How to rinse your mouth after. How to rinse the gums after tooth extraction for quick healing? Homemade rinse recipes

Wisdom tooth extraction is an unpleasant, painful and lengthy procedure. Sometimes the adjacent or mandibular nerve is severely injured, the lips and oral mucosa become numb. After surgical manipulation, swelling of the gums and a fever may develop.

All these unpleasant symptoms accompanied by pain, which is best handled by rinsing. How to rinse your mouth after wisdom tooth removal?


  • the first 24 hours after the rinsing operation is prohibited. Otherwise, you can damage the blood clot remaining in the wound and then the infection cannot be avoided;
  • with swelling of the gums, ice compresses on the cheek from the side of the hole help well;
  • numbness of the chin, lips, or tongue special treatment does not require - everything usually passes without a trace after 3-4 days.

Rinse aids

  • Herbal infusions: St. John's wort, sage, chamomile. Pour a large spoon with 200-250 milliliters of boiling water and leave for 30-40 minutes. Carry out rinsing every 1.5-2.5 hours.
  • Salt. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in 200 milliliters of water, rinse several times a day.
  • Antiseptics . Ordinary potassium permanganate "works" well, the main thing is not to overdo it with concentration. The liquid should be pale pink, not hot pink.
  • Chlorhexidine solution (0.05%). Affordable and effective tool. It is recommended to rinse your mouth after removing the wisdom tooth 5-6 times a day, keeping the solution in the cavity of the hole for at least 2-3 minutes.
  • If pus is released from the wound, rinsing with sage decoction and furatsilina solution.

Rinsing algorithm

  1. In the first days after the operation, the procedures should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to provoke bleeding from the hole. Rinsing after each meal these days is required.
  2. The rinse liquid should not burn, the correct temperature is 22-32 degrees.
  3. It is forbidden to apply creams, ointments or lotions to the wound, smoke, eat hard and hot food.
  4. It is necessary to consult a doctor if: swelling of the gums increases, pain in the area does not go away for a long time extracted tooth, appeared bad smell out of the mouth, high temperature persists.

Extraction of third molars can be carried out simply and in a complicated way based on the clinical situation. The procedure itself is carried out under the influence of local anesthesia, so the patient stays comfortably at the dentist, without feeling anything. During manipulation, nearby tissues are injured, so the surgeon immediately warns of possible pain upon arrival home and instructs on what to do after the removal of the wisdom tooth for a speedy recovery.

Further, the person assumes responsibility and his task is to comply with all recommendations in postoperative period, take care of a fresh hole in the place of a pulled out tooth and prevent infection.

Complex extraction deserves special attention, since it is resorted to in the presence of problem teeth that cannot be easily extracted.

The recovery period will pass without complications if you perform simple recommendations doctor and keep the blood clot in the hole. Postoperative care must begin immediately, on the first postoperative day, and it consists of the following items:

Anna Losyakova


It is allowed to perform dental hygiene only the next day, all movements must be accurate, and it is strictly forbidden to touch the surface of the gums with a brush or clean the hole!

  • it is assumed that the wound will bleed periodically if a wisdom tooth is removed - this normal phenomenon at first. You can stop the blood with a sterile piece of gauze, it must be applied to the causal area and slightly bitten for 5 minutes, but you should not be zealous with pressing force;
  • reception antibacterial drugs carried out on the prescription of a doctor, when there is a reason for this. For example, there is infection, suppuration, flux;
  • do not heat the operated area and expose the body to high temperatures. Therefore, a bath, a solarium, a long stay in hot water are excluded until the wound is fully healed;
  • it is strictly not allowed to rinse your mouth with any liquids, even medicinal ones, on the first day after tooth extraction, so as not to wash the clot.

Anna Losyakova


In addition to the above rules, it is strongly recommended to refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol, physical activity.

Below is a video diary of a girl who had a wisdom tooth removed. She describes her feelings on camera and shares the drugs that helped her get rid of the consequences of the operation in 5 days:

The role of rinsing in rapid wound healing

Many people believe that it is imperative to rinse your mouth after removing a wisdom tooth to speed up regeneration. In fact, it is not recommended to resort to such actions on your own, since it is far from always necessary to this extent.

What you definitely don’t need to do is rinse your mouth on the first day after the removal of a wisdom tooth - manipulation is absolute contraindication according to medical criteria. Why is it important to follow this advice?

As mentioned above, a blood clot forms in the hole, which reliably protects the wound surface from the penetration of microbes. The success of the entire recovery phase depends on its condition. Therefore, the longer the clot stays in its rightful place, the better, and at the end of its mission, young connective tissue will form from the clot to fill the resulting defect after extraction.

As practice shows, many patients face serious complications after the extraction of third molars solely due to their inattention. The main reason for the development of complications is just a dry hole, which became such after intensive antiseptic or herbal rinses. Microbes instantly penetrate into a naked wound, infecting deep bone and soft tissues, but it all ends with alveolitis in the form inflammatory process and suppuration.

In such a situation, urgent qualified treatment is required, since alveolitis can be transformed into more serious complication- osteomyelitis, when a purulent process affects the jawbone. Not the last role in the healing process is played by the state of human immunity. It has been established that at good level defensive forces, the operated tissues are able to tighten and recover well on their own, without additional stimulation from the outside.

The doctor decides on the need for antiseptic rinses under such circumstances:

  • if the patient came for tooth extraction with an existing inflammatory process;
  • earlier, the gums were opened to remove the purulent infiltrate;
  • there are carious foci in the mouth and;
  • the presence of periodontal disease.

How to rinse your mouth after the removal of a wisdom tooth is determined by the doctor, based on the severity of a particular clinical situation. The surgeon may also prescribe a course of non-rinsing, namely oral baths for the following reasons:

  • unsatisfactory condition of the teeth located next to the third molars;
  • with periodontitis;
  • there is tartar on adjacent teeth.

Anna Losyakova


It should be emphasized that the procedure should be started only on the second day after removal. The essence of the method is that you need to put in your mouth a little medicinal solution and tilt your head so that the liquid gets into the hole. If the doctor did not prescribe anything, then there is no good evidence for this, so self-medication is inappropriate.

With the development of a purulent-inflammatory process after extraction, disinfectants, anti-inflammatory drugs from a pharmacy or medicinal herbs are used for baths:

  • solutions of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin are available and very effective - these antiseptics are among the first preparations for irrigation of the mouth or baths in the postoperative period;
  • Furacilin tablets for solution preparation;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs can be used home arsenal- salt and soda. But such baths are regarded mainly as preventive measures, they will not be able to resist serious infection;
  • sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, oak bark.

The temperature of the solution for the baths should be barely warm. A little medicinal product you need to hold on the causal area for only five minutes, and then spit it out. After manipulation, you should refrain from eating for half an hour. The number of oral baths per day and the duration of therapy are determined by the doctor, but on average the procedure can be done 3-4 times a day.

Successful tooth extraction does not guarantee protection against bleeding and inflammation. Pain often accompanies extraction. Later, swelling and redness are added to it. To avoid complications and speed up wound healing, patients are prescribed oral baths with pharmaceutical preparations and homemade herbal formulations.

Do I need to rinse my mouth after a tooth extraction?

Rinses are normally not required after tooth extraction. Do not rinse your mouth on the first day after tooth extraction. To prevent bleeding, the doctor treats the wound with hydrogen peroxide, and in severe cases puts stitches. These measures are aimed at the formation of a blood clot - a plug that closes the damage from microbes.

Abuse of baths leads to washing out of the clot from the oral cavity. Wishing to speed up recovery, patients immediately start rinsing their mouths with antiseptic decoctions. The hole is exposed, not having time to heal. Microbes that enter the wound cause serious illnesses- alveolitis and osteomyelitis. Pathologies manifest themselves in the form of extensive purulent inflammation, provoking tissue necrosis.

To disinfect the mucous membrane, but not expose the hole, you need to gently rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. The therapeutic composition is not moved, but kept near the wound. In dentistry, the following cases are listed when early treatment is necessary:

  • caries;
  • periodontal disease;
  • significant destruction of neighboring teeth;
  • recent purulent inflammation.

Rinse aids

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If a patient has a tooth pulled out, does he need to choose a mouthwash (we recommend reading:)? You can speed up recovery if you rinse your mouth with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory compounds. With abundant suppuration, antibiotic treatment is required.

Pharmacy preparations

In the list of popular antiseptic and painkillers for rinsing the mouth:

  1. Asepta - used for periodontal diseases. The active components of the drug effectively sanitize the mucous membrane, prevent bacteria from entering the wound. For guard inner surface from drying out, Asepta should not be abused.
  2. Chlorophyllipt is an effective regenerating agent. Apart from accelerated healing wounds, it prevents inflammation. It has natural origin, and therefore often prescribed for allergies to synthetic components. The disadvantage of the drug is the presence of alcohol in the composition. To protect the mucosa from burns, Chlorophyllipt is diluted with water before use.
  3. The well-known remedy Tantum Verde, in addition to the treatment of ENT diseases, is used to sanitize the mouth after surgical intervention. The drug is safe, as it is made on the basis of the non-steroidal component of benzydamine hydrochloride, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. For cooking medical composition the drug is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1.

It is not recommended to rinse your mouth with alcohol solutions. Despite the fact that alcohol is an excellent antiseptic, its use provokes the rejection of a blood clot and the opening of bleeding. It increases blood flow and irritates damaged gums. For this reason, you should refrain from taking alcoholic beverages during the rehabilitation period.

Baths with antiseptic

Baths are made a day after the operation:

Folk remedies

When there is no pharmacy antiseptic at hand, you can use home-made preparations:

How and how much to rinse so as not to damage the hole?

Patients are interested in how long after tooth extraction and how many times it is better to rinse your mouth. Rinsing the mouth in the usual sense can be done only when the wound has completely healed. Baths are permissible from the second day, and not only after meals, but also between meals. Treatment time depends on concentration active ingredients but should not exceed 3 minutes. During next hour You should refrain from eating and drinking.

How to treat the gum?

Sanitation of the mucosa prevents complications after tooth extraction. To make the wound heal faster, do the following procedures:

  • Cold compresses. Recommended for heavy bleeding. Cold constricts the capillaries, limiting the flow of blood to the hole. To facilitate complicated extraction, ice is applied to the sore cheek for 15-20 minutes with breaks every 5 minutes several times a day.
  • Salt rinses. The treatment is carried out the next day after the manipulation and only after the formation of a blood clot. It is necessary to dissolve 0.5 tsp. salt in a glass of warm water. The liquid is kept in the mouth for a minute, after which it is spit out. The procedure is carried out 4-5 times a day.

To heal the wound, the gums are treated with regenerating gels and ointments. The compounds cover the damage with a dense film that prevents bacteria from entering the bloodstream. It should be noted that for each clinical case shown a specific tool. After the tooth has been removed, the gum can be treated with the following ointments:

  1. Metrogil Denta. Antiseptic drug based on an antibiotic (see also:). Recommended for inflammation of the gums.
  2. Asepta. Effective antimicrobial agent. It is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of bleeding gums.
  3. Solcoseryl. Anesthetic and wound healing gel. Covers the wound with a film that prevents bacteria from entering. Recommended for periodontal diseases, after the removal of wisdom teeth.
  4. Stomatofit. In spite of liquid form, used as an ointment. The drug is recommended for the treatment of inflammation of the oral cavity. The stomatophyte is characterized increased concentration active substances, and therefore with caution is prescribed to children under 12 years of age and pregnant women.

Features of care after the removal of a wisdom tooth

The removal of a wisdom tooth is often accompanied by swelling and bruising. You should not be afraid of small swellings that disappear after 4-5 days after extraction. To alleviate the patient's condition, immediately after visiting the dentist, a bubble is applied to the cheek with cold water. Cold does not save from edema, but reduces their volume.

To prevent complications after the removal of a wisdom tooth, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • limit physical exercise that enhance blood flow;
  • give up hot bath and saunas for the next day, and preferably two or three;
  • do not touch the wound with the tongue and other objects;
  • perform the first cleansing of the oral cavity the next morning after the manipulation.

Before rinsing your mouth after tooth extraction, you need to thoroughly clean oral cavity(see also:). You should not resort to means traditional medicine unless recommended by a physician. Within 1.5–2 weeks after the procedure, you need to save the gum, try to chew food on the undamaged side. This will not only prevent pieces of food from getting into the wound, but also accelerate its scarring.

If a pain stored for several days and added to them putrid smell from the mouth, you need to see a doctor to identify the cause of a protracted recovery. Baths and treatment of gums with ointments should be postponed, which injure the mucous membrane and contribute to the development of inflammation. A quick appeal to a specialist prevents bleeding and pus damage to adjacent healthy tissues.

The operation to remove teeth (extraction), although not considered extensive and is performed under local anesthesia, but still considered surgical, as in other areas. After that, procedures are needed to heal the gums in order to prevent inflammation. To do this, you need to know how to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction. The effective means are described in the article.

gum healing

Whether to rinse This procedure considered useful, you just need to follow the rules for its implementation. But first you need to familiarize yourself with the healing process of the gums. A blood clot that appears in the alveolus, where the tooth or root was, is considered biological barrier protecting the wound surface. After the intervention, there will be a decrease in the circular ligament that was surrounded by the tooth. This reduces the area of ​​the wound.

After a few hours, a process called clot organization will begin. There is an ingrowth of the young connective tissue from the side of the bottom of the hole, its edges and gums. With time granulation tissue replaces the clot in the hole. When the clot is replaced, epithelial cells appear from the surrounding tissues, covering the gum. Epithelialization is carried out more than 72 hours after the operation. The healing process can be lengthy if complications occur.

What is needed for recovery

If you follow some rules, you can get the desired result, that is, quickly restore the integrity of tissues and the act of chewing. You should not eat immediately after the operation. You can not touch the clot in the wound with your tongue, often spit saliva mixed with ichor. Do you rinse your mouth after removal? On the first day, this should not be done, as this will wash out the blood clot, which is required for normal gum healing.

And then how to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction? Antiseptics are effective different groups, which are sold ready-made, but you can make them yourself. Rinse several times throughout the day after meals.

This will achieve the main effects:

  • prevent food debris from entering the wound;
  • have an antiseptic and deodorizing effect;
  • stimulate the production of saliva;
  • start the mechanism of self-cleaning of the oral cavity.

Even rinsing does not preclude brushing your teeth. It is important to daily care behind the mouth was full. This will allow:

  • exclude the reproduction of microbes;
  • prevent a situation that is favorable for their activities;
  • do not bring the matter to inflammation;
  • provide healing.

The main thing is not to get the toothbrush on the wound. How to rinse the gums after tooth extraction? By classical means is a solution baking soda, a weak solution of manganese, chlorhexidine, medicinal herbs that are in the home first aid kit.

How to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction pharmaceutical products? You can buy special medicines, but first you still need to get advice from a specialist. The most popular tools are described below.

When rinses are needed

When a person has a healthy the immune system, the wells heal on their own without the use of aids. blood clot in the hole is needed to protect it from infection, and the wound is tightened with new tissue over time. Rinses are effective in the following cases:

  1. If the tooth was removed during inflammation. The dentist will prescribe rinses to protect against suppuration of the blood clot and inflammation of the hole. In parallel, the course is assigned antibacterial agents.
  2. If there is a flux on the gum, rinsing eliminates the remnants of pus and infection from the mouth.
  3. If there are carious teeth.

Carious teeth are a constant source of infection that can enter the socket. In order to prevent complications, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic, and after the hole has healed, treat caries.


How to rinse the gums after tooth extraction from pharmaceutical preparations? "Miramistin" is great for these cases. This is an antiseptic agent that acts on the membranes of microbial cells, destroying them and killing bacteria.

The remedy is used against many microorganisms that may be in the mouth after tooth extraction. Miramistin is available as a solution (0.01%). It is used for rinsing in finished form, it does not need to be diluted.


For fast healing How to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction? The tool has plant matter, including essential oils, tannins, chlorophylls and eucalyptus. The drug is able to resist bacteria, pathogenic fungi, viral agents, protozoa. It has an antiseptic, astringent, analgesic effect, increases the functioning of secretory cells, leads to the restoration of living tissues.

The product is sold in the form of an oil and alcohol solution. The second option is used for rinsing the mouth. Before use, it must be diluted according to the instructions or as directed by a doctor.


What to rinse after wisdom tooth extraction or ordinary tooth mouth? "Stomatofit" is one of the herbal remedies. It consists of chamomile, sage, oak bark, calamus root, thyme, arnica, peppermint. Must be diluted alcohol solution in the right proportion. The procedure is similar to the use of other drugs created from medicinal plants.

The advantage of "Stomatofit" is its complex action. It is not required to purchase 7 preparations separately and prepare them for procedures. It is much more convenient and cheaper. In case of allergies, the product should be used with caution.


What else to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction? Rinse "Asepta" allows the gums to heal faster. Antiseptic protects and eliminates inflammation, acts on the mucous membrane as an anesthetic, eliminating pain.

To use the drug, you must obtain permission from a doctor. The right amount funds are measured according to the instructions and applied for 20 seconds several times a day. Procedures are performed within 5-7 days. After each session, you can not eat for half an hour.

"Tantum Verde"

How to rinse after tooth extraction for quick healing of the gums? An effective remedy is the powerful antiseptic "Tantum Verde". The drug is able to suppress the reproduction and growth of pathogens and complications, including the fight against streptococci and staphylococci, which are considered dangerous after surgery for gum healing.

The tool allows you to relieve pain. For one rinse, at least 15 ml of the product is used, which is quite economical. Thus, the choice of funds is varied, so it is important to consult a specialist, especially during pregnancy, lactation, and the need to rinse the child.


This is an inexpensive but effective remedy. It is used for rinsing the mouth, as the antiseptic has a negative effect on microorganisms. Under the influence of furacilin, bacteria die, which antibiotics cannot act on.

Nitrofural, which is in the medicine, has an active antimicrobial effect. It protects against osteomyelitis, periodontitis and other complications. If the hole is inflamed, the bleeding does not go away for a long time or pus appears, a weak solution of furalicin should be made.

To do this, grind 1 tablet (0.2 g) into powder. It is added to water (100 ml). During the day, rinse your mouth 4-5 times. Inflammation is perfectly eliminated with a solution of soda and furalicin.

Herbal decoctions

Is it possible to rinse after tooth extraction herbal decoctions and mouth infusions? Dentists advise doing this only for 5-7 days to eliminate swelling, pain, and cleanse the wound. Herbs should be used only if there are no complications. Sometimes dentists advise to perform such procedures on the 2-3rd day.

Chamomile, calendula, oak bark, sage, eucalyptus are used for rinsing. Any herb or mixture (1 spoon) is poured warm water(1 glass). The solution can be used for rinsing, bacteria are destroyed with it, swelling and pain are relieved.

Rinse with a decoction of valerian to reduce irritation. Aloe juice, diluted with water 1:2, accelerates regeneration. Ordinary warm tea It is also effective due to the presence of polyphenols in it, which helps to suppress the reproduction of bacteria.

Saline solutions

From folk remedies How can you rinse your mouth after tooth extraction? Salt solution provides quick healing. Would need salt(1 tsp), which is dissolved in warm water. The remedy should be held in the mouth for several minutes. Dentists recommend using iodized salt.

Soda solutions

Can I rinse my mouth after a tooth extraction? soda solution? It will be useful in the removal of a purulent tooth, the presence of a fistula in the gums. Baking soda is great for reducing inflammation. To attain excellent effect are advised to use soda-salt solutions. In water (1 cup), add salt and soda (1 tsp each).

How procedures are performed

It is important to know how to rinse properly:

  1. It is necessary to use only those funds that have been prescribed by a doctor. When reading the instructions, it is necessary to determine whether there are any contraindications.
  2. It is necessary to test the product for allergies, especially when hypersensitivity to many drugs.
  3. Then you can rinse your mouth with warm water to remove food debris, and then rinse with the drug.
  4. The procedure is carried out after eating: the medicine is taken into the mouth, the head must be tilted towards the healing area. The tool is held for 1-2 minutes. It is necessary to gurgle and spit out the solution. Do not rinse aggressively so as not to eliminate the blood clot, and also rub the hole with your tongue, toothpicks, brush.
  5. The procedure is performed 3-4 times a day.

Regular rinsing of the oral cavity relieves inflammation, eliminates pain. It is only necessary to adhere to the above rules, and then it will be possible to quickly restore the gums.

Essential oils

Essential oils of plants, for example, mint, eucalyptus, have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. tea tree and thyme. In water (1 cup) with each rinse, add 1 drop of each of the listed oils.

The solution must be room temperature. The volume of solution for 1 procedure is 200-250 ml. Even on the 2nd and 3rd day after the operation, there is no need to rinse intensively, it is required to perform baths when the liquid is simply kept in the mouth.

What is attributed to special occasions? These include rinsing in pregnant women, children, with a flux, cyst, removal of a wisdom tooth:

  1. Miramistin is more suitable for pregnant women and children, since it has no contraindications for these categories of people.
  2. After a tooth removed with a flux, rinsing 4-5 times a day is necessary, but only with the means prescribed by the dentist. In difficult cases, antibiotics are prescribed, but they are taken only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  3. Children should be shown how to properly rinse. It is important for them to explain that they should not swallow the medicine. Children should not be given bitter solutions. It is important to control how the child performs the procedures.
  4. After removing the tooth and cyst, regular rinses are needed.
  5. If the extraction of the wisdom tooth is not complicated, you can not rinse your mouth. And if there is a complication, the procedure must be performed until the wound heals.

Prevention of tooth extraction

To avoid the need to extract a tooth, you need to adhere to effective measures prevention. These include:

  1. Compliance with oral hygiene.
  2. Exclusion of smoking.
  3. Refusal of very hard food.
  4. Dentist visit at minor symptoms diseases of the teeth and gums.
  5. Preventive checkups doctor every six months.

If you follow these rules, you will be able to maintain the health of your teeth for a long time. But if you still had to remove a tooth, you need to apply effective means for rinsing the mouth. This will allow for a short time restore the condition of the gums and teeth.

From this article you will learn:

  • Do I need to rinse after tooth extraction?
  • if a tooth was removed - how to rinse,
  • how to properly perform this procedure.

The article was written by a dental surgeon with more than 19 years of experience.

Regular antiseptic rinsing of the mouth after tooth extraction can reduce the risk of developing inflammation in the area of ​​the sockets of the extracted teeth by about 80%. However, if the patient rinses incorrectly, in many cases, on the contrary, this leads to the loss of a blood clot from the hole, inflammation and the need for repeated visits to the doctor.

To avoid such negative consequences- Read this article carefully. In addition, it should be remembered: in order to prevent the development of inflammation of the sockets of extracted teeth, it is necessary to do not only antiseptic rinses, but it is also important to perform others.

They pulled out a tooth - how to rinse (drugs)

How to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction may depend on the specific situation. For example, on whether the removal was carried out against the background of inflammation or not. Let's now focus on preparations for antiseptic baths (rinses) in the oral cavity. The following antiseptic solutions are usually prescribed ...

  • Miramistin () -
    in terms of the severity of the antiseptic effect, it is slightly inferior to Chlorhexidine. It costs about 200 rubles. The only advantage is that it has an effect on the herpes virus, which can be interesting in the treatment herpetic stomatitis but not after tooth extraction. The only advantage of this drug will be the absence of a bitter taste, which in principle can be important only in young children.
  • Soda salt baths
    it makes sense to do it only if there is a fistula on the gum, or an incision was made by the doctor to release pus. Saline solutions allow you to pull purulent exudate from wound surfaces, and also to a small extent contribute to the removal of soft tissue edema. Rinse 4-5 times a day.
  • Herbal infusions -
    in principle, it can be used, but their antiseptic effect is rather weak, moreover, the pigments of the infusions quickly settle on the teeth, contributing to the accumulation of dark pigment plaque. Rather, the benefit of them is only in the form of a refreshing deodorizing effect. Use better infusions chamomile, eucalyptus ... But oak bark is not worth it (there are a lot of pigments in it).

How to rinse your mouth after removal -

Most importantly, in no case should you intensively rinse your mouth, because. it is strong rinsing that leads to the loss of a blood clot from the hole of the extracted tooth. Rinses after removal should be weak (they are often called the word antiseptic baths), i.e. the solution must be taken into the mouth and held.

What happens if a blood clot falls out –
in Fig.1 you can see what the hole looks like immediately after extracting the roots of the 6th lower tooth. Between the recesses in which the roots of the tooth were located, you can see the interradicular bone septum. However, already after a short time, the hole is completely filled with blood, which almost immediately coagulates, forming a dense blood clot (Fig. 2).

During the first few days, the clot is attached to the bony edges of the socket rather weakly, and therefore, if you rinse your mouth intensively, the clot may fall out. As a result, the hole will become empty, bony walls the wells will be exposed to the aggressive environment of the oral cavity, food residues will fall into the well, pathogenic bacteria oral cavity.

In what cases it is necessary to do rinsing -

If your tooth was removed not against the background of inflammation, the tooth extraction was simple and short, and the doctor did not say anything about rinsing / baths, then antiseptic treatment need not. In this case, it is enough to support good hygiene oral cavity, be sure to brush your teeth regularly, including adjacent teeth from the place of removal (the latter are cleaned more carefully).

Antiseptic baths after tooth extraction are primarily necessary if:

  • The tooth was removed due to inflammation
    those. in the presence of pain, swelling, edema, which indicates the presence purulent inflammation. In this case, in addition to antiseptic baths, antibiotic therapy is also prescribed for 5-7 days to prevent inflammation of the tooth socket and suppuration of the blood clot.

    An antibiotic is usually prescribed (taken 2 capsules 3 times a day, for 5 days). All antibiotics are available by prescription. Those patients who have gastrointestinal diseases are usually prescribed other antibiotics, for example, Flemoxin Solutab or Unidox Solutab. These drugs are available as effervescent tablets, are quickly absorbed from the intestine, without having time to significantly harm its microflora.

  • If it was opened on the gum purulent abscess
    if you have, then in addition to removing a tooth, an incision is usually made along the gum in order to release pus. Immediately after the incision, the doctor must wash the wound with an antiseptic to wash the pus out of the wound. However, in this case, at home, it is imperative to make baths with soda-salt solution, alternating them with baths with aqueous solution Chlorhexidine.
  • If you have carious teeth in your mouth
    if the tooth was removed not against the background of inflammation, but you have decayed / carious teeth, dental deposits, inflammation of the gums, then in this case it is also desirable to do antiseptic baths. carious teeth, dental deposits contain a large number of pathogenic microbes, which can very easily cause suppuration of a blood clot in a wound.

    To prevent this, it is advisable to treat the oral cavity for several days. antiseptic solutions. And after the wound has healed, treat all diseased teeth and remove dental deposits.

Type of gum after removal (normal) -

How to determine that after the extraction of your teeth everything is in order, and the gum heals normally ... Open your mouth wide in front of the mirror and see if the hole of the extracted tooth is covered blood clot. In the photo below you can see how the wells should look immediately after removal and after different times.

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