;
  • the presence in the body of pathogenic microorganisms that can actively multiply during periods of weakened immunity and transform into the L-form during periods of increased antibody production.

The consequences of pneumonia in children require special attention. For a child, a temperature tail is a rather rare occurrence. It may indicate that the baby's immunity is weak or structural changes have occurred in the body from the respiratory system.

Bacteremia after pneumonia

This phenomenon is characterized by the fact that in the blood there is a huge number of pathogens. Bacteremia is one of the threatening consequences after pneumonia. It should be suspected with symptoms such as high fever, extreme weakness, cough with green, yellow sputum.

It is necessary to treat bacteremia as soon as possible, since the infection can spread throughout the body and affect the most important organs. Requires a course of potent antibiotics and hospitalization.

With such a serious illness as pneumonia, negative consequences for the body can be associated not only with the specifics of the disease, but also with the methods of treatment. Taking antibacterial drugs for pneumonia can later lead to intoxication.

It often happens that the doctor prescribes an effective antibiotic, but the patient's body simply does not accept it, for example, after the first dose, vomiting begins. Even if the patient responds well to the drug, antibiotics cause serious damage to the intestinal microflora. To avoid this, the doctor prescribes a course of probiotics.

Of course, even if you have chest pain after pneumonia or the picture is not perfect, this does not necessarily indicate the presence of a threatening or irreversible process. You should not panic and look for answers in medical forums. It is much wiser to find a specialist whom you can really trust. He will assess how serious the residual effects after pneumonia are and tell you how to remove them.

Inflammation of the scar on the lung after pneumonia, symptoms, treatment

Asked by: Ekaterina

Gender Female

Age: 47

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, my mother suffered from severe pneumonia, she was in pulmonology for a month, a scar remained on her lung. After discharge, everything was fine, they said to blow a balloon to dissolve the scar. After about a month, she sweated on the street, the temperature immediately rose to 37-37.5, pains appeared in the lung. They called the doctor, he said that most likely the scar had caught a cold, he prescribed avelox, nothing changed, then he prescribed tsifipim, there was no improvement, they decided to go to the hospital, this is in another city, the doctor listened, said that he did not hear anything with his ear, they did a CT scan, on it there is nothing, even a scar is not visible, a small scar remains, there is no inflammation in the scar area. They put me in the hospital and prescribed: Revomax IV drip. And tsifipim intravenously, they have already done 7 droppers and 7 injections, there are no changes, the lung hurts, it pulls. Either stronger or less. The temperature is 37, it does not rise higher, once every few days it drops after a dropper to 36.6-36.8, but not for long, then again 37. While my mother was lying for the first time with pneumonia, all the necessary studies were carried out: blood, urine, bronchoscopy, CT, Ro. In addition to focal pneumonia with the presence of infiltrate, sinusitis was found, and a puncture was made. Can you please tell me if inflammation of the scar can give such a clinic? Why is there such a temperature on the background of antibiotics? And why is inflammation not visible on CT if it is? And if not, what could it be? What is the prognosis and how to deal with this scar in general? Perhaps some physical procedures etc? Thanks a lot in advance!

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Hello Ekaterina!
Temperatures up to 37.5 often occur after inflammation as a need for recovery. In this case, against the background of several sources of inflammation (sinusitis, pneumonia), it can persist for several weeks. It should also be borne in mind that while in a hospital, various microorganisms also enter our body. It could also be the temperature.
The main reasons for prescribing antibiotics are a temperature above 38, not associated with a viral infection, purulent sputum or other purulent discharge, or signs of pneumonia on x-ray. Prescribing antibiotics too early or in such quantity causes the liver to maintain a higher temperature in order to expel unnecessary antibiotics and dead microbes.
Also, subfibrillation may be associated with insufficient water intake, the development of arthralgia against the background of avelox and levofloxacin.
Temperature up to 37.9 is normal after inflammation, post-infectious asthenia exists and is not a reason for additional antibiotics.
It is possible that it was your assertiveness on the doctors that led to such results. Sometimes it is easier to prescribe a treatment than to explain its uselessness.
It is clear, I hope that I have insufficient information about your mother. For example, there is absolutely no blood data that was obtained during the puncture of the maxillary sinus, what is happening in the sputum and how it all changed within 2 weeks. But on the basis of the data stated by you it is more than data for after an inflammatory asthenia.

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Questions and answers on: scars on the lungs after pneumonia

2013-03-15 21:48:14

Samonyuk Tatyana asks:

Hello! My mother had pneumonia, after which there were scars on her lungs, tell me what needs to be done so that they dissolve and how to raise immunity, thanks in advance!


Hello! The formation of adhesions in the lungs after pneumonia does not pose a threat to the life and health of the patient, if this condition is not accompanied by subjective complaints (chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations). In order to eliminate adhesions, one should resort to physiotherapy exercises (breathing exercises), physiotherapy (electrophoresis with lidase, ultrasound treatment), therapeutic massage. In severe cases, accompanied by respiratory failure, resort to the use of surgical intervention. Immunomodulators (echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng) and multivitamin complexes can be used to correct the immune response. Be healthy!

2012-08-22 09:52:25

Eugene asks:

In 2006 I fell ill with tuberculosis of the initial stage of the closed form. 6 months after the course of treatment, they said that everything was fine, the disease was stopped, only a scar on the lung remained. I go through x-rays twice a year. In 2011 got a job as a stoker in a kindergarten. June 2012 contracted pneumonia. When I did the examination (07.2012), the regional phthisiatrician said that I do not have the right to work in a kindergarten (regardless of who by profession). The final diagnosis was as follows: healthy, able-bodied, not entitled to work in this institution. Please tell me: 1. Is the doctor right and why, if I'm healthy? 2. Where, in which institutions do I have the right to work?

Responsible Telnov Ivan Sergeevich:

Hello. You have the right to work in a children's team only after deregistration in the TB dispensary. You can work not in children's and school groups.

2016-02-20 09:50:19

Dmitry asks:

I get sick all the time in autumn and sometimes in spring: temperature under 40*, slight dry cough and discomfort in the upper part of the chest, severe chills at night. Usually the therapist diagnoses SARS. It happened again last fall. And again it was recognized as SARS, but the therapist heard wheezing in the upper part of the shoulders. After recovery, he was referred for FLU, but with a diagnosis of acute bronchitis. Changes were revealed. (I can’t read in the medical record). He was sent to a tuberculosis clinic, and from there to a clinical dispensary. R-gr. from 03.11.15 - on the right in the upper lobe of the lung and on the left in the upper lobe there is an increase, enrichment of the lung pattern, focal shadows. On the right in S1-2 there is a darkening without clear contours. Along the anterior chest wall, in the anterior sinus, pleural layers. Cor in N.
Also, DST-neg. Analyzes at admission: KLA-Hb-141; E-4.2; L-7.6; e-1; n-5; s-70; l-20; m-4; ESR-15. OAM - specific weight - 1.019; reaction is sour; protein-0; sugar-0; L- 1-2; - 2-3;. BAC - commonly. protein-83.9; AST-40.5; ALT-33.6; urea-8.3; bilirubin-19.0; indirect-16.11; straight-2.89; ShchF-54 (is there still a number on the photocopy is not visible).
FBS-diffuse catarrhal bronchitis. FVD-moderate (grade 1) violation of pulmonary ventilation by obstructive type.
I have pancreatic diabetes.
Additional information: around 2008. also hurt in the same way as described above. At the appointment with a gastroenterologist, she heard wheezing in the upper part of her shoulders. Was sent to tube. dispensary clinic. I passed sputum tests and the Mantoux type (now called something else), they did an x-ray. As a result, it was said that I have something like a scar and these are the consequences of a small pneumonia on my legs.
The penultimate FLU was in April 2015. and everything was normal.
CT dated 10.11.2015 (in hospital). When axial scanning from 2 sides, a diffuse decrease in the transparency of the lung tissue, in all lung zones, mainly on the right, various bullae are determined, max size 34.6x25.0 mm. Against this background, soft-tissue opacification of the lung parenchyma without clear contours, 23.0x12.8/25.0 mm in size, with a bronchogram against its background, is determined on the right at the border of S1-2. The rest of the lung fields without focal, infiltrative and destructive changes. The roots of the lungs are not changed, the visible lobar and segmental bronchi are airy. No liquid content was found in the cavities. The organ and vascular structures of the mediastinum are distinctly differentiated, the mediastinal tissue is not infiltrated, VLH is within the normal range. (I miss the description of the kidneys, liver and pancreas).
Conclusion: the data obtained may correspond to right-sided intra/lobar pneumonia, but the TB etiology of the revealed obscuration cannot be excluded.
After a month of being in the hospital, I was discharged to the clinic. On discharge:
KLA-Hb-156; E-4.6; L-9.6; e-4; n-7; p-51; l-26; m-11;
OAM - ud. weight-1.013; reaction-acid, protein-0; sugar-2.95; L-2-3;;
BAC - total protein - 78.9; AST-27.4; ALT-36.3; urea-6.8; bilirubin-12.0; indirect-9.3; straight-2.7; Shchf-393.
R-gr. at discharge: in the dynamics on the right in S1-2 there is an increase in the transparency of the lung tissue and a decrease in the size of the blackout area, of average intensity up to 1.76x1.03 cm in (I can’t read), the contours are clear, uneven. Left clean. Roots are structural.
Diagnosis: focal tuberculosis of the upper lobe of the right lung, phase of infiltration. MBT-. Yes, sputum and Mantoux tests are negative.
In a private conversation with of the diagnostic department (where I was in the hospital), to my question about the correctness of the diagnosis, he spoke something like this: I am more inclined towards the diagnosis due to the fact that I (the patient) has diabetes mellitus and just in case, for safety. It is already the third month of my treatment in the TB polyclinic. The doctor says that there are no dynamics, but she must follow the order of the Ministry of Health and keep her on treatment for at least 6 months.
I already have liver, stomach and gallbladder problems.
Analyzes with TB polyclinic: BAK dated 12/23/15 - total protein-82.6; AST-141.5; ALT-107.2; urea-4.5; creatinine-118; total cholesterol - 4.12; total bilirubin - 19.9; indirect-15.22; straight-4.68; ShchF-416; RPT (or GPT) -282.6. The treatment was suspended, he was treating the liver.
LHC dated 01/11/16 - total protein-72.9; AST-30.7; ALT-33.9; urea-7.1; creatinine-102; total cholesterol - 3.63; total bilirubin - 12.6; indirect-7.19; straight-5.41; ShchF-394; RPT (or GPT) -245.6.
KLA dated 01/11/16 - hemoglobin-142; erythrocytes-4.3; color index-0.99; Leukocytes - 9.0; neutrophils stab - 14, segmented - 61; eosinophils-1; lymphocytes-12; monocytes-12; erythrocyte sedimentation rate-30. Continued treatment. All the time was treated: isoniazid-2 tab. in a day; rifampicin-ferein -3 tab. in a day; pyrazinamide-2 tab. 2 times a day; kanamycin injections - 1 time per day; plus carsil and vitamins.
LHC from 02/01/16 - total protein-76.0; AST-76.9; ALT-176.9; urea-7.9; creatinine-79; total cholesterol - 4.31; total bilirubin - 9.9; indirect-6.7; straight-3.2; ShchF-451; RPT (or GPT) -300.1.
I earnestly ask you, according to the data presented, to express simply your vision in setting your diagnosis, excluding familiarization with the already established one.
I will be very grateful, thank you.

Responsible Vasquez Estuardo Eduardovich:

Hello Dmitry! Unfortunately, it is NOT SO EASY for any doctor to "express just his vision in making a diagnosis" (this is a big responsibility, including moral), it is also connected with legislative requirements. At a distance and without examining the patient - this becomes all the more impossible! Signs of a chronic pulmonary-bronchial process are obvious, and taking into account your concomitant diagnoses, I consider all of the above fears of your doctors to be justified. My opinion: you need to continue monitoring and it is desirable to have a positive attitude towards treatment courses - not following such recommendations can be even more dangerous.

2014-07-13 19:23:25

Irina asks:

Please help me please...
it all started with the fact that I began to lose weight in the abdomen, it was hot .. hungry pains, seething in the intestines .. there was a feeling that I was pregnant .. severe back pain. muscular .. the nervous system suffered the most, ... there were suicide attempts ... I thought I was going crazy .. I turned to a neurologist .. I had an MRI of the spine, it turned out that I had osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical vertebrae ... but how the doctor explained to me - it shouldn’t cause such pains .. the pain was cutting and burning in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, the shoulder and neck ... they prescribed massages and exercise therapy .. there were no improvements .. the condition was getting worse .. I fell into a deep depression .. saw powerful antidepressants. . I went to a gastroenterologist, but they told me after they made a probe that I had psychosomatics and advised me to change my lifestyle. ..I went to another city so as not to go crazy ..there were no improvements ..there were such things as I was walking and a sharp pain on the sole of my foot, as if now the skin would crack, I could not step on my foot ..the next day everything went without a trace and so several once .. I returned to my city .. got a job .. I am a child psychologist by profession .. I worked as a nanny at home .. a month later I became very ill. the temperature rose sharply to 39 and a terrible pain all over the body. I couldn’t walk, everything hurt .. as soon as I tried to walk, my heart was missing, I called an ambulance .. the first time they said neurology panic attacks ... the second time when they called they said that I had tachycardia, the third time I almost lost consciousness, an ambulance arrived they took me away, but in the morning they let me go saying that I was healthy - they called me 3 times a day, since I lived alone and it was very scary. Never had a heart problem before. I went to the local clinic. I barely got to her. after examination, the doctor suggested that I had acute rheumatic fever and gave me a referral to the hospital. I went to a private clinic, passed a rheumatic test, and lay in a fever for 2 days until I waited for the answer of the analysis. ..I thought I was going to die... the bones seemed to be picking at me with glass, my whole body ached... the tests came out negative... it was not rheumatism and they wouldn’t take me to the hospital ... I again went to the clinic there, the doctor was surprised that I was not in the hospital and suggested that I write out a prescription for treatment ... I didn’t know that I agreed with me on everything .. she prescribed I had a bunch of antibiotic droppers, including for the heart of the km..during the droppers, I felt bad. .after the condition improved a little, I could more or less walk ... after the end of antibiotic therapy, 2 days later I had pain in the tonsils, not strong, there was no temperature. .I again went to the clinic, the ENT doctor said that he had a sore throat and was surprised that after so many drugs. said to pass on rv and on vich. washing was ordered. hiv came out negative and p was positive. .I ran with fear to an anonymous venereologist ..he again pricked me for a week with bicillin mine, because what the secret was curing. I again wanted to commit suicide .. because I didn’t want to live with such a shame and didn’t understand where it all came from, as soon as I broke up with my husband and I didn’t have anyone else after him. the former husband is healthy since he went to live abroad and passed all the tests for a visa. I didn't believe it, but I did it anyway. Whether the venereologist profited from me still I do not understand. my condition did not improve. tongue swollen asthma and bronchitis opened strong macrotia with a brown admixture pharyngitis a bump under the tongue all the palate in scars on the wall of the throat small pustules .. the venereologist explained to me that it was supposedly a fungus from antibiotics and prescribed antihistamines. nothing passed. the condition did not improve even the rash on the neck became more. asthma worsened, I went to the allergist, he sent me to take an x-ray of the lungs. Turned out it was pneumonia. ..again prescribed the strongest antibiotics. I didn't even have a temperature. only severe weakness. after 7 days of antibiotics, macros became even more no improvement. I went to another allergist, he said that the fungus antibiotics can not be dripped fucis and askarbinnka got a little better. ..after that I went to the center of Pulmonology, since macros did not give me life, there are a lot of them to this day. Previously, I passed a swab from the pharynx and macro. Staphylococcus aureus was found in the pharynx, and geomolytic streptococcus was found in macrot b. I didn't believe my ears. in Pulmonology, I had another x-ray and several tests ruled out lupus and something else. again they told me to pass on vich and rv I passed everything negatively. prescribed vitamins and sent home. macros did not become less choking on it. pain in the back and joints do not allow to work. but you have to work. I turned to another neurologist already .. after examining me, she said that I had psychosomatics and sent me to a psychologist .. I didn’t want to live from the thought that I was going crazy. Even my family stopped believing that I feel bad. I went through several sessions with a psychologist. I didn't get any better. believing the doctors that it was psychosamatics, I decided to simply not think about the disease and accept that I would no longer be healthy. at work, I didn’t have enough strength for chronic malaise .. and one fine day I noticed something was wrong in my feces. I took it for analysis and found eggs of dwarf tapeworm and Giardia .. they prescribed Biltricid. only 2 tablets .. after 2 weeks another 2. I don’t understand anything everything that happened to me and all these diagnoses due to tapeworms ??? please help me figure it out ... and the better to destroy them. I really want to get back to a normal life. I am 29 years old and tired of being sick. I took 2 pills and nothing happened. but the pain in the muscles of the joint also remembered that I had seen the same thing in my feces three years ago. looks like i've had them for a long time

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Irina, good afternoon! Pull yourself together and stop looking for new problems. You have already done more than one antibiotic therapy, antifungal therapy, etc. Now you are treating helminthiasis, this is also a powerful chemical load on the body. Do you still need to figure out if you have helminths. It all depends on the skill of the laboratory assistant. Since you are talking about seeing something three years ago, then we can simply talk about underdigested food elements ... The fact is that you developed dysbacteriosis on your skin and mucous membranes with antibiotics and other chemicals. Hence your rash, itching, etc. You need to restore the normal microflora (autovaccines, bacteriophages, bacterial lysates, lactobacillus preparations, etc.) and finally stop being treated. Judging by the results of numerous examinations, you are still a young and quite healthy woman. Yes, now you are not having the best period in your life (divorce, etc.), but life goes on. Switch, learn to enjoy life and stop obsessing over your condition. Be healthy!

2013-11-22 10:33:06

Marina asks:

Hello dear consultants. I am 27 years old. At the beginning of 2013, she fell ill, had a temperature in the evenings, sweating, weakness, loss of appetite. X-ray showed that there is fluid in the lungs, 700 ml. Pumped out about 300 ml. The rest was gradually absorbed during treatment. Unfortunately, the pulmonologist turned out to be incompetent and did not reveal tuberculosis in me, but treated me as community-acquired pneumonia complicated by exudative pleurisy. In general, after the use of anti-inflammatory antibiotics, I felt good, I thought I had recovered. Until, in July, I took a picture. It turned out that he has a dense focus measuring 14 by 9 mm, and there are calcifications. and fibrotic changes. And a small hearth, 8 mm. She gave a spit, made bronchospopia, took a swab from the bronchi, the result is negative. In general, treatment was carried out, while the drugs were administered through the rectum, the treatment took 3 months. As a result, he has a scar at the site of a small focus, tuberculoma 14 * 9 mm in size, fibrous changes and calcifications. The question is. Is it possible to live with a tuberculoma of this size without resorting to surgery? Does it affect pregnancy? My doctor says that in general it is small, and you can live with it all your life, but maintaining immunity and a healthy lifestyle. And what if during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, to carry out preventive treatment. Can antituberculosis drugs be used during pregnancy? And will I be able to pass a medical examination to work in government agencies, with tuberculoma? I don't work with children, only adults. In general, I plan to leave in the future, on a long-term business trip, will I be able to pass a medical examination with tuberculoma? (At work they don't know about my illness)

Responsible Telnov Ivan Sergeevich:

Hello. You will not be able to pass a medical examination with tuberculoma in government agencies. You can receive preventive treatment during pregnancy - your doctor will select the necessary drugs for you. But given the rather large size of tuberculoma, it is better to carry out surgical treatment. Consult with a thoracic surgeon.

2011-12-21 10:22:11

Suzanne asks:

Hello! I was in the hospital 2 times this summer with out-of-hospital left-sided pneumonia, chronic bronchitis is protracted. I have 3 CT scans of the lungs: a picture of chronic bronchitis. , then dexamethasone, vanvomycin, loraxone. For the entire time of treatment, body temperature remained at 37 g., Harsh breathing in the lungs. and dry rales to the present. B589 of the left lung, dark gray pigmented submucosal spots without inflammation, foci of fibrosis of both lungs are visible. B-7 cicatricial narrowing of the B-7 of the right lung due to two crescentic scars, the preserved lumen has a slit-like shape 1 by 2 mm, there is no sign of inflammation, but a large amount of viscous mucosal purulent secretion in the form of small lumps. Multiple small lumps of viscous mucopurulent secretion in the bronchi. nom and levofloxacin. D-Z; 2-sided differential endobronchitis 1-2 tbsp. subcompensated stenosis of the orifice B7 pr. of the lung cicatricial. Endoscopic signs of a bilateral multifocal specific process (B589 pr. of the lung B7 of the left lung). I don’t see tuberculosis, but I’ll hand over a 3 glass sample and prescribed a trial course of therapy! the question is, could I have suffered tuberculosis for a long time, or since the summer, but they weren’t diagnosed, what do these scars say: About tuberculosis or pneumonia and for how long? What should I do? and two children aged 21 and 18. Can my low-grade fever be associated with tuberculosis or is it an untreated infection, soon there will be bacteremia. b or not? Thank you!

Responsible Kucherova Anna Alekseevna:

Perhaps both tuberculosis and bronchiectasis of the lungs. VtorSolve the question you would be helped in the Research Institute of Pulmonology and Phthisiology. Yanovsky, Kyiv. Get a referral from your pulmonologist for a consultation. In your case consultations in absentia are senseless.

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