Rapid clearance of the lungs. How to recover lungs from nicotine after smoking. Folk remedies for cleaning the lungs

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about how to clean the lungs from nicotine. Let's touch hot topic- the theme of smoking! Oh those smokers! They poison their own lives, everyone around them! But I know a lot simple recipes how to clean the lungs from nicotine.

Everyone has long known how many serious illnesses are associated with the consumption of nicotine, how every organ suffers from smoke entering the lungs. And still, the number of smokers is not decreasing. What are smoker's lungs? This is pure blackness and flabbiness!

Well, let's go to the aid of smokers! The main thing is that this cleansing can be done cheaply and at home.

1. How to clean the lungs from nicotine bath

The first thing I can recommend is a bath! Under the influence of steam sweat glands coming out excess fluid with toxins. Moist steam penetrates inside, helping to expel sputum. Dip the heater with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, mint, birch leaves, essential oil of juniper, pine, inhale this beneficial aroma.

If there is no bath, then do inhalation with these herbs at home. Put in a saucepan according to Art. a spoonful of one or more herbs, pour boiling water, let it brew. Cover yourself with a blanket, breathe in the healing steam for about ten minutes. We felt relieved! Do inhalation for 10 days, then you will see an excellent result.

Read more in the article on cleaning the bath

2. Cleansing with breathing exercises and sports

Simple breathing exercises will help to quickly clean a contaminated organ:

Exhale fully as far as possible;

  • smooth breath;
  • once, stick out your stomach, filling part of the lungs with air;
  • two, inhale more, filling middle department respiratory organ;
  • three, draw in the stomach a little, lift the shoulders, filling it to the end;
  • exhale smoothly, slowly lower your shoulders, pull in your stomach.

The first time this process will seem difficult, then get used to it.

Even easier - drink warm milk! But oatmeal has the most powerful cleansing effect.

And of course, for the lungs, a wonderful treatment is sports. Jogging on fresh air, swimming or just walking, give an amazing effect. It's better than lying on the couch and smoking, smoking! You just need to say very firmly to yourself: “I’m quitting smoking!”. Not just to say, but to really quit.

The main thing to understand is that this disease cannot be cured with pills. Go in for sports, learn how to breathe properly, drink teas with herbs - mint, sage, currant leaves, oak.

3. Cleansing with oatmeal jelly

Kissel recipe

A glass of real oat grains is taken, not flakes, 0.5 tbsp. milk, after boiling, it is boiled down until the volume is reduced by 2 times, after which 0.5 cups of slurry is obtained, which must be drunk warm at a time. Such volumes should be drunk daily 3 times, at least 10 days. Will start in 7 days coughing, which means that sputum will depart.

4. Purification with a decoction of herbs

What else can help a person after years of smoking? There are strongly active decoction herbs: one tbsp is taken. a spoonful of dry oregano, violets, poured with 2 cups of boiling water, infused for 2 hours. It is necessary to take daily 2 times one glass. The lungs and bronchi are cleansed.

5. Cleansing with water

There are products that can help respiratory organ after quitting smoking or reduce the harm of smoking. First water is coming. Drink 2-3 liters of water, as well as green tea, which reduces the risk of cancer. If you add thyme, licorice to your drinking diet, you will help the respiratory organ get rid of toxins.

6. Vegetables and fruits will come to the rescue

Eat more fruits, vegetables rich in vitamin C. Especially apples that improve its function.

Excellent helpers in the matter of cleansing are horseradish, garlic, ginger. Garlic is generally a leader in cleansing the body after smoking.

7. Chicken broth helps out

Treating smokers with folk remedies is the most affordable way, so I will talk about a few more excellent remedies. You can treat yourself chicken broth with the addition of garlic and onions, and do not boil, just add before serving. The sputum will quickly begin to liquefy, asking to come out in the form of a cough. It's already good!

8. Pine buds also cleanse the lungs.

Many smokers ask: is it possible to cleanse the body with pine buds? Infusion of pine buds - very effective remedy. It can be called a miracle remedy for its fast action to wetness.

Take one tablespoon of pine buds, pour boiled warm (not hot) water (1 cup), leave for 5-6 hours, then drink. The course is one week.

In parting, I want to address the youth! Do not destroy yourself with this poison, do not reduce your age and the number of years allotted for life. Do not smoke!

About how to solve this first and most main task to clean the lungs from nicotine, I recommend watching the video “3 Ways to Quit Smoking” with Elena Malysheva:

Dear visitors of my blog! Show this article to your smoker friends, maybe they will find useful information here.

Today I told you about how to clean the lungs from nicotine. How did you like the article? If so, be sure to share it in social networks, subscribe to the blog update and wait for the continuation.

It is known that smoking is one of the most harmful habits that significantly worsens the state of health. There are many reasons why you should give up cigarettes. After abrupt rejection from nicotine, the human body begins to react quite specifically to this. During this period, it is important to help him adapt to new conditions and fulfill good cleansing lung, accelerated elimination harmful substances. Many are interested in how long the lungs are completely cleared? If a person has been smoking for a long time, it will take at least a year. The pulmonary recovery process is quite complex.

Why you should give up

When smoking, various toxic substances enter the respiratory system, among which nicotine occupies the first place. He is able to provide Negative influence for all internal organs. When a smoker inhales smoke, it enters the respiratory tract and circulatory system, then transported to the brain. The heart begins to react to toxic substances, which is intensely reduced. Vasoconstriction occurs and increases arterial pressure. This can lead to blood viscosity and thrombosis. Cigarettes contain harmful substances such as:

  • tar, formaldehyde;
  • arsenic, urea;
  • carbon monoxide, ethylene;
  • cadmium, nickel;
  • hydrogen cyanide, ammonia;
  • ethylene, hydrocyanic acid, benzipene.

The effect of smoking on the lungs is negative. If a person smokes long time, would need serious treatment. This is due to the fact that the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood increases. Long-term smoking increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Those who smoke for many years have certain typical diseases, among which stomach cancer is distinguished. Long-term nicotine use causes various violations in the reproductive system. The greatest harm tobacco smoke brings to the respiratory system, which can cause lung cancer, bronchitis chronic form and other diseases. There are many reasons why you should quit smoking. Cleansing the lungs after long-term smoking is very difficult and long, so you need to think carefully before you start smoking.

How does the body react to smoking cessation?

After a person has made the decision to quit smoking, he must carefully prepare for the fact that his body will react violently to it. Everything needs to be provided the necessary conditions for adaptation, as well as cleansing the lungs.

In most cases, nicotine addiction develops as a result of emotional and personal problems. Smoking a cigarette calms the person down. Tobacco smoke itself does not have a calming effect, everything happens on psychological level. Over time, the ritual of smoking becomes an integral part of the life of a smoker. The body gradually adapts to the effects of nicotine and already reacts completely differently in its absence. When quitting cigarettes, there are disturbances in immune system, mood swings and rapid weight gain. It greatly affects the person, and refuse bad habit happens to be impossible.

The normal functioning of the bronchi will come no earlier than 3-4 months after quitting smoking.

Are the lungs cleared after complete failure from smoking? Yes, but it takes time. To fully restore your body after prolonged smoking, you will have to monitor your lifestyle for a long time. Stonecrop does not occur immediately. This is a rather complex process that requires special procedures. Since when you give up cigarettes, immunity is weakened, the body becomes susceptible to various types of viruses, so it needs to be strengthened. You will need drugs to help eliminate unstable mental condition.Often people who quit smoking replace cigarettes with food, so they gain weight.

Quitting a bad habit abruptly can be very difficult, so you need to think carefully. It is necessary to clear the lungs, which will significantly speed up the process of adaptation and help the body work properly. Recovery of the lungs after smoking takes a long time. It can take a year or more, depending on how many years the person has been smoking.

Medical methods

Many are interested in how to clean the lungs after years of smoking? There are several ways by which harmful substances are removed from the respiratory system. One of the most effective is the use of special drugs. The body, by its physiology, is able to cleanse itself, but this process will be longer if it is not helped. The process of purification occurs due to the ciliated cilia of the epithelium of the lung tissue. They produce mucus, in which harmful substances accumulate, after which they are excreted from the body along with it. A person who quits smoking develops a wet cough.

Before you restore the lungs after smoking with the help of drugs, consult your doctor. Specialist selects special means helping to clean the bronchi and lungs. Therapy includes special preparations which we will consider below.

  • Helps loosen and expel mucus. The main ones include: Bronhoksol, Ambroxol, Lazolgin, Flavamed, Lazolvan and others.
  • A medicine that activates the excretion of bronchial secretions, which helps to clear the lungs. These are Fluditex, Carbocysteine, Libexin, Broncotar.
  • Funds a wide range actions, plant origin. These include preparations with extracts different types plants, among which: Mukaltin, Travesil, Alteyka.
  • Expectorants that stimulate secretion production and reduce its viscosity. This group of drugs includes: Bronchotil, Flegamine, Bronchostop.
  • Drugs that help improve the excretion of sputum, which have an antioxidant effect. They also allow you to remove harmful substances from the lungs. These drugs include: Acestin, Fluimucil.

Bronchomunal is often prescribed, which provides strengthening of cellular and general immunity, in the presence of an infection in the respiratory tract. The therapy includes taking vitamin complexes, potassium ororate and other means. Before you clean your lungs after smoking with drugs, you need to consult a doctor.


It is necessary to clean the lungs of a smoker in a complex way. This requires not only the acceptance of certain means, but also the observance of proper nutrition. The body is undergoing enhanced cleaning, so it will need strength.

Before clearing the lungs of a smoker, you need to carefully consider a plan of action. Balanced Diet, allows you to avoid weight gain and provide the body with energy. This will help speed up the elimination process. toxic substances and sputum from the lungs.

Cleansing the Lungs of a Heavy Smoker Requires Drinking enough liquids. It is recommended to use purified water. Green tea is a good antioxidant. The consumption of nicotine contributes to blocking the absorption of vitamin C, so the blood becomes viscous. It is very important to provide the body with products that contain such a vitamin. It is recommended to use citrus fruits, rosehip broth and bell pepper. The following foods should be present in the diet:

  • soothing milk with honey nervous system and relieving cough;
  • pineapples containing bromelane, which helps to eliminate toxins and cleanse the lungs;
  • garlic, horseradish and ginger, which strengthen the immune system and help the body fight viruses;
  • apples with antioxidant properties.

As antioxidants are: salmon, cod and tuna. The use of these types of fish allows you to cleanse the body well. It is recommended to use in small quantities red wine improves hemoglobin levels. It helps to cleanse the body of milk. You can drink different decoctions of herbs. Cleansing a smoker's lungs takes a long time, so be patient. The lungs will be completely cleansed when all the necessary conditions for the removal of harmful substances are provided, and all recommendations for healthy lifestyle life. The lungs will take time to fully recover.

Breathing exercises and inhalations

There are several ways to quickly clear the lungs, but they must be used in combination. They play an important role in cleansing the lungs. breathing exercises. They are necessary to strengthen the respiratory organs and remove toxins from them. It is recommended to breathe deeply during the day, which improves blood circulation. Very often used breathing exercises from yoga. Exercises are aimed at working out the lower, middle and upper breathing. This improves ventilation and prevents the development cardiovascular disease. Gymnastics helps to strengthen the immune system and resist negative impacts to the psyche.

You need to play sports: running, cycling or fitness. It helps to get rid of stress and distract from nicotine addiction.

To cleanse the lungs of a smoker, inhalations with essential oils can be used. This procedure helps to improve the condition of the respiratory system and help in quitting smoking.

You can purchase a special device at a pharmacy and use ordinary containers, in the form of a pot of water. It is necessary to pour boiling water into the container and add a few drops of essential oil. Then bend your face over the steam and cover yourself with a towel. You need to breathe for 10-15 minutes.

It is best to choose eucalyptus leaf oils, peppermint, coniferous trees, anise, chamomile, sage or calendula. They have many positive effects have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

A visit to the sauna helps in cleansing the lungs. Heat and air humidity contribute to steaming, which allows you to remove toxins and slags from the body.

Folk methods

Medications to cleanse the lungs can be different. You need to consult a doctor who will help you choose the most suitable one. Often, when cleansing the lungs, they are used medicinal herbs. Collections of different plants help the body cleanse itself well, and also provide an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to drink teas from elecampane, licorice, oregano, thyme, Irish moss and other medicinal plants.

  • The lungs of a person are well cleansed by a decoction of coltsfoot. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials, add the same amount of marshmallow and oregano to it, and then pour two glasses of boiling water. Insist for 1-1.5 hours. It is recommended to use the product three times a day after meals, 0.5 cups each.
  • Effective herbal infusion of linden and licorice. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. ingredients and pour them with a liter of boiling water, then leave for about an hour. You need to take three times a day for 0.5 cups.
  • It is good to clear the lungs and elecampane will help. It will take 1 tbsp. l. the root of the plant, which must be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Then the infusion is filtered and taken throughout the day in equal frequency with the addition natural honey. You need to drink such a remedy for a month.

Effectively cleanse the lungs from accumulated sputum herb thyme

Herbs for cleansing the lungs are considered one of the the best means.

Many people use folk remedies, as they give positive results. Often, when cleansing the body of a smoker, milk is used. This product removes harmful substances from the body well and will help to quickly clear the lungs after smoking. Basically, milk is used with oats or pine cones. You need to take a glass of oats and pour two glasses of milk, then boil until the volume is halved. Then wipe the resulting funds through a sieve, and take before bedtime.

To prepare the second remedy, you will need three green pine cones and half a liter of hot milk. You need to insist for 4 hours, then take it once a day on an empty stomach. Milk is one of the best means for cleansing the lungs and the whole body. Such milk drink very useful.

You can clear your lungs different ways. It is important to choose the most effective methods. Therapy is carried out in a complex and only then gives results. Can the lungs be cleansed? It is possible, but the lungs are not restored and cleared immediately, it will take time. How long it takes to completely clear depends on the experience of the smoker. Decided to completely abandon addiction? Do not hesitate - you can start right now, but you already know how to do it right.

On the way to a healthy lifestyle, you should first get rid of bad habits. The first step may be to quit smoking, then clean the lungs of tar and carcinogens that build up in the body as a result of smoking. The body removes harmful substances on its own from 1 year, but there are ways to clear the lungs of a smoker much faster.

Cleansing the lungs is a long process. After quitting smoking, self-purification of the bronchi will take from 1 to 3 years. On average, the course of cleaning the lungs after smoking folk remedies and preparations takes from several months to a year, depending on the experience of the smoker.

What changes will be in the body after cleaning the lungs

During this time, some people may experience unpleasant phenomena: , bad smell from mouth. However, do not be afraid: these are just signs of purification. These processes indicate that the ciliated cilia located on lung tissue, began their work and the cleaning of the lungs began. They remove harmful substances from the bronchi along with mucus and sputum, which is expectorated by a former smoker.

The use of pharmaceutical products

To date, many drugs have been invented to remove sputum. Their traditional area of ​​application is to help with wet cough. These syrups, sprays, and tablets can be taken to clear nicotine-contaminated lungs. Also, they will help to quickly clear the bronchi:

  • syrup Gedelix based on ivy,
  • Ascoril,
  • Acetylcysteine,
  • Mukaltin,
  • Ambroxol and its analogues: Lazolvan, ACC, Ambroxan.

But for people who are afraid of taking medications and prefer folk methods treatment, there are many recipes.

Folk remedies for cleaning the lungs

  • To improve health and remove toxins, it is useful to drink decoctions and teas based on chamomile flowers, oak leaves, black currant, mint, fir, sage, eucalyptus, birch, lavender, linden, juniper. These herbs are also used to cleanse the lungs.
  • In late spring - early summer, you can cook very healthy drink. Collect young spruce shoots and fill them with a liter jar in layers, alternating with sugar and tamping with a wooden crush. Then you should remove the jar in the cold for three weeks, so that green juice stands out from the needles. The resulting syrup will need to be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth and drink 10 ml three times a day. For lack of spruce shoots, you can use coniferous branches, after dousing them with boiling water.
  • A decoction of violets and oregano: pour one tablespoon of each herb with two cups of boiling water. Let the broth brew for an hour, then it can be taken - 3 times a day, without adding sugar.
  • A decoction of pine buds will help to quickly remove sputum. To prepare, you need to pour a tablespoon of kidneys with a glass of water. Infuse the decoction for 2 hours, and take 1/3 cup 2 times a day.
  • You can try to do something like this drug collection: in equal parts nettle, mint, valerian, chicory, black tea are mixed. 0.5 l is poured. boiling water. The decoction is ready for use in 10 minutes.
  • Pour 6 sheets of bay leaf with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse all night. You need to drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • Onions and garlic can cleanse the lungs of nicotine. They are useful not only to eat, but also to make infusions. 1 large onion grind and add a teaspoon of sugar. Then remove for three hours in a warm place. The resulting "syrup" is taken throughout the day. You can add aloe juice. To prepare garlic infusion you need to grind 1 head, then add a glass of water. Take before meals 3 times a day, 50 ml. Such infusions help to eliminate toxins.
  • Honey with lemon. This recipe successfully removes phlegm from smokers. To prepare the lemon, you need to grind it with a blender or meat grinder. Add the same amount of honey to the resulting gruel and mix thoroughly. Take the resulting remedy before meals for a month. The effect will be noticeable within a week.
  • A decoction of viburnum is not suitable for hypotensive patients (low blood pressure). For the rest it is great method cleaning. Add 200 g of berries to 1 liter of boiling water, let it boil for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Add 30 ml lime honey and leave for 5 hours. Decoction drink 100 ml 4 times a day.

Proper nutrition

By adding to the diet certain products nutrition, you can help eliminate harmful substances:

  • Pineapple contains bromelain, which activates the processes of cleansing the lungs and removing toxins.
  • Horseradish root and ginger help cleanse the body.
  • Onions and garlic contain phytoncides and natural antibiotics. Also found in garlic beneficial substance- allicin, which makes sputum more liquid, making it easier to remove.
  • Chicken broth is considered an excellent remedy for diseases. different kind. Such a broth contains an amino acid - cysteine, which contributes to the rapid removal of harmful substances from the body, including the removal of nicotine.
  • To replenish vitamin C, it is important to include in the diet kiwi, citrus fruits, sauerkraut and other vegetables and fruits that are rich in this vitamin.
  • It is important to drink at least 1.5 liters per day of purified (preferably mineral) water. Good to drink green tea because it has antioxidant properties.

Benefits of milk for lung cleansing

Many people know that milk is universal remedy to remove harmful substances, and does a good job of clearing the lungs of mucus:

  • Add a glass of oats to two glasses of milk. Cook until volume is reduced by half. Pass the resulting product through a sieve and take at night. The remaining thick will be useful to eat before each meal.
  • To 1.5 liter volume of milk, add three green Pine cones, you can add a piece pine resin. Stir, heat and let it brew for 4 hours. The resulting mixture should be taken once a day on an empty stomach.

It is also useful for cleansing to drink milk-containing and sour-milk products.


At advanced cases should be inhaled. it good remedy to clean the lungs of an experienced smoker. The easiest way is familiar to many since childhood:

  1. you need to boil water in a saucepan and breathe the resulting steam for 5-10 minutes, covering yourself with a towel and taking deep breaths.
  2. For getting more good from such a procedure, it is worth adding essential oil of pine, marjoram or eucalyptus.

In many clinics it is possible to pass free course inhalation, such a procedure is also carried out in paid clinics. The duration of the course depends on the severity of lung damage: from 5 to 15 sessions.

For the convenience of the procedure, you can buy a home inhaler or nebulizer yourself. The cost is from one and a half thousand rubles. However, it is worth paying attention that not all models allow the use of essential oils or herbal decoctions.

Recovery of breathing after smoking

Exercise improves blood circulation in the bronchi. The simplest breathing exercises:

  • Do deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. By placing your hand on your stomach, you can feel how the diaphragm drops.
  • Another way: take a full breath, and exhale in jerks, drawing in the stomach. It is better to carry out such exercises in the fresh air, about 30 repetitions.

The benefits of massage for the lungs

Massage is shown in therapeutic and preventive purposes to improve human health. And certain techniques are good for sputum discharge. Such a massage , but also to restore the condition former smoker will fit too.

Will be useful classical massage with warming movements and tapping on the back. A self-massage option is possible: you need to find a certain point in yourself, which is called “Khaba-ex”. This is a small depression in the central part of the neck, about 2 cm from the intersection of the clavicles. Pressing on this place brings some discomfort, but this means that the point is chosen correctly. You need to perform the following actions: gently press with your finger and slowly release. Continue manipulation for 30 respiratory cycles.

Location of the Hub-Ex point

Baths and therapeutic baths

Bath - lovely way purification of the body, spirit and whole organism. Regular trips to the bath will help quick recovery and getting rid of sludge. It will not be superfluous to use essential oils in the steam room and treat the body with a broom made of birch or oak branches. It is recommended to drink herbal decoction in the bath.

If it is not possible to visit the bath, then there is an alternative - therapeutic baths. To do this, add coniferous or other medicinal decoction. good action render soda baths. For such a procedure, it is necessary to dissolve 100 g of soda in a bath. Optionally, you can add 100 g of salt, preferably sea. The duration of such a bath is 1 hour.

Sports play an important role in cleansing the lungs. Regular jogging, race walking, swimming or aerobics make the lungs work. At the same time, blood circulation improves, and the body quickly removes harmful substances and heavy metals.


Cleansing the lungs of a smoker, especially an experienced one, is a process that takes for a long time. For this you need to use A complex approach: take the decoctions and preparations recommended above regularly, make it a rule to play sports, do breathing exercises, massage and inhalations, eat right, and also go to the bathhouse. It is impossible to clear the lungs in 3 days, but the main thing is to start.

Specialty: Therapist
Education: First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov in 2010

Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day is people's favorite pastime. “I’ll go and smoke” - this phrase became an excuse to interrupt work, a necessary waste of money and more. However, there always comes a time to pay the bills. In the process of smoking, tar and nicotine enter the body, which, together with other harmful substances, can cause irreparable harm to health.

To get rid of nicotine addiction at home, there are a number of proven ways and methods. We should not forget that after giving up tobacco, you need to clean the lungs and bronchi. This will help avoid the formation malignant tumors, will prevent the destruction of the underlying tissue and damage to the mucous membrane. Of course, you can wait until the body is cleansed on its own. But, it's easier to help him, and not risk your health.

The material below will help you learn how to cleanse the respiratory system and restore its function.

Preparation and Precautions

Full recovery takes from four months to a year, depending on individual features organism. The main criterion in cleansing respiratory tract is free time. You need to act gradually, step by step. If the accumulated sputum is excreted quickly, even more of it is possible, which is fraught with a violation of the patency of the lungs, and, over time, can lead to the development of oncology.

From the point of view of medical practice, treatment begins with folk remedies. Home remedies have a mild effect on the body and do not have side effects. From a variety of recipes, everyone will choose for themselves best option. Balanced diet It will also shorten the recovery period for organs damaged by smoking.

Do not abruptly start intense sports training, since during a long run the load increases several times not only on the heart muscle, but also on bronchopulmonary system.

Why clean your lungs

Self-cleansing occurs in people who use minimal amount cigarettes. In other cases, the mucus produced by the cells, which helps to remove nicotine, tar, carcinogens and irritants from the respiratory tract, becomes more viscous and sputum discharge is difficult. In this case, there is a blockage of blood vessels and a violation of gas exchange, as a result of which an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the blood.

Clearing the lungs helps respiratory system remove harmful substances, cleanse the walls of the bronchi, enrich the blood with oxygen. All this contributes to the restoration of damaged areas, improvement metabolic processes and overall immunity.

Effective folk remedies for cleaning nicotine and tar

Nowadays, a considerable number of tinctures and decoctions are known that contribute to the restoration of health as a result of the rejection of nicotine.


Whole grains oats (200 g) are poured with half a liter of milk, brought to a boil over low heat until about half remains. The prepared broth is cooled to room temperature, strain and drink immediately. The remaining consistency is consumed during the day before meals. The duration of the course is 60 days. After the first week, the cough intensifies and sputum discharge occurs.

Infusion of violets and oregano

Take one tablespoon of dried violets and oregano. Half a liter of boiling water is poured and infused for an hour and a half. Then it is filtered and consumed three times a day. The duration of the procedure is from 30 to 60 days. Sputum discharge is not accompanied by increased cough.

onion syrup

The cut onion is sprinkled with sugar and allowed to infuse for 7 days. Then the resulting syrup is decanted and consumed once a week. AT this case the effect is slow.

herbal infusion

You will need: primrose, horsetail, lungwort, poppy, licorice, soapwort, thyme, elderberry, plantain, pikulnik, violet, fennel and pine shoots. One tablespoon of each of the ingredients is poured into enameled dishes and two liters of water are poured. Insist at least three hours. Take 200 ml at bedtime. The duration of the course is 45-60 days. The infusion has an expectorant effect that helps to expel sputum.

Bay leaf

In a liter of boiling water, 8-10 large leaves are brewed. Insist overnight, then filter and drink half a glass three times a day before meals. Duration is one month.

Honey with lemon

Using a meat grinder, grind the lemon and add honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Take one tablespoon before meals. It should be used for up to three weeks. Promotes active sputum discharge.

Video plot

Beyond funds traditional medicine, to improve sputum discharge, drugs are used that anyone can purchase at pharmacy network.

Attention! Be sure to consult your doctor before use.


The active substance of the drug is ambroxol hydrochloride, which helps to reduce the viscosity of sputum and facilitate its excretion from the body. Sold in the form of syrup, tablets and solution.


Ambroxol analogue. Renders similar action. Increases local immunity, relieves inflammation and suppresses substances that contribute to inflammatory process.


Means of plant origin. Active substance- leaves of climbing ivy. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antifungal effects. Produced in the form of syrup.


Combined drug sold in the form of tablets. It has mucolytic, bronchodilator and expectorant effects.


Mucolytic agent, with expectorant and antioxidant action. It is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine. Promotes detoxification of harmful substances. Produced in the form of tablets.


A preparation of plant origin, the basis of which is the root of marshmallow. Envelops the walls of the bronchi, preventing irritation. It has an antimicrobial and expectorant effect. Available in the form of tablets and syrup.

Breathing exercises and cleansing procedures

  • Breathing exercises. In combination with medicines and folk remedies, you should do therapeutic breathing exercises. Regular inhalation and exhalation in a well-ventilated room is a simple and proven method for gradually clearing the lungs and bronchi.
  • Exercises. Perform twice a day, morning and evening 30-40 times. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. This sequence opens the lungs as much as possible. The effectiveness of breathing exercises will increase if you inhale various essential oils during training and drink mineral water.
  • Inhalations. The procedures help in the fight against bronchitis in people suffering from nicotine addiction. For inhalation, both essential oils and herbal decoctions are suitable, and saline solution.
  • Bath. Excellent remedy airway cleansing. Moist steam thins the mucus and helps to remove it from the respiratory tract, even through the pores of the skin. You can use an oak, birch or fir broom in the steam room. A good addition is the use of essential oils based on eucalyptus, anise or cumin. Essential oils have antiseptic, deodorizing, antiviral, expectorant, healing and tonic effect on the body.

Video tips

Special food and diet

There is no hard diet for those who want to get rid of addiction. But experts advise including foods rich in vitamin C in the diet. Sauerkraut, rosehip broth, lemon and other vegetables and fruits will help increase defensive forces smoker's body. Eating onion, garlic and ginger is also essential.

Quit smoking? How to restore lungs

After smoking, especially for many years, people who got rid of this addiction ask themselves the question: "How to clean the lungs after smoking?". Below are a few simple tips.

Where to begin?

It’s worth starting with the understanding that cleansing the lungs of different people manifests itself in different ways and lasts different time. Manifestations depend on the experience and intensity of smoking. So, for example, some people develop cough and sputum, while others do not have any manifestations. The cleaning time usually lasts from 3 to 12 months, depending on the length of smoking.

The easiest way to clear your lungs after smoking

The first advice is the simplest: you need to control your diet. When cleansing the lungs after such a bad habit as smoking, you do not need special diet. You just need to expand your diet. It is also recommended to use a tablespoon badger fat in a day. It is also worth increasing the amount of onion and garlic in your diet. As an example: chop an onion, sprinkle it with sugar and leave for 2 hours. The resulting juice should be taken in a teaspoon per day. Another of the simple tips can be distinguished walks and a bath. Let's talk about more difficult to implement methods. Let's start with inhalation. The course of inhalations is approximately from 5 to 20 procedures, lasting 10-20 minutes. The composition for inhalation is herbal collection from needles of fir, cedar and pine. This collection is one of the most effective.

How to clean the lungs after smoking folk remedies

Another way is to take infusions. To achieve the effect, the following herbs are required: primrose, pine buds, elderberry, lungwort, plantain, pikulnik, tricolor violet, elecampane, fragrant violet, fennel, thyme, soapwort, istod, licorice, sweet clover, horsetail, poppy. So, you need to put 1 tablespoon of each of the ingredients and pour a glass of boiling water over 1.5 tablespoons of the mixture, close the lid and leave for 2 hours. Take at bedtime for 2 months. The lungs can also be cleansed using oat grains. To do this, 1 cup of grains is diluted with 500 ml of milk, put the mixture on fire, wait until it boils away by half the volume, then pass through a sieve. The result is a light coffee-colored slurry. This gruel should be drunk three times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals, for a week.

Exercise and lung cleansing

Walking in the fresh air also helps to clear the lungs after smoking. It should be clarified that walks should be carried out in a park, in a forest, preferably in a coniferous one, and periodically jogging. But it is worth warning that oversaturation with oxygen can cause dizziness. If you feel dizzy, it is recommended that you stop walking or jogging immediately. Can be used to cleanse the bath. Use traditional oak brooms. When they treat the body, the body more easily excretes sputum. But do not forget that it is not recommended to drastically change the temperature conditions after soaring in the bath. It is also worth paying attention to breathing exercises. It is recommended to use full yogi breathing.

As a result, we can say that there are many ways to clear the lungs after smoking - it is more difficult to quit smoking and not break loose, but follow the advice. Although this is a long-term event, but after it the person who quit smoking will feel much better.

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