Smoking girls. Why do girls smoke

smoking women- sexy or disgusting? Now every second smokes, and this habit extends not only to the male sex. A woman with a cigarette is a topic too much discussed in society. Most are sure that this is terrible, “you are a future mother” and in general “you look funny, baby.” But few people are stopped by the opinion of society. Girls who have succumbed to this bad habit and are not going to quit shared their opinions on some aspects of this topic.

“The first cigarette… I laugh when I remember. I stole my mother's menthol slime with a friend in the ninth grade for the sake of interest, the sensations were disgusting. After that, I started smoking already in the first year. ” Kseniya.

"Honestly, my first cigarette was more of an act, a stepping stone for respect in the eyes of high school girls." Alina.

“I smoked a cigarette for the first time at graduation, it was terrible, my eyes watered and I coughed” Ada.

“I tried my first cigarette at my first job in the service sector, when there were still smoking halls in establishments. After the shift, when we were sitting with the workers and waiting for a taxi, I asked one of the workers, experienced incomprehensible and strange feelings, but the next day, on my way to work, I bought myself my first pack of cigarettes. Nika.


“Personally, I have a neutral attitude to the smell of tobacco, it is practically not felt, since I prefer high-quality cigarettes, sometimes with an admixture of cherries or mint, smells that do not eat in and do not smell too much. If, nevertheless, you need to get rid of it, I use an antiseptic. There is no smell left on the hair (I do not smoke much and do not have an addiction). ” Kseniya.

“The smell of cigarettes makes me feel uncomfortable. And I am extremely negative about it. But alas, habit is stronger. Therefore, you have to endure. In order to slightly weaken the smell, I do not use anything supernatural: conventional means hygiene, perfume. Alina.

“I have been smoking for a very long time and I don’t really notice the smell of tobacco. But the people around me also rarely notice it because of the perfume I use. Also with the smell of the hair, it is not felt because of the perfume. and on my hands, I always use antiseptic and hand cream, so there is also no smell of tobacco.” Nika.

How much does it cost per month?

“I choose cigarettes mainly by price, here, as with alcohol, you should not save money, since you have already decided to afford these things. I spend about three hundred hryvnias (about $10) per month considering that one pack costs 80. Kseniya.

“When a girl smokes thick cigarettes, it looks miserable, for women they came up with thin ones, in beautiful packaging. On average, I spend 300-400 rubles a month. ” Alina.

“I do not separate cigarettes by gender. Everyone chooses the ones he likes. I prefer the classics, so I've been smoking red Marlboro all my life. To be honest, I didn’t count how much money they spend on them per month, but I can say that I smoke one pack in 1-2 days.” Nika.


“There is no effect on health yet, but I don’t think problems will keep you waiting. Now my skin and hair are in excellent condition, as I take care of myself and do not notice any deviations from the norm. Kseniya.

“After I started smoking, I noticed that there was more shortness of breath than before taking cigarettes. There are no special problems because I use cigarettes in small quantities - only the smell remains on my hair, nothing else " Ada.

“It has absolutely no effect on health, I know this both from my well-being and from some medical analysis, which I periodically rent for my peace of mind. External changes didn't happen either." Nika.

weight loss

“Although they say that smoking helps to lose weight, I do not believe in it. But for some it really helps, it's just that cigarettes discourage food cravings. Alina.

“I don’t know anything about losing weight with cigarettes, it seems to me that everything depends on physical activity and nutrition. It's always strange to hear stories about losing weight with cigarettes." Nika.

“You can lose weight if you don’t eat anything, and smoking and weight are very controversial issue, I consider." Kseniya.


“Smoking is not for everyone, just like culottes. Probably my upbringing affects beautiful French films, where the apogee of femininity was a lady in stockings and a cigarette between her fingers. Cigarettes, like other things, can either beautify a person, or vice versa.” Kseniya.

“I am madly in love with men who smoke. And I like to look at the moment when a person lights his cigarette. Every movement of this moment looks aesthetically beautiful. Therefore, I sincerely consider smoking beautiful. But I don’t understand people who try to live up to the standards imposed by the media and smoke just because it’s “fashionable”. Nika.


“Smoking has never affected relationships. I never considered it necessary to be with a person who, at the beginning of a relationship, can afford to give me any ultimatums. But I can’t say that non-smokers liked my bad habit. If I'm going to prepare for pregnancy, then of course I will have to quit smoking. Kseniya.

“I never deal with men who forbid me anything. I will quit at the time of pregnancy and lactation, as did my mother when she became pregnant with me. And there, how it goes.” Nika.

How to quit smoking?

“I am not addicted to nicotine, I don’t know what it is connected with, but quitting is not a problem for me. Periodically, I clean the body and then give up smoking for a week or two. I don't know who is easier to quit smoking, a man or a woman. I am not entirely competent in matters of anatomy, but the principle of the effect of a cigarette on the body, both female and male, is practically the same. Kseniya.

“Hundreds of times I tried to quit. I guess it all depends on the environment non-smoking friends you are unlikely to reach for a cigarette. I think it’s more difficult for women to quit this bad habit, we invent more, beauty, outrageousness, pathos are important for us, we don’t have an inner core, unlike men. Alina.

"I have no strong dependence from smoking. Sometimes I just forget that I have a pack of cigarettes in my bag. This seems to be due to the characteristics of the body, someone becomes addicted after the first cigarette and subsequently cannot quit for years. Ada.

“And I don’t think about quitting smoking yet. Why give up something that gives you pleasure? Nika.

After chatting with the girls about their addiction, we became interested in what the guys think about all this, so we asked a few questions to one man:

“I myself smoke, so I am loyal to women who smoke, but everything is within reasonable limits, if a girl smokes one after another and stinks from her like an ashtray, then this is a disaster. The former always gave perfume in a bag, so that it was updated after smoking breaks. If we talk about kisses, then it’s always nice to kiss your beloved, but before going to bed, it’s better to brush your teeth, of course. If a girl is completely an ashtray, then of course they are outwardly noticeable unpleasant moments: yellow nails/teeth, repulsive. And at the expense of beauty, I can say that any vicious deed from the outside seems captivating if it is done with feeling, really beautiful people.

Ministry of Health warns: Smoking is dangerous for your health.

Text: Elina Pilyugina

Having taken a preliminary smoke break before writing this article, I thought that people who are actively fighting for healthy lifestyle life, take not quite the right position. When the concepts of what is good and what is bad are stubbornly hammered into a person’s consciousness, the subconscious mind certainly wants to “taste the Forbidden fruit": you have to try everything in life, otherwise you won't understand why it's bad, but it's good. This, of course, does not mean that now it is imperative to hang posters on every corner: "Smoke!" or "Smoking is good!" Just worth it consider the situation from different angles, weigh the pros and cons of smoking.

Let's try to figure out why girls smoke? Why are we only talking about cons? After all, we, incorrigible optimists, know that there are positive aspects in everything.

What's good about smoking

Each person has their own answer to this. The most common of them are:
1) The first decision that was made without the advice of parents. Most people start smoking at adolescence. Thus, they challenge adults, letting them know that they have already grown up and can make decisions themselves;
2) A way to relieve stress. By the way, very good. Someone relieves tension by tapping his fingers on the table, someone embroiders with a cross. Some are calmed by watching fish in an aquarium, others by humming a song under their breath, and still others by a cigarette smoked in the afternoon. Smoking is a habit. And we all calm down precisely at the moment when we are doing our usual business;
3) Smoking is part of the image. We modern girls love fashionable accessories. A beautiful lighter and a thin cigarette in a neat package are part of our style, they are also accessories. In a sense, smoking is even a fashion. An interesting sociological survey was conducted in the USA. When the TV series "Sex and the City" began to be broadcast on the TV channel, many American women began to smoke cigarettes, to match the main character - Keri Bradshaw. When Carey quit smoking for a while on the show, the show's female fans did the same;
4) Way to lose weight. "Heard, heard," you say, "it's all a lie!" But no! When the body is healthy, it fully works. We eat a lot, and in our body there is an active metabolism. Some of these substances are deposited in reserve, which causes excess weight. The body of a smoker does not work fully. Metabolism deteriorates, digestibility of food decreases, as a result of which weight grows more slowly.

Simply put, each, answering the question: why do girls smoke, finds their own reason for becoming a smoker. Everything here is purely individual. physical addiction from nicotine is not as strong as psychological.
And every smoker at least once in his life tries to quit this bad habit. The reasons behind this decision are:
1) Once you croaked a usually affectionate "hello" in some hoarse inhuman voice;
2) Do you remember how in a chemistry lesson at school a teacher told that tobacco smoke contains substances such as nitrogen, hydrogen, argon, methane and hydrocyanic acid. Everything would be fine, but poisons such as acetone, ammonia, benzene, methyl alcohol and a lot of other filth that I would not want to swallow at all;
3) Finally, you decided to live in this world longer. And when I found out that every cigarette smoked shortens a person's life by 5 minutes and 30 seconds, I realized that it was time to quit.

Still nothing, but more and more doctors are beginning to argue that we, women who smoke, will be much worse than smoking men. What are these threats? Western scientists conducted another study in which they calculated that in 2010 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by smoking will become one of the three most common causes of death. Moreover, women will suffer from this disease 2 times more often than men. And all because the diseases caused by smoking in women develop faster and more actively. If you listen to what the doctors say, it's high time for all women who smoke to curse the day they first picked up a cigarette. Some say that a woman who smokes after 40 years of age instantly "fades" and loses her beauty. Others argue that women who use nicotine are much more likely to suffer from headaches. This is not to mention the fact that pregnant women who smoke expose themselves and their unborn child to the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth.

Why don't we quit smoking

The most frequent answers: "A great thing is a habit!" and "I have too nervous work". But there are more reasoned answers that we sometimes cannot formulate ourselves.

First, we may actually not want to quit smoking. Secondly, why deny yourself something now, when life is so unpredictable. Maybe tomorrow will be the end of the world, and you will not have time to smoke your last cigarette! Is it possible to deny yourself something at such a moment? Thirdly, we often tell ourselves that we can quit at any time, postponing this decision for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, a week, a month, a year. What difference does it make when to quit if the body is already so exhausted from nicotine that it will not recover. In fact, the health hazard increases with the time a person started smoking. The longer you smoke, the more danger. Fourthly, we see that around us is full people who smoke and everyone feels and looks really good.


One way or another, you have to throw

This is not only doctors say, every reasonable girl who is addicted to nicotine understands this.
What do doctors now offer to help people who want to overcome addiction?
1) nicotine-containing chewing gum. A kind of replacement for a cigarette. When you start chewing it, nicotine still gets into your body, just in smaller doses. True, without the recommendation of a doctor, you should not resort to this method. Here are some tips: Don't smoke a cigarette and chew gum at the same time; if hiccups or dizziness appear while chewing gum, you should immediately stop using it; chew each nicotine-containing plate should be 20-30 minutes.
2) Sessions with a psychologist. First, you need to imagine yourself as a non-smoker and understand if you really want to? If there is even a drop of doubt in the answer to this question, you can safely turn to a psychologist. Such therapy helps to uncover and destroy the motives that moved you to smoke. Ultimately, you will need to stop smoking immediately, one day. There should be no gradual reduction in the dose of nicotine, a transition to lighter cigarettes.
3) Nutritional supplements. It may not sound very pleasant, but there is nothing wrong with that. Caramel, health tea for smokers, it's more of a tasty treat, which at the same time reduces "nicotine hunger".

Having considered the question: why do girls smoke, in the end, I want to wish all smoking girls only one thing: let's not stop trying. Yes, we have repeatedly tried to quit smoking and again returned to this addiction. But not all is lost! If we try, then there is still hope that we can "correct"! And suddenly our another attempt quitting smoking will suddenly turn out to be successful?!

You are attractive, successful, educated, but - you smoke. Someone will ask: "Why do bad habits like YOU?". And you calmly, with a light conscience, can answer: - I LIKE IT!

This does not bother you in any way, but those around you are constantly trying to express their "fe" in your direction. Yes, and the beloved so tortured with his stories about kisses with an ashtray that you are already beginning to doubt: "Is he loved at all?" All your explanations that life is yours, that you have the right to dispose of it as you like, that if someone does not like cigarette smoke- in general, you can move away, etc., etc. - do not lead to anything good. And the statements of unfamiliar people like "This does not suit you! You smoke only because you are not confident in yourself, in this way you are trying to" express yourself ", seem more fashionable!" pissed off so much that you really want to express yourself. Only now, not with the help of nicotine, but with all sorts of obscenities, or even better - with physical force ...

After long attempts to defend your rights, you end up smoking even more - to everyone's evil! Your relatives do not understand you and constantly read lectures about the dangers of smoking. Yes, and this law "On Smoking in Public Places" ... Now non-smokers have broken loose - and they strive to quote it to you - with or without reason ...

Sooner or later you have to make a choice:

1. Quarrel with everyone and smoke for yourself "to your health" (only if you are so impregnable - you risk staying on your own).

2. Try to quit smoking (if you really want and try, then maybe you can. You can cheer yourself up with the thought of your health).

3. Tell everyone that you quit a bad habit. While you yourself hide in the yards and with a trembling hand, for fear of being seen, you hold a smoking cigarette.

I will say right away: point three is fraught with serious consequences. If people close to you find out that they were deceived by you, it will be very difficult to find a common language with them in the future.

You are well aware that smoking greatly affects your appearance and health, but this does not stop you. What to do if you categorically refuse to give up a bad habit? How to maintain mutual understanding with others and prolong your youth? Do you think it's unrealistic? On the contrary - everything is in your hands!

As is known, nervous disorders affect the body even worse than your bad habit. Therefore, the hourly attacks of a loved one under the slogan "Quit smoking !!!" react calmly. Gently explain that this is not so easy to do, but you are already trying. In addition, you can ask: "Do you want me to deceive you, secretly smoking in the doorways?" For greater persuasiveness, you can make an innocent look. To avoid quarrels with relatives - try not to smoke in front of them. After a smoke break, chew gum and wipe your hands with wet wipes. pleasant smell. Then your presence after the deed will not cause others negative emotions. Just don't tell them you quit, unless of course you did. If the comment came from stranger and in public place, then it is better to move away, to the side, or completely put out the cigarette. Otherwise, you will be attacked by a whole crowd of people who love to "brainwash" everyone in a row. First, you can't handle everyone; secondly, after that the mood will be spoiled for the whole day. Or even worse: one of the most zealous law enforcement officers will call the valiant police, and then, in addition to the spoiled mood, you will also have to pay a fine.

In situations with opponents of smoking, of course, there are no single phrases with which you can protect your rights and desires. Most often you have to use your own ingenuity. But with regard to appearance, there are a number of rules that you just need to cut down on your nose, you can in any other place, the main thing is to remember!

First you need to realize that beauty comes from within. Whatever makeup you use, if you have health problems, then you will not look in the best way. Make it a rule to take a complex of vitamins. It never hurts. It is also foolish to think that a smoker (in this case- smoker) "kills" nicotine. In fact, harm is caused by resins that settle in the lungs and on the walls of blood vessels. To somehow reduce the risk of vasoconstriction and clogging them with resin, you can buy special filters for cigarettes. During smoking, 90% of the resins remain in such a filter, and the smoking process remains the same and the "taste" of cigarettes does not change. You can find miracle filters in almost any supermarket or pharmacy. Also drink more water. Preferably non-carbonated. Choose the water that suits you best. And drink in unlimited quantities. This will make the cells rejuvenate faster, which means it will remove toxins and cleanse the body. Just remember: tea, coca-cola, coffee, compote, etc. - water will not be replaced. Periodically, it is necessary to take a well-cleansing blood vessels composition of flax seeds. Buy flax seeds at the pharmacy, brew according to the recommendations on the package. Drink this product for half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before meals. In order to be good effect, you need to drink 15 days. The treatment is repeated after 3 months. Vitamin C will help increase the elasticity of blood vessels and purify the blood. Fortunately, getting it is not a problem.

But what about the lungs? Yes, this task is much more difficult. But you can try to do something. All of us at school, when we were just starting to indulge in cigarettes, repeatedly heard from "more experienced" that smoking is not at all harmful, especially if you come home and drink a glass of milk. With age, everyone stopped believing in these fairy tales. But in vain! In fact, milk does cleanse the lungs. Only you need to drink not store-bought, but natural milk. So if you have the opportunity to go to the village or at least get that very natural milk, be sure to use it. It is even better if the milk is not cow's, but goat's. Only you need to drink it every day and not just one glass at a time. daily rate- 1.5 liters. It is advisable (but not necessary) to add honey to the drink, to taste.

Recently, it has been scientifically proven that tomatoes increase lung capacity. Therefore, if you love this red vegetable, feel free to eat it in large quantities. Excellent remedy to "ventilate" the lungs - a walk on fresh air(especially in the coniferous forest). But, alas, this does not happen often. You can replace such walks with inhalations with herbs or essential oils. You can also buy expectorants at the pharmacy and take them for a couple of days. There is another remedy, the most pleasant of all. According to Western doctors, the most effective way to "train" the lungs is to inflate bubble! Be sure to buy yourself "bulbashki". If they do not strengthen your lungs, then they will surely lift your spirits! ..

Cigarette smoke also has a significant effect on the heart (especially if it contains menthol). To strengthen your tender heart, do not forget about physical activity(Just don’t overdo it, increased loads will do more harm than help). Never give up on active outdoor play. Dried apricots, figs, bananas, raisins, various nuts, oatmeal, seafood, black currants have a positive effect on the heart muscle. And so that while you sleep, your body removes toxins - before going to bed, it is enough to eat one apple (the variety is not important).

Dealing with " inner world", you can go to the external ...

Teeth… Yes, few smokers can please Hollywood smile. Unpleasant gray-yellow plaque, caries, inflammation of the gums, tartar - all this can overtake you. To prevent this from happening, take the time to smile. In no case (!) do not use constantly whitening toothpastes. They contain abrasive substances that remove plaque, but the regular use of such a paste deprives you of enamel. Ultimately, your teeth will be much harder to save. It is best to use whitening pastes for special occasions, and for constant cleaning, choose therapeutic complex pastes. You can choose a special one at the pharmacy toothpaste"for smokers". Such pastes are not cheap, but the effect is worth it. Be sure to rinse your mouth with special solutions after cleaning. Such a tooth "lotion" will freshen your breath for a long time, relieve inflammation and strengthen the enamel. Don't forget to eat cottage cheese. Still the best remedy to strengthen the teeth have not yet been invented.

Eyes… Yes, smoking affects the eyes. Proteins can simply turn yellow. From the constant narrowing of the vessels, not only the mucous membrane dries up, but vision also falls. Buy yourself some eye drops (if you wear contact lenses, well-known drops of "Vizin" will not suit you; in this case, you can choose "artificial tears").

To keep your delicate skin, do not forget to take care of it. You must understand that your habit makes your skin vulnerable. Be sure to get detox and vitamin masks. Buy creams from active ingredients that can deliver vitamins and oxygen to the deep layers of the skin. To refresh the complexion and prevent (or remove) gray shade skin, you can prepare such masks:

1. 1 st. a spoonful of finely chopped fresh leaves dandelion and the same amount of fresh mint leaves mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of honey; grind until smooth (it is best to grind with a blender). The mixture is applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm, then cold water.

2. Mix 1 teaspoon of well-ground parsley with 2-3 teaspoons of sour cream. In the resulting slurry, you can add a little oatmeal or potato starch. The mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.

3. to one tablespoon of gruel from nettle leaves and plantain (taken in equal parts) add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of citrus juice and apply on a previously cleansed face. Wash off with cold water after 20 minutes.

Also, to improve complexion, do not forget about contrast washing - alternately cold and warm water(warm, not hot!!!). Always finish this procedure with a cool douche. Only if you have a tendency to dilate blood vessels on your face (their increased sensitivity) - do not resort to such a procedure.

Do not forget to undergo a complete medical examination at least once a year.

All of these recommendations will help you continue to get "pleasure" from smoking, with the least loss to your health. But remember that you still have to give up a bad habit if you decide to have a baby. And if you already have a child, then never smoke next to him. And explain to your child that he should not smoke.

Sooner or later, a person begins to realize that he still does not need some habits. If you start thinking about smoking in this spirit, then it's time to leave the addiction in the past. Trying to quit is necessary, but it should be your decision, not others. Take care!

That's right, in today's article we will talk about girls, cigarettes and smoking. I think you have repeatedly seen a girl with a cigarette in her mouth on the street or in a club. Someone is against this, because girls are future mothers, but there are those who approve of the fact that girls smoke. AT modern society the opinion was developed that a girl who smokes achieves everything more easily by attracting attention to herself.

Today, young girls want to look liberated and independent. Many of them believe that cigarette smoking is a fashionable addition to their lifestyle. modern look. Not everyone has enough common sense and basic medical knowledge to understand what harm they do to their health by picking up a cigarette.

They are unaware that in a few years only memories will remain of their beauty.

Only five cigarettes a day are enough, and the smoker's skin, thanks to the constant oxygen starvation will become gray and dull, circles under the eyes will appear much faster than non-smoking girlfriends. Hair will grow dull, teeth will turn yellow, and nails will begin to break off and exfoliate. All of the above applies only female beauty, is it worth talking about the risks of being left without children.

smoking and pregnancy

According to statistics, women who smoke about ten cigarettes a day are twice as likely to be infertile than non-smokers. The egg cell accumulates in itself all the harmful substances that it introduces into the body. tobacco smoke, the ability to fertilize is lost.

There is nothing scarier than a woman trying to kill her child. And this is exactly what all smoking pregnant women do. Fortunately, most pregnant ladies try to give up this bad habit while carrying a child. But almost always the child manages to get a portion of the poison, because not everyone succeeds in quitting smoking even for a while.

Why do girls smoke

First of all, it is required to say that the reasons for the development of addiction to smoking in absolutely everyone who smokes, whether they are boys or girls, are hidden in the upbringing and environment of such a person in childhood. Influence environment and lack of parenting are major factors in a teenager's decision to start smoking.

If the mother smokes, the daughter will also start smoking, because children tend to imitate adults. Girls follow fashion in everything, and the media today imposes on society the opinion that young people, especially girls, look more attractive with a cigarette in their mouth. In the same glosses and different fashion magazines they print photos of celebrities with cigarettes, and the child, seeing this and not realizing that it is harmful, tries to imitate his idols.

In order to assert oneself through a good education and high intellect, one must study for a long time and read a lot. It is not a fact that after that you will be noticed in society. It is much easier to pick up a cigarette, slowly bring it to the lighter, demonstrating at the same time your impeccable manicure, and release a ring of smoke from brightly painted lips.

All these gestures attract the attention of men, and it is beneficial for girls to consider smoking as a norm of behavior. Alas, the idea that this is the beginning of a chain, the first link of which is a cigarette, and the last link is lung cancer and the collapse of all hopes, does not flicker in their minds.

It's no secret that smoking has become an integral part of our daily lives. Scientists are of the opinion that this bad habit has become one of the types social behavior of people.

How to try to stop a girl from smoking

I can't say that even one of these tips will help your loved one quit this bad habit, and yet, if you care about your girlfriend, I'm sure you will try to do everything possible and impossible for this.

If the habit of smoking has become a necessity for a girl, forcibly weaning her from this will not work. Any pressure leads to confrontation. First of all, you need to show patience and care. It is advisable to develop an action plan. Let your girlfriend, daughter, or granddaughter know that her smoking habit is making you suffer.

If a girl really loves you, sooner or later she will think about how to solve this problem. In order for her to quickly understand how smoking adversely affects her health, try to discreetly let her read special literature, unobtrusively give examples. negative impact bad habit.

If a girl who smokes cannot realize that by her habit she creates discomfort for the people who surround her and who love her, she will have to resort to another method, more radical.

I warn you right away that after its application it is possible Negative consequences. And the method itself is to give an ultimatum - either smoking, or something that the girl incredibly values: love for you, favorite food, business, person, restriction of freedom, etc. And the negative consequences lie in the fact that there is a possibility that it will take precedence over anything from the list given earlier. Therefore, you need to be very careful with this method.

A girl can quit smoking only when she realizes that she needs it. No matter how many books by Alan Carr she reads, no matter how much advice she listens to, everything will be useless until she herself wants it.

When the girl agrees to give up the habit of smoking, help her with your advice. It is important! You must always be on the hook and in case of "danger" to stop the hand reaching for a cigarette.

It is not necessary to quit smoking immediately, but gradually, during this period you need to drink more water, and also do breathing exercises daily.

Be that as it may, remember: when a girl smokes, she gradually kills not only herself, but also all those children that she could give birth to. Smoking is an unhealthy habit and should be given up if only to raise healthy and happy children.

If earlier it was mainly men who smoked, now the cigarette is becoming a companion all over the world. modern woman. The fair sex believes that their problems go away with smoke rings. Stylish smoking accessories create an image for beauties. Girls with this bad habit can be found everywhere. Many do not even think about how huge for women.

Smoking girl - the ideal of a new generation

Despite the warnings of the Ministry of Health, public organizations, advertising on television, the number of women who smoke is growing every day. They are not afraid of mortality and oncological diseases. Knowing the consequences of addiction, girls follow fashion and smoke, considering themselves independent, successful and sexy.

Advertising doesn't work on stubborn women

The media is doing everything possible to show how great the harm of smoking for women is. 30% of Russian women took their first puff at the age of 12. Public organizations I'm just shocked by these statistics. They do everything possible to ensure that women lead a healthy lifestyle. People with this habit are informed about what awaits them after indulging in cigarettes. The harm of smoking for women is huge. It has been scientifically proven that this habit causes diseases and of cardio-vascular system. Smoking provokes the development hereditary diseases. Lung cancer predominantly affects smokers. About half a million women in developed countries die because of this bad habit.

Why do women smoke?

The reasons why women smoke can vary. But the main ones are the following:

  1. With the development of emancipation, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity adopt male habits.
  2. Advertising imposes an image of sexual and happy woman with a cigarette in hand.
  3. The desire to hide their self-doubt, to gain independence.
  4. Smoking is a kind of reaction to stressful situations.
  5. Poor living conditions, life shocks, unsuccessful marriages force women to pick up a cigarette.
  6. Many smoking girls think that it will be easier for them to meet the man of their dreams in this way.

What happens to women who smoke?

The effect of smoking on women is detrimental, it quickly changes them, and not in better side. A woman's skin begins to turn yellow and age due to a lack of nutrients. spoiled teeth, brittle hair- Consequences of a bad habit. The smoker can be recognized by bad smell from mouth. He will be defeated first viral diseases. The immunity of a smoking girl is reduced, it is difficult for the body to fight infections. The state of health is gradually deteriorating, the forces are leaving. It becomes increasingly difficult to climb stairs due to shortness of breath. Full image life is hindered by acquired vegetative-vascular dystonia. Women who smoke have problems with their menstrual cycle.

Only 35% of all women with this bad habit decide to get rid of it. The rest gradually destroy their lives. Because of this bad habit, not only the woman suffers, but also her children. Some women who smoke cannot experience the joy of motherhood at all. They often have miscarriages, many suffer from infertility.

What harmful substances are contained in a cigarette

Quantity harmful substances in cigarettes reaches more than 4 thousand. One of the most dangerous carcinogens is resin. She renders negative impact to the bronchi and lungs. It causes lung cancer oral cavity and larynx. Because of this component, smokers begin to cough, acquire chronic bronchitis.

Cigarettes contain a lot of toxic gases. greatest danger represents Interacting with hemoglobin, carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen supplied to tissue cells. This is the cause of oxygen starvation.

Resin causes the death of smokers, leaving its particles in respiratory tract person. It causes cancer and other lung diseases. Due to the fact that the lungs lose their ability to filter, immunity decreases.

The amount of nicotine in cigarettes

Nicotine belongs to drugs that stimulate the brain. It causes addiction. If you do not constantly increase its dose, it can lead to depression. Initially, nicotine excites, then it depletes. As a result of its daily use, the heart rate increases, the pressure rises. If you quit smoking, the withdrawal syndrome will last 2-3 weeks. The person will become irritable and restless, will have trouble sleeping.

60 mg nicotine - lethal dose that can kill a person. How much nicotine is in a cigarette? It is 60 mg of this substance that can be contained in 50 cigarettes. If you immediately smoke them, it is inevitable. Despite the fact that a person does not smoke such an amount, nicotine gradually destroys the body.

How much nicotine is in a cigarette? This figure varies. It depends on the brand of the manufacturer. Usually, the amount of nicotine in one cigarette is indicated on the side of the pack. Depending on this, they have different softness and taste, affect a person to a different extent. Low rate nicotine is considered 0.3 mg in one piece. Most cigarettes contain 0.5 mg. There is a dosage and 1.26 mg of nicotine. There is more of this substance in domestic cigarettes than in foreign analogues.

The effect of smoking on pregnancy

Every sane woman should understand that you should not smoke during pregnancy. Girls with this bad habit are born weak premature babies with low weight, which subsequently get sick more often. Getting used to nicotine in the womb, the little man in the future may become a heavy smoker with criminal tendencies.

The harm of smoking for women is already huge, and if it is also during pregnancy, it is generally destructive, to a greater extent for the child himself. Harmful toxic substances, contained in cigarettes, penetrate the placenta to the baby. The child receives more harmful substances than the smoking mother herself, experiences oxygen hunger. His tender organs are poorly developed. There is a risk of poor pregnancy outcome. AT rare cases absolutely healthy babies are born. They often underweight, fall behind in mental development. Often these babies are restless and hyperactive. These children are sometimes aggressive and deceptive. They have high risk manifestations of autism.

It should be noted that those who smoked during pregnancy may have babies with facial clefts - cleft lip or

Children of such mothers are more likely than others to have diabetes or obesity by adulthood.

Boys born to mothers who smoke have smaller testicles. Their sperm count is 20% lower.

Children take bad example mothers who smoke. Bad habit appears earlier than their peers.

Quitting smoking beautiful lady can start new life, remaining always beautiful, young and happy. It's never too late to stop, you just need to want to.

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