Talisman for Cancer Woman. Lucky Cancer Stones. What stones are contraindicated for Cancers


Of all the signs of the zodiac Crayfish- most home sign. The family in the hierarchy of Cancer values ​​is in the first place. They go to the present and the future through the past, as a rule, what is new for them is the well-forgotten old. Cancers are sensitive and often suffer from mood swings, and strong shocks can even make them sick. Afraid to show their feelings and tender soul, Cancers hide in a shell of indifference and composure, prefer to be in the shadows and hide themselves from strangers, rarely opening up to anyone. Cancer will always come to the aid of people close and pleasant to him in trouble, however, his self-preservation instinct keeps him from premature spending - Cancer will help when help is definitely needed. These are rather stingy people who know how to save and save, but not because of the ability to earn and wisely use their income, but because of the pessimistic expectation of problems and failures in the future. The disadvantages of Cancers are irritability, susceptibility to other people's influence and self-blame. Virtues - perseverance, intuition, kindness and compassion.
Element of Cancer- water, respectively, and stones are subordinate to the elements of water - transparent, blue and green, light and clean, as well as soft solar stones. The sign is characterized by softness, lack of desire for leadership, while it has high mobility, the desire to achieve everything by the most shortcut. That's why Cancer stones m is recommended primarily calm, bright, transparent and beautiful. Excessively red and monotonously dark stones are not recommended for Cancers, they can do much harm by charging their owner with excess "external" energy or even suppressing him. But black opals, pearls and mother-of-pearl are suitable for Cancer only if the Cancer-owner really likes it.

BELOMORITH. The name "belomorite" comes from the name White Sea, located in North Karelia, it was there that this stone was first found. Technically, this is feldspar (albite) with iridescence in gray-blue, white and purple tones. The stone belongs to the opaque white lunar. Belomorite has a bluish tint, a very fragile stone, easily splits. Crafts from it are difficult to make because it is soft and exfoliates like mica. It is recommended for magicians who work in their sleep. This is a clairvoyant stone. First, it is a remedy for insomnia. Secondly, it strengthens dreams, makes them clear, vivid, and memorable. Belomorit is a talisman against dark forces, ill-wishers seeking to disrupt the course of life, chosen by man. Belomorite is a neat stone. He does not tolerate disorder, slovenliness, excess rubbish in the house of his owner. It should be purchased by everyone who does not enjoy household chores. The appearance of belomorite in the house will cause a person to have an irresistible desire to dismantle cabinets, desk drawers, get rid of unnecessary things, do a general cleaning (and even repairs), and purchase the necessary things.
It will help belomorit and put things in order in the head of its owner: it will make you logically comprehend the reasons why troubles occur in his life; will require a person to urgently take care of his health, begin to improve in the professional field of activity, and conscientiously do his job.
Belomorit does not tolerate disorder in the personal life of the owner. If the owner of the stone is inclined to frequent shift partners, petty intrigues, betrayals and a riotous lifestyle, the stone will make him make a choice and give up his old habits.
wear it well in a pinky ring , cut - cabochon with processed inner surface, winter and autumn. You can purchase any day.
The main deposit is located in North Karelia.

RHINESTONE. The term "crystal" is a Russified form of the Greek word "crystallos" - ice; it is in this sense that it is used in the Iliad and the Odyssey. Later, but still in ancient times, according to the external similarity, transparent quartz began to be called a crystal, which was then considered to be strongly solidified ice. In Russian terminology until the second quarter of the 19th century. "crystal" and "crystal" were synonymous and were even used together. Only later, natural polyhedrons of minerals began to be called crystals, and "crystal" with the definition "mountain" was assigned to quartz. Simply "crystal" is called heavy highly refractive glass. In ancient Greek myths, gods, heroes and kings drink only from crystal goblets. At that time, it was believed that this mineral expels diseases from the water, that is, saying modern language, disinfects it. Modern scientists have discovered the secret of this miraculous healing. It turns out that when passing through the crystal, ultraviolet rays kill bacteria, which contributes to a speedy cure.
Since ancient times, it has been believed that crystal endows its owner with the gift of clairvoyance.
As a talisman, crystal brings love and good luck to its owner, fills it with the joy of life and spiritual harmony. Well-being is attracted to a house where there are products made of rock crystal, and crystal relieves the owner from awkward situations and incidents, helps to clarify any information. The sympathies of others also turn out to be on the side of the owner of the crystal. Even if you don't like jewelry, a piece of rock crystal (worn by women in the left pocket, by men in the right) will do you a lot of good. magical meaning rock crystal makes it a valuable amulet that protects the owner and his family from external evil influences. To do this, the stone (the larger the better) must be stored in the place of the house where people, including strangers, are most often. Energy stone adapts to the owner, so it is able to heal, and its healing properties are quite diverse. He is credited with the ability to shoot headache, bring down the temperature, recover from stress and serious illnesses.
In Russia, there are large deposits in the Urals. Also Aldan Shield, Transbaikalia, Primorye.

Born from June 21 to July 22, they are distinguished by femininity, mystery and childish naivety. Their patroness, the Moon, endowed them with a special intuition, as well as a rich imagination that can captivate them into the world of dreams.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

Love and marriage for representatives of the Cancer sign are the main goals in life. Only there they are able to fully open up, to be happy. They are good housewives, faithful spouses and caring mothers.

In her partner, a woman - Cancer is looking for reliability, respect, tender and reverent attitude. They can be deeply hurt by any sharp remark and careless word..

Resentments, sometimes imaginary, can accumulate for years, preventing marriage from developing. Cancer woman is able to idealize her companion. But when fantasies recede, disappointment and self-isolation come.

In the work of women - Rakov attracts stability and financial well-being. They are responsible and executive employees. But when choosing between home and career, they will always prefer the first.

With great love, they equip their home, and will always prefer to stay in it than to explore the world.

Cancer women are able to live for the sake of others, therefore they take care of children, including strangers, with such trepidation. But in return they expect gratitude, reciprocity.

Representatives of the sign Cancer mood swings. This they owe to the influence of the moon. Laughter is replaced by tears, and tenderness is replaced by aggressive behavior.

It is not easy for others to get used to such behavior. Help a woman - Cancer in this case only a benevolent attitude, a comfortable atmosphere, but not ridicule and criticism, even if constructive, can do it.

Often women of the water sign yearn, analyze their past, sigh about missed opportunities.

They poison their lives with excessive self-criticism, dramatize, do not want to see the good for themselves in the events taking place. Properly selected can cope with the dark sides of the soul.

What stones are suitable by date of birth?

Born from June 21 to July 1

Women - Cancers, born from June 21 to July 1, are completely in the power of the Moon. They are distinguished by kindness, affection, sensitivity. Often they become the favorites of others.

Emphasize their best character traits cornelian.

Moonstone needed by representatives of the first decade to maintain balance and keep the body in good shape. It will also help to unleash their creativity and become less dependent on the opinions of others.

Hematite will protect against unkind people , will give a feeling of security and self-confidence.

Amethyst will help representatives of the first decade to find happiness in the family, bestows sincerity and tenderness in relations with a spouse.

needed by women - Cancers of the first decade for motivation, concentration thinking. It will also help you not to go deep into yourself, to achieve your goals.

Second decade - from 2 to 11 July

Women - Cancers, born from 2 to 11 July, strong, assertive personalities. Sometimes they amaze with their cynicism, but this helps them to succeed. Passionate about secrets, riddles, exploration of the world.

This sometimes takes them away from reality. It will help to smooth out the inconsistency of character heliotrope and chrysoprase.

Natural pearls can protect from the evil eye, gives confidence and does not allow you to make rash decisions. It will also strengthen marital relations, protect against rivals.

Turquoise relieves painful insults, a load of grief. Able to lure financial well-being.

Opal keeps its owner in good shape, does not allow selflessly plunge into the world of dreams and secrets.

Sardonyx will bring good luck to the representatives of the second decade. It also prevents quarrels and disagreements, which often arise due to the complexity of the character.

Born from 12 to 22 July

Women - Cancers of the last decade (from July 12 to July 22) - creative and dreamy natures. The inability to say “no” hinders their development.

They will help them to get rid of other people's influence cat eye and tourmaline.

Emerald has a beneficial effect on the state of the body, heals mental wounds, relieves insomnia and nightmares. This stone is able to make a woman - Cancer of the last decade wise, teach to endure failures.

Ruby will give confidence, will get rid of complexes and will good helper in financial matters.

Aquamarine will reward the representative of the third decade with the ability to convict of deception. Helps to find and keep family happiness. Not a substitute for travel.

Beryl brings. Its magical properties help in achieving your goals.

Talismans and amulets

For Cancer women, charms and amulets of smooth forms with a pronounced feminine principle are suitable. Stones - talismans in them should be calm shades: transparent, greenish, bluish. Those that can overflow in water are ideal.

Everything connected with the water element protects the woman - Cancer. That's why you can safely choose decorations with animals living in the water: cancer, crab, turtle, fish.

Flowers that love water are also suitable: lily, orchid. The image of the moon is considered a special amulet.

Wearing a moonstone has a beneficial effect on representatives of the Cancer sign. It should be framed in silver. It is not recommended to wear this amulet after the full moon. During this period, he draws energy from his owner.

Pearl jewelry is only suitable for married ladies. They have special power if they are presented by a spouse. Since natural pearls take away all the negative energy, they need rest.

Black pearl amulets should be worn with caution.. If discomfort occurs, it should be abandoned.

The emerald is able to save the representatives of the Cancer sign from melancholy and internal contradictions. It also attracts wealth. The frame for it should be gold. Rings with it must be worn on the left hand.

A turquoise pendant can help in a career.

Earrings with heliotrope will give a shy woman of the water sign courage and determination in any business.. Beads or amulets with agate have the same properties.

Ring with — best gift creative and successful representative of the Cancer sign.

What minerals should not be worn?

Women of the Cancer sign are contraindicated for stones of bright, catchy colors. Such as orange sapphire, garnet, yellow lapis lazuli, red agate, onyx.

Stones - talismans should not be framed in rose, yellow gold. These metals can negatively affect their powerful energy.

Sensitive and very vulnerable persons should not choose amulets with a strong energy flow. Stones - talismans (for example, diamond, topaz) bring well-being only to hardy and persistent natures.

Unmarried girls are not allowed to wear beads and pearl necklaces.

Of all zodiac constellations Cancer is the smallest. People born under this sign are quite mysterious and secretive. Cancers are ruled by the Moon, which is able to control their emotional background. They can be hard and insensitive to their surroundings, however, relationships and love in their lives hold a dominant role. All Cancers can be wonderful family men and sometimes other people's problems are alien to them, they live only for the sake of their loved ones.

Cancers have a well-developed intuition, it happens that they can feel some mystical powers in themselves. These people have an excellent memory and a strong sense of justice. For almost all representatives of this zodiac sign, pessimism is characteristic. Cancers have a good intellect and phenomenal memory, which they should use for good, and not in order to remember bad moments, take revenge and delve into themselves. In order to reveal the essence of the sign as best as possible and improve its qualities, it is necessary to correctly select stones, talismans and amulets. Each situation will have its own special mineral.

Cancer is affectionate, playful by nature. None of the signs yearns for the Motherland the way he does. This is a leisurely sign, before acting, he must carefully consider all his actions. Cancer women great attention pay attention to their image and body, take care of the beauty of their clothes and image. They prefer silk, follow fashion and appreciate individuality. Cancer men are mannered in their youth, with age they lose these qualities and become more careless.

Correctly selected gems help Cancers enhance the personality traits that allow a person to be purposeful and achieve what he wants. Topaz London blue enhances the intuition of this zodiac sign. If Cancers carry this stone with them, then they can apply their talents in the area in which they like to work, as well as in their personal lives. Topazes are perfect for women of this sign, especially bright and rich shades. Minerals give health and natural beauty, energize, protect from dangers and intrigues of spiteful critics. Blue topaz protects family well-being from quarrels and disagreements, serves as an aid in mutual understanding between generations.

Since Cancers are ruled by the planet Moon and the element Water, their lucky minerals will be moonstone and pearls. Moonstone will help women born under this zodiac sign return past relationships. It protects the hearth, helps to create balance and harmony. Moonstone allows you to relieve fatigue, increases vitality and saturates with energy in order to realize the plan. The mineral must be purchased by those who constantly fall into stressful situations or is affected by depression.

Belomorite is a stone that is mined only in the Baltic Sea. Belomorit is best used by those Cancers who strive to gain new knowledge - schoolchildren and students. The mineral helps to better remember and analyze information, and also allows you to draw the right conclusions and improves logical thinking. For women's health, the gem is extremely useful, and is able to restore it to the fullest. In addition, those girls who wear belomorite as a talisman can successfully conceive a child and carry it out.

Emerald also has a beneficial effect on representatives of this zodiac sign. It is a symbol of wisdom and purity. The one who wears this stone is always protected by the forces of good. Emerald allows you to attract fame, wealth, allows you to become more successful, has a beneficial effect on the body. The emerald crystal will help drive away insomnia, strengthens cardiovascular system and immunity. The mineral has pronounced magical properties. One who has this bright green gem can foresee the future. A talisman with an emerald helps Cancers overcome melancholy in themselves, get rid of stiffness and isolation.

Prudent and overly rational Cancer, it will be useful to bring to life a little passion and vivid emotions. in the best way For this, decoration with pomegranate is suitable. Pomegranate will help beautiful Cancer women to stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, to be able to open up to loved ones and expose their soul to them.

Also, green agate is perfect for women. This stone is able to preserve family happiness when you have an excess of worries and troubles.

The Kashmiri sapphire is an excellent amulet for Cancers, as they often try on the role of a victim. This gem will help you switch yourself to positive thinking and focus on your own needs.

Ruby will become a powerful spiritual amulet that brings good luck to Cancer. Jewelry with this stone is a kind of indicator general condition organism.

Aquamarine will warn his ward against human envy and malice. Another stone will soften the obstinacy and intransigence of the character of Cancer, which will contribute to career advancement.

Violet amethyst will help Cancer get rid of the negative aspects of human disposition, become more friendly and benevolent. The mineral will protect its owner from accidents, dangers and help make the right decision at a crucial moment.

jewelry decoration with chalcedony favors Cancers to gather their thoughts, tune in a positive way, and contribute to the achievement of their goal.

Obsidian pacifies and softens a strong character, brings well-being, inner freedom and will provide material independence in the life of Cancers.

A product with ametrine makes the representatives of this zodiac sign wiser and more prudent. But you should not wear it too often, since the mineral must be recruited by an influx of energy from the outside.

White onyx is also suitable for cancers. This amulet helps to cope with increased nervousness and irritability. He protects them from the conflicts and contradictions in which they often become embroiled.

The diamond helps Cancers to be a person whose words coincide with deeds, to get rid of conflicting thoughts and actions. Diamond gives you the opportunity to make the right decisions on your own, without listening to the opinions of more successful people.

Pearl is the keeper of harmony surrounded by representatives of this zodiac sign. Pearls strengthen the marriage bond of Cancers, protect against negative energy from ill-wishers. It repels envious words and glances, cleanses from unnecessary worries, protects from experiences. Pearls can change their color depending on who wears them. If Cancers are often sad, then the pearl may darken. If Cancer looks at him, then this improves his psychological and emotional condition brings peace of mind.

Taoists believed that pearls are a kind of elixir of youth, which prolongs the life of its owner. In Mongolia, it was used to check wine glasses for poisons that could be contained there. Until now, in many countries there is a belief that the pearl cures cataracts and allows you to cope with other eye diseases. In Europe, pearls are considered a sign of longevity; in India, they symbolize a successful marriage, prosperity and well-being.

Also, lithotherapists advise people born under the constellation Cancer to take a closer look at semi-precious stones.

A gentle, sweet and rather reserved Cancer girl is constantly looking for a kind of foothold - a source of inner inspiration that will help her cope with frequent drops moods and bouts of insecurity own forces. Of course, in such situations, relatives and loved ones come to the rescue. However, it is worth paying attention to talisman stones, which you need to choose not only according to your zodiac sign in general, but also according to your date of birth.

And in the case of a girl as sensitive as cancer, it is equally important to listen to own feelings. Often the thing itself attracts to itself, and it is simply impossible to explain this phenomenon. That's why right choice- it is always a combination of several factors; and which ones - about this right now.

What stones are suitable for cancer woman: general characteristics

According to the horoscope of a Cancer woman, it can be called pretty a large number of suitable talisman stones. It is important to keep in mind here that despite individual differences, representatives of this zodiac sign also have common features- rich inner world, commitment to loved ones, the value of the family. On the other hand, rakini quite often fall on long emotional waves and tune in to them rather quickly. In practice, this is expressed in the fact that even an insignificant trifle can lead to a long period of despondency.

That is why, when choosing her true talisman stone, a Cancer woman should be guided not only by her date of birth, but also pay attention to which qualities this or that gem develops, and which ones it weakens. Here are some stones for which the stars recommend in the first place.


Ruby has a live, solar energy able to cheer up even in a moment of despondency. In the case of a cancer girl, it is this gem that will help activate internal energy and awaken those internal reserves which are so necessary in a period of apathy.


Ruby also stimulates sexual energy. Literally, this stone charges its owner with optimism, thanks to which success comes both in relationships with others and in business area life.


Earrings with moonstone

The moon patronizes crayfish - mysterious planet, which personifies motherhood, a sentimental soul and caring for loved ones, even through self-sacrifice. That is why the moonstone should take its place among the jewelry of this interesting, self-absorbed girl.

The gem protects the owner's feelings from negative reactions from ill-wishers, and most importantly, it helps to attract love. And one more important point - this talisman stone blocks outbursts of anger and helps to find emotional balance.


It's no secret that Cancers are one of the most emotional girls out there, and sometimes it's incredibly hard to deal with mood swings. Another thing is that few people know about this, because in most cases the lady of this sign manages to carefully hide her true reaction to what is happening.


And the emerald can help in this - a stone that symbolizes emotional stamina, composure and endurance. Emerald helps to make the right decision and gives hope. In addition, it is believed that it attracts wealth and protects against sleep problems, eliminating nightmares and insomnia.

Cancer 1st decade

A general description of the zodiac sign allows you to draw only the most approximate portrait. A detailed reflection of the typical features of a particular representative is possible only with an individual calculation of the horoscope, and for this, the date of birth is taken into account.

Even within the same sign, there is a classification into at least three types of representatives - depending on the decade in which they were born. For example, the Moon patronizes cancers of the first decade, which allows these ladies to remain kind and gentle creatures even during those periods when luck clearly turns away from their charming face.

Lunar crayfish are always loved in society, they are valued not only as respectable colleagues, but also incredibly sensitive friends who you can come to with any question. On the one hand, such a mission fills the life of cancer with really bright colors. On the other hand, one's emotional forces are also not dimensionless, and sooner or later there comes a moment of exhaustion. Therefore, cancers of the 1st decade should be chosen among those stones that develop love and friendship, and also help to act prudently. On the question of which mascot stones are suitable for a cancer woman of the 1st decade, a decision can be made based on the following options:

  • hematite personifies courage and helps to act wisely;
  • amethyst and rhinestone- symbols of devotion in relationships;
  • Moonstone- talisman for loving people, which especially helps in moments of separation;
  • cornelian helps to attract true love.


Cancer 2 decades

Cancer women who were born in the second decade experience a significant influence of Pluto. These ladies are bright, lively, truly sunny nature. They are drawn to communication and love to make new acquaintances. People around say that these girls have a real gift of suggestion. They can easily convince the interlocutor of the correctness of their positions. On the other hand, cancers of the second decade often have strong mood swings, so when choosing stone talisman they should pay attention to the following gems:

  • chrysoprase and sardonyx bestow creative powers and attract good luck;
  • turquoise- a symbol of well-being;
  • chalcedony helps to cope with emotional experiences;
  • heliotrope symbolizes devotion and consent;
  • pearl represents fertility and spiritual wisdom.

Cancer 3 decades

Cancers, who were born in the third decade, are patronized by two planets at once - along with the Moon, Neptune has a noticeable influence on their life. Whatever these people do, they always strive to master creative professions. Science, journalism, art, design - that's far from full list the interests of these women.

It is important for such ladies to pay attention to gems that develop thinking and give inspiration. Therefore, for women of cancer of the second decade, such mascot stones are optimally suited:

  • ruby and tourmaline symbolize passionate feelings, bestows courage;
  • aquamarine- a symbol of fidelity;
  • emerald personifies hope and spiritual wisdom;
  • beryl symbolizes love feelings and prosperity.


Which stones are not suitable for cancer

Talismans always protect a person, since any stone has its own advantages and enhances certain character traits. Attuning to the energy wave of the personality, the gem either harmonizes with it, or enters into conflict (dissonance). This does not mean that the stone is hostile - just for each sign of the zodiac there will certainly be gems that develop unnecessary qualities and at the same time weaken the beneficial aspects.

In the case of a cancer woman, one should know not only about those talisman stones that suit her according to the zodiac sign, but also exclude gems, contraindicated in this case:

  • pomegranate;
  • diamond;
  • topaz.

Thus, a Cancer woman needs to be guided by her zodiac sign, and also pay attention to the purely intuitive side of the choice: if the gem causes pleasant sensations, then it is yours.

People born under the Cancer zodiac sign have a sensitive, calm and “homely” nature. If you figure out what these people have life values and personality traits, it will be easy to determine which talisman stones will suit the Cancer zodiac sign the most.

Cancers often have mood swings.

The element of the sign Cancer is water. They perfectly remember their past and often mentally relive many of its moments. Representatives of the sign are very emotional, but they never show even half of their feelings. These people often have mood swings, you can often meet Melancholic Cancers. Representatives of this sign are very responsive, sympathy and empathy are not alien to them. Cancers are loyal to their loved ones and never leave them in trouble.

Family plays a major role in Cancer life.

Cancers do not like change, life in accordance with customs and traditions is much closer to them. That is why they are excellent parents, and among their values, a strong family occupies the main place. Cancers, in addition, know how to handle money carefully. As a rule, they always have the opportunity to earn decent money, and they know how to save and save a considerable amount. The character trait, of course, is positive, but those born under this zodiac sign save up money because of their inherent pessimism, for a “rainy day”.

Cancers have both positive and negative traits. They are kind, compassionate, persistent in achieving goals, have developed intuition, but are irritable, often with low self-esteem, secretive, easily influenced by outside influences and underestimate their own strengths.

Stones for Cancers by date of birth

The moon is the main patron of Cancers

For people born in the first decade (June 21st ㅡ July 1st), the patron is the Moon. People born during this period are affectionate, kind, sensitive and deservedly enjoy the love of others. Clear stones are suitable for them ㅡ some types of jasper, hematite or rock crystal.

Crayfish born in the second decade (July 2 - July 11) have a certain amount of cynicism, but for businessmen this character trait is sometimes even useful. Cancers of the second decade perceive the world like a big riddle, and seek to discover its secrets. Pearls, sardonyx, and heliotrope will become good amulets for them.

People born in the third decade (July 12 - July 22) are under the auspices of the Moon and Neptune. These representatives of the sign are seriously passionate about magic. Creativity or science for them often become professional activity. These are romantics with elevated feelings and increased emotionality. For them, tourmaline, or aquamarine are suitable as a talisman.

Talisman stones for the zodiac sign Cancer

Ruby will help Cancers in mental work

Ruby as a talisman will help to avoid depression, will help Cancers, busy mental activity will add courage. The same gem will increase sexual energy. Ruby is able to inspire the achievement of very high goals.

Cat's eye will help Cancers in relationships with the opposite sex

The cat's eye mineral can be called a talisman rather than a talisman. This stone is the keeper of love, it will protect against betrayal, attract the attention of the opposite sex, and improve relationships.

Moonstone helps Cancers avoid mood swings

Moonstone is able to absorb the energy of the moon and with its help help the owner avoid mood swings associated with a change lunar phases. It will also protect the owner from nervous tension and emotional overload. It is useful to have a moonstone for lonely Cancers - the mineral is able to attract love into life.

Emerald helps Cancers in the accumulation of wealth

The emerald will bring hope, wisdom and tranquility to the life of this sign. Having jewelry with an emerald, a person can completely get rid of his suspiciousness and melancholy. This stone also attracts good money and provides wealth.

Pearls are an excellent talisman for married Cancers

Pearls are a talisman for married Cancers. It protects from the negative of the past, prevents quarrels, protects from envious people. Pearl has interesting property- if the owner's mood deteriorates, then the stone becomes a darker shade.

Heliotrope Helps Cancers Connect with New People

Heliotrope is good when it is necessary to settle ties with others, establish or create contacts. The mineral is also able to partially give up its energy, protect the health of the owner, and protect from external negativity.

Talisman stones for the Cancer woman

Chalcedony promotes development love relationship. For a Cancer woman, chalcedony will attract a gentleman

Chalcedony will save a woman from anger and melancholy. This stone is a very powerful talisman for women of this zodiac sign, it is able to attract a man to unmarried woman, protect her from evil thoughts and actions of others, save her from sudden changes moods. It should be worn on the little finger in a ring or ring, but use a talisman long time astrologers do not recommend.

Brooch and ring in silver, decorated with pearls

Pearls, set in silver, will be for the Cancer woman not only a good amulet, but also a wonderful decoration. When contemplating such an ornament, a woman is guaranteed a state of peace, tranquility and peace of mind. However, do not forget - this talisman is for married women, astrologers do not advise girls before marriage.

Amethyst for Cancer - a symbol of purity

Amethyst is a symbol of purity. This stone is perfect as a talisman for Cancer women who are busy creative activity; the best option will be a ring with an amethyst. But turquoise is better to wear as a pendant, it will help business women in career advancement.

Agate will improve self-esteem and increase self-confidence

Agate is often worn as beads. Its property is to increase a woman's self-confidence. This talisman stone is very good for Cancer women and as an amulet, it will increase courage.

Moonstone is perfect for young girls ㅡ it will relieve nervous tension and allow you to different situations stay natural without losing control of yourself.

Aquamarine and contribute to inner harmony and the preservation of optimism and joy in the soul of a woman.

If a Cancer woman needs wisdom and courage, then astrologers advise her such a stone as hematite as a talisman.

Heliotrope is rightfully considered one of the most powerful talismans for girls born under this zodiac sign. It is better to wear it with earrings. Such an amulet will be able to remove all obstacles in the way of the girl.

Talisman stones for the Cancer man

Onyx will protect from foreign influence

If a Cancer man has strong character, self-confidence, then his talisman stone ㅡ onyx. This mineral is completely harmonious in its properties with such personality traits as courage, strength and determination. It will help to avoid bouts of pessimism and falling under the influence of others. For a young man, onyx is a symbol of perseverance, strength, significance in society.

With agate, a Cancer man can forget what self-doubt is

Very good for Cancer men. It will drastically reduce negative sides men of this zodiac sign, namely self-doubt, increased sensitivity and vulnerability, frequent bouts of pessimism. Agate will teach a man to be happy and go through life with confidence.

Emerald will overcome Cancer's tendency to withdraw, as a result of which a man will become more interesting when communicating with others. Emerald will give young men control over emotions and actions. This gem is also very successful in combating the melancholy of the owner, calms during periods of nervous tension and brings joy to every day of life.

Carnelian promotes talent development

Carnelian develops male talents even in cases where the owner is unaware of the presence of such. The stone is able to bring good luck to the life of the Cancer man, bring justice to many aspects of life, make its owner more insightful and protect from evil intentions.

Talisman stones contraindicated for those born under the sign of Cancer

As mentioned above, the element of Cancer is water, so stones that have transparency and iridescence are very good for this sign. But it is better for these people to avoid stones of bright or dark colors, they do not harmonize with inner essence Cancer, therefore, can be harmful. People with hypersensitivity you need to be careful with stones that have strong energy ㅡ diamonds,

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