Who smokes from Russian. Bad Example: Celebrities Who Smoke

Get rid of bad habits it can be quite difficult, and even money and expensive anti-smoking products do not help some Russian show business stars in this matter. The editors tell which of the stars smoke cigarettes.


The Russian actor and singer is not only a heavy smoker, but also a fighter for the rights of his "brothers" in Russia. Boyarsky - the leader of the movement against the infringement of cigarette lovers - participates in all kinds of congresses and public actions.


The prima donna of the Russian stage has given up her bad habit, but still she can rightfully join the list of smoking stars. The singer smoked for more than 52 years and tried many times to get rid of addiction. Journalists believe that young children pushed the celebrity to such a step, because Alla Borisovna's state of health was deplorable, and the doctors feared for her life.

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The TV presenter tried to overcome addiction with an electronic cigarette, but the device broke down, and he switched back to tobacco. Despite the failure, Dibrov assures that this method really works, because thanks to him he gave up nicotine for a whole week.


To smoking stars the Russian TV presenter also applies. She admits that she smokes more than a pack of cigarettes a day. The star cannot quit, and this habit greatly interferes with work: after long concerts, the voice sits down, problems with ligaments and shortness of breath appear.

Perhaps she will be able to get rid of the addiction during pregnancy. , Kudryavtseva is in, and soon for the second time.


The actress also struggled with nicotine addiction for a long time, but never defeated her. At 47, the artist died of stomach cancer. Doctors believe that the disease provoked addiction. Close celebrities claim that she drank too much coffee and smoked non-stop, including in last days life.


The Russian musician, leader of the group "" also often got in the photo with a cigarette or pipe. Doctors warn Rastorguev that this habit will negatively affect his health, but the musician, on principle, does not agree to give up smoking. The performer states that he wants to feel complete person and does not intend to limit himself to anything.


Another famous smoking woman- known for her scandalous films. The heroes of the director's films, as a rule, lead a wild life, smoke weed and drink alcohol. Gaius Germanika herself is addicted to nicotine, the star was even fined for smoking in a hotel room in St. Petersburg.

Ural worker "

Russian star stylist also suffers from nicotine addiction. A celebrity often gets into the camera lenses with a cigarette in his hands. However, fans note that this habit even suits him. Psychologists have noticed that Lisovets holds a cigarette as a subtle creative nature.

Smoking like a steam locomotive in the frame is one thing, but when this bad habit haunts you and in real life, it's time to sound the alarm. After all, it's no secret to anyone that addiction to tobacco causes a lot of serious illnesses not to mention the rapid deterioration of the skin condition. ELLE decided to compile a list of celebrities who have managed to cope with their addiction to cigarettes, often in extremely unconventional ways.

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For the first time, Brad faced the need to give up cigarettes while preparing for the film Troy, where he played the role of the mythological hero Achilles with a perfect body. In order to match the image of his character, the actor had to spend many hours a day in gym. It was then that Pitt felt the need to quit his bad habit: the lungs of the actor simply could not cope with such a powerful load. But, unfortunately, the star of the film "Fight Club" at that moment did not manage to get rid of addiction completely (this is not surprising, Brad adolescence smoked at least a pack a day). But, as you know, if you are going to connect your life with Angelina Jolie, then you will have to play by her rules. It was enough for the actor's lover to just hint to Brad that he was setting a bad example for their children, as the last pack immediately flew into the trash can.

The Brazilian supermodel had to deal with a fairly common problem among smokers. After Giselle decided to take a cardinal step - to give up her addiction forever - she gained a little more than 9 kilograms (which is truly a critical mass for a model). Bündchen was able to get rid of them only after several months of hard training. But, as the star herself later admitted, she does not regret it at all. After all, after she quit smoking, she began to smell again.

Catherine Zeta-Jones could not give up her bad habit even during pregnancy, which, of course, caused a wave of negativity from the fans of the actress. But after the star of the film "Chicago" became a mother, she nevertheless pulled herself together and gave up smoking. And after some time, Michael Douglas followed the example of his wife.

At some point, Julia Roberts was faced with a choice: either cigarettes or the opportunity to have children. Needless to say, after that, the actress quit smoking without hesitation and actively took up yoga.

The ex-wife of the rocker tried to overcome his craving for smoking for many years. But as soon as Gwyneth refused cigarettes, she immediately began to gain weight. The actress even started doing yoga in order to keep herself in shape. But, according to her personal confession, she finally managed to get rid of the bad habit only after she found out that she was expecting a baby.

Ewan McGregor quit smoking twice. For the first time - on the set of the film " star Wars", and contributed to this George Lucas, who told the actor that smoking - "it's somehow not Jedi." But a couple of years after filming, while going on a motorcycle trip, Yuen broke loose, and the second time he managed to quit only under the influence of hypnosis.

Photo selection Russian stars suffering from nicotine addiction.

In the civilized world, smoking is rapidly going out of fashion and becoming a not very decent habit. And Western celebrities who have not got rid of addiction try to refrain from smoking in in public places and even more so not to get caught in the lenses of photographers with a cigarette in their hands.

Unfortunately, modern Russia in many respects can be attributed to third world countries. And in terms of the number of smokers, our country generally ranks first in the world. No wonder that among the stars Russian show business extremely high percentage of smokers. Which, unlike their Western counterparts, do not hesitate to smoke in public places.

We bring to your attention a selection of the most active "smokers" of the Russian secular party.

Nikolai Rastorguev has always been one of the most famous smokers among Russian musicians. The artist did not refuse unhealthy habit even when I started experiencing serious problems with kidneys.

The most famous musketeer of Russia and the USSR is not only not going to quit smoking, but in every possible way publicly defends his right to a cigarette.

The prima donna of the national stage has been sitting on a nicotine needle for a long time. With this, experts explain the hoarseness that manifested itself in the singer's voice over the years.

Grigory Leps overcame many extremely harmful addictions, but he did not deprive himself of the temptation to inhale a cigarette.

Alexander Domogarov for a long time struggles with varying degrees of success alcohol addiction, apparently therefore, he does not have time or energy to fight smoking.

Marat Basharov recent times seen in many alcohol scandals, and just recently completely deprived of his license for driving while intoxicated. Against this background, smoking looks like an innocent prank.

After a stormy youth, Lera Kudryavtseva pulled herself together and became a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, with proper nutrition, fitness and all related attributes. It is all the more surprising to see a TV presenter with a cigarette in her hands.

Valeria Guy Germanika looks very organic with a cigarette. Let's say more, it would be strange if one of the most shocking people in Russian show business did not smoke. And so everything is in order. Full set.

Surely many did not expect to see Ivan on this list. But, unfortunately, the popular and beloved by many TV presenter also does not deny himself the pleasure of puffing on a cigarette from time to time.

TV presenter and producer Alexander Tsekalo, like his colleague Urgant, prefers to relieve the stress associated with the profession by smoking.

Lolita Milyavskaya, like her ex-husband Tsekalo, does not deny himself a dubious pleasure.

Recently, the name of this pop singer has been popping up in the press exclusively in connection with some kind of scandal. Apparently shoot nervous tension Kirkorov tries by smoking. Or in this way the artist is struggling with the problem of excess weight.

Let's pay tribute to Alexei Chumakov, who is trying to get rid of a bad habit and has recently switched to e-Sigs.

Irina Dubtsova is not shy about posing with a cigarette in her hands, but it looks, frankly, unsympathetic.

Here is how Valdis himself comments on his not very useful addiction: “If I could start all over again, I would never smoke. Even try!

“Tried to quit smoking with an e-cigarette. This thing really helps, I liked it. But, unfortunately, the cigarette broke before I could figure it out. But while she worked, I did not smoke. A week, ”the well-known TV presenter described his futile attempts to quit smoking.

Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov has never been an apologist for a healthy lifestyle, so he looks quite organically in the list of famous smokers.

While there is a heated debate in the Azerbaijani parliament about a ban on smoking in public places, we present Trend Life readers with material about famous smokers of the past and present.

They are famous. Rich. Beautiful. One of them is a movie star with millions of fees, and someone came up with a theory of the universe. But they all have one thing in common: they are famous smokers. People who cannot live without tobacco. Nothing human is alien to them.

Once Barack Obama took over the presidency of the United States, immediately promised that he would not violate the existing smoking ban in the White House. "There are times when I break down," Obama said in an interview when asked if he broke up with a bad habit. 'I've done a tremendous job under the circumstances of making myself healthier' healthy lifestyle life. Moreover, this summer signed anti-tobacco law. The new law gives the US government unprecedented control over the tobacco industry. The law allows authorities to control the level of nicotine content in tobacco products, exclude flavorings and require strict warnings about the dangers of smoking to be placed on packs.

John Kennedy- the most famous American president. The most in love with him beautiful women peace. And he liked to smoke.

Cuba has introduced strict measures against smoking in public places. On an island where almost half the population smokes and where the famous cigars are made, it is forbidden to sell tobacco products near schools and smoking in most workplaces... New measures initiated in 2005 by the Cuban leader Fidel Castro who quit smoking cigars himself.

Cigars and coins

Edward VII- King of Great Britain, was crowned in 1901. Having ascended the throne, he pronounced his famous phrase, which was included in all books about cigars without exception - "Gentlemen, you can smoke!" . The fact is that the rules of etiquette of that time forbade smoking in public, non-smoking places. In addition, it was considered bad manners to smoke cigars in front of women. King Edward was a heavy smoker and a great cigar lover. Therefore, it is not surprising that he abolished the old-fashioned rules and allowed his subjects to smoke cigars anywhere and anytime. In the 30s of the XX century, the name of the famous British king in the cigar world was immortalized in the name of cigars - the American brand King Edward exists to this day.

Rare Cuban coin with a portrait of Che Guevara

The legendary revolutionary, the main romantic hero of the twentieth century, Ernesto Che Guevara was a heavy smoker. He tried his first cigar after another fight and found that tobacco smoke relieves asthma attacks, which he suffered from childhood. Since then, the cigar and Che Guevara have become inseparable. In one of the letters, he wrote: “I am writing these lines to you from the thickets of the Cuban thorn. I am alive and thirsty for blood. It seems that I really became a soldier. at least, I am dirty and ragged and I write on a camping plate instead of a table, with a gun on my shoulder and a cigar in my mouth. This is my new bad habit". In each new partisan camp, Che organized a "small tobacco factory" where cigars were rolled for him and his comrades in arms.

Silver half dollar Kennedy

John F. Kennedy - American president, dandy and favorite of women, of course, adored cigars. And preference invariably gave Cuban. Historical paradox: in 1962, President Kennedy, signing the decree imposing an economic embargo on Cuba, secretly asked his secretary Pierre Salinger to order a thousand harbors. H. Upmann panatellas were Kennedy's favorite cigars, and by banning the import of Cuban cigars into the United States, he wanted to provide himself with them for almost the rest of his life. Most likely he succeeded - Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. And the embargo, by the way, has not yet been lifted.

English crown in memory of Winston Churchill

Sir Winston Churchill- British Prime Minister. It is estimated that he smoked over 250,000 cigars in his lifetime. Lighting the first cigar of the day after breakfast, over a cup of coffee, Churchill left the last one in the ashtray, turning off the light in the bedroom. He could smoke up to 20 cigars a day - and despite the fact that his favorite formats were huge double corona and julieta. The name of Winston Churchill gave the name to the Romeo y Julieta Churchill cigars (before the renaming they were called Romeo y Julieta A, and it was them that the British Prime Minister loved most of all) and the whole cigar format (Churchill's favorite size is 178 × 18.65 mm today they are called julieta only in Cuba , in the rest of the world it is called churchill).

American Feuilletonist of the Year Medal with Twain's portrait

Mark Twain- a brilliant American writer and a big fan of cigars. He has dozens popular expressions about cigars. "If I can't smoke cigars in heaven, then I don't need heaven." "Cigar overindulgence is when you smoke two cigars at the same time." "I trained myself never to smoke cigars in my sleep and never to stop smoking when awake." While working on the book "Light", Twain swore off smoking. As a result, it took almost a couple of chapters whole month. But as soon as cigars were returned to everyday life, the work began to boil. It is noteworthy that even in the years of prosperity and wealth, when Twain could afford expensive havanas, Twain smoked only the cheapest American cigars. His favorite brand was called "twenty-five cents a box."

Count Leopold de Rothschild, a famous London financier, was a big fan of good wine and cigars. However, he was so busy that he almost never managed to smoke a whole cigar. In order not to be upset every time, leaving a cigar half-smoked, Rothschild ordered a special format from the Cuban factory Hoyo de Monterrey - short and thick. These cigars were strong, rich in taste, but did not require much time - perfect option for a busy person. Until the beginning of the 20th century, cigars of this format were called rothschild, and later the name robusto was assigned to them.

Commemorative Austrian coin for the 150th anniversary of the birth of Freud

Sigmund Freud- the father of psychoanalysis, openly admitted his dependence on cigars and, moreover, almost attributed to them all his scientific achievements. And indeed, without cigars, Freud lost his ability to work, became restless and felt constant fatigue. He smoked almost constantly. Freud argued that the cause of smoking lies in psychological trauma received in infancy. He claimed that by smoking a person satisfies sucking reflex and compensates for the absence of the mother's breast. Moreover, Freud saw the cigar as a phallic symbol. Meanwhile, few people know that the same Freud said: "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And nothing but a cigar." (source: www.tabak.ru)

"You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to quit smoking to prove that you are a man" Georges Simenon

Such bright personality in the artistic world as eccentric Vincent Van Gogh was a pipe lover. Being in a fit of depression and having abused absinthe, he cut off his own ear with a razor and ... immediately lit up.

Which of the famous figures did not speak about his love for the pipe. In domestic open spaces, it is primarily associated with Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Known for his almost ascetic lifestyle, which he instilled in the whole family, he could not deny himself good tobacco and good quality tubing. During his reign, many pipes were sent to him, and all of them were already well-smoked, made of expensive materials.

Smokers know Winston Churchill a person, because a variety and type of cigars are named after him. Everyone else knows him as a great politician. He was also a Nobel laureate in literature.

In almost all images of the Nobel laureate, the great physicist Albert Einstein can be seen pensive, with a pipe in his hand. This famous physicist Robert Oppenheimer there was a habit worse than smoking - he created atomic bombs. "Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Said Robert Oppenheimer, quoting the Bhavagad Gita. It happened on the day of the first explosion atomic bomb against Japan on July 16, 1945.

Armandine Aurora Lucile Dupin, later Baroness Dudevant, known as George Sand She also liked to smoke a pipe. She was the most successful writer of her century. If we consider that she lived in the nineteenth century, then smoking a pipe became her outrageous towards society, as well as part of her works. The fashion for pipe smoking among women had passed by the middle of the eighteenth century, and later, a woman engaged in such a pastime automatically placed herself on a par with men.

"Cleopatra" Elizabeth Taylor smoked a hookah. And even after receiving the "Oscar", the first thing she lit a cigarette. It seems that she is absolutely happy at this moment. French women know a lot about real elegance. BUT Catherine Deneuve I also knew in good cigarettes.

They say that Marilyn Monroe used drugs stronger than nicotine. Perhaps they killed her.

The legendary American actor also appears on stage and off stage with a pipe Kevin Costner. Millions of women fell in love with him when they saw Maximus as a gladiator. Thousands of film critics loved him for his role as a mad and brilliant scientist in A Beautiful Mind. Russell Crowe brutal and talented. True, he is prone to bad habits. Including smoking. Just like the famous "Terminator" Arnold Schwarzenegger who does not part with a cigar . Famous cigar smokers include an opera star Luciano Povarotti, Hollywood stars Brooke Shields, Demi Moore, John Travolta and Clint Eastwood.

Robie Williams- of course, this is the most talented singer of our time. Handsome and crazy, he amazes us with new hits year after year. smokes. Smokes.

The list of legendary smokers also includes: author of detective stories Georges Simenon, philosopher of existentialism Jean-Paul Sartre, general Douglas MacArthur, who participated in the First and Second World Wars on the part of the United States, French writer Guillaume Apollinaire, Spanish painter, sculptor and ceramics artist Pablo Picasso, American writer John R.R. Tolkien. With a pipe, such fictional characters as the cartoon sailor Popeye, Philip Mortimer Jacobs, smoking a long pipe and Gandalf in Tolkien are depicted. However, the most famous smoking heroes are still Sherlock Holmes from the works of Arthur Conan Doyle and Lieutenant Maigret about which Georges Simenon wrote 84 books.

Volochkova smokes like a baba, and Pugacheva - like a temptress

Despite all the calls for a healthy lifestyle, domestic celebrities are in no hurry to part with cigarettes. For some, a bad habit has long become a physical need: the body, exhausted by stress and nocturnal lifestyle, constantly requires its share of nicotine. For others, smoking is more of a social ritual required for communication. You approach a friend, smoke with him, exchange a couple of phrases - and, you see, a joint project has already been drawn. Psychologists say: by the way a person holds a cigarette, smokes, blows smoke and communicates while smoking, you can learn a lot of interesting things about him.

There are plenty of smokers among the stars: film actors, singers (although, it would seem, they should take care of their voice), and politicians smoke ... Those who smoke constantly and with pleasure are the majority, and the lion's share of star smokers periodically vows to themselves, which is necessary quit. But, as a rule, it does not.
- If I had a chance to start all over again and change something in my life, I would get rid of bad habits, - TV presenter Valdis Pelsh admits, - If I could start all over again, I would never smoke. Even try!

Those who are trying to quit and are moving steadily towards the intended goal are few. Behind the scenes of social events, we come across everything more stars tarring electronic cigarettes, and one of them is Alexey Chumakov. According to the singer, you still want to smoke with these plastic pipes wildly, but he intends to hold out until the end and quit. But Grigory Leps chose a different path. The artist cannot yet completely give up tobacco, but he switched to thin women's cigarettes: it seems to him that they are lighter and less harmful. Although doctors warn that the nicotine content in them is not less, plus manufacturers add food flavorings to the so-called "ladies'" cigarettes. These flavors are approved for consumption, but this does not mean that they can be inhaled. Nobody even spent clinical trials to find out how such substances act on the body when inhaled.
In general, celebrities prefer cigarettes, although some sybarites do not deny themselves the pleasure of smoking a cigar or two. The most passionate star fan of rolled tobacco leaves is Igor Matvienko: at parties, the producer does not part with a cigar. Less aesthetically pleasing celebrities like to indulge in a hookah - among them are Anastasia Volochkova and Vyacheslav Manucharov.

Smoke up - in front of you is the leader

According to psychologists, the first strokes of the psychological portrait of a smoker can be drawn up by the way he releases smoke. Let's take, for example, Volochkova with her favorite hookah: Nastya so famously, like a steam locomotive, lets out a jet upwards, which is just a pleasure! A powerful jet of smoke directed upwards with the head thrown back indicates that the smoker is a clear leader, a person who is used to dominating always and everywhere, under any circumstances. This is a person with strong character not accustomed to rejection under any circumstances. Most likely, this is an inveterate egoist, accustomed to perceiving all the events taking place through the prism of his big "I".

Such people usually have problems with a sense of humor - they simply do not understand it, especially subtle or veiled humor. Although, in relation to Anastasia, this point can be discarded: it is enough to remember how the ballerina announced a photo-toad contest for her famous “naked” pictures from the Maldives and even awarded the winner. But the fact that Nastya is used to sweeping away all obstacles in her path and defeating rivals should not be forgotten ...
If the smoke of the smoker goes down, it means that now he is suppressed by something. When such a manner becomes common, this is a signal: most likely, this person belongs to the category of people who are unsociable and indecisive. He feels comfortable only in the company of one person - himself.

"Ivanushka" Grigoriev-Appolonov smokes like a tough man, and Lisovets - like a delicate nature

The farther a lit cigarette is from the palm of your hand, the more delicate and sensitive the person holding it is, the more he has all the signs of a creative nature, guided by feelings and emotions, than by reason and logic. Such a person perceives everyone around him, rather, externally, focusing on the very first impression. And since the intuition of such people is very well developed, the first impression is rarely deceptive. Look at Vlad Lisovets: a cigarette at the very tips of his fingers, a pensive look - we have a subtle creative personality before us.

Those who hold a cigarette approximately in the middle of their fingers, at the level of the second phalanx, are nature, firmly on their feet, adhering to the arguments of reason and able to benefit.
Brutal guys in films often smoke, holding a cigarette between their index and thumbs, as if hiding it in the palm of your hand from the wind. But in life, many have adopted this gesture - this is how they pitch, for example, Valdis Pelsh and "Ivanushka" Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov. According to psychologists, such a smoker knows well what he wants from this life, and knows how to protect his interests. True, this defense is not like the pressure of a leader sweeping away everything in its path, a person who is used to commanding others. It's about, rather, about stubbornness and obstinacy, when a person with enviable persistence, day by day, in small steps, is moving towards his cherished goal.

Man holding a cigarette between middle and index finger and with each puff, bringing the entire palm to the mouth, most likely - an introvert. And not just an introvert, but a person who is afraid of any strong feelings and emotions. He can demonstrate coldness, detachment and even cynicism with all his behavior as much as he likes, but a characteristic gesture when smoking will betray him with his head. Such a person prefers to keep everyone at a distance, not particularly getting close to anyone - not because he is selfish, but because he is simply afraid of getting burned. For some reason, of all the male stars, this manner of smoking is most characteristic of Marat Basharov. What would that mean?

Most of the fair sex, when smoking, hold the cigarette high, pointing it up - like Irina Khakamada, while men prefer to lower their hand below chest level. For ladies, such a gesture is an involuntary manner of demonstrating beautiful hands and a head thrown back invitingly.

A woman who slowly shakes off the ashes with her index finger and at the same time looks at her hand is likely to be a real temptress. Well, if a lady, as it were, “wipes” a cigarette on an ashtray, you are faced with strong personality- beware, she always gets what she wants! But ladies who smoke cigars (for example, TV presenter Yana Churikova never refuses them) are eccentric people who like to try everything new and are not afraid to insist on their own, even if others do not like it.

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