Why is teeth fluoridation necessary? What is deep fluoridation of teeth and how is the procedure performed? At home

Teeth fluoridation is a procedure aimed at additional strengthening of tooth enamel. Dentists at the CELT clinic recommend it for patients with a predisposition to the development of caries or hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity of the teeth). Since tooth enamel fluoridation is an absolutely painless event, it is often carried out in our clinic even for small children.

The process uses special tools that allow you to impregnate tooth enamel with fluorine ions. The latter is one of the most important minerals "responsible" for the strength of tooth enamel. After fluoridation, the teeth are not only reliably protected from the destructive effects of acidic environments, but they will not accumulate a large number of bacteria on themselves.


According to numerous reviews, fluoridation of teeth is effective when it is necessary to restore and strengthen tooth enamel. The indications for its use are as follows:

  • caries prevention;
  • end of treatment with braces;
  • after the whitening procedure;
  • with increased sensitivity of the teeth;
  • as the last stage in the restoration of teeth;
  • children with insufficient hardness of the tissues of milk teeth.


The procedure is not carried out only in extreme cases:

  • individual intolerance to the components of fluorine-containing drugs;
  • fluorosis due to the consumption of water with a high content of fluoride.

Types of fluoridation

Superficial - carried out according to casts of the client's jaw. Based on them, a cap is created, which is applied to the teeth. Previously, it is filled with a therapeutic composition with a high concentration of fluorine. The procedure is performed at least 10 times and lasts up to 20 minutes.

An alternative to this method is to cover the enamel with dental varnish using a brush. You can achieve an excellent result in 4 procedures with a specialist.

Deep - contributes to the creation of a strong protective layer on the teeth, which protects them from the removal of calcium and helps protect against bacteria. The procedure is carried out in 6 stages:

  1. The teeth are cleaned of soft and hard plaque, dirt between them is removed with the help of a floss and an irrigator.
  2. The surface is dried and saliva is completely removed from the enamel.
  3. A fluoride medication is applied to the teeth and gently rubbed for 3 minutes.
  4. The drug is dried if it is not completely frozen.
  5. The surface of the teeth is shaded with calcium hydroxide and copper (they form microcrystals of calcium fluoride). Quenching provides accelerated transport of minerals into the pores. At the same time, the concentration of fluorine is 7 times higher than with the surface coating.
  6. The mouth is rinsed with filtered water.

What is simple fluoridation?

Simple fluoridation of teeth can be carried out in two ways:

  • The first involves the use of wax casts of teeth, which are made individually. For the procedure, they are filled with a preparation based on fluorine - for example, sodium fluoride. After that, the cast is placed on the teeth and kept for ten to fifteen minutes. To achieve the desired effect, the dentist will have to visit from 10 to 15 times;
  • In the second method, a special varnish is used, which is applied to the tooth enamel with a brush. In order to achieve the desired effect, the procedure is carried out at least 3 times.

The price of teeth fluoridation in simple ways is lower than the cost of deep fluoridation.

What is deep fluoridation?

When carrying out deep fluoridation of teeth, calcium fluoride penetrates deep into the pores of tooth enamel, thereby providing it with the necessary nutrition. Thanks to this procedure, the teeth will become stronger and stronger. The procedure itself is carried out in several stages:

  • Preparation for the fluoridation procedure - brushing teeth from plaque;
  • After that, the teeth are dried with a stream of warm air, followed by the application of an enamel-sealing preparation. After a few minutes, the teeth are dried again;
  • Teeth shading is the treatment of their surface with milk, which includes copper and calcium hydroxide. Subsequently, microscopic crystals of calcium fluoride are formed from it, capable of penetrating even into the deepest layers of tooth enamel.

Teeth fluoridation at home

Despite the rather high price of teeth fluoridation in Moscow, it is better to carry out the procedure in a dental office. This is due to the fact that excessive intake of fluorine in the body can lead to very unpleasant consequences, including serious poisoning. Savings in this case can turn into much higher costs for treatment! At the same time, there are a number of products that are approved for use at home. They are presented in our table:

Fluoridation in children

Teeth fluoridation (Moscow) can be done at any age. Dentists recommend it:

  • Children during the change of milk teeth to permanent ones, to prevent the appearance of superficial caries;
  • Adolescents in a period of intensive development, to provide auxiliary protection and the need of a growing body for mineral elements.

The price of fluoridation of teeth in children in Moscow depends on how it will be carried out: superficial or deep.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • Decreased sensitivity of teeth to hot, cold and sour;
  • Strengthening of tooth enamel, its resistance to acidic environments;
  • Destructive processes are significantly slowed down;
  • The risk of developing caries is minimized;
  • Tooth enamel receives all the necessary nutrients, becomes stronger.

Dental care after fluoridation

  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day, use a floss and an irrigator.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Use vitamin and mineral complexes with a balanced composition.
  • Limit sugary foods (especially those high in sugar).
  • Visit the dentist 2 times a year for diagnosis.

It is not necessary to supplement with fluoride if your city has a high concentration of fluoride in tap water. An additional intake can cause an overabundance of the mineral.

Prices for fluoridation of teeth in Moscow depend on the chosen method. With the cost of fluoridation of teeth in our clinic, you can find on our website or by calling us.

Fluoridation of teeth among dental procedures is gaining popularity, although many patients do not know what it is. The reviews and photos presented in the article will allow you to understand the essence of the procedure, as well as to verify its effectiveness.

Everyone strives to have a beautiful and healthy smile. However, the predominance of carbohydrates in the diet, soft food, lack of nutrients, poor hygiene status lead to the destruction of enamel and the formation of caries. Fluoridation allows you to saturate dental tissues with essential minerals and strengthen them.

What is dental fluoridation?

Fluoridation is the saturation of the hard tissues of the tooth with fluoride compounds by applying all kinds of liquids to the enamel. The procedure has proven to be effective both when performed on milk teeth and in permanent dentition.

The advantages of using fluorine-containing products make this method popular both among doctors and patients of various ages.

  • increases the resistance of enamel to acids and the destructive action of microflora;
  • increases the service life of dental restorations;
  • goes down;
  • the likelihood of caries formation decreases;
  • accelerates the maturation of enamel in children.

Types of procedures

Fluoridation is deep and simple. Regardless of the chosen technique, certain steps must be taken to increase efficiency and reduce the risk of cavities.

  1. Professional teeth cleaning, which includes the removal of soft plaque and mineralized deposits, followed by polishing of the tooth surface.
  2. Filling defects.
  3. Individual training and selection of hygiene products.

Good results are shown by preliminary saturation of the enamel with calcium.

Simple fluoridation is performed in two ways: applying fluorine varnish and using preparations in conjunction with mouthguards:

  • individual mouthguards - are made by a dental technician according to a cast. A fluorine-containing substance is placed in it for 10-15 minutes, the course is 12-15 procedures. The advantage of the technique is that a tight contact is created between the enamel and the active components, and the leakage of the drug into the oral cavity is also excluded;
  • the use of fluoride varnish - varnish is applied to the teeth previously dried and isolated from saliva, the course is performed 2 to 4 times a year. It depends on the properties of the enamel and the activity of caries.

Deep fluorination is a more complex, but more effective method. In this case, not only the surface of the enamel is saturated with components, because the drug penetrates deep into. Two bottles are used: one contains fluorine, the other contains a calcium compound. Stages:
  • step 1 - teeth cleaning not only with a brush and professional paste, but also with an ultrasonic scaler;
  • step 2 - drying the enamel from the water-air plaster;
  • step 3 - applying a sealing liquid containing fluorine. After that, the surface of the tooth is again well dried;
  • step 4 - a composition from the second vial is applied to the cotton turunda, which contains calcium hydroxide and copper. The agent is rubbed into the enamel with a swab, after which the oral cavity should be rinsed with water.

With deep fluoridation, fluorine and calcium ions merge, which are embedded in the hydroxyapatite crystal structure, which helps to strengthen the enamel. Do you need to carry out such applications, the dentist will say after a detailed examination of the oral cavity.


The benefits of applying fluorine-containing varnishes or gels are significant, because these substances help in. Preparations based on fluoride compounds are used in the following situations:

  • preventive procedures to reduce the likelihood of cavities, especially in areas where the content of fluoride ions in the water is reduced;
  • multiple caries;
  • after the end of orthodontic treatment with a bracket system;
  • the final stage in the restoration of the tooth;
  • removal of hypersensitivity;

Often, enamel fluoridation is performed on a child in a milk bite, if the hard tissues of the tooth are not strong enough, while methods of both endogenous and exogenous prevention can be used. After courses of fluorine varnish applications are given to children, the enamel layer is strengthened, and the initial caries may disappear altogether.


  1. Allergic reactions to the components that make up the preparations based on fluorine.
  2. Endemic mottling of teeth.
  3. Increased concentration of fluorine compounds in water.

It is important to note that during pregnancy it is allowed to prevent caries by applying fluoride preparations, except for the cases listed above. Often during this period, women notice a deterioration in the condition of their teeth due to the release of many minerals to the child's body, so timely fluoridation will preserve the beauty of the smile of the expectant mother.

Photo: before and after

Teeth fluoridation at home

The cost of procedures to strengthen the enamel with fluoride compounds is high, especially when you consider that a single treatment will not be enough to achieve a positive effect - you need to take a course.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to apply fluorine-containing varnish on their own at home, because buying a vial of the drug will cost much less than office fluoridation.

The use of this medication should be carried out under the strict supervision of a dentist, because excessive intake of fluoride into the body can lead to unpleasant effects, as well as cause serious poisoning. With independent use, the risk of getting the drug on soft tissues, as well as swallowing it, increases, so you should not risk your health for the sake of saving money.

Some remedies are allowed for home use:

  1. Fluoride toothpastes.
  2. Gels based on fluorine.
  3. Rinsers.

When using toothpastes, you should pay attention to the indicated dosage of fluoride, expressed in ppm units. For adults, a value of 1500 ppm is acceptable for preventive purposes, and children should brush their teeth with a paste in which the concentration of the trace element does not exceed 600-800 ppm.

Elmex-gel contains aminofluoride, which is the most effective fluorine-containing compound, which integrates as much as possible into the crystal lattice of enamel, and also forms a film on the tooth surface. Thanks to it, the active ingredients are able to act for a long time and penetrate into the deep layers of the enamel. It is necessary to brush your teeth with the gel, as with a regular paste, once a week, preventing it from being swallowed.

Dental elixirs can not only freshen your breath, but also wash out food residues from hard-to-reach places, and also enrich the enamel with useful substances. The percentage of fluorine for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is 0.15%. Rinse your mouth twice daily after meals.

Video: fluoridation of teeth at home.

Deep fluoridation of teeth is most often done for children, but for adults this procedure can be extremely beneficial. In just one visit to the dentist With the help of this technique, you can solve a lot of problems with tooth enamel.

What is tooth enamel fluoridation

Fluoridation is the saturation of the upper layers of the tooth with active ingredients. There are different types of techniques, but the principle of their action is always the same: a special preparation with a high content of active substance is applied to the patient's teeth, fluorine ions form calcium fluoride when in contact with the enamel, the process helps to strengthen hard tissue and prevent the development of a number of diseases.

The procedure is safe, requires minimal time and painless, so it is actively used in pediatric dentistry.

Indications for fluoridation of teeth

The main task of fluoridation is to strengthen the enamel. This effect is necessary in the treatment of a huge number of diseases, for their prevention and even to improve the appearance of a smile.

Dentists prescribe the procedure in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity, strong reaction to hot or cold.
  • The presence of external defects in the enamel: scratches, chips.
  • Prevention of caries development in children and adults.
  • Treatment of the initial stage of caries in children's teeth.
  • Strengthening enamel after wearing braces.
  • Prevention of hypersensitivity after professional cleaning or bleaching.
  • Increasing the strength of the composite restoration or filling.
Most often, fluoridation is used to prevent problems with enamel, less often to strengthen it. Fluoridation alone will not be able to restore the protective enamel layer, but in combination with other measures, it gives good results.

In the treatment of milk teeth, the procedure is also not a panacea. If the child actively deteriorates the enamel, then first of all it is necessary to reconsider his nutrition and oral care. Fluoridation is only an additional measure.

Contraindications for dental fluoridation

Fluorine is a useful component for tooth tissues, but if used incorrectly, it can be very dangerous. Excess fluoride in the body leads to fluorosis, with this disease, the teeth suffer especially strongly: spots appear on the enamel, its sensitivity increases.

It turns out that enamel fluoridation can lead to an effect opposite to that expected. Therefore, the procedure is prohibited to carry out if:

  • The patient has already been diagnosed with fluorosis.
  • A person consumes water with a high content of fluoride.
  • The patient uses oral care products with this component in the composition.

Another contraindication to the procedure is diabetes. This is explained by the fact that fluoride can negatively affect the absorption of sugar, and in diabetes this is already a problem. However, people with this disease still carry out the strengthening of enamel with fluoride. The element can harm her only if there is too much of it in the body.

Types of fluoridation

Relatively recently, fluoridation meant covering the enamel with a special varnish, but today there are several options for carrying out the procedure:

  • fast fluorination;
  • the use of fluorine varnish;
  • deep fluoridation;
  • electrophoresis.

Efficiency and indications for different procedures are different, you will also have to pay for each service in different ways.

Rapid fluoridation

If you calculate all the time spent, it turns out that the name of this technique does not suit her at all. One procedure takes 5-10 minutes. Compared to other methods, this is really short-lived. But in order to achieve the same result as after the same deep fluoridation, it is necessary to complete a course of 10 procedures - one every week.

Rapid or simple fluoridation is more gentle than other methods. Therefore, it can be carried out even at home without the supervision of a specialist.

Usually such treatment is done after wearing braces or recent whitening. Some experts recommend the procedure after professional cleaning from plaque, if it was unsuccessful and damaged the surface of the tooth.

To carry out rapid fluoridation, caps and a special gel with an average content of fluorine and other useful components are needed. After soft brushing of the teeth, a cap with gel is placed in the oral cavity. After 5-10 minutes, it is removed, and the remnants of the product are removed with water.

Express fluoridation of tooth enamelcan be performed in the dental office and at home. In the second case, a drug with a lower content of active substances is used so that the patient cannot harm himself.

The use of fluorine varnish

The simplest and fastest method of enamel restoration is the application of fluoride varnish. , with its help, you can process all the teeth in just 2-3 minutes. The lacquer not only strengthens the enamel, but also creates a protective layer on its surface, which stays on the teeth from several days to several weeks. All this time, the tool protects the teeth from irritants and coloring substances, in the same way it acts on filling compositions.

Most often, the coating of teeth with fluoride varnish is carried out as an addition to other procedures:

If there are no contraindications, the dentist always uses fluorine varnish after in-office cleaning. It has become so common that the procedure is not even paid separately.

Deep fluoridation of tooth enamel

Deep fluoridation of teeth gives the greatest effect in strengthening and restoring enamel.. Electrophoresis also bears fruit, but it has many contraindications, and the procedure itself causes discomfort to the patient. Therefore, deep saturation of enamel with fluoride is firmly in first place among all such methods.

During this procedure, useful substances remain not only on the surface, but also penetrate far deep into the enamel. If a patient has hypersensitivity, such fluoridation can be performed every 6 months - discomfort from cold or hot will not be felt until the next procedure.

Deep saturation with fluorine takes the most time, as it is carried out in several stages:

  1. A professional cleaning is a must. The choice between the available techniques depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Most often, specialists resort to ultrasonic cleaning.
  2. The teeth are well dried with a stream of warm air.
  3. The enamel is covered with a preparation with a high content of calcium and magnesium fluoride, then dried again. This time, special lamps are used.
  4. Finally, calcium hydroxide varnish is applied to the enamel. It seals the first composition inside and allows it to restore the structure of the protective layer of the tooth even after the procedure is completed.
Deep fluoridation of tooth enamel takes 30-40 minutes, teeth cleaning is usually paid separately.


This procedure is also carried out in two stages, each of which uses different active substances. It is aimed not only at saturating the enamel with fluorine, but also at the deep penetration of this substance. For this, minimal electrical discharges are used. An electrode with a pad impregnated with a calcium solution is applied to the patient's teeth. The device delivers weak current discharges, which may be unpleasant for the patient, but it will be difficult to call the resulting sensations pain.

The duration of the current is selected individually and depends on the health of the enamel and the number of fluoridation procedures carried out before. The first time the exposure lasts only a few minutes, then the time is gradually increased.

When the first stage is completed, the pads of the electrodes are changed. This time, a 2–4% sodium fluoride solution is used. After exposure to this substance, active chemical processes begin in the enamel, contributing to its strengthening, and a protective layer is formed on the surface.

Teeth fluoridation at home

After toothpastes with a high fluoride content became available in regular stores, dentists sounded the alarm. The number of people suffering from fluorosis has increased significantly. However, even today, such products are still the only way to fluoridate teeth at home. Only when using them you will have to follow some rules:

  • You need to choose toothpastes that contain sodium monofluorophosphate, tin or aluminum fluoride. These active ingredients are the most effective and safe.
  • The amount of active substance should not exceed 0.15%.
  • Fluoride-containing paste alternates with conventional means at least every other day.
  • The course of home fluoridation lasts no more than one month.
  • Between courses there is a break of 1.5–2 months.
In addition to pastes, special medicines in the form of a gel, which contain a fairly large amount of active fluorine, are suitable for enamel fluoridation at home. These gels should be applied to all teeth immediately after they are cleaned.

Prices for fluoridation of teeth

Fluoridation of teeth is usually carried out in a complex for the entire row. In Moscow, a quick procedure with caps will cost 2.3-3 thousand rubles. for the entire course, deep fluoridation - from 2.7 to 4 thousand rubles. depending on the clinic. Electrophoresis usually costs 2–2.5 thousand rubles.

Enamel coating with fluoride varnish is the cheapest procedure. Usually it costs from 1 to 2 thousand rubles. for all teeth. Treatment of one tooth costs from 100 to 400 rubles.

The cost of the procedure is very affordable, and the benefits from it can be enormous, so it does not hurt to carry out fluoridation at least once a year.

Who likes a toothache? Or a visit to the dentist, the sound of a drill biting into dental tissue? Enamel treatment with fluorine helps to avoid these unpleasant moments.

Saturation of enamel and internal bone tissues with fluorine helps prevent caries, stop it if the process has begun. How it's done? How difficult is it to make enamel strong and teeth healthy?

Fluoridation of permanent and milk teeth: a general concept

The destruction of enamel occurs due to a lack of calcium and fluorine in the tissues. Demineralization leads to softening, friability of the bone, which contributes to the development of caries.

To strengthen the enamel, increase the hardness of tissues, the surface is treated with special compounds containing fluorine. Fluorine ions released from the healing fluid react with the calcium contained in the bones. The resulting calcium fluorides make the enamel harder, stop the development of the carious process.

The simplest techniques make it possible to perform fluoridation of both permanent and milk teeth. For children, the procedure is prescribed especially often, since caries from milk teeth can move to growing permanent ones.

Varieties of fluoridation of teeth

Teeth fluoridation is performed by different methods. Most often, one of the three methods described below is used:

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

The introduction of fluoride helps to strengthen tooth enamel and protect against caries. However, there are situations when this procedure is especially necessary:

  • thinning of the enamel;
  • there are prerequisites for the formation of caries;
  • caries has already developed in several teeth;
  • after removal of braces;
  • excessive sensitivity of the teeth;
  • after bleaching.

The advantage of the procedure is its painlessness, even a baby can easily endure it. If caries is detected in the initial stage in children, fluoridation of milk teeth is indicated. Properly performed treatment slightly brightens the enamel, so the procedure allows you to combine recovery with an improvement in appearance.

However, the thoughtless use of fluoridation of milk and permanent teeth can be harmful. There is such a disease - fluorosis. It is caused by an increased content of fluoride in the body. The disease primarily affects the enamel and deep tissues, but in severe cases, lesions of the bones of the skeleton are also possible. Most often, the disease occurs in areas where drinking water contains a lot of fluoride. Fluoridation of the teeth of people living in such an area is not allowed.

Fluorosis can occur if fluoride preparations are used in excess. In this regard, before carrying out home procedures, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and before starting a treatment course at the dentist, undergo the examinations prescribed by him. It is dangerous to abuse tooth enamel fluoridation, it is important to follow the breaks between courses prescribed by the doctor or instructions. Deep fluoridation of teeth is also contraindicated in the following situations:

  • with an allergic reaction of the body to the components that make up the active substance;
  • with extensive caries that does not allow saving the tooth;
  • in children, if the fear of seeing a dentist causes a violent negative reaction in the child.

Fluoridation is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus. As a result of an increase in the fluorine content in the body, it begins to absorb sugar worse, creating an additional load on the pancreas.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Correct and timely procedure allows you to strengthen your teeth and avoid unpleasant diseases. The benefits of fluoridation include:

  • remineralization of areas of initial caries, cessation of its development;
  • distribution of the protective properties of fluorine not only to enamel, but also to dentin;
  • long-term effect of the procedure;
  • prevention of secondary occurrence of caries after filling of diseased units.

The main disadvantage of fluoridation, oddly enough, is its simplicity. There is a great temptation to prescribe and carry out the procedure on your own. However, the inability to establish the composition of drinking water, the content of fluorine in it creates the risk of acquiring fluorosis. Teeth with this disease not only do not strengthen, but become brittle.

It should be remembered that fluorine in large doses is not only not useful, it is poisonous. Its excessive effect on the bones and nervous system can seriously undermine health.

The diabetes mellitus mentioned above can also lead to negative consequences if fluoridation is carried out without consulting a doctor. Another disadvantage of the method is its price.

Keeping in mind all the positive and negative results of the use of fluorine, one must be careful with it. Only a doctor is able to determine whether a patient needs remineralization, in what form and to what extent he needs therapeutic and preventive procedures.

Used drugs

Today, medicine has a wide range of tools to strengthen bone tissue. Many of them perform additional functions. The most common drugs are listed below:

  • Fluocal - contains fluoride compounds that transform the structure of the enamel, which helps to protect it from the effects of acids. The tool protects not only the enamel, but also the dentin and cement of the tooth. The drug is effective against lactobacilli, stops their growth and prevents the formation of plaque.
  • Belak F is a fluorinating transparent varnish that forms a film on the teeth. Prevents the development of caries, strengthens enamel, helps to reduce its permeability (we recommend reading: oral hygiene for caries).
  • Nanofluor - used for accelerated remineralization, deep fluoride saturation of both enamel and dentin. It is used after manipulations on the teeth, for the treatment of all types of caries.
  • Fluorine varnish (transparent) - applied after professional cleaning (we recommend reading: instructions for use of the Fluorlac preparation). It is used for caries, to protect contact surfaces, for periodontal problems to protect the neck of the tooth, in pediatric dentistry.

Procedure steps

The deep fluoridation procedure is carried out in several stages. It is recommended to repeat it 1-2 times a year. Below is an example sequence of actions:

Features of fluoridation of teeth in children

Children should not carry out the procedure on their own. It is better to consult a specialist. The doctor will not hurt the baby. Using a special spoon that repeats the shape of the tooth, he will apply a fluoride preparation. The protective layer formation reaction lasts about 20 minutes, after which the procedure will be completed.

At what age can the procedure be performed?

The question of at what age can the procedure be carried out worries many parents. Children's teeth can be fluoridated as early as a year and a half. The main principle is to prevent disease, treat healthy teeth. If caries has already had to be treated, it is worth carrying out prophylaxis immediately after filling (we recommend reading: how and how to treat dental caries at home?).

The appearance of dark spots on the enamel signals the beginning of the development of a carious lesion. This is a signal that urgent action must be taken.

Some experts consider it possible to fluoridate teeth at the eruption stage. This is due to the fact that the natural process of mineralization lasts about 2 years. All this time, milk teeth are at risk of damage.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about fluoridation?

The well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky believes that for the prevention of dental problems, non-carbonated mineral waters containing fluorine, fish broths should be given to the child, but brushing your teeth with toothpaste for up to 2 years is not worth it. In addition to bone tissue, one must also take care of the microflora of the oral cavity.

The fluoridation procedure itself is preventive in nature and is not capable of curing the resulting caries. Affected teeth should not be fluoridated, they should be treated or removed. You should also not carry out the procedure for cosmetic purposes.

Can pregnant women do fluoridation?

Fluoridation during pregnancy is prescribed very often, since it will not cause harm, and it can protect teeth. During this period, fluoride elixirs and toothpastes are also often used.

Since pregnancy is often accompanied by tooth decay and a decrease in immunity, strengthening the enamel helps fight the growth of pathogens in the oral cavity. It does not harm the fetus, on the contrary, it can protect it from infections. However, it must be remembered that in regions where drinking water contains a large amount of fluorine, its additional introduction into the body is not recommended.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure of fluoridation at home?

Teeth treatment in children can be carried out at home. Of course, deep fluoridation at home will not succeed. Such a preventive measure can only be carried out by a doctor. At home, it is better to use gels and pastes designed specifically for children.

Dental remineralization should complete the treatment of carious cavities (we recommend reading: tooth remineralization: what is it and how is it done?). At home, you can also apply fluorogel to your teeth using mouthguards. In addition to mouthguards, you will also need the gel itself of any pharmacological company and a device for fixing the lips. Processing is carried out after thorough preliminary cleaning.

Fluorine is a necessary chemical element, without which a number of important metabolic processes in bones, teeth and other hard tissues are disrupted. Usually, it enters the human body along with water and food, but in some cases there is an acute shortage of it.

This leads to deterioration of the enamel, resulting in the development of many dental diseases.

To eliminate this deficiency, a procedure called fluoridation is performed. Its standard variety involves repeated application of a special varnish or gel coating.

Deep fluoridation of teeth- This is a procedure for saturating the hard tissues of the tooth with various liquids, which include fluoride compounds.

The bottom line is the use of a special kind of enamel-sealing liquid. All manipulations associated with this process are carried out in stages.

This procedure has the following positive aspects:

  1. The speed of carrying out all the necessary manipulations.
  2. The absence of pain and any other discomfort, so the use of local anesthesia is not required.
  3. No age restrictions, the possibility of undergoing the procedure for people diagnosed with diabetes.
  4. No need for preparatory measures.
  5. Long-term preservation of the result, comprehensive protection is provided for a period of six months to a year.
  6. Available in most dental clinics.
  7. Complex strengthening of enamel.
  8. The minimum list of contraindications.

Indications and contraindications

  1. Increased tendency to enamel destruction and caries formation.
  2. Caries, which is at the stain stage and has not yet had time to lead to a significant destruction of hard tissue.
  3. associated with pathological thinning of the enamel.
  4. The need for preventive measures to reduce the risk of demineralization.
  5. Getting rid of the negative effects and side effects of chemical bleaching.
  6. Fluorine deficiency.

Teeth before and after deep fluoridation

The only contraindication that may prevent the procedure is an individual intolerance to fluoride by the patient.

Features of fluoridation of teeth for children

Milk teeth are much more prone to various lesions, since children very often consume various sweets that have a devastating effect on enamel.

The passage of deep fluoridation at an early age has the following features:

  1. Under the age of 3 years, the fluorine-containing composition is applied separately to each tooth; at an older age, the procedure is carried out according to the standard scheme.
  2. For young children, deep fluoridation is recommended., because it allows you to carry out all the necessary manipulations in just 1 time. This is especially important given the restlessness of young patients and their dislike for visiting dental clinics.
  3. The frequency of the procedure for preventive purposes is 1 time every six months.

Estimated cost

You can go through the procedure of deep fluoridation in virtually any dental clinic. The cost depends on the pricing policy of a particular medical institution, its location and other factors. On average, such dental procedures cost about 1,500 rubles.


Carrying out deep fluoridation includes the following sequence of actions that the dentist performs:

  1. Preliminary cleaning of teeth from plaque and removal of hard deposits from their surface.
  2. High-quality drying of enamel, which is carried out with the help of directed air flows.
  3. Ensuring the isolation of the treated areas from the effects of saliva.
  4. Application of deep fluoride in a large layer.
  5. Maintaining deep fluoride for several minutes, at this time it is rubbed by making smooth massaging movements.
  6. Another drying of the teeth, if the applied solution does not have time to be completely absorbed.
  7. Treatment of enamel with a cotton swab, which is wetted in calcium copper hydroxide.
  8. Thorough cleaning of teeth with plain water.

The duration of all the stages described is only about 1.5 hours.

At home

Deep fluoridation can be carried out not only in the dental clinic, but also at home.

All methods are reduced to the use of special means, for these purposes you can use:

  1. Toothpastes with a fluoride concentration of about 0.15%. To date, you can purchase many different options, the largest number of positive reviews is available for President Classic and Elmex pastes.
  2. Special gels for self-treatment. The most popular drug is Dental Resources Revive, which includes sodium fluoride, which performs restorative functions. Previously, the teeth are subjected to standard cleaning with a brush and ordinary paste, after which the gel is evenly applied. It is not necessary to rub it into the enamel, it is enough to withstand the product for several minutes, and then spit it out. For an hour after the procedure, it is recommended not to eat or drink.

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