How to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy? How to keep your teeth strong and healthy

This is one of the symbols of attraction.

And then healthy teeth - necessary condition good health and happy life.

So what do you need to keep your teeth healthy?

How to keep your teeth healthy

1. Eat Healthy, Balanced Foods

Like any other part of the body, teeth need vitamins and minerals to keep them healthy. The most important for teeth are: calcium, fluoride, phosphorus, vitamin D and magnesium. To ensure dental health daily menu A variety of foods must be included, including fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, and oils.

Consume more clean water. It prevents dehydration, therefore, is excreted enough saliva, necessary to combat harmful microorganisms.

2. Brush your teeth properly

Dental associations recommend brushing your teeth twice a day to ensure complete removal food debris and plaque. Fluorine is essential mineral, but its amount in the food received is not enough. Using fluoride toothpaste helps protect teeth from bacteria and strengthen enamel. A soft toothbrush is ideal for use because it doesn't wear down enamel the way hard brushes do.

Oral hygiene

3 Flossing

If we use only a toothbrush, we clean the outer, inner and chewing surfaces of the teeth. Flossing helps remove food debris from between teeth. It is recommended that you floss daily because the accumulation of food debris can lead to cavities and gum disease. Not worth replacing dental floss toothpicks, as they can damage the gums and provoke infection.

4. Mouthwash

In pharmacies and supermarkets, there are many mouthwashes aimed at preventing several diseases at once. They usually contain anti-caries and anti-inflammatory components in their composition. These rinses help prevent caries and periodontal disease, as well as help fight bad breath.

5. Don't rule out meat

Meat is a major source of phosphorus and magnesium, two essential minerals for maintaining healthy teeth. Vegetarians have been found to have weaker teeth due to the lack of meat in their diets. If you stick vegetarian diet, make sure you accept the required nutritional supplements or find alternative sources phosphorus and magnesium.

6. Quit smoking

Smoking not only stains teeth and causes bad breath, but also increases the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and diabetes. You need more reasons to quit smoking?

Dental care

7. Rinse your mouth with water after eating.

Water washes away food stuck in your mouth and neutralizes the acidity of the food you have eaten. Acidity can destroy tooth enamel and increase the risk of tooth decay.

8. Don't brush your teeth right after eating.

Studies have shown that brushing your teeth immediately after eating or drinking, especially acidic drinks, can do more harm than good. To protect the surface of your teeth, you should wait at least half an hour before brushing your teeth.

Healthy teeth and gums

9. Less sugary, sticky and dark foods

These are sweets, cakes, ice cream, toffees, dried fruits, caffeine, soda and red sauces. Not only can these foods stick to teeth, they also feed bacteria, contribute to tooth decay, and even stain teeth if eaten too often.

10. Regular visits to the dentist

As a general rule, most dentists state that adults should have preventive checks at least once every six months. However, as the results of the study showed, only those people who have chronic diseases of the teeth and oral cavity and who are at risk should visit the dentist so often.

For other people who do not have problems with the oral cavity and do not experience obvious discomfort, it can be recommended to reduce the frequency preventive examination up to once a year.

Teeth and gums require special daily care. Compliance with the rules of oral hygiene is the most effective way keep teeth healthy, protect them from gum inflammation, caries, periodontitis, decay and other dental diseases. Prevention of dental diseases is preferable to expensive treatment of complications. So how do you keep your teeth healthy?

Correct brushing technique

The most important and simple rule is regular and proper brushing of teeth. Brushing your teeth isn't just about twice a day. It needs to be done right. Below are the following recommendations:

  1. Don't skip evening brushing your teeth. Over the course of the day, food remains accumulate in the mouth. At night, they will begin to decompose and will provoke the appearance of caries.
  2. Brushing your teeth with a single sweep of the brush over their surface is completely useless. You need to spend at least three minutes cleaning.
  3. You can not press hard on the gums with a brush, they can be injured, and over time, gingivitis and other gum diseases will appear. Movements should be soft.
  4. Horizontal movements can only spread the remnants of food along the interdental spaces. The brush should be at a 45 degree angle.
  5. The bottom row is cleaned with movements from the bottom up, the top row - from the top down.
  6. Start cleaning the dentition from the front teeth and gradually move towards the back. Do not forget to pay attention to wisdom teeth, filled teeth and crowns. Chewing surfaces are cleaned from front to back.
  7. The tongue also needs hygiene. It is less exposed to bacteria. The tongue is cleaned gently, do not put pressure on it. There are many brushes for cleaning the surface of the tongue. Scrapers are nozzles with a spoon-like tip. Use with rinse aid will improve the quality of the procedure. A special tongue spoon will also help get rid of plaque and bad smell. This is a nozzle with a tip. The scraper brush has an elongated round shape with soft bristles. The flat shape makes it easier to clean the tongue and does not cause a gag reflex. Some brushes have opposite side there is a special surface for this purpose. You need to move from the back of the tongue to the tip.
  8. Cleaning is finished as follows: teeth are closed, they are walked along the outer tooth surface and along the gums with soft circular movements.
  9. If you have braces, you should brush your teeth more often, preferably after every meal. An ordinary toothbrush will not clean the plaque from under the structures. A special orthodontic brush with V-shaped bristles, brushes, floss, irrigator and rinses will help. First, the brush frees the surface from plaque. Each tooth is given 10 seconds. Then the braces and the space under them are treated with brushes. The interdental spaces will be cleaned by the floss. Hard-to-reach places are treated with an irrigator. The final step is the conditioner.
  10. Babies start brushing their teeth when they first erupt. baby tooth. The head of a baby brush should cover two teeth. First, instead of a brush, wipes are used to remove plaque and care for the oral cavity. Gradually, the child is taught to use the brush independently. It is better to bring the hygiene time to two minutes, accompanying the procedure with a game. You also need to show by your own example how this is done correctly.
  11. Dentists do not recommend storing adult and children's brushes nearby. Adults often suffer from oral diseases. Separate storage of brushes - good prevention dental disease in children.


Dental floss cleans interdental spaces and hard-to-reach places. Oral hygiene is carried out by flossing with vertical movements, while not touching the gums. If you have a crown, inlay or braces, there are super flosses. They are much thicker than regular dental floss and are safer to use. The thread can be lubricated with paste before use, and then you need to rinse your mouth.

Interesting: dental floss is made from Teflon and nylon. Teflon thread has no fibers, nylon ones consist of several fibers that are combined into one thread. Teflon is more convenient, it will not tear from friction and will not separate. But both types of floss are effective.

Dental floss is sometimes impregnated with substances to prevent caries:

  1. Chlorhexidine, which has disinfectant properties.
  2. Sodium fluoride solution. Fluoride will strengthen the enamel.
  3. Menthol and various flavorings. They don't give therapeutic effect, but threads with such impregnation are much more pleasant to brush your teeth.

Proper use of floss:

  1. Pull out 40 cm of thread, wind it around middle finger right hand, leave 10 cm of thread. This length will be enough for cleaning.
  2. The thread is pulled well, the mouth is opened wider and the floss is introduced into the interdental space with smooth movements. Cleanse with up and down movements 6-7 times, back and forth in each interval. The thread is pressed against the tooth.
  3. Important: a new span of floss is taken for each tooth!


Mouthwash is used to flush out accumulated food debris. Should be used after every meal. The composition of such products is usually mild and does not injure the teeth. After tooth extraction, rinse your mouth with mouthwash or other means should not be. Rinses freshen breath, and some of them have a whitening effect.

Means are used twice a day after brushing your teeth. Active substances better penetrate into the tooth. Pour 20 ml of the product into the cap from the tube, rinse your mouth for 30 seconds.

You need to start with 10 seconds, after 2 days increase the rinse time to 20 seconds, and later stop at 30 seconds. The product must not be swallowed!

Irrigator cleaning

This device is designed to clean hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity. A thin jet of liquid, which is released under pressure, removes food debris and washes away plaque. The jet can have a beneficial effect on the gums, massage them and improve blood circulation.


  1. Prevention of various dental diseases (caries, stomatitis, gingivitis and others).
  2. Delicate gum care. Medicinal liquids are added to the device, strengthening soft tissues around the teeth.
  3. Bad breath.
  4. For the care of orthodontic constructions.


  1. Use the device only according to the instructions.
  2. The solution in the tank should be warm.
  3. The jet of liquid is directed at a right angle. Water should flow freely from the mouth.
  4. The irrigator is not intended for children under 5 years of age.
  5. The procedure should be carried out after cleaning with a toothbrush and paste.

Dentist visit

Comprehensive oral care will not be effective without regular visits to the dentist. For a preventive examination, they visit a specialist twice a year. In the presence of chronic diseases much more often. The doctor will notice the first symptoms of the onset of the disease in time and prevent complications.

professional cleaning teeth is needed. This procedure removes plaque and calculus, protects the oral cavity from dental diseases.

ultrasonic cleaning - the procedure of professional cleaning of teeth with the help of vibrations of an ultrasonic device. It safely cleans the surface of the teeth, removes deposits, restores the enamel to its original color.

Usually this procedure complements the prophylactic Air flow, a teeth whitening technique using a mixture of powdered sodium bicarbonate, water jet and air. It is also indicated for darkening of the enamel and for the removal of deposits. Well polishes the surface of the tooth.

They also do fluoridation. The procedure is indicated for people with a predisposition to the development of caries or with sensitive teeth. The surface is covered with a solution with fluorine ions, which protect against harmful effects acid environment. Bacteria will accumulate less, the development of caries will be slowed down.

Deep fluoridation - much more perfect, reliable and effective method. The pores of tooth enamel are completely filled with fluorine and calcium, and the surface is provided necessary nutrition. The strength of the teeth increases several times.

  1. Before the procedure, the doctor must heal all the teeth, rid them of plaque.
  2. After they are dried with a stream of warm air.
  3. The doctor applies a special enamel with a sealing liquid
  4. Staining. Teeth being processed cotton swab, which is pre-moistened in milk with copper and calcium hydroxide. The hydroxide subsequently forms tiny crystals calcium fluoride, and they can quickly penetrate into the pores of the enamel.

Deep fluoridation provides reliable and long-term protection.

The first three hours after Whitening Air Flow or Fluoridation Do not smoke, consume drinks or foods that can stain teeth.

Proper nutrition

it the most important factor which affects dental health. To strengthen them, you need to eat foods rich in calcium:

  1. Cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and other dairy drinks.
  2. Hard cheeses.

Need to eat more fish, nuts, vegetables (especially cucumbers, celery, carrots) and fruits (apples, kiwi). The body must be saturated with vitamins.

  1. Quit smoking.
  2. You can not crack the shells of nuts with your teeth, pull corks out of bottles. The tooth may break.
  3. Limit your intake of sweets. If the desire to eat a chocolate bar is irresistible, you need to do it immediately after the main meal. You should immediately floss your teeth, use a mouthwash, and it is better to first brush your teeth with a brush, if possible.
  4. Alcohol destroys tooth enamel. After a few sips alcoholic drink you need to rinse your mouth with a medicinal solution.
  5. Rinse your mouth with at least water after eating.

Compliance with the above rules will keep your teeth healthy. Prevention of dental diseases should be comprehensive, and proper nutrition should be regular.

Healthy and white teeth - video

Everyone dreams of Hollywood smile. However, it is no secret that beautiful and healthy teeth are the result of self-improvement. Even having cured, whitened, straightened the teeth once, there is a chance to return them to their original state again. Snow-white smile speaks of the accuracy of a person, that he takes care of himself. The oral cavity requires special attention. Bad condition teeth gives rise to complexes in a person, makes you feel less confident. What should be done to keep your teeth in order?

1. Regular visits to the dentist

Yes, many people have been uncomfortable with the chair in the dentist's office since childhood. Some adults have hair on end, it is worth remembering your first visits to the dentist at a very young age. However, it is important to remember that time moves forward. Every year the state of dentistry is improving. Over time, dental treatment becomes more and more painless.

It is recommended to visit the dentist once every six months, but in fact the number of visits is individual and should be checked with the attending physician. It is important to keep the situation under control. A person who remembers the prevention of dental diseases, with only a little effort, will avoid unnecessary spending and save nerve cells.

2. Brush your teeth knowing how to do it right

Many are dismissive of this important prevention mouth, like brushing your teeth. In fact, brushing your teeth daily to remove food debris and bacteria accumulating on them is really important. Cleaning is done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Tools - brush and toothpaste.

The brush eliminates bacterial plaque, and the paste strengthens the enamel of the teeth. It seems that everything is simple, but it is worth forgetting several times about the easiest operation before going to bed or in the morning - the bacteria will remain in oral cavity and will continue to multiply. This should not be taken lightly, because bad prevention, is quite risky and often leads to backfire and significant spending

Proper brushing of teeth means quick rinse mouth paste for fresh breath, but a thorough study of the entire surface of the teeth. The movements should not be smooth, but not too hard, so as not to damage the gums. You should move from the base of the tooth to the cutting edge. Just do not overdo it, this will not increase the health of your teeth. Active brushing takes about two minutes. A little more is not bad, but if you drag out the process a lot, you may not feel that your teeth are clean and not bacteria and food debris are erased, but enamel.

3. Qualitatively select toothpaste

It is important to choose high-quality devices for a more comfortable and efficient procedure. Toothpaste for each is selected individually. The product is chosen based on the level of sensitivity of the teeth.

It is important to understand how sensitive the teeth are to too cold or hot foods. It is easy to check this - you need to remember how your teeth react to cold; for example, ice cream. If you most often have to swallow popsicles in a hurry because your teeth have begun to ache from the cold, they are very sensitive.

Then highly abrasive toothpastes are contraindicated for a person. Pastes from the category "for the whole family" do not spoil the teeth, but they practically do not bring any benefit. You should buy a separate paste for each family member, based on the situation in the mouth. It warns possible problems with the oral cavity, so do not skimp.

4. Cleansing the entire mouth

It is important to remember that bacteria live not only on the teeth. It is also recommended to clean the tongue. This procedure is carried out using special devices, or with a regular spoon. Unpleasant, but effective.

Also, you should give the oral cavity three minutes after each meal. To avoid problems, you need to rinse your mouth boiled water repeatedly. Many enjoy by special means for cleaning the entire mouth. Now stores offer us a wide range of products to help support normal microflora oral cavity.

It happens that the toothbrushes of family members lie in one glass, and even filled with water! This is completely contrary to basic sanitary rules.

bacteria, disease-causing, can easily switch from brush to brush, causing significant problems. In a humid environment, it is much easier for them to spread.

Getting a cold from a person next to whom a toothbrush is located is easier than it seems at first glance.

It is important to disinfect your brush more than three times a week and also keep it dry. Preferably in a separate box. The case is also recommended to be disinfected.

It is known that a person who brushes his teeth more than twice a day risks his health at the same level as a person who does not devote time to this at all. Therefore, after a meal, it is recommended to use dental floss. This simple device will also help in the destruction of bacteria.

With the help of dental floss, you can clean even those most hard-to-reach places - a haven harmful microorganisms. The dental floss is compact and easy to use, and can also be used in in public places, where you obviously can’t pull out toothbrush.

7. Be careful with toothpicks

Be careful with toothpicks! The wooden version offered in cafes and restaurants does not pose a danger at all. However, the plastic or metal equivalent of a toothpick is significantly detrimental to dental health. At the slightest inaccuracy, you can damage the ligaments of the teeth or gums. The best option- replace the toothpick with dental floss. This will greatly reduce the risk of damage.

8. Consider the effect of acid and sugar on teeth

It often happens that the problem of the effect of acid and sugar on the teeth is brought to light only after the whitening procedure. Unfortunately, due to the use of acids and sugar, even in moderation, the whitening result quickly declines, and the teeth become more yellowish. Butterscotch, hard candies, caramels, and similar textures with added sugar create ideal conditions for bacterial growth.

But if you believe that toffees and hard candies have bad influence on the condition of the teeth is easy, then the fact of harm at first glance healthy drinks truly surprising. Coffee and tea contribute to the darkening of teeth, and packaged juices corrode tooth enamel. However, the problem can be dealt with. Doctors advise drinking your favorite drinks slowly, through a regular straw. It is desirable, of course, to reduce their use, and this method should be used only in special cases.

9. Eat the right balance

Don't forget about this important aspect like proper nutrition. A person with healthy beautiful teeth in without fail must watch what goes into his mouth. As already known, acid and sugar adversely affect the microflora of the oral cavity.

But besides this, do not forget to replenish the reserves of fluorine and calcium. Thanks to these elements, teeth become stronger and healthier. You can draw what you need from products containing vitamin D, fluoride and calcium; e.g. fish and poultry meat, bread, dairy products, broccoli and others.

Moreover, bioadditives will not be superfluous. Pharmacies offer a huge range of natural vitamins. - mineral complexes. Proper nutrition will not only strengthen tooth enamel and help reduce the number of bacteria, but also affect general state person for the better.

Strong and well-groomed teeth are an indicator of the health of the whole organism as a whole. No wonder the Arabs say that “death comes through the mouth”, and Galen, a famous ancient Roman scientist, said that the state of the oral cavity determines a person’s health. If any diseases develop in the mouth or foci of infection form, work is first disrupted gastrointestinal tract, and after that, other systems and organs suffer. This is due to the fact that before entering the stomach, the food is carefully crushed by the teeth. After the extraction of teeth or due to their disease, a person may have difficulty with normal chewing. Accordingly, the load on the digestive system increases, which is forced to digest too much large pieces food.

If the teeth are healthy, then they exert a pressure equal to 120 kg / cm2 on the chewed food. If the teeth are sick, or if a person has an incorrect position in the oral cavity installed implants, then this indicator decreases to 10 kg/cm2. Therefore, you need to take care of your teeth carefully and, most importantly, systematically.

At different people teeth can vary quite a lot in their shape, structure and size. In each case, the primary condition of the teeth is determined by heredity. However, most people from birth are the owners of a healthy dentition. But not everyone can properly dispose of such a gift of nature, insufficiently caring for and caring for it. Over time, under the influence bad habits and in case of non-compliance preventive measures To keep your teeth in good condition, all kinds of dental diseases develop. And although they do not pose a direct threat to a person’s life, they can pretty much shake his health.

Scientists have long established the relationship between dental diseases and diseases of the heart and blood vessels, digestive system, anemia, leukemia, gynecological diseases, atherosclerosis, keratitis, arthritis, skin diseases, sleep disorders (in particular insomnia), neuroses, mental disorders etc. Diseases of various organs can also, in turn, provoke the occurrence of a focus of infection in the oral cavity.

Nutrition as a factor in keeping teeth strong and healthy

The first thing you need to pay attention to in order to keep your teeth strong and healthy is your own diet. To keep your teeth in good condition, it includes a sufficient amount of foods rich in vitamins C and D, as well as calcium, fluorine and phosphorus.

The main source of calcium for humans are all kinds of milk products, fish, legumes, nuts, seeds (sesame, almonds), as well as green vegetables (parsley, basil, savoy cabbage). The bioavailability of calcium can improve dairy products and animal proteins.

Phosphorus enters the body along with fish and other seafood.

A person receives fluorine mainly from drinking water(in normal conditions 80% of the substance enters the body with water, only 20% with food. A large amount of fluorine is found in water from artesian wells or underground sources. Water taken from open sources, cannot replenish daily requirement in fluoride, as well as fluoride-containing toothpastes. In general, in food products fluorine is contained in a small amount. The exception is green tea and sea ​​fish. It should also be remembered that an excess of a substance also poses a threat to health. In particular, it provokes the development of fluorosis, which is accompanied by loss of tooth tissue. Therefore, it is necessary to take fluoride preparations with great care.

  • drinks containing phosphoric acid;
  • sweets;
  • food with high content starches.

The habit of snacking many times during the day also has a negative effect on the teeth. That's why daily ration should be balanced, and food should include the substances necessary to maintain healthy teeth and the whole body.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene as a factor that allows you to keep your teeth strong and healthy

To maintain the health of the teeth, they must be brushed twice a day: in the morning after meals and in the evening before going to bed (this is due to the fact that at night the protective properties of saliva are reduced). Jaws should be open during brushing. The procedure starts from the top row, while the brush is held at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the tooth. On a site consisting of 2-3 teeth, about 10 cleaning movements are made in the direction from the base of the tooth to its cutting edge. Holding the brush perpendicular to the cutting edge, clean the back surface of the anterior dentition, then proceed to chewing surface molars. The bottom row of teeth is cleaned in the same way. Finally, you need to massage the gums. To do this, with their jaws closed, they perform with a brush circular motions, while capturing both teeth and gums.

In addition to the teeth, they also clean the cheeks and tongue, since enough is collected on them. a large number of microbes.

The toothbrush is changed at least once every two to three months. When choosing it, preference is given to soft brushes and brushes of medium hardness with bristles made of artificial fibers (nylon). They are much more hygienic than natural bristle brushes. Before brushing your teeth, wash your hands, rinse your mouth, and rinse your brush. These measures can reduce the risk of infection in the oral cavity.

Toothpaste must be changed periodically, because the teeth get used to the same composition of the components and stop responding to their action.

After each meal, its remnants must be removed with dental floss, and the throat should be gargled with water (this procedure is especially useful after eating sweet or sour foods). Delete soft plaque from teeth and helps to absorb toxins chewing gum. However, it should not be chewed for more than 15 minutes.

It is also recommended to use an irrigator for the oral cavity, using a water jet to remove food debris from the spaces between the teeth, as well as from the spaces between the teeth and gums. In addition, the jet irrigator allows you to carry out a pulsating massage of the gums with a jet of water. As a result, they noticeably improve blood circulation.

Preventive check-ups and timely dental treatment

Even healthy teeth need periodic check-ups by a specialist. It is best to visit the dentist at least twice a year. During such a visit, the doctor can remove the stone from the surface of the teeth, cover the teeth with a special protective compound, and whiten them.

Balanced nutrition, oral hygiene, prevention and treatment of dental diseases, and management healthy lifestyle life are the main components that allow you to maintain strong and healthy teeth until old age.

A beautiful smile and healthy teeth immediately attract attention and will always help win over the interlocutor. achieve perfect smile It is not difficult, especially since everyone knows the basic rules for caring for teeth since childhood. The main thing is regularity and attention to detail.

Rule #1 - regular cleaning teeth

Perfect oral hygiene - not an easy task, its implementation requires compliance with many rules. Almost everyone knows about the need to brush their teeth regularly - at least twice a day - from early childhood, but not everyone adheres to this rule. Many people periodically skip the evening brushing of their teeth, although it is this that protects against caries most of all. Moreover, dentists believe that it is ideal to brush your teeth after every meal.

Brushing your teeth is not only a regular thing. Movements should be soft and short, do not put too much pressure on the gums - this can lead to injury and hypersensitivity. Can't brush your teeth horizontal movements along the dentition - so the plaque is not cleaned off, but on the contrary, gets into the interdental spaces. And of course, Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the gum line, large molars, as well as areas around fillings and crowns.

Rule number 2 - choosing the right toothbrush

When choosing your main “tool” for oral care, first of all, consider the condition of your teeth and gums. The toothbrush should be the optimal stiffness that is right for you. The universal option is average degree stiffness of the bristles, however, for those who have problems with gums and tooth enamel, soft bristles are more suitable.

It is important not only to choose the right toothbrush, but also to take care of it properly: change it at least once every three months, and also rinse after illness hot water and dry after every brushing. In addition, experts do not recommend storing children's and adult toothbrushes in the same cup - pathogenic bacteria and microbes easily migrate to the “neighboring object”.

Rule #3 - Flossing

A toothbrush is not able to completely clean the oral cavity, especially in hard-to-reach places. To remove plaque and food debris from the interdental spaces will help proper cleaning with a special dental floss - floss.

Dentists recommend flossing daily as food debris and plaque can lead to cavities and other oral diseases. It is necessary to clean the interdental spaces with soft movements that follow the contours of the gums, while avoiding sudden movements thread, which may injure them.

Rule number 4 - rinsing teeth with special means

In addition to daily brushing of teeth, it is recommended to use special mouthwashes in the morning and evening. There is a huge variety of rinse aids on the market, but preparations that are dominated by natural ingredients. For example, Stomatofit fresh rinse contains natural oils eucalyptus, mint, thyme, sage and their components. Due to this, the rinse aid has an effective and complex impact on the different groups microorganisms and can help prevent gum inflammation and protect teeth from cavities. Moreover, the drug freshens breath, does not disturb the local microflora and maintains a feeling of comfort for a long time.

Rule number 5 - regular visits to the dentist

Dental health is not only determined proper hygiene oral cavity, but also many other factors that a resident can avoid modern metropolis does not always succeed. Improper nutrition, stress, lack of sleep, weakened immunity also have Negative influence on the condition of teeth and gums. For this reason, even if you don't care toothache, be sure to contact your dentist 1-2 times a year (ideally every six months) for a preventive examination.

"Prevention better treatment, and yet Russians decide to visit the dentist in rare cases, - He speaks . - Going to the doctor can only make many of us sharp pain. Because of this most of The population loses its own teeth with age and switches to prostheses. In Europe, everything is exactly the opposite: you will not find a person with crowns in the afternoon with fire.

Remember that it is better to detect the problem in time and prevent more serious illness oral cavity than to deal with the consequences of a negligent attitude to dental health.

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