Folk remedies for excessive sweating. "Terrible dream" of any woman

Sweating is a natural physiological process of a healthy body. Most sweat is 99% water and is normally almost odorless. Should I worry and do something if the sweat began to smell strongly?

Sweating of a healthy person

Sweating regulates salt and water metabolism in the body, provides protection from overheating. Therefore, any violations in this natural process should not be ignored. Especially with a change in the intensity of sweating and the appearance of a specific unpleasant odor.

During physical exertion, anxiety, fever, hot and spicy meals, the sweat glands and the nerve endings suitable for them are irritated. Two types of sweat glands are involved in this process - eccrine and apocrine.

The first type emits sweat that is 99% colorless and odorless water. It acts on the entire surface of the skin, moisturizes it and, when evaporated, performs the function of thermoregulation.

Apocrine glands react strongly to changes in the emotional state of a person. They are located on the hairy surface of the body, mainly in the armpits and in the inguinal zone. The emitted sweat smells, is viscous, contains proteins. If the liquid itself initially has almost no smell, then after 30-60 minutes after the release, it begins to smell unpleasant. The reasons are the interaction of sweat with bacteria, which are found in large numbers on the hairy surface of the skin.

Why do people smell differently?

In the human body, individual metabolic processes occur that determine the chemical composition of the sweat emitted by them. If you deal with the types and number of bacteria on the skin, then this can also be faced with a great variety. Therefore, they all smell completely different.

The smell of sweat is unique to each person, just like fingerprints.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

Sweating during sports training or treatment is beneficial. If it is plentiful and in ordinary life is accompanied by sweaty, fragrant circles on clothes, then these are the real causes of a person’s physical and psychological discomfort. It should be remembered that this is unpleasant for others.

Inadequate personal hygiene

An unpleasant smell will haunt you throughout the day if personal care products are chosen incorrectly. Sweating people for a daily shower should use special gels, antibacterial agents and soap.

The smell of sweat increases if a person constantly experiences increased excitement. Severe stress, psychosis, mood swings cannot but affect sweating. Excessive sweating with a sharp unpleasant odor will appear in the armpits and in the chest area.

Hormonal changes

For the first time, abundant, unpleasantly smelling sweat appears in adolescents when the hormonal background begins to change. In middle age, women who have a malfunction in the thyroid gland or other hormonal disorders suffer from a similar problem.

The influence of drugs

You should not worry about the change in the smell of sweat if at this time a course of treatment is carried out with the use of certain drugs. Unpleasant sweating is caused by penicillin, certain types of antidepressants, and glaucoma and cancer medications.

Eating certain foods

The daily use of onion or garlic, as well as the use of alcohol, can change the smell of sweat. But the beer smell of sweat can indicate the presence of a fungal disease.

What can change the smell of sweat tell

If the sweat began to smell unpleasant, then there may be a health problem. That's why you should see a doctor and get tested. These characteristic changes appear if there are problems in the body:

  1. Sweat smells unpleasantly of ammonia or urine, if in the body: problems with the liver, disease of the urinary system, infection with a gastric bacterium and peptic ulcer develops, excess proteins in the diet.
  2. Causes of vinegar smell - infectious and inflammatory processes in the lungs or bronchi, maybe tuberculosis. A person smells just as strongly when there is a malfunction in the endocrine system.
  3. A person with diabetes mellitus, in a state of high blood sugar, smells unpleasantly of acetone.
  4. The reasons for the smell of hydrogen sulfide may be a violation of the digestive functions in the body.
  5. If a person has sweat with an unpleasant smell of cat urine, then it is possible that a violation of protein metabolism has occurred in his body. Sometimes the reason may be hormonal disruptions.
  6. Honey sweetish aroma appears with Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in the body and diphtheria.
  7. The smell of rotten meat can be a symptom of an oncological disease that has arisen in the bladder area.

Do not forget that it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis only by smell and choose the right treatment.

What to do

With the problem of the appearance of an unpleasant smell of sweat, it is not always possible to cope on your own without the help of specialist doctors. Doctors of narrow specialties can exclude the presence of a serious disease in the body or prescribe treatment. For example, why a problem arose can be found out when contacting a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, urologist, proctologist, gynecologist.

If the cause is determined, then deodorants will help to cope with discomfort.

The effectiveness of deodorizing agents is different, depending on the concentration of the additives included in their composition. Use in the form of lotion, cream, pencil, aerosol or powder.

Deodorants by disinfecting the armpit destroy bacteria - the cause of the pungent odor.

Antiperspirants do not destroy bacteria, but they reduce the release of sweat by up to 40% due to the narrowing of the ducts.

Any changes in the natural process of perspiration cannot be ignored. Whatever the reasons for this may be, there will always be ways to fix the problem.

Doctors clearly know and do not confuse the smell caused, for example, by a hormonal surge (even with hyperhidrosis) and an unpleasant sweetish smell, the smell of ammonia, the stench of acetone, or an even more “bright” smell. When a person has a similar unpleasant odor, it indicates an incipient illness or the presence of an infection in the body.

There are many types of foul-smelling sweat, it’s just that some people forget about additional pathogens that can provoke a strong smell of sweat: spicy and spicy dishes, excess weight, garlic, onions, etc.

Causes of ammonia stench

Bromhidrosis or stench of sweat often indicates neglect of hygiene and deodorants. The reason why sweat has an unpleasant odor may be his addiction to food. Strong spices, onions, garlic, curry give the secretions their own specific smell.

Sometimes the smell of sweat can be removed by stopping medications such as antidepressants, penicillin, glaucoma medications, and cancer medications.

Like the stench of ammonia, beer stench does not always indicate that a person regularly consumes such a drink. Often it is a fungal infection.

Types of sweat odor emitted by the body

You should immediately consult a doctor if you have an unpleasant smell of sweat, the causes of which may be more serious than you might imagine.

Here's what sweat smells like when the body malfunctions:

  • sweat smells like ammonia. This happens with kidney failure, urinary incontinence, cystitis. Sweat with the smell of ammonia also has a person who is a fan of a protein diet. The presence of an ammonia smell can also indicate problems with the liver. To establish the exact causes, you need to undergo a series of examinations and pass special tests. It may be necessary to visit a gastroenterologist, since the smell of ammonia from sweat often indicates the presence of bacteria, which contributes to the development of ulcers. Ammonia can also "smell" cholera;
  • the smell of sweat with acetone may be associated with an increase in blood sugar. In the body, ketone bodies begin to actively stand out and the body actively tries to get rid of them by removing them with the help of secretions. Lack of insulin in the body causes sweat to smell like acetone. This condition can cause a diabetic coma;
  • the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in the body may be indicated by an unpleasant honey smell of sweat;
  • in diphtheria, sweat has a putrid or sweetish odor;
  • if a person suffers from a mouse smell, this may indicate problems with metabolism, symptoms of phenylketonuria;
  • a person smells sour with possible tuberculosis;
  • people with oncology in the bladder area often suffer from the unpleasant smell of rotten meat;
  • the reason for the smell of raw liver may be a violation in the liver;
  • if the smell gives off rotten apples, this means a hypoglycemic coma, which means you need to call an ambulance very urgently;
  • sweat smells bad in case of indigestion, the stench is similar to hydrogen sulfide;
  • with hyperfunction of the adrenal glands, sweat smells like sheep's wool.

This is not the whole unpleasant list of possible diseases, but only the most common.

Fishy stench or healthy anomaly

Why sweat smells like fish should be considered as a separate point, since this does not happen all that often.

The reason for the unpleasant smell of sweat in this case can be very simple - the use of B vitamins, which are involved in the decoupling of fat or dietary supplements with choline. Such a reason is not so bad, but it can be much worse if a person has impaired liver function. By the way, this is directly related to the lack of choline.

Hereditary metabolic pathology can also cause such an unpleasant odor. The so-called trimethylaminuria is the release of trimethy.

Trimethylamine is simply not absorbed by people with this disease. Eggs, liver, soy, beef contain this substance. It also smells bad from the mouth of people with such a pathology, namely a pathology, since in general people are completely healthy and suffer for the most part from depression due to alienation from strangers.

A doctor should be contacted immediately if there is pain in the abdomen, genitals, during defecation or urination, blood is found in the stool or urine. This also applies to constipation, diarrhea, urinary incontinence. In such situations, you can and even need to consult with: an endocrinologist, a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, a proctologist, a urologist.

Eliminate the smell of ammonia

There are many ways to remove the smell of sweat. Start as usual with personal hygiene. Regular showers, clean clothes, and the use of deodorants and antiperspirants will help remove this nuisance. Of course, you should not cancel the trip to a specialist and the delivery of all the necessary tests to find out the causes and possible diseases.

If you have already had an examination by a doctor and serious diseases are excluded, then for the purpose of prevention:

  • it is better to wear clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • less nervous;
  • less hot drinks, especially in the heat;
  • weight loss for overweight people will be a good salvation, for this it is useful to go in for sports;
  • using antibacterial soap daily will stop bacteria from multiplying;
  • aluminum and zinc must be included in the deodorant, as they prevent the growth of harmful bacteria;
  • it is better to eat less spicy food, and switch to a more “calm” diet;
  • You can only wear dry clothes, as bacteria multiply quickly on wet clothes.

Yes, there is such a problem, I struggled with it a little. How? And so, if you have a problem with excess weight, then it needs to be urgently addressed, this is one of the causes of sweat. My second advice to you is to drink less liquid, it is advisable to drink something diuretic, for example, green tea, rosehip tea. These little tips will help you to reduce sweating a little.

My right leg has a distinct smell of ammonia, like with kidneys and diabetes, the left just stinks (I haven't washed in three days). The armpits stink putrid and sweetish, as in diphtheria. I’m very scared, I sinned on alcohol, but I didn’t see any references to alcohol in the article. I feel fine, but terribly tired and sleepy.

Olenka, and you have a whole bunch of diseases. By the way, fatigue and drowsiness can also be signs of certain diseases.

Olenka, this is just horror. How can people be next to you, just imagine what it is like for them. You need to do something urgently.

Olga, alcohol (including vodka, cognac, beer, cocktails, shop wines and other chemicals) 100% give unnatural, persistent and creepy smells (different people have different ways). I abused alcohol for more than 5 years, drank various drinks and almost every day (I tried to buy only expensive and so-called high-quality alcohol, not often I washed down expensive cognac with well-known energy cocktails). He used large volumes, for example, he could drink 15 liters of beer for an “evening”, 10 cans of a cocktail or a bottle of cognac. And then the “long-awaited” time came when I had a very terrible persistent smell of sweat, it is not possible to describe what it looks like. It should be noted that a complete medical examination showed that my body was deteriorating and was in the state of an 80-year-old old man suffering from all sorts of diseases (almost all organs were affected - heart defects, diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder, liver, spleen, spine, a detailed blood test - like a living dead, dry skin on the face (acne, wrinkles appeared), teeth decayed, eye diseases (cataracts and something else), nasopharyngeal diseases (chronic tonsillitis, runny nose), chronic gastritis, intestinal problems, and so on and I also had a sharp drop in the rate of tissue regeneration, cuts did not heal steadily (previously it happened 3-4 days before complete healing), my lips cracked to deep wounds and constantly bled. And the more I drank, the more it seemed to me, that I'm sinking into hell, but that's a completely different story.

Further, under certain life circumstances, I completely stopped drinking alcohol, knew sports and switched to a healthy diet, excluding food that is the result of the chemical industry. Started to run.

Currently, there is no smell even when I just sometimes sweat in the summer in extreme heat. He is, but very, very weak. A very small amount of deodorant completely hides it. A couple of experiments were also carried out. 2 days after the direct consumption of a sufficiently large amount of alcohol and after a run, the smell of sweat reappeared, not as strong as before, but still there. From this it is necessary to conclude that the smell of sweat manifests itself from various diseases, and when drinking alcohol, some chemicals begin to accumulate in the body that are not excreted by the body during normal human life, that is, without increased physical exertion.

I lost over 9 kg of extra weight. I have never been fat, 9 kg is a lot for me. Those 9 kg was a beer belly that almost disappeared.

Training continues. Currently, I combine running with strength training, so in a few years I will have a new body, which will give me the opportunity to start a whole new life.

What changes the smell of sweat?

Bad breath is a very common problem in both men and women. To combat it, many cosmetic preparations have been developed, mainly antiperspirants, which are aimed at slowing down the release of sweat. There are many reasons for changing the smell of sweat and very often this happens due to serious diseases.

What is sweat and why is it needed

Sweat is a fluid secreted by the sweat glands to regulate body temperature. The moisture that seeps through the pores evaporates, due to which the human body is cooled. Consequently, the function of sweating is vital.

The role of sweating lies with the autonomic nervous system, it transmits certain impulses. Sweat glands instantly react to them, producing moisture, and it appears as sweat on the skin, making its way through the pores.

In the human body, 65% of the total space is occupied by water, so it needs a large amount of fluid to function properly. When a person performs physical work, is nervous or just hot, he sweats profusely, so you need to systematically replenish water in your body so that dehydration does not occur.

Why does sweat smell change?

If a person has changed the smell of sweat, has become bitter or sweetish, then there must be reasons for this. In general, sweat has no smell, because 98% of its composition is contained in water and only 2% is occupied by salts, amino acids, hormones and cholesterol. These elements are not volatile and their smell is almost imperceptible to humans.

When sweat comes to the surface of the skin, it combines with microorganisms, which causes a sharp, unpleasant odor. Each person's sweat has an individual flavor and is not able to change much. Small changes can occur due to malnutrition, especially if spices, spicy and fatty foods are abused.

Also changes in the smell of sweat may appear with age. But if this happened suddenly and abruptly, then it is worth visiting a doctor to determine the cause. Thus, the body can signal possible problems of the internal organs, and the cure will depend entirely on how quickly the diagnosis was made and the elimination of the disease began.

What does the changed smell of sweat mean?

As we have already found out, sweating is a completely natural and vital process. But if a person notices that the smell of sweat has increased or suddenly changed, then this often indicates serious health problems.

Are Sweat Odor and Disease Related?

The smell of sweat and disease: are they related? This question interests many patients. Every person sweats, and there is nothing wrong with that, until the sweat has a characteristic smell. Basically, to get rid of it, it is enough to carry out daily hygiene procedures, but it happens that this is not enough at all and it is necessary to use special means.

People sweat from their very birth, especially during puberty. At such a moment, adolescents experience severe sweating due to the large amount of hormones released. Particularly enhanced excretion occurs in the hot summer period, after physical exertion, strong emotions. Its intensity can be affected by mood, health status, food and drink intake, and medications.

Such a process of the body is useful, because thanks to it, the process of thermoregulation and the release of harmful substances occurs. But often this smell becomes so strong that others begin to move away from you.

Often such unpleasant moments occur in people who constantly shower and use antiperspirants, but still sweat overtakes them. And at the same time, the smell is so strong that nothing helps, at such a moment it is imperative to listen to its smell and figure out the reason for its appearance.

The body is capable of producing sweat with its sweat glands, which is able to remove moisture from the body and at the same time cool it. In its composition, it has a complex content, namely:

If a person is not sick with anything and leads a healthy lifestyle, then sweat is practically not audible. A strong odor may appear after a while. This is because sweat is able to create a humid environment in which bacteria actively begin to multiply. And at such a moment, the process of their vital activity takes place, and a specific smell begins to appear.

The smell of sweat is also influenced by the food we eat during the day. For example, taking medicines, onions, garlic, spices. It is also not necessary to exclude the fact that the state of health is also an indicator of the smell of sweat.

If you constantly take a shower during the day and follow the rules of personal hygiene, and the smell of sweat is constantly present in your body, then you need to think about the development of the disease in the body.

What can the smell of sweat say?

The smell of sweat can tell about many problems in the human body, so try to sniff the smell. Definition of the disease by the smell of sweat:

  1. Firstly, if you smell ammonia or urine, then you can safely say that there are problems with the urinary system or with the liver. Such a smell is a wake-up call that a person has developed Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the body. This type of bacteria can cause ulcers to develop. And another such important fact is that the use of a large amount of protein leads to the appearance of a characteristic smell of sweat.
  2. Secondly, the presence of a sour or acetic smell entails the development of an infectious and inflammatory process in the bronchi, and the development of tuberculosis cannot be ruled out. Even endocrinologists argue that such a manifestation portends a failure of the endocrine system.
  3. Thirdly, in violation of the hormonal background and protein metabolism in the body, sweat is released, which smells like cat urine.
  4. Fourth, as soon as they began to smell acetone, this indicates an increase in blood sugar.
  5. Fifthly, during a violation of the digestive system in the human body, the smell of acetone occurs.
  6. Sixth, the sweat smells like fish, which means that this is a manifestation of trimethylaminuria, that is, a rare genetic disease.
  7. Seventh, there is a sweet smell of sweat, which means that diphtheria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are manifested in the body.

Why does sweat smell like onions?

Each person has his own characteristics of the development of the body. But when it comes to the presence of the smell of sweat, we begin to somehow hide it. And it happens that simple personal hygiene and the use of perfumes do not always help in this problem. As soon as such a smell appears, then try to immediately go to a consultation with a doctor.

This smell arises from the fact that onions are present in dishes, and we take them every time. Thus, we enrich the body with vitamin C. Onion begins to accumulate in the body in large quantities, which comes out when sweating.

Many experts argue that in quite healthy people, the onion smell is constantly present. Scientists even conducted an experiment, hired a group of volunteers from women and men in equal numbers. We asked them to stay in the sauna for 15 minutes, and then go to the exercise bike to pedal.

After that, a sample was taken from the moisture released from the armpits. So, sweat differed in its content. In women, it turned out to be odorless sulfur, and in men, fatty acids. So, it is sulfur that causes such a smell.

But it happens that the smell of onion sweat manifests itself too sharply and unpleasantly. If you look at various medical books, then they claim that such a smell occurs due to a disease or medication. This occurs due to the fact that the skin takes part in the excretory function.

To eliminate an unpleasant odor, you must first eliminate the provocateur. A strong and pungent odor can be due to bad mood, health reasons, improper diet, food and drink, and excessive medication.

There is such a belief that if a person is healthy, then it smells barely perceptible, but during an illness, a sharp unpleasant odor begins to be present. That is why, before proceeding with the process of its elimination, it is necessary to identify the cause of the appearance.

A number of provocateurs are attributed to a strong manifestation of the smell of sweat:

  1. Stress, that is, at such a moment, a large amount of hormones are released into the blood, which is caused by a strong internal fear.
  2. Fatigue and nervousness.
  3. Disease of the cardiovascular system.

There are a number of remedies for getting rid of the smell of sweat, namely:

It is necessary to use antibacterial soap for everyday bathing, choose antiperspirants that negatively affect bacteria in the armpit. Try to treat clothes with a special antibacterial agent.

The pharmacy sells a product called "Formidol", thanks to which the process of drying and killing bacteria takes place. There are a number of analogues of such a tool - these are Teimurov, Formalin, Formagel. True, such funds are used mainly in the case when a person has severe sweating of the feet.

Experts advise to treat the axillary area with baking soda. This must be done after taking a shower. To do this, with wet hands, take a little baking soda and smear under the arms and hold for two minutes. Then we wash everything off with warm water. Some people have to treat the axillary area with a swab dipped in vodka.

If we consider modern methods of getting rid of heavy sweating, then we can advise in a beauty parlor to inject into the axillary zone. Mostly used means such as Botox and Dysport. After their introduction, the smell disappears instantly and the effect lasts for 6 to 12 months.

But it is worth remembering that in order to completely get rid of an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to fight fungi and bacteria on the skin and clothes. If you just wash clothes, then you can’t completely get rid of them, for this you need to boil things, and then wash them in an antibacterial washing powder.

Body odor: an individual sign or symptom of an illness

Body odor is individual and unique to each person. But this "calling card" serves not only to transmit a non-verbal signal to the outside world. The change in aroma is an informative diagnostic criterion in the determination of certain diseases.

The smell of the body and the painful conditions that provoke it, in the diagnostic sense, are inseparable concepts. The unpleasant odor exuded by human skin is a delicate problem that can be both a cause and a consequence of certain diseases. The main factors of change do not lie outside, since no one will consciously neglect the rules of personal hygiene, but inside. But the discomfort from this does not become less and a person who smells sharply and unpleasantly is a social outcast.

Correspondence of diseases with smells

The aroma varies significantly not only by gender, but also depends on the age of the person. Men will always sweat more than women, the smell of the male body is sharp and intrusive. And the sweat of the fair sex gives off “sourness”, and this does not necessarily mean the presence of a disease. The change in shade depends on the rate of metabolic processes and hormonal levels, as well as on the intensity of reproduction of saprophyte bacteria.

A common cause of pungent odor and profuse sweating is hyperhidrosis. This disease is rarely primary and in most cases is the result of more serious and severe endocrine or autonomic ailments. The regulatory process of perspiration is disturbed and bad smell is just a consequence of the disease.

What disease can be associated with a change in the smell of sweat

Doctors have long used an unpleasant odor as one of the primary diagnostic signs of illness. Repulsive amber serves as a symptom of metabolic disorders and emerging pathologies. Any abnormal change in the organs and systems of the body immediately leads to the fact that the composition of sweat also changes. The surface of the skin is colonized by other bacteria, the colonies of which displace the previous saprophytes, and, consequently, the products of their vital activity smell differently.

  • Oncological tumors without differentiation of malignancy - an unpleasant acetone plume begins to emanate from the skin. It cannot be eliminated with a contrast shower or deodorant. The same problem is typical for people with extensive liver damage.
  • Kidney failure and urinary tract infections - sweat begins to smell like cat urine. This is a characteristic sign of pyelonephritis and nephritis. Apocrine glands become part of the body's cleansing system, which leads to such a smell.
  • Tuberculosis and diabetes smell like vinegar. For women, such a smell should be an incentive to immediately contact a mammologist, its causes are breast cancer or mastopathy.
  • Diphtheria changes the smell of sweat to sweet, even sugary caramel.
  • Metabolic disorders and problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - a clear amber of rotting fish, algae or rotten eggs comes from the skin.
  • Oncology of the genitourinary organs - the body exudes the stench of rotten meat.
  • Problems with peristalsis and digestion - an unpleasant smell of wet wool. But in this case, everything is easily solved, it is enough to exclude spicy and smoked foods from the diet.

Specific odors: a consequence of dangerous pathologies

The question of specific disease-causing odors is of purely practical interest to physicians. They are often used to determine disease states, comparing the aroma with the norms, since a healthy body exudes an odor that is almost imperceptible to others.

When differentiating the disease, there is an important point based on variations in odors among representatives of different races. The skin of a European, a Negroid or an Asian will smell completely different, and this aroma will annoy and seem unpleasant to an outsider. But it is not a symptom, but rather an anthropometric sign. In women, the plume often changes during menstruation, which is not a pathology.

  • Sweat of people with pathologies of the urinary system, as well as with urinary incontinence, smells of ammonia.
  • Turpentine is felt with problems of cooking food, the causes of pathology - the stomach is not able to absorb foods high in fat.
  • Milk whey smells like the body of a person with gout, it leaves behind an unpleasant sour plume, sometimes in this “bouquet” a clear note of a familiar moldy smell slips through.
  • Rheumatism is characterized by the presence of formic acid in the sweat, especially at the time of manifestation of the disease.
  • Sweat in diabetes mellitus may have a pronounced smell of fresh hay, this is a specific deviation of the vinegar shade. Two fragrances seem to mix, forming an individual loop.
  • A sugary musky aroma is characteristic of acute peritonitis.
  • Scrofula is distinguished by a persistent smell of sour beer, for which fermentation products are responsible.
  • Scarlet fever is a pleasant note of freshly baked bread.
  • Measles smells like rotten straw, and skin rashes caused by excessive sweating can even smell like flowers.
  • With scabies, a shade of mold appears in the sweat, with diphtheria, an unpleasant plume of decomposition is clearly felt.
  • Sarcoma is characterized by the “odor” of decomposed fish, a shade of sulfur appears with a stomach ulcer, but can be the result of the abuse of certain medications.

Unpleasant odor: a biochemical sign of disorders

At its core, the human body is a complex system, the work of which is based on various biochemical processes. In the course of life, the body produces and releases a wide variety of odorous products. But any disease involves a biochemical component in the pathological process, which is why the aroma emanating from the skin changes. The secretion of the sweat glands is a natural secretion, so odors in medicine are of practical interest. However, today the ability to recognize an ailment by its aroma is practically lost, since more accurate laboratory diagnostic methods have appeared.

11. state before hypoglycemic coma - rotten apples. Need immediate hospitalization.

If unhealthy sweating is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, anxiety, trembling, pain in the left side of the chest, you most likely have a panic attack. It refers to nervous disorders that can recur in stressful situations.

Vegetovascular dystonia can be the cause of increased sweating. It is accompanied by arterial hypertension, chest tightness, headache, lack of appetite.

The main symptoms are increased sweating, pain in the heart, joints, pallor of the mucous membranes. You may have angina pectoris, infective endocarditis, pericarditis, or even the precursors of a heart attack.

It can change with violations of the thyroid gland, the formation of diffuse goiter. In addition to sweating, there is tearfulness, a depressed mood, insomnia - thyrotoxicosis, or, conversely, lethargy and impotence - hypothyroidism.

Regular pains in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, subfebrile temperature, and headache are added to the constant soaking. Most likely, this is a disease of the kidneys and genitourinary system (pyelonephritis).

Increased sweating, swollen joints, pain, weakness, hair loss and nail problems - progressive rheumatism. It can even occur as a result of a sore throat. There is such a chronic connective tissue disease as scleroderma, which combines a whole bunch of different symptoms.

Modern medicine has more than three dozen infectious diseases, accompanied by profuse sweating and an unpleasant smell of secretion (this is how the body removes toxins). The signs in such cases are quite "streamlined", you need to consult a specialist and competent treatment. Even with pneumonia, a person can sweat profusely.

In case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract, the symptoms are characterized by the release of sticky sweat, abdominal pain - this is pancreatitis.

Why the smell of sweat has changed so dramatically: simple methods for solving the problem

Each person has his own individual smell of sweat, which can change not only over time, but also under the influence of many factors and diseases. However, only slight changes in smell are normal.

If the sweat began to smell strongly and people around you feel it, you should obviously be wary, since such changes may be the result of the development of serious diseases.

“Popular deodorants have long been ineffective!”

Sweat, what is it and what does its smell depend on?

In fact, sweat is a normal, clear, odorless liquid that is primarily needed to regulate body temperature. That is, the released liquid evaporates from the entire surface of the body, cooling it. The work of the sweat glands that produce this secret is regulated by the nervous system, which causes them to become more active during physical exertion, stress, and excessive emotionality.

The composition of sweat consists of 99% of water and only 1% are salts, acids, various toxins and slags, which are also excreted from the body through the skin. It is they who largely affect the odor of sweat.

Also, odor changes are associated with microorganisms that are on the surface of the skin and come into contact with the excreted fluid.

Approximately this amount of bacteria accumulates on human skin during the day. All of these cause bad breath.

It should be understood that minor changes may be associated with age and are quite natural. As a rule, they occur gradually, over a long period. However, if the smell of sweat has changed dramatically, it is urgent to understand the reasons and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Simple Causes of Smell Change

  1. First of all, the reason for the change in the smell of sweat may be malnutrition. When eating heavy, fatty, spicy and generally unhealthy foods, toxins and slags accumulated in the body are excreted along with sweat. It is they who give the secret such a sharp unpleasant aroma. It’s not for nothing that they say: we are what we eat. Research results have shown that onion, garlic, spices and spices, as well as foods high in caffeine, have a particularly strong effect on the odor of the secret.
  2. The second, fairly common harmless reason is non-compliance with personal hygiene. Each person has their own degree of sweating, lifestyle and environmental conditions. Therefore, if one is enough to take a shower every 2-3 days, then others need to bathe daily, additionally 1-2 times a day, washing problem areas with cool water. However, the main cause is bacteria on the surface of the skin. Their special concentration is under the armpits, in the inguinal zone, on the soles of the feet. If you smell a sharp smell of the secret, it is recommended to wash the problem areas more thoroughly with cold water using antibacterial soap.

Changes in the hormonal background of a woman.

Changes caused by the development of diseases

Unfortunately, the reason why sweat has become so strong and unpleasant to smell, in addition to harmless factors, can be serious diseases associated with various organs. Often, by smell, you can determine the work of which organs are associated with changes.

What's in the article:

Sweat smell is a problem not only for the people around, but also for the owner of the “aroma”. Sweat in the normal state has a characteristic, almost imperceptible natural smell. If the sweat smells like ammonia, fish, vinegar, sourness, then this is a sign of disorders in the body.

Features of sweating

The secret secreted from the sweat glands performs a number of functions: removing harmful substances, maintaining optimal body temperature and water-salt balance, and regulating metabolism.

During the day, the human body produces up to a liter of sweat fluid. Sweat volume increases during exercise, stress, and exposure to hot conditions.

The secret of sweat glands consists of several components. The basis of sweat is water (about 90%). Other elements:

  • ammonia;
  • acids (citric, lactic, ascorbic);
  • salt (sodium chloride),
  • urea.

Ammonia is present in sweat fluid, which is considered normal. If there are no malfunctions in the body, then the smell of sweat is practically absent. When various pathologies, disorders in the functioning of organs and systems occur, the secret of the sweat glands acquires the smell of ammonia. In addition to the ammonia "aroma", sweat can emit sour, putrid, garlic, chlorine and other odors.

Sweat smells like ammonia - why?

The smell of ammonia occurs for many reasons, which only a doctor can identify. They may be relatively harmless, but most of the time the sweat becomes odorous due to a serious illness. Why does sweat smell like ammonia?

The leading place among the factors that cause ammonia "aroma" is occupied by pathologies of the urinary system, especially the kidneys. A decrease in the excretory function of this organ leads to the entry of a small amount of toxic substances into the bloodstream. Spreading throughout the body, these toxins find another way to be eliminated - the sweat glands. This gives sweat the smell of ammonia or urea.

Other causes of odor include:

If the cause of odor is in the disease, then it may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • fever;
  • cough, respiratory failure;
  • change in the color of the skin;
  • increased fatigue, lethargy, apathy.

Both women and men are susceptible to the occurrence of ammonia sweat. In any case, this symptom requires diagnosis and treatment.

Why does sweat smell like ammonia during exercise?

Hard, intense workouts require an increased amount of nutrients. Men, to a lesser extent women, strive to build muscle mass. To do this, they begin to gradually increase the protein content in the diet. Following such a diet leads to the fact that sweat smells like ammonia after a workout.

The appearance of an unpleasant "aroma" is observed not only because of the protein diet. When performing exercises in training, metabolic processes in the muscles are accelerated. With a shortage of carbohydrate food, the muscles take energy from other sources - their own tissues. At the same time, ammonia does not have time to be processed in the kidneys and liver, therefore it is excreted through the skin with sweat and mucous membranes. This explains why sweat smells like ammonia after exercise in both women and men.

The reason for the appearance of sweat with ammonia is sports nutrition, which athletes use for various purposes: recovery, muscle building, fat burning. Some supplements contain amino acids, which cause an ammonia-like sweat to be released.

You can get rid of the smell of ammonia during training by following these recommendations:

  1. Doctor's consultation. The specialist will give directions for the delivery of tests (urine, blood) and the necessary examinations.
  2. Diet adjustment. It consists in bringing to a balance the content of carbohydrates and proteins. The former need to be increased, especially before training, the latter should be slightly lowered. If you regularly consume an increased amount of protein foods, then the risk of developing poisoning is high.
  3. Drinking mode. Increasing the volume of water consumed will perfectly cope with the smell of ammonia. It is not recommended to replace it with coffee, tea and soda. This will only exacerbate the problem.

More often, sports nutrition, a protein diet, are abused by athletes, which is why sweat smells like ammonia in most men after training.

Ammonia smell of sweat secretion in men

The reason for the appearance of an unpleasant "aroma" of sweat in men can be not only physical activity and protein nutrition. Everything can be much easier.

Why does a man's sweat smell like ammonia? This is often associated with non-compliance with the basic rules of personal hygiene: shaving, regular showering, the use of antiperspirants and deodorants. Then the armpits, legs, inguinal region begin to smell like ammonia.

Sweat can acquire an odor if you eat the wrong food. Food containing preservatives, flavors, dyes and other food additives changes the composition of sweat. These changes will lead to a change in smell with a predominance of ammonia.

Women are also affected by these reasons, but not on such a scale, since in most cases they observe hygiene and nutrition rules.

How to deal with odor

If an ammonia "aroma" of sweat secretion is found, then it is imperative to consult a doctor who will find out the cause of this symptom. Only after its clarification, the treatment tactics is determined, aimed at eliminating the factor that caused the unpleasant odor. You can reduce odor on your own by observing personal hygiene:

  1. Daily shower.
  2. Use of deodorants and antiperspirants to reduce sweating and mask unpleasant odors.
  3. Regular change of clothes. If stains, sweaty “aroma” are found, it is recommended to change and wash clothes.
  4. Preference for natural fabrics, as odorous substances stick to synthetics faster.
  5. Wearing open shoes. If you constantly walk in sneakers in the heat, then sweating will increase significantly, and substances from the material of the shoe will be absorbed into the skin of the feet. This will cause the feet to smell.
  6. Restriction in the diet of spicy foods, canned food, fast food, strong-smelling spices (onion, garlic, curry).
  7. Compliance with the drinking regime (the norm of water is at least 1 liter for women, 1.5–2 for men).
  8. Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes.
  9. Taking a shower after exercising
  10. Weight loss, if there are problems with this.
  11. From folk remedies, decoctions of sage, pine, baths with oak bark or eucalyptus oil perfectly get rid of the smell. Regular treatments will relieve muscle tension and soothe the skin.

If, after applying the above measures, the ammonia “aroma” has not disappeared, then we can assume the development of a serious disease in the body, which requires an urgent appeal to a specialist.

What to do if the shoes smell of sweat

The smell of shoes is associated with increased sweat secretion. To get rid of it, you need to take the following steps:

  • the purchase of several pairs of shoes for a regular change;
  • wearing socks made of natural materials, constantly change them;
  • daily washing of feet, especially after long-term wearing of shoes;
  • the use of products to combat excessive sweating (talcum powder, antiperspirants for the feet).

If these measures do not help, then the development of a disease such as hyperhidrosis is likely - excessive sweating. For its treatment, you need to contact a dermatologist. To return the normal smell of shoes, it is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide to wipe it inside, baking soda as a backfill for the night, and special products to get rid of the smell of sweat.

The appearance of the smell of ammonia from the skin and mucous membranes is a sign of dangerous disorders in the body. Only a doctor should deal with its elimination, since self-medication will lead to an aggravation of the problem.

Not only people with pathologies face odorous sweating, but also athletes who follow a protein diet. In any case, timely treatment will help to avoid a number of complications.

If sweat smells like onions, you should pay attention to nutrition, lifestyle, and other unpleasant symptoms. The reasons may be external or internal. In some cases, it is enough to change the diet, pay more attention to personal hygiene, in others, special therapy is required.

What does onion smell from sweat mean?

Metabolic processes are constantly taking place in the body, unused or excess resources are excreted in urine, feces, and sweat. The main cause of the onion smell from sweat is the accumulation of sulfur. The trace element is concentrated in fatty tissue, from which it is subsequently excreted by the sweat glands.

Initially, the discharge does not smell like anything. However, over time, microorganisms begin to multiply in a humid environment, for which sulfur is one of the main food products. During the vital activity of bacteria, the ingredient thiol appears with a characteristic smell of onions. The stench intensifies by the end of the day, when a large amount of secretion accumulates under the armpits, and also in the absence of basic hygiene.

Ascorbic acid contributes to the onion aroma. With an excess of it, the work of the digestive tract is disturbed, the hormonal background changes, immunity is activated, the excretion of some components, especially sulfur, slows down.

Various factors contribute to the excessive accumulation of sulfur, ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. All of them in one way or another are associated with a violation of metabolic processes. The body tries to get rid of unnecessary reserves at an accelerated pace. If the excess happened due to temporary exposure to factors, the situation normalizes on its own within a few days, if the components accumulate in the body constantly, it is necessary to find out the root cause with its further elimination.

Causes and factors

If an unpleasant smell of onions appears, it is necessary to analyze your lifestyle for the last week, diet, health problems.

  • Excessive consumption of onions. The vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid activates the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth, skin, and has an antibacterial effect. However, if you eat a vegetable constantly or once, but in large quantities, the body begins to smell like onions. As the onion components are removed from the body, the smell disappears.
  • Overdose of vitamin C, ascorbic acid. It is recommended to take with various diseases associated with a weakened immune system, hormonal failure. The daily dose is determined, the excess of which is fraught with side effects. Including, an overdose leads to the smell of onions. You can get rid of the unpleasant odor over time by reducing the dose of the vitamin or stopping the use for a while.
  • Medicines, dietary supplements. Long-term use of biological additives with a large amount of sulfur, vitamin C, preparations with components of thiol structures provoke the appearance of sweat with the smell of onions. The components are excreted gradually through the pores of the epidermis, the condition returns to normal on its own within a week after the drug is discontinued.
  • Violation of personal hygiene. Sweat does not smell on its own, but creates a moist environment in which bacteria thrive. As a result of their vital activity, an unpleasant odor appears. It is recommended in the hot season to take a shower at the end of the day every day or every other day, but wash your armpits, legs, and intimate organs every evening.
  • Excess weight. Sulfur accumulates in the fat layer and is excreted by the sweat glands. There are several reasons for the onion smell in people with a large body weight - hormonal failure, metabolic disorders, improper functioning of the digestive tract, increased sweating during physical exertion.

Sweat begins to smell like onions with the development of certain diseases, pathological processes, and metabolic disorders.

  • Hyperhidrosis or increased sweating;
  • Diabetes;
  • Immunodeficiency;
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland, endocrine system;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Oncology;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies;
  • Stress, shock, nervous exhaustion;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Skin diseases with increased formation of pathogenic bacteria;
  • AIDS;
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands, digestive tract, liver, gallbladder.

In this case, in order to get rid of the stench, it is necessary to cure the disease, eliminate the pathology, and normalize metabolic processes.

Onion smell of sweat during pregnancy

Appears as a result of natural physiological processes. Contribute to the accumulation of sulfur hormonal changes, a general failure of the body. Immunity weakens, problems with the digestive system, metabolic processes appear, body weight increases, the amount of fat layer increases.

Most of the sulfur is excreted through sweat. The onion smell appears with increased sweating as bacteria multiply. For a pregnant woman in the later stages, even ordinary slow walking is a strong physical exertion, resulting in sweating.

To eliminate the stench or reduce the smell, it is recommended to maintain hygiene, limit the use of onions, eat right, monitor weight, and not gain extra pounds. The child inside should grow, not the mother. There are certain weight norms even for pregnant women.

The body of the representatives of the stronger sex is designed in such a way that they sweat less often than women, but more. Excessive sweating is observed as a result of increased physical exertion, playing sports or in the presence of excess weight.

External factors:

  • Eating large amounts of certain foods, especially onions;
  • Violation of personal hygiene;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • Medicines;
  • Vitamins, dietary supplements with sulfur content;
  • Excessive physical activity.

Internal factors:

  • Excess weight;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • Hyperhidrosis;
  • Violation of metabolic processes;
  • Diseases;
  • Immunodeficiency.

The reasons for the unpleasant onion aroma in men are similar to those in women, but a specific smell appears less frequently in the strong half of society. In women, the main cause of onion smell is the constant hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause.

In the course of numerous studies, it was found that in the composition of female sweat there are a large number of sulfur-containing components; upon contact with bacteria, thiols appear, which provoke the characteristic aroma of onions. There are more fatty acids in men's sweat, and upon contact with microorganisms, the smell of cheese appears.

Effect of Certain Products

Natural body odor changes depending on what a person eats. When using a particular product, the production of certain components is enhanced. If you eat a lot of fermented milk products, milk, the production of lactic acid increases. Babies smell like milk as long as they are breastfed. When using onions, garlic, a specific smell is present in a person’s breath for a long time, it is released from the mouth. After some time, it weakens, but is felt during the release of sweat.

There are a number of products that disrupt metabolic processes. Initially, they slow down the excretion of unnecessary components, contribute to their accumulation, then they are removed in large quantities.

According to experts, the following products provoke increased sweating, the appearance of onion aroma:

  • Coffee;
  • Chocolate;
  • Cocoa;
  • Candies;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Alcohol;
  • Citrus;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Currant;
  • Sea ​​buckthorn;
  • Rose hip;
  • Marinades;
  • salty food;
  • Spicy, fatty, fried;
  • seasonings;
  • Too hot, cold dishes.

If, after eating onions, the smell appears almost immediately, from the other products listed above occurs when they are eaten regularly or with a significant overdose. The reason is a violation of the digestive tract, an excessive amount of ascorbic acid, a violation of metabolic processes in the case of alcohol. The condition normalizes on its own with a change in diet.

Reasons for concern

You need to sound the alarm when the appearance of an unpleasant smell of sweat cannot be explained, there are no visible reasons. There are no provoking foods in the diet, hygiene is observed, there are no heavy physical exertions, vitamins, medicines were not taken, body weight is normal. Instead, weakness, headache, dizziness, menstrual irregularities, insomnia, nervousness, depression, problems with stools, digestion, and skin rashes may be present.

You should be worried if the specific onion aroma is constantly present or strongly pronounced. To find out the root cause, a consultation of specialists, an examination is required. The use of antiperspirants in this case is not the right solution, it can only aggravate the situation.

Which doctor to contact

The problem is delicate, it can have many root causes. It is impossible to determine immediately what and how to treat. A comprehensive examination will be required. Initially, it is recommended to contact a therapist, describe the problem. The doctor gives a referral for examination, consultation with other specialists.

  • Be sure to visit an endocrinologist. In this case, the hormonal background is determined, the work of the thyroid gland, metabolic processes are evaluated.
  • You may need to consult a gastroenterologist if, against the background of an unpleasant onion smell of sweat, there are problems with digestion, pain under the right rib is disturbing.
  • The reason may lie in diseases of the heart, nervous system. In this case, they are sent to a neuropathologist, psychotherapist, cardiologist.

In addition, you may need to consult an oncologist, nutritionist, gynecologist, dermatologist. In any case, you need to contact a therapist, further examinations are prescribed by a doctor.

How to get rid of onion smell

The methods of therapy directly depend on the underlying cause. It is much easier to solve the problem when exposed to temporary factors that are not of a pathological nature.

  • Normalize nutrition, reduce the use of onions, garlic.
  • Monitor hygiene, daily wash under arms, legs, intimate organs.
  • Take a shower after intense physical exertion, a hot day, playing sports.
  • Avoid overeating, control weight.
  • Wear deodorant. The tool destroys bacteria, prevents the appearance of odor, but does not interfere with the natural processes of sweating, does not violate thermoregulation.
  • Limit the use of antiperspirants. The preparations prevent the release of sweat, but clog the pores, preventing unnecessary components, in particular sulfur, from escaping.
  • Wear clean clothes.

In the presence of pathological problems, you should seek help from a specialist, undergo treatment. The onion aroma will disappear on its own as the root cause is eliminated.

To prevent the situation, you need to follow the diet, proper diet, hygiene, control weight. Monitor the menstrual cycle, avoid long delays, use hormonal drugs when absolutely necessary. Strengthen the immune system in every possible way, do not abuse antiperspirants with aluminum and zinc salts.

Why does women's sweat smell? often worse than men's? What do the different scents mean? What is the most effective deodorant (antiperspirant) from perspiration worth buying? We will talk about these questions and about the causes of excessive sweating in women right here.

Why women's and men's sweat smells bad

Sweat is necessary for thermoregulation of the human body. But sometimes foul-smelling sweat is a consequence of the disease.
It is important to find out in a timely manner why a person's sweat has a sharp, and sometimes sour smell.

The repulsive smell emanating from a person significantly spoils his life.

If the smell of female sweat has changed for some reason, this may indicate the presence of “wrong” foods in the food, as well as a health disorder. Here, both metabolic problems and serious, even dangerous diseases are possible.

Only by contacting a doctor can you find out what caused such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Something About Sweating

Sweat is produced by special glands that are located on the entire surface of the human body. In healthy people, it does not smell like anything. When a person becomes ill, their sweat acquires a strong, repulsive "aroma".

But it happens that a person is completely healthy, and his body smells unpleasant. This is due to the fact that the apocrine glands are located in the armpits, in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs, the navel. They form sweat containing a specific secret, characterized by a sharp fetid odor, which is very stable due to isovaleric acid.

Interestingly, women sweat differently than men. Women's sweat has a more sour smell. This is the result of the vital activity of bacteria-saprophytes. If the sweat starts to smell like vinegar or urine, stains the laundry yellow - this is a reason to consult a doctor. Before treating the manifestations of unhealthy sweating, it is necessary to establish the cause of this phenomenon, which reduces the quality of human life.

Conditions that increase sweating:

  • nervous overstrain - any stressful situation: fear, anxiety, anger - provokes an increase in the hormone adrenaline in the blood, and at the same time the sweat glands secrete a large amount of fluid;
  • diseases - when the disease is accompanied by fever, increased sweating helps to lower the temperature and remove toxic substances from the patient's body;
  • hyperhidrosis, that is, excessive sweating, worries people of both sexes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • obesity and overweight;
  • diabetes.

If sweating and unattractive body odor are associated with physical work, sports, or poor personal hygiene, it is not difficult to cope with the problem. In the case when sweat has a sharp sour smell, you should pay attention to the state of health. The appearance of such a symptom may signal autonomic neurosis.

In this case, the improvement of the condition is facilitated by the organization of a rational daily regimen, elimination of the causes of stress, exercise, and healthy sleep.

When a person eats a large amount of spicy, smoked dishes, spices, his sweat also acquires a strongly pronounced vinegar smell. Significantly affect the "flavor" of the body products such as garlic, cilantro. In this case, limiting such food in the diet to reasonable limits will help.

When suffering from tuberculosis, the sweat of the patient also smells of vinegar. To exclude this dangerous disease, it is necessary to undergo fluorography annually.

In people suffering from certain diseases of the urinary system, there is a pathological disorder - uridrosis. In a person with this pathology, sweat is thick, sticky, containing urea and uric acid. Human skin smells strongly of urine and neither deodorants nor frequent washing can cope with this. Treatment and diet prescribed by a doctor.

How to get rid of bad smell

The cause of any unpleasant odor is the multiplication of bacteria, sweat for which is a favorable habitat. The metabolic products of these microorganisms smell bad. Following these simple rules will help you stay fresh all day long:

  • daily shower with antibacterial soap;
  • with special care, using a sponge with soap, the places of greatest sweating are washed: armpits, genital area, etc.;
  • use of deodorants and antiperspirants;
  • daily change of underwear.

The use of warm baths, in which a decoction of lavender, sage or citrus fruits is added, helps to reduce sweat and helps to get rid of a sharp unpleasant odor. Instead of decoctions, you can use essential oils of the same name.

If the proposed measures do not work, it is probably a health problem. To fix the problem, you should consult a doctor and find the cause of the condition that created the discomfort.

Why women's sweat can smell bad

Everyone knows the smell of sweat, which appears due to the active work of the sweat glands, which are located on all parts of the human body, but more - in the armpits.

To prevent an unpleasant “aroma”, a lot of cosmetics and hygiene products have been created. Antiperspirants are very popular, which significantly slow down the process of sweating. Another group - deodorants, they prevent the growth of germs in a humid environment and absorb unwanted odors. Combinations of these perfumes are usually produced - deodorants-antiperspirants. They should be applied to clean skin after a bath or shower.

We will not name any specific manufacturers, but we recommend that you look at our section, where you can find modern methods of treating excessive sweating, and not just masking it.

The strong smell of sweat is more characteristic of men due to their physiology, but the female body, sometimes, smells unpleasant.

Reasons for the odor

What is sweat? This is a solution of salts, a small amount of proteins in water, which does not have a pronounced odor in either men or women. Sweat glands are located in the skin throughout the body and they are designed for thermoregulation of the body, or rather its cooling. Sweat, evaporating from the surface of the body, does not allow it to overheat. This function is necessary in hot weather, during intense physical exertion, as well as in such a pathological condition as fever.

Sweat acquires its typical repulsive odor when bacteria settle in and begin to multiply. They feed on proteins contained in the secret of the sweat glands, and excrete foul-smelling products of their vital activity.

In the armpits, the sweat glands (apocrine) are larger than in other parts of the body, and the protein content in the secretion secreted by them is much higher than in the glands of other localization. Therefore, the sweaty smell of the armpits is most noticeable.

Sweat contains a very small amount of odorless pheromones. There is an opinion that sweat smells natural and attractive to a sexual partner. However, this is a myth, the presence of pheromones is not noticeable in it, there is only a repulsive "aroma".

It is believed that ladies sweat less than the stronger sex, because men are more likely to do hard physical work and are subjected to other stresses. In addition, observing the rules of hygiene, given the availability of various perfumes and cosmetics, women can easily cope with this problem.

Among other things, the composition of the microflora on the skin of women is different than that of men. It contains fewer microbes that produce bad-smelling organic compounds.

But it happens that a strong smell of sweat emanating from a woman indicates undesirable changes in her health or is a symptom of a serious illness. In this situation, it is important to find the cause of the violation of sweating in a timely manner and eliminate it, and not just mask the problem.

If the problem of excessive sweating and, as a result, a strong sweaty smell occurs during adolescence, this is due to a genetic predisposition. The condition is rather unpleasant, but it is solved simply: observing the rules of personal hygiene, frequent change of underwear, especially after physical education, the use of antiperspirant deodorants.

When the woman was all right, and suddenly she began to sweat a lot, the sweat became more “odorous” - it’s worth considering, is everything in order with health?

Dependence of increased female sweating on emotional stress

The sweat glands are very sensitive to the release of the main stress hormone - adrenaline. Not only the volume of excreted sweat increases, but also the content of protein components in it. Therefore, in a state of nervous overstrain, anxiety, fear, a person sweats a lot (he is “thrown into a sweat”).

At the same time, the bacteria living on the skin receive a lot of nutrition and begin to multiply rapidly, releasing foul-smelling waste products.

The use of antiperspirants prevents increased sweating during stress.

The work of the sweat glands is controlled not only by hormones, but also by the autonomic nervous system. It inhibits or stimulates the production of sweat, depending on temperature and other factors. When this system fails, a condition called hyperhidosis sets in - this is an unreasonable increase in sweating in different parts of the body.

The most common hyperhidrosis of the palms, feet, armpits, forehead, groin area. A large amount of excreted fluid containing protein stimulates the reproduction of bacteria, hence the unpleasant "aroma" emanating from the body.

Hyperhidrosis and nervous stress are closely related conditions.

If a person experiences frequent stress, is forced to live or work in conditions of nervous tension, his nervous system ceases to properly regulate body processes, including sweating. This leads to hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating, in turn, is also an irritant for the nervous system: the sufferer constantly worries that others see stains protruding on clothes, feel the "ambre" coming from him.

A person falls into a vicious circle - a stressful situation unbalances the nervous system, disrupts sweating, and hyperhidrosis exacerbates existing stress.

In this situation, it is important to understand what causes stress. The most common causes for women are discord in the family, anxiety for loved ones, tense relationships at work, and financial difficulties. Often, having figured out, it is possible to find a way out of an uncomfortable situation, and the problem of sweating gradually disappears.

From medical preparations, sedatives will come to the rescue, cosmetic medicine offers such a treatment method as botulinum therapy (botulinum toxin injections into the armpits). If it is impossible to cope on your own, it is advisable to consult a psychotherapist.

Violation of microflora and hormonal levels

The way sweat smells depends in no small part on the bacteria that live on the surface of a person's skin. It is noticed that the smell of sweat emanating from one man is sharper than from another. The same with women. The appearance of a sharper, unpleasant odor is preceded by a change in the composition of the skin microflora.

There are many reasons for this, here are some of them:

  1. The nature of the skin changes. For example, obesity changes not only the figure, but also the skin, which becomes more porous, loose. It is inhabited by species of bacteria whose waste products have a putrid odor.
  2. Unreasonable and excessive use of antibacterial soaps, shower gels, which destroy healthy microflora, which are replaced by harmful microorganisms.
  3. Diet, lifestyle, hormonal changes.

The difference in the composition of the microflora in men and women is due, among other things, to the presence of different hormones. With an increase in the content of male hormones in the female body, sweating increases, the composition of bacteria becomes different, the smell of sweat changes and intensifies.

Also, sweating may increase during menstruation. During pregnancy, the concentration of hormones in the blood is significantly increased, which also provokes this unpleasant phenomenon.

Many women during menopause are prone to "hot flashes", when suddenly the whole body is covered with sweat. This happens several times a day, and also disturbs the "night sweats". This phenomenon is associated with hormonal changes in the female body and brings a lot of inconvenience. A gynecologist will help correct this problem.

The smell of sweat as a sign of illness

The appearance of a repulsive female body odor may be associated with poor health. Often, the disease changes the microflora of the skin, the amount of fluid released, its chemical composition - all that determines the intensity of body odor. In this case, the repulsive "aroma" should not be perceived only as an inconvenience that reduces the quality of life.

This is a sign of a disease, after the cure of which the problem of bad smell will be solved.

1. Diseases of the endocrine system

As mentioned earlier, the level of hormones in the blood has a comprehensive effect on sweating and the "odor" of the secretion of the sweat glands. Endocrine diseases such as diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, diseases of the adrenal glands, female genital organs (appendages) change the nature of sweat.

Initially, the released liquid already has a specific smell, which intensifies when bacteria come into play.

2. Tuberculosis

This disease is still not rare, contrary to popular belief about the complete victory over it. One of the symptoms of tuberculosis is profuse sweat at night, accompanied by a strong odor.

3. Diseases of the kidneys

The kidneys remove metabolic products from the body, including various nitrogenous compounds. But in severe renal diseases, renal failure, when the kidneys do not cope with this function, the concentration of uric acid increases in the secretion of the sweat glands.

Sweat smells like ammonia, leaving white spots on clothes. This is a reason to go to the hospital, such a condition is a threat not only to health, but also to life.

4. Poisoning by various substances

Substances that have a strong specific odor are secreted through the sweat glands. So, the smell of the decay products of alcohol is released with breath, sweat.

5.Skin lesion

A skin infection with a fungal or bacterial infection is characterized by a cloying or musty odor. The skin is reddened and inflamed. An example is mycoses of the feet.

In addition to the above, female sweat can indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired metabolism. Therefore, you should not ignore this inconvenience, wait for it to “pass by itself”, but undergo a medical examination and exclude possible diseases.

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